FINAL CALENDAR All attorneys must attend the confirmation hearing. (If you have an attorney cover for you, you are responsible to obtain the court results and announcements from the attorney appearing on your behalf and that attorney appearing on your behalf must be fully informed and authoriied to negotiate/argue your cases) ALL Objection to Exemptions will be heard at 1:30 with confirmation even if noticed for 9:00 am • New Income Verification Language is available at o If you agreed with the recommendation, you were not required to pre-call or "check in" with the Trustee. o If you did not agree with the Trustee's recommendation, including the documents to be provided 15 days before the next calendar, you must have called the Trustee on the day before confirmation between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm to seek a resolution. o Documents that were not timely filed or received by the trustee (15 days before confirmation hearing) may not be considered in the recommendation and will not be reviewed until next months calendar. A continuance for late documents should NOT be presumed. The motion calendar is posted at www.ch13herkert.comltnotioncalendar.pdf UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1:30 PM ~~~~--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1432672 ~ l<ilfl . 17ft VESTED 1432595 .Jt'1Cf) \J , ,_ • ()() _ _,' SHIRLEY PHILLIP SAMUEL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #3041/0944 (9/13-10110) & #6322 (10/1-10110), b) payoff of vehicle, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) LF67, e) provide copy ofretirement stmt & life ins stmt, f) amend plan to fund properly (m. 11-24), g) file LMM motion, h) evidence/calculation of CMI line #30, i) amend plan to pay CMVDI of$197,546.40 ERICA DURANT (JEFFREY HEARNE, ESQ Aty called for prehearing VESTED 1432556 4'> /lloo _OC) VESTED 1432462 -1111 (;;0 . Lp d-, YAIMA DELGADO (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) payoff of real estate, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) amend plan to provide correct months for monthly plan payments (s/b 36), d) explain withdrawal on 10/7 $1330.00 CESAR CABRERA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) amend plan to include payments to months 7-36, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) file LMM motion VESTED pg: C-ODl UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1432352 1: 30 PM DAVID BROOKS (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #5972 01123170 (9/1-10/6), b) provide copy of life ins & FRS stmt, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) file motion to value and set for hearing, e) objlconform to cl#4, f) amend plan to pay CH7 of$9715.00, g) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30,31 & 35, h) explain/proof of withdrawal on 7/10 $1000.00, 7124 $1500.00 & 6/4 $2700.00 VESTED 1432223 -It I F70 . Lp lc ESTHER LOTMORE (PRO-SE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1/12: a) CD bank stmts (7/3-10/3), b) expenses objectionable reduce to basic, c) address feasibility issue, d) LF67, e) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language ( f) amend plan to fund properly, g) file LMM motion, h) amend CMI to complete line #16 (s/b $41,939.00), i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $3500.00, j) amend plan to include monthly plan payment months (s/b 36), k) preference payment to JCPenny & Macy's (provide information), 1) amend Sch F to include unsecured priority creditors (credit cards) VESTED 1432110 q TllUJ§']!'EE'S Oitt!, TOU~XgMIYnONS MARGARITA MELO (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #7233 (10/1), b) FMV (NADA/Carmax only) of vehicle, c) FMV/payoff of all investment properties, d) non homestead info sheet, e) BDQ, f) LF67, g) affidavit of support, h) file motion to value and set for hearing, i) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, j) obj/ conform to cl#3, k) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #27a & 47,1) explain/proof of withdrawal on 7125 $1000.00, m) amend Sch A to disclose value of investment properties in NY VESTED 1431970 VESTED DAVID ALLEN MARIN HAYDEE ALMANZA MARIN (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #9612 (9/18-9/30 missing page 2), b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$6696.28 (per attorney ltr), c) evidence/calculation of CMI line #39 pg: (!..-002 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431945 ~ 1:30 PM LUZ GOMEZ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE (MARY REYES, ESQ. VESTED 1431860 ~ If motion to waive granted, Confirm lAP JUANA JAULAR (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 1127 under Trustee Review YES TED 1431814 q7 ) ALSO ON AM, SEe PAGE ~ LOPE RAMIREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to waive granted, Confirm Plan VESTED 1431797 ADRIANA IVONN DIAZ MONTOYA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMo SEe PAGE C; & Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) provide proof of Sch J line #16, b) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #3 VESTED pg: C-D03 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431794 1:30 PM TERRY LEE PITTSER LITSY CAROLINA PITTSER (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE 9(;1 ) VESTED 1431765 :rp 3101l ~ ~ ·VESTED 1431764 (1f " oV) LESTER KEITH MARDER (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE )AlSO ON AM$ SEE PAGE q ()" Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) copy/explain check #2291 $2500.00, b) obj/conform to cl#3, c) explain deposit on 6/30 $6300.00 ALSO ON AM. SeE PAGE~_ ALFREDO LUIS YLLECAS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) If motion to waive granted, Confirm lAP VESTED 1431727 'l'1!UJSTE1F,'S OIUo TO EX!~:r~~PTnONiS JESUS SALVADOR ORTIZ ALSO ON AM~ see PAGE ~~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED pg: c..~oo4 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431723 1:30 PM DANNY MARTINEZ SEARA YUSNELY ACOSTA PALOMINO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE If motion to value granted, Confirm 1AP VESTED 1431678 q~ CARLOS GOICOLEA IDALINA BLANCO (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Aty called for prehearing Confirm 1AP VESTED 1431564 (~ . 0'7") PIEDAD MERCEDES FRANCO MILIAN ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE (PATRI CK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE J ;! Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #6460 VESTED 1431511 (9/26) GLADYS PERERA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) business bank stmts #1205 (6/26-9/26 missing pages) VESTED pg: C-COS UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431505 1:30 PM LUIS PENTON (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1431496 ~ LUANY M AYALA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE .AlSO ON AM. SeE PAGE~!L~,",,__ ) If motion to value granted (2), Confirm Plan VESTED 1431489 ~.Od-- YADMELIEL L SUROS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE q:3. ) Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1/12: a) obj/conform to cl#8 VESTED 1431488 ALSO ON AM, SeE PAGE, EMILIO LLERENA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431481 1:30 PM HECTOR BLAS OTALORA ISOLA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1431480 (y MARIE-ANTOINE LEA MELLON (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1431417 1$ 'P5, l/1 BENNETT DAVID GAMEL (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1/12: a) bank stmts #9206 (9116-9125), #2472 (6125-7114 & 9116-9/25) & #3767 (9116-9/25), b) FMV of vehicle, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet (all companies), d) provide copy of pending construction contract worth over $1 million as testified at 341, e) DL, f) LF90, g) affidavit of rent, h) affidavit of support, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $260,240.43, j) amend CMI/Sch I to disclose all business income rcvd prior to filing, including the $30,000.00 brokerage commission rcvd in March 2014 from debtor's business First Quality Homes, k) amend CMI/Sch I to disclose all rental income, 1) amend Sch A to disclose value of real property, m) what does "no equitable interest mean" as listed in Sch A for 3 properties VESTED 1431412 VESTED ASHOK SONPAL MADHAVI SONPAL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) file LMM motion, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $171,534.40, e) preference payment to AMEX on 9/12 $1371.23 (provide information) pg: C---oo1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431368 1:30 PM VENITO FELIX /' -apm-v' (ROBERT PEREDA, ESQUIRE d$ d-<6~ '6 . 00 VESTED 1431197 if; Cf1~ ,q 1 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) 2012 (need page 1 ofSch C), b) bank stmts #2850/9595 (7/15-9/24) & #6218 (9/1-9/24), c) FMV of vehicle, d) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, e) amend Sch J #17c (remove paid in plan), f) address feasibility issue, g) DL, h) LF90, i) LF67, j) amend plan to include IVL, k) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-36),1) obj/ conform to cl#l, m) good faith to unsecured SARAH M DELOACH (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) amend plan to pay disposable income, b) obj/conform to cl#l, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of $2935.00, d) good faith to unsecured creditors VESTED 1431177 ~ GUSTAV XAVIER FERDINAND GAETJENS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) obj/conform to cl#l VESTED 1431161 CQ VESTED ADRIANA PATRICIA SANTA (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE q3 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) amend plan to include LMM language, b) obj/conform to cl#2 . UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431136 1: 30 PM JESUS MAURA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED· 1431125 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) copy/explain check #197 $1000.00, b) affidavit of support, c) amend plan to include lease language, d) amend plan to provide correct monthly plan payment month (s/b 36), e) amend plan to include months to Evergreen, f) file LMM motion, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch G creditor, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$12,303.53 MARIA D HERNANDEZ CARRILLO ALSO ON AM. SEe PAGE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 18 ) Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) objlconform to cl#4 VESTED 1431100 (4}, . DLp ') CARLOS MANUEL APAESTEGUI (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #8360/5593 (9120), b) copy/explain check #190 $1000.00, #183 $1590.00, #185 $1000.00, #186 $1400.00 & #187 $1163.61, c) FMV of vehicle, d) WDO or motion to waive, e) address feasibility issue, f) LF90, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of$1449.35, h) evidence/ calculation of CMI line #28 & #30, i) provide proof withdrawal on 6/30 $2600.00 & 611 0 $3000.00 was used for repairs, j) proof deposit on 6/9 $6800.00 was from insurance claim VESTED 1431092 ENEDINA HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) provide payoff of vehicle VESTED pg: c.