Tuesday Daily Newspaper - 2014 AGU Fall Meeting

San Francisco | 15-19 December 2014
Session & Page Numbering
Paper Numbers - A paper number designates
the section, or other sponsoring group, and
chronology of the presentation.
Example: A21A-01 = Atmospheric Sciences,
Tuesday, AM, concurrent session A, first paper in
that session.
2 1
- 01
Sequence in Session
1 = Monday
1 = AM 0800–1000
2 = Tuesday
2 = AM 1020–1220
3 = Wednesday
3 = PM 1340–1540
4 = Thursday
4 = PM 1600–1800
5 = Friday
5 = PM 1830–1930
Session Information
Oral Sessions
Sessions are being held in the following venues:
Marriott Marquis (located diagonally
across from Moscone West)
Moscone West, Levels 2 and 3
Moscone South, Esplanade Level and
Lower Level (Gateway Ballroom)
Poster Sessions
Posters are on display in the following venues
throughout the week:
Moscone South, Lower Level, Poster Hall
Moscone West, Level 1, Poster Hall
Moscone West 2005
High Risk in Low Places: Geohazards
of the Asian Megadeltas and Fluvial
Presiding: Brian Mailloux, Barnard
College; Steven Goodbred, VanderbiltEarth & Envir Scies; Benjamin Bostick,
Columbia University; Michael Steckler,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs
0800h U21A-01 Dynamic Asia: Coupling of
climate, tectonics, rivers, and people defines risk
and opportunity for the world’s largest human
populations: S L Goodbred Jr, M S Steckler, J M
Gilligan, B Ackerly, J C Ayers, C Wilson, C Small,
L Seeber
0815h U21A-02 Decades of Change on the GangesBrahmaputra Delta; Rivers, Coastlines, Agriculture
and Development: C Small, D Sousa, S Chiu, D
R Mondal, M S Steckler, S H Akhter, B Mia, S L
Goodbred Jr, C Wilson, L Seeber
0830h U21A-03 Dam-Induced Sediment Starvation
in Deltas: Implications for the Mekong: G M
Kondolf, Z Rubin, J T Minear
0900h Discussion
0915h U21A-05 Between Sunda subduction
and Himalayan collision: fertility, people and
earthquakes on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: L
Seeber, M S Steckler, S H Akhter, S L Goodbred Jr,
J Gale, C M McHugh, E K Ferguson, D R Mondal, C
Paola, M D Reitz, C Wilson
The program is current as of 14 November 2014. An omitted abstract ID number in the presentation order indicates that the
abstract has been withdrawn by the presenter from the session. Please refer to the online program for updates:
0930h U21A-06 Why Does Exposure to Arsenic
from Drinking Groundwater in Asian Megadeltas
Continue to be High?: A van Geen, K M Ahmed,
E B Ahmed, I Choudhury, M R H Mozumder, B C
Bostick, B J Mailloux, P S Knappett, P Schlosser
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Numerical Methods for
Atmosphere and Ocean Modeling II
(joint with GC, OS)
Presiding: Paul Ullrich, Univ California
Davis; Peter Lauritzen, NCAR; James
Kent, University of Michigan
0800h A21A-3001 POSTER Development and
Evaluation of a Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian
Modeling Approach : Y Choi, B Czader, P Percell,
D Byun
0800h A21A-3002 POSTER Bottom Roughness
and Bathymetry Estimation of 1-D Shallow Water
Equations Model Using Ensemble Kalman Filter: M
Hooshyar, S C Hagen, D Wang
0800h A21A-3003 POSTER A synchronized covolume scheme for the large-scale shallow water
equations: Q Chen
0800h A21A-3004 POSTER Quality of the
Computational Grids in the Orthogonal
Curvilinear Terrain-Following Coordinate and its
Computational Stability: J Li, Y Li, B Wang
0800h A21A-3005 POSTER Verification of a nonhydrostatic dynamical core using horizontally
spectral element vertically finite difference method:
S J Choi, J Kim, S Shin
0800h A21A-3006 POSTER Developments of
the Orthogonal Curvilinear Terrain-Following
Coordinate: the New Basis Vectors: J Li, Y Li, B
0800h A21A-3007 POSTER Evaluation of Local
Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter System for
the Global FSU Atmospheric Model: R S Cintra, S
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Numerical Methods for
Atmosphere and Ocean Modeling III
(joint with GC, OS)
Presiding: Paul Ullrich, Univ California
Davis; Peter Lauritzen, NCAR; James
Kent, University of Michigan
0800h A21B-3015 POSTER Achieving SeventhOrder Amplitude Accuracy in Leapfrog Integrations:
P D Williams
0800h A21B-3016 POSTER Numerical Errors
in Coupling Micro- and Macrophysics in the
Community Atmosphere Model: D J Gardner, P
Caldwell, J M Sexton, C S Woodward
0800h A21B-3024 POSTER Updates in the Global/
Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs)Double Fourier Series (DFS) Dynamical Core: M S
Koo, H Park, S H Park, S Y Hong
0800h A21B-3025 POSTER Vertical finite-element
scheme for the hydrostatic primitive equations on a
cubed-sphere: J R Park, T H Yi
0800h A21B-3026 POSTER Updates of the upwindbiased conservative transport schemes on the
icosahedral grids: H Miura
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Spectral and Polarimetric
Remote Sensing and Retrieval
Techniques for the Characterization
of the Atmosphere IV Posters [ ]
0800h A21B-3018 POSTER Diagnosing Energy and
Potential Enstrophy Transfers in Dynamical Cores
of Gcms: J Kent, C Jablonowski, R B Rood
Presiding: Kirk Knobelspiesse, NASA
Ames Research Center; Bastiaan
van Diedenhoven, Columbia
University in the City of New York;
Olga Kalashnikova, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Wenbo Sun, Science
Systems and Applications, Inc. Hampton
0800h A21B-3019 POSTER Fast and Accurate
Radiative Transfer Calculations Using Principal
Component Analysis for Climate Modeling: P
Kopparla, V Natraj, R J D Spurr, R L Shia, Y L
0800h A21C-3028 POSTER High resolution imaging
Fourier transform spectrometer with no moving
components for the measurement of atmospheric
trace gases: H Mortimer
0800h A21B-3017 POSTER Overview of the
Diagnostic Cloud Forecast Model at the Air Force
Weather Agency: E P Hildebrand
0800h A21B-3020 POSTER The Construction of 3-d
Neutral Density for Arbitrary Data Sets: S Riha, T J
McDougall, P M Barker
0800h A21B-3021 POSTER Long-period humidity
variability in the Arctic atmosphere from upper-air
observations: A Agurenko, A Khokhlova
0800h A21B-3022 POSTER Increasing the
multiscale/multiphysics capability of CAM-SE using
implicit time integration and GPU accelerators: R
Archibald, K J Evans, P Worley, M R Norman, A
Lott, A Salinger, C S Woodward
0800h A21B-3023 POSTER Use of a RegionallyRefined Model for Simulations of North American
Climate: S A Klein, L K Berg, J S Boyle, S E
Giangrande, W Lin, R B Neale, Y Qian, L Riihimaki,
Q Tang, M Taylor
0800h A21C-3029 POSTER Downwelling FarInfrared Emission Spectra Measured By First at
Cerro Toco, Chile and Table Mountain, California:
J C Mast, M G Mlynczak, R Cageao, D P Kratz, D G
Johnson, E J Mlawer, D D Turner
0800h A21C-3030 POSTER Thermal Infrared
Spectroscopy of Atmospheric Species Critical to
Radiative Forcing of Earth’s Climate: J C Brasunas
Jr, T Kostiuk, T A Livengood, T Hewagama, J R
0800h A21C-3032 POSTER Light Scattering by Ice
Crystals Containing Air Bubbles: J Zhang, R L
Panetta, P Yang, L Bi
0800h A21A-3008 POSTER Application of the
DSMC Method in Modeling Earth’s Rarefied Upper
Atmosphere: W Hoey, A C Walker, D B Goldstein,
P L Varghese, L M Trafton
0800h A21A-3009 POSTER Adaptive Particle / Panel
Methods for Global Geophysical Flow: P A Bosler,
R Krasny, C Jablonowski
0800h A21A-3010 POSTER An investigation of
terrain effects on the global kinetic energy spectra
using an idealized test case: S H Park, W C
Skamarock, P H Lauritzen, J Klemp
AGU Presidential Forum
0800h A21A-3011 POSTER Higher Order Spatial
Discretisation of Euler Equations and Effective
Resolution in an Operational Nonhydrostatic NWP
and RCM Model: J Ogaja, A Will
0800h A21A-3012 POSTER Atmospheric aerosol
impacts on sea surface temperatures and medium
range forecast: M I Oyola, E Joseph, C H Lu, N R
0800h A21A-3013 POSTER Tempest – Efficient
Computation of Atmospheric Flows Using HighOrder Local Discretization Methods: P A Ullrich,
J E Guerra
0800h A21A-3014 POSTER Tempest: Mesoscale test
case suite results and the effect of order-of-accuracy
on pressure gradient force errors: J E Guerra, P A
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 1
Robin Chase
Wendy Schmidt
Tuesday, 16 December
12:30 - 1:30 P.M.
Moscone South
Gateway Ballroom, Rooms 103-104
11/28/2014 10:44:42 AM
0800h A21C-3033 POSTER Retrievals of the Deep
Convective System Ice Cloud Microphysical
Properties using Nexrad and Aircraft In-situ
Measurements: J Tian, X Dong, B Xi, J Wang, G
0800h A21C-3034 POSTER A New Methodology
for Simultaneous Multi-layer Retrievals of Ice and
Liquid Water Cloud Properties: O Sourdeval, L
Labonnote, A J Baran, G Brogniez
0800h A21C-3035 POSTER Assessment of the
sensitivity of a hyper-spectral infrared cloud
property retrieval to atmospheric parameters using
an optimal estimation framework: P Veglio, R Holz
0800h A21C-3036 POSTER Quantification of ice
cloud particle roughness from multi-angle satellite
observations: S Hioki, P Yang, L Di Girolamo
0800h A21C-3037 POSTER Research of Cloud
Temperature and Optical Depth Using RotationalVibrational Raman Lidar: J Su, M P McCormick,
L Lei
0800h A21C-3038 POSTER A Depolarisation Lidar
Based Method for the Determination of LiquidCloud Microphysical Properties: D P Donovan,
H Klein Baltink, J S Henzing, S R De Roode, P
0800h A21C-3039 POSTER Impacts of depolarization
calibration methods on cloud phase interpretation
at Eureka during 2013 and 2014 CRL lidar
measurement campaigns: E M McCullough, C W
Perro, S M Gamage, J Hopper, R J Sica, T Duck, K A
Walker, J R Drummond
0800h A21C-3040 POSTER A Polarization-Diversity
Homodyne Image-Reject Optical Tranceiver
Architecture for Improved Range and Signal
Detection in Coherent Doppler Lidars: C F Abari,
X Chu, J Mann
0800h A21C-3041 POSTER Global Ice Cloud
Climatological Properties and Radiative Effects
Based on Cloudsat and Calipso Measurements and
Radiative Transfer Modelling: Y Hong, G Liu
0800h A21C-3042 POSTER Polarimetric Retrievals
of Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations: K
Sinclair, B Cairns, J W Hair, Y Hu, C A Hostetler
0800h A21C-3043 POSTER Probing the sensitivity
of polarimetric O2 A-band measurements to clouds
with emphasis on potential OCO-2 and GOSAT
retrievals: S Sanghavi, M D Lebsock, G L Stephens
and Applications of a New, High-Resolution,
Operational MISR Aerosol Product: M J Garay, D J
Diner, O Kalashnikova
0800h A21D-3053 POSTER Airborne Multiangle
Calibration and Comparison with Collocated
Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
(AVIRIS) Data: F C Seidel, D J Diner, C J Bruegge,
B E Rheingans, M J Garay, B J Daugherty, R A
Chipman, A Davis
0800h A21D-3054 POSTER Case studies of
aerosol and ocean color retrieval using a Markov
chain radiative transfer model and AirMSPI
measurements: F Xu, D J Diner, F C Seidel, O
Dubovik, P Zhai
0800h A21D-3055 POSTER Airborne polarimeter
intercomparison for the NASA Aerosol-CloudEcosystem (ACE) mission: K D Knobelspiesse, J
0800h A21D-3056 POSTER Case Studies for UV, O2-A
Band and Polarimetric Airborne Remote Sensing
Observations of Coastal Waters: Implications for
Atmospheric Correction: J Chowdhary, B van
Diedenhoven, K D Knobelspiesse, B Cairns, A P
Wasilewski, I B Mccubbin
0800h A21D-3057 POSTER Estimation of global
anthropogenic dust aerosol using CALIOP satellite:
B Chen, J Huang, J Liu
0800h A21D-3058 POSTER The Novel Arrange &
Average Algorithm for the Retrieval of Aerosol
Properties from Multiwavelength Lidar Data: E
Chemyakin, D Mueller, S P Burton, A Kolgotin, C
A Hostetler, R A Ferrare
0800h A21D-3059 POSTER A novel multi-beam
correlation lidar for wind profiling and plume
tracking for air quality applications: N S Prasad
0800h A21D-3060 POSTER The Development of a
Quality Controlled Data Set for the University of
Wisconsin High Spectral Resolution Lidar Systems
during SEAC4RS: R Kuehn, R Holz, E Eloranta, J
0800h A21D-3061 POSTER CELiS (Compact Eyesafe
Lidar System), a portable 1.5 μm elastic lidar system
for rapid aerosol concentration measurement: Part
1, Instrument Design and Operation: A W Bird, M
Wojcik, K D Moore, R Lemon
0800h A21C-3044 POSTER Characterization of
Super–Cooled Liquid Water Clouds Using the
Research Scanning Polarimeter Measurements: M
D Alexandrov, B Cairns, B van Diedenhoven, A P
Wasilewski, A S Ackerman
0800h A21D-3062 POSTER CELiS (Compact Eyesafe
Lidar System), a portable 1.5 μm elastic lidar system
for rapid aerosol concentration measurement: Part
2, Retrieval of Particulate Matter Concentration:
K D Moore, A W Bird, M Wojcik, R Lemon, J
0800h A21C-3045 POSTER Horizontal Structure
of Dynamical Instability at Marine Stratocumulus
Cloud Top Revealed in Polarized Light: A B Davis,
D J Diner, G Matheou, J Teixeira, Z Qu, C Emde
0800h A21D-3063 POSTER Aerosol Size Distribution
Determined From Multiple Field-Of-View Lidar: Y
Liu, M Yabuki, T Tsuda, T Uesugi
0800h A21C-3046 POSTER Forward Radiative
Transfer Capabilities Facilitating Satellite-based
Radiance/Brightness-temperature Observations: P
Yang, C Liu, S L Nasiri, S E Platnick, K Meyer, C
Wang, Y Ding
0800h A21C-3047 POSTER Characterizing global
distributions of dusty cloud using CALIPSO: Y H
Yi, H Jin, J Huang
0800h A21C-3048 POSTER An Assessment of the
In-flight Polarization Response of SCIAMACHY: P
Liebing, R Snel, K Bramstedt, M Krijger
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Spectral and Polarimetric
Remote Sensing and Retrieval
Techniques for the Characterization
of the Atmosphere V Posters
Presiding: Kirk Knobelspiesse, NASA
Ames Research Center; Bastiaan
van Diedenhoven, Columbia
University in the City of New York;
Olga Kalashnikova, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Wenbo Sun, Science
Systems and Applications, Inc. Hampton
Smit, J Rietjens, G van Harten, A di Noia, O P
Hasekamp, F Snik, C A Keller
0800h A21D-3050 POSTER The Hyper-Angular
Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP) CubeSat Observatory
and the Characterization of Cloud Properties: T
L Neilsen, J V Martins, C S Fish, R A Fernandez
0800h A21D-3064 POSTER Development of ATLIDMSI synergy for retrieving the vertical profiles of
aerosol components: R Kudo, T Nishizawa, A
Higurashi, N Sugimoto, E Oikawa
0800h A21D-3065 POSTER Identification of
absorbing organic (brown carbon) aerosols
through Sun Photometry: results from AEROCAN
/ AERONET stations in high Arctic and urban
Locations : G H Kerr, J P Chaubey, N T O’Neill, P
Hayes, D B Atkinson
0800h A21D-3067 POSTER Characteristics of
atmospheric aerosol optical depth variation in
China during 1993-2012: X Xu, J Qiu, X Xia, L
Sun, M Min
0800h A21D-3068 POSTER Spectrometers for SkyScanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research
(4STAR) Upgrade to Full Sun-Sky-Cloud-Trace
Gas Spectrometry Capability for Airborne Science:
S E Dunagan, C J Flynn, R R Johnson, M S
Kacenelenbogen, K D Knobelspiesse, S E LeBlanc,
J M Livingston, J Redemann, P B Russell, B Schmid,
M Segal-Rosenhaimer, Y Shinozuka
0800h A21D-3069 POSTER Composition and
Particle Size Retrievals for Homogeneous Binary
Aerosols: R F Niedziela, P Argon, L Bejcek
0800h A21D-3070 POSTER Retrieval of Aerosol
information from UV measurement by using
optimal estimation method: M KIM, J Kim, U
Jeong, W V Kim, S K Kim, S D Lee, K J Moon
0800h A21D-3071 POSTER Evaluation of GOCI
Aerosol Products over East Asia : M Choi, J Kim,
J Lee
0800h A21D-3072 POSTER Development of
a generalized algorithm of satellite remote
sensing using multi-wavelength and multi-pixel
information (MWP method) for aerosol properties
by satellite-borne imager: M Hashimoto, T
Nakajima, S Morimoto, H Takenaka
0800h A21D-3051 POSTER Influence of 3D Effects
on 1D Aerosol Retrievals in Synthetic, Partially
Clouded Scenes: F A Stap, O P Hasekamp, C Emde
AGU2014News.indb 2
0800h A21D-3073 POSTER High Temperal
Resolution AOD Retrieval of Northern China
in 2014 Winter Based on Geostationary Satellite
Remote Sensing Data: X Chen, Z Li, Y Zhang, H
Xu, Y Ma, D Li, Y Lv, L Qie, Y Zhang, L Li, Y Liu
0800h A21D-3074 POSTER Effect of the aerosol
type uncertainty on the surface reflectance retrieval
using CHRIS/PROBA hyperspectral images over
land: C Tirelli, C Manzo, G Curci, C Bassani
0800h A21D-3075 POSTER Estimation of volcanic
ash refractive index from satellite infrared sounder
data : H Ishimoto, K Masuda
0800h A21D-3076 POSTER Aerosol retrieval from
twilight photographs taken by a digital camera: M
Saito, H Iwabuchi
Moscone South Poster Hall
Characterizing Global Aerosol
Through Multi-sensor and Model
Synergy I Posters
Presiding: Ralph Kahn, NASA/Goddard
Space Flight Ctr; Robert Levy, NASA/
Goddard Space Flight Ctr; Jeffrey Pierce,
Colorado State University
0800h A21E-3077 POSTER Is There a Common
Correction for Biases in Historic Filter-Based
Aerosol Absorption Measurements?: A C
McComiskey, A Jefferson, M K Dubey, A C Aiken,
J D Fast, C J Flynn, E Kassianov
0800h A21E-3078 POSTER MISR Research Aerosol
Algorithm: Refinements for Dark Water Retrievals:
J Limbacher, R A Kahn
0800h A21E-3079 POSTER MODIS Collection 6
e-Deep Blue Aerosols: Overview and Validation: C
Bettenhausen, N Y C Hsu, A M Sayer, J Lee
0800h A21E-3080 POSTER Creating a consistent
dark-target aerosol optical depth record from
MODIS and VIIRS: R C Levy, S Mattoo, L A
Munchak, F Patadia, R Holz
0800h A21E-3081 POSTER The Multi-Dimensional
Challenge of Validating Remote-Sensing AerosolType Retrievals: R A Kahn, B J Gaitley, J Limbacher
0800h A21E-3082 POSTER The Impacts of
Oceanic Bubbles on the Elevated Southern Oceans
Anomaly (ESOA) Over High Latitude Oceans: M
Christensen, J Zhang, J S Reid, E J Hyer
0800h A21E-3083 POSTER CALIOP high resolution
IRF modeling based on in-situ observations and
application to AOD retrieval: A Guilmo, J A Reagan
0800h A21E-3084 POSTER A New Stratospheric
Measurements: J Kar, M Vaughan, C R Trepte, D
M Winker, J P Vernier, M C Pitts, S A Young, Z
Liu, P Lucker, J L Tackett, A H Omar
0800h A21E-3085 POSTER Merging the SAGE II
and OSIRIS Stratospheric Aerosol Records: L A
Rieger, A E Bourassa, D A Degenstein
0800h A21E-3087 POSTER Retrieving Aerosol
Plume Height Information by Synergistic Use of
VIIRS, OMPS, and CALIOP Observations: J Lee,
N Y C Hsu, C Bettenhausen, A M Sayer, C J Seftor,
M J Jeong
0800h A21E-3088 POSTER Retrieval of Plume
Heights from Volcanic Eruptions Observed by
MISR: B A Howl, H Chen
0800h A21E-3089 POSTER Updated global volcanic
sulfur emissions and the direct radiative forcing
during 2005-2012: GEOS-Chem simulations with
constraints from OMI and CALIOP: C Ge, J Wang,
S A Carn, K Yang, P A Ginoux
0800h A21E-3090 POSTER Analysis of OMI
Aerosol Retrievals with Coincident and Collocated
Observations By MODIS and Caliop over the
Ocean: S Gasso, O Torres
A21E-3091 POSTER
Uncertainty in Global Aerosol Retrievals from
Multiple Spaceborne Sensors: M Petrenko, A
Smirnov, C M Ichoku
0800h A21E-3092 POSTER A Consistent Aerosol
Optical Depth (AOD) Dataset over China: Y Xue,
Y Che, H Xu, J Guang
Moscone South Poster Hall
Characterizing Global Aerosol
Through Multi-sensor and Model
Synergy II Posters
Presiding: Ralph Kahn, NASA/Goddard
Space Flight Ctr; Robert Levy, NASA/
Goddard Space Flight Ctr; Jeffrey Pierce,
Colorado State University
0800h A21F-3093 POSTER Evaluating MODIS
Collection 6 Dark Target Over Water Aerosol
Products for Multi-sensor Data Fusion: Y Shi, J
Zhang, J S Reid, E J Hyer, T M McHardy, L Lee
0800h A21F-3094 POSTER Global and regional
validation of the Collection 6 MODIS dark target
aerosol products, and comparison to Collection 5: L
A Munchak, R C Levy, S Mattoo
0800h A21F-3095 POSTER The Uncertainty in
Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieved by the MODIS
Dark Target Algorithm: F Patadia, R C Levy, S
Mattoo, S E Platnick
0800h A21F-3096 POSTER In-Depth Evaluation of
Aqua MODIS Collection 6 AOD Parameters Over
the Contintinental U.S. Via Comparison to Both
Ground-Truth and Modeled Data: J H Belle, Y Liu
0800h A21F-3097 POSTER Large differences in
aerosol optical properties over the north-west
Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign: D
Chand, L K Berg, J M Comstock, J D Fast, C J Flynn,
J Hubbe, E Kassianov, F Mei, M Pekour, B Schmid,
A J Sedlacek III, J M Tomlinson, J E Shilling, J M
Wilson, A Zelenyuk, C M Berkowitz
0800h A21F-3098 POSTER Global aerosol
typing from a combination of A-Train satellite
observations in clear-sky and above clouds: M
S Kacenelenbogen, P B Russell, M Vaughan, J
Redemann, Y Shinozuka, J M Livingston, Q Zhang
0800h A21F-3099 POSTER Satellite and Model
Assessment of Regional Aerosol Trends and
Potential Impacts on Clouds in the western North
Atlantic Ocean: A Jongeward, Z Li
0800h A21F-3100 POSTER Changes in atmospheric
aerosol loading from space-based measurements
and model simulations for the decade 2001-2010:
J Yoon, A Pozzer, D Y Chang, J P Burrows, J
0800h A21F-3101 POSTER An Examination of
Satellite Aerosol Product Assimilation in an
Aerosol Transport Model Using Ensemble Versus
Variational Methods: J I Rubin, J S Reid, J A
Hansen, J L Anderson, J R Campbell, N Collins, T
J Hoar, J Zhang
0800h A21F-3102 POSTER A Synergistic Approach
to Estimating Aerosol Optical Depth over Ocean
Using GOES Observations and Goddard Earth
Observing System (GEOS-5) Model Forecasts: C
Fleeger, P Minnis, D Spangenberg, R Palikonda,
W Smith Jr
0800h A21F-3103 POSTER Direct Aerosol Radiative
Forcing from Combined A-Train Observations –
Preliminary Comparisons with AeroCom Models
and Pathways to Observationally Based All-sky
Estimates: J Redemann, J M Livingston, Y
Shinozuka, M S Kacenelenbogen, P B Russell, S E
LeBlanc, M Vaughan, R A Ferrare, C A Hostetler,
R R Rogers, S P Burton, O Torres, L A Remer, P
Stier, N Schutgens
0800h A21F-3104 POSTER Quantifying the
climatological cloud-free shortwave direct radiative
forcing of mineral dust aerosol over the Red Sea: G
L Stenchikov, H E Brindley, S Osipov, R J Bantges,
A Smirnov, P J Prakash
0800h A21F-3105 POSTER Investigating the Impact
of Optically-thin Cirrus Cloud Contamination on
Estimates of Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing Using
Collocated MODIS and CALIOP Observations: M
M Oo, R Holz, J S Reid, J R Campbell
0800h A21F-3106 POSTER Analysis of the
Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud
or Fog during Dragon Campaigns from Aeronet
and Satellite Remote Sensing: T F Eck, B N Holben,
J S Reid, J Schafer, D M Giles, J Kim, Y J Kim, I
Sano, P Lynch, K E Pickering, J H Crawford, A
Sinyuk, A Smirnov, N Trevino
0800h A21F-3107 POSTER Assessment of cloud
related fine mode AOD enhancements based on
AERONET SDA product: A T Arola, T F Eck,
H Kokkola, T Laaksoviita, A V Lindfors, M R A
Pitkänen, S Romakkaniemi
Moscone South Poster Hall
Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks:
Advances and New Paradigms II
Posters (joint with GC)
Presiding: Mark Zelinka, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory
0800h A21G-3108 POSTER A Direct Estimate of
Climate Sensitivity from Atmospheric Structure: A
A Lacis
0800h A21G-3109 POSTER Feedback of Land–
Sea Thermal Contrast and Impact on Regional
Warming: J Huang, Y He, M Ji
0800h A21G-3110 POSTER A Weak, Positive
Feedback Between Sea Level and the Earth’s
Planetary Energy Budget: B Marzeion, A
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:43 AM
0800h A21G-3111 POSTER A Large OzoneCirculation Feedback and Its Implications for
Global Warming Assessments: P J Nowack, N L
Abraham, A C Maycock, P Braesicke, J A Pyle
0800h A21G-3112 POSTER Quantifying Sources of
Inter-model Diversity in the Aerosol First Indirect
Effect: L Wilcox, E Highwood, B Booth, K S
0800h A21G-3113 POSTER Shortwave cloud
feedback derived from a 32 year record of satellite
UV reflectivity: C J Weaver, J R Herman, G J
0800h A21G-3114 POSTER Time Varying Climate
Sensitivity in the Current Generation of GFDL
Coupled Models: D Paynter, T L Froelicher
0800h A21G-3115 POSTER The Ocean is Shaping
Tropospheric Adjustments: M Rugenstein, J
Sedlacek, R Knutti
0800h A21G-3116 POSTER Paleoclimate diagnostics:
robust relationships in past and future simulations:
K Izumi, P J Bartlein, S P Harrison, M Kageyama
0800h A21G-3117 POSTER Above-belowground
Carbon Allocation in Earth System Models: X
Song, F M Hoffman, X Xu, C M Iversen, J Kumar
0800h A21G-3118 POSTER Climate Change Impact
Assessment in Pacific North West Using Copula
based Coupling of Temperature and Precipitation
variables: Y Qin, A Rana, H Moradkhani
0800h A21G-3120 POSTER Hydrological Changes
in the Climate System from Leaf Responsesto
Increasing CO2: B Pu, R E Dickinson
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
Measurements, Modeling, and
Feedback of Cloud-Precipitation
Microphysics III Posters
Presiding: Toshihisa Matsui, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Dong Wu,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Cent; WeiKuo Tao, NASA/Goddard Space Flight
0800h A21I-3135 POSTER Statistical modeling of
preferential concentration of heavy particles in
turbulence: T Hartlep, J N Cuzzi
0800h A21I-3136 POSTER Potential Impacts of
Pollution Aerosol and Dust Acting As CloudNucleating Aerosol on Precipitation in the Colorado
River Basin: V Jha, W R Cotton, G G Carrio
0800h A21I-3137 POSTER Bulk Hydrometeor Types
of Mid-Latitude Convective Systems from BinResolving Cloud Simulations and Dual-Polarimetric
Scanning Radar Retrieval: T Matsui, T Iguchi, W K
Tao, B Dolan, S A Rutledge
0800h A21I-3138 POSTER Investigation of the
Gamma Distribution Shape Parameter in Shallow
Cumulus Clouds: A L Igel, S C van den Heever
0800h A21I-3140 POSTER Investigations of aerosol
impacts on MCSs convection and precipitation: a
modeling study: M Clavner, W R Cotton
0800h A21I-3141 POSTER Impacts of Ice Nucleation
Parameterizations and Dust on Deep Convective
C louds and Precipitation: K S S Lim, J Fan, L Y
Leung, C Zhao, K Zhang, P L Ma, V T Phillips, X
Liu, Q Yang
Presiding: Mark Zelinka, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory
0800h A21I-3142 POSTER Precipitation Structures
and Associated Cloud Microphysics in an MJO event
during DYNAMO: Cloud-Resolving Modeling and
Radar Observations: X Li, W K Tao, M A Janiga,
S Wang, S M Hagos, T Matsui, C Liu, A Rowe, W
Xu, C Zhang
0800h A21H-3121 POSTER Stratocumulus CloudFeedback to an Idealized Global Warming Scenario:
S R De Roode, S Dal Gesso, J van der Dussen, H
Jonker, P Siebesma
0800h A21I-3143 POSTER Effects of Wildfire
Pollution on the Microphysical and Electrical
Properties of Pyrocumulus: R Duff, L D Grant, S
C van den Heever
0800h A21H-3122 POSTER Spectral Radiative Kernel
and the Spectrally Resolved Longwave Feedbacks in
the CMIP3 and CMIP5 Experiments: X Huang, X
Chen, X Liu, B J Soden
0800h A21I-3144 POSTER Simulation of cloud
microphysical effects on water isotope fractionation
in a frontal system: J P Chen, I C Tsai, W Y Chen,
M C Liang
0800h A21H-3123 POSTER Re-Evaluating Sources
of Inter-Model Spread in Climate Sensitivity: P
Caldwell, M D Zelinka, K E Taylor
0800h A21I-3145 POSTER Impact of cloud droplet
number concentration on simulated shortwave
fluxes in the northeast Pacific: A Jousse, L Renault,
A D Hall
Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks:
Advances and New Paradigms III
Posters (joint with GC)
0800h A21H-3124 POSTER Using the CMIP5 Model
Intercomparison, a Study on Sensitivity of Global
and Regional Terrestrial Carbon Storage to the
Direct CO2 Effect and Climate Change: J Peng, L
0800h A21H-3125 POSTER Climates of the past,
lessons for the future: emerging results from the
CMIP5 model evaluation exercise: S P Harrison, P
J Bartlein, K Izumi, G Li
0800h A21H-3126 POSTER The CO2 10 Micron
Bands Increase 21st Century Radiative Forcing: M
D Schwarzkopf, D Paynter
0800h A21H-3127 POSTER Sea Ice Radiative
Forcing, Sea Ice Area, and Climate Sensitivity: K
Caldeira, I Cvijanovic
0800h A21H-3128 POSTER A dynamical negative
climate feedback: Surface cooling of the SE Pacific:
R D Garreaud, C Van den Hoof
0800h A21H-3129 POSTER A Matrix Approach for
Assessing the Non-Local Effects of Local Feedback
Processes: C H Jackson, V A Alexeev
0800h A21H-3130 POSTER The Radiative Forcing
Assessment and characterization of forcing to
enable feedback studies: R Pincus, B B Stevens, P
Forster, W Collins, V Ramaswamy
0800h A21H-3131 POSTER The Influence of Cloud
Feedbacks on Tropical Climate Variability: K
Bellomo, A C Clement, T Mauritsen, G Rädel, B
B Stevens
0800h A21H-3132 POSTER Multidecadal Variability
in Surface Albedo Feedback: M Flanner, A M
0800h A21H-3133 POSTER Assessing the Efficacy of
Stratospheric Forcing Agent: R W Portmann
0800h A21H-3134 POSTER Cloud feedback on
climate change and variability: C Zhou, A E Dessler,
P Yang
0800h A21I-3146 POSTER Aerosol and Dry Air
Entrainment Impacts on Thermally Driven
Orographic Clouds and the Development of
Precipitation: A D Nugent, C D Watson, G
Thompson, R B Smith
0800h A21I-3147 POSTER Sensitivity of Clouds and
Precipitation to the Auto-conversion and Accretion
Schemes in the MIROC-SPRINTARS Model: T
Michibata, T Takemura
0800h A21I-3148 POSTER Evaluating the
Performance of the Goddard Multi-Scale Modeling
Framework against GPM, TRMM and CloudSat/
CALIPSO Products: J D Chern, W K Tao, S E
Lang, T Matsui, K I Mohr
0800h A21I-3149 POSTER Effects of aerosols on
cloud and precipitation characteristics for distinct
cloud regimes derived from MODIS: N Cho, L
Oreopoulos, D Lee
0800h A21I-3150 POSTER Aerosol effects on clouds,
convection and precipitation in the chemistryclimate model EMAC: D Y Chang, B Steil, H Tost,
J Lelieveld
0800h A21I-3151 POSTER Evaluation of cloud
microphysical schemes on aerosol indirect effects
from different scale models: C J Shiu, Y H Chen,
T Hashino, I C Tsai, W T Chen, J P Chen, H H Hsu
0800h A21I-3152 POSTER A Global Process-Based
Study of Marine CCN Trends and Variability: E M
Dunne, S Mikkonen, H Kokkola, H Korhonen
0800h A21I-3153 POSTER Quantification of
Interactions of Mixed-Phase Clouds: F Glassmeier,
N Herger, F Ramelli, U Lohmann
Parameterization of Liquid Cloud Inhomogeneity
and Its Effects on Simulated Climate in CESM: X
Xie, M H Zhang
0800h A21I-3155 POSTER Application of a Snow
Growth Model to Radar Remote Sensing: E Erfani,
D L Mitchell
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 3
0800h A21I-3156 POSTER Development of MultiField of view-Multiple-Scattering-Polarization
Lidar: analysis of angular resolved backscattered
signals: T Makino, H Okamoto, K Sato, K Tanaka,
T Nishizawa, N Sugimoto, I Matsui, Y Jin, A
Uchiyama, R Kudo
0800h A21I-3157 POSTER Aerosols and Precipitation
Retrievals over Eureka by Remote Sensing:
Validation of Space Based Profiling Retrievals: J P
Chaubey, N T O’Neill, D R Hudak, P Rodriguez, L
Ivanescu, E Eloranta, T Duck
0800h A21I-3158 POSTER Relationship between
Ice Cloud Microphysics and Supersaturation
from Spaceborne Cloud Radar, Lidar and Infrared
Sounder: K Tanaka, H Okamoto, K Sato, H
Moscone South Poster Hall
Novel Approaches and Constraints
to Modeling of Secondary Organic
Aerosol (SOA) Formation, Properties,
and Removals I Posters
Presiding: Alma Hodzic, National Center
for Atmospheric Research; Christoph
Knote, National Center for Atmospheric
Research; Christopher Cappa,
University of California
0800h A21J-3159 POSTER Organosulfates and
Carboxylic Acids in Secondary Organic Aerosols
in Coniferous Forests in Rocky Mountains (USA),
Sierra Nevada Mountains (USA) and Northern
Europe (Finland and Denmark): M Glasius, A
M K Hansen, K Kristensen, T B Kristensen, I B
Mccubbin, A G Hallar, T Petäjä, J D Surratt, D R
Worton, M Bilde, M T Kulmala, A H Goldstein
0800h A21J-3160 POSTER Insights into Particle
Growth from the Incorporation of Organic Nitrates
into SOA from the Ozonolysis of α-Pinene: V M
Perraud, A C Vander Wall, B J Finlayson-Pitts
0800h A21J-3161 POSTER Investigating SOA from
alpha-pinene ozonolysis with the GECKO modeling
tool: J M Lee-Taylor, S Madronich, B Aumont, M J
Lawler, J N Smith, M Camredon
0800h A21J-3163 POSTER Understanding particle
growth events response to changes in hydrocarbons
and sulfur dioxide for a rural/urban site in Beltsville,
Maryland: M K Payne, E Joseph, W R Stockwell, J
D Fuentes
0800h A21J-3164 POSTER Chamber Study Exploring
Aerosol Formation from NO3 Oxidation of
α-pinene and Δ-carene under Varying HO2/RO2/
NO3 Regimes: H Kang, B R Ayres, J Fry, S S Brown,
D A Day, S Thompson, W Hu, P Campuzano Jost, H
Stark, J L Jimenez, A Ranney, P J Ziemann
0800h A21J-3165 POSTER Reconciling Organic
Aerosol Volatility, Hygroscopicity, and Oxidation
State During the Colorado DISCOVER-AQ
Deployment: J R Hite, R Moore, R Martin, K L
Thornhill II, E Winstead, B E Anderson, A Nenes
0800h A21J-3166 POSTER Prediction Of Organic
Aerosol Volatility And Unidentified Functional
Group Concentrations From Fourier Transform
Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy Measurements: G
Ruggeri, S Shipley, B H Henderson, S Takahama
0800h A21J-3167 POSTER The Role of Criegee
Intermediates in Particle Formation and Growth
during the Ozonolysis of Small Alkenes: Y Zhao, L
M Wingen, V M Perraud, B J Finlayson-Pitts
0800h A21J-3168 POSTER Gas-phase chemistry in
Oxidation Flow Reactors for the study of secondary
organic aerosols systematically examined by
modeling: Z Peng, D A Day, A M Ortega, W Hu, B
B Palm, R Li, J A De Gouw, W H Brune, J L Jimenez
0800h A21J-3169 POSTER Particle Time-of-Flight
by Hadamard Transform (ePToF): A new highduty-cycle approach to size-segregated and total
aerosol mass measurements for the Aerodyne
Aerosol Mass Spectrometer: P Campuzano Jost, J
L Jimenez, J Kimmel, D A Day, W Hu, D Sueper, R
Knochenmuss, D R Worsnop, J T Jayne
0800h A21J-3170 POSTER Probing the Morphology
and Diffusivity of Mixed SOA/Squalane Particles
Using Size-resolved Composition and Singleparticle Measurements. : E S Robinson, R Saleh, N
M Donahue
0800h A21J-3171 POSTER A Novel Inlet System
for On-line Chemical Analysis of Semi-Volatile
Submicron Particulate Matter: A Wisthaler, P
Eichler, M Müller, B D’anna
Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosol
Collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory: K
Dzepina, C Mazzoleni, P J Fialho, S China, B
Zhang, R C Owen, D Helmig, H Jacques, S Kumar, J
A Perlinger, L J Kramer, M Dziobak, M Ampadu, S
C Olsen, D J Wuebbles, L R Mazzoleni
Moscone South Poster Hall
Novel Approaches and Constraints
to Modeling of Secondary Organic
Aerosol (SOA) Formation, Properties,
and Removals II Posters
Presiding: Alma Hodzic, National Center
for Atmospheric Research; Christoph
Knote, National Center for Atmospheric
Research; Christopher Cappa,
University of California
0800h A21K-3173 POSTER Where Do Particles
Form? – Vertical Profile Modelling of New Particle
Formation Events in a Boreal Forest Site: L Zhou,
A Rusanen, D Mogensen, R Gierens, A Sogachev, T
Nieminen, M T Kulmala, M Boy
0800h A21K-3174 POSTER Radionuclides reveal age
and source of aerosols collected over central North
Atlantic: B Zhang, N R Urban, J A Perlinger, R C
Owen, S China, C Mazzoleni, L R Mazzoleni
0800h A21K-3175 POSTER Effect of photolysis on
secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation and
lifetime: A Hodzic, S Madronich, P S Kasibhatla, B
0800h A21K-3176 POSTER Ultraviolet Absorption
by Secondary Organic Aerosols: S Madronich, J M
Lee-Taylor, A Hodzic, B Aumont
A21K-3177 POSTER
of Diffusion Coefficients in Particles Using
Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching
(FRAP): Y Chenyakin, S Kamal, A K Bertram
0800h A21K-3178 POSTER Atmospheric sugar
alcohols: evaporation rates and saturation vapor
pressures: M Bilde, A A Zardini, J Hong, M
Tschiskale, E Emanuelsson
0800h A21K-3179 POSTER Limited Effect of
Anthropogenic Nitrogen Oxides on Secondary
Organic Aerosol Formation: Y Zheng, N Unger,
A Hodzic, C J Knote, S Tilmes, L K Emmons, J F
Lamarque, P Yu
0800h A21K-3180 POSTER New Particle Formation
and Growth from Methanesulfonic Acid, Amines,
Water, and Organics: K D Arquero, M J Ezell, B J
0800h A21K-3181 POSTER Scanning Supersaturation
CPC As a Nano-CCN Counter: Insight into
Hygroscopicity and Chemical Composition of Sub10 Nm Particles: Z Wang, H Su, X Wang, N Ma,
T Klimach, A Wiedensohler, U Poeschl, Y Cheng
0800h A21K-3182 POSTER A Comparison of
Parameterizations of Secondary Organic Aerosol
Production: Global Budget and Spatiotemporal
Variability: J Liu, Z Chen, L W Horowitz, A M G
Carlton, S Fan, Y Cheng, B Ervens, T M Fu, C He,
S Tao
0800h A21K-3183 POSTER Impacts of oxidation
aging on secondary organic aerosol formation,
particle growth rate, cloud condensation nuclei
abundance, and aerosol climate forcing: F Yu, G
0800h A21K-3184 POSTER Effects of Chemical
Aging on Global Secondary Organic Aerosol using
the Volatility Basis Set Approach: R Park, D Jo, M
Kim, D V Spracklen, A Hodzic
0800h A21K-3185 POSTER Global Transformation
and Fate of Secondary Organic Aerosols:
Implications of Low Volatility SOA and Gas-Phase
Fragmentation Reactions: M B Shrivastava, R C
Easter, X Liu, A Zelenyuk, B Singh, K Zhang, P L
Ma, D Chand, S J Ghan, J L Jimenez, Q Zhang, J D
Fast, P J Rasch, P Tiitta
Moscone West 3010
Aerosols, Pollutants, and Greenhouse
Gases from Asia: From Emissions to
Impacts III
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Veerabhadra Kotamarthi,
Argonne Natl Lab; Gregory Carmichael,
Univ Iowa; Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua
University; Jintai Lin, Peking University
0800h A21L-01 Effects of absorbing aerosols on
intraseasonal variability of the Indian Monsoon : W
K M Lau, K M Kim, W K Tao, J J Shi, M Chin
0815h A21L-02 Assessment of Air Pollutants and
Greenhouse Gases Emission Over East Asia : A
Bottom-up Inventory Perspective : J H Woo, Y
Kim, Y M Lee, K C Choi, Q Zhang, J I Kurokawa, J
B Lee, C K Song, S Kim
0830h A21L-03 Anthropogenic Aerosols in
Asia, Radiative Forcing, and Climate Change: V
Ramaswamy, M A Bollasina, Y Ming, I Ocko, G
11/28/2014 10:44:43 AM
0845h A21L-04 Investigating the Climatic Impacts
of Globally Shifted Anthropogenic Emissions: Y
Wang, J H Jiang, H Su
0900h A21L-05 Global High-Resolution Emission
Inventories from Combustion Sources: S Tao, Y
Huang, H Chen, H Shen
0915h A21L-06 Simulating Changes in Tropospheric
Aerosol Burden and its Radiative Effects across the
Northern Hemisphere: Contrasting Multi-Decadal
Trends between Asia and North America: R
Mathur, J Xing, J E Pleim, D C Wong, C Hogrefe,
C M Gan, C Wei
0930h A21L-07 Observations of Aerosol Optical
Properties over 15 AERONET Sites in Southeast
Asia: J D Chan, N Lagrosas, S N Uy, B N Holben,
S Dorado, V Tobias Jr, N X Anh, L Po-Hsiung, S
Janjai, S V Salinas Cortijo, S C Liew, H S Lim, P
0945h A21L-08 Methane Emissions from Natural
Gas Vehicles in Beijing, Baoding, and Shijiazhuang,
China during CAREBEIJING Field Campaign: D
Pan, L Tao, K Sun, L Golston, Y Zhang, T Zhu, M
A Zondlo
Moscone South 103-104
Atmospheric Sciences Bjerknes
Lecture (Virtual Session) (cosponsored
by AMS)
Presiding: Melody Avery, NASA Langley
Research Ctr; Athanasios Nenes,
Georgia Institute of Technology
0800h A21M-01 Cross-equatorial flow and the
Hadley Cell: B J Hoskins
Moscone West Poster Hall
Biogeosciences General Contributions
