NEXT MONTH’S EVENTS Knights of Columbus Fairview Council # 4044 1599 Memorial Drive Chicopee, MA 01020 Council Website: Jan 5 Officers Meeting Member’s Lounge: 533-2877 Financial Secretary’s Office: 536-2835 Jan 6 Soldiers’ Home Jan 12 Council Meeting Jan 17 Steak Roast Jan 26 Council Meeting Feb 14 Sweetheart Dinner pg 1 Prayer Intentions Father Lawlor GRAND KNIGHT - DONALD DARCY My My Brother Brother Knights, Knights, Jan 19 Board Meeting Grand Knight E-mail: [email protected] pg 2 Scholarship Volunteer of the Month IThese hope past that months all of you hadbeen a wonderful Thanksgiving. his like to thank all have very busy, with WesternI thank Night Ron doingBelair well.and I would crew along with each donating and everythe volunteer that lent hand making our Thankswho helped out from sale tickets, rafflea prizes, to the bales of hay used as decorations. giving Day Feast a truly remarkable event! The Council lost a very good man this past month, Matthew Blaney, I send my deepest sympathies rd Congratulations those that wereMatt elected to our of 3Directors. The activity degree chairs as an Outside Guard, to his family. Hetowill be missed. stepped upBoard into the th and old as ours requires constant maintenance and upgrading. awas building as large part of the 4 Degree officers and part of the Honor Guard, he volunteered at Bingo, and SpaWe should be proud of ourforget facilityyou, andMatthew. the work these men do in our name. ghetti Supper. I will never brings with it a myriad things for all to do, as our thoughts turn towards Christmas IDecember thank Elaine Boucher-Bogart andofher committee th for doing an outstanding job on the thTootsie Roll and a New Year. A day of remembrance Dec. 7 , a Holy Day of Obligation on Dec. 8 . Our ChilDrive. Every year they donate their weekends to this th drive and the volunteers who donated hours in dren's Christmas party, Santa and more on Dec. 14 and shopping, shopping, shopping duringa the collecting for her is immeasurable. Thank You All for making this year’s Tootsie Roll Drive great month. success. Let us REAL for Christmas CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS, I pray 1st, For theremember upcomingthe events, wereason are having the Wineand andKEEP Beer Casino Night on Friday November that we all enjoy our Savior’s Birthday and share with one another the peace and love that He will a Memorial Mass will be on Tuesday, November 12, Our Council Chaplain, Fr. Matthew Guidi brings to all of us. lead us in prayer along with Deacon Pete Hebert, remembering all deceased members. Italian Night in theNEW lounge on Saturday November 16, and Annual Thanksgiving meal on November Our YEAR’S EVE party will again be aour formal affair, with a five day course dinner, a limited28. casino, anda our Thousand dollar ($1000.00) raffle. A Lounge midnightonChampagne My wifelive Jill,entertainment will be hosting Tastefully Simple Party in the Members’ Wednesday toast and a table of light munchies after midnight. Dancing till 1 a.m. November 6th at 6:30pm. For those unfamiliar, Tastefully Simple offers a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare designed to help peopleofspend less time inmembers, the kitchen more time As we begin 2015 I hopefoods for the continued assistance all our Council weand need to supenjoying the rest of their lives. Their products are available through independent Tastefully Simple port one another and our Council as a whole! Council 4044 is still the best Council in the State consultants taste-testing parties nationwide.and it’s charitable organizations and and beyond.primarily We need at tohome continue supporting our community New Year’s Eve Menu pg 3 New Year’s Eve Flyer pg 4 Children’s Christmas Party pg 5 to do thatJESU we need to work together as a team! Remember that the Council receives five dollars VIVAT per book for David Saraivaeach GKbook of state raffle tickets that we sell, so lets break our own record set last year. Any assistance or ideas for upcoming or new fund raisers are greatly appreciated. Insurance pg 6 Denise and I wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! pg 7 VIVAT JESU Donald Darcy, Grand Knight Fourth Degree Steak Roast Lounge News PRAYER INTENTIONS Cookie Swap Advertisers pg 8 Council Officers pg 9 December Calendar Please remember to keep in your prayers all of the Brother Knights and members of their