November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe MASS INTENTIONS for the WEEK MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014 8:30am Steven DeChairo 12:10pm Marie Corsentino TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 8:30am Josefa Roncal (Birthday in Heaven) 12:10pm Salvatore Ciofalo WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2014 8:30am Andree Faroul 12:10pm Ernesto Celorio THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2014 THANKSGIVING DAY 9:00am Manuel & Josefa Roncal Benjy Margulies (8th Anniversary) In Thanksgiving FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014 8:30am Salvatore Mannino William R. McQuade Kevin L. Herron SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 8:30am Meredith Brosnan 5:00pm Sadie & John Casamento SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014 7:45am Brian Saccareccia 9:00am Parishioners of Holy Name of Mary Parents&Ancestors of Mr & Mrs K. Duncan Jerome Agnello Josephine Gargagliano Mira Venus Rodriguez Toni Foster 10:30am Anna Herman 12:00pm Salvatore Passalacqua (Happy Birthday in Heaven) 1:15pm Consuelo Rivera PARISH INFORMATION PARISH REGISTRATION If you or someone you know attends Mass regularly at Holy Name of Mary and is not a registered parishioner, please come into the Parish Office and fill out a short registration form. This will be helpful if you should need recommendation letters, certificates and especially sponsor certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Registration is mandatory for these requests. HNM PARISH SCHOOL REGISTRATION Join in the Spirit at Holy Name of Mary School, a Middle States Association Accredited School. To register your child for Nursery (full day, age 3), Pre-K (full day, age 4), Kindergarten (full day, age 5) or Grade 1 through 8, please contact our School Office for an appointment to visit at 516-825-4009. After school care available for all registered students. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Weekly offering budgeted to meet parish expense $13,846 Weekly offering of November 16, 2014 $12,996 Faith Direct (average of weekly donation) $ 1,622 TOTAL of weekly offering & Faith Direct $14,618 Surplus $ 772 FAITH DIRECT With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Holy Name of Mary are received, even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll online at - our Church Code is NY78. MSGR. ROBERT MULLIGAN MEMORIAL There are many available dates to remember a loved one with the Msgr. Mulligan Memorial of Bread & Wine, Candles, or Flowers. These intentions begin on a Sunday and end on the following Saturday. If you are interested, please come into the Parish Office. HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH YOUTH GROUP All high school students are welcome to join our Parish Youth Group. Meetings are held in the Youth Room located in the lower level of the school (use E. Jamaica Ave entrance). No pre-registration required. Any questions, please call Fr. Henry at the Parish Office, 516-825-1450. 1 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe This Week at Holy Name of Mary Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:00am Religious Education 11:00am Spanish RCIA 12:30pm Couples For Christ 5:00pm Wolfe Tones Reserved Rm. 5 Rm. 3 Gym Monday, November 24, 2014 10:30am HNM PlaygroupRm. 3 Reserved Religious Education Sch/Café 7:00pm Boy Scouts Gym 7:00pm Spanish Carismatic Church Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:00am Women For Sobriety Outreach 6:00pm CYO Gym 7:00pm Spirit Prayer Gr Church 7:30pm Spanish Ministry Conv. 2 7:30pm Carismatic Leaders Rm. 6 8:30pm Mens Basketball Gym Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Reserved Gift Program 6:00pm CYO 7:00pm RCIA 7:00pm Parish Outreach 7:30pm Spanish Ministry 7:30pm A. A. Conv. 1 Gym Outreach Cafe Rm. 110 Conv. 2 Thursday, November 27, 2014 6:00pm CYO Gym Friday, November 28, 2014 Reserved Gift Program 6:30pm Spanish Choir 7:30pm Spanish Choir 8:00pm A. A. Conv. 1 Rm. 110 Rm. 6 Conv. 2 Saturday, November 29, 2014 Reserved Gift Program Conv. 1 In observance of Thanksgiving The Parish Office will be closed Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th. The Priests and Parish Staff wish you all a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS-NOVEMBER 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent 1st Reading } Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 2nd Reading } 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Gospel } Mark 13:33-37 “Return to me; Watch, Wait, Be Alert, Prepare.” EUCHARISTIC MINISTER SCHEDULE-NOV. 29/30 Sat., 5:00pm HOST } P. Zolzer, E. Parkes, L. DeMartis, M. Lawlor Sun., 7:45am HOST } G. Ristano, M. Merollo, M. O’Connell, J. Pope Sun., 9:00am HOST } N. Bohorquez, F. Bohorquez, M. Sheffield, F. Watt Sun., 10:30am HOST } A. Ramos, M. Ramos, M. Mazza, C. Giuliano CUP } L. Gangemi, V. Yerou, C. Roncal, N. Roncal, M. Moscola, J. Moscola Sun., 12:00pm HOST } A. Paul, M. Pascuzzi, W. Walsh, J. Davide CUP } C. Romano, M. Affronti, P. Ragusa, A. Dikeman, C. Salcedo, J. Salcedo ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY “Christ the King”… Today as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear Jesus say: “...whatever you did for one of the least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. Knowing that we find the face of Christ in the poor, this month through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to serve 90 families providing food, assistance for utility and rent bills, etc. Have a great Thanksgiving! PRAY FOR THE SICK: Joseph Consolazio, Filomena Napolitano, Mark Rubin, Kevin Lynch, Veronica Conway, Paul Dillon, Marie Naso, Francis Mimms, Marianne Madden, Jose Cabrera, Dayron Fory, Rita Fitzgibbon, Marlene Plasabas, Mary Grillo, Eileen Gorman, Leonardo Burgos, Johnny Jackson, Lorenzo Page, August Biermann, Anthony & Fanny Provenzano, Marian Guarino, Anthony Marino, Rebecca Zhanay, Joyce Erickson, Geraldine Connelly, Frank Mauro, Richard J. Vela, Regina Michelle Barone, Kenneth Healey, Daniel Ottochian, Lydia Puig-Savatteri, Vincent McCauley Sr. PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Margaret S. DeJesus, Vincent Napolionello, Kenneth Shea, Judith Monsees 2 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe PARISH NEWS BANNS OF MARRIAGE Second Time: Jessica Benson, Holy Name of Mary & Daniel Kehoe, Holy Name of Mary Cynthia D. Schiano, Holy Name of Mary & Michael G. Melchione, St. Aidan’s, Williston Pk. SECOND COLLECTION There is a second collection this weekend for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Home Missions. For 40 years, CCHD has funded community groups that seek justice and create lasting change. Help fight poverty in America and defend human dignity. LAST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING of the UNIVERSE The Lord Jesus is our shepherd. At the end, at his coming, he will hand over the kingdom to his Father. He will “judge between one sheep and another, between rams and goats”, between those who have lived their lives for others, and those who have lived for themselves. ANOINTING of the SICK Sunday, November 30th at 3:30pm We invite everyone who is experiencing difficulties because of sickness, disabilities or aging, to join with us and receive the grace of the sacrament and the prayerful support of the parish community. Who may receive this sacrament? Adults and children living with physical illness or diseases such as cancer, MS, Parkinson’s, heart condition, Alzheimer’s, or any disability. People recuperating from surgery or illness, people living with mental illness, people experiencing problems and limitations of old age, anyone about to undergo surgery. This sacrament provides a special grace and strength to all those who receive it. A person does not need to be in danger of death to be anointed and a person may be anointed more than once. Family & friends are welcome as well as caregivers, who will receive a special blessing for strength and courage in their ministry. Performing at Holy Name of Mary Auditorium Sunday, November 23rd 5:00pm Tickets are $20.00 each and will be sold at the door. Refreshments available. 50/50 3 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe from the Pastor… My Dear Parishioners, This Thursday, we celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a time to gather with family and friends and celebrate the harvest of abundance we enjoy in our country. We enjoy the traditional meal of turkey with gravy and stuffing, cranberries, sweet potatoes, and all the fixings. We also remember those who do not have the blessings we have, and we donate gifts of food from our hearts to help those in need. This year, for the first time, our parish community will serve a Thanksgiving dinner for those who have no one to celebrate with. I am grateful for the generosity of our community for our brothers and sisters who are not as fortunate as we are. For you, I am grateful. Thank you. I would like to invite you to celebrate Thanksgiving at the 9 AM Mass this Thursday. We have so many blessings which are a gift from God. Please join us as we thank our God for all we have and all we are. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. In His love and mercy, Msgr. Rom Looking for something to do on Thanksgiving day? Join us for Thanksgiving Dinner 11:30am-1:30pm Holy Name of Mary School Cafeteria 90 South Grove Street (East Jamaica Ave entrance) RSVP required: (516)-825-0177 Unfortunately NOT handicapped accessible. Buscando algo que hacer ¿en el día de acción de Gracias? Únase a nosotros para la cena de acción de Gracias 11:30-13:30 Santísimo Nombre de María cafetería 90 sur Grove Street (Entrada de East Jamaica Ave) RSVP requerido: 516-825-0177 Por desgracia no discapacitados. 