Sacred Heart RC Church, Rochdale

School Christmas
Thurs 4th Dec 3.30 - 5.00 pm
Advent Reconciliation Services
Wed Dec 10 Holy Family
7.00 pm
Mon Dec 15 St. Patrick’s
7.00 pm
Tues Dec 16 St. Mary’s L’boro 7.00 pm
Gaeil a' Ghleanna
Wed Dec 17 Sacred Heart
Irish Language Group
Christmas ‘get together’: Thursday 11th
December in the Parish Centre at 7.00 pm.
Bring your party piece and food to share.
Connect2 Meeting
Tues 2nd Dec at 7.00pm
The next Connect2 meeting is this Tuesday
at 7.00 pm. This meeting is open to everyone.
The members of the C2 Steering Group
will be giving a short presentation on the
Story our Parish. This is to be sent to the
El Salvador community of Puentecitos - the
first step in building a partnership with
At this meeting we will also decide the
money to be sent from the C2 fund.
Weddings 2015
Please contact Father O’ Kane if you live in
Sacred Heart Parish and intend to marry at
home or abroad in the coming year.
7.30 pm
Fairtrade Stall
Open after all the Masses next
weekend for groceries and little
gifts. Special Christmas items
on sale next week including a beautiful
terracotta Nativity Set. Please try to buy at
least one thing to help those in need.
Newhey Manor
I will bless the crib at Newhey Manor on
Tuesday 9th December.
On Wednesday 10th December at 7.00 pm
our Parish Choir and Young Singers will
entertain the Residents with seasonal songs
Looking at Mass Times and the
Number of Weekend Masses
In the New Year 2015 we will have a
survey of Mass attendances, number of
Masses required, the times of Mass to
accommodate priest, organists, choir,
congregation and good liturgy.
6.00 pm Vigil
9.30 am
11.00 am
Eleanor Clarke
Jane Mawdsley
Caroline Blair
29 / 30
Golden & Cousin Families
Chadwick & Ainsworth Families
Odey Family
Pat Shine
Jackie Mellor
Sheila Blair
Fell Family
Bradshaw Family
Children’s Liturgy
[email protected]
Website :
Follow the Mass or visit the Church from the link on our Website - Live Church Cam
Salford Diocese:-
The Loop System is installed in our Church and Parish Centre - turn hearing aid to T
Sacred Heart RC Church, Rochdale
Parish Centre
Kingsway, Rochdale. OL16 5BX
December 25th 2011
Tel: 01706 645603
Parish Priest - Father David O’ Kane
November 30th 2014 Issue 643
The First Sunday of Advent
Advent 2014
The beginning of the Church’s New Year.
The colour on the sanctuary has changed from green to
The Advent Wreath, which will be blessed this weekend, has five
candles above it: three purple,
one pink and one white;
reminding us there are four weeks in Advent before Christmas Day. The pink is lit on
the third Sunday, Gaudete - rejoice, and the white one is lit on Christmas Day.
This weekend we light the first purple candle on our Advent Wreath
During Advent we will sing the Penitential Rite, the Gospel Acclamation
and the Holy Holy. At the sign of peace we will sing Emmanuel.
Sign of Peace
Emmanuel. Emmanuel. His name shall be Emmanuel;
God with us. Revealed in us. His name shall be Emmanuel.
Miraculous Medal
New Altar Servers
Children who received their first Holy
Communion earlier this year, will be
enrolled in the Miraculous Medal next
Sunday 7th December at the 11am Mass.
The children are asking Our Lady to
sponsor them for life.
Our new young Altar Servers are being
officially accepted as servers this weekend.
Walk with Me
The Advent Prayer Book is now available and a Prayer Card - 1 per family please.
At whichever Mass they attend their red
cassocks and white cottas will be blessed.
Thanks to Mary Park who looks after the
altar clothes.
Recent Pastoral Visiting
Milnrow Road. Kathan Close.
Court. Ethel Court. Clement Court.