families that have passed away, those who are sick and elderly, for all Priests and religious vocations, for the life of the unborn, and remember to keep the men and women serving in our military safe, so they may return home to their loved ones. We ask that you pray for the repose of the souls of , Brother Knight Michael Dubour Sr. who leaves behind his wife Mary. Fr. Frank Lawlor, Chaplain Page 2 CHAPLAIN Dear Brother Knights, Happy New Year! As this newsletter goes to print the Catholic Church is entering Advent, the beginning of our liturgical year. It is a wonderful time of anticipation and preparation. At the same time that our society begins the annual runup to the Holiday season with its shopping, parties and general stress the Church calls us to quietness and to a spiritual readiness. Unfortunately that needed calm and focus is often destroyed by the hubbub and clamor of the world around us. I hope that during the next few weeks you will try to find time in your routine for the real preparation of Christmas. I know that it is impossible to avoid the “holiday clutter” but if you and your families could carve out a few minutes each day to focus on what really matters you may be able to reap real spiritual benefits. As you sit around the dinner table, or share coffee (or something else) with your friends you might share a bit of the Joy of Christ together through prayers or even in shared memories of great Christmases of the past or in expressed hopes of Christmases to come. Even though Christmas occurs in a cold month it is a warm holiday. It is a time for flannel and hot chocolate and also of warm hugs and joyous smiles. By focusing on the Joy of the Incarnation and remembering the incredible gifts that God has given to us we may be able to cut through some of the noise and haze and pressure and really enjoy the peace and beauty of Christmas. God Bless You, Merry Christmas Fr. Frank Lawlor, Council Chaplain SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM My Brother Knights and Families, this year your Knights of Columbus Council 4044 will be awarding College Scholarships to student relatives of current or deceased Council 4044 members. These scholarships are made available through your continued support of and dedication to Council 4044 activities and functions. Applications for the 2015 Council 4044 Scholarship Program will be available in the Members Lounge beginning on January 2nd 2015 and after that date on the Council’s website Remember to carefully read and follow all instructions in the application package. In the past many applicants failed to provide their transcripts or other pertinent information, which caused delays in the completion of the review process. Please contact me at (413) 532-3342 with any questions. Francis Getto 2015 Scholarship Program Director VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Our volunteers for the month of December are Greg and Linda Komer. They have been active at one time or another in every fundraiser the Council has had. Together they and their committee over the last two years are responsible for a very successful beer and wine tasting. The proceeds of which go to help defray the cost of our Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Greg is a Past Grand Knight and Former District Deputy of Fairview Council. He is the comptroller for our Fourth Degree Assembly and is a member of the Board of Directors. Greg is one of several Board Members assigned to our lounge committee. You should be proud of our lounge and what it has to offer the members and their families. Thank you, Linda and Greg for your dedication to our Council. Donald Darcy, Grand Knight Page 3 NEW YEAR’S EVE FIESTA OLÉ Dinner, Dance, Show and Casino If you are looking for an elegant venue to celebrate New Year’s Eve this year and want to experience an unforgettable five course dinner and live entertainment, the excitement of Vegas, and dancing to beautiful danceable music featuring a tribute to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, than the Castle of Knights located at 1599 Memorial Drive in Chicopee is the place to be. Voted one of the top four venues by the Springfield Republican, this year’s Fiesta will not disappoint. Opening at 6:00 p.m., a cocktail hour will include a cheese, fruit and veggie display, platters of Canapés at each dinner table, a cash bar and