Draft 1/23/2015 Notices: - All attorneys must attend the confirmation hearing. (If you have an attorney cover for you, you are responsible to obtain the court results and announcements from the attorney appearing on your behalf and that attorney appearing on your behalf must be fully informed and authorized to negotiate/argue your cases) -ALL Objection to Exemptions will be heard at 1:30 with confirmation - even if noticed for 9:00 am • New Income Verification Language is available at www.chI3herkert.com/planlanguage.pdf • This calendar is the Trustee's recommendations based on timely received amendments and documents. o If you agree with the recommendation, you are not required to pre-call or "check in" with the Trustee. OIfyou do not agree with the Trustee's recommendation, including providing the documents requested 15 days before the next calendar, the attorney or pro se debtor must call the Trustee on the day before confirmation between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm to seek a resolution. o Documents that were not timely filed or received by the trustee (15 days before confirmation hearing) may not be considered in the recommendation and will not be reviewed until next months calendar (Do not "resend" late documents without verifying they were not received). A continuance for late documents without a judge's approval should NOT be presumed. -The motion calendar will be posted as soon as possible at www.chI3herkert.com/motioncalendar.pdf - A "FINAL" calendar which includes the debtor's payment status should be posted after 4:30 PM or as soon as possible after pre-calls are completed Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1435485 VESTED 1435480 1: 30 PM JAVIER GARCIA ROSSANA DONATO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMi SeE PAGEl.. ao Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) objlconform to cl#9 & #10, b) amend plan to pay Dade County in full ANIECER CARVAJAL YAMILEYDIS PINEIRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE J..?Q...., Confirm lAP VESTED 1435470 LAZARO REAL ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE / / C; ~-"'" (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #0893 (10/1-11/18) & #3797/5912 (8/18-11118 missing pages ), b) proof of household sizelincome of all adults, c) amend Sch J to reduce cell phone to basic VESTED 1435469 EUSEBIO R GOMEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE _[I q ) If objection sustained (2), Confirm lAP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1435448 1:30 PM JULIO MIR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If TBE motion granted, Confirm Plan, if not Continue to 2/24 (amend plan to pay CH7 of $13,912.50) VESTED 1435429 ALBERTO ENRIQUE PLANAS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1435393 BERENA S SANCHEZ (CLARE CASAS, ESQ. VESTED 1435326 I (? Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmt #6036 (8/17-9/10 & 1117-11/17), b) amend plan to include IVL ISLAINE G DESRAMEAUX (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE VESTED ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE ) ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE~. Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) fee application, b) provide proof oflife ins, c) 2012 taxes received incomplete, please provide missing page 2 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Jan 27, 2015 1435304 IDANIA CARl DAD MORALES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE J 11 ) If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED 1435270 ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE GLENDA BEATRIZ CAPRILES 117 ALSO ON AMe SEe PAGE ----.:._~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) If motion to waive & motion to value granted, Confirm 2AP VESTED 1435252 JUAN CARLOS NAZARIO (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ 1/1 -, Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #7990 (10/30-11/7), b) non homestead info sheet, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of $72,702.30 (ifTBE motion not filed & denied), d) file TBE motion VESTED 1435212 )AlSO ON AMi SEE PAGE ARNOLD G MAYA ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE II (P (PRO-SE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #9783 (9114-11114) & Paypal (8114-9/1 & 1111-11111), b) BDQ, c) DL, d) LF67 (file with court), e) amend plan to include IVL (www.ch13herkert.comlplanlanguage.PDF). f) amend Sch B & Sch J to correct calculation errors, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of $3000.00, h) good faith to unsecured creditors, i) plan not workable-amend, j) explain withdrawal on 11/6 $1300.00 VESTED pg:C-003 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1435207 1:30 PM ESPERANZA BUSTAMANTE ALEJO (JAMES W. SCHWI TALLA , ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) amend plan to fund properly VESTED 1435129 INES S VALDIVIA (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) payoff of real estate VESTED 1435128 VESTED 1435077 JOSE LOPEZ SILVIA LOPEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #7233 (10/9-11110 missing page 2), b) objlconform to cl#l, c) amend plan & Sch D to include Simplicity Plan (cemetery payment on Sch J) PEDRO BARILLAS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 'V'f{Sl~l::"I-) _-It.... .. JLj Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #013717548 (8/13-8/25), b) profit/loss and balance sheet, c) amend plan to include gambling language pg: C'OOt-{ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1435032 CARLOS MANUEL ORTUNO (NICOLE VESTED 1434966 E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #4514 (8/12-9/30 & 11/4-11112) & #1591 (8/12-11112 missing pages), b) FMVIpayoff of vehicle, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) calculation of income, e) DL, t) LF90, g) LF67, h) provide 401k stmt, i) amend plan to include correct IVL & gambling language, j) file LMM motion, k) amend plan to 60 months OR 100% language, 1) evidencelcalculation of CMI line #30 & #39, m) amend plan to pay CMI/DI of$73,383.60 MARIA E DIAZ (ALBERTO H. HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE) Ifmotion to value granted, Confirm lAP VESTED 1434652 1: 30 PM GERARDO GONZALEZ (ARAMIS HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #7310 (8/5-11/5), #1554 (8/5-11/5) & #4969 (8/5-11/5), b) FMV/payoff of vehicles, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) WDO or motion to waive, t) proof of household sizelincome of all adults, g) DL, h) LF90, i) LF67, j) provide retirement stmt & Thrift Savings, k) FMV of 9MM, 1) amend SOFA and provide for #19-25, m) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, n) objlconform to cl#2, #3 & #4, 0) evidencelcalculation of CMI line #27a, 30 & 39, p) Sch B shows debtor only maintains 1 vehicle, q) amend Sch A to disclose non homestead 5431 Texas Ave, r) provide proof of how debtor spent $26,000.00 taken from 401k VESTED 1434645 IBRAHIN BORGES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, VESTED ESQUIRE Confirm 1AP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1434592 1:30 PM ENRIQUE A RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) file LMM motion . -", VlC'ST'EI") JL~~. 1434518 MAYKEL MARRERO (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. VESTED 1434505 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #9699/2271/CD (8/3-8/26), b) DL, c) objlconform to cl #10 & #11 ARMANDO G CRUZ (MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO, ESQ) Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) CMI issues line #19 Trustee calculates $866/m how did debtor arrive at $995.00 (only paystubs provided, no calculation), #57 need actual credit card stmts, #35 need proof & #47 remove student loans & boat payment. Trustee objects to student loans & boast as it is luxury item VESTED 1434481 LEONCIO MARTINEZ (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE IfLF67 filed with court, Confirm lAP VESTED pg: C-a:>LP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1434462 1:30 PM MILTHON GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED 1434421 Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check $1200.00 on 10121 & $1300.00 on 9/18, b) proof of household size/income of all adults, c) amend Sch J to correct Sch J line #6b (s/b $117 .26/m), d) provide proof of ALF income $1780.00 ARMANDO MANUEL JUSTO-PUPO ALSO ON AM SEE PAGE MARIA ELENA JUSTO G . (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV ofhand gun, b) provide life ins stmts, c) amend plan to pay CH7 of $14,727.47 (per Sch B) VESTED 1434418 //6 AUGUSTIN R FIRPO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1434417 CHRISTIAN DIAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP ·vl=<(,~'rl::.'r" JI.._'I~ ~~~.J' pg: G.~ro7 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1434414 1:30 PM LAZARO GONZALEZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV of vehicle VESTED 1434413 ANGEL L MORALES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED 1434350 CARLOS HUMBERTO NIDIA MCREA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE A.lSO ON AM, SEe PAGE ) 341 reset to 2119 & CH reset to 2/24 VI::<:'-;'1'L'D 0. D._ 1434333 -11 ~ FELISA NOA ) (MARY REYES, ESQ. ALSO ON AM, SEe PAGE II} / ~, If objection sustained, Confirm lAP VESTED pg: C-CO<6 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1434268 1:30 PM MIGUEL A BLANCHE (DAYREN L. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE VESTED 1434256 VESTED 1434224 Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) profit/loss and balance sheet, b) address feasibility issue, c) info on SOFA #3 & tolling waiver ($3000.00 to mother), d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $24,490.00 + $3000.00 to mother, e) amend CMI line #27a & #30 (blank), f) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $77,389.80 EDGARDO TAYLOR EDNA TAYLOR (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #3183 (10/16-10/31), b) payoff of vehicle, c) provide proof of Sch J #12 & 15a, d) obj/ conform to cl#6 ABELARDO RICART (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ' 1/3 c:z If objection sustained, Confirm Plan 1F"'(''<'I'f::1]-) .J\') .. ALSO ON AMo seE PAGE. ) --' ... 1434211 CARLOS I PERDOMO KENIA C GOMEZ LAGOS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) address feasibility issue, b) obj/conform to cl#4 VEsrrJ~D pg: r-CCA Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 271 2015 1434167 1:30 PM MARIE JOSUE BLANC (LYNDA C. AMADII ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) LF90, b) obj/conform to cl#I,2&3 VESTED 1434153 AMAYVE CABRERA (EDWARD FREIRE I ESQ. Confirm Plan ,.c... . .