WEEKLY HAPPENINGS SUNDAY, March 22 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 4:30 p.m. Surrender Choir 4:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Library MONDAY, March 23 9:30 a.m. Faith and Family Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Troop 65 Tuesday, March 24 9:30 a.m. Mommy & Me Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Bible Study, McGhee WEDNESDAY, March 25 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study, KFC 5:30 p.m. Family Link 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir THURSDAY, March 26 10:00 a.m. Bible Study FRIDAY, March 27 6:45 a.m. Small Group, Flanders 7:00 a.m. Small Group, Garbutt SATURDAY, March 28 11:30 a.m. Soup Kitchen– Pine Forest MARK YOUR CALENDAR March 30—April 3 Holy Week Services @ 12 p.m. (lunch to follow) April 2 Maundy Thursday evening service @ 7 p.m. April 5 Easter Sunday April 8 No Family Link Activities April 26 Confirmation Sunday May 3 Graduation Sunday May 17 Patriotic Service May 13 Family Link Picnic June 1-5 WinShape Camp June 15-19 Vacation Bible School CHURCH OFFICE HOURS M-TH 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. FRI 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. WEEKEND MINISTER ON CALL FUMC CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor: Rev. Thad Haygood Associate Pastor: Rev. Bob Williams Pastoral Visitation: Rev. Jack Key Interim Dir. of Music Ministries: Camille Carruth Organist: Patricia Nuss Interim Dir. of Youth Ministries: Paul Moran Dir. of Children’s Ministries: Mary Margaret Fuller Preschool Director: Lyn Hobbs Financial Secretary: Janice Fordham Administrative Assistant: Faith Holley Nursery Coordinator: Rachel Smith Custodians: Clint Evans and Lee Steverson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ANNOUNCEMENTS FAMILY LINK SUPPER Reservation Form for 3/25 NAME:_____________________________________________________ Number Adults ($6)_____ Number Children ($4)_____ Standing Reservation_____ Cancel Standing This Week Only_____ Reservation This Week Only_______ Menu: Poppy Seed Chicken, Rice, Green Beans, Dessert Kids: Same Reservations/cancellations need to be made by Tuesday, March 24th at 2 p.m. They can be made by placing this form in the offering plate, on our website, by sending e-mail to the Church office. or by calling the church office. If you have a reservation and do not cancel, you will be responsible for payment. First United Methodist 305 West Gaines St., Dublin, GA 31021 Church: 478 272-0242 [email protected] Website: www.dublinfumc.org Preschool: 478 272-9170 [email protected] Thad’s Thoughts uratively. What a great week in the life of our community. March is always such Woman’s Getaway Weekend Springtime By the Sea “Divine Surprises” with Carol Kent April 24-26 Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons, Ga Call 912-638-8688 or go online for details and reservations! Purple NUMBER 12 Just like that, Spring has sprung! Everything is turning green literally and fig- “Discovering Island Treasures” An event for Older Adults at Epworth by the Sea May 18-21, 2015 Call 912-638-8688 for more information. WHITE HYDRANGEAS FOR EASTER If you would like to place a white hydrangea in the church on Easter Sunday in honor or memory of a loved one: 1. Call the florist of your choice and order a white hydrangea in a container with green foil (all florists, as well as Black’s Seed Store, carry these) 2. Have the florist deliver the hydrangea to the church on Thursday, April 2nd. 3. Provide the church office 272-0242 or [email protected] with the “in honor or memory of” information for the bulletin insert no later than Monday, March 30th . Plants may be picked up after the 11am Easter Service. a fun month in Dublin, Ga. It is a wonderful time of community pride, fellowship, and fun. Pancakes, contests, award banquets, parades, special performances, and the list goes on! In the life of the church, it is also a great time of celebration. Our 2015 Confirmation Class has just returned from Epworth by the Sea where they spent an entire weekend learning and growing in Christ. This season of the year is the time when plants begin to bloom and blossom, which is a beautiful symbol of what is happening to our Confirmands. I was so proud of our sixth grade students as they answered questions about the faith, participated in small groups, prayed for one another, and showed signs all around that they are blooming and blossoming. Habitat Home We are assisting with the building of Habitat Home #35. Work days start at 8 a.m. and are scheduled for March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30, and June 6. There are sign up waiver forms on the table outside the choir room or the bulletin board outside the office if you are interested in assisting on any of these dates. There are also waiver forms available at the worksite, if you are able to work but have not signed up in advance. You can also assist with monetary donations by providing a check made out to FUMC with a notation of Habitat in remarks. At its core, this is what the church is all about. We who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are called to win others to Jesus by planting seeds of faith and love. We do this through relational evangelism which simply means that we build relationships with people in hopes that they will see Jesus in us and want to follow him. Who are you building a relationship with in order to one day share Jesus Christ? Where are you seeing people bloom and blossom as a result of your Join us on Facebook facebook.com/FirstUnitedMethodistChurchDublinGa STEWARDSHIP REPORT Attendance Sunday School Morning worship 188 258 (9:00 Cont. 110 & 11:00 Trad. 148) New Members 2015 Finances 2015 Contributions