No 112 2014/15 December, January, February Isle of Wight University of the Third Age Charity No 1048548 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! IOW U3A COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Louis Lawrence 01983 730620 [email protected] Meetings Friday Dec 5th 2014 2.30pm Open Meeting, Riverside Centre. Stan Baker will talk on C.H.A.R.M (World War I). The Conflict History and Remembrance Museum is being established to support the CHARM (Charitable Incorporated) Organisation. The Charity aims are to advance the education of the public in the subject of the history of conflict and its remembrance. The charity is run largely by exservice personnel for the benefit of both ex-service personnel and for members of the general population who have particular needs. Based at Northwood Camp, 490 Newport Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 8QU Friday Feb 13th 2015 2.30pm Open Meeting, Talk on Brading Roman Villa, Riverside Centre Friday Apr 24th 2015 2.30pm AGM, Hearing Loss and Adaptive Technology, by Ann Emery, Riverside Centre Friday Oct 2nd 2015 General Open Day, Parish Hall, Newport, to be confirmed Friday Oct 23rd 2015 2.30pm Open Meeting, Talk on Bees by Terry Willis, Riverside Centre Friday Dec 4th 2015 2.30pm Open Meeting, Talk by Rosemary Cooper - John Nixon, Artist. Riverside Centre Tribute to Maggie Holden A fter the first AGM in 1993, Maggie, (together with Mary Kempster, Lily Stafford, David Philo, Ingrid Grice, the Burridges, the Becks,) and I got to know each other well, running Car Boot stalls to raise money for the Island IWU3A . Maggie’s drive and enthusiasm knew no bounds, and she was involved with helping to get a number of study groups started, including German, Scrabble, Chairborne Yoga, Dance your Way to Health, and numerous others, although we could not find an accompanist for Sing for Pleasure. Maggie became our third chairman and served on the Committee throughout her membership, running the raffle to raise funds at our general/open meetings. She attended U3A meetings on the mainland and was meticulous in feeding back information, leavened with her quirky sense of humour. Maggie’s membership of choirs and performance groups outside the U3A brought her into contact with other people, and ideas which she fed back to the Committee. Such commitment is rare, and we are grateful to Maggie for her great contribution to IWU3A. Thanks to Edna May Cahill for this inclusion. The committee send their heartfelt condolences to the family of Maggie Holden. Page 1 SECRETARY: Ann Thorp 01983 523708 [email protected] VICE-CHAIRMAN, TREASURER and DATABASE: David Shirley 01983 756162 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP and CONTACT MEMBER: Georgina Marsh 01983 564217 [email protected] GROUPS LIAISON: Christine Addison 01983 282570 Chrisaddison51 WEBSITE: Roger Skidmore 01983 822900 [email protected] MEETINGS: Nicola Wall 01983 718767 [email protected] NEWSLETTER: Pam Hales 01983 854373 Iowu3anewsletter DISTRIBUTION: John Zumbeel 01983 400300 [email protected] Do you have any skills to offer? If so, please contact any of the above members. NOTICEBOARD HOSTING There are international students at our universities hoping to have the privilege of meeting people who live in the UK. Having a well-educated younger person from another part of the world visit you for a day, a weekend, or over Christmas, is an ideal way of exchanging ideas about your respective cultures. It’s an opportunity to take a pride in our own country and to understand more about another one, while showing kindness to someone far from home. It’s also great fun. If you’re not sure about doing this on your own, why not get together with another U3A member and make a great international weekend of it? HOST is a well-established charity whose hosts are volunteers. Please see or call voluntary local organiser Katherine Varden 01420 479473. LIST OF MEETING ROOMS Members please note that a list of Meeting Rooms can be found at the “Miscellany” page of NOTE ON FONT SIZES The Groups pages are rather small text in order to save costs and fit everything in. The Groups application form is intentionally blank on one side as it is “detachable”. This newsletter can be viewed on the website enlarged. National U3A events coming up in London Publishing Your Own Books. November 18th, 10.30am 4.30pm, at The National Union of Journalists, 308/12, Grays Inn Road, London, WD1X 8DP, Cost £35 including lunch and refreshments ‘Cinderella’ Dutch National Ballet, November 19th, 1.404.10pmat The Odeon Covent Garden Cinema, Shaftesbury Avenue, maximum of 2 tickets per applicant. Cost £14 per person. U3A Christmas Concert December 10th 2pm and 5.30pm At the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy, Savoy Hill, WC2R, Maximum of 2 tickets per applicant. Cost £18 