Presiding: Scott Werts, Winthrop
University; Adrian Rocha, Univ of
Notre Dame; Jennifer Biddle, Univ of
0800h B21A-0001 POSTER Multiclass relevance
vector machine classification to explore annual and
seasonal dynamics of an Invasive reed: B Zaman, A
Torres, M McKee
0800h B21A-0002 POSTER Visualizing Gene Interactions within the Rice and Maize Network: A
Sampong, A Feltus, M Smith
0800h B21A-0003 POSTER Defining Anaerobic
Digestion Stability-Full Scale Study: M E Demitry
0800h B21A-0004 POSTER Pisolithus tinctorius,
Fungal Extremophile and Modern Analog to an
Early Earth Environment; An Unlikely Harbor
for Deeply Diverging and Novel Chemoautrophic
Microbes: K C Cullings, C Lauzon, N Marinkovich,
T Truong
0800h B21A-0005 POSTER Drivers of Tree Species
Effects on Phosphorus and Cation Cycling in
Plantations at La Selva Biological Station, Costa
Rica: A E Russell
0800h B21A-0006 POSTER Phosphorus and
Nitrogen Co-Limit Global Grassland Productivity:
P A Fay, S M Prober, W S Harpole, J M H Knops,
J D Bakker, E T Borer, A S MacDougall, E W
Seabloom, P D Wragg, E M Lind
0800h B21A-0007 POSTER Elastic Wave Imaging of
in-Situ Bio-Alterations in a Contaminated Aquifer:
P Jaiswal, R Raj, E A Atekwana, B Briand, I Alam
0800h B21A-0008 POSTER Novel Lipid Biomarkers
for Past Oceanic N2 Fixation: N J Bale, E C
Hopmans, T A Villareal, C I Zell, J Sinninghe
Damsté,, S Schouten
0800h B21A-0009 POSTER AUV Measured
Variability in Phytoplankton Fluorescence within
the ETM of the Columbia River during Summer
2013: C L McNeil, A Shcherbina, T M Litchendorf,
T B Sanford, D Martin, A M Baptista, J Lopez, B C
Crump, T D Peterson, F G Prahl, A Cravo
0800h B21A-0010 POSTER Modeling the Response
of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition to Warming:
Effects of Dynamical Enzyme Productivity and
Nuanced Representation of Respiration: D Sihi, S
Gerber, K S Inglett, P Inglett
0800h B21A-0014 POSTER Simultaneous Analysis
of Nitrogen, Carbon and Sulfur Stable Isotopes and
Concentrations in Organics and Soils: S Mambelli,
P D Brooks, R Sutka, S Hughes, K M Finstad, M J
Pakes, T E Dawson
0800h B21A-0015 POSTER Applications of GIS
and a Handheld XRF for Mapping Cu and Pb
Contaminations in Abandoned Mine Areas: H Lee,
Y Choi, H Yi, D H Kim
0800h B21A-0016 POSTER Nitrate and Anion
Behavior in Alpine Tundra Soil in the Colorado
Rocky Mountains: A Evans, J R Janke
0800h B21A-0018 POSTER Geospatial Distribution
of Heavy Metals in an Urban Soil, El Paso, Texas,
USA: M A Amaya, A R Elkekli, J W Clague, S E
Grimida, N E Pingitore Jr
0800h B21A-0019 POSTER SPRUCE Deep
Peat Heating Manipulations: in situ Methods
to Characterize the Response of Deep Peat to
Warming: P J Hanson, J S Riggs, C N Barbier, W R
Nettles IV, J R Phillips, L Hook
0800h B21A-0020 POSTER Spatially and Temporally
Detailed Modeling of Water Quality in Narragansett
Bay: L Charlestra, E H Dettmann, M Abdelrhman
0800h B21A-0021 POSTER Lead Isotopic Tracing
of Coal-Based Anthropogenic Pollution in
Agricultural Soils in Jianghan Plain, China: J N
Daniel, S Ying, R Zhao, J Bu, Y Gan, Y Wang, D J
Weiss, S E Fendorf
0800h B21A-0022 POSTER Landscape scale
variability of atmospherically derived industrial
metal enrichment in surfical environments: N
Stromsoe, S K Marx, H A McGowan, J N Callow,
A Zawadzki
0800h B21A-0023 POSTER Phase transition of Fe
oxides under reducing condition and its relation
with the As behavior: S H Choi, S H Kim, G Y
Jeong, K Kim
0800h B21A-0024 POSTER Nutrient leaching from
sediments according to different oxygen supplying
conditions: J J Lee, J I Park, S H Choi, K Kim
0800h B21A-0025 POSTER Impact of nitrogen
limitation on terrestrial carbon cycle responses to
climate variations and atmosphere CO2: Q Zhang,
D Ji, Y J Dai
0800h B21A-0026 POSTER Analysis of Inter- and
Intra-individual Variation in Foraging Habits of the
Endangered Hawaiian Petrel Using Stables Isotopes:
K E Morra, P H Ostrom, A E Wiley, H F James, C
A Stricker, H Gandhi
Zimmerman, A Z Worden
0800h B21A-0028 POSTER Pathogen inactivation in
liquid dairy manure during anaerobic and aerobic
digestions: S Biswas, P Pandey, A R Castillo, V K
0800h B21A-0029 POSTER Investigating the Role
of H2S Stress on the Photochemical Efficiency of
Phytoplankton Found in the Delaware Inland Bays:
A Field and Laboratory Study: D J MacDonald, G
W Luther III, M J Oliver, C T Sarno
0800h B21A-0030 POSTER A novel nanoparticle
approach for imaging nutrient uptake by soil
bacteria: S L O’Brien, M D Whiteside, D SholtoDouglas, D A Antonopoulos, M Boyanov, D M
Durall, M D Jones, B Lai, E J O’Loughlin, K M
0800h B21A-0031 POSTER Landscape Variation
in Plant Defense Syndromes across a Tropical
Rainforest: K M McManus, G P Asner, R Martin,
C B Field
0800h B21A-0032 POSTER Assessing Pathogen
Levels in Dairy Lagoon Wastewater and Potential
Evaporation Losses: P Pandey, S Biswas, A Souza,
N Silva-del-Rio, V K Vaddella, A R Castillo
0800h B21A-0033 POSTER Rates and Controls of N2
Fixation in Sphagnum spp. along the Hydrological
Gradient – Beaver Pond to Bog Transition at Mer
Bleue, Ontario, Canada: T Zivkovic, T R Moore
Moscone West Poster Hall
Contaminant Biogeochemical
Cycles and Elemental Speciation:
Implications for Remediation of
Subsurface Environments II Posters
0800h B21A-0013 POSTER Export of Dissolved
Organic Matter, Nutrients and Carbon from
Himalayan River System in Central Nepal: M P
Presiding: Valerie Stucker, GNS Science;
James Ranville, Colorado School of
Mines; Kenneth Williams, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory
AGU2014News.indb 4
0800h B21B-0034 POSTER Assessment of
Phytostabilization Success in Metalliferous Acid
Mine Tailings: Y Wang, R A Root, C Hammond,
M K Amistadi, R M Maier, J Chorover
0800h B21C-0055 POSTER An in-Situ Chemical
Analyzer for the Determination of Trace Ammonia
in Natural Waters: N Amornthammarong, P B
Ortner, J C Hendee
0800h B21B-0036 POSTER Ni cycling in mangrove
sediments from New Caledonia: V S Noel, G
Morin, F Juillot, C Marchand, J Brest, J Bargar, M
Munoz, S Ardo, G E Brown
0800h B21C-0056 POSTER Using Integrated
Cavity Output Spectroscopy (ICOS) for Aircraft
Measurements of Methane Isotopologues: J P
Wilkerson, D S Sayres, C E Healy, J B Munster, M
K Dubey, J G Anderson
0800h B21B-0037 POSTER Environmental Selenium
Transformations: Distinguishing Abiotic and Biotic
Factors Influencing Se Redox Transformations: C
Rosenfeld, J Kenyon, B R James, C M Santelli
0800h B21B-0038 POSTER Identification of a
c-Type Cytochrome Specific for Manganese
Dioxide (MnO2) Reduction in Anaeromyxobacter
dehalogenans Strain 2CP-C: S M Pfiffner, S Nissen,
X Liu, K Chourey, T A Vishnivetskaya, R Hettich,
F Loeffler
0800h B21B-0039 POSTER Redox Fluctuation
Influences Viral Abundance in the Reduced Zone of
a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer in Rifle, CO: D Pan, K H
Williams, M Robbins, K A Weber
0800h B21B-0040 POSTER Importance of Organic
Matter-Uranium Biogeochemistry to Uranium
Plume Persistence in the Upper Colorado River
Basin: J Bargar, N Janot, M E Jones, S E Bone, J
Lezama-Pacheco, S E Fendorf, P E Long, K H
Williams, R P Bush
0800h B21B-0041 POSTER Mechanisms for uranyl
reduction by ferrous iron in solution and at the
oxide mineral-water interface: S Fernando, M C
Marcano, U Becker, K M Rosso
0800h B21B-0042 POSTER Fast Oxidation Processes
in a Naturally Reduced Aquifer Zone Caused by
Dissolved Oxygen: J A Davis, N E Jemison, K H
Williams, C Hobson, R P Bush
0800h B21B-0043 POSTER Clay Mineralogy of Soils
and Sediments from an Alluvial Aquifer, Rifle,
Colorado: W C Elliott, L K Zaunbrecher, D Lim,
R A Pickering, K H Williams, P E Long, N P Qafoku
Biomineralization by Caulobacter crescentus: Y Jiao,
M Yung, D Park
0800h B21B-0045 POSTER Investigating the
Effectiveness of Mineral Precipitate as a Tool in the
Removal of Heavy Metals from Mine Waters: P T
Abongwa, C Geyer, J Puckette
0800h B21C-0057 POSTER Heart Rate Sensor for
Freshwater Mussels: C L Just, D P Vial, A Kruger, J
J Niemeier, H W Lee, H W Schroer
0800h B21C-0058 POSTER A Fast, Portable, Fiber
Optic Spectrofluorometer for Eddy Correlation
Flux Measurement in the Aquatic Environment: I H
Hu, S Senft-Grupp, H Hemond
0800h B21C-0059 POSTER An automated dual
chamber system to partition the Net Ecosystem
Exchange of CO­2 in arctic tundra: A V Rocha, F
Bouchard, K Kremers
0800h B21C-0060 POSTER Development of a LowCost Automated Nitrate Sensor for Agricultural
Settings and Natural Waters: N Bruhis, D R Cobos,
L D Rivera
0800h B21C-0061 POSTER Early results from the
development of a miniature tunable diode laser gas
cell for measuring CO2 isotopologue fluxes in situ: J
L Osuna, M Bora, T Bond, S Wharton
0800h B21C-0062 POSTER A sensor architecture
for real-time, in situ measurement of overlake
evaporation on the Laurentian Great Lakes: B
Kerkez, K J Fries, A Gronewold, J D Lenters
0800h B21C-0063 POSTER Sensing winter soil
respiration dynamics in near-real time: A Contosta,
E A Burakowski, R K Varner, S D Frey
0800h B21C-0064 POSTER Mobile mapping
and eddy covariance flux measurements of NH3
emissions from cattle feedlots with a portable laserbased open-path sensor: L Tao, K Sun, D Pan, L
Golston, L G Stanton, J M Ham, K B Shonkwiler, C
Nash, M A Zondlo
0800h B21C-0065 POSTER A Smart Sensor
Network for near Real Time Data Quality Flagging
and Archiving of Environmental Data: S D
Wullschleger, S Goswami, M A Mayes, Y Polsky,
T J McIntyre
0800h B21B-0046 POSTER The mobilization of toxic
trace elements due to pyrite oxidation at the meganourishment The Sand Motor, the Netherlands: I
Pit, L Doodeman, S Van Heteren, M van Bruggen,
J Griffioen
Moscone West Poster Hall
0800h B21B-0047 POSTER Chromium Mobilization
by Microbially-Driven Iron and Manganese Redox
Cycling: M Garcia Arredondo, D Hausladen, S
Ying, S E Fendorf
Presiding: David Fike, Washington
University; David Johnston, HarvardEarth & Planet Science
0800h B21B-0048 POSTER A Novel Permeable
Reactive Barrier (PRB) for Simultaneous and Rapid
Removal of Heavy Metal and Organic Matter – A
Systematic Chemical Speciation Approach on
Sustainable Technique for Pallikarani Marshland
Remediation: A Selvaraj, I M Nambi
0800h B21B-0049 POSTER Fate of Pharmaceuticals
and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Saturated
Soil Under Various Redox Conditions: I Dror, A
Menahem, B Berkowitz
0800h B21B-0050 POSTER Coupled Abiotic-Biotic
Degradation of Bisphenol A: J Im, C Prevatte, S R
Campagna, F Loeffler
0800h B21B-0051 POSTER Transformation of
Chlorpyrifos and Chlorpyrifos-Methyl in Prairie
Pothole Porewaters: R M Anderson, Y P Chin
Moscone West Poster Hall
Developing the Next Generation
of Sensors and Instruments for
Application in the Biogeosciences II
Posters (joint with C, GC, NS)
Presiding: Stan Wullschleger, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; Yarom
Polsky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory;
Melanie Mayes, ORNL
0800h B21C-0052 POSTER S-NPP OMPS Nadir
In-Flight Performance: S Pan, L E Flynn, J Niu, M
Grotenhuis, C T Beck, E Beach, Z Zhang, A Tolea
0800h B21C-0053 POSTER Raman Spectroscopic
Online Investigation of Respiratory Quotients
in Pinus Sylvestris and Picea Abies during Drought
and Shading: S Hanf, S Fischer, H Hartmann, S
Trumbore, J Popp, T Frosch
0800h B21C-0054 POSTER Imaging, Mapping and
Monitoring Environmental Radionuclide Transport
Using Compton-Geometry Gamma Camera: J W
Bridge, J Dormand, J Cooper, D Judson, A J Boston,
M Bankhead, Y Onda
Environmental and Ecological Change
in the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic
Transition Posters (joint with PP)
0800h B21D-0066 POSTER Ocean Fertilization at
the Dawn of the Phanerozoic: R R Gaines
0800h B21D-0067 POSTER Multiple HighFrequency Carbon Isotope Excursions Across the
Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary: Implications
for Correlations and Environmental Change: E F
Smith, F A Macdonald, D P Schrag, T Laakso
0800h B21D-0068 POSTER Assessing the primary
nature of the Ediacaran δ13C record : K Bergmann,
M R Osburn, J P Grotzinger, J M Eiler, W W
0800h B21D-0069 POSTER Late Ordovician
Seawater Sulfate δ34S in Well-preserved
Brachiopods: T M Present, G Paris, A Burke, W W
Fischer, J F Adkins
0800h B21D-0070 POSTER Evaluating the Effects
of Sediment Reworking on the Sulfur Isotopic
Composition of Aqueous and Mineral Sulfides : D
Johnson, C Rose, D A Fike
0800h B21D-0071 POSTER Rethinking Secular δ34S
Records: Stratigraphic Trends and Biogeochemical
Interpretations: D A Fike, C V Rose
0800h B21D-0072 POSTER Deciphering Earth
History: Mapping the Micron-Scale Spatial
Distribution and Speciation of Sulfur in Ordovician
Carbonates: C Rose, D A Fike, S M Webb, M
Newville, A Lanzirotti, J G Catalano
0800h B21D-0073 POSTER Carbon associated
nitrate (CAN) in the Ediacaran Johnnie Formation,
Death Valley, California and links to the Shuram
negative carbon isotope excursion: Z Y G Dilles, M
G Prokopenko, K Bergmann, S J Loyd, F A Corsetti,
W Berelson, R R Gaines
0800h B21D-0074 POSTER The first actual record
of deep open-ocean conditions in the Ediacaran:
Fe speciation in pelagic deep-sea sediments in
accretionary complexes in Wales, UK: T Sato, H
Asanuma, Y Okada, S Maruyama, K Shozugawa, M
Matsuo, B F Windley
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:43 AM
0800h B21D-0075 POSTER Triple-oxygen and
sulfur isotopic evidence for diagenetic overprinting
of carbonate-associated sulfate in Neoproterozoic
samples from a drill core: Y Peng, W Wang, L M
Pratt, C Zhou, H Bao, J A Hayles
Moscone West Poster Hall
Molecular Biomarkers: From
Source to Sink to Environmental
Reconstruction II Posters
(joint with PP)
Presiding: Peter Douglas, California
Institute of Technology; Camilo Ponton,
University of Southern California;
Srinath Krishnan, Yale University
0800h B21E-0076 POSTER Evaluating Spatial
Heterogeneity and Environmental Variability
Inferred from Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol
Tetraethers (GDGTs) Distribution in Soils from
Valles Caldera, New Mexic: S H Contreras
Quintana, J P Werne, E T Brown, J Halbur, J
Sinninghe Damsté,, S Schouten, A Correa-Metrio,
P J Fawcett
0800h B21E-0077 POSTER Determining the Origin
and Fate of Particulate Plant-Derived Organic
Matter in the Rhone River (France) : A Lipid Tracer
Review: M A Galeron, R Amiraux, B Charriere, O
Radakovitch, P Raimbault, N Garcia, V Lagadec, F
Vaultier, J F Rontani
0800h B21E-0078 POSTER Investigating C4 Grass
Contributions to N-alkane Based Paleoclimate
Reconstructions: C E Doman, S K Enders, O
Chadwick, K H Freeman
0800h B21E-0079 POSTER Lignin Degradation in
a Coastal Groundwater Aquifer: a Useful Tracer?:
E M Howley, C Jex, M S Andersen, A Baker, N S
Zainuddin, K Meredith, E Wells, J McDonald, S
Khan, A J Blyth, R G Spencer
0800h B21E-0080 POSTER GDGTs of Marine Group
II Archaea in the Pearl River Estuary: Toward
a Better Understanding of the Bias of TEX86: C
Zhang, J X Wang, W Xie, S Chen, P Wang
0800h B21E-0081 POSTER Sources and transport
of microbial tetraether membrane lipids in
Karst Systems: C Jex, A J Blyth, J McDonald, M
Woltering, S Khan, A Baker
0800h B21E-0082 POSTER Culturing-based
Temperature Calibration of a Genetically Distinct,
Alkenone-producing Haptophyte Species isolated
from Lake George, ND: Y Zheng, R A Andersen, Y
Huang, L A Amaral-Zettler
0800h B21E-0083 POSTER Some conifer clades
contribute substantial amounts of leaf waxes to
sedimentary archives: A F Diefendorf, S L Wing,
A B Leslie, K H Freeman
autochthonous marine branched GDGTs on related
paleo- environmental proxies: a preliminary study:
L Dong, L Li, Q Li, C Zhang
0800h B21E-0085 POSTER Tracking the
Transformation and Preservation of Organic
Biomarkers in a Varved Sediment-Core Series: J
Tolu, C Bigler, R Bindler
0800h B21E-0086 POSTER The Role of Isotopically
Different Terrestrial Plants in Controlling
Sedimentary n-Alkane 2H/1H Composition: N
Pedentchouk, Y Eley
0800h B21E-0087 POSTER Long-term fate of carbon
in deeply rooted terrestrial sediment assessed by
molecular proxies: sequestration vs. mineralization:
G L Wiesenberg, M I Gocke, A Huguet, S Derenne,
S Kolb
0800h B21E-0088 POSTER Age of Terrestrial
Biomarkers in Fluvial Transit Across the AndesAmazon Reveal Timescales of Carbon Storage and
Turnover: C Ponton, S J Feakins, A J West, V Galy
0800h B21E-0089 POSTER Organic Matter
Sequestration in Oregon Margin Sediments:
Tectonic, Climatic and Oceanographic Controls: C
A Coccoli, M A Goni, Y Alleau, L Smith
0800h B21E-0090 POSTER Palaeohydrological
controls on sedimentary organic matter on Amazon
floodplain lakes during the Holocene: L S Moreira,
P F Moreira-Turcq, R C Cordeiro, B Turcq
0800h B21E-0091 POSTER Localized environmental
control on the distribution of brGDGTs in Chinese
soils: Implication for paleo-pH reconstruction: F
Zheng, Y Chen, F Li, C Ma, Y Zhu, C L Zhang
0800h B21E-0092 POSTER Spatial and Temporal
Variability in Branched Glycerol Diakyl Glycerol
Tetraethers (brGDGTs) in a Varved Tropical
Lake System: Implications for High-Resolution
Paleotemperature Reconstructions: C Peltier, T M
0800h B21E-0093 POSTER Possible Climatic Signal
Recorded by Alkenone Distributions in Sediments
from Freshwater and Saline Lakes on the Skarvsnes
and Skallen Areas, Antarctica: K Sawada, M
Takeda, Y Takano
0800h B21E-0094 POSTER Late Pleistocene
reconstruction inferred by bulk, isotopic and
molecular organic matter. Saci lake-Para-Brazil: G
S Martins, R C Cordeiro, B Turcq, L S Moreira, I
Bouloubassi, A Sifeddine
0800h B21E-0095 POSTER Cretaceous Record
of Diatom Evolution Revealed by Biomarkers in
the Northwest Pacific Margin: H Nakamura, K
Sawada, T Ando, R Takashima, H Nishi
0800h B21E-0096 POSTER Paleovegetation changes
recorded by n-alkyl lipids bound in macromolecules
of plant fossils and kerogens from the Cretaceous
sediments in Japan: Y Miyata, K Sawada, H
Nakamura, R Takashima, M Takahashi
0800h B21E-0097 POSTER Reconstruction of
the Depositional Environments of the Devonian
Chattanooga Shale in northeastern Alabama: M Lu,
Y Lu, T Ikejiri, I Cemen
Moscone West Poster Hall
Nitrous Oxide Emissions at Ecosystem
to Global Scales: Processes,
Measurement, and Modeling II
Posters (joint with A, GC)
Presiding: Jianwu Tang, The Ecosystems
Center, MBL; Rebecca Ryals, Brown
University; Timothy Griffis, Univ
Minnesota; John Baker, USDA ARS
0800h B21F-0098 POSTER High-Resolution
Upscaling of Closed Chamber Fluxes for N2o
Emissions from China’s Agricultural Soils: F Zhou,
Z Shang, P Ciais, S Piao, P A Raymond, S Tao, Z
0800h B21F-0099 POSTER Responses of nitrous
oxide emissions and nitrate leaching to farm field
management, climate, and soil characteristics:
a meta-analysis: J B Heffernan, A Eagle, E S
Bernhardt, L P Olander
0800h B21F-0101 POSTER Projecting Future Nitrous
Oxide Emissions From Agriculture: Importance
of Ecological Feedbacks and the Environmental
Benefits of Improved Nitrogen Use Efficiency: D
Kanter, X Zhang, E Shevliakova, S Malyshev, D L
B21F-0102 POSTER
Anthropogenic Controls over Global Terrestrial
N2O Emission Growth at a Century-Long Time
Scale: C Lu, H Tian, K Kamaljit, B Zhang
0800h B21F-0103 POSTER Gaseous Nitrogen Losses
from Tropical Savanna Soils of Northern Australia:
Dynamics, Controls and Magnitude of N2O, NO,
and N2 emissions: C Werner, T Hickler, L B
Hutley, K Butterbach-Bahl
0800h B21F-0104 POSTER Targeting Nitrous Oxide
Reduction Efforts Using Crop-Specific, HighResolution Emission Estimates from Synthetic
Fertilizer: J S Gerber, P C West, K M Carlson, I
Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri, M Launay, D Makowski,
N D Mueller, C O’Connell
0800h B21F-0105 POSTER A Calibration System for
Evaluating N2O Soil Flux Chamber Performance:
N R Nickerson, M Maki, M Hurkuck, M
Korkiakoski, C Creelman, A Moffat, C Brummer,
M Pihlatie, J Korhonen
0800h B21F-0106 POSTER Soil nitrogen and carbon
impacts of raising chickens on pasture: R Ryals, A
Leach, J Tang, M G Hastings, J N Galloway
0800h B21F-0107 POSTER Assessing variable rate
nitrogen fertilizer strategies within an extensively
instrument field site using the MicroBasin model:
N K Ward, F Maureira, M A Yourek, E S Brooks,
C O Stockle
0800h B21F-0108 POSTER Complete Measurement
of Stable Isotopes in N2O (δ15N, δ15Nα, δ15Nβ, δ18O,
δ17O) Using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output
Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS): J B Leen, M Gupta
0800h B21F-0109 POSTER Using Mid-IR Cavity
Ring-Down Spectrometry to Simultaneously
Measure N2o, CO2, and CH4 Fluxes: Responses to
Ammonium Nitrate Additions in Salt Marshes: E
Brannon, S Moseman-Valtierra, J Tang, X Chen,
R Martin, M Garate
0800h B21F-0110 POSTER Soil CO2, N2O and Nox
Flux Responses to Biofuel Crop Plantation: L Liang,
J Eberwein, L Allsman, D A Grantz, D Jenerette
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 5
0800h B21F-0111 POSTER Soil Greenhouse Gas
Flux Measurements with Automated and Manual
Static Chambers, Forced Diffusion Chamber, and
Concentration Profiles: L Ruan, P Y Oikawa, M
Géli, J G Verfaillie, C S Sturtevant, S H Knox, N
Nickerson, G McArthur, C Creelman, N Saad, K P
Alstad, C Arata, D D Baldocchi, W L Silver
0800h B21F-0112 POSTER In-Situ Denitrification and
N2O Emission from Natural and Semi-natural Land
Use Types in two UK Catchments: F Sgouridis, S
0800h B21F-0113 POSTER A Microbial Model of
Nitrous Oxide Production That Differentiates
Nitrification and Denitrification Production Across
Spatial and Temporal Scales: N Bouskill, W J
Riley, Y Cheng, J Tang
0800h B21F-0114 POSTER A New High-Resolution
N2O Emission Inventory for China in 2008:
Z Shang, F Zhou, P Ciais, S Tao, S Piao, P A
Raymond, C He, B Li, R Wang, X Wang, S Peng, Z
Zeng, H Chen, N Ying, X Hou, P Xu
0800h B21H-0170 POSTER Nitrogen Utilization and
Environmental Losses from Organic Farming and
Biochar’s Potential to Improve N Efficiency: E I
Pereira, J W U A SIX
0800h B21H-0171 POSTER Quantifying Uncertainty
in Daily Temporal Variations of Atmospheric NH3
Emissions Following Application of Chemical
Fertilizers: S Balasubramanian, S KoloutsouVakakis, M J Rood
0800h B21H-0172 POSTER Measurement of BiDirectional Ammonia Exchange Above a Maize
Canopy in the Midwestern United States: A J
Nelson, M S Vieira-Filho, M Heuer, C Lehmann, L
Myles, S Koloutsou-Vakakis, M J Rood
0800h B21H-0173 POSTER Application of Cavityring Down Spectroscopy to Quantify NH3 Fluxes
from Fertilizer Application in the Midwestern U.S:
J A Caldwell, D Sibble, M Heuer, E Johnson, M J
Rood, S Koloutsou-Vakakis, L Myles
0800h B21F-0115 POSTER Partitioning Residuederived and Residue-induced Emissions of N2O
Using 15N-labelled Crop Residues: R E Farrell, J
Carverhill, R Lemke, J D Knight
0800h B21H-0174 POSTER Estimating Atmospheric
NH3 Exchange in the Midwestern U.S. using
SURFATM-NH3: D Sibble, J A Caldwell, T
Caillaud, E Johnson, E Personne, R D Saylor, M
Heuer, A J Nelson, M J Rood, S Koloutsou-Vakakis,
L Myles
0800h B21F-0116 POSTER Accelerated Rates of
Nitrogen Cycling and N2O Production in Salt Marsh
Sediments due to Long-Term Fertilization: X Peng,
Q Ji, J Angell, P Kearns, J L Bowen, B B Ward
0800h B21H-0175 POSTER Rapid Ammonia
Deposition Measured Near Concentrated Animal
Feeding Operations: L G Stanton, D Pan, K Sun, L
Golston, L Tao, M A Zondlo
0800h B21F-0117 POSTER Global Measurement of
Nitrous Oxide Stable Isotopes Using Cavity RingDown Spectroscopy: A E Steiker, A R Townsend,
J W C White
0800h B21H-0176 POSTER Quantifying nitrogen
and carbon emissions from large-scale cattle feeding
operations through the use of a mobile measurement
platform: C R Floerchinger, E Fortner, B Brooks,
J Wormhoult, P Massoli, J B Nowak, J R Roscioli,
M Agnese, J M Ham, W B Knighton, D Bon, S C
0800h B21F-0118 POSTER Full Uncertainty
Quantification of a Regional N2O and NO3
Inventory Using the Biogeochemical Model
LandscapeDNDC: E Haas, I Santabarbara, D Kraus,
S Klatt, C Werner, R Kiese, K Butterbach-Bahl
measurements of N2O concentration and sitespecific nitrogen isotopes in small or high
concentration samples: M R Palmer, C Arata, K
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Bio-Atmospheric N Cycle:
N Emissions, Transformations,
Deposition, and Terrestrial and
Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts III Posters
(joint with A, GC, H, OS)
Presiding: Emily Elliott, University of
Pittsburgh; Stuart Weiss, Creekside
Center for Earth Observation
0800h B21H-0159 POSTER Evaluation of the
relationship between nitrogen dry deposition and
wildfire in a boreal forest of interior Alaska: H
Nagano, H Iwata, Y Harazono
0800h B21H-0160 POSTER Transportation and
Consumption Processes of Atmospheric Nitrate in
Forested Watershed in Shiga Prefecture, Central
Japan: T Kugo, K Osaka, T Nakamura, K Nishida,
O Nagafuchi
0800h B21H-0161 POSTER Atmospheric nitrate
discharge processes in rainfall events at forested
watersheds: The availability of atmospheric nitrate
for forested ecosystem: K Osaka, T Kugo, T
Nakamura, K Nishida, O Nagafuchi
0800h B21H-0162 POSTER Current and Future
Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
on Grassland GHG Balance: T W Hudiburg, N
Gomez-Casanovas, C Bernacchi, E H DeLucia
0800h B21H-0163 POSTER Elevated Nitrogen
Deposition Enhances the Net CO2 Sink Strength in
Alberta Bogs along a Post-fire Chronosequence : R
K Wieder, M A Vile, C M Albright, K D Scott
0800h B21H-0164 POSTER Climatic controls on the
isotopic composition and availability of soil nitrogen
in mountainous tropical forests: S R Weintraub, R
J Cole, C G Schmitt, J All
0800h B21H-0177 POSTER Controlling factors of
biosphere-atmosphere ammonia exchange at a
semi-natural peatland site: C Brummer, U Richter,
J J Smith, J P Delorme, W L Kutsch
0800h B21H-0178 POSTER A baseline study of
atmospheric ammonia concentration and fluxes for
forest: K Hansen, E Boegh, K E Hornsby, S C Pryor,
L L Sørensen
0800h B21H-0179 POSTER Reactive nitrogen
in Rocky Mountain National Park during the
Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry
Experiment (FRAPPÉ): A J Prenni, K B Benedict,
A R Evanoski-Cole, Y Zhou, A Sullivan, D Day, B
C Sive, M A Zondlo, B A Schichtel, J Vimont, J L
Collett Jr
0800h B21H-0180 POSTER Vertical Profiles of
Ammonia in the Colorado Front Range: Impacts
of Source Region and Meteorology: A Tevlin,
A Kaushik, D C Noone, J V Ortega, J N Smith, P
Brophy, J Kirkland, M F Link, D K Farmer, D
E Wolfe, W P Dube, E E McDuffie, S S Brown, J
Zaragoza, E V Fischer, J G Murphy
Moscone West 2007
Integrating Latest Advances of
Biogeochemical Processes into Earth
System Models II
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Xiaofeng Xu, University of
Texas at El Paso; Gangsheng Wang,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Melanie
Mayes, ORNL; Ying Sun, University of
Texas at Austin
0800h B21I-04 Solar induced chlorophyll
fluorescence from terrestrial vegetation as a new
tool in carbon cycle research: C Frankenberg, J A
Berry, L Guanter, J Joiner
0810h B21I-03 Accelerating the connection
between experiments and models: The FACEMDS experience: R J Norby, B E Medlyn, M G De
Kauwe, S Zaehle, A P Walker
0820h B11D-0041 A Testbed for Model Development:
J A Berry, C Van der Tol, A Kornfeld
0800h B21H-0165 POSTER A global pattern of soil
acidification caused by nitrogen deposition: S Niu,
D Tian Sr
0830h B11D-0038 A Parsimonious Modular
Approach to Building a Mechanistic Belowground
C and N Model: R Z Abramoff, E A Davidson, A
0800h B21H-0166 POSTER Epiphytic Moss as a
Biomonitor for Nitrogen Deposition: T Rolfe, T
Deakova, E Shortlidge, M Rao, T N Rosenstiel, A L
Rice, L A George
0840h B21I-01 A Microbial Community Perspective
on the Regulation of Soil Organic Matter Turnover:
C Kaiser, A Richter, O Franklin, S E Evans, U
0800h B21H-0168 POSTER Climatic and Grazing
Controls on Biological Soil Crust Nitrogen Fixation
in Semi-arid Ecosystems: S G Schwabedissen, S
Reed, K A Lohse, T S Magnuson
0850h B21I-02 Modeling Root Exudation, Priming
and Protection in Soil Carbon Responses to Elevated
CO2 from Ecosystem to Global Scales: B N Sulman,
R Phillips, E Shevliakova, A C Oishi, S W Pacala
0800h B21H-0169 POSTER Effects of Soil
Management on N Mineralization and Nitrification
Rates in Soybean Fields of the Amazon, Brazil: M
Figueira, M Mitsuya, J M S Moura
11/28/2014 10:44:43 AM
Wanted, Dead or Alive: Microbes in
the Subsurface II (joint with OS)
0800h C21A-0299 POSTER Surface Elevation
Measurements of Greenland and Antarctica Using
NASA’s Land, Vegetation and Ice Sensor (LVIS):
M A Hofton, J B Blair, D Rabine, M Beckley, C
Brooks, H Cornejo, S Wake
0800h C21B-0320 POSTER 16 Year Ice Velocity
Record of the Larsen-B and –C Ice Shelves Based
on Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: B
Scheuchl, J Mouginot, E J Rignot, A Khazendar,
C P Borstad
Presiding: Jennifer Biddle, Univ of
Delaware; Beth Orcutt, Bigelow
Laboratory for Ocean Science
0800h C21A-0301 POSTER Geophysical Corrections
and Modeling for ICESat-2 Science: J W Robbins,
T Neumann, T Markus
0800h C21B-0321 POSTER Satellite observation
of winter season liquid meltwater storage within
Greenland’s firn aquifer: 1992-2014: J Z Miller,
R R Forster, D G Long, T A Scambos, P Kuipers
Munneke, M R van den Broeke
Moscone West 2002
Moscone West 2004
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics:
Processes of Stabilization and
Decomposition II
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Kate Lajtha, Oregon State
University; Marc Kramer, University
of Florida; Jennifer King, University of
California Santa Barbara; Katherine
Heckman, USDA Forest Service
0800h B21J-01 The Temperature Optima and
Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration
Explained By Macromolecular Rate Theory
(MMRT): L A Schipper, T O’Neill, V L Arcus
0815h B21K-0133 Soil Microbial Mineralization
of Cellulose in Frozen Soils: J Segura, M Haei, T
Sparrman, M B Nilsson, J Schleucher, M G Oquist
0830h B21J-03 Revisiting the concept of
recalcitrance and organic matter persistence in
soils and aquatic systems: Does environment trump
chemistry?: E Marin-Spiotta
0800h B21L-01 Identifying the dominant metabolic
strategies used by microorganisms within basalthosted, anoxic deep subsurface basement fluids via
environmental genomics: M S Rappe, S Jungbluth,
S A Carr, H T Lin, C C Hsieh, O D Nigro, G F
Steward, B Orcutt
0815h B21L-02 Investigating Chemotactic Potential
Within Crustal Fluid Communities: S A Carr, S
Jungbluth, H T Lin, M S Rappe, B Orcutt
Chemosynthetic Nitrate Respiration at Deep-Sea
Vents: I M Perez-Rodriguez, S M Sievert, M L
Fogel, D Foustoukos
0845h B21J-04 Soil Mineralogy and Substrate
Quality Effects on Microbial Priming: B K Finley,
C Rasmussen, P Dijkstra, E Schwartz, R L Mau, X J
A Liu, B A Hungate
0845h B21L-04 Finding the best windows: An
apparent environmental threshold determines
which diffuse flows are dominated by subsurface
microbes: H C Olins, D Rogers, C A Scholin, C J
Preston, C Vidoudez, W Ussler, D Pargett, S Jensen,
B Roman, J M Birch, P R Girguis
0900h B21J-05 Guiding Empirical and Theoretical
Explorations of Organic Matter Decay By
Synthesizing Temperature Responses of Enzyme
Kinetics, Microbes, and Isotope Fluxes: S A
Billings, F Ballantyne, C Lehmeier, K Min
0900h B21L-05 Reactive transport model of growth
and methane production by high-temperature
methanogens in hydrothermal regions of the
subseafloor: L C Stewart, C K Algar, B D Topçuoğlu,
C S Fortunato, B I Larson, G K Proskurowski, D A
Butterfield, J J Vallino, J A Huber, J F Holden
0915h B21J-06 Fe-C interactions and soil organic
matter stability in two tropical soils of contrasting
parent materials: E Coward, A Thompson, A F
0930h B21J-07 Mineral Associated Organic Matter:
Plant Litter Compounds or Microbial Material?: C
0945h B21J-08 Mineralogical Controls over Carbon
Storage and Residence Times in Grassland Soils: D
Dwivedi, W J Riley, M S Torn, N Spycher
Moscone West 2003
Understanding Present and Future
Amazonian Rainforests II (joint with A,
Presiding: David Galbraith, University
of Leeds; Marcos Costa, UFV Federal
University of Vicosa; Bart Kruijt, Alterra;
Paul Moorcroft, Harvard Univ
0800h B21K-01 Amazon Vegetation Response to
Anomalously Dry and Wet Years 2010 and 2011
derived from Lower Troposphere Greenhouse Gas
Balances: E U Gloor, L Gatti, J B Miller, C Doughty,
Y Malhi, L S Basso, L G Domingues, S R Freitas, L O
Anderson, O L Phillips, J Lloyd
0815h B21K-02 Will modeling demographic
differences in xylem vulnerability and stomatal
closure in tropical trees improve drought response
predictions of tropical forests?: T Powell, A C L da
Costa, P Meir, S R Saleska, P R Moorcroft
0830h B21K-03 Long-term CO2 rise has increased
photosynthetic efficiency and water use efficiency
but did not stimulate diameter growth of tropical
trees: P Groenendijk, P Zuidema, P V D Sleen, M
Vlam, I Ehlers, J Schleucher
0845h B21K-04 The Influence of Atmospheric CO2
Concentration and Climate Variability on Amazon
Tropical Forest : A D D A Castanho, D Galbraith,
K Zhang, M T Coe, M H Costa, P R Moorcroft
0900h B21K-05 Quantifying and Modelling the
Seasonality of Pantropical Forest Net Primary
Production Using Field Observations and Remote
Sensing Data: F H Wagner, B Hérault, L O
Anderson, V Rossi, L E O C Aragão
0915h B21K-06 Simulating Amazon forest carbon
cycling using an individual- and trait-based model:
S Fauset, N Fyllas, D Galbraith, B O Christoffersen,
T R Baker, M O Johnson, Y Malhi, O L Phillips, J
Lloyd, E U Gloor
0930h B21K-07 New land use scenarios for the
Brazilian Amazonia: how to reach a sustainable
future?: A P D Aguiar, I Vieira, P Toledo, R Araujo,
A Coelho, P Pinho, T Assis, E L Dalla-Nora, E
Kawakami Savaget, M Batistella
0945h B21K-08 Combined impacts due to
deforestation and the forest fires in the Amazonia
and the global climate change on the future climate
of South America: a modelling study: G S de
Oliveira, M F Cardoso, M B Sanches, F F Alexandre
AGU2014News.indb 6
0800h C21A-0302 POSTER Characterizing sea ice
surface morphology using high-resolution IceBridge
data: A Petty, S L Farrell, T Newman, N T Kurtz, J
Richter-Menge, M Tsamados, D L Feltham
0800h C21A-0303 POSTER ICESat-2: NextGeneration Laser Altimetry from Space: C E Webb,
T Neumann, T Markus
0800h C21A-0304 POSTER Fusion of MultiSensor Surface Elevation Data to Reconstruct
Surface Elevation Changes over Zachariæ Isstrøm,
Northeast Greenland, 2001-2013: K Duncan, B M
Csatho, A F Schenk
0800h C21A-0305 POSTER Enhanced Arctic Mean
Sea Surface and Mean Dynamic Topography
including retracked CryoSat-2 Data: O B Andersen,
M Jain, L Stenseng, P Knudsen
0800h C21A-0306 POSTER Arctic Sea Level Change
From a Reprocessed 2 Decade Altimetric Sea Level
Record: O B Andersen, P Knudsen, Y Cheng
0800h C21A-0307 POSTER Mass Change of the
Amundsen Sea sector of the West Antarctic
Ice Sheet, 1990’s to the Present: T Flament, A
Shepherd, M McMillan, K Briggs, A E Hogg
0800h C21B-0322 POSTER Sensing the bed-rock
movement due to ice unloading from space using
InSAR time-series: W Zhao, F Amelung, T H
Dixon, S Wdowinski
0800h C21B-0323 POSTER Changes in Ice Flow
Dynamics of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica and
Impacts on Ice Mass Balance: X Li, E J Rignot, J
Mouginot, B Scheuchl, L An
0800h C21B-0324 POSTER Remote Estimation of
Greenland Ice Sheet Supraglacial River Discharge
using GIS Modeling and WorldView-2 Satellite
Imagery: V W Chu, L C Smith, K Yang, C J Gleason,
A K Rennermalm, L H Pitcher, C J Legleiter, R R
0800h C21B-0325 POSTER 20,000 Photons Under
the Snow: Subsurface Scattering of Visible Laser
Light and the Implications for Laser Altimeters: A
Greeley, N T Kurtz, M Shappirio, T Neumann, W
B Cook, T Markus
0800h C21B-0326 POSTER Antarctic Ice Mass
Balance from GRACE: C Boening, Y L Firing, D N
Wiese, M M Watkins, N Schlegel, E Y Larour
0800h C21A-0308 POSTER CryoSat: ESA’s ice
explorer mission. 4 years in operations: status and
achievements: T Parrinello, N Mardle, B Ortega,
J Bouffard, S Badessi, B Frommknecht, M Davidson
0800h C21B-0327 POSTER GRACE and ICESat Data
for Estimation of Ice Sheet Surface Changes in LAS,
East Antarctica: H Xie, X Ju, J Liu, Z Gu, S Liu, Y
Tian, L Chen, Y Shen, X Tong, B Sun, R Li
0930h B21L-07 The Effect of Temperature
on Microbially-Mediated Organic Carbon
Decomposition from a Global Survey of Scientific
Ocean Drilling Data: A Malinverno, E A Martinez
0800h C21A-0309 POSTER A photogrammetric
DEM of Greenland based on 1978-1987 aerial
photos: validation and integration with laser
altimetry and satellite-derived DEMs: N J
Korsgaard, K H Kjaer, C Nuth, S A Khan
0800h C21B-0328 POSTER Temporal evolution of
the snow density near the surface at Dome C on
Antarctica Plateau: N Champollion, G Picard, L
Arnaud, G Macelloni, F Remy
0945h B21L-08 Microbial Cells and Aerobic
Respiration from Seafloor to Basement in the South
Pacific Gyre: S D’Hondt, F Inagaki, C A Alvarez
Zarikian, Y Morono, R A Pockalny, J Sauvage, A J
0800h C21A-0310 POSTER Calibration and
Validation of Airborne LiDAR at McMurdo Station,
Antarctica for Operation IceBridge: J G Sonntag
0915h B21L-06 Energy and power limits for
microbial activity: D LaRowe, J Amend
Moscone West Poster Hall
Advances in Altimetry of the Polar
Regions III Posters (joint with G)
Presiding: Andrew Shepherd, University
of Leeds; Helen Fricker, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Sinead
Farrell, University of Maryland College
Park; Walter Smith, NOAA Lab Satellite
0800h C21A-0290 POSTER Enhancements for the
Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) Data
Products and Services: D K Fowler, T M Haran, M
McAllister, D Webster
0800h C21A-0291 POSTER Sea Ice Freeboard
from Altika and Comparison with Cryosat-2 and
Operation Icebridge: T Armitage
0800h C21A-0311 POSTER Antarctic ice sheet
mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface
processes from ENVISAT, ICESat, CryoSat-2,
GRACE and GPS: J L Bamber, A Martin, N
Schoen, A Zammit-Mangion, S B Luthcke, E J
Petrie, V Helm, F Remy, B Wouters, M A King, J
0800h C21A-0312 POSTER Using Airborne Lidar
Data from IcePod to Measure Annual and Seasonal
Ice Changes Over Greenland: N Frearson, C
Bertinato, I Das
0800h C21A-0313 POSTER Assessing performance
of gravity models in the Arctic and the implications
for polar oceanography: S F Thomas, D C McAdoo,
S L Farrell, J M Brozena, V A Childers, M K Ziebart,
A Shepherd
Moscone West Poster Hall
Monitoring Changes in Polar Ice
Sheets and Sea Ice Using Airborne and
Satellite Remote Sensing I Posters
0800h C21B-0329 POSTER Firn and percolation
conditions in the vicinity of recently formed high
elevation supra-glacial lakes on the Greenland Ice
Sheet assessed by airborne radar: S de la Peña, I M
Howat, C Chen, S F Price
0800h C21B-0330 POSTER Improved Bathymetry
Resolution in the Ross Sea from Aerogravity and
Magnetics: Examples from Operation IceBridge: K
J Tinto, J R Cochran, R E Bell, K Charles, B Burton
0800h C21B-0331 POSTER Mapping Antarctic
grounding lines from Cryosat-2: B Wouters, J L
0800h C21B-0332 POSTER Novel Measurements
and Techniques for Outlet Glacier Fjord Ice/Ocean
