Committee 11 A Surgical Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Children Chairmen M.MITCHELL (USA), C.WOODHOUSE (UK) Members D. BLOOM (USA), H.M. SNYDER (USA), Consultant M. FISCH (GERMANY) 755 CONTENTS Chapter 11A 4. SEROMUSCULAR PATCH I. INTRODUCTION 5. URETERAL BLADDER AUGMENTATION 1. ABNORMALITIES OF STORAGE (FIGURES 1,2) 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 2. ABNORMALITIES OF SPHINCTERIC FUNCTION (FIGURES 3,4) 3. BYPASS OF (FIGURES 3,4) SPHINCTERIC V. BLADDER OUTLET SURGERY MECHANISMS 1. NATIVE URETHRAL ENHANCEMENT 2. BLADDER OUTLET RECONSTRUCTION IN CHILDREN FOR CONTINENCE AND DRYNESS II. EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSIS (Figure 5) 3. ALTERNATIVE CONTINENCE CHANNELS 1. HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION VI. COMPLICATIONS OF CONTINENCE SURGERY IN CHILDREN (Table 3) 2. IMAGING STUDIES 3. URODYNAMICS 1. STORAGE AND EMPTING COMPLICATIONS 2. RESERVOIR RUPTURE III INDICATIONS FOR SURGICAL PROCEDURES TO CORRECT INCONTINENCE IN CHILDHOOD (Figure 6) 3. METABOLIC COMPLICATIONS 4. EFFECTS ON THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT 5. RENAL FUNCTION 1. STORAGE FUNCTION 6. INFECTION AND STONES 7. GROWTH 2. SPHINCTER FUNCTION 8. PREGNANCY 3. PROCEDURES BYPASSING THE SPHINCTER 9. CANCER 10. PSYCHOLOGICAL IV. BLADDER/RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION 1. URETEROSIGMOIDOSTOMY/THE RECTUM POUCH 2. INTESTINE: BLADDER CONSEQUENCES AND QUALITY OF LIFE V. CONSENSUS STATEMENT ON SURGICAL TREATMENT OF URINARY INCONTINENCE IN CHILDREN SIGMA- AUGMENTATION, BLADDER REPLACEMENT, CONTINENT URINARY DIVERSION (COLON/ILEUM/STOMACH) REFERENCES 3. AUTO-AUGMENTATION 756 Surgical Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Children M.MITCHELL, C.WOODHOUSE D. BLOOM, H.M. SNYDER, M. FISCH is no longer possible in most patients. If resistance is too low they leak, if it is too high they have to strain or perform CIC. In either case, this is not a physiological situation. Considering the long-term outcome, it may be better not to void spontaneously when bladder outlet resistance is increased because longstanding outlet resistance may cause secondary changes of the bladder wall (as in benign prostatic obstruction), severe dysfunctional voiding or detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. I. INTRODUCTION Urinary incontinence in children is a priori an issue of great social and medical importance and therefore constitutes an issue of the highest priority. Unfortunately, the proof of efficacy of the surgical procedures to correct this problem falls to levels three, four and five. The rarity and complexity of the conditions associated with congenital incontinence in children at this point precludes the establishment of higher levels of evidence because of the rarity and spectrum of the pathology. The modalities of treatment are in a state of flux and results dependent on the skills of the individual surgeon. Therefore at this point graded recommendations for specific procedures cannot be meaningfully provided. This report provides a schematic for the surgical approach to children based on the committeeÕs consensus. Referenced literature is limited to reports of individualsÕ and institutional experience (Level 3,4) and there are no randomized controlled trials (level 1 and 2 evidence). 1. ABNORMALITIES OF STORAGE (FIGURES 1 AND 2) a) Bladder exstrophy: The incidence for bladder exstrophy is 1 per 30,000 live births. (male to female ratio 2:3.1-6.1); closure of the bladder is generally performed within the first days of life; pelvic osteotomies facilitate reconstruction of the abdominal wall and may improve ultimate continence [1,2]. 1-2 Some children will develop more or less normal capacities, while other patients end up with a poorly compliant small bladder, requiring later bladder enhancement or diversion (ureterosigmoidostomy). Reconstruction of the bladder neck can either be done at the time of bladder closure or at a later stage [3]. Early reconstruction may facili3 tate normal bladder function, but should be attempted only at centers experienced with such surgery [1,4]. 1-4 Continence rates vary from center to center and may range between 43 to 87% [5,6]. 5,6 Congenital anomalies and acquired diseases may cause incontinence by interfering with the function of the sphincter mechanisms, the storage function of the bladder or by bypassing normal sphincter mechanisms. (Figures 1,2,3,4) Surgical treatments are designed to address these problems. In many cases conservative treatments such as intermittent catheterization and drug therapy are needed in addition to surgery since most of the surgical procedures can achieve continence, but seldom restore normal voiding. In the following sections we review these procedures. Multiple mechanisms for incontinence often coexist in the same patient. b) Cloacal exstrophy: The incidence of cloacal exstrophy is 1 per 200,000 live births. This is a much more complex deformity that requires an individual approach. Most of these children have anomalies of the nervous system, upper urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract that can adversely affect urinary tract reconstruction. Before reconstructive procedures are considered, an extensive evaluation has to be carried out. Patients with bladder neck incompetence pose a real challenge and require a different approach. All surgical procedures to ÒreconstructÓ the bladder neck have one thing in common; an anatomical obstruction is created to enhance bladder outlet resistance. Even if successful, normal voiding with low pressures and no external help c) Agenesis and duplication of the bladder are both extremely rare. Agenesis is rarely compatible with life. In bladder duplication other associated congenital ano- 757 Figure 1 : Congenital diagnoses associated with urinary incontinence because of poor bladder compliance and /or reduced bladder volume. Figure 2 : Acquired diagnoses associated with urinary incontinence because of poor bladder compliance and /or reduced bladder volume. 758 malies are often observed such as duplication of external genitalia or lower gastrointestinal tract 3. BYPASS OF SPHINCTERIC (FIGURES 3 AND 4) d) Abnormal storage function in combination with other anomalies is usually caused by a neurologic deficit or is secondary to bladder outlet obstruction. Sacral anomalies are frequently seen with cloacal malforma8.9.10.11 Posterior uretions and imperforate anus [8,9,10,11]. thral valves may cause severe hypertrophy of the detrusor with a small poorly compliant bladder. Unfortunately, following valve ablation, particularly if not done soon after birth, these bladders may not return to normal function. Urinary incontinence is usually the result of detrusor overactivity. Some bladders become decompensated resulting in large residuals and overflow incontinence [12]. 12 Different techniques will be described for enhancing bladder capacity. a)Ectopic Ureters occur more frequently in girls and are commonly part of a duplex system: in girls the ectopic orifice of the upper pole moiety drains into the urethra or vaginal vestibule, thus causing incontinence. When the ectopic ureter represents a single system, the trigone is usually asymmetrical and not well developed. These children may suffer from continuous incontinence as well as a deficient sphincteric mechanism: this is particularly true in bilateral ectopia of single systems. In these patients the trigone and bladder neck are functionally abnormal and treatment includes surgical reconstruction of the bladder neck. When the upper pole ureter opens in the mid or distal female urethra or outside the urinary tract (i.e. vulva or vagina) incontinence results [15]. 15 Upper pole nephrectomy or ipsilateral uretero-ureterostomy solves the problem. 2. ABNORMALITIES OF SPHINCTERIC FUNCTION (FIGURES 3 AND 4) MECHANISMS b) Urethral duplications. Most patients with urethral duplication will leak urine from the abnormal meatus during voiding. In rare cases, when the urethra bypasses the sphincteric mechanisms, continuous leakage may be present [16]. 16 a) Epispadias: incidence 1 in 100,000 live births, male to female ratio: 3-5:1. All patients with bladder exstrophy also have complete epispadias. In patients with complete epispadias the sphincteric mechanism is deficient and causes complete incontinence. Reconstruction of the bladder neck is either performed at the time of epispadias repair or at a later stage [13,14]. 13-14 The bladder function may or may not be normal in these patients. c) Vesicovaginal fistulas. Acquired fistulas may be traumatic or iatrogenic, following procedures on the bladder neck. b) Malformation of the Urogenital Sinus occurs exclusively in phenotypic females. The incidence is 1 in 50,000 live births. In patients with classical urogenital sinus or cloaca, the sphincteric mechanism is insufficient, and due to neurological abnormalities the bladder function may also be abnormal. II. EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSIS (Figure 5) 1. HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION c) Ectopic ureteroceles protruding into the urethra may be responsible for a partial defect of the bladder neck. In these rare cases, sphincteric incontinence may be the result. To understand and manage urinary incontinence in a child a clinician needs to become adept at the elimination interview. This interactive process requires practice and interpersonal skill far beyond a few simple questions such as Òdoes your child wet his or her pants?.Ó Just as a symptom of gross hematuria precipitates a targeted cascade of specific questions, any voiding dysfunction demands a well-tuned elimination interview and a careful search for physical clues [1]. d) Sphincter Abnormalities secondary to spina bifida and other neurologic disorders are of particular importance. The sphincter may be overactive (like in detrusor sphincter dyssynergia) or incompetent. Overactivity of the sphincter causes secondary changes of the bladder wall (increased collagen type III with decreased elasticity and compliance). Continence is usually achieved with anticholinergic drug treatment or bladder augmentation (using the overactivity of the sphincter for continence). In cases of incompetence of the sphincter different types of surgical intervention are possible to enhance the sphincteric mechanism. In general all patients with a neurogenic bladder need Clean Intermittent Cauterization (CIC). In patients bound to a wheelchair a suprapubic channel can be created (Mitrofanoff) to facilitate CIC. The ÒElimination HistoryÓ should elucidate the following information; family history of genitourinary disorders; unexplained fevers in infancy, age of toilet training; evidence of urinary infections; previous or current voiding symptoms (dysuria, urgency, stranguria, stream abnormality, intermittency, retention episodes); number of voids per day; delay of first morning void (and, if so, for how long); nocturia; waking to drink (a hallmark of renal insufficiency). The present status of continence (diurnal, nocturnal, fecal) is care2 fully queried with quantitative analysis [2]. For 759 Figure 3 : Congenital diagnoses associated with urinary incontinence because of poor sphincteric function or anatomic bypass of the urinary sphincter. Figure 4 : Acquired diagnoses associated with urinary incontinence because of poor sphincteric function or anatomic bypass of the urinary sphincter. 