-oei1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1431058 1:30 PM ANGEL J BANOS MAGDALENA GUTIERREZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) LF90, b) LF67 VESTED 1430946 ALE IDA DIAZ (LAWRENCE M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE VESTED 1430928 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) non homestead info sheet, b) file motion to value and set for hearing, c) good faith to unsecured creditors, d) lump sum must be approved by court ARKADIUSZ SYLWESTER WOJCIK (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ vr}s,rp'q'D Jt .L... Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1/12: a) bank stmts #4106 (6/18-8/3), b) FMV of vehicle & payoff of boat, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #1818 (6/18-6/30), d) amend plan to pay disposable income, e) DL 1t~~1-. 1430916 VESTED LUIS DIAZ ARIAS JOHNAY JORGE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEt: AA6! 1;}-.- If objection sustained (2), Confirm Plan UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1430905 ~ ED HERNANDEZ (RICHARD ADAMS ,ESQ. Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) DL, b) explain deposit on 9/2 $29,843.40, c) explain/proof of withdrawal on 9/4 $20,000.000 & 9/4 $8000.00 VESTED 1430868 1:30 PM ERNESTO PEREZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm lAP VESTED 1430859 ~ LAURA E PALACIOS ALSO O~~ AM(j SEe PAGE 3~ (MARY REYES, ESQ. ) Continue to 1/27 motion to value (2) set for 1127 VESTED 1430651 ·V~'S1'E· J[", _..ID ". Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #1042 (9110-9115), b) explain withdrawal on 8/13 $1500.00 pg: C-Oll UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1430648 1t Iq6 ,10 VESTED 1430644 1$ I (PC; . 3 ( 1:30 PM PEDRO VELAZQUEZ XIOMARA PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ~ oDd', 01;' NANCY I IZQUIERDO (PATRI CK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE P.{\GE~.Q.._ ALSO ON AM, SeE PAGE 3Il_~ ) Confirm Plan JANET MESA RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm lAP VESTED 1430617 ) ALSO ON AM" SEE Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #2802 (6/15-9115, proof acct was closed in July) VESTED 1430636 T1RJJSTEE'SOB.LTOKKE\VH~TION§ NANCY ELENA SOLER (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) copy/explain check on 8/20 $1000.00, b) address feasibility issue, c) affidavit of rent, d) file LMM motion, e) obj/ conform to cl#1 & DE#19, 1) amend plan to pay CH7 of$835.00, g) What is debtor renting? pg:c.-OI Q '" UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1430547 1:30 PM RAYSI HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ Aty called for prehearing (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. VESTED 1430538 6f rn tv dj; Continue to 1127 due on or b~2.m;~ 5PM on 1112: a) business bank stmts #8580 (8/3-8/29), "DL, c) explain/proof of withdrawal on 8/4 $3POO,00 TRIJ§'Y'KIT/S OB.t 'ff) EX~~~rV~~$H01\!S DIANA MARTINEZ (LUI SA. TORRENS, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE ~L :1d6' , 00 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) proof of household size/income of all adults & SS Income, b) amend plan to 60 months (best effort), c) provide FL pre-paid stmt, d) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #28,29,30,31,32,39 & 47, e) provide proof of income for all people recently listed on CMI & provide DL VESTED 1430477 Jh Iq<J, Wl! LAZARO GUILLERMO GUERRA MARIA DEL CARMEN GUERRA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) profit/loss and balance sheet, b) obj/ conform to cl#4, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of $38,259.19 (correct value of vehicle), d) amend CMI to correct line #47 VESTED 1430423 ALBA MERY TORRES (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) copy/explain check 9/11 $1351.00, #1047 $1500,00, #1048 $2000,00, #1040 $1500.00, #1042 $2000,00, #1043 $1300,00, #1044 $1400,00, #1045 $1350,00 & #1037 $1200,00, b) FMV/payoff of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) profit/loss and balance sheet, e) DL, f) affidavit of rent, g) amend plan to fund properly, h) amend plan to correct overlapping months, i) obj/conform to cl#2, j) amend plan to pay CH7 of $7200.00, k) amend Sch I to correct rental income received (per non homestead $5117,00) VESTED pg: C~{)13 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1430271 ~ ) .?"-Ij 1:30 PM MIRIAM VERA ALSO ON AMo see PAGE ~Y' (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Confirm lAP VESTED 1430246 NATHAN J ESSENSTAM HOLLY G ESSENSTAM (SAMUEL S. SOROTA, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMo SEe PAGE 341 reset to 1116, CH to 1127 VESTED 1430240 Y:? YULIANO CABRERA (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE ~ Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on of support, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $34, 192.66, e) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$69,960.00, f) Trustee objects to keeping investment property with no rental income, how are properties being paid? 111/~ :rf~Yvit VESTED 1430204 EVELYN M MARCIAL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEAIRNG CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1430158 1: 30 PM MARCIA JIMENEZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED 1430079 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #8967 (8/20-9/23), b) payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) affidavit of rent, e) provide 401k stmt, f) amend plan to fund properly, g) amend plan to correct attorney fees, h) file motion to value and set for hearing, i) file LMM motion SIXTO R ORTEGA OLGA L MACHIN ORTEGA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE n If motion to value granted, Confirm Plan VESTED 1430049 ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ) JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1430020 AHMAD ALI ISMAIL (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #0217/2637 (9/5-9117) & #4737 (8/21-9/4), b) FMV of vehicle, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) amend plan to pay disposable income, e) amend plan to pay CH7 of $1388.41 VESTED pg: C-OIS UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1429895 ~ 1:30 PM OMAlRA RAMIREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1429894 INGRID RICARD (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1429824 Jt Yol/LJ , 1'10 BENOIT THEODORE ROSELENE THEODORE (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #8991 (5129-6126 & 8128-9/3 missing pages), #5774 (8122-9/3), #1164 (8/19-9/3), #7541 (8121-9/3) & #4538 (8/30-9/3), b) copy/explain check #175 $5000.00, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, t) file motion to value and set for hearing, g) file LMM motion, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$36,803.00, i) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #27a, 28,36,39 & 44, j) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of $50,259.60, k) amend Sch B to include 2nd vehicle, 1) no mortgages listed on CMI, Amend, 1) explain debit on 7121 $4000.00 (#9246) VESTED 1429671 VESTED RAFAEL SILVIO PENA ~ _ YOLANDA MARIA MARTINEZ PENAt~LSO ON AMG SEE PAGE ._~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #7857 (5/29-5/31 missing page 2 & 8/1-8/29) & #7024 (8/1-8129), b) copy/explain check #8 $2000.00, c) affidavit of support, d) evidence/calculation of CMI line #39 & #47b (legible) pg: e-Ollo UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Dec 16, 2014 1429662 VESTED 1429659 VESTED 1429582 JOSE LUIS TORRES CARMEN M CRESPO GUZMAN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) CMI issues remove line # 27/28 & 47, b) CMI line #30 does not tale tax refund into account CARLOS R SANTIN PATRICIA E VILLALOBOS SANTIN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #1915 (8/23-9/15), #5113 (8/23-9/15), #1851 (8/23-9/15) & #1274 (8/23-9/15), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) obj/conform to cl#10, d) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #40, e) amend plan to remove IRS, per cl#9 unsecured only ROXANA D RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE -\\vl']I:.'S1''C'ID l. J[~, ./f.. 1429527 (<!I 16:1 ,wt) ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE _~- Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) business bank stmts #6171 (5/29-5/31) & #7088 (6/1-6/29), b) affidavit of support (per Sch I 8c), c) evidence/ calculation of CMI line #30 TEDDY CERVONI ~ LILI lAM SEPULVEDA RODRIGUE~lSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE.