Our Lady of Providence Parish Schedule of Services Mass Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:30 PM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 8:00AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Rosary follows 7:30 AM Mass Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment 8866 Pardee Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123 314.843.3570 www.olpstl.org November 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent Our Lady of Providence Stewardship “Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time will come.” - Mark 13:33 OLPSTL.ORG Rectory/Parish Office 314-843-3570 9:00 AM—3:00 PM Monday—Friday Fax: 314-843-8033 Rev. David Rauch-Pastor [email protected] Ext. 13 Marilyn Price, RNParish Nurse [email protected] Ext. 12 Margie Anderson Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 10 John J. Mueller-Bookkeeper Ext. 11 [email protected] We all take things for granted. In particular, we take time for granted. Our lives are so busy, many of us are planning our time - our days, weeks, months, even years in advance. Remember, our time on earth is a gift. None of us knows how long we will be here. Start today and begin thanking God for each and every day. Take time in silence, everyday, and listen to what God is saying to you. 651-9119 Parish Ministry Staff Rev. Mr. David Amelotti-Deacon [email protected] Rita Angeles-11 AM Choir Director [email protected] Eryn Krobath, Youth Music Director [email protected] SAT 12/6 5:00 PM SUN 12/7 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Adkisson Wheadon, T. Eucharistic Ministers Peggy Krupp-PSR Coordinator [email protected] SUN 12/7 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 1st SUN Downey 1st SUN Modde 7:30 AM—3:30 PM Monday—Friday WWW.HOLYCROSS-STL.ORG Laura Clark-Principal [email protected] Coleta Schwartz- Secretary [email protected] Preschool 842-2073 Ext. 214 7:30 AM-6 PM Monday—Friday (on school schedule) Angie Langhauser, Director [email protected] 2,031 Week Total $ 13,064 Month Total $ 42,992 % Monthly Budget Collected 80% Experience the convenience of Online Giving Visit our parish website OLPSTL.ORG and get started today! Amelotti 1st SAT Dobberstein Holy Cross Academy School Office 842-2073 $ Servers SAT 12/6 5:00 PM ______________________ Electronic Giving Lectors René Zajner, Organist & Adult Choir Director [email protected] Tim Lucchesi, Youth Minister [email protected] Office: Seven Holy Founders Campus 314-631-8234 Week Ending 11/16/14 Envelope Collection $ 11,033 Liturgical Schedule Steve Doyle-Maintenance 591-3800 Rich Yates-Maintenance Offertory Collection SAT 12/6 5:00 PM A. Beuligmann; A. Altobella B. SUN 12/7 8:30 AM O. Hoijarvi; S. Hoijarvi 11:00 AM M. Vollmann; J. Vollmann 5:30 PM A. Deposki; I. Harter Saints & Special Observances Sunday: First Sunday of Advent Monday: World AIDS Awareness Day Wednesday: St. Francis Xavier Thursday: St. John Damascene Friday: First Friday Saturday: St. Nicholas; First Saturday The ProLife Committee will be selling Christmas cards this weekend to benefit Birthright. Please stop a er Mass. Lost and Found: If you lost a key or a ring, please call the Rectory. November 30, 2014 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT We begin another Year of Grace. Once more we enter into the season of hope and longing called Advent. We experience is our liturgy the hope and longing of ancient Israel for a Savior. We too look once more for the Prince of Peace to transform our world. We live under a cloud of fear. Ebola, ISIS, a newly combative Russia, a world torn by poverty, disease, vast discrepancies between the minority who have and the majority who have not. Pope Francis keeps reminding us of our responsibilities for our brothers and sisters of any and all religions, nationalities and races. Just as germs can spread across the world more quickly than ever, so does hate, fear, discrimination and nationalism pollute the environment in which we all live. We need a Savior and we need to open our hearts to seek him and find him in our daily lives. The four weeks of Advent pass quickly so we need to make plans to take advantage of the grace of these days. The Advent Wreath is standing in our midst calling us to wait and hope. I hope you will also remember Advent at home, perhaps around the dinner table. A variety of materials are available in the vestibule or you can create your own way to live Advent. Don’t allow the culture to rob you of Advent with consumerism and excess. Don’t forget the poor and needy when you select Christmas gifts. Give as much to the poor as you spend on yourself and your family and see how God blesses you. Allow Jesus to find a welcome in your home. THE GIVING TREE PROGRAM Our annual clothing drive started earlier this year and ends sooner too. Take one or more ornaments