760 Figure 5 : Flow diagram for the evaluation of a child with urinary incontinence. organomegaly, particularly kidneys, bladder or masses. Genitalia are examined and described in terms of sexual maturity. Underwear and clothes are examined for dryness or stains. The penis is inspected for meatal stenosis, phimosis, hypospadias or epispadias. The introitus is examined for normal dimensions and landmarks. Absence of a distinct urethral orifice is a clue to a urogenital sinus anomaly. Failure of fusion of the labial folds anteriorly is a typical feature of female epispadias. Anal position and appearance are noted. We are reluctant to do routine rectal examination or intrusive pelvic examination in children unless a specific reason is present. The back and spine are examined and palpated for scoliosis, kyphosis, hemangiomas, lipoma, hair tufts, asymmetry, or dimples. The feet are inspected for asymmetry, arch disproportions, clubbing, and inversions. It is useful to observe the childÕs gait. example, with diurnal incontinence ascertain the number of wet days (e.g. 2 per week), number of accidents on wet days, management of the accidents (e.g. number of pads, underwear or clothes changes/day). The pattern of incontinence is telling: does the child void normally but have continuous dribbling in between; are the accidents related to stress or physical activity; are the accidents related to large volumes and infrequent voiding; do the accidents occur just after voiding; are accidents only associated with giggling; are accidents random; are volumes usually large or small? Nocturnal incontinence is similarly probed; how many wet nights per week and accidents per night; how is the wet bed managed; does the accident waken the child; does the child wake to void on dry nights; what is the relationship of accidents to foods, stress, travels, menstrual periods; how has incontinence been managed thus far (medications, therapeutic programs, discipline)? An elimination diary is a very useful adjunct to the elimination interview. Bowel patterns are relevant [3]. 3 2. IMAGING STUDIES Physical examination: Height and weight percentiles, blood pressure, and urine analysis are basic elements of the physical exam. Overall constitutional health, vigor and gait are assessed. Evidence for neglect or abuse is considered. The abdomen is inspected and palpated for Imaging studies are essential to define the anatomical abnormalities responsible for and associated with incontinence. Ultrasonography and a voiding cystourethrogram are the basic studies. Ultrasonography should assess not just the kidneys, but the entire abdomen 761 including the bladder. Renal size is assessed by comparison to a nomogram for normal lengths. Parenchyma is described, hydronephrosis if present is graded and bladder wall is characterized. Stones, debris and foreign bodies are sought. In infants and small children sacral ultrasonography can demonstrate normal position and mobility of the spinal cord. The scout film of the contrast voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) assesses the lower spine and sacrum, intersymphyseal distance, and fecal retention. The next images should be limited and collimated to minimize radiation. These films will show bladder configuration, presence of vesicoureteral reflux, incomplete voiding, bladder neck competence, urethral anatomy, and vaginal reflux. The amount of contrast instilled for the study is a useful parameter to record, in addition to initial catheter placement and postvoid residual. The VCUG is particularly important in patients with infection history or hydronephrosis. Occasionally, an intravenous urogram will provide the clearest assessment of the urinary tract. Rapid MRI and CT scanning can be helpful in defining spinal abnormalities as well as congenital abnormalities in the urinary tract. III INDICATIONS FOR SURGICAL PROCEDURES TO CORRECT INCONTINENCE IN CHILDHOOD (Figure 6) 1. STORAGE FUNCTION Reduced bladder capacity is the main indication for simple bladder augmentation. Reduced capacity can be congenital (bilateral single ectopic ureters, bladder exstrophy) or caused by previous surgery e.g. bladder neck reconstruction in exstrophy patients, where a part of the bladder is used to create an outlet resistance. Other indications are low functional bladder capacity as it may be present in neurogenic bladder (meningomyelocele) or bladder scarring from previous surgery or obstruction. Bladder scarring from Bilharzia remains common in endemic areas and is increasingly common with immigration. In all such cases surgery is indicated when conservative treatment has failed. 3. URODYNAMICS 2. SPHINCTER FUNCTION In addition to imaging studies, urodynamic studies, mainly cystometrography and when needed electromyography of the sphincters and urinary flow studies, are useful for all patients with neurogenic incontinence, and in some cases of bladder exstrophy and after posterior urethral valves are resected to help define the mechanism of incontinence. However in many patients much useful information on the function of the lower urinary tract can be obtained with very basic studies including ultrasound and cystometry. Most of the diseases in childhood requiring surgical repair for incontinence not only have an influence on bladder capacity but also on sphincter function. Conservative measures to improve sphincter function have limited value and surgery is required in many cases. There are different surgical options; either to increase outlet resistance or to create or implant a new sphincter mechanism. In neurologically normal patients such as classic exstrophy patients, early anatomic reconstruction may allow normal bladder and sphincter function. Pediatric urodynamic assessment takes patience on the part of the pediatric specialist. These studies take time and care. They require experienced interpretation. The equipment may range from a simple water manometer with a 3-way stopcock in infants to a continuous recording device connected to a transducer, microtip transducer, or fiberoptic sensor. Concomitant electromyography with patch or needle electrodes is useful. The child should be emotionally prepared and put to ease. Catheterization affords another opportunity to examine the child. The filling curve will be essentially flat without significant pressure change, show low compliance, or evidence involuntary bladder contractions (detrusor overactivity). The absence of observable detrusor overactivity in the forced and artificial testing situation may not be representative of the day-to-day reality of bladder function for a child, and therefore does not necessarily rule out detrusor overactivity. Volume and pressure at the first sensation of fullness, first discomfort and the moment of voiding are critically important to note. Sling procedures are indicated when the residual sphincter function is not sufficient to avoid incontinence. This is the case in patients with neurogenic bladder disturbances and urethral incontinence. If there is no residual sphincter function or outlet resistance at all, an artificial sphincter may be required. Primary urinary diversion (rectal reservoirs/continent stoma) offers an alternative solution to this problem. 3 PROCEDURES BYPASSING THE SPHINCTER If bladder outlet surgery fails or urethral catheterization is not possible, a continent stoma may be constructed. Some patients prefer catheterizing through a continent stoma rather than through the sensate urethra. The continent stoma (Mitrofanoff principle) may be effectively combined with bladder augmentation and/or bladder neck closure. An alternative to such procedures would be the use of the anal sphincter for urinary continence. 762 Figure 6 : Treatment schematic for the surgical management of urinary incontinence in children. a) The Augmented rectal bladder (Figure 7). In which the rectosigmoid is opened on its antimesenteric border and augmented by an ileal segment [1]. The sigmoid may be invaginated to form a nipple valve, as shown in this figure, to avoid reflux of urine into the descending colon and thus to minimize metabolic complications. IV. BLADDER/RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION 1. URETEROSIGMOIDOSTOMY/ THE SIGMA-RECTUM POUCH b) The Sigma-rectum pouch (Figure 8). In which there is an antimesenteric opening of the recto-sigmoid and a side to side detubularization anastomosis. Ureteral reimplantation of normal sized ureters is by a standard submucosal tunnel (Goodwin, Leadbetter). If the ureter is dilated the technique utilizing a serosa lined extramural tunnel may be more appropriate. This type of continent urinary reconstruction may be utilized in reconstruction for bladder exstrophy, an incontinent urogenital sinus or the traumatic loss of the urethral sphincter. As this reconstruction is totally dependent on the normal function of the anal sphincter, contraindications include incompetence of the anal sphincter, anal prolapse, previous anal surgery, and irradiation. Because of the potential for electrolyte resorption, renal insufficiency with creatinine greater than 2 mg/dl also is a contraindication. Furthermore, severely dilated and thick walled ureters are difficult to utilize for a direct ureterosigmoid anastomosis and may be a contraindication for this form of reconstruction in children. As reported by Fisch et al. (1996) [2], 2 the results of these low-pressure rectal reservoirs are excellent with day and night continence better than 90% and complications related to the surgical procedure range from 010% with the sigma-rectum pouch to 34% for the augmented rectal bladder. Late complications for the sigma-rectum pouch range from 6-12.5% and the late complications for the augmented rectal bladder are 17%. The complications are primarily pouch leakage early on, or late stenosis of the ureteral implantation into the bowel and pyelonephritis. Metabolic acidosis may also occur (Table 1). Low pressure rectal reservoirs are superior to simple ureterosigmoidostomy because the augmented or reconfigured rectal bladder achieves lower pressure storage and accordingly, enhances continence. There are two techniques which have been utilized: 763 Figure 7 : Augmented rectal bladder