4 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Walk By Faith When I was about twenty-three, I was fortunate to become acquainted with a gentleman with the last name of Romanov, on both sides of his family; long story short, his parents were distant cousins. For those who might have already guessed, his both sides of his family were members of the Russian royal family, his great-grandfather was Alexander II, the tsar assassinated by a bomb in 1881. One of the family possessions held by this gentleman is a watch that was not only owned by his great-grandfather, but was in his possession at the time of his death, and is permanently stopped at that time, with stains of the Tsar’s blood embedded into the metal of the watch. Of all the people I have met over the years, none had a closer connection to a country’s throne than he did, and one day I asked him, “If they offered you the Russian throne would you take it?” Straight away, he said “no”, and offered half a dozen reasons why he would not want to be the Tsar. Living in the United States, in the beginning of the 21st Century, it is difficult for us to imagine the reality of monarchy, let alone fathom why someone would not want to be the sovereign of a country the size of Russia, with all the other territories attached. Possibly the intimate knowledge of how his own ancestor died, as well as the violent deaths of relatives by revolutionary forces, brings the reality of becoming a king, or tsar, or emperor, to my friend’s mind when the topic comes up. As a student of history, I can state that most revolutions, specifically those that occurred in the 19 th and early 20th Centuries, took place as things were improving for people, and as reforms and worldwide economic changes were taking hold, the Bolsheviks seized power in the Russian Empire and Socialist Revolutionaries took control of Mexico. What the various revolutionary groups and ‘progressive’ forces throughout the world had in common was their rejection of traditional structures and values, including Christianity. Pope Pius XI, in his encyclical Quas Primas, linked the manifold evils (of) the world … to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics: and … that as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations. It was because of the instability in the world, and the growing secularization of Christian nations that he instituted the Feast of Christ the King in 1925. While we may be tempted to say that nothing we do can possibly make any difference, that the world is going the way it is going, we should keep in mind that there are thirty-five canonized saints and fifteen beatified martyrs from the persecution in Mexico, men, women and even children who would not just give up. In 2000, the Orthodox Church of Russia declared 1,765 canonized saints, who had suffered under the Soviets in the 20th Century. During World War II, 108 Poles, and Maximillian Kolby gave their lives in witness to the Faith. In China, Argentina, El Salvador and many other countries Catholics and other Christians have witnessed to their Faith in Jesus Christ, and in the promise that He has given; often their witness has been to stand in solidarity with those who have been targeted by those in power. Most of those who have died, were killed by those regimes preaching ‘progressive’ politics, often these same progressive politicians tell their populations that there is no place for Christ in making political decisions; yet everytime that Christianity has been removed from politics in the 20th Century, millions have died, whether in concentration camps, Soviet gulags, or abortion clinics in the United States. We honor Christ as King, because the Father has given Him all authority, because through Him all can be saved, and when those in authority recognize that that authority comes from Him, they govern with respect for the power they wield. Viva Cristo Rey, Fr. Henry 5 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe The Music Ministries Of Holy Name of Mary Parish cordially invite you to attend their 26th Annual Christmas Concert from the Sanctuary of our Church featuring: Holy Name of Mary Adult Chorale Holy Name of Mary Hispanic Choir Holy Name of Mary Filipino Choir Holy Name of Mary Folk Group Sunday, December 14th, 2014 3:30 PM For information, please call Mr. Faughey at the Parish Office (516) 825-1450 Each year, generous parishioners join with Parish Outreach and the St. Vincent de Paul Society in providing Christmas gifts for people in our parish who are experiencing hard times. We need your help again as we try to bring joy and hope to struggling families. This weekend, at the entrances to the church, there are containers with specific requests for individuals who are in need. We invite you to take a card, purchase that item, and bring it UNWRAPPED to church NEXT WEEKEND (Nov. 29 & 30). The gifts will then be sorted and distributed to individuals and families in time for Christmas. The following items are suggestions for people who are not able to shop or who would prefer to give an alternative gift: - gift certificate for a food store, Target, or another department store - donations of money that can be used to purchase some higher priced items such as coats, shoes etc. If you are in a position to be able to buy gifts for a whole family (1,2 or more members), please call the Parish Outreach Office at 825-0177 and we will give you information on how to “adopt” a family for Christmas. 