per person incl. programme, mulled wine and mince pies. For details of all the above and deadlines for tickets, please contact Ann Thorp, [email protected] (523708) U3A Photography Competition closing date, 31 March, 2015 FRAUD WARNING! For those of you who have computers a particularly nasty scam has appeared! If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft or Windows, do not believe them! They are trying to get information from your computer which might enable them to raid your bank account! Either put the phone down immediately or if you are in a bad mood use this opportunity to be really rude to someone!! David Shirley October 2014 update Pass on this Pension news to someone you might know! The government has given the green light to pension freedoms - "the most radical changes to pensions in almost a century". From April 2015 investors will be able to take the whole of their pension as a lump sum from age 55. The first 25% tax-free with the rest taxable as income. The 55% pension 'death tax' will also be scrapped so more people can pass on their pensions to heirs tax free. Practically everyone will be affected whether you have a pension or have yet to start one, whether you're retiring this year or sometime in the distant future. Find out what the changes are at a glance and how they'll affect you. Via Hargreave Lansdown, London Page 2 It’s Renewal Time! W ith this issue of our local newsletter you will find our membership form for 2015. Thanks to payments from Gift Aid in respect of the years 2011-2013 there is no increase in our subscription rates for 2015. They stay at £12 for singles and £20 for couples. Payment is by cheque or postal order please. We cannot accept cards or cash. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope with your form and remittance. This keeps our U3A costs down and saves me from getting writer’s cramp. If you have the honour of paying income tax, please complete the Gift Aid certificate on the back of the form. This gives us an extra 25% at no cost to you. What happens to your money? We give half of it to the U3A national office in exchange for their magazine and for insurance against any accidents which might happen to you during a U3A meeting or group sessions. It is also a licence to use any copyright material for group sessions. The rest pays for our general meetings and our local newsletter. Printing, postage and room hire costs are all David Shirley (Treasurer) May I take this opportunity to thank Group Leaders for their response to my request for lists of all group members. I issued these forms to Group Leaders who attended the meeting last month and I will shortly issue them to those who didn’t. They will be issued twice a year and replace the forms which were filled in at every meeting. I have one extra request. Scrutiny of the forms submitted so far has revealed quite a lot of people on the group lists who are not U3A members. Could group leaders please inspect membership cards once a year and also for those newly joining your group. group goes to Island theatres regularly, but someone could organise to go to performances of classical ensembles or Band concerts. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT NEW GROUPS ARISE! Please! W e have been preparing a budget for the next year and know that our membership fluctuates from year to year; For instance we have been up to 480 and down to 330. Since this depends largely on what activities we offer as well as the mortality rate, it is clear that we need to encourage more group formation with more things for new members to do. Our offer depends entirely also on our own members volunteering to form a new activity by becoming the Group Leader. Perhaps large groups with a waiting list could hive off a second group? Please note the Group Leader is the organiser of the project and does not always also have to be the ‘tutor‘. The Island’s bus services and road system tend to focus on Newport, Ryde and Cowes but there is no reason why other centres should not provide accommodation. There could be groups based in Bembridge, Ventnor, Freshwater ,Yarmouth or in one of the villages. They could be for Art, Crafts, Books, Languages, Dance, Philosophy, Writing, Poetry, Music Appreciation, Singing or dozens of other subjects, not necessarily academic. What about visits to historic buildings which would keep a group busy for years, or old churches, or public service centres such as Fire and Police, the Hospital, the Hospice, RNLI, Coast watch? Political Sudies and Council meetings? There is a Page 3 going up, but Gift Aid has enabled us to protect you against them for at least a year. Thank you for your support. Your committee has agreed to finance small groups for up to three months while they establish themselves if they need to pay for accommodation but many have