湖北 ! 武汉 二O一二年十一月 湖北 ! 武汉 二O一二年十一月 究 2012 $ i ! DOF! AtDof1.7!RNA! A9 !...........!2! !...........................................................................................!3! Transcriptome!analysis!reveals!significant!differences!in!gene!expression! between!nearC!isogenic!lines!of!Brassica!napus!L.!with!Sclerotinia! sclerotiorum!challenge!....................................................................................................!4! QTL !.................................................................!5! 7365A BnaC.Tic40 !................................................................................!6! Genomic!change,!retrotransposon!mobilization!and!extensive!cytosine! methylation!alteration!in!Brassica!napus!introgressions!from!two! intertribal!hybridizations!...............................................................................................!7! GbTCP,!a!cotton!TCP!transcription!factor,!confers!fibre!elongation!and!root! hair!development!by!a!complex!regulating!system!...............................................!8! Comparative!transcript!profiling!analyses!of!gynoecium!development!in!a! female!sterility!Brassica!napusCOrychophragmus!violaceus!disomic! addition!line!........................................................................................................................!9! Towards!understanding!the!molecular!mechanism!of!a!multiallelic! maleCsterile!locus!in!Brassica!napus!L!....................................................................!10! Genetic!structure!and!linkage!disequilibrium!pattern!of!a!rapeseed! (Brassica!napus!L.)!association!mapping!panel!revealed!by!microsatellites !...............................................................................................................................................!11! Genetics!of!seeds!per!silique!and!mapping!of!major!QTL!in!Brassica'napus'L. !...............................................................................................................................................!12! GenomeCwide!analysis!of!plantCspecific!Dof!transcription!factor!family!in! tomato!................................................................................................................................!13! Genetic!Analysis!and!Improvement!of!a!Recessive!Genic!Male!Sterility!Line! 7365A!in!Brassica!napus!..............................................................................................!14! Fine!mapping!and!candidate!gene!analysis!of!the!nuclear!restorer!gene!Rfp! for!pol!CMS!in!rapeseed!(Brassica!napus!L.)!..........................................................!15! qSS7!.....................................................................................!16! Detection!and!genotyping!of!rest!riction!fragment!associated! polymorphisms!in!polyploidy!crops!with!a!pseudo!reference!sequence:!A! case!study!in!tetraploid!Brassica!napus!..................................................................!17! ! ii$ WRKY,!A!New!Player!in!the!Biosynthesis!of!Terpenoid!Indole!Alkaloids!in! Catharanthus!roseu!........................................................................................................!18! 7DL BAC !...............................................!19! Cloning!and!analysis!of!MAPK1!and!it’s!promoter!from!Brassica!napus!.....!20! Computational!Studies!of!PostCtranslational!Modifications!............................!21! Abundant!microsatellite!diversity!and!oil!content!in!wild!Arachis!species!22! 0431 21RIL !............................!23! MYB! MYB !.............................................................!24! ! Identification!and!analysis!of!microRNAs!associated!with!drought!in! Solanum'tuberosum!........................................................................................................!26! Cotton!GhAF18!regulates!anther!abortion!by!delaying!tapetal!programmed! cell!death!via!the!GlcCABACROS!signaling!pathway!..............................................!27! Mapping!of!Boron!Efficient!QTL!in!Brassica!napus!under!different!boron! environments!...................................................................................................................!28! Introgression!of!bacterial!blight!resistance!genes!Xa7,!Xa21!and!Xa23!into! thermosensitive!genetic!male!sterile!rice!(Oryza!sativa!L.)!by!phenotypic! and!molecular!markerCassisted!selection!..............................................................!29! Proteomes!alteration!of!Brassica!napus!in!response!to!phosphorus! deficiency!..........................................................................................................................!30! Dissecting!Quantitative!Trait!Loci!for!Boron!Efficiency!across!Multiple! Environments!in!Brassica!napus!...............................................................................!31! !.............................................................................!32! !...................................!33! early!senescence!leaf!4 esl4 !.................................................................................................................................!34! Salicylic!acid!analogues!with!biological!activity!may!induce!chilling! tolerance!of!maize!(Zea!mays)!seeds!.......................................................................!35! Genetic!and!QTL!analysis!for!seedling!cold!tolerance!in!rice!..........................!36! Sequence!and!Functional!Divergence!of!FRUITFULL!Homeologs!in!Brassica! napus!...................................................................................................................................!37! PnLOX2 !........................................!38! Blast!resistance!of!Hybrid!rice!Oryza'sativa!L.!.....................................................!39! 2012 $ iii Tomato!SlDREB!gene!restricts!leaf!expansion!and!internode!elongation!by! downregulating!key!genes!for!gibberellin!biosynthesis!...................................!40! Mapping!and!identification!of!QTLs!for!resistance!to!Sclerotinia! sclerotiorum!and!its!interaction!with!other!traitCrelated!QTLs!or!genes!in! Brassica!napus!L.!.............................................................................................................!41! Characterization!of!a!putative!E3!ubiquitin!ligase!gene!OsETOL1!conferring! drought!and!submergence!stress!in!rice!................................................................!42! R421 !..............................................!43! Screening!fluorescent!dyes!for!antiCcounterfeiting!labelling!in!rape!seed! (Brassica'napus)!..............................................................................................................!44! ! !.................................................!46! Characterize!the!genetic!basis!of!selfCincompatible!line!‘SC1300’!in!Brassica! napus!and!set!up!a!selfCincompatibility!molecular!marker!system!for! hybrid!breeding!..............................................................................................................!47! MarkerCassisted!Breeding!of!Recessive!Genic!Male!Sterility!Lines!and!their! Temporary!Maintainers!in!Rapeseed!(Brassica'napus)!....................................!48! MCID DNA !..........................................................................................................................................!49! Enhanced!Oil!Accumulation!in!Vegetative!Organs!by!Metabolic!Pathway! Assembly!in!Tobacco!(N.!tabacum!L.)!for!HighCquality!Renewable!Biofuel! Oil!.........................................................................................................................................!50! !......................................................!51! A!pleiotropic!drug!resistance!gene!involved!in!the!transport!of!plant! secondary!metabolites!in!Panax!ginseng!...............................................................!52! ! A!Metabolic!and!Genetic!Analysis!of!Cotton!Fiber!Cell!Development!in! Response!to!Inhibition!by!the!Flavonoid!Naringenin!.........................................!54! Characterization!of!six!NAC!transcription!factor!genes!in!Chickpea!(Cicer! arietinum),!which!are!involved!in!abiotic!stress!responses!and!various! developmental!processes!............................................................................................!55! Improvement!of!Minhui3229!for!blast,!bacterial!blight!and!brown! planthopper!resistance!and!plant!stature!through!morphological!and! markerCassisted!selection!...........................................................................................!56! Genetic!analysis!of!grain!filling!rate!using!conditional!QTL!mapping!in! ! iv$ maize!...................................................................................................................................!57! !.............................................................................!58! FAD2 FAD3 FATB !.!59! ANS DFR !....................!60! Isolation!and!functional!characterization!of!a!new!bZIP!transcription!factor! in!waterlogged!seedlings!of!maize!............................................................................!61! ZmGA3ox2,!a!candidate!gene!for!a!major!QTL,!qPH3.1,!for!plant!height!in! maize!...................................................................................................................................!62! Identification!of!a!major!QTL!for!silique!length!and!seed!weight!in!oilseed! rape!(Brassica!napus!L.)!...............................................................................................!63! A!StayCGreen!Gene!SGR1!regulates!lycopene!accumulations!by!directly!inter acting!with!the!key!carotenoid!biosynthetic!enzyme!PSY1!during!fruit!ripen ing!in!tomato!....................................................................................................................!64! A!Large!Insertion!in!bHLH!Transcription!Factor!BrTT8!Resulting!in!Yellow! Seed!coat!in!Brassica!rapa!...........................................................................................!65! MapCbased!cloning!and!functional!analysis!of!qbpc!which!controls!protein! content!in!brown!rice!....................................................................................................!66! A!serine!threonine!protein!kinase!receptor!gene!is!the!potential!candidate! of!a!quantitative!trait!locus!for!grain!yieldCrelated!trait!in!maize!.................!67! RIL QTL !................!68! Function!analysis!of!flowering!locus!T!in!a!model!for!the!interaction!of!flow eringCtime!genes!in!wheat!...........................................................................................!69! !...........................................................!70! “ ” QTL !.....................!71! Systematic!Metabolic!Engineering!of!ωC7!Fatty!Acids!in!Soybean!Seeds!.....!72! Opaque2 !..............................................................!73! The!cloning!and!characterization!of!Shrunkrn4!gene!in!maize!......................!74! Characterization!and!Identification!of!ZmaNAC36,!a!Novel!NAC!Domain! Transcription!Factor,!Imply!Its!Potential!Role!in!the!CoCexpression!of! Starch!Synthesis!Genes!in!Maize!Endosperm!........................................................!75! Identification!and!characterization!of!microRNAs!in!the!developing!maize!e ndosperm!..........................................................................................................................!76! QTL!analyses!for!resistance!to!Sclerotinia!sclerotiorum!in!Brassica!napus! revealing!its!association!with!flowering!time!.......................................................!77! Differential!accumulation!of!phenolic!compounds!and!expression!of!related! genes!between!the!blackC!and!yellowCseeded!Brassica!napus!L!.....................!78! 2012 $ v Genetic!dissection!of!trichome!locus!(T1)!and!a!major!QTL!controlling! multiple!fibre!quality!traits!in!upland!cotton!.......................................................!79! PSKCαsignalling!involve!in!cotton!fiber!elongation!.............................................!80! QTL !.......................................!81! Genetic!Control!of!Seed!Shattering!in!Rice!by!the!APETALA2!Transcription! Factor!SHATTERING!ABORTION1!..............................................................................!82! Y !..........................................................!83! QTL !....................!84! Genetic!analysis!and!fine!mapping!of!the!Ga1CS!gene!region!conferring!cros sCincompatibility!in!maize!...........................................................................................!85! Identification!of!a!major!QTL!for!silique!length!and!seed!weight!in!oilseed! rape!.....................................................................................................................................!86! !...............................................................................................................................................!87! C SSH !.........................!88! Screening!Identification!Indexes!of!Drought!Resistance!at!Whole!Growth! Period!in!Upland!Rice!Varieties!from!Yunnan!Province!...................................!89! Phenotype!Analysis!and!Gene!Mapping!of!a!Novel!Narrow!Leaf!Mutant! (nal9(t))!in!Rice!(Oryza!sativa!L.)!..............................................................................!90! Development!of!chromosome!segment!substitution!lines!in!Brassica!napus! L.!using!maker!assisted!selection!..............................................................................!91! A!Cloning!and!Functional!Analysis!of!Dynamic!Narrow!Leaf! DNL1 Gene!in! Rice!......................................................................................................................................!92! A!Genome!Wide!Association!Study!Revealed!the!Genetic!Architecture!and! Important!Genes!for!Regulating!Kernel!Row!Number!in!Maize!Female! Inflorescence!....................................................................................................................!93! ! C !.........................................................!95! GenomeCwide!identification!and!analysis!of!microRNA!responding!to! longCterm!waterlogging!in!crown!roots!of!maize!seedlings!.............................!96! A!Ubiquitin!Ligase!of!Symbiosis!Receptor!Kinase!Involved!in!Nodule! Organogenesis!.................................................................................................................!97! 208 !................................................................................................!98! ChinaExpansin,!especially!the!domain1!plays!a!major!role!in!the!cotton! ! vi$ fiber!development!..........................................................................................................!99! High!Resolution!Melting!Curve!Analysis:!An!Efficient!Method!for! Fingerprinting!of!Hybrid!Rice!Cultivars!and!Their!Parental!Lines!..............!100! ! ! !..........................................................................................................................!101! 2012 $ 1 2$ DOF$ ! AtDof1.7$RNA$ $ $ 2012 $ 3 A9 $ 4$ ! Transcriptome$analysis$reveals$significant$differences$in$gene$ expression$between$nearE$isogenic$lines$of$Brassica$napus$L.$ with$Sclerotinia$sclerotiorum$challenge$ Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is a destructive necrotrophic fungal pathogen causing disease in more than 400 plant species, primarily dicotyledonous, including grain legumes(soybean, pea and bean) and oilseeds (oilseed rape and sun-flower).It causes rotting of leaves, stems, and pods in oilseed rape, resulting in a considerable seed yield loss in China and other regions around the world. The biochemical and molecular events occurring in host plant tissues during disease progression are not clear and the molecular basis of plant defense to this pathogen is poorly understood. To know more about the mechanism and regulatory network of the host reaction to fungus infection, and detect susceptibility and resistance related genes, transcriptome analysis based on RNA-Seq was used to study the changes of gene expression after infected by S. sclerotiorum in the susceptible and the disease-resistant near-isogenic lines of Brassica napus L. Plants were selected for inoculation and sampling using a randomized design with three biological replicates for each cultivar. Each replicate consisted of 60 plants for three time points (0, 12 and 72 hpi). The lesion-surrounding areas of the leaf were harvested from one biological replicate at each time point were pooled as one sample for RNA-Seq.At 12hpi, a total of 33108 genes in which 25625 up-regulated and 5415 down-regulated, and 32104 genes with 18927 up-regulatedand and 13117 down-regulated, were found to be differentially expressed respectively in the susceptible and the disease-resistant near-isogenic line respectively. At 24hpi, the number of differentially expressed genes were 21342 and 19024. Genes detected at the same time point (12-24h)were compared between the near-isogenic lines .7403 genes were up-regulated and 5152 genes were down-regulated at 12hpi,and 5845 up-regulated, 5917 down-regulated at 24hpi in the disease-resistant near-isogenic line compared to the susceptible parent. The differentially expressed genes were categorized into groups according to the putative function of each gene, the categories included proteins involved in defense related pathways, Plant-pathogen interaction, antioxidation, Plant hormone signal transduction, Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity transport, cell maintenance, calcium signaling pathway, cxidative phosphorylation, material and energy metabolism, biological regulation and transcription etc. Further analysis and studies are in progress and it will help us to know more about the mechanism of the interaction between Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and its plant host and the genes related to the resistance or susceptibility to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum will be detected and be used in the molecular breeding of resistant varieties. 2012 $ 5 QTL $ $ 97B (ZS97) 93-11 (Backcross recombinant inbred lines, BCRIL) 8 5 QTL QTL QTL 1 8 ! 6$ 7365A BnaC.Tic40 $$ 2 S45AB 9012AB 7365A 2 (Bnrfrf) Bnms3ms3rfrf BnMs3/Bnms3 BnRf/Bnrf 9012A BnRf Bnms3ms3 7365A 7365A PCD Real-time BnQRT3 BnA6 BnMSR66 BnQRT1 7365A BnMs3 BnaC.Tic40 7365A BnaC.Tic40 BnaC.Tic40 Tic40 7365A 7365A A C BnMs3 7-749 BnRf A C 7365A 2012 $ 7 Genomic$change,$retrotransposon$mobilization$and$extensive$ cytosine$methylation$alteration$in$Brassica$napus$ introgressions$from$two$intertribal$hybridizations$ $ Xueli Zhang1, Xianhong Ge1*, Yujiao Shao2, Genlou Sun3, Zaiyun Li National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Crop Molecular Breeding Technology Hybridization and introgression represent an important means for the transfer and/or de novo origination of traits and play an important role in facilitating speciation and plant breeding. Two sets of introgression lines in Brassica napus L. were previously established by its intertribal hybridizations with two wild species and long-term selection. In this study, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (SSAP) and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) were used to determine their genomic change, retrotransposon mobilization and cytosine methylation alteration in these lines. The genomic change revealed by the loss or gain of AFLP bands occurred for ~10% of the total bands amplified in the two sets of introgressions, while no bands specific for wild species were detected. The new and absent SSAP bands appeared for 9 out of 11 retrotransposons analyzed, with low frequency of new bands and their total percentage of about 5% in both sets. MSAP analysis indicated that methylation changes were common in these lines (33.4-39.8%) and the hypermethylation was more frequent than hypomethylation. Our results suggested that certain extents of genetic and epigenetic alterations were induced by hybridization and alien DNA introgression. The cryptic mechanism of these changes and potential application of these lines in breeding were also discussed. 