THE MISSION The Newsletter of Saint Marys United Methodist Church November 26, 2014 The People in God’s Christmas Story My son, Sam, was four at the time. It was in the days leading up to Christmas and I was discussing the meaning of Christmas with him. During the course of our conversation Sam said, “Christmas means Jesus is boring!” “Boring?”, I asked. “Why does Christmas make Jesus boring?” Then it hit me – I realized that in the process of developing his south Georgia accent he had taken the word “born” and stretched it into a two-syllable word that made “born” sound like “boring.” There are some who would actually agree with what I thought I had heard my son say. Christmas is nothing more than the same old story, the same old songs, and the same old sentimental gushing over a baby in a manger. Christmas is boring. My hope is that this Advent season will help us reclaim the excitement of Christmas and the joy of celebrating Jesus’ birth! This Sunday we begin a new sermon series that will focus on the people in God’s Christmas story. We will look at their stories and search for fresh insights into how their stories relate to our faith journeys. In worship and through all of the special programs and services, we will have opportunity over the next few weeks to savor and enjoy God’s Christmas story and its message of hope, joy, love and peace. The people in God’s Christmas story were the first to witness God’s gift of love in Christ Jesus. We are invited to claim our place in God’s story as recipients of the love that was born at Christmas; a love that will never end; a love that can be reborn in our hearts today and every day. There’s nothing boring about that! I hope you have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday. Blessings on you, 106 East Conyers Street, St. Marys, GA 31558 (912) 882-5505 ANNOUNCEMENTS Opportunities for the Week Sunday, November 30th 8:30 A.M. Traditional Worship 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Praise & Worship 4:00 P.M. Youth Choir Practice 5:30 P.M. Youth (5pm for dinner) Monday, December 1st 6:30 P.M. UMM Meeting (Bailey Hall) 7:00 P.M. Trustee Meeting (Conf. Rm.) Tuesday, December 2nd 7:00 A.M. High School Breakfast Club (Chick-Fil-A) 6:30 P.M. Rock Bible Study (WECC) Wednesday, December 3rd 6:45 A.M. Middle School Breakfast Club (Hardees) 5:15 P.M. Hand Bell Choir Practice 5:30 P.M. Children’s Choir Practice 6:00 P.M. Youth Bible Study 6:15 P.M. Playhouse Kids & Clues Club 6:15 P.M. Cantata (Magnolia Manor) Friday, December 5th 6:00 P.M. Cantata (1st African Baptist) CHURCH OFFICE & FOOD PANTRY WILL BE CLOSED this Thursday & Friday in celebration of Thanksgiving. THE UMW WILL MEET on Monday, December 1st, at 6:30pm in Bailey Hall. All ladies of the church are welcome. Theresa Stanley will have the program. Everyone will bring their favorite dish & a wrapped Christmas ornament to exchange. Amber Cole will do the decorating. Contact Audrey Clark at 882-2125 for more info. DECEMBER TRUSTEE MEETING Due to the Downtown St. Marys’ White Lighting event on Dec. 2nd, the December Trustee meeting has been changed to Monday, December 1st, at 7:00pm in the Conference Room. All current & incoming Trustees are asked to attend. Contact Tim Fitzgerald at 904-759-1513 for more info or if you are unable to attend. Rejoice! A Soulful Celebration of the Season 6:00pm, Friday, December 5 at 1st African Baptist 3:00pm, Sunday, December 7 at St Marys UMC Please join us as we celebrate the beginning of the Christmas Season through music! Rejoice! A Soulful Celebration of the Season, presented by 1st African Baptist Church and St. Marys UMC Choirs. This high -energy cantata by Bradley Knight blends treasured carols with new pieces that will have you rejoicing with the angels! Join us as we focus on the reason for the season - Jesus! The Chronological Bibles are here! The Chronological Bible in the New International Version will be available before & after each service this Sunday. A table will be set up outside the church parlor where you can purchase your Bible for $12. You may also pick one up at the church office during regular office hours. Join us as we read through the Bible in a year in 2015. Please continue to pray for … Judy & Jerry Goodson, Waldene Lassiter, Kenneth & Jean Harrison & Family, Helen DeVries, Dottie West, Betty Hart, Tommy Bean, Lynn Goff, Carolyn Long, Eloise Thompson, George Turner, Pat Williams, Faye Howard, Bob Manley, Richard Pippin, Ivan Stratton Extended Family and Friends Freddie Pilgrim (Barbara Smith’s son); Diana Peeples, Douglas Peeples & Sons (Carolyn Asaro’s sister & nephew); Gene Simpson (Amos & Dottie Simpson’s son); Mary Carrig (Mary Sue Michael’s mother); Vickie Bielling (Nancy Boone’s