Semiparametric Two-Step Estimation Using Doubly Robust Moment Conditions Christoph Rothe and Sergio Firpo∗ Abstract We study semiparametric two-step estimators based on a moment condition with two nuisance functions, which is such that it still identifies the parameter of interest if either one of these functions is replaced by some arbitrary value. Such semiparametric doubly robust estimators exist in many economic applications, including a wide range of missing data and treatment effect models, partially linear regression models, models for nonparametric policy analysis, and weighted average derivatives. We show that the particular structure of the moment condition automatically removes the largest “second order” terms that otherwise adversely affect the performance of standard estimators. As a result, these estimators have have smaller first order bias and second order variance, and their finite-sample distribution can be approximated more accurately by classical first order asymptotics. These estimators are also remarkably robust with respect to the choice of smoothing parameters. We argue that because of these refinements our estimators are useful in many settings where semiparametric estimation and inference are traditionally believed to be unreliable. JEL Classification: C14, C21, C31, C51 Keywords: Semiparametric estimation, missing data, treatment effects, average derivatives, partial linear model, policy effects, double robustness, higher order asymptotics ∗ First version: December 20, 2012. This version: November 24, 2014. Christoph Rothe, Columbia University, Department of Economics, 420 W 118th St, New York, NY 10027, USA. Email: [email protected]. Sergio Firpo, Escola de Economia de Sao Paulo FGV-SP, R. Itapeva, 474/1215, Sao Paulo-SP, 01332-000, Brasil. E-Mail:[email protected]. We would like to thank Matias Cattaneo, Guido Imbens, Michael Jansson, Marcelo Moreira, Ulrich M¨ uller, Whitney Newey, Cristine Pinto, Elie Tamer and audiences at numerous seminar and conference presentations for their helpful comments; and Bernardo Modenesi for excellent research assistance. Sergio Firpo gratefully acknowledges financial support from CNPq-Brazil. 1 1. Introduction Semiparametric two-step estimators are important tools in several areas of empirical economic research. They typically arise in models where the parameter of interest is identified by a moment condition that contains unknown nuisance functions. The estimator is then obtained by setting a sample analogue of the moment condition as close to zero as possible, with the nuisance functions being replaced by preliminary nonparametric estimates. Un√ der certain restrictions, such semiparametric estimators are n-consistent, asymptotically unbiased and normal, and their asymptotic variance is invariant with respect to the choice of nonparametric estimator (e.g. Newey, 1994). This type of first order asymptotic theory is commonly used to justify a Gaussian approximation to the sampling distribution of the estimator, which in turn is the basis for most classical large sample inference procedures. While convenient, such approximations may be overly optimistic about the minuteness of asymptotically negligible “second order” terms, at least for the sample sizes typically encountered in empirical practice. As a consequence, semiparametric estimators can exhibit substantial bias, and the coverage probability of the corresponding confidence intervals can differ substantially from its nominal value (e.g. Linton, 1995; Robins and Ritov, 1997). The absolute magnitude of second order terms, and thus the accuracy of first order distributional approximations, is known to vary not only with the type of nonparametric estimator being used in the first stage, but also with the structure of the moment condition (e.g. Newey, Hsieh, and Robins, 2004). Indeed, in most semiparametric models there exist many different moment conditions containing different nuisance functions that could in principle all be used to construct an estimator of the same parameter of interest. Even if attention is restricted to moment conditions that lead to an estimator whose first order variance achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound, practitioners can still often choose from several approaches with potentially very different second order properties. This is for 2 instance the case for average treatment effects under unconfoundedness (e.g. Imbens, 2004) or weighted average derivatives (e.g. Stoker, 1991). In this paper, we argue that the class of so-called doubly robust (DR) moment conditions is particularly attractive for the construction of semiparametric two-step estimators. Here we follow the terminology of Robins, Rotnitzky, and van der Laan (2000) and say that a moment condition is DR if it depends on two unknown nuisance functions, but still identifies the parameter of interest if either one of these functions is replaced by some arbitrary value. Moment conditions with this structure exist in many interesting (although by no means all) semiparametric models, and are typically found as efficient influence functions for the respective parameter of interest. Some examples that are particularly relevant in econometrics include missing data and treatment effect models, partially linear regression models, models for nonparametric policy analysis, and weighted average derivatives. We refer to a semiparametric two-stage estimator based on a DR moment condition as a semiparametric doubly robust estimator (SDRE). Our main result is that the special structure of SDREs automatically removes most of largest “second order” terms that otherwise adversely affect the performance of many standard estimators. This is because DR moment conditions are insensitive to variation in the value of the nuisance functions in a particular sense. More specifically, at the true parameter value their kth order functional derivatives with respect to each of the two nuisance functions are zero for any k. As a consequence, SDREs generally have smaller first order bias and second order variance than many standard estimators, and differ less from their asymptotically linear representation. The estimators are thus generally more precise in finite samples, and inference based on first-order asymptotic approximations tends to be more accurate.1 1 The magnitude of this gain varies with the model and the competing estimators under consideration. In the Partially Linear Model, for example, the estimator of the parametric component proposed by Robinson (1988) turns out to be an example of an SDRE, and thus our results obviously imply no improvements 3 Compared to most standard two-step estimators, SDREs require nonparametric estimation of an additional nuisance function. For example, to estimate an average treatment effect under the assumption of unconfoundedness, the SDRE requires estimates of both the regression function and the propensity score, whereas many other estimators can make do with only one of them. However, running an additional nonparametric regression is hardly demanding from a computational point of view these days. Moreover, since our construction removes those second order terms that cause the sensitivity of standard estimators with respect to smoothing parameters, our SDREs turn out remarkably robust with respect to their choice. For example, we show in simulations that when estimating an average treatment effect the properties of an SDRE show hardly any variation over a wide range of smoothing parameters for the the regression function and the propensity score, whereas the bias and variance of other standard estimators like inverse probability weighting are extremely sensitive in this regard. We also show that in settings with moderate dimensionality valid smoothing parameters for SDREs can be estimated from the data in an objective way via cross-validation. In summary, our results suggest that while choosing one smoothing parameter for a standard estimators is generally hard, choosing two smoothing parameters for an SDRE is generally very easy. A further contribution of this paper is an explicit characterization of the second order properties of SDREs when the first stage uses kernel estimation, such as a local linear regression for example. We derive explicit rates at which the remaining second order components of SDREs tend to zero in this case, and approximate their mean and variance. Standard expansions of semiparametric two-step estimators contain “linear” and “quadratic” components that usually give rise to non-trivial and mostly bias related terms whose magnitudes depend on both the smoothness and the dimensionality of the nonparametric component. These are sometimes called “smoothing” and “nonlinearity” bias, respectively (cf. Cattaneo, relative to existing methods in this case; we discuss this point more extensively below. 4 Crump, and Jansson, 2013). DR moments remove those terms, and thus SDREs have a different second-order structure. In settings with moderate dimensionality, SDREs allow for first stage estimates that converge at the optimal nonparametric rate. This can be useful in practice because smoothing parameters that lead to such a rate are relatively easy to estimate from the data via cross-validation, for example. For similar reasons, SDREs can also make do without the use of bias reducing nonparametric estimators, such as those based on higher order kernels. This is practically relevant, as such a reduction in asymptotic smoothing bias often comes at the cost of a substantial increase in finite sample variance (e.g. Marron and Wand, 1992). From a more technical point of view, our results imply that SDREs are √ n-consistent and asymptotically normal under often weaker-than-usual conditions on the accuracy of the first step nonparametric estimates. For example, the familiar requirement that the nonparametric component converges with a rate that is faster than n−1/4 , which is known to be necessary for some estimators, can be relaxed, as the particular structure of DR moments automatically removes the “linear” and “quadratic” terms in a stochastic expansion of the final estimator that otherwise need to be controlled by this assumption. We explicitly show these result for the case that the first stage is estimated using kernel-based smoothers, but we conjecture that a similar argument could also be made with series estimators for example. Our only substantial requirement is that the asymptotic correlation between the two nonparametric estimates and the product of their biases vanishes sufficiently quickly, in a sense which we make precise below. As a final practical advantage, SDREs are also adaptive by construction, in the sense that their first order asymptotic variance does not contain adjustment terms for the nonparametric first step. This means that valid standard errors can be calculated without estimating any further nuisance parameters. When the DR moment is the expectation of an efficient influence function, the asymptotic variance of SDREs also achieves the semiparametric ef5 ficiency bound. However, there is no one-to-one correspondence between semiparametric efficiency and double robustness: the are both SDREs which are not efficient and efficient estimators which are not SDREs. To illustrate the usefulness of our general results, we apply them to the four substantial examples mentioned above: a general missing data model that also covers many popular program evaluation setups, the partially linear regression model, a model for nonparametric policy analysis, and weighted average derivatives. Our theory produces a number of new results for these settings. For example, it shows that in the missing data context the SDRE dominates many popular competitors such as the Inverse Probability Weighting estimator (e.g. Hirano, Imbens, and Ridder, 2003; Ichimura and Linton, 2005) from both a practical and a theoretical point of view. The theory also reproduces some familiar results. For example, it turns out that Robinson’s (1988) famous estimator of the parametric component of a partially linear model is fact an example of an SDRE. In this case, our theory does thus not lead to a new estimator, and thus does not imply any improvement, but might still offer a new perspective on the properties of an existing one. The fact that the standard estimating equation used in the partial linear model is DR also explains why the parametric part can √ be identified and n-estimable even in some settings where the nonparametric part is not identified. Note that since Robinson’s (1988) is a SDRE, our general higher-order results yield conclusions analogous to those of Linton’s (1995) study of that estimator. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the next subsection, we provide a review of the related literature. In Section 2 we introduce the notion of DR moment conditions, give some concrete examples, and describe our estimation procedure. Section 3 gives a general asymptotic normality result. In Section 4, we show how the conditions of this result can be verified in a setting with first stage kernel regressions. Section 5 applies our results to the examples discussed in Section 2. In Section 6, we report the results of a simulation study, which compares the finite sample properties of SDREs to those of 6 classical estimators and some of their variants that are also supposed to deliver some higherorder refinements. Finally, Section 7 concludes. The appendix contains several technical arguments. 