8$ ! GbTCP,$a$cotton$TCP$transcription$factor,$confers$fibre$ elongation$and$root$hair$development$by$a$complex$ regulating$system$ $ Juan Hao, Lili Tu, Haiyan Hu, Jiafu Tan, Fenglin Deng, Wenxin Tang, Yichun Nie and Xianlong Zhang* National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, PR China As the most important natural raw material for textile industry, cotton fibres are an excellent model for studying single-cell development. Although expression profiling and functional genomics have provided some data, the mechanism of fibre development is still not well known. A class I TCP transcription factor (designated GbTCP), encoding 344 amino acids, was isolated from the normalized cDNA library of sea-island cotton fibre (from –2 to 25 days post anthesis). GbTCP was preferentially expressed in the elongating cotton fibre from 5 to 15 days post anthesis. Some expression was also observed in stems, apical buds, and petals. RNAi silencing of GbTCP produced shorter fibre, a reduced lint percentage, and a lower fibre quality than the wild-type plants. Overexpression of GbTCP enhanced root hair initiation and elongation in Arabidopsis and regulated branching. Solexa sequencing and Affymetrix GeneChip analysis indicated that GbTCP positively regulates the level of jasmonic acid (JA) and, as a result, activates downstream genes (reactive oxygen species, calcium signalling, ethylene biosynthesis and response, and several NAC and WRKY transcription factors) necessary for elongation of fibres and root hairs. JA content analysis in cotton also confirmed that GbTCP has a profound effect on JA biosynthesis. In vitro ovule culture showed that an appropriate concentration of JA promoted fibre elongation. The results suggest that GbTCP is an important transcription factor for fibre and root hair development by regulating JA biosynthesis and response and other pathways, including reactive oxygen species, calcium channel and ethylene signalling. 2012 $ 9 Comparative$transcript$profiling$analyses$of$gynoecium$ development$in$a$female$sterility$Brassica$ napusEOrychophragmus$violaceus$disomic$addition$line$ $ Wenqin Fu, Xianhong Ge, Zaiyun Li National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, P. R. China The gynoecium is one of the most complex organs of angiosperm specialized for seed production and dispersal. Brassica gynoecium consists of an apical stigma, a short style and a large central ovary where ovules grow in. Here, we produced a female sterility Brassica napus-Orychophragmus violaceus disomic addition line (S1) with an entirely abortive gynoecium at early stage of development. Tissue clearing observation showed that ovules initiated only one short integument primordia which undergoes no further development and the female gametophyte development was blocked at mononuclear embryo sac stage. Meanwhile, the stigmatic papillae and whole pistil of abortive gynoecium in addition line are shorter than those of B. napus (H3). To further clarify the genes regulation related with gynoecium development, comparative transcripts profiling was performed using Illumina sequencing technology. Using Brassica_95k_unigene as the reference genome, a total of 28,065 and 27,653 unigenes were identified and transcribed in S1 and H3 respectively, suggesting that newly initiated transcription occurs in S1. Further comparison of the transcripts abundance between S1 and H3 revealed that 4540 unigenes show more than two fold expression difference. Moreover, 467 unigenes are up-regulated and 172 are down-regulated at RPKM≥50 level by more than fourfold difference. Pathway enrichment analysis indicated that 20 metabolic pathways or signal transduction pathways are significantly rich in the differentially expressed genes. A number of genes were identified related with important development process of gynoecium, embryo sac, ovule, integument and pollen tube as well as the interactions between pollen and pistil. A set of related genes as candidate genes for evalution of roles in gynoecium development were choose for further transgenic analysis which may provide new information for the molecular foundation of female sterility in B. napus. 10$ ! Towards$understanding$the$molecular$mechanism$of$a$ multiallelic$maleEsterile$locus$in$Brassica$napus$L$ $ Qiang Xin, Wei Lu, Dengfeng Hong, Guangsheng Yang* WuHan HuBei Huazhong Agricultural University Hybrid cultivars are popular in crop production due to their increased yield. The generation of hybrids is greatly facilitated by male-sterile strains, making male sterility a much sought-after trait for plant breeders. A triallelic male sterility locus, BnMs5, from a Chinese B. napus two-type line Rs1046AB, was used for the commercial reproduction of three-line hybrids, though the function of this locus in microsporogenesis remains unknown so far. In this study, we corresponded BnMs5 to six candidate genes in a 21-kb interval in A subgenome of B. napus by integration of various existing genetic maps, identification of the BAC clones and comparative genome analysis between B. napus, B. rapa, B. oleracea and Arabidopsis. The genomic sequences of these candidates were successfully isolated from the restorers, and subsequent complementation experiments showed that one of the six candidates can restore the male sterility caused by the allele of BnMs5b. This finding laid a solid foundation towards understanding the interesting biological phenomenon of how the variations of a multiallelic locus can result in the maintenance and restoration of male sterility. Key words triallelic male sterility; complementation experiments; candidate genes validation 2012 $ 11 Genetic$structure$and$linkage$disequilibrium$pattern$of$a$ rapeseed$(Brassica$napus$L.)$association$mapping$panel$ revealed$by$microsatellites$ $ Yingjie Xiao, Dongfang Cai, Wei Yang, Wei Ye, Muhammad Younas, Jiangsheng Wu, Kede Liu National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan), Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Understanding the population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) is a prerequisite for association mapping of complex traits in a target population. In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity, population structure and the extent of LD in a panel of 192 inbred lines of Brassica napus from all over the world using 451 single-locus microsatellite markers. The inbred lines could be divided into P1 and P2 groups by a model-based population structure analysis. Out of the 142 inbred lines in the P1 group, 126 lines were from China and Japan, and the remaining 16 lines were from Europe, Canada and Australia. In the P2 group, 33 out of the 50 lines were from Europe, Canada and Australia, and the remaining 17 lines were from China. Structure analysis further divided each group into two subgroups. AMOVA, pairwise FST and neutrality analyses confirmed the differentiation between groups and subgroups. More than 80% of the pairwise kinship estimates between inbred lines were less than 0.05, indicating that relative kinship is weak in our panel. Only 6% linked marker pairs showed LD, suggesting the low level of LD in this association panel. The LD decayed within 0.5-1 cM at the genome level, and varied considerably across each group and subgroup, due to the population size, genetic background and genetic drift. The characterization of the population structure and LD patterns would be useful for performing association studies for complex agronomic traits in rapeseed. 12$ ! Genetics$of$seeds$per$silique$and$mapping$of$major$QTL$in$ Brassica'napus'L.' Shipeng Li, Liwu Zhang, Dengfeng Hong, Guangsheng Yang* Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan,430070,China Seeds per silique (SS) is one of the three important components of yield in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). In the study, We chose parental varieties that showed highly significant differences in Seeds per silique. We crossed , Y106,one stable high-SS and high combining ability line , HZ396, one stable low-SS and high combining ability line to identify the QTL. An experiment with the orthogonal and reciprocal F1generations was conducted for investigating the cytoplasmic effects of this trait. Results revealed that SS more or less unaffected by environments, that SS was controlled by nuclear genes instead of cytoplasmic genes, and the higher-SS genotype was almost completely dominant over the lower-SS genotype. The frequency distribution of the F2 generation deviated from a normal distribution and appeared to have a multi-modal pattern, indicating the influence of major genes mixed with polygenes. To dissect the genetic basis of SS, we used one F1 plant of the cross of HZ396 ×Y106 to develop double haploid (DH) population. The DH population, consisted of 140 lines, was used for map construction and QTL analysis. A linkage map comprising 19 linkage groups and covering 1833.9 cM was constructed. In field experiments across three seasons and two locations in China 140 doubled haploid lines and their corresponding parents were evaluated for silique-traits. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) meta-analysis revealed that 3 consensus QTL for SS. For the unique QTL in the linkage group C9, the additive effects of cqSS.C9, which explained 57.77% of the phenotypic variance of SS and favorable alleles originated from Y106. Near-isogenic line(BC3F2) for cqSS.C9 was used to consecutively back cross with the recurrent parent HZ396.A total of 152 BC3F2 plants and their parents were evaluated for silique-traits. A Chi-square test showed that the ratio of the frequency distribution fit the Mendelian segregation ratio (3:1)of a single gene (χ2= 0.355, P>0.05), suggesting that one locus existed in the BC3F2 population. QTL analysis based on the BC3F2 population showed that this locus was located between the marker SRC9-022 and SCC9-005. The QTL peak was near SRC9-022 marker at a distance of 0.60 cM. Furthermore this locus explained 85.8% of phenotypic variance with additive and dominant effects of 6.1 and 5.7 SS, respectively. Two SSR markers (SRC9-27 and SRC9-298) closely linked to cqSS.C9 were identified by using high-SS bulk and low-SS bulk. To precisely map the cqSS.C9, we assayed 2,058 plants showing the recessive phenotype for low-SS from a BC4F2 population with two SSR markers, SRC9-27 and SRC9-298, narrowing down to a 267-kb region. 2012 $ 13 GenomeEwide$analysis$of$plantEspecific$Dof$transcription$ factor$family$in$tomato$ $ Xiaofeng Cai, Chanjuan Zhang, Tingyan Zhang, Yuyang Zhang, Tixu Hu, Jie Ye, Junhong Zhang,Taotao Wang, Hanxia Li, Zhibiao Ye The Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China The Dof (DNA binding with One Finger) family encodes single zinc finger proteins has been known to be a family of plant-specific transcription factors. They are involved in a variety of functions of importance for different biological processes in the plants. In current study, we identified 34 Dof family genes in tomato, distributed on 11 chromosomes. A complete overview of SlDof genes in tomato was presented, including the gene structures, chromosome locations, phylogeny, protein motifs and evolution pattern. In addition, a comparative analysis between these genes in tomato, Arabidopsis and rice was also performed. The gene duplication pattern indicated that segmental duplication is predominant for the SlDof genes and tandem duplication is also involved in tomato genome; the Ks, Ka and Ks/Ka ratio analysis suggested that the tomato Dof family expansion was date to recent duplication events and these Dof genes retained their function after duplication. It is the first step towards genome wide analyses of the Dof genes in tomato; our study provides a very useful reference for cloning and functional analysis the members of this gene family in tomato and other species. 14$ ! Genetic$Analysis$and$Improvement$of$a$Recessive$Genic$Male$ Sterility$Line$7365A$in$Brassica$napus$ XIA Shengqian, ZU Feng, ZHU Yun, DUN Xiaoling, ZHOU Zhengfu, YI Bin, WEN Jing, SHEN Jinxiong, MA Chaozhi, TU Jinxing(*), FU Tingdong National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Rapeseed Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China To utilize heterosis in Brassica napus, both the pollination control system and genetic distance are major factors. Recessive epistatic genic male sterile (REGMS) three-line system 7365ABC were widely applied to hybrid seed production because it can produce 100% sterile population. Previous study has illustrated the system related to three genes model: Bnms3, Bnms4 and BnRf. Near-isogenic lines 736512AB and 7365AC correspond to the BnMs4 and BnRf were respectively constructed for mapping. Comparison of mapping results, six markers were linked to both BnRf and BnMs4. Both genes were located in the top of the N7 linkage group, and might be multiple alleles. We propose a new method of reproducing the male sterile line using self-pollinated seeds generated by heat shock. The seeds were crossed with the maintainer line to drive a 100% sterile population for hybrid seed production. We further study the relation between genetic difference of two parents and F1 yield. We transfered the target genes into two subgenomic (ArArCcCc) materials, and bred new A and B lines in REGMS system. The combining ability analysis of yield and yield-related characters were done in the crosses from the new A lines and 10 restorers. The results demonstrated that the improved sterile line showed positive effects of value in the general combining ability (GCA). 2012 $ 15 Fine$mapping$and$candidate$gene$analysis$of$the$nuclear$ restorer$gene$Rfp$for$pol$CMS$in$rapeseed$(Brassica$napus$L.)$ Zhi Liu, Pingwu Liu, Guangsheng Yang National Key Lab of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Rapeseed Improvement in Wuhan, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, P.R. China The polima (pol) system of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in rapeseed is widely used in China for commercial hybrid seed production. During the utilization of pol CMS three-line or two-line system, breeding of elite restorer lines is a very important aspect. Therefore, the researchers at home and abroad have been paying much attention to the studies on the fertility restorer Rfp gene. In order to fine map the Rfp for gene cloning, a near isogenic line (NIL) comprising 3,662 individuals of BC14F1 generation segregating for the Rfp gene was created. Based on the previous study in our laboratory and the synteny region of Brassica napus and other Brassica species, nineteen markers strongly linked with the Rfp gene were identified. Afterwards, a genetic linkage map around the Rfp gene was constructed by using 13 of them. Linkage analysis showed that all these 13 markers spanned a genetic region of 1.04 cM, and the Rfp gene was mapped between two nearest markers with the distance of 0.1 cM and 0.02 cM, respectively. By integrating three of these markers to the published linkage map, the Rfp gene was mapped on linkage group N9 of B. napus. Using these markers, the Rfp locus was narrowed down to a 29.2-kb DNA fragment after sequence alignment. Seven ORFs were predicted in this target region, out of which, ORF2, encoding a PPR protein, was the most likely candidate of the Rfp gene. DNA sequencing analysis revealed that there were some nucleotide polymorphisms between two parents in the coding region of ORF2. Subsequently, a pair of primers was designed based on the nucleotide polymorphisms. Genotype analysis among the NIL population revealed that the genotypes exhibited co-segregation with phenotypes. The genomic sequence of the candidate was successfully isolated from the restorer line. Complementation experiment was undergoing, and some positive transformants have been obtained. These results lay a solid foundation for map-based cloning of the Rfp gene and will be helpful for marker-assisted selection (MAS) of elite CMS restorer lines.Key words Brassica napus, cytoplasmic male sterility, fertility restoration, collinearity, PPR 16$ ! qSS7$ 2012 $ 17 Detection$and$genotyping$of$restriction$fragment$associated$p olymorphisms$in$polyploidy$crops$with$a$pseudo$reference$seq uence:$A$case$study$in$tetraploid$Brassica$napus Xun Chen1, Xuemin Li1, Muhammad Younas1, Bing Zhang2, Jinsong Xu1, Zhikun Wu1, H aitao Li1, Lei Huang1, Yingfeng Luo2, Jiangsheng Wu1, Songnian Hu2, Kede Liu1* National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; and Key Laboratory of Rapeseed Genetic Improvement, the Ministry of Agriculture The presence of homoeologous sequences and absence of a reference genome seq uence make discovery and genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) more challenging in all kinds of polyploidy crops compared to their diploid progenitor spec ies. To address this challenge, we developed a technique called restriction fragment as sociated polymorphism (RFAP), and designed a bioinformatics pipeline that consisted of three modules i.e., assembly of a pseudo-reference sequence, SNP identification an d discrimination of allelic SNPs from homoeologous sequence variations. To illustrate our modeling approach, a common set of restriction fragments across a double haploi d (DH) population (BnaNZDH) of highly established allotetraploid Brassica napus an d its two parents were sequenced. Allelic SNPs and the presence/absence variations (P AVs) were identified using this pipeline. Two parallel linkage maps, one SNP bin ma p containing 8780 SNP loci and one PAV linkage map containing 12,423 dominant lo ci, were constructed. By aligning these linkage maps to the B. rapa reference genome sequence, we assigned 44 unassembled sequence scaffolds comprising 8.15 Mb onto t he B. rapa chromosomes, and also identified 14 instances of misassembly and eight in stances of mis-ordered sequence scaffolds. These results suggested that RFAP is a cos t-effective, efficient and simple methodology to genotype tens of thousands SNPs and PAV markers in a large population, and the related bioinformatics pipeline is a power ful tool to mine allelic SNPs from homoeolgous sequences, therefore they are generall y applicable in either diploid or polyploidy species with or without a reference genom e sequence. 