friend); Lois Hall (Barbara Hall’s mother); Ann & Jim Buskirk (former member); Winifred Boykin, Yolanda Mirarchi, Keith Smith, Myra Howard (relatives & friends of Dale & Karen Hoylman) Coastal Assisted Living Residents Bettye Howard Senior Care Center Residents (St. Marys) Betty Hart Magnolia Manor Residents Margaret Eddinger (SM), Wylidean Wynne (SSI) Deployed & Injured Military Family & Friends Joanna Bailey, Kyle Carpenter, Brandi Bryant Bold indicates a new addition** Names will be removed after two weeks unless otherwise requested. Please call the Church Office at 882-5505 ext. 0 for any Pastoral concerns or needs. We also have a Pastoral concern line for after hours & weekend emergencies. Call 882-5505 ext. 8, leave a message & your call will be returned as quickly as possible Children’s Ministry Parent’s Day Out: Saturday, December 20th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. This is an opportunity for you to get some shopping or decorating done Kid free. We will be playing, watching a movie, doing some crafts, and having fun. Children must be signed up by Sunday, December 14th in order to attend. I am also on the lookout for some volunteers that could help for an hour or two. Children’s Christmas Party/ Church Wide Christmas Party- will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 5:00 pm. Look for more details sooner. Children’s Church- thank you to everyone that has been helping! I appreciate you very much. If you are interested helping, please let me know and we can work you into the rotation. Helping is a great way to see the scriptures from a different point of view. I am incredibly blessed to be a part of this church and thank you for allowing me. I am looking forward to another year! In Him ~ Tina 912-674-8839 [email protected] Youth Corner Hello Youth and Families! I hope you enjoy the holiday time with family & friends. Here's what's coming up: Sunday Youth 5-7pm GAME NIGHT!! Tuesday 7am at Chick-Fil-A High School Breakfast Club Tuesday 6:30pm at WECC The Rock Bible Study Wednesday 6:45am at Hardee's Middle School Breakfast Club Wednesday 6-7pm in the High School Sunday School Room Gospel of John Study ><> Jeremy The People in God’s Christmas Story Advent Sermon Series During this Advent Season you are invited to be in worship each week as we look at “The People in God’s Christmas Story.” This sermon series will help us explore the joys and the challenges faced by those who had key roles in God’s Christmas story, and how their individual stories remain relevant to each of us in our individual faith journeys. The series will include: November 30 - Angels December 7 - Shepherds December 14 - Joseph December 21 - Mary The series concludes as we celebrate the birth of Jesus at our Christmas Eve Services. The 5:00pm service in the Sanctuary will be more casual and have a family-friendly feel to it. The 11:00pm service will be held in the Chapel. Both services will end with communion and candlelight. Extend an invitation to others to join you in worship as we begin our journey to Bethlehem! The Good Timers Committee is holding a luncheon for our 55+ year olds. The event will begin after the 11:00am service on December 14th in Bailey Hall. The meal cost will be $10 each, & includes dessert. Musical entertainment will be provided by members of The Sweet Adelines, a female barber shop harmony group based in Jacksonville. They were our entertainment last year - Great music!! Tickets are on sale now til Sunday, December 7th. Please come and join us for the food, fellowship and the “harmony”. See Carol Moore for tickets & more details! THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS: Please check out the SMUMC Family Resource Center for a wide selection of great Christmas materials for all ages. Let us not forget the meaning of this season, the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. There are a number of wonderful Christmas stories to read to young children & selections of these materials will be on display beginning December 1st on the shelves under the window. We have much to be thankful for at Christmas. I will be in the Family Resource Center between the two services on Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:15 whenever there are activities for children. For additional assistant contact Kathryn Wyler by e-mail: [email protected] or by my cell 330-546-6955. Missions Planning Team: We want to expand our already outstanding mission ministries to include service beyond our local community. If you have a passion for missions and want to be a part of the group that helps organize new opportunities for our church to serve, please contact Dave Peterson at [email protected] or Tom Jones at [email protected]. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers, card, visits, and telephone calls that you have done for me during my illness with a broken back and other problems. Knowing church people like you gives life a brighter touch and so to each and all of you thanks very, very much. Bob Deen Stewardship of Presence November 16 8:30 am 101 11:00 am 154 Worship Total 255 Sunday School 99 November 23 85 115 200 85 You’re Invited Magnolia Manor invites you to a Christmas Tree Festival on Sunday, December 7th from 2:30-4:40pm. Drop by to view beautifully decorated themed trees, enjoy music, goodies, cider and punch. Santa Claus may even stop by! Please invite your family & friends to come along! Call 912-673-7713 for more info. SMUMC STAFF Tom Jones Senior Pastor [email protected] 912-882-6194 Tina Bense Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Jeremy Cole Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Tricia Perrine Church Secretary [email protected] Advent Offering Christmas is a wonderful season of giving of expressions of love. One cannot help but be caught up in the music and the festive lights and decorations that celebrate the season. The Advent Season that precedes Christmas is a time of preparation as we anticipate the coming of the Christ child once again. We have traditionally given a special offering for mission needs during Advent. The Mission Committee has designated this year’s offering to be divided between Heifer International, a charity organization working to end hunger and poverty around the world, as well as to our Community Youth Choir, & our Youth Missions. Envelopes for your contribution will be available in the pews on Sunday. Checks should be made out to the church and marked “Advent Offering”. This year’s Offerings at the Christmas Eve services will also be contributed to these mission programs. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sandra Nihiser Financial Secretary [email protected] Dara Davis Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Ginna E. Stein Director Happy Apple Academy [email protected] Looking Ahead Women’s Retreat: February 6-8, 2015 at Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons Island: Women of all ages are invited to join us for a special weekend retreat. This will be an awesome opportunity to grow in your own faith and to fellowship with our sisters in Christ. The cost is only $85 and will include all meals and accommodations, and financial aid is available for those in need. Contact Stacy Kiernan at [email protected] or 882-7508 if you are interested in attending. We will soon start collecting money and reservations, so be sure to mark your calendars now! Church Office Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thur. = 8:00am-3:00pm Tue. = 8:00am-2:30pm Fri. = 8:00am-Noon Helping Hands Ministry/Food Pantry Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. = 9:00am - Noon Fri. = Closed Did You Know … can contribute to SMUMC by shopping online? With the holiday season coming up, be sure to go to UMC Marketplace & sign up. A portion of what you spend can be automatically designated as a contribution to SMUMC. If you have information that you would like in the next newsletter, please send it to [email protected] no later than Noon on Monday, December 8th. St. Marys United Methodist Church 106 East Conyers Street St. Marys, Georgia 31558 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid St. Marys, GA PERMIT NO. 8 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Let your hand be with the one on your right side - with the one whom you secured as your own - then we will not turn away from you! Revive us so that we can call on your name. Restore us, Lord God of heavenly forces! Make your face shine so that we can be saved. Psalm 80:17-19 (UM801) Those Who Serve in Special Ways November 30 , 2014 Altar Flowers: Ministry Display Children’s Church: Tina Bense 8:30 Acolytes: Evan Wills 11:00 Acolytes: Kaitlyn Boyd 8:30 Greeters: Pat Green & Bridget Bennett 11:00 Greeters: Youth Head Offering Counter: Lesley Young Offering Counter: Yamy Bauers Sound System: Roy Bauers 8:30 Head Usher: Dave Peterson 8:30 Usher: Roger Lively 11:00 Head Usher: Diane Isernhagen 11:00 Usher: Youth December 7, 2014 Altar Flowers: Emma Lou Ford Children’s Church: Tina Bense 8:30 Acolytes: Mary Grace & Elsie Kinney 11:00 Acolytes: Mikayla Boyd 8:30 Greeters: Charlie & Tricia Smith 11:00 Greeters: Carol Willis & Carolyn Asaro Head Offering Counter: Ginna Stein Offering Counter: Patty Brandon Sound System: Roy Bauers 8:30 Head Usher: Dale Hoylman 8:30 Usher: Kelly Alexander 11:00 Head Usher: Don Petrie 11:00 Usher: Tim Fitzgerald
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