2010 Donor eÉÄÄ Éy [ÉÇÉÜ eâà{ UxtÄÄ fÉv|xàç Gifts for the future keep discovery and hope flourishing at Arkansas Children’s Hospital today. Ruth Beall was the second superintendent of the Arkansas Children’s Home and Hospital. Under her leadership, Arkansas Children’s Hospital weathered the storm of the Depression, made record progress and expanded well beyond its original status. This society is named in her honor because of her unique vision for the future of Arkansas Children’s Hospital. The Ruth Beall Society honors those who have made a commitment to the future of Arkansas Children’s Hospital by including the hospital or research institute in their will or other estate plans. Mr. Ward C. Abbs Erica Abt* Mr. Roger Ahlf Mary Aitken and Richard Kurten Mrs. Jim Allen Mrs. Guy Amsler Jr. Ferne S. Anderson Rebecca and James Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Ferold G. Arend Rita Armstrong* Marvin L. Bain Seth W. Baker Wayne F. and Virginia R. Baker Frances Ballard* Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Banks Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Barrett Drs. Jon and Sally Bates Raymond Battaglia* Tom and Trudy Baxter William T. Beard* Judy and John Bel Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Belk Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Belk Ms. Mabel E. Bentley Ms. Christie Berner Boyce W. Billingsley Delma Bingham* Mr. and Mrs. Eddie D. Black Leland Blackshare Delcia Blanks* Elizabeth Blass* Dr. and Mrs. Scott Boaz Stephen R. Bova Tom Boydstun* Mrs. B. Douglas Brandon Jr. Mary Starr Brock Ms. Dorothy P. Brown* These donor listings reflect gifts received as of December 31, 2010. Lucille Brown* Matti Brown* Yolanda Hutchinson Brown Mr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Bryan Frances Rogers Buchanan Mr. Norman Burkett Fred C. Burnett* Jeanette Burns* Cleveland C. Burton* Ish and Oldean Cain* Lillian Mae Calvert* Lorene Campbell* Ruth Campbell* Jennifer B. Carlisle Amy and Chad Carlson Russell Carmical* Betta Carney and Patrick Ferry Roger and Brenda Chalk Mrs. Louise Eifling Chaney Richard Chappell* Mary A. Chop* Chester Wilbur Christine* Lucille M. and Sam R. Clark Margaret Clark Ms. Mary E. Clark Ms. Courtney Clayton Virgie Elaine Clinton* Rod Coatney B.E. Cobb* Ashley R. Coldiron Emily H. Coleman* Mrs. Opal Cotton* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cox Mrs. Frankie Crabtree Lee and Bob Cress Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crockett Eunice Cruse* Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Damm Mr. Jack Davis Ms. Sherry Deaton Lillian “Dink” Donaldson* Mr. William H. Donham* Ms. Estella R. Downes* Marjorie Dowzer* Mrs. W.T. Dungan William T. Dungan* Patrick Earl Dunnahoo* Gene Durand* Don and Ellen Edmondson Family Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards Caroline Engel* Jacob A. Ernst* Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Erwin Marion “Jack” L. Farmer* Alice Faust* Myrtie Felton* Gladys and Elmer Ferguson* Lois I. Ferneau* Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Fielder Anna Findley Alan and Beverly Fitzpatrick Geraldine H. Fletcher* Dennis R. Floyd Jennifer J. Forrest Sue Frank Karen Fredericks Sally Baum Frick Sherry C. Furr Mr. and Mrs. Levon Gantt Alan and Dana Garland Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Garrett Joyce N. Garrison Ms. Millie R. Garrison* Albert L. and Mary S. Gartside* *Deceased Susan Garza Mrs. Jan Gattis The George Family, Springdale Corinne J. George Orvil J. Glissen* Carolyn and Scott Gordon Elaine Gower Ms. Norma K. Graf* Mildred M. