Parish of St. Michael, Waialua w/Mission of Saints Peter and Paul, Waimea Bay 67-390 Goodale Avenue, Waialua, HI 96791 59-810 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, HI 96712 Ph.: (808) 637-4040 Fax: (808) 637-4287 School: (808) 637-7772 Fax: (808) 637-7722 Reverend Father Christopher Keahi,, Pastor Father Lusius Nimu,, Priest In Residence Mrs. Deanna M.B. Arecchi, School Principal Email: [email protected] St. Michael School: [email protected] Website: To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Honor and Glory Forever—Amen! Greetings, everyone, welcome to our worshipping community as we gather together on this the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank you for being with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Today we hear of the trickery of the Jewish leaders as they try to lure Jesus into disobedience to civil law while clinging to covenant fidelity. Jesus sees their ruse and affirms the just claims of both: “....repay Caesar what belongs to Cesar and to God what belongs to God.” The same which we, too, need to respect: God and country. There will be times when there will be differences. It seems our choice is becoming ever clearer - God or Godlessness. As a “nation under God”, we seem to be heading in opposite direction: ban on prayer in public and in schools, removal of religious images publicly displayed, pro-abortion, same sex marriages, etc. It is imperative that we pray our country will return back to being a nation that is truly under God. Bishop of Honolulu, the Most Reverend Larry Silva, put it succinctly when he wrote recently to all the faithful: “We must participate in our government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ Voting is one of the concrete ways to assure that the values we hold so dear for the common good can be enshrined in the law of the land. Vote on November 4th and may God guide us and enlighten us all.” As we approach the flu and cold season with news of the threat of Ebola surrounding us, we need to review our common practices as they are done on the North Shore. For instance: holding hand at the “Our Father”, “Sign of Peace”, “Drinking from the Chalice”, “Feeling sick”, etc. Already mentioned at Mass is the fact that we seem to be one of the few parishes to hold hands during the “Our Father”. It is an “extemporaneous” action on the part of some parishioners to hold hand but it is an easy way of spreading a contagious cold or flu. Just form your hands in a prayerful way and sing or recite the “Our Father”. The priest celebrant, as representative of the entire congregation, should lift his hands up to God. The same with the “Sign of Peace”….instead of a “handshake”….give a slight nod of the head and a beautiful smile as you say “peace be with you”. Drinking from the chalice is optional but perhaps we should discontinue for the time being since germs can be spread even though the chalice is wiped by the minister. If you are not feeling well or have the beginnings of a cold or flu, please use your judgment as to whether you should come to church or not. It is preferable you remain at home. Because of the circumstances, you are not obligated to attend Mass. Please call Father if you have any questions in this regards. Our prayers to the family of the late Pelagio Villanueva Ballesteros, 94, of Mill Camp, who passed away at his residence. Also, to the family of John Sergave, our valiant parishioner, who died at Queen’s Hospital. We wish to extend our prayerful condolence to the Enosara family who just lost their loved one: Roque Enosara. May Pelagio, John, and Roque find peace forever in God’s eternal Kingdom. Funeral services are pending at this time. Fr. Chris Keahi, SUNDAY OCTOBER 19, 2014 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Isaiah 45:1, 4-6/Psalm 96/ 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b/Matthew 22:15-21 2ND COLLECTION TODAY WORLD MISSION SUNDAY SAVE THIS DATE Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:00PM St. Damien Hall “Jesus Is Coming...Look Busy!” A reflection on living the Catholic Faith in the modern world. A presentation by Michael E. Weaver An Adult Faith Formation Session CATHOLIC CHARITIES HAWAI`I thanks all participating parishes for their support and generosity to help us carry out the social mission of the Church. With your help, we carry out our work to improve the lives of people in need right here in Hawai‘i. Catholic Charities Hawai‘i was chartered in 1947 by the Maryknoll Sisters to serve the growing social services needs created by the effects of WWII in Hawai‘i. Today, we continue their legacy of caring - providing help and hope to tens of thousands of people in need, regardless of their faith or culture. Our programs and services assist children, families, immigrants, seniors and individuals through over 30 programs and services statewide. MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 7:00AM St. Michael Church Saturday 5:00PM St. Michael Church Sunday 7:00AM & 10:00AM St. Michael Church 7:30AM & 