S aint Anthony Church North Providence 353-3120 Saintanthonychurch.org C S hurch of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary aint Edward Church North Providence 722-7140 Presentationchurchnp.org Providence • 331-4035 Saintedwardchurchpvd.org November 30, 2014 Reverend Edward S. Cardente, Pastor Reverend Nolasco Tamayo, Part time Associate Diocesan Director of Intercultural Ministries Reverend Mr. Louis Vani, Deacon WELCOME If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely - with uncondional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. We are happy you are here and want you to stay. We would like to share our lives with you. Come join us each week so we can worship God together. WEEKEND MASS CELEBRATIONS SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH - 1413 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 5:15 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM Angelo Minervino, Sacristan CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION - 1081 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 4 PM, Sunday 10 AM Stephen Campbell, Sacristan SAINT EDWARD CHURCH - 997 Branch Avenue, Providence Saturday Vigil 6 PM (Spanish), Sunday 9 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish) John Arena, Sacristan HOLY DAYS - as announced WEEKDAY MASS (Trinity Chapel) 8:30 AM St. Anthony Novena Mass: Tuesday 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:15 - 3:45 PM (Presentaon Church) BUSINESS OFFICES - 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, 401 353-3120 401 353-5126 (Fax) Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM Karleen Celona, Administrave Assistant Informaon about the Sacrament of Marriage, Ministry to the Sick and Dying, Parish Records Bullen submissions should be emailed to [email protected] by 9 AM Tuesday. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5215 Maryann Palloa, Elementary Coordinator Mary Ann Dempsey, Junior High Coordinator Sr. Carol Ann Murray, RSM and Sr. Diane Marie Pederzani, RSM, First Eucharist Coordinators Cheryl Anderson, Bapsmal Preparaon Informaon about Infant Bapsm, Adult Sacraments, becoming Roman Catholic (RCIA) YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5216 Andrea Aiello, Coordinator Evere Downing, TIP Baseball Tom Malloy, CYO Basketball ABBA-AVE PRAYER MINISTRY 330-7021 401 353-3059 MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED Saint Anthony Kitchen – Gloria Mamis, Director 353-0688 Saint Anthony Mobile Lunch - Tony Tedesco, Director Social Acon Commiee 621-3805 Saint Edward Food & Wellness Center, 1001 Branch Avenue, Providence, Lori Porcaro, Director Mary’s Meals to the Poor, Church of the Presentaon, David St.Hilaire MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTORS St. Anthony Church - Kim Nixon, 573-0685 Toby Andrews, Assistant Church of the Presentaon - Kim Stanzione St Edward Church, (English Mass) - Judy Laffey CONVENT 3 Pope Street, North Providence Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy MINISTERIO EN ESPAÑOL Rev. Nolasco Tamayo 331-3833 Asistente Pastoral: José Aponte 919-6572 Programa Confirmación: Mayra Vizcaíno 347-5545 Catequesis de Adultos: Guillermina Arias 499-8387 Bausmos: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Matrimonios: Hablar con Fr. Nolasco con un año de ancipación. Grupo de Oración: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Grupo de Lectores: Salvador Pérez 474-9802 Confesiones: Antes de las misas o por cita THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK There is so much noise in the world! May we learn to be silent in our hearts and before God. - Pope Francis Every Mass is offered for the intenons of the faithful present. SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH MONDAY December 1 8:30 AM Birth Rem - John Foye by Wife TUESDAY December 2 8:30 AM 1st Anniv - Louis Loughery by Wife WEDNESDAY December 3 8:30 AM Anniv Rem - Enrico “Harry” Coletta THURSDAY December 4 8:30 AM Mem - Dolores Quattrocchi by the Family FRIDAY December 5 8:30 AM Mem - Ugbogaoyi Ogirl by Niece, Sr. Bride SATURDAY December 6 5:15 PM Anniv Rem - Evelyn A. DeGiulio by the Family SUNDAY December 7 8:00 AM 6th Anniv - Anthony Masciarelli by Wife and Family 10:00 AM 5th Anniv - Muriel Berry by Ann and Bill Casey 11:30 AM 12th Anniv - Clara Rubino by the Family SAINT EDWARD CHURCH