~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) lUVJr0 VESTED Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) address feasibility issue, b) obj/conform to cl#5, c) amend CMI line #30 to $881.92 (per attorney Itr), d) amend plan to pay CMIiDI of $23,398.20, plus income/expenses issue pg: t-017 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1429524 1: 30 PM JOSE A CASTRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1429445 MARITZA PEREZ DE LA OSA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED 1429436 ~ Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #1142 (7/1-7/6 & 8/2-8/28), #1840 (5/28-6/30,7/1-7/6 & 8/4-8/28), #7679 (7/1-8/28) & #0243 (5/28-5/30,711-7/4 & 8/2-8/28), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) amend plan to fund properly (m. 16-60) ARMANDO JOSE DEL POZO TERESA DIAZ DEL POZO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1429432 6m -V IBETTE GONZALEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE db dD~ ,Lcl( VESTED Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) payoff ofreal estate, b) BDQ (1099 employee), c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) DL, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) amend plan to provide months to unsecured creditors, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $810.00, i) amend Sch I to correct employer information pg: C-Ol~ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1429394 1: 30 PM EDWIN LENIN HERNANDEZ Aty called for prehearing (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #0667 00/50 (811-8/28), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) amend plan to start secured creditor Bank of America in month 1, d) address feasibility issue, e) LF90, t) LF67, g) provide 401k stmt, h) amend plan to provide complete IVL, i) obj/conform to cl#2,j) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30,31 & 33, k) does debtor receive child support?, 1) amend Sch I to include other child and ages VESTED 1429189 1$ I? q. q~ ELOY AUGUSTO JAUREGUI (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) LF90, c) objlconforrn to cl#l VESTED 1429005 $ XI ')'6 . Irs" EDWARD TAVERAS CONSUELO E TAVERAS (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) obj/conform to cl#4 (plan overpays) VESTED 1428963 1b Uc 'JeT. q 4 BAPTISTE JOHN JOSEPH (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) BDQ, b) amend plan to correct attorney fees, c) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, d) file LMM motion, e) objlconform to cl#l & #4, t) amend plan to pay CMI.DI of $98,109.60, g) explain withdrawal on 7/28 $1000.00, h) explain property 17720 NW 54 Ave (provide FMV / payoff and list on Sch's) VESTED pg: c.- 019 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1428828 DANIEL CARTAS lRASEMA CARTAS (MARY REYES, ESQ. .~ ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE. MARIO JORGE MENA (PRO-SE 341 reset to 12/19, CH reset to 1/27 VESTED 1428353 6pm%y ~-S Continue to 1/27 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) file motion to value and set for hearing, b) obj/conform to cl#7, #4 & DE#29 VESTED 1428724 1:30 PM JUAN C CEBALLOS (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE q -3168,7 (p VESTED 1427135 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1/12: a) 2012 tax returns missing Sch C & E, b) payoff of vehicle, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #8413 (8/1-8/14), d) file motion to value and set for hearing, e) file LMM motion, f) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, g) amend Sch's to disclose Corp & business bank acct (Caroline Distributors) CARMEN N ROJAS (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #3325 (9/10-10/1 missing pages), b) DL, c) provide cemetery plot docs, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$566.69 pg: 0.-052.0 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1426893 1:30 PM MAYRA NUNEZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. VESTED 1426430 4j J"0''J{) f),ry::;- hi ,'V f) ~lSO ON AMe SEE PAGE 7 (Q Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) calculation of income, b) provide proof of Sch J #12 & #21, c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) amend plan to include gambling language, e) amend plan to fund properly, f) amend plan to correct attorney fees, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditors, h) provide retirement stmt, i) amend plan to provide MTV DE#35 in cram down & include regular HOA payments in secured JUAN A RODRIGUEZ ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE (LAWRENCE· M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE ) 10 Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #8547 (4/21-4/25), b)explainlproof of withdrawal on 717 $1976.74 & 6/4 $2497.11, c) FMVIpayoff of all real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) amend SOFA to disclose repayment to brother for loans & provide tolling waiver, f) affidavit of rent, g) file 2016b, h) amend plan to provide correct IVL, i) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC, j) amend SOFA to disclose attorney fees, k) lump sum must be approved by court, 1) amend Sch A to disclose location of "House" and Sch B to disclose bank acct VESTED 1426061 PATRICIA ELIAS (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #8787 (4/15-7/15 missing pages), b) payoff of real estate, c) amend plan to 36 OR 60 months, d) amend plan to pay disposable income, e) DL, f) LF90, g) affidavit of support (Sch J 8a), h) amend plan to provide missing months for California Club, i) amend SOFA to provide #19-25, j) obj/conform to cl#3, k) good faith to unsecured creditors, 1) explain Sch J #8a (debtor unemployed & receives no rental income) 1425719 FRANKLIN LOUIS-JEAN GARLENE LOUISE CHARLES (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1/12: a) payoff ofreal estate, b) amend plan to provide missing months to Wells Fargo, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of$7000.00, d) amend SOFA to provide $7000.00 to sister in law (add to CH7) & provide tolling waiver pg: e-oa I UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1422696 1$' }qOt/ . 67 1:30 PM JAISON C CHERIAN DALIYA JAICHAN CHERIAN (BARRY MITTELBERG, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM@ SeE PAGE =ffJ" ~_~ 1«00 VESTED 1419244 {f: ;xD,OO Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) bank stmts #6877 (4/23-5/31), #4814 (5/8-5/31), #5777 (2/28-4/22 & 5/22-5/31), FCU (2/28-5/31) & #7494 (2/28-5/31 ), b) FMV (NADA/Carmax only) & reg of vehicles, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months business bank stmts, d) amend plan to provide correct IVL & LMM language, e) evidence/calculation of CMI line #30,37,43 & 47 MARIA MARGARITA SANTANA Aty called for prehearing (SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA, ESQ. < I . /'.A~-;-'1 r ~~rJ LP - /~.1 Continue to 1/27 njUIV~:1 '. , ~. \\ s~ . f ~ or before 5PM on 1112: a) provide MSA re: property&amend plan to VESTED 1338102 VESTED pay CH7 of $495,476.32 Of no MSA provided to show prOof)'~CMI issues line #30 does not take into acct $12,000.00 refund,)i(amend plan pay CMI/DI of $190,527.00,kilamend CMI/Sch I per attorney ltr ~\ !LC~Q ~.,,) C(.lC.p 3'1 ;:.;. t \ ,iD "'\Y'V' ORESTES LEANDRO GARCIA JULIA GARCIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE ~V y~<~. Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) FMV/payoff of vehicle, b) BDQ, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) obj/conform to cl#1.2 & #5, e) explain property 65821 Overseas Hwy Lot 418, provide FMV/payoff & Why not listed on Sch's t. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1430082 1:35 PM OMAR ABADIA MARTHA ABADIA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE TYrtUSTKK'§ OH,~. 'IO EXEIVH~TtONF:' ) ALSO ON AM~ see PAGE "XL" Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) File mtn to value and set for hearing (Melrose Parc), b) Obj/Conform to Clm #4 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1430070 SCARLET SANTANA (RICHARD ADAMS/ESQ. Confirm lAP 1430062 d$ 1361' . 3 ( ROGELIO E ROJAS TRIJSTEJt: I'§ (llli$J. TO EXEIVWTffONS ODETTE TRUJILLO (RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) amend plan to pay disposable income, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) file LMM motion, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$2,935.88 for provide calculation letter 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1429873 MILAGROS MEDEROS (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #2 & #3 pg: (}-otl3 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1429682 6pm :Pv" 1$ 6ot/ / ,3({ 1429673 ~ WYMAN R FREDERICK (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) 2012 tax returns, b) FMV/payoff of vehicles, c) Provide proof ofSch J expenses (6a, 6b & 17a), d) address feasibility issue, e) File LF67, f) Provide retirement statement & life ins policy, g) Amend plan to include IVL, h) File motion to value and set for hearing, i) File LMM motion, j) Reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, k) No provisions on Sch J to 2nd vehicle listed on Sch D-How is it to be paid?, I) Obj/Conform to Clm #3, #4  2nd request, next month request dismissal. RAYMUNDA ROA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm 2AP 1429574 (1$ 7ll. ~L)) ANGEL ENRIQUE ORTIZ (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE l,Aj{jO Confirm lAP 1429516 ~ GUSTAVO ADOLFO BENEDIT MERCEDES MARIA BENEDIT (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE LJJJjO If 3AP filed correcting plan base (sib 60 months) and math ok, Confirm 3AP, flnot Cont to 1127 pg: C-O~~ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1429451 1: 35 PM ROSA E PEREZ Aty called for prehearing (MARY REYES, ESQ. 1429363 ILDEBRANDO MONTOYA ~. MARIA NUBELELLE MONTOYA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm 2AP 1429301 HANTZ J DELMAS (LAWRENCE A. LEVINE, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMi SeE PAGE ~- Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to un-step attorneys fees 1429208 d$ 7lP ,~q CARLOS GUSTAVO HEREDIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE lU/jO Confirm 2AP UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1429200 (!1> 1:35 PM JOSE ALBERTO COLON /3 Cf : a:)) (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1429146 (J:J;~31 ,lfU) IVANIA ISABEL VELEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE ~ LJ)jJO Confirm lAP 1429143 JUAN BOTERO ALSO ON AM; SeE PAGE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE '?C( Confirm Plan 1429123 OSCAR MARINO MUNOZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1429112 ROLANDO ORTIZ NORMA TANIA ORTIZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 'HUJSTEE'S OBJ" 'ffy ~O(EM &"TK OI"~b ALSO ON AM, see PAGE ~. Confirm lAP 1429105 JERMAINE L BURGESS TASHARA S BURGESS (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) bank statements #3242 (8/14-8/26) & #2709 (8/15-8/26), b) copy/explain check #2124 $1,500, c) FMV of vehicle, d) WDO or motion to waive, e) LF67, 1) provide 401k stmt & life ins policy, g) FMV of pistols, h) file LMM motion, i) reaffirm, redeem or surrenderSch D creditor 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1428962 YALILE M DIAZ '·P·'[.