~ V S1'E<D D 1434106 JUAN G MARULANDA MILDRED LUCIA MARULANDA (MICHAEL A. FRANKl ESQUIRE TiF?Ui;;;TF~[(',lf;;OHJ,'ri)~i)lJi:;vi~"'ij'K»j\8 ) ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE_!l d- = Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) file 2016(b), b) obj/conform to cl#4 & #9 1434105 DELMIS BENCOMO (MICHAEL MARCER I ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #5999 (10/25-10/30), b) payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) amend plan to fund properly (m. 11 & 54), e) submit order granting MTV DE#13 (hrg 12116), f) amend CMI line #28 to remove or Judge & evidence/calculation of CMI line #30, g) amend plan to remove student loans from plan, h) amend plan to remove amount to pay direct to US Home Mortgage pg: e~OIO Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433989 1:30 PM EFREEN SUAREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1433960 ABDURRAHMAN SIDDIQKARA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED 1433957 ILIANA OLIVIERI (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE-.lLL ) If objection sustained, Confirm lAP Vl~STED 1433943 REINALDO GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ~SOONAM.SEEPAGE 1// Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #9484 (1011-10/29), b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) Sch E creditors not listed on plan-explain pg:Q ... O\\ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:30 PM Jan 27, 2015 1433941 MARTIN ANTONIO PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM* SEE PAGE ~~. Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #3716 (8/28-10/29) VESTED 1433940 ) DEYBIS SANDINO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED 1433937 Confirm lAP ROBERTO CASTRO ALSO ON AMs SEE PAGE _ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE II 0 If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED 1433878 ) CAMILO PLACENCIA GONZALEZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. VESTED Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #9882/4728 (10/28-10/29), b) payoff of real estate, c) non homestead info sheet, d) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months prepetition business bank stmts, e) provide proof of Sch J line #6a, 6d, 15c & 17c, t) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, g) file LMM motion, h) amend plan to include 100% language-per attorney Itr Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433787 1:30 PM LAMERCIE NORGAISSE (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL, ESQUIRE %iC'S''']'l::(lD .Lit... ,jC.J V 1433768 llSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE )10 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #6231 (10/24-10/27), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of all real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) DL, t) LF90, g) provide proof of SSI, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $11,351.00, i) evidence/calculation of CMI line #27a, 28, 39 & 44, j) explain withdrawal from acct #990 on 7/21 $1000.00, 8/21 $1800.00 & 5119 $1310.00, k) explain withdrawal from acct #6231 on 8/6 $1000.00 & 8/18 $6224.00, 1) explain deposit on 8/4 $10,500.00 lor EVA LUZ CASARETO ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE """"':"-"'""'-_ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Confirm Plan VESTED 1433753 ANA M DELGADO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) explain withdrawal on 10/30 $1213.89 VESTED 1433751 RICHARD RYAN SCHUCHTS HELANE KATHI SCHUCHTS (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM9 SEE PAGE _/01 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) 2012 tax returns, b) bank stmts #4745 (7/28-8/5), c) copy/explain check on 9/25 $3300.00,10/7 $1500.00, 8/27 $4000.00 & 9/5 $1600.00, d) FMV of 07 Lexus, e) payoff of real estate, t) BDQ, g) calculation of income, h) proof of household size/income of all adults, i) provide proof of Sch J #6a, 6c, 6d, 9, 10, 11 & 15a, j) LF90, k) LF67, 1) affidavit of support, m) provide copy of life ins stmt, FMV of pistol & retirement stmt, n) amend plan to include IVL, 0) obj/conform to cl#6 (plan overpays), p) amend Sch I & CMI to include business income, q) explain purchase $1265.00 on 9/2 (Sony Open Tenn)r) explain all large deposits (over $1000.00) VESTED pg:Q-O\:3 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433719 '\lESTFD 1433678 1: 30 PM TOMAS GONZALEZ MARTHA GONZALEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #1886/1303 (7/26-8/25 missing pages & 9/25-10/27), b) lease agreement & non homestead info sheet do not match-explain HERNAN CORTEZ MIRNA CONTRERAS (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #2307 (10/16-10/27), b) FMV of 03 Ford & 00 Mercedes, c) payoff of all real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) amend plan to pay disposable income, f) LF67, g) affidavit of rent, h) file 2016(b), i) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, j) file motion to value and set for hearing, k) file LMM motion, 1) amend petition to correct debtor's last name (sib Cortes) VESTED 1433571 ANGELA NUNEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED 1433546 VERONICA ONYENAKALA (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. VESTED Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #107 $1000,00, b) DL Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433517 1: 30 PM MARGARITA VAZQUEZ (MERCY B. PINA-BRITO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) amend plan to provide correct IVL, b) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-12) VESTED 1433500 JOSEPH VALLE (SANDRA CORACELIN, ESQURE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) 2012 tax returns, b) copy/explain check #3046 $1000.00, 8/25 $2000.00, #2902 $1000.00, #2914 $1000.00, #2924 $1000.00, #2928 $1400.00, #2988 $1000.00, #2998 $1000.00, #3018 $1000.000, #3020 $1400.00, #2480 $3000.00 & #2852 $1400.00, c) FMV of 89/Chief, d) payoff of non homestead, e) non home~tead info sheet, f) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #8421 (9/26-10/22), f) provide value of equipment, g) LF67, h) amend plan to provide correct IVL, i) amend plan to fund properly, j) file LMM motion, k) amend SOFA #18 to disclose business, 1) amend plan to pay CH7 of $56,989.50, m) evidence/calculation of CMI line #47a, n) file TBE motion VESTED 1433291 ROGELIO GONZALEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ·V··ES"l''f.:;I). .. J~. . X.~..J 1433278 f\LSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~ Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV of 97 Jeep, b) proof of household size/income of all adults, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) file LMM motion, e) amend plan to pay CH7 of $4237.42 + value of vehicles, f) amend Sch B to disclose 97 Jeep & value of98 Honda, g) amend plan to correct creditor name re: regular HOA payment, h) amend Sch B to disclose correct value of bank acct #9864 )s/b $3784.42) BETTY MOLINARES FRANK SPARACINO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE 41 0 r: Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain checks from acct #5545 #160 $1100.00 & #145 $1000.00, from acct #2322 #3031 $2500.00, #3035 $1100.00, #3011 $2500.00, #3012 $1000.00, #3014 $1100.00, #3013 $1100.00, #3025 $1600.00, #2995 $1172.00, #2978 $1000.00, #2973 $1430.00, #2974 $1430.00, #2987 $1000.00, #2956 $1600.00, #2952 $1150.00 & #2965 $1000.00, b) non homestead info sheet, c) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, d) calculation of income, e) amend plan to pay disposable income, f) amend plan to fund properly, g) obj/conform to cl#9, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$69,810.00 'Vf'S'··f·f'·[) \::'k. .~~._. pg: ~~OIS Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433277 1:30 PM JUANA VIRGEN ALARCON (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED 1433253 Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #185 $1800.00 & #185 $1450.00, b) DL, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) obj/conform to cl#4 AMADO SEBASTIAN RIVAS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED 1433239 RUBEN J GONZALEZ ANA J GONZALEZ (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ Confirm Plan VESTED 1433181 CARLOS ANDRES FIGUEROA (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE VES'TED Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #603 $1550.00, #600 $1550.00 & #601 $1550.00, b) evidence/calculation of eM I line #31,35,39 &40 pg: C.-O\ l.P Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433163 1:30 PM ADRIANA ARROYO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #2794 (9/11-1 0/17), b) FMV of 06 Dodge, c) provide proof of Foster Care Income, d) amend plan to include IVL & lawsuit language, e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, f) obj/conform to cl#3, g) amend Sch B #25 to disclose value of 06 Dodge VESTED 1433144 WALTER DIXON (DONNA R. JOSEPH, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV of 88 Glasstream & payoff of 07 Ford, b) address feasibility issue VESTED 1433126 "lEQ"rED --~I-.). ~/.~ \ ... 1433122 JORGE E ORTIZ MIRYAN C PEREZ ORTIZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #3448 $2000.00, #3449 $1121.57, #3450 $2000.00 & #3435 $1121.57 (acct #2074), b) address feasibility issue, c) amend plan to include LMM language (BB&T), d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$5430.15, e) amend plan to remove BB&T (2nd mtg) from other provisions, paid LMM in plan, f) provide value of photography equipment & cameras PIERRE PETIT (DANIELM KEIL, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #0508/0915 (7117-10/17 missing pages), b) FMV of vehicles, c) payoff of all properties, d) non homestead info sheet, e) WDO or motion to waive, f) LF90, g) affidavit of rent, h) amend plan to provide monthly plan payment months, i) provide life ins stmt & retirement stmt, j) amend plan to fund properly, k) file motion to value and set for hearing, 1) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, m) objlconform to cl#l, n) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #28,30, 25b, 47 & 49,0) explain cash withdrawal on 8/15 $1200.00, 9/9 $2000.00 & cash deposit on 10120 $2252.51, p) Trustee objects to keeping investment property (expenses exceed income) V'i r.L;l).~. 1' C '-I"-E"!) , pg: c-ol1 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433102 1:30 PM ALBERTO PANIAGUA (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #8306 (9/25-10/17), b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet (both businesses) & business bank stmts #4321 (9/1-10/17 & #6017 (10/1-10/17), c) proof of household size/income of all adults, d) LF90, e) LF67, f) amend plan to include months paid to Wells Fargo, g) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, h) file motion to value and set for hearing, i) file LMM motion, j) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, k) obj/conform to cl#2, 1) amend plan to pay CH7 of$13,992.00, m) explain withdrawal on 7125 $1000.00, n) does debtor receive income from NAP International Corp? Ifso, amend Sch's & CMI VESTED 1433080 OSVALDO AQUINO ARIADNA AQUINO (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1433072 HECTOR LUIS GONZALEZ MARIA ANTONIA GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMti SEE PAGE )0 ) ~ Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) obj/conform to cl#4, b) amend plan to pay IRS in full 1433067 REYNOLD UNZUETA (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE ~ F.