More Travelling
This week in our Parish 30 November - 6 December 2014
Sun 30 Nov
9.30 am
11.00 am
Dress Rehearsals : Young Singers 3.00 - 5.45 pm Adults/Youth:5.45 pm
Mon 1 Dec
9.30 am - Advent Weekday
Tue 2 Dec
9.30 am - Advent Weekday
7.30 pm - Connect2 Meeting for All
9.30 am - St. Francis Xavier, Priest
7.30 pm - Adult & Youth Choir Full Rehearsal
Thu 4 Dec
9.30 am - Requiem Mass for Marilyn Newlands RIP
Fri 5 Dec
9.30 am - Advent Weekday
Sat 6 Dec
10 - 12 noon - Young Singers
12 noon Mass - St. Nicholas, Bishop
6.00 pm - Vigil Mass 2nd Sunday of Advent
Wed 3 Dec
Monday 8th Dec Feast of the
Reconciliation - Before both Saturday Masses. Marriage & Baptism by appointment
Mass Offerings
Marilyn Newlands RIP.
Lately dead: Maureen Nicholl. Marilyn
Newlands. John Day Dr. Tom Neville.
Pamela Foster. Mary Briggs Sally Reilly
Sick: Monica Reade.
Anniversaries / Birthdays:
Ned King. Mary Rylance.
Other Intentions: Special Intentions,
Deepest Sympathy to the family of Marilyn
Newlands of Selby Close who died last
weekend. Her Requiem Mass takes place
here on Thursday at 9.30 am
May she
rest in peace.
Please pray for:
Tom Keogh. Monica Reade. Ann Mooney.
Bernadette Murphy. Denise Armstrong.
Mary Rice.
Michael Paul. Michael
Thompson. Jennifer Dewis. Maria Earnshaw. Jean Burns. Winnie Blomfield.
Anna Stepniewska Michael King. Francis
Pickering. Dolores Pomfret. Pat Wild.
Teresa Oswell. Margaret Valentine.
Computers and Printers
For computer problems or queries ring
Steve Raines 07775 598 661 / 645070
For Printers, Repairs & Office Stationery
ring Kleen Strike: 658582
Pope Francis will travel to Philadelphia in
Sept 2015 to attend a meeting of families.
Before that he will visit the Philippines
commencing 15th January 2015.
Offertory Collections
Envelopes 546.50
Parish Development: £384.66
Donations: £50 and £10. Many thanks
One collection only this weekend.
Funeral Arrangements
Please. Please, never arrange the day and
time of any funeral - that you want me to
take - with the undertaker, without seeing
me personally first.
Immaculate Conception
We will have Mass in the evening at
7.30pm. That morning Bishop John Arnold
will be installed as our new bishop at
St. John’s Cathedral Salford.
Bishop John Arnold
Have you bought your tickets?
Christmas Entertainment
Sunday 7th December at 7 pm.
Tickets on sale
Adults £7.00
Under 15: £4.00
Rehearsals N.B
Young Singers
Dress Rehearsal Sun 30 Nov 3- 5.45 pm
Saturday 6th December 10 - 12 noon
Adults and Youth Choir
Dress Rehearsal Sun 30th Nov. 5.45 pm
Wed 3rd Dec at 7.30 pm - All
Baptism Evening
Bishop John Arnold, our new bishop
Elect, will be installed as 11th Bishop of
Salford on Monday 8th December the Feast
of the Immaculate Conception.
On Tuesday 11th Dec he will officially open
and bless the new wing of St. Cuthbert’s
Catholic High School here in Rochdale.
The Last Baptism Evening takes place this
Sunday 30th Nov at 6.00 pm in Church
The Meeting is for both parents, living in
the parish who have been attending Mass
and will be requesting Baptism before mid
February 2015. The meeting also includes a
rehearsal of the ceremony.
Decorating next year
Nov 500 Club Draw
The Diocesan Surveyor has checked the
outside of the church, presbytery and parish
centre in preparation for their decorated
next year.
The November 500 Club Draw will take
place after the Vigil Mass next weekend.
This month’s subscription is £4.00. Some
people still owe £13.00 for this quarter!
Sacramental Programme
Children’s Liturgy
The following children were at Mass last
weekend: Bradley Holt. Keane Kennedy.
Harvey Lanyon. Cameron Lowe. Calum
Lucas. Lilli Maguire. Olivia Marriott.
Brooke Miller. Lennon Ogden. Ricardo
Santos. Julia Stefanska. Malakai Traynor.
Takes place at the 11.00am Mass next
The SVP Community Shop
To volunteer phone Lesley or Sue. 347279
For furniture collection: 0161 832 0259.
Christmas Mass Times 2014
Wednesday 24th Dec - Christmas Eve
6.00 pm & 8.00 pm
Thursday 25th Dec - Christmas Day
10.30 am.
The Choir and congregation will
sing Carols before each Mass .