from the trees on either side of church and purchase the gift indicated. The Rural Parish Workers indicate various sizes based on the people they serve. Please purchase the item, gift wrap it, put the ornament tag on the outside and place it under the tree no later than Sunday night December 14. We have been participating in this effort for many, many years and it means a lot to the rural poor in the Old Mines area. While ornaments for items for children are most popular, please realize the needs of elderly men and women too. Large size items are really needed and cash donations are also welcome and appreciated. The Rural Parish Workers of Christ the King is a community of laywomen who have been ministering in the Old Mines area for decades. SECOND SIGN OF A DYNAMIC CATHOLIC: STUDY You are invited to attend a meeting on Tuesday night December 2 at 6:30 PM in the Providence Room on the topic of Study as one of the signs of a dynamic Catholic. I will be making a presentation and everyone is invite All parishioners will be receiving a copy of Matthew Kelly’s book for Christmas THE LITTLE BLUE BOOK A book of six minute daily reflections for the Advent and Christmas Seasons is available in the vestibule. Like the similar volumes for Lent and for Easter, it offers reflections connecting the daily gospel reading with everyday Catholic living. It is published by the Diocese of Saginaw and you are invited to take home a copy and use it. We all need times of quiet for prayer and scripture. Our world and our lives are so filled with noise that God can scarcely get in a word edgewise. Why not give God a few minutes during Advent? Use your drive time to pray or find a moment to make a visit to a church or chapel. God doesn’t ask a lot of your time, only a little of your time, all the time. Hear the promises and experience the hopefulness that God gave us in Jesus. Fr. Dave Rauch Monday, December 1 7:30 am Mary LaVerne Burkemper Tuesday, December 2 7:30 am Sr. Ann Roddy, SSND Wednesday, December 3 8:00 am All Souls Thursday, December 4 7:30 am William Childress Friday, December 5 7:30 am Marilyn Winterton Saturday, December 6 5:00 pm Dale Bantle Sunday, December 7 8:30 am People of the Parish 11:00 am Robert Olsen 5:30 pm Betty Sullivan This Week in Our Parish Boot Camp Friendly Visitors Women’s Prayer Group PSR Divine Mercy Chaplet St. Vincent DePaul Adult Volleyball Monday, December 1 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Gym Schneider Duggan Cafeteria Church Duggan Gym Tuesday, December 2 Meetings Friendly Visitors—1st Monday 8 am Green Thumbs—2nd Saturday 9 am John 15 Youth—Thursday 7 pm and Sunday 12:30 pm at Seven Holy Founders Men’s Club—3rd Thursday 7 pm ProLife Committee—3rd Monday 7:30 pm St. Vincent DePaul—2nd & 4th Monday 7 pm Women’s League—2nd Tuesday 7 pm YAA—2nd Thursday 7:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Scheduled on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:00 p.m. or at a Mass by request. No Baptisms are scheduled during Lent. Call the Rectory for arrangements and to schedule the preparation class. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements are to be made through the pastor or a priest at least six months prior to your wedding date. A marriage preparation program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. Sick Calls & Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory to request a hospital visit or for communion to the sick or homebound. If you are in the hospital and want a visit, or your name added to the prayer list, please notify the Rectory. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) For un-baptized or baptized persons interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. Please call 843-3570. The bulletin deadline is each Tuesday at noon. Please submit in writing: [email protected] Quilters Brownies Boy’s basketball Choir Rehearsal Women’s ACTS Team 9:00 AM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Rectory Basement Cafeteria Gym Church Providence Rm. Wednesday, December 3 6:00 AM Gym 3:00 PM Church 6:30 PM Church Thursday, December 4 Boot Camp Children’s Choir Reconciliation Friday, December 5 Boot Camp Church Cleaning Karate Class Girl Scouts 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM Gym Church Providence Cafeteria Saturday, December 6 Cookie Assembly Christmas Cookie Sale 10 AM 6 PM Providence Church Sunday, December 7 Christmas Cookie Sale RCIA Group Eleven O’clock Music Rehearsal Children’s Liturgy of the Word Youth Musicians Rehearsal 9:30 and Noon 9:30 AM 10:15 AM 11:00 AM 3:30 PM Church Providence Church Providence Church Adult Choir Schedule Changes: Thursday, December 18, 7 p.m., Choir Room Tuesday, December 23, 7 p.m.. Choir Room Wednesday, January 7—No Choir Rehearsal Little Lambs playgroup for children aged 3 or younger, and their caregiver