started and work in private houses, some have met in pubs and cafes, or even on the road like the lunch-by-bus groups. Walkers also ramble the countryside. People have been abroad to the Chichester Theatre , and my own art group have visited London Galleries. By the way, a reminder that being a member entitles you to join as many groups as you have time for. No extra charge! I saw recently a report that being active and having interests can lead to a longer life. Well, that’s for me alright! There is also a place for people with an admin background to help with finance and HMRC dealings, subscriptions and membership, central groups management, programme development, publicity, indeed all the tasks involved in an organisation like ours not only now but for the future. We need to see candidates putting themselves forward for the next AGM which is in April, but do not wait for then to see how it works, come and sit in on Committee Meetings in between on the third Tuesday each month. Louis Lawrence, Chairman GROUPS ISLAND HISTORY GROUP Programme December 2014 to March 2015 Monthly meetings commence 14:30 hours (doors open 14:00) in the Parish Room at the rear of St Marys Church, Church Road, Cowes; usually first Friday in the month. Tea/coffee and biscuits follow talk. Donation to meeting costs still only £1.50 (correct coinage appreciated). There are some free 2 hour parking places on left hand side of Church Road. Be sure to park within marked parking bays. We welcome visitors to two meetings of this History Group but expect that they will join the Isle of Wight Branch of U3A before later visits. Applications to join this Group will be treated on ‘first come, first served’ basis. Friday 12 December 2014 CHRISTMAS LUNCH (Menu similar to previous years; 2 courses £14.50 3 courses £17.50. Places limited so please book early with David Baldwin 290144) Friday 2nd January 2015 "1000 Years of Island History" Neil Mcdougall (Historian) Friday 6th February 2015 "Behind the Lens" David White (Professional Photographer) Friday 6th March 2015 "J.B Priestley - His Work and Connection with the Island" John Kempster (Leader of IoW U3A Book Group) Group Contacts Sylvia Sillar 883924 [email protected] Sally Hayes 289805 David Baldwin 290144 [email protected] MID WIGHT HISTORY The antics of the Georgian court are vividly revealed in Lucy Worsley's book. You'd be surprised at what they got up to! We have changed our location to Lake. The Co-op Funeral Parlour. They were very keen to welcome members of the U3A! We do have vacancies. Eva Alexander. 852688 EAST WIGHT HISTORY GROUP We are continuing to use Robert Kee's book 'Ireland a History' as the corner stone for learning about the relationship between Ireland and especially England until present times. Following discussion about Home Rule, - 'As the full horrors of the greatest war (1914 - 18) the world has ever known unfolded, men's minds became clouded. But it should have been clear enough that trouble in Ireland was not simply going to go away.' So we have arrived at the Dublin Rising of 1916. Then on to Michael Collins and the Black and Tans and Civil War. We continue to meet at the Farriers, Binstead on alternate Wednesday's at 2.300pm. Contact us for any further information. At the beginning of the Autumn we had an outing to visit St Mildred's Church to learn about its association with Queen Victoria and her family followed by our mandatory cream tea! Lionel Alexander 852688 Wendy Williams. 872276 1945. This has raised the question as to whether the islanders were left at the mercy of the Nazi invaders or if it was more of a risk to them for the British to intervene. New members are always welcome, please call ….. Wendy Williams 872276 ENGLISH LITERATURE WEST WIGHT Our autumn programme commenced with two films about Dylan Thomas (‘A Poet’s Guide’ and ‘A Poet in New York’). Ann also read beautifully ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’. All members read their examples of ‘Poems on a theme of autumn’ and John talked on the lives and work of two French authors, Honore de Balzac and Emile Zola who were both controversial in their own way. Balzac was one of the creators of Realism in Literature and Zola was the founder of the Naturalist Movement. Zola’s open letter ‘J’accuse’ reopened the case of the Jewish Captain Alfred Dreyfus, who was wrongly charged and imprisoned for spying. Our future programmes included Evie who will be talking about ‘Nursery Rhymes’. Please note; we have agreed that from November 10th our future meetings will be held at Colwell Baptist Church Hall (2-15 for 230). This will enable us to provide more space for prospective members and provide adequate parking spaces. HISTORY GROUP, FRESHWATER John Kempster (752308) Wendy Williams (872276) A small friendly group who meet at the Conservative