1.1. Related Literature. The first order asymptotic properties of semiparametric twostep estimators have been studied extensively by Newey (1994), Newey and McFadden (1994), Andrews (1994), Chen, Linton, and Van Keilegom (2003), Ai and Chen (2003), Chen and Shen (1998) and Ichimura and Lee (2010), among many others. Newey and McFadden (1994) show that with first step kernel estimation, sufficient conditions for the final estimator to be √ n-consistent and asymptotically normal include that the rate of convergence and bias of the nonparametric component must be oP (n−1/4 ) and o(n−1/2 ), respectively. These conditions are also known to be necessary for many, but not all, semiparametric estimators. Since we also use first step kernel estimation when deriving the exact higher-order properties of SDREs in this paper, we use Newey and McFadden’s result as our baseline when commenting on improvements that can be achieved from using SDREs instead of generic semiparametric estimators. In some cases the just-mentioned restrictions on the rate of convergence and the bias can be weakened when using other types of nonparametric first stage estimators and/or a moment condition with a particular structure. Consequently, the relative gains from using SDREs will be smaller in such settings, even though they can still be substantial. Newey (1994) shows that when using an orthogonal series estimator in the first stage a less stringent “small bias” condition suffices for a general class of moment conditions; a result that is extended by Shen et al. (1997), Chen and Shen (1998) and Ai and Chen (2003) to more general classes of sieve estimators. Newey et al. (2004) argue that a similar effect can also be achieved for kernel-based estimators by using a twicing kernel, or by using a moment condition based on an influence function in the corresponding semiparametric problem. Since DR moments 7 (if they exist) are always based on an influence function (Robins and Rotnitzky, 2001), our SDREs benefit from this effect as well; but their advantages go substantially beyond that. Hall and Marron (1987) show that the rate requirement can be weakened by using “leave-oneout” kernel estimators in the special case that the final estimator is a linear kernel average. See also Powell, Stock, and Stoker (1989). Cattaneo et al. (2013) show that a jackknifed version of the weighted average derivative estimator of Stoker (1986) can also make do with a slower rate of convergence. For SDREs, such a result follows from the structure of the moment condition, together with any construction that ensures that the correlation between the two nonparametric components vanishes sufficiently quickly. It is also important to note that some examples of our SDREs have also been used successfully before in some models. As mentioned above, Robinson’s (1988) estimator of the parametric component of a partially linear model is fact such a case. In a treatment effect context, Cattaneo (2010) proposed an estimator that has the structure of an SDRE, but did not prove any theoretical advantages of that approach. The structure of DR moments is explicitly exploited in Belloni, Chernozhukov, Fernandez-Val and Hansen (2014a; 2014b) and Farrell (2014) for treatment evaluation in very high-dimensional setting, where a LASSOtype estimator is used in the first stage. In parametric problems, concerns about the accuracy of first order distributional approximations are often addressed by using the bootstrap, which is able to achieve asymptotic refinements in many settings (e.g. Hall, 1992). Unfortunately, there exist hardly any comparable results for semiparametric estimators in the literature. Although suitably implemented bootstrap procedures are known to be first order valid in semiparametric settings (e.g. Chen et al., 2003), to the best of our knowledge the only paper that establishes an asymptotic refinement is Nishiyama and Robinson (2005), which studies the density-weighted average derivative estimator of Powell et al. (1989); but see Cattaneo, Crump, and Jansson (2014b) for a cautionary tale regarding the robustness of such refinements. 8 An alternative approach to improving inference, which we do not consider in this paper, √ would be to derive “non- n” asymptotic approximations to the distribution of semiparametric two-step estimators. Examples of such a strategy include Robins, Li, Tchetgen, and Van Der Vaart (2008), who consider semiparametric inference in models with very highdimensional functional nuisance parameters, and Cattaneo, Crump, and Jansson (2014a), who study so-called small bandwidth asymptotics for the density-weighted average derivative estimator. Finally, it should also be noted that our SDREs differ substantially from the usual doubly robust procedures used widely in statistics. These estimators employ fully parametric specifications of the two nuisance functions, and the role of the DR property is to ensure consistency of the final estimator if at most one of these specifications is incorrect. See for example Robins, Rotnitzky, and Zhao (1994), Robins and Rotnitzky (1995), Scharfstein, Rotnitzky, and Robins (1999), Robins and Rotnitzky (2001) or Van der Laan and Robins (2003) or van der Laan Mark and Daniel (2006). Wooldridge (2007) and Graham, Pinto, and Egel (2012) discuss applications in econometrics. In this paper we impose no parametric restrictions on nuisance functions when computing our SDREs, as we retain a fully nonparametric first stage. 2. Semiparametric Doubly Robust Estimation 2.1. Model. We consider the problem of estimating a parameter θo , contained in the interior of some compact parameter space Θ ⊂ Rdθ , using an i.i.d. sample {Zi }ni=1 from the distribution of the random vector Z ∈ Rdz . The distribution of Z belongs to some semiparametric model. We assume that one way (of potentially many different ones) to identify θo is through a moment condition containing an infinite dimensional nuisance parameter. That is, we assume that the model is such that there exists a known moment function ψ taking 9 values in Rdψ , with dψ ≥ dθ , which satisfies the following relationship: Ψ(θ, ξ o ) := E(ψ(Z, θ, ξ o )) = 0 if and only if θ = θo . (2.1) Here ξ o ∈ Ξ is an unknown (but identified) nuisance function that might also depend on θo . Semiparametric two-step estimation of θo in this type of moment condition models has been studied extensively by e.g. Newey (1994), Andrews (1994), Chen et al. (2003), and Ichimura and Lee (2010). In most semiparametric models, there exist several moment conditions of the form given in (2.1), and in principle a researcher is free to choose any of them as a basis for constructing a semiparametric estimator of θo . In this paper, we study a class of settings where there exists a moment condition with a particular structure. Specifically, we assume that for some moment of the form in (2.1) the function ξ o can be partitioned as ξ o = (ξ1o , ξ2o ) ∈ Ξ1 × Ξ2 such that Ψ(θ, ξ1o , ξ2 ) = 0 and Ψ(θ, ξ1 , ξ2o ) = 0 if and only if θ = θo (2.2) for all functions ξ1 ∈ Ξ1 and ξ2 ∈ Ξ2 . Following the terminology of Robins et al. (2000), we refer to any functional Ψ that is of the form in (2.1) and satisfies the restriction (2.2) as a doubly robust moment condition for estimating θo , and to the corresponding function ψ as a doubly robust moment function. Such moment functions often coincide with the efficient influence function for estimating θo . Indeed, Robins and Rotnitzky (2001) show that a DR moment function (if it exists) has to be an element of the space of influence functions of the corresponding semiparametric model. Since any influence function for estimating a dθ dimensional parameter takes values in Rdθ by construction, without loss of generality we can focus on exactly identified settings where (2.1) holds with dψ = dθ . 10 2.2. Some Applications. Doubly robust moment functions do not exist in all semiparametric models. To get a sense of the range of applications covered by this structure, we list some specific examples in this section. Note that these examples are all well-known, and that we list them here for the readers’ convenience; and not to imply that we “discovered” the DR property in the respective setting. Example 1 (Missing Data). Suppose that the underlying full data are a sample from the distribution of (Y ∗ , X), and let D be an indicator variable with D = 1 if Y ∗ is observed and D = 0 otherwise. The observed data thus consist of a sample from the distribution of Z = (Y, X, D), where Y = DY ∗ . Also suppose that the parameter θo is the unique solution of the nonlinear moment condition E(m(Y ∗ , X, θ)) = 0, where m(·, θ) is a known function taking values in Rdθ . In order to achieve identification, assume that Y ∗ is missing at random, i.e. D is independent Y ∗ conditional on X or, symbolically, Y ∗ ⊥D|X. This type of setup is the one in which parametric DR estimators are most commonly studied. It covers a number of important special cases, including linear regression models with missing covariates and/or outcome variables (e.g. Scharfstein et al., 1999; Robins and Rotnitzky, 1995; Chen, Hong, and Tarozzi, 2008). The setting also covers a large class of treatment effect models (e.g. Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd, 1998; Hahn, 1998; Hirano et al., 2003; Imbens, 2004; Tan, 2006; Cattaneo, 2010; Belloni et al., 2014a,b; Farrell, 2014). For completeness, we list some concrete examples in Appendix B. Now define ξ1o (x, θ) = E(m(Y, X, θ)|D = 1, X = x); and let ξ2o (x) = E(D|X = x). The latter function is generally called the propensity score, and is assumed to be bounded away from zero. Then ψM D (Z, θ, ξ) = D(m(Y, X, θ) − ξ1 (X, θ)) + ξ1 (X, θ) ξ2 (X) is a doubly robust moment function for estimating θo . Example 2 (Partial Linear Model). Suppose that the data consist of a sample from the 11 distribution of Z = (Y, X, W ), where Y is a scalar outcome variable and both X and W are vectors of explanatory variables. Then a partially linear regression model assumes that Y = ϕo (X) + W ⊤ θo + ε, where ϕo is some smooth unknown function, θo is a vector of parameters, and ε is an unobserved random variable that satisfies E(ε|X, W ) = 0. This model has been extensively studied in the literature (e.g. Robinson, 1988; Donald and Newey, 1994; Linton, 1995; Cattaneo, Jansson, and Newey, 2012) and is commonly used for example to estimate demand curves (e.g. Engle, Granger, Rice, and Weiss, 1986; Hausman and Newey, 1995; Blundell, Duncan, and Pendakur, 1998). Now define ξ1o (x, θ) = E(Y − W ⊤ θ|X = x) and ξ2o (x) = E(W |X = x). Then ψP LM (Z, θ, ξ) = (Y − W ⊤ θ − ξ1 (X, θ))(W − ξ2 (X)) is a doubly robust moment function for estimating θo . Example 3 (Policy Effects). Suppose that the data consist of sample from the distribution of Z = (Y, X), where Y is a scalar dependent variable and X is a vector of continuous explanatory variables with density ξ2o . The problem is to predict the effect of a change in the distribution of X to that of π(X), where π is some known policy function, on the mean of the dependent variable. Under an exogeneity condition, this mean effect is given by θo = E(ξ1o (π(X))), where ξ1o (x) = E(Y |X = x). See e.g. Stock (1989), DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996), Donald, Green, and Paarsch (2000), Gosling, Machin, and Meghir (2000), Machado and Mata (2005) Rothe (2010, 2012), or Chernozhukov, Fern´andez-Val, and Melly (2013) for details and applications. In this context ψP E (Z, θ, ξ) = ξ1 (π(X)) + (Y − ξ1 (X)) ξ2π (X) −θ ξ2 (X) is a doubly robust moment function for estimating θo , where we use the notation that f π is 12 the density of π(X) when X has density f . Example 4 (Weighted Average Derivatives). Suppose that the data consist of sample from the distribution of Z = (Y, X), where Y is a scalar dependent variable and X is a vector of continuously distributed random variables with density function ξ2o . Then the weighted average derivative (WAD) of the regression function ξ1o (x) = E(Y |X = x) is defined as θo = E(w(X)∇x ξ1o (X)), where w is a known scalar weight function. WADs are important for estimating the coefficients in linear single-index models, and as a summary measure of nonparametrically estimated regression functions more generally (e.g. Stoker, 1986; Powell et al., 1989; Stoker, 1991; Newey and Stoker, 1993; Cattaneo et al., 2013, 2014a). In this context ( ) ∇x ξ2 (X) ψW AD (Z, θ, ξ) = w(X)∇x ξ1 (X) − (Y − ξ1 (X)) ∇x w(X) + w(X) −θ ξ2 (X) is a doubly robust moment function for estimating θo . 2.3. Estimator. A semiparametric doubly robust estimator (SDRE) is a two-step estimator of θo that solves a direct sample analogue of the doubly robust moment condition (2.1). Before formally defining the estimator, we introduce a final bit of structure. We assume that for all ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 ) ∈ Ξ1 × Ξ2 and each g ∈ {1, 2} there exists a tg -vector ζg = (ζg1 , . . . , ζgtg ) ∈ ℵg of functions such that ψ(Z, θ, ξ1 , ξ2 ) depends on ξg through ζg (Ug ) only, where Ug is a subvector of Z. All the examples we mentioned above are of this form. We write ζgo for the element of ℵg corresponding to ξgo . With U denoting the union of distinct elements of U1 and U2 , we write ζ(U ) = (ζ1 (U1 ), ζ2 (U2 )) and, with some abuse of notation, we also put ψ(Z, θ, ξ1 , ξ2 ) = ψ(Z, θ, ζ1 (U1 ), ζ2 (U2 )) and Ψ(θ, ζ1 , ζ2 ) = E(ψ(Z, θ, ζ1 (U1 ), ζ2 (U2 ))). Note that the DR property of Ψ is clearly preserved with this notation since Ψ(θ, ζ1o , ζ2 ) = 0 and Ψ(θ, ζ1 , ζ2o ) = 0 if and only if θ = θo for all functions ζ1 ∈ ℵ1 and ζ2 ∈ ℵ2 . The main ad13 vantage of this notation is that in cases where the moment condition depends on a nuisance function in two conceptually different ways, say through both its level and its derivative at a certain point, we can accommodate this by using two different nonparametric estimators. This flexibility is particularly useful for our Example 4 given above. With this notation, we define the SDRE θb of θo as the value of θ which solves the equation ∑ b ≡ 1 b i )) = 0, Ψn (θ, ζ) ψ(Zi , θ, ζ(U n i=1 n (2.3) where ζb = (ζb1 , ζb2 ) is a suitable nonparametric estimate of ζ o = (ζ1o , ζ2o ). We also define the b following quantities, which will be important for estimating the asymptotic variance of θ: ∑ b ζ(U b i )) b= 1 H ∇θ ψ(Zi , θ, n i=1 n ∑ b ζ(U b i ))ψ(Zi , θ, b ζ(U b i ))⊤ . b= 1 Ω ψ(Zi , θ, n i=1 n Here ∇θ is the usual partial derivatives operator, and its use implicitly indicates that the corresponding partial derivatives are assumed to exist. 