401 Mansion Street, Mauston, WI 53948 608-847-6054 www.stpatricksmauston.com November 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent From Our Pastor Dear friends, I hope you have a good time in the woods looking for some deer to shoot at and I hope you all had good luck with the amount of deer you can shoot. The creator created the creatures for man and man, He created to worship Him raising their hands. Good luck to you all who are still on the hunt. We are at the verge of Advent which prepares us for another great event of our Christian living, Christmas. This is an important event in our lives as Christians. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come….What I say to you, I say to all: watch. (Luke: 13: 33, 37). This word ‘watch’ may mean a kind of warning or threatening. Here, Jesus means the kind of loving admonition to get ourselves ready to meet the Lord when He comes. We should give heed to his admonition or caution if we may want to call it so. The immediate means to be prepared to meet him or welcome him is to make use of the facility of confession. Yes! That would be a better means for us now in this fast world. Now a days, Catholics do not much bother about the Sacrament of Confession. The reasons may be many. The one I would like to elucidate on is the lack of sense of sin. In this world of individualism, we have a tendency to justify everything we do. We have a subjective theory of ethics, morality or spirituality. Whatever I do or think or say is good for me. I do not much bother about you. This kind of attitude exists in everyone’s mind. We do not want to or we are not ready to go by any objective theory of ethics, morality or spirituality. Any common code of ethics doesn’t hold good for us, even sometimes the one that is prescribed by the church itself. This is the reason that we do not have a sense of sin, because even the gravest sin that I commit can be justified for any reason of my own. This is a dangerous state for our spiritual life, because, lack of sense of sin implies the death of our conscience. We do not make something out as sin, because our conscience is dead. That is why our conscience is unable to distinguish between what is sin and what is not. It is only when we come for the Sacrament of Confession, we learn to understand what sin is. It is confession that creates an awareness of sin within our hearts. If we need to revitalize (and of course we surely need to) our conscience, we must increase the frequency of going to make our confession. Confession is the greatest gift that our Mother Church has offered to us, the Catholic Christians, at the commandment of the Lord. It cleanses our sins, energizes or conscience, saves our souls. It is in confession that we are forgiven and we learn to forgive. If we don’t forgive, we are unworthy of forgiveness. This is a gift that no other religion in the world has. We are privileged to have this Sacrament in our lives. This Sacrament renews and rejuvenates our filial tie with God. This Sacrament of Penance has created many saints and this can make us saints too. We are in the Year of the Family and at this point of time, let us teach our children about this sacrament and nourish their Christian living. This is the responsibility that we had undertaken at the time of our children’s baptisms. We need to remember this and exercise our parental duty as Christians. As we prepare ourselves for this great feast of Christmas, may we renew our relationship with God so that his coming as a human being may have some meaning in our lives. May you all have a fruitful Advent. God bless. Fr. A. Antony Mass Intentions for the week of November 30, 2014 Sat. Nov. 29 5:00 PM For the repose of the soul of Joe Belluomini Sun. Nov. 30 7:30 AM For the Living & Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus Stewardship Corner ~ November 22nd & 23rd, 2014 BUDGETED ACTUAL Adult Envelopes $ 7,557.69 $ 4,358.00 Children’s Envelopes 26.90 33.08 Loose Offering 615.38 416.66 Total Weekly Offering: $ 8,199.87 $ 4,807.74 11:00 AM For the Parishioners Tue. Dec. 2 Wed. Dec. 3 Thu. Dec. 4 Fri. Dec. 5 Sat. Dec. 6 Sun. Dec. 7 5:30 PM For the repose of the soul of Blanche Janecek 8:00 AM For the repose of the souls of Robert, Lucille, & Beverly Fleming Budget Contingency Fund $ Year-to-date* budget requirement Year-to-date amount contributed 430.00 $ 180,397.14 $ 151,713.34 *Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 to current date 2:00 PM FAIRVIEW NURSING HOME For the repose of the soul of Sally Plischke We ask you to join us in praying sincerely for guidance and success in helping to meet the temporal needs of our Church so that we can carry on our spiritual mission. 