Developmental Cell, Volume 31 Supplemental Information The PI3K Class III Complex Promotes Axon Pruning by Downregulating a Ptc-Derived Signal via Endosome-Lysosomal Degradation Noa Issman-Zecharya and Oren Schuldiner Figure S1. Issman-Zecharya et al. A 201Y>UAS-UVRAG-FLAG Axons Cell bodies B 7h APF Flag A' B' GFP Figure S1. Transgenic UVRAG is expressed in axons and cell bodies, related to Figure 1 (A-B) Confocal Z-projections of 7 h after puparium formation (APF) brains expressing a UVRAG-Flag-tagged transgene driven by the MB specific driver, 201Y-GAL4, strengthened by the presence of a UAS-Gal4 transgene. Flag staining (A, B) is evident in both axons (A) and cell bodies (B) that are also labeled with membrane bound mCD8::GFP (GFP; A’, B’). Scale bar is 20µm Figure S2. Issman-Zecharya et al. endoBEY00696 A dor8 B FasII 201Y>CD8 car∆146 C Atg600096 D Figure S2. endoB, dor and car are not required for MB γ axon pruning, related to Figure 2 (A-D) Confocal Z-projections of adult endoBEY00696 (A), dor8 (B), car∆146 (C), and Atg600096 (D) MB γ neuroblast MARCM clones. All the mutants prune normally. Scale bar is 20µm Figure S3. Issman-Zecharya et al. 201Y>UAS-GFP-2xFYVE WT A B C GFP L3 APF 0h APF 6h APF D E F 18h APF 24h APF Adult WT G Atg61 Vps155 H I H' I' GFP 5h APF MB G' CB Figure S3. GFP-2XFYVE time course analysis, and the PI3K-cIII is required for PI(3)P formation, related to Figure 3 (A-F) Confocal Z-projections of WT MB MARCM clones over-expressing the PI(3)P reporter, GFP-2XFYVE, driven by 201Y-GAL4 at the indicated developmental time points. Puncta staining is produced in the cell bodies and axons throughout development. (G-I) Confocal Z-projections of WT (G), Atg61 (H) or Vps155 (I) MARCM clones labeled by the GFP-2XFYVE reporter at 5h APF. While in WT brains, FYVE puncta are abundant in axons and cell bodies, they are absent from Atg61 and Vps155 mutant neurons. Dashed color-coded squares demarcate the regions of the cell bodies (CB) shown in insets G’-I’. Scale bar: 20um Figure S4. Issman-Zecharya et al. 201Y>UAS-Shits1-kitamoto A 29˚c FasII 201Y>CD8 Figure S4. The Shits1-kitamoto prune normally at the restrictive temperature, related to Figure 4 (A) MB neurons expressing Shits1-kitamoto driven by the γ neurons specific driver, 201YGAL4, prune normally at the restrictive temperature. Scale bar is 20µm ure S5. Issman-Zecharya et al. Snx16∆2 A FasII 201Y>CD8 Figure S5. Snx16 is not required for axon pruning, related to Figure 5 (A) Confocal Z-projections of adult Snx16∆2 (A) MB γ neuron MARCM clones prune normally. Scale bar is 20µm UVRAGLL03097 Stat92E85c9 A fasIIeB112 UVRAGLL03097 B UVRAGLL03097 tepII116 C FasII 201Y>CD8 UVRAGLL03097 Dl RevF10 SerRX82 D Nnd-1 UVRAGLL03097 E Atg61 F Over exposed ptc16 Atg61 G H FasII GMR16A06>CD8 UVRAGLL03097 I UVRAGLL03097 UAS-Ptc J K FasII GMR71G10>CD8 Figure S6. Double mutants of UVRAG and different candidate genes do not suppress pruning defect, and overexpression of Ptc within UVRAG MARCM clones exacerbates the pruning defect, related to Figure 6 (A-E) Confocal Z-projections of MB neuroblast MARCM clones of the indicated genotype. Double mutant of UVRAGLL03097 with stat85c9 (A), fasIIeB112 (B), tepII116 (C), DlRevF10 SerRX82 (D), and Nnd-1 (E) all exhibit a pruning defect