will gather on Wednesday, Dec 5 at 9:30 a.m., Annunciation gym. Contact Maggie Mueller 314.395.0787 or [email protected] Jan. 9 Annunciation Jan. 21 St. Michael’s Feb. 6 Annunciation Feb. 17 Our Lady of Providence Mar 6 Annunciation April 10 Annunciation April 21 Our Lady of Providence May 1 Annunciation May 20 St. Michael’s The Lord loves a cheerful giver. May we learn to be generous in giving, free from the love of material possessions. ~ Pope Francis From Marilyn Price, Parish Nurse Prayer Requests In your charity, please remember our brothers and sisters who are sick, receiving medical treatment, in rehab, hospital, or recuperating at home: Paul Berutti Claire Biangardi Kevin Bley Margaret Bogler Ed Bramman Monica Clapper Rosemary Hoops Ed Heigl Nancy Higginbothan Phyllis Kolb David Larson Millie Loyet Ginny Mattingly Bill May Don McSorley Michael Mullins Gordon Neilson Bill Ondr Pat Powell Terry Repp David Rowan Wayne Patton John Sapienza Rosemary Schledorn Mary Schott Philip Schott Jack Seiler Pauline Serra Grace Spanevello Cynthia Van Sluys Michael Wendl Dan Whithaus Carol Winkler Please help us keep our Prayer Requests up-to-date. Contact the Rectory to be added to or removed from our prayer list. Please pray that all our deceased loved ones may know the joy and peace of eternal life, and that their families may be comforted. Baptism Jacob Nicholas Kolaz Son of James and Sarah Kolaz Boy Scout Troop 336 of St. Michael’s Parish is selling Christmas trees at Mackenzie Point Shopping Center Monday Friday 6 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Toy donations will be accepted through December 6 to benefit St. Augustine Outreach in North St. Louis. Winter Heating Help Available The Missouri Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is designed to help pay heating bills for those Missourians in need of assistance now through the month of March. If the head of household and/or spouse are over 60 and/or disabled, the application can be sent beginning October 1, 2014. Eligibility for benefits under this program is limited to households who: are responsible for paying home heating costs, are U.S. citizens; do not have available resources in excess of $3,000; and meet specific income guidelines that vary according to household size. For one person, monthly income cannot exceed $1,312; for two, the limit is $1,769. Call the Community Action Agency of St. Louis County at 314.446.4420 for an application. Cold Related Illnesses The weather has changed so quickly. Just like that, overnight, it became cold. Even though we may s ll have a few warm days, soon winter will be upon us. Here are a few ps to help keep you safe and warm this winter. Frostbite Frostbite takes place when an area of the body exposed to cold actually becomes frozen. Air temperature, the wind and length of exposure determine how severe the frostbite will be. Frostbite can cause loss of fingers, hands, arms, toes, feet and legs. Signs of frostbite include the following: • Lack of feeling in the affected area. Skin that appears waxy is cold to the touch or is discolored (flushed, white, yellow or blue). Care for Frostbite: • • Handle the area gently Never rub the affected area. Rubbing causes further damage to the ssues. • Do not a empt to rewarm the frostbi en area if there is a chance it might refreeze or you are near a medical facility. • If you do warm the area, gently soak it in warm water, not more than 105 degrees Fahrenheit. You may also test the water yourself. If it is uncomfortable to your own touch, it is too hot. • Keep the frostbi en part in the water un l normal color returns and it feels warm. • • Loosely bandage the area with a dry, sterile dressing. If fingers or toes are frostbi en, place co on or gauze between them. • Do not break any blisters. Take precau ons to prevent hypothermia Call 9-1-1 or seek medical help as soon as possible! Hypothermia Hypothermia takes place when the en re body cools because its ability to keep warm fails. The person will die if not given care. The air temperature does not have to be below freezing to develop hypothermia, especially if the person is wet or if it is windy. Some people at risk are the elderly in poorly heated homes, the homeless and young children. Medical condi ons that affect circula on such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease puts a person at risk. Signs of Hypothermia include the following: • • • Shivering Numbness • • Indifference Loss of consciousness Glassy stare Shivering that stops without rewarming is a sign of deteriora on and the need for immediate medical care. Care for Hypothermia: • • • Start by caring for life threatening emergencies. Call 9-1-1. Remove wet clothing and dry the person. Warm the person with warm blankets or dry clothing and move them to a warm place. • Do not warm the person in warm water. Rapid rewarming cause dangerous heart problems. Handle the person gently. 