U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Florida Calendar Events Set For 12/16/2014-12/16/2014 Judge A. Jay Cristol, Presiding 12/16/2014 09:00AM 07-17465 13 bk Arturo A Obregon • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (169) Arturo A Obregon - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont 1127 for Court ruling 08-11312 13 bk Dock Oats, Jr. • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (111) Dock Oats - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Aty called for prehearing 09-14393 13 bk Richard A Del Vecchio AND Martha E Del Vecchio • Objection. to Claim of Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC [# 18 & 18-2] Filed by Debtor (119) • Motion to Compel Trustee, Nancy Neidich, to issue a Debtors certificate of Compliance, Motion for Issuance of Discharge and Notice of Deadline to Object Filed by Debtor Richard A Del Vecchio (116) Richard A DelVecchio - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K Neidi,ch - tr i' Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 1- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------09-15414 13 bk Manuel Rivas AND Ana Patricia Gonzalez • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Miceli, Jose) (105) Manuel Rivas - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ 09-18148 13 bk ll_ Jeovanny Herrera AND Yira B Herrera • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (120) Jeovanny Herrera - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 09-20111 13 bk ll_ Timothy G Wegman Order to Show Cause. Show Cause hearing to be held on 12/16/2014 at 09:00 AM at C. Clyde Atkins U.S. Courthouse, 301 N Miami Ave Courtroom 7 (AJC), Miami, FL 33128. (Oriol-Bennett, Alexandra) (108) Timothy G Wegman - db James A Poe aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Debtor's counsel to upload order discharging order to show cause -2- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 09-33711 13 bk Maria Elena Rodriguez • Motion For Entry Of Discharge Filed by Debtor Maria Elena Rodriguez. (Reyes, Mary) (61) Maria Elena Rodriguez - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: Received taxes Oll 09-35576 13 ll_ 10128/14. No issues bk Clara E. Suarez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Castle Beach Club Condominium Association, Inc on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $72,000.00) Filed by Debtor Clara E. Suarez. (Marcer, Michael) (197) Clara E. Suarez - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y _ Up to Court: . 10-12079 13 bk ll_ Esmeralda M Zuniga • Motion to Redirect Payment (Florida Department of Revenue) Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Carrington, Amy) (86) Esmeralda M Zuniga - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: -3- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 10-12209 13 bk George A. Alvarez, Jr. • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (113) George A. Alvarez - db DREW S SHERIDAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 10-14777 13 bk ll_ Cristobal A Lorenzo AND Lisbet Novoa • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (69) Cristobal A Lorenzo - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 10-15488 13 bk ll_ Desmond George Hendriks AND Latita Selima Hendriks • Objection to Claim of Nationstar Mortgage LLC., Notice of post petition mortgage fees, expenses and charges ( ECF 43) Filed by Debtor Desmond George Hendriks (44) Desmond George Hendriks - db JOSHUA S MILLER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: -4- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 10-16741 13 bk Monica LaSha Thompson • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (61) Monica LaSha Thompson - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ 10-16813 13 bk Mark A. Perez • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (87) Mark A. Perez - db JORDAN E. BUBUCK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 Days to object/conform to POC 13 or DWP 180 days 10-25751 13 bk Diego Shmuels • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (172) Diego Shmuels - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K Neidich - tr Cont objections pending -5- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-28719 13 Adrianna Ortega bk • Motion to Dismiss Case, or in the alternative Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 58 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Carrington, Amy) (89) Adrianna Ortega - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Case was dismissed on Trustee's motion to dismiss for failure to provide tax returns during the pendency of the case. Debtor provided the tax returns and case was reinstated. f Upon review of the tax returns Trustee learned Debtor's wages had increased. CMI income: $58,366 2011 Rtns: $118,603.00 ~k V/'/JiJf ~ ()/YlAe~ 2012 Rtns: $118,858.00 ,",{ f./<hVT.() 3_Q!}_~!~~~_!3~~~~§~2_Q 10-29895 13 Si:Jhs ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ bk Jeozette Cira Latorre $6528.36 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 54 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (97) ., • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Jeozette Cira Latorre. (Poe, James) (94) Jeozette Cira Latorre - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN ---~~~-J-(!~~~,lL~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-30809 13 bk Guillermo Rosales AND Idolidia Arbolaez f I~ under IMP ~::c(d. P\~ <1{, d~' <6 or[() • Motion to Reinstate Case, in addition to Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 44 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Motion to Allow Debtor to Complete Payment on Confirmed Chapter 13 Plan and to Receive Discharge From the Court Filed by Joint Debtor Idolidia Arbolaez. (Hernandez, Henry) (78t Guillermo Rosales - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - need 2010-2013 tax returns -6- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 10-32294 13 bk Manuel Oswaldo Morales ($6722.72) under 5MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 115 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Manuel Oswaldo Morales. (Schwitalla, James) (127) Manuel Oswaldo Morales - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 5MP not ok - Plan base is overpaid by ($5451.36) - only in month 52; LMM must be paid in plan; does not provide for total payments disbursed by Trustee for Nationstar Mortgage; calculation error for Wells Fargo --~1:~-~_11_J_1r~Jl:l ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 10-36629 13 bk Sissi Saint Albin AND Omar L. Saint Albin $1388.70 under 4MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 75 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Omar L. Saint Albin, Debtor Sissi Saint Albin. (Lombardi, Carolina) (87) Sissi Saint Albin - db CAROLINA A LOMBARDI Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: 4MP not ok - Need 2012-2013 tax returns; tY:pG--Gn-lll-GH-th£ fof 8untmst--tshmttd-be-5+=6B) ./kL (JtC 3·- 2 --~~~~--l~,1~~Jl~J---J-£:~~~-:l)lJ-ll-:L----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-37448 13 bk Carlos 0 Fernandez AND Mary K Fernandez • Motion For Entry Of Discharge Filed by Debtor Carlos 0 Fernandez, Joint Debtor Mary K Fernandez. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (79) Carlos 0 Fernandez - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr • Motion to Dismiss Case Increased income and failure to file verification of disposable income, or in the alternative Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 20 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Trustee (76) -7- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 10-38789 13 bk Ana Lourdes Wilrycx • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (88) Ana Lourdes Wilrycx - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending 10-42913 13 bk Carla Rosa Wilson ($1421.63) under 5MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 171 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Carla Rosa Wilson. (Frank, Michael) (194) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Great Florida Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $128,050.00) Filed by Debtor Carla Rosa Wilson. (Frank, Michael) (189) Carla Rosa Wilson - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 5M PLAN if motion granted and plan conforms to order ___~t:~~_J~£?_ll_:l ______________________________________----------_________________________________________________________________ _ 10-43535 13 bk Javier Sierra AND Silvia De Castro • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (72) Javier Sierra - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending -8- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-45169 13 bk Dianelys Perez ($2248.49) • Motion to Vacate Dismissal (Re: 77 Order on Motion to Dismiss Case) [cal] Filed by Debtor Dianelys Perez. (Hannan, Martin) (79)° Dianelys Perez - db MARTIN L HANNAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: If Granted, Case to Proceed in the N onnal Course 10-45685 13 bk Ivan Javier Perez AND Dulce Maria Perez • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (72) Ivan Javier Perez - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending 10-46341 13 bk Javier A. Mendoza AND Beatriz Mendoza • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (48) Javier A. Mendoza - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending -9- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 10-46895 13 bk Pansy Cecilia Young • Motion to Approve Modification of the Debtor(s) Mortgage on the Homestead Real Property and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Pansy Cecilia Young. (Poe, James) (50) Pansy Cecilia Young - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 10-46932 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Samuel Juan Entenza AND Aliuska Entenza $782.84 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 97 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (108) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (101) Samuel Juan Entenza - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: 3MP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; need correct IVL --~~-(?~~-Jl~.JJ_GeJJ_~_~~~~~--~~~1)./Jl:l10-47691 13 bk _____________________________________________________________________________________ _ Michael Pena AND Saily Pena • Objection to Claim of Chase Home Finance LLC [# 4-1], Filed by Debtor Michael Pena, Joint Debtor Saily Pena. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Chase Modification Agmt # 2 Exhibit Chase Statement) (Snyder, Douglas) (91) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (87) Michael Pena - db DOUGLAS J SNYDER Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Deny (87) if (91) sustained - 10 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 10-48203 13 bk Yorleny Yadira Chavez $11749.99 + pyrnnt. due today • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Yorleny Yadira Chavez. (Robles, Richard) (123) IfJ Yorleny Yadira Chavez - db RICHARD R ROBLES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course 11-12713 13 bk Miguel Angel Marquez $4827.67 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 61 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Miguel Angel Marquez. (Cordero, Patrick) (80) Miguel Angel Marquez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - need 2013 tax returns ---~-t'-~~:--Ll-tl~tl:1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-16899 13 bk Jose Gutierrez AND Diana Alarcon ($3419.51) under IMP + pyrnnt due today • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 117 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Diana Alarcon, Debtor Jose Gutierrez. (Adams, Richard) (118) Jose Gutierrez - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - need 2011-2013 tax returns - 11 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 11 ~ 18052 13 bk Carlos Ernesto Lopez AND Cristina Astrid Fischer $9913.18 under 4MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 104 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Carlos (109) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (107) Carlos Ernesto Lopez ~ db CHRISTIAN P. LARRIVIERE Nancy K. Neidich ~ tr Aty called GRANT &; APPROVE 4M PLAN T..I-Mr~: deny \VIe prejudic@ ..::;::> r »-7 7d>j ,57J1 r~ (I ~J~earing ----tr-~~:~J-(?~l~~,ll~~~~~~-~---------------------------------------~---~-----------------------~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~------------~~~~~~~~~-~ 11-18464 13 bk Ernesto Garcia AND Luz Marina Garcia ($8.29) under 5MP • Motion to Modify Plan Filed by Debtor Ernesto Garcia, Joint Debtor Luz Marina Garcia. (Cordero, Patrick) (171) Ernesto Garcia - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr ---~1?~-~-J-tlJ-lJJl:l~ ______ ~ __ ~ __ ~ ______________________________ ~ ___ ~~_~ _____________ ~~ ___________ ~ __________ ~ ___________________ ~~~~~ 11-19717 13 bk Alberto Kohn AND Gayesther Kohn $1669.54 under 7MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 209 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alberto Kohn, Joint Debtor Gayesther Kohn. (Hernandez, Henry) (229) Alberto Kohn ~ db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K Neidich - Ir !61;15 ~o file a new MP or D/W/P 180 days: 7MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan ~ 12 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 11-20198 13 bk Javier E. Handal AND Jolene J. Handal • Motion to Dismiss Case Increased income and failure to file verification of disposable income, or in the alternative Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 31 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Trustee (73) Javier E. Handal - db JOSHUA S MILLER Nancy K. Neidich - tr CMI: $48,508.20 2011: $62,013 2012: $107,706 2013: $119,852 \ fJ~/!JI~ CT T :J : .': ~ -~ -~: ~-~ -~: -~ ~: ~-~ - - - - - - - -~- -~ ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-20799 13 bk Ricardo Rodriguez AND Mayra Rodriguez $700.00 Incl. P.D. $400.00 • Motion to Vacate Dismissal (Re: 84 Order on Request to Dismiss Case for Non-Compliance) Filed by Debtor Ricardo Rodriguez. (Mari, Manuel) (86)° Ricardo Rodriguez - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course 11-24791 13 bk Reynaldo Rodriguez ($8.20) under 7MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 111 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (154) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (152) • Motion to Vacate (Re: 136 Order on Objection to Claims) Filed by Debtor (159) Reynaldo Rodriguez - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 7M PLAN if motion to vacate granted TT MTD: deny w/o prejudice if motion to vacate granted 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-25361 13 bk Constantino Ramos AND Karla Duarte • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (88) Constantino Ramos - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending 11-27192 13 bk Lizandro Gilberto Mantilla ($721.08) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 31 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Lizandro Gilberto Mantilla. (Rudd, Aubrey) (54) Lizandro Gilberto Mantilla - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN ---~{d~~-L[l}-~JCLIL:l--JL-~J?