that is comparable to UVRAGLL03097 alone. (F-G) Overexposed confocal Z-projections of Atg61 (F) or ptc16; Atg61 double mutants (G) MB neuroblast MARCM clones. These are images are the modified versions from Figure 6C and 6D. (H) Quantification of pruning defects of the phenotypes in overexposed images as in G and F. Z-projections from the two genotypes were blindly ranked for the severity of the pruning defect. Wilcoxon two sample test was performed to determine significance: ***, p<0.001. (I-J) Confocal Z-projections of UVRAGLL03097 MB neuroblast MARCM clones (I) or UVRAGLL03097 also additionally expressing Ptc (J). MARCM clones are labeled with GMR71G10-Gal4. Scale bar is 20µm (K) Quantification of pruning defects of the phenotypes in I and J. Z-projections from the two genotypes were blindly ranked for the severity of the pruning defect. Wilcoxon two sample test was performed to determine significance: ***, p<0.001. Figure S7. Issman-Zecharya et al. A A' FasII GMR16A06>CD8 Control Control Rank 0 B Rank 2 UAS-Ptc C Rank 3 UAS-Ptc D Rank 5 UAS-Ptc E F F' F'' ptc>CD8 6h APF hh-lacZ ptc>CD8 hh-lacZ G G' G'' Repo-Gal4>hh-RNAi H C155-Gal4>hh-RNAi I 201Y-Gal4>hh-RNAi J FasII Figure S7. Ptc overexpression analysis in another Gal4 driver and Hh does not play a role in axon pruning, relates to Figure 7 (A-D) Confocal Z-projection representing examples of brains that were ranked in Figure 7F as ranking severity #0 (A, A’), #2 (B), #3 (C), and #5 (D). In this experiment various transgenes were driven in MB neurons by the GMR16A06-Gal4. (E) Quantification of pruning defects of flies expressing CD8-GFP or additionally UASPtcS2 or UAS-Ptc driven by the GMR71G10-Gal4. Z-stacks were blindly ranked for the severity of the pruning defect. Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to determine significance. ***, p<0.001. Note that some control GMR71G10-Gal4 brains were ranked as exhibiting mild pruning defects. Further studies are required to determine whether these are truly unpruned. Nonetheless, as all Z-stacks were ranked blindly and in an identical manner, even if there is some low background level of defect, the overexpression of ptc or ptcS2 dramatically exacerbates this. (F-G) Confocal Z-projection of 6h APF brain (F-F’’) and imaginal eye disc (G-G’’) expressing membrane bound GFP (mCD8::GFP) driven by ptc-Gal4 (F-G) and hh-nuclear lacZ (F’-G’). While mCD8::GFP is evident in both MB axons and cell bodies (F) and in imaginal eye disc (G), hh-nuclear lacZ completely lacks expression in the brain region (F’) while is evident in the imaginal eye disc region (G’). (H-J) FasII staining of confocal Z-projection of MB neurons expressing Hh-RNAi in glia (driven by Repo-Gal4; H) all postmitotic neurons (C155-Gal4; I) and MB neurons (201YGal4; J) exhibiting a WT phenotype. SUPPLEMENTAL EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Supplemental Drosophila strains The following stocks were kindly provided by other groups: Snx16∆2 (A. Rodal); dor8 and car∆146 (H. Kramer); Stat92E85c9 (L. Gilboa); fasIIeB112 (F. Tokunaga); hh-lacZ, endoBEY00696 , Atg600096, tepII116, DlRevF10 SerRX82, Nnd-1,UAS-Shits1-kitamoto , ptc-Gal4, and hh-RNAi (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center). Nnd-1 and fasIIeB112 were recombined