·,s,rif"'·ql) V .J!". .lJ...d. Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #1619 (9/26-10/16) & #1627 (9/1 0-1 0/16), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) address feasibility issue, e) LF90 (need atty signature), f) file 20 16(b), g) amend plan to include IVL, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of$4171.55 pg: C-O)'6' Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1433026 1:30 PM ROOSEVELT IVORY (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #1151 $1800.00, #1152 $1000.00, #1149 $1300.00 & #1145 $1300.00, b) payoff of all real estate, c) non homestead info sheet (9520 & 6916), d) BDQ, e) Trustee objects to keeping investment properties with no rental income, f) provide proof of $ch J line #6c, 6d, 11 & 21, g) amend plan to pay disposable income, h) affidavit of rent, i) provide proof of SSI, j) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, k) amend plan to pay CH7 of $297,415.89, 1) amend Sch I to disclose rental income (740), m) amend Sch B #2 to disclose value of bank acct #4215 (s/b $6945.89), n) explain purchase on 8125 $3320.00 & 7/16 $3213.60 VESTED 1432983 DANIEL ESPINOZA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE "VESV['I~I-'! . ..IJ..... .1 _.1 1432976 Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-59), b) obj/conform to cl#3.4 ANGELA 0 WILSON (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED 1432913 ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE 10 7 ) Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) DE #27, obj to cl#1 System & Services, creditor not listed in this case & already an obj to cl#1 filed DE#23 YSABEL CONFESOR (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE V:ES'1'ED Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #0144 (7/15-10/8), b) amend plan to provide correct IVL, c) amend plan to include regular payment to San Mateo HOA, d) amend Sch I to correct amount of support (s/b $489.00) Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1432825 1: 30 PM MARIO SANTANA III (MERCY B. PINA-BRITO, ESQUIRE AlSOONAM e SEEPAGE..JQ7_ Confirm lAP 1432797 JlJJL ... V I;'':' '1'Y:i'l:~ ROLAND BENJAMIN DESRENE BENJAMIN (MAITE L. DIAZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) amend plan to provide total paid to attorney, b) file LMM motion, c) amend plan to provide correct LMM language (missing account number, address & creditor name) J[,./~J 1432769 JOHN KOCH (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. \/T".'C"I'EI .IC,,~~. ~) 1432758 Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV of vehicles, b) FMV/payoff of real estate, c) non homestead info sheet, d) WDO or motion to waive, e) calculation of income, f) DL, g) LF90, h) DSO, i) provide retirement stmts, j) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, k) amend Sch I to disclose employer information, 1) evidence/calculation of CMI line #27a, 30, 31, 33 & 36, m) amend Sch B #2 to disclose balance of bank accts, n) file complete Sch B (missing #22-35) JOHAN BELLO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to waive granted & objection sustained (2), Confirm Plan pg: C-OQO Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1432744 1:30 PM IRMA E PEREZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE VESTED 1432727 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) affidavit of support, b) file LMM motion MARIA C ALVAREZ (RICHARD SIEGMEISTER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #0720 (7110-7121 & 7122-8120 missing pages), b) copy/explain check #245 $2000.00, c) explain property 9220 SW 45 Terr, d) WDO or motion to waive, e) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, f) does debtor receive any income from business listed on SOFA #18, g) amend plan to provide months paid to PennyMac, h) amend plan to correct attorney fees (overpaid), i) amend plan to include IVL, j) file LMM motion, k) 20 16(b)/plan do not match SOFA #9-Amend, 1) obj/conform to cl#2 & #3, m) amend plan to provide account number, address & creditor name in LMM language, n) amend plan to pay CH7 of $1756.62+FMV of vehicle, 0) evidence/calculation of CMI line #27a, 28, 29 & 30, p) explain deposit on 7/28 $6341.52, q) explain purchase from Ikea 9/15 $1500.70 & Chevrolet 9117 $1000.00, r) amend Sch B #25 to disclose vehicle & provide FMV 'VESTED 1432657 MICHELET MERY (RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #1710 (10110), #3050 (10/8-10110), #0405 (1011-10110), #3043 (10/10) & #5209 (9127-1011 0), b) payoff of real estate (1 st/2nd & 3rd mtg), c) WDO or motion to waive, d) amend plan to pay disposable income, e) provide proof of SSI & life ins stmt, f) explain cash withdrawal on 7/22 $1500.00 (acct #3050), g) provide mortgage docs re: US Dept of Housing & Urban Development VESTED 1432529 AMAURYS ESPINOSA (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE I05.~ Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) amend plan to include LMM language pg: C-O.Q \ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1432454 1:30 PM IDALIA ROSA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) obj/conform to cl#1 1432385 GIZIANA BORZELLI (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE VESTED 1432356 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) explain check #4005 $1700.00 & #4014 $1150.00, b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3month pre-petition business bank stmts, c) provide stock stmt, d) amend SOFA #18, e) explain transfer to chg #52859/16 $2500.00 & 7/7 $1000.00, f) explain legal order withdrawal on 9/19 $1090.74, g) explain cash withdrawal on 8/6 $2200.00 LISVANY ROLANDO FERNANDEZAlSO ON AM, SEE PA.GE }0o.._= (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) If motion to value granted, Confirm Plan VESTFD 1432262 MIRYEL CASTRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON ,,'Mg SEe PAGE .. }O~ If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED pg: C,.- O~Q.. Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1432261 1:30 PM TERESA DE JESUS JAUREGUI ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE (MARY REYES, ESQ. IO~ ) Continue to 2124 motion to value set for 2/24 VESTED 1432139 BETTY JORDAN .AlSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE _ 103 (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) If motion to value granted, Confirm lAP VESTED 1432104 SILVIA LLANES HERNANDEZ (MICHAEL ~RCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #6399 (9/27-10/1), b) FMV of 11 Nissan & 00 Nissan, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) LF90, e) LF67, f) provide proof of mother's SSI, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of $12,205.00 + value of 00 Nissan, h) amend Sch B #25 to disclose 2000 Nissan 1432086 PEDRO MARRERO BARCELO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM SEE PAGE -~ IDS @ If objection sustained, Confirm Plan pg: c- 0:2.3 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1432015 V'if DJLJI-S1"1]1ll J.2t ...-P 1432009 VESTED 1431964 1:30 PM RAFAEL ANTONIO JIMENEZ APRIL DAUNE JIMENEZ (J. ULISES HERRAN, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #9306 (6/30-8/9), #5506 (6/30-8/9) & #0081 (6/30-8119), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) file motion to value and set for hearing, d) amend plan to provide regular payments to Onewest FREDERICK WASHINGTON . CHERYLISE LORAY WASHINGTOlAlSO ONAM SEE PAGE JO;} (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) ~ _ ._ - Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #7951/9423 (7116-8114 missing pages), b) provide proof of life ins, c) objlconform to cl#5, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $9738.32, e) evidencelcalculation ofCMI line #30, 31, 37, 39 & 45, t) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$195,060.00, g) explain withdrawal on 7125 $1200.00,6/30 $1200.00, 6/2 $1500.00 & 6/13 $3110.00 ROBIN FESTARY (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE IOd-_ If objection sustained, Confirm Plan JL,J ..., l .. V· T..:;'Q'T'·FI") ,1 • • 1431663 YANET BOADA (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) provide proof/explain Sch J line #21, b) amend CMI to disclose debtor's income pg: C-O~~ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1431454 1:30 PM YANIRA SOTOLONGO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) 2012 tax returns, b) bank stmts #1599 (6/25-7121), #4851 (6125-9125), #8436 (9125-9/25) & #4797 (6/25-9/25), b) FMV/payoff of vehicles, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, f) amend plan to pay disposable income, g) calculation of income, h) affidavit of rent, i) provide proof of SSI (father), j) amend plan to fund properly (m. 20), k) provide value of equipment & supplies, 1) amend petition to correct address of debtor (same as non his) VESTED 1431449 ZAHIRA ECHEGARAY (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED 1431386 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) explain withdrawal on 9123 $2132.95, b) proof of household size/ income of all adults, c) address feasibility issue, d) amend plan to include lawsuit language & lease language, e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D/G creditors, f) amend plan to pay CH7 of $11,283.69, g) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #47, h) Trustee objects to keeping investment property (expenses exceed income), i) amend Sch I to disclose spouse income JOSE A SENA (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE qq Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #770 $1238.50 & #779 $1194.00, b) payoff of real estate, c) profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmt #1360 (6125-6129), d) LF67, e) objlconform to cl#2, f) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #19,30, 32,39,41 & 44, g) explain withdrawal on 9123 $2406.00, h) provide inventory of business 1431246 DELIA J RUDIO (ANDRES F. ALOS, ESQUIRE pg: C-OQ.,s Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1430612 1: 30 PM EADRON L LEGAIR (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE f!.A _ ) Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #2040 00/10 (8/1-9/15), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #2344/1402 (8/1-9/15), e) LF67, f) provide retirement stmt & SSI, g) amend plan to include IVL 1430601 ANDRES ROJAS (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. VESTED 1430349 Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) copy/explain check #1418 $1252.00, b) DL, c) LF90, d) objlconform to cl#2, e) Why are 2 MTV DE#33 & #53 filed for the same creditor?, f) explain withdrawal on 9/10 $1000.00 ORLANDO JOSE GUZMAN (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. VES'TED 1430246 ) ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE qt/ Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) 2012 tax returns, b) non homestead info sheet, c) DL, d) amend plan to include IVL, e) obj/conform to cl#2, f) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #27a & 28, g) provide proof of withdrawal on 9/10 $1250.00, h) amend CMI to disclose mortgage on line #47 & rental income on line #4, i) amend plan to remove surrender language from plan (cramdown HOA & pays regular) NATHAN J ESSENSTAM HOLLY G ESSENSTAM (SAMUEL S. SOROTA, ESQUIRE ALSOONAM w ) 341 reset to 1/29 & CH reset to 2124 VESTED pg: t-OQ.0 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1429986 1:30 PM ENRIQUE RODRIGUEZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) amend plan to provide LMM language, c) file LMM motion VESTED 1429678 ANGELES DAISY NUNEZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) file LMM motion, b) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (2nd mtg) VESTED 1429607 BERTHA LEON (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE "VI:'C!TED .Ji.;~\.). ~. 