Sunday, Nov. 23 10:00 am 11:00 am Monday, Nov. 24 9:30 am 12:45 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Tuesday, Nov. 25 10:00 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday, Nov. 26 9:30 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Thursday, Nov. 27 9:00 am 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm Friday, Nov. 28 9:30 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Worship Services Community Time After Each Service Worship Craft Fair Nov. 23 Reign of Christ Hanging of the Greens Message: Rev. Bob & Rev. Tracy Nov. 30 Advent –Waiting Message: Rev. Bob Dec. 7 Advent 2-A New Social Order Message: Rev. Bob Dec. 14 Advent 3- Children’s Christmas Musical Rev. Bob & Rev. Tracy Blue Christmas at 4pm Rev. Tracy & Rev. Bob AM Fitness Bridge Carol Practice Orchestra Venturers Pastoral Care Meeting Prayer Shawl Knitting Animate-Video Study AM Fitness Open Art Studio Youth Choir Yoga Today’s Service Quilting Children’s Choir Strummers Adult Choir AM Fitness Scouts Popcorn Youth Group Check White Board in the Narthex for location of activities Please feel free to take a bulletin with you after Worship. Scripture Reader: “Ask Me” Hosts: Drina & Bob Nixon Greeter: Tess & Harold Ashley Christ Candle: Richard Pon Sound: Brian Shewan Projection: Mark Wagner Announcements: Mark Wagner Sunday School Teachers: Maxine Mendritzki/Sandra Glass Youth Leader: Brittney Whittaker The United Church of Canada St. Thomas is proud to be part of the United Church of Canada which ministers to close to 3 million people in 3,500 congregations across the country. (For more information about the United Church visit its websites: St. Thomas is an Affirming Ministry within The United Church Through our gifts we commit ourselves of Canada. LGBT2S people are to live out the mission and ministry of whole people and full members in the church. Please give generously to the this community of faith. Mission and Service Fund to make this possible. Welcome to Worship! St. Thomas United is an open, affirming, accepting, and child friendly faith community. With children present we expect noise and movement, so there’s no need to leave the Sanctuary when it happens. If parents feel more comfortable with their children in nursery care, we have a nursery for babies & children under 3 years of age – just follow the posted signs. We hope that your worship experience will feed you and challenge you on your faith journey. Please talk to a greeter or the folks wearing an “Ask Me” badge if there’s anything you are unsure of or have a question about. There are Hearing Assistance Sets available. Ask a greeter or Ask Me person to get one. We project everything you will need to participate in worship. You will also find hymnbooks in your seats if you’d prefer to use them. Newcomers – please fill out one of our Communication Cards. This is our first opportunity to be in touch with you so that we can start to get to know one another. Music Team: Pam Bazinet, Barb Robertson, Erin MacLean-Berko, Dick Worton, Kloria Wen & Kari Orosz Accompanist: Kari Orosz Office Manager: Sandra Dusoswa Ministry Team: Rev. Bob Fillier & Rev. Tracy Robertson Youth Workers: Brittney Whittaker, Marika Wagner, Matthew Taylor-Kerr Email: [email protected] (A full version of this morning’s liturgy is available – just ask a Greeter or Ask Me host.) 100 Hawkwood Blvd. NW Calgary AB T3G 2S9 – [email protected] - Sunday, November 23 2014 10:00 am Hanging of the Greens VU = Voices United MV = More Voices Prelude~ Kari Orosz~ The Holly and the Ivy ~ English Traditional Carol Welcome Greeting One Another Spirit Lines Christ Candle, Silence, & Tone Bowl Introit: Prepare the Way of the Lord VU#10 Introduction Opening Prayer Ministry of Music~ The Youth Choir~ “Lift Up Your Voice, Alleluia~ by Sally Albrecht Element: Evergreens Hymn: O Christmas Tree Element: Candy Canes Hymn: Deck the Halls Element: Ornaments Ministry of Music~The Orchestra ~ A Pavane for Band~ by Hugh M. Stuart Element: Poinsettia Hymn: O Come, All Ye Faithful VU#60 Minute for Mission: “Rainbow Ministry” Our Offerings Are Received Ministry of Music~ The Orchestra ~ MacPherson’s Farewell Offertory: What Can I Do? MV#191 Offertory Prayer Element: Nativity Scene Hymn: Away in a Manger VU#69 Element: Candles/Lights Call to Prayer: Hope Shines as the Solitary Star MV#220 Pastoral Prayers & Prayer of Jesus Commissioning & Benediction Hymn: There’s a Voice in the Wilderness VU#18 Postlude