Interactions: A Behar, I M Howat, D M Holland, A
P Ahlstrom, S H Larsen
ISBRÆ: A Ring, D J Lampkin
0800h C21B-0334 POSTER Recalibration of
Coupled Optical/Thermal MODIS Infrared Surface
Melt Magnitude Retrieval During the SpatiallyExtensive 2012 Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Event: C
C Karmosky, D J Lampkin, D B Reusch, J Reasons
Presiding: Eric Rignot, University of
California Irvine; Michael Studinger,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
Jacqueline Richter-Menge, USA CRREL
0800h C21B-0335 POSTER Recent results on the
Greenland Aquifer from remote sensing and in situ
measurements: R R Forster, J Z Miller, C Miège, L
Brucker, L Koenig, D K Solomon, N C Schmerr, E
W Burgess, J Box
0800h C21A-0293 POSTER The Cryosat Payload
Data Ground Segment and Data Processing: B
Frommknecht, L Mizzi, T Parrinello, S Badessi
0800h C21B-0314 POSTER NASA’s Operation
Icebridge: Using Instrumented Aircraft to Bridge
the Observational Gap Between Icesat and Icesat-2
Laser Altimeter Measurements: M Studinger
0800h C21B-0336 POSTER Derive Icebridge SeaIce Freeboard and Thickness Data through Full
Waveform Analysis: D Yi, J P Harbeck, S Manizade,
M A Hofton, N T Kurtz, M Studinger
0800h C21A-0294 POSTER Envisat derived
Elevation Changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet,
and a Comparison with ICESat Results in the
Accumulation Area: L Sandberg Sørensen, S B
Simonsen, R Meister, R Forsberg, J F Levinsen, T
0800h C21B-0315 POSTER Recent Changes in Ices
Mass Balance of the Amundsen Sea Sector: T C
Sutterley, I Velicogna, E J Rignot, J Mouginot, T
Flament, M R van den Broeke, M van Wessem, C
0800h C21B-0337 POSTER Icesat-2: The Next
Generation Laser Altimeter Mission for Polar
Research – an Update on Development Status and
Science Data: T Markus, T Neumann, M Anthony
0800h C21A-0292 POSTER Cryosat Level1b SAR/
Sarin: Improving the Quality of the Baseline C
Products: M Scagliola, M Fornari, N Tagliani, B
Frommknecht, J Bouffard, T Parrinello
0800h C21A-0295 POSTER Greenland ice sheet
elevation changes estimated from CryoSat-2
observations from 2010-2014: J Nilsson, L
Sandberg Sørensen, R Meister, V R Barletta, R
0800h C21B-0316 POSTER Massive Perched Ice
Layers in the Shallow Firn of Greenland’s Lower
Accumulation Area Inhibit Percolation and
Enhance Runoff: M J MacFerrin, H Machguth, C
Charalampidis, D van As, W Abdalati, T A Scambos
0800h C21A-0296 POSTER Estimating errors in
IceBridge freeboard at ICESat Scales: D W Prado,
H Xie, S F Ackley, X Wang
0800h C21B-0317 POSTER Bed Topography of Store
Glacier and Fjord, Greenland from High-Resolution
Gravity Data and Multi-Beam Echo Sounding: L
An, E J Rignot, A Muto, M Morlighem, C Kemp
0800h C21A-0297 POSTER MABEL photoncounting laser altimetry data in Alaska for ICESat-2
simulations and development: K M Brunt,
T Markus, T Neumann, J M Amundson, J L
Kavanaugh, W B Cook
0800h C21B-0318 POSTER A Digital Elevation
Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet based on Envisat
and CryoSat-2 Radar Altimetry: J F Levinsen, B E
Smith, L Sandberg Sørensen, K Khvorostovsky, R
0800h C21A-0298 POSTER ICESat-2 volume
scattering bias: A S Gardner, M Flanner
0800h C21B-0319 POSTER The unfolding instability
of the remnant Larsen B Ice Shelf and its tributary
glaciers: A Khazendar, C P Borstad, B Scheuchl, E
J Rignot, H Seroussi
0800h C21B-0338 POSTER Arctic Sea ice thickness
loss determined using subsurface, aircraft, and
satellite observations: R W Lindsay, A J B
0800h C21B-0339 POSTER Integrated Airborne
and In-Situ Measurements over Land-Fast Ice near
Barrow, AK: J M Brozena, J M Gardner, R Liang,
D Ball, J Richter-Menge, K J Claffey, A Abelev, D A
Hebert, K Jones
0800h C21B-0340 POSTER Radar Interferometric
Possibilities for Determining Sea Ice Thickness: S
Hensley, B Holt, S Jaruwatanadilok, J Steward, S
Oveisgharan, D Moller, A R Mahoney, J Reis
0800h C21B-0341 POSTER Using Sea Ice Age as
a Proxy for Sea Ice Thickness: J C Stroeve, M A
Tschudi, J A Maslanik
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:44 AM
0800h C21B-0342 POSTER Monitoring Land-fast
Sea Ice in the Western Antarctic Through Multisensor Data Fusion: M Kim, J Im, J W Kim, S Lee,
M Shin
0800h C21C-0361 POSTER Analytical Incorporation
of Velocity Parameters into Ice Sheet Elevation
Change Rate Computations: S Nagarajan, Y Ahn,
R S V Teegavarapu
0800h C21C-0384 POSTER Derivation of Volumetric
Liquid Water Content from the RADARSAT-1
SAR Images over a Permafrost Region in interior
Alaska: A A Adewuyi, X Zhou
0800h C21B-0343 POSTER Estimation of Arctic Sea
Ice Freeboard and Thickness Using CryoSat-2 : S
Lee, J Im, J W Kim, M Kim, M Shin
0800h C21C-0362 POSTER Land Cover and
Permafrost Change Mapping Using Dense Time
Stacks of Landsat and Quickbird Imagery: K E
Nyland, D A Streletskiy, N I Shiklomanov
0800h C21C-0385 POSTER Ice Type Classification
Using Polarimetric SAR Data in the West Antarctic:
M Shin, J Im, J Kim, S Lee, M Kim
Moscone West Poster Hall
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere III
Posters (joint with H)
Presiding: Melody Sandells, University
of Reading; Mary Brodzik, Univ
Colorado; Marco Tedesco, CUNY City
0800h C21C-0344 POSTER Distinguishing Ice from
Snow for Melt Modeling Using Daily Observations
from MODIS: K Rittger, M J Brodzik, A
Racoviteanu, A P Barrett, S J S Khalsa, T H Painter,
R L Armstrong, A B Burgess
0800h C21C-0345 POSTER Using TerraSAR-X and
hyperspectral airborne data to monitor surface
deformation and physical properties of the Barrow
permafrost landscape, Alask: M HaghshenasHaghighi, M Motagh, B Heim, T Sachs, K Kohnert,
D A Streletskiy
0800h C21C-0346 POSTER Comparison of Near–
Surface Air Temperatures from Multiple AWS
and MODIS Ice–Surface Temperatures at Summit,
Greenland (2008–2014): C A Shuman, D K Hall, N
E DiGirolamo, T K Mefford, M J Schnaubelt
0800h C21C-0347 POSTER Monitoring of the
ground surface temperature and the active layer
in NorthEastern Canadian permafrost areas using
remote sensing data assimilated in a climate land
surface scheme: N Marchand, A Royer, G Krinner,
A Roy
0800h C21C-0348 POSTER Validation of supraglacial
bathymetry models developed for optical sensors
using high-resolution stereo-imagery: Implications
for meltwater storage assessments across the
ablation region of the Greenland ice sheet: M S
Moussavi, W Abdalati, A Pope, T A Scambos
0800h C21C-0349 POSTER Retreival of Sea Ice
Properties from AMSR-E Measurements with
an Analytical Relationship Between Fresnel
Reflectivity: S M Lee, B J Sohn, E Kang
0800h C21C-0350 POSTER Snow cover detection
and snow depth algorithms for the Global Change
Observation Mission (GCOM) AMSR2 instrument
using AMSR-E/AMSR2 measurements: Y K Lee, C
Kongoli, J R Key
0800h C21C-0351 POSTER Simulation and Analysis
of Icesat-2 Point Clouds: J P Kerekes, S D Brown, J
Zhang, J Yang, B M Csatho, A F Schenk
0800h C21C-0352 POSTER The use of airborne
radar reflectometry to establish snow/firn density
distribution on Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic:
A path to understanding complex heterogeneous
internal layering patterns: A Rutishauser, C
Grima, M J Sharp, D D Blankenship, D A Young,
J A Dowdeswell
0800h C21C-0353 POSTER Object-Based Aerial
Photos Analysis for Arctic Sea Ice Melt Ponds and
Pressure Ridges: X Miao, H Xie, C Ke, R Lei
0800h C21C-0354 POSTER On the Role of
Atmospheric Forcing in September Sea Ice Extent
in the Russian Arctic 1933-1996: T E Arbetter, A
H Lynch
0800h C21C-0355 POSTER Decadal-scale dynamic
changes on Novaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic,
from remotely sensed imagery: R Carr, T Holt, H
Bell, L Ludwinski-Heydenkorn
0800h C21C-0356 POSTER Determining Crevasse
Sequences in Surging Glaciers using Neural
Network Classification from Remotely Sensed
Images of Bering Glacier, AK: J Bobeck, U C
Herzfeld, L Goetz-Weiss, G Hale
0800h C21C-0357 POSTER Seasonal and IntraSeasonal Variability of Surface Streams Over the
West Greenland Ice Sheet from High Resolution
Satellite Optical Data: M G Brown, M Tedesco
0800h C21C-0358 POSTER Regional and interannual
variations of freezing and melting at GRENE Arctic
observation sites derived by satellite microwave
data: N Alimasi, H Enomoto, T Kameda
0800h C21C-0359 POSTER Buried CO2 Ice traces
in South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars detected
by radar sounder: L Castaldo, D Mège, R Orosei,
A Séjourné
0800h C21C-0360 POSTER Airborne geophysical
survey of ice caps in the Queen Elizabeth Islands,
Arctic Canada: S J Palmer, J A Dowdeswell, P
Christoffersen, T J Benham, D A Young, D D
Blankenship, T Richter, G Ng, C Grima, F Habbal,
M J Sharp, A Rutishauser
0800h C21C-0363 POSTER The monitoring of ice
sheet movement using multiple spaceborne data
fusion: A case study of a remote sensing observation
over Russell Glacier in Greenland: Y Choi, J Kim, S
Y Lin, W C Chen
0800h C21C-0364 POSTER Towards the
Improved Estimates of Mountain Snow Water
Equivalent Using Space-borne Passive Microwave
Measurements: an Ensemble Kalman Batch
Reanalysis over the Upper Kern Basin, Sierra
Nevada, USA: D Li, M T Durand, S A Margulis
0800h C21C-0365 POSTER New Analysis of
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Antarctica for
Intercomparison of L-band Satellite Brightness
Temperatures: H Patel, E J Kim, A Wu
0800h C21C-0366 POSTER Investigating the Cause
of the 2012 Acceleration of Jakobshavn Isbræ,
Greenland Using High Resolution Observations of
the Glacier Terminus: R Cassotto, M A Fahnestock,
M S Boettcher, J M Amundson, M Truffer
0800h C21C-0367 POSTER Advanced Ice Velocity
Mapping Using Landsat 8: M J Klinger, T A
Scambos, M A Fahnestock, T M Haran
0800h C21C-0368 POSTER Monitoring Glacier
change at the Academy of Sciences Icecap,
Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic: G Ornelas,
M J Willis, M E Pritchard, A K Melkonian
0800h C21C-0369 POSTER Identification and
Interpretation of a Surge-type Glacier in the Central
Tibetan Plateau with Multi-source Satellite InSAR
Datasets: L Liu, L Jiang, Y Sun, Y Sun, H Wang
0800h C21C-0370 POSTER Investigatigating inter-/
intra-annual variability of surface hydrology
at northern high latitude from spaceborne
measurements: K Kang, C R Duguay
0800h C21C-0371 POSTER Seasonal evolution of
melt pond characteristics derived from Worldview
and Quickbird imagery: C Stwertka, C Polashenski,
E J Deeb, D K Perovich, A E Arntsen
0800h C21C-0372 POSTER McMurdo Ice Shelf
Sounding and Radar Statistical Reconnaissance
at 60-MHz: Brine Infiltration Extent and Surface
Properties: C Grima, A Rosales, D D Blankenship,
D A Young
0800h C21C-0373 POSTER Assessing the utility of
passive microwave data for Snow Water Equivalent
(SWE) estimation in the Sutlej River Basin of the
northwestern Himalaya: T Brandt, B Bookhagen,
J Dozier
0800h C21C-0374 POSTER Long-Term HighLatitude Sea and Ice Surface Temperature Record
from AVHRR GAC Data: C S Luis, G Dybkjær, S
Eastwood, R T Tonboe, J L Høyer
0800h C21C-0375 POSTER Improving Estimates
of Cloud Radiative Forcing over Greenland: W
Wang, C S Zender
0800h C21C-0376 POSTER Mapping Glacial
Weathering Processes with Thermal Infrared
Remote Sensing: A Case Study at Robertson Glacier,
Canada: A M Rutledge, P R Christensen, E Shock,
P A Canovas III
0800h C21C-0377 POSTER Weekly Polar-Gridded
Aquarius Products and their Applications over the
Cryosphere: L Brucker, E Dinnat, L Koenig
0800h C21C-0378 POSTER Land Surface Properties
near Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica, Analyzed
by Time-series Height, Coherence and Amplitude
Maps Derived from COSMO-SkyMed One-day
Tandem Pairs: Y Ji, H Han, H Lee
0800h C21C-0379 POSTER Mapping Antarctica
using Landsat-8 – the preliminary results: X Cheng,
F Hui, X Qi
0800h C21C-0380 POSTER Mapping Hazardous
River Ice from High Resolution Satellite Imagery: C
Jones, K Kielland, A Prakash, L D Hinzman
0800h C21C-0381 POSTER Summer snowmelt
patterns in the South Shetlands using TerraSAR-X
imagery: C Mora, J J Jimenez, J Catalao Fernades, A
Ferreira, A David, M Ramos, G Vieira
0800h C21C-0382 POSTER A hidden state space
modeling approach for improving glacier surface
velocity estimates using remotely sensed data: D
Henke, A Schubert, D Small, E Meier, M P Lüthi,
A Vieli
Advances in Cryospheric Applications
of Modern Digital Photogrammetry I
Presiding: Stuart Dunning,
Northumbria University; Alex Clayton,
University of Southampton; Matt Nolan,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
0800h Welcoming Remarks:
0802h C21D-01 Using Commercial Digital Cameras
and Structure-for-Motion Software to Map Snow
Cover Depth from Small Aircraft: M Sturm, M
Nolan, C F Larsen
0817h C21D-02 Comparisons of Simultaneously
Acquired Airborne Sfm Photogrammetry and Lidar:
C F Larsen
0832h C21D-03 Photogrammetric Processing of
IceBridge DMS Imagery into High-Resolution
Digital Surface Models (DEM and Visible Overlay):
J C Arvesen, R C Dotson
0847h C21D-04 Observing the Calving Dynamics
of Breiðamerkurjökull, Iceland, with Repeat UAV
Aerial Photogrammetry: A H Jarosch
0902h C21D-05 UAVs for Glacier Mapping:
Lessons Learned: T McKinnon, K A McKinnon,
B Anderson
0917h C21D-06 Terrestrial stereo photogrammetry
reveals buoyancy-driven calving dominated
summer dynamic mass loss at Helheim Glacier,
southeast Greenland: T James, T Murray, N
Selmes, K Scharrer, M O’Leary
0932h C21D-07 ‘unlocking the Archive’: Using
Digital Photogrammetry of Modern Airborne
Aerial Photography for Analysis of Historic Aerial
Photographs to Extend the Record of Glacier Mass
Balance Change on the Antarctic Peninsula: L E
Clarke, P Miller, A J Fox, J P Mills
0947h C21D-08 Photogrammetry on glaciers: Old
and new knowledge: W T Pfeffer, E Welty, S
Moscone West 3005
Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
Properties and Processes II
Presiding: Chris Polashenski, USACECRREL; Andrew Mahoney, University of
Alaska Fairbanks; Donald Perovich, USA
0800h C21E-01 From Ponds to Predictions: What
Do We Need to Know About Small-Scale Sea Ice
Processes in a Rapidly Changing Arctic?: H Eicken,
C Petrich
0815h C21E-02 Physical Mechanisms Controlling
Interannual and Seasonal Variations in Melt Pond
Evolution on First-Year Sea Ice in the Canadian
Arctic: J Landy, J K Ehn, M Shields, D G Barber
0830h C21E-03 Freshwater - the key to melt pond
formation atop first year sea ice: C Polashenski, K
M Golden, E D Skyllingstad, D K Perovich
Moscone South Poster Hall
Volatiles and Earth’s Mantle
Processes I Posters (joint with MR, S, T,
Presiding: Ananya Mallik, Rice
University; Anne Peslier, NASA Johnson
Space Center; Alan Jones, Dublin Inst
Advanced Studies; Maureen Long, Yale
0800h DI21A-4256 POSTER Proton Conduction
and Hydrogen Diffusion in Olivine: Reconciling
Laboratory and Field Observations and Implications
for Average Grain Size in the Lithospheric Mantle:
A G Jones, J A Padron-Navarta
0800h DI21A-4257 POSTER Melting Processes at
the Base of the Mantle Wedge: Melt Compositions
and Melting Reactions for the First Melts of VaporSaturated Lherzolite: T L Grove, C B Till
0800h DI21A-4258 POSTER Partial Melting of
Garnet Lherzolite with H2o and CO2 at 3 GPa:
Implications for Intraplate Magmatism: A Baasner,
E Medard, D Laporte
0800h DI21A-4259 POSTER Constraints on Mantle
Water from Peridotite Pyroxenes: J M Warren, E
H Hauri
0800h DI21A-4260 POSTER Water content in the
SW USA mantle lithosphere: FTIR analysis of Dish
Hill and Kilbourne Hole pyroxenites: R Gibler, A H
Peslier, L A Schaffer, A D Brandon
0800h DI21A-4261 POSTER Water in the Cratonic
Mantle: Insights from FTIR Data on Lac de Gras
Xenoliths (Slave Craton, Canada): A H Peslier, A D
Brandon, L A Schaffer, S Y O’Reilly, W L Griffin, R
V Morris, T G Graff, D G Agresti
0800h DI21A-4262 POSTER Constraining the
Composition of the Subcontinental Lithospheric
Mantle Beneath the East African Rift: FTIR Analysis
of Water in Spinel Peridotite Mantle Xenoliths: S G
Erickson, W R Nelson, A H Peslier, J E Snow
0800h DI21A-4263 POSTER An olivine-free mantle
lithology as a source for mantle-derived magmas:
the role of metasomes in the Ethiopian-Arabian
large igneous province: T O Rooney, W R Nelson,
D Ayalew, G Yirgu, C T Herzberg, B B Hanan
0800h DI21A-4264 POSTER The Volatile Element
Evolution of Intra-plate Alkaline Rocks as Recorded
by Apatite: An Example from the Hegau Volcanic
Field (Southwest Germany): A Von Der Handt, M
K W Rahn, L X Wang, M Marks
0800h DI21A-4265 POSTER Noble Gas Systematics
in MORBs and OIBs and Reconstitution of the
Time-Evolution of Mantle Composition for Heavy
Noble Gases: the Role of Subduction of Atmospheric
Noble Gases: C Roubinet, M A Moreira
0800h DI21A-4266 POSTER Constraints on the
noble gas composition of the Icelandic plume
source by laser analyses of individual vesicles in the
volcanic glass DICE 11: A P Colin, M A Moreira, C
Gautheron, P Burnard
0800h DI21A-4267 POSTER New Al-Bearing
Hydrous Mg-Silicate in the Deep Upper Mantle: N
Cai, T Inoue, K Fujino, H Ohfuji, H Yurimoto
0800h DI21A-4268 POSTER H2o Quantitative
Analysis of Transition Zone Minerals Wadsleyite
and Ringwoodite By Raman Spectroscopy: D
Novella, N Bolfan-Casanova, H Bureau, C
Raepsaet, G Montagnac
0845h C21E-04 A High Resolution Sea-Ice Model
with Variable Snow Cover and Resolved Melt
Ponds: E D Skyllingstad, K M Shell, C Polashenski
0800h DI21A-4269 POSTER The effects of solid
solution on the stability of the 10 Å phase: H Howe,
A R Pawley, G Droop
0900h C11B-0366 Arctic sea ice extent and
Greenland ice sheet surface climate co-variability
investigated with self-organizing maps and
singular value decomposition: J Mioduszewski,
A K Rennermalm, J C Stroeve, M Tedesco, D A
0800h DI21A-4270 POSTER In situ X-ray
observation of dehydration and EoS of chlorite
under high pressure and temperature : T Inoue, H
Suenami, T Kikegawa
0915h C21E-06 Brine Channels As Conduits for
Convection in Sea Ice: S F Ackley, K Bhaganagar
0930h C21E-07 Changes in Arctic sea ice
deformation from 2000-2010: K I Martini, J K
Hutchings, I G Rigor
0945h C21E-08 Rate and state dependent processes
in sea ice deformation: P R Sammonds, S
Scourfield, B Lishman
0800h C21C-0383 POSTER Testing a Light-weight
Compact Gamma Ray Detector for Measuring
Snow Water Equivalent: E Saiet II, D J Solie, M
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 7
Moscone West 3007
0800h DI21A-4271 POSTER The transition from
dilute electrolyte aqueous solution to molten salt
in geologic fluids: evidence from calcite solubility
measurement in Na-halide solutions at 8 kbar and
700 °C: M Galvez, C E Manning
0800h DI21A-4272 POSTER The Fate of Sulfur
during Decompression Melting of Peridotite and
Crystallization of Basalts – Implications for Sulfur
Geochemistry of MORB and the Earth’s Upper
Mantle: S Ding, R Dasgupta
0800h DI21A-4273 POSTER Partitioning of sulfur
and selenium between sulfide and silicate liquids
and the thermochemistry of sulfide-selenide liquids:
J L Wykes, H S O’Neill, J Mavrogenes
0800h DI21A-4274 POSTER Thermal Evolution of
Terrestrial Planets: Earth, Mars, Size, Temperature,
Tectonics, and Deep Volatile Cycling: A Lenardic,
J Hero, P J McGovern Jr
11/28/2014 10:44:44 AM
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
Seismic Anisotropy: Predictions,
Observations, and Interpretations I
(joint with MR, S, T)
Presiding: Thomas Bodin, UC Berkeley;
Carlos J Garrido, CSIC; Andrea
Tommasi, Univ Montpellier 2; Michael
Kendall, University of Bristol
0800h DI21B-01 How Modelling of Crystal Defects
at the Atomic Scale can Provide Information
on Seismic Anisotropy: P Cordier, P Carrez, A
Goryaeva, K Gouriet, P Hirel, A Kraych, S Ritterbex
0815h DI21B-02 Deformation of Lawsonite at High
Pressure and High Temperature – Implications
for Low Velocity Layers in Subduction Zones: E
Amiguet, N Hilairet, Y Wang, P Gillet
0830h DI21B-03 Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy
Around Subduction Zones: Model Predictions and
Implications for Subduction-Induced Mantle Flow :
M Faccenda, F A Capitanio
0845h DI21B-04 Analytical parameterization of
self-consistent polycrystal mechanics: N M Ribe,
N Goulding, O Castelnau, A Walker, J M Wookey
0900h DI21B-05 Absolute Plate Velocities from
Seismic Anisotropy: Importance of Correlated
Errors: R G Gordon, L Zheng, C Kreemer
0915h DI21B-06 Defining a Proxy for the
Interpretation of Seismic Anisotropy in NonNewtonian Mantle Flows: N Hedjazian, E C
0930h DI21B-07 Constraints on Melt Geometry
and Distribution from Seismic Anisotropy: J O S
0945h DI21B-08 Seismic Anisotropy Along the
Eurasian-Arabian Plate Boundary: E A Sandvol,
G Skobeltsyn, N Turkelli, G Polat, G Yetirmishli, T
Godoladze, R J Mellors, R Gok
Moscone South Poster Hall
Audio for Earth and Space Science
Education and Outreach Posters (joint
with PA, SI)
Presiding: Laura Guertin, Penn State
Brandywine; Erin Kraal, Department
of Physical Science; Ari Epstein,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0800h ED21A-3436 POSTER Telescopic Topics:
The Impact of Student-Created Podcasts in a Large,
General Education Course: E R Kraal
0800h ED21A-3437 POSTER Voice of the Rivers:
Quantifying the Sound of Rivers into Streamflow
and Using the Audio for Education and Outreach:
J Santos
0800h ED21A-3438 POSTER Walkabout the Galaxy:
Podcasting for Informal and Accessible Astronomy
Outreach and Education: J E Colwell, A Dove, A
Kehoe, T M Becker
Moscone South Poster Hall
Educator Professional Development
Programs Promoting Authentic
Scientific Research Posters (joint with
B, GC, OS, P)
Presiding: Constance Walker, Southern
Illinois University Edwardsville; Janet
Warburton, ARCUS; Sanlyn Buxner,
Planetary Science Institute; Stephen
Pompea, National Optical Astronomy
0800h ED21B-3439 POSTER To the Extremes! A
Teacher Research Experience Program in the Polar
Regions: J Warburton, S Bartholow
0800h ED21B-3440 POSTER Sharing Polar Science
with Secondary Students: Polartrec and Beyond: N
E Herrmann
0800h ED21B-3441 POSTER The IceCube
Astrophysics Masterclass: Bringing Authentic
Research to Teachers and Students: J Madsen, S
Bravo Gallart, J Demerit, M Madsen
0800h ED21B-3443 POSTER Big Outcrops and
Big Ideas in Earth Science K-8 Professional
Development: K A Baldwin, C M Cooper, A
Cavagnetto, J Morrison, O Adesope
0800h ED21B-3444 POSTER Science Research 4:
Results of Implementation of Student-Facilitated
Teacher Training and Student Mentorship
Programs Promoting Original Scientific Research:
J M Danch, K Aker
Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA
(LEARN): Innovative Practices Suggested By a
New Model for Teacher Research Experiences:
M R Pippin, J D Joseph, M M Yang, A H Omar,
S Crecelius, T Harte, P M Lewis Jr, J Taylor, R
Bujosa, C Moulton, C S Haggard, S Hyater-Adams,
R Kollmeyer, A Weisman
0800h ED21B-3446 POSTER Exploration of the
Moon and Asteroids by Secondary Students
(ExMASS): An Authentic, Open-Inquiry Research
Experience for High School Students: A J Shaner, J
S Allen, S S Shipp, G Y Kramer, A Nahm, L Balazs, J
Fuller, J Newland, R D Snyder, D A Kring
0800h ED21B-3447 POSTER Lamont-Doherty’s
Secondary School Field Research Program: 10 years
of field research-based education: R Newton, S
Vincent, S Gribbin, D M Peteet, R Sambrotto, B C
Bostick, E Corbett, K Nguyen, J Bjornton, D Lee, D
Dubossi, N Reyes
0800h ED21B-3448 POSTER Initiating New Science
Partnerships in Rural Education (INSPIRE):
Enhancing Scientific Communication by Bringing
STEM Research into the Classroom: D Pierce,
S Radencic, W K Funderburk, R M Walker, B S
Jackson, K S Dawkins, D Schmitz, L M Bruce, K
0800h ED21C-3462 POSTER Ozone Bioindicator
Gardens: an Educational Tool to Raise Awareness
about Environmental Pollution and its Effects on
Living Systems: K Lapina, D Lombardozzi
Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops held
in Conjunction with Alexander von Humboldt
(AvH) EGU Conferences: C E Laj, F Cifelli
0800h ED21C-3464 POSTER The IODP-Ecord Seen
By a Science Teacher: J L Berenguer
Resources for Seismology at School with the
French Educational Seismological Network: J L
Berenguer, F Courboulex, J Balestra, G Nolet, P H
Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the
European Geoscience Union General Assembly: E
M Arnold, F Barnikel, J L Berenguer, A Bokwa, A
A Camerlenghi, F Cifelli, F Funiciello, C E Laj, S A
Macko, A Schwarz, P Smith, H Summesberger
Moscone South Poster Hall
Undergraduate Reseach in Earth
Science Classes: Engaging Students in
the First Two Years Posters (joint with
0800h ED21B-3450 POSTER Successful Project
Based Learning (PBL) Across Disciplines Geared
Towards Middle School: An Example from a
Wetlands PBL Unit in Reno, Nevada, USA: K
L Howard, A Suchy-Mabrouk, P J Noble, S A
Mensing, J Ewing-Taylor
Presiding: David Mogk, Montana State
Univ; Michael Wysession, Washington
0800h ED21B-3451 POSTER Authentic Research
Experience for University of the Fraser Valley
Undergraduate Students through the Global Rivers
Observatory: S J Marsh, S L Gillies, B PeuckerEhrenbrink, B Voss, A Janmaat, A Yakemchuk, S
Smith, A Faber, R Luymes, A Epp, M C Bennett, J
Fanslau, B Downey, B Wiebe, H VanKoughnett, G
Macklam-Harron, J Herbert
Moscone South Poster Hall
Experience-Based Learning:
Enhancing Understanding by
Expanding the Limits of the
Classroom III Posters (joint with B, H)
Presiding: Stephen Macko, Univ
Virginia; Arthur Schwarzschild, Univ
0800h ED21C-3452 POSTER Environmental
Monitoring without Borders: L Wang, K F Kaseke
0800h ED21C-3453 POSTER Utilizing Urban
Environments for Effective Field Experiences: S E
MacAvoy, K Knee
0800h ED21C-3454 POSTER Educational Approach
to Seismic Risk Mitigation in Indian Himalayas
-Hazard Map Making Workshops at High Schools: K Koketsu, S Oki, M Kimura, R Chadha, S
0800h ED21C-3455 POSTER Where do students
struggle in the field? Computer-aided evaluation
of mapping errors from an undergraduate Field
Geology summer course: K A Lang, G Petrie
0800h ED21C-3456 POSTER Undergraduate
Student-built Experiments in Sounding-Rocket and
Balloon Campaign: D Vassiliadis, J A Christian, A
M Keesee, M Lindon, G D Lusk
0800h ED21C-3457 POSTER The University of
Texas Institute for Geophysics Marine Geology and
Geophysics Field Course: D Duncan, M B Davis, J
A Goff, S P S Gulick, K D McIntosh, S Saustrup Sr
0800h ED21C-3458 POSTER Teaching Geology
in Situ: Modern Approaches and Perspectives: I F
0800h ED21B-3442 POSTER Changes in Teachers’
Beliefs about Reformed Science Teaching and
Learning, and Their Inquiry-Based Instructional
Practices Following a Year-Long RET-PLC
Professional Development Program: R Miranda
AGU2014News.indb 8
0800h ED21C-3461 POSTER A Graduate Student’s
Perspective on Engaging High School Students in
Research Outside of the Classroom: A B Kaess, R A
Horton Jr, G D Andrews
0800h ED21B-3449 POSTER Capturing the WUnder:
Using weather stations and WeatherUnderground
to increase middle school students’ understanding
and interest in science: K M Schild, P Dunne
0800h ED21C-3459 POSTER An UndergraduateBuilt Prototype Altitude Determination System
(PADS) for High Altitude Research Balloons: E
Verner, F C Bruhweiler, J Abot, V Casarotto, J
Dichoso, E Doody, F Esteves, E Morsch Filho, D
Gonteski, M Lamos, A Leo, N Mulder, F Matubara,
P Schramm, R Silva, J Quisberth, G Uritsky, A
Kogut, L Lowe, P Mirel, J Lazear
0800h ED21C-3460 POSTER Enhancing University
Courses and Field Schools through Cross-cultural
Exchange: Joint US-Bangladeshi Trips to the
Ganges-Brahmaputra and Mississippi Deltas: M S
Steckler, S L Goodbred Jr, S Lowes, J M Gilligan,
B Ackerly, K M Ahmed, S H Akhter, D Sousa, C
Wilson, D K Datta, K Roy, D R Mondal
0800h ED21D-3467 POSTER Using a Hybrid of
Student-Sourced Data and Web-Based Data for an
Undergraduate Earth System Science Course: C
0800h ED21D-3468 POSTER Leveraging Global
Geo-Data and Information Technologies to Bring
Authentic Research Experiences to Students in
Introductory Geosciences Courses: J G Ryan
0800h ED21D-3469 POSTER Creating Research
Experiences in Ocean Science for Two Year College
(2YC) Students Using Resources Available through
the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP): K
R Gamage
0800h ED21D-3470 POSTER Teaching and Learning
Coastal Processes through Research in a Non-Lab
Science Course and Having Fun at the Same Time:
J Thissen
0800h ED21D-3471 POSTER Geomorphic evidence
of active tectonics in the San Gorgonio Pass region
of the San Andreas Fault system: an example
of discovery-based research in undergraduate
teaching: L A Reinen, J D Yule
0800h ED21D-3472 POSTER Improving the
Laboratory Experience for Introductory Geology
Students Using Active Learning and EvidenceBased Reform: R P Oien, A M Anders, A Long
0800h ED21D-3473 POSTER Student Contributions
to Citizen Science Programs As a Foundation for
Independent and Classroom-Based Undergraduate
Research in the Earth Sciences: L A Guertin
0800h ED21D-3474 POSTER Building oceanographic
moorings in a non-lab introductory ocean science
course: I M Miller
0800h ED21D-3475 POSTER Watershed Landscape
Ecology: Interdisciplinary and Field-based Learning
in the Northeast Creek Watershed, Mount Desert
Island, Maine: S R Hall, J Anderson, N Rajakaruna,
D Cass
0800h ED21D-3479 POSTER Undergraduate
Research in Earth Science Classes: Engaging
Students in the First Two Years: D W Mogk, M E
Wysession, A Beauregard, L A Reinen, K Surpless,
K O’Connell, J R McDaris
Moscone South 102
Climate Literacy: Effective Responses
and Solutions through Best Practices
in Communication, Partnerships, and
Networks I
(Virtual Session) (joint with GC, PA, SI)
Presiding: Gail Scowcroft, University
of Rhode Island; Jennifer Saltzman,
Stanford University; Mona Behl, Texas
A & M University; Joshua Sneideman,
Department of Energy Washington DC
0800h ED21E-01 Toward Collective Impact for
Climate Resilience: Maximizing Climate Change
Education for Preparedness, Adaptation, and
Mitigation: T S Ledley, F Niepold III, M McCaffrey
0815h ED21E-02 The National Climate Assessment
as a Resource for Science Communication: R C J
0830h ED21E-03 Enhancing Communication of
Climate Impacts Assessments: Examples of Local
Stories, Animations and Video: M F Fitzpatrick,
B O Grigholm
0845h ED21E-04 “It Takes a Network”:
Building National Capacity for Climate Change
Interpretation: W Spitzer
0900h ED21E-05 Fostering Creativity through
Collaboration: Polar Learning and Responding
Climate Change Education Partnership: S L
Pfirman, J Brunacini, T Hernandez, E Bachrach
0915h ED21E-06 How to Effect Change Through
Cross-sector Collaboration: R Ellis, K Elinich, R
Johnson, L B Allen, K J Crowley, E Bachrach
0930h ED21E-07 Building Lasting Impact: Ten
Years of the Earth to Sky Interagency Partnership: A
Davis, B Lacome, B Merrick, J Morris, R Paglierani,
S Spakoff
0945h ED21E-08 Climatevoices.org -- Engaging
an Array of U.S. Public Audiences in the Science of
Climate Change: C Schmidt
Moscone South Poster Hall
From High Peaks to Level Plains:
Using Thermochronometry to Study
the Evolving Geosphere I Posters (joint
with T, V)
Presiding: Jennifer Schmidt, Lehigh
University; Matthew Fox, University
of California Berkeley; Alison Duvall,
University of Washington
0800h EP21A-3516 POSTER Very fast Uplifting in
the Kongur Shan, NE Pamir during Marine Isotope
Stage 5 (MIS 5): J Chen, C Liu, J Qin, H Yang, M
Luo, M Huang, W Li
0800h EP21A-3517 POSTER Constraints on the
geometry and recent evolution of the Main
Himalayan Thrust in western Nepal from U-Th/
He thermochronology: J E Harvey, D Burbank, J
K Hourigan
0800h EP21A-3518 POSTER Thermochronologic
constraints on the Miocene slip history of the South
Tibetan detachment system in the Everest region,
central Himalaya: M Schultz, K V Hodges, M C
Van Soest, J A Wartho
0800h EP21A-3519 POSTER River Antecedence
and the Onset of Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern
Himalayan Syntaxis: K A Lang, K W Huntington, R
F Burmester, B A Housen
S Jones
0800h EP21A-3520 POSTER Late Miocene
Thermal Evolution of the Eastern Himalayan
Syntaxis as Constrained by Biotite 40Ar/39Ar
Thermochronology: J Gong, J Ji, J Zhou, J Tu, D
Sun, B Han, D Zhong
0800h ED21D-3477 POSTER Undergraduate
Research in Geoscience with Students from Twoyear Colleges: SAGE 2YC Resources: J R McDaris,
J Hodder, H Macdonald, E M Baer, R H Blodgett
0800h EP21A-3521 POSTER Field Calibration
Studies of Continuous Thermal Histories Derived
From Multiple Diffusion Domain (MDD) Modeling
of 40Ar/39Ar K–feldspar Analyses at the Grayback
and Gold Butte Normal Fault Blocks, U.S. Basin and
Range: M Wong, D Roesler, P B Gans, P K Zeitler,
B D Idleman
0800h ED21D-3478 POSTER Opportunities for
Undergraduates to Engage in Research Using
Seismic Data and Data Products: J J Taber, M
Hubenthal, M H Benoit
0800h EP21A-3522 POSTER Thermochronometric
Investigation of Fluid Flow and Geothermal
Systems in Extensional Settings, Dixie Valley,
Nevada: A MacNamee, D F Stockli
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:44 AM
0800h EP21A-3523 POSTER Oligocene Laccoliths
on the Colorado Plateau: A Key to Understanding
Cenozoic Rock Cooling and Exhumation: K E
Murray, P W Reiners, S N Thomson
0800h EP21B-3544 POSTER Late Piocene Pleistocene evolution of river terrace in Zhongwei
Basin, northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau,
China: H Liang, K Zhang
0800h EP21D-3561 POSTER Integrated Laser
Microprobe (U-Th)/He and U/Pb Dating of
Titanite and Zircon: A Horne, M C Van Soest, K V
Hodges, A Tripathy-Lang
0800h EP21A-3524 POSTER Understanding
Landscape Exhumation from Apatite He Age
Data Dispersion: An Example from the Ethiopian
Plateau, East Africa: N D Gani, N C Blackburn, M
C Van Soest
0800h EP21B-3545 POSTER Constraining the age of
Liuqu Conglomerate, southern Tibet: Implications
for tectonic evolution of the Indus-Yarlung Suture
Zone: G Li, M Sandiford, B Kohn
0800h EP21A-3525 POSTER Rapid Oligocene
Exhumation of the Western Canadian Rocky
Mountains: A Szameitat, R R Parrish, F M Stuart,
A Carter, S Fishwick
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h EP21D-3562 POSTER Role of Neogene
Exhumation and Sedimentation on CriticalWedge Kinematics in the Zagros Orogenic Belt,
Northeastern Iraq, Kurdistan: R I Koshnaw, B K
Horton, D F Stockli, D E Barber, M Y Tamar-Agha,
J J Kendall
0800h EP21A-3526 POSTER Low Temperature
Paleogene Thermal Evolution of the British
Mountains using Apatite U-Th/He Dating,
Northern Yukon, Canada: J E Pickering, B Guest,
D A Schneider, L Lane
0800h EP21A-3527 POSTER Lateral Variations of
Fission-Track Cooling Ages along the Southern
Peruvian Coast Reveal Coast-Parallel Extension
during the Eocene and Oligocene: M Noury, M
Bernet, E Jaillard, T Sempere
The Imprint of Past Climate Change
on Landscapes II Posters
(joint with H, PP, V)
Presiding: Anthony Dosseto, University
of Wollongong; A. Joshua West, Univ.
of Southern California; Peter Clift,
Louisiana State University
0800h EP21C-3546 POSTER The Effect of Past
Climate Change on Regolith Erosion Rates for
the Past 100 ka in the Eastern Sierra Nevada: R D
Madoff, J Putkonen
0800h EP21D-3563 POSTER Statistics of large
detrital geochronology datasets: J E Saylor, K E
Sundell II
0800h EP21D-3565 POSTER Tracing the Source of
Borneo’s Cempaka Diamond Deposit: L T White, I
Graham, R A Armstrong, R Hall
0800h EP21D-3566 POSTER U-Pb Detrital Zircon
Geochronologic Constraints on Depositional Age
and Sediment Source Terrains of the Late Paleozoic
Tepuel-Genoa Basin: N P Griffis, I P Montanez, J
Isbell, E L Gulbranson, J Wimpenny, Q Z Yin, N R
Cúneo, M A Pagani, A C Taboada
0800h EP21D-3567 POSTER Single-grain and
single-aliquot luminescence measurements of
partially bleached modern-river channel sediments:
applications to sediment transport: C P McGuire,
E J Rhodes
0800h EP21D-3572 POSTER Geochronology,
Stratigraphy, and Provenance of the Early Fill of
the Magallanes–Austral Basin, Southern Patagonia:
Diachronous Initiation of a Retroarc Foreland
Basin: M A Malkowski, G Sharman, S A Graham
0800h EP21D-3573 POSTER Kaoping River – Sea
sediments from source to sink traced with clay
mineralogy: Y Wang, D Fan, J T Liu, Y P Chang
0800h EP21D-3575 POSTER Detrital zircon U-Pb
and (U-Th)/He double-dating of Upper CretaceousCenozoic Zagros foreland basin strata in the
Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq: D E Barber, D
F Stockli, R I Koshnaw, B K Horton, M Y TamarAgha, J J Kendall
0800h EP21D-3576 POSTER Discriminating
Sediment Supply versus Accommodation Controls
on Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in
the Book Cliffs, central Utah using Detrital Double
Dating : N Bartschi, J E Saylor, M D Blum
0800h EP21D-3577 POSTER Combined Detrital U/
Pb Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Mica Geoochronology to
Test Structural Models for a Devonian Orogenic
Collapse Basin in the Norwegian Caledonides: J
Templeton, M Anders, H Fossen
0800h EP21A-3528 POSTER Cooling and
Exhumation of the Coastal Batholith in the Peruvian
Andes (5-12°S): M Michalak, S R Hall, D Farber, J
K Hourigan, L Audin
0800h EP21C-3547 POSTER Chemical and Physical
Weathering in a Hot-arid, Tectonically Active
Alluvial System (Anza-Borrego Desert, CA): Y J
Joo, M Elwood Madden, G S Soreghan
0800h EP21A-3529 POSTER Cooling History for
the Sierra Laguna Blanca (NW Argentina) on the
Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes: R Zhou, L
M Schoenbohm, E R Sobel, D F Stockli, J Glodny
0800h EP21C-3548 POSTER Alternating Wind
and Fluvial Erosion during the Quaternary in the
Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) and its tectonic
and climatic significance: L Wu, A Xiao
0800h EP21D-3568 POSTER Provenance of Modern
Soils and Limestone and Chert Bedrock of Middle
Tennessee Assessed Using Detrital Zircon U-Pb
Geochronology: J C Ayers, N J Katsiaficas, X Wang
Moscone West Poster Hall
0800h EP21A-3530 POSTER Exhumation of the
Argentine Andes, 32°- 34° S: detrital (U-Th)/He
and U-Pb zircon double dating: D McPhillips, G D
Hoke, M C Van Soest, K V Hodges
0800h EP21C-3549 POSTER A modern analog of past
climatic impacts on denudation rates and sediment
transport: The Del Medio fan, NW Argentina: S
Savi, T F Schildgen, S Tofelde, H Wittmann, M R
0800h EP21D-3569 POSTER Zircon geochronology
of loess and alluvial sediment: implications for
provenance of modern soils of Middle Tennessee:
X Wang, J C Ayers, N J Katsiaficas
Presiding: Zuheir Altamimi, IGN Institut
National de l’Information Géographique
et Forestière; Frank Lemoine, NASA
Goddard SFC
0800h EP21A-3531 POSTER Abrupt Changes in
the Rate of Andean Plateau Uplift from Reversible
Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of
River Profiles: M Fox, T Bodin, D L Shuster
Moscone South Poster Hall
Origin, Evolution, and Tectonic
Significance of Plateau Landscapes I
Posters (joint with T)
Presiding: Michael Oskin, Univ. of
California, Davis; Jing Liu, Institute
of Geology, China Earthquake
Administration; Huiping Zhang,
Institute of Geology, China Earthquake
0800h EP21B-3532 POSTER Kalahari Tectonic
Landforms and Processes Beyond the Okavango
Graben: F D Eckardt, T Flügel, W Cotterill, C D
Rowe, M McFarlane
0800h EP21B-3533 POSTER Buzzcut or Fossil?