·~· '~'~.;'.1fi'!". rn,\U [ 'K'dlj \ri'~r~i'IVRl(."TU·~N;;;> a Ji~~U.~'J(;!.. 1...""1 Jt Jt1.J\f'.1 L,""f. ~. JU}hfl t, X \l)l d......l\..ul'l JL, Y. , L' 'h .. I (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) bank stmts #636217099 (817-8/25), b) copy/explain check #2205 iao $1,221.40, #2208 iao $1,000 & #2199 iao $2,000, c) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts 3months pre petition, d) LF67, e) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, 1) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-16), g) file LMM motion 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1428920 $ . ~ () ODALYS LABRADA (CAROLINA A. LOMBARDI, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 1/27 for DE30 pg: C- O/l.1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1428775 JOSE I CARVALLO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1428716 CALTON EDQUIRE WELLS Aty called for prehearing (MARY JO RIVERO, ESQUIRE 1428668 ~ 3000 _ 00 ARTHUR M LEVIN KATHERYN A LEVIN (MICHAEL S. HOFFMAN, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMw SEE PAGE ~__, Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) LF90, b) ObjiConform to Clm #1-3 & #3 (plan underpays arrears) ADRIANA M BLANCO ARMANDO P PEREZ . ')1 (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE 1428667 ~ /6'31 Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) affidavit of rent (need amount) 2nd request. next month request dismissal. pg: C-O:z<t UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1428589 ALAIN HERNANDEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM t SeE PAGE _M~_ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) File LMM motion, b) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Franklin Credit), 1428578 6'pm~, EDWARD LEWIS WILLIS ROSEMARY WILLIS (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE~. 11>;)7<16.63 Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm lAP, lfnot Cont to 1127 1428496 5fm~{ RICARDO A GONZALEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE ~1{Pu~.6r Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #2 (arrears underpaid) 1428291 ~rn ~ $)103· 31 CUTHBERT HENRY HAREWOOD (ALBERTO M. CARDET, ESQUIRE Or{2 Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127: f'. I 'i) Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) bank stmts SFEFCU (5/13-8/13), b) FMV/payoff of vehicle, c) FMV of non homestead, d) non homestead info sheet (all properties), e) WDO or motion to waive, f) DL, g) LF90, h) affidavit of rent, i) amend plan to include IVL & lease language, j) amend plan to fund properly (m. 8), k) amend plan to include distributions for m. 46-60, I) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D/G creditors, m) obj/conform to cl#2, 4 & DE#25, n) amend plan to pay CH7 of$165,781.00, 0) amend Sch I to disclose employer information or state unemployed, p) amend petition to disclose prior filings, q) amend Sch D to provide description/value of property {tIb!fx4fisi14J»fo4b4w1!J!!!#1sdL,/ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1428075 1:35 PM RAMON RODRIGUEZ ESTELA MARIA RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If obi to elm #6 sustained, Confirm Plan, Jfnot Cont to 1427877 6pYY7 ¥ d$ 1127 TONI INGRAHAM JUNIOUS (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE Aty called 1<63~ ~ 0 I I'm prehearing ~7HvJ1& ~~~C~We5d//~d~ Due oil or befOre 1427864 ~ I qL(.s . '-I d- ~PIiI on 1112: aJ Provid~ L8S0as per Sch J-I8"/ MARIA DELOSANGELES LOPEZ (MONICA REYES, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #1 (Plan overpays arrears) 1427833 YASIT SANCHEZ YANET OBARRIO SANCHEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Remove Line 28 as car is paid in full, b) Provide calculation with pay stubs (attorney only sent letter stating came from pay stubs with no calculation), c) CMI line 44 has $52 expense, remove as no proof provided, d) Amend plan to add IVL 2nd request. next month request dismissal. pg: C-080 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1427814 NOVEL RODRIGUEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm 1A Plan 1427802 YOESMILLER MATOS MARTHELYS MATOS (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) bank statements #3371 (5/6-8/6), b) provide CARMAX values for all vehicles, c) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #6503 (5/6-8/6), d) provide proof ofSch J #6a, 8, 14, 15d & 19, e) LF90, f) LF67, g) provide IRA stmt & shares, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$28,777 or provide calculation letter, i) amend Sch B to correct line #13 (s/b $8.487) 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1427725 1:/> JOt). 7(p BEATRIZ VALDES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1427724 (Jf 13(P , I q j EDY JAMIEL ALVAREZ MARISOL SERRANO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE )AlSO ON AM. SEE PAGE .~ /))JjO Confirm Plan pg: e-03 \ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1:35 PM 1427642 ROEL J RITFELD 4$ 7':13" . :j 8- (ROBERT C. MEYER, ESQUIRE 1~J/Jo Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) address feasibility issue, b) Amend plan to include lawsuit language, c) File motions to value and set for hearing or remove from cram down box and reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Palm Beach County Credit Union-90/Regal boat, & 06/Mercedes), d) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$25,135.01 (FMV of 96/Regal Boat) or provide calculation letter, e) CMI issues line #30 provide calculation with all paystubs used & #47 remove, trustee objects, 1) Amend Sch J to remove mortgage payment (paid in plan) 1427557 Jf }{PLrlJ; , ')Lp GIRALDO WALTER BAGLEY ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE_~>c (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If obi to elm #4 sustained, Confirm Plan, flnot 1427426 ~ /-3 ./0 Cont to 1127 MARIA CENTENO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE t{4jO Confirm lAP 142'/398 GUILLERO R TROYA ANIURIS RODRIGUEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. ALSO ON AM. SEe PAGE E- Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to fund months 11-20 pg: Q-02:2... UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1427392 1:35 PM RAUL RANULFO DELGADO (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1427391 TULlO H QUINONES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE 71 ". Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) address feasibility issue, b) obj/conform to cl#3 & #9 1427359 ~ LETICIA SHEABE SOLANO (ALBERTO H. HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1427312 1t. O~ LUZ DARY MORENO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: ~-o3S UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1427286 ~ 1:35 PM PEDRO PABLO HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm 2AP, flnot Cont to 1127 1427190 ~ 01. Llt£]' JANETH GAMARRA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Explain how the household increased from 2 to 3 on the 3rd CMI filed on a case filed on 7/30114 1427147 ALBERTO R RAWLINS ANA G RAWLINS (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE )ALSO ON AM. SEe PAGE -.:fL. Ifmtn to waive WDO granted, Confirm 2AP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 1427114 ~ JOSE FRANCISCO GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE TRUJstm;:vs OR¥" 11'0 )Kl{JGjVwn«JN~: ALSO ON AM8 SEE PAGE ~11. If obi to elm #1 & #2 sustained, Confirm 2AP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 pg: (l-D Bl-{ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1427075 1:35 PM HILDA B CASTRO (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm lAP 1427048 /1$ I '\ l1 7JU. 07; ) THERESA BLANCO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearin~ I: j#) lJIM ,<jM- CIJP<F 1fl Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) File Fee App, 6) Callula{ion ofCMI Line 30, calculation provided lists debtor's income at $332,267 but CMI income is listed at 197,000 1426999 ~ MARTINA E PEDROSO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1426997 ~ FANNY PACHECO -" (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE ~ n ..... . Aty called for prehearing , "" " ?(/J~ ~ 5zAS -RfmajllS Dill llsol¥ed: [!JI1; pA 71 ~ Non homestead info sheet,~ affidavit [email protected] statements provided state debtor has a car payment not listed on Sch J, provide payoff of auto,;e,) Who is Jose Alvarez? e) Obj/Conform to Clm #6 (direct pay with arrears) ~fl :r~ Cc \-: - Q( pg: ~-05S UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1426976 1:35 PM BLANCA URRUTIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) ObjiConform to Clm #2 (direct with arrears) 1426945 .q;- (07,3 7 ALAIN PARDO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112 : a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $3,750 (check provided not debtors check, money withdrawn was cash), b) Amend plan to list attorneys fee paid iao $5,200 as per documents provided. 