1st Sunday of Advent Nov. 29th & 30th, 2014 STM SOUND MINISTRY: – Volunteers needed to assist with the operation of the sound board during parish liturgies and celebrations. No technical experience is necessary; training and mentoring is provided. Contact Johanna Dietrich, Music Ministry Coordinator, at [email protected] or (780) 919-3747 for more information. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul donations in lieu of Christmas gifts program will continue to accept donations in the month of December. Please place your envelopes in the collection basket at mass or in the SSVP poor box next to the coffee/snack station. Please ensure that all mailing data is legible and filled out so tax receipts can be mailed. We thank those in advance for their support. If you or someone you know need help or wish to donate furniture or household goods, please give us a call at 780-471-5577 or visit us at www.ssvpedmonton.ca THE SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: Dear Brothers and Sisters, St. Thomas More Parish 210 Haddow Close Edmonton, AB T6R 2P3 The next meeting will be held Monday Nov. 24th and Dec. 1st at Annunciation Church. Any questions or concerns please call: Charlotte DeRudder at 780-446-6357. FRANCISCAN FOOTSTEPS: SIGN OF HOPE: CLERGY SPIRITUAL SHARING CIRCLE: PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR PERMANENT DEACON RESIDENT PRIEST “Through Catholic Social Services’ Therapeutic Counselling, Parenting – Teen Medication, and Family Capacity Building programs, the Agency provides innovative and effective supports to children, teens, couples, and families in crisis.” will meet on Tuesday, Dec 2nd at 1:00 PM at St. Thomas More Parish, for a Lenten retreat with Fr. Matthew Hysell. Theme: mental prayer. Everyone is welcome. For information call Maureen Gouveia at 780-438-7060. Fr. Andrew Bogdanowicz Fr. Jaya Rajan J. M. SAC Dk. Randall Abele Fr. Stan Blaszkowski PASTORAL MINISTRY Monica Bober Ext. 227 Kathleen Eistetter Diane Middleton Johanna Dietrich Darlene Smigelski Kathleen Gust Ext. 235 Ext. 233 Ext. 226 Ext. 226 CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE AND CRAFT SALE: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST BOOKKEEPER MAINTENANCE/GROUNDS EVENING RECEPTIONIST David Matwie Sherisse Schindel Dora Jankowska Arthur Connick Doreen Schmidt Ext. 236 Ext. 228 Ext. 222 Ext. 231 Ext. 228 YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE 8TH ANNUAL KAROL WOJTYLA NATIVITY PLAY: TELEPHONE 780-434-6313 FAX 780-438-2088 THE GIVING TREE: is a St. Thomas More Advent tradition. As a parish, we take time to share our good fortune with the women and children of the Lurana Shelter, a refuge for those fleeing family violence. We will be in the front gathering place of the Church the first weekend of Advent, Nov. 29th /30th. The angels and stars hanging on the Giving Tree suggest items that are needed for the Lurana Shelter. Each parish family is encouraged to pick an angel or star and return a new item during the following three weekends of Advent. In 2013 our parish donated approximately 7,400 new items of clothing, toiletries, books, toys, games and creative activities. A special request to fund baby cribs for the Shelter was a remarkable success and eight hospital quality baby cribs were purchased. Families are encouraged to keep the angel or star to hang on their own Christmas tree as a reminder of a special Advent gift. Once again the Catholic Girls’ League will be decorating the angels and stars. PLEASE ENSURE ALL TOYS ARE OF A NON-VIOLENT NATURE AND PLEASE DO NOT WRAP THE GIFTS. JEWELLERY AND CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS & GIFT ITEMS FOR SALE Nov. 28th, 2014 at 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM at St. Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital, 10707 – 29th Avenue NW, Edmonton Sat. Dec 6 at 2 p.m., Grant MacEwan University 10045 - 156 Street, Edmonton. Tickets $12 in advance by phoning TIX on the Square at 780-420-1757. Cast of 52 children and youth perform the traditional nativity story. Bring the whole family for an enjoyable afternoon! YOUTH & FAMILY COORDINATOR SACRAMENT ASSISTANT SACRAMENT ASSISTANT MUSIC COORDINATOR RC IA COORDINATOR RCIA ASSISTANT OFFICE STAFF Masses Offered ARE YOU REGISTERED WITH THE PARISH OFFICE? Being registered with the parish office is of the utmost importance. It allows us to serve all parishioners by providing a better vision of the active populace so that we may respond to the needs of this growing and dynamic parish. Please do not assume that you are automatically registered if you or your children have received sacraments at STM or if you live within the parish boundaries and attend Mass. The only way we can register you and your family is upon your submission of a registration form. These forms are on the counter at the main entrance. If you attend St. Thomas More Parish and have not yet registered, or if your information is not up to date, please fill out a registration form and return it to the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS / CHANGE OF ADDRESS - Please fill out a Parish Registration Form located on the counter below the bulletin board at the church entrance. INTERESTED IN PRE-AUTHORIZED DONATIONS? – The Pre-Authorized Donation (PAD) Forms are located on the counter below the bulletin board at the church entrance. PAD tokens are available on the counter at the church entrance. Dec. 1. Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 7 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Vincent Silveira Cressy Silveira + Florida Belland + Ron Tarnowski + Joseph Kuruvila + Paul Wan Zach Pyshniak + Willem Jan Baas All Parishioners + David Crosby With the beginning of the season of Advent, we begin a new liturgical year. The first Sunday of Advent is the Church’s “New Year’s Day.” In the Judeo-Christians tradition, Sunday begins at sundown the day before when the faithful celebrated the First Vespers. Therefore, the first Sunday of Advent is celebrated as the beginning of the Christmas cycle. Advent comes from the Latin word for an arrival or coming. It means that the Lord is coming. Jesus Christ our brother in our humanity and our God in His divinity is about to arrive. But He comes to us in different ways. Firstly, Jesus came to us at a specific point in history over at Bethlehem about 2000 years ago. But in the Church’s great feast of Christmas He mystically comes again. Secondly, our Lord, the Alpha and the Omega will come to judge the living and the dead in His Second Coming. Thirdly, our Redeemer comes to us in grace and He speaks to us in our consciences, He comes to us in the Eucharist and in the Word of God proclaimed in the gospel. Fourthly, He arrives in the person of the beggar, the needy, the suffering, and the oppressed. Therefore, we must be ready to receive and welcome Him when and however He comes. Advent is a time of joy tinged with penance. Joy, because we can imagine nothing sweeter than the Christ Child and His Mother Mary’s bliss at the light of His coming. Penance because we must strive to be properly prepared to receive the great gift of his presence. In the millennial tradition of the church we faithful have done penance before great feasts. Christmas and Easter each have their penitential seasons in anticipation, Advent and Lent. The liturgical colours used in Latin Churches for the liturgy during both Advent and Lent is purple, a sign of penance. The Latin Church also emphasizes the penitential dimensions directing the use of sparse ornaments in the church and by legislating the instrumental music of the season that is being used, except to sustain congregational singing. This is a kind of liturgical fast, which then makes the joyous celebration at Christmas all that much more powerful by the contrast of the lean and muted Advent. Advent is a time of great joy, because we look forward to the beautiful feast of the joyful stitched through with sombre and focused spiritual preparation by doing penance. 2015: Missals are for sale in the parish office. You may obtain them from the parish office for $5 each for the adult Missal’s and $10 each for the children’s missals. SUNDAY MISSALS REFUGEE SPONSORSHIP: has formed a Refugee Sponsorship Committee to sponsor Syrian and Iraqi Christians to become free of persecution and to immigrate to Canada (Edmonton) from their war-torn countries. We are in need of volunteers to help our committee for this VERY important cause! If you can help, please contact Eric Green at 780436-2072. Nov. 13th and every 2nd Thurs. of the month thereafter. Fr. Michael Troy Jr. High School from 6pm. at 363023rd St. The topic for our first Eucharistic Catechesis will be ‘The Eucharist: Sacrament & Sacrifice’ by Fr. Matthew Hysell. EUCHARISTIC CATECHESIS: Beginning YOU ARE INVITED TO A CHRISTMAS PLAY!: “Come experience the meaning of Christmas with family and friends at a Christmas Pageant, presented by the Challenge and Conquest Club. The play will take place on Dec 12th at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and share in this special event. Monetary donations will be accepted at the door and will be placed towards our parish’s refugee projects CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED: During the month of November the following children were received into our Parish family through the Sacrament of Baptism: Jacob M., Ethan T., Jennifer and Myles L., Kiera O., Andrew R., Maximus B., Alexander B., Ruistelle D., Maria G.G., Michael K., Aviana M., Daphne M., Saryn R. and Asha Z. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: is for infants to age 7 by which children become members of the Body of Christ, the Church. To prepare for your child’s baptism, visit our website: www.stmparish.com or pick up a Baptism brochure at the church entrance. When you have all the documentation, call Diane at (780) 434-6313 ext. 233 to set up an office visit on our scheduled dates (afternoon or evening appointments available) and register for the Baptism Preparation Session(s). Next Baptism Preparation session will be Jan. 5th and 12th, 2015 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED: During the month of November the following children were received into our Parish family through the Sacrament of Baptism: Jacob M., Ethan T., Jennifer and Myles L., Kiera O., Andrew R., Maximus B., Alexander B., Ruistelle D., Maria G.G., Michael K., Aviana M., Daphne M., Saryn R. and Asha Z. FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion are offered to children in grade 2. See the green Sacrament brochure in your Catholic school office or the parish brochure stand for details. St.Thomas More offers Drop-in Registration at the parish. The Drop-in Registration occurs from 9-11 am. The final 3 Drop-In Registrations are Sat. Dec. 6, Sat. Jan. 3 and Sat. Jan. 31. CONFIRMATION 2014: This weekend the 163 young people who have prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation will be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Archbishop Richard Smith will celebrate two special masses