Exploring the Origin of Perched Low-Relief
Landscapes in the Tropics: M Cunningham, C P
Stark, M R Kaplan, J M Schaefer
Development of the Nevadaplano, Western Nevada
and Southern California, from Low-Temperature
Thermochronology: T Bidgoli, J D Walker, D F
0800h EP21B-3535 POSTER Measuring the Timing,
Magnitude, and Rate of Rock uplift of Sierra Madre
Mountains with CRN Analysis of Relict Landscapes
and Strath Terraces: E Schoettle, D W Burbank, B
0800h EP21B-3536 POSTER Timing and mechanism
of uplift from cosmogenic radionuclides and
structural data: a case study from an actively
uplifting forearc, Calabria, Southern Italy: M S
Steckler, M A Reitz, L Seeber, J M Schaefer
0800h EP21B-3537 POSTER Evolution and erosional
dynamics of intermontane basins on the Puna
Plateau, NW Argentina: B Bookhagen, M R
0800h EP21B-3538 POSTER Transient fluvial
incision and spatial distribution of active rock uplift
in the Uspallata-Calingasta-Iglesia Valley, Central
Argentina: P Val, G D Hoke
0800h EP21B-3540 POSTER Thermochronometric
constraints on the timing and rates of late MiocenePliocene exhumation in flat-slab subduction zone of
north-central Chile: G A Aguilar, R L Reverman, E
Salazar, M P Rodriguez, K Rossel
0800h EP21B-3541 POSTER Detrital 10Be Response
to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Quantifying
Evacuation of Coseismic Landslide Debris: W
Wang, V Godard, J Liu-Zeng, D Scherler, C Xu, Q
Xu, K Xie, O Bellier, D L Bourles, C Ansberque
0800h EP21B-3543 POSTER Folded fluvial terraces
and the deforming of a new uplifted region in the
mountain front the Qilian Shan Mountain, China :
X Hu, B Pan, J Wang, Z Hu
Cosmogenic Nuclide Chronology of Late
Pleistocene Missoula Floods: A Balbas, J Clark, P
U Clark, M W Caffey, T E Woodruff, V R Baker
0800h EP21C-3551 POSTER 26Al/10Be burial ages for
a Pleistocene terrace in the Vienna Basin, Austria: S
Braumann, M Fiebig, S Neuhuber, J M Schaefer, P
Haeuselmann, R Schwartz, R C Finkel
0800h EP21C-3552 POSTER Origin and Evolution of
Limestone Caves of Chhattisgarh and Orissa, India:
Role of Geomorphic, Tectonic and Hydrological
Processes: P K Gautam, N C Allu, R Ramesh, M G
Yadava, C P Panigrahi
Luminescence (IRSL) Characteristics of Feldspar
Grains: J T M Daniels, E J Rhodes, C P McGuire,
M J Lawson
Reference Frames: Determination,
Usage, and Application II Posters
0800h G21A-0426 POSTER Status of Core Products
of the International GNSS Service: K K Choi
0800h G21A-0427 POSTER JPL’s Reanalysis
of Historical GPS Data for the Second IGS
Reanalysis Campaign: S Desai, W Bertiger, M
Garcia Fernandez, B J Haines, C Selle, A Sibois, A
Sibthorpe, J P Weiss
0800h G21A-0428 POSTER The Impact of the
AuScope VLBI Observations and the Regional
AUSTRAL Sessions on the TRF: L Plank, J Lovell,
J McCallum, J Boehm, S Shabala, D Mayer, J Sun, O
Titov, S Weston, J Quick, E Rastorgueva-Foi
0800h EP21C-3553 POSTER A modern analog for
carbonate source-to-sink sedimentary systems: the
Glorieuses archipelago and adjacent basin (SW
Indian Ocean): S Jorry, G Jouet, S Prat, S Courgeon,
P Le Roy, G Camoin, B Caline
0800h EP21C-3554 POSTER Basement Fracturing
and Weathering On- and Offshore Norway –
Genesis, Age, and Landscape Development : J
Knies, R van der Lelij, J Faust, T Scheiber, M
Broenner, O Fredin, A Mueller, G Viola
Moscone South Poster Hall
To See the World in a Grain of Sand:
Novel Applications and Important
Limitations of Detrital Analyses
in Sedimentology, Tectonics, and
Geomorphology III Posters (joint with
T, V)
Presiding: Karl Lang, University of
Washington; Andrew Laskowski,
University of Arizona; Adam Forte,
Arizona State University
0800h EP21D-3555 POSTER Oligo-Miocene Alpine
Sediment Routing from Integrated Analysis of
Seismic-Reflection Data and Detrital Zircon U-Pb
Geochronology: S M Hubbard, G Sharman, J A
0800h EP21D-3556 POSTER Determining the
Palaeodrainage of the Nile River from a Provenance
Study of the Nile Delta Cone Sediments: L Fielding,
Y Najman, I Millar, P Butterworth, E Garzanti, B C
to Upload
Your ePoster
by Friday, 19 December
6:00 P.M. PST
0800h EP21D-3557 POSTER Provenance of
Mesozoic Sandstones in the Banda Arc, Indonesia:
S Zimmermann, R Hall
Complications of a Dominant Broad Age Spectrum
Source: A New Approach to the Mixing of Detrital
Zircons: G Wissink, G D Hoke
0800h EP21D-3559 POSTER The age for the fossilbearing Tabbowa beds in Sri Lanka: S C Chang, S
Dassanayake, J Wang
0800h EP21D-3560 POSTER New ICP-MS U-Pb
Zircon Ages from Khatu Rhyolites in the Jodhpur
Group, India: Constraints on the Lower Age Limit
for the Marwar Supergroup: H Xu, J G Meert
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 9
0800h EP21D-3570 POSTER Insights into the
ancient Mississippi drainage system from detrital
zircons analyses of the modern Mississippi deep-sea
fan: A Fildani, M P McKay, D F Stockli, J D Clark,
A L Weislogel, M Dykstra, A M Hessler
11/28/2014 10:44:45 AM
0800h G21A-0429 POSTER Determination of
Galactic Aberration from VLBI Measurements and
Its Effect on VLBI Reference Frames and Earth
Orientation Parameters: D S MacMillan
0800h G21A-0430 POSTER Collinearity assessment
of SLR-derived geocentre coordinates: C B Spatar,
P Moore, P J Clarke
0800h G21A-0431 POSTER Multi-Technique
Combination of Space Geodesy Observations:
M Zoulida, A Pollet, D Coulot, R Biancale, P
0800h G21A-0432 POSTER The 2013 DGFI
realization of the ITRS: D Angermann, M Seitz, M
Blossfeld, M Gerstl, R Schmid
0800h G21A-0433 POSTER A First Look at
Terrestrial Reference Frame ITRF2013G Computed
with Gipsy Software: M B Heflin, C Abbondanza,
M Chin, R S Gross, J W Parker, X Wu
0800h G21A-0434 POSTER JTRF2013: Plans,
Progress, and Results: C Abbondanza, M Chin, R S
Gross, M B Heflin, J W Parker, X Wu
Deformations Impact on Geodetic Time Series and
Reference Frame Determination: L Metivier, X
Collilieux, D Lercier, Z Altamimi, F Beauducel
0800h G21A-0436 POSTER Twenty-Two Years
of Combined GPS Daily Coordinate Time Series
and Derived Parameters: Implications for ITRF:
Y Bock, S Kedar, A W Moore, P Fang, Z Liu, S E
Owen, M B Squibb
0800h G21A-0437 POSTER Comparing Calculations
of Far-Field Coseismic Deformation: J T
Freymueller, J Dong, W Sun
0800h G21A-0438 POSTER Is Nubia plate rigid? A
geodetic study of the relative motion of different
cratonic areas within Africa: M W Njoroge,
R Malservisi, U Hugentobler, M Mokhtari, D
Moscone West Poster Hall
Variability and Projection of Regional
and Global Mean Sea Level Change I
Posters (joint with OS)
Presiding: Philip Thompson, JIMAR,
University of Hawaii; Benjamin
Hamlington, University of Colorado at
Boulder; Felix Landerer, Jet Propulsion
0800h G21B-0439 POSTER Quantifying and
Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise At The Regional
Scale: The Bangladesh Sea-Level Project (BanDAID): C K Shum, C Y Kuo, J Guo, K Shang, K H
Tseng, J Wan, S Calmant, V Ballu, P Valty, J Kusche,
F Hossain, Z H Khan, R Rietbroek, B Uebbing
0800h G21B-0451 POSTER Low-Frequency Ocean
Bottom Pressure Variations in the North Pacific
in Response to Time-Variable Surface Winds:
H Dobslaw, C Petrick, I Bergmann-Wolf, K B
Matthes, M Thomas
0800h G21B-0452 POSTER Mid- to Late Holocene
Sea-Level Record in French Polynesia, SouthCentral Pacific: N Hallmann, G Camoin, C Vella,
A Eisenhauer, E Samankassou, A Botella, G A
Milne, J Fietzke, P Dussouillez, J Plaine
0800h G21B-0453 POSTER Utility and Limitations
of Reflected GPS Signals for Local Sea Level
Variations Measuring: K H Chen, K E Ching
0800h G21B-0454 POSTER Multi-Year Combination
of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA)
Analysis Center Products: A Hunegnaw, F N
Moscone West 3024
Mass Transport and Mass Distribution
in the Earth System I (joint with C, EP,
H, OS, T)
Presiding: Juergen Kusche, Bonn
Umiversity; Annette Eicker, University
of Bonn; Martin Horwath, Dresden
University of Technology; Tonie van
Dam, University of Luxembourg
0800h G21C-01 Mass balance of Greenland from
combined GRACE and satellite altimetry inversion:
R Forsberg, L Sandberg Sørensen, J Nilsson, S B
0815h G21C-02 Two decades of ice melt
reconstruction in Greenland and Antarctica from
time-variable gravity: M Talpe, R S Nerem, F G
0830h G21C-03 Monitoring Atlantic Overturning
Variability with Satellite Gravimetry: K Bentel, F
W Landerer, C Boening
0845h G21C-04 Ocean Contribution to Seismic
Gravity Changes: the Sea Level Equation for Seismic
Perturbations Revisited: T Broerse, R Riva, B L A
0900h G21C-05 Discharge Estimation Using HydroGeodetic Approaches: C Lorenz, M J Tourian, B
Devaraju, J M Riegger, H Kunstmann, N J Sneeuw
0915h G21C-06 The use of GRACE satellite data to
validate the global hydrological cycle as simulated by
a global climate mode: C Boening, M E Demory, P
L Vidale, D N Wiese, M Roberts, R Schiemann, M
Mizielinski, M M Watkins
0930h G21C-07 Synergies Between
Regional Atmospheric Modeling
Kusche, A Springer, C Ohlwein, K
Longuevergne, S J Kollet, J Keune, H
Forootan, A Eicker
Grace and
Efforts: J
Hartung, L
Dobslaw, E
0800h G21B-0440 POSTER Detection/Attribution
Studies from Observational Data and Historical
CMIP5 Coupled Climate Models on the Regional
Sea Level Variability during the 20th and 21st
Century in the Pacific Ocean: H K Palanisamy, A A
Cazenave, R Chevrier, B Meyssignac, T C Delcroix
0945h G21C-08 Surface mass variation monitoring
from orbit information of GPS-tracked low-Earth
orbiters: O Baur, M L B Weigelt, N Zehentner, T
Mayer-Gürr, T M van Dam
0800h G21B-0441 POSTER Some remarks on using
the CMIP5 archive for sea-level projections: L P
Jackson, S Jevrejeva
0800h G21B-0442 POSTER Projections of
Centennial-scale Sea Level Change in an Earth
System Model Including Dynamic Ice Sheets: W
Wei, G Lohmann
0800h G21B-0443 POSTER The global warming
‘hiatus’ and its implications on future sea level rise:
V Nieves, J K Willis, W C Patzert
0800h G21B-0444 POSTER Emissions of Water
and Carbon Dioxide from Fossil-Fuel Combustion
Contribute Directly to Ocean Mass and Volume
Increases: A G Skuce
0800h G21B-0445 POSTER Understanding Sea Level
Change: A Physics Based Approach: K Y Kim
0800h G21B-0446 POSTER Comparing Tide Gauge
Observations to Regional Patterns of Sea-Level
Change (1961–2003): A Slangen, R Vandewal, Y
Wada, B L A Vermeersen
0800h G21B-0447 POSTER A recent increase in
the rate of Indian Ocean sea level change: P R
Thompson, M A Merrifield
0800h G21B-0448 POSTER Analysis and robustness
of Arctic sea level reconstructions: P L Svendsen, O
B Andersen, A A Nielsen
0800h G21B-0449 POSTER Relative Sea Level
Change in Western Alaska As Constructed from
Satellite Altimetry and Repeat GPS Measurements:
K G DeGrandpre, J T Freymueller, N Kinsman
0800h G21B-0450 POSTER A Wind-Driven
Nonseasonal Barotropic Fluctuation of the
Canadian Inland Seas: C G Piecuch, R M Ponte
AGU2014News.indb 10
Moscone West Poster Hall
Connecting Climate Projections to
Responses in Coastal and Continental
Shelf Environments I Posters
Presiding: E Thieler, USGS; Till
Hanebuth, MARUM - University of
Bremen; Michael Fienen, USGS
Wisconsin Water Science Center;
Nathaniel Plant, U.S Geological Survey
0800h GC21A-0490 POSTER Coastal Adaptation
Planning for Sea Level Rise and Extremes: A Global
Model for Adaptation Decision-making at the Local
Level Given Uncertain Climate Projections: D
0800h GC21A-0491 POSTER Assessment of the
Coastal Landscape Response to Sea-Level Rise
Using a Decision-Support Framework: E E Lentz,
E R Thieler, N G Plant, S Stippa, R M Horton, D
B Gesch
0800h GC21A-0492 POSTER Adapting to Sea Level
Rise to the Year 2100 and Beyond in the State of
Florida, USA: A Regional Approach Based upon
Common Vulnerabilities and the Utility of Shared
Resources: R W Parkinson, P W Harlem, J Meeder
0800h GC21A-0493 POSTER Exploring the Impacts
of Both Climate Change and Decision Making
Uncertainty on Coastal Community Vulnerability
Assessments in a Policy-Centric Framework: A
Mills, K Serafin, J Bolte, P Ruggiero, E Lipiec, P
Corcoran, J Stevenson
0800h GC21A-0494 POSTER Integrating Climate
Change Scenarios and Co-developed Policy
Scenarios to Inform Coastal Adaptation: Results
from a Tillamook County, Oregon Knowledge to
Action Network: E Lipiec, P Ruggiero, K Serafin,
J Bolte, A Mills, P Corcoran, J Stevenson, D Lach
0800h GC21A-0495 POSTER Risks, natural coastal
defenses and the Economics of Climate Adaptation
in the Gulf Coast: B G Reguero, M Beck, D Bresch,
J Calil, I Meliane
0800h GC21A-0496 POSTER A Bayesian Network
to Predict Barrier Island Geomorphologic
Characteristics: B Gutierrez, N G Plant, E R
Thieler, A Turecek, S Stippa
0800h GC21A-0497 POSTER Past, present and
future of wave climate, storms and morphological
impacts on sandy coasts: Spain and Wales coasts
examples: N G Rangel-Buitrago, G Anfuso, M
Phillips, T Thomas
0800h GC21A-0498 POSTER Past and future drivers
of increased erosion risk in the northern Gulf of
Mexico: T Wahl, N G Plant
0800h GC21A-0499 POSTER Empirical Projection
of Long-Term Coastal Erosion Hazards in Hawaii
Under Rising Sea Levels: Preliminary Findings:
T R Anderson, M Barbee, C H Fletcher II, B M
Romine, S Lemmo
0800h GC21A-0500 POSTER Impacts of Sea
Level Rise and Morphological Changes on Tidal
Hydrodynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: D
L Passeri, S C Hagen, N G Plant, M V Bilskie
0800h GC21A-0502 POSTER Modeled changes in
extreme wave climates in the Pacific Ocean during
the 21st century and implications for low-lying U.S.
and U.S.-affiliated atoll islands: J B Shope, C D
Storlazzi, L H Erikson, C Hegermiller
0800h GC21A-0505 POSTER Assessment of Coastal
Communities’ Vulnerability to Hurricane Surge
under Climate Change via Probabilistic Map – A
Case Study of the Southwest Coast of Florida: X
Feng, S Shen
0800h GC21A-0506 POSTER Assessing Sea Level
Rise Impacts on the Surficial Aquifer in the Kennedy
Space Center Region: H Xiao, D Wang, S C Hagen,
S C Medeiros, A M Warnock, C R Hall
0800h GC21A-0507 POSTER Rapid Changes on
Sediment Accumulation Rates within Submarine
Canyons Caused By Bottom Trawling Activities:
P Puig, P Masque, J Martin, S Paradis, X Juan, M
Toro, A Palanques
0800h GC21A-0508 POSTER Evaluating Local and
Regional Sources of Trace Element Contamination
in a Rural Sub Estuary of the Upper Chesapeake
Bay: C Krahforst, S Hartman, L Sherman, K Kehm
Environment and Climate Evolution at the
Northern Continental Margin of the South China
Sea During the Last Glacial Cycle and Holocene: M
Tomczak, J Kaiser, R K Borowka, H Chen, J Zhang,
J Harff, Y Qiu, A Witkowski
0800h GC21A-0510 POSTER Post-Little Ice Age
increase in sediment accumulation and carbon
burial rates in subpolar fjords of Svalbard, European
Arctic: W Szczucinski
0800h GC21A-0511 POSTER Anthropogenic
perturbation of coral reef environments near
Natal, Brazil: Clues from symbiont-bearing benthic
foraminifera: P Eichler, H Vital, B K Sen Gupta
0800h GC21A-0512 POSTER How Does One of the
Largest Hypoxia in the World Occur on the Shelf
of the East China Sea?: F Zhou, H Xue, D Huang, F
Chai, P Xiu, J L Xuan, X Ni
0800h GC21A-0513 POSTER Assessment of changes
in nutrient and sediment delivery to and carbon
accumulation in coastal oceans of the Eastern
United States: B A Bergamaschi, R A Smith, J S
Shih, T L Sohl, B M Sleeter, Z Zhu
0800h GC21A-0514 POSTER Enrichment Factors
(EF) on Superficial Sediments of Santos Estuarine
System, Southeasthern Brazil: B S M Kim, A B
Salaroli, M Mahiques, R Figueira
0800h GC21A-0515 POSTER Gulf of Mexico
Sediment Phosphorus Fractionation: Implication
for Hypoxia: P L Adhikari, J R White, K Maiti, N
0800h GC21A-0517 POSTER Stratigraphic signature
of sub-orbital climate and sea-level changes in the
Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea): S P Berne,
M A Bassetti, J Baumann, B Dennielou, G Jouet, M
Mauffrey, F J Sierro
0800h GC21A-0518 POSTER Distribution and
Potential Toxicity of Trace Metals in the Surface
Sediments of Sundarban Mangrove Ecosystem,
Bangladesh: A Kumar, A Ramanathan, B K P
Mathukumalli, D K Datta
0800h GC21A-0519 POSTER Quality of Tourist
Beaches in Huatulco, SW of Mexico: Multiproxy
Studies: I Retama, M P Jonathan, P F RodriguezEspinosa
0800h GC21A-0520 POSTER Sedimentary Records
of Harmful Bloom-Producing Dinoflagellates from
Alvarado Lagoon (Southwestern Gulf of Mexico): A
Limoges, K N Mertens, A C ruiz-Fernandez, J A
Sánchez Cabeza, A de Vernal
0800h GC21A-0521 POSTER Satellite-based
quantification of the bottom trawling induced
sediment resuspension over an entire shelf: F J
Oberle, O M Cheriton, T J J Hanebuth
Moscone West Poster Hall
Global and Regional Food and
Water Security Under Increasing
Socioeconomic Pressure and
Changing Climate I Posters (joint with
B, H, NH)
Presiding: Yoshihide Wada, Utrecht
University; Debjani Deb, Texas A & M
University; Raghavan Srinivasan, Texas
A & M University; Vikram Mehta, CRCES
0800h GC21B-0523 POSTER Evaluating Inequality
or Injustice in Water Use for Food: P D’Odorico, J
A Carr, D A Seekell
0800h GC21B-0524 POSTER Contextualizing
Embodied Resources in Global Food Trade: G K
MacDonald, K A Brauman, S Sun, P C West, K M
Carlson, E S Cassidy, J S Gerber, D K Ray
0800h GC21B-0525 POSTER Climate change impacts
on food system: X Zhang, X Cai, T Zhu
0800h GC21B-0526 POSTER Impacts on Water
Management and Crop Production of Regional
Cropping System Adaptation to Climate Change: H
Zhong, L Sun, Z Tian, Z Liang, G Fischer
0800h GC21B-0527 POSTER Global Grazing
Systems: Their Continuing Importance in Meeting
Global Demand: K F Davis, P D’Odorico
0800h GC21B-0528 POSTER Land Transformation
and Occupation Impacts of Farming Practices
for the Production of Soybean in Mato Grosso,
Brazil, Using Life Cycle Impact Assessment: M J
Lathuilliere, E J Miranda, E G Couto, M S Johnson
0800h GC21B-0529 POSTER Weather and Climate
Indicators for Coffee Rust Disease: S Georgiou,
P A Imbach, J Avelino, F Anzueto, G del Carmen
0800h GC21B-0530 POSTER Make it Fit, evaluating
strategies to reduce the environmental impacts of
meeting human needs in 2050: J Reid, S Polasky,
P Hawthorne
0800h GC21B-0531 POSTER Irrigation, Climate, and
Groundwater Depletion in Agricultural Regions of
the US: T A Russo, U Lall
0800h GC21B-0532 POSTER Linking Groundwater
Use and Stress to Specific Crops Using the
Groundwater Footprint in the Central Valley and
High Plains Aquifer Systems, U.S: Y Wada, L
Esnault, T Gleeson, J Heinke, D Gerten, E Flanary,
M F Bierkens, L P Van Beek
0800h GC21B-0533 POSTER Regional groundwater
storage changes in the Indian subcontinent: The
role of anthropogenic activities: S N Bhanja, A
Mukherjee, M Rodell, I Velicogna, K Pangaluru, J
S Famiglietti
0800h GC21B-0534 POSTER Water Sources
and Quantity for Energy Development in
Colorado’s Denver-Julesburg Basin: R Waskom, J
Kallenberger, K Boone, B Plombon, J N Ryan
0800h GC21B-0535 POSTER Countries at Risk:
Heightened Human Security Risk to States With
Transboundary Water Resources and Instability: J
C Veilleux, G S Sullivan, C Paola, A Starget, J E
Watson, Y J Hwang, J A Picucci, C S Choi
0800h GC21B-0536 POSTER Assessing the Impact of
Population Growth, Climate Change, and Land Use
Change on Water Resources in India: N Singh, K
A Cherkauer
0800h GC21B-0537 POSTER Quantification of
Water Energy Nexus for Sustainable Development
at Local Level: Case Study of Tamil Nadu: S Grover,
S Tayal
0800h GC21B-0538 POSTER Water stress, energy
security and adaptation under changing climate:
case study of Zeravshan river: T Khujanazarov, R
Namura, Y Touge, K Tanaka, K Toderich
0800h GC21B-0539 POSTER Modeling the
Vakhsh Cascade in the Amu Darya River Basin
– Implementing Future Storage Facilities in a
Hydrological Model for Impact Assessment: J F
Steiner, T Siegfried, A Yakovlev
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:45 AM
0800h GC21B-0540 POSTER Treated Wastewater’s
Potential for Improving Water and Food Security in
the Middle East and North Africa: A E Dare
0800h GC21C-0563 POSTER Systems Science,
Catastrophe Theory, and Sub-regional Climate
Change: Two Case Studies: G Vickrey
0800h GC21B-0541 POSTER The Las Vegas
Sustainability Atlas: Modeling Place-based
Interactions and Implications in the Las Vegas
Valley Bioregion: H Ego, K McCown, N Saghafi, E
Gross, W Hunter, P Zawarus, A Gann, T C Piechota
0800h GC21C-0564 POSTER Periodic Analysis
Between Solar Variability and the Earth’s
Temperature From Centuries to Ten Thousand
Years: X Zhao, X S Feng
Moscone West Poster Hall
Global Environmental Change General
Contributions Posters
Presiding: Figen Mekik, Grand Valley
State University; Ali Omar, NASA/
Langley Research Ctr; Steven Lloyd,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr
0800h GC21C-0542 POSTER Carbon Management
In the Post-Cap-and-Trade Carbon Economy-Part
II: F A DeGroff
0800h GC21C-0543 POSTER The Decrease of Snow
Occurrence Under Future Warming over the
Eastern United States: L Ning, R S Bradley
0800h GC21C-0544 POSTER Interdecadal Changes
in the Austral Winter Large-Scale Circulation:
T Ambrizzi, A C V Freitas, J S Frederiksen, J
Whelan, T O’Kane
0800h GC21C-0545 POSTER Using a Statistical
Approach to Anticipate Leaf Wetness Duration
Under Climate Change in France: F Huard, A F
Imig, P Perrin
0800h GC21C-0546 POSTER Assessing the Factors
of Regional Growth Decline of Sugar Maple: D A
Bishop, C M Beier, N Pederson, G B Lawrence, J C
Stella, T J Sullivan
0800h GC21C-0547 POSTER Projected Shifts in
Köppen Climate Zones over China and Their
Temporal Evolution in CMIP5 Multi-Model
Simulations : Q Wu, D Chan, G Jiang, X Dai
0800h GC21C-0548 POSTER Sensitivity of Ocean
Chemistry and Oxygen Change to the Uncertainty
in Climate Change: L Cao, S Wang, M Zheng, H
0800h GC21C-0549 POSTER Relationship between
SST Patterns and the Hadley circulation in CMIP5:
L Tao, Y Hu
0800h GC21C-0550 POSTER Changes in the global
divergent overturning circulation, including the
Hadley and Walker Circulations: G P Compo, P D
0800h GC21C-0551 POSTER Precipitation regime
drives soil microbial responses to warming in
temperate steppes: W Liu, J Xia, L Liu, S Wan
0800h GC21C-0552 POSTER Thermal Response
of Shallow Aquifers to Recent Climate Change: P
Bayer, K Menberg, P Blum, B L Kurylyk
0800h GC21C-0553 POSTER Evaluating the
synchronicity in yield variations of staple crops at
global scale: M Yokozawa
0800h GC21C-0554 POSTER Primary productivity
estimation in Liaodong Bay and Liaohe River Delta,
China: S Pei, S Ye, E A Laws
0800h GC21C-0555 POSTER Dispersal of ShallowWater Benthic Foraminifera – a Key to Current
and Potential Future Distribution Patterns: A E
Weinmann, S T Goldstein
0800h GC21C-0556 POSTER Shortwave heating
response to water vapor as a significant source of
uncertainty in global hydrological sensitivity in
CMIP5 models: A M DeAngelis, X Qu, A D Hall,
S A Klein
0800h GC21C-0557 POSTER Sources of spatial
and intermodel variability in CMIP5 precipitation
projections for the western and northwestern USA:
D E Rupp, J T Abatzoglou, P Mote
0800h GC21C-0558 POSTER On Improving the
Quality and Interpretation of Environmental
Assessments using Statistical Analysis and
Geographic Information Systems: R Karuppiah, A
Faldi, I Laurenzi, A Usadi, A Venkatesh
0800h GC21C-0559 POSTER Blackbird Creek
Monitoring Program to Study the impact of Climate
Change and Land Use: G Ozbay, L K Chintapenta,
K P Roeske, M Stone, L Phalen
0800h GC21C-0560 POSTER Effects of Extratropical
Cyclone Frequency and Intensity on mass balance of
the Greenland Ice Sheet: J Auger, S D Birkel, K A
Maasch, P A Mayewski
0800h GC21C-0561 POSTER NDVI and Land Cover
Change Analysis Using MODIS data in Tunisia: D
0800h GC21C-0562 POSTER Evaluation of
precipitation variability over northern South
America based on CMIP5 historical model
simulations: S C Vieira, J P Sierra, P A Arias
0800h GC21C-0565 POSTER Loss of Homeostatic
Gas Exchange in Eastern Hemlock in Response to
Pollution and Rising CO2?: S A Rayback, M H
Gagen, A Lini, C V Cogbill
0800h GC21C-0566 POSTER An Ekman Transport
Mechanism for the Atlantic Multidecadal
Oscillation: V R Pratt
Moscone West Poster Hall
Impacts of Global Change on Deltas
and Coastal Wetland Ecosystems:
Scientific Advances in Support of
Socioecological Resilience I Posters
Presiding: Zachary Tessler, City College
of New York; Wenhong Li, Duke UnivNicholas School; Ge Sun, USDA Forest
Svc; Yoshiki Saito, Geological Survey
Japan / AIST
0800h GC21D-0567 POSTER Sediment supply and
sediment storage in deltas of small mountainous
rivers since 7 ka, west and southwest Taiwan: K H
Hsiung, Y Saito
0800h GC21D-0568 POSTER Late Holocene
Environmental History of the Los Osos Watershed,
Morro Bay, CA: E Broadman, L M Reidy, D Wahl
0800h GC21D-0569 POSTER Assessing the
prehistoric shoreline changes of the Mekong delta,
Vietnam: T Tamura, Y Saito, V L Nguyen, T K O
Ta, M D Bateman, A Sato
0800h GC21D-0570 POSTER Man made deltas?: V
Maselli, F Trincardi
0800h GC21D-0571 POSTER Agricultural Land
Cover Dynamics on the Ganges-Brahmaputra
Delta: 1988-2014: D Sousa, S Chiu, D R Mondal,
C Small
0800h GC21D-0572 POSTER Spatiotemporal
Dynamics of River Channel Migration on the
Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: 2000-2013: C Small,
S Chiu, D Sousa, D R Mondal, M S Steckler, S H
Akhter, B Mia, S L Goodbred Jr, C Wilson, L Seeber
0800h GC21D-0573 POSTER Coastal Dynamics of
the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: 1988-2014: S Chiu,
D Sousa, D R Mondal, C Small
0800h GC21D-0574 POSTER Monitoring delta
subsidence with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture
Radar (InSAR): S Higgins, I Overeem, J P Syvitski
0800h GC21D-0575 POSTER Coastal Monitoring
Using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Image Data - Some Case Studies in Asian Delta
Areas: A Tanaka
0800h GC21D-0576 POSTER Multi-temporal
analysis of remote sensing and in situ data for the
study of delta systems: A Taramelli, E Valentini,
F Filipponi, S Gerlaldini, A Nguyen Xuan, F Zucca,
A Vollrath
0800h GC21D-0577 POSTER Spatio-temporal
dynamics of global peatland extent and carbon
stocks as simulated for the past twenty thousand
years: B D Stocker, R Spahni, F Joos
CHANGE: K Kynett, S Azimi-Gaylon, C Doidic
0800h GC21D-0579 POSTER Natural and HumanInduced Variations in Accretion of the Roanoke
Bay-head Delta : A Jalowska, B A McKee, A B
0800h GC21D-0581 POSTER Natural and Human
Impacts on Recent Development of Asian Large
Rivers and Deltas: P Liu, C Lu
0800h GC21D-0582 POSTER Network topology,
Transport dynamics, and Vulnerability Analysis
in River Deltas: A Graph-Theoretic Approach: A
Tejedor, E Foufoula-Georgiou, A Longjas, I V
0800h GC21D-0583 POSTER River Network
Uncertainty and Coastal Morphodynamics in the
Mekong Delta: Model Validation and Sensitivity
to Fluvial Fluxes: Z D Tessler, C J Vorosmarty, S
Cohen, H Tang
0800h GC21D-0584 POSTER Reconstructing
the Alcatraz escape: F Baart, O Hoes, R Hut, G
Donchyts, E van Leeuwen
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 11
0800h GC21D-0585 POSTER The Impact of
Hydrodynamics in Erosion - Deposition Process in
Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, South Viet
Nam: H P Vo-Luong
0800h GC21D-0586 POSTER Rejuvenating Poldered
Landscapes in a Tidally-Dominated, SedimentRich Delta: A Numerical Model and Analysis of the
Effectiveness of Tidal River Management in Coastal
Bangladesh: C M Tasich, S L Goodbred Jr, J M
Gilligan, C Wilson
0800h GC21D-0587 POSTER Natural and
anthropogenic change in the morphology and
connectivity of tidal channels of southwest
Bangladesh: C Wilson, S L Goodbred Jr, L Wallace
Auerbach, K R Ahmed, C Small, S E Sams
0800h GC21D-0588 POSTER Methane Dynamics
in Sediments from Mangrove-dominated Costal
Lagoons: P C Chuang, A Paytan, M B Young
0800h GC21D-0589 POSTER Unexpectedly High
Methane Emissions through Black Ash Lenticels
in Forest Wetlands of Northern Michigan: N W
Bolton, M J Van Grinsven, J Shannon, J Davis, S
D Sebestyen, R K Kolka, J W Wagenbrenner, T G
0800h GC21D-0590 POSTER Leaf Tissue C:N and
Soil N are Modified by Growing Season and Goose
Grazing Phenology in a Sub-Arctic Coastal Wetland
of Western Alaska: R T Choi, K H Beard, A J
Leffler, J A Schmutz, J M Welker
0800h GC21D-0591 POSTER Early Season Goose
Grazing Has a Greater Effect Than Advancement of
the Growing Season on Net Ecosystem Exchange in
a Sub-Arctic Coastal Wetland of Western Alaska: A
J Leffler, R T Choi, K H Beard, J A Schmutz, J M
0800h GC21D-0592 POSTER Do Peatlands
Hibernate?: E Dorrepaal, C Signarbieux, V Jassey,
R Mills, A Buttler, B Robroek
0800h GC21D-0593 POSTER Modeling the Effects
of Changes to Physical, Hydrological, and Biological
Processes on Porewater Salinity Distributions in a
Southeastern Salt Marsh: D Miklesh, C D Meile
0800h GC21D-0594 POSTER Spatial patterns in
soil biogeochemical process rates along a Louisiana
wetland salinity gradient in the Barataria Bay
estuarine system: B J Roberts, M W Rich, H L
Sullivan, R Bledsoe, M Dawson, B Donnelly, J M
Moscone West Poster Hall
Linking Human and Environmental
Change: Evidence for the Early
Anthropogenic Hypothesis I Posters
(joint with PP)
Presiding: Aubrey Hillman, University of
Pittsburgh; David Pompeani, University
of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus
0800h GC21E-0595 POSTER Human Impact on
Biogeochemical Cycles and Deposition Dynamics
in Karstic Lakes: El Tobar Lake Record (Central
Iberian Range, Spain): F Barreiro-Lostres, A
Moreno-Caballud, S Giralt, A L Hillman, E T
Brown, M B Abbott, B L Valero-Garces
0800h GC21E-0596 POSTER Long Term
Atmospheric and Erosional Pollution As Recorded
in Lake Sediments from Yunnan, China: A L
Hillman, M B Abbott, J Yu, D Bain, T Chiou-Peng
0800h GC21E-0597 POSTER Human-Environment
Interactions during the Last 8000 Years in the
Environs of the Ancient City of Ephesus, Western
Turkey: F Stock, M Knipping, A Pint, H Brückner
0800h GC21E-0598 POSTER Prehistoric land use
in southern Loess Plateau reconstructed from
archeological data by a new developed model: Y Yu,
H Wu, Z Guo
0800h GC21E-0599 POSTER Copper mining
pollution detected on Isle Royale in Lake Superior
between 6500 and 5400 years ago using sediment
geochemical studies: D P Pompeani, M B Abbott,
D Bain, S DePasqual, M S Finkenbinder
geochemistry depicts 2700 years of regional climate
and land use change in the Rieti Basin, Central Italy:
C Archer, P J Noble, S A Mensing, I Tunno, L
Sagnotti, F Florindo, G Cifnani, S R H Zimmerman,
G Piovesan
0800h GC21E-0601 POSTER The Impacts of
Advancing Glaciers and Jökulhlaups on the 19th
Century Farming Community in the Suðursveit
District South of Vatnajökull Glacier, Iceland: F S
Sigurmundsson, G Gísladóttir, E Erlendsson
0800h GC21E-0602 POSTER Two Millennia of
Pb Pollution Related to Altiplano Metallurgical
Activities and Leaded Gasoline in South America
from Illimani Ice Core : A Eichler, G Gramlich, T
Kellerhals, L Tobler, M Schwikowski
Moscone West 3003
Agriculture in an Uncertain Future:
Understanding and Responding to the
Impacts of Extreme Events I (joint with
B, H, NH)
Presiding: Pedram Rowhani, University
of Sussex; Navin Ramankutty, McGill
University; Toshichika Iizumi, NIAES
0800h GC21F-01 Global Famine after a Regional
Nuclear War: A Robock, L Xia, M J Mills, A
Stenke, I Helfand
0815h GC21F-02 The past impact of climate change
on the yield of major crops: G Sakurai, T Iizumi, M
Nishimori, M Okada, M Yokozawa
0830h GC21F-03 Can Multiple Cropping Help to
Avoid the Impacts of Heat Extremes? The Case of
Winter Wheat/Soybean Double Cropping in the
United States: C Seifert, D B Lobell
0845h GC21F-04 Extreme weather events and global
crop production: D K Ray, J S Gerber, P C West
0900h GC21F-05 Agricultural and Social Resiliency
of Small-Scale Agriculture to Economic and
Climatic Shocks: A Comparison of Subsistence
versus Market-Based Agricultural Approaches in
Rural Guatemala: J J Malard, H Melgar-Quiñonez,
P Pineda, J Gálvez, J F Adamowski
0915h GC21F-06 Quantifying the risks of winter
damage on overwintering crops under future
climates: Will low-temperature damage be more
likely in warmer climates?: G Vico, M Weih
0930h GC21F-07 Non-stationarity of “Nature’s
Limit” - Implications for Agriculture in Semi-arid
Environments: C Tozer, A Kiem, D Verdon-Kidd
0945h GC21F-08 Beyond extreme temperatures:
soil water supply and yield variability: D Urban, D
B Lobell
Moscone West 3001
Climate Change in Mountains:
Elevational Dependency and Diverse
Impacts I (joint with B)
Presiding: Natalie Kehrwald, University
of Venice; Gregory Greenwood,
University of Bern; Imtiaz Rangwala,
Western Water Assessment/CIRES;
Dragos Zaharescu, University of
0800h GC21G-01 Climatic Teleconnections
Recorded By Tropical Mountain Glaciers: L G
Thompson, D Permana, E Mosley-Thompson, M
E Davis
DRIVING EDW: H F Diaz, R S Bradley
0830h GC21G-03 Dust Records in Ice Cores from the
Tibetan Plateau: N Wang, T Yao, L G Thompson
0845h GC21G-04 Scalable Climate Forcing Optical
Indices: How Effective Are They in Alpine Lakes?:
C E Williamson, E Overholt, J Fischer, M Olson, J
Brentrup, J E Saros, J M Melack
0900h GC21G-05 Comparitive Studies Between
in-Situ Observations and Reanalysis Products in
Tibetan Plateau : T Yao
0915h GC21G-06 The Impact of Changes in Water
Vapor, Clouds, and Snow Cover on Elevation
Dependent Warming: C M Naud, J R Miller, Y
Chen, D Ghatak, I Rangwala, E Sinsky, M Xu
0930h GC21G-07 An Exploration, for the Upper
Indus Basin, of Elevation Dependency in the
Relationships Between Locally Observed Near
Surface Air Temperature (SAT) and RemotelySensed Land Surface Temperature (LST): N D
Forsythe, H J Fowler, S Blenkinsop, C G Kilsby, D
R Archer, A J Hardy, T D C Holderness
0945h GC21G-08 Causal Chains Arising from
Climate Change in Mountain Regions: the Core
Program of the Mountain Research Initiative: G B
Moscone West 3016
Drought and Its Impacts on
Terrestrial Ecosystems: Current
Understanding and Future Prospects I
(joint with A, B, H, NH)
Presiding: Melinda Smith, Colorado
State University; Osvaldo Sala, Arizona
State University; Richard Phillips,
Indiana University; Alan Knapp,
Colorado State University
11/28/2014 10:44:45 AM
0800h Welcoming Remarks:
0802h GC21H-01 How Does Drought Change With
Climate Change: K E Trenberth
0817h GC21H-02 Consistent Predictions of Future
Forest Mortality: N G McDowell
0832h GC21H-03 Drought and tree mortality
in tropical rainforest: understanding and
differentiating functional responses: P Meir,
L Rowland, A C L da Costa, M Mencuccini, A
Oliveira, O Binks, B O Christoffersen, M Eliane, S
Vasconcelos, B Kruijt, L Ferreira
Hawkes, B Waring, J Rocca, S Kivlin, H Giauque,
C Averill
0902h GC21H-05 Stability of Grassland
Communities to Altered Precipitation: A MetaAnalysis: Y Luo, Z Shi, S L Collins, A Knapp, W
Pockman, M Smith
0917h GC21H-06 Sensitivity of Carbon and Water
Fluxes to Droughts across the Conterminous United
States: H Tian, J Yang
0932h GC21H-07 Drought-Net: An international
network to assess terrestrial ecosystem sensitivity to
drought: M Smith, R Phillips, O E Sala
0947h Concluding Remarks
0950h Discussion
Moscone West 3008
Quantifying Changes in Temperature
Distributions II (joint with A, NG)
Presiding: Andrew Rhines, Harvard
University; Martin Tingley, Pennsylvania
State University Main Campus; Karen
McKinnon, Harvard University; Peter
Huybers, Harvard University
0800h GC21I-01 Global Observed Changes in
Temperature Extremes: M Donat, L V Alexander
0815h GC21I-02 Has the Temperature Climate
of the United States Become More Extreme?: L E
Stevens, K Kunkel, R S Vose, R W Knight
0830h GC21I-03 Projected Increase in Diurnal and
Inter-Diurnal Variations of European Summer
Temperatures: J Cattiaux, H Douville, R Schoetter,
S Parey, P Yiou
0845h GC21I-04 Need for Caution in Interpreting
Daily Temperature Extremes: P D Sardeshmukh,
G P Compo, C Penland
0900h GC21I-05 Short-tailed Temperature
Distributions over North America and Implications
for Future Changes in Extremes: P Loikith, J D
0915h GC21I-06 Using Spectral Methods to
Quantify Changes in Temperature Variability
across Frequencies: S Sun, D McInerney, M Stein,
W Leeds, A N Poppick, L Nazarenko, G A Schmidt,
E J Moyer
0930h GC21I-07 A Global Analysis of the Link
between Soil Moisture Dynamics and Warm
Extremes: E Casagrande, N K Kondapalli, B
Mueller, D G Miralles, A Molini
0945h GC21I-08 Physical Factors Influencing
Changes in Temperature Distributions: R M Dole
Moscone West 3006
Strategies for Cooling Earth: Solar
Geoengineering and Carbon Dioxide
Removal II
(joint with A)
Presiding: Piers Forster, Univ. of Leeds;
Ben Kravitz, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory; Hauke Schmidt, Max
Planck Institute for Meteorology; Marcia
McNutt, American Association for the
Advancement of Science
0800h GC21J-01 An Assessment of Radiation
Modification from a European Perspective: J E
Kristjansson, M G Lawrence, O Boucher, J M
Haywood, P J Irvine, H Muri, H Schmidt, M Schulz,
N Vaughan, M Watson, W Born, S Schaefer, H
0815h GC21J-02 Modeling of Solar Radiation
Management: A Comparison of Simulations Using
Reduced Solar Constant and Stratospheric Sulphate
Aerosols: G Bala, S Kalidindi, A Modak, K Caldeira
GC21J-03 Cloud-Resolving
Simulations of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
Triggered by Strong Aerosol Emissions in the
Arctic: H Wang, B Kravitz, P J Rasch, H Morrison,
A Solomon
AGU2014News.indb 12
0845h GC21J-04 Solar geoengineering to limit the
rate of temperature change: D G MacMartin, K
Caldeira, D Keith
0900h GC21J-05 Ecological Limits to Terrestrial
Biological Carbon Dioxide Removal: M S Torn, L J
Smith, U Mishra, D Sanchez, J Williams
0915h GC21J-06 Direct Air Capture of CO2 - an
Overview of Carbon Engineering’s Technology and
Pilot Plant Development: G Holmes, A Corless
0930h GC21J-07 Chemical and Biological Catalytic
Enhancement of Weathering of Silicate Minerals
and industrial wastes as a Novel Carbon Capture
and Storage Technology: A H A Park
0945h GC21J-08 Status of Geological Storage of
CO2 as Part of Negative Emissions Strategy: S M
Moscone South Poster Hall
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
General Contributions II Posters
Presiding: Michael Purucker, American
Geophysical Union; Richard Gordon,
Rice Univ
0800h GP21A-3638 POSTER Paleomagnetism
of a 150 m Sediment Core from the Co-Seismic
Subsidence Depocenter of the 2009 Mw=6.1
L’Aquila Earthquake (Italy): P Macri’, M Porreca, L
Sagnotti, A Smedile, F Speranza
0800h GP21A-3639 POSTER Paleomagnetic Study
of Plio-Pleistocene Sediments in the Concentrated
Deformation Zone Along the Eastern Margin of the
Japan Sea: H Hoshi, K Yamada
Chronology and Time-Space Evolution of Holocene
Volcanic Activity on the Capelo Peninsula (Faial
Island, Azores): The Paleomagnetic Contribution:
A Di Chiara, F Speranza, M Porreca, A H Pimentel,
F D’ajello Caracciolo, J Pacheco
0800h GP21A-3641 POSTER Paleomagnetism and
40ar/39ar Geochronology of the Plio-Pleistocene
Boring Volcanic Field: Implications for the
Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale: J T Hagstrum,
R J Fleck, R C Evarts, A T Calvert, R M Conrey
0800h GP21A-3642 POSTER Brunhes-Matuyama
Magnetic Polarity Reversal Tracing using Chinese
loess10Be: W Zhou, W Beck, X Kong, Z An, X
Qiang, Z Wu, F Xian, H Ao
0800h GP21A-3643 POSTER Comprehensive
Paleomagnetic Study of the Oligocene-Miocene
Rocks from the San Luis Potosí Volcanic Field,
Mexico: L M Alva-Valdivia, J A Gonzalez-Rangel,
J R Torres-Hernandez
0800h GP21A-3644 POSTER A New Interface for
the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)
Paleo and Rock Magnetic Database: N Jarboe, R
Minnett, A A P Koppers, L Tauxe, C Constable, R
Shaar, L Jonestrask
0800h GP21A-3645 POSTER Paleomagnetism and
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility study of
the Miocene Jack Springs Tuff (Nevada, USA): S
Shields, M S Petronis, C J Pluhar, L Gordon
0800h GP21A-3646 POSTER Paleomagnetic
Correlation of Late Miocene-Pliocene Basalt Flows
in the Northwestern Basin and Range: Documenting
Timing of Faulting, Volcanism and Verticalaxis Rotation in Surprise Valley, Northeastern
California: B T Ritzinger, J M G Glen, A E Egger
0800h GP21A-3647 POSTER A Comprehensive
Paleomagnetic Study on Radiometrically Dated Late
Cretaceous Lava Flows from Jalisco Block (Western
Mexico): J Rosas-Elguera, M A Cervantes, A
Gogichaishvili, J Morales
0800h GP21A-3648 POSTER Paleomagnetic Pole
Positions and Geomagnetic Secular Variation for
Southern Hemisphere During Early Cretaceous: M
C Solano, A Goguitchaichvili, M Mena, L M AlvaValdivia, J Morales, R Cejudo
0800h GP21A-3649 POSTER Age controlled
paleomagnetic records of deep-sea sediments in the
Northeast equatorial Pacific: W Kim, K Hyeong, S
B Chi, S J Doh
0800h GP21A-3650 POSTER A new approach to
study rotational deformation near plate boundaries
by combining paleomagnetism and geodetic
observations: N Ginsburg, R Granot, Y Hamiel
0800h GP21A-3651 POSTER Paleomagnetism and
Lithostratigraphy of the Miocene Tuff of Huntoon
Creek Type Section: S Johnson, C J Pluhar, J R
0800h GP21A-3652 POSTER PmagPy: Software
Package for Paleomagnetic Data Analysis and
Gateway to the Magnetics Information Consortium
(MagIC) Database: L Jonestrask, L Tauxe, R
Shaar, N Jarboe, R Minnett, A A P Koppers
0800h H21A-0696 POSTER The Impact of
Fluid Properties and Flow Conditions on the
Measurement of Relative Permeability and Residual
CO2 Trapping Saturation for CO2-Brine Systems: B
Niu, A Al-Menhali, S C Krevor
B Carpenter, K Yazzie, D Melton
Determination of the Effects Carbon Sequestration
into Dolomite and Marl Beds of the Jefferson
Formation, Montana: S A Mangini, M L Skidmore,
C A Shaw
0800h GP21A-3654 POSTER Paleomagnetic
Study of Azores Archipelago: Volcano-Tectonic
Implications: P F Silva, B Henry, F O Marques,
P Madureira, J M A Miranda, N V Lourenco, J
Madeira, A Hildenbrand, J C Nunes, Z Roxerová
0800h H21A-0698 POSTER Defining Noble Gas
Partitioning for Carbon Capture and Storage
Environments: O Warr, A Masters, C Rochelle, C
J Ballentine
0800h GP21A-3655 POSTER Paleomagnetism in the
Determination of the Emplacement Temperature
of Cerro Colorado Tuff Cone, El Pinacate Volcanic
Field, Sonora, Mexico: A Rodriguez Trejo, L M
Alva-Valdivia, J R Vidal Solano, B Garcia Amador, J
A Gonzalez-Rangel
0800h GP21A-3657 POSTER Paleomagnetic and
Rock Magnetic Results From the Chenaillet
Ophiolite (French/Italian Alps) and its
Interpretation as a Former Oceanic Core Complex:
J H Carlut, D Bonnemains, C Mevel, B Debret, M
Cannat, J Escartin, G Manatschal
Marriott Marquis Salons
Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic
Aspects of Chronostratigraphy I
Presiding: Kenneth Kodama, Lehigh
University; Luigi Jovane, USP University