1426940 ~ • OL( RITA LEZCANO LAVIN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE lfmtn to val granted, Confirm 2AP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 1426935 ESMERIDA RODENA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm Plan pg: ~--05LR UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1426931 ~ 1:35 PM LLENEFERR DUNAND (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1426815 JESSIE LEE CONEY BARBARA ANN CONEY (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) bank stmts #4481 (7/1-7/25) & #0977 (4/25-6/15 & 6/18-7/25), b)WDO or motion to waive, c) provide proof of Sch J expenses line #6c, 17c & 21, d) address feasibility issue, e) DL, f) amend plan to correct missing months, g) provide copy of life ins, proof of SSI & proof of co-debtors pension, h) amend plan to fund properly, i) file LMM motion, j) obj/conform to cl#4, k) provide proof of how withdrawal 6/18 iao $1,000, 4/16 iao $1,700, 3/19 iao $1,000 & 2/5iao $5,000 was spent 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1426752 ZULMA JACQUELINE VARGAS LOPEZ (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Cont. 1/27/15 for motion to value 1426731 MICHAEL ANTHONY JONES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Pi/I; ~6!~( pg: 0-081 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1426626 6pm ipr ~ cr16'3, 1:35 PM JOSE MANUEL RIVAS (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE 1{p Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to pay D/I, b) Obj/Conform to Clm #3, c) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$7,367.55 or provide calculation letter, 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1426495 ~ 1~)5. 3cr PABLO GOMEZ JR (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm lAP 1426476 (1$ 3d-<6 I DENNIS OLAZABAL ~ (0) (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE Aty called ~ 7(P for prehearing Continue to 1127: ;JtJI/~ c;7~Due on or before 5pm on 1I12:\iw$Q dE 4 tll,J$p%qjiye, b) calculation of income, c) address feasibility iss~ d)provide TSP stmt, e) obj/conform to cl#4 (overpaid in plan), 1) amend plan to remove IRS language from other provisions, g) explain/proof of $1 0,686.00 withdrawn on 7/23 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1426443 JIMMY RAINIERI-SHAMIR ALSO ON AM e SEE PAGE _ '16_ = Aty caned for prehearing Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Provide math calculations for 24K a year in medical expenses, provide documents for the year of2014 which equal24K (documents provided were for 2013 and do not equate to the 24K) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1426422 (y JUAN FERNANDO UGALDE (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet for Jerves Enterprises), b) provide value of vehicle at time of transfer (SOFA #10) and include in CH7, c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditortcmend plan to pay CH7 of $50,005 + value of vehicle at time of transfer (SOFA #10), f) re ove wages exemptiondebtor is self employed, g) amend SOFA #1 YTD needed r 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1426373 4~ 3e:/:J, 67 ESAUL PENA JUANA E PENA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Ifr TRUS'fllmv§ O~U, TO IOQt~rVWrH)NS ) ALSO ON AM.,~ SEE PAGE ---~1 cJ ... i~)jJO Confirm Plan 1426335 ~ MARYORIE M NAVARRO (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. "f*{~JfrIlN't:lt£!~'§ ~)Kj~lI" -'f();rVUp;·jjl(li~t1 ) ALSO ON "~.M" SEE PAGE _15L._. Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #8 1426305 ~ MIRIAM SANCHEZ (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. 'l'RU§TEE,vS OBJ, TO EXEIVMf.lTffONS ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~.w Confirm lAP UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 CARL JAY PINCKNEY 1426184 1:35 PM ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE 75 (MARY REYES, ESQ. If mtn to val granted, Confirm 2AP, If not VILLY CHOUTE 1426175 (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE Cont to 1127 75 ) Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Payoff of real estate, b) Explain property 716 SW 9th st, c) LF90, d) Amend plan to include address & acct # for creditor in cram down box, e) proof of SSI, file motion to value and set for hearing, f) obj/conform to cl#5, g) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$38,425.80, h) No bank acct, how does debtor pay bills, i) File WDO or mtn to waive WDO, j) Amend plan to cure and maintain regular HOA payments in the plan, k) Amend Sch J to remove HOA payments being paid through plan 1426150 WILMER VALDEZ GARCIA VIVIAN GARCIA (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. RTB, cont to 117/15 (issues abated) 1426018 ~ 140 .7 d + . (JAMES p~ntr cl\U fcx;icu{ VALIENCIA M. ALLEN ALAN POE, ESQ /;()fJO Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/conform to Clm #7 & #16, b) File mtn to value and set for hearing (Monterey Condo & Monterey Homeowners) or remove from cram down box and amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender those creditors, c) Amend plan to add IVL UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1425728 bpm 1¥ 1: 35 PM JOSE A VIGOA ,..-' (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE ~d6q.qd- Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Provide old WellslFargo account proving money belongs to spouse or Amend plan to add to Chp 7 1425530 DWIGHT LESLIE DONNA LESLIE (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) explain withdrawal on 7/8 $1,200, b) bank statements #8384 (6124-7/8), c) copyl explain check #342 iao $2,594 & #344 iao $3,500, d) non homestead sheet says property is being surrendered (explain included in plan), e) business bank stmts #3406 (4/8-7/8), f) calculation of income (co-debtor), g) amend plan to pay CH 7 of$13,193 or provide calculation, h) CMI issues line #29 (only 1 vehicle on Sch-remove) & #39 (provide proof), i) Amend plan to correct attorney fee calculation, j) Obj/Conform to Clm #10, 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1425507 1$ /)0, 00 CHARLES BARRA (RICHARD J, MCINTYRE, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM9 SEE PAGE 4/ Continue to 1127 (government bar date) 1425469 ~ . :t~~ \ [Pea ROLANDO SANCHEZ ANA LUISA SANCHEZ (OMAR J. ARCIA, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 for Evidentiary Hearing 1115 (ECF 43) pg: 0_0'-\ \ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1425388 1:35 PM DANNY DEVEREARUX JENNY CAROLINE DEVEREARUX (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to start Vista Del Lago regular payments from month 1, b) Obj/Conform to Clm #15 (direct with arrears), c) File motions to value and set for hearing (Suntrust & Real Time) 1425291 ~q7Y;. oc( RENE VAZQUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) When was the last time debtor had 1928 Mercedes, b) What model is 1928 Mercedes, c) Provide auto ins. policy, d) When was the last time debtor saw 1928 Mercedes, who had car at that time, e) When did debtor acquire 1928 Mercedes, f) How much did debtor purchase vehicle for at that time 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1425285 RALPH III ESCANDAR (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Confirm lA Plan 1425227 ~ UL)JO. \/"'11,....... MARGIE L. JENKINS 00 (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. 10D% 0 e,' Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Bank statements #7935-00/90 (6/23-7/2) & #4115 (4/2-7/2), b) Payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) DL, e) LF90, f) LF67, g) Provide retirement statement & life ins, h) Amend plan to provide monthly plan payment months (s/b 60), i) Reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, j) Obj/ conform to cl#2 & #3, k) Evidence/calculation ofCMI line #28,30,32,39,47 & 48, I) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$76,863 2nd request, next month request dismissal. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1425154 ('~ )l/6, Y")') 1:35 PM JUDITH ANNE PONTIOUS (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE ~~~ (continued last month because might be LMM-nothing done) 1425153 WAYNE C SEYMOUR (MICHELE L. HANASH, ESQUIRE 1425098 Aty called for prehearing YOLANDA MENDOZA ALSO ON AM SEE PACE 1() " ----- (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing /())% /JI-n O;e~ Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Provide affidavit of support, b) Provide proof of who pays insurance and who paid for car (affidavit not sufficient), c) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $19,805.18 or provide calculation letter 1424723 (db )6lP q7 ) .1 ARMANDO PALMAJR (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #2 (direct pay with arrears) pg: t .. Oa1~ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1424479 ~ , JrrQ7, LfJ 0 1: 35 PM IRIS MARCY GIL DEL REAL (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Aty called for prellearing S Confirm lAP 1424474 ~ ILlW1, J1 LAI PINEL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) bank statements #1601 (3/25-5/9 & 6111-6125) & #9939 (3/25-4/9 & 5/9-6/25), b) business bank statements #9314 (3/25-4/1), c) Evidence/calculation ofCMI line #28 & 47, d) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$19,020 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1424384 ALAIN LORENZO LILLIAN LORENZO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. 