WEDNESDAY December 3 6:00 PM Exposicion del Santisimo 7:00 PM Spanish Mass SATURDAY December 6 6:00 PM Spanish Mass SUNDAY December 7 9:00 AM 50th Anniv - Domenico “Tom” Minuto by the Family 11:30 AM Spanish Mass CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY SATURDAY December 6 4:00 PM Birth Rem - Sue Silvestri by the Family SUNDAY December 7 10:00 AM 31st Anniv - Helen Marrantonio by the Family THE VIGIL LAMP The Vigil Candle will burn from November 29th through December 5th in Memory of the 1st Anniversary of Madeline Giampaolo by Elena and Elaine. SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Monday, December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be celebrated 8:30 AM at Saint Anthony Church and 5:15 PM at the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. REST IN PEACE Lord, let perpetual light shine upon Ida Mitchell. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. PARISH MEETINGS – WEEK OF NOVEMBER 30 St. Anthony Church Knitting Ministry Monday @ 1:00 PM Parish Center Adoration Thursday @ 9:00 AM Trinity Chapel Choir Rehearsal Thursday @ 7:00 PM Church READINGS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday – Advent Weekday Is 2: 1 – 5; Mt 8: 5 - 11 Tuesday – Advent Weekday Is 11: 1 – 10; Lk 10: 21 - 24 Wednesday – Saint Francis Xavier, priest Is 25: 6 – 10a; Mt 15: 29 - 37 Thursday – St John Damascene, priest and doctor of the Church Is 26: 1 – 6; Mt 7: 21, 24 - 27 Friday – Advent Weekday Is 29: 17 – 24; Mt 9: 27 - 31 Saturday – Saint Nicholas, bishop Is 30: 19 – 21, 23 – 26; Mt 9: 35 - - 10: 1, 5a, 6 - 8 Sunday – Second Sunday of Advent Is 40: 1 – 5, 9 – 11; 2 Pt 3: 8 – 14; Mk 1: 1 - 8 YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] Godspell at Saint Raphael Academy The Youth Ministry will be attending the performance of Godspell by the Saint Raphael Academy Drama Club on Sunday, December 7th at 2 PM in the Coutu Theatre at the school. This is a great opportunity to experience the parables in a fun and entertaining way. If you would like to join our group, we will be meeting at Saint Anthony Church at 12:45 PM to ride the bus with driver Reverend Mark Sauriol. Please email [email protected] by December 1st so that reservations can be made for the group. Permission slip required. LaSalette Shrine Trip The Youth Ministry will host a family trip to the LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro, MA on Monday, December 15th. We affirm that Christmas is a time to reflect upon the birth of Jesus. Jesus is the reason for all these lights and our reason for celebrating our Jesus Light of Life (John 8:12). Anyone interested in attending must be in Saint Anthony parking lot no later than 5:30 PM. Families will be responsible for transportation. If a ride is needed, please contact youth ministry at [email protected]. We look forward to a heart-warming evening with our families and friends! CAL Basketball Schedule Sunday, December 7 Girls vs. Saint Luke’s at Saint Luke Church at 3 PM Boys Grammar vs. Saint Kevin’s at Home at 3 PM Boys Junior vs. Saint Michael’s at Home at 2 PM Mission Trip To Guatemala On January 1, 2015, 12 teenagers and four adults from our four neighboring parishes (Saint Edward Church, Saint Anthony, Church of the Presentation, and St Mary Church Pawtucket, will be chosen as missionaries and prepare themselves to work with over 200 children, at the Valley of the Angels orphanage in Guatemala this July! (www.valleyoftheangelsorphanage.com). What we are looking for, is just the right teenager and adult, individuals mature enough to understand the call, the work, and the spirituality of what it is to be a missionary and what it is to be Christ for others. We will start preparing on a weekly basis beginning in January. If you are a high school Senior or adult interested in being considered for a mission spot, please email Fr. Mark Sauriol at [email protected] Explain in your email a little about yourself, age, grade and why you think your ready to be a Missionary. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INFORMATION Religious Education Office: 353-5215 RCIA (First Eucharist) for Children: Parents of children in grade 3 and up who have not received First Communion should contact the Religious Education Office to register their child(ren) for classes and further information. Schedule of Classes: All classes are held in the Saint Anthony Parish Center. First Eucharist: Classes will December 1st from 6 PM - 7 PM. meet Monday, Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Classes will meet on Monday, December 1st from 6 PM - 7 PM and Tuesday, December 2nd from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Grades 7 and 8: Classes will meet on Sunday, November 30th and Sunday, December 7th from 10 AM 11:15 AM followed by 11:30 AM Mass. Confirmation I and II: classes will begin in January 2015. Information will follow at a later date. BAPTISM We welcome into our parish family Gabriella Elise Cabral. who will be baptized this weekend. May our Lord continue to bless her and her family. NEXT YOUTH MASS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 at 11:30 AM ATTENTION: STUDENTS IN GRADES 3 - 6, SUMMER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM The Advent Morning for all students in grades 3 through 6 who participated in the Summer Religious Education Program will be held on Saturday, December 6th from 9 AM - 11 AM in the Saint Anthony Parish Center. Volunteers are needed for the Children’s Liturgy at the 5:15 PM and 11:30 AM Masses. If you are interested, please contact Maryann Pallotta in the Religious Education office (353-5215). The St. Edward Food and Wellness Center is in need of toiletries for their clients. Donations may be brought to Mass and placed in the basket located at the entrance of the Churches. Dear Parishioners, As I celebrate 40 years of priesthood I want to thank you for your prayers and support over the 26 years I have been in the North Providence area serving at Saint Anthony, Saint Edward and more recently the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Churches. I am so grateful for the many ways God has blessed me and enabled me to share my priesthood with all of you and for your generous response of your commitment to the poor through our growing outreach programs. As you know I was planning to have an open house for Holy Family Home on November 30th, the day of my ordination. But there have been some delays in the renovations pushing the opening day into mid - December. I will keep you informed. God bless you and may you have a joyful Advent season! Father Ed HOLIDAY BAZAAR FINANCIAL REPORT Revenue: Raffle returns Bazaar Receipts Breakfast Receipts Banner Donors Total Revenue: Expenses: Printing Postage Advertising Entertainment / Crafts Pot of Gold Prize Food / Kitchen Supplies Signage Total Expenses: NET INCOME SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH ANNUAL COLLECTION Donations as of November 30, 2014: $ 22,093.00 $ 8,802.00 12,128.00 1,150.00 2,937.00 $ 25,017.00 $ 1,604.00 1,988.00 833.00 357.00 326.00 191.00 249.00 $ 5,548.00 $ 19,469.00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE RAFFLE In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe there will be a raffle drawn on Sunday, December 14th. First prize is $500; second prize $ 300; third prize is Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. Tickets are $5 each and may be purchased after all Masses at Saint Edward and Saint Anthony Churches. HOLY NAME SOCIETY TOY DRIVE The Holy Name Society will hold its annual Toy Drive Please donate a new through December 14th. unwrapped toy and deposit it in the decorated boxes located at the entrances of Saint Anthony Church and the Church of the Presentation 2015 CATHOLIC CALENDARS We would like to extend special thanks to Dan Pontarelli of Pontarelli Marino Funeral Home for generously donating the 2015 Catholic calendars to Saint Anthony and Saint Edward Churches; and to A. A. Mariani and Son Funeral Home for donating the calendars to the Church of the Presentation. These calendars can be found at the entrances of all churches; all are welcome to take one. Please consider donating if you have not already given. Contributions may be placed in the weekly collection basket (in a separate envelope labeled Annual Collection) or mailed to the Parish Office. All donations received by December 31st will be included in the 2014 tax letter. This short season of Advent conjures up for me the image of a toddler trying to get somebody’s attention in a roomful of blaring music and loudly taking adults. No easy task. The din I refer to is all the shopping, decorating, cooking and partying associated with this pre - Christmas season in the world. Not all of that is bad and I don’t intend a blanket condemnation. Some of it brightens our dark early winter world with the smiles of family and friends. But none of that is in keeping with Advent theme of watchful waiting, and pondering Christ’s second coming. So, we have to make a decision and mentally pull away from some of that “red and green”, and think “purple” in our Masses and prayers. Honestly, all those other things are just tinsel, destined for a short attention span. Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson NORTH PROVIDENCE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE SEEKS NEW MEMBERS The North Providence Fraternal Order of Police Associates is seeking men and women 18 years or older from North Providence or Johnston to become new members. Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month at 9:30 AM in the lower squad room of the North Providence Police Department, located at 1967 Mineral Spring Avenue. For more information, please contact President William Sherlock (226-4172 / email [email protected]) or Vice President John Bonaventura (353-3588 / email [email protected]). NOVENARIO DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE 2014 Este año haremos un retiro espiritual con San Juan Diego y Santa María de Guadalupe durante los 9 días… Jueves 4: 1er día. 6.30 p.m. Oferentes: Grupo de Oración. Viernes 5: 2do día. 6.30 p.m. Oferentes: Coro Parroquial. Sábado 6: 3er día. 5.30 p.m. Oferentes: Catequesis Infantil Domingo 7: 4to día. 11.00 a.m. Oferentes: Familias de la Parroquia PRIMER DOMINGO Nov. 30 PREPARÉMONOS PARA LA FIESTA DE LA VIRGEN Estamos a 2 semanas de la Celebración en honor de nuestra Reina y Señora de Guadalupe. Prometeré NO FALTAR LOS 9 DÍAS!!! La fiesta será el domingo 14 de Diciembre. Magnífica oportunidad de renovar nuestra devoción, amor y protección a la Madre de Dios. El mejor regalo a nuestra Señora será una muy buena confesión, la comunión y no faltar a la novena durante los 9 días previos a su fiesta como una promesa de amor y devoción. Comienza el Jueves 4 de Diciembre a las 6.30 p.m. con el rosario, luego la novena y la misa respectiva de cada día por los alféreces correspondientes. No faltes!!!! FINANCIAL REPORT ST. EDWARD´S CHURCH SANCTUARY RENOVATIONS Thanks to the 47 families that made possible this project with their generosity and support. This is the breakdown of all the expenses: Labor: $ 6,250.00 Reset of Smoke beam: $ 1,103.00 Materials: $ 2,804.00 Lift Rental: 1,070.00 Attic Insulation: $ 404.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $11,631.00 RAISED SO FAR $ 7,930.00 as today ORGANIZACIÓN DEL ALMUERZO PARA EL 8 DE DIC. Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Necesitamos donaciones de pollo, arroz, ensalada y postres. Si quieres donar comunícate con Guadalupe Aquino al 454-8838. Necesitamos voluntarios para preparar el sótano el sábado 13 Gracias a todos por su ayuda y recuerden que la fiesta patronal la hacemos todos! OFERENTES NOVENARIO DE LA VIRGEN Para los días 7 y 8 de diciembre hay espacio para que ofrezcan sus intenciones durante la novena de la Virgen de Guadalupe. El día 13 (Último día del novenario) oraremos por todos los enfermos. Separen su intención especial por ellos y vamos a traerlos a la misa. Pueden separar su intención con Guadalupe Aquino al tel. 454-8838. Lunes 8: 5to día. 6.30 p.m. Oferentes: Familias de la Parroquia. Martes 9: 6to día. 6.30 p.m. Oferentes: RICA y Programa de Confirmación. Miércoles 10: 7mo día. 6.30 p.m. Oferentes: Lectores y Ministros de la Comunión. Jueves 11: 8vo día. 6.30 p.m. Oferentes: Ministros de Bienvenida y Ujieres. Viernes 12: SOLEMNE CELEBRACIÓN EN LA CATEDRAL Confesiones: 5.00 p.m. Eucaristía: 7.00 p.m. Sábado 13: 9no día. 5.30 p.m. Oferentes: Los Enfermos y Eucaristía con la unción para todos los asistentes. RETIRO DE ADVIENTO “PARA GENTE OCUPADA” Durante las 4 semanas previas a la Navidad quiero invitarlos a prepararnos a la venida del Señor. Hagamos nuestra meditación diaria con el librito AZUL DE ADVIENTO Y NAVIDAD. 