of Sao Paulo; Emilio Herrero-Bervera,
University of Hawaii
0800h GP21B-01 Future Challenges in Magnetic
Paleointensity Stratigraphy: D Heslop, A P Roberts,
L Tauxe
0815h GP21B-02 Astrochronologic Testing in
Deep-Time Strata: Historical Overview and Recent
Advances: S R Meyers
0830h GP21B-03 Unsteadiness of Deformation
in Growth Strata From Magnetostratigraphy and
Cyclostratigraphy, SE Pyrenees, Spain: J M Pares,
J H Carrigan, D J Anastasio
0845h GP21B-04 Current Status of the Late
Triassic and Early Jurassic APTS from Continental
Sediments and Correlation with Standard Marine
Stages: D V Kent, P E Olsen, G Muttoni
0900h GP21B-05 South China Sea Tectonics and
Magnetics: Constraints from IODP Expedition 349
and Deep-tow Magnetic Surveys: J Lin, C F Li, D K
Kulhanek, X Zhao, Q Liu, X Xu, Z Sun, J Zhu
0915h GP21B-06 Crustal Magnetization and
Magnetic Petrology in Basalts – What Can We
Learn from Scientific Drillings?: A M Kontny
0930h GP21B-07 Multipolarity Remanences in
Lower Oceanic Crustal Gabbros Recovered By
Drilling at Hess Deep (Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program Expedition 345): A Morris, A J Horst, S
A Friedman
0945h GP21B-08 Quaternary Sediments in the
Arctic Ocean: Towards Solving a Paleomagnetic
Conundrum: I Snowball, B C Lougheed, M
Moscone West Poster Hall
Coupled Hydraulic, Geochemical, and
Geomechanical Processes in Carbon
Storage III Posters
Presiding: Stuart Walsh, LLNL; Susan
Carroll, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
0800h H21A-0692 POSTER Consisitent and
Accurate Finite Volume Methods for Coupled Flow
and Geomechanics: J M Nordbotten
0800h H21A-0693 POSTER Implications of SubHydrostatic Pressures in the Bravo Dome Natural
CO2 Reservoir for the Long-Term Security of
Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage: D Akhbari, M
A Hesse, T Larson
0800h H21A-0694 POSTER CO2-Brine Displacement
in Geological CO2 Sequestration: Microfluidic Flow
Model Study: S C Cao, J Jung
0800h H21A-0695 POSTER Laboratory CO2-Rich
Brine Percolation Experiments through Heletz
Samples (Israel): Role of the Flow Rate and Brine
Composition: L Luquot, P Gouze, J Carrera
0800h H21A-0699 POSTER Interaction Between
CO2-Rich Sulfate Solutions and Carbonate
Reservoir Rocks from Atmospheric to Supercritical
CO2 Conditions: Experiments and Modeling:
J Cama, M Garcia-Rios, L Luquot, J M Soler
0800h H21A-0700 POSTER Extensive CO2 Leakage
From Extinct and Modern CO2 Reservoirs in New
Mexico and Arizona: Evaluating the Role of Seal
Bypass and Large-Volume Travertine Deposition
With Implications For CO2 Sequestration: A
Priewisch, L J Crossey, K E Karlstrom, P Mozley
0800h H21A-0701 POSTER Comparison of Fracture
Gradient Methods for the FutureGen 2.0 Carbon
Storage Site, Ill., USA: D Appriou, F Spane, S
Wurstner White, M E Kelley, E C Sullivan, A
Bonneville, T J Gilmore
0800h H21A-0702 POSTER Evaluating Risks of
Sequestered CO2 on Groundwater Quality: the
Combined and Separate Effects of CH4, As, and Cd:
A Lawter, N P Qafoku, H Shao, C F Brown
0800h H23O-02 POSTER Impact of Casing
Expansion on the Mechanical and Petro-Physical
Properties of Wellbore Cements: A E Oyibo
0800h H21A-0704 POSTER Effects of Lithology of
Deep Layered Geologic Formations on Trapping of
Dissolved CO2: E Agartan, A Cihan, J T Birkholzer,
Q Zhou, T H Illangasekare
0800h H21A-0705 POSTER The effect of
heterogeneity identifying the leakage of carbon
dioxide in a shallow aquifer: an experimental study :
S W Ha, S H Lee, W T Jeon, Y J Joo, K K Lee
0800h H21A-0706 POSTER Rock Physics Analysis
for the Characterization of the Geological CO2
Storage Prospect in Southwestern Ulleung Basin,
Korea: G Min, J Han, M Lee, Y Keehm
0800h H21A-0707 POSTER Evaluation of In-Situ
Stress Assessment from Deep Borehole in the
Middle Coastal Plain and Its implication for Taiwan
Tectonics: E C Yeh, W C Li, T C Chiang, W Lin, T
T Wang, C W Yu, C H Chiao, M W Yang
0800h H21A-0708 POSTER Effects of Impurities
in CO2 Spreading Model Development for Field
Experiments in the Framework of the CO2QUEST
Project: D Rebscher, J L Wolf, B Jung, J Bensabat,
R Segev, A P Niemi
0800h H21A-0709 POSTER Investigation of
Microseismicity Triggered by Raised Pore Pressure
through Laboratory CO2 Injection Tests in Berea
Sandstone: S Lee, C Chang
0800h H21A-0710 POSTER Upscaling of CO2Brine Flow with Capillary Heterogeneity Effects: A
Rabinovich, K Itthisawatpan, L J Durlofsky
0800h H43A-0938 POSTER Assessment of Early
Leak-Detection Capabilities at a Commercial-Scale
Carbon Capture and Storage Site: M D Williams,
V R Vermeul, M Oostrom, S Porse
0800h H21A-0712 POSTER Prediction and Detection
of Land Surface Deformation Associated with CO2
Injection at the FutureGen 2.0 Carbon Capture and
Storage Project Site: C E Strickland, F Spane, A
Bonneville, C J Murray, B N Nguyen, V R Vermeul,
T J Gilmore
0800h H21A-0713 POSTER Coupled LBM-DEM
Three-phase Simulation on Gas Flux Seeping from
Marine Sediment: Y Kano, T Sato
0800h H21A-0714 POSTER The Evolution of a
Fracture in a Dolomite Sample During Dissolution
Induced by a CO2-Saturated Solution Flow at
Reservoir Conditions: a Dynamic Synchrotron
X-Ray Microtomography Study: M Voltolini, L
Yang, J B Ajo Franklin
0800h H21A-0715 POSTER Experimental and
Numerical analysis for the effect of capillary
number on two-phase flow in porous sandstone: K
Kitamura, H Honda, Y Mitani
0800h H21A-0716 POSTER Experimental study
about estimating the permeability and storativity
properties of CO2 in low permeable rocks under the
CO2 injection by flow-pump method: H Honda, Y
Mitani, H Ikemi, K Kitamura
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:45 AM
0800h H21A-0717 POSTER Evaluation of Impacts
of Permeability and Porosity of Storage Formations
on Leakage Risk of Deep Groundwater and Carbon
Dioxide Due to Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage: S
Lee, J Y Park, S U Park, J M Kim, J H Kihm
0800h H21A-0718 POSTER Effect of injection wells
with partially perforated completion on CO2/brine
flow distribution and injectivity: E Guyant, W S
Han, K Y Kim, N H Jung
0800h H21A-0719 POSTER Applications of
Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) to
Analysis of Carbon Stable Isotope Composition of
Groundwater: T Jeong, N C Woo, H Choi
0800h H21A-0721 POSTER Visualization of CO2
flooding in an artificial porous structure using
micromodels: B Park, S Wang, M Lee, J G Um
0800h H21A-0722 POSTER Experimental study
of heterogeneity-induced capillary trapping in
the context of leakage from geologic carbon
sequestration sites: B Liang, A F Clarens
0800h H21A-0723 POSTER Geochemical effects of
CO2 injection on produced water chemistry at an
enhanced oil recovery site in the Permian Basin of
northwest Texas, USA: Preliminary geochemical
and Li isotope results: S Pfister, J Gardiner, T T
Phan, G L Macpherson, J R Diehl, C L Lopano, B W
Stewart, R C Capo
0800h H21A-0724 POSTER Numerical Study on
the Effects of pH Buffering Minerals for CO2
Sequestration in Geology by CMS Technology: S
Miyoshi, K Suzuki
Moscone West Poster Hall
The Role of Geoscience in Establishing
a Scientific Basis for Long-Term
Waste Management: The Study of
Deep-Seated, Low-Permeability
Groundwater Systems Posters
Presiding: Sarah Hirschorn, Nuclear
Waste Management Organization; Mark
Jensen, Nuclear Waste Management
0800h H21B-0725 POSTER Efficient Modelling of
Radionuclide Transport in Highly Heterogeneous
Media and Under Variable Hydrochemical
Conditions Using an “Intelligent Kd” Approach: P
Trinchero, S L Painter, H Ebrahimi, L Koskinen, J
Molinero, J O Selroos
0800h H21B-0726 POSTER Development of Modern
Performance Assessment Tools and Capabilities for
Underground Disposal of Transuranic Waste at
WIPP: T Zeitler, T B Kirchner, G E Hammond, H
0800h H21B-0727 POSTER Air and groundwater
flow at the interface between fractured host rock
and a bentonite buffer: B Dessirier, J Jarsjo, A
0800h H21B-0728 POSTER Assessment of
groundwater chemical evolution for a spent
nuclear fuel repository under prolonged temperate
conditions: an application of efficient coupled
groundwater flow and reactive transport simulation:
B Gylling, L J Hartley, S J Joyce, H Woollard, N
Marsic, M Sidborn, I Puigdomenech, J O Selroos
0800h H21B-0729 POSTER Use of Natural Tracers
for Understanding Porewater Residence Time
and Solute Transport: Challenges Encountered in
Paleozoic Rocks of the Michigan Basin: T A Al, M
Celejewski, I D Clark
0800h H21B-0730 POSTER MIN3P-Thcm Reactive
Transport Modelling in Low Permeability Media
- Mont Terri in-Situ Diffusion Experiments and
EBS-TF-C Benchmarks: M Xie, P Rasouli, K U
Mayer, K T B MacQuarrie
0800h H21B-0731 POSTER Mineralogical Evidence
for the Palaeohydrogeological Stability of a Deep
Groundwater System in Fractured Rock, in West
Cumbria, Northwest England : A E Milodowski,
M R Gillespie, S R N Chenery, J Naden, R P Shaw
0800h H21B-0732 POSTER A new method for
characterization of porewater chemistry in lowpermeability sedimentary rocks: M Celejewski, T
A Al, I D Clark
0800h H21B-0733 POSTER Assessing Alternative
Processes for the Cause of Under-pressures in the
Ordovician Sediments at the Eastern Flank of the
Michigan Basin: S D Normani, Y Yin, J F Sykes
0800h H21B-0734 POSTER Illitization within
bentonite engineered barrier system in clay
repositories for nuclear waste and its effect on the
swelling stress: a coupled THMC modeling study: L
Zheng, J Rutqvist, J T Birkholzer, H H Liu
0800h H21B-0735 POSTER Generation of Bentonite
Colloids Under Repository-relevant Conditions
in the CFM Long-term In situ Test, Grimsel Test
Site, Switzerland: G W Lanyon, I Blechschmidt, T
Schaefer, K Kontar, P Steiner, A J Martin
0800h H21B-0736 POSTER Redox kinetics
and colloid formation during water-chlorite
interactions: E G Kim, H Ahn, J H Ryu, H Y Jo
0800h H21C-0758 POSTER Back-Diffusion from
Low-Permeability Layers: M Yang, M D Annable,
J W Jawitz
0800h H21B-0737 POSTER Three-Dimensional
Geologic Modeling of a Prospective Deep
Underground Laboratory Site for High-Level
Radioactive Waste Disposal in Korea: J Y Park, S
Lee, S U Park, J M Kim, J H Kihm
0800h H21C-0759 POSTER Soil Moisture Transit
Times on a Steep Hillslope : S Kim, E Jnag, J Jeong
0800h H21B-0738 POSTER Determination of
Surface Charge of Titanium Dioxide (Anatase) at
High Ionic Strength: M A Schoonen, D R Strongin
0800h H21B-0739 POSTER Evaluation of WaterMineral Interaction Using Microfluidic Tests with
Thin Sections: Y S Oh, J H Ryu, Y K Koh, H Y Jo
Moscone West Poster Hall
Persistent Problems in Multiphase
Flow in Porous Media: Modern
Approaches to Modelling and
Visualization of Flow from Pore to
Laboratory and Field-Scales III Posters
Presiding: Mark Porter, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Ryan Armstrong,
University of New South Wales; Luis
Cueto-Felgueroso, MIT; Florian Doster,
Heriot-Watt University
0800h H21C-0740 POSTER A New Dual-Pore
Formation Factor Model: A Percolation Network
Study and Comparison to Experimental Data: Y B
Tang, M Li, Y Bernabe
0800h H21C-0741 POSTER Effects of the Sand
Characteristics on the Dynamic Capillary Pressure
during the Downward Infiltration: Y T Liu, S Y Hsu
0800h H21C-0742 POSTER Percolation Pore
Network Study on the Residue Gas Saturation of
Dry Reservoir Rocks: T CHENG, Y B Tang, G Y
Zou, K Jiang, M Li
0800h H21C-0743 POSTER A Cahn-Hilliard
framework for thin-film flows in the partialwetting regime: A A Pahlavan, M Chen, L CuetoFelgueroso, G H McKinley, R Juanes
0800h H21C-0744 POSTER Investigation of
parameter estimation and impact of injection
rate on relative permeability measurements for
supercritical CO2 and water by unsteady-state
method: Y Hiratsuka, H Yamamoto
Determination of Surface Area of Residual Phase
in Porous Media at Pore- and Continuum-Scale: S
Mohammadian, H J Vogel, H W Geistlinger
0800h H21C-0746 POSTER Modeling Hysteresis
Effect in Three-Phase Relative Permeability: A
Kianinejad, X Chen, D A DiCarlo
0800h H21C-0747 POSTER Effect of Water Content
and Soil Texture on Consolidation in Unsaturated
Soils: J W Lee, W C Lo, C L Yeh
0800h H21C-0748 POSTER The impact of fluid
topology on residual saturations – A pore-network
model study: F Doster, W Kallel, R van Dijke
0800h H21C-0749 POSTER Manipulation of Contact
Angles and Interfacial Lengths of Liquid Drops
using Electro-Kinetic Techniques: X Zhou, D D
Nolte, L J Pyrak-Nolte
0800h H21C-0750 POSTER Challenges in the
segmentation and analysis of X-ray Micro-CT
image data: J D Larsen, M G Schaap, M Tuller, R
Kulkarni, A Guber
0800h H21C-0751 POSTER Simulation of H2O-vapor
and Brine-CO2 in porous media with a Lattice
Boltzmann Model: M G Schaap
0800h H21C-0752 POSTER Micro-CT imaging of
reservoir condition CO2 during multi-phase flow in
natural rock: M G Andrew, B Bijeljic, H P Menke,
M J Blunt
0800h H21C-0753 POSTER 4D Imaging of Salt
Precipitation during Evaporation from Saline
Porous Media Influenced by the Particle Size
Distribution: M Norouzi Rad, N Shokri
0800h H21C-0754 POSTER Non-equilibrium model
of two-phase porous media flow with phase change:
L Cueto-Felgueroso, X Fu, R Juanes
0800h H21C-0755 POSTER A Two-Dimensional
Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for Analyzing
Equilibrium States in a Two-Fluid-Phase Porous
Medium System: A L Dye, J E McClure, D
Adalsteinsson, W G Gray, C T Miller
0800h H21C-0756 POSTER Pore-scale displacement
processes and relaxation dynamics in multiphase
flow imaged at sub-second temporal resolution: R T
Armstrong, H Ott, A Georgiadis, M Rucker, S Berg
0800h H21C-0757 POSTER Rock Permeability and
Electrical Response Characteristics Under Different
Effective Stress: W Jun Zhao, M Li
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 13
Moscone West Poster Hall
Response of Subsurface Hydrological
and Biogeochemical Processes to
Changing Climate Posters
Presiding: Yusong Li, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln; Shannon BarteltHunt, University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
Maoyi Huang, Pacific NW Nat’l LabAtmos Sci; Lirong Zhong, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
0800h H21D-0760 POSTER Comparison of Water
and Nutrient Cycles in the North China Plain and
U.S. High Plains related to Climate Forcing: B R
Scanlon, H Pei, Y Shen
0800h H21D-0761 POSTER Changing stream water
sources from climate-exacerbated insect infestation
in forested watersheds: a combined field and multiscale modeling analysis: R M Maxwell, L A Bearup,
C A Penn, J Jefferson, N B Engdahl
0800h H21D-0762 POSTER Modeling the
Hydrological Response to Climate Change in an
Arid Inland River Basin: C Zheng, A Zhang, Y
Tian, Y Zheng, J Liu
0800h H21D-0763 POSTER The Impact of Changes
in Water Availability on Geothermal Power
Generation: W E Glassley
0800h H21D-0764 POSTER Damping of multifrequency infiltration with depth in the vadose
zone: J Dickinson, T P A Ferre
0800h H21D-0765 POSTER Sensitivity of
Groundwater Recharge Estimations to Climate
Change and Frequency Distribution of Precipitation
Events: Insights from a Lysimeter Modelling Study:
J von Freyberg, C Moeck, M Schirmer
0800h H21D-0766 POSTER Alpine Groundwater –
Pristine Aquifers Under Threat?: P Schneider, A
0800h H21D-0767 POSTER A modeling study of
irrigation effects on global surface- and groundwater
resources under a changing climate : G Leng, M
Huang, Q Tang, L R Leung
0800h H21D-0768 POSTER Impact of Elevated CO2
on Trace Element Release from Aquifer Sediments
of the San Joaquin Valley, CA: P M Fox, P S Nico, J
A Davis, N Spycher
0800h H21D-0769 POSTER Dynamic Land Surface
Classifcations using Microwave Frequencies: H
Jackson, Y Tian, C D Peters-Lidard, K W Harrison
Moscone West Poster Hall
Precipitation Partitioning by
Vegetation: Methods, Measurement,
and Modeling of Hydrologic and
Biogeochemical Dimensions I Posters
(joint with A, B, C)
Presiding: John Van Stan, Georgia
Southern University; Delphis Levia,
University of Delaware; Darryl CarlyleMoses, Thompson Rivers University
0800h H21E-0771 POSTER Stemflow Acid
Neutralization Capacity in a Broadleaved Deciduous
Forest: The Role of Edge Effects: D F Levia Jr, A
0800h H21E-0772 POSTER Evolution of Forest
Methodologies: J Friesen, J D Lundquist, J T Van
Stan II
0800h H21E-0773 POSTER Alterations to
throughfall water and solute flux by Tillandsias
usneoides L. (Spanish moss) cover in a maritime live
oak forest: T E Gay, J T Van Stan II, J S Reichard, L
D Moore, E S Lewis
0800h H21E-0774 POSTER Lidar-based models of
precipitation interception in the boreal forest of the
Eklutna Valley, Alaska: T S Smeltz Jr, R Dial
0800h H21E-0775 POSTER Throughfall Drop Size
Distribution in relation to Leaf Canopy State: S
Hudson, K Nanko, D F Levia Jr
0800h H21E-0776 POSTER How Do Rubber (Hevea
brasiliensis) Plantations Cope with Seasonal Drought
in Northern Thailand and Central Cambodia?: T
Kumagai, T W Giambelluca
0800h H21E-0777 POSTER Identifying patterns
of forest hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes
using weather map classification in a Mid-Atlantic
deciduous forest: C M Siegert, D F Levia Jr, D J
Leathers, J T Van Stan II, M J Mitchell
0800h H21E-0778 POSTER Canopy structural
alterations to nitrogen functions of the soil
microbial community in a Quercus virginiana
forest: L D Moore, J T Van Stan II, C L Rosier, T
E Gay, T Wu
0800h H21E-0779 POSTER Throughfall under a teak
plantation in Thailand: a multifactorial analysis on
the effects of canopy phenology and meteorological
conditions: N Tanaka, D F Levia Jr, Y Igarashi,
K Nanko, N Yoshifuji, K Tanaka, T Chatchai, M
Suzuki, T Kumagai
0800h H21E-0780 POSTER Forest canopy structural
controls over throughfall affect soil microbial
community structure in an epiphyte-laden maritime
oak stand: J T Van Stan II, C L Rosier, J O Schrom,
T Wu, J S Reichard, J Kan
0800h H21E-0781 POSTER Seasonal Dynamics
of Soil Microbial Community Structure in the
Proximal Area of Tree Boles: Possible Influence of
Stemflow : C L Rosier, D F Levia Jr, J T Van Stan
II, J Kan
0800h H21E-0782 POSTER The influence of tree
traits and storm event characteristics on stemflow
production from isolated deciduous trees in an
urban park: D E Carlyle-Moses, J T Schooling
Moscone West Poster Hall
Emerging Issues in Tropical
Ecohydrology Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Bradford Wilcox, Texas
A&M University; Jeffrey McDonnell,
University of Saskatchewan; Diego
Riveros-Iregui, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; Tim Covino,
Colorado State University
0800h H21F-0783 POSTER Land Use Change
Effects on Catchment Runoff Response in a Humid
Tropical Montane Region: L E Munoz Villers, J
McDonnell, D R Geissert Kientz
0800h H21F-0784 POSTER The Pools, Fluxes and
Residence Time of Water Across the Amazon
Basin: G R Goldsmith, J B Fisher, J McDonnell, Y
0800h H21F-0785 POSTER Regionalisation of
Hydrological Indices to Assess Land-Use Change
Impacts in the Tropical Andes: W Buytaert, B F
Ochoa Tocachi
0800h H21F-0786 POSTER Energy Balance
Alterations Due to Cropland Conversion in a
Tropical Montane Environment: Shaded Coffee
to Sugarcane: M S Alvarado-Barrientos, F
Holwerda, D Salazar-Martinez
Evapotranspiration with the Eddy Covariance
Method: Fast-Response Dry- and Wet-Bulb
Thermocouples for Humidity Measurements
Can Provide a Cheap Alternative to Infrared
Hygrometers: F Holwerda, M S AlvaradoBarrientos
0800h H21F-0788 POSTER Water Fluxes from Leaf
to Ecosystem Scales in a Seasonal Mexican Cloud
Forest: Implications for Climate Change Impacts
and Future Research Priorities: H Asbjornsen, S G
Gotsch, G R Goldsmith, M S Alvarado-Barrientos,
F Holwerda, L A Bruijnzeel, T E Dawson
0800h H21F-0790 POSTER Combining Traditional
Hydrometric Data, Isotope Tracers and Biophysical
Landscape Characteristics to Improve the
Understanding of Landscape Hydrology in the
Humid Andes: G Mosquera, P Lazo, R Célleri, B P
Wilcox, L Breuer, D Windhorst, P Crespo
0800h H21F-0791 POSTER Joint modeling of
canopy interception and soil water flow to compare
infiltration rates below two land covers (Galápagos
Islands): C Dominguez, A Pryet, A Gonzalez,
J Tournebize, C Chaumont, M Villacis, N I
D’ozouville, S Violette
0800h H21F-0792 POSTER The effect of variation
of rainfall across different time scales on subcanopy
CO2 storage and flux in a Costa Rican rainforest: A
T Cahill, G R Miller, G W Moore, C B Merket
0800h H21F-0793 POSTER Event-Based Runoff
Across Changing Land Covers in the Panama
Canal Watershed: A Synthesis of Hydrophysical
Measurements and Hydrochemical Tracers Using
Hydrograph Separation: G Litt, C Gardner, F L
Ogden, W B Lyons
11/28/2014 10:44:46 AM
0800h H21F-0794 POSTER Seasonal isotope
hydrology of a coffee agroforestry watershed in
Costa Rica: K Welsh Unwala, J Boll, O Roupsard
0800h H21F-0795 POSTER Diagnosing Hydrologic
Flow Paths in Forest and Pasture Land Uses within
the Panama Canal Watershed Using Simulated
Rainfall and Electrical Resistivity Tomography: F
L Ogden, A Mojica, E W Kempema, J C Briceno,
J A Regina
0800h H21F-0796 POSTER Ecohydrological
Response of Trees to Leaf Wetness Gradients Under
Wet and Dry Canopy Conditions in a Montane
Tropical Forest: L M T Aparecido, G W Moore, G
R Miller, A T Cahill
0800h H21F-0797 POSTER The effects of Fire
Disturbance on Soil Water Cycling of a Southeast
Amazonian Forest: C Santos, M T Coe, S
Trumbore, P Lefebvre, D V Silverio, M Macedo, P
M Brando
Moscone West Poster Hall
Balancing Model Parsimony and
Inference in Low-Order Watersheds
Presiding: Christa Kelleher, Duke
University; Fabian Nippgen, Duke
University; Ingo Heidbuechel,
GFZ German Research Centre for
0800h H21G-0798 POSTER The value of stream
level observations to constrain low-parameter
hydrologic models: J Seibert, M Vis, S Pool
0800h H21H-0811 POSTER New insights into
hydrologic sources and sinks in the Nile Basin: A
multi-source satellite data analysis: G B Senay, N
M Velpuri, S Bohms, Y Demissie, M Gebremichael
0800h H21H-0812 POSTER Low-cost approaches
to problem-driven hydrologic research: The case
of Arkavathy watershed, India: V Srinivasan, P N
Ballukraya, K Jeremiah, A R
0800h H21H-0815 POSTER Environmental and
human impacts on Bangalore’s regional water
scarcity: G Penny, V Srinivasan, S E Thompson
0800h H21H-0816 POSTER High Resolution Imaging
Spectroscopy for Characterizing Soil Properties
over Large Areas: D Dutta, P Kumar
0800h H21I-0835 POSTER Translating aboveground cosmic-ray neutron intensity to highfrequency soil moisture profile at sub-kilometer
scale: R Rosolem, T J Hoar, A F Arellano, J L
Anderson, W J Shuttleworth, X Zeng, T E Franz
0800h H21I-0836 POSTER Transferability and
prediction of AMSR2 brightness temperatures over
snow-covered land based on AMSR-E brightness
temperatures and machine learning algorithms: B
A Forman
0800h H21I-0837 POSTER Multi-scale analysis
framework for bias characterisation, bias correction
and de-noising: D Ryu, C H Su
0800h H21H-0819 POSTER Evaluation of global
stream flow routing based on gridded run-off fluxes
of Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS):
R K Shrestha, Y Xia, J Meng, P Dirmeyer, M B Ek
0800h H21I-0839 POSTER Fusion of multiple radarbased quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE)
for high-resolution flash flood forecasting in large
urban areas: A Rafieei Nasab, A Norouzi, B Kim,
D J Seo
Moscone West Poster Hall
0800h H21I-0840 POSTER Robust Estimator for
Annual Rainfall Erosivity in Korea: J H Lee, H K
Song, H Shin, J H Heo
Presiding: Josie Geris, University of
Aberdeen; Kevin McGuire, Virginia
Tech-Natural Resource; Daniele Penna,
ETH Zurich; Julian Klaus, Centre de
Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann
0800h H21H-0818 POSTER Evaluation of the
Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS)
air temperature data products: L Ji, G B Senay, J P
Hydrologic Data Assimilation II
Presiding: Barton Forman, University
of Maryland; Valentijn Pauwels,
Monash University; Dongryeol Ryu,
The University of Melbourne; M Tugrul
Yilmaz, Middle East Technical University
Moscone West 3014
Groundwater-Surface Water
Interactions: Physical, Biological, and
Chemical Processes I (joint with B)
Presiding: Adam Ward, University
of Iowa; Martin Briggs, USGS Office
of Groundwater; Audrey Sawyer,
University of Kentucky; Jim Best, Univ
Illinois Urbana Champaign
0800h H21G-0800 POSTER Dominant controls on
catchment hydrological functions: what can we learn
from biological and isotopic tracers?: L Pfister, J
Klaus, C E Wetzel, M K Stewart, J McDonnell, N
Martinez Carreras
0800h H21I-0821 POSTER Assimilation of Multiscale
and Multivariable Hydrologic Variables over Pan
European River Basins: O Rakovec, R Kumar, L E
Samaniego, J Mai, S Thober, M Cuntz
0800h H21J-01 A field comparison of techniques to
quantify surface water – groundwater interactions:
R Gonzalez-Pinzon, A S Ward, C E Hatch, A N
Wlostowski, K Singha, M N Gooseff, R Haggerty, J
W Harvey, O A Cirpka, J T Brock
0800h H21I-0822 POSTER Using Data Assimilation
Method Via an Ensemble Kalman Filter to Predict
Adsorptive Solute Cr(VI) Transfer from Soil into
Surface Runoff: J Tong
Depletion from Well Pumpage by Capture of
Evapotranspiration: L F Konikow
0800h H21G-0803 POSTER Calibration of a
Physically-Based Semi-Distributed Hydrologic
Model: The Importance of Internal Justification: A
Tasdighi, M Arabi
0800h H21G-0804 POSTER Forest Productivity
for Soft Calibration of Soil Parameters in Ecohydrologic Modeling: E Garcia, C Tague
0800h H21G-0805 POSTER Development of a
Watershed Management Model for the Chesapeake
Using Multiple Model: G Bhatt, G Shenk
Moscone West Poster Hall
Hydrology and Earth Sciences in
Data Scarce Regions: From Remote
Sensing to In Situ and Crowd-Sourcing
Methods Posters (joint with IN)
Presiding: Naga Manohar Velpuri, ARTS
Contractor; Michele Minihane, ASRC
Federal; Gabriel Senay, USGS EROS
0800h H21H-0806 POSTER Evaluation of Merging
Methods of Remotely Sensed and Gauged
Precipitation for Rainfall Runoff Simulation in Da
River Basin, Vietnam: B T Hieu, H Ishidaira
0800h H21H-0807 POSTER Satellite Altimetry and
Hydrologic Modeling of Poorly-Gauged Upper
Mahakam Sub-Watershed in Indonesia: Y B
Sulistioadi, C K Shum, M F Jasinski, H Hidayat
0800h H21H-0808 POSTER Spatial Rainfall
Simulation: Trading Time for Space with Multiple
Point Statistics: F Oriani, J Straubhaar, G
Mariethoz, P Renard
0800h H21H-0809 POSTER The Relationship
Between Soil Moisture Observed By in Situ Probes
and Satellite Derived Surface Wetness in Northern
Kazakhstan (Calibrating the Satellite on In Situ
Measurements for Near Real Time Monitoring of
Spring Wheat Yields): A N Basist, A Kauazov, S
Dolgih, N Thomas
0800h H21H-0810 POSTER River Modeling in Large
and Ungauged Basins: Experience of Setting up the
HEC RAS Model over the Ganges-BrahmaputraMeghna Basins : F Hossain, M Maswood
AGU2014News.indb 14
0940h H21K-06 Identifying Methane Sources
in Groundwater; Quantifying Changes in
Compositional and Stable Isotope Values during
Multiphase Transport: T Larson, K Sathaye
Moscone West 3022
0800h H21I-0820 POSTER Deconvolution of Soil
Moisture and Vegetation Emissions from Passive
Microwave Brightness Temperatures Using
Visible/Infrared Observations: D Truesdale, J H
Bowles, L Li, B C Gao, G Lamela
0800h H21G-0802 POSTER Diagnosing the regional
sensitivity of a process-based hydrologic model: T
J Smith, K D Hayes, L A Marshall, B L McGlynn
0920h H21K-05 An Overview of Baseline
Sampling Guidelines for Unconventional Resource
Development: J S Kromann, S D Richardson, A P
Smith, L Molofsky, J A Connor
0800h H21I-0838 POSTER Improvement of NCEP
Numerical Weather Prediction with Use of Satellite
Land Measurements: W Zheng, M B Ek, H Wei,
J Meng, J Dong, Y Wu, X Zhan, J Liu, Z Jiang, M
0800h H21G-0799 POSTER Why Bother and
Calibrate? Model Consistency and the Value of
Prior Information: M Hrachowitz, O Fovet, L
Ruiz, T Euser, S Gharari, R Nijzink, J E Freer, H
Savenije, C Gascuel-Odoux
0800h H21G-0801 POSTER Hunting Solomonoff’s
Swans: Exploring the Boundary Between Physics
and Statistics in Hydrological Modeling: G S
0900h H21K-04 Groundwater baseline sampling
programs designed to identify potential leakage
from unconventional gas plays in Alberta, Canada:
B Mayer, P Humez, J Ing, M Nightingale
0800h H21I-0823 POSTER Impact of Rescaling
Anomaly and Seasonal Components of Soil
Moisture on Hydrologic Data Assimilation: M T
Yilmaz, W T Crow, D Ryu
0830h H21J-03 Increased Understanding of
Watershed Dynamics through the Addition of
Stream and Groundwater Temperature Monitoring
at USGS Groundwater Streamgages: C E Miller, R
Caldwell, J Barlow, J E Constantz, J Wheeler
0800h H21I-0824 POSTER Atmospheric and forest
decoupling from AMSR-E passive microwave
brightness temperature observations in snowcovered regions over North America: Y Xue, B A
0845h H21J-04 Mixing between hyporheic flow cells
and upwelling groundwater: laboratory simulations
and implications for mixing-dependent reactions: E
T Hester, A Nida
H21I-0825 POSTER
Precipitation Forcing Uncertainty in Land Data
Assimilation Using an Ensemble-Based Bayesian
Approach: S H Alemohammad, D McLaughlin, D
0800h H21I-0826 POSTER Assimilation of satellite
observed brightness temperature and terrestrial
water storage into the Catchment land surface
model for improved soil moisture estimation: M
Girotto, G J M De Lannoy, R H Reichle, M Rodell
0800h H21I-0827 POSTER The SMAP Level
4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture data
assimilation product: R H Reichle, G J M De
Lannoy, W T Crow, J S Kimball, R D Koster, Q Liu
0800h H21I-0828 POSTER Extended Triple
Collocation: Estimating Errors And Correlation
Coefficients With Respect To An Unknown
Target: K A Mccoll, J Vogelzang, A G Konings, D
Entekhabi, M Piles, A Stoffelen
0800h H21I-0829 POSTER Are Dynamically Evolving
Models the Future of Hydrologic Modelling? A
Data Assimilation Approach: S D Pathiraja, L A
Marshall, A Sharma, H Moradkhani
0800h H21I-0830 POSTER Assessing the Influence
of Spatially Correlated Errors on Assimilation of
GRACE-derived Total Water Storage Anomalies
into a Global Hydrological Model: M Schumacher,
J Kusche
0800h H21I-0831 POSTER “Wishful thinking” – how
much rainfall information can be inferred from soil
moisture and runoff?: M Pan, W Zhan, N Wanders,
E F Wood
0800h H21I-0832 POSTER Streamflow Data
Assimilation in SWAT Model Using Extended
Kalman Filter: L Sun, I Nistor, O Seidou
0800h H21I-0833 POSTER Development of a New
Land Data Assimilation System for Improvement
of Forecasting both Soil Moisture and Vegetation
Dynamics: Y Sawada, T Koike
0800h H21I-0834 POSTER A Study on Estimation of
Quantile Using Regional Scaling Factors: Y Jung, S
Kim, H Jang, J H Heo
0900h H21J-05 The Dynamic Hyporheic Zone:
Variability of Groundwater-Surface Water
Exchange at Multiple Temporal Scales: A M Binley,
M J Dudley-Southern
0915h H21J-06 Where and why hyporheic exchange
is important: Inferences from a parsimonious,
physically-based river network model: J D GomezVelez, J W Harvey
0930h H21J-07 The Importance of Thermal
Dispersivity in Predicting Water Movement
Through Coarse-grained Alluvial Aquifers by
Analysis of Seasonal Temperature Signals: B E
Amerson, G C Poole, S J O’Daniel, M B Lambert
0945h H21J-08 Application of a fully-integrated
groundwater-surface water flow model in municipal
asset management: L K Bowman, A Unger, J P
Moscone West 3004
Natural and Anthropogenic
Contamination of Water Resources
Related to Oil and Gas Production
from Unconventionals: Processes,
Monitoring, and Stewardship I
(Virtual Session)
Presiding: Jean-Philippe Nicot,
University of Texas at Austin; Bridget
Scanlon, University of Texas at Austin
0800h H21K-01 Impact of Unconventional Shale
Gas Waste Water Disposal on Surficial Streams: I
Cozzarelli, D Akob, A Mumford
0820h H21K-02 Relationship between Prevailing
Redox Conditions, Water Type, Topographic
Location and Methane Concentrations in
Susquehanna County, NE Pennsylvania: L J
Molofsky, T E McHugh, J A Connor, S D
0840h H21K-03 What Controls Methane in Potable
Ground Water in the Appalachian Basin?: D I
Siegel, B Smith, A E Perry, R Bothun
New Developments in Tracer
Applications in Catchment Hydrology
0800h H21L-01 Linking tracers and travel time
distributions: the emergence of age mixing patterns:
P Benettin, J W Kirchner, K J McGuire, A Rinaldo,
G Botter
0815h H21L-02 The Modeling of Time-Varying
Stream Water Age Distributions: Preliminary
Investigations with Non-Conservative Solutes: D C
Wilusz, C J Harman, W P Ball
0830h H21L-03 Non-stationarity of solute travel
time distribution observed in a controlled hydrologic
transport volume: P Queloz, E Bertuzzo, L Carraro,
G Botter, F Miglietta, P S Rao, A Rinaldo
0845h H21L-04 Long Term and High Frequency
Non-Destructive Monitoring of Soil Water
Stable Isotope Compositions in the Laboratory: Y
Rothfuss, S Merz, A J Pohlmeier, H Vereecken, N
0900h H21L-05 Combining natural and manmade DNA tracers to advance understanding of
hydrologic flow pathway evolution: H E Dahlke,
M T Walter, S W Lyon, G N Rosqvist
0915h H21L-06 Streamflow life cycles spanning the
USA: S Jasechko, J McDonnell, J M Welker
0930h H21L-07 Noble Gas Signatures in
Groundwater and Rainwater on the Island of Maui,
Hawaii – Developing a New Noble Gas Application
in Fractured, Volcanic Systems: M C Castro, Y Niu,
R B Warrier, C M Hall, S B Gingerich, M A Scholl,
L Bouvier
0945h H21L-08 Geostatistical Analysis of Tritium,
Age and Noble Gas Derived Parameters in
California Groundwater: A Visser, M J Singleton,
J E Moran, M S Fram, J T Kulongoski, B K Esser
Moscone West 3018
Numerical Modelling of Geo-Energy
Related Physical Processes in
Geological Systems I
(Virtual Session) (joint with MR, NS,
S, T)
Presiding: Mauro Cacace, Helmholtz
Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences; Norihiro
Watanabe, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ;
Florian Wellmann, University of
Western Australia; Magdalena ScheckWenderoth, GeoForschungsZentrum
0800h H21M-01 Future Challenges of Modeling
THMC Systems: S A Miller, T Heinze, S Hamidi,
B Galvan
0815h H21M-02 REDBACK: an Open-Source
Highly Scalable Simulation Tool for Rock Mechanics
with Dissipative Feedbacks: T Poulet, M Veveakis,
M Paesold, K Regenauer-Lieb
0830h H21M-03 Ductile shear zones can induce
hydraulically over-pressured fractures in deep hotdry rock reservoirs: a new target for geothermal
exploration?: C E Schrank, A Karrech, K
0845h H21M-04 Modeling the Impact of Multiple
Physical Processes on the Stimulation and Longevity
of Enhanced Geothermal Systems: J Taron, C F
Williams, S H Hickman, S Ingebritsen
0900h H21M-05 Geological controls on supercritical
fluid resources in volcanic geothermal systems: S W
Scott, T Driesner, P Weis
0915h H21M-06 Barometric Pumping of a Fractured
Porous Medium: P M Adler, V Mourzenko, J F
Thovert, E Pili, S Guillon
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:46 AM
0945h H21M-08 Overpressure Evolution during
Sedimentary Basin Diagenesis: Implications for
Hydrocarbon Transport By Solitary Waves: A
Joshi, M S Appold
0800h IN21A-3699 POSTER World Climate
Classification and Search: Data Mining Approach
Utilizing Dynamic Time Warping Similarity
Function: T F Stepinski, P Netzel, J Jasiewicz
Moscone West 3020
0800h IN21A-3700 POSTER Big Data Solution for
CTBT Monitoring Using Global Cross Correlation:
P Gaillard, D Bobrov, A Dupont, A Grenouille, I O
Kitov, M Rozhkov
Water Resources Management and
Policy in a Changing World IV Coping
with California’s Record Drought (joint
with GC, PA)
Presiding: Kaveh Madani, Imperial
College London; Patrick Reed, Cornell
University; Casey Brown, University
of Massachusetts Amherst; Greogory
Characklis, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
0800h H21N-01 California’s Drought – Stress test
for the future: J R Lund
0815h H21N-02 Municipal Water in DroughtStricken California: Thinking Outside the Box: H
A Loaiciga
0830h H21N-03 EBMUD Drought Planning Put to
the Test in 2014: B S Bray
0845h H21N-04 Economic Gains from Groundwater
Management in California and Use of Remote
Sensing: J Medellin-Azuara, R E Howitt, D
MacEwan, J R Lund
Cyberinfrastructure System for Improving Water
Resource Management and Policy Making: A
AghaKouchak, D Feldman, S Grant, A Farahmand,
N Nakhjiri, F Momtaz
0915h H21N-06 Allocating shortage amongst
riparian and appropriative water right holders in
California’s drought: B Lord, J R Lund
0930h H21N-07 Better Redd than Dead: Optimizing
Reservoir Operations for Wild Fish Survival
During Drought: L E Adams, J R Lund, R Quiñones
0800h IN21A-3701 POSTER Developing Daily
Quantitative Damage Estimates From Geospatial
Layers To Support Post Event Recovery: B K
Woods, L H Wei, T C Connor
Leveraging Enabling Technologies
and Architectures to Enable Data
Intensive Science I Posters
(joint with DI)
Using Open Source Software to
Enable Scientific Analysis and Reuse
of Data I (joint with DI)
Presiding: Thomas Huang, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
0800h IN21B-3702 POSTER Pipeline Implementation
of Real Time Event Cross Correlation for Nuclear
Treaty Monitoring: W N Junek, J A Wehlen III
0800h IN21B-3703 POSTER Using Enabling
Technologies to Advance Data Intensive Analysis
Tools in the JPL Tropical Cyclone Information
System: B Knosp, M E Gangl, S M Hristova-Veleva,
R M Kim, B Lambrigtsen, P Li, N Niamsuwan, T P
J Shen, F J Turk, Q A Vu
0800h IN21A-3689 POSTER Statistical Downscaling
of Last Glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene climate
simululations over the Continental United States: Y
Mondal, J C H Chiang, M Koo
0800h IN21A-3690 POSTER Light-Weight Parallel
Python Tools for Climate Model Workflows: S A
Mickelson, K Paul, J Dennis, G Strand
0800h IN21A-3691 POSTER The Seismic Inverse
Problem – active and now passive data for FWI: R
P Bording, C Shin
0800h IN21A-3693 POSTER What would a data
scientist do with 10 seconds on a supercomputer?:
D W Nychka
0800h IN21A-3694 POSTER An ENSO-oriented
mining algorithm for marine abnormal association
patterns: C Xue, Q DONG
0800h IN21A-3695 POSTER Real-Time Joint
Streaming Data Processing from Social and Physical
Sensors: Y Y Kropivnitskaya, J Qin, K F Tiampo,
M Bauer
0800h IN21A-3697 POSTER Spatial Pattern of
Great Lakes Estuary Processes from Water Quality
Sensing and Geostatistical Methods: W Xu, B S
Minsker, B Bailey, P Collingsworth
0800h IN21A-3698 POSTER A Semi-Automated
Machine Learning Algorithm for Tree Cover
Delineation from 1-m Naip Imagery Using a High
Performance Computing Architecture: S Basu, S
Ganguly, R R Nemani, S Mukhopadhyay, C Milesi,
P Votava, A Michaelis, G Zhang, B D Cook, S S
Saatchi, E Boyda
0815h IN21D-02 Toward Transparent and
Reproducible Science: Using Open Source “Big
Data” Tools for Water Resources Assessment: W
Buytaert, Z D Zulkafli, C Vitolo
0800h MR21A-4310 POSTER Incorporation of water
in pyrope: a first principles study: V R Manga, M
Mookherjee, K Muralidharan
Marriott Marquis Salons
Planetary Materials II Deep Earth
(joint with DI, P)
Presiding: Marius Millot, UC Berkeley;
Sebastien Merkel, Université de
Lille; Zhu Mao, University Science
& Technology of China; Francois
Soubiran, University of California
0800h MR21B-01 Small Shear Modulus of Cubic
CaSiO3 Perovskite: K Kawai, T Tsuchiya
0815h MR21B-02 Ultra-Low Velocity Zones and
the Effect of Iron on the Elasticity of the LowerMantle: J Muir, J P Brodholt
0830h MR21B-03 Elasticity of Hydrous Phases in
Subduction Zones- Geophysical Implications: M
Mookherjee, D Mainprice
0800h IN21B-3705 POSTER The Hico Image
Processing System: A Web-Accessible Hyperspectral
Remote Sensing Toolbox: A T Harris III, J
Goodman, B Justice
0845h IN21D-04 Use Cases for Server Operators
Extending the Open-Source Data-Access Protocol
(DAP): J H R Gallagher, D W Fulker, B Blanton, S
Businger, P Cornillon
0845h MR21B-04 Single Crystal Elasticity of
Majoritic Garnets: Stagnant Slabs and Thermal
Anomalies at the Base of the Transition Zone: M G
Pamato, A Kurnosov, T Boffa Ballaran, D J Frost, L
Ziberna, M Giannini, S N Tkachev, K K Zhuravlev,
V Prakapenka, S Speziale
0800h IN21B-3706 POSTER Meta Data Mining
in Earth Remote Sensing Data Archives: D
Steinwand, B Davis
0900h IN21D-05 Scientific Software – Publish, Cite,
and get Credit for your Code: M Hammitzsch, J
F Klump, M Fenner, H Pampel, R Bertelmann, B
Brembs, G Deinzer, D Reusser, B Fritzsch, P Loewe,
J Wächter
0900h MR21B-05 Sound velocity of δ-AlOOH up to
core-mantle boundary pressures: Implications for
the seismic anomalies induced by hydrated sediment
in subducting slabs: I Mashino, M Murakami, E
0915h IN21D-06 NASA’s Open Source Software for
Serving and Viewing Global Imagery: J T Roberts,
C Alarcon, R A Boller, M F Cechini, T Gunnoe, J R
Hall, T Huang, S Ilavajhala, J King, M McGann, K
J Murphy, L Plesea, J E Schmaltz, C K Thompson
0915h MR21B-06 Measurements of Electrical and
Thermal Conductivity of Iron Under Earth’s Core
Conditions: K Ohta, Y Kuwayama, K Shimizu, T
Yagi, K Hirose, Y Ohishi
0800h IN21B-3710 POSTER Web-based Quality
Control Tool used to validate CERES products on
a cluster of Linux servers: C Chu, S Sun-Mack,
E Heckert, Y Chen, P Mlynczak, C Mitrescu, D
0800h IN21B-3711 POSTER Using Machine Learning
to Enable Big Data Analysis within Human Review
Time Budgets: B Bue, U Rebbapragada, K Wagstaff,
D Thompson
0800h IN21B-3712 POSTER Semantic eScience for
Ecosystem Understanding and Monitoring: The
Jefferson Project Case Study: D L McGuinness, P
Pinheiro da Silva, E W Patton, K Chastain
0800h IN21B-3713 POSTER Enabling Data Intensive
Science through Service Oriented Science:
Virtual Laboratories and Science Gateways: D T
Lescinsky, L A Wyborn, B J K Evans, C Allen, R
Fraser, T Rankine
Moscone South Poster Hall
0930h IN21D-07 The Hierarchical Data Format
(HDF): A Foundation for Sustainable Data and
Software : T Habermann, M J Folk
0945h IN21D-08 Supporting the scientific lifecycle
through cloud services: S Gensch, J F Klump, R
Bertelmann, C Braune
Moscone West Poster Hall
Physics and Chemistry of the Deep
Earth I Volatiles Posters (joint with DI,
S, T, V)
Presiding: Tetsuya Komabayashi,
University of Edinburgh; Zhicheng
Jing, Case Western Reserve University;
Razvan Caracas, CNRS; Carole Nisr,
Arizona State University
Scalable and Adaptable Architecture
for Earth Science Infrastructure I
Posters (joint with DI)
0800h MR21A-4300 POSTER Water in Olivine
and its High-Pressure Polymorphs: S M Thomas,
S D Jacobsen, C R Bina, P Reichart, M Moser, G
Dollinger, E H Hauri
Presiding: Emily Law, CalTech JPL; Ilya
Zaslavsky, San Diego Supercomputer
Center; M Allison, Arizona Geological
Survey; Chaowei Phil Yang, George
Mason Univ.