50+ Christmas Party! Thursday, December 4 at 11 a.m. Trattoria Toscana 11686 Gravois For Reservations Call: Marge Terranova 843-5825 Hope to see you there! CHRISTMAS TOY COLLECTION OLP’s collection for needy children will take place on Reach Out weekend of Dec. 67. Our toys will be given to Sts. Teresa & Bridget and they will offer these toys at greatly reduced prices for the people in their service area. New and gently used toys (unwrapped) will be accepted. Toys for school age children are preferred, especially cars, trucks, dolls, games for teenagers, and sports items. Black dolls are preferred but white dolls are always welcome. NO stuffed animals, toy weapons or battery operated toys. Basketballs and footballs are welcome but NO soccer balls. There is also always a need for warm hats, gloves and socks for both children and adults. Thank you for always being so generous! CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE The OLP Women’s League will be selling delicious boxed homemade cookies the weekend of Dec. 6-7. Cost is $5.00 for a 1 lb. box. If you would like to donate cookies, you may drop them off at the Providence Room on Sat., Dec. 6, between 10-12 a.m. or call Lesley Nebuloni at 849-6254 for pickup. Thank you. Christmas Concert! The Shrine of St. Joseph, 1220 N;. 11th Street 63103 is pleased to announce a special Christmas Concert, featuring the United States Air Force “Midwest Winds” Woodwind Quintet. The concert takes place in the Shrine, at 7 pm sharp on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. The doors to the Shrine will open at 6:30 p.m. This holiday concert will feature music appropriate for the season of Christmas, and is free of charge. Anyone is welcome to attend, and no tickets are required. WAY OF LIGHTS Christmas Celebration! The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows will be hosting the Way of Lights from Nov. 21 - Jan. 2 from 5-9 PM. This is a fun family event with many activities. Dear Parishes of Holy Cross Academy – Special thank you to everyone who supported our 3rd annual Legacy Gala! It was a wonderful evening! Thanks in part of your generous support; we were able to honor the religious orders of our past as well as the amazing role models living among us. We would like to congratulate once again our awardees and thank them for their continued efforts to be living examples of the Core Values of Holy Cross Academy. Mrs. Maureen Hamtil and Mrs. Mary Vieth from Our Lady of Providence Parish received the Sisters of Mercy Social Justice Award on behalf of the Reach Out Program. Dr. John James, first Chairman of the Board of Directors of Holy Cross Academy, received the School Sisters of Notre Dame Academic Excellence Award Ms. Jane Corbett, from Saint Michael the Archangel Parish received the Sisters of Providence Faith Formation Award on behalf of the students at Holy Cross Academy. Mr. Ralph Pelikan of Annunciation Parish received the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union Stewardship Award Mr. and Mrs. Barbara and Eugene Murphy from Seven Holy Founders Parish received the Servites & Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph Community Award Thank you for your continued support. The figures are still out, but by all counts so far, the evening raised considerable funds to support the further improvements in our academic programming. Thank you for all you do to support Holy Cross Academy. Sincerely, Dr. Amie Koenen President Cathedral Concert December 13 at 8 p.m. and December 14 at 2:30 p.m. The Tenth Annual Christmas at the Cathedral concert is the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season. The concert includes the Archdiocesan Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, Handbell Choir, and Orchestra all in the sonic splendor of the Cathedral Basilica. Tickets are $24, $39 and $49. The program includes: Excerpts from The Messiah; Silent Night; O Come All Ye Faithful; Hark the Herald Angels Sing; What Child is This? arr. Grant Cochran; Lux Arumque by Eric Whitaker; Oh Holy Night, and more. Birthday Party for Baby Jesus! Where kids learn the true meaning of Christmas! The Annual Birthday Party for Baby Jesus at Pauline Books & Media is Saturday, December 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (free admission) ~ Picture taking with Baby Jesus (costumes provided/bring your own camera, birthday cake, NaƟvity story telling, craŌs and more! Pauline Books and Media 9804 Watson Road 63126. More info? Call 314.965.3512 Our Lady of Providence Parish November 30, 2014 Vendor Night at Women’s League MeeƟng— December 9. We are looking for a few parishioners that would like to sell their cra s or goods at our December mee ng—Tuesday, Dec. 9th. We are hoping to