Club, Queens Road, Freshwater, fortnightly, Thursday afternoon 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. We are currently reading about the occupation of The Channel Islands from July 1940 to May, COWES BOOK GROUP Page 4 This autumn, Cowes Book Group have welcomed some new members, essentially to now reach full complement, and we continue to successfully rotate our Monthly meetings through the homes of four of the Group, for which we are immensely grateful. Timing sees us having just 2 read books to report on here. The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton followed the style of her previous books, with a search into the distant past to track and trace people and family events significantly affecting individuals in more modern times. For most, the characters were realistically portrayed, as was wartime London, and with an intriguing, yet largely uncomplicated mystery, the unexpected twist towards the end mostly produced a thumbs up for this novel. Found Wanting by Robert Goddard was for many, their first experience of this popular mystery writer. However, few believe they will be especially quick to search out more, as this one appeared unconvincing, with shallow characters too numerous to be memorable, despite a background in one of History's well documented mysteries, - the true identity of Anastasia, the daughter of the Russian Tsar, Nicholas II. A largely unsatisfactory exploration. Our November book is The Sailor in the Wardrobe by Hugo Hamilton. In December, (19th), we review The Gathering by Anne Enright, and in January, (16th) we expect to review The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Anne Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Shirley Mawdsley 883612 COWES BOOK GROUP contd. Following an interest recently by 3 people to join our Cowes Book Group, it would seem that we now expect to have a full complement of members ( Ideal Maximum 11), so, I am sorry but now this group is ‘Waiting List only’ please. Thank you. Shirley Mawdsley CREEK BOOK GROUP Island, it was called "Rough In September we enjoyed One Good Turn by Kate Atkinson and some very good cake. Well, actually, the cake is always very good, but I digress. This work is an excellently crafted series of stories, each one containing the kernel of the next like those Russian dolls which are one of the motifs in the book. Each character is written from the inside out and the descriptions are excellent. October’s read was I know why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. Journalist, cook, dancer, actress and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou started writing as a dare as she approached her 40s. This largely autobiographical book about her vividly recalled childhood is a testament to toughness, acceptance and adaptability. Our final book was a disturbing, post-apocalyptic tale about the struggle of a father and his six year old son to survive. Excellently written, harrowing, with chilling descriptions and scenes, thank goodness there was a small crumb of comfort at the end. Debbie Zumbeel 400300 Sally Lester here with the Newport book group news..... June 14, we read "The Lost Continent" by Bill Bryson to very mixed reviews. July 14, I had a collection of Agatha Christie books, so took them to the group and asked people to try and pick a book they had not read before, it worked well and of course everyone loves this author. August 14, we read the book "Dissolution by C.J. Sansom, I think this person was an islander, and the book was brilliant, set in Henry 8th time, just one person in the group didnt think much of it. September 14, was my choice was called "BAUDOLINO" by Eco Umberto, a very strange book, only one of us managed to read it to the end. October 14, we read a book by Patrick Gale who was born on the Music" and again it was very mixed reviews on this one. November 14, "Death in St. James Park" by Susanna Gregory, was set in London in the mid 1660s and about the corruption of the Post Office, most of us loved it. The book we are to read now is "The Taliban Cricket Club " for our December meeting. We meet on the first Monday of each month in "The Waverley" in Carisbrooke, we meet at 12 noon, discuss the book we had read, then most of us stay for lunch, it is a nice social few hours and there are 8 of us, so room for some more bookworms :) Phone 759375 BOOK GROUP 1 BONCHURCH The Modern Novel Our Summer reading has been very enjoyable, three books which most would like. First was ‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a book several of us had read and happily re-read. With a background of Nigerian village life in a time of change, fifteen year old Kambili tells an enthralling tale. This is a remarkable first novel from a gifted young writer who has continued to prove her talent. Next we had a change