1428919 Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #2769 (8/20-8/29), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) LF90, e) LF67, f) affidavit of support, g) amend plan to include IVL, h) file LMM motion, i) amend Sch J/CMI to reflect DSO payment, j) Who owns bank acct #7480, provide bank stmts (5/29-8/29), k) does debtor receive any income from sales of Herbalife, provide inventory KRISTY OEOPEZA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) bank stmts #2203 (5/22-8/22) & #5019 (5/22-8/22), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) WDO or motion to waive, f) DL, g) LF90, h) LF67, i) affidavit of rent, j) provide life ins & retirement stmt, k) amend plan to provide missing months (unsecured), 1) file motion 0 value and set for hearing, m) amend plan to provide creditor name in secured, n) evidence/calculation of CMI line #28,30,39 & 47,0) amend Sch's/ CMI to disclose rental income ($1300.00), p) provide stmts for investment acct #2984 & securities #7274 'VESTED pg: C-- o.Q1 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1428872 1:30 PM ARNOLDO LABARCENA (PRO-SE VESTED 1428724 Case Dismissed MARIO JORGE MENA (PRO-SE Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) 2012/2013 tax returns, b) how does debtor pay bills, c) payoff of real estate, d) BDQ, e) proof of household size/income of all adults, f) provide proof of Sch J #4, g) address feasibility issue, h) DL, i) file LF67 with court, j) amend plan to include months paid to Aurora, k) amend plan to provide IVL language (www.ch13herkert. comlplanlanguage.pdf), 1) amend Sch B/J to correct calculation errors, m) obj/conform to cl#5, n) good faith to unsecured creditors, 0) plan not workable-no payments to creditors, p) amend plan to include monthly plan payment months (s/b 60) '\'I.L:I... -uS"I"ED '.~ .. 1428539 EDGAR L PORTELA VILMA D PORTELA (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ ALSO ON AM~ SeE PAGE II If motion to waive granted, Confirm lAP '\I.LJl... "l::;'S1"'EI) _I 1428374 ANGEL H CENTENO (TOMAS A. PILA VESTED Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) no bank acct, how does debtor pay bills, b) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, c) proof of household size/income of all adults, d) address feasibility issue, e) DL, f) LF90, g) LF67, h) amend plan to provide correct LMM language, i) obj/conform to cl#l & #2, j) plan pays different creditor then language in MMM-amend to correct pg: Q,-O~ <6 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1427668 1:30 PM NANCY ESTHER RICARDO HECTOR PORTUONDO (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. ) ALSO ON AM SEE PAGE '(; 1 $ - . - Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) obj/conform to cl#l & #2 VESTED 1424234 OTTO VON LABARRERA (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Continue to 2/24 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV of vehicle, b) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, c) affidavit of support, d) amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, e) file LMM motion, f) obj/conform to cl#l, g) amend plan to pay CH7 of$6327.00, h) good faith to unsecured creditors VESTED 1422613 LUIS J MEMBRENO DORA MEMBRENO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VFS'J" T1 I) _._ .•.J\... .. L.~ 1422062 BYRON NAJMAN (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ~1Ct'S'T'l:{U'" 1 .. , i .L.f.LY V Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet (missing NovlDec 2013), & copy of checks over $1000.00, b) DL, c) amend plan to provide monthly plan payment months (s/b 60), d) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, e) amend plan to pay CH7 of $5583.28, f) amend CMI to correct line #47, g) provide value of jewelry/business & provide list of inventory pg: ~-oa'1 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1421294 1:30 PM JOSE ANTONIO GONZALEZ (PRO-SE '\VJL:(, rc: C< 'T']::'D ..t Case Dismissed _...J., 1420020 EDGAR G BRASWELL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) 2012 taxes (missing page 1), b) bank stmts #0834 (1130-2/9), c) FMV of 02 Motorcycle & FMV /payoff of 80 Airplane, d) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet, e) address feasibility issue, f) LF67, g) amend plan to include IVL, h) file motion to value and set for hearing, i) file LMM motion, j) amend plan to pay CH7 of $47,576.44, k) provide value of Handgun & Music Instruments, 1) Trustee objects to keeping Luxury item (airplane), m) amend Sch B #2 to correct value of bank acct VESTED 1418593 ALBERTO JR MORALES (ADELAIDA A ALBAREDA, ESQUIRE VESTED Continue to 2124 due on or before 5PM on 2/6: a) FMV ofvehic1e, b) file LF67 with court, c) file motion to value and set for hearing, d) evidence/ calculation ofCMI line #19 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1432672 SHIRLEY PHILLIP SAMUEL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) bank stmts #6322 (10/1-10/10), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) Amend plan to fund properly (m. 11-24), d) evidence! calculation of CM! line #30, e) amend plan to pay CMIIDl of $197,546.40 1432556 YAIMA DELGADO (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 2!24: Due on or before Spm on 216: a) Explain withdrawal on 1017 iao $1,330 1432462 CESAR CABRERA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) WOO or motion to waive, b) Amend plan to include payments to months 7-36, c) Amend plan to fund properly, d) File LMM motion 1432352 DAVID BROOKS (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dmtinue to 2!24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) amend plan to include IVL, b) objlconform to cl#4, c) evidence! calculation of CMI line #30, 31 & 35, pg: C!.-o'3l Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1432223 1:35 PM ESTHER LOTMORE (PRO-SE Continue to-.2/24: Due on 01' before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend Plan to include MMM language (MMM motion ECF No, 35); c) Amend plan to fund properly; d) Amend to list unsecured creditors (JC Penny, Macy's etc. - payments made to creditors prior to filing the instant case); e) amend Statement of Financial Affairs line 3 to disclose payments to Macy's and JC Penny 1432110 MARGARITA MELO (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Dismiss Debtor failed to: a) bank stl11ts #7233 (lOll), b) FMV (NADA/Carl11ax only) of vehicle, c) FMV/payoff of all investment properties, d) non homestead info sheet, e) BDQ, f) LF67, g) aftldavit of support, h) file motion to value and set for hearing, i) reaftlrl11, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor, j) objlconfonn to cl#3, k) evidence/ calculation of CMI line #27a & 47, I) explain/proof of withdrawal on 7125 $1000.00, m) amend Sch A to disclose value of investment properties in NY 1431970 DAVID ALLEN MARIN HAYDEE ALMANZA MARIN (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE Cont. 2124 Provide by 2/9 by 5PM: a) Amend plan pay Chapter 7 test $6,696.28 (per attorney letter). 2A Plan only pays $5,304.64. 1431860 JUANA JAULAR (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm lAP pg: c.-03Q. Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1431797 ADRIANA IVONN DIAZ MONTOYA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Cant. 2/24 Provide by 2/9 by 5PM: a) Amend plan to fund (lA Plan does not fund) 1431794 TERRY LEE PITTSER LITSY CAROLINA PITTSER (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Ifmtn to waive granted, Confirm 2AP, Ifnol Cant to 2124 1431765 LESTER KEITH MARDER (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1431727 JESUS SALVADOR ORTIZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE {lobj to elm #5 slistained, Confirm Plan, pg: C-D38 ~f 1101 Cant to 2/24 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1431564 1: 35 PM PIEDAD MERCEDES FRANCO MILIAN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1431511 GLADYS PERERA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE {lobj to elm #3 sustained, Confirm Plan, ifnot Cont to 2/24 1431489 YADMELIEL L SUROS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1431417 BENNETT DAVID GAMEL (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend sehedule A to disclose value of all real property. What does "no equitable interest mean" as listed in schedule A for three pieces of real propeliy? b) Provide copies of bank statements for Acct #9206 (9/16 to 9/25), Acct#2472 (6/25 to 7114) and (9/16 to 9/25), Acct #3767 (9/16 to 9/25) e) Provide FMV of2005 Cadillac, d) Provide BDQ, P&L and balance sheets for Quality First Homes, Construction LLC, Quality First Homes Realty LLC, Realty Services LLC, Quality First Homes XVIII, LLC, Quality First Homes XX, LLC, 3030 NE 42nd Street, LLC, Quality First Homes Construction, Inc., e) Provide copy of pending construction contact worth over $1 million as testified at 341 meeting of creditors, t) Provide photo ID and LF 90, g) Provide affidavits of rent and support. It) Amend plan to pay liquidation test of $260,240.43, i) Amend CMI and schedule I to disclose all business income received prior to filing, including the $30,000 brokerage commission received in March 2014 from debtor's business First Quality Homes, j) Amend CM[ and schedule I to disclose all rental income, k) ObjiConform to Clm # 2, Priority claims must be paid in plan per 11 U .S.c. 1322(a)(2). \) Amend Schedules to disclose family trust, pg: ~-03t-{ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1431412 1:35 PM ASHOK SONPAL MADHAVI SONPAL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $171,534.40, b) Obj/Confonn to Clm #1 1431197 SARAH M DELOACH (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved:_ a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of2,935, b) Objleol1fonn to Clm #1 & #5 1431177 GUSTAV XAVIER FERDINAND GAETJENS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1431161 ADRIANA PATRICIA SANTA (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ ~f obi to elm #2 slistained, Confirm 2AP, pg: C.