3. Asymptotic Properties under General Conditions In this paper, we argue that SDREs have highly desirable properties relative to many standard semiparametric procedures even though they require the estimation of several nonparametric components.2 To keep the theoretical arguments simple, we focus on the case where both the population and the sample version of the DR moment condition depend smoothly on the nonparametric component. This assumption could be weakened to allow for a non2 The DR property (2.2) implies that knowledge of either nuisance function suffices for identification of θo . In principle, one could thus always construct semiparametric estimators of θo that only requires estimating one of them, and holds the other fixed at some arbitrary known value. 14 smooth sample moment condition if an appropriate amount of smoothness is imposed on its population version instead (cf. Chen et al., 2003; Ichimura and Lee, 2010). Such an approach would require additional technical arguments that are unrelated to the main point of this paper, and thus is not pursued here.3 Also, recall from above that our focus on exactly identified moment conditions is without loss of generality, as DR are moments are always exactly identified by construction. To motivate why should have desirable properties, suppose that θb is consistent, and note √ b o that under certain smoothness conditions expanding equation (2.3) and solving for n(θ−θ ) gives √ n(θb − θo ) = − ( n 1∑ b i )) ∇θ ψ(Zi , θ∗ , ζ(U n i=1 )−1 1 ∑ b i )), √ ψ(Zi , θo , ζ(U n i=1 n (3.1) for θ∗ between θb and θo . Standard uniform convergence arguments and the consistency of θb ∑ P b i ))/n → and ζb imply that ni=1 ∇θ ψ(Zi , θ∗ , ζ(U E(∇θ ψ(Z, θo , ζ o (U ))) ≡ H for the Jacobian ∑ b i ))/√n is term in (3.1). Showing asymptotic normality of the score term ni=1 ψ(Zi , θo , ζ(U more problematic. The arguments commonly used for this step in the literature require, b In particular, one generally among other things, certain restrictions on the accuracy of ζ. needs that ∥ζb − ζ o ∥∞ = oP (n−1/4 ). If ζb is made up of kernel-based estimators it is also typically necessary that its bias is of the order o(n−1/2 ). For other types of nonparametric estimators, such as orthogonal series, a less stringent “small bias” condition generally suffices (cf. Newey and McFadden, 1994; Newey, 1994). Using a DR moment condition allows us to obtain an asymptotic normality result for the score term under relatively weak accuracy conditions. The result does not rely on the use of a particular nonparametric estimator in the first stage, but is a consequence of the geometry 3 We are also not aware of an example of a non-smooth DR moment condition, although it is certainly conceivable that there may exists one. 15 of the moment condition. To show this, we first to introduce the notion of a functional derivative of Ψn and Ψ in the nonparametric component. To that end, let λ = (λ1 , λ2 ) be a function such that ζo + tλ ∈ ℵ for all t ∈ R with |t| sufficiently small, and define the derivative operators (k) Γ1,n (λ) = ∂tk Ψn (θo , ζ1o + tλ1 , ζ2o )|t=0 , (k) Γ2,n (λ) = ∂tk Ψn (θo , ζ1o , ζ2o + tλ2 )|t=0 , and Γ12,n (λ) = ∂t1 ,t2 Ψn (θo , ζ1o + t1 λ1 , ζ2o + t2 λ2 )|t1 =0,t2 =0 for k = 1, 2. Note that in all three expressions Ψn is evaluated at the true parameter θo . With b − Ψn (θo , ζ o ) this notation, we can define a second-order “Taylor approximation” of Ψn (θo , ζ) as follows: ∑ Ψ2n (ζb − ζ o ) ≡ ∑ (k) Γ1,n (ζb − ζ o ) + (k) Γ2,n (ζb − ζ o ) + Γ12,n (ζb − ζ o ). k=1,2 k=1,2 Next, we introduce the population counterparts of the derivative operators given above: (k) Γ1 (λ) = ∂tk Ψ(θo , ζ1o + tλ1 , ζ2o )|t=0 , (k) Γ2 (λ) = ∂tk Ψ(θo , ζ1o , ζ2o + tλ2 )|t=0 , and Γ12 (λ) = ∂t1 ,t2 Ψ(θo , ζ1o + t1 λ1 , ζ2o + t2 λ2 )|t1 =0,t2 =0 ; b − Ψ(θo , ζ o ) by and define a second-order “Taylor approximation” of Ψ(θo , ζ) Ψ2 (ζb − ζ o ) ≡ ∑ k=1,2 ∑ Γ1 (ζb − ζ o ) + (k) Γ2 (ζb − ζ o ) + Γ12 (ζb − ζ o ). (k) k=1,2 Note that the “mixed partial derivative” Γ12 in this expansion can also be written as a weighted integral of the pairwise products of estimation errors from estimating the various 16 components of ζ1o and ζ2o , i.e. Γ12 (ζb − ζ o ) = t1 ∑ t2 ∫ ∑ o o ωs¯s (u)(ζb1s (u1 ) − ζ1s (u1 ))(ζb2¯s (u2 ) − ζ2¯ s (u2 ))dFU (u1 , u2 ), (3.2) s=1 s¯=1 o o o (U ) ∂ζ o (U ) ψ(Zi , θ , ζ (U ))|U = u). Now the important point is that where ωs¯s (u) = E(∂ζ1s 1 2 2¯ s due to the DR property the functionals ζ1 7→ Ψ(θo , ζ1 , ζ2o ) and ζ2 7→ Ψ(θo , ζ1o , ζ2 ) are both constant, and thus the corresponding functional derivatives of Ψ are equal to zero: Γ(k) g (λ) = 0 for g = 1, 2 and k = 1, 2, . . . (3.3) This property implies that DR moment conditions are relatively insensitive with respect to variation in the nuisance functions, which is central for the following result. Theorem 1. Suppose that (i) the DR moment function ψ(z, θ, ζ(u)) is three times continuously differentiable with respect to ζ(u), with derivatives that are uniformly bounded; (ii) ∥ζb−ζ o ∥3∞ = oP (n−1/2 ); (iii) Ψ2n (ζb−ζ o )−Ψ2 (ζb−ζ o ) = oP (n−1/2 ); (iv) Γ12 (ζb−ζ o ) = oP (n−1/2 ). Then 1 ∑ d b i )) → √ ψ(Zi , θo , ζ(U N (0, Ω), n i=1 n where Ω = Var(ψ(Z, θo , ζ o (U ))). b = Ψn (θo , ζ o )+Ψ2 (ζ−ζ b o )+oP (n−1/2 ), whereas Proof. Assumption (i)–(ii) imply that Ψn (θo , ζ) n (iii)–(iv) together with (3.3) imply that Ψ2n (ζb − ζ o ) = oP (n−1/2 ). The result then follows from the Central Limit Theorem. Theorem 1 is intentionally stated in a way similar to the famous Lemma 5.3 in Newey (1994). Its conclusion follows almost immediately from its “high-level” assumptions, and thus the important issue is how those assumptions can be verified. Assumption (i) is a convenient smoothness condition that is satisfied in all examples that we considered above. It ensures 17 that the sample moment condition satisfies a quadratic expansion with well-behaved cubic remainder in its nonparametric component. This assumption could be weakened to allow for a non-smooth sample moment condition if an appropriate amount of smoothness is imposed on its population version instead (cf. Chen et al., 2003; Ichimura and Lee, 2010). Such an approach would require additional technical arguments that are unrelated to the main point of this paper, and thus is not pursued here. Assumption (ii) weakens the usually required uniform rate of consistency for the nonparametric first stage from oP (n−1/4 ) to oP (n−1/6 ). Assumption (iii) is what is called a stochastic equicontinuity condition in the semiparametrics literature (e.g. Newey, 1994). This condition can typically either be verified by using general results from empirical process theory, or through direct calculations. For example, when ζb is a kernel-based estimator such a result follows from a project result for U-Statistics as in Newey and McFadden (1994); and with an orthogonal series estimator one can proceed as in Newey (1994). Assumption (iv) is the most critical component of the result, and is not trivial when the rate of the nonparametric component is only oP (n−1/6 ). By equation (3.2), the term Γ12 (ζb − ζ o ) is a weighted integral of the pairwise products of the nonparametric estimation errors of the respective components. The assumption is thus implied by a “small bias” and a “small covariance” condition on the bias terms and the purely stochastic parts of the estimators, respectively.4 In all the examples we considered above, a “small covariance” condition can be established by exploiting the particular structure of the nuisance functions (this is formally shown in Section 5), but in general this condition could also always be achieved through an appropriate construction of the nonparametric estimator (we discuss this in Section 4). 4 We would like to stress that it is not true that the use of a series estimator instead of a kernel-based one would automatically ensure these two conditions. As we discussed in the introduction, only the “small bias” property automatically holds when using a series estimator (e.g. Newey, 1994). This is also true for any semiparametric two-step estimator based on an influence function, whether or not that function is doubly robust (e.g. Newey et al., 2004). 18 We complete this section by giving a formal result that establishes asymptotic normality of θb under certain standard conditions on the Jacobian term in (3.1). p Theorem 2. Suppose θb → θo , the conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied, and (i) there exists α > 0 and an open neighborhood N (θo ) of θo such that supθ∈N (θo ) ∥∇θ ψ(Z, θ, ζ(U )) − ∇θ ψ(Z, θ, ζ o (U ))∥ ≤ b(z)∥ζ − ζ o ∥α ; (iii) H = E(∇θ ψ(Z, θo , ζ o (U ))) has full rank. Then √ b d P b −1 Ω bH b −1 → n(θ − θo ) → N (0, H −1 ΩH −1 ), and H H −1 ΩH −1 . Proof. Follows from standard arguments (e.g. Newey, 1994) b Theorem 2 shows that the asymptotic variance In addition to asymptotic normality of θ, of an SDRE is of the usual sandwich form, and establishes consistency of a simple sample analogue variance estimator. Taken together, these results can be used to justify various large sample inference procedures, such as e.g. the construction of confidence regions for θo . The theorem also shows that SDREs are adaptive, in the sense that their asymptotic variance does not contain an adjustment term for the use of first-step nonparametric estimates. This is a property SDREs share with all semiparametric estimators that take the form of a sample analogue of an influence function in the corresponding model (e.g. Newey, 1994). It also implies that SDREs are semiparametrically efficient if the DR moment condition is based on the respective efficient influence function. This is the case for several of the examples that we listed above. 4. Asymptotic Properties with First-Step Kernel Regressions In this section, we show how the conditions of Theorem 1 can be verified under weak assumptions on the primitives of the model when using a specific nonparametric estimation procedure. Here we consider kernel-based smoothers, which are popular first-stage estimators for semiparametric two-step procedures. We also focus on a setting where the nuisance 19 functions are two conditional expectations; that is ζgo (xg ) = E(Yg |Xg = xg ) for g ∈ {1, 2}, where Yg ∈ R, Xg ∈ Rdg and (Y1 , Y2 , X1 , X2 ) is a random subvector of Z that might have duplicate elements. Note that our Examples 1 and 2 are essentially of this structure. In our Examples 3 and 4, where one of the nuisance functions is a density, one can proceed similarly. We consider estimating ζgo by “leave-one-out” local polynomial regression of order lg using bandwidth hg . This class of kernel-based smoothers has been studied extensively by e.g. Fan (1993), Ruppert and Wand (1994) or Fan and Gijbels (1996). It is well-known to have attractive bias properties relative to the Nadaraya-Watson estimator, for example. The local polynomial estimator is formally defined as follows. For a vector b = (b1 , . . . , bdg ), let Plg ,α (b) = ∑ ∑ s 0≤|s|≤lg αs b be a polynomial of order lg . Here 0≤|s|≤l denotes the summation over all dg -vectors s of positive integers with 0 ≤ |s| ≤ lg , and α = (α(0,...,0) , α(1,0,...,0) , . . . , α(0,...,0,lg ) ). ∏ Also let K be a density function on R, put Khg (b) = dj=1 K(bj /hg )/hg , and define α bg−i (b) = argmin α ∑( )2 Ygj − Plg ,α (Xgj − b) Khg (Xgj − b). j̸=i With this notation, the estimate ζbg (Ugi ) of ζgo (Ugi ) is given by −i ζbg (Ugi ) = α bg,(0,...,0) (Ugi ). Under suitable regularity conditions (see e.g. Masry, 1996, or Appendix A) these estimates 20 are uniformly consistent, and satisfy max |ζbg (Ugi ) − ζgo (Ugi )| = O(hlgg +1 ) + OP ((nhdgg / log n)−1/2 ) i=1,...,n (4.1) for g ∈ {1, 2}, where the two terms on the right-hand side of the previous equation correspond to the bias and stochastic part of the respective estimator. For our theoretical analysis below, we are also going to require that the model and the nonparametric estimators are such that ∫ ω(u)(ζb1 (u1 ) − ζ1o (u1 ))(ζb2 (u2 ) − ζ2o (u2 ))dFU (u1 , u2 ) = oP (n−1/2 ) (4.2) for any smooth weighting function ω. Roughly speaking, this condition follows from a “small bias” and a “small covariance” condition on the bias terms and the purely stochastic parts of the estimators, respectively. It turns out that in all the applications that we consider in this paper such a “small covariance” condition follows naturally from the structure of the nuisance functions. In general, however, this property does not seem to be by implied the double robustness of the moment condition alone, and thus for the general setup in this section some further conditions are needed.5 One trivial way to ensure that the estimates ζb1 and ζb2 are asymptotically uncorrelated would be to split the data into two parts at random, and to calculate each estimator on a different one of them. Of course, sample splitting is not very attractive from a practical point of view, and we do not mean to recommend this technique;6 but it would work for theoretical purposes here. An alternative approach is to make a formal assumptions about structure of the nuisance function. For example, for the purpose of this section, the following condition suffices. 5 We would like to stress that it is not true that the use of a series estimator instead of a kernel-based one would automatically ensure a condition like (4.2). Using a series estimator merely ensures a “small bias” condition (e.g. Newey, 1994). 6 That said, the idea has been found useful in other contexts for applied economic research (e.g. Angrist and Krueger, 1995; Card, Mas, and Rothstein, 2008). 