Newsletter November 9th 2014 - - - - - - Dedication of The Lateran Basilica PREPARATION FOR THE DIOCESAN JUBILEE: The third series of study of four of the documents of Vatican II is now under way with reflection on LUMEN GENTIUM, the document setting out the Council’s understanding of the nature of the Church. Meetings on Mondays 7.30-9.00pm and on Fridays 10-11.30am; See noticeboard or contact Carmel Keller on 10273 891466 for further details. CONFIRMATION 2015: If there is anyone aged 14+, in year 10 or above who would like to be confirmed, the sessions will start in December but more details of the dates will be given out to you later on in the year. If you are interested please call Hannah Fackler 07930608501 or email [email protected] DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: November 29 Annecy School Christmas Fayre. November 29 – December 6, Advent Prayer Week. HAVE YOU REMEMBERED? If you are using the yellow envelopes to help with the Parish Maintenance Fund, have you remembered this month’s donation? Very many thanks for your continuing and generous support. If you are in the Gift Aid/ Covenant scheme, don’t forget to put your number on the envelope. ST THOMAS MORE YOUTH CLUB for school years Reception – Year 6. Join us for fun, games and activities every Wednesday in the church hall between 5.30pm & 7.00pm during term time. 50p entrance per week (with 50p to spend in the tuck shop). For more information, contact Cathy Tutton 07976 247367. A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE 15th November 10-4.30pm. As requested, we are putting on another one day event on how to read the Bible to understand the history of our salvation and the impact of scripture on our lives. Tea and coffee provided. £15 for the essential resources. Bring a packed lunch and enjoy what others already have: 'inspirational; can't wait to do more'; 'deepens - makes me excited about my trust in God'; it relates to our ordinary lives'. Sign up sheet at back of church and/or contact Carmel 01273 891466. MINISTERS OF THE WORD: Could you please let me know your availability for the months November to February as soon as possible in order that I can compile the next rota. Many thanks, Paul 01323 896482. SEAFORD CATENIANS: The Catenians will be meeting in Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road, on Monday 10th November at 7:30 pm. If any gentleman is interested in joining the Association please contact Trevor Wiltshire on 01323 896386 or Martin Klust on 01273 584204 SEAFORD FAIRTRADE MEAL & QUIZ: Many thanks to the parishioners who attended an enjoyable evening. Try to encourage your friends and relatives to buy Fairtrade as a means of helping Developing World producers to achieve a fair and just return for their work. THE TRAIDCRAFT STALL will be open in the hall after 10.30am mass on Sunday 30th November. Meanwhile if you would like to order the fairtrade advent calender produced by the Meaningful Chocolate Company, or other fairtrade /Traidcraft products please contact Eileen. 491638. Advent and Christmas – Advent Candles and calendars are available to buy in the Repository shop, in addition to Christmas cards and 2015 calendars. GRAND SALE in the Church hall after the all Masses from Saturday 22nd after 9.30am and 6pm and Sunday 23rd November 8am and 10.30am. All proceeds to the Church Maintenance Fund. Come and see what's for sale. New and good quality ladies clothing,also many household items, jewellery, so many lovely items for sale. Have a cup of coffee and some cake with fellow parishioners. Please come and support this fund raiser for our parish. Thank you. ST TERESA’S PRAYER GROUP: St Teresa’s Prayer group will meet next Monday at 2pm at Shalom. Please bring your booklet “Your Kingdom Come” with you. All welcome: further details phone Heather 898548 THE ARTS AND CRAFTS GROUP: The Art and Craft group preparing for the Diocesan Jubilee next year will meet in the hall on Monday 17th November at 10:30. The group has decided to recreate Joseph’s coat of many colours in knitting, croquet and needlecraft - do come along and enjoy a morning of friendship and fun and a cuppa. Please bring any samples you have prepared with you. Further enquiries phone Jill Whitman:894393 or Heather:898548 ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS...An Advent Retreat for Teenagers: 5th-7th December 2014: If you are in school years 7-9, you are invited to the come away for a weekend to Worth Abbey, Sussex. Come along to make new friends, play lots of games, and ask some of those “big” questions about life. The retreat is run by trained youth leaders from the Lay Community of St Benedict at Worth Abbey. The cost of the weekend is £78 but subsidies are available. For more info and booking forms, please contact Mary Hunt [email protected] or 07468 433640. An evangelizing community knows that the Lord has taken the initiative, he has loved us first (cf. 1 Jn 4:19), and therefore we can move forward, boldly take the initiative, go out to others, seek those who have fallen away, stand at the crossroads and welcome the out- cast. Such a community has an endless desire to show mercy, the fruit of its own experience of the power of the Father’s infinite mercy. Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to be- come involved. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. The Lord gets involved and he involves his own, as he kneels to wash their feet. He tells his disciples: “You will be blessed if you do this” (Jn 13:17). An evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges distances, it is willing to abase itself if necessary, and it embraces human life, touching the suffering flesh of Christ in others. Pope Francis: The Joy of the Gospel Items for the newsletter should be emailed to: [email protected] Hard copy should be left at the Presbytery. The deadline is Wednesday 12 noon
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