18$ ! WRKY,$A$New$Player$in$the$Biosynthesis$of$Terpenoid$Indole$ Alkaloids$in$Catharanthus$roseu$ $ Institute of Molecular Agriculture and Bioenergy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801 China A medical plant Catharanthus roseus produces a lot of terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs) that are an important source of natural or semisynthetic anticancer drugs such as vinblastine, vincristine, vindesine, and vinorelbine. Understanding the mechanism underlying the biosynthesis and regulation network of TIAs in C. roseus is crucial for developing an effective metabolic engineering strategy to increase levels of TIAs, particularly vinblastine and vincristine. Here, we describe the isolation and functional characterization of a WRKY transcriptional factor (TF), CrWRKY3, from C. roseus. This TF is preferentially expressed in roots and induced by the phytohormones jasmonate, gibberellic acid, and ethylene. The overexpression of CrWRKY3 in C. roseus hairy roots up-regulated several key TIA pathway genes, especially Tryptophan Decarboxylase (TDC), as well as the transcriptional repressors ZCT1 (for zinc-finger C. roseus transcription factor 1), ZCT2, and ZCT3. However, CrWRKY3 overexpression repressed the transcriptional activators ORCA2, ORCA3, and CrMYC2. Overexpression of a dominant-repressive form of CrWRKY3, created by fusing the SRDX repressor domain to CrWRKY3, resulted in the down-regulation of TDC and ZCTs but the up-regulation of ORCA3 and CrMYC2. CrWRKY3 was detected to bind to the Wbox elements of the TDC promoter in electrophoretic mobility shift, yeast one-hybrid, and C. roseus protoplast assays. Up-regulation of TDC increased TDC activity, tryptamine concentration, and resistance to 4-methyl tryptophan inhibition of CrWRKY3 transgenic hairy roots. Compared with control roots, CrWRKY3 hairy roots accumulated up to 4-fold higher levels of vinblastine and vincristine. The current results indicate that CrWRKY3 is a positive regulator in determining the root-specific accumulation of vinblastine and vincristine in C. roseus plants. Furthermore, bioinformatics tools were used to analyses the database of C. roseus genomic DNA and expression sequences available so far. Total of 17 candidate CrWRKY TFs were identified. Those TF exhibited different expression patterns in various tissues/organs and developmental stages. Combining our evidences including microarray and other known data, we propose a working model to illustrates the interaction of CrWRKYs with indole pathway genes, AS (Anthranilate synthase) and TDC, terpenoid pathway genes, DXS (1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate Synthase) abd SLS (Secologanin synthase), and downstream genes, STR (Strictosidine synthase) and SGD (Strictosidine β-D-glucosidase), as well as the ORCA, CrMYC2, and ZCT regulators. 2012 7DL $ 19 BAC $ 20$ ! Cloning$and$analysis$of$MAPK1$and$it’s$promoter$from$ Brassica$napus$ $ Jun-Xing Lu, Kai Zhang, Kun Lu, Ying Liang, You-Rong Chai* Chongqing Key Laboratory of Crop Quality Improvement; College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716 Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is a large family of serine/threonine protein kinase, contains 11 conserved subdomains. Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways play a central role in transfer information from diverse receptors/sensors to a wide range of cellular responses in plants. Signaling through MAP kinase cascade could lead to cellular responses including cell division, development, hormone, physiology, as well as response to a broad variety of biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study, the full-length cDNA and promoter of BnMAPK1 were isolated from Brassica napus. BnMAPK1 is 1632 bp encoding a 369-aa protein. RT-PCR detection revealed that BnMAPK1 transcribed in the 10 organs tested, while more abundant in root and leaf. BnMAPK1 showed inhibited expression when treated with ABA, 6-BA and heat, while up-regulated under SA, GA3, NaCl and PEG8000 induction. Several cis-elements associated with stress and hormone-induction were predicted in BnMAPK1 promoter, which indicated that BnMAPK1 most likely played important roles in response to abiotic stress through JA, heat and drought signal pathways. This study would contribute to further discuss the molecular mechanism of stress resistance of Brassica and lay the foundation for Brassica quality improvement in the future 2012 $ 21 Computational$Studies$of$PostEtranslational$Modifications$ Through temporally and spatially modified proteins, post-translational modifications (PTMs) greatly expand the proteome diversity and play critical roles in regulating the biological processes. Identification of site-specific substrates is fundamental for understanding the molecular mechanisms and functions of PTMs, which is still a great challenge under current technique limitations. Development of computational approaches has promoted studies of PTMs, since in silico predictions and analysis could rapidly generate useful information for later experimental investigations. Recently, our group contributed a number of studies to this area, which are focused on three aspects as follows: 1) Improving the GPS algorithm and employed it to implement a series of softwares including GPS-CCD, GPS-PUP, GPS-YNO2 and GPS-Polo to predict PTMs sites including calpain cleavage, pupylation, tyrosine nitration and Plk-mediated phosphorylation and phospho-binding, respectively; Extending the GPS algorithm to develop predictors of GPS-MBA and GPS-ARM for prediction of MHC Class II Epitopes and APC/C recognition motif, respectively. Through comprehensive comparison, the predictors were demonstrated to be better than other methods. 2) Systematic studies of PTMs to dissect their biological roles including comparison of cysteine S-nitrosylation and tyrosine nitration (PTN), comprehensive analysis of potential D-boxes and KEN-boxes and systematic analysis of the Plk-mediated phosphoregulation in eukaryotes. The large-scale analyses together with statistical analysis provide systematic insights into the biological roles of PTMs, especially a global view. Furthermore, the following experimental assay verified our predictions and analyses. 3) Integrating the experimental protein lysine acetylation information into a comprehensive database of CPLA, followed by systematical construction and analysis of human lysine acetylation regulatory network. We proposed the potential triplet mechanism of acetylation-mediated regulation through network analysis. Token together, we believe that computational analysis backed up with subsequent experimental identification can propel systematic studies of PTMs into a new and highly productive phase 22$ ! Abundant$microsatellite$diversity$and$oil$content$in$wild$ Arachis$species$$ Li Huang, Huifang Jiang, Xiaoping Ren, Yuning Chen, Yingjie Xiao, Xinyan Zhao, Mei Tang, Jiaquan Huang, Boshou Liao Oil Crops Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan, 430062, China; Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China The peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is an important oil crop. Breeding for high oil content is becoming increasingly important. Wild Arachis species have been reported to harbor genes for many valuable traits that may enable the improvement of cultivated Arachis hypogaea, such as resistance to pests and disease. However, only limited information is available on variation in oil content. In the present study, a collection of 72 wild Arachis accessions representing 19 species and 3 cultivated peanut accessions were genotyped using 136 genome-wide SSR markers and phenotyped for oil content over three growing seasons. The wild Arachis accessions showed abundant diversity across the 19 species. A. duranensis exhibited the highest diversity, with a Shannon-Weaver diversity index of 0.35. A total of 129 unique alleles were detected in the species studied. A. rigonii exhibited the largest number of unique alleles (75), indicating that this species is highly differentiated. AMOVA and genetic distance analyses confirmed the genetic differentiation between the wild Arachis species. The majority of SSR alleles were detected exclusively in the wild species and not in A. hypogaea, indicating that directional selection or the hitchhiking effect has played an important role in the domestication of the cultivated peanut. The 75 accessions were grouped into three clusters based on population structure and phylogenic analysis, consistent with their taxonomic sections, species and genome types. A. villosa and A. batizocoi were grouped with A. hypogaea, suggesting the close relationship between these two diploid wild species and the cultivated peanut. Considerable phenotypic variation in oil content was observed among different sections and species. Nine alleles were identified as associated with oil content based on association analysis, of these, three alleles were associated with higher oil content but were absent in the cultivated peanut. The results demonstrated that there is great potential to increase the oil content in A. hypogaea by using the wild Arachis germplasm. 2012 0431 $ 23 21RIL $ 24$ ! MYB$ MYB $$ 2012 $ 25 26$ ! Identification$and$analysis$of$microRNAs$associated$with$ drought$in$Solanum'tuberosum$ Yang Jiangwei1 1 Ma Congyu1,2 Zhang Ning2 Si Huaijun1,2 ∗ Wangdi1 Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science, Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic and Germplasm Enhancement, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070; 2College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070 Drought is one of major abiotic stresses which can greatly give an impact to crops growth, development, geographical distribution and adversely affect reduction or total loss of crop production. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding small RNAs which regulate gene expression of target mRNAs at the post-transcriptional level. In recent years, researches showed that miRNAs play critical roles in plant stress response, and hundreds of stress-associated miRNAs and their target sequences have been identified in plants by cloning and bioinformatics methods. The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the fourth largest agricultural crop in the world. Up to now, little is known about miRNAs related to drought that have been identified in potato. In order to make better understand how miRNAs contribute to drought tolerance in potato. Two small RNA libraries were constructed from both control and drought treatment potato samples, and generated two deep sequencing small RNA reads. Based on sequence similarity and hairpin structure prediction, we found 471 known miRNAs in drought treatment and 458 known miRNAs in control, and 674 novel miRNAs in drought treatment and 566 novel miRNAs in control. The differential expression analysis showed that 45 miRNAs were up-regulated and 14 miRNAs were down-regulated among 89 drought-associated known miRNAs under drought condition. Meanwhile, 239 novel miRNAs of differential expression was found, which contained 127 up-regulated miRNAs and 112 down-regulated miRNAs under drought condition. The putative function for novel miRNAs was assessed and defined in potato. 10584 miRNA targeted records of 566 novel miRNA in control and 15115 miRNA targeted records of 674 novel miRNA in drought treatment were produced. Those predicted targets genes encoded transcription factors, enzymes or proteins, which involved in plant growth and development, metabolism, signal transduction, transcriptional regulation and stress responses. miRNA targets genes also encoded proteins whose function are largely unclear. miRNAs of regulation of proline accumulation under drought stress were predicted and analyzed by bioinformatics and RNA sequencing. The result provides molecular evidence for the possible involvement of miRNAs in the process of drought response and/or tolerance in potato. 2012 $ 27 Cotton$GhAF18$regulates$anther$abortion$by$delaying$tapetal$ programmed$cell$death$via$the$GlcEABAEROS$signaling$ pathway$ $ $ Ling Min, Longfu Zhu, Lili Tu, Fenglin Deng, Yichun Nie, Daojun Yuan, Xiaoping Guo, and Xianlong Zhang* Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China Infertility of anthers under high temperature (HT) has become a critical factor in yield loss in cotton. Previous studies showed altered carbohydrate metabolism or disrupted tapetal cell programmed cell death (PCD) underlie anther sterility. Through large-scale expression profile sequencing we studied the effect of HT on cotton anther development and found that the GhAF18 gene, was induced by HT in a HT-sensitive cotton line. Our studies showed Gh AF18 causes glucose (GLU) accumulation in early-stage anthers by inactivating starch synthase via phosphorylation. Subsequent feedback inhibition of glucose assimilation and induction of starch synthesis cause a deficiency in glucose in late-stage anthers. The early accumulation of glucose also promotes excessive amounts of abscisic acid (ABA) in early anthers and alters the balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging and accumulation in late anthers, causing delayed PCD in the tapetum leading to anther indehiscence. The timings of tapetal PCD and anther dehiscence are critical for fertilization, and GhAF18-GLU-ABA-ROS pathway may regulates these timings. 28$ ! Mapping$of$Boron$Efficient$QTL$in$Brassica$napus$under$ different$boron$environments$ $ Didi Zhang, Yingying Li ,Zunkang Zhao,Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China Boron (B) is an essential mineral nutrient for the growth and development of higher plants, which involves in a series of important physiological functions. Brassica napus is a major oil crop in China, and is sensitive to boron deficiency. The typic B deficiency symptom is “flowering without seed setting” in B. napus. Wide genotype differences exist in response to B deficiency in Brassica napus. In this study, A B. napus DH population developed from a cross between B-efficient ‘Qingyou 10’and B- inefficient‘Westar’was used for phenotypic investigation and QTL analysis. Biomass shoot fresh weight root fresh weight shoot dry weight shoot dry weight and root elongation length were investigated in three hydroponic experiments under low B and normal B conditions, and QTLs were indentified by composite interval mapping. There was significant genetic variation in all of the detected traits and correlation between most of traits were observed. A total of 128 putative QTLs were detected, 43 under the normal boron condition and 85 under the low boron condition, respectively. Among these QTLs there was a QTLs clustered on chromosome A3 detected specifically under low boron condition. These results showed different genetic determinants controlled B efficiency-related traits in B. napus. The QTLs detected under low boron condition may provide useful information for improving boron tolerance of B. napus. 2012 $ 29 Introgression$of$bacterial$blight$resistance$genes$Xa7,$Xa21$ and$Xa23$into$thermosensitive$genetic$male$sterile$rice$(Oryza$ sativa$L.)$by$phenotypic$and$molecular$markerEassisted$ selection$$ Jiefeng Jiang, Tongmin Mu National Key Lab of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China Bacterial blight (BB) of rice caused by X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is the most destructive diseases in rice production. C815S is an elite thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) line which is used widely in China. Xa7, Xa21 and Xa23, the broad-spectrum bacterial blight resistance genes, were introgressed into C815S which was susceptible to BB by molecular marker-assisted selection and backcrosses. Five breeding lines with different BB resistance genes and backcross generations, Hua1006S (Xa23), Hua1009S (Xa23), Hua1002S (Xa7, Xa21), Hua1005S (Xa7, Xa21) and Hua1001S (Xa7, Xa23) were developed. The results of resistance identification showed that they were resistant against all of inoculated seven Xoo strains, ZHE173, GD1358, FuJ1, YuN24, HeN11 from China and PXO61, PXO99 from Philippines. All of 15 hybrids from five TGMS lines crossed with three restorer lines were also against above seven Xoo strains. Hua1006S, Hua1009S, Hua1002S and Hua1005S had a stable complete sterility period of longer than 30 days under natural field conditions at Wuhan. The results of fertility identification in growth chamber showed that the critical sterile point (CSP) of fertility alteration were at 23°C of daily mean temperature in which the maximum and minimum temperature were 26°C in day and 19°C in night, respectively. The recorded data of agronomic traits showed that these four TGMS lines were similar to that of C815S (recurrent parent). The improved BB resistance TGMS lines could have significant role in promoting the two-line hybrid rice breeding 30$ ! Proteomes$alteration$of$Brassica$napus$in$response$to$ phosphorus$deficiency$ $ Chen Shuisen, Wang Zhenhua, Xu Fangsen National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, and Microelement Research Centre, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China 430070 Phosphorus (P) is the most widely studied macronutrient due to its low available in many soil of the word. In this study, comparative proteomics were performed to study the roots and leaves proteomes changes of two genotype Brassica napus, P-efficiency (97081) and P-inefficiency (97009), in long-term low phosphorus (LP) and short-term phosphorus starvation conditions (NP), and classified the identified proteins into seven categories as follows: defense and stress, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, signaling and regulation, amino acid and fatty acid metabolism, protein process, biogenesis and cellular component, and function unknown. Regardless of the roots and leaves proteome alternation in response to phosphorus deficiency are different in two genotype Brassica napus. Due to the differential expressed proteins identified in LP or NP in 97009 were inconsistent with 97081, regardless of roots or leaves proteins, we suppose that there have different adaptive mechanism in response to phosphorus deficiency in two Brassica napus. To further understand the adaptive mechanism can help us to breed the phosphorus efficiency Brassica napus cultivars. 