8:00 AM For the repose of the souls of Dennis & Roberta Fitzgerald Weekly Calendar 8:00 AM For the repose of the soul of Andrew Petrowitz 8:00 AM In Thanksgiving Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 6:30 PM 3:00 PM 6:30 Pm 5:00 PM For the Parishioners Friday Dec. 5 8:45 AM 7:30 AM For the repose of the soul of Gary Straub DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL: Our goal this year is $41,243. Thank you to the 125 families who have already returned their pledge cards! Our pledges to date are: $30,286.00 (73% of our goal)! 11:00 AM For the Living & Deceased Members of the Modrich Family Pray for the health of Max Teumer, Ben Reynebeau, Jeri Delgado, Bernice Bohen, Julie (Watry) Stoner, Rosemary Lehnen, Betty Eisch, Jonetta Zukauskis, Jim DeBroux, Charlotte Raese, Ann Uteg, Patrick Lewis, Vivian G., Russell Fairchild, William Roberts, Bonnie Norton, Deb Beyer, Diana Hunt, Jessie Norton, Tricia Demmin, Bernard Resch, Laverne, John Kueppers, Shirley Mills, Ruth Clark, Randy Mullenberg, Karen Caple, Hal Moore, Lis, Joe Dolphin, Brooke M., Maxine Grefe, Mary Ann Witcraft, Denise Dean, Bill Chase, Kathy, Kevin L., Kiley Hackel, Shari Randall, Jon Waalk, Cheryl Dougherty, Helen Eucolono, Rita Burdick, Frances Schneider, Karen Differt, Ethel Passer, Jack Koca, Bill Eisch, Sid Mead, Steve, Michael Mills, Louise V., Ken Schmocker, Art Randall, Ruby Steiner, Marie Hersil, Becky Fredrickson, Mary W., Dorothy Betthauser, Jim Theusch, Chris Smolek, Sally Haas, Pat Croatt, Darlene, Mary Laridaen, Bob W., Pat Harnisch, Dale Dolata, John Sustar, Therese, Don Van Pee, Mary Kaiser, Gale Ryczek and Francis Bollig. Pray for those in the military serving our country: Jason Witkowiak, John Miller, Tera Walsh, Casey Chamberlain, Chris Dvorak, Paul Knudtson, Matthew Brown, Jon Taylor, Jessica Burch and Mandy Gardner. This Friday is First Friday. Please sign up in the Gathering Area for a time of Eucharistic adoration. Monday, December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and IS a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be celebrated on that day (Monday, December 8th) at 8:00 AM. For those unable to attend at this time, Mass will also be celebrated at St. Mary’s in Lyndon Station on Monday, December 8th at 7:30 PM. Advent Penance Service: Making a good confession is the best way to prepare ourselves for the proper celebration of Christmas. St. Patrick's Communal Penance Service is Thursday, December 18th at 7 PM. Ecumenical Choir Rehearsal Holy Hour Choir Rehearsal Religious Ed Classes Bulletin Folders Thank you to everyone who was so kind to me at the time of my sister Mary Doyle Gavin’s passing with all of your cards, prayers and letters. Alyce Doyle Our deepest sympathy and prayers to the family and friends of Raymond Wells (Bernard Wells’ brother) who passed away last week. Christmas Flower Memorials in memory of your loved ones who have passed away can be placed in the collection basket or mailed to the rectory. Please have them in by December 17th in time for the names to be published at Christmas. Retirement Fund for Religious (Share in the Care) Collection—December 13th & 14th: By 2019, it is projected that retired religious will outnumber wage-earning religious by nearly four to one. Your tax-deductible donation to the Retirement Fund for the Religious helps ensure that thousands of elder sisters, brothers, and religious order priests receive the care they so richly deserve, now and in the future. Please Share in the Care and give generously to this collection. December Birthdays December 2 December 4 December 6 December 13 December 15 December 18 December 20 December 23 December 26 Mary Grauvogl Walter Lenorud Floyd Babcock Betty Spaulding John Smart Bernadine Seitz Dorothy Betthauser Gerald Boehm Fred Finger December Anniversaries 25 years 30 years 40 years 71 years December 29 December 29 December 14 December 4 John & Kelly Duffy Fred & Sue Hollenbeck John & Jeanne Walsh Leo & Natalie Steiner MINISTRY SCHEDULE—Weekend of November 29th & 30th Saturday, 5:00 PM Lector: Roxanne Shragal Extraordinary Ministers: Corinne Kaiser, Carrol Kaiser, Therese Severson Servers: Maddy Scully, Carter Scully Greeters: Ernie & Audrey Schmocker Musicians: Gift Bearers: Scrip Sellers: Molly Scully, Barb Schachern Ushers: Bernie Lubinski, Gerald Gardner, Mike Zolondek, Fran Lunenschloss Sunday, 7:30 AM Lectors: Jon Butts, Mary Ann Strack Extraordinary Ministers: Jan Mullenberg, Kathy Kraemer Servers: Erich Heath, Haley Heath Greeters: Robert & Vicky Boehm, Kathleen Quinn Musicians: Tracey Tolzmann Gift Bearers: Jerry & Marie Boehm Scrip Sellers: Bobbi Eckerman. Bev Vinopal Ushers: Bernard Wells, Mike Lubinski, George Treml, Arnie Penzkover Sunday, 11:00 AM Lectors: Paul Curran, Bill Curran Extraordinary Ministers: Carrie Kudick, Donna Elosh, Mary Beth Crowley Servers: Lydia Chapman, Haley Marini Greeters: Kris & Janina Mazur Musicians: Tracey Tolzmann Gift Bearers: Rodney & Connie Walhovd Scrip Sellers: Diane Kocyan, Dana Butts Ushers: Jon Field, Randy Mullenberg, Fred Rollins, Greg Cowan 10:30 AM Nursing Home Rosary: Harry & Shirley Buttner MINISTRY SCHEDULE—Weekend of December 6th & 7th Saturday, 5:00 PM Lector: Jeri Kolba Extraordinary Ministers: Dorothy Gorski Servers: Matthew Skiles, Maddy Scully Greeters: Therese Severson, Monica Niles Musicians: Peg Schmitz, Choir Gift Bearers: Scrip Sellers: Corrine Kaiser Ushers: Dan May, Carrol Kaiser, Greg Gruber, Mark Heitman Sunday, 7:30 AM Lectors: Paul Schaller, Veronica Sustar Extraordinary Ministers: Servers: Anna Boppart, Johannes Boppart Greeters: Dee Powers, John Grzenia Musicians: Ann Benz, Joe Clary Gift Bearers: Mike & Karen Krause Family Scrip Sellers: Therese Gunther, Donna Miller Ushers: Larry Lubinski, Chuck Kraemer, Jim Bires Sunday, 11:00 AM Lectors: Sue Hollenbeck, Millie Hovde Extraordinary Ministers: Terri Walling Servers: Brooke Walling, Nathan Field Greeters: Barb & Shannon Cowan, Jeanne Walsh Musicians: Joyful Praise Gift Bearers: St. Patrick’s School Children Scrip Sellers: Amy Goodman, Jodi Field Ushers: Terry Garrigan, Mary Ann Allaby, Jim Allaby, Steve Powers 10:30 AM Nursing Home Rosary: Chitra Garrigan & Elaine Garrigan A NEW WAY TO BUY SCRIP—ON LINE! 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to shopwithscrip.com Click on “join a Scrip Program” Enter our enrollment code #B5A8DB488898 Follow the instructions You must pay with “Presto Pay”. You cannot use a credit card to pay. You can print e-certificates immediately or place an order to be picked up at the school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ecumenical Choir Christmas Concert—Sunday, December 7th at 7 PM at St. Patrick’s— The 2014 Ecumenical Choir will present “The Promise of Light”, A Christmas Musical by Joel Raney. Blood Center of Wisconsin Blood Drive on Monday, December 8th from 9 AM—2 PM at Mile Bluff Medical Center. Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will be stopping in Mauston again this year—Monday, December 8th at 4:15 PM! Come out and enjoy some holiday cheer and support our local food pantry. Christmas Cookie Sale-- At all Masses on the weekend of December 13 and 14. The price is $8.00 per 1 lb. package. Proceeds will be used by the PCCW for the needs of the parish. Thank you for your support. Knights of Columbus FREE Movie Night—Saturday, December 13th at 4 PM at the Elroy Theatre. This month’s movie is “Beyond the Heavens” Appropriate for the whole family. All are welcome! Toys for Joy— Toys may be dropped off at the Hatch Public Library, Mauston Area Chamber of Commerce or any area church. Checks should be mailed to: Toys for Joy, PO Box 171, Mauston, WI 53948. If you know a family needing a little help this year, please encourage them to sign up at the Community Sharing Pantry or the Hatch Public Library by December 2nd. If you are interested in helping with Toys for Joy, volunteers are needed at the Mauston Armory to sort and bundle toys on Monday, December 8th any time after 3:30 PM. Volunteers are also needed for toy distribution on Thursday, December 11 from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Please call Joelle Curran to volunteer—847-5113. The Diocese of LaCrosse Pilgrimage for Life 2015 will be taking busses to the March for Life in Washington DC. The Pilgrimage busses will leave on January 20th 2015 and will return to Wisconsin on January 24th, 2015. The cost is $330 per person. This year St Patrick’s parish would like to provide the opportunity for any youth ages 13-17 to participate or if you are any age and are interested in standing up for the dignity of life at this extraordinary event please contact Karen in the Religious Education office at 847-6054 by December 15th or for more information please visit the Youth Ministry page on the diocesan website at www.dioceseoflacrosse.com . Save the Date! The 2015 GALA will be on Saturday, February 7th. Don’t forget to check out the wide assortment of Gift Cards the Scrip Program has displayed in the gathering area. What an easy way to do your Christmas shopping!
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