jk"Vªh; rduhdh f’k{kd izf’k{k.k ,oa vuqla/kku laLFkku] National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research ‘’kkeyk fgYl] Hkksiky& 462 002 Shamla Hills, Bhopal- 462 002 ¼Hkkjr ljdkj] ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; ds v/khu½ (Under GOI, Ministry of Human Resource Development) ( iwoZ esa Vh-Vh-Vh-vkbZ- Hkksiky ds uke ls Kkr ) (Formerly known as TTTI, Bhopal) Gram : RITTWEST Tel. 91(0755)2661600-602,5220170-172 Fax : 2661996/ 5220173 e-mail [email protected] vkbZ-,l-vks-9001%2008 izekf.kr ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFIED Web Site www.tttibhopal.com Registration of Book Suppliers/ Dealers/Publishers Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Book Suppliers/ Dealers/Publishers who are interested to supply books to the Institute Library for the financial year 2014-15 to 2016-17. The prescribed application form for empanelment of Book Suppliers/ Dealers/ Publishers along with terms and conditions are available in the Library of the Institute from 3:00 to 5:00 PM on all working days from Monday to Friday. The application form is Nontransferable. The application form can also be downloaded from our website www.nitttrbpl.ac.in The completely filled application form along with cheque/DD of Rs. 500/(Non-refundable) in favor of “The Accounts Officer, NITTTR, Bhopal” payable at Bhopal can be attached while submitting the application. The completely filled application forms in all respect should be submitted in the Library of the institute on or before 24th December, 2014 up to 5:00 pm. DIRECTOR Certified Text for Publication EXTENSION CENTRES NITTTR Extension Centre, Govt. polytechnic for Distance Learning Bldg. 412-D, Bahirat Patil Chowk, Shivaji Nagar, Pune – 411016 Tel. (020) 25655521,25679151 Fax: 25655521 Email: [email protected] NITTTR, Extension Centre DTE Building, Near SSC Board Office Alto – Porvorim, Bardez, Panaji, Goa – 403521 Tel. & Fax (0832) 2411326 Email: [email protected] NITTTR Extension Centre, Technology Bhavan, R. C. Technical Institute Campus, Opposite New High Court, Sola, Ahmedabad – 380060 Tel: (079) 7476931, 7461642 Fax: (079) 7476931 jk"Vªh; rduhdh f’k{kd izf’k{k.k ,oa vuqla/kku laLFkku] National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research ‘’kkeyk fgYl] Hkksiky& 462 002 Shamla Hills, Bhopal- 462 002 ¼Hkkjr ljdkj] ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; ds v/khu½ (Under GOI, Ministry of Human Resource Development) ( iwoZ esa Vh-Vh-Vh-vkbZ- Hkksiky ds uke ls Kkr ) (Formerly known as TTTI, Bhopal) Gram : RITTWEST Tel. 91(0755)2661600-602,5220170-172 Fax : 2661996/ 5220173 e-mail [email protected] vkbZ-,l-vks-9001%2008 izekf.kr ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFIED Web Site www.tttibhopal.com iqLrd iznk;drkZvkas@foØsrkvksa@izdk’kdksa dk iath;u laLFkk ds xzaFkky; gsrq foRrh; o"kZ 2014&15 ls 2016&17 rd iqLrd iznk; djus ds fy, iqLrd iznk;drkZvkas@foØsrkvksa@izdk’kdksa ls laLFkk esa iSuy esa 'kkfey djus gsrq fu/kkZfjr izi= esa vkosnu i= vkaef=r fd;s tkrs gSa A IkqLrd iznk;drkZ@foØsrk@izdk’kd ds iSuy gsrq fu/kkZfjr vkosnu&izi= rFkk rRlEc/kh fuca/ku ,oa 'krsZa laLFkk ds xazFkky; ls dk;kZy;hu fnol] lkseokj ls 'kqØokj rd lk;a 3-00 cts ls 5-00 cts rd izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS A vkosnu&izi= laLFkk dh osclkbV www.nitttrbpl.ac.in ls Hkh MkmuyksM dj izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS ,oa izi= Hkjdj izLrqr djrs le; : 500@& dk cSadj pSd@Mªk¶V tks fd ^^ys[kk vf/kdkjh] ,u-vkbZ-Vh-Vh-Vh-vkj] Hkksiky^^ ds uke ls gks] layXu djuk vfuok;Z gS A vkosnu&izi= vgLrkUrj.kh; gS A iw.kZ :Ik ls Hkjs x;s vkosnu&izi= laLFkku esa fnukad 24 �दसम्ब 2014 vFkok mlds iwoZ 5-00 cts rd laLFkku ds xzaFkky; esa tek gks tkuk pkfg,A funs’kd izdk’ku gsrq izekf.kr izfr EXTENSION CENTRES NITTTR Extension Centre, Govt. polytechnic for Distance Learning Bldg. 412-D, Bahirat Patil Chowk, Shivaji Nagar, Pune – 411016 Tel. (020) 25655521,25679151 Fax: 25655521 Email: [email protected] NITTTR, Extension Centre DTE Building, Near SSC Board Office Alto – Porvorim, Bardez, Panaji, Goa – 403521 Tel. & Fax (0832) 2411326 Email: [email protected] NITTTR Extension Centre, Technology Bhavan, R. C. Technical Institute Campus, Opposite New High Court, Sola, Ahmedabad – 380060 Tel: (079) 7476931, 7461642 Fax: (079) 7476931 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING & RESEARCH SHAMLA HILLS, BHOPAL- 462 002. General information, terms & conditions for registration of book suppliers/ dealers National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Shamla