21 Assumption 1. The functions ζ1o and ζ2o are such that E((Y1 − ζ1o (X1 )) · (Y2 − ζ2o (X2 ))|X) = 0, (4.3) where X denotes the union of distinct elements of X1 and X2 . We do not consider this assumption to be restrictive, in the sense that we do not know of an example of a DR moment function with two conditional expectations as nuisance functions where (4.3) does not hold; and even if such a setting existed the assumption could be removed when the construction of ζb1 and ζb2 is modified appropriately as discussed above.7 We introduce the following further assumptions for our asymptotic analysis. Assumption 2. (i) The doubly robust moment function ψ(z, θ, ζ(u)) is three times continuously differentiable with respect to ζ(u), with derivatives that are uniformly bounded; p (ii) θb → θo ; (iii) there exists α > 0 and an open neighborhood N (θo ) of θo such that supθ∈N (θo ) ∥∇θ ψ(Z, θ, ζ(U )) − ∇θ ψ(Z, θ, ζ o (U ))∥ ≤ b(z)∥ζ − ζ o ∥α ; (iv) the matrix H = E(∇θ ψ(Z, θo , ζ o (U ))) has full rank. Assumption 2 restates the conditions of Theorem 1 and 2 that do not involve the nonparametric estimates of the nuisance functions. ∫ Assumption 3. (i) The kernel K is twice continuously differentiable; (ii) K(u)du = 1; ∫ ∫ (iii) uK(u)du = 0; (iv) |u2 K(u)|du < ∞; and (v) K(u) = 0 for u not contained in some compact set, say [−1, 1]. Assumption 3 describes a standard kernel function. The support restrictions on K could be weakened to allow for kernels with unbounded support at the expense of a more involved notation. 7 It is easy to see that Assumption 1 is satisfied in our Examples 1 and 2. In our Examples 3 and 4, where only one of the nuisance functions is a conditional expectation and the other is a density, a suitable analogue of (4.2) holds without imposing a structure like (4.3). 22 Assumption 4. The following holds for g ∈ {1, 2}: (i) Ug is continuously distributed with compact support S(Ug ); (ii) Xg is continuously distributed with support S(Xg ) ⊇ S(Ug ); (iii) the corresponding density functions are bounded, have bounded first order derivatives, and are bounded away from zero uniformly over S(Ug ); (iv) the function ξgo is (lg + 1) times continuously differentiable; (v) supu∈S(Ug ) E(|Yg |c |Xg = u) < ∞ for some constant c > 2 This assumption collects a number smoothness and regularity conditions that are standard in the context of nonparametric regression. 2(l1 +1) 2(l2 +1) h2 Assumption 5. (i) nh1 6(l1 +1) → 0; (ii) nh1 6(l2 +1) → 0; (iii) nh2 → 0; (iv) 3 2 3d2 3 1 n2 h3d 1 / log(n) → ∞; and (v) n h2 / log(n) → ∞. Assumption 5 imposes restrictions on the rate at which the bandwidths h1 and h2 tend to zero that depend on the number of derivatives of the unknown regression functions and the dimension of the corresponding covariates. These restrictions are substantially weaker than those commonly found in the literature on semiparametric two-step estimation; see the discussion below. Using these assumptions, we can now prove the asymptotic normality of θb by verifying the conditions of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2. Theorem 3. Suppose that Assumption 1–5 hold. Then √ d P b −1 Ω bH b −1 → n(θb − θo ) → N (0, H −1 ΩH −1 ) and H H −1 ΩH −1 . Proof. See the Appendix. Theorem 3 differs from other asymptotic normality results for semiparametric two-step estimators (e.g. Newey, 1994; Newey and McFadden, 1994; Chen et al., 2003; Ichimura and Lee, 2010), because it only imposes relatively weak conditions on the accuracy of the nonparametric first stage estimates. The bandwidth restrictions in Assumption 5 allow the 23 smoothing bias from estimating either ζ1o or ζ2o to be of the order o(n−1/6 ) as long as the product of the two bias terms is of the order o(n−1/2 ). They also only require the respective stochastic parts to be of the order oP (n−1/6 ); see (4.1). These conditions should be contrasted with those needed for generic kernel-based semiparametric two-step estimator. By this we mean estimators for which the conditions from Newey and McFadden (1994) that the first stage nonparametric estimation error and bias are of the order oP (n−1/4 ) and o(n−1/2 ), respectively, are necessary. The weaker accuracy conditions on first-stage estimates mean that SDREs can be asymptotically normal under less stringent smoothness conditions on the nuisance functions. For example, it is easily verified that if d1 ≤ 5 and d2 ≤ 5, there exist bandwidths h1 and h2 such that Assumption 5 is satisfied even if l1 = l2 = 1. For a generic kernel-based semiparametric two-step estimator that uses an estimate of, say, ζ1o to be asymptotically normal one typically cannot allow for l1 = 1 if d1 > 1. Less stringent smoothness conditions allow for the use of lower order local polynomials in the first stage. This is very important in empirical practice: while higher order local polynomial regression leads to estimates with small asymptotic bias, it is also well-known to have poor finite sample properties (Seifert and Gasser, 1996). In lower dimensional settings the range of bandwidths that is permitted by Assumption 5 includes the values that minimize the Integrated Mean Squared Error (IMSE) for estimating ζ1o and ζ2o , respectively. This is generally not the case for a generic kernel-based semiparametric two-step estimator. While these bandwidths do not have any optimality properties for estimating θo , they have the practical advantage that they can be estimated from the data via least-squares cross validation. For many SDREs, there thus exist a simple data-driven bandwidth selection method that does not rely on preliminary estimates of the nonparametric component.8 8 Note that while our result formally do not allow for data-dependent bandwidths, such an extension could be obtained using arguments similar to those in e.g. Einmahl and Mason (2005). See also Escanciano, Jacho-Ch´avez, and Lewbel (2014). 24 Given our specific first-stage estimator, we can actually improve the result in Theorem 3 b To simplify and derive a more explicit characterization of the higher-order properties of θ. the exposition, we only state such a result for the case that the arguments of ζ1o and ζ2o have the same dimension, that is d1 = d2 ≡ d, and that the same bandwidth and order of the local polynomial are used to estimate these two functions, that is l1 = l2 ≡ l and h1 = h2 ≡ h. Similar results could be established in more general settings. Theorem 4. Suppose Assumption 1–5 hold, and assume for notational simplicity that d1 = d2 ≡ d, h1 = h2 ≡ h and l1 = l2 ≡ l. Then 1 ∑ −1 H ψ(Zi , θo , ζ o (Ui )) + Rn + oP (Rn ), θb − θo = n i=1 n (4.4) for some Rn such that (i) Rn = OP (h2(l+1) ) + OP (n−1 h−d/2 ), and (ii) E(Rn ) = O(h2(l+1) ) and Var(Rn ) = O(n−2 h−d ). Proof. See the Appendix. Theorem 4(i) shows that the difference between our SDRE and its linear representation is of the order OP (h2(l+1) ) + OP (n−1 h−d/2 ). The magnitudes of these two terms correspond b respectively. to those of the squared bias and h−d/2 times the (pointwise) variance of ζ, The bandwidth h∗ that minimizes the sum of these two terms satisfies h∗ ∝ n−2/(4(l+1)+d) , and with this choice of bandwidth equation (4.4) holds with Rn = OP (n−4(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ). This is an improvement over generic kernel-based semiparametric two-step estimators, whose linear representation is generally only accurate up to terms of order OP (hl+1 ) + OP (n−1 h−d ). See Ichimura and Linton (2005) or Cattaneo et al. (2013) for such calculations. A result analogous to (4.4) could thus at best be obtained with Rn = OP (n−(l+1)/(l+1+d) ) for those estimators. For the simple case with d = l = 1, for example, a generic semiparametric two-step estimator would thus differs from its linear representation by a term that is at least 25 of the order OP (n−2/3 ), whereas for our SDREs the difference can be of an order as small as OP (n−8/9 ). As a consequence, we can expect standard Gaussian approximations based on linear representations like (4.4) to be more accurate in finite samples for our SDREs. Theorem 4(ii) gives the first two moments of the largest second-order terms in the expansion (4.4). It is common practice to use such quantities to approximate the first-order bias and second-order variance of a semiparametric two-step estimator (Linton, 1995). Theorem 4(ii) thus implies that the asymptotic mean squared error (MSE) of θb satisfies b ≈ n−1 H −1 ΩH −1 + O(n−2 h−d ) + O(h4(l+1) ), M SE(θ) which is minimized by choosing a bandwidth h∗ with h∗ ∝ n−2/(4(l+1)+d) . In this case, the second-order component of the asymptotic MSE is of the order O(n−4(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ). For the simple case that d = l = 1, this term is of the order O(n−16/9 ) for example. On the other hand, in general both leading terms in an analogous expansion of a generic semiparametric two-step estimator have non-zero means (Ichimura and Linton, 2005; Cattaneo et al., 2013), and thus there is no tradeoff between first-order bias and second-order variance in this case. For such an estimator the second-order component of the asymptotic mean squared error is generally only of the order O(h2(l+1) + n−1 h−d ). For the simple case that d = l = 1, this term is of the order O(n−4/3 ) at best. This shows that using an SDRE should lead to a sizable reduction in asymptotic mean squared error relative to a generic estimator with the same asymptotic variance. 5. Applications In this section, we revisit the examples introduced in Section 2 above; and study the properties of the SDRE of the respective parameter of interest. The assumptions and conclusions are very similar in structure to our generic results in Section 3, and thus we keep the discus26 sion relatively brief. 5.1. Missing Data. In this subsection, we study an SDRE of the parameter θo in the Missing Data model described in Example 1. Let ζ1o (x, θ) = E(m(Y, X, θ)|D = 1, X = x) and ζ2o (x) = E(D|X = x), and recall that in this setting ψM D (Z, θ, ζ(X)) = D(m(Y, X, θ) − ζ1 (X, θ)) + ζ1 (X, θ) − θ ζ2 (X) o o o is a DR moment function for estimating θo . Also write ψM D (Z) = ψM D (Z, θ , ζ (X)). The data consist of an i.i.d. sample {Zi }ni=1 = {(Yi , Xi , Di )}ni=1 from the distribution of Z = (Y, X, D). We estimate the two nuisance functions ζ1o and ζ2o by “leave-one-out” local polynomial regression, using the same order of the local polynomial l and bandwidth h in both cases to simplify the exposition. That is, using notation analogous to that introduced in Section 3, we define α b−i (x, θ) = argmin α ∑ (m(Yj , Xj , θ) − Pl,α (Xj − x))2 Kh (Xj − x)I{Dj = 1}, j̸=i βb−i (x) = argmin β ∑ (Dj − Pl,β (Xj − x))2 Kh (Xj − x), j̸=i and put −i −i ζb1 (Xi , θ) = α b(0,...,0) (Xi , θ) and ζb2 (Xi ) = β(0,...,0) (Xi ). The estimator θb is then defined as the value of θ that solves the following equation: 1∑ n i=1 n ( Di (m(Yi , Xi , θ) − ζb1 (Xi , θ)) b + ζ1 (Xi , θ) ζb2 (Xi ) ) = 0. We derive the properties of this estimator under the following assumptions. Assumption MD 1. (i) E(m(Y ∗ , X, θo )) = 0 and E(m(Y ∗ , X, θ)) ̸= 0 for all θ ∈ Θ ⊂ Rdθ , 27 with Θ a compact set and θo ∈ int(Θ), (ii) there exists a non-negative function b such that |m(Y ∗ , X, θ)| < b(Y ∗ , X) with probability 1 for all θ ∈ Θ, and E(b(Y ∗ , X)) < ∞, (iii) m(Y ∗ , X, θ) is continuous on Θ and continuously differentiable in an open neighborhood of θo , (iv) E(∥m(Y ∗ , X, θo )∥2 ) < ∞ and, (v) supθ∈Θ E(∥∂θ m(Y ∗ , X, θ)∥) < ∞. Assumption MD 2. (i) X is continuously distributed both unconditionally and conditional on D = 1, with compact support S(X) and S(X|D = 1), respectively; (ii) the corresponding density functions are bounded, have bounded first order derivatives, and are bounded away from zero, uniformly over S(X) and S(X|D = 1), respectively; (iii) ζ2o (x) is (l + 1)-times continuously differentiable; (iv) ζ1o (x, θ) is (l + 1)-times continuously differentiable in x for all θ ∈ Θ, and supx∈S(X|D=1) E(∥m(Y, X, θo )∥c |D = 1, X = x) < ∞ for some constant c > 2. Assumption MD 3. nh4(l+1) → 0 and n2 h3d / log(n)3 → ∞ as n → ∞. Assumption MD 1 is a set of regularity condition that ensures that a standard Method-of√ Moments estimator of θo would be n-consistent and asymptotically normal in the absence of missing data. Assumption MD 2–MD 3 are similar to Assumption 4–5 above. Under these conditions, we obtain the following proposition. Proposition 1. Suppose that Assumption 3 and Assumption MD 1–MD 3 hold. Then P θb → θo and √ d o o ⊤ −1 n(θb − θo ) → N (0, H −1 E(ψM ). D (Z)ψM D (Z) )H Moreover, if h ∝ n−2/(4(l+1)+d) , then 1 ∑ −1 o θb − θo = H ψM D (Zi ) + Rn + oP (Rn ) n i=1 n for some Rn such that Rn = OP (n−4(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ) and E(Rn2 ) = O(n−8(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ); and the matrix H is given by H = E(∇θ m(Y ∗ , X, θo )). 28 Proof. See the Appendix. The statement of the proposition is analogous to that of Theorems 3–4 above, and can be shown using the same type of arguments (one only needs to realize that the MAR assumption implies the orthogonality condition (4.3)). Note that the asymptotic variance of θb coincides with the semiparametric efficiency bound for estimating θo in this model, which was derived by Robins et al. (1994); see also Hahn (1998) and Chen et al. (2008) for related results. Being an efficient estimator with desirable second order properties, the SDRE has clear advantages relative to other efficient estimators that are commonly used in such settings, such as Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) estimators (e.g. Hirano et al., 2003; Firpo, 2007), whose kernelbased version is an example of an estimator for which Newey and McFadden’s sufficient conditions are also necessary (cf. Ichimura and Linton, 2005). Note that in a closely related model Cattaneo (2010) proposed an estimator that has the same structure as our SDRE, but did not formally show favorable properties of this approach relative to other estimators. Explicit use of the structure of DR moments is made Belloni, Chernozhukov, Fernandez-Val and Hansen (2014a; 2014b) and Farrell (2014) in the context of treatment evaluation in very high-dimensional settings with a first stage LASSO-type estimator. Remark 1. Using a linear smoother to estimate the propensity score can be undesirable in practice, as the estimates are not constrained to be between zero and one. One way to address this problem is to use a local polynomial Probit estimator instead. That is, one could redefine βb−i (x) = argmax β ∑ (Dj log(Φ(Pl,β (Xj − x))) j̸=i + (1 − Dj ) log(1 − Φ(Pl,β (Xj − x))))Kh (Xj − x), −i where Φ is the CDF of the standard normal distribution, and let ζb2 (Xi ) = Φ(β(0,...,0) (Xi )). A 29 local Logit estimator could be defined similarly. This change would not affect the result of our asymptotic analysis, the local polynomial Probit estimator and the usual local polynomial estimator have Bahadur expansions that share a common structure. This can be shown by combining argument in e.g. Fan, Heckman, and Wand (1995), Hall, Wolff, and Yao (1999) or Gozalo and Linton (2000) with those in Kong, Linton, and Xia (2010). 