9:30AM Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul LITURGY OF THE HOUR MORNING PRAYERS Monday—Friday 6:40A.M. St. Michael Church RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday Only (Or by appointment) 4:00-4:30PM St. Michael Church ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL NEWS Just a heads up, next week Saturday, October 25, the school will be having a car wash in the church parking lot from 8am – 1pm. Please spread the word. Upcoming events happening at school: Terra Nova Standardized Testing (October 20-27) Halloween Activities (October 31). Looking for vendors/crafters for our St. Michael School Extravaganza on Friday, December 5, 2014. Please inquire with the school office at 637-7772 or email [email protected] for an application. We are looking for anyone who has information on borrowing a flatbed truck or trailer for the upcoming Haleiwa Christmas Parade on Friday, December 12. Please contact the school office at 637-7772 or [email protected] . Thank you for all your continued support to St. Michael School! STEWARDSHIP: OCTOBER 12, 2014 Sunday Collections $3,670.14 Mass Intentions 190.00 Candles 117.00 Donations 100.00 Marriage 200.00 Baptism 25.00 Al-Anon 50.00 Religious Education 40.00 TOTAL $4,392.14 Mahalo for your generous contribution. October 26 Carla Manglallan Lois Pacolba Donna Rosa MONEY COUNTERS LECTORS Saturday, October 25 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Gregory McCaul Sunday, October 26 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Marie Raquel Julie Ann Battista 10:00AM Carla Manglallan Gerry Kiernan Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM 9:30AM Numy Tampon Nick Pascual ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, October 25 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Charles Butz Sunday, October 19 St. Michael Church 7:00AM 10:00AM Alaina Bayudan Athea Bayudan Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Peter Takahashi Vance Farrant 9:30AM Derin Pascual November 2 Debbie Hookala Gerry Franks Gloria Samala Denia Jamora EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Saturday, October 25 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Bridget McCaul Bonnie Sales Marie Deuz Sunday, October 26 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Petra Casimero Tina Padron Francisca Cabico 10:00AM Beverly Orillo Marie Munguia Joel Sabugo Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30 AM Lynn Cicatko Darlani Young 9:30AM Priscilla Tampon Helen Pascual Linda Thorp Sunday, October 19 *Filipino Catholic Club Mass/Hospitality 7:00AM St. Michael Church *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP and SM 8:00AM Confirmation SM *FCC ROSARY NOVENA (3) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael *Community Outreach 5:00PM Hale`iwa Beach Park and Boat Harbor Monday, October 20 *FCC ROSARY (4) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael Church Tuesday, October 21 *FCC ROSARY (5) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael Church *RCIA ~ 7:00PM Outreach *EPIC Faith Sharing ~ 7:00PM Parish Center Wednesday, October 22 *SM School Mass ~ 8:15AM St. Michael Church *FCC ROSARY (6) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael Church *Parish Council Of The Whole Meeting 7:00PM Parish Center Thursday, October 23 *Choir Practice ~ 1:30PM Sts. Peter & Paul *FCC ROSARY (7) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael Church *Scripture Reading/Sharing ~7:00PM SDH Friday, October 24 *FCC ROSARY (8) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael Church *Choir Practice ~ 7:15PM St. Michael Church Saturday, October 25 *SM School Car Wash 8:00AM—1:00PM SM Church Parking Lot *Youth Church Cleaning ~ St. Michael Church *FCC ROSARY (9) ~ 6:30PM St. Michael with Potluck dinner to follow in St. Damien Hall Sunday, October 26 *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP and SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM *Youth Meeting ~ 11:00AM Parish Center *CCD Halloween Party ~ 12PM St. Damien Hall REQUEST FOR PRAYERS Sick: Helen Abanes, Mercedes Baldonado, Norman Baker Sr. & Jr., Juliette Blas, Alexander Bolosan, Liberty & Patrocenia Bunda, Anthony Cadiz, Cely Cala, Ladisla Corpuz, Bonnie Corigan, Loretta Dela Cruz, Monica Dicion, Claudia F. Gazmen, Joe Grilho, Grace Hewlen, Mary Ann Ho, Richard Holmberg, Carolyn & Joseph Hoopai Sr., Elpidio Ildefonso, Caroline Kahawaii, Diane Kalama, Rosanda Lani, Eustaquia Lendio, Paul Long, Andres and Flor Macadangdang, Jeffery Machado, Rick Malvas, Lily Mito, Roxanne Sumile Munoz, Dennis Nakamura, Josephine Ocampo, Ethan Pacolba, Mary Gloria Palalay, Alton Pao, Douglas & Susan Parrish, Domingo Pascual, Rosario Pedro, Wendell Peiler, Josephine & Glenn Powell, Bonnie Sales, Kathleen Smith, Roland Sumile, Estrelita Vicente, Tracy Walker, Richard “Pono” Warfield, Alyssa, Carrie Ann, Malia, & Richard Yamanouchi Deaths: Pelagio V. Ballesteros, Roque Enosara, Filomena Padron Ramelb, John Sergave, Allen Valion
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