onto FRT19A containing chromosomes. FRT40A was added to UAS-Shits1-kitamoto and UAS-GFP-2XFYVE transgenes, and tepII116 was recombined onto FRT40A containing chromosome. endoBEY00696 and Snx16∆2 alleles were recombined onto FRTG13 containing chromosomes. Atg600096 was recombined onto FRT82B containing chromosome. Allele description A complete description of the origin of the alleles described in this study as well as the nature of the mutation is detailed in the following table (ordered by appearance in the text): Allele UVRAG LL03097 UVRAG B21 Atg6 1 5 vps15 ∆m22 Vps34 ∆3d Atg1 Atg7 d77 Atg7 d14 UAS-Shi sara 12 Snx16 ∆1 ts1-pJFRC99 Mutation piggyBac transposone inserted within the first coding exon Imprecise excision of P{SUPor-P}Uvrag[KG04163] that deletes the first exon and most of the second exon of Uvrag Ends-out homologous recombination has resulted in the entire Atg6 open reading frame being replaced by a w marker Amino acid replacement: Q144@ Imprecise excision. The entire coding region is removed. 966bp deletion including start codon Imprecise excision of the P{XP}Atg7[d06996] insertion, resulting in a deletion that removes exons 5 and 6 and most of exon 4 of Atg7 Imprecise excision of the P{EPgy2}Atg7[EY10058] insertion, resulting in a deletion that removes portions of Atg7 Increased expression of the temperature sensitve 1 dominant negative version of Shiribre (Shi ) by translational enhancers EY04602 Imprecise excision of the P{EPgy2}Sdc insertion, resulting in a 5.8kb deletion that removes the complete open reading frame of Sara Imprecise excision of the progenitor insertion, resulting in a 3068bp deletion that removes the entire Snx16 coding region Reference This study (Lee et al., 2011) (Shravage et al., 2013) (Wu et al., 2007) (Juhasz et al., 2008) (Scott et al., 2004) (Juhasz et al., 2007) (Juhasz et al., 2007) (Pfeiffer et al., 2012) (Bokel et al., 2006) (Rodal et al., 2011) Rab11 Hrs ∆FRT D28 Stam 2896 UAS-Shrub ptc DN 16 Smo hh Ac hh ts2 3 endoB dor car EY00696 8 ∆146 Atg6 00096 Deletion that removes the promoter and first two exons of Rab11 Amino acid replacement: Q270@ EMS mutant - Amino acid replacement: Q6@ as well as A505T UAS-Shrub-GFP acts as a dominant negative A premature stop codon (location not precisely known) which is presumabley located before the first transmembrane domain. Point mutation G1783A P30 Deletion of sequences beginning in the P{PZ}hh insertion and extending to between position +0.8 to +8.6 P30 (coordinate 0 is the P{lacZ} insertion of hh ), removing the hh promoter and part of the coding region. Temperature sensitive mutation generated by EMS. P{EPgy2} insertion Insertion of DNA at least 4.3kb in length Imprecise excision. Sequences encoding amino acid residues 1-584 out of 617 residues are removed P-element insertion about 100 bp upstream of the Atg6 1 UAS-Shi Snx16 ∆2 Stat92E fasII Dl N 85c9 eB112 RevF10 Ser RX82 nd-1 ts-1-kitamoto UAS transgene that drives the expression of the shi coding region which encodes a temprature sensitve and dominant negative form of Shibire (Nucleotide substitution G to A) Imprecise excision of the progenitor insertion, resulting in a 2298bp deletion that removes the entire Snx16 coding region Amino acid replacement: R442P Fas2Imprecise excision of the P-element from Ecol\lacZ A31 . 