Ryan L. Boyd December 19, 2014 Professional E-mail [email protected] EDUCATION Mailing Address The University of Texas at Austin 108 E Dean Keeton St. Stop A800 Austin, TX 78712-143 Ph.D. (in progress) Social / Personality Psychology Advisor: James W. Pennebaker The University of Texas at Austin M.S. (2012) Social / Health Psychology Advisor: Michael D. Robinson North Dakota State University Personal E-mail [email protected] B.A. (2010) Psychology Advisor: Michelle Drouin Indiana University—Purdue University Fort Wayne PRIMARY RESEARCH PROGRAMS Language, text analysis across domains Social processes, including social personality Non-conscious processing of experience Self and self-concept Regulatory processes Psychological disorders / mental health Individual differences Motives, values, attitudes, and drives TEACHING Introduction to Social Psychology Personality Psychology Developmental Psychology Introductory Psychology PEDAGOGICAL INTERESTS Text analysis and Social/Personality Psychology Computer Science and Psychology Introductory Psychology Emotions and Self-Concept PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Boyd, R. L., & Pennebaker, J. W. (in press). Did Shakespeare write Double Falsehood? Identifying an individual’s psychological signature with text analysis. Psychological Science. Course Instructor Teaching Assistant – Michael D. Robinson Teaching Assistant – Michelle Drouin Teaching Assistant – Darren H. Kaiser Spring, 2013 Fall, 2011 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2008 Software and Technology in Psychology Personality Psychology Statistics / Machine Learning and Data Mining Social Psychology Robinson, M. D., Cassidy, D. M., Boyd, R. L., & Fetterman, A. K. (in press). The politics of time: Conservatives differentially reference the past and liberals differentially reference the future. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (in press). Not sugar and spice and everything nice: Name letter preferences as a predictor of daily antisocial behavior. Self and Identity. Robinson, M. D., Boyd, R. L., & Fetterman, A. L. (2014). An emotional signature of political ideology: Evidence from two linguistic content-coding studies. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 98-102. Robinson, M. D., Zabelina, D. L., Boyd, R. L., Bresin, K., & Ode, S. (2014). The self’s symbolic role in implicit approach/avoidance: Movement time evidence. The Journal of Social Psychology, 15(4), 311-322. Boyd, R. L., Bresin, K., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Cognitive egocentrism differentiates warm and cold people. Journal of Research in Personality, 47(1), 90-96. Bresin, K., Boyd, R. L., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Egocentric perceptions of the environment in primary, but not secondary, psychopathy. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37, 412-418. Robinson, M. D., Boyd, R. L., & Liu, T. (2013). Understanding personality and predicting outcomes: The utility of cognitive-behavioral probes of approach and avoidance motivation. Emotion Review, 5(3), 1-5. Robinson, M. D., Moeller, S. K., Buchholz, M. M., Boyd, R. L., & Troop-Gordon W. (2012). The regulatory benefits of high levels of affect perception accuracy: A process analysis of reactions to stressors in daily life. Emotion, 12(4), 785-795. Boyd, R. L., Robinson, M. D., & Fetterman, A. K. (2011). Miller (1944) revisited: Movement times in relation to approach and avoidance conflicts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 11921197. RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS / INVITED TALKS Pennebaker,J. W., Boyd, R. L., Ferrell, J. D., & Georgiev, N. (2014, December). Natural language, group dynamics, and academic performance. Presented at The United States Army Research Institute, Fort Belvoir, VA. Boyd, R. L. (2014, October). The talking dead: A terrifying analysis of language, the horror genre, and culture. Research presented at The University of Texas at Austin Social / Personality Psychology Seminar. Poldrack, R. A., Laumann, T., Frick, L., Koyejo, O., Gregory, B., ... Boyd, R. L., et al. (2014, June). Extensive neurocognitive phenotyping of a single human: The MyConnectome Project. Paper presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany. Boyd, R. L., Ferrell, J. D., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2014, May). Small groups and Big Data. Research presented at the Annual Conference for the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA. LeFebvre, L., LeFebvre, L., Blackburn, K., & Boyd, R. L. (2014, May). Predicting speech performance from students’ written self-evaluations: A MEH analysis. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. Ferrell, J. D., Boyd, R. L., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2014, April). Individual differences and group dynamics: Dropping the bomb on group behavior. Research presented at The University of Texas at Austin Social / Personality Psychology Seminar. Boyd, R. L., Ferrell, J. D., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2014, April). The language dynamics of groups and associated group features. Research presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX. Pennebaker, J. W., & Boyd, R. L. (2014, February). Did Shakespeare write Double Falsehood?: A computerized text analysis approach. Paper presented at the “Double Falsehood and Cardenio: Theobald, Fletcher, Shakespeare, Cervantes” conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Pennebaker, J. W., & Boyd, R. L. (2014, January). Playing 17th century detectives: The case of William Shakespeare and the discovered play. Presented at The University of Texas at Austin Social / Personality Psychology Seminar. Pennebaker, J. W., Ferrell, J. D., & Boyd, R. L. (2013, December). Tracking Group Dynamics through Natural Language. Presented at The United States Army Research