Church Bulletin - Manchester First United Methodist Church

Sunday, November 23, 2014— Matthew 25:14-30
8:00 AM—United Methodist Men Breakfast—Fellowship Hall
11:00 AM—Morning Worship—Hand Bells play
United Methodist Children’s Home Offering
2:00 PM—Chancel Choir Rehearsal; 4:45 PM Chancel Bells Warm-up
5:40 PM—Chancel Choir Gathering and Robbing Time
5:00 PM—Youth Group*
6:00 PM—Community Thanksgiving Worship Service
Manchester FUMC Sanctuary
Monday, November 24, 2014
6:30 PM—RT/JW Circle - Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
District Office & Church office CLOSED
No Church activities
Thursday & Friday, November 27 & 28, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving—District office & Church office
Sunday, November 30, 2014— Mark 13:24-37
11:00 AM—Morning Worship
2:00 PM—Retirement Reception—Fellowship Hall
M. B. Guy; Bruce Boseman; Meg Sullivan
4:15 PM—Chancel Choir Rehearsal
5:00 PM—Youth Group
5:15 PM—Cantata Choir Practice
Income Needed Weekly on Budget
YTD Budget
YTD Giving
Income Received Last Week on Budget
$ 4,821.00
$ 221,766.00
$ 211,160.42
$ 12,539.00
Church Staff
Reverend Dan Dixon, Pastor
[email protected]
Pastor Dan’s Cell
Church Office
Church Email Address
[email protected]
Tom Secor, Music Director
[email protected]
Tom Secor’s Cell
Joni Taylor, Children’s Director
[email protected]
Amber Waddell, Youth Director
Doris Gill, Organist
Melanie Hester, Pianist
Linda Hill, Custodian
Willie Eva Carter, Nursery
Angela Hamler, Nursery
Gwen Bankovich, Admin. Assistant/Financial Secretary
Sunday School Classes - 9:45 a.m.—10:45 a.m.
3rd floor, Room 301
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Men’s Bible Class
2nd floor, Room 211
(meet at Church—lunch at Court Square Café, Greenville, GA)
Christian Workers
2nd floor, Room 210
Wednesday, December 3, 2014—Wednesday Night Supper
Upper Room
2nd floor, Blue Room
Adult Bible Study, Youth/Children Activities; Music Ministries
4:30 PM—Vocal Ensemble
5:30 PM—Wed. Night Supper—F. Hall-Dinners Ready by Chad
6:15 PM—Adult Bible Study, Youth/Children Activities
7:15 PM—Hand Bell Rehearsal
Saturday, December 6, 2014—Fellowship Hall RESERVED
Sunday, December 7, 2014— Mark 1:1-8
11:00 AM– Morning Worship—HOLY Communion observed
4:30 PM—Vocal Ensemble
5:00 PM— Youth Group
5:15 PM—Cantata Choir Practice
6:00 PM—Our Manchester FUMC Children’s Department
presents: ”Christmas in Reverse” at the President’s Theatre
Parking is limited; the Church van will serve as a Shuttle
Methodist Church
Church Website:
Young Adults
11:00 AM —Morning Circle Christmas Luncheon
Manchester First United
Women of The Word
“Investing in the Future”
Sunday, November 23, 2014
1st floor, Brides Room
You are welcome to join us!
Church Office Hours
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Lunch normally 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
National holidays observed. Thank you!
AA meets every Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.—Fellowship Hall
Girl Scouts will meet each 1st and 3rd Monday
6:30 p.m.—Fellowship Hall
206 Broad Street
Manchester, Georgia 31816
Morning Worship—11:00 a.m.
November 23, 2014
Last Sunday after Pentecost
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Chancel Bells
Chiming of the Hour
Welcome and Announcements
Reverend Dan Dixon, Pastor
Apostles’ Creed
TCH (inside back cover)
“Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”
TCH 797
Pass the Peace
Offertory Prayer
Pastor Dan
United Methodist Children’s Home Offering (special envelopes are provided)
“Give Thanks”
Today, Sunday, November 23, 6:00 PM
Community Thanksgiving Worship
Manchester First United Methodist
Monday, November 24, 2014—6:30 PM—F. Hall
Rubye Taylor/Janice Wasden Circle Meeting
Children’s Time
Joni Taylor, Children’s Director
O How I Love Jesus, O How I Love Jesus
O How I Love Jesus, Because He First Loved Me!