2012 $ 31 Dissecting$Quantitative$Trait$Loci$for$Boron$Efficiency$across$ Multiple$Environments$in$Brassica$napus$$ Zunkang Zhao, Likun Wu, Fuzhao Nian, Guangda Ding, Taoxiong Shi, Didi Zhang, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu, Jinling Meng Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China High yield is the most important goal in crop breeding, and boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for plants. However, B deficiency, leading to yield decreases is an agricultural problem worldwide. Brassica napus is one of the most sensitive crops to B deficiency, and considerable genotypic variation exists among different cultivars in response to B deficiency. To dissect the genetic basis of tolerance to B deficiency in B. napus, we carried out QTL analysis for seed yield and yield-related traits under low and normal B conditions using the double haploid population (TNDH) by two-year and the BQDH population by three-year field trials. In total, 80 putative QTLs and 42 epistatic interactions for seed yield, plant height, branch number, pod number, seed number, seed weight and B efficiency coefficient (BEC) were identified under low and normal B conditions, singly explaining 4.15-23.16% and 0.53-14.38% of the phenotypic variation. An additive effect of putative QTLs was a more important controlling factor than the additive-additive effect of epistatic interactions. Four QTL-by-environment interactions and 7 interactions between epistatic interactions and the environment contributed to 1.27-4.95% and 1.17-3.68% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The chromosome region on A2 of SYLB-A2 for seed yield under low B condition and BEC-A2 for BEC in the two populations was equivalent to the region of a reported major QTL, BE1. The B. napus homologous genes of Bra020592 and Bra020595 mapped to the A2 region and were speculated to be candidate genes for B efficiency. These findings reveal the complex genetic basis of B efficiency in B. napus. They provide a basis for the fine mapping and cloning of the B efficiency genes and for breeding B-efficient cultivars by marker-assisted selection (MAS). 32$ ! $$ Auxin has pervasive roles in many aspects of plant growth and development, and its regulatory mechanisms have been well studied. However, auxin’s role in leaf senescence remains uncertain. Some of the external application experiments showed that auxin was able to inhibit leaf senescence while some other experiments indicated auxin could promote leaf senescence. Here we report the identification and characterization of an Arabidopsis leaf senescence-associated gene named SAG201. SAG201 is highly up-regulated during leaf senescence and can be induced by 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, a synthetic auxin species). It encodes an uncharacterized small auxin-up RNA (SAUR) that has been annotated as SAUR36. Leaf senescence in the saur36 knockout lines caused by T-DNA insertion was significantly delayed as revealed by analyses of chlorophyll contents, Fv/Fm ratio (a parameter for photosystem II activities), ion leakage, and the expression of leaf senescence marker genes. In contrast, transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing SAUR36 (without its 3’-UTR) displayed an early leaf senescence phenotype. However, plants overexpressing SAUR36 with its 3’-UTR were normal and didn’t exhibit the early senescence phenotype. These data suggest that SAUR36 mediates auxin-induced leaf senescence and that the 3’-UTR containing a highly conserved downstream (DST) renders the instability of the SAUR36 transcripts in young leaves. 2012 $ 33 $ 5- 34$ ! early$senescence$leaf$4 esl4 $ $ Abstract In this study, a rice early senescence mutant, early senescence leaf 4 esl4 , which was derived from ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS)-treated Jinhui10 (Oryza sativa L.ssp. indica). The mutants’ leaf opex and leaf edge were yellowing from booting stage. During booting stage, chla, chlb, total chl and cart of 1-3 leaf in the mutants were significantly lower than those of the wild type. Consistently, compared with the wild type, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were significantly decreased in mutant. The genetic analysis revealed that the mutational trait was controlled by a single recessive gene. By bulked segregation analysis (BSA) and 900 F2 mutants, the ESL4 gene was finally located between the IN/DEL marker S4-25 and S4-53 on chromosome 4, with 199 kb physical distances. These results provided a foundation of map-based cloning and function analysis of ESL4 gene. 2012 $ 35 Salicylic$acid$analogues$with$biological$activity$may$induce$ chilling$tolerance$of$maize$(Zea$mays)$seeds$$ Yang Wang, Jin Hu, Guochen Qin, Huawei Cui, and Qitian Wang One kind of biologically active salicylic acid (SA) analogue (acetylsalicylic acid, ASA) and two inactive compounds (4-aminosalicylic acid and 4-aminobenzoic acid), along with SA were chosen to evaluate their role in inducing chilling tolerance of two different chilling-tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines. These compounds were applied as seed treatments or as a hydroponic application. The results showed that four compounds had no significant effect on germination of maize seeds; however, SA or ASA soaking treatments significantly increased the root length, shoot height, and shoot and root dry weights of seedlings grown under chilling stress. Hydroponic applications of SA or ASA significantly alleviated the accumulation of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide radicals in roots and leaves of both lines under chilling stress, and the applications also increased the photosynthetic pigments, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids. However, 4-aminosalicylic acid and 4-aminobenzoic acid applications had no significant effect in ameliorating the growth inhibition of seedlings under chilling stress. This study showed that SA and ASA significantly induced the chilling tolerance of maize; however, 4-aminosalicylic acid and 4-aminobenzoic acid were not effective in inducing tolerance to chilling stress. The results suggest that only SA analogues with biological activity may have the ability to induce chilling tolerance of maize. 36$ ! Genetic$and$QTL$analysis$for$seedling$cold$tolerance$in$rice$ $ Canyang Li, Guo Zong, Ahong Wang, Lu Wang, and Bin Han National Center for Gene Research, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS, Shanghai 200233, China Seedling cold tolerance is of particular importance to direct seeding culture systems as planting typically coincides with the lowest temperatures of the season. Of the two major subspecies of O. sativa, indica and japonica, general phenomenon is that japonicas possess better cold tolerance than indicas. To determine the basis for the difference in low temperature tolerance between japonica and indica, we developed a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population using the cold tolerant temperate japonica cultivar Nipponbare and the cold sensitive indica cultivar 93-11.In this study, a high-throughput re-sequencing method was used to genotype the 150 RILs. For phenotyping, 14-day old seedlings were treated with 8 °C for 7 days and then recovered under 24 °C for 14 days. We used the lethal percentage to describe the cold tolerance. A seedling was considered to be dead if its newly appeared leaf is wilting. Analysis of this population led to the identification of three number of Nipponbare derived QTL that confer tolerance to cold-induced death observed in the cold-sensitive indica, 93-11. They were named as qCtss2, qCtss4 and qCtss12 according to their position on chromosomes, and accounted for 6.63%, 6.17% and 9.55% phenotypic variation respectively. We then used chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSL) to confirm the effect of the three QTLs, and found qCtss12 from Nipponbare had significant effect on cold tolerance while the other two QTLs had minor effect. In the next, we will use the F2 population derived from the CSSL and Nipponbare to fine mapping the qCtss12 locus. 2012 $ 37 Sequence$and$Functional$Divergence$of$FRUITFULL$Homeologs$ in$Brassica$napus$ $ Pengfei Peng1 • Yunchang Li1 • Desheng Mei1 • Joseph Colasanti2 • Li Fu1 • Jia Liu1 • Yufeng Chen1 • Qiong Hu1 "1Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Oil Crops Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, No. 2 Xudong 2nd RD, Wuhan, 430062, Hubei, People’s Republic of China 2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada Resistance to pod shattering is a key seed crop trait that can substantially improve yield by preventing seeds from dropping to the ground. To improve pod shatter resistance in the important oilseed crop Brassica napus, the phenotypic diversity of B. napus was exploited using eighty B. napus varieties was evaluated for pod shatter resistance by a random impact test. Among these, R1-1 was identified as resistant and R2, 8908B as susceptible. To understand the molecular basis for this phenotype difference, base on the candidate gene approach, B. napus FRUITFULL (FUL) homologs were identified and characterized. Two FUL loci, BnaA.FUL.a and BnaC.FUL.a, in the A and C genomes of B. napus were found, respectively. In the susceptible variety, both BnaA.FUL.a and BnaC.FUL.a were expressed in the same tissues. However, the expression level of BnaC.FUL.a was different in varieties with different pod shatter resistance. In the most resistant variety R1-1, only BnaA.FUL.a was expressed, and BnaC.FUL.a was silenced. Ectopic over-expression of BnaA.FUL.a in A. thaliana resulted in elevated resistance to pod shatter, as well as earlier flowering. Ectopic overexpression of BnaC.FUL.a in Arabidopsis also caused shatter resistance, but no pleiotropic phenotypes. Therefore, the functional divergence and differing expression of BnaX.FUL.a homeologs may significantly affect phenotypic variation, which is an important consequence of allopolyploid evolution. Moreover, BnaA.FUL.a could prove useful to improve pod shatter resistance in B. napus breeding programs, thereby improving yield for this important oilseed crop. 38$ ! PnLOX2 $ Aspergillus flavus is one of the major diseases of peanut. The objective of the study was to clone PnLOX2 gene from peanut seed coat and analyze its expression. Real-time RT-PCR analysis indicated that the gene was overexpressed in the challenge of Aspergillus flavus and the greatest expression occurred 10 days after inoculation. The full length of PnLOX2 gene was 2592bp and encoded a 97.5kDa protein containing 863 amino acids. The fusion protein (apparent 121.5kDa) only existed in the precipitation and the maximum was obtained by inducing at 37ºC for 3.5h. As a result of response to the challenge of Aspergillus flavus, PnLOX2 gene was more greatly expressed in the resistant genotype than in the susceptible genotype. It indicated that PnLOX2 gene was closely related to Aspergillus flavus-resistance of peanut. Further investigations were needed to bacteriostatically identify the gene in vitro. 2012 $ 39 Blast$resistance$of$Hybrid$rice$Oryza'sativa$L.$ Haichao Jiang, Yutao Feng, Liang Bao, Guanjun Gao, Qinglu Zhang, Jinghua Xiao, Caiguo Xu, Yuqing He National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan) and National Center of Crop Molecular Breeding, Huazhong Agricultural University, 430070, Wuhan, China Rice blast is one of the most serious diseases in rice (Oryza sativa L.) worldwide. Jin 23B is the maintainer line, a parent for a number of hybrid rice varieties used widely in China. However, Jin 23B is highly susceptible to rice blast. In this study, Pi1, Pi2 and D12 were introgressed to improve the blast resistance of Jin 23B and its derived hybrids, Jinyou 402 and Jinyou 207, by marker-assisted selection (MAS). The improved Jin 23B, which carried single-, two- and three-genes, were evaluated for their resistance to rice blast using natural inoculation methods in disease nursery of Xianfeng, Hubei, China. The results showed that the more genes contained in the improved Jin 23B and hybrids, the higher resistance to rice blast they showed. Pi1, Pi2 and D12 showed a strong dosage effect on the resistance to blast in the hybrid background during the entire growth duration in the field condition, being very useful for breeding blast-resistant hybrids. The result of examining agronomic traits showed that the improved Jin 23B and its derived hybrid rice were taller than or similar to the controls, when there was no disease stress. 40$ ! Tomato$SlDREB$gene$restricts$leaf$expansion$and$internode$ elongation$by$downregulating$key$genes$for$gibberellin$ biosynthesis$$ Jinhua Li, Wei Sima, Bo Ouyang, Taotao Wang, Khurram Ziaf, Zhidan Luo, Lifeng Liu, Hanxia Li, Mingluan Chen, Yunqing Huang, Yuqi Feng, Yanhong Hao and Zhibiao Ye* Plants have evolved and adapted to different environments. Dwarfism is an adaptive trait of plants that helps them avoid high energy costs under unfavorable conditions. The role of gibberellin (GA) in plant development has been well established. Several plant dehydration-responsive element-binding proteins (DREBs) have been identified and reported to be induced under abiotic and biotic stress conditions. A tomato DREB gene named SlDREB, which is a transcription factor and was cloned from cultivated tomato M82, plays a negative role in tomato plant architecture and enhances drought tolerance. Tissue expression profiles indicated that SlDREB is expressed mainly in the stem and leaf, and could be induced by abscisic acid (ABA), but suppressed by GA and ethylene. SlDREB altered plant morphology by restricting leaf expansion and internode elongation when over-expressed, and the resulting dwarfism of tomato plants could be recovered by application of exogenous GA3. Transcriptional analysis of transgenic plants revealed that over-expression of SlDREB caused dwarf phenotype by down-regulating key genes involved in GA biosynthesis such as ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase (SlCPS) and GA 20-oxidases (SlGA20ox1, 2, and 4), thereby decreasing endogenous GA levels in transgenic plants. A yeast activity assay demonstrated that SlDREB specifically binds to dehydration-responsive element/C-repeat (DRE/CRT) elements of the SlCPS promoter region. Taken together, these data demonstrate that SlDREB can down-regulate the expression of key genes required for GA biosynthesis and acts as a positive regulator in drought stress responses by restricting leaf expansion and internode elongation. 2012 $ 41 Mapping$and$identification$of$QTLs$for$resistance$to$ Sclerotinia$sclerotiorum$and$its$interaction$with$other$ traitErelated$QTLs$or$genes$in$Brassica$napus$L.$ Fengqi Zhang, Junyan Huang, Xiaohui Cheng, Yueying Liu, Caihua Dong, Lingyan Liu, Shengyi Liu* Institute of Oil Crops Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan, 430062 Sclerotinia stem rot, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is an important limiting factor in canola breeding, which annually causes yield loss ranging from 5 to 30% with incidence of 5%-80%. The history of breeding canola cultivars with high levels of durable resistance was more than 60 years at home and abroad, cultivars with completely resistance to S. sclerotiorum were no reported only some with partial resistance have been identified in recent years. The incidence of Sclerotinia stem rot under nature enviroment was difference between years, and associated with other plant traits, such as plant height, flowering time etc. Exploiting resistant-related molecular markers, cloning resistant-related genes and finding its interaction with other traits is urgent need at present. In this study, we identified the resistant level of more than 200 RILs, which derived from a cross between M083 (resistant) and 888-5 (sensitive), using artificial inoculation(stem inoculation with mycelium plugs and parafilm, detached leaf inoculation), artificial disease nursery and sclerotia-seeded semi-natural field evaluations under 3 different environments in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Through comprehensive assessment of each line resistant to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and its interaction with other traits or environment, combined with using molecular markers gained by Illumina infinium assay based on Brassica napus genome sequence, major QTLs for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum or the other plant traits will be identified. The disease identification results indicated that significant differences were observed (P<0.01) among the RILs responsive to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Flowering time, plant height, the first branching height also showed obvious difference (P<0.01) in the population. We also found that correlation between disease index and flowering time or plant height was showed significantly (P<0.01) negative relationship. Based on the Brassica napus genome sequence and the population parents resequencing information, infinium SNP assay contained 60K locus has been customized. At prsent, the work is to perform the SNP genotyping for the RILs, constructing high density linkage mapping, finally identifying the QTLs or gene related to the resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and other traits QTLs or genes in Brassica napus. 42$ ! Characterization$of$a$putative$E3$ubiquitin$ligase$gene$ OsETOL1$conferring$drought$and$submergence$stress$in$rice$$ Hao Du, Wu Nai, Fei Cui, Lei You, Li Xianghua and Lizhong Xiong* "National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan) Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan, 430070, China" Submergence and drought are major limiting factors for rice (Oryza sativa), production. To identify stress related candidate genes, we performed drought screening of mutant lines in our T-DNA insertion mutant library. Here we present the identification and functional analysis of a drought-resistant mutant Osetol1. The mutant phenotype was caused by impairing of a gene encoding a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase, and two allelic mutants (Zhonghua 11 background) of this gene, Osetol1-1 and Osetol1-2, showed increased resistance to drought stress at panicle development stage as shown higher seed setting rate. Interestingly, Osetol1-1 mutant showed significantly faster growth rate under submergence stress at both the seedling and panicle development stages. Overexpression of OsETOL1 in rice resulted in reverse phenotype as mutants shown. The analysis of tempo-spatial expression pattern imply higher transcript of OsETOL1 in matured tissue at panicle development stages, and OsETOL1 gene was strongly induced by abiotic stress, and the responses of OsETOL1 to environmental stimuli are distinctive from other OsETOL1 homologues in rice. The determination of transcription and physiology level display that carbohydrate catabolism and fermentation related genes and pruduction were changed by OsETOL1, imply that OsETOL1 function as a regulator of energy metabolism. Yeast two-hybrid analysis found OsETOL1 can interact with OsACS2 proteins, and the interaction was further confirmed by BiFC experiments, the fluorescence was strongly detected in Arabidopsis protoplasts and it was clearly localized in the cytosol with the localization of OsETOL1. Furthermore, in the mutants Osacs2 and OsETOL1 overexpression line the ACC and ethylene content was significant decreased, implying that the nagtive regulation of ethylene synthesis mechanism is conserved in ETOL families, however, genetic study display the functional redundancy and specificity of OsETOL family in Arabidopsis and rice. So far, very few genes have been reported for functions in both drought and submergence stress. The OsETOL1 may be very useful for studying crosstalk between drought and submergence responses. 