-DDS if not Cont to 2/24 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1431136 1:35 PM JESUS MAURA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Copy/explain check #197 $1,000, b) Affidavit of support, c) Amend plan to include lease language, d) amend plan to provide concct monthly plan payment month (sib 36), e) Amend plan to includc months to Evergreen, 1) File LMM motion, g) Reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch G creditor, h) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$12,303.53 1431125 MARIA D HERNANDEZ CARRILLO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If ol~j to elm #4 slistained, Confirm Plan, if not 1431100 Cont to 2124 CARLOS MANUEL APAESTEGUI (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statements for account #8360/5593 (9/20), b) Provide copy, explain and proof for check #190 iao $1,000, #183 iao $1,590, #185 iao $1,000, #186 iao $1,400 & #187 iao $1,163.61, c) FMV of vehicle (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), d) File WDO or motion to waive WDO, e) Address feasibility issue, 1) LF90, g) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $1.449.35, h) Provide evidence and calculation of CMI line #28 & #30, i) Provide proof of withdrawals on 6/30 iao $2,600 & 6110 iao $3,000 was used for repairs, j) Proof deposit on 6/9 iao $6,800 was from insurance claim 1431092 ENEDINA HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan pg: Q-OSlo Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1431058 1:35 PM ANGEL J BANOS MAGDALENA GUTIERREZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1430946 ALE IDA DIAZ (LAWRENCE M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE Ifboth motions to vallie are granted, and COllrt approves lump sum of $292,155 in month 60, Confirm 3AP, if 1101 Cont to 2/24 1430928 ARKADIUSZ SYLWESTER WOJCIK (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 2AP 1430905 ED HERNANDEZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) DL, b) Explain deposit on 9/2 $29,843.40, c) Explain with proof of withdrawal on 9/4 iao $20,000 & 9/4 iao $8,000 pg:C-037 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1430859 1:35 PM LAURA E PALACIOS (MARY REYES, ESQ. fr both motions to vallie granted, Confirm tAP, If not Cont to 2124 1430651 JORGE IGNACIO LOPEZ GARCES ANAY ALVAREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE flmotion to value granted, Confirm lAP, 1430648 if not Cont to 2/24 PEDRO VELAZQUEZ XIOMARA PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1430617 NANCY ELENA SOLER (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Copy/explain check on 8/20 $1,000, b) Address feasibility issue, c) Affidavit of rent, d) File LMM motion, e) Amend plan to pay Cl-I7 of$835, 1) What is debtor renting? pg: C-03~ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1430547 1: 35 PM RAYSI HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Confirm lAP 1430538 DIANA MARTINEZ (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Confirm 2A Plan 1430477 LAZARO GUILLERMO GUERRA MARIA DEL CARMEN GUERRA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) objlconform to cl#4, b) amend plan to pay CH7 of $38,259.19 (correct value of vehicle), c) amend CMJ to correct line #47 1430423 ALBA MERY TORRES (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Dismiss Remains Unresolved...:. a) Provide copy, explanation and proof of check 9111 iao $1,351, #1047 iao $1,500, #1048 iao $2,000, #1040 iao $1,500, #1042 iao $2,000, #1043 iao $1,300, #1044 iao $1,400, #1045 iao $1,350 & #1037 iao $1,200, b) FMV/payoff of vehicle (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), c) Payoff of real estate, d) Profit &Loss and balance sheet, e) DL, 1) affidavit of rent, g) Amend plan to fund properly, h) Amend plan to correct overlapping months, i) amend plan to pay CH7 of $7,200, j) Amend Sch I to correct rental income received (per non homestead $5,117) Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTH~RN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 27/ 2015 1430240 YULIANO CABRERA (JOSE P. FUNCIA/ ESQUIRE Dismiss Debtor failed to: a) affidavit of support, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $34, 192.66, e) amend plan to pay CMIIDl of $69,960.00, f) Trustee objects to kceping investmcnt property with no rental income, how are properties being paid? 1430158 MARCIA JIMENEZ (HENRY HERNANDEZ/ ESQUIRE rrmotion to value granted, Confirm lAP, ifnot Cont to 2/24 1430082 OMAR ABADIA MARTHA ABADIA (MICHAEL MARCER/ ESQUIRE Dismis~ Remains Unresolved: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #4 1430070 SCARLET SANTANA (RICHARD ADAMS/ESQ. Confirm lAP pg: C,..0'1.0 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1430062 1: 35 PM ROGELIO E ROJAS ODETTE TRUJILLO (RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to pay disposable income, b) Amend plan to include IVL, c) File LMM motion, d) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$2,935.88 for provide calculation letter 1430020 AHMAD ALI ISMAIL (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to pay disposable income (per Sch J, Line 23c $500/m) 1429873 MILAGROS MEDEROS (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE Dismi£s. Remains 1429824 Unres()lved~ a) Obj/Confonn to Clm #2 & #3 (tax licns) BENOIT THEODORE ROSELENE THEODORE (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL, ESQUIRE Cont to 2/24 for motions to value pg: C. - ol.{ \ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1429682 1:35 PM WYMAN R FREDERICK (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Dismi£s Remains Unres(llved: a) 2012 tax returns, b) FMVlpayoff of vehicles, c) Provide proof of Seh J expenses (6a, 6b & 17a), d) address feasibility issue, e) File LF67, f) Provide retirement statement & life ins policy, g) Amend plan to include IVL, h) File motion to value and set for hearing, i) File LMM motion, j) Reaffirm, redeem or surrender Seh D creditor, k) No provisions on Seh J to 2nd vehicle listed on Seh D-How is it to be paid?, I) Obj/Conform to Clm #3, #4  1429671 RAFAEL SILVIO PENA YOLANDA MARIA MARTINEZ PENA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 2124: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Remove CMI 47(b) (Timeshare) b) Amend plan to pay D/I, c) Affidavit of support 1429662 JOSE LUIS TORRES CARMEN M CRESPO GUZMAN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1429659 CARLOS R SANTIN PATRICIA E VILLALOBOS SANTIN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend CMI line 49 to remove IRS (not priority), b) Amend plan to pay D/I pg: C -ol-{ 6L Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1429582 1:35 PM ROXANA D RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 Due by 2/9 by 5pm: 1) Cmi line 30 is incorrect, the Debtor bases CM! Line 30 on the taxes they owed on her 2013 tax return when she earned $135,894 but now only earns $81,000. A debtor that carns $81,000 does not pay $2,456.13/m ($29,473.56/yr) or 36% of their income to taxes. 1429527 TEDDY CERVONI LILIIAM SEPULVEDA RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to pay $281.03/m (pay CMI/Dl $16,861.80) per CMI line 59, (ECF #43 & 46) 1429445 MARITZA PEREZ DE LA OSA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1429432 IBETTE GONZALEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Payoff of real estate, b) BDQ (1099 employee), c) Amend plan to pay disposable income, d) DL, e) Amend plan to include IVL, f) Amend plan to provide months to unsecured creditors, g) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Chase), h) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $810, i) Amend Seh I to correct employer information pg: C-D43 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1429394 1:35 PM EDWIN LENIN HERNANDEZ (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Voluntal'Y Dismissal ECF #25 1429301 HANTZ J DELMAS (LAWRENCE A. LEVINE, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1429189 ELOY AUGUSTO JAUREGUI (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) LF90 1429105 JERMAINE L BURGESS TASHARA S BURGESS (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statements for account #3242 (8/14-8/26) & #2709 (8/15-8/26), b) Copy/explain check #2124 $1,500, c) FMV of vehicle (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), d) File WOO or motion to waive WOO, c) File LF67, f) Provide 401k stmt & life ins policy, g) FMV of pistols, h) File LMM motion, i) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch 0 creditor (HFC/Beneficial Mtg Services), j) Amend plan to add IVL Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1429005 1:35 PM EDWARD TAVERAS CONSUELO E TAVERAS (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm 2AP 1428963 BAPTISTE JOHN JOSEPH (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) BDQ, b) Amend plan to con-ect attorney fees, c) Amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, d) File LMM motion, e) Obj/eonfOllli to cl#1 & #4, t) Amend plan to pay CMI.Dl of$98,109.60, g) Explain withdrawal on 7128 $1,000, h) explain property 17720 NW 54 Ave (provide FMV/payoff and list on Sch's) 1428962 YALILE M DIAZ (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) bank stmts #636217099 (817-8125), b) copy/explain check #2205 iao $1,221.40, #2208 iao $1,000 & #2199 iao $2,000, c) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts 3months pre petition, d) Amend plan to include IVL & LMM language, e) amend plan to fund properly (m. 1-16), t) file LMM motion 1428920 ODALYS LABRADA (CAROLINA A. LOMBARDI, ESQUIRE) Continue to 2/24 for order on ECF #30 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27 r 2015 1428828 1:35 PM DANIEL CARTAS IRASEMA CARTAS (MARY REYES r ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to correct language for mortgage in cram down box (sib 3rd mortgage), b) Amend motion to value to remove all language for Clm #5 as per order (ECF #54, 2nd mortgage) 1428668 ARTHUR M LEVIN KATHERYN A LEVIN (MICHAEL S. HOFFMAN r ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to add months to be paid for Bank of America #1915 (sib 1-60--LMM creditor) 1428667 ADRIANA M BLANCO ARMANDO P PEREZ (LUIS A. TORRENS r ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1428589 ALAIN HERNANDEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ r ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) File LMM motion, b) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Franklin Credit), c) Objl conform toClm #2 (Franklin Credit/Bosco Credit II Trust Series) pg: e-.. .Or..