by reading Barbara Pym’s ‘Jane and Prudence’ a light tale written in 1953 with two well drawn main characters, bossy untidy Vicar’s wife Jane and immaculate husband seeking Prudence. Lovely period details, Pym is particularly good on clothes and furnishings. Our final Summer book was ‘Longbourn’ by Jo Baker who has cleverly woven a story around the servants of the Bennet family of ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ The very hard life and the relationships of the servants are all drawn as a background to Jane Austen’s story, for the most part keeping to it faithfully and so filling out the original story not impairing it. Ann Allen 852037 LAKE AND SANDOWN CREATIVE WRITING GROUP Page 5 A warm and friendly welcome would greet you at our creative writing group which meets twice a month. We are a keen band who are willing to explore a whole spectrum of skills to tap our latent talents. We have written short stories, plays, poetry, autobiography and investigated how to build characters and plots for longer works. New members would bring their own experiences enriching their own writing and thereby bringing benefits to the group. and joy within the group, but that's life. "C'est la vie". Our latest joy was in November celebrating the 92nd birthday of Barbara Jones. Barbara is a very active lady and we enjoy hearing the tales of her travels to the mainland, in French, of course! As usual in October we also celebrated the life of the Belgium/ French speaking singer Jacques Brel who wrote many songs, perhaps the most well-known is "The Impossible Dream" from "Don Quichotte". In October, since his death one radio station in France devotes a whole day to Please contact Janet Hope his music. Devotion indeed! The 404387 for further details. group wish everyone "Joyeux Noel" et "bonne annee" Merry New - CREATIVE Christmas and a Happy New WRITING GROUP Year". Due to writing group 2 (Carol Gask) being full, a new group has Georgina Marsh 564217 been set up. The group will meet twice a month on a Wednesday morning at the Woodsman Arms (Wootton), 10-12pm. The Woodsman Arms has plenty of parking with refreshments available. For those who don’t drive a bus stop is close by. The next group meeting will be on the 10th December with the group restarting after Christmas on the 7th January. ISLAND THEATRE GROUP Our December Theatre outing will be the Irving Berlin classic ‘White Christmas’ at the Shanklin Theatre. Thursday December 4th at 7.30 Tickets £15. This musical is on in the West End of London at present, but we are lucky enough to be able to see it near our own homes, plus the Savoyards are a superb Amateur Company, very talented in every way including sets and costumes. If you’re interested in joining or I AM CANCELLING The would like more information Apollo’s ‘Hard Luck Holmes’ as listed in the last Newsletter as please phone Nicola on: 01983 figures have been poor, and I will 718767 not be able to take a party at that time. Book for yourself for a fun filled evening. SPANISH GROUP Hola! We are nine in number and OUR 2015 THEATRE GOING are continuing to get a grip on the SEASON will start on Thursday 12th February at the Apollo with Spanish language! Unfortunately, for every two new ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, the famous drama by Tennessee words we learn, we forget one Williams. There will be supper other! Regardless, two of our before if you wish at The group have visited Spain on Wheatsheaf. holiday to put their knowledge into practice. We always have a Ann Allen, 852037 good laugh half way through over a cuppa. We are fully booked at present, but I am happy to put RECORDED MUSIC your name on a waiting list. Our next meeting is on Tuesday Hasta luego and Feliz Navidad 2nd December 2014 at 2.15pm here at 5, Forest Way, Winford. Peter Neeves We have had a quiet period over the Summer months but hope to improve this winter. There are FRENCH five in the Group but we would CONVERSATION 1 like to increase our number. The Another year is nearly over and meetings are friendly, (with a we have experienced both regret break for tea and biscuits), plus a concert of classical music but trying to please all tastes and including Opera, ‘ the Old Masters’ and a smattering of new composers. If you would like to join ring Bill on 868073. POETRY AT RYDE The Poetry Group has flourished with a few new members since September. We have enjoyed sharing each others chosen poems during our ‘own choice’ sessions and we have had an interesting look at narrative and story telling poems. At present we are reading ‘The Song of Hiawatha’ by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and have learnt that the extracts we remember from schooldays, and recited with glee, bear only slight justice to the complete work which consists of twenty two chapters of