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Greene Sue and Camden Greene* Ms. Susan Greene Dorothee Griffin* Mr. and Mrs. Earl Halbert* Mrs. Louis T. Hall Ms. Ann Hammons Mr. McCombs Hardy* Don and Debra Harris Mr. Jacob Hartz Jr. Eulamay McKinney Haswell* Mary M. Healey Ethel and Walter* Heins Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hennessey John A. Henson* Mr. Paul Henson Dr. and Mrs. B.L. Hill* Debbie and Ray Hobbs Hoopman Family Limited Partnership Mrs. Charles David Hopper* Mr. Albert L. Hubener* Reece Hudson* Dr. John G. Hughes* Ms. Margaret Hughes Aven Humphreys Joseph William Irwin* Debbie Jines Mrs. W.H. Johnson* LuRene and Charles Jolly Emmy Elizabeth Jones Ms. Bess Judd* Herbert Kelley* Ms. Margie Kennon* William Kerr* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Killingsworth Jeannette S. Kimes* Mrs. John W. King* John Ed Kitchens* Mrs. Virginia G. Kittredge Betty and Fred Knight Mrs. Charles A. Knopf Jr.* P.H. “Rocky” Knowles* Lois Lantrip* Mrs. Berthola LaRue These donor listings reflect gifts received as of December 31, 2010. Ann and Jerry Linebarger Mrs. Richard M. Logue* Ruby F. Lott* Betty A. Lowe, MD Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luneau Diane Stoakes Mackey Gordon E. and Kathy J. Marando Mrs. Robert A. Markus Ann McCain Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. McClain Pat and Jim McClelland Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDaniel Ms. Josephine McGill Mr. Thomas W. McGill Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. McGough Ms. Clemmie McMillan Pam McMillian* Mr. George E. McMillin Sharon McMillon* Jack McNeil* Mrs. Elizabeth Lazenby Menard* Mary Michaelis Dorothy Miko* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller* Ms. Judith A. Miller Blanche and Beadle Moore Edna N. Moore* Mrs. Fred Moore Ms. Neldeane Moore Ms. Jane Dills Morgan Louise Morphew* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moser Ray and Dorothy Moser* Marye M. Murray* John and Jean Nabors William G. Nelson* Mrs. Sidney M. Nisbet Mrs. Irene Norman* Mr. Randall L. O’Donnell W. Hurshel Ogles* Enid Corrine Olvey John C. Overall* Kila Owens Lynn and Don Parker Mary Rohm Pearson* Ms. Maureen Pearson Julienne and Dennis Penter Jr. Mr. J.D. Pickens Melissa Ann Pickens Helen Pile* Carolyn M. Pipes* Mr. Lester Price* Elsie R. Pryor* Ms. Nancy J. Rakestraw Maxine Reeser* Mr. Louis Reinacher Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Reinboth Matthew Rejlich* Elaine Reynolds J.C. Rhew Jr. * Thomas Rice* Sara and Sam Richardson Mrs. Trueman P. Risenhoover Brooks L. Rosen Vivian Rosen* Mr. J. Edmund Roux* Mrs. Arthur Sachs* Sanders Endowment for Children Mary Louise Sanders* Vicki and Mark Saviers Mary and Fred Scarborough Mrs. Pauline Schroder* Ms. Judy C. Scott Vadis Scott* Judy K. and John S. Selig Bernard H. Sharp Mary Beth Shields Ben C. Shipp* Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Shirley Robert L. “Bob” Shults* Dr. Sam L. Shultz, MD Carolyn Siebenmorgen* Herman N. Simpson James D. and Ellen H. Simpson* Arthur W. Sivers* Mr. and Mrs. Vance Skillern Mrs. Joe M. Skinner Abraham and Ellen Smaardyk Ellen Jeanette Smith* Mr. Ernest E. Smith Mr. Fred J. Smith Jewell L. Smith* Julia Ann Smith Libby and Gary Smith Ms. Marcie Lide Smith Ms. Susan Smith Mr. William V. Smith* Mrs. Russell Snyder Jan and James Sprott Edith King Stafford* Betty Jane Stapleton* Walter* and Susie Staton Ruth Stebbins* Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steiler Eunice N. Stiles* Mrs. W.H. Sturgis JoAnn Sullivan *Deceased Frank E. Swilling* Mr. V. Paul Taipale Bertha Talley* Dr. Bonnie Taylor John Curtis Taylor* Ms. Johnnie Taylor* Mrs. Lewis E. Taylor* Carolyn Tenenbaum* Charles Terry Dr. Rodney V. Tillman Ronald J. Topa Nadean Trudo* These donor listings reflect gifts received as of December 31, 2010. Ruth E. Tyler* Lee and Lois Vaughan* Mrs. Juanita Vaughn Mr. Jerry Victory Mr. Glenn Vos* Edna J. Walker* Pam G. and Frank Warren Nona Waters* Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wesson* Robert Harrold “Bobby” West* Charlie and Cappy Whiteside Will Whiting C. Dale Whitman Pat Wiggins H. Randy Wilbourn* Ms. Jenny Wilhelm* Gena and Mark Wingfield Mrs. James A. Winn Mrs. Belle Womack* Mary Shea Wood Vicky and Rob Wood C.L. “Pete” Woodard Tommie Worsham *Deceased
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