Stewardship: Please remember to pick up your envelope, to help save postage costs! Mark your calendars!: Sun. Nov 23, is the third annual St. Thomas Christmas Craft Fair taking place from 11am to 4pm in the Mountainview Hall. Come get some Christmas shopping done while supporting local craftsmen and artists. Interested in being a volunteer at this event? For more info please contact Theresa Smith at: [email protected]. JNAC Update: The Presbytery Ministry of Personnel Support commission met on Nov 18. The commission accepted the St. Thomas Joint Needs Assessment Committee Report, declared a Vacancy for an Order of Ministry position of Minister for Nurture, Education & Outreach, affirmed Bob Fillier in his position as Minster for Preaching and Administration, and established a Joint Search Committee. St. Thomas members on that committee will be Marjorie Aucoin, Hope Cochran, Jeff McLean, Mike Orosz, Melinda-Rae Lyse, Elaine Taylor-Kerr, and Mark Wagner. Two Presbytery representatives will be appointed shortly. Hello STUC Carollers! We will be forming a carolling group to sing at Blue Christmas this year. Our rehearsals will be held in the Sunday school room from 6:30 to 7:30pm on Mon. Nov. 24 and Mon. Dec. 1. Blue Christmas is on Sun. Dec. 7 at 4pm. We will get together in the sanctuary to run through music at 3pm.The anthem we will be singing is "One Small Child." If another carolling opportunity comes up, and we are available, we will do that too! A sign-up sheet will be in the Narthex starting on Thursday. During the season of Advent, there is an opportunity to participate in the lighting of the Advent candles and read a few scripted lines. We encourage interested families, couples, or a small group of your choice to sign up on the candle lighting clipboard available in the Narthex or contact Diane French/Linda Miller. Advent begins Nov. 30. st Nov.16- 1 SAC Luncheon: There were about 80 adults and children who attended the hamburger soup, sandwich, and dessert feast after church service on Sunday, Nov. 16. Thanks to all those who helped set this up, prepare food, serve and clean up including: Harold & Loeta Black, Murray & Barbara Lees, Jen & Steve Abar, Jan Campbell, Lori Weller, Carrie-Faye Wong, Elaine & David Gray, Shirley MacGregor, Majid Oloomi-Buygi (new and is from Iran!) Cam Six & Ruthann Watson, Wanda Veer. (Hopefully I haven’t missed anyone). We received $297 in donations with $160 returned to the soup ladies and for deli meats. The leftover contributions will go towards improving the kitchen (the very slow to drain commercial sink renovation would be high on the list for many of us on clean up detail!) Thanks to all who stayed for lunch to make this event very enjoyable. Lori Weller (substituted on Sunday for Wanda Veer) Next SAC Lunch- Dec. 14: HELP! I need someone to host this next SAC lunch to be held following the Children's Christmas Celebration on Sun. Dec. 14. It would be a fun event for all our performers, leaders, and family members. I will be away Nov 30 Dec 13, if I ever get over this flu bug. Barb Cousens and I have an easy menu idea... and with a sign-up sheet for food donations and helpers....the lunch could flow very smoothly. Join the fun in the kitchen!! Wanda Veer St Thomas UCW News: Fair Trade coffee orders will be taken on Nov. 23 & 30. Watch for us in the Narthex. The CHRISTMAS POTLUCK BRUNCH will be held on. All ladies of St Thomas are welcome. Watch for a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Sat. Dec. 6 from 10am - 12pm Parent's Day Out: This year’s Parent's Day Out will be held on Sat. Dec.6 from noon until 4:30pm. This is an opportunity for parents of young children to have FREE child care provided at St. Thomas, as they either shop, run errands, or just enjoy some time to themselves during this busy season. Youth and other adult volunteers will care for the children and there will be a variety of fun activities and games to play! Children can stay for the whole time or just come for an hour or two. We do ask that if you are interested in bringing your child(ren) that you please register through the office so that we can appropriately plan activities. Announcements – a message from the Worship Committee: Any group wishing to convey information through the church bulletin is asked to have their Announcement to the office by the Tuesday prior to the service. Announcements can be sent to Sandra at [email protected]. Thank you for help in the