2012 $ 43 R421 $ 44$ ! Screening$fluorescent$dyes$for$antiEcounterfeiting$labelling$in$ rape$seed$(Brassica'napus)$ Yixin Tian Zhejiang University Five fluorescent dyes – rhodamine B (RB), rhodamine 6G (R6G), lissamine rhodamine B (LRB), 3, 6-diamincacridine hulmisulfate (DH) and safranine T (ST) – were used to label seeds as an anti-counterfeiting technology. The effects of the dyes on physiological parameters of rape and the patterns of fluorescence of rape seedlings were investigated. The results showed that soaking seeds for 24 hours in 0.1 mg RB ml-1, 0.1 mg LRB ml-1 or 0.1 mg ST ml-1 had no significant effects on seed germination, seedling growth, seedling protective enzyme activities or chlorophyll content. RB and LRB emitted bright red and bright orange fluorescence under a fluorescence microscope, when excited by green light (546 nm) and blue light (495 nm), respectively, whereas ST showed little difference compared with the control. Moreover, the vascular bundles of stem, seedling roots and aerial parts of seedlings treated with RB all emitted brilliant fluorescence for a long time, which could be used as a marker in seedlings. Our results suggest that labelling rape seeds with RB dye at a suitable concentration can be used as an anti-counterfeiting technique. 2012 $ 45 46$ ! $ $ 2012 $ 47 Characterize$the$genetic$basis$of$selfEincompatible$line$ ‘SE1300’$in$Brassica$napus$and$set$up$a$selfEincompatibility$ molecular$marker$system$for$hybrid$breeding$ $ $ Self-incompatibility (SI) is one of the most important strategies developed by flowering plants to prevent inbreeding and promote out-crossing. In Brassica, B. napus (AACC=38) is self-compatible (SC) though its two ancestor species B. oleracea (CC=18) and B. rapa (AA=20) are SI. ‘S-1300’ is a self-incompatible line in B.napus generated by introgressing an S haplotype from B. rapa ‘Xishuibai’ into a B. napus line ‘Huayou No. 1’. Hybrids from ‘S-1300’ as mother line have been delivered in China, but the knowledge on the SI of ‘S-1300’ is very limited. In this study, genetic analysis using ‘S-1300’ and a self-compatible line ‘8400’ and sequence alignment of S locus genes SRK (S-locus receptor kinase gene) and SCR (S-locus cysteine-rich protein gene) showed that the S haplotype BnS-1300 on A genome controls the SI phenotype of ‘S-1300’. BnSP11-1300 and BnSRK-1300 were cloned by homology-based candidate gene method, sharing 100% identity of the coding sequence(CDS) with those of BrS-60. The expression of BnSP11-1300 was detected only in ‘S-1300’, while the transcripts of BnSRK-1300 was detected in both ‘S-1300’ and ‘S-1300×8400’, which further confirmed that BnS-1300 controls the SI in ‘S-1300’. Based on the SI of ‘S-1300’ and the sequence of S haplotypes in B. napus, a SI molecular marker system was set up. It contains three SCAR markers: SpeS1 linked to the restoration of self-incompatibility (a self-compatible B. napus line which gives rise to self-compatible F1 hybrid), SRKc linked to the self-incompatibility of SI line ‘S-1300’ and SpeS7 linked to the maintenance of self-incompatibility (a self-compatible B. napus line which gives rise to self-incompatible F1 hybrid). SI line ‘S-1300’, 84 self-compatible cultivated B. napus lines, F1 hybrids (derived from the crossing between ‘S-1300’ and the 84 self-compatible cultivated B.napus lines) and a segregation population of (‘S-1300’ב8400’)×(‘S-1300’ב8403’) were used to check the applicability of the SI molecular marker system. With expectation, the phenotypes of the plants were all in line with the genotypes identified by the SI molecular marker system. So, the SI molecular marker system can be used in and accelerate the process of self-incompatibility hybrid breeding. 48$ ! MarkerEassisted$Breeding$of$Recessive$Genic$Male$Sterility$ Lines$and$their$Temporary$Maintainers$in$Rapeseed$(Brassica' napus)$ $ FM Dong, DF Hong, L Kang, SH Huang, Y Yang, GS YANG National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Rapeseed Improvement (Wuhan Branch), Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] The spontaneous recessive genic male sterility (RGMS) line 9012AB was firstly reported in China and is regarded to have great potential in rapeseed heterosis utilization because of their stable and complete sterility, extensive distribution of restorers, and diverse cytoplasmic sources. In our breeding programs, 9012AB and its temporary maintainer line T45 were individually utilized as the donor parents for introgression of the male sterility genes ms3 or Rf into the excellent polima cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) lines (DH206A, DH303A, DH987A and DH195A-14) and open-pollination (OP) cultivars (Zhongshuang9, Zheshuang72, Huyou15), using a marker assisted selection (MAS) strategy. Massive dominant and co-dominant molecular markers linked to ms3 and Rf were identified in map-based cloning of these two genes, and they were screened between the donor and the recipient parents. Using those markers displaying stable and repeatable polymorphism for foreground selection, we picked out the individuals heterozygous at developed of both the ms and Rf loci, and analyzed their genetic backgrounds with a lot of AFLP and SSR markers. After six generations’ selection in three years, we have obtained eight new recessive genic male sterility lines T45AB, ZS9AB, 987AB, 195-14AB, 206AB, ZS72AB, HY15AB and 303AB also with their own homologous temporary maintainer lines. Genotypic analysis showed that the genome of the sterility lines and the temporary maintainer lines comprises above 96% of the recurrent parents DNA. The preliminary analysis of agronomy characteristics and quality showed that they have exhibited high similarities with their corresponding recurrent parents. The breeding of the other lines (Zheyou50, Zhongshuang11, Youyan9 and so on) were ongoing as well as expected. These results demonstrated that MAS is an effective and convenient approach for breeding of new RGMS lines and their homologous temporary maintainers. Key words: Brassica napus, recessive genic male sterility (RGMS), temporary maintainer line, marker assisted selection 2012 MCID $ 49 DNA $ 50$ ! Enhanced$Oil$Accumulation$in$Vegetative$Organs$by$Metabolic$ Pathway$Assembly$in$Tobacco$(N.$tabacum$L.)$for$HighEquality$ Renewable$Biofuel$Oil$ $ Changyong Gao, Xiaoyun Jia, Xue Mao, Li Zhang, Runzhi Li* Institute of Molecular Agriculture and Bioenergy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801 China With the current concerns on a challenging set of interrelated global issues including energy crises and depletion of natural resources, scientific community and plant biomass industry have gained increasing attention for developing alternative resources for chemicals and biofuels to meet market demands. When grown for energy production instead for smoking, tobacco can generate a large amount of inexpensive biomass more efficiently than almost any other agricultural crop. In this work, we explored metabolic engineering approaches to enhance the oil content in tobacco green tissues including leaf and stem for potential biofuel production. First, a Vernonia cDNA clone (VgDGAT1) encoding diacylglycerol acyltransferase, a key enzyme in triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis, was over-expressed in tobacco vegetative tissues. This modification resulted in a 23- and 15-fold increase in TAG accumulation in tobacco leaves and stems, respectively. Abundant oil droplets were visible in the vegetative tissues. Second, we engineered tobacco to ectopically overproduce the transcription factor WRINKLED1 (RcWRI1) isolated from castor developing seed. This WRI1 encoding an AP2/EREBP transcription factor regulates a subset of genes involved in glycolysis and the incorporation of sucrose into TAG. This modification alone increased TAG accumulation by 18 and 14 folds in leaves and stems. Te transgenic tissues also showed an increase in sugar level. Third, plastid-targeting expression of a fungus (Pleurotus ostreatus) acyl-CoA-Δ9 desaturase (ScΔ9D), a cytosolic enzyme converting palmitic acid(16:0) into palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9), led to the level of ω-7 fatty acids up to 21.6% and 18.7% in the transgenic leaves and stems from <0.5% in the wild-type tobacco plants. ω-7 fatty acids including palmitoleic acid and its elongated product cis-vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11) are the best lipid sources for high-quality biodiesel production. Combination of the three approaches described above will have the potential to generate the transgenic tobacco that accumulate both high oil and ω-7 fatty acids in the vegetable tissues/organs, which benefits the production of high-quality biodiesel. The present study developed a new strategy for metabolic pathway modification to increase the energy density of biomass in vegetative organs by diverting carbon from starch to oil biosynthesis. 2012 $ 51 $$ 52$ ! A$pleiotropic$drug$resistance$gene$involved$in$the$transport$of$ plant$secondary$metabolites$in$Panax$ginseng$ $ Ru Zhang, Jie Zhu, Hongzhe Cao, Zhiyong Luo Molecular Biology Research Center, School of Biological Science and Technology, Central South University, Changsha 410078, China A famous Chinese traditional medicine, Panax ginseng can produce a large number of secondary metabolites ginsenosides which have various functions including protection against pathogens and UV light, and have been used as natural medicines for humans utilizing their diverse biological activities. In order to accomplish these functions, biosyntheses and accumulation of ginsenosides are highly regulated in a temporal and spatial manner in plant organs where they can appropriately accumulate. Pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) proteins, a subfamily of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, have been recently shown to play a role in plant defense against various stresses and transportation the secondary metabolites. However, nothing is known about their function in P. ginseng. In this study, we have firstly cloned a PDR transporter gene from P. ginseng using cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technology. The gene designated PgPDR3 has 4515 bp in length containing a 4137 bp open reading frame (ORF). The deduced amino acid sequence of PgPDR3 shares high similarity to other plant pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) transporter and have the characteristic domain of plant PDR transporter Walker A, Walker B and ABC signature both at the N- and C-terminal end respectively. PgPDR3 was expressed at a high level in the roots and adventitious roots than in seeds and buds, and its expression and the content of the ginsenosides were up-regulated strongly by 100 µM MeJA in a time-dependent manner, as is well know MeJA is a signaling molecule that mediates the biosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites. In conclusion, the results demonstrate a potential role of the PgPDR3 gene in stimulation the transportation of secondary metabolites and might eventually be used to enhance secondary metabolite production in ginseng. Better understandings of this transporter as well as the biosynthetic genes of secondary metabolites will be important for metabolic engineering aiming to increase the production of commercially valuable secondary metabolites in plant cells and provide a new method to produce a high quality ginseng plant. 2012 $ 53 54$ ! A$Metabolic$and$Genetic$Analysis$of$Cotton$Fiber$Cell$ Development$in$Response$to$Inhibition$by$the$Flavonoid$ Naringenin$ $ Jiafu Tan, Lili Tu, Fenglin Deng, Haiyan Hu, Yichun Nie, and Xianlong Zhang* National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Plant Gene Center (Wuhan), Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China The cotton fiber is a unique elongated cell that is useful for investigating cell differentiation. Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of factors such as sugar metabolism, the cytoskeleton and hormones, which are commonly known to be involved in plant cell development, while the secondary metabolites have been less regard. By mining public data and comparing analyses of two cotton species, we found that the flavonoid pathway is very active in early fiber cell development. Different flavonoids exhibited distinct effects on fiber development during ovule culture; among them, naringenin (NAR) was an obvious inhibitor of fiber development. Naringenin is a substrate of flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), and silencing the F3H gene significantly increased the NAR content of fiber cells. Fiber development was suppressed following F3H silencing, but the over-expression of F3H caused no obvious effects. Exogenous dihydrokaempferol (DHK) and kaempferol (K) which downstream of F3H, could not restore fiber development in F3H-RNAi plants, But NAR caused a more extensive inhibition in vitro. Introducing the F3H-RNAi segment into the high-flavonoid brown fiber cotton T586 line caused a much greater accumulation of NAR as well as much shorter fibers in vivo and in vitro. An inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) which upstream of flavonoids pathway and NAR metablism, 2- aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid (AIP), could promote fiber growth, and partially recover the inhibition of fiber growth in F3H-RNAi plants. These results demonstrated that secondary metabolism represents a potentially novel pathway with the potential to be engineered to genetically modify cotton fiber quality. 2012 $ 55 Characterization$of$six$NAC$transcription$factor$genes$in$ Chickpea$(Cicer$arietinum),$which$are$involved$in$abiotic$ stress$responses$and$various$developmental$processes$ Xingwang Yu, Hui Peng, and Hao Ma Nanjing Agricultural University 1. NAC transcription factors have been found to play important roles in plant development and responses to environmental stresses. Based on two chickpea drought-related cDNA libraries, six NAC gene, CarNAC1 6, were isolated and characterized. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CarNAC1 6 belonged to different subgroup of the NAC protein family. Multiple sequences alignment revealed that the N-terminus of CarNAC1 6 proteins had conserved NAC domain. All CarNAC proteins were localized in the nucleus and possessed the trans-activation activity in the C-terminus. These data suggested that CarNAC1 6 were typical NAC genes and their corresponding proteins probably were transcriptional activators in chickpea. 2. The CarNAC genes had different tissue-specific expression profiles and showed differential expression patterns with cooperativity during developmental processes. Moreover, Transcription of CarNAC1 6 genes was enhanced by drought, high salinity, high and low temperature, mechanical wound, respectively. Additionally, Some CarNAC genes were significantly up-regulated or down-regulated by chemical treatments. These findings suggested that functions of all six CarNAC transcription factors were involved in plant growth and development regulation as well as environmental stress responses. 3. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing CarNAC2 showed some abnormalities such as germination delay, shorter stem of seedling, longer root of seedling, dwarfish aerial part, early blossoming and low propagation coefficient. Both transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing CarNAC3 and CarNAC6 showed enhanced tolerance to drought stress and high sensitivity to ABA, indicating that they are ABA-dependent genes involved in stress responses. 56$ ! Improvement$of$Minhui3229$for$blast,$bacterial$blight$and$ brown$planthopper$resistance$and$plant$stature$through$ morphological$and$markerEassisted$selection$ TIAN Dagang1,2 CHEN Songbiao1 ZHOU Yuanchang2 WANG Feng1 1.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Genetice, Breeding and Multiple Utilization of Crops, Fujian Agricultural & Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; Blast, bacterial blight (BB) and brown planthopper (BPH) are three major threat to rice production. IIyou 3229 and Minyou 3229 have high output and good qualities when plant in south China rice-producing areas; however, these lines are susceptible to blast, BB, and BPH. In order to improve the resistance of Minhui 3229 and its derived hybrids such as IIyou 3229 and Minyou 3229 to the three diseases and insect pests. We utilized the strategy of foreground marker-assisted backcrossing for introgression of Pi9, Xa23 and BPH14/15, which express, respectively, highly resistant to blast, BB and BPH. The whole breeding process coupled with phenotype-based selection for improvement of their plant type and yield. C682, C751 and C60 are the three donors for Pi9, Xa23 and BPH14/15, which were improved from wild rice O.Minutar, O.rufipogon and O.officinalis Wall. After 3 crossing with the three donors, 3 backcrosses and 3 self-crosses, we obtained 3 three-gene pyramid lines (Pi9+Xa23+BPH14) and 2 four-gene pyramid lines (Pi9+Xa23+BPH14/15) with stable agronomic traits. By artificial inoculation of 21 blast isolates which came from different areas of Fujian and an high poisonous BB stain P6 in the greenhouse, the five pyramid lines had high resistance to blast and BB and exhibited the similar resistant spectrum as the donor variety C682 and C751. The effect of BPH14/15 were evaluted using seedbox screening with biotype I, II, and III, the results showed that the 3 three-gene lines expressed moderately resistance to BPH, while the 2 four-gene lines were resistance to BPH. Under conditions of blast, BB or BPH infection, these five pyramid lines exhibited a significant yield advantage over Minhui 3229 and its derived hybrids. Most importantly, these lines retain the excellent agronomical propeties without compromising the yield as determined in multi-location trials. This work demonstrates the successful application of marker-assisted selection in conjunction with phenotype-based selection for targeted introgression of multiple resistance genes into Minhui3229 along with improvement of their plant stature and yield. Key words: Minhui 3229; Blast; BB; BPH; Marker-assisted Selection; Pyramid lines 2012 $ $ 57 Genetic$analysis$of$grain$filling$rate$using$conditional$QTL$ mapping$in$maize$ $ Zhang Zhanhui, Liu Zonghua, Cui Zitian, Hu Yanmin, Wang Bin, Tang Jihua The grain filling rate (GFR) is an important dynamic trait that determines the final grain yield and is controlled by a network of genes. The GFR can be affected by several environmental factors. To determine the genetic basis of the GFR, a conditional quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis method was conducted using time-related phenotypic values of the GFR collected from a set of 243 immortalized F2 (IF2) population, which were evaluated at two locations over 2 years. The GFR gradually rose in the 0-15 days after pollination (DAP) and 16-22 DAP, reaching a maximum at 23-29 DAP, and then gradually decreasing. The variation of kernel weight (KW) was mainly decided by the GFR, and not by the grain filling duration (GFD). Thirty-three different unconditional QTLs were identified for the GFR at the six sampling stages over 2 years. Among them, QTLs qGFR7b, qGFR9 and qGFR6d were identified at the same stages at two locations over 2 years. In addition, 14 conditional QTLs for GFR were detected at five stages. The conditional QTL qGFR7c was identified at stage V|IV (37-43 DAP) at two locations over 2 years, and qGFR7b was detected at the sixth stage (44-50 DAP) in all four environments, except at Anyang location in 2009. QTLs qQTL7b and qQTL6f were identified by unconditional and conditional QTL mapping at the same stages, and might represent major QTLs for regulating the GFR in maize in the IF2 population. Moreover, most of the QTLs identified were co-located with QTLs from previous studies that were associated with GFR, enzyme activities of starch synthesis, soluble carbohydrates, and grain filling related genes. These results indicated that the GFR is regulated by many genes, which are specifically expressed at different grain filling stages, and the specific expression of the genes between16-35 DAP might be very important for deciding the final kernel weight. 