beautiful, lyrical and descriptive verse. Longfellow wrote that he wanted it to be valued as a work of American, Romantic Literature which would give chapter and verse to the legends of the Indian people. Their chief value being that they were Indian legends as told to him. We shall need more sessions to read it as we are only up to Chapter Three. Evelyn Robson 868073 remake the following month, to add to our half time friendly discussion. We charge £1 to cover expenses and a few nibbles. Molly Dodd 524567 292976. We would like to see all our part-timer's join us too. Vern Morris 292976 PATCHWORK AND QUILTING 1 DINING OUT FOR FUN MAKE YOUR OWN PORK PIE! BUS (1) This Group, which is now run cooperatively by the members, is REMEMBER WHEN? flourishing. We do not meet in Our small group continues as December as there is almost too REMINISCING usual. At our last meeting our much dining in our home lives! We have had a lively last leader demonstrated an unusual However, we shall be looking meeting where we discussed our new technique. It involved forward to meeting again, as ‘Good Time’ and ‘Bad Time’ in sewing fabric to a special always, on the last Wednesday of depth with some artistry from background, doing lots of January. Details as follows: Brian our resident magician. random stitching on it and then Some interesting stories were using a steam iron which reduced Wednesday January 28th 6.30 for 7.00 pm Burrs Restaurant, told of memories rekindled and the size and gave it a raised Lugley Street, Newport. Contact photographs. Our next subject for effect. It was interesting to see the meeting on 18th November is how all our samples turned out so Ann and Stuart Allen 852037 ‘My Most interesting Trip’. The differently. Next month we will Wednesday February 25th The New Holmwood Hotel, sea front group numbers between six and be having our Christmas lunch seven and would welcome new hosted as usual by our leader and Cowes. Contact Marie Hunter 291439 members. We meet at 5, Forest then looking forward to more Way, Winford at 2.15pm on the happy stitching in 2015. third Tuesday of the month. Anne Tilley Please ring Bill 868073 PUB LUNCHES BY MAH JONG - - ALL LEVELS AND ADVANCED No pub lunch in December. Tues. 6th January 2015 I spent many years in the middle The Merrie Garden Pub East - many of them without Newport Rd. Lake. This is a game for four people family, this is where I learnt to No.8 bus from Newport getting played with tiles. Players try to cook and now have a variety of off at Morrison's supermarket, collect ’hands’ which are set recipes reflective of those times. Lake. patterns of tiles. The ‘hand’ called Little Robert put in a brief Christine, my wife has increased Tues. 3rd February 2015 The Eight Bells appearance recently and both the my repertoire and together we love to share recipes with our High St. Carisbrooke. Wriggling Dragon and the group and friends. Bus no.7 from Newport. Wriggling Snake have been Tues. 3rd March 2015 hanging around. Although there If you are on your own or just interested in cookery please join Wetherspoons Pub are many rules to learn, if you us to swap recipes! Union St. Ryde. find you enjoy the game you can SOLO WHIST Call me:No.9 from Newport. quickly become addicted! We continue to meet on a Mike and Christine Beardmore To book your place on the Feb. Debbie Zumbeel 400300 Tuesday afternoon here in Lake March lunches please ring 754327 for a convivial game of cards. Rosemary Marks tel 406590 as I Numbers are growing but we still BRIDGE GROUP will be away for those 2 months. WALKING GROUP 1 have a few more places available Firstly, I'd like to thank Colin for Seasons Greetings Maggie deputising whilst I was on if you would like to join our Hough tel 292689 Please note the change of times friendly group. Full instructions holiday in Shanghai visiting my and distances from previous youngest son & his family. are provided and advice is always dates. Secondly, I'd like to welcome PUB LUNCHES BY available. We start at 1.45 for a 2pm start of play, finish at 5pm. Alice & Bert to our group having Monday, December 1st about 3 BUS (2) miles. Come along, you might enjoy it! joined while I was away. Hope January 12th The Waverley Top you've both enjoyed the sessions Meet on Colwell Common Road of the High St in Carisbrooke 12Further details from: at 2 pm. We will attempt a beach so far. John Zumbeel 400300 1230 No 7 Bus from Newport Thirdly, it's been decided by the scramble to Alum Bay and return every 30mins by bus! Mince pies and a hot February 9th The Prince of OLD MOVIES GROUP members who attended on the drink afterwards. 23rd September that this year's Wales Opposite After an enjoyable afternoon annual Christmas Lunch will be Monday January 5th, 2015. 