0800h MR21A-4301 POSTER Crystal Structure
of Calcium Silicate Perovskite Synthesized under
Water Saturated Conditions at Mantle Related
Pressure-Temperature: H Chen, S H D Shim, K D
Leinenweber, Y Meng, V Prakapenka
0800h IN21C-3714 POSTER Environmental Data
Store (EDS): A multi-node Data Storage Facility for
diverse sets of Geoscience Data: M Piasecki, P Ji
0800h MR21A-4302 POSTER Water in Al-free
Stishovite up to 65 GPa and 2000 K: C Nisr, S H
Shim, K D Leinenweber, R L Hervig, V Prakapenka,
Y Meng
0800h IN21C-3715 POSTER Open Source
Dataturbine (OSDT) Android Sensorpod in
Environmental Observing Systems: T R Fountain,
P Shin, S Tilak, T Trinh, J Smith, S Kram
0800h IN21C-3716 POSTER Components for
Maintaining and Publishing Earth Science
Vocabularies: S J D Cox, J Yu
0800h IN21C-3717 POSTER RTEMP: Exploring an
end-to-end, agnostic platform for multidisciplinary
real-time analytics in the space physics community
and beyond: D Chaddock, E Donovan, E
Spanswick, B J Jackel
0800h IN21C-3718 POSTER Archiving Software
Systems: Approaches to Preserve Computational
Capabilities: T A King
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 15
0800h IN21D-01 Science Gateways, Scientific
Workflows and Open Community Software: M E
Pierce, S Marru
0800h MR21A-4309 POSTER The Influence of
Water on Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Upper
Mantle: E C David, I Jackson, U Faul, A Berry
0830h IN21D-03 SQL is Dead; Long-live SQL:
Relational Database Technology in Science
Contexts: B Howe, D Halperin
0800h IN21B-3709 POSTER Collections and user
tools for utilization of persistent identifiers in
cyberinfrastructures: T Weigel
0800h IN21A-3688 POSTER Department of Energy’s
Virtual Lab Infrastructure for Integrated Earth
System Science Data: D N Williams, G Palanisamy,
G Shipman, T Boden, J Voyles
Presiding: Jens Klump, CSIRO Earth
Science and Resource Engineering Perth;
Robert Downs, Columbia University of
New York
0800h MR21A-4308 POSTER Thermodynamics
of Water and Aqueous Solutions under Mantle
Conditions: J M Brown, S Vance, O Bollengier, G
H Shaw, E Abramson
0800h IN21B-3704 POSTER Analyzing a 35-Year
Hourly Data Record: Why So Difficult?: C Lynnes
Presiding: Jitendra Kumar, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory; Robert Jacob,
Argonne National Laboratory; Forrest
Hoffman, University of California Irvine;
Miguel Mahecha, Max Planck Inst. for
0800h IN21C-3721 POSTER Metadata for numerical
models of deep Earth and Earth surface processes: A
Kelbert, S D Peckham
Moscone West 2020
0800h IN21B-3707 POSTER Discovery and Analysis
of Intersecting Datasets: JMARS as a Comparative
Science Platform: S Carter, P R Christensen, S
Dickenshied, S Anwar, D Noss
Big Data in the Geosciences: New
Analytics Methods and Parallel
Algorithm Posters
(joint with A, B, DI, GC, H)
0800h IN21C-3720 POSTER Optimizing CyberShake
Seismic Hazard Workflows for Large HPC
Resources: S Callaghan, P J Maechling, G Juve, K
Vahi, E Deelman, T H Jordan
Moscone South Poster Hall
0945h H21N-08 Estimating Natural Flows into the
California’s Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta: G
Huang, T Kadir, F I Chung
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h IN21C-3719 POSTER Earthdata Code
Collaborative: Building a Reuseable and Shared
Platform for Earth Science Collaboration,
Development, and Application Hosting: B D
McLaughlin, D Pilone
0800h MR21A-4303 POSTER Deep water recycling
through time: V Magni, P Bouilhol, J Van Hunen
0800h MR21A-4304 POSTER High P-T Elastic
Properties of OH-Bearing Majoritic Garnet: J D
Lazarz, S M Thomas, S N Tkachev, J P Townsend,
C R Bina, S D Jacobsen
0800h MR21A-4305 POSTER The Effect of Disorder
on Hydrous Mineral Stability at High Pressure: A L
Rytel, J S Pigott, W R Panero
0800h MR21A-4306 POSTER Effect of pressure on
water solubility in aluminous magnesium silicate
perovskite: J Chen, M G Pamato, T Inoue, S
Kakizawa, B Yang, C Ma, Y Lin, T Katsura, T
Kawazoe, Z Liu
0930h MR21B-07 Trace and Minor Elements in
Magmas at High Pressure: In Situ Structural Insights
on Partitioning at Depth: C Sanloup, B Cochain,
C de Grouchy, C Leroy, H Bureau, B Schmidt, Z
Konopkova, I Kantor, T Irifune, D Daisenberg
0945h MR21B-08 Elasticity and Anelasticity of
Materials from Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction: S
V Sinogeikin, J Smith, C Lin, L Bai, E Rod, G Shen
Moscone South Poster Hall
Patterns, Visualization, and
Stochastic Processes in Geophysics II
(joint with B, C, EP, NS, P, V)
Presiding: Lucas Goehring, Max
Planck Institute for Dynamics and
Self-Organization; Charles Sowers,
Exploratorium; Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia,
U. Paris Est; Daniel Schertzer, Ecole
Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
0800h NG21A-3766 POSTER Study on the Integrated
Geophysic Methods and Application of Advanced
Geological Detection for Complicated Tunnel: L
Zhou, G Xiao
0800h NG21A-3767 POSTER Application Research
on Nondestructive Testing Technology for Quality
of Anchor Based on Elastic Wave Reflection
Method: G Xiao, L Zhou
0800h NG21A-3768 POSTER Rotating Bacteria
Aggregate into Active Crystals: A P Petroff, X L
Wu, A Libchaber
0800h NG21A-3769 POSTER Multiscale Resilience
of Complex Systems: I Tchiguirinskaia, D J M
Schertzer, A Giangola-Murzyn, T Hoang Cong
0800h NG21A-3770 POSTER Dynamics of salt playa
polygons: L Goehring, A Fourrière
0800h NG21A-3771 POSTER 3D Visualization
of Hydrological Model Outputs For a Better
Understanding of Multi-Scale Phenomena: J
Richard, D J M Schertzer, I Tchiguirinskaia
0800h NG21A-3772 POSTER Future Climate in the
Tibetan Plateau: from a bias-bootstrapped weather
generator: X Zhu, K Fraedrich
0800h NG21A-3773 POSTER Dynamic of Air
Invasion in an Immersed Granular Layer: G Varas,
G Ramos, J C Géminard, V Vidal
11/28/2014 10:44:46 AM
BASIN: D L Jayasekera, C J Chen, S U S Senarath,
M P Marcella
0800h NG21A-3775 POSTER How to Visualize
and Communicate Challenges in Climate and
Environmental Sciences?: R Vicari, D J M
Schertzer, J C Deutsch
0800h NG21A-3777 POSTER Stochastic Erosion of
Fractal Structure in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems:
S Agarwal, J S Wettlaufer
0800h NG21A-3778 POSTER Scientific and artistic
synergies on the complexity of geophysics: G F
Fitton, D J M Schertzer, I Tchiguirinskaia
0800h NG21A-3779 POSTER The Early Stages of
Groundwater-fed River Bifurcation: R Yi, H F
Seybold, G Gibbins, D Rothman
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Statistical Geodynamics: Fracking,
Fundamentals, and Applications I
(joint with MR, NS, V)
Presiding: Christopher Barton, Wright
State University Main Campus; Sabine
Lennartz-Sassinek, University of
Cologne; Donald Turcotte, University of
California Davis; John Rundle, University
of California Davis
0800h NG21B-01 The Complex Physical-Chemical
Interaction of Fracking Fluids with Gas Shale: L M
Cathles, T Engelder, T Bryndzia
0815h NG21B-02 The Signature of Shearing Driven
By Hydraulic Opening: J T Rutledge
0800h NH21A-3818 POSTER Identification of a
volcaniclastic tsunami deposit at a volcanically active
region in southeastern Kyushu, Japan: M Yamada,
Y Nakamura, H Moriwaki, T Chiba, S Fujino
0800h NH21B-3840 POSTER Survey of Tsunamis
Formed by Atmospheric Forcing on the East
Coast of the United States: J Lodise, Y Shen, C A
0800h NH21A-3819 POSTER A New, Continuous
5400 Yr-long Paleotsunami Record from Lake
Huelde, Chiloe Island, South Central Chile: P
Kempf, J Moernaut, W Vandoorne, M E Van
Daele, M Pino, R Urrutia, M A O De Batist
0800h NH21B-3841 POSTER Boulder Dislodgment
Reloaded: New insights from boulder transport and
dislodgement by tsunamis and storms from threedimensional numerical simulations with GPUSPH:
R Weiss, A Zainali
0800h NH21A-3820 POSTER Contribution of
foraminifera to discriminate depositional events
within an apparently massive tsunami deposit: N
M Hoska, F Fatela, P J M Costa, C Andrade, M C
Freitas, M A Oliveira
0800h NH21B-3842 POSTER On the role of energy
balance for numerical modeling of tsunami sediment
transport: D Sugawara, H Naruse, K Goto
0800h NH21A-3821 POSTER Role of backwash in
sedimentation from tsunami on confined coastal
plain on western Greenland - insights from textural
properties of 2000 AD landslide-generated tsunami
deposits: P Ćwik
0800h NH21A-3822 POSTER Reconstructing Flow
Patterns from Tsunami Deposits with No Visible
Sedimentary Structure: C L Kain, C Chague-Goff, J
R Goff, P Wassmer, C A Gomez, D E Hart
0800h NH21A-3823 POSTER A Natural Laboratory
for Offshore Paleotsunami Studies: The Augusta
Bay (Eastern Sicily-Italy): A Smedile, F Molisso, C
Chague-Goff, P M De Martini, S Pinzi, M Iorio, L
Sagnotti, D Pantosti
0800h NH21A-3824 POSTER Storm Surge of
Supertyphoon Haiyan (7–9 Nov 2013) on Samar
(Philippines) Moved the Largest Boulder Ever
Documented for a Recent Storm: M Engel, S M
May, D Brill, M Reyes, H Brückner
0800h NH21A-3826 POSTER Effective research
method and problems of the Paleotsunami studies
in Taiwan: Y Nishikawa, W S Chen, N Matsuta,
J Y Yen, N T Yu
0830h NG21B-03 A Percolation Model for Fracking:
J Q Norris, D L Turcotte, J B Rundle
0800h NH21A-3827 POSTER When is a Tsunami
a Mega-Tsunami?: C Chague-Goff, J R Goff, J P
Terry, K Goto
0845h NG33B-3831 Using Intermediate-Field
Terms in Locating Microseismic Events: J M
Lorenzo, A Dahi Taleghani, J LeCalvez
0800h NH21A-3828 POSTER Tsunami damage in
the southern Kanto region from the 1703 Genroku
Kanto earthquake: J Muragishi, K Satake
0900h NG21B-05 Direct Imaging of Natural
Fractures and Stress Compartments Stimulated by
Hydraulic Fracturing: A Lacazette, J M Vermilye
0800h NH21A-3831 POSTER Using tsunami deposits
to validate inundation modeling at Sedanka Island:
Revealing clues about great earthquakes in the
Unalaska seismic gap: S La Selle, G R Gelfenbaum,
R C Witter, R W Briggs, R D Koehler III, S E
Engelhart, G A Carver
0915h NG33B-3834 Fracture size scaling of
hydraulic fracture stimulations in shale reservoirs:
T Urbancic, A M Baig
0930h NG21B-07 Foreshocks and Aftershocks in
Simple Earthquake Models: K F Tiampo, W Klein,
R Dominguez, J Kazemian, P J González
0945h NG21B-08 Geodynamical studies using
integrated gravity studies: J Fernandez, K F
Tiampo, J B Rundle
Moscone South Poster Hall
Recent Advances in Research on
Geological and Environmental
Impacts of Tsunamis I Posters (joint
with EP, S, SI, T)
Presiding: Catherine Chague-Goff,
University of New South Wales/ANSTO;
Witold Szczucinski, Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznan; Bruce Richmond,
USGS; Kazuhisa Goto, Tohoku
0800h NH21A-3810 POSTER Elemental and
Mineralogical Analysis of Tsunami Deposits
from Phra Thong Island, Thailand: D T Pham, C
Gouramanis, A Switzer, C M Rubin, B G Jones, K
Jankaew, P F Carr
0800h NH21A-3811 POSTER Same Same, But
Different: Sedimentological Comparison of Recent
Storm and Tsunami Deposits from the SouthEastern Coastline of India: C Gouramanis, A
Switzer, S Seshachalam, A Karthikeyan, D T Pham,
S Carson, J Pilarczyk, M Hussain, W Yap
0800h NH21A-3813 POSTER Tsunami Recurrences
in the Ryukyu Arc-trench System: Geological
Records in the Jinshan Coastal Plain of North
Taiwan: N T Yu, J Y Yen, L H Lin, J H Liu
0800h NH21A-3814 POSTER Geological records of
paleotsunamis/extreme wave events in the Pacific
Coast of Taiwan: J Y Yen, N T Yu, L H Lin, P L
Wang, J H Liu
0800h NH21A-3815 POSTER Paleo-tsunami deposits
since ca. 5 ka in Koyadori and Onuma on the Sanriku
Coast, northeast Japan: D Ishimura, T Miyauchi
0800h NH21A-3832 POSTER Inferring relative
tsunami magnitudes from inverse and forward
sediment transport modeling of tsunami deposits in
the Eastern Aleutian Islands: G R Gelfenbaum, S
La Selle, R C Witter, B E Jaffe, R W Briggs, R D
Koehler III, S E Engelhart, G A Carver
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
0800h NH21B-3837 POSTER Spectral Characteristics
of Wave Breaking and Dissipation in Combined
Tsunami - Swell Wave Conditions: J M Kaihatu, J
Goertz, A Sheremet, R Weiss
0800h NH21B-3838 POSTER Time Evolution of
Man-Made Harbour Modifications in San Diego:
Effects on Tsunami Amplitudes and Currents: A
Barberopoulou, M Legg, E Gica
0800h NS21B-3878 POSTER Fault Detection Using
Polarimetric Single-Input-Multi-Output Ground
Penetrating Radar Technique in Mason, Texas: A
Amara, M E Everett
0800h NH21C-01 Integrated monitoring of preearthquake signals in Taiwan: L C Lee, C H Lin
0800h NS21B-3881 POSTER 3D GPR Modeling and
Imaging of Burials: Mueschke Historic Cemetery,
Houston, Texas: A Abdul Aziz, R Stewart, S L
0815h NH21C-02 Investigation on Preparation
Process of the 2011off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku
Earthquake (Mw 9.0) By GPS Data: K Hattori, P
Han, N Tsuruta
0830h NH21C-03 Multi-Instrument Observations
and Validation of Laic: S A Pulinets, D Ouzounov
0845h NH21C-04 Long Term RST Analyses of
TIR Satellite Radiances in Different Geotectonic
Contexts: Results and Implications for a Time–
Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t–
DASH): V Tramutoli, B Armandi, I Coviello, A
Eleftheriou, C Filizzola, N Genzano, T Lacava, M
Lisi, R Paciello, N Pergola, V Satriano, F Vallianatos
0900h NH21C-05 Monitoring of the stress state
variations of the Southern California for the
purpose of earthquake prediction: M Gokhberg, I
Garagash, V Bondur, G M Steblov
0915h NH21C-06 Multi-parameter Observations
and Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric
Signals: D Ouzounov, S A Pulinets, K Hattori, T
Mogi, M Kafatos
0800h NH21B-3836 POSTER Physical Modelling
of Granular Landslide-Generated Tsunamis with
Large Relative Mass: G Miller, R P Mulligan, W
A Take
0800h NS21B-3877 POSTER Reverse time migration
imaging of ground-penetrating radar data in
complex environments: J H Bradford
0800h NS21B-3880 POSTER The Use of
Complementary GPR Surveys with Different Grid
Spacing to Locate Unmarked Graves in a 19th
Century Cemetery in Selinsgrove PA : A Lachhab,
A Zawacki
Moscone South Poster Hall
Experiments of Tsunami Inundation in Patchy
Coastal Forest on a Steep Beach: J L Irish, R Weiss,
Y Yang, A Zainali, R Marivela Colmenarejo
0800h NS21B-3876 POSTER Effective GPR Data
Acquisition and Imaging: M Sato
Presiding: Dimitar Ouzounov,
Chapman University; Sergey Pulinets,
Space Research Institute; Jann-Yenq
Liu, Natl Central Univ; Katsumi Hattori,
Chiba University
0945h NH21C-08 An automated continuous system
for seismo-geochemical research in an active fault
zone in SW Taiwan: T F Yang, D R Hilton, C C Fu,
C W Lai, T K Liu, V Walia, T H Lai
Presiding: Jasper Knight, University of
Witwatersrand; James Goff, University
of New South Wales; Catherine
Chague-Goff, University of New South
Wales/ANSTO; Bruce Jaffe, USGS Pacific
Science Ctr
Presiding: Georgios Tsoflias, University
of Kansas; Sid-Ali Ouadfeul, University
of Boumerdes; Leila Aliouane,
University of Boumerdes; Remke Van
Dam, Michigan State University
0800h NS21B-3879 POSTER Complex Structures
in Sediments Overlying Sinkholes: 3D-GPR and
Azimuthal Resistivity Imaging: S Kruse, H G Kiflu,
A I Ammar Sr, P Karashay III, A M Marshall, C M
0800h NH21A-3834 POSTER Comparison between
Observed Tsunami Heights and Numerical
Simulation of the 1854 Ansei-Tokai Earthquake
Tsunami in Gokasho Bay, central Japan: R
Naruhashi, K Satake, M Heidarzadeh, T Harada
Tsunami Hazards and the
Responses of Human and Physical
Environmental Systems to Tsunami
Forcing I Posters (joint with GC, H, NS, SI)
GPR Advances for Subsurface Imaging
Posters (joint with C, H, P, V)
Interdisciplinary Study of Preearthquake Processes: Observation,
Validation, Modeling, and Forecasting
I (joint with A, S, T)
0930h NH21C-07 A Strategy for Short-Term
Earthquake Forecasting Based on Combined
Ground and Space-Based Observations: M Kafatos,
G A Papadopoulos, V K Karastathis, G Minadakis, D
Ouzounov, S A Pulinets, V Tramutoli, K Tsinganos
0800h NH21B-3839 POSTER Waves Generated by
Asteroid Impacts and Their Hazard Consequences
on The Shorelines: S M Ezzedine, P L Miller, D S
AGU2014News.indb 16
0800h NH21A-3833 POSTER Multiscale Modelling
of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami with Fluidity: Coastal
Inundation and Run-up: J Hill, R Martin-Short, M
D Piggott, A S Candy
Characteristics of Typhoon - and Tsunami Induced Deposits from Western Kyushu Islands: K
Kanamaru, J D Woodruff, S Kundu, T Cook
0800h NH21B-3843 POSTER Late Holocene sea
level changes and tectonic movements inferred
from fossil diatom assemblages in Tainohama,
Tokushima prefecture, Japan: T Chiba, S Fujino, E
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
Coastal Geophysical Studies: At the
Transition between Land and Sea
Posters (joint with H, OS)
Presiding: Juan Lorenzo, Louisiana
State Univ; Bruce Smith, U.S. Geological
0800h NS21A-3869 POSTER Application of GPR,
EMI, and Lidar to Assess the Role of Antecedent
Geology in Barrier Island Evolution: P A Wernette,
B A Weymer, C Houser, M P Bishop, M E Everett
Assessment of the Control of a Jetty on a Barrier
Beach and Estuary System: C Ulrich, S S Hubbard, J
Peterson, K Blom, W Black, C Delaney, J Mendoza
0800h NS21A-3871 POSTER Detection of Changes
in Sediment Distribution in the Hudson River
Estuary with Repeated Subbottom Profiling: F O
Nitsche, T C Kenna
0800h NS21A-3872 POSTER Revisiting the
Submerged Paleo Elbe Valley (S North Sea) with
High-Resolution Shallow Seismics: S Papenmeier,
H C Hass
0800h NS21A-3873 POSTER GREATEM survey in
coastal area: S Abd allah, T Mogi, E Femonko
0800h NS21B-3882 POSTER Soil water retention
function hysteresis determined by groundpenetrating radar: E Leger, A Saintenoy, Y Coquet
0800h NS21B-3883 POSTER Application of BGPR
tomography investigate the Soil and Groundwater
Contaminated with Chlorinated Hydrocarbon:Case
study: H C Liu, C P Lin, T H Dong, C H Yang
Moscone West Poster Hall
New Perspectives on Fluid Flow and
Gas Hydrates in Sedimentary Basins
III Posters (joint with B, H, NH, V)
Presiding: Christian Berndt, GEOMAR;
Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin
Petroleum Rsch; Seth Haines, US
Geological Survey; Warren Wood, Naval
Research Laboratory
0800h OS21A-1093 POSTER Gasometric anomalies
in bottom sediments of the Barents Sea as instrument
of Modern Petroleum System study: A Fokina, G
Akhmanov, K Andreassen, A Yurchenko
0800h OS21A-1094 POSTER Seep Mapping: Using
NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Data to Visualize
the Physical Environments of Seeps in the Gulf
of Mexico: L Auner, L McKenna, E Lobecker, D
0800h OS21A-1095 POSTER Optimizing Installation
and Operation Properties of an AUV-Mounted
Swath Sonar Sensor for Automated Marine Gas
Seep Detection – a Modelling Approach: S Wenau,
T Fei, Z Tóth, H Keil, V Spiess, D Kraus
0800h OS21A-1096 POSTER Controlled Source
Electromagnetic (CSEM) and Seismic Interpretation
of Fluid Escape Features at the Vestnesa Ridge, West
Svalbard Continental Margin: K Weitemeyer, B
K Goswami, T A Minshull, G K Westbrook, M C
0800h OS21A-1097 POSTER Natural Gas Seepage
Along the Edge of the Aquitaine Shelf (France):
Origin and Flux Measurements: L Ruffine, J P
Donval, A Battani, L Bignon, C Croguennec, J C
Caprais, D Birot, G Bayon, N Lantéri, D Levaché,
S Dupré
0800h OS21A-1098 POSTER Origin and Processes
Highlighted By Noble Gases Geochemistry of
Submarine Gas Emissions from Seeps at the
Aquitaine Shelf (Bay of Biscay):: A Battani, L
Ruffine, J P Donval, L Bignon, M Pujol, D Levaché
0800h OS21A-1099 POSTER Methane Derived
Authigenic Carbonates from the Upper Continental
Margin of the Bay of Biscay (France): C Pierre, M
M Blanc-Valleron, S Dupré
0800h OS21A-1100 POSTER Evaluation of shallow
sediment methane cycling in a pockmark field on
the Chatham Rise, New Zealand: R B Coffin, P S
Rose, I Klaucke, J Bialas, I A Pecher, A R Gorman
0800h NS21A-3874 POSTER Clinothem Lobe
Growth and Possible Ties to Downslope Processes
in the Gulf of Papua: E A Y Wei, N W Driscoll, J D
Milliman, R L Slingerland
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:46 AM
0800h OS21A-1101 POSTER Investigation of Seafloor
Depressions East of New Zealand’s South Island to
Explore Their Potential Link to Methane Transport
Processes Between the Seafloor and Ocean: J I T
Hillman, A R Gorman, I A Pecher, A Pallentin, G
0800h OS21A-1102 POSTER 3-D seismic study
into the origin of a large seafloor depression on
the Chatham Rise, New Zealand : I A Pecher, K
A Waghorn, L J Strachan, G J Crutchley, J Bialas,
S Sarkar, B W Davy, C A Papenberg, S Koch, T
Eckardt, K Kroeger, P S Rose, R B Coffin
0800h OS21A-1103 POSTER High-Resolution 3D
Seismic Imaging of Fluid Flow Anomalies in the
Southwest Barents Sea: S Planke, F N Eriksen, O K
Eriksen, M Assad, H H Stokke
0800h OS21A-1104 POSTER Insights into Gulf of
Mexico Gas Hydrate Study Sites GC955 and WR313
from New Multicomponent and High-Resolution
2D Seismic Data: S S Haines, P E Hart, T S Collett,
W W Shedd, M Frye
0800h OS21A-1105 POSTER Fluid flow pathways
study from the 3D seismic data offshore
southwestern Taiwan: L Chen, W C Chi, H T
Chiang, S Lin
0800h OS21A-1106 POSTER The Evolution of
Methane Vents That Pierce the Hydrate Stability
Zone in the World’s Oceans: A J Smith, P B
Flemings, X Liu, K Darnell
0800h OS21A-1107 POSTER Hydrates in the
California Borderlands Revisited: Results from a
Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Survey of the
Santa Cruz Basin: P K Kannberg, S Constable
Characteristics of Oceanic Natural Gas Hydrate
Reservoirs: M D Max, A H Johnson
0800h OS21A-1109 POSTER Seismic Investigation of
the Pointer Ridge offshore southwestern Taiwan:
Detection of fluid migration pathways and fault seal
analysis: W C Han, C S Liu, C C Lin, Y Wang
0800h OS21A-1110 POSTER Basin-Scale Modeling
of Methane Hydrate Accumulations in the Gulf of
Mexico: M Nole, H Daigle, K K Mohanty
0800h OS21A-1111 POSTER A Comparison of Global
Seafloor Porosity Estimates: Past Attempts vs. New
Techniques: K M Martin, W T Wood, J J Becker
0800h OS21A-1112 POSTER Numerical studies of
gas composition differentiation during gas hydrate
formation: An application to the IODP site 1327: C
Yuncheng, D Chen
0800h OS21A-1113 POSTER A Non-Steady-State
Condition in Sediments at the Gashydrate Stability
Boundary off West Spitsbergen: Evidence for
Gashydrate Dissociation or Just Dynamic Methane
Transport?: T Treude, S Krause, V J Bertics, L
Steinle, H Niemann, V Liebetrau, T Feseker, E
Burwicz, S Krastel, C Berndt
MARINE SEDIMENTS: J T Irizarry, A W Rempel
0800h OS21B-1121 POSTER Class@Baikal: the
Endurance of the UNESCO Training-ThroughResearch Programme: A Mazzini, G Akhmanov,
O Khlystov, M Tokarev, D V Korost, J Poort,
A Fokina, D R Giliazetdinova, A Yurchenko, S
0800h OS21B-1122 POSTER Seafloor Deformation
Monitoring for Methane Hydrate Production Test:
T Yokoyama, S Matsuda, J Takeshima, K Sano, Y
0800h OS21B-1123 POSTER Episodic Deep Fluid
Expulsion at Mud Volcanoes in the Kumano Forearc
Basin, SE Offshore Japan: S Hammerschmidt, A
0800h OS21B-1124 POSTER Influence of a Spreading
Ridge on Carbon Maturation and Hydrate
Distribution – Knipovich Ridge, Svalbard Margin:
I Dumke, C Berndt, D Klaeschen, E Burwicz, T
Feseker, M Haeckel
0800h OS21B-1126 POSTER Pore-size distribution
and permeability properties of typical sandy
sediments based on the eastern Nankai Trough
seidiments: S Noda, H Minagawa, T Ito, S Kimura,
H Kaneko, H Narita
0800h OS21B-1127 POSTER Association of Ocean
Energy Exploitation of Resources Promotion Sea of
Japan: C Aoyama, S Aoyama
transformation of methane caused by pressure
change during its rising from seepage, revealed by
video observation and acoustic reflection data: D
Aoyama, C Aoyama
transformation of methane caused by pressure
change during its rising from seepage, revealed by
acoustic reflection data: C Aoyama, S Aoyama
0800h OS21B-1130 POSTER Early Diagenetic
Changes of Sediment Pore Properties Beneath the
Seafloor and Their Contributions to Gas Hydrate
Concentration in the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea:
T Uchida, S Horiuchi, Y Kato, R Matsumoto
0800h OS21B-1131 POSTER The relations between
natural gas hydrate distribution and structure on
Muli basin Qinghai province: C Yu, Y Li, Z Lu, S
Luo, C Qu, S Tan, P Zhang
0800h OS21B-1132 POSTER Chemical Potential of
Triethylene Glycol Adsorbed on Surfaces Relevant
to Gas Transport and Processing – Studies Using
Molecular Dynamics Simulations: B Kvamme, R
Olsen, S Sjöblom, K N Leirvik, T Kuznetsova
0800h OS21B-1133 POSTER Study of Mix CO2/
CH4 Hydrate Phase Transitions vs the Thickness of
Surrounding Water Film: B Kvamme, K Baig, T
0800h OS21A-1114 POSTER Dynamics of Permafrost
Associated Methane Hydrate in Response to
Climate Change: K You, P B Flemings
0800h OS21B-1134 POSTER A Cretaceous seep
deposite in Tibet: Diagnostic characteristics and the
possible driving force: H Tong, D Feng, D Chen
0800h OS21A-1115 POSTER Biologic Indicators
of Seabed Methane Venting Along the US MidAtlantic Margin: N Prouty, E B Roark, A W
Demopoulos, D J Condon, K Davis, S Ross, S
0800h OS21B-1135 POSTER Possibility of submarine
landslide triggering due to dissociation of hydrates –
an approach through ring shear tests: H Fukuoka
0800h OS21A-1116 POSTER Continuous Seafloor
Gas Hydrate Monitoring on the Ocean Networks
Canada NEPTUNE Cabled Observatory: M
Scherwath, M Heesemann, K Moran, T L Insua,
M Roemer, M Riedel, G Spence, L Thomsen, A
0800h OS21A-1117 POSTER Submarine Dissolution
During the Late-Miocene Carbonate Crash and
Subsequent Mega-Pockmark Formation on the
Cocos Ridge: J Kluesner, E A Silver, N L Bangs,
K D McIntosh
0800h OS21A-1118 POSTER Mud Volcanism in the
South East Caspian, Gorgon Plane, Iran: A Mazzini,
E N Poludetkina, B Mehrabi, M Krueger, S
Inguaggiato, G Etiope
Moscone West Poster Hall
New Perspectives on Fluid Flow and
Gas Hydrates in Sedimentary Basins
IV Posters (joint with B, H, NH, V)
Presiding: Christian Berndt, GEOMAR;
Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin
Petroleum Rsch; Seth Haines, US
Geological Survey; Warren Wood, Naval
Research Laboratory
0800h OS21B-1119 POSTER A Phase-Field Approach
to Modeling Hydrate Formation on Methane
Gas Bubbles in a Water Column: X Fu, L CuetoFelgueroso, W F Waite, C D Ruppel, R Juanes
0800h OS21B-1136 POSTER Microbial Sulfate
Reduction at Cold Seeps Based on Analysis of
Carbonate Associated Sulfate: D Feng, Y Peng
0800h OS21B-1137 POSTER Subsurface sediment
mobilization and active pockmarks from
sublacustrine ground-water seepage: A Reusch,
J Moernaut, M Loher, M Hilbe, G Meinecke, R
Kipfer, F Anselmetti, D Bouffard, M Strasser
0800h OS21B-1138 POSTER Tectonic Control of
Piercement Structures in Central Java, Indonesia: A
Mazzini, S Hadi, G Etiope, S Inguaggiato
0800h OS21B-1139 POSTER Rare Earth Elements
of Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates and
Its Constraints on Redox Condition in the Gulf of
Cadiz: S Wang, V H Magalhaes, L F Fuentefria De
Menezes Pinheiro, W Yan
0800h OS21B-1140 POSTER Alteration of rare earth
element distribution as a result of microbial activity
and empirical methane injection : D J Castillo, N
W Davies, A R Thurber, B A Haley, F S Colwell
0800h OS21B-1141 POSTER Water Column
Methanotrophy Fueled by Methane from the
Hudson Canyon Seep Field, US Atlantic Margin:
M C Redmond, E W Chan, M Y Kellermann, E
Arrington, D L Valentine, J D Kessler
0800h OS21B-1142 POSTER Development and field
application of a 6-bottle serial gas-tight fluid sampler
for collecting seafloor cold seep and hydrothermal
vent fluids with autonomous operation capability: S
Wu, K Ding, C Yang, W E Seyfried Jr, C Tan, A T
Schaen, A J Luhmann
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 17
0800h OS21B-1143 POSTER Fluid and Solute Fluxes
from the Deformation Front to the Upper Slope at
the Cascadia Margin: R D Berg, E A Solomon, H P
Johnson, D P Culling, R N Harris
0800h OS21B-1144 POSTER Complex Sedimentary
and Tectonic Events Captured in Stable Sulfur
Isotope Profiles from the IODP Expedition 344: C
Gott, N Riedinger, M E Torres, E A Solomon, S M
Bates, T W Lyons
Moscone West Poster Hall
Ocean Sciences General Contributions
II Posters
Presiding: Deborah Hutchinson,
USGS; Adina Paytan, UCSC-Inst Marine
Accomplishments Over the Past 15 Years and
Research Challenges for the Future: K Uhlenbrock,
M W Patterson
0800h OS21C-1146 POSTER Variability of the
central-North Atlantic subtropical gyre induced by
Rossby waves: P Vélez-Belchí, Y O Kwon, J Yang,
M D Pérez-Hernández, A Hernandez-Guerra
0800h OS21C-1147 POSTER Vertical Redistribution
of Oceanic Heat Content: X Liang, C I Wunsch, P
Heimbach, G Forget
0800h OS21C-1148 POSTER Synergy among ocean
scalars usign their turbulent singularity structure:
A Turiel, M Umbert, E Olmedo, V GonzalezGambau, J Martinez, J Ballabrera
0800h OS21C-1149 POSTER The Effective Vertical
Advection-Diffusion Balance: M Huber, R Tailleux,
D Ferreira, T Kuhlbrodt, J M Gregory
0800h OS21C-1150 POSTER Measuring Waves and
Erosion in Underwater Oil Blobs and Monitoring
Other Arbitrary Surfaces with a Kinect v2 Time-ofFlight Camera: T Butkiewicz
0800h OS21C-1151 POSTER Abyssal θ-S Observations
at Hawaii Ocean Time-series Station ALOHA:
R Lukas, F Santiago-Mandujano, C Fumar, D
McCoy, R W Deppe, J Gum, J Snyder, B Chee, B M
Howe, J T Potemra, F K Duennebier
0800h OS21C-1152 POSTER Numerical Study of
Surface Connectivity in the Eastern Mexican
Pacific: H A Inda Diaz, A Pares-Sierra
0800h OS21C-1153 POSTER Long-Term Change
of Sound Wave Propagation Attenuation Due to
the Effects of Ocean Acidification: S Gotoh, T
Tsuchiya, Y Hiyoshi
0800h OS21C-1154 POSTER Hydrologic controls of
phytoplankton blooms in the Gulf of Maine: C S
Roesler, A H Barnard, N R Pettigrew
0800h OS21C-1155 POSTER Acoustic Studies of
the Effects of Environmental Stresses on Marine
Mammals in Large Ocean Basins: N Sidorovskaia,
B Ma, A S Ackleh, C Tiemann, G E Ioup, J W Ioup
0800h OS21C-1156 POSTER Bacterial community
profiles before, during, and after Pseudo-nitzschia
bloom events in Santa Cruz, CA: S Mehic, M P
Sison-Mangus, S Jiang, R M Kudela
0800h OS21C-1157 POSTER Estimation of austral
summer net community production in the
Amundsen Sea: Self-organizing map analysis
approach: K Park, D Hahm, D G Lee, T S Rhee,
H C Kim
0800h OS21C-1158 POSTER Viral Lysogeny as a
Potential Mechanism for Termination of a Red Tide
Event: S B Martinez, R M Kudela, J Broughton
0800h OS21C-1159 POSTER Steady-state Solutions
for Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in Stratified
Water Columns with a Bell-shape Vertical Profile
of Chlorophyll: X Gong, J Shi, H Gao, X Yao
0800h OS21C-1160 POSTER Refuges from ocean
acidification: determining tolerances of coralline
algae to naturally low-pH water: H Cooper, A
Paytan, D C Potts
0800h OS21C-1161 POSTER Linear extension
rates and gross carbonate production of Acropora
cervicornis at Coral Gardens, Belize: E Peeling, L
Greer, H Lescinsky, R Humston, K R Wirth, I B
Baums, A Curran
0800h OS21C-1162 POSTER Ocean Acidification:
Euphausia Pacifica’s Response to Decreasing pH: H
N Weber, H Cooper
0800h OS21C-1163 POSTER Upwelling of Acidified
Water: Not Just an Issue for Shellfish Hatcheries on
the West Coast of the US: M Poach, D Munroe, I
0800h OS21C-1164 POSTER Typical near surface
layer current patterns in Lake Geneva’s main basin
(Grand Lac): A Razmi, D A Barry, D Bouffard, U
Moscone West 3011
Marine Microbial Genomics I (joint with
Presiding: Cecilia Kretz, Georgia
Institute of Technology Main Campus;
Amy Zimmerman, Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute
0800h OS21D-01 Systems Biology and Ecology of
Streamlined Bacterioplankton: S J Giovannoni
0820h OS21D-02 Microbial biogeography of San
Francisco Bay sediments: J A Lee, C A Francis
0840h OS21D-03 Application of RNA Stable Isotope
Probing (SIP) to Link Community Activity with
Microorganisms Responsible for Autotrophy in
the Subseafloor at Axial Seamount: J A Huber, C
S Fortunato
0900h OS21D-04 Islands in the Sea: the Patchy
Distribution and Physiological Poise of Vent
Microbes and the Implications for Carbon Cycling:
P R Girguis
McIlvin, A Post, M A Saito
0940h OS21D-06 Insights into eukaryotic
phytoplankton and CO2 uptake in the marine
biosphere: A Z Worden
Moscone West 3009
Nearshore Processes V (joint with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Hansong Tang,
CCNY; Cheryl Ann Blain, Naval Research
0800h OS21E-01 Modeling High-Resolution Coastal
Ocean Dynamics with COAMPS: System Overview,
Applications and Future Directions: R A Allard, T
J Campbell, K L Edwards, T Smith, P Martin, D
A Hebert, W Rogers, J D Dykes, G A Jacobs, P L
Spence, B Bartels
0815h OS21E-02 Numerical wave modelling
with WAVEWATCH III: numerics and
parameterizations for the coastal ocean: F Ardhuin,
A Roland, M Dutour, F Leckler
0830h OS21E-03 Frontal features of the Columbia
River plume seen from a high-resolution nonhydrostatic model: F Shi, T J Hsu, J T Kirby Jr, C C
Chickadel, G Farquharson, C L McNeil
0845h OS21E-04 Sediment bypassing and re-entry
in an estuarine salt wedge regime: W R Geyer, D K
Ralston, G C Kineke
0900h OS21E-05 A Global Tide and Storm Surge
Model with a Parallel Unstructured-Grid Shallow
Water Solver: B Jagers, J L Rego, M Verlaan, A
Lalic, M Genseberger, Y Friocourt, S van der Pijl
0915h OS21E-06 Observations of Surfzone Albedo:
G Sinnett, F Feddersen
0930h OS21E-07 Investigation of the logarithmic
model applied to bed shear stresses in the swash
