First Presbyterian Church PRESBYGRAM Volume 52, Issue 22 November 19, 2014 Advent and Christmas – The Holy Season is Here! Our schedule is filled with opportunities to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ. Your presence will make each event even more meaningful! First Sunday of Advent – November 30th Advent Wreath and Chrismon Tree in Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. – Men’s Quartet sing 9:40 a.m. – Advent Wreath making in Family Life Center 11:00 a.m. – Covenant Choir & seasonal singers for Advent anthem Second Sunday in Advent – December 7th Full Advent/Christmas Decorations in Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. – Holy Communion and Ladies’ Quartet sing 11:00 a.m. – Chapel Choir and Cherub Choir sing 6:00 p.m. – Young at Heart Dinner: ‘Sounds of the Seasons’ program performed by a variety of church members Monday, December 8th 7:30 p.m. – Bel Canto Co. Christmas Concert in Sanctuary Third Sunday in Advent – December 14th 9:00 a.m. – Jean Rowland – guest pianist 11:00 a.m. – Service of Lessons and Carols with the Covenant Choir, Youth Choir and Memorial Handbells, joined by a guest string quartet Wednesday, December 17th 6:30 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Pageant in Family Life Center Fourth Sunday in Advent – December 21st 9:00 a.m. – Kalie Gorham soloist 11:00 a.m. – Christmas hymns from our ‘in-house’ brass quartet Christmas Eve, December 24th 4:30 p.m. – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 11:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Communion and Candlelight Service First Sunday after Christmas, December 28th 9:00 a.m. – Johnnie Hall soloist 11:00 a.m. – Kendra Biddle, guest director Covenant Choir First Presbyterian Church presents Bel Canto Company in a free Christmas Choral Concert! Monday December 8th at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary Come enjoy a tradition that has been taking place for over twenty five years as First Presbyterian hosts a Christmas program presented by the premier chorus group in the Triad, the Bel Canto Company. If you would like to help sponsor this concert, please make a check out to First Presbyterian Church and mark Bel Canto in the memo line. We welcome your contribution to help bring this wonderful gift to our community! Beyond the Debt! Can you see it? Can you envision that day when our building debt is gone and we can refocus our resources on the mission and ministries of First Presbyterian Church? Sunday, November 23rd is the first anniversary of the Living Our Faith capital stewardship campaign. It is hard to imagine a year has already passed in our three-year commitment to eliminate the remaining debt from our construction (can you believe this fall is the 5th anniversary of opening our new facilities?!). We thank all who have made pledges and have been faithfully fulfilling the promises they made. We especially thank all of you who made extra sacrifices to fulfill your pledges early. In so doing, your gift multiplied itself by reducing the amount of interest we owe on our loan. We are so close! Our debt stands below $850,000 right now, and we anticipate it dropping less than $800,000 by year’s end! May we all continue to finish strong the race we have before us, looking forward to the time when our debt is behind us, and a new day dawns before us! Worship Upcoming Music in Worship and Events (partial listing – please check back for updates) Sunday, December 7 11 a.m. Cherub and Chapel Choirs 9:30 warm-up Chapel Choir; 10:00 Cherubs 6:00 p.m. Young at Heart Dinner Sounds of the Season program by choir members Sunday, December 14 11 a.m. SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS A service of Advent and Christmas scriptural readings and music by the Covenant Choir, Youth Choir, Memorial Handbells & guest string players Wednesday, December 17 6:30 p.m. Christmas Pageant ‘DATELINE BETHLEHEM’ Chapel Chimes, Cherub and Chapel Choirs Perform Thursday, December 18 5:30 p.m.-8:30p.m. Memorial Handbells at HPU Performing in Hayworth Chapel for the High Point University Christmas Event Please check their performance schedule for specific performance times. Sunday, December 21 11 a.m. James Rush, Chris Tuft, Gene Beazlie and Larry Porter – Brass Quartet Christmas Poinsettias and Wreaths – Please use this form to order Christmas poinsettias and wreaths to decorate our sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. Afterward, the poinsettias will be delivered to our shut-ins. The price is $20.00. Orders and payment must be received by Sunday, November 23rd. Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and marked “for poinsettias and wreaths.” Please print below and submit to the church office. In honor of___________________________________________________________________ In memory of _________________________________________________________________ Given by ____________________________________________________________________ Feast of Caring Tons of beautiful pottery options to take home! First Presbyterian hosted the 5th annual Feast of Caring on November 11th in the FLC and it was a major success. After lunch, dinner, and the raffle we exceeded last year’s total of $20,000 to support Open Door Ministries of High Point! A big thank you to everyone who came out to help fight hunger and homelessness! There was quite a crowd enjoying the delicious soup selections! The Major Sevens Band made sure everyone was entertained with live music! During the Week Yoga Class Come join our chair yoga class at 11:00 a.m. on Thursdays in the Family Life Center as we form tree pose, happy cat, angry cat, and practice backing up the car. As our teacher Leanne Case says, "If you do something every day, you'll always be able to do it." $7 per session, or $25 for the month if you pay ahead. Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study Come join your family and friends for a wonderful meal as well as Bible study on The Ten Great Themes of the Bible. Pricing for the meals is as follows: $7.00 for adults (13+), $5.00 for children ages 12 and under, $20.00 max per family, and $8.00 take-out meals. We also offer online prepay for Wednesday night meals! Just go to and click on online giving. Reservations, as always, are important. We need to know how much food to buy and prepare. The Team’s number one goal in providing this new concept for Wednesday night dinners is to bring more people together for fellowship and learning. We hope to see you Wednesday night and wish everyone “Bon Apetit”! The Young at Heart Christmas Dinner The annual Young at Heart Christmas Dinner will be held at the church on Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. All single church members over 65 and all widows and widowers are cordially invited to this event. Please call Ashley at the church office (884-2248) or email her at [email protected] to accept our invitation to this special holiday event. At the same time, please let us know if you need transportation to the church for the event. We will be happy to pick you up. The church bus will be picking up our guests at River Landing. M.O.M.S Fall Calendar If you are the mother of an infant, preschool, or elementary-aged child, please join us! We meet most 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30pm. December 2 – Pinterest Christmas Crafts!! December 16 – Christmas Celebration (Baby Shower for Baby Basics!) New! Reading Group Please join us on the second Wednesday morning of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the church library for a discussion of a selected book. Our spring selections are listed below: January 14: The Sacred Journey by Frederick Buechner February 11: My Bright Abyss by Christian Wiman March 11: Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me by Ian Morgan Cron April 8: Open Secrets by Richard Lischer May 13: Just As I Am by Billy Graham The Deriter Club, FPC’s Senior Adult Group, is open to all seniors who are interested in fun programs and a time of fellowship. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon in the Family Life Center – here is our upcoming schedule. We hope you can join us! December 9 – Lunch at FPC and a tour of Linbrook Heritage Estate in Trinity, NC or visit Old Salem, enjoy a candle tea service at 1pm, then lunch at the Tavern in Winston-Salem ( /candletea/) January 13 – either a trip to Charlotte to see the Billy Graham Library or Guest speakers on fitness and balance (depending on weather) Nurture Children’s Ministries News Sunday Afternoons - for Children K-5th Grade – Children in this age group have an opportunity every Sunday afternoon to participate in a world renowned Montessori based program called Godly Play where children can explore their faith through story, wonder and play. After Godly Play, children can go to music classes for Cherub Choir (K – 2nd grade) or Chapel Chimes (3rd – 5th grade). Parents are always welcome to stay and be a helper. Most parents use the two hours to do other things knowing their kids are safe with trusted church leaders. Come and see – we have lots of room for more children! 