( (y Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1428496 RICARDO A GONZALEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1428353 JUAN C CEBALLOS (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Payoff of vehicle, b) Business bank stmts #8413 (8/1-8/14), c) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or sun-ender Sch D creditor (Bonita), d) Amend Sch's to disclose Corp & business bank acct (Caroline Distributors) e) Is spouse employed? Why listed as dcpendent on Sch I? 1428291 CUTHBERT HENRY HAREWOOD (ALBERTO M. CARDET, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statements for account SFEFCU (5/13-8/13), b) FMV/payoff of vehicle (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), c) FMV of non homestead, d) non homestead info sheet (all properties), e) WDO or motion to waive, f) DL, g) LF90, It) affidavit of rent, i) amcnd plan to include IVL & lease language, j) amend plan to fund properly (m. 8), k) amend plan to include distributions for m. 46-60, I) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch DIG creditors, m) Obj/conform to cl#2, #4, #5, & DE#25, n) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$165,781, 0) Amend Sch I to disclose employer information or state unemployed, p) Amend petition to disclose prior filings, q) Amend Sch D to provide description/value of property 1428075 RAMON RODRIGUEZ ESTELA MARIA RODRIGUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE llobj to elm #6 sustained, Confirm Plan, fInot Cant to 2J24 pg: C-~047 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1427864 1:35 PM MARIA DELOSANGELES LOPEZ (MONICA REYES, ESQUIRE ContinHe to 2124 fbr 1427833 o~jectjon to claim #1 YASIT SANCHEZ YANET OBARRIO SANCHEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) Rcmovc Linc 28 as car is paid in full, b) Providc calculation with pay stubs (attorney only sent letter stating came from pay stubs with no calculation), c) CMlline 44 has $52 expense, remove as no proof provided, d) Amend plan to add IVL, e) Obj/Conform to Clm #5 1427802 YOESMILLER MATOS MARTHELYS MATOS (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) Provide CARMAX values for all vehicles, b) provide proof of Sch J #6a, 8, 14, I 5d & 19, c) amcnd plan to pay CH7 of $28,777 or provide calculation letter, 1427698 BARBARA A BROWN WALTON (MONICA REYES, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) Amcnd plan to pay Chp 7 of $11,606.97 or provide calculation letter Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1427642 1:35 PM ROEL J RITFELD (ROBERT C. MEYER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 Due by 2/9 by 5pm: 1) File motion to value for PBC; 2) Object or conform to POC #3 (overpaid) 1427557 GIRALDO WALTER BAGLEY (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1427398 GUILLERO R TROYA ANIURIS RODRIGUEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #8 (tIled 12119114), b) Amend plan to remove amounts paid to creditors direct in other provisions 1427391 TULlO H QUINONES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Voluntary Dismissal ECF #68 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1427190 1:35 PM JANETH GAMARRA (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to add IVL 1427135 CARMEN N ROJAS (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm lAP 1427048 THERESA BLANCO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Cont to 2/24 Provide by 2/9 pn 5p.m.: 1) Calculation ofCMI Linc 30 (taxcs), calculation provided lists debtor's income aa $332,267 but CMI income is listed at 197,000. Debtor lists monthly tax obligation as $7,190/m while Debtor's incomc listed is $16,426.99. Debtor alleges shc pays 44% ofhcr incomc to taxes; 2) Amend plan to pay Chapter 7 test of$27,031.42 1426997 FANNY PACHECO (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Ifobj to elm #6 sustained, Confirm lAP, lfnot Cont to 2124 pg: C~OSO Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1426976 1:35 PM BLANCA URRUTIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Obj/ Conform to Clm #3 (arrears underpaid in plan) 1426945 ALAIN PARDO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unre£91ved: a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$3,750 (check provided iao $3,000 is not debtors check and not from debtors account #8550, money withdrawn was cash on 6/16 from account #6138, debtor receives random deposits from account #8550 not listed on Sch I) b) Amend plan to list attorneys fee paid iao $5,200 as per checks provided 1426893 MAYRA NUNEZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to provide MTV DE#35 in cram down & include regular HOA payments in secured or vacate order (ECF #35) 1426815 JESSIE LEE CONEYlmJSTE1(n~' BARBARA ANN CONEY (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL/ ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) provide proof of Sch J expenses line # 17c & 21 , b) Provide copy of life ins, proof of co-debtors pension, k) Provide proof (receipts/travel itinerary) of withdrawals made on 6/18 iao $1,000,4116 iao $1,700, 3/19 iao $1,000 & 2/5 iao $5,000 was spent or pay Chp 7 of $11 ,909 or provide 100% language pg: c..-~DS\ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1426752 1:35 PM ZULMA JACQUELINE VARGAS LOPEZ (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1426731 MICHAEL ANTHONY JONES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Amend plan to fund (1-5) 1426626 JOSE MANUEL RIVAS (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains UnreSJllY...fd: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #3, b) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$7,367.55 or provide calculation letter, 1426495 PABLO GOMEZ JR (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss: Debtor had 7 days to amend plan to pay 31% orflle a response $1,842.61 (31% per credit,IJ pg: C>OSQ.. Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1426476 1:35 PM DENNIS OLAZABAL (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) calculation of income, c) address feasibility issue, d) provide TSP stmt, e) objlconform to cl#4 (overpaid in plan), f) amend plan to remove IRS language from other provisions, g) explain/proof of$1O,686 withdrawn on 7/23 1426443 JIMMY RAINIERI-SHAMIR (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: 1) CM! issue, line 47b lists 2013 Mercedes pymt at $516/m but the vehicle is crammed down in the Chapter 13 plan plan at $416/m. The difference would be $100/m of disposable income to the unsecured creditors. 1426430 JUAN A RODRIGUEZ (LAWRENCE M. SHOOT, ESQUIRE Contin1LUo 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to pay secured creditor from month 1 (Flamingo Gardens), b) Amend plan to add Flamingo Gardens to cram down or withdraw motion to value (ECF #63), c) FMV and payoff of real estate (16720), d) Amend Sch J to add housing (as stated in document received on 1/9), e) Provide proof of expenses (childcare contribution, housing), f) Lump sum payment must be approved by court 1426422 JUAN FERNANDO UGALDE (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Remains Unresolved: a) BDQ & profit/loss and balance sheet for Jcrvcs Enterprises), b) provide value of vehicle at time of transfer (SOFA #10) and include in CH7, c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Seh D creditor, e) amend plan to pay CH7 of$50,005 + value of vehicle at time of transfer (SOFA #10), f) remove wages exemption-debtor is self employed, g) amend SOFA #1 YTD needed pg: t-osS Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1426335 1:35 PM MARYORIE M NAVARRO (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. rr o!?i to elm #8 sustained, Confirm Plan, If not Cont to 2/24 1426184 CARL JAY PINCKNEY (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 2124 fbr Evidentiary Hearing ECF #44 1426175 VILLY CHOUTE (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Payoff of real estate, b) LF90, c) Amend plan to cure and maintain rcgular HOA paymcnts from month I, d) File LFIO (w/pay adviccs) or providc BDQ, P&L!Balance Sheet, 3 months business bank statements, e) Affidavit of support, 1426150 WILMER VALDEZ GARCIA VIVIAN GARCIA (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amcnd plan to add 100% languagc pg:C-05t.{ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1426061 PATRICIA ELIAS (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Dismis~ Remains Unresolved: a) bank stmts #8787 (4/15-7/15 missing pages), b) payoff of real estate, c) LF90, d) affidavit of support (Sch J 8a), e) amend SOFA to provide # 19-25, f) Amcnd plan to pay secured creditor from month 1 (Wells Fargo), g) explain Sch J #8a (debtor unemployed & receives no rental income), h) Amend plan to fund, i) Amend plan to use correct IVL, 1426018 VALIENCIA M. ALLEN (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismi~ Remains Unresolved:_ a) Objlconfonn to Clm #16, b) File mtn to value and set for hearing (Monterey Condo & Monterey Homeowners) or remove from cram down box and amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender those creditors, c) Amend plan to add regular payment for Monterey COA #2 1425728 JOSE A VIGOA (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN 1 ESQUIRE Cont to 2/24 Provide by 2/9 pn 5p.m.: Trustee reviewing Wells Fargo Savings account with $11,346.75 which the debtor claims is BLT with non-filing spouse 1425719 FRANKLIN LOUIS-JEAN GARLENE LOUISE CHARLES (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Confirm lAP (100%) pg: L!-~06S Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1425530 1:35 PM DWIGHT LESLIE DONNA LESLIE (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #10, b) Amend plan to correct attorney fee calculation, 1425507 CHARLES BARRA (RICHARD J, MCINTYRE, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1425469 ROLANDO SANCHEZ ANA LUISA SANCHEZ (OMAR J. ARCIA, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 for Evidentiary Hearing 1/15 (ECF 43) 1425388 DANNY DEVEREARUX JENNY CAROLINE DEVEREARUX (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ) Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to start Vista Del Lago regular payments from month 1, b) ObjiConform to Clm # 15 (direct with arrears), c) File motions to value and set for hearing (Suntrust & Real Time) pg: C.