SME Participation in Horizon 2020 Including SME Instrument Phase 1 DG Research and Innovation, Unit B.3 SMEs, Financial Instruments and State Aid @ NCP Training October 7, 2014 Horizon 2020 for SMEs 20 % budgetary target in LEITs (IL) & SC* 'Innovation in SMEs' (IL) Collaborative Projects 13% SME Instrument 7% Eurostars II Enhancing Innovation Capacity 'Access to Risk Finance' (IL) InnovFin – EU Finance for Innovators MSCA (ES) Fellowships (Access to Skills) & accompanying measures *= ~ EUR 9 billion of direct SME support. over the period 2014-2020 Horizon 2020 Global View – SME participation in the 3 Pillars (excl. 'Innovation in SMEs' & 'Access to Risk Finance') An Encouraging Start Bilan au 30/09/2014 An Encouraging Start! • • 9 months into Horizon implementation. SMEs represent… • 1/4 of applicants (24.82%) • 1/5 of beneficiaries (19.55%) • 1/6 of budget allocation (16.18%) What about the target (set by Council and EP) to allocate 20% of the budget for Societal Challenges and LEITs to SMEs? • For Societal Challenges. we are at close to 12% (11.98%) • For LEITs. we are at about 21.4% (21.46%) • For both together we are currently at 18.12% • This while the full impact of SME instrument funding has not kicked in yet (no phase 2 yet) • On the basis of an extrapolation taking into account the full impact of SME instrument phase 2, it can be assumed that the target will be exceeded by 2-3% for 2014-2015 SMEs in Excellent Science: A Mixed Bag • • Two sections out of four with high relevance for SME participation: 1. Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs) 2. Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) For FETs: suboptimal results, given relative attractiveness of the topics for SMEs (esp. start-ups): • • • • • 7.4% of all applicants are SMEs 4.2% of all beneficiaries are SMEs 5.4% of the budget goes to SMEs 12.09% of SME applicants are successful (vs. 20.96% of all applicants) For MSCA: first information confirms that SMEs have found their way to this scheme: • • • • 11.76% of applicants are SMEs 13.77% of beneficiaries are SMEs (// close to 15 % in FP7) 10.31% of the budget goes to SMEs (// close to 11% in FP7) 19.27% of SME applicants are successful (vs. 16.45% of all applicants) SMEs in Excellent Science – applicants and budget * SME applicants in the selection Priority Area European Research Council FETs MSCA Research infrastructures Total: Excellent Science Requested EU financial contribution to SME applicants in selection Retained Proposals (in million EUR) Eligible Proposals Retained Proposals Success Rates Eligible Proposals (in million EUR) 2 0 0.00% 0.21 91 11 12.09% 344.13 1.91 5.55% 1308 252 19.27% 317.87 48.16 15.15% 0 0 1401 263 19% 352.5 50.07 14% * As available in CORDA on 25/9/2014 Success Rates 0.00% SMEs in LEITs: Clear Chemistry • Most interest (in absolute terms) for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) [4198 SME applicants = 29.84% of total] Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (AMP) – [1336 SME applicants = 30.72% of total] Nanotechnologies. Advanced Materials and Production (NMP) [692 SME applicants = 44.85% of total] Space (SP) [639 SME applicants = 25.58% of total] Biotechnology (Biotech) [74 SME applicants = 100% of total*] Overall, reassuring figures for all LEITs: • • • • 30.65% of all applicants are SMEs 25.29% of all beneficiaries are SMEs About 1/9 of SME applicants are successful (vs. 13.38% of all applicants) 234.2 million EUR of the 1.092 billion EUR (21.46%) allocated so far went to SMEs * Only SME instrument (phase 1) SMEs in LEITs – applicants and budget figures* SME applicants in the selection Requested EU financial contribution to SME applicants in selection Retained Eligible Success Proposals Proposals (in Rates (in million million EUR) EUR) % of budget allocated to SMEs Priority Area Eligible Proposals Retained Proposals ICT 4198 429 10.22% 1188.27 130.54 10.99% 19.48% NMP 692 58 8.38% 164.38 22.11 13.45% 30.86% Biotech 74 3 4.05% 3.7 0.15 4.05% 100% AMP 1336 165 12.35% 476.26 58.19 12.22% 25.58% Space 639 111 17.37% 149.69 23.23 15.52% 19.47% Advanced Materials 0 0 Total: LEITs 6941 766 11.04% 1982.3 234.23 11.82% 21.46% * As available in CORDA on 25/9/2014 Success Rates SMEs in SC: More Highs than Lows • Most interest (in absolute terms) for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing [1163 SME applicants = 22.1% of total] – SC1 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy [959 SME applicants = 30.92% of total] – SC3 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials [665 SME applicants = 31.49% of total] – SC5 Smart, Green and Integrated Transport [342 SME applicants = 48.24% of total] – SC4 Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies [226 SME applicants = 16.78% of total] – SC6 Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research [190 SME applicants = 100% of total*] – SC2 Secure Societies [47 SME applicants = 100% of total*] – SC7 Overall. OK. yet budget going to SMEs should be increased (what will happen in any case with SME instrument phase 2): • • • • 28.04% of all applicants are SMEs 19.57% of all beneficiaries are SMEs About 1/10 of SME applicants are successful (vs. 14% of all applicants) 71.4 million EUR of the 595.7 million EUR (11.98%) allocated so far went to SMEs * Only SME Instrument (Phase 1) SMEs in SC - applicants and budget* SME applicants in the selection Requested EU financial contribution to SME applicants in selection Retained Eligible Success Proposals Proposals (in Rates (in million million EUR) EUR) % of budget allocated to SMEs Priority Area Eligible Proposals Retained Proposals SC1 1163 116 9.97% 371.22 29.7 8.00% 12.17% SC2 173 10 5.78% 8.65 0.5 5.78% 100% SC3 959 63 6.57% 231.69 15.32 6.61% 8.33% SC4 342 40 11.7% 31.37 3.88 12.36% 16.61% SC5 665 85 12.78% 137.03 16.88 12.32% 14.87% SC6 226 24 10.62% 56.60 4.83 8.54% 16.03% SC7 47 6 12.77% 2.05 0.3 14.63% 100% Total: SC 3575 344 9.6% 838.61 71.42 9% 11.98% * As available in CORDA on 25/9/2014 Success Rates Horizon 2020 for SMEs = Integrated & Complimentary Support 20 % budgetary target in LEITs (IL) & SC* 'Innovation in SMEs' (IL) 'Access to Risk Finance' (IL) MSCA (ES) Collaborative Projects 13% Enhancing Innovation Capacity Eurostars II Debt & Equity Facilities & accompanying measures Fellowships (Access to Skills) *= ~ EUR 9 billion of direct SME support, over the period 2014-2020
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