ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 1 ALL THINGS CONSIDERED ADVENT Saturday, at “the stroke of 4 pm” the Church year came to an end and the new Liturgical Year of 2015 began. The most notable aspect of the change is that we begin reading the Gospel of Mark (with a lot of John as well – remember Mark is the shortest of the Gospels). The color of vestments will change to purple and we will count off the 4 weeks of Advent by lighting four candles on the Advent Wreath: a circle of evergreens, symbolizing God, the Eternal who lives forever. The four candles lit are two purple, then the pink and finally the last purple. Advent from its start until well into the 20th century, was - like Lent - a time of fasting and prayer in preparation to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Lighting the pink candle on the third Sunday of Advent (called Gaudete or Joyful Sunday) was the indication that the season was almost over and the time of feasting would soon begin. For many, Advent is the forgotten season. Usually tucked in between Thanksgiving & Christmas it often is called the “Christmas Season” even weeks before Christmas actually arrives. I truly hope that despite all of the commercial aspects of these days, with all the hustle and hassle of getting things ready, that you and I will find some time to prepare ourselves for Christ, and the promise his birth, in time and space, can bring. I hope you will take advantage of the Little Blue Book and its reflections, and even take a little extra time in prayer. Hopefully in the midst of getting ready for Christmas, we can also get ready for Christ! Happy Advent!! EVENING PRAYER For those seeking a prayerful oasis during the rush of the weeks leading up to Christmas, we will have Evening Prayer this Monday evening at 7 pm. It is made up of song, psalms, a Scripture reading, reflection, and intercessions. Much of the prayer is sung, some is spoken and there are times of silence for our individual prayer. If you are looking for 30 minutes or so of peace, come rest in the Lord! Come to Monday Evening Prayer at 7 pm in the chapel. We will have Evening Prayer on Monday, December 1 and December 15. On December 8 we will celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (our national holy day) with Mass at 7 pm. Fr. Dave Howell BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK’S LITURGIES December 1, Monday Is 2:1-5/Mt 8:5-11 9:00 am +Jeanette Duncan December 2, Tuesday Is 11:1-10/Lk 10:21-24 9:00 am Communion Service December 3, Wednesday - Saint Francis Xavier, Priest Is 25:6-10a/Mt 15:29-37 7:00 pm +Marianne Dluzniewski December 4, Thursday Is 26:1-6/Mt 7:21, 24-27 9:00 am +Diane Gajewski December 5, Friday Is 29:17-24/Mt 9:27-31 9:00 am +John Greilach December 6, Saturday Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Mt 9:35 - 10:1, 5a, 6-8 December 7, Sunday - Second Sunday of Advent Is 40:1-5, 9-11/2 Pt 3:8-14/Mk 1:1-8 4:30 pm Vigil +Anna Howell 9:00 am +Keith Dunn & Jan Jandasek 11:00 am St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11 - This passage from the book of Isaiah begins with God calling upon the prophets to encourage the Jewish people who are in exile. The prophet is to tell them that they will be returning home soon, and the road of the return will pass through the desert. We will also hear God call the people to proclaim from a mountaintop the goodness of God. 2 Peter 3: 8-14 - The second letter of Peter was written nearly 200 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. At an earlier time, Christians had expected the Lord to return quickly. But by this time, they had lost confidence that the Lord would return in glory at all. The author doesn’t want people to abandon this hope, and gives a positive interpretation to this delay. Mark 1: 1-8 - Advent’s second Sunday is always dedicated to John the Baptist and his work among God’s people. The Gospel of Mark begins with an adult John the Baptist anticipating an adult Jesus coming to