Sunday 23 November 2014 the PEW Sheet

York Minster invites everyone to discover God’s love through our
welcome, worship, learning and work.
Sunday 23 November 2014
Christ the King
The Sunday next before Advent (BCP)
The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean
To contact the Canon in Residence please call
Church House: 01904 557200
Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.
Please ask a steward or a verger if you would like one.
An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users.
7.45 am MATINS
8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer)
The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor
The Order of Service may be found on page 294 of the Book of Common Prayer. The Collect
and readings are those given for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity on page 251.
Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing
forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Welcome to the Minster Sunday School and Crèche who meet during the 10.00 service. Children
and helpers, and any parents, who wish to do so, may follow the cross during the Gradual hymn,
and return just before Communion. The Sunday School and Crèche are available to visitors as
well as to regular members of the congregation. If, however, you prefer to keep your children
with you throughout the service, that is fine.
10.00 am SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship, Order One)
The Archbishop of York
The Archbishop of York
Please see separate Order of Service provided
Receiving Holy Communion. If you normally receive communion in your own church you are
welcome to receive communion here. If you don’t want to take communion but would like a blessing,
please bring your service booklet with you to let the minister know.
The normal practice in York Minster is to receive the wafer into the hand. If you prefer not to drink
from the common cup, please take the wafer only. Gluten-free communion wafers are available at the
communion station nearest the pulpit at the front left of the Nave. If you require a gluten-free
communion wafer, please inform a Steward and make your way to the front of the Nave. When the
time comes to receive communion, please ask the priest for a gluten-free wafer. If you need to
receive communion in your seat please tell a Steward and this will be arranged.
CANTATA EVENSONG (with orchestra)
Please see separate Order of Service provided
Sunday 30 November 2014 - The First Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion (BCP)
The Reverend Canon Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor
Sung Eucharist
The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Precentor
The Reverend Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor
1 Corinthians 1.3-9 Mark 13.24-end
Isaiah 2.1-5 Luke 12.35-48
Evening Prayer
Isaiah 1.1-20 Matthew 21,1-13
Advent Procession
For details of services during the week, please refer to the Scheme of Services available on the
York Minster Website at
Tickets for all Minster Community events are available either from the Minster Community Table in the
Chapter House Vestibule following the 10 am Sunday Eucharist, or from the Box Office at Church House:
01904 557208 or [email protected].
Advent Calendars. The York Diocesan Newsletter carries information about The Real Advent
Calendar. The Real Advent Calendar is the only charity advent calendar with a free Christmas story
booklet behind the first window. It will help everyone enjoy and share the Christmas story. Each calendar
comes with a free 32 page Christmas story-activity booklet designed to be used each day in Advent. Behind
each of the 25 windows there is a Fairtrade Belgian chocolate, and a line of the Christmas story. As well as
celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, the calendar makes a charity donation from every sale to The
Funzi & Bodo Trust. Please take a look at their website for further details;
‘Eucharist Live – Advent’ The HIVE Theatre - Manor Church of England Academy 7.00pm Thursday
27 November. ‘Our Eucharist Live services are when we open the doors of Manor Academy to share our
worship with the local community. You are welcome to join us for our Advent Eucharist Live event with
tickets available online now at Once on the site, create an account if needed
and then just select "Manor CE Academy" from the 'Producer' drop down menu to make your booking. The
evening will feature worship led by our W1 Worship band and encouragement to slow down and catch a
glimpse of what Christmas is all about, from Malc Clark of the York Schools and Youth Trust. See you
Adult Learning Programme 2015/2016 The programme is well under way and is being enthusiastically
supported and well attended. The second in the ‘Collections Unlocked’ strand of events on Wednesday 3
December at 7.00pm, takes as its theme, ‘The Word made Flesh: How do our collections tell the story of
Christmas past, present and future?’ Although this is at the beginning of Advent, it will help us, as the buildup to Christmas starts, to focus on the meaning and heart of Christmas, so that it doesn’t get lost in
everything else that will be going on. Both events will be in the Old Palace and tickets are available through
the Minster Box Office in Church House. For further details about this and all other learning events, please
visit the Minster website or look in the Adult earning Programme brochure.
Book Launch Following the publication in 2013 of the Archbishop’s book, John Sentamu’s Faith Stories, a
sequel entitled, John Sentamu’s Hope Stories, was launched earlier this year. One of the contributor’s to the
book is Jasvinder Sanghera CBE, who will be giving a talk in the Minster on Thursday 12 March 2015 at
7.30pm as part of the Adult Learning Programme celebrating International Women’s Week. The event is
free of charge but a ticket is required (available from the Minster Box Office). Tickets for all Adult Learning
events 2014-2015 are available now. Full details of events are in the Adult Learning brochure, which is
available free of charge at the welcome desks in the Minster. Please do take one if you have not received
one already.
Minster Community Walk and Christmas Lunch - 6 December. Newton-on-Ouse meet at
10.30am in Blacksmith's Arms Car Park Grid Ref: SE511 599 (P Code YO30 2BN).Beningbrough Circuit Easy
4.5 miles,12.30 return for lunch, booking is essential. For further information ring. 01904 625918.
Friends of Cathedral Music Last year many of you bought our Christmas cards for which we’re very
grateful. I have been asked whether they will be on sale again this year. The answer is, we have a very good
selection of cards, and they will be on sale - but in the Minster Shop this time. I do hope that you will feel
able to support us once again. Many thanks. Michael Wiles, FCM Diocesan Representative.
York Minster Community Christmas Lunch The lunch takes place on Sunday 14 December 2014 at
12.00 pm for 12.45 pm. Forms to request places at the lunch are available on the community table after the
10.00 am service, or ask one of the Vergers. Forms need to be completed by Sunday 7 December at the
The Hut, Wigginton Road, York – Christmas Fair Members of the congregation are very welcome to
attend our Christmas Fair at The Hut, Wigginton Road (opposite the hospital near pedestrian traffic lights)
on 4 December from 1.00-4.00pm. The fair celebrates the achievement of all of our members and
volunteers with plenty of fun and different activities taking place during the afternoon. For further
information please contact Rachel Barber, Manager, The Hut, Clarence Gardens, Wigginton Road,
telephone, 01904 652991.
Exploring Reader Ministry A Reader Ministry Enquiry Morning is to be held at St Luke the Evangelist
Church Hall, Burton Stone Lane, York, on Saturday, 13th December 2014 between 10 am and 12 noon. This
is an opportunity to find out more about Reader Ministry in the York Diocese and to reflect on
whether God is calling you to this ministry in his church. Further details, including contact details, can be
found on the Minster Community Notice Board.
Monday 24
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evening Prayer (Quire)
Tuesday 25
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Wednesday 26
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (Nave)
Evensong (Quire)
Thursday 27
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion with Prayers for healing and peace (St John’s Chapel)
Evening Prayer (St John’s Chapel)
Choral Outreach (Nave)
Friday 28
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Saturday 29
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Informal Performance by York Junior Choir (Chapter House)
Holy Communion (CW) (Zouche Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)