1424353 JANET ,OLIVERA ALSO ON AM, SEe PAGE ~L_ (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Obj/conform to Clm 4 (direct with arrears) pg: C~ O"'~ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1424330 1:35 PM MARITZA ROSADO (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) LF90 (with attorney signature) 1424294 (~ I dD ,'1)"" ') MICHAEL JOSEPH PACE SR (OMAR J. ARCIA, ESQUIRE ~{JO I" Continue to 112712015: Due on or before 5pm on 111212015: 1) Provide calculation of income for amended CMI [ECF No. 59] (In re Lanning issue); 2) Provide Calculation of CMI line 30 as it appears the Debtor is listing the federal taxes withheld from his paystubs but the federal taxes the Debtor actually incurred appears to be less because the Debtor received a $4,496.00 tax refund; 3) provide NationStar mortgage statement proving the Debtor is paying half of the mortgage expense (CMI line 47); 4) Provide calculations for CMI [ECF No. 59] line 39. It appears from Debtor's filed pay advices that his employer only deducts medical and dental from Debtor's wages once per month not per pay advice. 1424197 JOSE FELIX LORENZO MELIAN l'RUSTmI','% OfU . T() iF"XE:\VWT~ON::'; JUANA ACEVEDO LORENZO . . . .. I LA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE {j/ 1 " A Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm 2AP, qnot Cont to 1/27 1424154 HILDA CAMACHO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/conform to Clm #1 (plan underpays arrears and must cure and maintain regular payment) 2nd request. next month request dismissal. pg: d.. O~:S UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1424136 1: 35 PM EDUARDO RAUL TORGA NANCY TORGA (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: 1) calculation of income; 2) CMI line 28 issue - Debtor does not own police car and therefore can not take the ownership expense; 3) Amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$14,513.40 1424058 ~ \lcLo~ , 00 NATALIE BOXER (ARAMIS HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to list months to be paid for LMM creditor 1424042 JORGE ALBERTO CORNEJO MARTINEZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE Aty (o? ca11eo~'~ for prehearin9 Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) DSO, b) Obj/Conform to Clm #3, c) Provide FMV of trailer transferred to girlfriend, Why did debtor transfer to girlfriend the same month the case was filed? Provide pictures; does debtor use trailer for business? 2 nd request. next month request dismissal. 1423997 (Jt )M ~') ANA VANIA SOSA fPR8 8E /~I ~~[ ~Jf U0 ~7- Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) proof of household size/income of all adults, b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) amend plan to include IVL & lawsuit language ( d) amend plan to provide missing monthly plan payment (top of plan sib 48), e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, f) obj/conform to cl#3 & #4 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1423893 1:35 PM ODALYS CORDERO ROMERO (MARY REYES, ESQ. ALSO ON AM0 SEe PAGE & ir ) If obi to elm #3 sustained, Confirm 2AP, Ifnot 1423865 Cont to 1127 MARIAELENA DE MOYA (CHRISTIAN PANAGAKOS, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #6 (arrears underpaid in plan) 1423721 JUAN MACHADO ALSO ON AM@ SEe PAGE (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. 10 r Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) provide notarized affidavit from spouse that they are separated & DL with change of address & DL for non filing spouse 1423622 it! 1/77.3<& AGRIPINA G QUINTANA (RICHARD SIEGMEISTER, ESQUIRE A.ty called 'iF prehearing Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) FMV of non homestead, payoff of all real estate, b) Amend plan to pay disposable income, c) affidavit of rent, d) Amend plan to provide correct IVL, e) Reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, t) Obj/conform to cl#l & #2, g) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $66,494.71, h) Good faith to unsecured creditors, i) amend Sch A to income non homestead address, j) file TBE motion, k) Who owns bank acct #6704 (need 3/13-6/13 statements), I) amend CMI to correct applicable median family income 2nd request. next month request dismissal. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1423587 1:35 PM ALBERTO ANDRES ORDAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If 3AP filed starting payments to Quantum3 Group at month 1and math ok, Confirm 3AP, If not Cont to 1127 1423490 # dCJ::j:). O() WLADYSLAWA RAFALOWICZ (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Confirm 2AP. 1423464 MARIO MILIAN PEREZ OLGA LIDIA PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm lAP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 1423407 (~ ~';f . Or)) YESENIA FIGUEROA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE &y_ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #5 pg: C.-O'1<t UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1423360 ORRIE CHERASIA 1t 'd13 , c:o cr (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE L{J (p If obi to elm 1423308 ~ if<t . ruO #3 sustained, Confirm 3AP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 JORGE PASTOR MARTINEZ (ALEJANDRO SIXTO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1423077 6-pm --P( ARMADNO CASTRO (PAUL MEADOWS, ESQUIRE ~lpLPlp.LP1 Confirm lAP 1422919 Jt 13 l jO. ABDEL GARCIA d~ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE If objection to claim sustained, Confirm 2A Plan UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 1422881 2014 1:35 PM JESSICA DEL CARMEN ROMERO Opm-Pi (TOMAS A. PILA d$ ';)1;30, (flo Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statement for Chase (4/12-6/2), b) FMV/payoff of09/Ford (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), c) Provide proof of Sch J line #15c & #17a, d) address feasibility issue, e) DL, f) LF90 with attorney signature, g) Amend plan to provide correct IVL, h) Amend plan to fund properly, i) File LMM motion, j) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Summit Financial), k) Amend Sch J to remove mortgage payment (LMM in plan) 1422809 ELIANA EWALD ) '1J I {}S' . 00 (MARY REYES, ESQ. A~ ~C ON AM, SEE PAGE Jl 0 -'-' Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm lAP, llnot Cont to 1127 1422348 ~ \ '6C"b"~ , f PEDRO ARGUELLES ( (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Amend plan to include regular child support payments (curing arrears) 1422333 CHARLES MICHAEL LOGAN Gt -3 7l ~ , I,'{;') (JONATHAN KLINE. [3WJ1v ESQUIRE GoJJ~~JP) Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127/ ~)&;d-~ Due on or~~~_ ~pm on 1112: bank statements Wells Fargo checking (3/1-5/29) & Wells Fargo Savings (3/1-5/29), -bl FMV of vehicle, c) address feasibility issue, d) amend plan to provide correct IVL, e) amend plan to fun properly, f) amend plan to correct overlapping months, ,»)obj/conforrn to Clm #4, h) amend Sch J to remove line #20a (cram down in plan), i) Trustee objects to keepmg investment property with no rental income "* 2nd request. next month request dismissal. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1422300 (1t> \~D6. {oj 1: 35 PM DANIEL BENITEZ MIRNA BENITEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE (;J:3 ) Aty called for prehearing 1422260 ~ PEGGY FABIENNE BRUHY DIDIER BRUHY (JOEL M. ARESTY, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1422153 GLORIA CABRERA (4t 2Q'3 ,Lp) 0 \ (FRANCISCO J CIEZA, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: Amend plan ad 100% language or provide a) bank statements #8334 (2/28-5/28), b) Provide proof with expla ation for check #2432 iao $2,000, c) Payoff of real estate, d) LF90, e) Provide life ins statement, f) Must be correct 100% language or student loan gets paid pro-rata with the unsecured creditors, g) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $17,080.68, h) Evidence and calculation of CMI line #30,37,47 & 48, i) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $24,599.40, 1422083 LINO ISMENlo MORETA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: C-OS \ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1422073 ASTRID NOHEMY AMAYA J.fP t 7 q . ·dz--f"~ LufJo (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27 for Evidentiary Hearing 1/22 (Ecf#45) 1421930 M. { "'i1' ANGEL FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ ~. 55 I . r;:':; ) Aty called for prehearing (MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO, ESQ) J-r,v&A1- . Continue to 1127: n/ Y Due on or before 5pm on 1/12~ Amend plan to include regular child support payments (curing arrears); 2) Trustee is unable to read amended P&L totals 1421911 EDUARDO ANTONIO CABEZAS YULIEN RAMIREZ (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE ~~~ ~2;J1'(lJoi) /fob) to-eim #6 sustained, Confirm lAP, lfn~re-im 1421841 MARTIN GONZALEZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing br:-i.u/;t: )(;2 € /0:3' )i0B~kr:Hft1;ftJlpttthmltLttr!t/;-JJtfft¥itl~~ #9 pg: C-05:2. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1421821 RAQUEL E CASTRO (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Confirm lA Plan 1421777 (dtdO/.'}t/) JUAN PABLO GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE i<JVJo Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/conform to Clm #7, b) Amend plan to start Chateau at Vineyards ROA at month 1 1421663 dt 1\"31 .£C() ROBERT I RODRIGUEZ (ROSY A. APONTE, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing ~~~[.(ftJ a) Proof of household size/income ofal! adults, b) Provide FMV of Chevrolet at time of transfer, ~amend plan to provide monthly plan payment months to Trustee (s/b 60), )I)lObj/conform to cl#2, e) Property listed on Sch A not listed on Sch D-explain, 1) Amend Sch I to correct rental income (s/b $1,150) 1421589 1t 1(; 1 . 