This Week's Services & Notice Sheet

30th November 2014
A special welcome if you are new to our worship here at St Mary’s Church,
Redbourn. We would like to get to know you as soon as possible. To help us,
please fill in the slip provided in the holders at the end of each pew, and hand it to
one of the clergy or sidespeople as you leave today. Thank you.
All who normally take Communion, in this church or in any other church, are
welcome to receive Communion here. Those who do not take Communion, be
they young or old, should please come to the altar rail to receive God’s blessing.
If you are a taxpayer, please would you consider putting your collection into a
blue envelope and filling in the details required (available from a sidesperson
or in the pews). The church can then claim back the tax on your offering to the
church at no additional cost to you. Thank you.
Those giving by Standing Order may use a yellow token in the collection plate.
WILL VISITORS PLEASE NOTE that St Mary’s Church has an
Amplification and Loop System. If needed, please switch your
hearing aid to the T switch to make use of this.
The sick and suffering: Alex, Colin Butterworth, Jack Chapman, Christopher,
Lily Clark, Carole Cull, Michael Darvell, Alex and Janet Duncombe, James Easey,
Marlene Gibson, Patrick Hastings, Ron Henry, Victoria Holmes, Grace Hyde,
Elizabeth Hynes, Ian, Ray Marsh, Jim Martin, Dave Panton, Keith Poulter,
Theresa Rae, Linda Smith, Sylvia, Celia Southern, Judith Steele, Roy Woods,
Allyson Woodhouse and any others known to us in need at this time.
The Departed: We pray for the repose of the souls of James Burrows, Jennet
Gaffey, Peggy Gunson, Vincent Marshall, Peter McCarthy and all who have died
recently. We remember those whose year’s mind occurs during this coming week
and pray for God’s comfort for all who mourn the loss of a loved one at this time.
THE FLOWERS ON THE MEMORIAL STAND were given in loving memory
of Leslie Smith by Hazel and the family.
The Vicar: The Reverend Will Gibbs Tel No. 01582 791669
E mail: [email protected]
You can find a full listing of news on our website:
8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer)
Collect, Epistle & Gospel for First Sunday in Advent – page 87
President: The Revd Lucy Davis
Collect: Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of
darkness, and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal
life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in
the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both
the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal, through him who
liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and for ever. Amen.
Epistle: Romans 13. 8-14
Gospel: Matthew 21. 1-13
9.30 am PARISH EUCHARIST (Common Worship Order One)
We follow the service booklet. The Collect, Readings and Post Communion Prayer
for today can be found in the insert to this Pew Sheet.
President: The Revd Lucy Davis
Introit: 49
Reader: David Forbes
Reading: Isaiah 64. 1-9
Gradual: Psalm 80. 1-8
Reading: 1 Corinthians 1. 3-9
Gospel: Mark 13. 24-37
Sermon: The Vicar
Intercessions: Vic French
Offertory Hymn: 193
Communion Hymn: 519
Anthem: Zion hears – J.S. Bach
Final Hymn: Long ago, prophets knew
PLEASE JOIN US for refreshments in the Transept Hall after this Service.
Also our weekly Traidcraft stall will be selling excellent goods and foods.
This evening:
This evening at 6.30 pm
Our choir presents Readings and Music
by Candlelight for Advent Sunday
Followed by Mulled Wine – All welcome
One of the most beautiful services of the year – do join us
for the first time have been made by Isobel Cranmer and given to St Mary’s
in thanksgiving for all blessings bestowed on her in her ‘three score years
and ten’. Complementing the Vicar’s chasuble, they allow us to mark
Advent in the traditional purple, and if she is permitted to
progress towards the ‘four score years’ without too much ‘labour and
sorrow’, Isobel will gradually complete the set.
received and can be left at the South Door or passed to Janet Biggs (792289)
ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS DATES are on a separate sheet and include
a tear off slip if you would like to dedicate a “Light of Love” in memory of
a loved one this Christmas. Please complete this slip and pass it to the Vicar.
The Lights will be dedicated and lit on Sunday 14 December at 6.30 pm.
SLEEP OUT: Lucy and Jamie Davis will be sleeping rough overnight on
5th December to raise funds for DENS, our local homeless charity. It
promises to be cold, wet and miserable, but your sponsorship will ensure
that people who are homeless can be supported and helped to a new life off
the streets. Please sign the sponsorship form at the South Door. Thank you.
REDBOURN WARBLERS will be performing Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s
“Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat” this coming Wednesday
here at St Mary’s at 6.30 pm, followed by refreshments in the Transept.
Several members of the church choir are Warblers and it would be lovely
for them, and all the choir, to have a good sized audience! There will be a
retiring collection for DENS, the homeless charity St Mary’s is supporting.
COMPLINE: For the first three Tuesdays in December at 9 pm we offer a
Devotional Address and Compline, helping us to mark the Advent season.
Every day, Monday to Friday, we offer:
9.30 am
Morning Prayer
5.00 pm
Evening Prayer
In addition, the following services and events will take place this week:
Tues 2 Dec
10.00 am
9.00 pm
Wed 3 Dec
11.30 am
2.30 pm
7.30 pm
Fri 5 Dec
10.30 am
Sat 6 Dec
10.00 am
Sun 7 Dec
8.00 am
9.30 am
12 noon
5.00 pm
Holy Eucharist – Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion
Advent Address followed by Compline
Holy Eucharist – with Redbourn Day Centre
Holy Communion – St Matthew’s Care Home
Holy Eucharist
Bears and Prayers – in the Transept
Advent Quiet Day – see notice at South Door for details
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
All Age Parish Eucharist
Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Christingle Service
Grace Sawyer
8.00 am: Mark Cresswell
9.30 am: Rod McPhee, Ellie Davis and Penny McAdam
12 noon: Grace Sawyer
5.00 pm: John Davie, Simon Taylor and Grace Sawyer
Sidespeople: 8.00 am: Brian Hayward and Dick Morgan
9.30 am: Susan and Anna Stacey, Sandra Cresswell and
12 noon: Ralph Goold
[Ginny Roberts
5.00 pm: The Christingle Team
Bryony Aldred, Judith Sandell and Margaret Tillyer
H Stanley, R Hurst, M Parry-Slater and M Metcalf
Sam Butterworth and Geoff Woodhouse
A Lindfield (8 am), A Simkins, T Bull and H Stanley
Member of Junior Church Intercessions: Junior Church
Young People: First Sunday – All Age Service
Angie Simkins and Margaret Metcalfe
Jenny and Derek Crouch