5:15 p.m. – Cherub Choir (K-2nd grade) 5:15 p.m. – Chapel Chimes (3rd-5th grade) 4:15 p.m. – Godly Play (K-5th grade) Kids of the Covenant - for 4th and 5th Graders – We will meet in November on the 23rd directly following the 11:00 service, and December 14th – Lunch is provided in the FLC and activities are usually service projects or games, and always FUN. There is lots of room for more participants. Come and see! Dates of Upcoming Events November 23rd 11:00 service ~ Pennies for Hunger November 23rd 12:00 p.m. ~ Kids of the Covenant November 30th 9:40 p.m. ~ Advent Wreath Making (Intergenerational activity in the FLC – Everyone is invited!) Sunday School - for all ages is from 9:40 – 10:40 a.m. every Sunday – Children are to be taken to and picked up from the following classrooms: Ages 2-3 – Preschool room 103 Ages 4, 5, K – Preschool room 102 Grades 1-3 – Upstairs room 203 Grades 4-5 – Upstairs room 205 Beginning November 30th all children and parents will meet in the Family Life Center for special Advent activities. If you have any questions about Children’s Ministries, contact Director, Kristina Gilbert – [email protected]. Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC) meets on Sunday evenings Sept – May. Over the summer, youth participate in mission trips, help with Vacation Bible School and attend Montreat Conferences. Contact Rev. Jeanette Quick Sandlin for more information at [email protected]. Upcoming Middle School Events: November 21-22: Lock-IN! November 29: Decorate Christmas Tree November 30: No PYC Upcoming High School Events: November 23: Game Night by Drew and Brian November 30: No PYC Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I want to let you know some recent news related to the Christian Life Sunday School class. Due to recent changes in attendance, a decision was made between me and the church’s DCE, and the Nurture Committee to disband the class. This decision was made after much thought and determination that the class has come to a point that, due to loss of class members and health issues, the best course is to close this chapter of our faith journey, and encourage the remaining members of the class to seek another class to attend. Our last class will be November 23, 2014. Let me take this time to thank all of you who attended as long as able, you made my job much easier. Your own faith journeys that you willingly shared with the class, served to complement the lessons taught by myself and in many cases, proved to be better able to show what a faith based life truly looked like. As we take this journey together toward our final class, let me again thank all of you for letting me teach you, and, for teaching me. As this class comes to a close on Sunday, November 23, we will end class with an official closing prayer and blessing led by Rev. Jeanette Quick Sandlin. All are invited for this closing blessing at 10:30 a.m. in the Session room. I am your faithful servant in Christ, David Laws Indulgences Announcement Busy lives keep us from doing all of the things we hoped to have done for our families, friends, neighbors, and ourselves. Everyone can use a little extra help, and the bonus is, by asking for help, we are supporting our church's youth. When we allow our youth to help us accomplish the many things there never seems enough time to accomplish, we are allowing our youth to deepen their understanding of service, building relationships between generations, and helping them go to on to experience mission and ministry opportunities through our church. If that is not a great enough reason, by allowing our youth to help you with projects, we also keep our youngest members close to us as our church continues to grow and serve others. Contact us if you would like to share in their excitement and give yourself a break at the same time. Each season brings lots of extra work. Sometimes we have a neighbor that just needs a little extra help. Consider asking for help or sending help to a shut-in or friend that just needs a little extra support. Let the PYC come to the rescue through INDULGENCES! The leaves just keep on coming down, need help raking and bagging? The garden harvest is ending, need help weeding or turning the garden over for the winter? Need help spreading pine straw or mulch? Need help planting your spring bulbs? Need help getting your grocery shopping done or prepping for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Do you have any errands that just never seem to get done? Need help preparing your home for Christmas or Easter? How about taking a day or night off from the kids and let the PYC youth babysit or take your little ones to the