1.7kb deletion of Fas2 genomic sequences, including 5' untranslated sequences Revertant of a P-element insertion located between -20 and -30 upstream of the Dl transcription start site. Deletion of approximately 760bp removing most of the first exon and the proximal part of the promoter (including the TATA box) Deletion of 0.5kb Insertion of 3 bases between Q2567 and Q2568 encoding an additional Q residue in addition to a 41 nucleotide deletion at the 3' end of the 8th exon (Bogard et al., 2007) (Lloyd et al., 2002) (Chanut-Delalande et al., 2007) (Sweeney et al., 2006) (Strutt et al., 2001) (Chen and Struhl, 1998) (Lee et al., 1992) (Ma et al., 1993) Gene distruption project 2001 (Shestopal et al., 1997) (Akbar et al., 2009) Berkeley Drosophila Genome Proj (Kitamoto, 2001) (Rodal et al., 2011) (Silver and Montell, 2001) (Grenningloh et al., 1991) (Haenlin et al., 1990) (Thomas et al., 1991) (Lyman and Young, 1993) Supplemental Drosophila genotypes Figure S1. (A-B’) 201Y,CD8::GFP/+;UAS-UVRAG-Flag/UAS-GAL4 Figure S2. (A) hsflp,CD8::GFP/+;G13,201Y,CD8::GFP, endoBEY00696/ G13,Gal80 (B) dor8,19A/Gal80,19A,hsflp,CD8::GFP;G13,201Y,CD8::GFP/+ (C) car∆146,19A/Gal80,19A,hsflp,CD8::GFP;G13,201Y,CD8::GFP/+ (D) hsflp,CD8::GFP/+;201Y,CD8::GFP /+;82B,Atg600096/82B ,Gal80 Figure S3. (A-G) hsflp/+;40A,UAS-GFP-2xFYVE/Gal80,40A;UAS-CD8/+ (H) hsflp/+;UAS-GFP-2xFYVE/201Y;82B,Atg61/82B,Gal80 (I) hsflp/+;UAS-GFP-2xFYVE/201Y;82B,vps155/82B,Gal80 Figure S4. (A) 201Y,CD8::GFP/+;UAS-Shits1-kitamoto Figure S5. (A) hsflp,CD8::GFP/+;G13,Snx16∆2,201Y,CD8::GFP/G13,Gal80 Figure S6. (A) hsflp,CD8::GFP;UVRAGLL03097,40A/G80,40A,201Y,CD8::GFP; Stat92E85c9,82B/Gal80,82B (B) fasIIeB112,19A/Gal80,19A,hsflp,CD8::GFP;UVRAGLL03097,40A/ Gal80,40A,201Y,CD8::GFP (C) hsflp,CD8::GFP;UVRAGLL03097,tepII116,40A/Gal80,40A,201Y,CD8::GFP (D) hsflp,CD8::GFP;UVRAGLL03097,40A/Gal80,40A,201Y,CD8::GFP; DlRevF10,SerRX82,82B/Gal80,82B (E) Nnd-1,19A/Gal80,19A,hsflp,CD8::GFP;UVRAGLL03097,40A/Gal80,40A,201Y,CD8::GFP (F) hsflp,CD8::GFP;;82B,Atg61/ GMR16A06-Gal4,82B,Gal80 (G) hsflp,CD8::GFP;42D,ptc16/42D,Gal80;82B,Atg61/GMR16A06-Gal4,82B,Gal80 (I) hsflp,CD8::GFP/+;UVRAG LL03097,40A/Gal80,40A; GMR71G10-Gal4/+ (J) hsflp,CD8::GFP/+;UVRAG LL03097,40A/Gal80,40A;UAS-Ptc/GMR71G10-Gal4 Fig S7. (A) 10xUAS-IVS-CD8::GFP/+;GMR16A06-Gal4/+ (B-D) 10xUAS-IVS-CD8::GFP/+;GMR16A06-Gal4/UAS-Ptc (E) 1. 10xUAS-IVS-CD8::GFP/+;GMR71G10-Gal4/+ 2. 10xUAS-IVS-CD8::GFP/+;UAS-PtcS2/GMR71G10-Gal4 3. 10xUAS-IVS-CD8::GFP/+;UAS-Ptc/GMR71G10-Gal4 (F-G) ptc-Gal4/CD8::GFP;hh-lacZ/+ (H) Repo-Gal4/+;hh-RNAi32489/+ (I) c155-Gal4/+;;hh-RNAi32489/+ (J) 201Y/+;hh-RNAi25794/+ Supplemental References Akbar, M.A., Ray, S., and Kramer, H. (2009). The SM protein Car/Vps33A regulates SNARE-mediated trafficking to lysosomes and lysosome-related organelles. Mol Biol Cell 20, 1705-1714. Bogard, N., Lan, L., Xu, J., and Cohen, R.S. (2007). Rab11 maintains connections between germline stem cells and niche cells in the Drosophila ovary. Development 134, 3413-3418. Bokel, C., Schwabedissen, A., Entchev, E., Renaud, O., and Gonzalez-Gaitan, M. (2006). Sara endosomes and the maintenance of Dpp signaling levels across mitosis. Science 314, 1135-1139. 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