6 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe MINISTERIO HISPANO Fr. Fernando Echeverri JESUCRISTO, REY DEL UNIVERSO (B) (Ultimo domingo del tiempo ordinario) “Preguntó Pilato a Jesús: “Eres tú el rey de los judíos?........ mi reino no es de este mundo…..pero mi reino no es de aquí. Pilato de dijo: “Con que, ¿tú eres rey?” Jesús contestó: Tú lo dices: soy rey. Yo para esto he nacido y para esto he venido al mundo; para ser testigo de la verdad. Todo el que es de la verdad, escucha mi voz”. EL PODER Y LA VERDAD, FRENTE A FRENTE: Pero qué es el poder y la autoridad para Cristo?. Es una cuestión ardua y delicada, que será origen de innumerables conflictos y hasta desviaciones en la historia de la Iglesia. Durante su breve vida pública, Jesús ha tenido que salir frecuentemente al paso de equívocos y malentendidos, tanto en sus discípulos como entre la gente. Hoy en los umbrales de la muerte, el interés sobre la autoridad y el poder alcanza su máximo grado de tensión y dramatismo. Es impresionante esta confrontación entre Jesús y Pilato. Ahora podemos decir que el poder y la verdad se encontraron frente a frente. Jesús confundió a los poderosos y con sus palabras y obras diseñó un nuevo estilo de poder y autoridad. Solamente podríamos recordar la sorprendente lección que un día enseñó a sus discípulos: “Yo no he venid a ser servido sino a servir” (Mc. 10,45). Seguramente Pilato no entendió las palabras de Jesús cuando dijo que su reino no era de este mundo, pero su objetivo y su tarea es conducirlo desde ahora mismo, hacia la justicia, la libertad, la paz y el amor. Todo esto contrasta con la autoridad y poder que el hombre moderno quiere tener en este mundo, abusando de la autoridad, enriqueciéndose a costa de los pobres, manipulando y controlando a su antojo sin tener en cuenta los intereses de la mayoría. Dónde está la humildad de los que nos gobiernan, dónde los principios y valores que deben regir este mundo por los senderos del bienestar y la felicidad. Se le olvidó a los que ostentan el poder que no tendrían poder si Dios no se lo hubiera otorgado. Oremos por los que tienen autoridad y poder en el mundo para que cambien esas actitudes egoístas y se conviertan en servidores de las comunidades. Definitivamente es hora de volver a Dios y reconocer que El es que tiene el poder, a nuestro Rey, a JESUS EL HONOR Y LA GLORIA POR LOS SIGLOS DE LOS SIGLOS AMEN. RETIRO DE ADVIENTO: El padre Fernando y el diácono Polanco predicarán este retiro para prepararnos a la Navidad este Sábado 1 de Diciembre de 8.30 Pm a 5 Pm. en la cafetería, los esperamos a todos. BAUTISMOS: Dic. 15 a las 12 Am. FELIZ DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS, QUE DIOS LOS SIGA BENDICIENDO, A PESAR DE LAS TORMENTAS, HURACANES, TERREMOTOS, ENFERMEDADES, CRISIS….. DIOS SIEMPRE ESTARA CON NOSOTROS, DIOS SIEMPRE REINARA CON NOSOTROS. 7 November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe COMMUNITY INFORMATION HOPE HOUSE MINISTRIES Please join in benefiting Hope House Ministries ( as we celebrate a Celtic Twilight Christmas presented by Andy Cooney, Phil Coulter and special guests. This festive concert will be performed on Monday, Dec. 8, at Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall. Tickets $45, $55, $75, $85, $100 and $125. Online at ● Box Office at 57th St. & 7th Ave. For Groups or Bus Packages please call Mill Pond Music at (516) 798-3014 or email: [email protected]. CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Preparing for marriage? Engaged Encounter is an effective Pre Cana program designed to provide you with the tools for a successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to explore many aspects of their relationship through a series of presentations, writings and dialogue. Call 631-563-1032 or email at [email protected]. The Diocese of Rockville Centre Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination of OUR LADY of PEACE The Lay Carmelite Community of Our Lady of Peace in Lynbrook, invite you to their annual Christmas Craft Sale on Sun., Dec. 7th. Bishop William Murphy BLESSED SACRAMENT Christmas Fair on Sun. Dec. 7 from 10am4pm. Christmas shopping, food, refreshments, raffles and a visit from Santa! Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:30pm Mass Cathedral of St. Agnes Rockville Centre LIFE CENTER of LONG ISLAND The Life Center is in desperate need of the following items: clothes for boys & girls, baby wipes, powder, diaper rash creams, crib sheets, bottles, hooded towels and washcloths. Thank you for any help you can provide to help support women in crises. Call (631)243-2373. His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan will be the homilist. All are invited to join Bishop Murphy in this Liturgy of Thanksgiving. May the beauty & blessings of Thanksgiving bring warmth & peace to your home this season . 8
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