5.2. Partial Linear Model. In this subsection, we study an SDRE of the parameter θo in the Partial Linear Model described in Example 2. Let ζ1o (x, θ) = E(Y − W ⊤ θ|X = x) and ζ2o (x) = E(W |X = x); and recall that in this setting ψP LM (Z, θ, ζ(X)) = (Y − W ⊤ θ − ζ1 (X, θ))(W − ζ2 (X)) − θ is a DR moment function for estimating θo . We also write ψPo LM (Z) = ψP LM (Z, θo , ζ o (X)). The data consist of an i.i.d. sample {Zi }ni=1 = {(Yi , Xi , Wi )}ni=1 from the distribution of Z = (Y, X, W ). We estimate the two nuisance functions ζ1o and ζ2o by “leave-one-out” local polynomial regression, using the same order of the local polynomial l and bandwidth h in both cases for notational simplicity. Since local polynomial regression is a linear smoothing procedure, these estimates can be obtained by first defining α b−i (x) = argmin α βb−i (x) = argmin β ∑ (Yj − Pl,α (Xj − x))2 Kh (Xj − x), j̸=i ∑ (Wj − Pl,β (Xj − x))2 Kh (Xj − x), j̸=i and then putting −i −i ζb1 (Xi , θ) = α b(0,...,0) (Xi ) − βb(0,...,0) (Xi )⊤ θ 30 −i and ζb2 = βb(0,...,0) (Xi ). The estimator θb is then defined as the value of θ that solves the following equation: 1∑ (Yi − Wi⊤ θ − ζb1 (Xi , θ))(Wi − ζb2 (Xi )) = 0. n i=1 n It is easily seen that an explicit expression for θb is given by θb = ( n ∑ )−1 (Wi − ζb2 (Xi ))(Wi − ζb2 (Xi ))⊤ i=1 n ∑ −i (Wi − ζb2 (Xi ))(Yi − α b(0,...,0) (Xi )). i=1 Note that θb is identical (up to trimming terms) to the estimator proposed by Robinson (1988). We study its theoretical properties under the following assumptions. Assumption PLM 1. H = E((W − ζ2o (X))(W − ζ2o (X))⊤ ) is positive definite. Assumption PLM 2. (i) X is continuously distributed with compact support S(X), and the corresponding density function is bounded, has bounded first order derivatives, and is bounded away from zero uniformly over S(Z); (ii) the functions ϕo (x) and ζ2o (x) are both (l + 1)-times continuously differentiable; (iii) supx∈S(X) E(|W |c |X = x) < ∞ and supx∈S(X) E(|ε|c |X = x) < ∞ for some constant c > 4. Assumption PLM 3. nh4(l+1) → 0 and n2 h3d / log(n)3 → ∞ as n → ∞. Assumption PLM 1 is a full rank condition that ensures point identification of θo . Assumption PLM 2–PLM 3 are similar to Assumption 4–5 above. Under these conditions, we obtain the following proposition. Proposition 2. Suppose that Assumption 3 and Assumption PLM 1–PLM 3 hold. Then P θb → θo and √ d n(θb − θo ) → N (0, H −1 E(ψPo LM (Z)ψPo LM (Z)⊤ )H −1 ). 31 Moreover, if h ∝ n−2/(4(l+1)+d) , then 1 ∑ −1 o H ψP LM (Zi ) + Rn + oP (Rn ) θb − θo = n i=1 n for some Rn such that Rn = OP (n−4(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ) and E(Rn2 ) = O(n−8(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ). Proof. See the Appendix. The statement of the proposition is essentially analogous to that of Theorems 3–4 above. Note that this result is similar to those obtained by Linton (1995) and Li (1996), who also studied the higher-order properties of the Robinson estimator. By establishing a connection to DR moment conditions, we show that the desirable properties of this estimator are not a coincidence, but follow from the fact that it is an example of an SDRE. 5.3. Policy Effects. In this subsection, we study an SDRE of the Policy Effect parameter o o θo described in Example 3. Let ζ11 (x) = E(Y |X = x) and ζ12 (x) = E(Y |X = π(x)), and o o denote the densities of X and π(X) by ζ21 (x) and ζ22 (x), respectively. With this notation, we have that ψP E (Z, θ, ζ(X)) = ζ12 (X) + (Yi − ζ11 (X)) ζ22 (X) −θ ζ21 (X) is a DR moment function for estimating θo . We also write ψPo E (Z) = ψP E (Z, θo , ζ o (X)). The data consist of an i.i.d. sample {Zi }ni=1 = {(Yi , Xi )}ni=1 from the distribution of Z = (Y, X). We again estimate the two components of ζ1o by a “leave-one-out” local polynomial regression of order l with bandwidth h. That is, we define α b−i (x) = argmin α ∑ (Yj − Pl,α (Xj − x))2 Kh (Xj − x), j̸=i 32 and put −i −i ζb11 (Xi ) = α b(0,...,0) (Xi ) and ζb12 (Xi ) = α b(0,...,0) (π(Xi )). To estimate the two components of ζ2o , we use standard “leave-one-out” kernel density estimators with bandwidth h, allowing a kernel function of order l + 1 for the purpose of bias control. That is, with K∗ a symmetric function on R whose exact properties are stated ∏ below, and Kh∗ (b) = dj=1 K∗ (bj /h)/h, we define 1∑ ∗ 1∑ ∗ ζb21 (Xi ) = Kh (Xj − Xi ) and ζb22 (Xi ) = K (π(Xj ) − Xi ). n j̸=i n j̸=i h With this notation, our estimator of θo is then given by: ( ) n ∑ b22 (Xi ) ζ 1 ζb12 (Xi ) + (Yi − ζb11 (Xi )) θb = . n i=1 ζb21 (Xi ) We study the theoretical properties of this estimator under the following assumptions. ∫ Assumption PE 1. (i) K∗ is twice continuously differentiable; (ii) K∗ (u)du = 1; (iii) ∫ k ∗ ∫ u K (u)du = 0 for k = 1, . . . , l + 1; (iv) |u2 K∗ (u)|du < ∞; and (v) K∗ (u) = 0 for u not contained in some compact set, say [−1, 1]. Assumption PE 2. (i) X and π(X) are continuously distributed with compact support o S(X) and S(π(X)) ⊂ S(X), respectively; (ii) the corresponding density functions ζ21 (x) o and ζ22 (x) are bounded, l + 1 times continuously differentiable, and bounded away from o zero uniformly over S(X) and S(π(X)), respectively; (iii) the function ζ11 (x) is l + 1 times continuously differentiable, and supx∈S(π(X)) E(|Y |c |X = x) < ∞ for some constant c > 2. Assumption PE 3. nh4(l+1) → 0 and n2 h3d / log(n)3 → ∞ as n → ∞. Assumption PE 1 describes a kernel function of order l + 1, which is used to control the asymptotic bias of the two density estimates. Note that such a kernel function must take on 33 negative values. Assumption PE 2–PE 3 are again similar to Assumption 4–5 above. Under these conditions, we obtain the following proposition. Proposition 3. Suppose that Assumption 3 and Assumption PE 1–PE 3 hold. Then P θb → θo and √ n(θb − θo ) → N (0, E(ψPo E (Z)2 )). d Moreover, if h ∝ n−2/(4(l+1)+d) , then 1∑ o θb − θo = ψ (Zi ) + Rn + oP (Rn ) n i=1 P E n for some Rn such that Rn = OP (n−4(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ) and E(Rn2 ) = O(n−8(l+1)/(4(l+1)+d) ). Proof. See the Appendix. The statement of the proposition is again essentially analogous to that of Theorems 3–4 above even though only one of the nuisance functions is a conditional expectation. This is because the ratio ζb22 (Xi )/ζb21 (Xi ) satisfies a stochastic expansion that has the same structure as that of ζb11 (Xi ); and thus the proof follows from the same type of arguments. 5.4. Weighted Average Derivatives. In this subsection, we study an SDRE of the o Weighted Average Derivative θo described in Example 4. Let ζ11 (x) = E(Y |X = x), denote o the density of X by ζ21 (x), and define the vectors of partial derivatives of those two functions o o o o as ζ12 (x) ≡ ∇x ζ11 (x) and ζ22 (x) ≡ ∇x ζ21 (x), respectively. With this notation, we have that ( ζ22 (X) ψW AD (Z, θ, ζ(X)) = w(X)ζ12 (X) − (Y − ζ11 (X)) ∇x w(X) + w(X) ζ21 (X) ) −θ o o o is a DR moment function for estimating θo . We also write ψW AD (Z) = ψW AD (Z, θ , ζ (X)). The data consist of an i.i.d. sample {Zi }ni=1 = {(Yi , Xi )}ni=1 from the distribution of Z = 34 (Y, X). Note that the need to estimate derivatives distinguishes this application from the other ones considered in this section. We address this issue by using standard derivative estimators of conditional expectations and densities. Moreover, we allow using different smoothing parameters for estimating levels and derivatives of a function. Specifically, we o o estimate ζ11 and ζ12 by “leave-one-out” local polynomial regression of order l1 and l2 with bandwidth h1 and h2 , respectively. That is, we define α bg−i (x) = argmin α ∑( )2 Yj − Plg ,α (Xj − x) Khg (Xj − x). j̸=i for g = 1, 2, and put ( )⊤ −i −i −i b b ζ11 (Xi ) = α b1,(0,...,0) (Xi ) and ζ12 (Xi ) = α b2,(1,0,...,0) (Xi ), . . . , α b2,(0,...,0,1) (Xi ) . o Note that ζ12 is estimated by the slope coefficients of a local polynomial approximation, o whereas ζ11 is estimated by the intercept as usual. o To estimate the density function ζ21 , we proceed as we did in the Policy Effects example, and use a “leave-one-out” kernel density estimator with bandwidth h1 and a kernel of order o l1 + 1. A natural approach to estimate the density derivative ζ22 is to take the derivative of a “leave-one-out” kernel density estimator with bandwidth h2 and a kernel of order l2 + 1. That is, we put 1∑ 1∑ ∗ Kh1 (Xj − Xi ) and ζb22 (Xi ) = ∇x Kh∗2 (π(Xj ) − x)x=Xi . ζb21 (Xi ) = n j̸=i n j̸=i o o for s ∈ {1, 2} for notational simplicity and ζ2s Note that we use same ls and hs to estimate ζ1s 35 only. With this notation, our estimator of θo is given by: ( ( )) n ∑ b22 (Xi ) 1 ζ w(Xi )ζb12 (Xi ) − (Yi − ζb11 (Xi )) ∇x w(Xi ) + w(Xi ) θb = . n i=1 ζb21 (Xi ) We study the theoretical properties of this estimator under the following assumptions. ∫ Assumption WAD 1. (i) K∗ is twice continuously differentiable; (ii) K∗ (u)du = 1; (iii) ∫ k ∗ ∫ u K (u)du = 0 for k = 1, . . . , l2 + 1; (iv) |u2 K∗ (u)|du < ∞; and (v) K∗ (u) = 0 for u not contained in some compact set, say [−1, 1]. Assumption WAD 2. (i) w is bounded and has bounded and continuous first order derivatives, and S(w) ≡ {x ∈ Rd : w(x) > 0} is a compact set; (ii) X is continuously distributed, and the corresponding density function is bounded, has bounded and continuous derivatives up to order max{l1 , l2 } + 1, and is bounded away from zero uniformly over o S(w); (iii) ζ11 (x) has bounded and continuous derivatives up to order max{l1 , l2 } + 1, and supx∈S(w) E(|Y |c |X = x) < ∞ for some constant c > 2. 2(l1 +1) 2(l2 +1) h2 Assumption WAD 3. (i) nh1 6(l1 +1) → 0; (ii) nh1 6(l2 +1) → 0; (iii) nh2 → 0; (iv) 3 2 6d+12 n2 h3d / log(n)3 → ∞. 1 / log(n) → ∞; and (v) n h2 Assumption WAD 1 describes a kernel function of order l2 + 1, Assumption WAD 2 is a standard smoothness condition similar to Assumption 4. To understand Assumption WAD 3, o note that these restrictions on the bandwidths ensure that maxi=1,...,n |ζbgj (Xi ) − ζgj (Xi )| = op (n−1/6 ) for g ∈ {1, 2} and j ∈ {1, 2}; and that the product of the smoothing biases from o and ζgo′ j ′ is o(n−1/2 ) for g ̸= g ′ . estimating ζgj Proposition 4. Suppose that Assumption 3 and Assumption WAD 1–WAD 3 hold. Then P θb → θo and √ ⊤ o o n(θb − θo ) → N (0, E(ψW AD (Z)ψW AD (Z) )). d 36 Moreover, if l1 = l2 ≡ l, h1 ∝ h2 ≡ h and h ∝ n−2/(4l+d+8) , then 1∑ o ψ (Zi ) + Rn + oP (Rn ) θb − θo = n i=1 W AD n for some Rn such that Rn = OP (n−4(l+1)/(4l+d+8) ) and E(Rn2 ) = O(n−8(l+1)/(4l+d+8) ). Proof. See the Appendix. Note that the asymptotic variance of θb coincides with the semiparametric efficiency bound for estimating θo in this model, which was derived by Newey and Stoker (1993). Even though the estimator θb involves the estimation of four unknown functions, the proposition shows that it has attractive properties relative to other efficient estimators proposed in the literature. For example, the bandwidth restrictions in Assumption WAD 3 are weaker than those needed for the various efficient estimators discussed in Stoker (1991), and also weaker than those use by Cattaneo et al. (2013) for their jackknife bias corrected estimator. 6. Simulations In this section, we study the finite sample properties of SDREs through a Monte Carlo experiment, and compare them to those of other semiparametric two-step estimators. Our main finding is SDREs are very robust with respect to the bandwidth choice, and that therefore finding reasonable values for the smoothing parameters is a much easier task for SDREs than for many standard estimators, even though SDREs generally require choosing multiple bandwidths. We consider a simple missing data model that is a special case of the more general setting presented in Example 1 and Section 5.1 above. Specifically, we consider the case that the function m(·, θ) is of the form m(Y ∗ , X, θ) = Y ∗ − θ, so that the parameter of interest θo simply equals the mean of Y ∗ . In our simulations, the covariate X is scalar and uniformly 37 distributed on the interval [0, 1]. The outcome variable Y ∗ is normally distributed with mean ξ1o (X) = 1/(1 + 16 · X 2 ) and variance .5. The indicator D for a complete observation is generated as a Bernoulli random variable with mean ξ2o (X) = 1 − .8 · ξ1o (X). With these choices, we have that θo = E(Y ∗ ) ≈ .331, and that the semiparametric variance bound for estimating this parameter is V ∗ ≈ .188. We consider the sample size n = 500, and set the number of replications to 5,000. To investigate the robustness of the properties of our SDRE with respect to the construction of the first stage, we consider this estimator with three different nonparametric first stage estimators and a variety of different smoothing parameters. Specifically, we consider estimators of the form θbDR−s 1∑ = n i=1 n ( ) Di (Yi − ξb1 (Xi )) b + ξ1 (Xi ) ξb2 (Xi ) with s ∈ {K, OS, SP }. Here θbDR−K is the kernel based estimator described in Section 5.1, which uses a and a standard “leave-one-out” local linear estimator with bandwidth h1 ∈ {.05, .08, . . . , .5} for the conditional expectation ξ1o ; and a “leave-one-out” local linear logit estimator with bandwidth h2 ∈ {.05, .08, . . . , .5} for the propensity score ξ2o (we use a Gaussian kernel in both instances). By θbDR−OS we denote an orthogonal series based SDRE, which uses a linear series regression with a standard polynomial basis and h1 ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 11} terms to estimate conditional expectation function; and a series logit estimator using the same set of basis functions and h2 ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 11} terms to estimate the propensity score. Finally, we consider a spline based SDRE θbDR−SP , which uses cubic smoothing splines with smoothing parameters h1 , h2 ∈ {.5, .55, . . . , 1.25} for the conditional expectation function and the propensity score, respectively.9 For all combinations of nonparametric estimators 9 To give a point of reference, note that the smoothing parameters for estimating the conditional expectation function and the propensity score, respectively, that would be obtained by minimizing a least-squares cross-validation criterion are roughly equal for these two functions, and take a numerical value of about .1 for kernel estimation, 3 for series estimation, and 1 for splines. 