Table 1 : Mainz Pouch II 764 cedures such as bladder neck reconstruction or other forms of urethral reconstruction are required when both the bladder and outlet are deficient. This occurs most commonly in bladder exstrophy. It must be appreciated that these procedures may complicate transurethral catheterization. Augmentation with surgical closure of the bladder neck may be required primarily, or as a secondary procedure in certain rare clinical situations. In this situation a continent stoma will be required. ¥ An augmentation with additional continent stoma is utilized primarily following failure of previous bladder outlet surgery. It is advisable also when it can be anticipated that there will be an inability to catheterize transurethrally. An abdominal wall continent stoma may be particularly beneficial to the wheelchair bound spina bifida patient who often can have difficulty with urethral catheterization. For continence with augmentation and an abdominal wall stoma, it is essential that there be an adequate bladder outlet mechanism to maintain continence. ¥ Total bladder replacement in anticipation of normal voiding in children is very rare, as there are infrequent indications for a total cystectomy, with preservation of the bladder outlet and a competent urethral sphincter. This type of bladder replacement is much more common in adult urologic reconstruction. Figure 8 : Sigma-rectum pouch 2. INTESTINE: BLADDER AUGMENTATION, BLADDER REPLACEMENT, CONTINENT URINARY DIVERSION (COLON/ILEUM/STOMACH) ¥ A continent urinary intestinal reservoir with continent abdominal wall stoma is an alternative to procedures that depend on bladder neck reconstruction or compressive procedures for continence. It is also an alternative in patients who are not candidates for a reservoir dependent on anal sphincteric function [5,6,7]. 5,6,7 The indication for replacement of the bladder or a continent urinary diversion is either the morphological or functional loss of normal bladder function. A contraindication exists if the patient cannot be catheterized or there is an anticipation of poor patient compliance. When there is reduced renal function generally with a creatinine above 2 mg/dl or a creatinine clearance below 40 ml./min/1.73 m2, there is a relative contraindication to the use of ileum or colon because of the anticipation of a metabolic acidosis secondary to reabsorption. The stomach with its excretion of acid may be used with a low creatinine clearance possibly in 3 It is, however, not preparation for transplantation [3]. wise to use stomach with any questions of an incompetent bladder outlet because of the severe skin irritation that the acid urine may produce [4]. 4 a) Selection of Intestinal Segment to be Utilized (Figure 6) ¥ Stomach has limited indications primarily because of the complications that have been seen. It, however, is the only intestinal segment really suitable with significantly reduced renal function. Additionally, when no other bowel may be available, as after irradiation or there exists the physiology of a short bowel syndrome, as in cloacal exstrophy, this may be the only alternative remaining [4] 4 (Table 2) ¥ Ileum/Colon Clinically these two intestinal segments appear to be equally useful. In children, sigmoid colon is widely used except in those who have been treated for imperforate anus [8]. 8 Use of the ileocecal region, however, can be associated with transient and sometimes prolonged diarrhea. This segment should be avoided in patients with a neurogenic bowel secondary to myelomeningocele or who have been subject to previous pelvic irradiation. If the ileocecal valve must be used, it There are indications for different technical approaches to bladder augmentation or replacement that are dependent upon the clinical presentation of the patient: ¥ A simple bladder augmentation using intestine may be carried out if there is any bladder tissue, a competent sphincter and/or bladder neck, and a catheterizable urethra. ¥ An augmentation with additional bladder outlet pro- 765 Table 2 : Gastric Pouches generally satisfactory [10]. 10 A slightly longer segment of ileum is wise. The length of the segments can be scaled down in smaller children. One should not utilize more than 60 cm of ileum in adolescents and comparable lengths in younger children because of reduction of the intestinal resorptive surface. may be reconstructed at the time of ileocolostomy. The ileum can be satisfactorily used for bladder augmentation: however because of its smaller diameter a longer segment of ileum is required to create a comparable colon reservoir [9]. 9 Colon has greater flexibility for urethral implantation and construction of a continent. The colon is more frequently used for continent urinary reservoirs in children [6]. 6 4. The jejunum is contraindicated in intestinal reconstruction of the urinary tract because of its metabolic consequences (hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and 11 acidosis) [11]. If the patient can be expected to void spontaneously, reconstructive surgery can be carried out at any age. If the child will be dependent on intermittent catheterization, either there must be a supportive parent or caregiver early in life or the procedure should be delayed until the child is sufficiently old enough to demonstrate a willingness to carry out self-catheterization. However, with bladder augmentation it is generally assumed that intermittent catheterization will be necessary. 5. It is wise to strive to achieve an anti-reflux ureteral anastomosis to the reservoir to avoid potential for ascending infection. 6. A reliable continence mechanism (continent urinary outlet) must be assured. 7. Because of the risk of stone formation only resorbable sutures and staples should be used in bladder augmentation and reservoir construction. There are several important principles for bladder augmentation and replacement that should be respected: (Grade C) b) Bladder Augmentation Techniques: 1. Use the minimal amount of bowel. Utilize hindgut segments or conduits if available. 1. In gastric augmentation (Figure 9) A 10-15 cm wedge-shaped segment of stomach is resected. Most commonly this is based on the right gastroepiploic artery but can be based on the left as well. The segment is brought down to the bladder easily in the retroperitoneal space along the great vessels [4]. 4 2. A low-pressure large capacity reservoir is essential. This requires detubularization of any intestinal segment used. 3. For colonic reservoirs a sigmoid segment of 30 cm is 766 Figure 10 A, B : Bowel segment is isolated (here ileocecum) and opened and anastomosed to the bladder remnant. The ureters are tunneled into the cecum along the tinea. excision or incision (myotomy) of a great portion of the bladder muscular layer whilst preserving the urothelium. Theoretically, this technique allows the creation of a large diverticulum able to store urine. This urine stored at a low pressure can be drained by intermittent catheterization. The theoretical advantages of this procedure are: the low complication rates of the surgery, reduced operative morbidity with shorter stay in the hospital; absence of urine salt resorption; minimal mucous in the urine and possibly absence of carcinogenic potential. Although some series showed good results with this procedure [13,14], 13,14 most authors have been unable to achieve the reported success [15]. 15 Twelve consecutive myelomeningocele patients were treated at the University of Sao Paulo by auto-augmentation in order to improve bladder capacity and/or compliance or to prevent deterioration of the upper urinary tract. Although some of them showed some improvement at the early postoperative period, 10 of them required ileal cystoplasty in order to obtain continence and/or to improve hydronephrosis. The inability of this procedure to achieve long-term good results may be due to the regeneration of nerve fibers divided during the surgery as well as the ischemic atrophy of the mucosa. More recently, some authors have proposed the laparoscopic auto-augmentation as a minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of low capacity/low compliance bladder [16]. 16 Despite the indifferent results [17,18] 17,18 some still suggest its consideration before a standard augmentation because of the reasons listed above. Although there are many potential advantages to this approach to a small poorly compliant bladder the inconsistency of success make it a less favorable option at this time. (Grade C) Figure 9 : Wedge-shaped segment of stomach is usually based upon right (or in this case the left) gastroepiploic artery and anastomosed to bladder remnant. 2. The technique for large and small bowel augmentation of the bladder is illustrated (Figure 10).: The bowel segment to be utilized is opened on the antimesenteric border and routinely detubularized prior to anastomosis to the bladder remnant. The anastomosis of the intestinal segment to the bladder remnant and to itself is usually carried out in one running layer of inverting semi-absorbable (polyglycolic acid or polyglactin) sutures. The procedures to create a competent bladder neck or to enhance bladder outlet continence have been reviewed elsewhere in this chapter. 3. The techniques for urinary diversion with continent stoma (Mainz pouch, Indiana pouch, Kock pouch) are all covered in the chapter on current urinary diversion in adults. Currently, augmentation cystoplasty is the standard treatment for low capacity and/or low compliance bladders secondary to infectious, inflammatory, neurogenic and congenital disorders. Bladder augmentation using sigmoid or ileum has become popular world wide. However, due to the relatively high morbidity of such surgery there is renewed interest in alternative methods. These alternative techniques try to avoid the contact between the urine and intestinal mucosa. These innovative techniques include; gastrocystoplasty, bladder auto-augmentation, seromuscular augmentation, alloplastic or biodegradable scaffolds grafted with autologous urothelium developed in cell culture, and ureterocystoplasty [12]. 12 4. SEROMUSCULAR PATCH The first attempts at using intestinal segments free of mucosa to improve bladder capacity resulted in viable seromuscular segments covered with urothelial mucosa [19,20]. 19,20 However, the intense inflammatory response 3. AUTO-AUGMENTATION The principle of auto-augmentation procedure is the 767 lyte and acid base disturbance, and mucus production that plagues enterocystoplasty. In 16 patients augmentation cystoplasty using detubularized megaureter, with or without ipsilateral partial or total nephrectomy, was used to improve inadequate and dysfunctional bladders. Ten patients became completely continent with intermittent catheterization. Urodynamic evaluation performed in 13 patients showed good bladder capacity and compliance in 12 [29]. 