~C6(P Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1425291 1: 35 PM RENE VAZQUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) When was the last time debtor had 1928 Mercedes, b) What model is 1928 Mercedes, c) Provide auto ins. policy, d) When was the last time debtor saw 1928 Mercedes, who had car at that time, e) When did debtor acquire 1928 Mercedes, f) How much did debtor purchase vehicle for at that time 1425227 MARGIE L. JENKINS (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Bank statements #7935-00/90 (6/23-712) & #4115 (4/2-7/2), b) Payoff of real estate, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) DL, e) LF90, f) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$76,863, g) Provide retirement statement & life ins, h) Amend plan to provide monthly plan payment months (sib 60), i) Reaffirm, redeem or surrender Seh D creditor, j) Objlconform to cJ#2 & #3, k) Evidence/calculation of CMI line #28, 30, 32, 39,47 & 48, 1425154 JUDITH ANNE PONTIOUS (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP (continued 2 months because might be LMM-nothing done) 1425153 WAYNE C SEYMOUR (MICHELE L. HANASH, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP pg: c-o~7 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1425098 1:35 PM YOLANDA MENDOZA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP (100%) 1424723 ARMANDO PALMA JR (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE {lob) to elm #2 sustained, Confirm 4AP, lfnot ConUp 2/24 1424630 MARIA ANTONIA MARTINEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved:. a) Reset hearing for objection to Clm #1 or amend plan to eonfonn 1424474 LAI PINEL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 4AP (100%) pg: t.-O$~ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1424397 1:35 PM VIVIAN SOLER (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP (100%) 1424353 JANET OLIVERA (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Obj/confonn to Clm4 (direct with arrears) 1424347 MAYDA PEREZ (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1424330 MARITZA ROSADO (RICARD? A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Confirm lAP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1424294 MICHAEL JOSEPH PACE SR (OMAR J. ARCIA, ESQUIRE Cont. 2/24 Provide by 2/9 by SPM: a) Amend plan to pay disposable income of $1902.07 per month for a total of $114,124.20 to unsecured creditors per amended CMI at ECF #78 1424154 HILDA CAMACHO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #1 (plan underpays arrears and must cure and maintain regular payment) 1424136 EDUARDO RAUL TORGA NANCY TORGA (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Cont. 2/24 Provide by 2/9 by 5PM: a) Amend plan to pay CMIIDl of$46,980 1424042 JORGE ALBERTO CORNEJO MARTINEZ TR~,U;;'-i;-ii~E',~; (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) DSO (as per Schedule J-18 iao $600) pg: ~~CJ...pO Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1423997 1:35 PM ANA VANIA SOSA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) proof of household size/income of all adults, b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) amend plan to include IVL & lawsuit language (www.chI3herkert.com/ planlanguage.pdt). d) amend plan to provide missing monthly plan payment (top of plan sib 48), e) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Seh D creditor, t) objlconform to cl#3 & #4 1423947 GLADIS P AGUILAR (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) File motion to value and set for hearing 1423865 MARIAELENA DE MOYA (CHRISTIAN PANAGAKOS, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1423721 JUAN MACHADO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 1/27: Due on or before Spm on 1112: a) Object or conform to IRS POC 3-3 ($62,085.85 priority), claim filed after objection filed. pg: c..~0l.0\ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1423643 1:35 PM MARLEN C DE CESPEDES (GARY M. MURPHREE, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Obj/Confonn to Clm #1 & 2, b) Amend Sch B to add business with value 1423622 AGRIPINA G QUINTANA (RICHARD SIEGMEISTER, ESQUIRE Amend plan to provide 100% language in plan or Continue to 2124: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to pay disposable income, b) affidavit of rent, c) Amend plan to provide con-ect IVL, d) Objlconform to cl#1 & #2, e) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $66,494.71, t) Good faith to unsecured creditors, g) amend Sch A to non homestead address, h) File TBE motion 1423587 ALBERTO ANDRES ORDAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continlle to 2124 for EvidentialJl Hearing (ECF #45) 1423477 OSCAR GARCIA YVETTE A GARCIA (ALBERTO M. CARDET, ESQUIRE TlFUjf~Tf!~g\'S (Ht~" Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) FMV/reg of vehicles (95/BMW, 02/BMW, 07/BMW), b) non homestead info sheet, c) BDQ, d) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$15,OOO plus value of business (Sec t) or provide calculation, e) CMI line #28 & 29 Ransome issue, t) Amend Sch B to disclose value of business as per business bank account showing $43,757.51 at time of filing and amend Chp 7 test pg: C--().p.b2 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1423464 1: 35 PM MARIO MILIAN PEREZ OLGA LIDIA PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 {or Evidentiarv Hearing (EeF #SJll 1423407 YESENIA FIGUEROA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE .continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to cure and maintain regular payments for Coral Point Association 1423360 ORRIE CHERASIA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 3AP 1423275 JOYCE WOODS (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. If 3APflled correcting typo in arrearagefor TLGFY (.\'ih $1.970.14). Confirm 3AP, Ifnot Cont to 2124 pg: t ct03 r Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1422809 1:35 PM ELIANA EWALD (MARY REYES, ESQ. 7 days to amend plan to remove Ocwen (withdrawn motion to value on 12116) or D WP 1422696 JAISON C CHERIAN DALIYA JAICHAN CHERIAN (BARRY MITTELBERG, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) bank stmts #7494 (411-5/31) #2069 (411-4/30), b) FMV (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY) c) Amend plan to provide correct IVL & LMM language, d) evidence/calculation of CM! line #30, 37, 43 & 47 1422348 PEDRO ARGUELLES (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismis.£ Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to include regular child support payments (curing arrears) 1422333 CHARLES MICHAEL LOGAN (JONATHAN KLINE, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend Sch I to add exact amount tenant is paying as support (sib $3,214.46), if exact amount is not listed then the unpaid balance would be paid by the debtors income to the detriment of the unsecured creditors, b) Amend plan to pay D/I (which will increase once support is properly disclosed) c) Amend plan to pay TLGFY as secured and add the 5% interest as stated in Clm #4, d) Amend Attorneys fees to remove $525 for motion to reinstate, dismissal was due to attorney error (not filing credit matrix), OR file a fee application, e) Amend plan to correct balance due attorney (sib $2,274.96) pg: ~-OLot{ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1422073 1:35 PM ASTRID NOHEMY AMAYA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124 for Evidentiary Hearing 1122 (Eef#45) 1421930 ANGEL FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ (MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO, ESQ) Confirm 3AP 1421841 MARTIN GONZALEZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 for Evidentiary Hearing 1/22 (Eef#42) 1421821 RAQUEL E CASTRO (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Confirm 2AP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1421777 1:35 PM JUAN PABLO GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1421663 ROBERT I RODRIGUEZ (ROSY A. APONTE, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Provide FMV of Chevrolet at time of transfer (SOFA 10 does not state year of car-transferred to a friend), b) Amend Sch I to conect rental income (sib $1,150) 1421589 EZEQUIEL A MENESES INES DIAZ DE MENESES (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. If oN to elm #14 slistained, Confirm 4AP, If 110t 1421075 Cont to 2124 MYLAI HERNANDEZ (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss (LAST MONTH CONTINUED AND A $200 CONTINUED TO UNSECURED) Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statements for account #8799-01 (511-5/14), b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business ballic statements, c) Amend Sch B to disclose business bank statements, d) provide info on SOFA #3 & tolling waiver, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) File motion to value and set for hearing, g) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$8,973.26 (repayment loan), h) Who owns acct #9368 & #7708 transfers to and fi'om, provide bank statements #9368 (2/14-5/14) & #7708 (2114-5/14) Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1420869 1:35 PM ROBERTO JR CHINEA (ROBERT BOLLINGER, ESQ Continue to 2124: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Remove creditor from cram down: Debtor withdrew motion to value but did not remove creditor from cram down box 1420720 CARLOS ALBERTO CENTENO (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE If ohi fo elm #7 sustained, Confirm 4AP, If not Cont to 2/24 1420170 ROBERT 0 HERNANDEZ (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Cont.2/24, Pending resolution on POC #3: Objection to claim of IRS ECF #81 1420080 ELIZABETH AGNES FERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP pg: t~o107 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1419837 1:35 PM ANA MARGARITA VEGA (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Confirm lAP (100% language) **1419645 seepg. C-082** 1419499 MIGUEL I ALFARO CANDELARIA ALFARO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismis_s, Rem!'!ins Unresolved: a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$45,810 or provide calculation letter (see attached Trustee Chapter 7 test, must provide actual calculations not just raw data) 1419446 BRIAN GOOD (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Dismiss Debtor failed to: 1) Provide actual proof of CMI lines 13 and 19. Letter received simply states these expenses belong to non-filing spouse; 2) Provide actual calculations for CMIline 30; 3) Provide proof the Debtor is entitled to line 28 (debtor must be financing or leasing a car and may not be same car payment on lines 13 or 19); 4) CMI Line 59 list Debtor's monthly disposable income to be $1,511.92, amend plan to pay disposable income. 1419313 MARIA ELENA MESA (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1419244 1:35 PM MARIA MARGARITA SANTANA (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ Cont. 2124 Provide by 2/9 by 5PM: a) Calculation of income provided by attorney shows the debtor's income from June to October (5 months). However, attorney's calculation of income takes the sum of the 5 months of income and divides it by 6. The debtors total income for the 5 month period provided is $27,973.83,which equals $5,594.77 monthly income. Amend CMI to correct monthly income to $5,594.77; b) How did debtor calculate CMI #9? (2013 taxes show a refund of$12,006); c) Amend plan to add IVL language; d) Provide proof oflien on property located at 13781 SW 38 Street. 