15 minutos al día de oración y crecimiento espiritual. Pueden conseguir el libro después de las misas por $2.00 dólares. Caminemos juntos a la venida del Señor!! ELABOREMOS EL PESEBRE EN FAMILIA Recuerda que el centro de la Navidad es el niño Dios, no San Nicolás, ni el árbol de navidad. Por lo tanto enseña a tus hijos la bella tradición de elaborar el pesebre en familia. Enseña los villancicos y revive las tradiciones de nuestros mayores con ellos. Busca un lugar especial en la sala de la casa y elabóralo. Reza la novena y las posadas a diario con ellos desde el 16 de diciembre hasta el 23. PREPARA EL SOBRE CON TU OFRENDA DESDE CASA Recuerda traer tu sobre con tu ofrenda preparado desde casa, como una forma de demostrarle a Dios tu entusiasmo de venir a su casa y al mismo tiempo compartir con Él tu tesoro. Cuando das un regalo a alguien siempre lo envuelves bien para presentarlo a su dueño. Lo mismo con Dios!!! Dispón con tiempo tu sobre y ofrenda como fruto de tu generosidad y esfuerzo. Esto es parte de nuestra preparación previa al encuentro con Dios en el templo. Si no tienes un sobre, déjale saber alguno de los ujieres para que te provean un provisional y averigüen por qué no te llegan los sobres! Con el fin de ayudar a la parroquia durante el invierno con los gastos de la calefacción. El año pasado gastamos $6,195.00 en remoción de la nieve y $6,335.00 para calentar el templo. Su ayuda es clave. FLORES PARA NOVENARIO Y FIESTA DE LA VIRGEN Este año la rifa está bien atractiva. Primer premio $500.00 en efectivo, Segundo premio: $300.00, Tercer Premio SAMSUNG TAB4 16GB. El costo de la boleta es de $5.00 dólares o el paquete de 4 a $20.00 y solo se han impreso 1000 boletas así que habrá mas opción de ganar. Necesitamos aún donaciones extras para reunir los arreglos florales de los primeros 6 días del novenario y su fiesta. Gracias mil a quienes han colaborado con su arreglo para la Señora del Tepeyac. Lo que sobre ayudará para los arreglos del Templo durante la Navidad. Que nuestra Señora les recompense!!! Esperamos que cada familia se lleve mínimo 2 paquetes de boletas para su casa y se comprometan a venderlas. Tu colaboración es esencial para el éxito. Gracias por ayudar a su parroquia!!! NUESTRA CO-RRESPONSABILIDAD!!! “Aquel que lo da todo, aunque parezca poco, da mucho...Porque Dios no mira la cualidad del regalo, sino el corazón del donante”.. 904 A. A. MARIANI & SON FUNERAL HOME “Serving our community Since 1889” TIMOTHY O’ TOOLE ~ FD/RE • MICHEAL SLADEN ~ FD/RE 200 HAWKINS ST., PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 02904 • 861-5432 CIGAR SHOP NICHOLAS D. IANNUCCILLI, MD SMOKESTACK 2003 Smith St., North Providence BARONE CONSTRUCTION General Contractor Services Specializing in Harvey Windows & Vinyl Siding 401-349-0512 www.mbjrconstruction.com [email protected] 401.231.7243 • Cell: 401.413.8884 X-RAY • FLUOROSCOPY • ULTRASOUND • BONE DENSITY Rhode Island Collision Sales Gourmet Comforting & Relaxed Environment WELLESLEY MEDICAL BUILDING & Service Inc. Italian Deli 1515 Smith Street Unibody Collision Specialist • Insurance Claims WALK-INS WELCOME Hot or Cold Sandwiches • Bakery • Full Service Catering North Providence, RI 195 Valley St., Providence RI 02909 Evening & Saturday Appts. Available. 1290 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 401-521-3112 • License #58 Stat Reports Phoned In Promptly 401-722-3222 • www.paulypentasdeli.com www.ricollision.com We MEAT your needs. Nardolillo Funeral Home “Family Owned & Operated since 1906” HACCP Certified 1278 Park Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 • 401.942.1220 401-232-7220 1111 Boston Neck Rd., 401-474-6855 Narragansett, RI 02882 • 401.789.6300 10 LBS. Ground Beef $2250 Robert A. Nardolillo, Jr. • David M. Nardolillo 60 Armento St., Johnston, RI Angelo M. Nardolillo, Thomas M. Norato - Directors DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY (401) 353-1600 DiRocco Plumbing Services LLC Commercial & Residential Service, Installation & Repair 401-255-5218 www.DiRoccoPlumbing.com Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 401-353-0443 Richard & Gina Califano 1538 Smith St. N. Providence, RI “Voted #1 By RI Monthy Best Breakfast” Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 PLEASE PATRONIZE THE BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONALS THAT ADVERTISE IN YOUR BULLETIN AND THANK THEM FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT! YOUR ADVERTISERS MAKE YOUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE. ST. ANTHONY & ST. EDWARD IS LOOKING FOR A FEW MORE SPONSORS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE BULLETIN, PLEASE CONTACT JOHN PATRICK PUBLISHING COMPANY 800-333-3166 • WWW.JPPC.NET THANK YOU. 904 St. Anthony & St. Edward, Providence, RI (inside) UPS John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net PONTARELLI-MARINO FUNERAL HOME 232-9400 24-Hour Emergency Service All Makes and Models www.carjon.com Free Estimates Simple Financing Live in a World of Total Comfort. Funeral Directors - RE Daniel A. Pontarelli • Jeremie R. Thibault • Mark S. Marino • Kelsey N. Casey 971 Branch Ave., Providence, RI 02904 • 401-331-7390 Rosemont Terrace Simply Elegant Flowers Birchwood Manor LLC, Ledgemont Manor LLC Apartment Complexes Sal Compagnone • Sal Compagnone, Jr. “Where art & nature meet” 10 Cedar Swamp Rd., Smithfield, RI 231-4310 • www.simplyelegantflowers.net GOLDEN CREST NURSING CENTRE 41 SHEPARD AVE. • PROVIDENCE, RI 401-724-1786 1669 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence 353-3577 Skilled Nursing Care Sub-Acute Rehab Alzheimer’s Care • Hospice Kodos Jewelry Highest Price Paid For Gold 401-274-6040 1909 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence 100 SMITHFIELD ROAD NORTH PROVIDENCE GoldenCrestNursingCentre.com 353-1710 1040 Charles St., N. Providence, RI 401-727-1700 • F: 401-727.1719 www.villageri.com & A t t o r n e y s A t Robert A. Peretti L a w 1536 Westminster St., Providence, RI 02909 401.273.7747 • Fax: 401.421.4818 Email: [email protected] ROBBINS FUNERAL HOME TOWN LINE SERVICE CENTER 2251 Mineral Spring Avenue 24 HOUR TOWING • P/U-JUNK CARS & TRUCKS 231-9307 COMPLETE SERVICE CENTER Geoffrey D. Greene, Director Jennifer L. Fagan, Director Veronica L. Houston, Director MINERAL SPRING LIQUORS Peretti, LLP 1005 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence, RI 02904 401.723.5560 • Fax 401.728.7805 A. RICCI & SONS, INC. General Contractors & Excavation 990 Mineral Spring Ave., N. Providence 401-353-3414 • Fax 401-726-8020 Joseph Ricci - Cell 401-639-3532 Mark Mercure - Cell: 401-640-4494 1232 DOUGLAS AVE., NO. PROVIDENCE 401-353-6610 Providence Auto Body, Inc. Auto Body Work • Estimates • Unconditional 100% Lifetime Guarantee “RHODE ISLAND’S LARGEST VOLUME AUTO BODY REPAIR FACILITY” John & Sandra Petrarca & The Staff Of Providence Auto Body 350 Silver Spring St. • Providence, RI 401-861-2211 • Fax: 401-421-3160 MERRICK R. WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Charlene E. Williams, Funeral Director Larue’s Blackstone Valley DRIVING SCHOOL Low Rates • Door to Door Service • Est. 1978 Male/Female Instructors • Insurance Certificate Issued 722-1864 www.lbvds.com Emmily’s Family Style Restaurant & Grille 1525 SMITH ST., NO. PROVIDENCE 401-353-0444 Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Breakfast All Day Sunday! Hrs: Sun.-Tues 7am-3pm Weds.-Sat. 7am-9pm COFFEE ...Small $1.10 ...Medium $1.60 10% OFF ENTIRE BILL • Unibody Specialist • State of the Art Equipment • Environmentally Safe Spray Booths • Substitute Vehicles Available • 24 Hour Towing Services NOW OPEN! 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ALL repairs are guaranteed for the life of your vehicle. RHODE ISLAND • MASS • FLORIDA www.metromotorgroup.com Call me for ALL you auto needs. Robert T. Grieco, Parishioner (401) 553-6000 CELL: (401) 265-8088 RAMBONE & SPRAGUE OIL SERVICE, INC. We Won’t Leave You In The Cold We meet by accident... Make friends on purpose. Cathy Grieco, Parishioner (401) 231-1118 MortgageAccess Corp JOSEPH P. CALABRO, JR. Scott F. Lacey - Area Manager Cell 401-723-5400 Office: 888-691-6622 Ext. 12 1417 Douglas Ave., 2nd Fl., North Providence, RI Ph: 401.647.1455 • Fax: 401.647.1955 Heating System Installation 1484 Mineral Spring Ave., N. Providence (Across From St. Anthony) BUY 6 GET 6 FREE DONUTS WITH COUPON www.metrocollisionri.com 401.475.1000 www.darlingtonliving.com 1073 & 1081-R Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence RI 02904 904 St. Anthony & St. Edward, Providence RI (back) UPS NAccidentally ORTHEAST AUTO BODY & SALES The Best • Insurance Specialists CPA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT MASTER OF SCIENCE TAXATION (401) 354-8720 [email protected] (401) 437-8444 • (401) 437-6613 Fax 1 Thurber Blvd. • Suite D 21 Humbert Street, N. Providence, RI 02911 Smithfield, RI 02917 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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