~~--L~-IJ-JJl~l--------------------------------- ______________________________________--------------11-28163 13 bk Alfredo Castro Andreu AND Sabina Martinez $1345.57 under 6MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 144 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alfredo Castro Andreu, Joint Debtor Sabina Martinez. (Hernandez, Henry) (153) Alfredo Castro Andreu - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: 6MP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; does not fund properly m. 42-60; need correct IVL; lowered payments to unsecured creditors - 14 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-30859 13 bk Kevin Alan Kincaid AND Carolina Kincaid • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (118) Kevin Alan Kincaid - db EMMANUEL PEREZ Nancy K Neidich - tr Deny without prejudice 11-31390 13 bk Myrna Carmona • Objection to Claim of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. [# 8], Filed by Debtor Myrna Carmona. (Gonzalez, Laila) (84) Myrna Carmona - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 11-31524 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Marie Altidor Mesidor • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (51) Marie Altidor Mesidor - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending - 15 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 11-31845 13 bk Luis Carlos Gomez AND Piedad Gomez • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (50) Luis Carlos Gomez - db ALEJANDRO SIXTO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 Days to upload Cert of no response or DWP 180 days 11-32328 13 bk John Derrick Simpson $4567.13 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 130 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor John Derrick Simpson. (Bryce, Christine) (153) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (147) John Derrick Simpson - db CHRISTINE E BRYCE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Plan does not pay Debtor's disposable income as Debtor 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok has ceased to make payments to their Mortgage Company and Harley Davidson in months 37 and 38. __~J.?~~~_11Jl~{d_lL:L __________________________________________________________________________________________________--------------11-32420 13 bk Maxine Pierre • Motion For Contempt and For Sanctions Filed by Creditor Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage. (Carr, Samantha) (79) Maxine Pierre - db ALiX J. MONTES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 16 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 11-34458 13 bk Carlos Alberto Valle • Objection to Claim of SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. [# 12], Filed by Debtor Carlos Alberto Valle. (87) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (83) Carlos Alberto Valle - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Deny (83) if (87) sustained ~~;;-!i~~~;;---~--~i;~~;-';;;~;;;-;;-';;;;';;i~-----------------------------------------------------------------------($1990.43) under 3MP • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (49) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 40 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (51) William Ernesto Celemin - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN TT MTD: deny w/o prejudice ---~~~~--l~_JJ-Il-~-----~-lL:~~:L~--~~~~--~J-J-()-~-~--- ______________________________________________________________ _ 11-40646 13 bk Michel Alexandre AND Bonita Aristide • Motion to Purchase a Vehicle Filed by Debtor Michel Alexandre, Joint Debtor Bonita Aristide. (Attachments: # 1 Contract) (Riskin, Stan) (65) Michel Alexandre - db STAN RISKIN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 17 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bianca V. Pilarte 11-42900 13 bk • Order Continuing Status Conference. (Re: 153 Order Continuing Status Hearing). Status hearing to be held on 12/16/2014 at 09:00 AM at C. Clyde Atkins U.S. Courthouse, 301 N Miami Ave Courtroom 7 (AJC), Miami, FL 33128 (159) Bianca V. Pilarte - db James A Poe aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: 11-45280 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Francklin A Borjas AND Gina Paola Lesmes ($30.95) Incl. P.D. $92.31 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Francklin A Borjas. (Cordero, Patrick) (97) Q Francklin A Borjas - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course Reset ECF No. 90 (needs consent) 12-1118713 bk Maria Teresa Respeto $14.21 under 2MP • Objection to Claim of Deutsche Bank National Trust Company [# 11], Request for Attorneys Fees and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor (153) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 126 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (138) Maria Teresa Respeto - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN if order sustaining objection to claim #8 rec'd - 18 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-13305 13 bk Jorge V Aulet AND Isabel Aulet $20.28 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 49 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Jorge V Au let. (67) • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (65) Jorge V Aulet - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr If 3MP filed with correct IVL and math ok, GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN TT MTD: deny w/o prejudice ---~~:-_JJ_)JL~JJ-~------------------------------------ ___________________________------------------------~-- ________________________ 12-13496 13 bk Ericka Paola Cardoso • Renewed Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America, N.A. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $55,140.00) Filed by Debtor Ericka Paola Cardoso. (Rudd, Aubrey) (121) Ericka Paola Cardoso - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-13834 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ n _ bk Rene Daniel Gamboa $0.30 Ind. P.D. $1610.64 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Rene Daniel Gamboa. (Cordero, Patrick) (115)" Rene Daniel Gamboa - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n _ If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course Reset ECF No. 110 (needs consent) - 19 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 12-14612 13 bk Vilma L Perez \ • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 6-1], Filed by Debtor Vilma L Perez. (Gonzalez, Laila) (34) Vilma L Perez - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-14701 Proper Service: y _ n_ 13 bk Irma Liwliwa C. Vergara • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (36) Irma Liwliwa C. Vergara - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Cont objections pending 12-16597 13 bk Sharon McAllister Ibanez • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (109) Sharon McAllister Ibanez - db JOSHUA S MILLER Nancy K. Neidich - tr I/:n Cont,for order on ECF No. 111 - 20- 12/16/2014 09:00AM . 12-18101 1~ bk Gladys Menendez • Motion to Dismiss Case and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (61) Gladys Menendez - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 Days to upload Cert of no response for ECF No. 63 or DWP 180 days 12-18611 13 bk Marcos Osmani Rivero AND Tania Rivero ($5294.40) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 101 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Marcos Osmani Rivero, Joint Debtor Tania Rivero. (Robles, Richard) (129) Marcos Osmani Rivero - db RICHARD R ROBLES Nancy K Neidich - tr ~-me a new MP or DENY MTM: 6 4~J}J ~ aAMunALll1i12612. /)6t~ IMP not ok '.:.''Debtor overpaid 1Ji~ base; Ipr was Dropped from 60 month plan to 36 months ~JIau r~ ~ ----~~~-l~l~Jl~------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________ _ 12-19120 13 bk Josefa Gonzalez $2019.99 + pymnt due today under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 107 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) [cal] Filed by Debtor (108) Josefa Gonzalez - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN - 21 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-19226 13 bk Marjorie D Cunningham • Motion to Dismiss Case, or in the alternative Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 133 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Carrington, Amy) (135) Marjorie D Cunningham - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K Neidich - tr Deny without prejudice 12-20949 13 bk Carmen Veliz • Amended Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 60 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) and/or Request for Return of Payments to be Applied in Compliance with the 4th Amended Chapter 13 Plan (DE 60) Filed by Debtor Carmen Veliz. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service) (Tacoronte, Janet) (107) Carmen Veliz - db JANET C TACORONTE Nancy K. Neidich - tr . DENY: no modified plan filed 20 days prior to hearing as required by FRBP 2002 --~-~~~--l-q(lJ-~-lL~--;-~J?~~--~-ll-~-jJ-:l------------- _______________________________________________________________________ _ 12-25255 13 bk Gerry Roosevelt Latson • Motion to Extend Plan Payments Filed by Debtor Gerry Roosevelt Latson. (Rios, Amber) (93) Gerry Roosevelt Latson - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Pro Se Debtor - 22- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 12-25359 13 bk Hector Trujillo ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE tJ21.iL • Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay 6840 SW 163RD PL, MIAMI, FL 33193 Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (204) • Motion for Relieffrom Stay 6840 SW 163RD PL, MIAMI, FL 33193 [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (202) Hector Trujillo - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-26506 13 Proper Service: y _ n _ bk Lazaro Aisina ($1063.10) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 72 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Lazaro Aisina. (73) Lazaro Aisina - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide or D/WIP 180 days: Need 2013 tax returns --~1)~:--lJ-l~-lL~.J_~~_~_l_ll)_~~l:.J____________________ --____________________________________________________ ---------------12-28394 13 bk Jady A Blanco • Motion for Relief from Stay [Fee Amount $176] [cal] Filed by Creditor OneWest Bank N.A.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit) (Noel, Austin) (109) Jady A Blanco - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n _ - 23 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 12-28569 13 bk Francisco D Cha AND Migdalia M Vera • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Seterus, Inc Filed by Debtor Francisco D Cha, Joint Debtor Migdalia M Vera. (Cordero, Patrick) (42) Francisco D Cha - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-29417 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Luis De La Paz • Expedited Motion to Approve Mortgage Modification Agreement [cal] Filed by Debtor Luis De La Paz. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Keil, Daniel) (101) Luis De La Paz - db DANIEL M KEIL Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12~29800 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk David Behar $297.00 under 6MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 38 Second Amended Chapter 13 Plan Filed by Debtor David Behar. (Nowack, Mitchell). Modified on 6/4/2014 to correct linkage (Eisenberg, Randy). (88) David Behar - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 6MP not ok - attorney fee issue (need fee app); calculation errors - 24- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 12-30736 13 bk Lovine Ann Holbert ($800.00) under 3MP Incl. P.D. $800.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Lovine Ann Holbert. (Sagre, Ariel) (55)(/ • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 57 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Lovine Ann Holbert. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Sagre, Ariel) (58) Lovine Ann Holbert - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Case to Proceed in the N onnal Course 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - need 2012-2013 tax returns ---~J?~!-J~J-~JJ!l-------------------------------- ______------------------------___________________________________________________ _ 12-37635 13 bk Mark William Thibault AND Rachel Elizabeth Thibault $0.04 under 7MP + pymnt due today • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 73 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Mark William Thibault, Joint Debtor Rachel Elizabeth Thibault. (Schwitalla, James) (87) Mark William Thibault - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 7MP not ok - does not provide for total payments disbursed by Trustee to Wells Fargo ($4809.75 reg pymnts) and ($29.19 in arrears) this takes into account $$ already returned __ JLJ2~~_JJ5t~~)~:L----------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________ _ 12-37666 13 bk Manuel Enrique Miguel AND Elizabeth Zayas • Motion For Sanctions Pursuant to 11 USC 362k Automatic Stay Violation Against International Park Condominium I Association, Inc. and Gables Professional Management Co. and Caridad A. Ortega, Receiver Filed by Debtor Manuel Enrique Miguel, Joint Debtor Elizabeth Zayas. (Tacoronte, Janet) (94) Manuel Enrique Miguel - db JANET C TACORONTE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n _ - 25 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 12-38834 13 bk Nurys Hurtado $5246.92 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 76 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Nurys Hurtado. (Florin, Nicole) (90) Nurys Hurtado - db NICOLE E. FLORIN Aty called Nancy K Neidich - tr for prehearing GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN ---~!?~~-J-llQ?-:l-tl-:L ____________________________________________________________ ~ __________________________________________________ _ 13-11212 13 bk Alfonso Luis Rodriguez ($88.95) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 73 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alfonso Luis Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (80) Alfonso Luis Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr If 3MP filed paying I month of adequate protection payments to Creditor and math ok, GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN ____~_El~__ l_~)~)J-~----------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ _ 13-11914 13 bk Erick Manuel Castillo AND Ana Mercedes Castillo $0.03 under 5MP not approved or set for hearing / $3851.44 under CP • Joint Motion to Reinstate Case ,Filed by Joint Debtor Ana Mercedes Castillo, Debtor Erick Manuel Castillo. (Ledon, Jacqueline) (87) ~, Erick Manuel Castillo - db MATTHEW T BAYARD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ If granted, case to proceed in normal course - 26- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-12427 13 bk Maria Elena Aponte ~L{IS ,3?under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 45 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Maria Elena Aponte. (Hernandez, Henry) (50) Maria Elena Aponte - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN --~l)~:--Ll)-~JJltl-~}-~~~~--J-~lJ-llJ-:L------------------------------------___________________________________----------------13-12489 13 bk Ofelia M De Oca • Application to Withdraw Unclaimed Funds in the Amount of $1 ,975.46 Filed by Debtor Ofelia M De Oca. (Jeremiah, Leonard) (49) Ofelia M De Oca - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-13263 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Thomas Charles Blue AND Sheila Denise Longley-Blue $11,145.71 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 123 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Thomas Charles Blue, Joint Debtor Sheila Denise Longley-Blue. (Adams, Richard) (124) Thomas Charles Blue - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 27- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-14464 13 bk Phylltrynna Dean $15,736.80 • Motion to Reinstate Case, in addition to Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 61 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Phylltrynna Dean. (Bellinson, Andrew) (91)° Phylltrynna Dean - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course DENY: no modified plan filed 20 days prior to hearing as required by FRBP 2002 ---~~~~--~,t6.