29 In another report three good results were observed in children with low bladder compliance secondary to urethral posterior valves and 30 Another alternatiunilateral vesicoureteral reflux. [30] ve in patients with ureteral dilation and good ipsilateral renal function, is to combine transureteroureterostomy 31 with ureterocystoplasty [31]. Another alternative in bilateral dilated ureters with preserved renal function is bilateral reimplantation and the use of bilateral distal 32 In ends for detubularized bladder augmentation [32]. another series of seven patients (six with neurogenic bladder and one with posterior urethral valves), two patients ultimately required augmentation with ileum [33]. 33 No important complications were observed even in the two patients who required kidney transplantation. Bladder augmentation with ureter may be effective in a small sub group of patients with ureteral dilatation and poor bladder capacity but at this point is not generally applicable to most pediatric patients with surgical incontinence. (Grade B) and shrinkage observed in the intestinal segment discouraged its use in humans [21]. Further attempts 21 consisted of using the association between demucosalized intestinal segments and auto-augmention in a procedure called: Urothelial lined colocystoplasty. In the initial model using sheep, the animals tolerated the demusculization procedure poorly, reflected by inflamed, hemorrhagic colonic segments in the animals sacrificed within one month. In addition, colonic mucosa regrowth occurred in one third of the animals [22]. 22 Follow-up studies in a dog model with previously reduced bladder capacity suggested that the contraction of the intestinal patch in seromuscular enterocystoplasty can be avoided by the preservation of both the bladder urothelium and lamina propria, together with the submucosa and muscularis mucosa of the intestinal patch [23,24]. 23,24 This form of bladder augmentation was shown to prevent absorption of toxic substances like ammo25 However, other authors using the nium chloride [25]. same technique to line de-epithelialized gastric patches in the mini-pig model found it useless due to the fibrotic changes and decreased surface of the patch [26]. 26 The initial experience in treating humans with colocystoplasty lined with urothelium involved 16 patients with a postoperative follow-up of 12 months. Bladder capacity increased an average of two to four-fold from a mean of 139 mL (+/-23 SEM) to 335 mL (+/- 38 SEM) in 14 patients (p <0.001). In 13 patients submitted to postoperative urodynamics, bladder end filling pressures decreased from a mean of 51.6 cmH2O (+/4.2 SEM) to 27.7 cm H2O (+/- 2.4 SEM) (p<0.001). Of the 16 patients 10 underwent postoperative cystoscopy plus biopsy. Seven demonstrated urothelium covering the augmented portion of the bladder, two had regrowth of colonic mucosa and one showed a mixture of colonic mucosa and urothelium [27]. 27 Another study analyzed 10 patients, nine of them with myelomeningoceles and one with posterior urethral valves using a similar technique [28]. 28 Bladder capacity improved in all cases. However, larger series and longer follow-up are required before its wide application in patients with low capacity/low compliance bladder reservoirs. At this point, this procedure should remain as an experimental technique and should be performed only in regional or University centers until consistent data is obtained. (Grade C) 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS The artificial bladder has been the topic of speculation and experiment that remains still outside the bounds of clinical application. Somewhat nearer to clinical use is the concept of tissue engineering using autologous urothelium and bladder muscle cells. These can be grown by tissue culture techniques on a degradable polymer scaffold and then implanted in animal models to fashion a bladder augmentation. Clinical trials with 34,35,36,37,38 these methods are not far away [34,35,36,37,38]. The use of autologous urothelium could be very useful in many reconstructive urological procedures. Urothelial tissue grafts can be created using cultures of uroepithelial cells grown on appropriate synthetic substrate. A classic study was done using urothelial cell culture grown on a degradable polymer (acid polyglycolic), followed by implantation of the cell polymer scaffold in the mesentery, omentum, and retroperitoneum of athymic mice. It was demonstrated that the polymer degrades and viable urothelial cells layers of one to three cells in thickness remained 20 to 30 days after the implantation. The experiment shows that urothelial cells can be successfully harvested, survive in culture, and attach to artificial biodegradable polymers. These findings suggest that it may be possible to use autolo- 5. URETERAL BLADDER AUGMENTATION Another alternative to avoid the morbidity of intestinal bladder augmentation is the use of ureteral segments to improve bladder capacity and/or compliance. Megaureters associated with poorly or nonfunctioning kidneys provide an excellent augmentation material with urothelium and muscular backing, free of potential electro- 768 gous urothelium, reconfigured on a synthetic substrate, in reconstructive bladder surgery after implanting the urothelial-polymer scaffolds into host animals [34]. 34 Follow-up experiments demonstrated the ability of human urothelial cells to produce monolayers up to 25 centimeters [35]. 35 Later it was shown that human urothelial cells and bladder muscle cells, when implanted in polyglycolic acid fibers, form new urological structures in vivo composed of both cell types. The human cell-polymer xenografts can be recovered from host animals at extended time after implantation. These data suggest the feasibility of using polyglycolic acid polymers as substrates for the creation of human urothelial and muscle grafts for genitourinary reconstruction [36]. 36 An additional contribution came when it was demonstrated that by combining collagen gel with a biodegradable mesh scaffold it was possible to create a surgically implantable cultured uroepithelial graft. This technique permits the use of cultured endothelium for 37 In a recent study, uroepireconstructive surgery [37]. thelial cells were seeded onto de-epithelialized urothelial stroma. It was found that normal human urothelial cells retain the capacity to differentiate and reform a slow turnover stratified transitional epithelium.(38) Taken together, these studies and others not mentioned in this chapter, facilitate the potential use of urothelial artificial grafts for bladder substitution. Although this field of research may represent the future of bladder reconstructive surgery, currently only few experimental studies are available and it may be some time before all this knowledge can be used clinically. We strongly encourage further research in this field. around the urethra and bladder neck to increase outlet resistance in children dates back to at least 1985. However, concern about distant migration of the injected substance and risk of granuloma formation prevented this technique from gaining widespread acceptance [1] 1 (Level 3). The search for safer, biocompatible substances to create periurethral compression has led to the use of crosslinked bovine collagen. From the studies published it appears that satisfactory continence can be achieved in 2,3,4 Although collagen about 20-50% of children [2,3,4]. injection appears to effectively improve urethral resistance, this does not always translate into satisfactory dryness. Also, the effect of the injection seems to be of short duration and repeated injections are often necessary [5]. 5 However, complications are rare. Our experience in children with neurogenic incontinence has shown that collagen is only occasionally helpful. At present, given the cost and lack long term effectiveness, injection procedures for continence in children cannot be recommended as routine therapy. (Grade C). b) Artificial urinary sphincter In use since 1973, the AUS has undergone major transformations over the years [6]. The currently used 6 model, AS800-T has been in use for almost 20 years. It consists of an inflatable cuff, a pressure regulating balloon and a unit containing a pump and control mechanisms. The inflatable cuff can only be implanted around the bladder neck in females and prepubertal males. In postpubertal males the bulbar urethral placement is possible but not recommended for wheelchair patients or those who perform intermittent catheterization. V. BLADDER OUTLET SURGERY Implantation of an AUS requires special training and difficulties may be encountered in the dissection of the space around the bladder neck in obese, post-pubertal males or in patients with a history of previous bladder neck procedures. The pressure-regulating balloon is positioned extra peritoneally to avoid risk of contamination or damage from intraperitoneal processes such as appendicitis. The pump is placed in the scrotum or labium major. A 61-70 cm H2O pressure balloon is used exclusively when the cuff is around the bladder neck and a lower pressure balloon when it is around the bulbous urethra. Although high in cost the artificial sphincter remains the most effective means or increasing urethral resistance and preserving potential for voiding. (Level 3) 1. NATIVE URETHRAL ENHANCEMENT Procedures to increase urethral resistance, alone or in association with bladder augmentation should be considered when the evaluation of the incontinent child suggests that sphincteric incompetence is the only cause of incontinence or that it plays a mayor role in association with decreased bladder capacity or compliance. In this section, the indications, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages of some of these procedures will be discussed. We will review the published results and comment on our experience with three procedures commonly used to enhance urethral resistance, namely, the artificial urinary sphincter (AUS), urethral fascial slings and their variations, and periurethral injection therapy. The ideal candidate for AUS implantation is a patient with pure sphincteric incompetence who voids spontaneously and has good bladder capacity and compliance. Unfortunately only a small proportion of children with sphincteric incontinence meet the criteria. However the AUS may also be used in patients dependent on clean a) Injection procedures The injection of bulking substances in the tissues 769 intermittent catheterization. The compatibility of the AUS with intermittent catheterization and enterocystoplasty is well documented [7,8,9] 7,8,9 (Level 3). Although the short-term success rate reported by most authors is encouraging, there are no series reporting detailed results at 5 years [19,20]. 