Bulletin - Narberth Presbyterian Church

November 30, 2014
In preparation for worship, please take time to silence all electronic devices, and quiet our thoughts, so
that we all may focus our hearts and minds on the Lord.
Sing We Now of Christmas
arr. Young
Welcome and Concerns of the Church
The Cookie Song
Marilyn Reed
Call To Worship
Hymn #66
The God of Abraham Praise
Prayer of Invocation
10:45am Mission Update from Jim & Ellie Jewel
Scripture Reading
Psalm 42:1-5
Lighting the First Advent Candle “Hope”
9:00am John & Donna Hart, Megan Hart
10:45am Sharon, Logan and Joey Shallow
Declaration of Hope (Unison): As we wait expectantly for the coming of
Christ, we light the Candle of Hope. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Hymn #135
The Greeting
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Worship Song
As The Deer
Worship Song
Everlasting God
During the 9:00am service, children up to grade 6 may be dismissed to Children’s Sunday School.
During the 10:45am service, children in K through 6th grades may be dismissed to the gym for Lighthouse Kids
children’s church after the hymn/worship song.
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Dr. Deborah Watson,
Assistant to the Pastor
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Passing of Friendship Pads
Sound the Trumpet
Linda Pilacik, Soprano
Emil Pilacik, Trumpet
Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Scripture Reading
Hymn #133
Prayer Ministry
Luke 1:5-25
Zechariah and Elizabeth: Wait Training
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Steve Weed,
Veni Emmanuel
9:00am Charlie Hurst
10:45am Dave Bellamy
The altar flowers today are given to the glory of God by Isabel Lally and Joey
Nangle, in loving memory of their parents.
Join us after the second service today for a luncheon in the Parlor and hear
more of the work done by Jim and Ellie Jewel.
CDs of today’s sermon are available shortly after the service in the Chapel. Previous
weeks’ sermons are also available
Large print versions of the bulletin and today’s scriptures are available from the
ushers as you come in.
Stewardship letters were mailed out to members last week. Pledge cards may be
dedicated through the offering on Sunday, or any Sunday in Advent, or may be
mailed to the church office.
Starting today, you will find baskets of candy canes at each exit that have been
tagged with offers of a variety of NPC services. Please take one for each person with
whom you would like to share the hope of Christ this Christmas season.
We need 6 more people to help deliver cookies at 11:00am next Saturday, Dec. 6.
Devote an hour or two to this effort to spread God's love to our Narberth neighbors.
We need 6 more people to help set up the Dickens Festival at 10:00pm on Saturday
night, Dec. 6 as well as 6 more people to help take it down on Sunday, Dec. 7 at
4:00pm. People working at NPC's booth at the Festival should pick up their costume
in the church library after each service TODAY.
Everyone please bring in your cookie donations anytime from now through
Friday, Dec. 5. Place them in the box located in the chapel or the box in the
basement kitchen. Thank you for you generosity!
Marilyn Reed:
[email protected] or 215-776-3598.
During the month of December the Chancel and Sanctuary will again be fully
decorated for Christmas. The poinsettias will be fully displayed on the 6th. After the
service on December 21, 2014, the smaller poinsettias will be delivered to members
and friends of the congregation. Most will be given to those who were unable to
attend the morning service, but ALL will be given to say WE LOVE YOU!
The Memorial Plants will be $12.00 each. This is a lovely way to remember loved
ones, and to add to the congregation’s enjoyment of the season. Please complete the
form below and return it to the church office as soon as possible. Thank You!
Please make checks payable to Narberth Presbyterian Church.
Dedications will be listed in the bulletin Dec. 21. Dedications must be received by
December 18 to be included in the bulletin of 12/21.
---------------------------------------------- cut here --------------------------------------------
Christmas Poinsettias
Attached is $ _________(checks/cash) to be identified as follows:
Given to the glory of God and in loving memory of:
(please print)
Given to the glory of God with thankful joy for His continuing love and grace.
By _____________________________________________________________
______I would be happy to deliver one (or more) plants after the service on
Sunday, December 21, 2014.
Pick up a copy of our Family Ministry Guide for full details of classes and other
opportunities for children, youth and parents.
Did you know? Students who practice gratitude increase their grade point average. Robert Emmons, Gratitude Works.
Youth Sunday School and High School Youth Group are not meeting today but
will resume next Sunday.
