HalalCertification Services Halalzertif izierungsdienste Services certification Halal Certificate (Document)# 7 8 6 1 01 83 - 0 1 0 . 1 3 9 a Page 1 of2 Date 26t03t14 r.6lJ#l-tffiIel HALALCERTIFICATEcDsör Pos 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 0'10 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 Product* 3041rapeseed oil refinedstabilised withASP 3085Oilmix1528 3 1 2 1O i l M i x1 5 3 3 3 1 4O i lm i x1 5 7 3380Tunaoil,tollrefining 3409PalmStearinrbd 3 4 1 0O i l m i x1 5 0 3424CoconutlPalm Olein70/30 3 4 6 1O i l M i x1 8 1 3474Onmix309 3505Oilmix304 3546Echium oil,tollrefining 3547BlackCurrantOilrefined 3548Oilmix146 3549Oilmix'106 3550Oilmix726 30017Rapeseed oilsemi-refined 30023Sunflower oil semi+efined 30150coconutoilsemi-refined 30169higholeicSunflower oilsemi-refined 124986oeanutoil H31 * theabove mentioned packasins types: o,oor.trü?oJyn,.":fj[iti;||:merrtioned It is certified that the above mentioned product produced by äJ"-t9 CrJl r ,o)c.l_t:SL.ll6tüJtrJtr4+,i Industriering 30,3250Lyss is Halalaccordingto the lslamicJurisdiction andfit for consumption by humansrts-VE+tcJ)cl)d-)l c/rVl Cl- _r6)*)t. The verifiedand auditedsystemis complyingwith a" c$l-r-4ir+lJ4r 4. -4,,.,crr.llptJdtHS 09 - 001 *i-!+a:$ly ru -r HalalCertificationServicesGmbH. and is constantlysupervisedby äI-lrr -.,1 This Certificate,in combinationwith ärk.'li6^ ii_riL ,ä\jJl o.raHCS,Certificatefor ProductionSite (78610813-009.138)6u:Yli-ri, is valid onlyfor one year,effectivefrom a+l+liil r-13pLciül Lllu^ March 26th2014until *i= -r November30th.2014. ,, ,"*r. *" O.*rty of the I \ .- qsL ir$ill HalalCertification ServicesGmbH and can be revoked,at any time,in an eventof breachof the lslamiccodeor HCS'"HalalGuidelines" or the Agreement.ill^.+ ri ....+ä-tll cD-ll *t + Jl4iJ-Yl t'+-1,ill rK-t4cDi.)läll- -.ö$J.sl *s falJ! efu 3 ,jLu)! cDiyr. Hcation ..'F-X.. Dr.Moha Rheinfelden,26thMarch 2014125th Jumada-al- Awwal1435 HalalCertificationServicesGmbH, Tel +41 61 813 30 64 P.OB . ox247, +4161 8133065 Fax'. 4310 Rheinfelden, Email:I HalalCertification Services(HCS)is officialtyrecognizedby: MUI (lndonesia)JAKIM (Malaysia)MUIS (Singapore), CICOTand otherrespectedHalalauthoritiesaroundthe World <X Certificate (Document) # HalalCertification Services Halalzertitizi erungsdienste Services certification Halal 7 8 6 1 01 83 - 0 1 0 . 1 3 9 a Page 2 ol 2 Date 26t03t14 r.diHl,ffiI,l Thisproductis freefromany haramanimalingredients and alcohol.The equipment usedfor production processdoesnot comein contactwithharamproducts. The storagefacilitiesare indiscriminately separate,havingno contact,whatso ever,to anyotherharamproducts. The produceris comprehensively advisedabout"Halal,Haramand Mushbooh" (suspected), is committed to the halalguidelines as prescribed by lslamiclaw and is dedicatedin his endeavour to complywithlslamigHalalrequirements. The ingredients usedin the production of the mentionedproductsare clear.They are free fromanyharam,suspectandgenetically modifiedcomponents. The certificate is basedon personalinspection of the production site and thoroughstudyof the ingredients, the hygienicconditions, the packing,the packingmaterialrequirements, the storagefacilitiesand its effectson the productsduringthe maximumstoragetimeas wellas guaranteedcontinuousqualitycontrolof the processduringand after productionby the producer.lt includesdetailedconsultations with the internalboard.an evaluationof the prescribed formulasand scrutinization of the concerning dataprovidedby the company. We have studiedthe detailsof the contentsand havesatisfiedourselvesthat the mentioned product(s) do notcontainany"haramingredients" or "haramby-products", Y El$Yl 4J"r i Lrri,"Jl crlr'-ll ..JJ.Sllcr: pl_p ctUJS^el ü"GllÄ e!.ll lra g t9 el UJ.Ii kJ r+-1pY J qU+ äll^-i^ üjlr Jl .4;J.l pl;rs drt-si-r^,sl e U".Xi fjiL CJ-ll3 .or+,i^ll_rpl;nJt ,cJNl d1ci^:ULl+ ellll ti'-il i .el> JAi e.ii. cel d\ll ;g;lJ cJEt) oL*..oj ll.,'J 4j.)-,yl 4+-üll j k+b UFj l*S cD-ll JJJI-+ fl->= öJS^ Gl ü" +Jli : ä--^:l: o)cl ;3SLll A5j:ll eLijl j LrÄj.^.*ll clUJS^ll Sl-l-l cjr'- :l o3d^ ,4:F.-ll JJJUI ,öuJs.lj i^:"rL,*lt ä*,lJJl J' : e[xyl g_r ;tbj & cllJs _l dj,.-ill ÖJ-)sjllär^ gpi öliii Jl .+ öu!.ür,-,.,*i c)rrrJ 3 .s,r#|ffij gl liöl ci:iJl G!^ll l" jtl J üjtJl ,+Jiill 4J# ä.ila.iJt rl3e ,, äJl:ill lä#j''*ff'|ffi .erl J db.,-l-$illdS & Li,Lt1 rtl .ä.+ii^ll asJ.$ll g," L.ri.Jl el> cr äii.,i^ öUJS^'' Jl "elF öUJS.."Jr .SA Y _1-fill HalalGertificationServices Rheinfelden,26thMarch 2014125th Jumada-al- Awwal1435 Halal CertificationServicesGmbH. Tel: +41 61 813 30 64 P,O.Box247, Fax +4161 81330 65 4310Rheinfelden, Switzertanq emait:[email protected] HalalCertification Services(HCS)is officiallyrecognizedby: MUI (lndonesia)JAKIM (Malaysia)MUIS (Singapore), CICOTand otherrespectedHalalauthoritiesaroundthe World
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