his people. Important in this Gospel are the repeated references to Baptism. There is an important link to be made between the anticipation of Christmas, the manifestation of Jesus in the flesh, and the anticipation of Baptism, where we find new members in the Church also in the flesh. Reflect: In order to celebrate the spirit of Christmas, what area of your life do you need to make straight? FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Page 2 NOVEMBER 30, 2014 THE WEEK AHEAD Electronic Giving Program Need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year? Check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, please go to our website and click on online giving. Thank you for your generosity and support! Please pray for all the sick who have been commended to our prayer, that they will respond to God’s healing will, especially: Patty Nouhan, Robert Laginess, Norma Pellerito, Hannah, Doug & Linda Lambert, Joyce Egerer, Sandy Pace, Mark Czajkowski, Marge, David, Tom, Amy Kronk, Stella, Devin, Irene, Jeanne and Eugene Buel, Tom Stadtmiller, Karen Hahn, Janet Husseli, Gwen Maes, Miles Hinksmon, Carrie Malik, Ron Abramovich, Dorothy Keefe, Nancy Sharpy, Bob Sixbery, Jerry Carb, Caroline Bilicki, John Sullivan, Donna Chedester, Brandy, Nancy, Dennis Martell, Vic Howe, Hannah Kenrick, Elizabeth Tokarczyk, Lisa Russo, Frank Freel, Ron Sherman, Cheryl Mitchell, Darlene Hlavacek, Lori List, Addison Donahue, Tom McSweeney, Joseph Murphy, Heather Bierlein, Sharon Stadtmiller, Linda Heppler, Larry Sweeter, Tom Zremski, Andrew Doyle, Dave Zapfe, Donna Miller, Mary Jo Artino, Fred Preiss, Carol Kronk, Addison Donehue, Marylyn Trader, Donald Gehring, Jameson Timberlake, Michelle Schmid, Ben Hemker, Cheryl Gautherat, Steve Reichardt, Mary Anderer, Shirley Nitz, Bill Gamble, Cynthia McIntosh, Dan Schilkey, Margie Kelly, Lynn Long, Abbie Fountaine, Mark Matras, Herb Langer, David Martin, Hogan McCuan, Sherri Kunkel, MaryAnna. Monday, December 1 9:00 am Pre-School 5:30 pm Livingston County Chorale 6:00 pm Magdalen’s Kitchen 7:30 pm K of C Mtg. 7:00 pm #385 Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 2 9:00 am Pre-School 7:00 pm Troop #385 Wednesday, December 3 9:00 am Pre-School 9:45 am MOMS 12:30 pm Knitters 4:30 & 6:30pm 2nd. Gr. Parent Penance Activities during Class 7:00 pm Worship Thursday, December 4 9:00 am Pre-School 5:30 pm 2nd. Gr. Parent Penance Activities during class 7:00 pm Children’s Choir 7:00 pm Cocoa, Cookies, & Conversation 7:00 pm Baptism Instruction 7:00 pm Music Ministry Friday, December 5 9:00 am Pre-School 1:00 pm For Pains Sake Saturday, December 6 7:00 pm Advent By Candlelight Sunday, December 7 - Advent II 9:00 am Family Program 9:00 am RCIA Dismissal 10:10 am New Parishioner Meeting. 10:15 am Ichthus 11:00 pm Kindergarten 12:45 pm Baptism 2:00 pm Pre-School Christmas Program 3:00 pm Livingston County Chorale 5:30 pm 9th Grade Religious Formation 7:00 pm Youth Group After all Masses: Osman Hope Card/Pin Sale MINISTERS OF PRAYER Sun. Nov. 30 Mon. Dec. 1 Please Remember in your prayers: Kim Cauley and family in the death of Jack Branch, her father. Tue. Dec. 2 Wed. Dec. 3 Thu. Dec. 4 Fri. Dec. 5 Sat. Dec. 6 Kyle Geran, Michelle Sixbery Sr. Joyce, Bob&Dawn Gustitus, Jan Iannuzzi Shirley Stork, Gary Prise, Larry Maes Gale&Pat Harris, Crystal Little Hugh &Patti Conahan, Audrey Shilkey, Rita DeRaud Cindy Sultana, Cathy Hazen Kevin Tinsky ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 3 Religious Formation News BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN Youth News from Mary at [email protected] and Karen at [email protected] from Margaret at [email protected] and Stasia at [email protected] Classes Resume Wednesday/Thursday, December 3 and 4. Penance Activity Nights: 2nd grade parents are reminded to attend class THIS WEEK on Dec. 3/4 with your child at their Wednesday 4:30 or 6:30 class time, or their Thursday 5:30 class time. Family Program and Catholic School families are asked to attend