movies and park for you? Need help cleaning your home, garage, workshop, and attic? Do you have a special project that keeps getting put off? Contact: Leanne Willis [email protected] / 336- 688-0740 or Robin Sizemore [email protected] / 336-847-1255 to schedule your next "job well done." Upcoming Events Thanksgiving Comes Again! The year has turned its circle, the seasons come and go. The harvest all is gathered in and chilly north winds blow. Orchards have shared their treasurers, the fields their yellow grain. So open wide the doorway—Thanksgiving again! On Thanksgiving Day at 12 noon bring several of your favorite dishes to the Family Life Center. With relatives and friends, let’s celebrate the joys of this season together. No reservations needed. Advent Wreath Making Sunday, November 30, 2014 – 9:40 – 10:40 a.m. This is an intergenerational event where families can make a wreath for their homes. Everyone is invited! Candles, rings, foam oasis for fresh greens will be provided. Bring pruning shears and greens from your yard to share if you are able. Discover FPC If you are interested in learning more about the various opportunities for growth, worship, and serving, join us for our next Discover FPC class. Discover FPC is a gathering hosted by the staff of First Presbyterian Church on a quarterly basis. It is held on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in room 002, in the adult classroom suite below the sanctuary. Here at FPC, we want you to have the opportunity to discover the various ways you might engage your life of faith here. This class will give you the chance to get to know us and learn more about our church. Please register for this 3-week series of “Discover FPC” by contacting Erin Bowers at 884-2248 or [email protected]. Discover FPC will be held January 18, 25, and February 1, 2015; April 19, 26, and May 3, 2015; and July 19, 26, and August 2, 2015. Flower Calendar Dates The following dates are available on our church flower calendar: January 11, 25, February 1, 8, 15, March 1, 8, 22, April 12, 19 and 26. If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary on one of these dates, please contact Lynne Ledford at 803-2186. Once again, First Presbyterian Church is participating in High Point’s annual Uptowne Holiday Stroll! If you would like to be involved in hosting this event from 11:30-1:30 on Saturday, December 6th, please contact Erin Bowers at [email protected] or 884-2248. Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women Monday, December 1st at 11:45 a.m. Nursery Available Program: “A Christmas Musical Review” by "The Petal Points", High Point University’s All Female Acapella Group Make or cancel reservations by calling the church office at 884-2248 or emailing Ashley at [email protected] Are you working or have other commitments? Come and leave as your schedule allows. Lunch $6 - Baked Chicken, Broccoli Salad, Stir Fry Vegetables, Rolls, Red Velvet Cake Mission Opportunity - Bring a Toy for the Salvation Army Toy Drive. Upcoming Events 2015 Dates January 5 11:45 a.m. Program Speaker and/or Topic Dr. Erin Bowers – Bible Trivia Join us this month for delicious soups prepared by our own Presbyterian Women. February 2 11:45 a.m. Liz Samuels, Communities in Schools Coordinator at Northwood Elementary and former teacher at Ferndale Middle. Liz will share stories she has written about her family. Come join us for a Tea/luncheon this month. Estie Culler Bennington, author of Insanity on the Road to Glory Former Clerk of Superior Court in Guilford County Cathy Weaver, Executive Director of Guide Posts of Strength, Inc. GPS is a nonprofit resource designed to help local cancer patients and their families better navigate their cancer journey. Cathy is a former columnist for the Greensboro News and Record and the author of, a blog about her breast cancer journey. *Note: This is an evening meeting Annual Meeting including Honorary Life Membership and Installation of Officers March 2 11:45 a.m. April 6 *6:00 p.m. May 4 11:45 a.m. Mission Christmas Honor Cards Once again this year, your Missions Committee is selling honor cards to support the building project for Presbyterian Church Kujei in Cameroon. Last year’s cards raised over $2000, which was enough to jumpstart the church’s project of installing shuttered windows on the church building. When John Amaya was told we would be selling cards again, he wrote: “We have not only put the shutters but we have also plastered all the external walls that were never plastered. The shutters include aluminum protectors, aluminum frames and glasses. We still have