have between 5-10 vendors at this mee ng. The mee ng would run a few hours on that night. Anyone interested, please contact Judy Uxa at 842-4202 or [email protected] Giving Tree to Assist the Rural Workers of Christ the King A tree will be placed in each side aisle before Thanksgiving Day. You are invited to take a paper ornament from the tree and purchase the item written on the ornament. Bring the gift back wrapped with the ornament on the outside. The gifts will be picked up and taken to Old Mines after all the Masses on Sunday, December 14. Thank you for your generosity. Shirley Fasbender (849-9452). SHOPPING LIST Reach Out Weekend December 6 & 7 In addition to their usual food supplies, Sts. Teresa and Bridget Food Pantry is now serving 40-50 homeless clients, and is in need of the following items: Granola Bars Fruit in pull-top containers Individual packs of cheese or peanut butter crackers Bottled water Vienna sausage Potted meat Crackers Usual items: Tuna Peanut butter 16 oz Jelly 16 oz Potted meat Box Cereal Crackers Pasta St. Patrick’s casserole drop off is Saturday, December 6. Canned products: Corn Green beans Chili Ravioli Tomato sauce Pick-up is Thursday, Thursday, December 4 in the OLP cafeteria from 3 - 4 p.m. MISSOURI LIFE CARAVAN is once again organizing buses for the 42nd Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Jan. 21, 22 and 23, 2015. Join us and thousands of others from across the U.S. for this huge pro-life gathering in the nation’s capital. This trip does not involve overnight stays in hotels, we sleep on the buses. For registration and bus information contact: Phone: 314-434-4900, email [email protected]. You can also download our registration form at www.missourilife.org. Registration deadline is Jan. 5, 2015. Advertising here helps your parish www.jspaluch.com & your business. email: [email protected] Call Dan Brady 800.945.6629 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Exceptional Care for Exceptional People ✹ SHORT-TERM REHAB ✹ LONG-TERM CARE TONY ALTOBELLA, Administrator OLP Parishioner 401 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE ✹ CLAYTON, MO 63105 ✹ (314) 725-7447 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 711850 Our Lady of Providence Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Home of the Frozen Fishbowl™ Voted AOL Best Italian Mark & Joan Aiazzi Rooms for Private Parties! On the Hill ◆ Since 1957 4945 Daggert Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 314-772-4900 FAX 314-772-4902 R.A. GUINNER PLUMBING CO. (314) 752-9850 Licensed Bonded Insured Kitchens • Baths • Additions Insurance Repairs • Painting Call for FREE estimate Joseph S. Grimaud, D.D.S. Kitchen/Bath Remodeling and Repair • Sewer Service 8537 Watson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63119 Free Estimates 314.963.2000 314-427-3331 John & Mary Ann Richmond • OLP Since 1982 LUBELEY’S BAKERY & DELI Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Open Tues-Sat 7am-7pm Sun. 8am-1pm 7815 Watson Road Robert J. Lubeley Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 9200 Watson Rd., G-101, St. Louis, MO 63126 961-7160 314-544-3800 / www.cfsstl.org TERRY KRAUSE FRED & BRAD WOLFF MIKE VANOST REPUBLIC ROOFING CO. Residential, Commercial and Institutional IN BUSINESS SINCE 1967 – 314-965-5504 – MEMBER OF: Roofing and Siding Contractors Alliance Inc. RSCA SINAK PLUMBING CO. NEW-REPAIR-REMODEL 1300 SOUTH LACLEDE STATION ROAD (314) 968-1340 Est. 1929 Lic. # p8960 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 100, 200 & 400 AMP Service Upgrades • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Stand By Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 OPEN THE DOOR TO LIFE MORE BRILLIANT Real Estate Consultant 314.359.0576 www.MaryRandant.com Our New Apartment Homes and Villas Are Selling Fast. Call Today! 314-842-6840 OLP Parishioner Since 1993 HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN Plumbing • Electrical • Drywall • Painting Tile • Flooring • General Handyman Work Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 636-529-8200 www.happyprohandyman.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Dane Huxel Auto • Home • Life • Health 9907 Gravois Rd., St. Louis, MO 63123 (1 Mile East of Grant’s Farm) 314-631-1800 www.AskDane.net Affton Heating & A/C Residential Sales & Service For Non State Farm Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 Expert Care for your Entire Wardrobe YORKSHIRE CLEANERS 8080 Watson Rd. 843-1881 We offer pick-up and delivery Mark Bartnett Customers, get a quote and mention this ad, Dane will donate $10.00 314-849-6887 www.afftonheating.com to Our Lady of Providence Covenant Network 1460 AM Supporter 711850 Our Lady of Providence Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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