19,20 (Level 3) Most authors report a greater success when fascial slings are used in conjunction with bladder augmentation and success seems more likely in females than in males [21,22,23,24] 21,22,23,24 (Level 3) In patients with neurogenic incontinence postoperative IC is recommended (Grade A). The ability to empty the bladder spontaneously or by Valsalva maneuver may be preserved after AUS implantation. In series reporting children with AUS, the majority having neurogenic incontinence, 25% void 10 When the AUS is implanted before spontaneously [10]. puberty, the ability to void spontaneously may be lost after puberty. (Level 4) Complications of sling procedures include difficulties with intermittent catheterization, erosion of the urethra and persistent incontinence. Overall, the increase in outlet resistance provided by slings seem less than that provided by the artificial sphincter. Experience with these procedures suggests an overall success of about 50% in females (Level 4). Overall, 40 to 50% of neurogenic patients require a bladder augmentation concomitantly or subsequently to 10,11 (Level 4). The continenthe AUS implantation [10,11] ce rate ranges from 80 to 97% (Level 3). The complications most commonly encountered in patients with AUS are mechanical failures [12,13]. 12,13 Barring technical errors, the longevity of the present devices is expected to exceed 10 years. The second most common problem is the development of reduced bladder compliance with time. This may result from an error in the preoperative evaluation, the reaction of the detrusor to obstruction (a reaction noted in some patients with spina bifida). Or these changes can be seen after many years of follow-up [14,15]. 14,15 The results of decreased capacity and compliance may be incontinence, upper tract deterioration, or the development of vesicoureteral reflux. Therefore long term follow-up with ultrasound (and, if indicated, urodynamics) is mandatory in all patients with an AUS. (Grade B). From the data published it presently seems that the AUS provides more consistent results in boys and for girls capable of spontaneous voiding who have not had previous bladder neck surgery. Sling procedures are probably equally effective for girls dependant on intermittent catheterization and in conjunction with bladder augmentation. At present, given the cost and lack of effectiveness of injection procedures, their use does not appear justified in incontinent children. The cost of the AUS may restrict its use. (Grade C) 2.BLADDER OUTLET RECONSTRUCTION IN CHILDREN FOR CONTINENCE AND DRYNESS Infection of the prosthesis should occur in no more than 15% of all cases. Erosions of the tissues in contact with the prosthesis are rather infrequent. Bladder neck erosions are practically non-existent when the sphincter is implanted around a ÒvirginÓ bladder neck. When the AUS is used as a salvage procedure following bladder neck reconstruction, the erosion rate may be as high as 30%. For this reason AUS implantation may be better considered as the initial treatment in selected cases.(16) Surgical procedures to achieve urinary continence are dictated by functional and anatomic deficiencies and by the ultimate goal of either continence (with normal voiding) or dryness (dependent on intermittent catheterization). Construction of a functional urethra for continence usually implies an anatomic defect without a neurogenic component (e.g. epispadias/exstrophy) and includes urethral and bladder neck narrowing (Young, 1922) and urethral lengthening [25,26,27,28,29]. Such procedures 25,26,27,28,29 may initially require intermittent catheterization or occasional post voiding catheterization, but bladder empting by voiding is anticipated. (Level 3) C. Fascial slings and variations Fascial slings constructed with the aponeurosis of the anterior rectus muscle have been used to increase outlet resistance in incontinent children, particularly those 17 The sling with neurogenic dysfunction since 1982 [17¡. is used to elevate and compress the bladder neck and proximal urethra. From the technical point of view, the dissection around the urethra may be facilitated by a combined vaginal and abdominal approach, however, this option is limited to post-pubertal females [18]. 18 (Grade C). Several technical variations of the sling have been reported. The fascial strip may be a graft or a flap based on the rectus sheath on one side. The fascial strip can be crossed anteriorly or wrapped around the bladder neck to enhance urethral compression. (Grade D) Urethral reconstruction for dryness, however, mandates intermittent catheterization. The goal in surgery to achieve dryness is to create a urethra suited to catheterization, which has closure such that intra-luminal pressures always exceed intravesical pressure. The most dependable procedures for dryness utilize a flap valve or tunnel to achieve urethral closure [30,31], 30,31 although urethral slings, wraps and injections have also been used. (Grade C) Reconstruction to achieve continence is based on the principle that proximal reduction of the caliber of the 770 urethra supports the inherent proximal sphincteric mechanism of the bladder neck and proximal urethra. The narrowing must be dynamic to permit closure for continence and yet permit opening with funneling during voiding. Young [25] 25 reported on the efficacy of this approach in patients with incontinence and epispadias. His procedure was actually a Òdouble sphincter techniqueÓ that involved not only the excision of a wedge of tissue at the anterior bladder neck, but also removal of a wedge of tissue just proximal to the epispadiac meatus (external sphincter). Hendren [32] supported this approach in his report of six patients with epispadias. Dees [26] 26 added the concept of lengthening the urethral tube to that of narrowing. In his procedure parallel incisions were made through the existing bladder neck area which created a posterior urethral plate from what had previously been the trigone of the bladder. This is tubularized to give added length to the proximal urethra. The added length provides increased potential for urethral closure and moves the bladder neck and urethra into the abdominal cavity. Leadbetter(27) modified the Young-Dees procedure by creating muscular flaps from the area of the bladder neck and proximal urethra which were used to wrap the newly created proximal tube (Figure 11 ). This procedure was popularized by Jeffs [33] 33 who applied it to a staged repair of exstrophy. He supported a lengthened urethra by a suspension. They report their long term continence rate with this procedure as greater than 80%. Presently, this represents the gold standard for reconstruction for continence, however, modifications of the technique have reported similar or improved results [28,29] 28,29 Most urethral lengthening procedures utilizing the posterior urethra and bladder neck also require ureteral reimplantation and preservation of the posterior urethral plate. The exception to this is the Tanagho procedure (Figure 12 ) which is based on a tube and formed from the anterior bladder wall after division of most 34 Hendren [32] proximal urethra. [34] 32 has promoted the concept of distal lengthening of the female urethra (urogenital sinus, cloaca, female hypospadias). (Level 4) patients with neurogenic dysfunction or multiple previous surgeries. Procedures to achieve dryness usually create a urethral closure pressure that exceeds bladder pressure. Usually this is achieved with the creation of a nipple valve or flap valve mechanism. A nipple valve is usually constructed when an intestinal segment used to construct an orthotopic urethra, as in the orthotopic Koch or Indiana Pouch. A flap valve (Figure 13) can be constructed by using an anterior or posterior bladder flap (full thickness) to construct a tube that is placed in a submucosal tunnel [30,31,37] 30,31,37 (Level 4) The major disadvantage of these procedures (flap valves) is that the valve will not allow leakage with high intravesical pressures, potentiating renal damage. (Level 1) Therefore, these procedures can be dangerous to the patient who is not totally committed to follow catheterization recommendations. (Grade A) Unfortunately, the ideal procedure for surgical reconstruction of the bladder neck does not exist. The surgical approach to urinary incontinence in the child must be multifaceted because of the inherent complex and varied nature of the problem. (Grade A) Recent data would support the concept that very early reconstruction in the exstrophy/epispadias group may result in physiologic bladder cycling which facilitates normal bladder and urethral development. This results in higher potential for continence without the need for bladder augmentation and bladder neck reconstruction (Level 3). More work and clinical experience in this area is strongly recommended. (Grade A) 3. ALTERNATIVE CONTINENCE CHANNELS In the surgical treatment of incontinence in children every effort must be made to preserve the natural lower urinary tract. The bladder is the best urinary reservoir, the urethra the best outlet and the urethral sphincters the best control mechanism. If the bladder is partly or wholly unusable it may be augmented or replaced by a variety of techniques already described. Bladder neck and urethral reconstruction for continence in patients who had previous attempts at repair has resulted in less success. Presumably this relates to tissue scarring with the loss of elasticity and contractility. Hendren also advocates a very persistent approach to reconstruction of a functional urethra for continence and maintains that several procedures may be necessary to secure continence or dryness in some patients, particularly in patients who have had previous surgeries. [35] 35 However, if this reconstruction fails, Òsurgery for dryness (CIC)Ó or surgical closure of the bladder neck may be required. (Grade C) Urethral failure may occur either because the sphincters are incompetent or because it is overactive and does not allow spontaneous voiding. It would be preferable for the former to be treated by one of the techniques described above and the latter by intermittent catheterization (CIC). If all of these fail, continent supra pubic diversion is indicated. a) The mitrofanoff principle Mitrofanoff's name is given to the principle of burying a narrow tube within the wall of the bladder or urinary reservoir whose distal end is brought to the abdominal wall or perineum to form a catheterizable stoma sui- Surgery for dryness is dependent on the effectiveness of intermittent catheterization and is usually reserved for 771 Figure 11 A, B : Extension of posterior urethra (useful in exstrophy) is a procedure for incontinence (potential for normal voiding). a) The Young-Dees-Leadbetter procedure is based on a proximal posterior urethral lengthening. The bladder and urethra are opened in the midline and parallel incisions made distally and extended proximally to the trigone through the mucosa. The ureters are reimplanted higher in the posterior bladder wall. The mucosa is tubularized and muscularis is closed in a vest-over pants technique. b) Variations include the Mollard technique the utilizes a muscular flap wrapped around the bladder neck. In the Mitchell technique the initial incisions are transverse across the distal urethra and then parallel incisions are made to define the urethral plate which extends to the trigone. Figure 12 A-D : Extension of the urethra using an anterior bladder flap procedure for continence. In this Tanagho procedure the proximal urethra is divided and a full-thickness anterior bladder flap is tubularized to extend the proximal urethra. 