for the Confirmands on Sunday. Please keep these young parishioners in your prayers. will take place March 13, 14 and 15, 2015. For details, email [email protected]. Information about other Marriage Preparation programs can be found on the Archdiocese web-site at: caedm.ca. ADVENT PENITENTIAL CELEBRATION AT ST.THOMAS MORE Our Penitential Celebration will take place Wednesday, December 17th starting at 7 p.m. Prior Week Donations: Nov 16th Regular Sunday - $18, 076 Sign of Hope - $20 Together We Serve - $15 Children’s Fund: ESK OMI Mission ‐ $1,000 Our Lady of Victory Camp ‐ $2,000 Holy Childhood Association ‐ $2,000 POINSETTIAS: STM is accepting donations for poinsettias. If you wish the donation can be made in memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $20. You can drop off your donation at the parish office or place the donation in the collection basket in an envelope marked “POINSETTIA.” (Clearly print the name, if your donation is in memory of a loved one). SIGN OF HOPE PAD: In 2015 the Sign of Hope Campaign will be merging with Together We Serve. As noted on the PreAuthorized Donation Form, all Sign of Hope Pre Authorized donations will be transferred to the Together We Serve Annual contribution which will be withdrawn from the parishioner’s bank accounts on Mar. 1st of each year. If you would like to make changes in regards to this, please revise your preauthorized donation form or contact the parish bookkeeper. GROCERY CARD PROGRAM: The St. Thomas More Parish Grocery Card Program is now underway. Members of the Knights of Columbus council will be selling grocery cards before and after all Sunday morning masses. They will also be selling grocery cards on the first Saturday of each month, before and after the 5:00pm Mass. This is a great way to assist the parish and the less fortunate. Please take the time to support the program and our volumes will continue to grow. STM FOOD BANK: Our St. Thomas More pantry is bare. We need small household sizes of jams, Cheese Whiz, mustard, ketchup, dish soap, liquid hand soap, soups, can ham, can chicken and rice. We thank our parishioners in advance for their generosity. MARRIAGE PREPARATION AT ST. THOMAS MORE: Liturgical Calendar THE SISTERS OF CHARITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: invite you to join them in celebrating 90 years of ministry in Alberta. The celebration will take place at St. Alphonsus Church on Sunday, December 7, beginning with Eucharistic Liturgy at 2:00 pm and followed by a reception in the Parish Hall.The Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate came to Edmonton in 1924 at the invitation of Archbishop H. J.O’Leary and the Redemptorist Fathers, to teach school in the newly founded St. Alphonsus Parish. The first “schools” were portable buildings and store fronts until a six-room brick school was opened in September 1927. From these humble beginnings the Sisters reached out in faith and love, responding to the needs of the people of Alberta, in Radway, Wetaskiwin, Hanna, Fort Saskatchewan Spruce Grove, Lloydminster, Viking-Holden, Wainwright, Edson, Camrose, and many of the rural parishes. We hope that you can join us in this, our Celebration of Thanksgiving, as we all reflect on and thank God for the blessings of these 90 years. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Father Mon. Dec. 1 Tues. Dec. 2 Wed. Dec. 3 Thurs. Dec. 4 Fri. Dec. 5 Sat. Dec. 6 Sun. Dec. 7 MASS 7:00 p.m. MASS 7:00 p.m. MASS 8:30 am MASS 8:30 am MASS 8:30 am MASS Reconciliation 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation 6:00 p.m. Reconciliation 8:00 am Reconciliation 8:00 am Reconciliation 8:00 am MASSES 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:00 pm Adoration 6:00 pm R.C.I.A. 7:00 pm Reconciliation 4:00 pm Child’s Liturgy 5:00 pm Children’s Liturgy All Masses (except 6pm) Bonner Council #7599 invites boys and girls in the Parish ages 5 14 to participate in the organization’s international “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest. By engaging the creative talents and imaginations of our young people, we hope they will come to a deeper understanding of the true, spiritual meaning of Christmas. The contest will be conducted locally with winning entries advancing to the district/region and then to state, national and international levels. The winning entries will serve as the basis for a series of new Christmas posters that encourage a deeper understanding of the holiday. Posters must be submitted to Monica Bober, our Parish Youth and Family Coordinator, on or before Dec. 15th. The posters will be distributed in the countries where the Knights are active as part of our “Keep Christ in Christmas” campaign. Creative credit will also be given to the winning artists. K of C Father Bonner Council representatives will present the project and discuss the participation in the contest during the Youth meeting on Nov. 5th at the Parish Church. STAR OF THE NORTH RETREAT CENTRE: Away Days – Sometimes it is good to get away, to simply ‘to be,’ instead of always ‘doing.’ Through a combination of presentations and reflective time, these day retreats will each focus on a different contemporary spiritual book. It is not necessary to have read these books. Thurs Dec. 11: Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) by Pope Francis. Facilitator: Sandy Prather. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. $35/day OR $40/day at the door (includes lunch and a day use of room when available)
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