“Rejoice, the Lord Is King”
TCH 370
Prayers & Praises
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
“A Prayer of Grateful Praise”
Pastor Dan
Chancel Choir
~Mary McDonald
Everyone please fill out the attendance form located at the end
of each pew so we will have your information & a record of your
attendance. After everyone seated on that pew completes
signing, please place small burgundy binder at end of pew
towards center aisle. Thank you from your Ushers.
Chancel Bells
We ‘re glad you are here with us!
We’re decorating the Church for Christmas!
Wed., Thurs., Fri., Nov. 26th, 27th, 28th
District & Church Office CLOSED
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 30th—5th Sunday!
11:00 AM—Morning Worship Service—Mark 13:24-37
2:00 PM—Retirement Reception-F. Hall
Mr. M.B. Guy, Mr. Bruce Boseman &
“Investing in the Future”
Pastor Dan
Mrs. Meg Sullivan in congratulating
“Count Your Blessings”
TCH 786
their retirement!
Pastor Dan
“My Jesus, I Love Thee”
Chancel Choir
Chancel Bells
(Note: Please stay in place during the response to the benediction
and postlude)
Hospice: Eloise Harris (in home hospice); George Sparrow
At Home: Jack Buchanan, Margie Guy, Joe & Myra Sills, Carolyne
Morgan, Sara Fishburne, Sybil Schmalz,
In Assisted Living/Nursing Home: Helen Evans, Randy Houston,
Eunice Cline, Mary Jane Dunlap, Dorothy Synder, Dot & Ed Hooten
Continued Prayers: Luke Horne, Charles Gee, Betty O’Neal (knee
surgery Mon., 11/24), Betty White (additional tests), Camdyn & Cason
Cartwright (Kristi & Matt’s twins), Trey Wood, Dale Mann, Amanda Sills,
Sean Marion/FCA, Lewis Adamson
Friends and Family: the family of Hazel Sanders Moore (Allen Moore’s
mother), the family of Charles Butler, the Barnes family, Col. Jim Newbill
(health), Sanford McDonald Henderson family, Barbara Watford, Liz
Tucker (brain tumor/biopsy) World peace, & unspoken prayer concerns.
Congregational Care
If you know of someone in our congregation who will be having surgery,
is in the hospital or in need of a visit, please let staff in the Church office
know by phone 706-846-3213 or email [email protected]
Sunday, December 7, 2014
6:00 PM—President’s Theater
The Children’s Department of
Manchester First United
Methodist Church
Cordially invites you to
“Christmas in Reverse”
Our Children’s Christmas Musical
You are cordially invited to join the families of
Matthew 25:14-30
Prayer Concerns
Please join us for fun & fellowship
Wed., Nov. 26th
Wednesday Night
Supper/Bible Study
Please make this a Family event!
It will be so meaningful to
our children!
Parking is limited so our Church van will
be used as a Shuttle service over to the
President’s Theater.
For today, Nov. 23
Fred Goolsby
Jimmy Lanier
Tim McCard
Ed Withrow
For November 30
Billy Davis
Chris Durham
Jimmy Lanier
Ed Withrow
For December 7
Mike Johnson
Jimmy Lanier
Tim McCard
Ed Withrow
For December 14
Fred Goolsby
Robert Koon
Jimmy Lanier
Tim McCard
Sunday, December 14th
7:00 PM
*Youth Group meets on
The Music Ministries of Manchester FUMC
Sundays from 5:00 –6:00
Present their Christmas Cantata
PM; and from 6:15 pm to
“Our King Has Come”
7:15 pm on Wednesdays
The joyful sounds of Christmas
Youth Group, 3rd floor
in Rm. 300