(-1(./J-~------------------------------------------------__________________________________________----------------------13-15526 13 bk Miguel M. Jodar AND Mayra I. Jodar • Objection to Claim of Nationstar Mortgage, LLC [# 4-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Mayra I. Jodar, Debtor Miguel M. Jodar. (Corona, Ricardo) (55) Miguel M. Jodar - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-15885 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Sol Angel Rodriguez ($0.03) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 60 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (84) Sol Angel Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN - 28 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-16913 13 bk Mauricio Valido $80.15 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 61 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Mauricio Valido. (63) Mauricio Valido - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan --~-t?-~~!_lJJ_~J_tJ_~ _____ ~_J~::JL~S[~_~~t:_~~ __l(2:i~ _______________________________________________________________ _ 13-17544 13 bk Gloria J. Rogers $583.22 under IMP • Motion to Reinstate Case, in addition to Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 54 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Gloria J. Rogers. (Bellinson, Andrew) (70)& Gloria J. Rogers - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: If granted, case to proceed in normal course 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - need 2013 tax returns _____~E:~~~_~_)~-~~l-~--------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ _ 13-17931 13 bk Curtis Hadley AND Frances E Hadley $9843.23 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Curtis Hadley, Joint Debtor Frances E Hadley. (Attachments: # 1 Service List) (Snyder, Douglas) (121)% Curtis Hadley - db DOUGLAS J SNYDER Nancy K. Neidich - tr ~ Ltf1-~-·· tl/uz/- 4th A Plan does not pay the IRS Priority Claim of$46,063.59 If Granted, CH reset to 1127 at 1:35 - 29- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-20188 13 bk Juan J Sevilla $0.00 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 52 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Juan J Sevilla. (Bellinson, Andrew) (75) Juan J Sevilla - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~q)~-~~-tl-l~JJ-:L-:J-~Je~~--lJ-l~~JJ~l--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-20918 13 bk Carlos M. Toledo ($2309.38) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 33 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Carlos M. Toledo. (Cordero, Patrick) (52) Carlos M. Toledo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Need to object to claim #10 & #11 as LMM denied ---~1?~~__11_11~J-L~------------------------------------___________________________________________________________________________ _ 13-22025 13 bk Diego G Cardona ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE e- D7S • Objection to Claim of Resurgent Capital Services [# 11-1], Resurgent Capital Services [# 10-1], Resurgent Capital Servies [# 9-1], Resurgent Capital Services [# 7-1], Vanda, LLC [# 1-1] Filed by Debtor Diego G Cardona. (Rudd, Aubrey) (118) Diego G Cardona - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: - 30 - 12/16/2014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orlando Pacheco 13-22042 13 bk 09:00AM $1851.60 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 65 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Orlando Pacheco. (Trivedi, Erick) (98) Orlando Pacheco - db ERICK TRIVEDI Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan ---~"-~-~--l~J-Q(ll:1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-24087 13 bk Alberto M. Muxo AND Lourdes Muxo • Motion to Subordinate Lien of Real Time Resolutions, Inc., to Loan Modification Agreement Under the LMM with America's Servicing Company [cal] Filed by Debtor Alberto M. Muxo, Joint Debtor Lourdes Muxo. (Ryan, D) (185) Alberto M. Muxo - db D JEAN RYAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 13-24330 13 bk Luis Angel Torres • Motion to Approve Short Sale of Debtor's Non-Homestead Property Filed by Debtor (94) Luis Angel Torres - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 31 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-25208 13 bk Pedro Luis Fuentes • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 3], Filed by Debtor Pedro Luis Fuentes. (Cordero, Patrick) (31) Pedro Luis Fuentes - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-25235 13 Proper Service: y _ n _ bk Aty called for prehearing Manuel Mendoza AND Roxana Mendoza $5338.35 under IMP • Renewed Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 119 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Manuel Mendoza, Joint Debtor Roxana Mendoza. (Frank, Michael) (166) Manuel Mendoza - db MICHAEL A. FRANK I __ J. Nancy K. Neidich - t r l y , t 9c ~ ~ '\pc -hla1 bu ~ M.o\1{)()~£ Re\\e..\'- .~ ~btj )70.:zD oW 7r{--4 (}Ouf ) a ) lJ I .\j re\)()L:)r<D~(lC('P' J (:]113) ~ss-: same issues from 10121 hearing when IMP was denied - nothing done to resolve. Removed 100% language, removing Chase (prpty 17220 with no eXPlanatiOlly"MM must be paid in plan( \rreHo ---~1?~~ __ L1J_e{~_)1_~ 13-25432 13 J~ ereul+or ~nD14 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ bk Guillermo Casanova ($1783.17) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 57 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Guillermo Casanova. (68) Guillermo Casanova - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan; debtor is paid ahead - 32- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-25511 13 bk Elias Garcia AND Damaris Lopez • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (39) Elias Garcia - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 13-26142 13 bk Irving R. Zamora AND Rina Zamora • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) [cal] Filed by Creditor Bank of America, N.A.. (113) • Motion to Allow Debtors to Participate for a Second Time in the Mortgage Modification Mediation Program Due to a Change in Circumstances Filed by Debtor Irving R. Zamora (118) Irving R. Zamora - db OMAR J ARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: Trustee opposes any unsecure portion 13-27267 13 bk Elizabeth Rojas ($1415.45) under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 71 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Elizabeth Rojas. (Nowack, Mitchell) (72) Elizabeth Rojas - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK ' Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: 3MP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; does not fund properly ffi. 16-60 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-27646 13 bk Miguel Angel Cardona AND Luz Betty Cardona ($ 12 564.48) under 5MP l • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 61 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Luz Betty Cardona, Debtor Miguel Angel Cardona. (Frank, Michael) (81) Miguel Angel Cardona - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 5MP not ok - debtor is paid ahead; need to objlconformlsurrender to claim # 19 as LMM denied ___~t:~_J __ l_LJ_Ls3_)l~Jl-------------------------------- ______________________________________________________--~---------------------13-28319 13 bk Diego Iraneta AND Anabel Castro ($114.44) under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 56 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Anabel Castro, Debtor Diego Iraneta. (Abad, Maylene) (72) Diego Iraneta - db MAYLENE C. ABAD Nancy K. Neidich - tr ' GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN ---~J?~~:--ll_tl-~l-l-~-------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ -______________________ _ 13-28604 13 bk Misael Puerto • Motion for Relief from Stay with Certificate of Service [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC .. (Lesesne, Brandi) (72) Misael Puerto - db CHRISTIAN P. LARRIVIERE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: - 34- 12/16/2014 09:00AM ----------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-28853 13 bk Rossana Marissa Munoz AND Marco Antonio Munoz $2357.80 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 82 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Rossana Munoz. (83) Rossana Marissa Munoz - db ALBERTO H. HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - LMM must be paid inside plan; does not provide for total payments disbursed by Trustee for Bayview ---~f:~!-J-~J~.lL:l---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-29350 13 bk Jorge Juan Preguerman $9224.64 under 2MP • Motion to Reconsider (Re: 97 Order on Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property), or in the alternative Motion to Vacate (Re: 97 Order on Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property) Filed by Creditor Summerlin Asset Mgnt V Trust. (101) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 88 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (89) Jorge Juan Preguerman - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN if objection by creditor & mtn to reconsider resolved ----~~~:~-~jlQ?~,tl-~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-29978 13 bk Maritza Brana ($0.02) under 4MP • Motion Allow Debtor to Enter into Loan Modification Agreement with Central Mortgage Company Filed by Debtor Maritza Brana. (Cordero, Patrick) (52) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 44 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Maritza Brana. (47) Maritza Brana - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 4MP not ok - LMM must be paid inside plan - 35 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -------~---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-29985 13 bk Jorge Rivera • Motion for Relieffrom Stay and Co-Debtor Stay [Negative Notice] [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Bank of America N.A.. (Gilbert, Michelle) (99) Jorge Rivera - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court:, 13-30616 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Jose A Rodriguez ~S~lq~ underl~P • First Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 74 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Jose A Rodriguez. (Bayard, Matthew) (83) Jose A Rodriguez - db MATTHEW T BAYARD Nancy K. Neidich - tr !I!fdi 6h:1,6-4Y;)ti/cd ~~;)JV'- tP~ -:14a~s to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - need to conform to DE #116 --~~~~~-l~JJ,lJl~--------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________ -____________________ _ 13-31732 13 bk Zolena Brown $3105.75 • Application for Administrative Expenses Filed by Debtor Zolena Brown. (Frank, Michael) (114) • Motion to Reinstate Case under proposed Third Amended Chapter 13 Plan Filed by Debtor Zolena Brown. (Frank, Michael) (119)11 Zolena Brown - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset confirmation to 1127/15 at 1:35 p.m. - 36 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-32279 13 bk Efren Freyre ($0.08) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 42 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Efren Freyre. (Marcer, Michael) (69) Efren Freyre - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: IMP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; LMM must be paid in plan; removed IVL ---~(2~~~-J-~-ll:lJ-!:L--j-~~~--~,l~-GeJ-L:{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-32640 13 bk Lester Gerardo Alvarado AND Tesla Ninosca Alvarado 11> 3LI;(.)~ under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 8 Chapter 13 Plan, 63 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Lester Gerardo Alvarado, Joint Debtor Tesla Ninosca Alvarado. (Cordero, Patrick) (77) Lester Gerardo Alvarado - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - calculation error on attorney fees; LMM must be paid in plan ---~~~__l~,[~~-L!l--------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________ ~- ___________________ _ 13-32727 13 bk Miguel Elias-Saud • Motion to Compel Ocwen Loan servicing, LLC, to negotiate in good faith in their participation in the LMM Prgorm Filed by Debtor Miguel Elias-Saud. (Frank, Michael) (85) Miguel Elias-Saud - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 37 - 09:00AM 12/16/2014 13-32757 13 bk Agustin Fuentes $504.50 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 34 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Agustin Fuentes. (Hernandez, Henry) (43) '\ty called Agustin Fuentes - db HENRY HERNANDEZ I orehearing Nancy K. Neidich - tr .,"~ ~r~ 'bv~ 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; need 100% language or good faith payment to unsecured creditors ---~~~-~--J-~J-ft)l-~_----------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________---____________________ _ 13-33257 13 bk Dionelit Jose Gonzalez AND Mariana Carolina Gonzal Manrique $36.94 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 31 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Dionelit Jose Gonzalez, (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proposed Modified Plan) (Rivero, Mary) (37) Dionelit Jose Gonzalez - db MARY JO RIVERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN --~~:~_11jl~)_L~_~-~~~~-J-lJ~-~)wL-~-------~-L~~i.?~-~-:L-~~_~~_j_{!_~_~_____________________________________ _ 13-33399 13 bk . "'-~J Mana E. Gonzalez $512.26 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 66 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Maria E. Gonzalez. (67) Maria E. Gonzalez - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN - 38 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-33468 13 bk Adela Batista Jardines ($0.01) under IMP • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (61) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 32 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (56) Adela Batista Jardines - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - continues to pay CCTS Capital FL when $$ was returned ---~Jt?~~--l~l~LLJ.J-~ _________________________________________________________________________________________ -----------------------13-33472 13 bk Eduardo Martino Vazquez AND Reina Martino • Motion to Allow Debtor to Enter Into a Loan Modification with Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC Filed by Debtor Eduardo Martino Vazquez. (Cordero, Patrick) (63) Eduardo Martino Vazquez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 13-33484 13 ¢ bk Wilder Sebastian under2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 48 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Wilder Sebastian. (50) Wilder Sebastian - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr ./7 ~tte?( 7 days to file a new MP or DIWIP 180 days: 2MP not ok - LMi1must be paid in plap !JI-JLcj;~ ft ./) Z; C:&~ ['(P/; () //J / U/'d4V ~~ ~/}/€-~/v1 r ~/[, - 39 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-33646 13 bk Victor Erik Gospodinoff AND Anna Raffaella Gospodinoff $768.69 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 31 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Victor Gospodinoff. (51) Victor Erik Gospodinoff - db OMAR J ARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr ;,i 1 Cr: ~~~ AI~ /i /- /2 ---y~o file a new MP or DIW?:P 180 days: 2MP not ok - paying LMM for Pennyrnac thru life of plan, however, plan states property is being surrendered __ -_tJ~~=~_J_tl_~)J_~ }_~~_~_2S_1J_le)_L:f_________________----___________________________________________________________________ _ 13-33761 13 bk Monica Ines Menna • Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record Filed by Debtor Monica Ines Menna. (126) • Amended Motion for Relief from Stay (Re: 93 Motion for Relief from Stay Filed by Creditor Gilbert Delgado. **This Replaces DE #99** (Montygierd, Hebe) (100) Monica Ines Menna - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------~------------ 13-34201 13 bk Yudelvis Rojas • Motion to Allow Loan Modification 11762 SW 187th Terrace, Miami, FL 33177 Filed by Creditor Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Trustee. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A) (Noel, Austin) (46) Yudelv1s Rojas - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 40- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-34228 13 bk Esteban Hilario Suarez • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 46 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Esteban Hilario Suarez. (Rodriguez, Ricardo) (70) Esteban Hilario Suarez - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ NancyK. Neidich - tr DENY: no modified plan filed 20 days prior to hearing as required by FRBP 2002 --~(>-~-~~--L1Jl~~t:1-~_~~_~_~1_l1_11_~ ___________________---------_____________________________________________ -------------13-34255 13 bk Antonia Burstein • Objection to Claim of Asset Acceptance, LLC [# 9], Filed by Debtor Antonia Burstein. (Cardet, Alberto) (83) Antonia Burstein - db ALBERTO M. CARDET Aty called Nancy K. Neidich - tr for prehearing Up to Court: 13-34367 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Freddy Navas $973.64 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 61 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Freddy Navas. (Florin, Nicole) (70) Freddy Navas - db NICOLE E. FLORIN Nancy K. Neidich - tr - 41 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-34443 13 bk Cira T. Alvarez $1142.79 under 3MP • Second Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 55 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Cira T. Alvarez. (Suarez, Yoli) (70) Cira T. Alvarez - db YOLI A SUAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN --~~~-~ __L~Jl~JJ_:l_~_~~~_~J_~JJll_:l __________________________________________________________________________ ------------13-35007 13 bk Alberto Gregorio Sanchez AND Maribel Dolores Sanchez • Motion to Payoff Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Early Filed by Debtor Alberto Gregorio Sanchez, Joint Debtor Maribel Dolores Sanchez. (Rudd, Aubrey) (77) Alberto Gregorio Sanchez - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Trustee Opposes Early Payoff (36 month plan) Debtor was unemployed at time of confirmation 13-35482 13 bk Benjamin Gonzalez AND Eudomilia Gonzalez $553.03 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 53 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Benjamin Gonzalez, Joint Debtor Eudomilia Gonzalez. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (73) Benjamin Gonzalez - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 42- 12/16/2014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Martha Mayela Mendieta 13-35485 13 bk 09:00AM 1. O~ under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 73 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Martha Mayela Mendieta. (Attachments: # 1 Modification Ledger) (Arcia, Omar) (90) Martha Mayela Mendieta - db OMAR J ARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN ___ ~J2~~~J_~~_ltJl-~----------------~------------------ ______________________________________________________---____________________ _ ·13-35821 13 bk Sum-Ang Kramer ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE C-o'1J • Renewed Verified Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Seterus, Inc. (as renewed, not verified) Filed by Debtor Sum-Ang Kramer. (Bublick, Jordan) (80) Sum-Ang Kramer - db JORDAN E. BUBLICK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 13-36405 13 bk Laquita A. McKinney ($7984.96) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 90 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Laquita A. McKinney. (Nowack, Mitchell) (91) Laquita A. McKinney - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 43 - 09:00AM 12/16/2014 13-37626 13 bk Carlos Pena $3275.80 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Carlos Pena. (Khan, Sheleen) (81)tJ) Carlos Pena - db SHELEEN G KHAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: Case dismissed for failure to appear at 1012112014 confirmation hearing If Granted, CH reset to 1127 at 1:35 13-38102 13 bk Orestes Leandro Garcia AND Julia Garcia ALSO ON PM s SeE PAGE ~ • Motion to Compel Adequate Protection Payments Filed by Creditor Wells Fargo Bank, NA. (Druker, Shaina) (81) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Wells Fargo Bank, NA (acct #1998) / Greentree Servicing, LLC / Greenwich Investors, XXVI, LLC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $330,000.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Julia Garcia, Debtor Orestes Leandro Garcia. (Cordero, Patrick) (78) Orestes Leandro Garcia - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 13-38903 13 bk Josh Jeremy Mena AND Arlene Mena • Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc .. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (113) Josh Jeremy Mena - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: - 44- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 13-40003 13 bk Ruben Palomino AND Juana Oneida Palomino $0.04 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 36 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Juana Oneida Palomino, Debtor Ruben Palomino. (Cordero, Patrick) (47) Ruben Palomino - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN __ --~q)~~-j_~ll_~_lJ_:L_~~~~~ (Q-'_g21:2J_L!.I________________________________________________________________________ ----------13-40644 13 bk Pedro Antonio Alberto $182.01 under IMP • Objection to Claim of Bank of America [# 17], Filed by Debtor Pedro Antonio Alberto. (Cordero, Patrick) (42) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 22 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Pedro Antonio Alberto. (Cordero, Patrick) (37) Pedro Antonio Alberto - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN if objection sustained ----~~~~-J-<>-J~J-L~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-10095 13 bk Esperanza Renteria $287.12 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 51 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Esperanza Renteria. (Cordero, Patrick) (57) Esperanza Renteria - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan L-t>R '. )1/ J:3 }J~ - 45 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-10167 13 bk Brian LeTroy Riggins ALSO ON PM, see PAGE ~C' Qloi. • Motion to Vacate (Re: 35 Order on Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property) Filed by Creditor Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. (Alonso, Antonio) (59) Brian LeT roy Riggins - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-10308 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Rene A Cuenca ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE 1..:: DLo9 • Motion for Relief from Stay to Enforce Final Judgement of Foreclosure Obtained (re: 517 EAST 23 STREET, HIALEAH, FL 33013) [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc .. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C) (Alonso, Antonio) (88) • Objection to Claim of BankUnited, N.A. [# 5], Real Time Resolutions, Inc. [# 8], U.S. Bank National Serviced by Select Portfolio Servicing [#10], JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. [#11], and JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. [#12] Filed by Debtor Rene A Cuenca. (Sagre, Ariel) (102) Rene A Cuenca - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-10337 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Sharon Cecilia Hinds-Santiago ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE 1.: Qlp <l • Further Hearing Re: Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $161009.00) Filed by Debtor Sharon Cecilia Hinds-Santiago. (59) • Motion for Relief from Stay and Order Directing Miami Dade Clerk of Courts to Issue Certificate of Sale and Certificate of Title Re: 3200 NW 214th Street Opa Locka, FL 33056. [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor MidFirst Bank. (Attachments: # 1 Final Judgment # 2 Appraisal) (Holtsinger, Matthew) (55) Sharon Cecilia Hinds-Santiago - db JACQUELINE C LEDON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 46- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-11102 13 bk Francisco Jose Campa • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (62) Francisco Jose Campa - db VERNA PO PO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-11204 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Milton Fuentes • Motion for Relief from Stay [Fee Amount $176], in addition to Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc .. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (52) Milton Fuentes - db ALBERTO M. CARDET Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-11236 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Marcelo Javier Sanchez Cornejo ($1500.22) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 15 Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Marcelo Javier Sanchez Cornejo. (Cordero, Patrick) (42) Marcelo Javier Sanchez Cornejo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan - 47- 12/16/2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------14-11365 13 bk Alejandro Fernandez AND Maria Cristina Fernandez 09:00AM $0.02 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 36 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alejandro Fernandez, Joint Debtor Maria Cristina Fernandez. (Gonzalez, Laila) (65) Alejandro Fernandez - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr If 2MP filed with surrender language for property and math ok, GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN ___ 1._t>~~:_J1)_~~5rJJ-~t--------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ _ 14-11563 13 bk William Alegria $0.01 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 36 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor William Alegria. (Cordero, Patrick) (45) William Alegria - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan ----~~~~-l~J~Jl-~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------14-12419 13 bk Felix J Martinez AND Harriet Maria Martinez $445.22 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 36 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Felix J Martinez, Joint Debtor Harriet Maria Martinez. (Cordero, Patrick) (54) Felix J Martinez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Need to object/conform/surrender to claim #16 as LMM denied - 48- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-12916 13 bk David Caballero AND Zoila C Hernandez $3353.75 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 71· Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor David Caballero, Joint Debtor Zoila C Hernandez. (Cordero, Patrick) (76) David Caballero - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN ---~{?~~~-11Jll~~l~ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 14-13029 13 bk Oscar Osvaldo Cantoral Gonzalez ($0.03) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 29 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Oscar Osvaldo Cantoral Gonzalez. (Cordero, Patrick) (41) Oscar Osvaldo Cantoral Gonzalez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---it-t>-~-~--ll-t£.?!)-ll-~------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ _ 14-13124 13 bk Ramon Martinez AND Mirella Martinez $3147.42 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 33 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Mirella Martinez, Debtor Ramon Martinez. (Cordero, Patrick) (50) Ramon Martinez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 49- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-13162 13 bk Chana D. Kagan ($72.39) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 55 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Chana D. Kagan. (74) Chana D. Kagan - db MATIS H ABARBANEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~_~-';.--lj()_~~~JJ_~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-13408 13 bk S Christine Wallace ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C~Ol.piJ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Saba I Chase Homeowners' Association, Inc on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $146430) Filed by Debtor S Christine Wallace. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (49) S Christine Wallace - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-13871 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ n _ bk Liliana Santiago $0.01 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 27 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Liliana Santiago. (Cordero, Patrick) (37) Liliana Santiago - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 50- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-13973 13 bk Patrick Augusto Senoret • Motion to Redirect Payment and Certificate of Service Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (59) Patrick Augusto Senoret - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-14533 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Jorge Rene Lozano AND Carolina Torres ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE C~o.105 • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Deutsche Bank Nat'l Trust Co. on Real Property (8899 SW 220 Ln, Miami, FL 33190) (Value of Collateral: $104,070.00) Filed by Debtor Jorge Rene Lozano, Joint Debtor Carolina Torres. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Robles, Richard) (36) • Motion For Sanctions Pursuant to 11 USC 362k Automatic Stay Violation Against Portofino Pointe Property Owners Association, Inc. and Paul A. McKenna & Ass9-~es, P.A. Filed by Debtor Jorge Rene Lozano, Joint Debtor Carolina Torres. (Robles, RiChard~(~ Jorge Rene Lozano - db RICHARD R ROBLES Nancy K. Neidich - tr . U/~ Up to Court: 14-14778 13 Proper 7004 Service: y_ n_ bk Steven Jaramillo AND Vivian Wagner • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (40) Steven Jaramillo - db LAlLA S. GONZALEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Trustee opposes any unsecure portion - 51 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sylvia Diaz Antelo 14-14950 13 bk ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE _C.-J2.I.a.S, • Objection to Claim of Nationstar Mortgage LLC [# 5], Filed by Debtor Sylvia Diaz Antelo. (Alos, Andres) (66) Sylvia Diaz Antelo - db ANDRES F ALaS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-15043 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Ibis Maria Hernandez Chantres AND Enrique Antonio Chantres ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C-Oll'2 S • Objection to Claim of Ecast Settlement Corp [# 7], Filed by Joint Debtor Enrique Antonio Chantres, Debtor Ibis Maria Hernandez Chantres. (Alvarez, Teresa) (84) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Bank of America, NA Filed by Debtor Ibis Maria Hernandez Chantres. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (86) Ibis Maria Hernandez Chantres - db TERESA M ALVAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-15388 13 bk Ignacio Arjoa AND Lizbeth Vegas Arjoa ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ll_ C~ Ol.ej • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Fay Financials on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $217,000) Filed by Debtor Ignacio Arjoa, Joint Debtor Lizbeth Vegas Arjoa. (Poe, James) (66) Ignacio Arjoa - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y _ Up to Court: - 52- ll_ 12/16/2014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-15760 13 bk Obranly Cuello 09:00AM • Motion to Compel Debtor to Comply with Confirmed Chapter 13 Plan Filed by Creditor TotalBank. (Alvarez, Alejandro) (52) Obranly Cuello - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-16171 13 bk Eric Andre Reichling ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~ • Motion to Deem Mortgage is Current Filed by Debtor Eric Andre Reichling. (Lipson, Stuart) (52) Eric Andre Reichling - db STUART A LIPSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-16183 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Elsa A. Osorio-Guevara AND Alberto Perez ll_ ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE C' QLt23 • Objection to Claim of Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC [# 8], Wells Fargo Bank N.A. [# 7], Filed by Debtor Elsa A. Osorio-Guevara, Joint Debtor Alberto Perez. (Abrams, Kenneth) (112) Elsa A. Osorio-Guevara - db DAVID S. ABRAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: - 53 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-16580 13 bk Michelle M. Laguerre • Application for Compensation for Jordan E. Bublick Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: 3/21/2014 to 11/12/2014, Fee: $8,287.50, Expenses: $286.99. Filed by Attorney Jordan E. Bublick Esq.. (67) Michelle M. Laguerre - db Jordan E Bublick aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-16615 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Steven Edward Pita AND Stephanie Marie PitaAlSO ON PM 1 SEE PAGE C~ Olebt • Objection to Claim of Keys Federal Credit Union [# 5-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Stephanie Marie Pita, Debtor Steven Edward Pita. (Poe, James) (53) Steven Edward Pita - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-17204 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Suniel Casalvilla AND Ayrin Casalvilla ll_ ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE ~ C- ott? 1 • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 6], Filed by Joint Debtor Ayrin Casalvilla, Debtor Suniel Casalvilla. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Suniel Casalvilla - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 54 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-17360 13 bk Carolina Selman Lopez ($978.80) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 36 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Carolina Selman Lopez. (Poe, James) (51) Carolina Selman Lopez - db JAMES A POE \ty called Nancy K. Neidich - tr or prehearing 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok -;L-------- -------.-~ LMM must be paid in plan thm life of plan). removed 100% languag ------~-------------~ ;> )6.1- ~ ---~~-~~-L~l-~lt!l-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-17440 13 bk Noel Diaz Leon AND Yohama De La Cuevas Perez ($4720.00) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 28 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Yohama De La Cuevas Perez, Debtor Noel Diaz Leon. (Hernandez, Hector) (49) Noel Diaz Leon - db !:lECTOR HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Aty called for prehearing 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan ---~e~:~ __ l_llJ-~,[L:l---------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ _ 14-17548 13 bk Oscar Augusto Estrada J.\lSO ON PM SEE PAGE =e - OleO j • Objection to Claim of State of Florida-Child Support Enforcement [# 7-1], Filed by Debtor Oscar Augusto Estrada. (Reyes, Mary) (32) Oscar Augusto Estrada - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Aty called Nancy K. Neidich - tr for prehearing Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: Consent [ECF No. 49] - 55 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-17629 13 bk Hector Jair Clavijo AND Ainek Clavijo ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE .c"'OIQQ~> • Hearing Re: Objection to Claim of CERASTES, LLC [# 14-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Ainek Clavijo, Debtor Hector Jair Clavijo. (Rudd, Aubrey) (42) Hector Jair Clavijo - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-17690 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Usia Dinnie Mclean ALSO ON PM, ll_ see PAGE C-QloO • Amended Application (60 Amended Application for Compensation for Neema R. Desai, AttorneyDebtor, Period: 3/27/2014 to 9/8/2014, Fee: $7,000.00, Expenses: $.) Filed by Debtor Usia Dinnie Mclean. (Desai, Neema) (64) Usia Dinnie Mclean - db NEEMA R. DESAI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-17851 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Shankita Deshandra Hill ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE ll_ C-D$1 • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (74) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Uen on Personal Property Held by Ally Financials Filed by Debtor Shankita Deshandra Hill. (Poe, James) (78) Shankita Deshandra Hill - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 56- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-17879 13 bk Carmen Russi De La Paz • Objection to Claim of Department of the Treasury-IRS [# 12-2], Filed by Debtor (46) Carmen Russi De La Paz - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: _ ~_L~~l~f2~:1 __ 14-18203 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ __ _________---_________________________________________________________________________________ _ ~_~~_lJ)~ ~ bk Damian Rodriguez ALSO ON PM, SEE. PAGE C.-DSS • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) 4-1 Filed by Creditor JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. (Carr, Samantha) (35) • Objection to Claim of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. [# 4], Filed by Debtor Damian Rodriguez (39) • Application for Compensation and certificate of service of application and notice of hearing for Peter D Spindel, Attorney-Debtor, Period: 4/8/2014 to 12/16/2014, Fee: $8540.00, Expenses: $460.00. Filed by Attorney Peter D Spindel. (Spindel, Peter) (41) Damian Rodriguez - db PETER D SPINDEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n _ 100% plan 14-18382 13 bk Leslie W. Thompson ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE .C-0 ~~ • Application for Compensation for Jordan E. Bublick Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: 4/11/2014 to 10/21/2014, Fee: $9,736.75, Expenses: $179.08. Filed by Attorney Jordan E. Bublick Esq .. (71) Leslie W. Thompson - db JORDAN E. BUBLICK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y n -- Up to Court: Safe harbor is $6,150.00, - 57 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-18856 13 bk Christian F. Hernandez • Application for Compensation for Jordan E. Bublick Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: 4/16/2014 to 12/17/2014, Fee: $8575.00, Expenses: $166.92. Filed by Attorney Jordan E. Bublick Esq .. (Bublick, Jordan) (63) Christian F. Hernandez - db JORDAN E. BUBLICK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: I Safe harbor is $3,650.00i 14-19000 13 bk Robert Armand Benard $2896.43 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Robert Armand Benard. (Rodriguez, Anthony) (54)6Robert Armand Benard - db ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates 14-19045 13 bk Rolando German Torres tl.\lSO ON PM, SEe PAGE t..: Q;5 z. • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bonita Golf View Townvilla Stage 2 on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $136,990.00) Filed by Debtor Rolando German Torres. (53) • Objection to Claim of Nationstar Mortgage, LLC [# 8], [cal] Filed by Debtor (42) Rolando German Torres - db DAVID S. ABRAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ - 58 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-19313 13 bk Maria Elena Mesa • Motion to Vacate Judicial Sale Filed by Interested Party HDLV bythe River, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B) (Acosta, Nory) (64) Maria Elena Mesa - db JONATHAN S MINICK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-20170 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Robert O. Hernandez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGEQ-Q:s;S, • A~d dJrecl1m 40 C\cB lYl ~ 'hl\~l d Na:u\ L~-~- J t l{-~V\ \ed b~ teh-\ef' LCo{) • Objection to Claim of United States Dept Treasury, I.R.S. [# 3-2], Filed by Debtor Robert O. Hernandez. (Bublick, Jordan) (81) Robert O. Hernandez - db JORDAN E. BUBUCK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 14-20233 13 bk Abdiel F Garlobo Najarro ($726.44) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 24 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Abdiel F Garlobo Najarro. (Del Pino, Haven) (41) Abdiel F Garlobo Najarro - db HAVEN DEL PINO Aty called Nancy K. Neidich - tr for prehearing 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - need litigation status; calculation error on attorney fees ¥~ 6u/I~~1 CAd ~;. d2J-k kd7//V/fFM, L-PR: J/ J~1 /14 -59- tV( . 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-20296 13 bk Pedro Mas AND Elizabeth Mas • Motion to Deviate from Mortgage Modification Mediation Procedures and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Joint Debtor Elizabeth Mas, Debtor Pedro Mas. (Spindel, Peter) (35) Pedro Mas - db PETER D SPINDEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Case already dismissed 14-20720 13 bk Carlos Alberto Centeno ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE1,;;OS:L • Objection to Claim of Miami-Dade Water & Sewer [# 5], Florida Power & Light [# 9], Filed by Debtor Carlos Alberto Centeno. (Robles, Richard) (63) • Objection to Claim of Seterus, Inc. [# 7], Filed by Debtor Carlos Alberto Centeno. (57) Carlos Alberto Centeno - db RICHARD R ROBLES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-20869 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Roberto Chinea, Jr. ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE e-QS:J • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Ocwen Loan Servicing on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $88,026) Filed by Debtor Roberto Chinea Jr.. (Bollinger, Robert) (44) Roberto Chinea - db ROBERT F. BOLLINGER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y_ n_ - 60- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-21347 13 bk Alejandro Romero AND Yaquelin Romero • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, NA [# 23], Filed by Debtor Alejandro Romero, Joint Debtor Yaquelin Romero. (Alvarez, Teresa) (62) Alejandro Romero - db TERESA M ALVAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-21427 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Ada Ramirez $444.94 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 44 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Ada Ramirez. (Schwitalla, James) (62) Ada Ramirez - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~-~-~-l~-~lJ-~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-21589 13 bk Ezequiel A. Meneses AND Ines Diaz De Meneses ALSO ON PM SEE PAGE .tJ2:52. j • Objection to Claim of Ocean Bank [# 14-3], Filed by Joint Debtor Ines Diaz De Meneses, Debtor Ezequiel A. Meneses. (Adams, Richard) (72) Ezequiel A. Meneses - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 61 - 12/16/2014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rafael Luis Santos AND Ada Maria Santos 14-21898 13 bk 09:00AM ($1071.81) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 49 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Ada Maria Santos, Debtor Rafael Luis Santos. (Gonzalez, Laila) (73) Rafael Luis Santos - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN -~~:~-JLC2-11~j-'-~-~-~~-~-1~JJ~-lJ-~------------------------- __________________________________________________---_____ _ 14-21911 13 bk Eduardo Antonio Cabezas AND Yulien Ramirez ALSO ON PM~ see PAGE t-Q54- • Objection to Claim of CitiMortgage, Inc. [# 6], Filed by Debtor Eduardo Antonio Cabezas, Joint Debtor Yulien Ramirez. (Florin, Nicole) (49) Eduardo Antonio Cabezas - db NICOLE E. FLORIN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-21928 13 bk Annia I. Castellanos • Motion to Reconsider (Re: 39 Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Creditor Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC. (Greenhill, Seth) (43) Annia I. Castellanos - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 62- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-22120 13 bk Julio Pinera • Objection to Claim of Green Tree Servicing, LLC. [# 9], Filed by Debtor Julio Pinera. (Gonzalez, Laila) (34) Julio Pinera - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-22218 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Lazaro Ortega • Motion for Relieffrom Co-Debtor Stay re: 8250 NW 5th Terrace #363, Miami, FL 33126 Filed by Creditor The Bank Of New York Mellon. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Final Judgment # 2 Exhibit B Certificate of Title) (Popowitz, Ashley) (28) Lazaro Ortega - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-22300 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Daniel Benitez AND Mirna Benitez ALSO ON PM 1 see PAGE C-Q6) • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 23], Filed by Debtor Daniel Benitez, Joint Debtor Mirna Benitez. (Sanchez, Robert) (53) Daniel Benitez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 63 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-22607 13 bk Cassand ra Norris Thornton • Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay 2009 DODGE CHARGER, VIN: 2B3KA33V99H593933 Filed by Creditor BRANCH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY (Agent for Regional Acceptance Corporation). (Attachments: # 1 Contract and Title # 2 Affidavit # 3 NADA) (LeVine, Dennis) (40) Cassandra Norris Thornton - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-22664 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Haubingths Miguel Izquierdo AND Maria A Franco • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 10], Filed by Joint Debtor Maria A Franco, Debtor Haubingths Miguel Izquierdo. (Cordero, Patrick) (40) Haubingths Miguel Izquierdo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-22696 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Jaison C Cherian AND Daliya Jaichan Cherian ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE,C:£)~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Venetian Isles Master Association, Inc. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $279,286.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Daliya Jaichan Cherian, Debtor Jaison C Cherian. (Mittelberg, Barry) (55) Jaison C Cherian - db BARRY S. MITTELBERG Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 64- ll_ 09:00AM 12/16/2014 14-22809 13 bk Eliana Ewald • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA as successor in interest to Washington Mutual Bank, as assigned to or serviced by Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC on ~eal Property (Value of Collateral: $87267) Filed by Debtor Eliana Ewald (36) Eliana Ewald - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-22901 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ bk Christina Dodoje $3210.50 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Christina Dodoje. (Amadi, Lynda) (38)& Christina Dodoje - db LYNDA C AMADI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates 14-22919 13 bk Abdel Garcia • Objection to Claim of Chase Manhattan Mortgage [# 3-1], Filed by Debtor Abdel Garcia. (Marcer, Michael) (57) Abdel Garcia - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 65 - 12/16/2014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23275 13 bk Joyce Woods 09:00AM $1727.23 • Motion to Reinstate Case with Certification of Funds Held and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Joyce Woods. (Novyack, Mitchell) (63)B" Joyce Woods - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset confirmation to 1127/15 at 1:35 p.m. 14-23360 13 bk Orrie Cherasia ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE ~i. • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, N.A. Claim #3 Filed by Debtor Orrie Cherasia. (Poe, James) (34) • Objection to Claim of Filed by Debtor Orrie Cherasia. (Poe, James) (29) Orrie Cherasia - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-23407 13 bk Yesenia Figueroa ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~(! -OL/ ~ • Motion for Relief from Stay 8615 NW 5th Ter #14-205, Miami, FL 33126 [Fee Amount $176], in addition to Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay Filed by Creditor Nationstar Mortgage LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Composite Exhibit) (Kalloo, Annessa) (63) Yesenia Figueroa - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 66- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-23464 13 bk Mario Milian Perez AND Olga Lidia Perez ALSO ON PM, SEe !PAGE CvjJ!:.J/b., • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Santander Consumer USA Filed by Debtor Mario Milian Perez, Joint Debtor Olga Lidia Perez. (26) Mario Milian Perez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-23587 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ bk Alberto Andres Ordaz ALSO ON PM 9 SEE PAGE C-0!:11 • Continued Hearing re: Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Select Portfolio (Third Mortgage) on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $162,000.00) Filed by Debtor Alberto Andres Ordaz. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Alberto Andres Ordaz - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-23643 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ bk Marlen C. De Cespedes $1449.58 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Marlen C. De Cespedes. (Murphree, Gary) (49t Marlen C. De Cespedes - db GARY M MURPHREE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset confirmation to 1/27/15 at 1:35 p.m. - 67- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23721 13 bk Juan Machado ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ,.c. -O~ • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 3], and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Juan Machado. (Nowack, Mitchell) (55) Juan Machado - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ ll_ ------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------~------------------------ ------------------------------ 14-23893 13 bk Odalys Cordero Romero ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C~Ol:/1 • Objection to Claim of Westlake Financial Services [# 3], Filed by Debtor Odalys Cordero Romero. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (50) Odalys Cordero Romero - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-24042 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ bk Jorge Alberto Cornejo Martinez ll_ AlSO·ON PM, SEe PAGE.t.-O~ Le • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, N.A. [# 3-1], Filed by Debtor Jorge Alberto Cornejo Martinez. (Hernandez, Henry) (46) Jorge Alberto Cornejo Martinez - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 68- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-24197 13 bk Jose Felix Lorenzo Melian AND Juana Acevedo Lorenzo ALSO ON PM, seE PAGE .t-DYS • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America, N.A. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $215,000.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Juana Acevedo Lorenzo, Debtor Jose Felix Lorenzo Melian. (Cordero, Patrick) (33) Jose Felix Lorenzo Melian - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 14-24208 13 bk Rolando Beltran Adamson AND Idania Madueno • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) relating to claim 19 Filed by Creditor JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. (Giacinto, Christopher) (32) Rolando Beltran Adamson - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: Trustee objects to any unsecured portion 14-24384 13 bk Alain Lorenzo AND Lillian Lorenzo ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE 1- o~:l.~l • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, N.A. et. al. [# 14], and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Alain Lorenzo, Joint Debtor Lillian Lorenzo. (Nowack, Mitchell) (50) Alain Lorenzo - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 69- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-24397 13 bk Vivian Soler • Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case Upon Denial of Confirmation of Plan Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (55) • Response to ([55] Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case Upon Denial of Confirmation of Plan filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich) Filed by Debtor Vivian Soler (57) Vivian Soler - db Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Debtor had to amend plan by 11125. Plan was amended on 12/02. 14-24630 13 bk Maria Antonia Martinez $411.12 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Maria Antonia Martinez. (Cordero, Patrick) (39)0 Maria Antonia Martinez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset confirmation to 1127/15 at 1:35 p.m. 14-25098 13 bk Yolanda Mendoza ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE J -0::1..3. • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Yolanda Mendoza. (Hernandez, Henry) (42) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., which may have been assigned or transferred to Carrington Resolution, however no assignment or transfer of mortgage has been recorded on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $99,220.00) Filed by Debtor Yolanda Mendoza. (38) Yolanda Mendoza - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y_ n_ - 70- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-25388 13 bk Danny Deverearux AND Jenny Caroline Devereaux ALSO ON PM, see PAGE 1l:JLL:4 • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Danny Deverearux , Joint Debtor Jenny Caroline Devereaux .***THIS REPLACES 0#49*** (Perusso, Conce) (52) • Motion To Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Danny Deverearux, Joint Debtor Jenny Caroline Devereaux. (Mendez, Diego) (49) Danny Deverearux - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-25421 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Lisa Diane Saunders • Objection to Claim of CitiMortgage, Inc. [# 8], Filed by Debtor Lisa Diane Saunders. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proof of claim, Note, Mortgage, Assignment of Mortgage) (Castrataro, George) (43) Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-25507 13 bk Charles Barra ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE.~ ~MJ.> • Motion to Reconsider Denial of Motion for Relief from Stay Filed by Creditor Zamindari Investments, Inc .. (Kogan, Lyudmila) (52) Charles Barra - db RICHARD J MCINTYRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 71 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-25685 13 bk Delcida Murcia Vargas • Motion to Shorten the Prejudice Period Filed by Debtor Delcida Murcia Vargas. (19) Delcida Murcia Vargas - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: 14-25719 13 bk Franklin Louis-Jean AND Garlene Louis Charle~lSO ON PM, SEe PAGE ~l • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Joint Debtor Garlene Louis Charles, Debtor Franklin Louis-Jean. (42) • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 2], and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Joint Debtor Garlene Louis Charles, Debtor Franklin Louis-Jean. (44) Franklin Louis-Jean - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n _ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-25749 13 bk Concepcion Torres $307.69 • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 33 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Concepcion Torres. (Gonzalez, Laila) (50) Concepcion Torres - db LAlLA S. GONZALEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 1127/2015 Provide proof of medical necessity for vacuum cleaner - 72- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-26077 13 bk Ricky Smith • Objection to Claim of Department of Revenue [# 6-1], Department of Revenue [# 7-1], Filed by Debtor Ricky Smith. (Rudd, Aubrey) (35) Ricky Smith - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26175 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Villy Choute ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE ll_ C-0 YQ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of The Club at Brickell Bay on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $266210) Filed by Debtor Villy Choute. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Amadi, Lynda) (42) Villy Choute - db LYNDA C AMADI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26184 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ bk Carl Jay Pinckney ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ,C - Q ~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A as successor in interest to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $49130) Filed by Debtor Carl Jay Pinckney. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (27) Carl Jay Pinckney - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 73 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-26300 13 ""'(u6-\ee's bk Susan Kanner ~~+ W firI-nJ ~ ~( \\tM\6::~\~ &b~ ~I\Qo\()\ o-l CaArl'<U"\1m e\ P\cl() (t5~0 • Motion to Convert Chapter '13 Case to Chapter 11 and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing [Fee Amount $932] Filed by Debtor Susan Kanner. (Olson, Christian) (51) • Objection to Claim of Suntrust Banks, Inc., [# 3], Filed by Debtor Susan Kanner. (Frank, Michael) (41) • Attorney Repres~nted Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Suntrust Mortgage Filed by Debtor Susan Kanner. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Frank, Michael) (44) Susan Kanner - db CHRISTIAN J. OLSON Nan. cy K. Neidich - tr \' A rv,n\\~ P'led bu "ThJ6-\e~ 00d ~;:(1IIes\- "~\ " Re6~--+O (55 Noh" ct::.- o-t-(\ Ccmpllaoee. NO()~ CO'l '\ \ --t;}" J :.:.) -,~ I E()~~ h\~\s=u\ (S'b') up to Court: " . 14-26305 13 bk Miriam Sanchez Proper Service: y _ ALSO ON PM? ll_ see PAGE~, • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Miriam Sanchez. (Sagre, Ariel) (34) Miriam Sanchez - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr up to Court: 14-26335 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Maryorie M Navarro ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE t.-:.Q89 • Objection to Claim of Admin Recovery [# 2-1], Filed by Debtor Maryorie M Navarro. (Corona, Ricardo) (24) Maryorie M Navarro - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 74- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-26373 13 bk Esaul Pena AND Juana E Pena ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE.~ • Motion for Relief from Stay 12630 Northwest 17th Avenue, Miami, FL 33167 [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Seterus Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Final Judgment # 2 Exhibit B - Property Appraisal) (Carr, Samantha) (32) Esaul Pena - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26430 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Juan A Rodriguez ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE =~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of E*Trade Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $275,000.00) Filed by Debtor Juan A Rodriguez. (Shoot, Lawrence) (39) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of JP Morgan Chase on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $275,000.00) Filed by Debtor Juan A Rodriguez. (Shoot, Lawrence) (41) Juan A Rodriguez - db LAWRENCE M SHOOT Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26443 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ bk Jimmy Rainieri-Shamir ll_ ,ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE e-~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of State of Florida, Department of Revenue on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $310916) Filed by DebtorJimmy Rainieri-Shamir. (Reyes, Mary) (41) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Santander Consumer USA Filed by Debtor Jimmy Rainieri-Shamir. (Reyes, Mary) (38) Jimmy Rainieri-Shamir - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 75 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------~------------------ 14-26476 13 bk Dennis Olazabal ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE e~.Q3~ • Objection to Claim of Nationstar Mortgage LLC [# 3], Filed by Debtor Dennis Olazabal. (Rodriguez, Ricardo) (29) Dennis Olazabal - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----~------------------------- 14-26887 13 bk Socorro Figueroa $2000.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Socorro Figueroa. (Khan, Sheleen) (41) b Socorro Figueroa - db SHELEEN G KHAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: If granted, Clerk to reset all dates Debtor's counsel must file 20 16(b) 14-26893 13 bk Mayra Nunez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .,t.::DQl • Objection to Claim of Regional Acceptance Corporation Serviced by BB&T [# 3], and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Mayra Nunez. (Nowack, Mitchell) (42) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Mayra Nunez. (Nowack, Mitchell) (40) Mayra Nunez - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 76- 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-26940 13 bk Rita Lezcano-Lavin • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Mitsubishi Motors Credit of America Filed by Debtor Rita Lezcano-Lavin. (Cordero, Patrick) (27) Rita Lezcano-Lavin - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: Y_ __ _~_l:!~_~~~_j(_~ ~~~Cj~-l{)~-~--------------------------- 14-26997 13 bk Fanny Pacheco ll_ __________________________________________________________________ _ ALSO ON PM, see PAGE i-a?:! ~ • Motion to Approve Loan Modification Agreement with Bank of America Filed by Debtor Fanny Pacheco. (Attachments: # 1 Loan Modification Agreement) (Rudd, Aubrey) (48) Fanny Pacheco - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-27114 13 bk Jose Francisco Gonzalez ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE ll_ e~ Q31. • Objection to Claim of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. [# 1], Filed by Debtor Jose Francisco Gonzalez. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) • Objection to Claim of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. [# 2], Filed by Debtor Jose Francisco Gonzalez. (Cordero, Patrick) (37) Jose Francisco Gonzalez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 77 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-27147 13 bk Alberto R Rawlins AND Ana G Rawlins {\ D? ,/ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ..k:'-><_...... !.J.. ...... J • Motion To Substitute Attorney Alejandro Sixto for Attorney Luis Torrens. Filed by Debtor Alberto R Rawlins, Joint Debtor Ana G Rawlins. (Sixto, Alejandro) (37) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Alberto R Rawlins, Joint Debtor Ana G . Rawlins. (Sixto, Alejandro) (40) Alberto R Rawlins - db LUIS A TORRENS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-27224 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Alain William Freeman $4390.04 • Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case and in the alternative Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period [Fee Amount $235] Filed by Debtor Alain William Freeman. (Rudd, Aubrey) (27)~ Alain William Freeman - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates Dismissed for Certificate of Counseling Case was filed on 7/3112014 Cert. was taken on 11/1112014 14-27256 13 bk Maria Minguez • Objection to Claim of Urban Financial of America, LLC. [# 6], Filed by Debtor Maria Minguez. (Gonzalez, Laila) (29) Maria Minguez - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 78- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-27286 13 bk Pedro Pablo Hernandez ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE ~QQ..y • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank Filed by Debtor Pedro Pablo Hernandez. (Cordero, Patrick) (43) Pedro Pablo Hernandez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: Y_ ll_ ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------~---------------------- ------------------------------ 14-27391 13 bk Tulio H Quinones ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Doral Park County Club Association, Inc. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $149,800.00) Filed by Debtor Tulio H Quinones. (32) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Village at Doral Oak Association, Inc., Executive National Lockbox on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $149,800.00) Filed by Debtor (35) Tulio H Quinones - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: Y_ Up to Court: 14-27398 13 bk Guillermo R Troya AND Aniuris Rodriguez A,lSO ON PM, ll_ see PAGE ,~c';.Q..5.l. • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bosco Credit II Trust Series 2010-1 on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $150,000.00) Filed by Debtor Guillermo R Troya (34) Guillermo R Troya - db RICARDO CORONA Aniuris Rodriguez - jdb Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: Y_ - 79- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-27557 13 bk Giraldo Walter Bagley Ai..SO ON PM~ SEE PAGE ~q~~ • Motion for Relieffrom Stay (Property Address: 153 NE 49TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33137) [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Seterus Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E) (Alonso, Antonio) (32) • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 4-1], Filed by Debtor Giraldo Walter Bagley. (29) Giraldo Walter Bagley - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-27724 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Edy Jamiel Alvarez AND Marisol Serrano ALSO ON PM 9 SeE PAGE C.-.Q.CJ., • Objection to Claim of BMW Bank of North America [# 9-1], Filed by Debtor Edy Jamiel Alvarez, Joint Debtor Marisol Serrano. (Cordero, Patrick) (31) Edy Jamiel Alvarez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28007 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Pietro Minicozzi $1379.35 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Pietro Minicozzi. (Marcer, Michael) (33)L¥! Pietro Minicozzi - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset confirmation to 1127/15 at 1:35 p.m. - 80 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-28075 13 bk Ramon Rodriguez AND Estela Maria Rodriguez t:jI.""lQO ALSO ON PM,. SeE PAGE ...,. 'V""""""=. ,~ • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury- Internal Revenue Service [# 6], Filed by Joint Debtor Estela Maria Rodriguez, Debtor Ramon Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (24) Ramon Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: 14-28200 13 bk Indira Almeida • Motion to Reinstate Case and Convert to Chapter 7 Filed by Debtor Indira Almeida. (Belleh, Owei) (24) Indira Almeida - db OWEI Z BELLEH Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: 14-28244 13. bk Marvin Gettinger AND Gloria L Gettinger $512.47 • Motion to Reconsider, or in the alternative Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Joint Debtor Gloria L Gettinger, Debtor Marvin Gettinger. (Van Horn, Chad) (42)& Marvin Gettinger - db CHAD T VAN HORN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n _ If granted, Clerk to reset confirmation to 1/27/15 at 1:35 p.m. - 81 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-28496 13 bk Ricardo A Gonzalez .A.lSO ON PM, SEE PAGE. C~.QR::l • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Westland Gardens Condo Association on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $85000.00) Filed by Debtor Ricardo A Gonzalez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Sanchez, Robert) (15) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Ricardo A Gonzalez. (Sanchez, Robert) (25) Ricardo A Gonzalez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28578 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk Edward Lewis Willis AND Rosemary Willis ll_ ALSO ON PM? SEE PAGE c-oa9. • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of GMAC Mortgagel Ditech on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $65,472.00) Filed by Debtor Edward Lewis Willis, Joint Debtor Rosemary Willis. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Mortgage Document # 2 Exhibit B- Appraisal) (Adams, Richard) (35) Edward Lewis Willis - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28589 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk Alain Hernandez ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE' C- oo':f • Motion To Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Alain Hernandez. (Mendez, Diego) (33) Alain Hernandez - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 82- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-28668 13 bk Arthur M. Levin AND Katheryn A. Levin ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE C- Drat • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Arthur M. Levin, Joint Debtor Katheryn A. Levin. (Hoffman, Michael) (33) Arthur M. Levin - db MICHAEL S HOFFMAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28828 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Daniel Cartas AND Irasema Cartas ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C-.QgQ • Objection to Claim of Bank of America N.A [# 3], Filed by Debtor Daniel Cartas, Joint Debtor Irasema Cartas. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (37) • Objection to Claim of Bank of America N.A [# 5], Filed by Debtor Daniel Cartas, Joint Debtor Irasema Cartas. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (34) Daniel Cartas - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28851 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Anthony Lavale Davis $2078.38 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Anthony Lavale Davis. (Saladrigas, Mercedes) (34)(}' Anthony Lavale Davis - db MERCEDES SALADRIGAS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates - 83 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-28989 13 bk Charlene Bradley Gibbons $237.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Charlene Bradley Gibbons. (Bublick, Jordan) (59)~ Charlene Bradley Gibbons - db JORDAN E. BUBUCK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates Plan issues to be address at confirmation 14-29112 13 bk Rolando Ortiz AND Norma Tania Guerra ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ,C ' QQ.7 • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 4], Filed by Joint Debtor Norma Tania Guerra, Debtor Rolando Ortiz. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Rolando Ortiz - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-29143 13 bk Juan Botero ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE ~!::..f)2LP • Motion for Relief from Stay and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc .. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (36) Juan Botero - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 84- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-29146 13 bk Ivania Isabel Velez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~ • Objection to Claim of World Omni Financial Corp. [# 1], Filed by Debtor Ivania Isabel Velez. (37) Ivania Isabel Velez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-29301 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Hantz'J. Delmas ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGEC::DR~. • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Santander Consumer, USA Filed by Debtor Hantz J. Delmas. (Levine, Lawrence) (26) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by SunTrust Bank Filed by Debtor Hantz J. Delmas. (Levine, Lawrence) (28) • Motion for Determination that Claims filed Have No Interest in Property Held by Tenants by the Entireties and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor (33) Hantz J. Delmas - db LAWRENCE A LEVINE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-29527 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ bk Teddy Cervoni AND Lilliam Sepulveda Rodrig~~SO ON PM, ll_ see PAGE ~c::'..Qji • Objection to Claim of Santander Consumer USA, Inc. [# 6] Filed by Debtor Teddy Cervoni (25) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Select Portfolio Servicing I MERS (Acct No 6829) on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $162,000.00) Filed by Debtor Teddy Cervoni (28) Teddy Cervoni - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 85 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-29582 13 bk Roxana 0 Rodriguez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~ • Objection to Claim of Admin Recovery 1 TO RCS 1 Mayor's Jewelers [# 1], Filed by Debtor Roxana D Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) Roxana D Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr What happened to the jewelry? 14-29659 13 bk Carlos R Santin AND Patricia E Villalobos SantinAlSO ON PM, SEE PAGE l.:S2Y1 • Objection to Claim of Nationstar Mortgage, LLC [# 10], Filed by Debtor Carlos R Santin, Joint Debtor Patricia E Villalobos Santin. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Carlos R Santin - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-29671 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Rafael Silvio Pen a AND Yolanda Maria Martin~zp',,\e8~' Il (\ \ I _ AlSv 'I\! PM, SEe PAGE ~ • Motion to Value and Determine ~ecured Status of Lien Of Wells Fargo Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $275,000.00) Filed by Debtor Rafael Silvio Pena. (Cordero, Patrick) (22) • Objection to Claim of Suntrust Bank [# 1] Filed by Debtor Rafael Silvio Pena. (Cordero, Patrick) (25) Rafael Silvio Pena - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ - 86- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-30079 13 bk Sixto R Ortega AND Olga L Machin Ortega ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE t--..Q 1£S • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Veripro Solutions 1 First Franklin 1 MERS on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $190,000.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Olga L Machin Ortega, Debtor Sixto R Ortega. (Cordero, Patrick) (25) Sixto R Ortega - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30082 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk Omar Abadia AND Martha Abadia ll_ ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE .Q::1).El3 • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Green Tree on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $148,480.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Martha Abadia, Debtor Omar Abadia. (31) Omar Abadia - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30165 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk ll_ Adriana C Farah • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Omar Perez on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $135,060.00) Filed by Debtor Adriana C Farah. (Carrero, Alberto) (23) • Exigent curcumstances. *Counseling certificate was obtained in March 2014 - it is more than 180 days old** Adriana C Farah - db ALBERTO CARRERO Nancy K. Neidich -tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: Y_ - 87 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-30246 13 bk Nathan J. Essenstam AND Holly G. EssenstarTAlSO ON PM SEe PAGE 1.:1LL{ 1 • Motion Waive Wage Deduction Order [cal] Filed by Joint Debtor Holly G. Essenstam, Debtor Nathan J. Essenstam. (Sorota, Samuel) (29) • Motion to Reconsider ruling on Debtor's Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property (D.E. 19) Hearing held on November 18, 2014 Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (44) Nathan J. Essenstam - db SAMUEL S SOROTA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30271 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Miriam Vera ALSO ON PM 1 SEE PAGE ll_ r-0 1.:L • Objection to Claim of Santander Consumer USA, Inc. [# 1], Filed by Debtor Miriam Vera. (Cordero, Patrick) (22) Miriam Vera - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ ll_ 14-30349 13 bk Orlando Jose Guzman • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Shoma Homes at Keys Cove Condominium Association Inc on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $46425.00) Filed by Debtor Orlando Jose Guzman. (Rodriguez, Ricardo) (20) Orlando Jose Guzman - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 88- ll_ 09:00AM 12/16/2014 14-30367 13 bk Jose Alvarez $1245.00 • Motion to Vacate Dismissal (Re: 28 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Jose Alvarez. (Onwuemene, Onochie) (31t Jose Alvarez - db ONOCHIE P ONWUEMENE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates 14-30538 13 bk Diana Martinez ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE .i~ D~ • Objection to Claim of SunTrust Bank [# 2-1], Filed by Debtor Diana Martinez. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Torrens, Luis) (27) Diana Martinez - db LUIS A TORRENS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30601 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Andres Rojas • Objection to Claim of 2-1 [# Snap On Credit, LLC], Filed by Debtor Andres Rojas. (Corona, Ricardo) (30) Andres Rojas - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 89- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-30636 13 bk Janet Mesa Rodriguez ALSO ON PM SEE PAGE C~ 0) Q y • Objection to Claim of BB&T [# 1], Filed by Debtor Janet Mesa Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) Janet Mesa Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-30644 13 bk Nancy I Izquierdo ALSO ON PM, ll_ see PAGE .t ~O} 6L • Objection to Claim of State Farm Bank, FSB [# 5], Filed by Debtor Nancy I Izquierdo. (Cordero, Patrick) (20) • Objection to Claim of Sun Trust Bank [# 2], Filed by Debtor Nancy I Izquierdo. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Nancy I Izquierdo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-30648 13 bk Pedro Velazquez AND Xiomara Perez ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE f~ola • Objection to Claim of SunTrust Bank [# 3], Filed by Joint Debtor Xiomara Perez, Debtor Pedro Velazquez. (Cordero, Patrick) (27) • Objection to Claim of Ally Bank Serviced by Ally Servicing, LLC [# 8], Filed by Joint Debtor Xiomara Perez, Debtor Pedro Velazquez. (Cordero, Patrick) (30) Pedro Velazquez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 90- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-30651 13 bk Jorge Ignacio Lopez Garces AND Anay AlvarellSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ".c.:..QtL, • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America, NA on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $43,610.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Anay Alvarez, Debtor (29) Jorge Ignacio Lopez Garces - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-30746 13 bk Silfreda Denis • Objection to ([39) Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case for Failure to Make PreConfirmation Plan Payments filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich) Filed by Debtor Silfreda Denj$(4 -" • Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case for Failu 0 Make Pre-Confirmation'P1 Payments Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (39 Silfreda Denis - db JEFFREY M HEARNE Aty called Nancy K. Neidich - tr for prehearing Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: ~r fo/ z: 3£// !1bjj) c2 S3F ~31(1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 14-30833 13 bk Barbara Isabel Cuevas $500.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case with Certification of Funds Held and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Barbara Isabel Cuevas. (Nowack, Mitchell) (24) f? Barbara Isabel Cuevas - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates - 91 - 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-30859 13 bk Laura E Palacios ALSO ON PM, see PAGE J ~~lL, • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Laura E Palacios. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (38) Laura E Palacios - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30869 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Orlando Velasquez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $86,240.00) Filed by Debtor Orlando Velasquez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 Miami Dade Property Appraiser) (Mendez, Diego) (22) Orlando Velasquez - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30916 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ bk ll_ Luis Diaz Arias AND Johany Jorge • Objection to Claim of Everbank [# 6] Filed by Debtor Luis Diaz Arias, Joint Debtor Johany Jorge. (Cordero, Patrick) (30) • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, NA [# 5], Filed by Debtor Luis Diaz Arias, Joint Debtor Johany Jorge. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Luis Diaz Arias - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 92- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-31125 13 bk Maria D Hernandez Carrillo ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE .r: ~ DQfl • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, NA [# 2], Filed by Debtor Maria D Hernandez Carrillo. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Maria D Hernandez Carrillo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-31161 13 bk Adriana Patricia Santa ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ll_ 0-=.OO;£~" • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Adriana Patricia Santa. (Bollinger, Robert) (28) Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: 14-31489 13 bk Yadmeliel L Suros ll_ ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE n.C •.J)QLR. • Objection to Claim of Wells Fargo Bank dba Wells Fargo Dealer Services [# 3], Filed by Debtor Yadmeliel L Suros. (Cordero, Patrick) (20) Yadmeliel L Suros - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 93 - ll_ 12/16/2014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-31496 13 bk Luany M Ayala ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~c.:: roy 09:00AM • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Beneficial Florida Inc.lHSBC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $206,800.00) Filed by Debtor Luany M Ayala. (Cordero, Patrick) (22) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Great Florida Bank (Second Mortgage) on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $206,800.00) Filed by Debtor Luany M Ayala. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) Luany M Ayala - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31564 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk Piedad Mercedes Franco Milian ll_ ALSO ON PM! SEE PAGE ~ • Objection to Claim of American Honda Finance Corporation [# 1], Filed by Debtor Piedad Mercedes Franco Milian. (Cordero, Patrick) (22) Piedad Mercedes Franco Milian - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31723 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Danny Martinez Seara AND Yusnely Acosta Palomino ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE .C -00 S • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Suntrust Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $256,282.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Yusnely Acosta Palomino, Debtor Danny Martinez Seara. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) Danny Martinez Seara - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 94- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-31727 13 bk Jesus Salvador Ortiz ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~> • Objection to Claim of American Honda Finance Corporation [# 2], Filed by Debtor Jesus Salvador Ortiz. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 5], Filed by Debtor Jesus Salvador Ortiz. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Jesus Salvador Ortiz - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31764 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Alfredo Luis Yllescas ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C~OO~ • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Alfredo Luis Yllescas. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Alfredo Luis Yllescas - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31765 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Lester Keith Marder ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE~.m{ • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Lester Keith Marder. (Cordero, Patrick) (30) • Objection to Claim of American Honda Finance [# 2], Filed by Debtor Lester Keith Marder. (Cordero, Patrick) (20) • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 3], i Ii Filed by Debtor Lester Keith Marder. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Lester Keith Marder - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 95 - - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-31794 13 bk Terry Lee Pittser AND Litsy Carolina Pittser ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE C-OfYf • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 5], Filed by Joint Debtor Litsy Carolina Pittser, Debtor Terry Lee Pittser. (Cordero, Patrick) (18) • Objection to Claim of Ally Financial Serviced by Ally Servicing, LLC [# 6], Filed by Joint Debtor Litsy Carolina Pittser, Debtor Terry Lee Pittser. (Cordero, Patrick) (24) • Objection to Claim of Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC [# 1], Filed Debtor Terry Lee Pittser. (21) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Terry Lee Pittser. (Cordero, Patrick) (29) Terry Lee Pittser - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31797 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Adriana Ivonne Diaz Montoya ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .c.~~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Specilazed Loan Servicing 1Argent Mortgage Company on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $90,000.00) Filed by Debtor (21) Adriana Ivonne Diaz Montoya - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31814 13 Proper 7004 Service: y _ bk Lope Ramirez ll_ ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE _C- -C03. • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Lope Ramirez. (Cordero, Patrick) (28) • Objection to Claim of CSI Logic [# 2], Filed by Debtor Lope Ramirez. (Cordero, Patrick) (24) Lope Ramirez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 96- ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-31945 13 bk Luz Gomez • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Luz Gomez. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (23) Luz Gomez - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: 14-32346 13 bk Jose A Melendez AND Luisa Ivania Melendez $1384.39 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Jose A Melendez, Joint Debtor Luisa Ivania Melendez. (Rudd, Aubrey) (24)'» Jose A Melendez - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: If granted, Clerk to reset all dates 14-32529 13 • Motion Property Amaurys Nancy K. bk Amaurys Espinosa to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage on Real (Value of Collateral: $123,007.00) Filed by Debtor Amaurys Espinosa. (Sanchez, Robert) (22) Espinosa - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Neidich - tr Proper 7004 Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: - 97- 09:00AM 14-32907 13 12/16/2014 bk Mary L Faison • Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Filed by Debtor Mary L Faison. «14) Mary L Faison - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33035 13 Proper Service: bk y~ n~ Manuel J. Frade • Motion Determine Property of Estate and Lift Automatic Stay Filed by Creditor Matlock Morphs LLC. (Weinstein, Richard) (14) Manuel J. Frade - db JAVIER BANOS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y~ n~ Motion to convert case to Chapter 7 [ECF No. 24] set for 1127/15 14-33080 13 bk Osvaldo Aquino AND Ariadna Aquino • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Regions Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $145,000) Filed by Joint Debtor Ariadna Aquino, Debtor Osvaldo Aquino. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Sanchez, Robert) (15) Osvaldo Aquino - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: - 98- y~ n~ 12/16/2014 09:00AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------14-33226 13 bk Roberto Benavides AND Ninette Benavides (~9Q6( ~O) • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Joint Debtor Ninette Benavides, Debtor Roberto Benavides. ~ (Abrams, Kenneth) (12) Roberto Benavides - db DAVID S. ABRAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If granted, Clerk to reset all dates 14-33239 13 bk Ruben J. Gonzalez AND Ana J. Gonzalez • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Joint Debtor Ana J. Gonzalez, Debtor Ruben J. Gonzalez. (Navarro-Garcia, Sandra) (18) Ruben J. Gonzalez - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-33277 13 bk Juana Virgen Alarcon • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Space Coast Credit Union on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $224526.00) Filed by Debtor Juana Virgen Alarcon. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Sanchez, Robert) (13) Juana Virgen Alarcon - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ n_ - 99- 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-33365 13 bk Orlando A. Martinez AND Matilde Martinez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $120,000) Filed by Joint Debtor Matilde Martinez, Debtor Orlando A. Martinez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Sanchez, Robert) (14) Orlando A. Martinez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33517 13 Proper 7004. Service: Y_ bk ll_ Margarita Vazquez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by [cal] Filed by Debtor Margarita Vazquez. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Pina-Brito, Mercy) (20) Margarita Vazquez - db MERCY B PINA-BRITO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33719 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk ll_ Tomas Gonzalez AND Martha Gonzalez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Nationstar Mortgage on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $66,000) Filed by Joint Debtor Martha Gonzalez, Debtor Tomas Gonzalez. (Sanchez, Robert) (12) Tomas Gonzalez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: Y_ - 100 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM ----------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-33787 13 bk Lamercie Norgaisse • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of U.S. Bank National Association on Real Property and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing (Value of Collateral: $87,610.00) Filed by Debtor Lamercie Norgaisse. (Attachments: # 1 Property Value) (23) Lamercie Norgaisse - db MATIS H ABARBANEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33799 13 Proper 7004 Service: Y_ bk ll_ Elizabeth Galera • Motion for Order Confirming Termination of Automatic Stay Filed by Creditor BSI Financial Services, Inc., as servicer in fact for HMC Assets, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Note and Mortgage # 2 Proposed Order) (Kim, David) (16) Elizabeth Galera - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: ll_ 14-34105 13 bk Delmis Bencomo .. Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Citimortgage Inc on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $53947.00) Filed by Debtor Delmis Bencomo. (Marcer, Michael) (13) Delmis Bencomo - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 101 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-34153 13 bk Amayve Cabrera • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Amayve Cabrera. (Gonzalez, Laila) (17) Amayve Cabrera - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-35365 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Evonise Noel • Motion for Relief from Stay [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor True ST Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Note, Mortgage and AOMs - Part I # 2 Exhibit A - Note, Mortgage and AOMs - Part II # 3 Exhibit b- Uniform Final Judgment Part I # 4 Exhibit B - Uniform Final Judgment Part II # 5 Exhibit C- Property Appraiser Report # 6 Exhibit C- Rest of Property Appraiser Report # 7 Payoff to date of filing) (Waldman, Damian) (8) Evonise Noel - db DANIEL M KEIL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ ll_ 14-35810 13 bk Irma 0 Bourke • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of International Finance Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $124,045.00) Filed by Debtor Irma O'Bourke. (Torrens, Luis) (8) Irma 0 Bourke - db LUIS A TORRENS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper 7004 Service: y _ - 102 - ll_ 12/16/2014 09:00AM 14-36029 13 bk Ana Maria Alfonso • Motion for Determination that Debtor and Debtor's Non-Filing Spouse are not Joint Debtors on any Unsecured Debts Filed by Debtor Ana Maria Alfonso. (Schwitalla, James) (12) Ana Maria Alfonso - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court 14-36965 13 bk Eduardo A Briceno • Expedited Motion to Extend the Automatic Stay [cal] Filed by Debtor Eduardo A Briceno. (5) Eduardo A. Briceno - db Peter D Spindel aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 14-37090 13 bk Carlos Alberto Castillo Emergency Motion to Impose Automatic Stay [cal] Filed by Debtor Carlos Alberto Castillo. (14) Carlos Alberto Castillo - db Aubrey Rudd aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court - 103 - **Add-On's.** 11-38159 13 bk Philippe Charles Brooks and Jolie Melinda Brooks • Motion to Approve Loan Modification [Negative Notice] Filed by Creditor Bayview Loan Servicing. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (194) Philippe Charles Brooks - db Robert C Gindel aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 11-40044 13 bk Luz Marina Gomez • Emergency Motion to Dismiss Case without prejudice [cal] Filed by Debtor Luz Marina Gomez. (147) Luz Marina Gomez - db Michael A Frank aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 13-17372 13 bk Shantal L Benzaquen • Expedited Motion to Dismiss Case [cal] Filed by Debtor Shantal L Benzaquen. (78) Shantal L. Benzaquen - db Mitchell J Nowack aty Nancy K Neidich - tr c~ l:Jp to ~rt - 104- 12/16/2014 **Add-On's 09:00AM 13-33384 13 bk Clara Angelica Cano • Emergency Motion for Sale of Property (Homestead Property located at 7855 SW 129 Terrace, Miami, FL via Short Sale). [cal] Filed by Debtor Clara Angelica Cano. (79) Clara Angelica Cano - db Mitchell J Nowack aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 14-16556 13 bk Anthony K. Johnson • Emergency Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 45 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Anthony K. Johnson. (47) Anthony K. Johnson - db Samuel S Sorota aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 14-18029 13 bk Marie R. Pierre • Agreed Ex Parte Motion to Extend Time to f=Loss Mitigation Mediation Filed by Debtor Marie (41) Marie R. Pierre - db Jose P. Funcia aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court - 105 - 12/16/2014 **Add-On's 09:00AM 14-21159 13 bk Elianna Ferrer I{M06.due • Emergency Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case [NO FEE DUE] [cal] Filed by Debtor (15) Elianna Ferrer - db Alberto H. Hernandez aty Nancy K Neidich - tr e' If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates -M\t:,~\n?) 14-23445 13 bk r\0-()- Rolando Galban Galvez and Claudia V. Escalona Perdomo • Emergency Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 50 Order Dismissing Case) [cal] Filed by Debtor Rolando Galban Galvez. (52) Rolando Galban Galvez - db Richard J Adams aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 14-26976 13 bk Blanca Urrutia • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Select Portfolio 1 Mers (First Mortgage) on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $34,000.00) Filed by Debtor Blanca Urrutia. (25) Blanca Urrutia - db Patrick L. Cordero aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court - 106 - 12/16/2014 **Add-On's 09:00AM 14-28895 13 bk -\ 'l (15 (p. KO Rosalind D Harris • Motion to Reopen Ch~pter 13 Case [Fee Amount $235], Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Rosalind D Harris. (41) Rosalind D. Harris - db Michael Marcer aty Nancy K Neidich - tr If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates - 107 -
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