one of the sessions. Registrations for formation classes are still taking place! Call or come in to get your child(ren) registered. It is not too late. Class calendars are available in the gathering area or online at be sure to visit our website for all your formation needs, catechist contact information, class calendars and syllabus information and publisher link. During this season of Advent, our Wednesday and Thursday formation classes will begin their class time together by gathering in Church for the Living Advent Wreath presented by our 8th grade youth. All are welcome to pray with us as you drop your children off for class in church! There are also other prayer opportunities being offered here at the parish. December 22 we have our Regional Penance Service at 7:30 and on all Wednesday evenings we have Liturgy at 7 pm. These are opportunities for you and your family to find ways God is at work in our lives and how we respond! No 9th Grade classes on 11/30. As we enter into this Advent season the needs of those around us increase. I have a request …we are in need of gas and food cards for our alms giving here in the parish. If your youth needs community service, let them do chores to earn enough to donate a card or coins for the alms box. Or consider purchasing gift cards through our Scrip program in the community room each Sunday. Also, remember to recycle your paper and newspapers into the green bins back by the barn. All this money goes to help those in need. Thank you. With the season of Advent now upon us, take the time to be present with those you are with, at the time you are with them. Do something different this holiday season like play a board game, or dance in the kitchen. This year for me and my family it will be a bit different without my brother. I know many of you share in the sorrow of missing a loved one. For some this may be the 20th year, or the 3rd, and yet for others, like myself, it will be our first holiday season since his passing in March. God is good and I am reminded of that every day with the out pour of love from friends, and daily reminders about what a gift Andrew was in the eyes of his daughter and the strength of his wife. How does God remind you daily of his gifts in your life? Spend the season of Advent reflecting on all the gifts God has blessed you with, even if some of them are memories you share aloud with loved ones. Money for our WWG (Winter Weekend Getaway) scheduled for Friday January 31-Sunday February 2nd is due in full by the end of December. The total cost for the weekend is $100 plus the cost of skiing and rentals if you chose to do that. We will go up to Caberfae in Cadillac. Visit for details about pricing and to see where we stay! We will not have a meeting this weekend but note that next Sunday December 7th we are planning to take a field trip down to the Assembly of God in Brighton to drive through the Live Nativity. We will leave after religious ed class about 7:15. Meet in the youth room. If you are interested in volunteering to help drive please contact me via email at [email protected]. We will be back by 9 in time for hot chocolate and prayer. There is no cost. *Our last meeting of 2014 will be December 14th not December 21st or the 28th. Our first meeting of 2015 will be January 4th. EDGE The next Blood Drive is Monday, December 8th, from 12 noon to 6:00 pm in the Gym. Please consider stopping by and donating. Help save a life! For our Christmas EDGE, we are going to have an ugly sweater/most gaudy dressed EDGE'er contest, and award two prizes, one to the worst dressed up boy and the other to the worst dressed up girl. Start putting together your holiday wear now! The uglier, gaudier the better!! That EDGE will be our only meeting in December on Monday the 8th. FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Page 4 Adult Education and Formation Faith and Service - From Sr. Joyce [email protected] Cocoa, Cookies & Conversation Advent Themes or Topics of Choice Thursdays