Hills, Bhopal is one of the four institutes established by Government of India for the Improvement of Technician Education in the Western Region consisting of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa. This institute is an autonomous organization registered under Society’s Act 1960 and is under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The institute invites applications from the Book Suppliers/ Dealers who are interested to supply books to Institute library. Interested Book Suppliers/ Dealers may submit the prescribed form along with Cheque/DD of Rs.500/- (Non-refundable) in favor of “Accounts Officer, NITTTR, Bhopal” payable at Bhopal on or before 24 December 2014 to Senior Librarian, NITTTR, Shamla Hills Bhopal-462 002 Terms and Conditions for the Appointment of Vendors for the supply of Books w.e.f. financial year 2014-15 to 2016-17. 1. Vendor must have a Permanent Income Tax Account No, Service Tax No. and Tin No. 2. The vendor should have a minimum of five years experience in dealing with Reputed Academic/Research/University Library. 3. Vendor should supply the selected books within a period of 45 days, failing which order will be given to another vendor. 4. The publications of Central/ State governments/ Society publications, etc. offering no discount shall be allowed to be supplied at no discount price 5. The vendor will have to submit bills for foreign currency denominated books at the RBI exchange on the date of placing order. 6. The vendor must submit Publishers/Distributors/Dealers Invoice as a prices proof for the books supplied by him along with the bill. 7. Vendors are requested to give maximum discount (minimum 20% and more is expected) on published price for all books in English/ Hindi of Indian or foreign origin. However, Central, State Government & Society publications will carry-No Discount. Similarly. 8. However, discount that will be applicable for following category of books as below:- S. No. Category of Book(s) Discount offered in % 1. Foreign books 2 English books published in India 3. Hindi books published in India 4. Regional language books published in India 5. Old Edition of all books published 7 years before the placed order 9. 6. Govt. Books/State Govt. Books 7. Any other /Please specify Are you member of FPBAI? If yes, attach copy of certificate. 10. The Director, NITTTR, Bhopal reserves the full rights to registration tender in full or in part without assigning any reason. 11. Legal disputes, if any, shall be settled in Bhopal Jurisdiction only. (Mahadev Savadatti) Sr. Librarian NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING & RESEARCH SHAMLA HILLS, BHOPAL - 462 002 Book Supplier/ Dealer information sheet S. No. 1. 2. Details of book supplier/ dealer Name of the supplier/dealer Information Address ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Type of firm (Tick any one) 4. Telephone & Mobile No. Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Company/ Govt. Organization/ Govt. Undertaking ---------------------Office --------------------- Residence------------------Mob.---------------------------------------------------------- 5. Fax No. 6. E-mail address 7. Contact person Name:-------------------------------------------------------Contact No: -----------------------------------------------Mobile No.: ------------------------------------------------- 8. Designation 9. Bank A/c Details Bank Name:--------------------------------------------------Account No:-------------------------------------------------IFSC code:---------------------------------------------------- 10. IT Permanent Account No. (PAN) 11. TIN No. 12. CST No (If any) 13. List of clients, preferably Universities, Research organizations (Please, attach separately) 14. Annual Turnover 15. Experience in the field of supplying books 16. Are you able to procure books/journals including Govt. and society publications from abroad against specific order and the period taken for such imports? 17. Will you be able to supply books within a period of 45 days from the date of issue of order 18. Do you agree to supply foreign currency denominated books with the exchange rate as given by RBI on the date of placing the purchase order? 19. Any other information Signature: - ___________________________ Name:-_______________________________ Place:-________________ Designation:-__________________________ Date:-_________________ of firm:-__________________________
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