Fairfax SkillSource – Annandale www.myskillsource.org 7611 Little River Turnpike, 300W, Annandale, VA 22003 Tel. (703) 533 5400 Fax: (703) 241 8413 TDD/TTY 711 Monday - Thursday: 8am - 4:30pm; Friday: 10am - 4:30pm Calendar of Events NOVEM BER 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 7 Resume Critique 10am–12pm WIA Screening 10am-3pm Job Fair 10am-3pm VASAVOR 10am-12pm SNAPET 10am-1pm Interview Preparation: 10am-12pm Goodwill 12-1pm DARS 9am-12pm Ticket to work 9am-3pm ESOL Test 1-3pm FEDERAL Job Search Workshop 10am-12pm Resume Critique 10am-12pm 11 Center Closed Veteran’s Day 12 Goodwill 12-1pm 13 14 DARS 9am-12pm VASAVOR 10am-12pm Ticket to work 9am-3pm SNAPET 10am-1pm BDAG (703) 538 7412 Catholic Charities and Migration Services Eppy Nduhe-Kyanya (703) 533 5746 DARS - Leanne Rerko (Thu) NCOA: 1-3pm 10 PARTNERS FEDEX Hiring 10am-1pm (571) 244 8779/(703) 691 6811 - Ralph Figaro (Fri) (571) 722 8633/(703) 359 1124 FCPS High School Completion Debbie Hill (703) 533 5466 Goodwill Treva Smith - 703 769 3712 [email protected] 17 18 19 20 21 Resume Critique 10am-12pm WIA Screening 10am-3pm ESOL Test 1-3pm VASAVOR 10am-12pm Interview Preparation: Care Advantage Hiring Event 10am-12pm SNAPET 10am-1pm 10am-12pm DARS 9am-12pm Goodwill 12-1pm Ticket to work 9am-3pm NCOA: 1-3pm 24 Resume Critique 10am-12pm 25 NCOA/SCSEP Maggie Mccall (571) 335 4027, Ext 111 SNAPET Lucy Aliaj (703) 324 7659/(571) 238 4194 Ticket to Work Lauren Parker/Claudia Barrios (703) 752 1606/3 343 6392 VASAVOR Kellan Graves (571) 722 3461 WIA Youth Natalie Nguyen 26 27 and 28: Thanksgiving Holiday Center Closed Goodwill 12-1pm (571) 296 0901/(703) 704 6278 ACRONYMS SNAPET 10am- 1pm BDAG: Business Development Assistance Group DARS: Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services ENOVATE: Employing Northern Virginia Through Entrepreneurship FCPS: Fairfax County Public Schools NCOA: National Council on Aging SNAPET: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training VEC: Virginia Employment Commission BDAG Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids & services are available upon request. For information on how to reach this location using public transportation, visit www.fairfaxconnector.com or call (703) 339-‐7200; TTY (703) 339-‐1608 or www.wmata.com (202) 637-‐7000; TTY (202)638 3780. n case of inclement weather, call the Center to verify our office hours. Job Seeker Services & Workshops Webinars on Resume and Interview Skills. Please register at links below. INTERVIEW WORKSHOP WEBINAR Date: 13 November RESUME WORKSHOP WEBINAR Date: 5 November https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/313813409 https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/545772624 Date: 19 November Date: 12 November https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/121209720 https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/547282657 Resume and interview webinars are offered by Employment Specialists of the Fairfax County Department of Family Services. Webinars can be easily accessed online from any location. They contain tips and suggestions to improve your skills. Live instructors are available during the presentations providing with the opportunity to make questions. You may also request a printed guide upon completion. System Requirements for Webinars: PC-based attendees: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP, or 2003 Server; Mac®-based attendees: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer; Mobile attendees: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone, or Android tablet. ENOVATE – Start your own business ENOVATE is designed to help Workforce Investment Act eligible adults and dislocated job seekers start their own business in Northern Virginia. Jobs 4 Vets The SkillSource Group, Inc. offers local veterans individualized career counseling, training, job search assistance, and business development services designed to help build the skills that employers are looking for. Who Qualifies? *Honorably discharged veterans *Veterans who were recently separated from employment (within 48 months) *Veterans with service-connected disabilities, and those facing significant challenges finding employment. For more information contact: Laura Bowles at 703-531-4626 TTY711 or email [email protected] NCOA - National Council on Aging Are you unemployed, need training, and live in Northern Virginia? If you are 55 or older you can refresh your job skills and re-enter the workforce. NCOA trains low-income older adults through their Senior Community Service Employment (SCSEP) Program. You earn an income while you expand your skills through on the job training. Ticket to Work Are you receiving disability cash benefits from Social Security? Do you know that you can work and manage your disability benefits? Find out how! If you are between ages 18 and 64 and receive SSDI and/or SSI, learn about Ticket to Work and other SSA work incentives that make it possible for people with disabilities to work and manage their Social Security benefits, Medicare, or Medicaid. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) The Workforce Investment Act program can assist eligible adults with employment and training services. To learn more about the program, please visit www.myskillsource.org, then click on, ‘For WIA Applicants’, and follow the instructions. To schedule an intake meeting, contact [email protected] , or Tel.703 704 6280.
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