1419045 ROLANDO GERMAN TORRES (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #5 & #9, 1418856 CHRISTIAN F HERNANDEZ (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains 1418462 MANUEL LUY Unresolved~ a) Amend plan to fund l1rk1{JE~fn.~¥'i.:~t\~S ~)k··~~J}" ir(~ ~f.()'-l{~t\/Rl\~'l~ft{Pr~;~; YOANIA LUY (ALBERTO CARRERO, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Provide explanation and proojfor withdrawal on 4/9 iao $2,000 from account #9976,2121 iao $1,000 & $7,000, 4/9 iao $1,200 from account #4535, b) Provide explanation and proqfof deposit iao $10,987 on 2128 for account #9976, c) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$19,844.71 (as per amended Schedule B & withdrawals) Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1418382 1: 35 PM LESLIE W THOMPSON (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Dismiss Debtor failed to: I) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $73 8.17 per month (calculation already deducts IRS on line 49). Plan does not have 100% language; 2) amend plan to un-step attol11ey fees. 1417851 SHANKITA DESHANDRA HILL (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss: a) Plan does not pay Ally pursuant to ECF #88 1417681 WILBERT SAINT-JEAN (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) ObjiConfol111 to Clm #1 1417229 EVELIO ROMAN GLORIA E MENA (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Dismiss: On 12116 debtor agreed to either amend plan to pay 31% LMM orjlle response to creditor objection pg: ~-0'70 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1416715 1:35 PM MARIO 0 MlRABALES (YVETTE GONZALEZ COSTA, ESQUIRE) Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to eonform to ECF #80, b) Amend ECF #80 to include interest rate added in plan 1416658 CESAR ALBERTO TORRES ELVIA LUCIA TORRES (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Judge: a) Amend plan to add LMM language, b) Amend plan to pay LMM to month 60, 1416615 STEVEN EDWARD PITA STEPHANIE MARIE PITA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 3AP 1416580 MICHELLE M LAGUERRE (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Dismiss Debtor failed to: 1) Amend plan not to step attorney fee; 2) Objeet/Conform to POC #3 -arrears (POC filed on 115114) pg:6~o"r(l Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1416533 1: 35 PM WILLIAM E SAMUELS PAULETTE A SAMUELS (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE r( 6APflled paying arrears to Provident Funding startingfi-otn month 1 and math ok, Confirm 6AP, [[not Cont to 2/24 1416443 NELSON VILLEGAS ELIZABETH VILLEGAS (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm 6AP 1416196 NOHEMY MAHECHA (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 for Evi!ientiary hearing on 3119 1416183 ELSA A OSORIO-GUEVARA ALBERTO PEREZ (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan pg: t-ottbL Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1415538 1:35 PM CYNTHIA MAE BRADLEY (SABRINA CHASSAGNE, P.A 1415043 IBIS MARIA HERNANDEZ CHANTRES ENRIQUE ANTONIO CHANTRES (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE f(111111 to val granted, Confirm 3AP, Ifnot Cont to 2/24 1414950 SYLVIA DIAZ ANTELO (ANDRES F. ALOS, ESQUIRE Confirm 6A Plan 1414762 FRANCENID BAQUERO (VERNA pope, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) File WDO or mtn to waive WDO, b) LF90, c) File LMM motion, d) Amend plan to include monthly plan payments to Trustee, currently says 0 (sib 36) pg: c. 013 v Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1414533 1:35 PM JORGE RENE LOZANO CAROLINA TORRES (RICHARD R. ROBLES, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24 for Evidentiary hearings ECF # 192 1413422 MARTHA R ORTIZ (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss: Dehtor was to set ECF #107 jor Evidentiary Hearing 1412635 DUSTERN R NICHOLS (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to fund (37-60) 1411967 CAROLINA ACOSTA (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Dismis~ Remains Unres.olved: a) Amend plan to conform to ECF #77 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1411856 1:35 PM SCARLET RENEE BUTLER (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Cont. 2/24 Providc by 2/9 by 5PM: a) Amcnd plan to fund (6A Plan docs not fund) 1410985 JUAN CALZADILLA LILOWTIE CALZADILLA (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE ConfIrm 2A Plan 1410337 SHARON CECILIA HINDS-SANTIAGO (JACQUELINE LEDON, ESQUIRE Continuc to 2/24 Providc by 2/9 by 5p.m.: Amcnd plan to conform to ECF No. 90 1410308 RENE A CUENCA (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Continuc to 2124: Due on or before Spm 011 2/6: a) Resct Clm #12-2 for hcaring, b) Amcnd plan to rcaffirm, redccm or surrcndcr all Sch D Crcditors (Bank Unitcd #3482, Chasc #7540, City National Bank/Ocwcn #5593, Ocwcn #7801, Wclls # 1998) c) Amcnd plan languagc in "othcr provisions" to corrcct 2 nd mortgagc bcing strippcd (sib Bank of Amcrica) d) Lump sum paymcnt must bc approved by court Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1410187 1:35 PM JUAN FELIPE (ARlETTE MOLINA, ESQUIRE flcreditor consents, Confirm 4AP (issue has been continued from 1112014) 1410172 MIRIAM LILIANA NUNEZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 2124: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Debtor must either file LMM motion and amend plan to list Ocwen as being surrendered to justify the attorneys fees OR amend plan to remove Ocwen LMM language and reduce attorneys fees by $2,600 OR file a fee application 1410167 BRIAN LETROY RIGGINS (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 7AP 1339634 JORGE TOMAS FERRO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 7AP Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1339561 NESTOR J GONZALEZ MARIA I GONZALEZ (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains 1339026 1: 35 PM Unresolv<:.!l~ a) File Fec app, b) Amcnd plan to add IVL HOWARD LENARD TAYLOR RENNE SONYA TAYLOR (JZ\l\4BS W. SCHWITALL.71~, ESQUIRE Continue to 1/27: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) 7A Plan does not fund (plan has 100% language); b) Debtors' plan docs not properly allocatc thc $11,824.51 rctlU'ned by Wells Fargo Bank towards Debtors' other creditors; c) Debtors' unsecured portion of the plan states "Unsecured Creditors: (IRS)", Debtors must remove and simply list unsecured creditors 1338102 ORESTES LEANDRO GARCIA JULIA GARCIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Cont. 2/24 Provide by 2/9 by 5PM: a) Valuation of 65821 Overseas Highway lot #418 1337902 RAUL JOSE CEPERO MARILYN CAR I DAD CEPERO (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Provide Status qfEvidentiaryfrol11 1112015 ECF #81 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1336865 1:35 PM LUIS P CARRICABURU (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to remove trial payment from plan (debtor never filed LMM motion) 1336382 SARAH JANE POUX (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to fund (5-60) 1335821 SUM-ANG KRAMER (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124: Due on or befOl'e Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to un-step attorneys fees, 1335581 DEAN SANTANA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to add LMM language, b) Amend plan to add LMM payments from months 1-60, c) Amend plan to un-step attorneys fees pg: e--07<i Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1333384 1:35 PM CLARA ANGELICA CANO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1112: a) Trustee reviewing transfers from Debtor to minor son's bank account 1331732 ZOLENA BROWN (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 1127: Due on or before 5pm on 1/12: a) 5A Plan states the LMM is settled and removes LMM payments but there is no motion or order on docket approving the LMM, there is only an order referring to the case to the LMM program; 2) Amend CMl and Schs 1 and J as the Debtor now makes $6,400/m per bmw credit app'lication [ECF No 84-1]. 1330387 LAURA ANTUNEZ (RICHARD SIEGMEISTER, ESQUIRE Continue to~j24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Need order on ECF #46 or reset motion to value for hearing (Suntrust in cram down box), b) Amend plan to add motion to value filed for Nationstar on 12/15/14 ECF #91 1330050 RAUL FERNANDO AQUINO INES CANO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/24: Due on or before 5pm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to add LMM language, b) Amend plan to start payments to secured LMM creditor from month 1 (Selene) Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1329878 DON DARBEAU LATOYA ANDERSON-DARBEAU (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE lffee app granted, Confirm lAP (100% Plan), If not Continue to 2/24. (On 11118 attorney agreed to continue fee app to 12118 but never did) 1328772 OSVALDO BARRETO (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124: Advel:wIJ! Pending 1328610 JEAN CLAUDE JOSEPH (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to cure and maintain regular payment for Clm #3 being paid secured, b) Amcnd plan to pay unsecured to month 60 1328462 KAMEN DIMITROV DRANDAROV (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Confirm 8AP pg: C/0<60 Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 27, 2015 1326035 ALEX T. GONZALEZ SUSAN M. CRAFT (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ ff 6APflled amending payments to start at month 1 to Secured creditor IRS and math ok, Confirm 6AP, Ifnot Cont to 2/24 1325789 MYRTHA A RODRIGUEZ CARLOS R RODRIGUEZ (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE C9Jltinue to 2124: Due 011 or before Spm 1325091 011 2/6: a) Amend plan to fund (month 60) IRENE MARTINEZ (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 2/24: Due on or before Spm on 2/6: a) Amend plan to fund, b) Amend plan to correct payment for month 7 (not included). 1321629 ROLANDO PEREZ MABEL PEREZ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Continue to 2124for orderfrom Evidentiary Hearing heard on 1122 pg:CrO~\ Draft 1/23/2015 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 AJC CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 27, 2015 1319626 1:35 PM ERASMO M. LABAUT (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Dismiss: Debtor agreed to reset motion to value (ECF #45) for hearing, pending since 3/10/14 1317931 CURTIS HADLEY FRANCES E HADLEY (DOUGLAS J. SNYDER, ESQUIRE If objection to claim sustained, Confirm 4A Plan 1225359 HECTOR TRUJILLO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Dismiss: On 12/17 Debtor agreed to amend plan to conform to agreed order ECF #209 1419645 REGIS TORRECILLA DAIMY GONZALEZ (PATRICK L CORDERO, ESQUIRE) Confirm 2AP (Subject to RAMP)
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