58$ ! $$ 2012 $ 59 FAD2 FAD3 FATB $ 60$ ! ANS DFR $ 2012 $ 61 Isolation$and$functional$characterization$of$a$new$bZIP$ transcription$factor$in$waterlogged$seedlings$of$maize$ Wei Sun, Jun Huang, Feng Yu, Lei Liu, Fazhan Qiu, Yonglian Zheng and Zuxin Zhang Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China. Waterlogging is one of the major limition factors for maize production in the south China. Therefore, the effort to reveal the molecular mechanism and to identify stress-related candidate genes is very important for maize cultivation and genetic improvement. Here we present the isolation and function analysis of a transcription factor, ZmbZIP which was found to be highly associated with waterlogging tolerance of inbred lines by a high-through cDNA microarray in previous studies. Our studies showed ZmbZIP is located in the nucleus in onion epidermal cells by bombarding transformation. Yeast one-hybrid revealed that ZmbZIP had transcriptional activation in vitro and combined with anaerobic response element (ARE, Adh1 promoter sequence). The candidate gene association study to 21 waterlogging-related quantitative traits in 205 temperature lines found the polymorphic sites in coding region were significantly associated with waterlogging tolerance of maize. 62$ ! ZmGA3ox2,$a$candidate$gene$for$a$major$QTL,$qPH3.1,$for$ plant$height$in$maize$ $ Feng Teng1, Lihong Zhai1, Ruixiang Liu2, Wei Bai2, Liqiu Wang1, Dongao Huo1, Yongsheng Tao2, Yonglian Zheng1, Zuxin Zhang1 1National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 2College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, Chinahin a 12.6 kb interval. ZmGA3ox2, an ortholog of OsGA3ox2, which encodes a GA3 β–hydroxylase, was positionally cloned. Association mapping identified two polymorphisms in ZmGA3ox2 that were significantly associated with PHT across two environments. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that SL15 had a higher ZmGA3ox2 expression relative to Zong3. The resultant higher GA1 accumulation, would lead to longer internodes in SL15 because of longitudinally increased cell lengths. Moreover, a large deletion in the coding region of ZmGA3ox2 is responsible for dwarf mutant d1-6016. The result supports the theory that qualitative loci share the same loci as quantitative traits. The successfully isolated qPH3.1 provides information on the genetic basis of plant height in maize, and provides an opportunity for the improvement of plant architecture in maize breeding. 2012 $ 63 Identification$of$a$major$QTL$for$silique$length$and$seed$ weight$in$oilseed$rape$(Brassica$napus$L.)$ Pu Yang, Zejun Yuan, Liuliu Shi, Chang Shu, Lin Chen, Jinsong Xu, Jiangsheng Wu, Kede Liu* National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Wuhan 430070, China Silique length (SL) and seed weight (SW) are two important yield-related traits controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL) in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). The genetic bases underlying these two traits are largely unknown at present. In this study, we conducted QTL analyses for SL and SW using 186 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between S1, an EMS mutant with extremely long siliques and large seeds, and S2, an inbred line with regular silique length and seed size. RILs were grown in Wuhan in the 2008/2009 (SS09) and 2009/2010 (SS10) growing seasons, and mean SL and SW for each line were investigated. Ten non-redundant QTL were identified for SL. Of these, a major QTL, cqSLA9, consistently explained as much as 53.4% of SL variation across environments. The others are minor QTL and individually explained less than 10% of the SL variation. Nine non-redundant QTL were identified for SW. Of which, one major QTL, cqSWA9, explained as much as 28.2% of the total SW variation in the SS09 and SS10 environments. In addition, three additive by additive interactions with small effects were detected for SL, and no interactions were detected for SW. Interestingly, the two major QTL, cqSLA9 for SL and cqSWA9 for SW colocalized in the same chromosomal region and were integrated into a unique QTL, uqA9. The S1 allele at this locus increases both SL and SW, suggesting that uqA9 has pleiotropic effects on both SL and SW. The existence and effect of uqA9 was confirmed in genetically different RILs derived from the cross between S1 and No2127, a resynthesized DH line having regular silique length and seed size. Individuals in one residual heterozygous line (RHL) for cqSLA9, L133, showed significant difference in silique length. Molecular and progeny verification showed the S1 allele homozygous plant and two S2 allele homozygous plants in this line are near isogenic lines (NIL) for cqSLA9. A F2 population comprising of 5235 individuals derived from the cross between the NILs were produced. The genetic interval of cqSLA9 was firstly verified between marker Na10-B07 and BoGMS116 by genotyping each F2 individuals by using seven mostly linked markers. SL for each plant was measured and 355 recombinant plants were detected based on the genotype of Na10B07 and BoGMS116. The genetic composition of each individual was scored using 14 new developed polymorphism SSR markers. Finally, cqSLA9 was delimited to a 237kb region, between the marker BrGMS4931 and BrGMS4942, on B. rapa A9 chromosome. The results in this study revealed that silique length in the S1 mutant is mainly controlled by the cqSLA9 locus. Fine mapping of cqSLA9 will greatly accelerate the process of cqSLA9 cloning and finally assist our understanding of the genetic basis for silique and seed development. 64$ ! A$StayEGreen$Gene$SGR1$regulates$lycopene$accumulations$by $directly$interacting$with$the$key$carotenoid$biosynthetic$enzy me$PSY1$during$fruit$ripening$in$tomato$ $ Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant in plant and animal. As the main sources of ly copene for human nutrients and health, flesh fruits synthesize such carotenoid by conv ersion of chlorophyll during the ripening. SlSGR1, a stay-green gene, plays critical rol es in retardance chlorophyll degradation in leaves and fruits of tomato (Solanum lyco persicum). Here, we elucidate a new mechanism on SlSGR1 regulating the lycopene a ccumulation. Through inhibiting the activity of a key carotenoid synthetic enzyme SlP SY1 by direct protein-protein interaction, SlSGR1 can mediate the accumulations of l ycopene during fruit development and ripening in tomato. This first confirmed in the e ngineered bacteria harboring vector pACCRT-EBI the SlSGR1 could dramatically red uce the lycopene biosynthesis. Knock-down of SlSGR1 in transgenic tomato fruits the accumulation patterns of phytoene and lycopene were altered along with elevating th e transcriptional level of SlPSY1 and accelerating plastid conversion at the early stage s of fruit ripening, and eventually enhanced both lycopene and β-carotene contents up to 4 and 9-folds in red ripe fruits compared to the wild-type. Furthermore, our results i ndicated that SlSGR1 mediates ethylene signal transduction with altering their gene e xpressions, such as ethylene receptor genes ETR1~6 and ethylene-induced genes PG2 a, PE and EXP1. The texture of pericarp was arranged more firmly and the fruit shelflife significantly extended in transgenic tomatoes. These demonstrated that SlSGR1 pl ays pivotal regulatory roles in color formation and fruit ripening in tomato. 2012 $ 65 A$Large$Insertion$in$bHLH$Transcription$Factor$BrTT8$Resulting$ in$Yellow$Seed$coat$in$Brassica$rapa$ $ Xia Li1, Li Chen2, Meiyan Hong1, Yan Zhang3, Feng Zu4, Jing Wen1, Bin Yi1, Chaozhi Ma1, Jinxiong Shen1, Jinxing Tu1*, Tingdong Fu1 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Rapeseed Improvement in Wuhan, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, P.R. China Yellow seed is a desirable quality trait of the Brassica oilseed species. Previously, several seed coat color genes have been mapped in the Brassica species, but the molecular mechanism is still unknown. In the present investigation, map-based cloning method was used to identify a seed coat color gene, located on A9 in B. rapa. Blast analysis with the Arabidopsis genome showed that there were 22 Arabidopsis genes in this region including at4g09820 to at4g10620. Functional complementation test exhibited a phenotype reversion in the Arabidopsis thaliana tt8-1 mutant and yellow-seeded plant. These results suggested that the candidate gene was a homolog of TRANSPARENT TESTA8 (TT8) locus. BrTT8 regulated the accumulation of proanthocyanidins (PAs) in the seed coat. Sequence analysis of two alleles revealed a large insertion of a new class of transposable elements, Helitron in yellow sarson. In addition, no mRNA expression of BrTT8 was detected in the yellow-seeded line. It indicated that the natural transposon might have caused the loss in function of BrTT8. BrTT8 encodes a basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein that shares a high degree of similarity with other bHLH proteins in the Brassica. Further expression analysis also revealed that BrTT8 was involved in controlling the late biosynthetic genes (LBGs) of the flavonoid pathway. Our present findings provided with further studies could assist in understanding the molecular mechanism involved in seed coat color formation in Brassica species, which is an important oil yielding quality trait. 66$ ! MapEbased$cloning$and$functional$analysis$of$qbpc$which$ controls$protein$content$in$brown$rice$ $ Bo Peng, Huili Kong, Yibo Li, Guanjun Gao, Qinlu Zhang, Xianghua Li, Yuqing He* National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Centre of Plant Gene Research (wuhan), Wuhan 430070, China Rice protein is one of the most important nutritional quality, and also is the second most abundant constituent of milled rice, following starch. As one of the staple food, rice protein is one of the main sources of protein intake for people. Rice protein content is typical quantitative traits, with the advent of molecular marker, introgression of genes controlling good quality by marker-assisted selection has been proved to be an effective choice to improve the quality of cultivars. However, the genetic basis of protein is complex and often controlled by quantitative trait loci. Thus, fine mapping and cloning those QTLs underlying protein is needed for rice genetic improvement. 2012 $ 67 A$serine$threonine$protein$kinase$receptor$gene$is$the$ potential$candidate$of$a$quantitative$trait$locus$for$grain$ yieldErelated$trait$in$maize$ Zuxin Zhang, Ruixiang Liu, Xiaoliang Cao, Jun Huang, Fazhan Qiu, Yongsheng Tao Maize grain yield is a highly complex quantitative trait that is controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with small effects, and is frequently influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Thus, it is challenging to finely map and clone a QTL for grain yield in the large maize genome. Previously, we identified a major QTL for kernel number per row (KNPR) across multiple environments, defined as qKNPR6, and developed two nearly isogenic lines, SL57-6 and Ye478, which differ only in the allelic constitution at the short chromosome segment harboring the QTL. Recently, qKNPR6 was re-evaluated in new segregating populations derived from SL57-6/Ye478, and was narrowed down to a 2.8 cM interval, which explained 56.3% of phenotypic variance of KNPR in 201 F2families. The QTL also simultaneously affected ear length, kernel weight and grain yield. Furthermore, a large F2 population ! 68$ RIL QTL $ 2012 $ 69 Function$analysis$of$flowering$locus$T$in$a$model$for$the$intera ction$of$floweringEtime$genes$in$wheat$ $ Bo Lv, Shuyun wang, Xiuli Han, Kun Li, Jiajie Wu and Daolin Fu State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Shandong Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Shandong Ag ricultural University, Tai’an, Shandong, China, 271018 In flowering plants, the phase transition from vegetative to reproductive develop ment is a critical event in the life cycle. Florescence is complex and influenced by ma ny factors in plants. FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene plays important roles on the floral development. FT can promote flowering in the plant photoperiod pathway and also facilitates vernalization flowering pathways and other way to promote flowering. The protein encoded by FT gene, which is able to transfer long distance, is a flowerin g hormone, and it has key functions on the process of flower bud formation. The silen ce expression of FT in a transgenic spring wheat (Bobwhite) caused extremely late he ading and some of transgenic plants can’t flowering. From QT-PCR results, VRN1, a n APETALA1/FRUITFULL homolog in wheat, was downregulated in these transgeni c plants. While the overexpression of FT in transgenic plant caused early heading with the upregulation of VRN1. From RT-PCR results show that Bobwhite has null alleles of VRN2. Base on these results, we present a model for a genetic network of flowerin g-time gene in wheat leaves, in which FT is upstream of VRN1 and has key functions on the process of flower bud formation. ! 70$ $ (Fusarisum Head Blight, FHB) GC/MS 5000 127 5 100 661 2012 $ 71 “ ” QTL $ 250010 72$ ! Systematic$Metabolic$Engineering$of$ωE7$Fatty$Acids$in$ Soybean$Seeds$ $ $ Jinai Xue, Xue Mao, Xiaoyun Jia, Yongmei Wu, Runzhi Li* Institute of Molecular Agriculture and Bioenergy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801 China Plant oils containing large amounts of ω-7 fatty acids such as palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9) and cis-vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11) are high-valued for human health, medicine and industry. For commercial utilization of such important fatty acids (FA), oilseeds can be used as the target to be genetically modified by metabolic engineering to produce high level of those unusual monounsaturated lipids. In this study, we performed a series of systematic metabolic engineering experiments to enhance the accumulation of ω-7 FA and simultaneously decrease the saturated fatty in soybean seeds. For this goal, three enzyme genes were selected as targets to be modified. The enzyme responsible for the conversion of palmitic acid (16:0) to palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9) is acyl-Δ9 desaturase, which have two classes, acyl-ACP-Δ9 desaturase worked in plastid and acyl-CoA-Δ9 desaturase acted in cytosol/ER. We isolated and functionally characterized a cDNA clone (MuACP-Δ9D) of acyl-ACP-Δ9 desaturase from developing seeds of cat’s claw (Macfadyena unguis-cati), a natural high accumulator of 16:1Δ9. A cDNA clone (ScCoA-Δ9D) encoding acyl-CoA-Δ9 desaturase was isolated from yeast (Saccharomyees cerevisiae). Soybean acyl-ACP thioesterase FatB (GmFatB) can selectively transport acyl-ACP 16:0 from plastid to cytosol. Down-regulation of this FatB could increase 16:0 content in plastid, and subsequently provide high level of 16:0 substrate for acyl-ACP- Δ9 desaturase. Seed-specific expression of either MuACP-Δ9D or ScCoA-Δ9D increased ω-7 FA accumulation from <1% to 15.7% and 6.1% in soybean seed oil, respectively. Small RNA silencing technique was employed to down-regulate GmFatB only in seed development, resulting in ω-7 FA enhancement by 8.4% in mature seeds. Notably, co-expression of MuACP-Δ9D in plastid and ScCoA-Δ9D in cytosol, together with down-regulating GmFatB, led to ω-7 FA increase up to 34.7% in soybean seed oil. Moreover, saturated 16:0 FA dropped from 15% down to 8% in the best transgenic line seeds. Such engineered soybean seeds with high level of ω-7 FA could be used for commercial production of those unusual FA for human food, health and industry. Additional modifications on other genes related to FA biosynthesis are under way. Overall, the present results demonstrate that the stacking of multiple traits by systematic metabolic can successfully optimize the accumulation of a variety of unusual FA in any established oilseed. 2012 $ 73 Opaque2 $ $ Opaque-2 O2 bZIP 22kD α O2 Yeast two-hybridization 2 ZmTaxilin O2 Taxilin GST Pull-down O2 O2 O2 MADS MADS Mu opaque O2 74$ ! The$cloning$and$characterization$of$Shrunkrn4$gene$in$maize$ Zeins and starches are major storage components of maize seeds.The composition and content of zeins or starches determined the quality or productivity of maize seeds.Shrunken4 is one of the important mutants.Studies have shown that,the mutations affecting the activity of starch systhesis pathway Related Enzymes caused the mutant phenotype. The cloning and functional analysis of the gene for improved maize grain quality traits.First, map-based cloning of SH4 and the gene sequence analysis showed that the gene encodes an AVP protein; followed by biochemical and cytological studies,we fined the gene mutation significantly affect the synthesis of starch and protein, the germination rate, also the development and aleurone layer; ultimately, we believe that the gene mainly affect grain development through regulating the transport of sucrose. We follow-up gradually reveal the role Sh4 play in the storage material anabolic process ,and its value by genetically modified. 2012 $ 75 Characterization$and$Identification$of$ZmaNAC36,$a$Novel$ NAC$Domain$Transcription$Factor,$Imply$Its$Potential$Role$in$ the$CoEexpression$of$Starch$Synthesis$Genes$in$Maize$ Endosperm$ $ Jiang Chen, Dan Peng, Yufeng Hu, Yinghong Liu, Yong Gu, Yangping Li, Junjie Zhang, Hanmei Liu, Yubi Huang Maize Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, Ministry of Agriculture, Wenjiang, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China Starch is an essential commodity that is valued for its uses in food, feed, fuel, and industry. The regulation of starch synthesis is not completely known to us. It had been reported that the starch synthesis genes were co-expressed during the maize endosperm development, but the mechanism controlling the co-expression was rarely reported. By homologous clone strategy, we cloned a gene, ZmaNAC36, which potentially took part in the co-expression of starch synthesis. In the present research, we firstly made characterization of ZmaNAC36. It was nuclear localization, had the transcriptional activation and could bind to the common cite as most NAC families did. Then, the expression patterns of ZmaNAC36 were analyzed, and it was strongly expressed in the maize endosperm and was co-expressed with most of starch synthesis genes. Lastly, ZmaNAC36 was transient over-expressed in the maize endosperm by particle bombardment, and some starch synthesis genes were up-regulated. All our results indicated that ZmaNAC36, a novel NAC domain transcription factor, played a potential role in the co-expression of starch synthesis genes in maize endosperm. 