Institute, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Boyd, R. L. (2013, September). Contemplating concreteness: Classic conceptualizations, contemporary content coding, computational capers, and curious correlations. Presented at The University of Texas at Austin Social / Personality Psychology Seminar. Boyd, R. L. (2013, May). Neuroticism and concreteness: Referent abstraction predicts affective instability and the inadequacies of contemporary affective content coding methodologies. Research presented at North Dakota State University Research Seminar. Boyd, R. L. (2011, December). Differential perceptions of the environment: A process-driven approach to trait interpersonal dimensions. Research presented at North Dakota State University Psychology Research Seminar. POSTERS / MINOR PRESENTATIONS Boyd, R. L., Pennebaker, J. W., et al. (2015, February). Language and values: Understanding human values with language and language categories. To be presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA. Boyd, R. L., Fernandez-Lansac, V., & Crespo, M. (2014, June). Sex differences in trauma disclosure. Presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Hong Kong. Boyd, R. L., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2014, February). Messengers of strong prevailment: Did Shakespeare write Double Falsehood?. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2013, January). Self-centric perceptions of the visual world at high levels of interpersonal coldness. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA. Boyd, R. L., Bresin, K., & Robinson, M.D (2012, August). Perceptual egocentrism in primary psychopathy. Poster presented at the CVCN IDeA States Mini-Conference on Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience. Boyd, R. L., Robinson, M. D., & Fetterman, A. K. (2012, January). Stuck between a rock and a hard place: Avoidance conflicts are more difficult to resolve than approach conflicts. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. Hill, C. A., Boyd, R. L., & Sprunger, J. (2010, November). Implicit and explicit sexual motives correlate distinctively with sexual behaviors. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Las Vegas / Henderson, NV. PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS (DELIVERED) Boyd, R. L. (2014, October). Language Analysis in Action: Theory and Practice in Content Coding, Topic Modeling, Machine Learning, and Big Data. Tübingen, Germany. PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS (ATTENDED) Kruschke, J. K. (2013, March). Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: 2-day Bayesian Analysis Workshop. North Dakota State University, Department of Psychology. PSYCHOLOGY SOFTWARE (MAJOR) Boyd, R. L. (2014). RIOT Scan: Recursive Inspection of Text Scanner (Version 2.0.04) [Software]. Available from http://riot.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2014). MEH: Meaning Extraction Helper (Version 1.2.42) [Software]. Available from http://meh.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2014). SWEET: Single Word Evolution of Emergent Themes. Currently in closed alpha testing. Boyd, R. L., Pennebaker, J. W., Blackburn, K., Ferrell, J. D., Malin, J. J., Cannava, K., & Seih, Y. (2014). DOCTR: Discovery of Conversational Text Redundance (Version 1.2.8) [Software]. Available from http://doctr.ryanb.cc PSYCHOLOGY SOFTWARE (MINOR) Boyd, R. L. (2014). 2-Level MLM Generator for R (Version 1.1.7) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2014). Ye Olde Token Converter (Version 0.2.5) [Software]. Available from http://riot.ryanb.cc/other-tools Boyd, R. L. (2013). 1-Way ANOVA Generator for R (Version 1.0.0) [Software]. Currently in private beta. Boyd, R. L. (2013). LME Generator for R (Version 0.3.0 alpha) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2013). Multiple Linear Regression Generator for R (Version 1.0.0) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2013). Personality Scrubber (Version 1.4.2) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2014, February). The meaning extraction method and its friendly helper: The what, why, and how of the MEM. Invited tutorial, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Boyd, R. L. (2013). SAS Multiple Regression Generator (Version 0.1.0 beta) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2013). StringSmoosh: An RGCalc Data Preparation Tool (Version 0.2 alpha) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2012). ConverSplitter. (Version 0.8.0 open beta) [Software]. Available from http://riot.ryanb.cc/other-tools Boyd, R. L. (2012). Guided Write. (Version 1.1.0) [Software]. Available from http://riot.ryanb.cc/othertools Boyd, R. L. (2012). SAS MLM Generator (Version 0.7.0 beta) [Software]. Available from Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc Boyd, R. L. (2012). SAS Repeated-Measures GLM Generator (Version 0.0.4 beta) [Software]. Available from http://toolbox.ryanb.cc ACADEMIC / PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Association for Psychological Science The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Society for Personality and Social Psychology AWARDS GRANTED Society for Personality and Social Psychology Travel Award JOURNAL REFEREE AND PUBLISHING SERVICES Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Journal of Language and Social Psychology Psychiatry Research Empirical Studies of the Arts Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin Manning Publications Manning Publications Manning Publications Manning Publications American Psychological Association Psi Chi, National Psychology Honor Society Southwestern Psychological Association 2015 Reviewer / Referee Reviewer / Referee Reviewer / Referee Reviewer / Referee Reviewer / Referee Reviewer / Referee Reviewing Editor Technical Development Editor Technical Proofer
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