smooth transition of our announcement format. Inn From The Cold: Our next Inn is Nov. 29 and 30 and we are looking for one last person to help with making dinner for the guests. The time commitment is from 5pm till about 8pm and you join the guests for dinner. For more information contact Karen Kavanagh at [email protected] or (403)286-8073. Seniors Secret Santa: Are you looking for a way to make your Christmas something special this year? Would you like to make the holiday season brighter and let someone know that they are cared for? We have an opportunity for you! The Seniors Secret Service identifies seniors that have no close family or friends and matches them with people who are willing to provide them with some special gifts for the holidays. If you are willing to provide some holiday cheer to a senior please contact Karen Kavanagh at (403)286-8073 or [email protected]. Habitat for Humanity: Join us at Sugarplum Lane at Northland Village Mall. We are looking for friendly and outgoing volunteers to serve as Santa's Helpers at Sugarplum Lane, an area for children and families to enjoy fun activities, yummy treats and a visit with Santa. This event is in partnership with Northland Village Mall, and will take place daily from Nov. 29 – Dec. 24. There are two shifts available each day: 11am - 1pm, and 2-4pm, and we are looking for 2-3 volunteers per shift. Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age. Register at or call me and I’ll help you get registered. Melinda-Rae Lyse- (403)926-2787 or [email protected]. Urgent Naramata Centre Appeal: The Centre at Naramata is at a crossroads and has initiated a campaign to raise $500,000 by Nov. 30, 2014, in support of its 2015 operations. If pledges for $500,000 have not been received , the Centre will close its doors for good and we will lose a wonderful resource that has nurtured spiritual growth and provided educational opportunities for so many. Please join members of the Naramata Board for questions and answers, receive a briefing on the Centre’s progress towards a sustainable operating plan, and share in the vision for the future. Sun. Nov. 23 at 7pm. Parkdale United Church 2919-8 Avenue NW. For more information or to pledge support: Urgent Appeal. Contact: Sandy Navrady (403)288-5339 or [email protected], Andrew Taylor-Kerr (403)519-5698 or Elaine Taylor-Kerr (403)959-5576. Knife Collection Project: Have you started collecting your Safeway stamps for our project yet? For every $10 you spend on groceries, you will get one stamp. Put these on a Safeway saver card. When you have completed the card or sooner, please put it into the envelope on the bulletin board in the Narthex (yes, the one that went missing). The Mission and Outreach Committee will be exchanging the stamps for the kitchen knives Safeway is offering. We will decide after Christmas which group of needy folks these will be given to. This project will be very successful if you can begin saving stamps now! Remember, it doesn’t cost us anything and the end result is so appreciated. “My Best Friend’s Closet”: is an organization that provides teenage girls from low-income homes (ages 12-18) with a broad selection of fashionable and functional clothing to meet their back to school and recreational needs. They accept donations of new or very gently worn teen clothing items in ladies sizes XS through plus sizes. Here are some items needed: Jeans, pants, leggings, skirts, athletic wear; T-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, cardigans, sweaters, vests, blouses; shoes and boots (all seasons); accessories (pack sacks, purses, belts, jewellery, scarves, gloves, hats); jackets (all seasons) and winter parkas; toiletries (unopened); brand new undergarments (underwear, bras, socks) and new lace up running shoes (sizes 5-11) are urgently needed. Jennifer Mingo, on behalf of the presbytery wide youth committee, will be collecting donations until Dec. 28. A box will be available in the Narthex. The United Church of Canada calendar is in! If you would like one please call or email the office. They are $5 each to cover shipping costs. If you support the church by PAR, please pick up a PAR donor card on the Worship table, on your way into the Sanctuary. Sign Up for STUC Announcements and E-Letters: Want to know what’s going on? Sign up for announcements by filling out a Communication Card or calling the office at (403)241-0366.
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