76$ ! Identification$and$characterization$of$microRNAs$in$the$develo ping$maize$endosperm$ $ Yong Gu ,Yinghong Liu,Hai Du,Jiang Chen, Yubi Huang* Maize Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611130, China MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs that are approximately 20–22 nucle otides long. miRNAs have been shown to be important regulators that control a large variety of biological functions in eukaryotic cells including development, viral defense, metabolism and apoptosis. In maize, the endosperm development involves a r ange of biological processes, many of which may be regulated, at least in part, by miR NAs.To investigate the roles of miRNAs in maize endosperm development, two small RNA libraries of maize endosperm at two developmental stages were sequenced. A t otal of 17,773,394 and 18,586,523 small RNA raw reads were obtained, respectively. Further analysis identified and characterized 95 known miRNAs belonging to 20 miR NA families. In addition, 232 novel miRNAs were identified and grouped into 139 fa milies. Twenty-one of the 232 novel miRNAs were detected in two data sets . Potentia l targets for 105of the novel miRNA families were successfully predicted. we had also identified 26 corresponding miRNA*s of these novel miRNAs. In summary, we inves tigated expression patterns of known miRNA in maize endosperm at key development al stages and identified novel miRNAs. 2012 $ 77 QTL$analyses$for$resistance$to$Sclerotinia$sclerotiorum$in$ Brassica$napus$revealing$its$association$with$flowering$time$ $ Dayong Wei, Wangjie Xu, Hongli Dong, Jiana Li, Wei Qian Engineering Research Center of South Upland Agriculture of Ministry of Education, College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, P.R.China Sclerotinia stem rot of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) has a strong negative impact on seed yield and quality. In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses concerning the Sclerotinia resistance and flowering time were carried out in 2010 and 2011 in a doubled haploid (DH) population of rapeseed which consisted of 261 lines. Significant positive correlation was found between stem resistance (SR) tested under controlled condition and natural resistance (NR) assisted in the field, while notable negative correlations were detected for flowering time (FT) with stem resistance and natural resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot. In total, nine, seven and 16 QTL were identified for SR, NR and FT over two years, jointly explained 30.5% and 20.6%, 22.7% and 40.0%, and 85.1% and 62.0% of the phenotypic variation of the corresponding trait in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Of these, two QTL for SR, four for NR and four for FT were found to be clustered in a 9.8-cM region on linkage group N12. The N12-QTL region was extensively compared with previous studies, and the association of flowering time with Sclerotinia resistance is discussed. 78$ ! Differential$accumulation$of$phenolic$compounds$and$ expression$of$related$genes$between$the$blackE$and$ yellowEseeded$Brassica$napus$L$ Cunmin Qu, Kun Lu, Fuyou Fu, Kai Zhang, Rui Wang, Min Wang, Jiana Li Southwest University Developing yellow-seeded rapeseed is a major breeding goal for better nutritional and processing quality in oil production in rapeseed. The intermediate metabolites and final metabolites of the phenylprolmnoid metaholk and flavonoids pathway not only affects oil quality traits, but are also involved in the seed coat color in B. napus. In this research, we analyzed the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the seed coat of the typical black-seeded (DH ZY821) and yellow-seeded (DH GH06) genetic types of B. napus in China. With toluidine blue O and LC-UV-MS, we showed that there are histochemical and biochemical differences in the accumulation of phenolic compounds between DH ZY821 and DH GH06. The results of cytological observation also showed that polymeric phenols compounds began to accumulate in the hilum of seed during the early development stages, and mainly distributed in the layer of palisade and pigment of seed coat during the middle-to-late stages. Moreover, proanthocyanins and polyphenols content is higher in the black-seeded (DH ZY821) than in the yellow-seeded (DH GH06) of B. napus. Another, results of LC-UV-MS showed that flavonoid and derivatives mainly accumulated in black-seeded, including epicatechin, quercetin, isorhametin, and kaemferol derivates. In addition, thirty-five phenolic compounds were detected in the flavonoid extracts from both DH ZY821 and DH GH06 seed coat according to the retention time analysis of LC-UV-MS. Interestingly, 2 and 13 compounds could be detected only in DH ZY821 and DH GH06, respectively. Moreover, epicatechin derivates were not detected in seed coat extracts of DH GH06. Using qRT-PCR, we revealed that nine structural genes (BnPAL, BnC4H, BnTT4, BnTT6, BnTT3, BnTT18, BnTT12, BnTT10 and BnUGT2) and three transcription factors (BnTTG1 BnTTG2 and BnTT8) function in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway display a significant difference between the yellowand black-seeded B. napus. BnPAL, BnC4H and BnTT12 encode enzymes specifically involved in the steps of the pathway leading to the biosythesis of precursor of polyphenols and flavonoids compounds and proantnocyanins, and may be the key genes for formation seed coat colour. The BnTT4 is also the first key gene in the flavonoid pathway in B. napus, and downstream genes were regulated by the upstream genes in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. In addition, BnTTG1 can also be directly regulated by BnTTG2, and the co-expression of BnTT2, BnTT8 and BnTTG1 regulates flavonoid biosynthesis pathway in B. napus. Therefore, the function of and the expression patterns of transcription factors in B. napus were also similar with Arabidopsis thaliana. These dataset provide a comprehensive expression profile for the laws of pigments accumulation and expressions patterns of genes in B. napus, and also provide a useful resource and reference for formation and regulation mechanism of seed coat colour in B. napus. 2012 $ 79 Genetic$dissection$of$trichome$locus$(T1)$and$a$major$QTL$ controlling$multiple$fibre$quality$traits$in$upland$cotton$ $ Dexin Liu, Jian Zhang , Shiyi Tang, Zhengsheng Zhang* Fibers and leaf trichomes are large branched single cells that initiate and develop on epidermal cells, they are likely to have common regulatory mechanisms. RIL 118 ( chosen from a recombinant inbred population crossing a high quality cultivar Yumian 1 and the multiple dominant marker line T586) backcrossed with yumian1 to develop to populations 1440 F2 and 4313 F3 to fine-map a major effecting multiple fiber qualities and trichome QTL in cotton .A total of 95 markers were identified in 360 F2 population to construct a genetic map that spanned 127.2cM. Trichomes (T1) locus was mapped between in two markers and co-segregated with the SWU06-77 . Designed the primers of the other 380 new microsatellites based D genomes ,8 markers were polymorphic in the region. To further define the QTL position ,19 markers were employed to construct a genetic map that spanned 0.463 cM in 1440 F2 population . The T1 locus explained 54.7% of the fiber length phenotypic Variation and LOD value was 211.1, additive effect was 2.65. The T1 locus explained 40.5% of micronaire value phenotypic Variation and LOD value was 144.8, additive effect was -0.41. The T1 locus explained 30.1 of fiber uniformity phenotypic Variation , LOD value was 100.1 and additive effect was 1.83. The T1 locus explained 193.16 of fiber strength phenotypic Variation , LOD value was 193.16 and additive effect was 2.91.The 19 and 12 markers , separately ,were co-segregated with T1 in F27 recombinant inbred population and F2(including F23) populations. 80$ ! PSKEαsignalling$involve$in$cotton$fiber$elongation$ $ Jie Han,Jiafu Tan,Lili Tu Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Phytosulfokine-α (PSK-α), a 5-amino acid sulfated peptide that has several biological activities including plant cell development, stress response and reproduction via binding to the membrane-localized PSK receptor. A PSK Precusor gene has been indentifed from cotton fiber library, named Gossypium hirsutum Phytosulfokine Precusor(GhPSKP). Real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) revealed that GhPSKP expressed preferentially in elongating fibers. Over-expression GhPSKP shows fiber lengths was increased compared with the control in different elongate stages including 10dpa, 15dpa ,20dpa and matrued, which demonstrates that up-regulation of the GhPSKP gene expression promoted fiber cell elongation, while RNAi GhPSKP has no remarkable changed. Correspond to this phenotype, we mensurate the content of PSK-αin 10dpa fiber by LC-MS and the result demonstrated that over-expression GhPSKP increases the endogenous PSK-αlevels. Subsequently, we find that adding PSK-αinto cotton ovlue cultured system promotes fiber cell elongation in vitro. These results indicate that PSK-αsignalling involve in cotton fiber elongation. 2012 $ 81 QTL $ $ 82$ ! Genetic$Control$of$Seed$Shattering$in$Rice$by$the$APETALA2$ Transcription$Factor$SHATTERING$ABORTION1$ $ Yan Zhou, Danfeng Lu, Canyang Li, Jianghong Luo, Bofeng Zhu, Zixuan Wang, and Bin Han National Center for Gene Research, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS, Shanghai 200233, China Reduced seed-shattering is an important agricultural trait in rice domestication. Although two rice shattering genes have been identified, the pathway in the regulation of seed shattering in rice remains unknown. In order to find other genes involve in the shattering network, we screened for non-shattering rice mutants through mutagenesis of a shattering line SL4, which harbors SH4 (grain shattering quantitative trait locus on chromosome 4) and qSH1 (quantitative trait locus of seed shattering on chromosome 1) loci simultaneously. We isolated two non-shattering mutants shat1 (shattering abortion 1) and shat2 (shattering abortion 2). Through phenotype characterizing, we found that disruption of abscission zone (AZ) resulted in non-shattering phenotype in both shat1 and shat2. Through map-based cloning, SHAT1 was restricted to a 9.0 kb region which contains only one ORF encoding an AP2 transcriptional factor. SHAT2 was localized to a 9.7 kb region which contains only one known shattering related gene SH4. In order to distinguish the mutant allele of SH4 in cultivated rice, we renamed the shat2 allele as sh4-2 in the following text. Down regulation the expression of SHAT1 in a reduced-shattering variety Kasalath through RNAi experiment, we observed the BTS value increasing with the decreasing of SHAT1 mRNA in the transgenic plants. 2012 $ 83 Y $$ No.2127-17 821 DH DH 4260 Y5 F1 DH Y47 F2 AFLP 63 SSR SSR C8 DH 11 821 Y27 7500 BC4F2 3:1 APLF InDel 120K SSR BC4F2 InDel YS52 BC4F2 84$ ! $ QTL $ 2012 $ 85 Genetic$analysis$and$fine$mapping$of$the$Ga1ES$gene$region$co nferring$crossEincompatibility$in$maize$ $ Cross-incompatibility genes known as gametophyte factors (ga) are numerous in maiz e. Many popcorn strains carry these genes and cannot be fertilized by pollen of dent a nd flint maize strains although the reciprocal crosses are successful. A Chinese popcor n strain SDGa25 carries the strongest allele of Ga1 (Ga1-S) and the majority of Chine se dent and flint maize germplasm are incompatible with SDGa25. The incompatibilit y is due to pollen tube growth obstruction 2 h after pollination. The pollen tube is arre sted in the silk segment 5.5 cm distal to the pollination area and never reaches the ovu le. The Ga1-S carried by SDGa25 behaves as a single dominant gene. This gene was mapped between markers SD3 on BAC AC200747 0.827 cM apart on the telomere si de and SD12 on BAC AC204382 0.709 cM apart on the centromere side. The genetic region mapped spanning the Ga1-S locus was estimated to be 1.5 cM in length and the physical distance is 2,056,343 bp on ctg156 based on the B73 RefGen_v2 sequence. Gametophyte factors influence gene flow direction and the strongest Ga1-S allele is us eful for isolating one category of commercial varieties from another. The eight tightly linked markers to Ga1-S developed in this study would greatly improve marker-assist ed introgression efficiency and the fine mapping would facilitate the isolation of the G a1-S. 86$ ! Identification$of$a$major$QTL$for$silique$length$and$seed$ weight$in$oilseed$rape Pu Yang, Zejun Yuan, Liuliu Shi, Chang Shu, Lin Chen, Jinsong Xu, Jiangsheng Wu, Kede Liu* National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Silique length (SL) and seed weight (SW) are two important yield-related traits c ontrolled by quantitative trait loci (QTL) in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). The gene tic bases underlying these two traits are largely unknown at present. In this study, we conducted QTL analyses for SL and SW using 186 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) d erived from a cross between S1, an EMS mutant with extremely long siliques and larg e seeds, and S2, an inbred line with regular silique length and seed size. RILs were gr own in Wuhan in the 2008/2009 (SS09) and 2009/2010 (SS10) growing seasons, and mean SL and SW for each line were investigated. Ten non-redundant QTL were identi fied for SL. Of these, a major QTL, cqSLA9, consistently explained as much as 53.4 % of SL variation across environments. The others are minor QTL and individually ex plained less than 10% of the SL variation. Nine non-redundant QTL were identified fo r SW. Of which, one major QTL, cqSWA9, explained as much as 28.2% of the total S W variation in the SS09 and SS10 environments. In addition, three additive by additiv e interactions with small effects were detected for SL, and no interactions were detect ed for SW. Interestingly, the two major QTL, cqSLA9 for SL and cqSWA9 for SW co localized in the same chromosomal region and were integrated into a unique QTL, uq A9. The S1 allele at this locus increases both SL and SW, suggesting that uqA9 has pl eiotropic effects on both SL and SW. The existence and effect of uqA9 was confirmed in genetically different RILs derived from the cross between S1 and No2127, a resynt hesized DH line having regular silique length and seed size. Individuals in one residua l heterozygous line (RHL) for cqSLA9, L133, showed significant difference in silique length. Molecular and progeny verification showed the S1 allele homozygous plant a nd two S2 allele homozygous plants in this line are near isogenic lines (NIL) for cqSL A9. A F2 population comprising of 5235 individuals derived from the cross between t he NILs were produced. The genetic interval of cqSLA9 was firstly verified between marker Na10-B07 and BoGMS116 by genotyping each F2 individuals by using seven mostly linked markers. SL for each plant was measured and 355 recombinant plants w ere detected based on the genotype of Na10B07 and BoGMS116. The genetic compos ition of each individual was scored using 14 new developed polymorphism SSR mark ers. Finally, cqSLA9 was delimited to a 237kb region, between the marker BrGMS49 31 and BrGMS4942, on B. rapa A9 chromosome. The results in this study revealed th at silique length in the S1 mutant is mainly controlled by the cqSLA9 locus. Fine map ping of cqSLA9 will greatly accelerate the process of cqSLA9 cloning and finally assi st our understanding of the genetic basis for silique and seed development. 2012 $ 87 $$ 9 36 2009-2011 36 SSR 9 SRAP 7.77% - 63.53%, 14.81% - 227.64% -27.52% - 24.77% 10.62% - 35.01%, 4 28.36% - 88.06% 7.77% - 33.26%, ×5 4 -18.96% - 12.21% 5 22.97% - 75.26% -15.16% - 22.30% 10.42% - 63.53%, -27.52% - 24.77% 14.81% - 227.64% 8D129 X 8C343 8D129 8C108 8C108 X 8E001 0.89 368 335 350 SRAP PIC 0.74 – 0.87 SSR 0.41 SRAP 76 SRAP SSR 0.43 0.31 – 0.87 106 0.24-0.46 SSR 53 206 10 PIC 0.30-0.53 SSR , 0.44 ! 88$ C SSH $ , CMS C48-2 N48-2 Trizoi mRNA RNA T A C48-2 (1) tester N48-2 N48-2 PCR driver N48-2 C48-2 tester C48-2 driver PMD-19 425 SSH 220 PCR 300 bp SSH 200-750 bp (3) PCR C48-2 N48-2 cDNA C48-2 11 2l EST Blast EST 11 Ca2+ N48-2 12 EST (4) EST 1 CMS-C (2) 22 14 EST RNA 10 Genbank 6 EST 2012 $ $ 89 Screening$Identification$Indexes$of$Drought$Resistance$at$ Whole$Growth$Period$in$Upland$Rice$Varieties$from$Yunnan$ Province$ $ Xu JianXin, Wang YunYue* , Hu XiangWei , Su ZiHan Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Agrobiodiversity and Plant Disease Management, Yunnan Agricultural University, 650201, Kunming; *Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] Upland rice production as one of the effective ways to alleviate water shortages under the situation of global warming and surge in the world's population has been increasingly valued by human. In-depth study on the effects of water stress on morphological index and agronomic characters of upland rice and selecting identification index of drought resistance during bud seedling and mature stage were foundation to breed drought tolerant varieties and promote genetic improvement The results of study on drought resistance of Yunnan upland rice varieties during germinating stage showed that relative germ roughness relative radicle length and relative radicle roughness could be used as indexes of assessing the drought resistance at germinating stage of upland rice. The results of study on drought resistance of Yunnan upland rice varieties during seedling stage showed that relative value of the length of first leaf under the central leaf the length of second leaf under the central leaf the width of second leaf under the central leaf root dry weight and root-shoot ratio were significantly or very significantly correlated with the survival percentage under repeated condition, and these five indexes could be used as the morphological indexes to identify the drought resistance. The drought resistance of 24 upland rice varieties was evaluated by regression equation and the results indicated that it was feasible to predict the drought resistance in rice during seedling stage using integrated identification index. Through correlation analysis, path analysis and regression analysis between major agronomic traits and drought resistance of upland rice varieties under water stress, we found that principal factor which influenced rice yield under the dry cultivation condition was effective fringe number filled grains number and 103 Grain weight. To achieve the purpose of high yield under water stress, the high-yield production measures like stabilizing the number of effective fringe and increasing the number of filled grains per panicle and the weight of 103 Grain should be applied in the cultivation process of upland rice. 90$ ! Phenotype$Analysis$and$Gene$Mapping$of$a$Novel$Narrow$ Leaf$Mutant$(nal9(t))$in$Rice$(Oryza$sativa$L.)