The Parenting Teenagers Course is not meeting today. Next Sunday we will meet
for our final class from 4:15-5:45pm to discuss Helping them make good
choices. Each class stands on its own so join a group of other parents for
snacks, fellowship, and practical tools to thrive during this challenging season of
Friday, December 5: Parents’ Night Out (6:30-9:00pm)
Starting in October, on the first Friday of each month your kids enjoy a night of
food, fun, and frolic while you and your spouse can enjoy a night on the town!
We’ll serve them a meal, play games and watch a kid-friendly movie.
Friday, December 19: Teen Fun Night (6:30-9:00pm)
On the third Friday of each month Middle and High School students from our
church and community are invited to gather at our church for a fun night of
games, music and more.
Questions? Need Pastoral Support?
Terry (P.T.) - [email protected], ext. 120
Junior High: Clay - [email protected], ext. 112
High School: Allie - [email protected], ext. 122
4D Ministries – Hank Paulson
Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center
Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. – North Ireland
Chosen People Ministries (formerly Messiah Now)
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Corrymeela Community – North Ireland
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Darwin
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Hall
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) – Brindley
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Shenk
Esperanza Health Center
Fellowship International Mission/Jos Seminary - Tushima
Global Mapping International - Todd
Greater Europe Mission- Loeffler
Habitat for Humanity - Camden
Habitat for Humanity – N. Central Philadelphia
House of His Creation
Interserve-USA - Kennedy
Intervarsity – Kathleen Thomas
Intervarsity – Emma Shaw
Kingdom Connect - Duffy
Kirkwood Camp (Presbytery of Philadelphia)
Neighborhood Crusades Inc.
Presby’s Inspired Life
Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International
Presbyterians for Renewal (Wee Kirk)
Presbytery of Philadelphia General Mission
SIM USA - Jewell
The Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota (Standing Rock)
The Philadelphia Project
The Welcome Church – Steinnagel
Timothy Academy
United World Mission (formerly Latin American Mission) Woodbury
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Shannon
Young Life (Western Philadelphia Suburbs)
Bill & Gerri Wismer
Alice Antonelli
Terry Weyant
Bill & Gerri Wismer
Joyce Lewis
Lally / Hartsock
Kathy McLean
Bob Moore
Joe Sun
The Bowser Family
Greg Esterhai
Joe Sun
Susan Hurst
Helga Sauter
Linda Behmke
Linda Behmke
Melissa Esterhai
Susan Adams
The Barr Family
Meg McKinley
Ken & Sally Kapner
Curt Haring
Helga Sauter
Steve Weed
Scott Todd
Helga Sauter
Susan Adams
Sharon Shallow
Jane Murray
Georgia Ward
Helga Sauter
Carol Heller
Barbara Montgomery
 12/3: Wednesday Night Supper this week: Soup and salad, fruit, bread,
 Thank you for your participation at NPC’s tenth Gifts of Hope Gallery on
November 23rd! If you were unable to attend, we will continue to receive orders
until December 21st. You may drop off orders in the Chapel after worship or
mail them to the church–your gift cards will be mailed to you or made available
here at NPC. With about 165 in attendance at last Sunday’s Gallery, gifts
“purchased” totaled approximately $12,000 and we anticipate filling many
additional orders. Thank you! For the nine years from inception through 2013,
almost $180,000 has been distributed to Gifts of Hope recipients. We look
forward to adding to that total this year and to celebrating Christmas with gifts
that bless others!
 ANNUAL MEETING - On Sunday, December 14, we will hold our Annual
Meeting from 12:15-2:00 in the gym. Along with a review of the budget and
ministries of our church, there will be a discussion of our new Team Based
Ministry, a way to be more intentional in our process of building disciples. There
will also be time devoted to give an overview of the Task Force and Session's
work on denominational issues, including a report back on this week's
Presbytery's meeting. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please see
Pastor Steve or Meg McKinley, chair of the Task Force.
 Have you ever wonder how lyrics get projected during the service? NPC
has contracted with the 7 Dwarfs Temp Agency for projection services, but the
performance of several dwarfs has not been up to our standards. If you can be
available for 1 service a month, you could help in the NPC projection ministry.
Please contact John Furlong at [email protected] or 215-482-8198 if you are
interested in volunteering. Help us keep Grumpy, Sneezy, and especially Sleepy
from projecting ever again.
Please keep baking those cookies! Cookie dough freezes well so you can make
it now and bake later or just freeze your baked cookies. We estimate needing
about 9000 cookies! That’s 750 dozen!