zone: M Allis, C E Blenkinsopp, I L Turner, T E
Baldock, J A Puleo
0945h OS21E-08 Exploration of Salt Wedge
Dynamics in the Columbia River Estuary Using
Optical Measurements of Internal Ship Wakes: R A
Holman, S J Greydanus
Moscone West 3012
Renewable Energy: Marine, Wave, and
Hydrokinetic II (joint with A)
Presiding: Scott James, Exponent,
Inc.; Martin Wosnik, University of
New Hampshire Main Campus; Maria
Beninati, Bucknell Univ-Mech Engrg
0800h OS21F-01 Parametric Experimentation with
Cross-Flow Turbines: B L Polagye, C Haegele, S
Mehta, C Bowman, B Strom
0820h OS21F-02 Alaskan wave and river
hydrokinetic energy resource assessment, river
energy converter testing and surface debris
mitigation performance: J Johnson, J Kasper,
J Schmid, P Duvoy, T M Ravens, N Hansen, A
0900h OS21F-04 Effects of Stream Turbine Array
Configuration on Current Energy Extraction Near
an Island: Y Chen, B Lin, J Lin
11/28/2014 10:44:46 AM
0915h OS21F-05 Gulf Stream Power Characteristics
near Cape Hatteras; Regional Model vs. Direct
Current Observations: C Lowcher, J Bane, Y Gong,
R He, M Muglia
0930h OS21F-06 Wave energy converter effects on
wave propagation: A sensitivity study in Monterey
Bay, CA: G Chang, C A Jones, J Roberts, J Magalen,
K Ruehl, C Chartrand
0945h OS21F-07 Acoustic Propagation Modeling
for Marine Hydro-Kinetic Applications: C N
Johnson, E Johnson
Moscone West 3002
Trace Element and Isotope Cycling in
the Coastal Environment: Forty Years
of Innovations I
(joint with A, B)
Presiding: Gregory Cutter, Old
Dominion University; Peter Sedwick,
Old Dominion University
0800h OS21G-01 Dissolved Mn Speciation and
Ligand Characteristics in a Coastal Waterway : V
Oldham, L Jensen, G W Luther III
0815h OS21G-02 How U-Th series radionuclides
have come to trace estuarine processes: T M
0830h OS21G-03 Sedimentary input of trace metals
from the Chukchi Shelf: A M Aguilar-Islas, M
Seguré, R Rember, S Nishino
0845h OS21G-04 The Role Of Coastal Management
In Regulating Estuarine Fluxes: T D Jickells
0900h OS21G-05 Concentrations, size-distributions
and air-to-sea fluxes of bio-active trace elements
on the New Jersey coast: Y Gao, G Xu, T Xu, P
0915h OS21G-06 Natural Pb Fluxes to the Southern
Ocean from Accelerated Weathering in Antarctica:
A R Flegal Jr, K Ndungu, C M Zurbrick, C Gallon,
S E Stammerjohn
0930h OS21G-07 The Nd isotopic composition of
Adélie Coast Bottom Water – insights from GIPY6
cruise along 140°E : T van de Flierdt, M Lambelet,
E C V Butler, A R Bowie, S R Rintoul, R J Watson,
T Remenyi, D Lannuzel
0945h OS21G-08 Missed Steps on the Road to the
Radium-SGD Connection: W S Moore
Moscone South Poster Hall
Dynamics of the Io-Jupiter System II
Posters (joint with SM)
Presiding: Sarah Badman, Lancaster
University; Ashley Davies, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Carl Schmidt, University of
Virginia Main Campus
0800h P21A-3901 POSTER Velocity-Resolved MultiScale Imaging of Na Escape from Io: C Schmidt, R
E Johnson, M Mendillo, J L Baumgardner
0800h P21A-3902 POSTER Observations of oxygen
in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn by Hisaki:
H Tadokoro, F Tsuchiya, T Kimura, C Tao, A
Yamazaki, G Murakami, K Yoshioka, I Yoshikawa
P21A-3904 POSTER
Observations of the Io Plasma Torus in Support of
the EXCEED Mission: A J Steffl, M Kagitani, C
Tsang, S V Badman
0800h P21A-3909 POSTER Variation of Jupiter’s
Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/
EXCEED: C Tao, T Kimura, G Murakami, K
Yoshioka, F Tsuchiya, S V Badman, H Tadokoro, I
Yoshikawa, M Fujimoto
0800h P21A-3910 POSTER Variability of
Jupiter’s Main Auroral Emission in Response
to Magnetospheric Hot Plasma Injections: S V
Badman, B Bonfond, M Fujimoto, M Kagitani,
Y Kasaba, S Kasahara, T Kimura, H Melin, G
Murakami, J D Nichols, T Sakanoi, A J Steffl, C
Tao, F Tsuchiya, T Uno, A Yamazaki, M Yoneda, I
Yoshikawa, K Yoshioka
Moscone South Poster Hall
General Venus Contributions Posters
Presiding: Jorn Helbert, German
Aerospace Center DLR Berlin; Nathan
Bridges, Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins
0800h P21B-3911 POSTER First laboratory hightemperature emissivity measurements of Venus
analog measurements in the near-infrared
atmospheric windows: J Helbert, A Maturilli, S
Ferrari, M D Dyar, S E Smrekar
0800h P21C-3930 POSTER Low-Altitude Neutron
Measurements at Mercury: New Insights into
Volatile Distributions: P N Peplowski, D J
Lawrence, J O Goldsten, L R Nittler, S C Solomon
0800h P21C-3932 POSTER Global Volcanism on
Mercury at About 3.8 Ga: P K Byrne, L R Ostrach,
B W Denevi, J W Head III, S A Hauck II, S L
Murchie, S C Solomon
0800h P21B-3914 POSTER Analysis and Comparison
of Physical Properties and Morphology of Impact
Melt Flows on Venus and the Moon: C Dong, L M
0800h P21B-3915 POSTER New Statistical Methods
for the Analysis of the Cratering on Venus: M Xie,
S E Smrekar, M S Handcock
0800h P21B-3916 POSTER Possible Influence
of Venus Topography on the Zonal Wind and
UV albedo at Cloud Top Level: J L Bertaux, I
Khatuntsev, A Hauchecorne, W J Markiewicz, M
Emmanuel, S Lebonnois
Moscone South Poster Hall
Mercury: Results from MESSENGER’s
Low-Altitude Campaign II Posters
Presiding: Paul Byrne, Lunar and
Planetary Institute; Sean Solomon,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
0800h P21C-3917 POSTER BepiColombo – a
Joint ESA/JAXA Mission to Explore Mercury: J
Benkhoff, M Fujimoto
0800h P21C-3918 POSTER Improving solar wind
modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient
solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model: R
M Dewey, D N Baker, B J Anderson, M Benna, C
L Johnson, H Korth, D J Gershman, G C Ho, W E
McClintock, D Odstrcil, L C Philpott, J M Raines, D
Schriver, J A Slavin, S C Solomon, R M Winslow,
T Zurbuchen
Disappearing Dayside Magnetosphere Events:
Evidence for Severe Dayside Erosion and/or
Compression?: H R Middleton, J A Slavin, J M
Raines, X Jia, B J Anderson, M L Mays, T Zurbuchen
0800h P21C-3921 POSTER Mercury’s Tail Current
Sheet from MESSENGER Magnetic Field
Measurements: M Al Asad, C L Johnson, L C
Philpott, B J Anderson, H Korth, J A Slavin, S C
0800h P21A-3907 POSTER Solar wind influence on
the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Io plasma torus
observed by HISAKI/EXCEED: G Murakami, K
Yoshioka, T Kimura, A Yamazaki, F Tsuchiya, M
Kagitani, C Tao, I Yoshikawa, M Fujimoto
0800h P21C-3922 POSTER The impact of a hot
sodium ion population on the growth of the KelvinHelmholtz instability in Mercury’s magnetotail: P
Gingell, T Sundberg, D Burgess
0800h P21C-3923 POSTER ULF waves at Mercury: E
H Kim, S A Boardsen, J Johnson, J A Slavin
0800h P21C-3924 POSTER MESSENGER’s lowaltitude plasma observations in Mercury’s northern
magnetospheric cusp: J M Raines, P Tracy, D J
Gershman, G K Poh, J A Slavin, T Zurbuchen, H
Korth, B J Anderson, S C Solomon
0800h P21C-3925 POSTER Magnetic Reconnection
Controls Impacts of Solar Wind Ions at Mercury’s
Surface : Investigation By Global Hybrid
Simulations: G M Chanteur, R Modolo, F Leblanc
AGU2014News.indb 18
0800h P21C-3929 POSTER Mercury’s Internal
Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER’s Search
for Remanent Crustal Magnetization Associated
with Impact Basins: M E Purucker, C L Johnson,
J B Nicholas, L C Philpott, H Korth, B J Anderson, J
W Head III, R J Phillips, S C Solomon
0800h P21B-3913 POSTER Radar-Reflective Minerals
Tested Under Venus Near-Surface Conditions: E
Kohler, V Chevrier, N Johnson, C Lacy
0800h P21A-3906 POSTER Local electron heating in
the Io plasma torus associated with Io: the HISAKI
observation: F Tsuchiya, K Yoshioka, T Kimura, G
Murakami, M Kagitani, A Yamazaki, Y Kasaba, T
Sakanoi, I Yoshikawa, H Nozawa
0800h P21C-3928 POSTER Mercury’s Internal
Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER’s Lowaltitude Campaign: C L Johnson, M E Purucker, L
C Philpott, H Korth, B J Anderson, R M Winslow,
M Al Asad, J B Nicholas, N A Tsyganenko, S A
Hauck II, J W Head III, R J Phillips, S C Solomon
0800h P21C-3931 POSTER Hydrogen Concentrations
near Mercury’s North Pole: New Measurements
from MESSENGER’s Low-Altitude Campaign: D
J Lawrence, P N Peplowski, W C Feldman, S C
0800h P21A-3905 POSTER The Io Plasma Torus:
Motivation for Abandoning the “Active Sector”
Concept in Favor of System IV Modulation: J P
Morgenthaler, R J Oliversen, M Marconi, R C
Woodward Jr
0800h P21C-3927 POSTER Development with
MESSENGER Data of a Model of Mercury’s
Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Confined within
the Average Observed Magnetopause: H Korth,
N A Tsyganenko, C L Johnson, L C Philpott, B J
Anderson, M Al Asad, S C Solomon, R L McNutt Jr
0800h P21B-3912 POSTER VERITAS: A mission to
study the highest priority Decadal Survey questions
for Venus: S E Smrekar, L T Elkins-Tanton, S
Hensley, B A Campbell, M S Gilmore, R J Phillips,
H A Zebker
P21C-3920 POSTER
of Energetic Electron Events in Mercury’s
Magnetosphere at the 10-ms Timescale: R L
McNutt Jr, J O Goldsten, D J Lawrence, R D Starr,
G C Ho, P N Peplowski, B J Anderson, H Korth, S M
Krimigis, R E Gold, S C Solomon, D N Baker
0800h P21A-3908 POSTER Preliminary Results from
a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton
Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus:
R Kraft, T Kimura, R Elsner, G BranduardiRaymont, R Gladstone, S V Badman, Y Ezoe, G
Murakami, S S Murray, E Roediger, F Tsuchiya, A
Yamazaki, I Yoshikawa, K Yoshioka
0800h P21C-3926 POSTER Regional-Scale Surface
Magnetic Fields and Proton Fluxes to Mercury’s
Surface from Proton-Reflection Magnetometry:
R M Winslow, C L Johnson, B J Anderson, D
J Gershman, J M Raines, R J Lillis, H Korth, J A
Slavin, S C Solomon, T Zurbuchen
0800h P21C-3933 POSTER Spectro-Morphologic
Analysis of Pyroclastic Deposits on Mercury: A
Doressoundiram, S Besse, W Hersérant
0800h P21C-3934 POSTER TIR Spectroscopy:
Looking for Igneous Rocks on the Surface of
Mercury: S Ferrari, A Maturilli, C Carli, J Helbert,
M D’Amore, F Nestola, F Zorzi, H Hiesinger
Classification of Mercury’s Surface Spectral and
Chemical Characteristics: M D’Amore, J Helbert, S
Ferrari, A Maturilli, L R Nittler, D L Domingue, F
Vilas, S Z Weider, R D Starr, E J Crapster-Pregont,
D S Ebel, S C Solomon
0800h P21C-3936 POSTER A Map of KilometerScale Topographic Roughness of Mercury: M A
Kreslavsky, J W Head III, A A Kokhanov, G A
Neumann, D E Smith, M T Zuber, N A Kozlova
0800h P21C-3937 POSTER Mercury’s Low-Degree
Geoid and Topography from Insolation-Driven
Elastic Deformation: N Tosi, O Cadek, S Padovan,
M A Wieczorek
0800h P21C-3938 POSTER Thickness of Mercury’s
crust from MESSENGER gravity and altimetry data:
S Padovan, M A Wieczorek, J L Margot, N Tosi, S
C Solomon
0800h P21C-3939 POSTER Surface Strains Associated
with the Evolution of Mercury’s Domical Swells: P
B James, P K Byrne, S C Solomon, M T Zuber, R
J Phillips
0800h P21C-3940 POSTER Mercury’s global fabric of
thrust faults: C Klimczak, P K Byrne, S C Solomon
0800h P21C-3941 POSTER Locations of Major
Thrust Faults on Mercury Point to a Formation
Mechanism Associated with Crustal Thickening: M
M Selvans, T R Watters, P B James, R J Phillips, S
C Solomon
0800h P21C-3942 POSTER Small Fault Scarps on
Mercury Detected in Low-Altitude MESSENGER
Images: T R Watters, S C Solomon, K E Daud, M E
Banks, M M Selvans, M S Robinson, S L Murchie, N
L Chabot, B W Denevi, C M Ernst, C R Chapman,
C Fassett, C Klimczak, P K Byrne, D T Blewett
0800h P21C-3943 POSTER Caloris Basin, Mercury:
An Analysis of Cross-Cutting Tectonic Structures:
A Cunje, R R Ghent
Moscone South Poster Hall
There and Back Again: Biosignature
Detection in Terrestrial Analog
Environments for Mars Sample
Return II Posters
(joint with B)
Presiding: Michael Tuite, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Kenneth Williford, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Alexandra
Pontefract, University of Western
Ontario; Haley Sapers, University of
Western Ontario
0800h P21D-3946 POSTER Potential Influence
of Perchlorate on Organic Carbon in Martian
Regolith: C Oze, M S Vithanage, P R Kumarathilaka,
S Indraratne, T W Horton
0800h P21D-3947 POSTER You wouldn’t go into
the field with dirty sampling gear, would you?: J D
Rummel, M A Voytek, V Hipkin
0800h P21D-3948 POSTER Protocol for Identifying
Fossil Biofilm Microfabrics in Archean and Martian
Sedimentary Rocks: T R R Bontognali, J A
McKenzie, C Vasconcelos
0800h P21D-3949 POSTER Searching for Life in
Death Valley (and Other Deserts) – Microchemical
Investigations on Desert Varnish: M O Andreae, A
M Al-Amri, K P Jochum, M Kappl, A D Kilcoyne,
D Macholdt, M Müller, C Pöhlker, B Weber, M
0800h P21D-3950 POSTER Adaptive Multi-sensor
Data Fusion Model for In-situ Exploration of Mars:
T Schneiderman, P Sobron
0800h P21D-3951 POSTER International Mars
Architecture for the Return of Samples (iMARS)
Phase II Science Subteam Report – Science
Management of Returned Samples: T Haltigin, C
L Smith
0800h P21D-3952 POSTER Detection of Organic
Matter in Sediments with Near-Infrared Reflectance
Spectroscopy: Effects of Mineralogy, Albedo and
Hydration: H H Kaplan, R Milliken
0800h P21D-3953 POSTER Standoff Time-Resolved
Laser-Based Spectroscopy Tools for Sample
Characterization and Biosignature Detection: P J
Gasda, T Acosta-Maeda, P G Lucey, A K Misra, S
K Sharma, J Taylor
0800h P21D-3954 POSTER Biogeochemical
Heterogeneity in Mars Analog Soils from the
Atacama Desert: M Claire, B Shirey, M Brown, D
Anderson, M Van Mourik
0800h P21D-3955 POSTER Analysis of In-Situ
Organic and Mineral Compounds Relevant to
Martian Astrobiology Using 266 nm Raman
Spectroscopy: E Eshelman, M G Daly, G F Slater, P
Dietrich, J F Gravel, E Cloutis
0800h P21D-3956 POSTER Investigation of Archean
microfossil preservation for defining science
objectives for Mars sample return missions: K
Lorber, A D Czaja
0800h P21D-3957 POSTER Stabilization of Desert
Surfaces and Accumulation of Dust Under Biological
Soil Crusts: K M Finstad, G Mcnicol, M Pfeiffer, R
0800h P21D-3958 POSTER The Mars Oxygen ISRU
Experiment (MOXIE) on the yet-to-be-named
Mars 2020 Lander: M H Hecht, J Hoffman, D Rapp,
G Voecks, K S Lackner, J Hartvigsen, B Yildiz, P H
Smith, W T Pike, C Graves, M De La Torre Juarez,
S Schreiner, M B Madsen
0800h P21D-3959 POSTER Updating our
understanding of “Special Regions” on Mars: The
second MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis
Group (SR-SAG2): J D Rummel, D W Beaty, M
A Jones
0800h P21D-3960 POSTER NOx in the atmospheres
of aquaplanets as electron acceptors for life: M L
Wong, Y L Yung, M J Russell
0800h P21C-3944 POSTER Constraints on Mercury’s
Core-Mantle Boundary Region: S A Hauck II, N L
Chabot, P Sun, Z Jing, C L Johnson, J L Margot, S
Padovan, S J Peale, R J Phillips, S C Solomon
0800h P21D-3961 POSTER Field Comparisons of
Three Biomarker Detection Methods in Icelandic
Mars Analogue Environments: D Gentry, E S
Amador, M L Cable, N Chaudry, T Cullen, M
Jacobsen, G Murusekan, E Schwieterman, A
Stevens, A Stockton, C Yin, D Cullen, W Geppert
0800h P21C-3945 POSTER How is Mercury’s
dynamo powered?: G A Cox, B G Delbridge, J C
E Irving, H Matsui, W F McDonough, I Rose, A
Shahar, S M Wahl
0800h P21D-3962 POSTER Sample Return Science:
K H Williford, A Allwood, L W Beegle, R Bhartia,
D Flannery, A Hoffmann, M F Mora, J Orbay, D A
Petrizzo, M L Tuite Jr, P A Willis
0800h P21D-3963 POSTER Spatially Resolved
Chemical Imaging for Biosignature Analysis:
Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Examples: R
Bhartia, G Wanger, V J Orphan, M Fries, A R
Rowe, K H Nealson, W J Abbey, L P DeFlores, L
W Beegle
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:47 AM
0800h P21D-3964 POSTER Remotely Detectable
Biosignatures of Anoxygenic Phototrophs: M
N Parenteau, N Y Kiang, R E Blankenship, E
Sanromá, E Palle Bago, T M Hoehler, B K Pierson
0800h P21D-3965 POSTER New Method for the
Detection of Organosulfur Biosignatures in MarsAnalog Terrestrial Sedimentary Facies: M F Mora,
M L Tuite Jr, A Hoffmann, P A Willis, K H Williford
0800h P21D-3966 POSTER Analogue Sites for
Mars Missions - A report from two workshops: V
Hipkin, M A Voytek, M Glamoclija
Moscone West 2011
In and Out of Jove: Giant Planet
Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and
Ionospheres I (joint with SM)
Presiding: Kunio Sayanagi, Hampton
University; Ulyana Dyudina, Caltech;
Scott Edgington, Jet Propulsion Lab;
Marcia Burton, JPL
0800h P21E-01 Ice giant atmospheres: recent
findings: S Luszcz-Cook
0815h P21E-02 Juno and Cassini Proximal: Giant
Steps Towards Understanding Giant Planets: D J
0830h P21E-03 Saturn Ring Seismology: Evidence
for Stable Stratification in the Deep Interior of
Saturn: J Fuller
0845h P21E-04 Ten Years Orbiting Saturn: What
Have We Learned about Saturn’s Atmosphere?: G
L Bjoraker
0900h P21E-05 Cassini ISS Update on Seasonally
Evolving Northern Hemisphere, and a new
Hexagon Model: K M Sayanagi, A P Ingersoll, S
Ewald, U Dyudina, J J J Blalock, R Morales-Juberias,
R Cosentino, A A Simon
0915h P21E-06 Ammonium Hydrosulfide and
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: M J Loeffler, R Hudson,
N Chanover, A A Simon
0930h P21E-07 Planetary Period Oscillations at
Saturn: Auroral Observations: S V Badman, G
Provan, H Melin, J D Nichols, D G Mitchell, W R
Pryor, E J Bunce, S W H Cowley, K Radioti, W S
Kurth, S L Jinks, T Stallard, R H Brown, K H Baines,
M K Dougherty
0945h P21E-08 Ground-based observations of
Saturn’s H3+ aurora and ring rain from Keck
in 2013: J O’Donoghue, H Melin, T Stallard, G
Provan, L Moore, S V Badman, K H Baines, S
Miller, S W H Cowley
Moscone West 2009
Surface Boundary Exospheres:
Comparing the Moon, Mercury, and
Much More I
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services
in Vulnerable Delta Regions:
Implications for Policy and Practice
(joint with ED)
Presiding: Sylvia Szabo, University
of Southampton; Zoe Matthews,
University of Southampton; Sandra da
Costa, Universidade do Vale do Paraíba
0810h PA21A-02 Is it restoration or reconciliation?
California’s experience restoring the Sacramento –
San Joaquin River Delta provides lessons learned
and pathways forward to sustain critical ecosystem
functions and services in a highly managed riverine
delta: J H Viers, R Kelsey
Characterization of Foraminifera
Pleistocene through Recent Shelf
Sediments, Northern Gulf of Alaska:
of SHE-diversity and Polytopic Vector
Zellers, E A Cowan, M H Davies
0820h PA21A-03 Impacts on Poverty of
Encroaching Salinity on the Bengal (GBM) Delta:
A Spatial Case Study in Southern Bangladesh: F
Amoako Johnson, C Hutton, D Hornby, A Lazar,
A Mukhopadhyay
morphologic analysis of the Gulf of Alaska Yakutat
margin: evidence for recent trough mouth fan
growth: J M Swartz, S P S Gulick, J A Goff
0830h PA21A-04 Changes in Ecosystem Services
and related Livelihoods in the Mekong Delta:
vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies: Z
Sebesvari, F G Renaud
0840h PA21A-05 Recent social and biogeophysical
changes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna,
Mekong, and Amazon deltas as inputs into
evolutionary policy-making: C C de Araujo
Barbosa, S Hossain, S Szabo, Z Matthews, S Heard,
J Dearing
0850h PA21A-06 Vulnerability of climate change
and its adaptation in the Mekong Delta: monitoring
and resident’s perception along the coast: M
Tamura, K Yasuhara
0900h PA21A-07 Restoring the Mississippi
River Basin from the Catchment to the Coast
Defines Science and Policy Issues of Ecosystem
Services Associated with Alluvial and Coastal
Deltaic Floodplains: Soil Conservation, Nutrient
Reduction, Carbon Sequestration, and Flood
Control: R Twilley
0910h PA21A-08 Inter-Seasonal and Annual CoVariation of Smallholder Production Portfolios,
Volumes and Incomes with Rainfall and Flood
Levels in the Amazon Estuary: Implications for
Building Livelihood Resilience to Increasing
Variability of Hydro-Climatic Regimes: N D Vogt,
K Fernandes, M Pinedo-Vasquez, E S Brondizio, O
Almeida, S Rivero, F R Rabelo, Y Dou, P Deadman
0930h PA21A-10 Keeping Pace with Climate
Change: Habitat Protection in the Face of
Uncertainty: R L Flitcroft, K Burnett, G Giannico
0800h P21F-01 What Do We Know on Mercury’s
and Moon Exospheres and Could We Learn from
Their Comparison?: F Leblanc
0845h P21F-04 The lunar exosphere as seen from
LADEE UVS: A Colaprete, D H Wooden, A Cook,
R C Elphic, M Sarantos, K Vargo, B Hermalyn, T J
Stubbs, J Karcz, M Shirley
0900h P21F-05 The Teardrop Shaped Lunar Dust
Exosphere: J Szalay, M Horanyi, S Kempf, E
Gruen, R Srama, Z Sternovsky
0915h P21F-06 Solar wind sputtering of small
bodies: Exospheres of Phobos and Deimos: M J
Schaible, R E Johnson, P Lee, M Benna, R C Elphic
0930h P21F-07 The Giant
Exospheres: M A McGrath
0945h P21F-08 Gas Transfer in the Pluto-Charon
System: A Charon Atmosphere: O J Tucker, R E
Johnson, L A Young, X Jia, V Tenishev
in Upper
and Slope
Analyses: S
0800h PP21A-1290 POSTER An Early Middle Eocene
Orbital Scale Benthic Isotope Record From IODP
Site 1408, Newfoundland Rise: F Wu, N Lawler,
D E Penman, J C Zachos, S Kirtland Turner, R D
Norris, P A Wilson, P M Hull
0800h PP21A-1291 POSTER Nondestructive X-Ray
Computed Tomography Analysis of Sediment
Cores: A Case Study from the Arctic Ocean: E Oti,
L V Polyak, A Cook, G Dipre
0800h PP21A-1292 POSTER Late Quaternary
Sedimentary Records of Core MA01 in the
Mendeleev Ridge, the Western Arctic Ocean:
Preliminary Results : K Park, S Kim, B K Khim, R
Wang, J Mei, W Xiao, L V Polyak
0800h PP21A-1293 POSTER Investigating Sea Ice
Regimes and Glacial Cycles of the Early Pleistocene
in a Sediment Record from the Northwind Ridge,
Western Arctic Ocean: G Dipre, L V Polyak, J D
Ortiz, A Cook, E Oti
0800h PP21A-1294 POSTER Grain Size Variability
and Sea Ice in Middle to Late Quaternary Sediments
along the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean: R
Gyllencreutz, M O’Regan, L A Lowemark, M
0800h PP21A-1295 POSTER Climate “Noise” and the
Cryosphere: New Constraints on the Evolution of
Ice Sheets during the Cenozoic: S R Meyers, W
Aswasereelert, L A Hinnov
0800h PP21A-1296 POSTER Linking Agulhas
Leakage Variability and North Atlantic Climate MIS
1-5a: K A Dyez, R Zahn, I R Hall
0800h PP21A-1297 POSTER Paleoceanography in
Pelagic Clay of the South Pacific Gyre: A G Dunlea,
R W Murray, J Sauvage, A J Spivack, R N Harris, S
0800h PP21A-1298 POSTER Extending the Chatham
Rise (ODP Site 1123) Deep Ocean Temperature
Record into the Plio-Pleistocene: Inception of
Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: I Weidle, H
0800h PP21A-1299 POSTER Evidence for the initial
opening of the Tasmanian Gateway during the Early
to Middle Eocene (51.9-49.0 Ma) based on shallow
water stratigraphy from South Tasman Rise ODP
Leg 189 Site 1171: N Piatrunia, S F Pekar
0800h PP21A-1300 POSTER Emplacement and
fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet across the
Eocene-Oligocene transition: P Stocchi, S Galeotti,
M Rugenstein, R M Deconto, J B Ladant, B L A
Vermeersen, H Brinkhuis
0800h PP21A-1301 POSTER Cenozoic Sedimentation
and Paleo-Water Depths of the Weddell Sea Basin
Related to Pre-Glacial and Glacial Conditions of
Antarctica: X Huang, W Jokat, K Gohl
0800h PP21A-1302 POSTER Record of Earliest West
Antarctic Ice Sheet Beneath Ross Sea?: S M Davis,
C C Sorlien, L De Santis, B P Luyendyk, C Sauli, N
Wardell, P J Bart
0800h PP21A-1303 POSTER Lead isotopes in
Southern Ocean marine sediments: implications for
paleoclimatic provenance and seawater studies: C P
Cook, E E Martin
0800h PP21A-1304 POSTER ‘The Middle Man’ –
Nd Isotope Signatures of Marine Sediments as a
Provenance Tool to Reconstruct Oligocene Ice
Sheet Instability in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin, East
Antarctica: C E Huck, T van de Flierdt, S M Bohaty,
U Roehl, G M Hole, G Lee
0800h PP21A-1305 POSTER Evidence for West
Antarctic Glaciation During the Late Oligocene
(~26-23 Ma): 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Ice-rafted Debris
from DSDP Site 270, Ross Sea: D Hauptvogel, S F
Pekar, T Williams, S R Hemming
0800h PP21A-1306 POSTER Early Miocene
Nothofagus in Antarctica based on fossil leaves from
the Transantarctic Mountains: S A Wrobleski, A C
Ashworth, A R Lewis
0800h PP21A-1307 POSTER Change in Deep Water
Circulation in Southern Drake Passage during the
Mid-Pleistocene Transition: J I Lee, K C Yoo, H S
Moon, H Yoon
0800h PP21A-1308 POSTER Possible ocean-forced
East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability and sea level
change at the Last Interglacial: C J Fogwill, C S
Turney, K J Meissner, N Golledge, P Spence, J L
Roberts, R T Jones, L Carter
0800h PP21A-1309 POSTER Late Quaternary
Advance and Retreat of an East Antarctic Ice Shelf
System: Insights from Sedimentary Beryllium-10
Concentrations: M E Guitard, A Shevenell, E W
Domack, B E Rosenheim, Y Yokoyama
0800h PP21A-1310 POSTER Blue Ice Moraines as
an Archive of Past EAIS dynamics: Mt. Achernar
as a Case Study in the Central Transantarctic
Mountains: M R Kaplan, K Licht, G Winckler, J M
Schaefer, C Mathieson, N Bader
0800h PP21A-1311 POSTER Increasing Ocean Access
to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica: J S Greenbaum,
D D Blankenship, D A Young, A Aitken, T G
Richter, J L Roberts, R C Warner, T D van Ommen,
M J Siegert
Moscone West Poster Hall
Cenozoic through Modern Climate
and Glacial Records and Processes at
High-Latitude Margins I Posters
Presiding: Carys Cook, University of
Florida; Erin McClymont, Durham
University; Claire Huck, University of
Florida; Amelia Shevenell, University of
South Florida St. Petersburg
Experts will be on hand to answer
questions and share best practices and advice
about science communication.
Stop by the AGU Marketplace to speak
with one of our experts!
0800h PP21A-1281 POSTER Environmental
Magnetic Signature Of Late Quaternary Climate and
Paleoceanography in the Bering Sea: E S Platzman,
S Lund, M E Kirby
0800h PP21A-1282 POSTER Marine Isotope Stage
(MIS) 5 on the Umnak Plateau, Bering Sea (IODP
Site U1339): Using diatom taxonomy, grain size and
nitrogen isotopic composition of marine sediments
as proxies for primary productivity and sea ice
extent: D Vaughn, B Caissie
16 - 18 December
10:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
AGU Booth, Moscone South, Exhibit Hall
0800h PP21A-1283 POSTER Climate-Ice Sheet
Interactions through the Pliocene-Pleistocene:
Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 341
(Gulf of Alaska): J Müller, E McClymont, M L
Sanchez Montes, C M Moy, O E Romero, J M Lloyd
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 19
0800h PP21A-1286 POSTER Oxygen isotope
stratigraphy in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp.
341): H Asahi, A C Mix, I Suto, C L Belanger, A
Fukumura, S Gupta, S Konno, K M Matsuzaki, O
E Romero, S P S Gulick, J M Jaeger, L J Schneider
0800h PP21A-1287 POSTER Seismic stratigraphy of
the Bering Trough, Gulf of Alaska: Late Quaternary
history of Bering Glacier dynamics: A Montelli, S
P S Gulick, L L Worthington, A C Mix, S Zellers, J
M Jaeger
0940h PA21A-11 The spatial extent of change in
tropical forest ecosystem services in the Amazon
delta: C C de Araujo Barbosa, P Atkinson, J
0830h P21F-03 The search for Ar in the lunar
atmosphere using the Lunar Reconnaissance
Orbiter’s LAMP instrument: J C Cook, S A Stern,
P D Feldman, R Gladstone, K D Retherford, T K
Greathouse, C Grava
0800h PP21A-1285 POSTER Northern Cordilleran
Ice Sheet Dynamics in Coastal Alaska from MIS 3
to the Present: Initial Results: M L Penkrot, J M
Jaeger, L LeVay, G St-Onge, A C Mix, H Bahlburg,
M Davies-Walczak, S P S Gulick
0800h PA21A-01 Land Use, Livelihoods,
Vulnerabilities, and Resilience in Coastal
Bangladesh: J M Gilligan, B Ackerly, S L Goodbred
Jr, C Wilson
Presiding: Richard Elphic, NASA Ames
Research Center; Kurt Retherford,
Southwest Research Inst; Mehdi Benna,
NASA - GSFC; John Keller, Code 691
0815h P21F-02 LADEE NMS Observations of
Sporadic Water and Carbon Dioxide Signatures in
the Lunar Exosphere: M Benna, P R Mahaffy, D
Hurley, T J Stubbs, R R Hodges Jr, R C Elphic
0800h PP21A-1284 POSTER Palaeoenvironmental
conditions in the Gulf of Alaska (NE Pacific) during
the Mid Pleistocene Transition: J Müller, O E
Romero, E McClymont, R H Stein, K Fahl
11/28/2014 10:44:47 AM
0800h PP21A-1312 POSTER NBP14-02: The Sabrina
Coast Marine Record of Ocean-Cryosphere
Dynamics: T Snow, A Leventer, E W Domack, B A
Huber, A H Orsi, D D Blankenship, S P S Gulick, A
Shevenell, C Lavoie
0800h PP21A-1313 POSTER The geomorphic
and sedimentary record of past subglacial water
outbursts, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: R A
Fernandez-Vasquez, E W Domack, C Lavoie, S P
S Gulick, S Saustrup Sr, B Frederick, A Leventer, A
Shevenell, D D Blankenship
0800h PP21A-1314 POSTER Seismic Stratigraphy
of Ice Sheet Advance-Retreat Cycles on the
Sabrina Coast Continental Shelf, East Antarctica:
B C Frederick, S P S Gulick, S Saustrup, R A
Fernandez-Vasquez, E W Domack, C Lavoie, D D
Blankenship, A Leventer, A Shevenell
0800h PP21A-1315 POSTER Holocene Sedimentary
Record of Unusual Primary Productivity, Dalton
Polynya, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: A
Leventer, L Armand, M Redovian, E W Domack,
A Shevenell, C Smith, C Lavoie, A H Orsi, B A
Huber, S P S Gulick, R A Fernandez-Vasquez
0800h PP21A-1316 POSTER High-resolution
Deglacial to Holocene paleoceanographic records
from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary
foraminifer-based results from NBP14-02: A
Shevenell, T Snow, E W Domack, A Leventer, S
P S Gulick, B A Huber, A H Orsi, E Goddard, R A
0800h PP21A-1317 POSTER Mid to late Holocene
oceanographic changes offshore Adélie Land,
Antarctica: Ultra-high resolution foraminiferal
assemblage and isotopic records from IODP
Expedition 318 Site U1357: E Hendricks, F I
Salman, S F Pekar, R B Dunbar, M DeCesare
Moscone West Poster Hall
Holocene Climate Archives
from Across the Arctic: Detailed
Paleoclimate Perspectives on PresentDay Polar Change I Posters
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Erich Osterberg, Dartmouth
College; Yarrow Axford, Northwestern
University; Karl Kreutz, Univ Maine;
Cameron Wake, Univ New Hampshire
0800h PP21B-1318 POSTER Remote Correlation of
Paleoceanographic Events in the Northern Parts of
Bering and Barents Seas during the Termination
I and Early Holocene: E V Ivanova, E Ovsepyan,
I Murdmaa, A de Vernal, B Risebrobakken, E
Seitkalieva, E Radionova, G Alekhina
0800h PP21B-1319 POSTER Features of shoreline
displacement in the Holocene of Franz josef Land
Archipelago: A Barliaev, M Anisimov
0800h PP21B-1320 POSTER The Svalbard Barents
Sea Ice Sheet deglaciation and its contribution to
meltwater pulse 1a: Constraining ice sheet history
with geomorphological mapping and 10Be exposure
dating on Svalbard’s southern cape: D B Nothaft,
T Koffman, J M Schaefer, N E Young, A Hormes,
J P Briner
0800h PP21B-1321 POSTER Holocene Environmental
Change in the Skallingen Area, Eastern North
Greenland, Based on a Lacustrine Record: B
Wagner, O Bennike
0800h PP21B-1322 POSTER Holocene Development
of Greenland Sea Deep Convection: A Comparison
of Calcite Surface and Bottom Water δ13c : H A
Bauch, M M Telesinski, R F Spielhagen
0800h PP21B-1323 POSTER Reconstructing
Hydroclimate Changes During the Holocene using
Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Records from the
Norwegian Arctic: N L Balascio, W J D’Andrea, R
S Anderson, M Gjerde, J Bakke, R S Bradley
0800h PP21B-1324 POSTER 231Pa/230Th records
of Arctic/Atlantic interchange in Fram Strait: S
S Hoffmann, K J McDermott, J F McManus, S B
0800h PP21B-1325 POSTER Reconstructing Deep
Circulation Strength in Fram Strait Using Grain
Size Analysis: K J McDermott, S S Hoffmann
0800h PP21B-1326 POSTER Sea Surface Temperature
and Sea Ice Variability at the Onset of the Holocene
– Diatom Inferred Reconstructions from Baffin Bay
from 15-10.9 cal. ka BP: M Oksman, A Miettinen,
M Kucera, R Jackson
0800h PP21B-1327 POSTER Ice Core Records
of Recent Northwest Greenland Climate: E C
Osterberg, G J Wong, D Ferris, E Lutz, J A Howley,
M A Kelly, Y Axford, R L Hawley
0800h PP21B-1329 POSTER Terrestrial and Marine
Organic Matter Accumulation in Hudson Bay: A
High-Resolution Record of Climate/Watershed
Processes over the Late Holocene: Y Alleau, M
A Goni, L Kolcynski, G St-Onge, P Lajeunesse, T
0800h PP21B-1330 POSTER Late Holocene Peat
Growth at the Northern Siberian Periphery and its
Relation to Arctic Climate Change: H A Bauch, E
Abramova, T Alenius, M Saarnisto
0800h PP21B-1331 POSTER Late Holocene Russian
Arctic climate variability – spatial and seasonal
aspects inferred from glacier and ground ice: T Opel,
H Meyer, D Fritzsche, T Laepple, D Alexander
0800h PP21B-1332 POSTER New Paleoclimate
Records from the Russian Far East: Carbon
Accumulation Rates and Ecological Change Over
the Last 13,000 Years from Western and Central
Kamchatka: C J Bochicchio, J Loisel, Z Yu, D
Beilman, V Dirksen, O Dirksen, J E Nichols
0800h PP21B-1333 POSTER Assessing Stationarity in
Ice Core Record-Sea Level Pressure Relationships
for Yukon Territory Ice Core Records: E P Kelsey,
C P Wake, E C Osterberg
0800h PP21B-1334 POSTER A Storm-by-Storm
Analysis of Alpine and Regional Precipitation
Dynamics at the Mount Hunter Ice Core Site, Denali
National Park, Central Alaska Range: P L Saylor, E
C Osterberg, K J Kreutz, C P Wake, D Winski
0800h PP21B-1335 POSTER Melt layer stratigraphic
evidence of increasing summer snow melt on Mt.