needed weekly Contributions received last week Contributions received to date 2 $14,875.48 $13,137.35 $206,344.82 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, First United Methodist Church (USPS 072-260) published weekly (except the week of Christmas and July 4) by First United Methodist Church, 305 W. Gaines Street, P.O. Box 665, Dublin, GA 31040-0665, Phone (478) 272-0242. POSTMASTER send address change to First United Methodist Church, P.O Box 665, Dublin, GA 31040-0665. Periodicals postage paid at Dublin, GA 31021 Acolytes: March 22 Rebecca Polhill and Darci Dixon March 29 Matthew Glass and Grant Baker USHERS 9:00 Traditional March 22 Alan Palmer March 29 Eddie Herrin USHERS 11:00 March 22 Krather Nelson, Captain Jim Cameron, Linc Jones, Phil Thacker March 29 Charlie Garbutt, Captian Jim Crowdis 5th Sunday in Lent VOLUME LVIII Phone 478-697-5822 THOSE WHO SERVE GREETERS 9 Contemporary March 22 Janet Mair & Jan Smith March 29 Julie and Roger Miller CHILDREN’S SERMON 11:00 March 22 Theresa Flanders March 29 Bob Williams 10:45 to 12:00 NURSERY March 22 Ginny Polhill March 29 Angie Kahrmann FLOWERS March 22 Martha Smith March 29 Doctor’s Day March 22 2015 March 28– March 29: Bob Williams faith? What seeds are you planting today that will bloom and blossom tomorrow into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ? As we continue to don our green and celebrate St. Patrick’s day, let that be a reminder to us of our ultimate calling from God to raise up disciples for Jesus. Rev. Bob Williams 9:00 Contemporary 11:00 Traditional Rev. Thad Haygood Scripture: Matthew 5:10-12 Scripture: Mark 15:15-20 Sermon: Blessed are the Persecuted Sermon: The Torture 9:00 Traditional Our purpose: To worship God and to reach, teach and serve others in the name and love of Jesus Christ. Morning Worship 11:00 am Pre-Service Music: Janie Samson Christian Sympathy Chiming of the Hour Registration of Attendance and Greeting Opening Voluntary: And Can It Be Rev. Thad Haygood arr. Innes Procession of the Light of Christ Choral Call to Worship: Acolytes My Hope Is Built Hymn No. 139: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Statement of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed Chancel Choir LOBE DEN HERREN No. 881 Gloria Patri Beneath the Cross of Jesus Pastoral Prayer ST. CHRISTOPHER Rev. Bob Williams Sympathy is extended Brant New and family on the death of his mother, Marion New on March 17, 2015. REMEMBER OUR HOMEBOUND Pray/Write/Call/Visit Rosalie Garbutt 105 Lacross Street, Dublin Ga The Lord’s Prayer Prayer Response: Amen Chancel Choir Offertory Anthem: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Gilbert Martin When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ, my God! All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. See, from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; Love, so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all! Amen Presentation of Tithes and Offerings My favorite day in the preschool WACKY DAY!! Sympathy is extended Garry Gray and family on the death of his mother, Frances Gray on March 10, 2015. No. 71 Hymn No. 297: THE CHILDREN’S CENTER Preacher Thad “Going Bananas" in Chapel-- getting a little Wacky is contagious!! SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS Caitlin Branham Merle Johnson Brenda Nelson Kathryn Robinson Teresa Pritchard Sandy Ballance Lilly Donnell Matthew Willis Jeff Webb Please inform the Church Office if someone needs to be on the prayer list or removed. Names will be removed each month unless otherwise requested. PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES *Doxology Children’s Sermon Theresa Flanders Pre-K — 3rd grade are dismissed for Children’s Church (4 year olds go to nursery) Scripture Lesson: Mark 15:15-20 Sermon: *Hymn No. 359: “24 Hours: The Torture” Rev. Thad Haygood Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed HUDSON *Benediction Rev. Thad Haygood *Choral Benediction: *Closing Voluntary May the Road Rise to Meet You Turner Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing arr. Cuilli Pray for those from our church who have accepted the call to missions, Mark & Val Edens and Arturo & Tracy Paulino, and for our missionaries, Jeffrey & Ellen Hoover (UM General Board of Global Ministries). PRAY FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS IN THE MILITARY Brian and Britt Bearss, Cole Browning, Stephen Hudgins, Doug Kirkland, Justin Miller, Cason and Micah Rowland, Scott Walker, Rich Mascaro CHILDREN’S MINISTRY The coolest vbs ever June 15-19 9am—12pm in the Youth Ministry... Sundays -10 am Sunday School/Confirmation -4:30 Surrender Choir -5:30 theCORE Wednesdays -Accountability Groups Thursdays VISITORS FOR MARCH 15, 2015 -Prayer Breakfast, 7 a.m. @ Burger King Tom Holland, Angie and Jim Nelson ALTAR FLOWERS Flowers are placed on the altar to the glory of God And in honor of their Children and Grandchildren By Roger and Martha Smith Memorials Gifts Given in Memory of: Joel Felton Pierce, Jr. By: Mrs. McGrath Keen, Sr. & family Tal & Mary Orr Music For Rising Pre-K to Rising 6th grade If you are interested in helping volunteer please let Mary Margaret know [email protected] or (912) 223-5833 Weekly Schedule: Happy Birthday!! Surrender Choir, Sunday @ 4:30 p.m. 03/22 Dave Walker Children’s Choir, Wednesday @ 6 p.m. 03/23 Mark Edens, Megan Shepard Chancel Choir, Wednesday @ 7:30 p.m. 03/24 Al Scarborough, Brooke Woods —— 03/25 Willouise Hamilton, Laurie Wicker, Lindsay Atkinson Thursday, April 2 – 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service Communion, Chancel Choir, and instrumentalists 03/26 Phil Thacker, Ashley Cowart 03/27 Hal Waters, Jr., Lucas Duke
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