772 Figure 13 A, B : Procedures for dryness (useful in neurogenic bladder patients and patients with multiple previous surgeries) require intermittent clean catheterization. a) Kropp procedure which uses a full thickness bladder tube tunneled into the bladder wall. b) Salle procedure uses a flap tube made with anterior and posterior bladder wall. ted within the lumen of the conduit is 2 to 3 times higher than that within the reservoir so that continence is preserved even when the intra abdominal pressure is raised by straining. Conversely, the pressure in the lumen of a Kock nipple is only slightly higher than that in the reservoir so that continence is less reliable 45,46 (Level 3). [45,46] table for intermittent catheterization [38]. 38 The technique is simple and familiar to all urologists who are accustomed to re-implanting ureters. Furthermore, it is a procedure that is easily learned [39]. 39 Several narrow tubes are available for the Mitrofanoff conduit. In the original description, the appendix was used. However, even if the appendix is still present, it may be unusable in 31% of patients [40]. 40 (Level 4) The conduit may be buried either between the mucosal and muscle layers of the reservoir, or may be completely imbricated in the full thickness of the reservoir wall. Any well supported tunnel of about 5cm will suffice. The choice depends both on the nature of the reservoir and on the conduit [47] 47 (Level 4) If no suitable tube is found, a good narrow tube can be formed by tailoring ileum. Ileum may be tailored longitudinally [41]. 41 However, it has now been shown that it can be tailored transversely so that only 2-3cm of ileum can be made into a 7cm conduit. This very useful modification was originally described independently by Yang in humans and by Monti in experimental animals 42,43 It is increasing used though great care must be [42,43]. 44 taken in its construction to avoid an internal fistula [44] (Grade C) Continence rates of 90-100% with the Mitrofanoff Principle are reported, regardless of diagnosis, reservoir or conduit type [48,41. 48,41 Follow-up in small numbers of children for at least ten years has shown that the system is resilient [49] 49 (Level 4) The ureter may be used but there may be some difficulty in achieving sufficient caliber with a previously normal ureter. Earlier reports that the Fallopian tube could be used have not stood the test of time. (Level 5) Although perfect continence seems attractive, it may not be in the childÕs best interests. Studer has pointed out the need for a 'pop-off' valve if catheterization is impossible or forgotten [50]. 50 The Mitrofanoff system achieves reliable continence which is maintained in long term follow-up, for a high proportion of patients. (Grade C) The pressure genera- b) The Ileocecal valve The ileocecal valve is an obvious (and, indeed, the ori- 773 ginal) sphincter to combine with cecum and ascending colon as the reservoir and the terminal ileum as the conduit. The early continence rate of 94% was not sustained because of high pressures in the tubular reservoir and weakness of the valve [51,52] 51,52 (Level 4) or bladder neck. Experimental evidence suggests that AUS cuffs can be placed safely around intestine providing the cuff pressure is low [59]. 59 The AUS has been used successfully around large bowel, in three of four children with follow-up to 11 years [60] 60 (Level 4) The Indiana system is based on the competence of the ileocecal valve but with a detubularized reservoir [53] 53 The valve itself is reinforced with non-absorbable plicating sutures and the terminal ileum which forms the conduit is tailored. The best reported continence rate is 96% with a 2% rate of catheterization difficulties [54] 54 (Level 4) e) Cutaneous stoma site For most patients, the site of the cutaneous stoma should be chosen by cosmetic criteria. The umbilicus can be made into a very discrete stoma; the risk of stenosis is low and it is a readily identifiable landmark. Otherwise, the stoma should be as low on the abdominal wall as possible and certainly below the top of the underpants. However, many surgeons find the best results by placing the catheterizable stoma in the umbilicus. (Grade C) In patients with spina bifida, particularly non-walkers, the site must be chosen with particular care. The natural tendency is for the spine to collapse with time so that the lower half of the abdomen becomes more pendulous and beyond the range of vision. A low site may seem appropriate in the child, but will become unusable in the adult. It is best to use a high, midline site, preferably hidden in the umbilicus. (Grade C) The problem of stomal stenosis remains ever present. It can occur at any time so that only follow up of many years could determine whether any system of anastomosis to the skin is better than any other. The published rate of stomal stenosis is between 10 and 20%. The multi-flap V.Q.Z. stoma is claimed to have the lowest rate but follow up is short and it may well not pass the test of time [61]. 61 In the complete Mainz I pouch a length of terminal ileum is intussuscepted through the ileocecal valve as a Kock nipple [55] 55 ( Thuroff et al 1988). It is impossible to say whether the nipple or the ileocecal valve (or both) produce the continence which is reported in 96% of patients. (Level 4) Both these systems work well as complete reconstructions and are widely used as bladder replacements in children. The sacrifice of the ileocecal valve may cause gastro intestinal complications. (Grade C) c) Kock pouch The first workable continent diversion was the Kock pouch [56]. 56 The reservoir is made from 40cm ileum reconfigured to reduce the intrinsic pressure. The continence mechanism is formed by intussusception of 12cm of ileum. In a complete form it requires 72cm of ileum which may be more than can be spared from the gastrointestinal tract. The stability of the nipple depends on three or four rows of staples, and fixation of the nipple to the wall of the reservoir [57]. 57 To make it reliably continent, it is essential to pay attention to every detail. (Grade C) VI. COMPLICATIONS OF CONTINENCE SURGERY IN CHILDREN (Table 3) It is the most commonly used continence system in adults by virtue of the large numbers reported by Skinner [58]. 58 In Skinner's first 245 patients the continence rate was 77%; in the most recent 85 (of a total of 546) it was 89%. Although this improvement is encouraging, the high rate of leakage does illustrate the difficulty of making the Kock nipple work. For surgeons with a smaller practice, it may never be possible to achieve a complication rate as low as this. Although first described as a mechanism for a continent ileostomy in children the Kock Pouch is now not commonly used in children because of the problem with large amount of bowel needed, stone formation and mediocre success with dryness of the catheterizable stoma. (Grade D) 1. STORAGE AND EMPTING COMPLICATIONS In the short term, it has been shown that the continent diversions can store urine and can be emptied by clean intermittent catheterization (CIC). It is apparent that there is a constant need for review and surgical revision. This observation mirrors the late complications of augmentation cystoplasty for neuropathic bladder where the median time to revision surgery is as long as ten years [62]. 62 (Level 4) In general, once continent, they remain continent, although there are occasional reports of late development of incontinence. The problem lies more in difficulties with catheterization, particularly stenoses and false passages which may occur in up to 34% of patients [41] 41 (Level 4) d) Artificial sphincter As a last resort, the AUS may be considered to give continence to a reconstructed outlet. The cuff of an artificial sphincter is designed to encircle a normal urethra The principal complications arise because the reservoir is usually made from intestine. Ideally, urothelium 774 Table 3 : Complications should be used. Although several ingenious systems have been devised that use urothelium. Detrusorectomy and preservation of the bladder epithelium gives fewer complications than enterocystoplasty [63] 63 (Level 4) sonography and CT cystogram. If diagnosed early, catheterization and broad spectrum antibiotics may sometimes lead to recovery. If the patient fails to respond within 12 hours on this regime or if the patient is ill, laparotomy should be performed at once. If there is any instability of the patient laparotomy should be considered as an immediate necessity as bladder rupture in this clinical situation can be lethal. (Grade A) Combinations of detrusorectomy and augmentation with demucosalized colon have given promising results in the short term. The surgery is difficult as the bladder epithelium must not be damaged and the intestinal mucosa must be cleared completely. When achieved there are no metabolic problems and many patients can 64 (Level 4) void [64]. Figures are not available on the incidence of this complication in reservoirs made only of bowel but come from patients with intestinal segments in the urinary tract. Most papers report small numbers and the pool from which the population is drawn is uncertain. In a multicenter review from Scandinavia ÔaboutÕ 1720 reconstructed patients were identified with a mean follow up of 53 months. The diagnoses were not given. There were 19 perforations in 17 patients giving an incidence of 1.5%. There were eight patients with neurogenic bladder which was said to be disproportionate68 In a series of 264 children with any sort of ly high [68]. bowel reservoir or enterocystoplasty 23 perforations occurred in 18 patients with one death [69]. 