38 and smoothing parameters, we also compute nominal (1−α) confidence intervals of the usual form [ ] CIs1−α = θbDR−s ± Φ−1 (1 − α/2)(Vbs /n)1/2 where Φ−1 (α) the α quantile of the standard normal distribution and 1∑ Vbs = n i=1 n ( Di (Yi − ξb1 (Xi )) b + ξ1 (Xi ) − θbDR−s b ξ2 (Xi ) )2 an estimate of the asymptotic variance, for s ∈ {K, OS, SP }. For our simulations, we consider α = .05. [TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE] In Table 1 we report the Mean Squared Error (MSE), absolute bias (BIAS) and variance (VAR) for the various implementations of our SDRE for a subset of smoothing parameters that we considered. We scale these quantities by appropriate transformations of the sample size to make them more easily comparable to the predictions from asymptotic theory. Our results show that uniformly over all implementations our SDRE is essentially unbiased, and its variance is very close to the efficiency bound V ∗ ≈ .188. Correspondingly, the MSEs are also very similar to their theoretically predicted value V ∗ . We also compute the empirical coverage probability of confidence intervals, and find that these are very close to the nominal level .95. We interpret these results as strong evidence that first order asymptotic theory provides a reliable approximation to the finite sample distribution of our SDREs, and that this approximation is robust with respect to the construction of the first stage nonparametric estimator. The last point covers both the general type of nonparametric procedure (kernel, series, splines) and the choice of smoothing parameters. 39 To put these results into perspective, we also study the performance of a number of other semiparametric two-stage estimators that are not based on a DR moment condition. To begin with, we consider inverse probability weighting (IPW) and conditional expectation projection (CEP) type estimators using the same range of nonparametric first step procedures and smoothing parameters as for our SDREs above. That is, we consider the estimators 1 ∑ Di Yi θbIP W −s = n i=1 ξb2 (Xi ) n 1 ∑b θbCEP −s = ξ1 (Xi ), n i=1 n and with s ∈ {K, OS, SP }, and the corresponding nominal (1 − α) confidence intervals. See Hirano et al. (2003) or Ichimura and Linton (2005) for theoretical results on IPW estimation; and Imbens, Newey, and Ridder (2007) or Chen et al. (2008) for results on CEP estimators. In addition to these procedures, we also consider two modifications of the kernel-based estimators. First, we consider estimators θbIP W −T K and θbCEP −T K that are obtained in the same way as the ordinary kernel-based IPW and CEP estimator, respectively, except for using a Gaussian twicing kernel instead of a regular one (Newey et al., 2004). Second, we consider bootstrap bias corrected versions of the two kernel-based estimators, a procedure that was recently proposed by Cattaneo and Jansson (2014). Specifically, the estimators θbIP W −BS and θbCEP −BS are obtained in three steps. First one computes and ordinary kernel-based IPW or CEP estimator, except for not using a “leave-one-out” procedure in the nonparametric stage. Second, a bootstrap distribution is created by re-computing the estimator on i.i.d. draws of size n from the empirical distribution function of the data, and centering at the original estimate. Third, the mean of the bootstrap distribution is taken as an estimate of the bias, and subtracted from the original estimator. Cattaneo and Jansson (2014) argue that this procedure should remove the “nonlinearity bias” for a wide range of semiparametric estimators. Following Cattaneo and Jansson (2014), we also consider bootstrap based confidence intervals for θo calculated using the usual percentile method. Note that the calculation of 40 these intervals does not involve estimating the asymptotic variance, and thus do not depend on a second smoothing parameter. [TABLE 2 ABOUT HERE] [TABLE 3 ABOUT HERE] The results of our simulations are given in Table 2 for IPW estimators, and Table 3 for CEP estimators. They show that the properties of these estimators can vary substantially over the various nonparametric first stage procedures we consider, and thus inference is generally a lot less robust relative to the SDRE. For example, the kernel-based IPW estimator θbIP W −K is strongly biased for most values of the bandwidth. Its finite sample variance is well above the asymptotic variance for all bandwidth values, and at h2 = .05 it exceeds the theoretical prediction by almost 70% . In consequence, the coverage properties of the corresponding confidence intervals tend to be poor. We also illustrate this point in Figure 1 by plotting the MSE, bias and variance of θbIP W −K against the results for the kernel-based DR estimator θbDR−K . Turning to the remaining estimators, we find that using a twicing kernel does not lead to a substantial improvements. Our results show some minor bias reduction but also a large increase in variance relative to the kernel-based IPW.10 Bootstrap bias correction is effective at reducing the bias for small values of the smoothing parameter, but tends to increase it for larger bandwidth values. This bias correction also tends to increase the finite sample variance of the estimator, but bootstrap-based confidence intervals work well for small and moderate values of the smoothing parameter. The orthogonal series estimator does very well in our study in terms of bias, which is small except for the implementation using a single series term. Still, its variance exceeds the predicted one by roughly 20%. 10 The the CEP and IPW estimators based on twicing kernels also produce a number of substantial outliers, which we removed for the calculations of our summary statistics. Specifically, we discarded all realizations which differed from the median over all simulations runs by more than four times the interquartile range (we proceeded like this with all estimators to keep the results compareable). 41 n x MSE n x VARIANCE 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.10 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.20 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.4 0.30 0.4 0.5 n x BIAS 0.1 0.2 0.3 Bandwidth for Propensity Score 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 Bandwidth for Propensity Score 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Bandwidth for Propensity Score Figure 1: Simulation results: MSE, absolute bias and variance of θbIP W −K for various values of h2 (bold solid line), compared to results for θbDR−K with bandwidth h1 equal to .05 (short-dashed line), .08 (dotted line), .13 (dot-dashed line), .2 (long dashed line), .32 (long dashed dotted line), and .5 (thin solid line). Finally, the spline based estimator’s bias also depends heavily on the smoothing parameter, whereas its variance’s properties are similar to those of the series-based one. Table 3 shows that CEP type estimator generally perform somewhat better than IPW estimators in this setting. Variances are relatively close to the efficiency bound over all nonparametric first stage procedures that we consider. Still, the bias of the kernel, twicing kernel, and bootstrapcorrected kernel estimators all vary strongly with the smoothing parameter. 42 7. Concluding Remarks In this paper, we have explored the possibility of constructing semiparametric two-step estimators from a doubly robust moment condition. We have shown that this generally leads to robust procedures with desirable second order properties. While such estimators do not exist in all semiparametric models, they are available in a wide range of settings that are relevant in econometrics; and sometimes provide substantial improvements over existing approaches. A. Proofs of Main Results In this appendix, we give the proofs of Theorem 3–4 and Proposition 1–4. We give a detailed account of our argument in the case of Theorem 3. The proofs of the remaining results are very similar in structure, and are thus only sketched. We begin by stating two auxiliary results about the rate of convergence of U -Statistics and a certain expansion of the local polynomial estimator that are used repeatedly in our proofs. A.1. Rates of Convergence of U-Statistics. For a real-valued function φn (x1 , . . . , xk ) and an i.i.d. sample {Xi }ni=1 of size n > k, the term Un = (n − k)! ∑ φn (Xs1 , . . . , Xsk ) n! s∈S(n,k) is called a kth order U-statistic with kernel function φn , where the summation is over the set S(n, k) of all n!/(n − k)! permutations (s1 , . . . , sk ) of size k of the elements of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}. Without loss of generality, the kernel function φn can be assumed to be sym- 43 metric in its k arguments. In this case, the U-statistic has the equivalent representation ( )−1 ∑ n Un = φn (Xs1 , . . . , Xsk ), k s∈C(n,k) where the summation is over the set C(n, k) of all (n ) k combinations (s1 , . . . , sk ) of k of the elements of the set {1, 2, . . . , n} such that s1 < . . . < sk . For a symmetric kernel function φn and 1 ≤ c ≤ k, we also define the quantities φn,c (x1 , . . . , xc ) = E(φn (x1 , . . . , xc , Xc+1 , . . . , Xk ) and ρn,c = Var(φn,c (X1 , . . . , Xc ))1/2 . If ρn,c = 0 for all c ≤ c∗ , we say that the kernel function φn is c∗ th order degenerate. With this notation, we give the following result about the rate of convergence of a kth order U-statistic with a kernel function that potentially depends on the sample size n. Lemma 1. Suppose that Un is a kth order U-statistic with symmetric, possibly sample size dependent kernel function φn , and that ρn,k < ∞. Then ) ( k ∑ ρn,c . Un − E(Un ) = OP nc/2 c=1 In particular, if the kernel φn is c∗ th order degenerate, then ( Un = OP k ∑ ρn,c nc/2 c=c∗ +1 ) . Proof. The result follows from explicitly calculating the variance of Un (see e.g. Van der Vaart, 1998), and an application of Chebyscheff’s inequality. 44 A.2. Stochastic Expansion of the Local Polynomial Estimator. Our proofs use a particular stochastic expansion of the local polynomial regression estimators ζbg . This is a minor variation of results given in e.g. Masry (1996) or Kong et al. (2010). We require the ( g −1) be the number of distinct following notation. For any s ∈ {0, 1, . . . , lg } let ns = s+d dg −1 dg -tuples u with |u| = s. Arrange these dg -tuples as a sequence in a lexicographical order with the highest priority given to the last position, so that (0, . . . , 0, s) is the first element in the sequence and (s, 0, . . . , 0) the last element. Let τs denote this 1-to-1 mapping, i.e. τs (1) = (0, . . . , 0, s), . . . , τs (ns ) = (s, 0, . . . , 0). For each s ∈ {0, 1, . . . , lg } we also define a ns × 1 vector wgj,s (u) with its kth element given by ((Xgj − u)/hg )τs (k) . Finally, we put wgj (u) = (1, wgj,1 (u)⊤ , . . . , wgj,lg (u)⊤ )⊤ 1∑ Mgn (u) = wgj (u)wgj (u)⊤ Khg (Xgj − u), n j̸=i n Ngn (u) = E(wgj (u)wgj (u)⊤ Khg (Xgj − u)), ηgn,j (u) = wgj (u)wgj (u)⊤ Khg (Xgj − u) − E(wgj (u)wgj (u)⊤ Khg (Xgj − u)). To better understand this notation, note that for the simple case that lg = 0, i.e. when ζbg is the Nadaraya-Watson estimator, we have that wgj (u) = 1, that the term Mgn (u) = ∑ n−1 ni=1 Khg (Xgi − u) is the usual Rosenblatt-Parzen density estimator, that Ngn (u) = E(Khg (Xgi − u)) is its expectation, and that ηgn,i (u) = Khg (Xgi − u) − E(Khg (Xgi − u)) is −d a mean zero stochastic term with variance of the order O(hg g ). Also note that with this notation we can write the estimator ζbg (Ugi ) as ζbg (Ugi ) = 1 ∑ ⊤ e Mgn (Ugi )−1 wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )Ygj , n − 1 j̸=i 1 45 where e1 denotes the (1 + lg dg )-vector whose first component is equal to one and whose remaining components are equal to zero. We also introduce the following quantities: −1 o o Bgn (Ugi ) = e⊤ 1 Ngn (Ugi ) E(wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )(ζ1 (Xgj ) − ζ1 (Ugi ))|Ugi ) 1∑ ⊤ Sgn (Ugi ) = e Ngn (Ugi )−1 wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj n j̸=i 1 ( ) ∑ ∑ 1 1 Rgn (Ugi ) = e⊤ ηgn,l (Ugi ) Ngn (Ugi )−2 wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj 1 n j̸=i n l̸=i We refer to these three terms as the bias, and the first- and second-order stochastic terms, respectively. Here εgj = Ygj −ξ1o (Xgj ) is the nonparametric regression residual, which satisfies E(εgj |Xgj ) = 0 by construction. To get an intuition for the behavior of the two stochastic terms, it is again instructive to consider simple case that lg = 0, for which ∑ 1 Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj and nf¯gn (Ugi ) j̸=i ) ( ∑ 1 1∑ ¯ Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj (K (X − U ) − f (U )) Rgn (Ugi ) = ¯ hg gl gi gn gi nfgn (Ugi )2 n l̸=i j̸=i Sgn (Ugi ) = with E(Khg (Xgj − u)) = f¯gn (u). With this notation, we obtain the following result. Lemma 2. Under Assumptions 3–4, the following statements hold for g ∈ {1, 2}: (i) For uneven lg ≥ 1 the bias Bgn satisfies max |Bgn (Ugi )| = OP (hglg +1 ), i∈{1,...,n} and the first- and second-order stochastic terms satisfy max |Sgn (Ugi )| = OP ((nhdgg / log n)−1/2 ) and i∈{1,...,n} 46 max |Rgn (Ugi )| = OP ((nhdgg / log n)−1 ). i∈{1,...,n} (ii) For any lg ≥ 0, we have that max |ζbg (Ugi ) − ζgo (Ugi ) − Bgn (Ugi ) − Sgn (Ugi ) − Rgn (Ugi )| = OP ((nhdgg / log n)−3/2 ). i∈{1,...,n} (iii) For ∥ · ∥ a matrix norm, we have that max ∥n−1 i∈{1,...,n} ∑ ηgn,j (Ugi )∥ = OP ((nhdgg / log n)−1/2 ). j̸=i Proof. Follows from well-known arguments as in e.g. Masry (1996) or Kong et al. (2010). A.3. Proof of Theorem 3. Having stated the auxillary results, we can now turn to the actual proof of Theorem 3. To show the first statement, note that it follows from the differentiability of ψ with respect to θ and the definition of θb that b −1 1 θb − θo = Hn (θ∗ , ζ) n n ∑ ψ(Zi , θo , ζb1 (U1i ), ζb2 (U2i )) i=1 b and Hn (θ, ζ) = for