other building needs for which we will be highly delighted with your benevolence once again. On behalf of the Christians of Presbyterian Church Kujei, I wish to express our profound gratitude to you all for the wonderful gesture. May the Almighty God continually bless the First Presbyterian Church High Point abundantly.” The cost of the cards will be $10—they are the perfect way to honor a family member, teacher, or special friend—and the perfect gift for the person who has everything! CROP Walk The annual High Point CROP Walk was a success for First Presbyterian! After it was all said and done we managed to raise $2,334 to help end world hunger. Main Street Coalition ~ Fill the Bus The “Fill the Bus Campaign” is an ongoing food collection project focused on providing canned goods and other non-perishables to local food banks. In November we are collecting canned meats and fish (stewed beef, spam, vienna sausage, ham, dried beef, chicken, tuna, salmon, etc.). Collection baskets are in the pantry (the former choir robe room). ACTS Ministry The unsheltered homeless in High Point are in need of tents, sleeping bags, small portion food, water, and paper products for their nourishment needs. If any members would like to contribute, please call Dick Becker at 8693145 so he can pick it up. If you would like to donate items please drop them off in the gathering area. Mobile Meals Needs Your Help Are you between jobs? Newly retired? A young mother who can spare an hour or two? Mobile Meals needs volunteers on Tuesday mornings! If you can possibly spare an hour and a half each Tuesday or one time per month, please consider helping with this local mission. The rewards are immeasurable. Please call Pat Hudspeth at 687-0923 or the church office at 884-2248 if you are interested in volunteering. Career Connection meets each Monday morning from 8:30-10:00 in the Session Room of the Church. A workbook that covers fundamental job-search strategy is provided each participant. Trained facilitators lead the discussions along with having at least one guest speaker each month. This mission was started about four years ago. Many have attended and many have found employment. We encourage the congregation to help promote this program. Schedule and Topics: ~ November 24 – Interviewing Skills, Preparing for the Interview ~December 1 – Sindy Martin of S’Martin Up In an effort to be the friendliest church in town, the Congregational Care Committee is including a monthly birthday list of our members in the Presbygram. Happy November Birthday! If your name is not listed, please call the church office and tell us your birth date so we can add it to our records. Tracy Amos Leigh Spencer Spencer Smith Leah Martin Morgan Rainey Hunt Dalton, III Kendra Biddle Denny Wesney, Jr. Kristen Biddle Tony Mills Karl Griffith Stuart Crawford Thomas Powell Susan Osborne Caroline Henriques Jackson Thomas Dorris Koontz Avery Mendenhall Kate Post Bill Ruth Kyle Morgan Neil Spencer Taylor Tarolli Clarice Arnold Jacob Bethune Chuck Ledford, Jr. Sandy Veach John Croom, III Hunter Davis Carol Henriques Betty Goodwin Nicole Arnold Art Glover 12/1 12/1 12/1 12/3 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/5 12/5 12/6 12/6 12/7 12/7 12/7 12/7 12/7 12/8 12/8 12/9 12/9 12/9 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/14 12/15 Tyler Tuft Brooke Garrou Lauren McMinn Ked Powell Clint Engel Joe Minchak Norma Everett Anne Ogle Susan Martz Charles Fisher Sara Glynn Howell Joe Davis Patty Morris Bert Ragan Luke Ledford Loretta Hoppe Mary Morgan Lynda Bowers Jennifer Idol Charles Mendenhall Elise Peters Will Bethune, Jr. Betty Early Joann Crawford Brantley Kelly Teresa Teague Amber Reeves-Daniel Taylor Lassiter Allen Bennett JoAnn Owings Andy Williams Austin Williams 12/16 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/20 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/22 12/23 12/23 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 Congregational Care Congratulations to Teresa and Ray Bretzmann in the October 27th birth of their granddaughter, Allison Elizabeth. Proud parents Jay and Casey Allison Bretzmann Leach (Manassas, VA) write: “Our precious little Allison (Allie) Elizabeth was born this morning at 6:33. She weighs 7lb. 15oz. And is 21 in. long. We are incredibly blessed and Hannah is SO excited to be a big sister! Thank you all for your love and prayers.” Congratulations to William and Andrea Womack in the November 8th birth of their daughter Elizabeth “Libby” Claire Womack. She was born at 3:50 p.m., weighing 6lb. 5oz. and 19 inches long. Congratulations