69 Therefore, as this complication is more common in children it becomes a very important consideration. (Grade C) When augmentation can be done with a dilated ureter, the results are good and the complication rate low even in children with compromised renal function or transplantation [65, 66]. (Level 4) 65,66 All intestinal reservoirs produce mucus. The amount is difficult to measure and most estimates are subjective. No regime has been shown to dependably reduce mucus production [67] 67 (Level 4) 2. RESERVOIR RUPTURE The incidence of spontaneous rupture varies between different units. There may be delay in diagnosis although the history of sudden abdominal pain and diminished or absent urine drainage should make it obvious. The patient rapidly becomes very ill with symptoms of generalized peritonitis. 'Pouchogram' may not be sensitive enough to demonstrate a leak. Diagnosis is best made by history, physical examination, ultra- Patients and their families should be warned of this possible complication and advised to return to hospital at once for any symptoms of acute abdomen, especially if the reservoir stops draining its usual volume of urine. All young patients with urinary reconstructions including intestinocystoplasty should carry suitable informa- 775 plete absorption defect. Stores of B12 may last for several years before the serum level becomes abnormal. At a mean follow up of six years, low levels of B12 have been found in 14% of children. There was a corresponding rise in the serum methyl malonic acid which is a metabolite that accumulates in B12 deficiency suggesting that the finding was clinically significant. Similarly, in adults, 18.7% have B12 deficiency at five years. In the adults the mean B12 level was significantly lower when the ileocecal segment as opposed to ileum alone had been used (413 ng/ml compared to 257 ng/ml) [77,78]. 77,78 In order to avoid the serious neurological complications, regular monitoring of B12 levels is essential. (Grade B) tion to warn attending physicians of their urinary diversion in case of emergency. (Grade A) 3. METABOLIC COMPLICATIONS Metabolic changes are common when urine is stored in intestinal reservoirs and must be carefully monitored. It is uncertain whether they are commoner in children or whether they just live longer and are more closely monitored. The near 60% serious complication rate in one series seems higher than most centers would recognize [70]. 70 Nurse has made an experimental study of the handling of electrolytes instilled into intestinal reservoirs and subsequent arterial blood gas analysis. All patients were found to absorb sodium and potassium from the reservoirs but the extent was variable. A third of all patients (but 50% of those with an ileocecal reservoir) had hyperchloremia. All patients had abnormal blood gases, the majority having metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. The findings were unrelated to renal function or the time since the reservoir was constructed [71] 71 (Level 3) The stomach has had a checkered career as a urinary reservoir. Its non-absorptive role in the gastro intestinal tract has made it particularly useful in reconstruction of children with inadequate intestine, such as those with cloacal exstrophy. There is little effect on gastro intestinal function. Metabolically, the acid production leading to hypochloremic alkalosis may be positively beneficial in children with renal failure. It produces no mucus and the acidic urine is less easily infected and seldom grows stones. However bout a third of children have had serious long term complications, often multiple. The quite severe dysuria/hematuria and the skin complications from the acid urine, particularly, have 79,80 (Kurzrock et al, 1998; Mingin et limited its use [79,80] al, 1999). (Grade C) In 183 patients of all ages at St Peter's Hospitals who had any form of enterocystoplasty, hyperchloremic acidosis (HCA) was found in 25 (14%) and borderline HCA in 40 (22%). The incidence was lower in reservoirs with ileum as the only bowel segment compared to those containing some colon (9% v 16%). When arterial blood gases were measured in 29 of these children a consistent pattern was not found [72] 72 (Level 4) 4. EFFECTS ON THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT There are conflicting reports on the incidence of metabolic abnormalities from other units, though often with a smaller number of cases. For example, in a very careful study of 13 patients with colonic reservoirs, Koch et al did not find significant acid base changes compared 73 In a series to control patients with normal bladders [73]. of 23 patients Ditonno et al found that 52% of patients with a reservoir of right colon had HCA.(74) 74 In ileal reservoirs Poulsen et al found mild acidosis but no patients with bicarbonate results outside the reference range [75] 75 (Level 4). Little attention has been paid to the effects on gastro intestinal motility of removing segments of ileum or cecum for urinary reconstruction in children. When investigated in adults, disturbance of intestinal function has been found to be more frequent and more debilitating than might be expected. In a meticulous retrospective review of 71 patients with ileal conduits and 82 patients with reconstructions using ileum or the ileocecal segments, comparison was made between the bowel function that the patients remembered from the pre operative time (at least 30 months before) and their current status. In those with ileal conduits 17.5% had new symptoms persisting beyond the first year postoperatively but with minimal impact on quality of life. (Level 4) Many authors do not distinguish between patients with normal and abnormal renal function. All of 12 patients in one series with a pre-operative serum creatinine above 2.0mg% developed HCA within 6 months of enterocystoplasty [76]. 76 It is prudent to monitor patients for metabolic abnormalities, especially HCA, and to treat them when found. (Level 4) The 28 patients having a clam cystoplasty for idiopathic detrusor overactivity fared the worst with 54% having new disturbance of bowel motility and function postoperatively. The negative effect on all aspects of quality of life was most marked in this group. (Level 4) With increasing experience, it has become clear that there is a risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency, sometimes after many years of follow up. It is likely that resection of ileum in children leads to an incom- New symptoms were found in 26% of patients having a clam for neuropathic disease and in 14% of those 776 having a reconstruction for non-neuropathic disease (mainly cancer and interstitial cystitis). The effect on quality of life was less marked in this group. expected in a group with congenital urinary tract anomalies. (Level 4) Stones are a particular problem in the Kock pouch where the nipple is fixed with metal staples. In SkinnerÕs large series of adults the incidence was 17%. In those who had formed a stone, the recurrence rate was 22%. In a series comparing the Kock pouch with the Indiana (which does not have staples), 43.1% of 72 Kock reservoirs formed stones compared to 12.9% of 54 Indiana reservoirs. Furthermore, no patient with an Indiana formed a stone after 4 years, but patients with Kock pouches continued to do so at a steady rate up to eight years [89] 89 (Level 4) Disturbance of bowel habit does not mean diarrhea alone. It also includes urgency, leakage and nocturnal bowel actions. Although the study relies on the patients memory of bowel function in the pre operative period, it is clear that quality of life may be seriously undermined by changes in bowel habit [81] 81 (Level 4) It is known that the bowel has a considerable ability to adapt, especially in young animals, when parts are removed. Nonetheless, reconstruction should be undertaken with the smallest length of bowel possible. Particular care should be taken in children with neurologic abnormality in whom rectal control is already poor. Poorly controlled fecal incontinence may occur in a third of patients [82] 82 (Level 4) Apart from the presence of a foreign body, several factors have been blamed for the high stone risk. Almost all reservoir stones are triple phosphate on analysis, though Terai et al found carbonate apatite, urate and calcium oxalate in up to 50% of stones from patients with an Indiana pouch [90]. 90 This suggests that infection is a key factor. Infection acts to form stones by rendering the urine alkaline. Thus organisms that produce urease and so split urea to form ammonia are the main culprits. The incidence of infection in reservoirs is high, 95% in one series [91] 91 and yet the majority of patients do not form stones, suggesting that there are predisposing factors other than infection and the anatomical abnormality of the urine reservoirs. (Level 4) 5. RENAL FUNCTION In the follow-up so far available, undiversion or continent diversion seem not to have affected renal function. When function has improved after such surgery it is likely to be the result of eliminating obstruction or high bladder storage pressure. In rats with 5/6ths nephrectomy the rate of progression of renal failure is no worse in those with ileocystoplas83 This ty compared to those with normal bladder [83]. suggests, experimentally, that storage of urine in small intestine is not, on its own, harmful to renal function. (Level 5) It has been suggested that the immobility associated with spina bifida may be responsible, but this seems to have been in series with a predominance of such patients and was not confirmed in other studies [92]. 92 Clinically, in the longer term, the renal deterioration that has been found has been related to obstruction, reflux and stone formation. In one long-term study of Kock pouch patients, these complications occurred at the same rate as that found in patients with ileal conduits: 29% at five to 11 years [84]. 84 Similarly, in a prospective follow up to a minimum of 10 years, it was found that the deterioration in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) that was found in 10 of 53 patients was due to a ÔsurgicalÕ cause in all but one [85] (Level 2) The production of excess mucus has also been blamed. The problem is that the measurement of mucus is difficult. The production of excess mucus is, therefore, based on the patients statement and the doctors observation, neither of which are likely to be accurate. The finding of a spectrum of stone formation from mucus, through calcification to frank stone lends some support to this etiology. However, it could be a secondary event, with mucus becoming adherent to a stone that has already formed. Many surgeons encourage patients to wash out their reservoirs vigorously with water two or three times a week. It is difficult to monitor whether patients actually comply with this instruction, but there seem to be fewer stones in those that claim to practice regular washing. It is, of course, possible that washing only serves to clear ÔdustÕ before a proper stone can be formed. In a prospective study a regime of weekly washouts did not improve the incidence of stones in 30 children compared to historical controls [93] 93 (Level 4) Although a complicated procedure, a renal transplant can be anastomosed to an intestinal reservoir with similar long term results as those using an ileal conduit. 