0I 8~EQUIEL A MENESES INES DIAZ DE MENESES (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. !fob) to elm #14 sustained, Confirm 4AP, flnot Cont to 1127 pg: C-063 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 1421161 .8fm~~ 1:35 PM 2014 ABAS HAMMOUD (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE 1b ;6 L() d- ,ItO + OA1rn+ d~ toJcv1 Confirm lAP 1421075 f5pM if' 1j,4qo,'t'o MYLAI HERNANDEZ Aty called for prehearing (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE !6t ~ (LAST MONTH CONTINUED AND A $200 CONTINUED TO UNSECURED) Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statements for account #8799-01 (511-5/14), b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank statements, c) Amend Sch B to disclose business bank statements, d) provide info on SOFA #3 & tolling waiver, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) File motion to value and set for hearing, g) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $8,973.26 (repayment loan), h) Who owns acct #9368 & #7708 transfers to and from, provide bank statements #9368 (2/14-5/14) & #7708 (2114-5/14) 1420869 it LpCCq " q 0 ROBERTO JR CHINEA (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm 3AP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 1420'120 ~ ::5}OIfl.6"1 CARLOS ALBERTO CENTENO (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SeE PAGE 6J 0 Aty called for prehearing pg: c.-O.5OJ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1420246 1:35 PM RAUL PEPE GUERRERO ELIZABETH BASTIDAS TENNORIO DE GUERRERO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1420170 ROBERT 0 HERNANDEZ (d$ 660 ,00') (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMe SeE PAGE .!5'1 p tWo Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127: DRe 8ft 6r aefer8 epm 6R-l/ll: a) amend"CMI to correct IRS on line 49 as POC # 3 has been amended and amenj plan to pay Disposable income. ~VA jltJz;- 2nd re uest next month re uest smissal. 1420080 b '7f>2! /IS ELIZABETH AGNES FERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to remove creditor from cram down box 1419932 ~~ :JL1<tq .00) WILLIAM E VALDEZ (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP pg: 0..-055 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1419837 1:35 PM ANA MARGARITA VEGA .J$J'61Cf. 'I' 6- (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Calculation ofIncome, b) Amend plan to fund properly, c) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $30,699.71 or provide calculation letter, 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1419811 1$ 1 q 6 00 TY REMONE HAYES JR AMIRA ESTER ITZHAK HAYES (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Confirm 8A Plan 1419632 ARBELIO JOSE BARROSO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE It) 7'67. J (P Aty called for prehearing T\ 2~ dJ1it~fi!;: ,Go~u~~Vfl2 r; ~PMl(mJ}£}4.a) affidavit of support, b) Who is providing affidavit of support for $7225/m? Ex-Spouse?, c) ~~ provide MSA, d) Wells Fargo not in cram down box (ECF #74), e) provide Scott Trade stmt, f) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, g) proof of separation & provide tax returns for non filing spouse (2012/2013), h) obj/conform to cl#8, i) amend plan to pay disposable income, j) did not cont MTV DE#74 per 11118 calendar ~I(J£t) n??Oh1Ioi4m~ 1419499 (~ } . IO-j &Y( /AI LUI". MIGUEL ! ALFARO CANDELARIA ALFARO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing 4£dfi'!\{t ~ (Debtors believe they do not need to correct their schedules: debtorsfiledpage 1 ofSch I, then page 2 ofSch J, then page 1 of Sch J, then page 2 of Sch L) Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend Sch I, missing figures (filed incorrectly), b) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $45,810 (includes $5,000 withdrawal on 5/6 from personal account) or provide calculation letter (must provide actual calculations not just raw data) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1419478 1:35 PM HECTOR C FUNEZ AMADOR BESSY P LOPEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm 2AP 1419446 BRIAN GOOD (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: 1) Provide actual proof of CMI lines 13 and 19. Letter received simply states these expenses belong to non-filing spouse; 2) Provide actual calculations for CMI line 30; 3) Provide proof the Debtor is entitled to line 28 (debtor must be financing or leasing a car and may not be same car payment on lines 13 or 19); 4) CMI Line 59 list Debtor's monthly disposable income to be $1,511.92, amend plan to pay disposable income. 1419313 ~. 'Il" '\_ o1Q&. 30 MARIA ELENA MESA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE q ) .ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE {) Aty called for prehearing Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a),File mtn to value and set for hearing, b) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $5,863, c) Unable to -read ECF #63, provide statement where money wad deposited 1419135 elf q3 ' ~ [, '; MILAGROS REYES (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing !f2AP filed un-stepping attorneys fees and math ok, Confirm 2AP, lfnot Cont to 1127 pg: ~ ... 0.57 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1419045 ROLANDO GERMAN TORRES ) ALSO ON AM~ SeE PAGE. (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE 6?r . Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) File mtn to value and set for hearing (Real Time), 1418856 CHRISTIAN F HERNANDEZ (#; dO. 00') (JORDAN E BUBLICK, 1418462 11 I~7'1. q 0 ESQUIRE MANUEL LUY YOANIA LUY (ALBERTO CARRERO, ESQUIRE TIWS'~'EgISOft~,LTORD\\.Kt\\rn"n()\I\j;:, Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend Sch B to include correct value of#9976 (sib $6,869.71), b) Provide explanation and proo/for withdrawal on 4/9 iao $2,000 from account #9976,2/21 iao $1,000 & $7,000, 4/9 iao $1,200 from account #4535, c) Provide explanation and pro%f deposit iao $10,987 on 2/28 for account #9976, 2 nd request. next month request dismissal. 1418382 6fxn :PVl:1> LESLIE W THOMPSON (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE 7 Lf) 6~ ,l/ 7 . ) ALSO ON AMw SEE PAGE E~. .A.ty called for preheann~ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: 1) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $73 8.17 per month (calculation already deducts IRS on line 49); 2) amend plan to un-step attorney fees. pg: UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1418261 ~ 106'<6 , l/0J 1:35 PM YADIRA RAMOS (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm 4AP 1418203 DAMIAN RODRIGUEZ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE _E.", ) If obi to elm #4 sustained, Confirm lAP, ffnot Cont to 1127 1417948 JASON JAY NIMARK TONYA LYNN NIMARK (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm Plan 141'/851 SHANKITA DESliANDRA HILL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE .~, Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm SAP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1417690 LISIA DINNIE MCLEAN (NEEMA R. NAIR, ESQUIRE ontin to ;~~~~~~ /:U~c#~h ~'~(~~aYO~~i~ 7, ~~~or fore~On1l~~a).~~~d~~~;~btor ~~ ~ ide pr of o~clt~l Edu~n o~~u~ex ~a~ree ' 1417681 et I 3/<i ,6L;) g fo ~eW"lob;no~ jo~ted WILBERT SAINT-JEAN (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #1 2nd request. next month request dismissal, 1417629 ~ Jo'f}(YL~)I/' HECTOR JAIR CLAVIJO AINEK CLAVIJO (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE $ )377.66' 1417548 Aty called for prehearing OSCAR AUGUSTO ESTRADA ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE ~, (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm lAP pg: C-OLPO UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1417229 EVELIO ROMAN "~'fm§'ni;r~!S Og,t TO E})J~I\IHr"nON~, GLORIA E MENA (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 4AP 1417216 MARITZA I BAQUEDANO (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 4AP 1417204 ~ /60.00 SUNIEL CASALVILLA AYRIN CASALVILLA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 6(/.~---) ALSO ON AM,; SEE PAGE _____ If obi to elm 1416715 _ __ #6 sustained, Confirm lAP, Ifnot Cont to 1127 MARIO 0 MIRAJ3ALES (YVETTE GONZALEZ COSTA, ESQUIRE) Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to confonn to ECF #80, b) Amend ECF #80 to include interest rate added in plan pg: t -Ol<? \ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1416658 1:35 PM CESAR ALBERTO TORRES ELVIA LUCIA TORRES (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Aty called for prehearing ~: ~~~~~'!i.' a) Amend plan to add LMM language, b) Amend plan to to month 60, 1416615 1J ';j 1 cl.OO STEVEN EDWARD PITA STEPHANIE MARIE PITA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ IAJ{JO Confirm 3AP 1416580 ~ ~~ , 00 MICHELLE M LAGUERRE (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: 1) Amend plan not to step attorney fees 1416533 ~ WILLIAM E SAMUELS PAULETTE A SAMUELS (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan pay all Secured creditors from month 1 pg: e.-O(,p Q. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1416443 1:35 PM NELSON VILLEGAS ELIZABETH VILLEGAS (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm SAP 1416196 (~ \4,1. 30 J NOHEMY MAHECHA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Evidentiary Hearing on 1/15/15 1416183 1P ~~;; . 00 ELSA A OSORIO-GUEVARA ALBERTO PEREZ (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing 0 1/1.;potIfinn1Pbn 1416171 ERIC ANDRE REICHLING ~ I~Lo).OO (STUART A. LIPSON, ESQ. ) ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE 63 Aty called for prehearing Jfmtn to ~ ! C{)/MIj/:£_ pg: c.