$ $ MaLing, Xianchun Sang, Shuang Guo, Xiaoyan Zhu ,Guanghua He College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 A novel narrow leaf mutant nal9(t) was obtained from the rice (Oryza sativa L.) restorer line Jinhui 10 treated by ethyl methyl sulphonate (EMS). At mature stage, the length of the first, second and third upper leaf in the mutant respectively were 1.34,1.49,1.25 times of wild type Jinhui 10. And the width were 0.68 0.67 0.58 of those of Jinhui 10, respectively.The height of the mutant was 1.13 times of the wild type. Furthermore, some important agronomic traits such as booting, effective panicles per plant were significantly higher than those of Jinhui 10. While the number of grains per plant was a little less than that of Jinhui 10. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant traits was controlled by a single recessive gene. The gene NAL9(t) was finally mappeded on the chromosome 3 between the Indel markers N.Swu 3 and N.Swu 4, and the physical distance was 82 kb. These results will lay a good foundation for molecular cloning and functional analysis of the NAL9(t). 2012 $ $ 91 Development$of$chromosome$segment$substitution$lines$in$ Brassica$napus$L.$using$maker$assisted$selection$ $ Bao Zhang, Baohua Hong, Gang Liu, Jiangsheng Wu, Kede Liu National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs), with single or multiple particular chromosome segments from the donor parent in the genetic background of recurrent parent, are useful resources for genetic studies, such as detection and fine mapping of QTLs for traits of agronomic importance in crops. To enhance the detection of QTLs by genetic studies and application of marker-assisted breeding in Brassica napus, we developed a set of CSSLs using Zhongyou821 (ZY821), an elite cultivar, as recurrent parent and No2127, a resynthesised rapeseed line, as donors. From a population of double haploid lines (DHs) derived from the cross of ZY821 and NO2127, 88 DHs were genotyped with more than 1000 SSR markers. A total 300 SSRs corresponding to 314 loci were used for MAS from BC2F1 to BC5F2. Finally 90 CSSLs with 97 target segments were obtained from BC5F2 individuals. Each CSSL contains 1-6 substitution chromosome segments from NO2127, with average of 2.34 segments per CSSL. These segments overlapped each other and covered the whole genome of Brassica napus except the end of A8, C02 and C07 spanning a total 41.0 cM. Significant difference of several important traits such as flowering time, seed size and seed color were observed in these CSSLs. 92$ ! A$Cloning$and$Functional$Analysis$of$Dynamic$Narrow$Leaf$ DNL1 Gene$in$Rice$ $ Guo Min, Yang Hailing, Xu Rugen, Yan Changjie gricultural College, Yangzhou University; Key Lab of Crop genetics and physiology in Jiangsu Province; Key Lab of Plant Functional Genomics, MOE Rice leaf morphology is one of important components in determining the plant architecture, whereby photosynthesis occurs. And rice leaf morphology is considered to indirectly affect the yield as well as grain quality. However, up to date, the genetical mechanism underlying the leaf development remains obscure. In present study, we obtained a dynamic narrow leaf mutant, named dynamic narrow leaf 1 (dnl1), derived from the indica cultivar 93-11, by radiating with 60Co-γ ray. Compared with wild type (WT) 93-11, the widths of leaves of dnl1 are similar to those of WT after seeding. However, some significantly narrow leaves can be seen when the tillers appeared in dnl1, and the last one or two leaves become normal again. The transverse section of blade analysis shows that, the number of vascular bundles of narrow leaves in dnl1 significantly decrease when compared with 93-11, on the contrast, the normal leaves of dnl1 have the same number of bundles as 93-11 in same stage, which indicates the reduction of the number of vascular bundles may be the reason causing the narrow leaf. In addition, we find the number of root hair decreases significantly in dnl1 compared to that of WT, but the lateral root number is similar in both WT and dnl1. Genetic analysis suggests that the phenotype of dynamic narrow leaf mutant is controlled by a recessive gene. We cloned the DNL1 gene through map-based cloning strategy, which codes an Aux/IAA protein. In dnl1, three single bases and one single base substitution are found in introns and exon, respectively; and a base substitution and two bases insertion in promoter region are also observed. qRT-PCR result indicated that DNL1 expressed highly in leaves. In addition, we found when the average dairy temperature is higher than 25 , the new growth leaves of dnl1 turns narrow; in contrast, when it is lower than 25 , the leaves will be normal, suggesting the expression of dnl1 is mediated by temperature. This result provides an important clue to understand the mechanism of rice leaf development. 2012 $ 93 A$Genome$Wide$Association$Study$Revealed$the$Genetic$ Architecture$and$Important$Genes$for$Regulating$Kernel$Row$ Number$in$Maize$Female$Inflorescence$ $ Lei Liu1#, Xiaohong Yang2#, Xiaoliang Cao3, Feng Li1, Haitao Jia1, Lihong Zhai1, Yongsheng Tao3, Juan Huang1, Bing Yue1, Yanfang Du1, Yonglian Zheng1, Zuxin Zhang1*, Jianbing Yan1* "1 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic and Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, , Wuhan 430070, China 2 National Maize Improvement Center of China, Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China 3 College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 71001, China" Unveiling the genetic basis of grain yield and yield-related traits is useful for guiding the genetic improvement of crop plants. Kernel row number (KRN) per ear is an important yield component, which directly affects grain yield of maize. Here, we identified 31 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) representing 17 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that are significantly associated with KRN of maize, using a genome-wide association study. A linkage disequilibrium (LD) block on chromosome 4 was placed in a previously identified consensus QTL interval, and was also identified by linkage mapping using an F2:3 population. From the LD region on chromosome 4, two SBP-box protein genes, zmKRN4-1 and zmKRN4-2, were cloned and re-sequenced. Candidate gene association analysis revealed four allelic variation sites in zmKRN4-1 that were significantly associated with KRN, with one haplotype markedly increasing KRN. Expression analysis revealed that zmKRN4-1 is highly expressed in reproductive organs, and two alleles from the parents were co-expressed in heterozygotes, while zmKRN4-2 was constitutively expressed. Nucleotide diversity revealed that the SBP-box encoding region and microRNA156 binding region of zmKRN4-1 were strongly selected during domestication of maize. Synteny of genes within the LD region was also detected in grass. The results suggest that a set of loci with moderate effect sizes and fewer loci with small effect sizes are responsible for genetic control of KRN in maize. Natural variation of zmKRN4-1 plays an important role in regulating maize KRN by modulating the initiation and maintenance of SPMs and SMs in female inflorescence of maize. 94$ ! 2012 $ 95 E $ $ 96$ ! GenomeEwide$identification$and$analysis$of$microRNA$ responding$to$longEterm$waterlogging$in$crown$roots$of$maize$ seedlings$$ Lihong Zhai, Zhijie Liu, Xiling Zou, Yuanyuan Jiang, Fazhan Qiu, Yonglian Zheng, Zuxin Zhang National Key Lab of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are critical post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression involving in plant responses to abiotic stress. However, the regulation of miRNA in the morphological response to waterlogging is poorly understood in maize. In this study, we detected miRNAs and their targets that expressed in waterlogged crown roots of maize seedlings in two inbred lines (Hz32 and Mo17) by RNA sequencing. A total of 61 mature miRNAs were found including 36 known maize (zma) miRNAs and 25 potential novel miRNA candidates. Comparison of miRNA expression in both waterlogged and control crown roots revealed 32 waterlogging-responsive miRNAs, most were consistently downregulated under waterlogging in the two inbred lines. We identified the miRNA targets through degradome sequencing. Many known miRNA targets involving in transcription regulation and reactive oxygen species elimination were found in the degradome libraries, 2012 $ 97 A$Ubiquitin$Ligase$of$Symbiosis$Receptor$Kinase$Involved$in$ Nodule$Organogenesis$ Songli Yuana, Hui Zhua, Honglan Goua, Weiwei Fua, Lijing Liub, Tao Chena, Danxia Kea, Qi Xieb, Zonglie Hongc and Zhongming Zhang* Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China The symbiosis receptor kinase, SymRK, is required for morphological changes of legume root hairs triggered by rhizobial infection. How protein turnover of SymRK is regulated and how the nodulation factor signals are transduced downstream of SymRK are not known. In this report, a SymRK-interacting E3 ubiquitin ligase, SIE3, was shown to bind and ubiquitinate SymRK. The SIE3 - SymRK interaction and the ubiquitination of SymRK were shown to occur in vitro and in planta. SIE3 represents a new class of plant-specific E3 ligases that contain a unique pattern of the conserved CTLH, CRA, and RING domains. Expression of SIE3 was detected in all tested tissues of Lotus japonicus plants, and its transcript level in roots was enhanced by rhizobial infection. The SIE3 protein was localized to multiple subcellular locations including the nuclei and plasma membrane, where the SIE3 - SymRK interaction took place. Overexpression of SIE3 promoted nodulation in transgenic hairy roots, whereas down-regulation of SIE3 transcripts by RNA interference (RNAi) inhibited infection thread development and nodule organogenesis. These results suggest that SIE3 represents a new class of E3 ubiquitin ligase, acts as a regulator of SymRK and is involved in rhizobial infection and nodulation in L. japonicus. 98$ ! $ 208 $ $ 2012 $ 99 ChinaExpansin,$especially$the$domain1$plays$a$major$role$in$ the$cotton$fiber$development$ Yang Li, Lili Tu, Fenglin Deng, Jafu Tan, Xianlong Zhang* National Key Lab of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China Cell wall plays an important role in plant growth and development, it is not only to provide strength and protection to plant cells, and also involve in morphogenesis. Cotton fiber from the ovule outer epidermal cells which undergoes four stages: initiation, elongation, secondary wall thickening and maturation is a single cell trichome. Therefore, it is an ideal model to study cell elongation, cell wall synthesis. GbEXPA1 and GbEXPATR that cloned from a normalized fiber cDNA library of G. barbadense 3-79 were specific expressed in fiber. Protein structure prediction showed that GbEXPATR lacked expansin domain2. GbEXPA1, GbEXPATR protein were detected in cell wall and cytoplasm. The GbEXPA1 and GbEXPATR promoter, differing in the lengths of the5’ flanking regions (pGbEXPA1, 839-bp; pGbEXPATR, 1405-bp), were predominantly expressed during fiber development.GbEXPA1 RNAi transgenic plants which had a lower expansin rate in the stage of elongation showed a short mature fiber (5-10% reduced to control). Over-expression GbEXPA1 plants had a greater extension in the phase of elongation, but the mature fiber were less affected. Because some genes related secondary wall synthesis (GhCTL1 GhCELA1) expressed higher than control in the stage of secondary wall thickening, finally it accelerated elongation termination. GbEXPATR, specifically in 3-79, from elongation to maturation over-expression plants had a longer fiber (5-8% increased to control).Therefore, in cotton fiber development expansion changed extension rate to affect the length of fiber. Especially, GbEXPATR, only domain1, had a major influence in elongation. 100$ ! High$Resolution$Melting$Curve$Analysis:$An$Efficient$Method$ for$Fingerprinting$of$Hybrid$Rice$Cultivars$and$Their$Parental$ Lines$ $ Yanfang Zhu, Liwei Zhu, Jin Hu*, Yixin Tian, Tingting Wen, Shuijin Zhu and Yajing Guan Seed Science Center, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important crops in the world. It is essential to develop an efficient method to build the fingerprinting database of commercial hybrid rice cultivars and their parental lines in seed market for rapid and unambiguous cultivar identification and seed purity analysis as new similar cultivars increasing yearly. The objectives of this investigation were to fingerprint three commercial hybrid rice cultivars and their parental lines using SSR molecular markers by agarose gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, and high resolution melting curve analysis, and to develop an efficient fingerprinting method for rice cultivar identification and seed purity analysis in agriculture production. Nine SSR primer pairs which produced stable, distinct and polymorphic amplicons as visualized on agarose gel were selected for capillary electrophoresis and high resolution melting curve analysis to compare their fingerprinting efficiency. Six (RM206, RM209, RM211, RM212, RM219, and RM297), four (RM72, RM209, RM212, and RM276) and six (RM190, RM206, RM211, RM212, RM219, and RM297) were successfully used to fingerprint the three hybrid rice cultivars, YLiangYou689, ZhuLiangYou06, and QianYou1, respectively. The result suggested that capillary electrophoresis and high resolution melting curve analysis could be used as potential, efficient and valuable methods for fingerprinting hybrid rice cultivars, and high resolution melting curve analysis should be given priority compared with capillary electrophoresis for its high accuracy and high efficiency. 2012 tan jiafu $ 101 [email protected] [email protected] 15972986261 [email protected] 13096363851 [email protected] 13554339312 m [email protected] 15527835128 m [email protected] 18618252196 m [email protected] .edu.cn [email protected] 15928538737 [email protected]. 13277919621 edu.cn [email protected] 13720378249 zau.edu.cn [email protected] 18234487354 [email protected] 13963620039 [email protected] 13036153583 [email protected] 13618046477 [email protected] [email protected] 15387027516 [email protected] [email protected] 13996380997 m [email protected] 2787283955 [email protected] 13163277618 om.cn [email protected] 18639771546 102$ ! [email protected] 13407127017 m jiangjiefeng@webmai 13545385869 l.hzau.edu.cn [email protected] u.edu.cn lengbofeng@foxmail. 13037122020 com [email protected] 18914755855 u.cn [email protected] 15026519479 m [email protected] 13306445051 [email protected] 13545273302 u.edu.cn [email protected] 15827137250 [email protected] 13297010317 n [email protected] 13871018694 [email protected] 15823844825 [email protected] m [email protected] 13851870873 m ruiyang_liu2007@126 13548940839 .com [email protected] 13854812700 [email protected] 13855187330 [email protected] 15527719189 m [email protected] 15123339090 [email protected] 15116365347 [email protected] au.edu.cn 2012 $ 103 [email protected] 15318102056 [email protected] om [email protected] 027-8728395 au.edu.cn 5 [email protected] 13468846103 pengbo1015@webmai l.hzau.edu.cn pengpengfei1984@16 .com [email protected] 15827395639 qiaozhenyiinsh1987@ 13761765152 163.com hualiandie@webmail. 13476239250 hzau.edu.cn [email protected] 13752966883 [email protected] m [email protected] 13651715674 m tobenumberone@yeah .net qingfenghongyun@16 3.com [email protected] 13116783186 [email protected] om [email protected] 13720177176 au.edu.cn [email protected] 15923385366 om [email protected] 023-6825074 4 [email protected] xiashengqian@yahoo. 13407165205 104$ ! com.cn [email protected] 13628616425 om xinqiang0327@yahoo 15607140113 .com.cn wushiwen0036@163. 15866021887 com xueshishang@hotmail 13834188015 .com [email protected] 15953239681 [email protected] 13919459553 [email protected] 13874845670 yangpu5532@webmai 13098897654 l.hzau.edu.cn yangpuyangpu5532@ yahoo.com.cn [email protected] 13593105815 [email protected] 15927539133 [email protected] 15974188123 yuxiaoxia1985@sina. 15011523289 com [email protected] 18061747327 [email protected] 15387013709 m [email protected] om [email protected] 13438923596 m zhangdidi8687@web 15071392908 mail.hzau.edu.cn [email protected] m [email protected] 15954116806 2012 $ 105 zhw718_0 @163.com 15165386679 [email protected] 13549665619 m [email protected] m [email protected] [email protected] 18737129047 zhaozunkang411@we 13971122435 bmail.hzau.edu.cn [email protected] 13564854070 zhuyanfang2008@126 13296710680 .com ! FOSS provides and supports dedicated, rapid and accurate analytical solutions, which analyze and control the quality and production of agricultural, food, pharmaceutical and chemical products, to the enhancement of our customers’ business and better food quality for consumers. www.foss.dk [email protected] www.foss.com.cn Email FOSS Shanghai, Room 1018 Pine Hotel, 8 Dong An Road, Xuhui District, 200032 Shanghai, P.R China 全方位的转录组学技术服务 联川生物全力支持您的转录组学研究 联川生物 联川生物是美国LC SCIENCES生物科技公司在中国成立的全资子公司,是一家专业提供生命科学前沿研究支持的 技术服务型公司。公司依托美国总部的深厚技术实力,将当今生命科学研究领域中最新的创新技术和研究理念引 进国内,为国内的科研人员提供一流的生物技术服务和产品。 联川生物提供全方位的转录组学技术服务和产品:具有专利权的μParaflo®微流体芯片平台检测服务,第二代高 通量转录组学测序服务,将二代测序和芯片完美结合的Seq-ArrayTM 一站式服务,Real-time PCR定量检测服 务,高效环保的RNA抽提试剂盒,高通量的寡核苷酸产品Oligomix®等。 在农林研究领域,联川生物一直与包括中国科学院、中国农业科学院、中国农业大学、华中农业大学、浙江大 学、南京农业大学、西北农林科技大学、北京林业大学,四川农业大学、华南农业大学等数十所一流院校保持着 深入密切的合作,成果丰硕。公司全球科研用户累计发表论文超过500篇,其中发表于国际顶级学术期刊Cell, Nature,Science及其子刊上有10篇,国内科研团队发表论文逾100篇。 服 务 位 的 转录组 学技 术 转录组学研究策略 全方 联川生物技术有限公司 地址:杭州市经济技术开发区6号大街452号 免费热线 :800-857-1452 公司网站:www.lc-bio.com 研究案例精选:解析miRNA调控机制 研究方向:miRNA调控植物胁迫应答(Stress Response) Genome-wide characterization of new and drought stress responsive microRNAs in Populus euphratica. Li BS, Qin YR, Duan H, Yin WL, Xia XL. (2011) J Exp Bot 62(11), 3765-79. 研究背景与目的:胡杨(Populus euphratica)是可以在沙漠存活的树栖 物种,被作为一种研究干旱胁迫抗性的模式木本植物。作者通过对胡杨 miRNA表达谱进行全面鉴定,探讨miRNA调控干旱胁迫应答的机制。 实验方法:胡杨样本miRNA高通量测序→降解组测序鉴定靶基因→定制 miRNA芯片筛选干旱胁迫下的差异表达miRNA。 结果分析:测序发现胡杨中324条保守miRNA和72条特异miRNA,并利用 降解组测序鉴定出47条miRNA靶基因,这些基因与转录调控和胁迫应答等 生理过程相关;通过定制miRNA芯片(含有已报道植物miRNA和测序发现 miRNA)筛选出131条干旱胁迫应答miRNA。 作者评论:将二代测序和微阵列芯片结合有效减少了实验工作和生物信息 学分析工作,加速了其研究项目进程。 研究方向:miRNA调控植物育种重要性状(Plant Breeding) Analysis of conserved microRNAs in floral tissues of sexual and apomictic Boechera species. Amiteye S, Corral JM, Vogel H, Sharbel TF. (2011) BMC Genomics 12(1), 500. 研究背景与目的:将单性生殖引入作物育种,有利于固定并传播作物的优 良性状。作者通过研究筷子芥(Boechera)miRNA从有性生殖到单性生殖 转换中的表达谱和调控的靶基因,以期揭示miRNA在此转换过程中的重要 调控功能。 实验方法:预测筷子芥miRNA→定制miRNA芯片鉴定预测的miRNA→靶 基因预测与功能分析。 结果分析:首次全面地分析了筷子芥有性生殖和单性生殖物种中的miRNA 表达谱,鉴定出51个在被子植物中保守的miRNA family和6个miRNA调控 转录因子,其中miR156/157调控的SPL11在单性生殖样本中出现显著上 调。 更多研究案例,请访问www.lc-bio.com或咨询800-857-1452。 联川生物技术有限公司 地址:杭州市经济技术开发区6号大街452号 免费热线 :800-857-1452 公司网站:www.lc-bio.com
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