86,87 (Level 4) [86,87]. 6. INFECTION AND STONES The incidence of reservoir stones is variously reported. In most series it lies between 12 and 25%, but the length of follow up is not always given. In an American series, the incidence was an extraordinary 52.5% at four years [88]. 88 Renal stones are uncommon, occurring in about 1.6% of patients, an incidence which would be An interesting comparison has been made between children with a native bladder alone and those with an augmentation all of whom were emptying by self cathete- 777 Pregnancy with an orthotopic reconstruction appears to have a good outcome but chronic urinary infection is almost inevitable and occasionally an indwelling catheter is needed in the third trimester [100]. 100 With a supra pubic diversion catheter drainage for incontinence or retention are usually needed in the third trimester [101]. 101 Grade C rization. There was no significant difference in the incidence of stones with or without an augmentation [94]. 94 It was also found that catheterization through a urethra or a Mitrofanoff made no difference to either group. This would suggest that mucus was not a contributory factor though the authors are more circumspect, saying only that augmentation makes no difference to the risk of stone formation. (Level 4) Except in patients with an artificial urethral sphincter, vaginal delivery is usual and caesarean section should generally be reserved for purely obstetric indications. The urologist should be present during Caesarean section to ensure protection for the reservoir and its pedicles. Stones are associated with inadequate drainage in the sense that CIC through the urethra, the most dependent possible drainage, has the lowest stone rate. Patients with the most Ôup hillÕ drainage, that is with a Mitrofanoff entering the upper part of an orthotopic reservoir almost always form stones. Kronner et al made the observation, that the incidence of stones was statistically associated with abdominal wall stomas and a bladder outlet tightening procedure (21.1% compared to 6% in patients with augmentation alone) [91] 91 (Level 4) 9. CANCER The possibility of cancer occurring as a complication of enterocystoplasty is a constant source of worry. It is known to be a frequent complication of ureterosigmoidostomy after 20 to 30 years of follow up. Experimental work suggests that there may be a risk in reservoirs with feces excluded [102]. 102 Animal evidence suggests that fecal and urinary streams must be mixed in bowel for neoplasia to occur. However, if it is chronic mixed bacterial infection, rather than the feces per se, that is responsible, then all bowel urinary reservoirs may be at risk. The universal acceptance that the stones are predominantly struvite would make a controlled trial of prophylactic antibiotics attractive. Unfortunately, clinical practice suggests that low dose antibiotics on their own do not reliably prevent symptomatic infections, though the incidence of stones might be reduced. 7. GROWTH In patients with colonic and ileal cystoplasties high levels of nitrosamines have been found in the urine of most patients examined [103]. 103 Clinically significant levels probably only occur in chronically infected reser104 Biopsies of the ileal and colonic segments voirs [104]. showed changes similar to those that have been found in ileal and colonic conduits and in ureterosigmoidostomies. More severe histological changes and higher levels of nitrosamines correlated with heavy mixed bacterial growth on urine culture [105] 105 (Level 4) The suggestion that enterocystoplasty delayed growth in height seems to have been ill founded. In a group of 60 children reported in 1992 it was stated that 20% had delayed growth [95]. 95 Current follow up of the same group has shown that all have caught up and achieved their final predicted height. Furthermore, measurements in a group of 123 children from the same unit have shown no significant delay in linear growth.(96) 96 (Level 4) Enterocystoplasty may have an effect on bone metabolism even if growth is not impaired. At least in rats with enterocystoplasty there is significant loss of bone mineral density especially in the cortical compartment where there is endosteal resorption. These changes are not associated with HCA and are lessened by continuous antibiotic administration [97,98]. 97,98 In a review of the literature 14 cases of pouch neoplasm were identified [106]. 106 Special features could be found in nearly all the cases. Ten patients had been reconstructed for tuberculosis; four tumors were not adenocarcinomas; one patient had a pre-existing carcinoma; six patients were over 50 years old. Cancer was found in bowel reservoirs at a mean of 18 years from formation. This is a few years earlier than the mean time at which malignant neoplasms are seen in ureterosigmoidostomies. Although the incidence of neoplasia is unknown, the risk in children cannot be ignored. (Grade D) 8. PREGNANCY When reconstructing girls it is essential to have a future pregnancy in mind. The reservoir and pedicles should be fixed on one side to allow enlargement of the uterus on the other. (Grade D) If cancer is going to be a common problem, there will be some difficulty in monitoring the patients at risk. Endoscopy with a small instrument through a stoma may not be sufficient. Ultra sound may not be able to distinguish between tumors and folds of mucosa. Three dimensional reconstruction of computerized tomogra- Pregnancy may be complicated and requires the joint care of obstetrician and urologist.(99) 99 Particular problems include upper tract obstruction and changes in continence as the uterus enlarges. 778 instrument and compared 61 patients with a continent diversion and 131 with an ileal conduit. The authors went to great lengths to validate the instrument and to remove bias in selection of patients. Patients with a continent diversion did better in all stoma related items indicating that containment of urine within the body and voluntary emptying is of major importance. In addition they had better physical strength, mental capacity, social competence and used their leisure time more actively. There was little difference in satisfaction with professional life, financial circumstances and in all interactions within the family including sexual activity 111 (Level 4) [111] phy may be helpful, though the equipment is expensive and not widely available at present. Imaging takes about 45 minutes and the reconstruction about four to five hours [107]. 107 10. PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES AND QUALITY OF LIFE It would seem logical that continent urinary diversion would be better than a bag. This is not always the case. In adults the only sure advantage is cosmetic. Quality of life (QOL) surveys in children have not been done, primarily because of the lack of suitable instruments [108]. 108 Our prejudice is that reconstruction does, indeed, improve the lives of children. Supporting evidence is very thin and based on experience in adults. V. CONSENSUS STATEMENT ON SURGICAL TREATMENT OF URINARY INCONTINENCE IN CHILDREN The main justification for performing a bladder reconstruction or continent diversion is to improve the individualÕs QOL. The ileal conduit has been a standard part of urological surgery for nearly 50 years, with hardly a change in surgical technique. It has well known complications but few would seriously suggest that they were more troublesome than those of the complex operations for bladder replacement. In an early investigation into quality of life issues, Boyd et al investigated 200 patients, half with an ileal conduit and half with a Kock pouch. It was shown that there was little difference between the groups except that those with a Kock pouch engaged in more physical and sexual contact. The only patients that were consistently ÔhappierÕ were those who had had a conduit and subsequently were converted to a Kock pouch [109]. 109 (Level 4) Forms of urinary incontinence in children are widely diverse, however, a detailed history and physical and voiding diary obviate the need for further studies. These should identify that limited group that may require surgery. Many patients in this group will have obvious severe congenital abnormalities (Level 1). Because of the spectrum of problems the specific treatment is usually dictated by the expertise and training of the treating physician. The rarity of many of these problems precludes the likelihood of any surgeon having expertise in all areas ( resulting in recommendation Grades of C and D). Furthermore, nuances in surgical procedures develop gradually and often are tested without rigorous statistics (Level 4,5). This observation is mirrored in every day practice. Many patients who have had life long cutaneous diversions ask for conversion to a continent diversion or bladder reconstruction. Few patients who, having apparently had a successful reconstruction, have been unhappy and requested a change back to an ileal conduit! Nevertheless it may be that newer forms of very early aggressive surgical approach to severe complex anomalies such as exstrophy, myelodysplasia, and valves may provide a successful model for significant impact on the ultimate continence in such patients. Ultimately this may provide a basis for randomized studies to determine the most specific and effective mode of therapy. The committee would encourage vigorous research in the molecular basis of bladder development and also support the development of surgical and treatment strategies which would utilize the natural ability of the bladder to transform in the early months of development and immediately after birth. Furthermore efforts to promote bladder healing, protecting and achieving normal bladder function should be supported. Such studies and research may lead to early and aggressive treatment of many of the complex anomalies now treated by the surgical procedures outlined in this report. It is interesting to note that, in a recent QOL survey in adults, a wide range of complications were considered to be acceptable, although an ordinary urological clinic would be full of patients trying to get rid of such symptoms: mild incontinence (50%), nocturia (37%), bladder stones (12%), urinary infections (9%), hydronephrosis (5%). Nonetheless, their QOL was judged to good, primarily because 70% had experienced no adverse effect on their normal daily lives [110] 110 (Level 4) Quality of life does not mean absence of disease or a level of complications acceptable to the reviewing clinician. 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