DENOSA INVITATION DENOSA BROWN BAG LUNCH SEMINAR DATE: 20 November 2014 TIME: 12:30 for 13:00 VENUE: DENOSA, 605 Stanza Bopape Street, Pretoria, 0001 RSVP: Peggy Motswatswa (012) 343-2315 ext. 252 [email protected] TOPIC: Taking Democracy Seriously? COSATU members' views on Trade Union Democracy and Politics in SA SPEAKERS: Dr Malehoko Tshoaedi & Ms Christine Bischoff Malehoko Tshoaedi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Pretoria University, where she teaches Industrial Sociology - Labour movement studies; and Gender studies. She is also the co-editor (2012) (with Buhlungu, Sakhela) of the book titled: COSATU’s Contested Legacy: South African Trade Unions in the Second Decade of Democracy. HSRC: Cape Town. Christine Bischoff (Psoulis) is a research consultant. She has worked on the past surveys of COSATU members, NUM members and NUMSA members. She has a Masters from WITS in Sociology and has expertise in quantitative methodology. Her publications include, Webster, E. And Bischoff, C. (2011), “New actors in employment relations in the periphery: closing the representation gap amongst micro and small enterprises”, Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielle, 66(1), Wood, G. and Psoulis, C. (2001), “Mobilization, Internal Cohesion and Organized Labor” in Work and Occupations, Vol.28, No.3, August, Buhlungu, S. and Psoulis, C. (1999) “Enduring Solidarities: Accounting for the continuity of support for the Alliance amongst Cosatu Members” in Society in Transition, 30 (2), 1999.
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