6 Osborne House in East Cowes meeting other group leaders on miles. held at the Community Club on 12-12.30 No 5 Bus from October 23rd, I now have three Meet outside Porchfield Village Thursday18th December 12.30 Newport every 20 mins new members. Hall at 10 am. March 9th The Sloop Wootton We show a variety of films every pm for 1.00 pm. It will be a 2 Monday February 5th, 2015. 4 course set Christmas Menu at Bridge about third Wednesday in the month miles. £10 a head. I will need to know 12 if possible No 9 Bus either from 2.30pm. Meet at Blackgang View Point 2 route about every 10 mins. They are mostly around the 40’s the numbers by 11th December. pm. Anybody wishing to come can and 50’s era, romance and drama. Bridge members wishing to Mike Beardmore 754327 they contact me After showing the original film it attend can let me know on Thursdays or by phoning me on 1 week beforehand. Thank you would be nice to show the Page 6 other web links. Then there is the Gallery where photographs can be uploaded with suitable descriptive text. The IWU3A Website and How to Use It The last page is a link to the National U3A web site which is an incredible source of useful material and well worth a peruse in its own right. Go to and you will find the Isle of Wight U3A web site, provided free through the national U3A. There are about 400 sites based on the same template, providing on-line description of, and information about, the respective local U3A groups. Our site comprises the usual Welcome screen with Noticeboard of forthcoming events plus some publicity material which you would be welcome to print out and deploy locally. We then list all our local Groups, and each Group can have its details listing, web page and photos. The Events page lists in detail planned events for your diary. We also list all our previous speakers and archive of previous Newsletters for reference. The Contact page will give you direct email links to your committee members, plus downloadable Application Form, Constitution and Welcome Booklet. About only half our members are active web and email users, so we haven't lost sight of those who are not yet 'netted, but for those who have joined the Internet world we do endeavour to provide a full IWU3A information provision. Group leaders please note that information on the Groups page must be provided to Christine Addison, Groups Organiser, who will then pass web content on to me to upload to the web site. Roger Skidmore Web manager, [email protected] 01983 822900 We have a Miscellany page - this provides things like a list of possible meeting rooms, current newsletter and useful IWU3A Groups Listing as on website 12/11/2014. Phone Christine Addison on 282570 or email [email protected] for more information or to find out how to join. Also contact Christine to update or change any information. Use this chart to see which groups meet on which particular day. More details overleaf. Application form to help set up a new group is available on the IWU3A website and in this newsletter here (detachable). Page 7 IWU3A Groups Listing as on website 12/11/2014. Phone Christine Addison on 282570 or email [email protected] for more information or to find out how to join. Also contact Christine to update or change any information. IWU3A Groups Listing as on website More details are available on the web site. You can search the national U3A for Groups of a specific nature as all these groups are listed nationally - including ours! Page 8 Isle of Wight _____________________________________________________________ Application to form an IWU3A Group Date: Name of U3A Applicant GROUPS LIAISON: Christine Addison 151 Newport Road Cowes, IW PO31 7ER 01983 282570 [email protected] ___________________ The IWU3A exists to promote social interest and education within the third age sector of the Isle of Wight community. It does this by arranging meetings of general interest and special interest groups within its membership. Address (incl. Postcode) For membership applications please contact the membership committee member. Phone email ____________________ Relevant skills, etc. MEMBERSHIP: Georgina Marsh 7 Golden Groves Binstead, Ryde, IW PO33 3UR 01983 564217 [email protected] Title and Description of group IWU3A communicates via the web site and its quarterly newsletter. Proposed location, venue, preferred day of week, am/pm The IWU3A committee does not require exact details for the proposed group because often the group evolves during its early days, but a good idea would be helpful. There are U3A guidelines (available on U3A website) which tend to guide groups to within an educational and cultural scope. Please do the best you can with your details and send the form for consideration to: GROUPS LIAISON IWU3A Christine Addison, 151 Newport Road. Cowes, IW, PO31 7ER 01983 282570 or email to: [email protected] Page 9
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