feature a casino complete with a roulette table, cash wheel, chug-a-lug, and a chance to win a thousand dollar cash prize in the “Fiesta Raffle”. Raffle tickets will be sold for $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00 at the event. At 7:00 pm, the casino will temporarily close to begin serving a five-course dinner exquisitely prepared by Chef Dave Sarrasin along with live entertainment provided by vocalist Mr. David Colucci and Mike Tourville’s Taste of Honey a Tijuana Brass Tribute Band. Mike’s eight piece band will bring back songs like The Lonely Bull, Whipped Cream, and A Taste of Honey just to name a few. They will delight and entice you to the dance floor. Following a Riojana Potato and Chorizo Soup, Spanish Quinoa Salad and a classic Lemon Sorbet, guests will enjoy a choice of four entrées; * Herb Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus * Sautéed Chicken Galena with a mushroom marsala wine sauce topped with melted fontina cheese * Focaccia Encrusted Baked Scallops with sundried tomatoes, herbs, lemon and white wine sauce * Mushroom Wellington served with a Roasted Garlic and Red Pepper Cream Sauce. All entrées are served with Acorn Squash with apple, raisin and cranberry stuffing and garlic and chervil steamed Red Potatoes. You’ll want to save a little room for dessert because Chef Dave will present you with a Taste of Honey and Whipped Cream. After dinner the Casino will reopen till 11:00 p.m. with the sounds of Dave Colucci for your dancing pleasure till 1:00 a.m. A champagne toast, party hats and noisemakers ring in the New Year along with a midnight buffet of sandwiches, desserts, tea and coffee. For out of town guests, we recommend the Hampton Inn, 600 Memorial Drive, 413- 593-1500 or the Marriott Residence Inn, 500 Memorial Drive, 413-331-4440. Event tickets are $60.00 per person (tax & gratuities included) with a $5 discount for KC members only. Ticket sales start December 2nd on Tuesdays through Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. in the members’ lounge and at the Banquet Office from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Jackets are required. Convenient free parking is provided. For questions/ticket info contact event chairman Don at 534-4749, or go to or 532-2000. We are expecting an increase in ticket sales this year so please start thinking about organizing your tables. Please understand we cannot reserve a table for you without full payment. Finally, members are needed to staff the Casino. Please contact Don Darcy at 534-4749 if you can help. Dee Darcy Page 4 Page 6 INSURANCE “Open House - Insurance Night” Estate Planning Long-Term Care The Magic of Life Insurance Disability Insurance IRA, Roth, 401K, and Annuities Location: Fairview Council 4044 Chambers Date: Monday, Jan 26, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM RSVP: Jan 19, 2014 Guest speaker: Brendan J. King Esquire of The Estate Preservation Law Offices This is a fraternal benefit open event. Please present this invitation to your family, friends, and neighbors. Coffee and dessert will be served. Bill Wisniewski A-K 265-1213 Thomas Sullivan L-Z 534-9609 FOURTH DEGREE My Brother Knights, The Guards went out Sunday, November 23, for a Mass at St. Jerome’s Church . It’s the St. Patrick’s Day half way point! The Soldiers Home is going well and we could always use volunteers. I would like to announce that we have a very special new member to the 4th Degree. It is our new Bishop, Bishop Mitchell. Please welcome him to our assembly. Please let me know if anyone is interested in the Purser’s position. We are still looking for the right person. Our Christmas gathering will be on December 7th in the lounge. Please join us for this celebration. No gifts please. We will be taking donations for charities that need help even more at this time of year. We will be looking for volunteers for Wreaths Across America to place wreaths on the graves at the Veteran’s Cemetery in Agawam. Date to be announced soon. Have a safe, blessed and joy filled month! VIVAT JESU Scott C. Lafond, Faithful Navigator Page 7 WINTER STEAK ROAST Saturday January 17th at 5 pm Cost $11.00 Salad, Steak, Baked Potato, Veggies, Dinner Roll with Butter Tickets are limited because of occupancy limits. The normal frozen cast of characters will be there to serve you. Tickets go on sale Monday, December 15th in the Members’ Lounge. (413) 533-2877 The Bartender will have them during lounge hours All proceeds are for the lounge improvement fund. LOUNGE NEWS We now have the Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket Package which means we can get up to four football games, on any one of our four televisions, at the same time, in the Member’s Lounge. The lounge is open at Noon on Sundays and will close at the bartenders discretion in the evening, depending on the crowd. The Member’s Lounge is there for you to enjoy. Bring a group of friends and enjoy all that the lounge has to offer. Comfortable seating, plenty of room, two free pool tables, four televisions, cribbage boards and other card games. We also have Popcorn, Hotdogs, and other snacks for your convenience. A great place for a football party or large gathering of friends and relatives. The lounge has an occupancy of one hundred and is perfect for parties of fifty or seventy people. Please call the lounge at (413) 533-2877 and book your party for groups larger than twenty. We can even cater your event using are own banquet facility. The Lounge Committee ANNUAL LADIES CHRISTMAS COOKIE SWAP Join us on Tuesday, Dec 9th at 6 p.m. in the lounge for the Annual Ladies Christmas Cookie Swap. Bring 3 or 4 dozen home baked cookies and display on a platter or in a large container (cookies should be ideally be related to Christmas) – no store bought please. After enjoying a light dinner of soup and sandwiches, each lady will select two or three cookies from each kind of cookie and place in a separate plastic container or bag. One lucky lady will win the door prize drawing of a fresh Christmas wreath to hang in her home. Please bring a donation of new winter mittens/gloves, scarf or hat to be donated to Lorraine's Soup Kitchen. The sign up sheet is now posted on the lounge bulletin board. Please be sure to register (for food planning purposes) along with indicating on the sheet the kind of cookie that you are bringing in order to try to avoid duplicates. Please contact Louise King at 413-313-3685 with questions. Thank you! Page 8 ADVERTISERS If you wish to advertise in our newsletter a business card size ad costs $120.00 for twelve months. The space is limited so the ads will be placed on a first come basis. We only have space available for three more ads. Checks should be made out to the Fairview Knights of Columbus and mailed along with one of your business cards to Kevin Godek, 11 Bach Lane, South Hadley, MA 01075. Page 9 COUNCIL OFFICERS 2014-2015 Grand Knight – Donald Darcy…………...…….…….…Denise…............,.,...…….534-4749 Chaplain – Father Frank Lawlor...…………..………....……..…….……...….....…..532-7503 District Deputy John Hurley…………….…………...........................………………786-1065 Deputy Grand Knight– Edward LeBlanc….….……...Cecile…......………………533-1025 Chancellor– Norm Fleury, PGK, FDD……………….....Grace….....…......….…….592-5190 Warden– Tom Trudell…...…………….……...............................…...……................887-7223 Recorder– Thomas Charette……….……………...……Karen…...….................…536-3419 Inside Guard– Alan Lussier…..…...……………..…..…Shirley…..………….…….593-3589 Outside Guard– David Hachey………...…….…..……………...…..….…....……….532-7173 Financial Secretary- Joseph Turgeon……………........Dottie…...…………....…..536-4302 Treasurer– Edward Stawarz..….....................................Mary....…………….….....535-3105 Advocate– Peter Panaretos, PGK, PFN..……………...Mary…......…...………….538-7748 Lecturer-Jim McKinnon...………………………….………………………...………...272-9925 Trustee (one year)- Paul Soja, PGK,….................................…...……….…..…....374-9205 Trustee (two years)- Ray Cote, PGK,……….........................………….………….272-8208 Trustee (three years) - David Saraiva, PGK………..…Jill....………...…..……….244-9697 December 2014 Sun 7 4th Degree Christmas Party Mon Tue 1 Officer’s Mtg. 7:00 pm 2 Pizza Party Soldiers’ Home 1:30 pm 3 4 Bingo 6:15 pm 5 Honor Guard Rehearsal 7:00 pm 6 8 Council Mtg. 7:30 pm 9 Cookie Swap 6:00 pm 10 Spaghetti 4:30 pm 4th Degree Mtg. 7:30 pm 11Bingo 6:15pm 12 13 15 Board Mtg. 7:00 pm 16 17 18Bingo 6:15pm 19 20 22Council Mtg. 7:30 pm 23 24 25 No Bingo 27 29 30 NFL PACKAGE 14 Children’s Christmas Party 10:00 am Wed Thu Fri Sat NFL PACKAGE 21 Merry Christmas NFL PACKAGE 28 NFL PACKAGE 31 New Years Eve Diner/Dance 6:00 pm 1 No Bingo Happy New Year 26
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