-o~.3 Confirm SAP, Ifnot Cont to 1/27 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1415538 r CYNTHIA MAE BRADLEY 6pW1 qy -v- ~)O I ,...,~"...., '5 OJ , '() 1:35 PM (SABRINA CHASSAGNE, P.A 0 Continue to 1127: PENDING TT REVIEW 1415462 GILBERT PORRAS 6"f fY)¥ '\ty called (PAUL MEADOWS, ESQUIRE ' "Jre hearing )r I" i'P ~ 7~ . '31 '/ ,- ?7~'')IJ- fj{;n /¢;;2t!:;-;h~'7 'tLj/1Ihl ~. Debtor agreed in court on 111{8,'";0 amen~pl:ln ttFP~MM creditor! $1,250Im starting in 1415388 __ ~ o pm -t;:Y -11 d'6/0. th 1 IGNACIO ARJOA LIZBETH VEGAS ARJOA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ 6C( Ifmtn to val granted, Confirm 4AP, if not cont to 1127 1415300 ~ EDWIN FRANCISCO GONZALEZ MARIA DANELlA GONZALEZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: C-Olo~ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1415043 IBIS MARIA HERNANDEZ CHANTRES ENRIQUE ANTONIO CHANTRES (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE 7)2~ YJ1 ii~iss ~~ Y)i 4L I (9Jr;xt;:i;reditor has been in plan since 6/30/14 and no LMM motion file Order on motion to value Real Time not BOA was . ad order for Real Time~ ~ granted, c ~s Unresolved: 5n.(' 1414950 ;.b SYLVIA DIAZ ANTELO \ C"f 3Qd-, /'0 ) (ANDRES F. ALOS, ESQUIRE UAo Continue to 1/27: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Nationstar) 1414762 5pn" :pf' FRANCENID BAQUERO (VERNA POPO, ESQUIRE ~ ~(f3~.L{'6 Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) File WDO or mtn to waive WDO, b) LF90, c) File LMM motion, d) Amend plan to include monthly plan payments to Trustee, currently says 0 (sib 36) 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1414533 4t )10/ . flo JORGE RENE LOZANO CAROLINA TORRES (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM$ SeE PAGE QL Aty called for prehearing pg: C-O~.s UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1413592 PARIS TSIRIS bpm¥ .J$ (CARLOS M AMOR, ESQUIRE Lj ~ ) SL{q. 9;1 Confirm 3AP 1413422 *J'OdO. () MARTHA R ORTIZ ~ lI.ty called ir prehearing (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ ~ Debtor was to set ECF #107 for Evidentiary Hearing 1413408 S CHRISTINE WALLACE bprYJy (MARY REYES, ESQ. 1t)jLf3.0~ lfmtn to val granted, Confirm 2AP, lfnot Cont to 1127 1412635 DUSTERN R NICHOLS Aty called for prehearing (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE ~ fir fvd/rlJ;;L t1t:fty I J 6Jj 4~ z/;kJ£, ~ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1/12: plan must be for 60 months not 46 months; attorney fees to be paid;(s:))CalcdGiion ofCMI line 45 ¥ )6 Plan does not state total UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1411967 6f(Y) !Pi Jj 1:35 PM CAROLINA ACOSTA (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearinc ," ?31 q , /.pO = w~ iby:~' . 1411856 SCARLET RENEE BUTLER (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. 6 pm ~V' 1$ 6'143" unris'o%:;/atmend plan to conform to BCF #77 3(P Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Amend plan to fund 1411843 ~ ~(2)!), f0 ~ RAFAEL GOMEZ (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP (100%) 1411419 ~ .,0 SAULO SAIJA AMERICA C SAIJA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Aty called for prehearing /JVf {J;fr _ y7V ,~. /J/ j r{~Vh If . , ~glf;?D tfl/0U¥-i , Hht1{/Y! fo1/'r3Mi!-L By 9123 debtor agre{d to provide a f/esponse to creditors objection to c~n}irmation or amend plan to pay 31% ($899.80 to LMM) ~ pg: Q- 0 tp'1 ~ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1410985 . ( 1$' ?:ipCp . ~y; )---1-' 'f\{mt 1:35 PM ·fK~JJSTm{;\-;Cm,»,'.n}EXiE:)\VhPTrrON;;; JUAN CALZADILLA LILOWTIE CALZADILLA (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE d'At tad at{ Continue to 1127 due on or before 5PM on 1112: a) address feasibility issue, b) provide title as proof of rebuilt vehicle, c) provide 6 months bank stmts to provide $3000.00 wages exempt, d) provide reg of all vehicles (to provide debtor's $2,000 exempt) 1410911 1$ 16Cf), 00 ARNALDO A MAYOR (ERICK TRIVEDI, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1410601 J\ \~~. 01 JUAN WALBERTO RUIZ MARIA CLORINDA RUIZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE \ty called Ir prehearing ~'"cJ;!~~ h !2.:ra£' Nt10rder on ECF #21 1410337 SHARON CECILIA HINDS-SANTIAGO ALSO ON AMQ SEE PAGE = 1) I.; _ (JACQUELINE LEDON, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Objlconform to Clm #3 (plan underpays) pg: Q... O~<6 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1410308 \(XX). 41> 00 RENE A CUENCA (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. 1410187 ~ I ~ 1.) I . f}q JUAN FELIPE (ARlETTE MOLINA, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 1410172 tfm ~('- MIRIAM LILIANA NUNEZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. J1 Gil//; 1 ,7 L; If LMM motion filed for Ocwen, Confirm 4AP, flnot 1410167 6 pm .~ Dr ,~1j I 7 dO Cont to 1/27 BRIAN LETROY RIGGINS (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ . 'Y Lr If 7AP filed starting Miami Dade Water & Sewer payments at month 1, Confirm 7AP, flnot Cont to 1127 pg: t-Oltl1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1410116 1:35 PM JUAN CARLOS UQUILLAS NINA SOTOMAYOR MOSQUERA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1339634 JORGE TOMAS FERRO arm ¥ (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ 4 LPlP~6 .ISO Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #1-2 (6AP overpays IRS), b) Amend plan to fund (months 10-60) 1339561 J$ '3YO. 0 0 NESTOR J GONZALEZ MARIA I GONZALEZ (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) File Fee app, b) Amend plan to add IVL 1339026 HOWARD LENARD TAYLOR RENNE SONYA TAYLOR (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Plan does not fund; 2) remove "(IRS)" after the term unsecured creditor; pg: t-070 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1337902 4$ CZ1PL/ .6"' 1:35 PM RAUL JOSE CEPERO MARILYN CARIDAD CEPERO (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Waitingfor orders on ECF #50 1336865 ( ll rvrl LUIS P CARRICABURU .~ (JAMES ~ ~,;Juj_dD) ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to fund (14-60) 2nd request. next month request dismissal. 1336382 J:t 6 q d . <t, 4 SARAH JANE POUX (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to fund (5-60) 1335821 1$ &7 ,Or::J SUM-ANG KRAMER (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE !ffee application granted, Confirm 4AP (100% plan), Ifnot Cont to 1127 pg: C--071 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1335581 1:35 PM DEAN SANTANA Aty called (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ for prehearin0 .~ . //J/J/~ .; /(/~ ~!IVd: a) Amend plan to fund, b) Amend plan to add LMM language, c) Amend plan to add LMM payments from months 1-60 1334562 SUSAN FRANQUI (tp ') 3 ~ .1'd<) a ~. (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE J Confirm 3AP 1333384 lts doJ. 0 0 (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. 1331934 -- pm C) CLARA ANGELICA CANO ~),/" MALINDA D BOATWRIGHT (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE 4~ 16(7<q{ Confirm 4AP pg: e-orrtL UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1330387 ~~ -:::F!:J{p J - q L!) 1: 35 PM LAURA ANTUNEZ (RICHARD SIEGMEISTER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing VJ1/),S ~~ a) Amend plan to fund, b) New onle, on #58, c) Amend plan to ad ~orrect lawsuit la~age, d) Amend plan to correct overlapping months 1-10, 11-60) Ecf (sib 1330050 *Lo~w(P .37 RAUL FERNANDO AQUINO INES CANO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Judge: Issue: whether a Debtor may remove the LMM language when the Debtor receives a Temporary Trial Payment (TTP) 1329878 :I ['cF 8 Need order on ECF #22 DON DARBEAU LATOYA ANDERSON-DARBEAU (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE If fee app granted, Confirm lAP (100% Plan), If not continue to 112712014 1329500 (~l\q.L/~) EDGAR ALFONSO BELTRAN MARTHA CECILIA RAMOS (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Confirm SAP pg: e-D7:3 0 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1328937 ~ 1666", 56 SONIA FLOREZ (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Confirm SAP 1328772 ~ df d1 . Y 1 OSVALDO BARRETO (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Adversary Pending 1328610 JEAN CLAUDE JOSEPH (~ 45, '63) (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to cure and maintain regular payment for Clm #3 being paid secured, b) Amend plan to pay unsecured to month 60 1328462 KAMEN DIMITROV DRANDAROV 1$ }~O:3. q G(RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to un-step attorneys fees (PER BENCH RULING) pg: c..-07J./ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Dec 16, 2014 1326035 1325789 ALEX T. GONZALEZ SUSAN M. CRAFT (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Aty called for prehearing MYRTHA A RODRIGUEZ CARLOS R RODRIGUEZ (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE Aty called :Jr prehearing jb';! ~ /k'i(li?t °tl-A<-d ;wfo.r4 .' /1 6 M Uk MiWVnresolved: a) Provide calculation of income ase on 8/1114 p{y 'adrce;' total gross of < / (4C" $61,842 when divided by 8=$7, 730.25/m:~...Provide proof of C I line 27b which was just added (public transportation) 1325091 IRENE MARTINEZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. ».1 l\ty called ~r prehearing . By' Xz ~ a) Amend plan to un-step attorneys fees **last.3 !!u~~!t: recommendations state to "un-step attorneys fees " same issue for a 4TH time" 1322025 ( 3$ I . tl q ') DIEGO G CARDONA (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Dec 16, 2014 1321629 -$ l777 . %() 1:35 PM ROLANDO PEREZ MABEL PEREZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127 for order from Evidentiary Hearing heard on 1214 1319626 ERASMO M. LABAUT (1t 671'1 . L/ 0') (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Aty called for prehearing Jlzl Z('F03 .~ ;tw?-~ ~ Debtor agreed to reset motion to value (ECF #45)for hearing, pending since 3110114 * 1225359 1657 _'67 HECTOR TRUJILLO ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE d::3 (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 16AP 1423947 it GLADIS P.AGUILAR (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ) }170. ~ 1 Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #6 (plan underpays) 2nd request. next month request dismissal.
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