during Advent: December 4, 11 and 18 7 – 8:30 pm, East Room Sr. Joyce will be available to facilitate conversations or address any questions or concerns you may have. Advent prayers will begin in the evening. Week #1: What does the Advent Season mean for you? Week #2: What are your favorite memories or Traditions? Week #3: Christ’s Birth and Today Childcare is available. Our Parish is offering childcare in order that parents with small children can participate. Please indicate on the Sign-Up Sheet at the Adult Formation Board the ages of your children who will be coming. ***Note: Children’s Choir meets at the same time in Chapel. Seniors 50+ Prayer, Fun & Lunch Mark your calendars and reserve the date for Prayer, Fun & Lunch, Wednesday, December 10, 10am – 1 pm, in the Community Room. In the past, this has been a monthly event and now we see a need to keep connected on occasion. Come and help us make plans for future events. Let Sr. Joyce know if you plan to attend. M.O.M.S.: Mothers of Ministry Sharing The M.O.M.S. Group meets in the North Room, next to the Nursery throughout the school year. Meetings with Prayer, Food, Fun, and Friendship occur every Wednesday morning from 9:30 am – noon. Moms of all ages and stages are welcome to come anytime. Please feel free to contact Erin Wolfe at [email protected] or Holly Oakes at [email protected] with any questions. Looking for a mediocre marriage? Or a GREAT marriage? If your answer is “Great, of course!” then our 8 Great Date Nights is for you. 8 Friday evenings, beginning January 16, with a catered dinner at candlelit tables for 2, are on the calendar just for you. Consider the gift of time for each other in the New Year! Childcare is available. Limited space. Sign up in the Gathering Area. $225 per couple. For more info. call Sandi Phillips at 810-229-8624 or 810-923-4915. NOVEMBER 30, 2014 CHARITY & JUSTICE CORNER The Advent Giving Tree will be in the Gathering Space starting 11/22/2014. This year, we have Eight Charities, including St. Mary Magdalen. If you would like to help those less fortunate, please take a tag from the tree and place your donation back under the tree no later than 12/15/14, otherwise we can not guarantee the gifts for Christmas. Please make sure the tag is taped and secured to your donation, so we know which charity it goes to. Only gifts for Cornerstone School should be wrapped. Please leave all other gifts unwrapped. Gift cards for all the charities should be unwrapped and not placed in Christmas cards. For more information, please contact Dianne Sweeter: [email protected] or 248.842.7762. Magdalen’s Kitchen Sign-Up Names of those interested in serving at Magdalen’s Kitchen for the Mondays of January and First 2 Mondays of February are being accepted. 3 assistant cook positions, 8 set-up/server/clean-up positions, 3 dish washer positions, 4 dessert positions, and 4 sub positions are needed for each Monday. Sign-up sheets are organized by date and are near the Charity and Justice table in the Gathering Space. Sign-ups are on a first come first serve basis. Reminder slips are available to remind you of your commitment; a reminder telephone call will be placed prior to the date you are to serve. Volunteers must be middle school age (and accompanied by an adult), or older to fill a server/dish washer position, and 18 years of age or older to fill a cook position. Future dates (Last two weeks in February and All of March) will be posted in early January. Panera Bread Pick Up Names of those interested in picking up bread for Magdalen’s Kitchen at Panera Bread (in Brighton) on Saturday evenings (at 9:50 pm) for all of January and February 7 & 14, are being accepted. The sign-up sheet is on the Charity and Justice table in the Gathering Space. Sign-ups are on a first come, first serve basis. A reminder telephone call will be placed just prior to the date you are to serve. ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 5 Saint Mary Magdalen 2201 Old US 23 Highway Brighton, MI 48114 Office Phone: Fax: Preschool Phone: Website: (810) 229-8624 (810) 229-6471 (810) 229-0010 Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Staff: Pastor: Fr. David F. Howell Permanent Deacons: H. David Scharf, James Chevalier, Gary Prise, Devon Wolfe Pastoral Ministers: Sr. Maryetta Churches, O.P., Sr. Joyce Hoile, O.S.F (Adult Formation & Evangelization) Director of Faith Formation: Mary Mahar Formation Administrative Assistant: Karen MacDonald Director of R.C.I.A. & Liturgist: Diane Kubus Youth Ministry: Margaret Callaghan Youth Ministry Assistant: Stasia Eisenhut Director of Music: Steven H. Schulte Director of Pre-School: Kathie Anderer Parish Secretaries: Debbie Dehanke, Sandi Phillips, Jillian Killian Bookkeeper: Dave Wisniewski Facilities Team: Dan Tuthill, Kathy Gehring, Mark Wolf Sacramental Information: Weekend Liturgies: Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 9 & 11 am Weekday Liturgies: 9:00 am Monday, Thursday, Friday 7:00 pm Wednesday Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon Infant Baptism: Erin Wolfe Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact the office at least nine months prior to wedding date. St. Pat’s School Library Needs You! Book Fair Dec. 7 - 13 Please support The St. Patrick School Library at our Barnes & Noble Book Fair. Simply shop at the Green Oak Village store any time during these dates, mention “St. Patrick School” at checkout, and a percentage of your purchases will benefit the library. If you prefer to shop online, visit bookfairs during this time and enter ID # 11456860. Thanks for your support! BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN Troop 385 will be selling wreaths and other greenery items after Mass on Sat.& Sun. Nov. 29/30. The money helps the boys go to camp, purchase materials and gear, and in the process, these energetic boys are developing into fine outstanding young men. We hope that you will once again support us in our endeavors. Thanks again for all your support! CHILDREN’S CHOIR Kathryne Friske has volunteered to take on the challenge of forming a special youth choir composed of kids in 3rd-8th grade. This choir will sing on December 24. Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve 6:15pm Liturgy, will be Dec. 4, 11, and 18. ST. MARY MAGDALEN YOUNG ADULTS ARE YOU 18—21? Are you looking to connect more deeply to your faith and to meet others with the same desire? Text Shannon at 810-588-7665 TODAY to learn more about LIVINGSTON YAM 18-21 DATE NIGHT: YOUNG ADULT COUPLES FELOWSHIP Are you interested in gathering with other Young Adult Catholic Married Couples for good food, conversation and prayer? Contact Shannon today to learn more! MONTHLY MASS AND DINNER SUNDAY, Nov. 30, 5 pm at St. Patrick, Brighton 6:30 pm dinner at Border Cantina, Brighton COME START YOUR ADVENT OFF WITH NEW FRIENDS! Call Livingston young Adult Ministry Shannon Scherba, [email protected]. FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Page 6 ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE LIVINGSTON VICARIATE MISSION 2015 “The Lord is risen, do You Believe?” Mon. 12/01 Tue. 12/02 With Deacon Ralph Poyo January 25, 26, 27, 28 St. Patrick , Brighton 7-9 pm NOVEMBER 30, 2014 Wed. 12/03 Thu. 12/04 [email protected] Fri. 12/05 Sat. 12/06 Sun. 12/07 4:00 pm 8:30 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 4:00 pm 8:30 am 4:00 pm 8:30 pm ——8:30 am 7:00 pm St. Pat’s Basketball Men’s Basketball St. Pat’s Basketball Boy Scouts St. Pat’s Basketball Zumba St. Pat’s Basketball Men’s Basketball —————— Boot Camp Youth Group St. Patrick’s Dad’s Club CHRISTMAS TREE SALE Nov. 28 - Dec. 14 Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, North East Corner of St. Patrick’s Church, 711 Rickett Rd., Brighton Type of Trees? Fraser, Douglas, Concolor Fir and Scotch Pines November Times December Times Sun 30: 9:00am - 7:00pm Sat. 6, 13: 10:00am - 8:00pm Sun. 7, 14: 9:00am - 7:00pm
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