some θ∗ between θo and θ, ∑n i=1 ∂θ ψ(Zi θ, ζ1 (U1i ), ζ2 (U2i )). It then follows b = H + oP (1). Next, we consider an expansion of from standard arguments that Hn (θ∗ , ζ) b = n−1 ∑n ψ(Zi , θo , ζb1 (U1i ), ζb2 (U2i )). Using the notation that the term Ψn (θo , ζ) i=1 ψi1 = ∂ψ(Zi , θo , t, ζ2o (U2i ))/∂t|t=ζ1o (Ui ) , ψi11 = ∂ 2 ψ(Zi , θo , t, ζ2o (U2i ))/∂t|t=ζ1o (Ui ) , ψi2 = ∂ψ(Zi , θo , ζ1o (Ui ), t)/∂t|t=ζ2o (U2i ) , ψi22 = ∂ 2 ψ(Zi , θo , ζ1o (Ui ), t)/∂t|t=ζ2o (U2i ) , and ψi12 = ∂ 2 ψ(Zi , θo , t1 , t2 )/∂t1 ∂t2 |t1 =ζ1o (Ui ),t2 =ζ2o (U2i ) , 47 we find that because of assumption (i) we have that b − Ψn (θo , ζ o ) = Ψn (θo , ζ) 1∑ 2 b 1∑ 1 b ψi (ζ1 (U1i ) − ζ1o (U1i )) + ψ (ζ2 (U2i ) − ζ2o (U2i )) n i=1 n i=1 i n n 1 ∑ 11 b 1 ∑ 22 b + ψi (ζ1 (U1i ) − ζ1o (U1i ))2 + ψ (ζ2 (U2i ) − ζ2o (U2i ))2 n i=1 n i=1 i n n 1 ∑ 12 b ψi (ζ1 (U1i ) − ζ1o (U1i ))(ζb2 (U2i ) − ζ2o (U2i )) + n i=1 n + OP (∥ζb1 − ζ1o ∥3∞ ) + OP (∥ζb2 − ζ2o ∥3∞ ). By Lemma 2(i) and Assumption 5, the two “cubic” remainder terms are both of the order oP (n−1/2 ). In Lemma 3–5 below, we show that the remaining five terms on the right hand side of the previous equation are also all of the order oP (n−1/2 ) under the conditions of the theorem. This completes the proof of the first statement of the theorem. The asymptotic normality result then follows from a simple application of the Central Limit Theorem. The proof of consistency of the variance estimator is standard, and thus omitted. The proofs of following Lemmas repeatedly use the result that assumption (i) of Theorem 3 combined with the double robustness property implies that 0 = E(ψi1 λ1 (U1i )) = E(ψi11 λ1 (U1i )2 ) = E(ψi2 λ2 (U2i )) = E(ψi22 λ2 (U2i )2 ) (A.1) for all functions λ1 and λ2 such that ζ1o + tλ1 ∈ ℵ1 and ζ2o + tλ2 ∈ ℵ2 for any t ∈ R with |t| sufficiently small. To see why that is the case, consider the first equality (the argument is similar for the remaining ones). By dominated convergence, we have that Ψ(θo , ζ1o + tλ1 , ζ2o ) − Ψ(θo , ζ1o , ζ2o ) =0 t→0 t E(ψi1 λ1 (U1i )) = lim where the last equality follows since the numerator is equal to zero by the DR property. 48 Lemma 3. Under Assumption 1–5, the following statements hold: 1∑ 1 ψ (Zi )(ζb1 (U1i ) − ζ1o (U1i )) = oP (n−1/2 ), n i=1 n (i) 1∑ 2 ψ (Zi )(ζb2 (U2i ) − ζ2o (U2i )) = oP (n−1/2 ). n i=1 n (ii) Proof. We show the statement for a generic g ∈ {1, 2}. From Lemma 2 and Assumption 5, it follows that 1∑ g b 1∑ g ψi (ζg (Ugi ) − ζgo (Ugi )) = ψ (Bgn (Ugi ) + Sgn (Ugi ) + Rgn (Ugi )) n i=1 n i=1 i n n g /2 + OP (log(n)3/2 n−3/2 h−3d ), g and since the second term on the right-hand side of the previous equation is of the order oP (n−1/2 ) by Assumption 5, it suffices to study the first term. As a first step, we find that 1∑ g ψ Bgn (Ugi ) = E(ψig Bgn (Ugi )) + OP (hlgg +1 n−1/2 ) n i=1 i n = OP (hlgg +1 n−1/2 ), where the first equality follows from Chebyscheff’s inequality, and the second equality follows from Lemma 2 and the fact that by equation (A.1) we have that E(ψig Bgn (Ugi )) = 0. Next, consider the term n 1 ∑∑ g ⊤ 1∑ g ψi e1 Ngn (Ugi )−1 wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgi . ψi Sgn (Ugi ) = 2 n i=1 n i j̸=i This is a second order U-Statistic (up to a bounded, multiplicative term), and since by −1 equation (A.1) we have that E(ψig e⊤ 1 Ngn (Ugi ) wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )|Xgj ) = 0, its kernel is 49 first-order degenerate. It then follows from Lemma 1 and some simple variance calculations that 1∑ g g /2 ψ Sgn (Ugi ) = OP (n−1 h−d ). g n i=1 i n Finally, we consider the term 1∑ g ψ Rgn (Ugi ) = Tn,1 + Tn,2 , n i=1 i n where Tn,1 = Tn,2 = 1 ∑∑ g ⊤ ψ e ηgn,j (Ugi )Nn (u)−2 wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj and n3 i j̸=i i 1 1 ∑∑∑ g ⊤ ψi e1 ηgn,j (Ugi )Nn (Ugi )−2 wgl (Ugi )Khg (Xgl − Ugi )εgl . 3 n i j̸=i l̸=i,j Using equation (A.1), one can see that Tn,2 is equal to a third-order U-Statistic (up to a bounded, multiplicative term) with second-order degenerate kernel, and thus g Tn,2 = OP (n−3/2 h−d g ) by Lemma 1 and some simple variance calculations. On the other hand, the term Tn,1 is equal to n−1 times a second order U-statistic (up to a bounded, multiplicative term), with first-order degenerate kernel, and thus g /2 )) = n−1/2 hg−dg /2 OP (Tn,2 ). Tn,1 = n−1 · OP (n−1 h−3d g 3dg The statement of the lemma thus follows if hg → 0 and n2 hg by Assumption 5. This completes our proof. 50 → ∞ as n → ∞, which holds Remark 2. Without the DR property, the term n−1 l +1 would be of the larger order O(hgg ∑n i=1 ψig Bgn (Ugi ) in the above proof ), which is the usual order of the bias due to smooth- ing the nonparametric component. This illustrates how the DR property of the moment conditions acts like a bias correction device (see also Remark 3 below). Lemma 4. Under Assumption 1–5, the following statements hold: 1 ∑ 11 b ψ (ζ1 (U1i ) − ζ1o (U1i ))2 = oP (n−1/2 ), n i=1 i n (i) 1 ∑ 22 b ψi (ζ2 (U2i ) − ζ2o (U2i ))2 = oP (n−1/2 ). n i=1 n (ii) Proof. We show the statement for a generic g ∈ {1, 2}. Note that by Lemma 2 we have that ( )3/2 ( )) ( log(n) log(n) o 2 lg +1 b Tn,k (u) + OP (ζg (u) − ζg (u)) = OP (hg ) + OP , d nhg nhgg k=1 6 ∑ where Tn,1 (u) = Bgn (u)2 , Tn,2 (u) = Sgn (u)2 , Tn,3 (u) = Rgn (u)2 , Tn,4 (u) = 2Bgn (u)Sgn (u), Tn,5 (u) = 2Bgn (u)Rgn (u), and Tn,6 (u) = 2Sgn (u)Rgn (u). Since the second term on the righthand side of the previous equation is of the order oP (n−1/2 ) by Assumption 5, it suffices ∑ to show that we have that n−1 ni=1 ψigg Tn,k (Ugi ) = oP (n−1/2 ) for k ∈ {1, . . . , 6}. Our ∑ proof proceeds by obtaining sharp bounds on n−1 ni=1 ψigg Tn,k (Ugi ) for k ∈ {1, 2, 4, 5} using Lemmas A.1 and 1, and crude bounds for k ∈ {3, 6} simply using the uniform rates derived in Lemma 2. First, for k = 1 we find that 1 ∑ gg ψi Tn,1 (Ugi ) = E(ψigg Bgn (Ugi )2 ) + OP (n−1/2 hg2lg +2 ) = OP (n−1/2 hg2lg +2 ) n i=1 n 51 because E(ψigg Bgn (Ugi )2 ) = 0 by equation (A.1). Second, for k = 2 we can write 1 ∑ gg ψ Tn,2 (Ugi ) = Tn,2,A + Tn,2,B n i=1 i n where Tn,2,A = Tn,2,B = 1 ∑ ∑ gg ⊤ ψ (e Ngn (Ugi )−1 wgj (Ugi ))2 Khg (Xgj − Ugi )2 ε2gj n3 i j̸=i i 1 1 ∑ ∑ ∑ gg ⊤ ψi e1 Ngn (Ugi )−1 wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj 3 n i j̸=i l̸=i,j −1 · e⊤ 1 Ngn (Ugi ) wgl (Ugi )Khg (Xgl − Ugi )εgl Using equation (A.1), one can see that Tn,2,B is equal to a third-order U-Statistic with a second-order degenerate kernel function (up to a bounded, multiplicative term), and thus g Tn,2,B = OP (n−3/2 h−d g ). On the other hand, the term Tn,2,A is (again, up to a bounded, multiplicative term) equal to n−1 times a mean zero second order U-statistic with non degenerate kernel function, and thus g /2 Tn,2,A = n−1 OP (n−1/2 h−dg + n−1 h−3d ) = OP (n−3/2 h−dg ) = OP (Tn,2,B ). g Third, for k = 4 we use again equation (A.1) and Lemma 1 to show that n n 1 ∑ gg 1 ∑ ∑ gg −1 ψi Bgn (Ugi )e⊤ ψi Tn,4 (Ugi ) = 2 1 Ngn (Ugi ) wgj (Ugi )Khg (Xgj − Ugi )εgj n i=1 n i=1 j̸=i g /2 ) · O(hlgg +1 ), = OP (n−1 h−d g 52 where the last equality follows from the fact that n−1 ∑n i=1 ψigg Tn,4 (Ugi ) is (again, up to a bounded, multiplicative term) equal to a second order U-statistic with first-order degenerate kernel function. Fourth, for k = 5, we can argue as in the final step of the proof of Lemma 3 to show that 1 ∑ 11 g lg +1 ψ (Zi )Tn,5 (Ugi ) = OP (n−3/2 h−d ) g hg n i=1 n Finally, we obtain a number of crude bounds based on uniform rates in Lemma 2: 1 ∑ gg g ψ Tn,3 (Ugi ) = OP (∥Rgn ∥2∞ ) = OP (log(n)2 n−2 h−2d ) g n i=1 i n 1 ∑ gg g /2 ψ Tn,6 (Ugi ) = OP (∥Rgn ∥∞ ) · OP (∥Sgn ∥∞ ) = OP (log(n)3/2 n−3/2 h−3d ) g n i=1 i n 3d The statement of the lemma thus follows if hg → 0 and n2 hg g / log(n)3 → ∞ as n → ∞, which holds by Assumption 5. This completes our proof. Remark 3. Without the DR property, the term Tn,2,B in the above proof would be (up to a bounded, multiplicative term) equal to a third-order U-Statistic with a first-order degenerate kernel function (instead of a second order one). In this case, we would find that −1 −dg /2 g /2 g Tn,2,B = OP (n−1 h−d ) + OP (n−3/2 h−d ). g g ) = OP (n hg On the other hand, in the absence of the DR property, the term Tn,2,A would be (up to a bounded, multiplicative term) equal to a n−1 times a non-mean-zero second-order U-Statistic with a non-degenerate kernel function, and thus we would have −3/2 −dg g Tn,2,A = O(n−1 h−d h ) + OP (n−2 h−2dg ) = O(n−1 h−dg ) + oP (n−1 h−dg ). g ) + OP (n 53 The leading term of an expansion of the sum Tn,2,A + Tn,2,B would thus be a pure bias term −d of order n−1 hg g . This term is analogous to the “degrees of freedom bias” in Ichimura and Linton (2005), and the “nonlinearity bias” or “curse of dimensionality bias” in Cattaneo et al. (2013). In our context, the DR property of the moment conditions removes this term, which illustrates how our structure acts like a bias correction method. Lemma 5. Under Assumption 1–5, the following statement holds: 1 ∑ 12 b ψ (ζ1 (U1i ) − ζ1o (U1i ))(ζb2 (U2i ) − ζ2o (U2i )) = oP (n−1/2 ). n i=1 i n Proof. By Lemma 2, one can see that uniformly over u = (u1 , u2 ) we have that (ζb1 (u1 ) − ζ1o (u1 ))(ζb2 (u2 ) − ζ2o (u2 )) (( )3/2 ) ( )) ( 9 ∑ log(n) log(n) l2 +1 Tn,k (u) + OP = OP (h2 ) + OP d1 nh nhd22 1 k=1 (( )3/2 ) ( ( )) log(n) log(n) l1 +1 + OP OP (h1 ) + OP nhd22 nhd11 where Tn,1 (u) = B1,n (u1 )B2,n (u2 ), Tn,2 (u) = B1,n (u1 )S2,n (u2 ), Tn,3 (u) = B1,n (u1 )R2,n (u2 ), Tn,4 (u) = S1,n (u1 )B2,n (u2 ), Tn,5 (u) = S1,n (u1 )S2,n (u2 ), Tn,6 (u) = S1,n (u1 )R2,n (u2 ), Tn,7 (u) = R1,n (u1 )B2,n (u2 ), Tn,8 (u) = R1,n (u1 )S2,n (u2 ), and Tn,9 (u) = R1,n (u1 )R2,n (u2 ). Since the last two terms on the right-hand side of the previous equation are easily of the order oP (n−1/2 ) by Assumption 5, it suffices to show that for any for k ∈ {1, . . . , 9} we have ∑ that n−1 ni=1 ψi12 Tn,k (Ui ) = oP (n−1/2 ). As in the proof of Lemma 4, we proceed by obtain∑ ing sharp bounds on n−1 ni=1 ψi12 Tn,k (Ui ) for k ∈ {1, . . . , 5, 7} using a similar strategy as in the proofs above, and crude bounds for k ∈ {6, 8, 9} simply using the uniform rates derived 54 in Lemma 2. First, arguing as in the proof of Lemma 3 and 4 above, we find that 1 ∑ 12 ψ Tn,1 (Ui ) = E(ψi12 B1,n (U1i )B2,n (U2i )) + OP (n−1/2 h1l1 +1 h2l2 +1 ) = OP (h1l1 +1 h2l2 +1 ), n i=1 i n where the last equation follows from the fact that E(ψi12 B1,n (U1i )B2,n (U2i )) = O(h1l1 +1 h2l2 +1 ). Second, for k = 2 we consider the term 1 ∑ ∑ 12 1 ∑ 12 −1 ψi Tn,2 (Ui ) = 2 ψ B1,n (U1i )e⊤ 1 N2,n (U2i ) w2j (U2i )Kh2 (X2,j − U2i )ε2,j . n i n i j̸=i i This term is (up to a bounded, multiplicative term) equal to a second-order U-Statistic with non-degenerate kernel function. It thus follows from Lemma 1 and some variance calculations that 1 ∑ 12 −d /2 ψi Tn,2 (Ui ) = OP (n−1/2 hl11 +1 ) + OP (n−1 h2 2 h1l1 +1 ) n i Using the same argument, we also find that 1 ∑ 12 −d /2 ψ Tn,4 (Ui ) = OP (n−1/2 hl22 +1 ) + OP (n−1 h1 1 h2l2 +1 ). n i i For k = 3, we can argue as in the final step of the proof of Lemma 3 to show that 1 ∑ 12 −d /2 2 l1 +1 ψ Tn,3 (Ui ) = OP (n−1 h2 2 h1l1 +1 ) + OP (n−3/2 h−d ), 2 h1 n i=1 i n and for the same reason we find that 1 ∑ 12 −d /2 1 l2 +1 ψi Tn,7 (Ui ) = OP (n−1 h1 1 h2l2 +1 ) + OP (n−3/2 h−d ). 1 h2 n i=1 n Next, we consider the case k = 5. In some sense deriving the order of this term is the 55 most critical step for proving Theorem 3, and it is the only one in which we exploit the condition (4.3). We start by considering the decomposition 1 ∑ 12 ψ Tn,5 (Ui ) = Tn,5,A + Tn,5,B , n i i where Tn,5,A = Tn,5,B 1 ∑ ∑ 12 ⊤ ψ (e N1,n (U1i )−1 w1j (U1i )Kh1 (X1j − U1i )ε1,j ) n3 i j̸=i i 1 −1 · (e⊤ 1 N2,n (U2i ) w2j (U2i )Kh2 (X2,j − U2i )ε2j ), 1 ∑ ∑ ∑ 12 ⊤ = 3 ψ e N1,n (U1i )−1 w1j (U1i )Kh1 (X1,j − U1i )ε1j n i j̸=i l̸=i,j i 1 −1 · e⊤ 1 N2,n (U2i ) w2l (U2i )Kh2 (X2l − U2i )ε2l . Here term Tn,5,B is equal to a third-order U-Statistic (up to a bounded, multiplicative term) with first-order degenerate kernel. Finding the variance of this U-Statistic is slightly more involved, as it depends on the number of joint components of U1 and U2 . Using Lemma 1 and some tedious calculations, we obtain the following bound: −d1 /2 Tn,5,B = OP (n−1 max{h1 −d2 /2 , h2 −d1 /2 −d2 /2 h2 ). }) + OP (n−3/2 h1 This bound is sufficient four our purposes. Now consider the term Tn,5,A , which is equal to n−1 times a second order U-statistic (up to a bounded, multiplicative term). Since condition (4.3) implies that E(ε1 ε2 |X1 , X2 ) = 0, we find that this U-Statistic has mean zero. The calculation of its variance is again slightly more involved, and the exact result depends on the number of joint components of U1 and U2 , and on the number of joint components of X1 and X2 . 56 After some calculations, we obtain the bound that We thus find that −d1 /2 Tn,5,A = n−1 · OP (n−1/2 max{h1 −d2 /2 , h2 −d1 /2 −d2 /2 h2 ) } + n−1 h1 = n−1/2 OP (Tn,5,B ), which again suffices for our purposes. Finally, we obtain a number of crude bounds based on uniform rates in Lemma 2 for the following terms: 1 ∑ 12 1 −3d2 /2 ψ Tn,6 (Ui ) = OP (∥S1,n ∥∞ ) · OP (∥R2,n ∥∞ ) = OP (log(n)5/2 n−5/2 h−d ) 1 h2 n i=1 i n 1 ∑ 12 2 −3d1 /2 ψi Tn,8 (Ui ) = OP (∥R1,n ∥∞ ) · OP (∥S2,n ∥∞ ) = OP (log(n)5/2 n−5/2 h−d ) 2 h1 n i=1 n 1 ∑ 12 −3d /2 −3d /2 ψi Tn,9 (Ui ) = OP (∥R1,n ∥∞ ) · OP (∥R2,n ∥∞ ) = OP (log(n)3 n−3 h1 1 h2 2 ) n i=1 n The statement of the Lemma then follows from Assumption 5. This completes our proof. Remark 4. The derivation of the order of the term Tn,5,A is the only step in our proof that requires the orthogonality condition (4.3). Without this condition, the kernel of the respective U-Statistic would not be mean zero, and in general we would only find that −d2 1 Tn,5,A = OP (n−1 max{h−d 1 , h2 }). A.4. Proof of Theorem 4. Following the proofs of Lemma 3–5 below, we find that the two largest terms that appear in these calculations are O(h2(l+1) ) and OP (n−1 h−d/2 ) under the conditions of the theorem. The result then follows by verifying that these two terms are of larger order than the “cubic” remainder terms, which follows from Lemma 2(i). A.5. Proof of Proposition 1. The estimator has the same structure as the one studied in Theorem 3–4, and thus the statement of the proposition follows from the same kind of arguments. Note that the condition (4.3) is satisfied here, since the assumption that the data are missing at random implies that E((Y − E(Y |D = 1, X)) · (D − E(D|X))|D = 1, X) = 0. 