are also extended to “Granny,” Patsy Womack. The sympathy of the congregation is extended … … the family of Bob Campbell in his November 9th death. Hospitalized: Jay Van Kleef, Forsyth. Recovering at Home: Wayne Veach, 8505 Mahala Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Carl Adams, 3518 Langdale Drive, High Point, NC 27265; Don Hunt, 920 Shamrock Rd., High Point, NC 27265 Continuing Prayer: Nelle Bailey, 1575 John Knox Dr. PB215, Colfax, 27235; Ryland Redpath, 910 Northshore Ct., High Point, 27265; Carol Courts, 1575 John Knox Dr. Winged Foot Rm. 300, Colfax, 27235; Hazel Long, 1575 John Knox Dr. Apt. C204, Colfax, 27235; Charles Fisher, 1575 John Knox Dr. Winged Foot Rm. 326, Colfax, NC 27235; Carol Allen, 1575 John Knox Dr. Apt. HT116, Colfax, 27235; Lois Blue, McEwen House, 1315 Greensboro Rd., Room 8012, High Point, NC 27260; Nelda Hylton, 1575 John Knox Dr., Apt. 136 Muirfield, Colfax, NC, 27235; Jan Cheek; Loretta Hoppe, 3808 Blairwood St., High Point, NC 27265; JD McGuinn, 220 Westdale Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Stu Crawford, 3801 Montclaire Ct., High Point, NC 27265; Sadie Martin, 1575 John Knox Dr. Muirfield 230, Colfax, NC 27235; Skip Queen, 1206 Devlin Ct, High Point, NC 27262; Dorris Koontz, 1575 John Knox Drive, Apt D205, Colfax, 27235; Etta Walser, Westchester Manor, 1765 Westchester Drive, Room 413, High Point, NC 27262; Marc Mann; Ann Levina, 619 W Lexington Ave., High Point, NC 27262; John McGinty, 1575 John Knox Dr PB125, Colfax, 27235; Priscilla Davis, 1765 Westchester Drive, Apt 320, High Point, NC 27262; Judy Haworth, 1575 John Knox Drive, PB118, Colfax, NC 27235; Kay Hodge, 2680 N. Forrest Rd. Apt 240, Getzville, NY 14068; Mike Postler. Military: Seth Hall, 91-1139 Kamoaha Loop #3-G, Kapolei HI 96707; Mitchell Kiser; John Cooper, Lcpl Cooper, John D., 129 Acorn Way, Richlands, NC 28574; Lance Corporal Charles D. Peksa, 300 Village Drive, Apt. L7, Jacksonville, NC 28546; and Colonel Scott W. Kelly, 135 Gorgas Rd., Wahiawa, HI 96786. Dear friends at River Landing, First Pres., High Point and beyond, For the last five months I have been covered with your showers of prayers, visits, cards, and items of support and encouragement. To acknowledge each one personally would be akin to catching rain drops. However, I do want to let you know how very important they were to me, and how very much they were appreciated. At difficult times they were surely a source of strength that carried me through. I thank each and every one of you with all my heart. The medical people have not yet found the source of my food aversion/nausea problem. However, lately things have been a little better, and we are looking forward to improvements now that I am home. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness, Charles Fisher The Workingest Church November 2014 Please make note of the date you are scheduled to serve in your area of ministry Acolytes November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Maddie Brown and Khloe Roberson Alex Cook and Trip Murray Delaney Hanf and Mallory Cook Anna Wetherington and Cadence Rainey Trip Murray and Khloe Roberson Wee Kirk November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Marianne King Kelly Wesney Hollis Bethune Daphne Roberson Beth Caress/Kristina Gilbert Infant Nursery Schedule November 2 Jeanne Lassiter November 9 Casey Lowe November 16 Meagan Lewis / Jen Tuft November 23 Alison Grein November 30 Casey Lowe Raven Ash, Afternoon Office Assistant, Ext. 33 [email protected] Honey Humphrey, Morning Office Assistant, Ext. 33 [email protected] Sheila Beane, Office Manager, Ext. 32 [email protected] Ashley Beason, Church Secretary, Ext. 21 [email protected] Kristina Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministries, Ext. 22 [email protected] Judith Millar, Organist, Ext. 28 [email protected] Elizabeth Gulley, Director Of Music, Ext. 29 [email protected] Jeanette Quick Sandlin, Director of Christian Ed., Ext. 24 [email protected] Ken Meeks, Parish Associate [email protected] Erin Kesterson Bowers, Associate Minister, Ext. 25 [email protected] Ken Broman-Fulks, Senior Minister, Ext. 30 [email protected] Staff PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT HIGH POINT, NC USPS (020246) pub. Monthly by First Presbyterian Church, 918 N. Main St., High Point, NC 27262-3989. Postmaster please send address changes to: Presbygram 918 N. Main St., High Point NC 27262-3989. First Presbyterian Church 918 North Main Street High Point, NC 27262 Phone 336-884-2248 Fax 336-884-0953
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