 Save the Date: December 21 Christmas Benefit Concert by Sarah & Colin
Comstock and Found Wandering.
Stephen N. Weed, Pastor
Deborah Watson, Assistant to the Pastor
Terry Weyant, Dir. of Children’s Ministry
Allie Brisbois, High School Youth Pastor
Clay Brisbois, Junior High Youth Pastor
Sherry M. Beebe, Minister of Music
Dave Bellamy, Exec. Dir. of Ministry
John Deaton, Praise Team Lead
Jennifer Addy, Dir. Christian Nursery Sch.
Isabel Lally, Parish Visitor
Bruce Hartsock, Sexton
Karen Pappas, Secretary
Joyce B. Nicolai, Bookkeeper
Carol Bellamy, Financial Secretary
Narberth Presbyterian Church
205 Grayling Avenue
Post Office Box 414
Narberth, PA 19072
Office hours 9:00am to 4:30pm
Phone: 610-664-4880
Fax: 610-668-8225
E-mail: [email protected]
On the Web:
CCLI # License #387124
Sunday, November 30
First Sunday of Advent
8:00am Sunday School, Parlor
9:00am Worship Service
9:30am No class this week-resumes 12/7
10:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:45am Worship Service
12:00pm Missions Luncheon with Jim &
Ellie Jewell, Parlor
12:30 Christmas Choir Rehearsal
NO YG or Parenting Teens class this week
6:30-8:30pm Newly elected elders and deacons
Monday, December 1
6:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Career Navigators, Steve’s office
7:00pm Men’s Discipleship Group –Gospel
Identity, Resource Room
7:00pm Prayer Group, Chapel
7:30pm Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Room
Tuesday, December 2
6:30am Men’s small group, meet at Bill
Wismer’s house weekly; all welcome
7:00am Men-Sponsored Prayer Breakfast,
Ardmore IHOP (every week)
10-11:30am Women’s Study of Romans, Parlor,
led by Harriet Segal (weekly)
7:00pm Called Session Meeting, Chapel
7:30pm Deacons’ Meeting, Parlor
Wednesday, December 3
5:45pm Wednesday Night Dinner at the
Fellowship Café (Gym)
6:30pm Children’s classes
7:00-8:00pm Adult Classes: Chapel, resource
Room (Childcare provided)
7-9pm DivorceCare, meets at Gee’s house,
(6 Hampton Ave. Narberth)
Thursday, December 4
4:00pm Kickball with the Pastor, Gym
7:00pom Apologetics 101:Knowing What You
Believe, Parlor
7:30pm Worship Band Rehearsal
Friday, December 5
9:00am Moms’ Bible Study Group, Parlor
10:00am Women’s Bible Study, Chapel (weekly)
6:30pm Parents’ Night Out
Saturday, December 6
9:00am Shepherds’ Meeting, Parlor
9:00am Breakfast with Santa, Gym
9:00am Bagging the Cookies!
11:00am Distributing the Cookies!
Sunday, December 7
Second Sunday of Advent
8:00am Sunday School, Parlor
9:00am Worship Service-Communion
9:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:45am Worship Service-Communion
12-4pm Dickens Festival, Narberth
12:30 Christmas Choir Rehearsal
4:00-6:00pm HS Youth Group, Youth Room
4:15-5:45pm Parenting Teens Course, Parlor
Each Week
Christian Nursery School – Jennifer Addy, Director, 610-664-8890
2, 3 & 5 Day Programs 9:00am to 11:30am & 11:30am to 3:30pm Extended Day Program, Sept.-May
AA meets 12:30pm, Monday–Friday. Also, Saturday & Sunday at 4:30pm; Location: Choir Room
Planning ahead
Dec 9
Dec 10
Dec 10
Dec 11
Dec 11
Dec 12
Dec 14
Dec 15
Dec 16
Dec 17
Dec 19
Information and calendar updates 24/7 at www.narberthpres.org
10:00am Staff Meeting, Parlor
7-9pm Communications Team Meet, Youth Lounge
7:00pm Combined Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary
9:30am Quilts for Comfort, Parlor
4-8pm Little Stars (CNS Group), Chapel
1:30pm Sr. Adult Christmas Carol Tea and Sing, Parlor
12:15pm Annual Congregational Meeting, with lunch, Gym
6:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Session Meeting, Parlor
10:00am Nursery School Christmas Pageant
9:00am Moms’ Bible Study Group, Parlor