57 A.6. Proof of Proposition 2. The estimator has the same structure as the one studied in Theorem 3–4, and thus the statement of the proposition follows from the same kind of arguments. See also Linton (1995) for a similar derivation. A.7. Proof of Proposition 3. The main difference between this estimator and the one studied in Theorem 3–4 is that only one of the nuisance functions is a conditional expectation, whereas the other is a density function. This actually simplifies the problem, as a stochastic expansion of the kind given in Lemma 2 is easier to obtain of a substantially simpler form for kernel density estimators relative to the local polynomial estimator. In particular, it is easy to see that under the conditions of the proposition we have that o ζb2s (Xi ) = ζ2s (Xi ) + Bsn (Xi ) + Ssn (Xi ) for s = 1, 2. Here B1n (Xi ) = E(Kh (X − Xi )|Xi ) = O(hl+1 ) is a deterministic bias function and S1n (Xi ) = ∑ d −1/2 ) is a mean zero stochastic j̸=i (Kh (Xj −Xi )−E(Kh (X −Xi )|Xi ))/n = OP ((nh / log(n)) term; and the terms B2n and S2n are defined analogously. The proof then follows from using the same arguments as in the one of Theorem 3–4, but using this simpler expansion of the kernel density estimator. A.8. Proof of Proposition 4. This estimator differs from the one studied in Theorem 3– 4 in that only one of the nuisance functions is a conditional expectation, whereas the other is a density function. Moreover, these two nuisance function each enter the moment function through their levels and their first order derivative. The proof then follows from using the same arguments as in the one of Theorem 3–4, using an expansion for the estimate of the derivative of the conditional expectation function function similar to the one in Lemma 2. See Kong et al. (2010) for such a result. The estimates of the density and its derivative can be handled as described in the sketch of the proof of Proposition 3. 58 B. Some more Examples In this section, we give a number of additional examples that essentially have the same structure as our Example 1. This is done to illustrate the broad applicability of our results in that setting. Example 5 (Population Mean with Missing Data). Let X be a vector of covariates that is always observed, and Y a scalar outcome variable that is observed if D = 1, and unobserved if D = 0. The data consists of a sample from the distribution of Z = (DY, X, D), and the parameter of interest is θo = E(Y ). Assume that the data are missing at random (MAR), i.e. E(D|Y, X) = E(D|X) > 0 with probability 1, and define the functions and ξ1o (x) = E(Y |D = 1, X = x) and ξ2o (x) = E(D|X = x). Then ψ(z, θ, ξ) = d(y − ξ1 (x)) + ξ1 (x) − θ ξ2 (x) is a DR moment function for estimating θo . Example 6 (Linear Regression with Missing Covariates). Let X = (X1⊤ , X2⊤ )⊤ be a vector of covariates and Y a scalar outcome variable. Suppose that the covariates in X1 are only observed if D = 1 and unobserved if D = 0, whereas (Y, X2 ) are always observed. The data thus consists of a sample from the distribution of Z = (Y, X1 D, X2 , D). Here we consider the vector of coefficients θo from a linear regression of Y on X as the parameter of interest. Define the functions ξ1o (y, x2 , θ) = E(φ(Y, X, θ)|D = 1, Y = y, X2 = x2 ) with φ(Y, X, θ) = (1, X ⊤ )⊤ (Y − (1, X ⊤ )θ) and ξ2o (y, x2 ) = E(D|Y = y, X2 = x2 ) and , and assume that ξ2o (Y, X2 ) > 0 with probability 1. Then ψ(z, θ, ξ) = d(φ(y, x, θ) − ξ1 (y, x2 , θ)) + ξ1 (y, x2 , θ) ξ2 (y, x2 ) is a DR moment function for estimating θo . 59 Example 7 (Average Treatment Effects). Let Y (1) and Y (0) denote the potential outcomes with and without taking some treatment, respectively, with D = 1 indicating participation in the treatment, and D = 0 indicating non-participation in the treatment. Then the realized outcome is Y = Y (D). The data consist of a sample from the distribution of Z = (Y, D, X), where X is some vector of covariates that are unaffected by the treatment, and the parameter of interest is the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) θo = E(Y (1)) − E(Y (0)). Define the functions ξ1o (d, x) = E(Y |D = d, X = x) and ξ2o (x) = E(D|X = x), and assume that 1 > E(D|Y (1), Y (0), X) = ξ2o (X) > 0 with probability 1. Then ψ(z, θ, ξ) = d(y − ξ1 (1, x)) (1 − d)(y − ξ1 (0, x)) − + (ξ1 (1, x) − ξ1 (0, x)) − θ ξ2 (x) 1 − ξ2 (x) is a DR moment function for estimating θo . Example 8 (Average Treatment Effect on the Treated). Consider the potential outcomes setting introduced in the previous example, but now suppose that the parameter of interest is θo = E(Y (1)|D = 1) − E(Y (0)|D = 1), the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT). Define the functions ξ1o (x) = E(Y |D = 0, X = x) and ξ2o (x) = E(D|X = x), put Πo = E(D), and assume that Πo > 0 and E(D|Y (1), Y (0), X) = ξ2o (X) < 1 with probability 1. Then ψ(z, θ, ξ) = d(y − ξ1 (x)) ξ2 (x) (1 − d)(y − ξ1 (x)) − · −θ Πo Πo 1 − ξ2 (x) is a DR moment function for estimating θo . Example 9 (Local Average Treatment Effects). Let Y (1) and Y (0) denote the potential outcomes with and without taking some treatment, respectively, with D = 1 indicating participation in the treatment, and D = 0 indicating non-participation in the treatment. Furthermore, let D(1) and D(0) denote the potential participation decision given some realization 60 of a binary instrumental variable W ∈ {0, 1}. That is, the realized participation decision is D = D(W ) and the realized outcome is Y = Y (D) = Y (D(W )). The data consist of a sample from the distribution of Z = (Y, D, W, X), where X is some vector of covariates that are unaffected by the treatment and the instrument. Define the function ξ2o (x) = E(W |X = x), and suppose that 1 > E(W |Y (1), Y (0), D(1), D(0), X) = ξ2o (X) > 0 and P (D(1) ≥ D(0)|X) = 1 with probability 1. Under these conditions, it is possible to identify the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) θo = E(Y (1) − Y (0)|D(1) > D(0)), which serves as the parameter of o interest in this example. Also define the function ξ1,1 (w, x) = E(D|W = w, X = x) and o ξ1,2 (w, x) = E(Y |W = w, X = x). Then ψ(z, θ, ξ) = ψ A (z, ξ) − θ · ψ B (z, ξ), where w(y − ξ1,2 (1, x)) (1 − w)(y − ξ1,2 (0, x)) − + ξ1,2 (1, x) − ξ1,2 (0, x), ξ2 (x) 1 − ξ2 (x) w(d − ξ1,1 (1, x)) (1 − w)(d − ξ1,1 (0, x)) − + ξ1,1 (1, x) − ξ1,1 (0, x), ψ B (z, ξ) = ξ2 (x) 1 − ξ2 (x) ψ A (z, ξ) = is a DR moment condition for estimating θo . 61 62 2 .205 .201 .202 .203 .206 .218 .65 .210 .206 .205 .204 .204 .205 1 .263 .200 .203 .203 .206 .218 .50 .212 .209 .207 .207 .206 .209 h1 /h2 1 2 7 10 3 4 .50 .20 .32 .08 .13 .206 .205 .205 .206 .209 .213 .215 .212 .212 .213 .219 .227 .05 .209 .205 .204 .204 .204 .204 .80 .206 .203 .203 .203 .206 .218 3 .204 .203 .203 .203 .204 .206 .13 .206 .204 .205 .204 .207 .217 7 .203 .202 .201 .200 .202 .205 .32 .209 .205 .205 .205 .207 .217 10 .203 .202 .200 .200 .207 .217 .50 .210 .207 .204 .204 .204 .207 .209 .205 .203 .202 .201 .203 .209 .205 .203 .201 .200 .231 .95 1.10 1.25 .206 .203 .203 .203 .206 .217 4 .203 .202 .202 .201 .201 .202 .20 .005 .005 .005 .005 .007 .043 .50 .247 .046 .013 .008 .001 .004 1 .004 .009 .007 .016 .057 .089 .05 .004 .004 .004 .003 .003 .021 .65 .027 .012 .000 .001 .001 .004 2 .003 .007 .006 .010 .041 .065 .08 .004 .003 .001 .000 .003 .010 .80 .007 .004 .008 .005 .001 .004 3 .002 .006 .008 .002 .023 .039 .13 .002 .001 .003 .003 .001 .004 7 .003 .007 .015 .030 .053 .072 .32 .006 .003 .007 .007 .003 .004 10 .004 .007 .017 .045 .092 .130 .50 .004 .002 .001 .004 .005 .005 .004 .002 .000 .004 .017 .050 .004 .003 .002 .003 .050 .188 .95 1.10 1.25 .002 .002 .004 .002 .001 .004 4 .003 .007 .011 .012 .009 .006 .20 √ n×BIAS .212 .209 .207 .206 .206 .207 .50 .202 .198 .202 .203 .206 .217 1 .215 .212 .212 .213 .215 .219 .05 .210 .206 .205 .204 .204 .204 .65 .204 .200 .202 .203 .206 .217 2 .206 .205 .205 .206 .207 .209 .08 .209 .205 .204 .204 .204 .204 .80 .206 .203 .203 .203 .206 .217 3 .204 .203 .203 .203 .203 .204 .13 .206 .204 .205 .204 .207 .217 7 .203 .202 .200 .199 .199 .200 .32 .209 .205 .205 .205 .207 .217 10 .203 .202 .200 .198 .198 .200 .50 .210 .207 .204 .204 .204 .207 .209 .205 .203 .202 .201 .201 .209 .205 .203 .201 .198 .195 .95 1.10 1.25 .206 .203 .203 .203 .206 .217 4 .203 .202 .201 .201 .201 .202 .20 n×VAR .92 .93 .93 .94 .93 .94 .50 .90 .93 .93 .93 .93 .92 1 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .96 .05 .93 .93 .93 .94 .94 .94 .65 .95 .94 .94 .94 .93 .93 2 .94 .94 .94 .94 .95 .96 .93 .93 .93 .94 .94 .95 .80 .96 .94 .94 .94 .93 .93 3 .94 .94 .94 .94 .95 .96 .13 than four times the interquartile range were removed for the computation of the summary statistics. .32 .96 .94 .94 .94 .93 .93 7 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .50 .96 .94 .94 .94 .93 .93 10 .93 .93 .94 .94 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .94 .94 .95 .92 .93 .93 .93 .93 .94 .92 .93 .93 .93 .93 .91 .95 1.10 1.25 .96 .94 .94 .94 .93 .93 4 .94 .94 .94 .94 .95 .96 .20 Coverage Rate .08 Results from 5,000 replications for first-stage kernel (K), orthogonal series (OS) and spline (SP) estimation. Outliers deviating from the simulation median by more 1.10 1.25 .80 .95 .50 .65 θbDR−SP h1 /h2 θbDR−OS θbDR−K .08 .05 h1 /h2 n×MSE Table 1: Simulation results for DR: mean-squared-error, absolute bias, variance and empirical coverage rate of confidence intervals for various nonparametric first-stage estimators and smoothing parameters Table 2: Simulation results for IPW: mean-squared-error, absolute bias, variance and empirical coverage rate of confidence intervals for various nonparametric first-stage estimators and smoothing parameters θbIP W −K h2 n×MSE .05 .50 0.489 0.373 0.323 0.268 0.229 0.288 h2 n×MSE .05 .08 .50 0.639 0.934 0.788 0.646 0.397 0.252 h2 n×MSE 1 2 7 10 0.497 0.244 0.232 0.221 0.222 0.236 h2 n×MSE .50 .65 1.10 1.25 0.359 0.252 0.226 0.233 0.258 0.613 h2 n×MSE .05 0.271 0.301 0.328 0.275 0.264 0.512 .08 .13 .20 .32 θbIP W −T K .13 .20 .32 θbIP W −OS 3 4 θbIP W −SP .80 .95 θbIP W −BS .08 .13 .20 .32 .50 √ n×BIAS 0.398 0.329 0.289 0.189 0.022 0.245 √ n×BIAS 0.282 0.020 0.205 0.176 0.354 0.153 √ n×BIAS 0.515 0.063 0.028 0.009 0.011 0.028 √ n×BIAS 0.339 0.170 0.077 0.025 0.181 0.633 √ n×BIAS 0.011 0.062 0.185 0.156 0.209 0.552 Coverage Rate (h1 ) n×VAR .05 0.330 0.265 0.239 0.232 0.229 0.228 0.83 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.93 0.88 n×VAR .05 0.560 0.934 0.747 0.615 0.272 0.229 0.83 0.76 0.76 0.81 0.90 0.94 n×VAR 1 0.232 0.240 0.231 0.221 0.222 0.236 0.74 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.94 n×VAR 0.244 0.223 0.220 0.232 0.225 0.212 .08 .32 .50 0.83 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Coverage Rate (h1 ) 0.87 0.90 0.91 0.93 0.94 0.89 .08 .13 .20 .32 .50 0.80 0.84 0.92 0.99 0.73 0.77 0.89 0.99 0.73 0.77 0.90 0.99 0.79 0.83 0.94 0.99 0.88 0.92 0.98 1.00 0.93 0.94 0.98 1.00 Coverage Rate (h1 ) 0.79 0.70 0.67 0.74 0.86 0.91 2 .13 .20 3 4 7 10 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Coverage Rate (h1 ) 0.73 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.91 .50 .65 .80 .95 1.10 1.25 0.82 0.89 0.91 0.91 0.89 0.64 0.82 0.90 0.92 0.92 0.89 0.65 0.82 0.90 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.65 0.83 0.90 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.65 0.83 0.90 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.65 0.84 0.91 0.93 0.93 0.91 0.65 Coverage Rate n×VAR 0.271 0.298 0.294 0.251 0.220 0.207 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.91 0.74 Results from 5,000 replications for first-stage kernel (K), twicing kernel (TK), orthogonal series (OS) and spline (SP), and bootstrap bias corrected kernel (BS) estimation. Outliers deviating from the simulation median by more than four times the interquartile range were removed for the computation of the summary statistics. 63 Table 3: Simulation results for CEP: mean-squared-error, absolute bias, variance and empirical coverage rate of confidence intervals for various nonparametric first-stage estimators and smoothing parameters θbCEP −K h1 n×MSE .05 .50 0.210 0.227 0.282 0.308 0.211 0.295 h1 n×MSE .05 .08 .50 0.926 0.643 0.856 3.713 8.592 0.228 h1 n×MSE 1 2 7 10 0.612 0.204 0.203 0.203 0.206 0.218 h1 n×MSE .50 .65 1.10 1.25 0.209 0.205 0.203 0.201 0.203 0.331 h1 n×MSE .05 0.210 0.227 0.282 0.311 0.212 0.290 .08 .13 .20 .32 θbCEP −T K .13 .20 .32 θbCEP −OS 3 4 θbCEP −SP .80 .95 θbCEP −BS .08 .13 .20 .32 .50 √ n×BIAS 0.052 0.136 0.266 0.303 0.030 0.313 √ n×BIAS 0.021 0.011 0.152 0.496 0.281 0.157 √ n×BIAS 0.652 0.081 0.016 0.009 0.001 0.004 √ n×BIAS 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.006 0.091 0.381 √ n×BIAS 0.050 0.134 0.267 0.309 0.038 0.305 n×VAR 0.207 0.208 0.211 0.216 0.210 0.197 n×VAR 0.925 0.643 0.833 3.467 8.514 0.203 n×VAR 0.187 0.197 0.203 0.203 0.206 0.217 n×VAR 0.209 0.205 0.203 0.200 0.195 0.186 Coverage Rate (h2 ) .05 0.95 0.94 0.91 0.89 0.95 0.92 .08 .32 .50 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.90 Coverage Rate (h2 ) 0.93 0.92 0.89 0.87 0.94 0.88 .05 0.84 0.87 0.90 0.82 0.99 0.95 .08 .20 .32 .50 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.94 0.93 0.94 0.94 Coverage Rate (h2 ) 0.82 0.86 0.88 0.81 0.99 0.93 1 0.67 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 .13 2 .13 .20 3 4 7 10 0.73 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 Coverage Rate (h2 ) 0.75 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 .50 .65 .80 .95 1.10 1.25 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.86 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.86 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.84 n×VAR 0.207 0.209 0.211 0.216 0.210 0.197 Coverage Rate 0.94 0.93 0.90 0.89 0.94 0.87 Results from 5,000 replications for first-stage kernel (K), twicing kernel (TK), orthogonal series (OS) and spline (SP), and bootstrap bias corrected kernel (BS) estimation. 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