Hunter, Alaska over the last 400 years: D Winski, E
C Osterberg, K J Kreutz, M Baum, C P Wake
0800h PP21B-1336 POSTER Major Ion Content of
Aerosols from Denali Base Camp during Summer
2013: C P Wake, E A Burakowski, E C Osterberg
0800h PP21B-1337 POSTER Holocene Changes in
Climate and Ecological Gradients across the Alaskan
Arctic Assessed with Multiple Organic Geochemical
and Paleoecological Techniques: J E Nichols, D M
0800h PP21B-1338 POSTER Paleoecological
inferences of recent alluvial damming of a lake basin
due to retrogressive permafrost thaw slumping: R
Quinlan, S Delaney, S F Lamoureux, S V Kokelj,
M F Pisaric
0800h PP21B-1339 POSTER Input of Terrestrial
Palynomorphs since the Last Deglaciation from
Sediments of the Chukchi Sea Shelf, Western Arctic
Ocean: I Delusina, S Y Kim, S I Nam, K S Woo
Moscone West Poster Hall
Interdisciplinary Approaches to
Reconstructing Climate Variability
and Associated Feedbacks from the
Last Deglaciation, Holocene, and
Anthropocene I Posters (joint with A, B,
Presiding: Corinne Wong, University
of California Davis; Isabel Montanez,
Univ of California, Davis; Bette
Otto-Bliesner, National Center for
Atmospheric Research; Lucas Silva,
University of California Davis
0800h PP21C-1340 POSTER Early Diagenetic
Imprint on Temperature Proxies in Holocene
Corals: A Case Study from French Polynesia: R J
Rashid, A Eisenhauer, V Liebetrau, J Fietzke, F
Boehm, M Wall, S Krause, A Rüggeberg, C Dullo,
E Samankassou
0800h PP21C-1341 POSTER Trends in ENSO
Amplitude Through the Holocene at the Line
Islands, Central Tropical Pacific: S M White, A C
Ravelo, P J Polissar
0800h PP21C-1342 POSTER Dust Deposition and
Migration of the ITCZ through the Last Glacial
Cycle in the Central Equatorial Pacific (Line
Islands): M A Reimi Sipala, F Marcantonio
0800h PP21C-1343 POSTER Fluvial Tufa Evidence of
Late Pleistocene Wet Intervals from Santa Barbara,
Southern California: Y Ibarra, F A Corsetti, S J
Feakins, E J Rhodes, M E Kirby
0800h PP21C-1344 POSTER Temperature and
Rainfall Variability in the Northern Andes Over the
Past Two Millennia: T M Shanahan, C W Bixler,
A Mora
0800h PP21C-1345 POSTER A Millennial Length
High-Resolution Pollen, Charcoal, Diatom and
Stable Isotope Record from Laguna San Carlos,
Panama: J M St Jacques, J Escobar, M Velez, A
Correa-Metrio, J H Curtis
0800h PP21B-1328 POSTER Deciphering the Ecology
of Key Diatom Taxa to Understand ClimateInduced Changes in West Greenland Lakes over the
Holocene: J E Saros, R Northington, H Malik, N J
AGU2014News.indb 20
Reconstruction and its Implications for Late
Pleistocene Paleontological Site Formation in Hoyo
Negro, a Submerged Subterranean Pit in Quintana
Roo, Mexico : D Rissolo, E G Reinhardt, S Collins,
S E Kovacs, P A Beddows, J C Chatters, A Nava
Blank, P Luna Erreguerena
0800h PP21C-1347 POSTER Mid- to Late Holocene
Climate Shift in the Southern Gulf of California
and Tropical Pacific Ocean: L L Perez-Cruz, J U
Fucugauchi, V Velasco, A Rodriguez, K Choumiline
0800h PP21C-1348 POSTER Reconstructing hypoxia
of the southeastern Gulf of California over the last
18,000 years: sediments of Pescadero Basin : K
Choumiline, T Lyons, L L Perez-Cruz, M EscorzaReyes, S Bates
0800h PP21C-1349 POSTER Reconstruction of
Redox Conditions and Productivity in Coastal
Waters of the Bothnian Sea during the Holocene:
N Dijkstra, N B Quintana Krupinski, C P Slomp
0800h PP21C-1350 POSTER Contemporary
limnological and sedimentary analyses to investigate
anthropogenic changes in nutrient fluxes at Lake
Baikal, Siberia: S Roberts, S McGowan, G E A
Swann, A W Mackay, V Panizzo, E Vologina
0800h PP21C-1351 POSTER Can silicon isotopes be
used to assess anthropogenic impacts and nutrient
utilisation in Lake Baikal, Siberia?: G E A Swann,
V N Panizzo, A W Mackay, S Roberts, E Vologina,
M S Horstwood
Latimer, T M Williams, S R Brown, J Stone, A
0800h PP21C-1353 POSTER Late Pleistocene and
Holocene nitrogen cycling in relation to climate,
bedrock geology and lake evolution, Central Idaho:
C R Krueger, J Hawkes, M Shapley, B Finney
0800h PP21C-1354 POSTER High-resolution Record
of Holocene Climate, Vegetation, and Fire from a
Raised Peat Bog, Prince Edward Island, Canadian
Maritimes: M C Peros, K Chan, L Ponsford, J
Carroll, G Magnan
0800h PP21C-1355 POSTER Allogenic and Autogenic
Controls on Carbon Uptake and Release since
Mid-Holocene Peat Initiation in the Hudson Bay
Lowlands, Canada: M Packalen, S A Finkelstein, J
0800h PP21C-1356 POSTER What Happens when
Sea Ice Retreats, Peatlands Form, and a Landbridge
Drowns? A Molecular View of the Last Deglacial
from the Pacific-Arctic Gateway: J J Kocis, S
Petsch, I S Castañeda, J Brigham-Grette
0800h PP21C-1357 POSTER Late Pleistocene and
early Holocene change in the Weddell Sea: a new
climate record from the Patriot Hills, Ellsworth
Mountains, West Antarctica: C S Turney, C J
Fogwill, M Rubino, D Etheridge, T D van Ommen,
A D Moy, M A Curran
0800h PP21C-1358 POSTER Late Holocene High
Discharge and Erosion Events Inferred from
Sediment Proxies and Catchment Geomorphology,
Lake Vuoksjávrátje, NW Sweden: A Berntsson, K
N Jansson, M E Kylander, F De Vleeschouwer, S
0800h PP21C-1359 POSTER Assessment of
quantitative Holocene temperature reconstructions
based on multiple proxies from the sediment record
of Lake Loitsana, Sokli, NE Finland: S Shala, K F
Helmens, T P Luoto, J S Salonen, M Väliranta, J
0800h PP21C-1360 POSTER Northern Hemisphere
Ice sheet forcing on the Holocene climate of
Eurasia: J L Baker, M S Lachniet, O Chervyatsova,
Y Asmerom, V J Polyak
0800h PP21C-1361 POSTER 2500-year Late
Holocene vegetation and hydrologic changes from a
cave guano-clay sequence in the Danube Gorge, SW
Romania: B P P Onac, S M Hutchinson, A Geanta, F
L Forray, J G Wynn, A M Giurgiu, I Coroiu
0800h PP21C-1362 POSTER The Holocene landscape
development of the Gareja region in eastern Georgia
(Caucasus region) – an interdisciplinary approach:
M Elashvili, L Sukhishvili, L Navrozashvili, B
Kikvadze, Z Janelidze, H von Suchodoletz
Geological Survey of Denmark and
Greenland; Wolfram Geissler, AWI
0800h PP21D-1363 POSTER Linking the Tectonic
Evolution of the Northeast Atlantic and the
Arctic: Paleobathymetry Reconstructions and
Paleoceanographic Implications: C Gaina, J H
0800h PP21D-1364 POSTER Early Pliocene Nordic
Seas Palaeoceanography – Relation with Ocean
Gateways: S De Schepper, M Schreck, K M Beck, G
Mangerud, J J Matthiessen, B Risebrobakken
0800h PP21D-1365 POSTER Cenozoic Contourite
Drift Development in the Norwegian - Greenland
Sea Area: Paleoceanographic Implications: J S
Laberg, M Rebesco, R G Lucchi, M S Stoker
0800h PP21D-1366 POSTER Anomalous Cenozoic
Post-Rift Uplift in the North Atlantic; The Role
of Mantle Plumes, Transform Margins and
Propagating Rifts: P D Clift, N Dörr, C Spiegel
0800h PP21D-1367 POSTER The Opening of the
Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic
and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative:
W H Geissler, J Knies, T Nielsen, C Gaina, J J
Matthiessen, C Gebhardt, V Damm, M Forwick, B
O Hjelstuen, J R Hopper, K Husum, J S Laberg, W
Kuerschner, C Morigi, M Schreck, A K Tripati, C
M Vogt, M Rebesco, S I Nam, A E Carlson, S De
Schepper, R Lucchi, R Mattingsdal, W Jokat, R H
0800h PP21D-1368 POSTER Current Pattern
Change in the Fram Strait at the Pliocene/
Pleistocene Boundary: C Gebhardt, W H Geissler,
J J Matthiessen, W Jokat
0800h PP21D-1370 POSTER Cenozoic Motion of
Greenland – Overlaps and Seaways: L A Lawver,
I O Norton, L Gahagan
0800h PP21D-1371 POSTER Tracing the MidPleistocene Transition using SST and Sea Ice Proxies
in the Sub-Arctic Pacific: Z N Stroynowski, T
Rodrigues, R Cardoso, E Bruno
Moscone West 2008
Climate of the Common Era I (joint with
A, B, GC)
Presiding: Kevin Anchukaitis, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Inst; Edward Cook,
Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory;
Julien Emile-Geay, Univ. of Southern
California; Jason Smerdon, LDEO of
Columbia University
0800h PP21E-01 Impact of Uncertainty of Boundary
Conditions on Simulations of the Last Millennium:
A N LeGrande, K Tsigaridis
0815h PP21E-02 Variability of the North Atlantic
Current over the Common Era: P Moffa Sanchez, I
R Hall, A Born, D J Thornalley, S Barker, T Richter
0830h PP21E-03 Centennial and Extreme Climate
Variability in the Last 1500 Year from the Belize
Central Shelf Lagoon (Central America): Successive
Droughts and Floods Linked to the Demise of the
Mayan Civilization: A W Droxler, A Agar Cetin,
S J Bentley
0845h PP21E-04 Decadal Drought and Wetness
Reconstructed for Subtropical North America in the
Mexican Drought Atlas: D J Burnette, D W Stahle,
E R Cook, J Villanueva-Diaz, D Griffin, B Cook
0900h PP21E-05 Flooding of the Great River during
the Common Era: A Paleohydrological Record of
High Magnitude Flood Events from the Central
Mississippi River Valley: J W Williams, S E
Munoz, K E Gruley, A Massie
0915h PP21E-06 Ancient Analogs of ENSO-Like
Moisture Anomaly Patterns Across North America:
D W Stahle, D J Burnette, E R Cook
0930h PP21E-07 Model-Data Comparisons of PanContinental Drought over North America during
the Common Era: S Coats, J E Smerdon, R Seager,
B Cook
0945h PP21E-08 Ground warming and continental
energy storage in the Northern Hemisphere during
the Common Era: Impact of borehole depth: H
Beltrami, G S Matharoo, J E Smerdon
Moscone West Poster Hall
Moscone West 2006
The Northeastern Atlantic and the
Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic
Evolution and the Impact on
Paleoclimate History Posters (joint
with C, T)
North American Hydroclimates
over the Past 120 Ka BP: Terrestrial,
Marine, and Model Evidence for
Oceanic/Atmospheric Forcing I (joint
with A, GC, H, OS)
Presiding: Catalina Gebhardt, AWI
Bremerhaven; Jochen Knies, Geological
Survey of Norway; John Hopper,
Presiding: John Barron, USGS; Matthew
Kirby, Cal-State Fullerton; Jay Alder, U.S.
Geological Survey
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:47 AM
0800h PP21F-01 Eastern Tropical Pacific
Paleosalinity Reconstructions During the Last
Deglaciation: G Leduc, J A Gregersen, J P Sachs
0815h PP21F-02 Aspects of the Glacial-deglacial
Climate of Western North America: S W Hostetler,
J R Alder, P J Bartlein, J K Cuzzone, J J Wettstein,
P U Clark
0830h PP21F-03 What Is the Forcing Mechanism
of Orbital Scale Paleoclimatic Change in Western
North America?: M S Lachniet, Y Asmerom, V J
Polyak, R F Denniston
0845h PP21F-04 A High-Resolution Stalagmite
Record of East-Central North America
Hydroclimates during Marine Isotope Stages 3-5: G
S Springer, H D Rowe, B F Hardt, H Cheng, R L
0900h PP21F-05 Hydroclimate Variability in the
Southwestern US Since the Last Interglacial: Insights
From Cave Paleodata and Process Studies: J E Cole,
S A Truebe, T Ault, R Murray, S Hlohowskyj, B L
Otto-Bliesner, D Waltz, G M Henderson, J Wagner
0915h PP21F-06 Climatic Variation in the Western
Part of Subtropical North America during Late
Last Glacial and Deglaciation: Some New Records
and a Synthesis: P D Roy, J D Quiroz-Jiménez, C
M Chávez Lara, J L Sánchez Zavala, R LozanoSantacruz, N Lopez-Balbiaux
0930h PP21F-07 Tree-Ring Proxies of Hydroclimate
Variability in the Great Lakes Region during Cold
Excursions Back to 15ka: I P Panyushkina, S W
0945h PP21F-08 Why were Past North Atlantic
Warming Conditions Associated with Drier
Climate in the Western United States?: C I Wong,
G L Potter, I P Montanez, B L Otto-Bliesner, P
Behling, J L Oster
Moscone West 2010
Sea Ice in Earth History: Proxy Data
and Modeling I (joint with C, GC)
Presiding: Rainer Gersonde, Alfred
Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center
for Polar and Marine Research
Bremerhaven; Hugues Goosse,
Université Catholique de Louvain
0800h PP21G-01 What can we learn from the PaleoRecords about Future Arctic Climate Change?: B
Tremblay, D B Huard, G A Schmidt, A de Vernal
0815h PP21G-02 Northern Hemisphere seaice cover during the Holocene – proxy data
reconstruction and modelling: M S Seidenkrantz,
A de Vernal, H Goosse, S Solignac, N Van
Nieuwenhove, M Macias-Fauria, F Klein, C Pearce,
S T Belt, B Caissie, T M Cronin, R H Stein, L Sha,
L H DeNinno
0830h PP21G-03 Arctic sea ice variability during the
last deglaciation: a biomarker approach: J Müller,
R H Stein
0845h PP21G-04 Last Glacial Maximum to
Holocene Sea Ice Decline in the Bering and Chukchi
Seas: a Comparison of Diatom-, IP25-, and Grain
Size-Based Sea Ice Proxies: B Caissie, J J Kocis, A
Nesterovich, B M Pelto, J Brigham-Grette
0900h PP21G-05 The Pliocene Sea Ice Cover in the
Arctic Ocean: J Knies, P Cabedo-Sanz, S T Belt, S
Baranwal, S Fietz, A Rosell Mele
0915h PP21G-06 Southern Ocean Surface
Temperature and Sea Ice Fields during the Last
Interglacial: O Esper, R Gersonde, G Lohmann
0930h PP21G-07 What Can Sea Ice Reconstructions
Tell Us About Recent Regional Trends in Sea Ice
Around Antarctica?: N Abram, R Mulvaney, E J
0945h PP21G-08 Halogens: From Annual To a
Millennial Time Scale: C Barbante, A Spolaor, P T
Vallelonga, A Schoenhardt, J Gabrieli, J M C Plane,
M A Curran, M P Bjorkman
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h S21A-4386 POSTER Temporal Feasibility of
Rapid Joint Inversions in Response to Tsunamis
Triggered by Megathrust Earthquakes: A
Williamson, A V Newman
0800h S21A-4412 POSTER Web-based Tsunami
Early Warning System with instant Tsunami
Propagation Calculations in the GPU Cloud: M
Hammitzsch, J Spazier, S Reißland
0800h S21B-4437 POSTER Factors Contributing
to Multi-Segment Rupture in the 2010 M7.1
Darfield, New Zealand, Earthquake: B Aagaard, C
A Williams, B Fry
0800h S21A-4387 POSTER Modeling the Influence
of Coseismic Horizontal Seafloor Displacement on
Tsunami Generation and Propagation: G C Lotto,
E M Dunham
0800h S21A-4413 POSTER Numerical experiment on
Observation Capabilities of Oceanographic Radar
for Far Field Tsunami Off Chile: M Okamoto, T
Takahashi, S Seto, H Hinata, T Kataoka
Convergence in Simulations of Crustal Deformation
with Spontaneous Rupture: M Knepley, B Aagaard,
C A Williams
0800h S21A-4388 POSTER New Perspective of
Tsunami Deposit Investigations: Insight from
the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami in Martinique, Lesser
Antilles: J Roger, V Clouard, E Moizan
0800h S21A-4414 POSTER A Methodology for
Near-Field Tsunami Inundation Forecasting: A R
Gusman, Y Tanioka
0800h S21B-4439 POSTER Adaptive, High-Order,
and Scalable Software Elements for Dynamic
Rupture Simulations in Complex Geometries: J E
Kozdon, L Wilcox, A R Aranda
0800h S21A-4389 POSTER Initial-Boundary Value
Problem Solution of the Nonlinear Shallow-water
Wave Equations: U Kanoglu, B Aydin
0800h S21A-4390 POSTER Validation of NSWING,
a multi-core finite difference code for tsunami
propagation and run-up: J M A Miranda, J M F
Luis, C Reis, R Omira, M A Baptista
0800h S21A-4391 POSTER Slip distribution of the
2014 Iquique earthquake in northern Chile derived
from tsunami waveform inversion: T Baba, T
Takagawa, H Tsushima, Y Hayashi, T Tomita, C
Gómez, P A Catalan
0800h S21A-4392 POSTER Open Source Seismic
Software in NOAA’s Next Generation Tsunami
Warning System: S B Hellman, B I Baker, M T
Hagerty, J M Leifer, S Lisowski, D A Thies, B K
Donnelly, F P Griffith
0800h S21A-4393 POSTER Analysis of Dispersive
Landslide Tsunami Waves in the Lagrangian
Framework: L A Couston, C Mei, M R Alam
0800h S21A-4394 POSTER Probabilistic tsunami
hazard assessment for Makran considering recently
suggested larger maximum magnitudes and
sensitivity analysis for GNSS-based early warning:
N Zamora, A Hoechner, A Y Babeyko
0800h S21A-4396 POSTER Tsunami Research and
Monitoring Enabled through Ocean Network
Canada’s NEPTUNE Cabled Observatory: M
Heesemann, T L Insua, S F Mihaly, R Thomson, A
Rabinovich, I Fine, M Scherwath, K Moran
0800h S21A-4397 POSTER Tsunamis and
meteotsunamis observed offshore of the South
Kuril Islands: A V Loskutov, G V Shevchenko, A
Rabinovich, A A Shishkin
0800h S21A-4398 POSTER Field survey of the 1
April 2014 Iquique tsunami along the coasts of Chile
and Peru: M Lagos, H M Fritz
0800h S21A-4399 POSTER From Sumatra 2004 to
Tuhoku-Oki 2011: what we learn about Tsunami
detection by ionospheric sounding. : G Occhipinti,
L Rolland, P Coisson, S Watada, J J Makela, H
Hebert, P H Lognonne
0800h S21A-4400 POSTER Deterministic Tectonic
Origin Tsunami Hazard Analysis for the Eastern
Mediterranean and its Connected Seas: O
Necmioglu, N Meral Ozel
0800h S21A-4401 POSTER Recent Findings on
Tsunami Hazards in the Makran Subduction Zone,
NW Indian Ocean: M Heidarzadeh, K Satake
0800h S21A-4402 POSTER A High Resolution
Normal Mode Solution of Japan Sea: Y Wu, K
0800h S21A-4403 POSTER Frontal Rupturing and
Tsunamigenic Potential of the Mentawai Locked
Zone from Seismic Full Waveform Inversion and
Numerical Modelling: S C Singh, A K Kuncoro, Y
Qin, N Cubas
0800h S21A-4404 POSTER Forecast Variance
Estimates Using Dart Inversion: E Gica
0800h S21A-4405 POSTER Tsunami event
information dissemination through Tweb: E F
Burger, L Kamb, K Gately
0800h S21A-4406 POSTER Optimization of the
Number and Location of Tsunami Stations in a
Tsunami Warning System: C An, P L F Liu, M E
0800h S21A-4407 POSTER Rapid tsunami
propagation and inundation models from timedependent earthquake source inversions from landand ocean-based geophysical sensors: D Melgar, Y
Bock, J K Saunders
Decade of Megatsunamis: Science and
Tsunami Warning Systems after the
2004 Sumatra Event III Posters (joint
with G)
0800h S21A-4408 POSTER Characterizing MegaEarthquake Related Tsunami on Subduction Zones
without Large Historical Events: C R Williams, R
Lee, S Astill, R Farahani, P S Wilson, F Mohammed
Presiding: Eddie Bernard, Self
Employed; Jose Borrero, eCoast Ltd.;
Vasily Titov, NOAA Seattle; Stuart
Weinstein, Pacific Tsunami Warning
0800h S21A-4409 POSTER ComMIT and Tweb
Integration: Global Tsunami Modeling Done
Locally: L Kamb, C W Moore, E F Burger
0800h S21A-4385 POSTER Study on Vignetting
Correction of Uav Images and Its Application to
2010 Ms7.0 Lushan Earthquake, China: X Yuan, X
Wang, A Dou, X Ding
0800h S21A-4410 POSTER HFER duration and
displacement amplitudes from regional P waves as
a possible tsunami earthquake discriminant: T Hara
0800h S21A-4411 POSTER Tsunami.gov: NOAA’s
Tsunami Information Portal: B Shiro, J Carrick, S
B Hellman, M Bernard, W P Dildine
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 21
0800h S21A-4415 POSTER Design Principles for
resilient cyber-physical Early Warning Systems Challenges, Experiences, Design Patterns, and Best
Practices: S Gensch, J Wächter, B Schnor
0800h S21B-4440 POSTER Numerical Simulations
on the Seismic Cycles at the Northeastern Japan
Subduction Zone: H Weng, J Huang
0800h S21A-4416 POSTER Quantification of InterTsunami Model Variability for Hazard Assessment
Studies: P A Catalan, A Alcantar, P I Cortés
0800h S21B-4441 POSTER Size Distribution of Slip
Values in Finite-Fault Rupture Models: K K S
Thingbaijam, P M Mai
0800h S21A-4418 POSTER Evaluation of real-time
tsunami earthquake discriminants: M T Hagerty, B
F Hirshorn, S Weinstein, W R Knight, P Whitmore
0800h S21B-4442 POSTER Precursory Processes
during Stick-Slip Experiments on Crustal Rocks: F
X Passelègue, S Latour, A Schubnel, S B Nielsen, H
Bhat Suresh, R I Madariaga
0800h S21A-4419 POSTER Formation of Hydroacoustic Waves in Dissipative Coupled Weakly
Compressible Fluids: A Abdolali, J T Kirby Jr, G
0800h S21A-4420 POSTER Source of the 6 February
2013 Mw 8.0 Santa Cruz Islands Tsunami: F
Romano, I Molinari, S Lorito, A Piatanesi
0800h S21A-4421 POSTER Frequency Dispersion of
the 1 April 2014 Iquique, Chile Tsunami: H Zhou,
L Wright, V V Titov
0800h S21A-4422 POSTER Traveltime delay and
initial phase reversal of distant tsunamis coupled
with the self-gravitating elastic Earth: S Watada, S
Kusumoto, K Satake
0800h S21A-4424 POSTER Numerical Tsunami
Simulation Including Elastic Loading and Sea Water
Density Stratification: S Allgeyer, P R Cummins
0800h S21A-4425 POSTER CAT: the INGV Tsunami
Alert Center: A Michelini
0800h S21A-4426 POSTER Observations and
Numerical Modelling of Strong Meteotsunami of
13 June 2013 on the East Coast of the USA: I Fine, J
Sepic, A Rabinovich, R Thomson
0800h S21A-4427 POSTER Observations of the 2011
Tohoku Tsunami on the Coast of British Columbia:
A Rabinovich, R Thomson
0800h S21A-4428 POSTER Tsunami warning in
French Polynesia: new tools applied to historical
events: D Reymond, A Jamelot, L A Rivera
0800h S21A-4429 POSTER On the negative initial
phase of major 2010-2014 tsunamis: M C Eble, G
Mungov, A Rabinovich
0800h S21A-4430 POSTER Issues in Indonesia’s
tsunami disaster management system revealed after
the 2004 Sumatra event: M Sugimoto, A Koyama,
H Sun, I Kang, T Arakawa, J Kobayashi, M Nagata,
R Nakanishi, M Nakano, S Noguchi
Moscone South Poster Hall
Multiscale Dynamics of Earthquake
Faulting I Posters (joint with T)
0800h S21B-4443 POSTER Critical Parameters of the
Initiation Zone for Spontaneous Dynamic Rupture
Propagation: M Galis, C Pelties, J Kristek, P Moczo,
J P Ampuero, P M Mai
0800h S21B-4445 POSTER Roughness of fault
surfaces over a length-scale range from nano- to
milimeters: M Kishida, K Mizoguchi, M Takahashi,
T Hirose
0800h S21B-4446 POSTER The effect of seismogenic
zone depth on the likelihood of fault stepover jump
: K Bai, J P Ampuero
0800h S21B-4447 POSTER Rupture front
propagation along a bimaterial interface: new
experimental insights: J Fineberg, H Shlomai
0800h S21B-4448 POSTER Using a pseudo-dynamic
source inversion approach to improve earthquake
source imaging: Y Zhang, S G Song, L A Dalguer,
J F Clinton
0800h S21B-4449 POSTER Rupture Dynamics and
Scaling Behavior of Hydraulically Stimulated MicroEarthquakes in a Shale Reservoir: G F Viegas, T
Urbancic, A M Baig
Moscone South Poster Hall
Seismic Anisotropy in the Continental
Crust: Combining Perspectives of
Seismology, Petrology, and Mineral
Physics I Posters (joint with MR, T)
Presiding: Sarah Brownlee, Wayne
State Univ-Geology; David Okaya, Univ
Southern California; Vera SchultePelkum, Univ Colorado Boulder; Bill
Fry, GNS Science
0800h S21C-4450 POSTER Azimuthal AVO
Curvature As a Constraint on Anisotropy
Orientation: J Kolb, D Cho, K A Innanen
0800h S21C-4451 POSTER Grid-search Algorithms
to Estimate the Crustal Thickness and the Bulk
Crustal Vp/Vs Ratio in the Presence of Anisotropy:
A Kaviani, G Rumpker
Presiding: Brad Aagaard, USGS; AliceAgnes Gabriel, Ludwig Maximilians
Universitat Munchen; Matthew
Knepley, Univ of Chicago; Paul Mai,
King Abdullah University of Science and
0800h S21C-4452 POSTER Constraining crustal
anisotropy from receiver functions: A new
approach: A Okeler, M Ishii
0800h S21B-4431 POSTER New Efficient Dynamic
3-D Boundary Integral Equation Method and
Application to Non-Planar Fault Geometry Dipping
in Elastic Half Space: R Ando
0800h S21C-4454 POSTER Effects of Shear Zone
Development on Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower
Grenvillian Crust: W J Song, C C Gerbi, S E
Johnson, S S Vel
0800h S21B-4432 POSTER 3D Dynamic Rupture
Simulations Across Interacting Faults: the Mw7.0,
2010, Haiti Earthquake: R Douilly, H Aochi, E
Calais, A M Freed, B Aagaard
0800h S21C-4455 POSTER Seismic Anisotropy
of the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schist beneath the
Mojave Block, Southern California: S J Brownlee,
B R Hacker, A D Chapman, J Saleeby
0800h S21B-4433 POSTER Progression of
Spontaneous in-Plane Shear Faults from SubRayleigh up to Compressional Wave Rupture
Speeds: S Das, C Liu, A Bizzarri
0800h S21C-4456 POSTER Multiple Directions of
Shear-wave Splitting in the 2005 Alpha, Idaho
Earthquake Swarm: J E Zollweg, A M RadenzBenoit
0800h S21B-4434 POSTER Intersonic and Supersonic
ruptures in a model of dynamic rupture in a layered
medium: X Ma, A E Elbanna
0800h S21C-4457 POSTER Variations of Crustal
Anisotropy along the San Jacinto Fault Zone,
Southern California: Z Li, Z Peng, Z Ross, F
Vernon, Y Ben-Zion
0800h S21B-4435 POSTER Activation of Fault
Structures South of the La Habra Earthquake
Rupture As Evidenced By UAVSAR Imaging:
A Donnellan, J W Parker, L Grant Ludwig, E
0800h S21B-4436 POSTER Rupture processes of
the 2010 Canterbury earthquake and the 2011
Christchurch earthquake inferred from InSAR,
strong motion and teleseismic datasets: S Yun, K
Koketsu, Y Aoki
0800h S21C-4453 POSTER Mapping Shear Zones,
Faults, and Crustal Deformation Fabric With
Receiver Functions: V Schulte-Pelkum, K H
0800h S21C-4458 POSTER Analysis of shear-wave
splitting from volcano-tectonic events at Soufrière
Hills volcano, Montserrat: A F Baird, J M Kendall,
R S J Sparks, B Baptie
0800h S21C-4459 POSTER Crustal Anisotropy
Beneath The Central Apennines (Italy) as
revealed by the 2009 L’Aquila Seismic Sequence: P
Baccheschi, M Pastori, L Margheriti, D Piccinini
11/28/2014 10:44:48 AM
0800h S21C-4460 POSTER Use of passive seismic
data to characterize sedimentary basins, an
example from the Vienna Basin, Austria: N Piana
Agostinetti, I Bianchi
0830h S21E-03 Effect of a low-velocity sedimentary
cover on the 3-D velocity models derived from
inversion of local arrival times. An example from
the New Madrid seismic zone: J M Pujol, J M Chiu
0800h S21C-4461 POSTER Crustal Anisotropy
Beneath the Western Segment of North Anatolian
Fault Zone from Local Shear-Wave Splitting: S
Altuncu Poyraz, U Teoman, M Kahraman, N
Turkelli, S Rost, D A Thompson, G Houseman
0845h S21E-04 Finite-frequency sensitivity of
seismic waves in three-dimensional fault zone
models: A A Allam, Y Ben-Zion, C Tape
0800h S21C-4462 POSTER Seismic Mapping of
Crustal and Mantle Deformation beneath the SE
Tibetan Plateau with Receiver Function and SKS
Splitting Data: J Zuo, F Niu
0900h S21E-05 New Insights on Seismicity and the
Velocity Structure beneath the Western Segment
of the North Anatolian Fault Zone: U Teoman,
S Altuncu Poyraz, M Kahraman, A K Mutlu, D
Cambaz, N Turkelli, D A Thompson, S Rost, G A
Houseman, M Utkucu
0800h S21C-4463 POSTER Crustal Anisotropy and
Lower Crustal Flow beneath the Eastern Margin of
the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by P-to-S Conversions
from the Moho: F Kong, J Wu, B Yang, Y Yu, K H
Liu, S S Gao
0915h S21E-06 Joint Inversion of Body-Wave
Arrival Times and Surface-Wave Dispersion Data
in the Wavelet Domain Constrained by Sparsity
Regularization: H Zhang, H Fang, H Yao, M
Maceira, R D van der Hilst
0800h S21C-4464 POSTER Crustal Flow beneath
Eastern Tibet Revealed by Rayleigh-wave
Tomography: C P Legendre, L Zhao, F Deschamps,
Q F Chen
0930h S21E-07 Receiver Function Analysis using
Ocean-bottom Seismometer Records around the
Kii Peninsula, Southwestern Japan: T Akuhara, K
0800h S21C-4465 POSTER Crustal Seismic
Anisotropy Produced by Rock Fabric Terranes in
the Taiwan Central Range Deformational Orogen:
Integrative Study Combining Rock Physics,
Structural Geology, and Passive/Active-Source
Seismology: D A Okaya, Z Ross, N I Christensen,
F T Wu, T B Byrne
0945h S21E-08 Imaging geothermal systems
associated with oceanic ridge: first analysis of
records from a dense seismic network deployed
within and around the Reykjanes high-temperature
area, SW-Iceland: P G Jousset, K Ágústsson, A
Verdel, H Blanck, S A Stefánsson, K Erbas, F Deon,
Ö Erlendsson, E Á Guðnason, S Specht, G P Hersir,
S Halldórsdóttir, K Wemstraa, S Franke, D Bruhn,
O G Flovenz, H Tryggvason, G Ó Friðleifsson
0800h S21C-4466 POSTER Azimuthal anisotropy
and 3-D shear-wave velocity structures of North
Island, New Zealand: B Fry, Y Yin, F Deschamps,
M Reyners
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Foreshocks and Their Predictive
Value: Insights from Recent
Observations, Lab Experiments,
Numerical Simulations, and
Prospective Forecasting Experiments
I (joint with G, NH, T)
Presiding: Maximilian Werner,
Princeton University; Jiancang Zhuang,
ISM Institute of Statistical Mathematics
0800h S21D-01 Scientific Facets of the Search for
Foreshocks: W Marzocchi
0815h S21D-02 Foreshock Activity during
Laboratory Friction Tests using Meter-scale Rock
Specimens Inferred from two Apparatuses with
Different Stiffness: H Kawakata, N Yoshimitsu,
E Fukuyama, F Yamashita, K Mizoguchi, T Togo,
I Doi
0830h S21D-03 Numerical Investigation of
Earthquake Nucleation on a Laboratory-Scale
Heterogeneous Fault with Rate-and-State Friction:
N Higgins, N Lapusta
0845h S21D-04 Foreshocks and Aftershocks of
Large-event Clusters in Simulated Catalogs: J J
Gilchrist, J H Dieterich, K B Richards-Dinger
0900h S21D-05 Gradual unlocking of a plate
boundary controlled the April 2014 M8.1 Iquique,
Northern Chile megathrust earthquake: B Schurr,
S Hainzl, J R Bedford, A Hoechner, R Wang, Y
Zhang, O Oncken, M Palo, M Bartsch, M Moreno,
F J Tilmann, T Dahm, P Victor, S E Barrientos, J P
0915h S21D-06 Foreshocks Are Not Predictive of
Future Earthquake Size: M T Page, K R Felzer, A
J Michael
Characteristics and Foreshock Forecasting in
Observed and Simulated Earthquake Catalogs: Y
0945h S21D-08 Foreshock probabiliites and the
Båth law under the ETAS model: J Zhuang
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
Imaging the Earth I Passive and Active
Source Studies of the Crust (joint with
DI, T)
Presiding: Monica Maceira, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Carene Larmat,
Los Alamos National Laboratory;
Andreas Fichtner, ETH Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich; Paula
Koelemeijer, University of Cambridge
0800h S21E-01 High resolution imaging of the
Earth with adaptive full-waveform inversion: J V
Morgan, M Warner, L Guasch, A Umpleby, G Yao,
F J Herrmann
0815h S21E-02 Ambient Noise Correlation
Amplitudes and Local Site Response: D C Bowden,
V C Tsai, F C Lin
AGU2014News.indb 22
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Outstanding Challenges in the
Seismological Study of Volcanic
Processes II (joint with V)
Presiding: Diana Roman, Carnegie
Institution of Washington; Matthew
Haney, Alaska Volcano Observatory
Anchorage; Stephanie Prejean, Alaska
Volcano Observatory Anchorage;
Richard Aster, Colorado State
0800h SA21A-4038 POSTER Determination of ITM
Key Parameters By the Ionospheric Connection
Explorer (ICON): T J Immel, S England, S B
Mende, J J Makela, B J Harding, A W Stephan, F
Kamalabadi, R A Heelis, C R Englert, J Edelstein,
J M Forbes, A I Maute, G Crowley, J D Huba, J
Harlander, G R Swenson, H U Frey, G S Bust, J C M
C Gerard, B A Hubert, D E Rowland, D L Hysell, A
Saito, S Frey, M Bester, W Craig
Thermospheric Composition: S C Solomon, L
Qian, A G Burns
0800h SA21A-4040 POSTER Developing a MultiElement Geospace Investigation to Understand the
Impact of Hemispheric Assymetry: L J Paxton, P
T Newell, A Stromme, A J Ridley, J U Kozyra, E J
0800h SA21A-4041 POSTER An Incoherent Scatter
Radar Facility in Antarctica: J D Kelly, A Stromme,
M J Nicolls, A P van Eyken
0800h SA21A-4044 POSTER The High-latitude
Electric Potential Disparity and Hemispheric
Differences in the Upper Thermospheric Neutral
Wind Circulation: M Foerster, S Haaland, I
0800h SA21A-4046 POSTER Multi-Resolution
Assimilative Analysis of High-Latitude Ionospheric
Convection in both Hemispheres: Z M Thomas,
T Matsuo, D W Nychka, E D P Cousins, M J
0800h SH21A-4091 POSTER Constructing TimeDependent Coronal Hole Maps Using Synchronized
Multi-Instrument EUV Data: R M Caplan, C
Downs, J Linker
Thermospheric Composition
Variability and Its Coupling to the
Ionosphere I (joint with SH, SM)
Presiding: Yongliang Zhang, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory; Larry Paxton, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory; Timothy Fuller-Rowell,
Univ of Colorado-CIRES; Delores Knipp,
University of Colorado at Boulder
0800h SA21B-01 Observations of Radiative Cooling
By Nitric Oxide and Carbon Dioxide in the E and F
Regions: Implications for Space Weather and Space
Climate: M G Mlynczak, L A Hunt, J M Russell III
0816h SA21B-02 Short Time-Scale Enhancements
to the Global Thermosphere Temperature and
Nitric Oxide Content Resulting From Ionospheric
Joule Heating: D R Weimer, M G Mlynczak, L A
Hunt, E K Sutton
Moscone South Poster Hall
0846h SA21B-04 Composition and the Winter
Anomaly: A G Burns, W Wang, L Qian, S C
Solomon, Y Zhang, L J Paxton, J P Thayer
0800h SA21A-4037 POSTER Modeling Longitudinal
Hemispheric Differences during Geomagnetic
Storm Times: K Greer, T J Immel, A J Ridley
0800h SH21A-4092 POSTER Solar Flare Prediction
Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Data with
a Machine-Learning Algorithm: M Bobra, S P
0800h SH21A-4093 POSTER Automated Discovery
of Short Duration Solar Radio Bursts in MurchisonWidefield Array (MWA) Data: B Timar, V
Pankratius, C Lonsdale, D Oberoi, R J Cappallo, L
0800h SH21A-4094 POSTER Bayesian Analysis Of
HMI Solar Image Observables And Comparison To
TSI Variations And MWO Image Observables: D G
Parker, R K Ulrich, J Beck
Moscone South Poster Hall
0830h SA21B-03 Recent Results of the Remote
Sensing of the O/N2 Ratio in the 100 to 200 Km
Altitude Region: J H Hecht
Presiding: Larry Paxton, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory; Patrick Newell, Johns
Hopkins Univ; Anja Stromme, SRI
International; Aaron Ridley, Univ
0800h SH21A-4089 POSTER The Automatic Solar
Synoptic Analyzer and Solar Wind Prediction: S
Hong, J Kim, J Han, Y Kim
0800h SH21A-4090 POSTER Automated Wave
Analysis and Reduction in EUV (AWARE): a tool
for the detection and characterization of EUV
waves: A R Inglis, J Ireland, A Shih, S Christe, L
Moscone West 2016
Understanding Hemispheric
Asymmetry and Space Weather I
Posters (joint with SM)
0800h SH21A-4088 POSTER An Analysis of
Eruptions Detected by the LMSAL Eruption Patrol:
N E Hurlburt, P A Higgins, S Jaffey
0800h SA21A-4045 POSTER Longitudinal and
Hemispheric Variations of Nighttime E-Layer
Electron Density in the Auroral Zone : X Luan, W
Wang, X Dou, A G Burns, X Yue
0830h S21F-03 Volcanic Tremor from Alaska
to Hawai`i - What Can We Learn from SelfOrganizing Maps?: K Unglert, M Jellinek
0945h S21F-08 Determining the Mechanism
of Seismic Anisotropy at Volcanoes: Focus on
Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador: J H Johnson, P
Palacios, M Kendall, H M Mader
Presiding: Bala Poduval, Space Science
Institute Boulder; Craig DeForest,
Southwest Research Institute; Markus
Aschwanden, Lockheed Martin Solar
and Astrophysics Laboratory
0800h SH21A-4086 POSTER A catalog of Dimming
Regions from the SDO AIA mission: A R Davey, S
W Mcintosh
0800h SA21A-4048 POSTER Study of Thermosphere
Temperature Response to Geomagnetic Storms: P
Suresh, C Swenson
0930h S21F-07 Peakmatch – a New Program for
Large-Scale Seismic Multiplet Analysis and Event
Classification: An Application to Soufrière Hills
Volcano, Montserrat: M Rodgers, P Smith, D M
Pyle, T A Mather, S Rodgers
Computer Vision Codes in Solar
Physics: Challenges and Limitations I
Asymmetry and Universal Time Effects in
Ionospheric Total Electron Content and Outflow
Rates: N J Perlongo, D T Welling, A J Ridley, A
Glocer, T J Immel, R M Katus, M W Liemohn
0815h S21F-02 Insights into Arc-Wide Magmatic
Processes from Volcano-Seismic and Geochemical
Data in Alaska: H Buurman, C J Nye, M E West,
C Cameron
0915h S21F-06 Systematic re-analysis of 23 years of
volcanic seismicity on Hawaii Island: R S Matoza, P
M Shearer, P Okubo
Moscone South Poster Hall
0800h SH21A-4083 POSTER Effect of Size of the
Computational Domain on Nonlinear ForceFree Modeling of Coronal Magnetic Field Using
SDO/HMI Data: T T Asfaw, T Wiegelmann, P J
0800h S21F-01 Outstanding challenges in the
seismological study of volcanic processes: Results
from recent U.S. and European community-wide
discussion workshops: D C Roman, M Rodgers, T
A Mather, J A Power, D M Pyle
0900h S21F-05 Backprojection and waveform
inversion of volcanic tremor during the 2008
eruption of Okmok Volcano: M M Haney
0800h SA21A-4042 POSTER Updated Global
Data from the Guvi Instrument: New Products,
Updated Calibration, and a New Web Interface: R
K Schaefer, L J Paxton, G Romeo, B C Wolven, Y
Zhang, J Comberiate
0800h SA21A-4047 POSTER Predictability and
Ensemble Modeling of the Space-Atmosphere
Interaction Region: T Matsuo, T J Fuller-Rowell, R
A Akmaev, H Wang, T W Fang, K Ide, D T Kleist, J
S Whitaker, X Yue, M Codrescu, A D Richmond, T
J Immel, B J Anderson, L J Paxton, J Y Liu
0845h S21F-04 Detecting and locating volcanic
tremors in Kamchatka based on correlations of
continuous seismic records: N Shapiro, D Droznin,
S Droznina, S Senyukov, V Chebrov, E Gordeev
0946h SA21B-08 Quantification of upper
thermosphere composition and its dynamic charge
exchange coupling to the mid-latitude topside
ionosphere: L Waldrop, L J Paxton, N Aponte, S
A Gonzalez
SA21B-05 Localized
Ionosphere-Thermosphere Ionization Events
during the High Speed Stream Interval of 29 April –
5 May 2011 : O P Verkhoglyadova, A J Mannucci,
B T Tsurutani, M G Mlynczak, L A Hunt, R J
Redmon, J C Green
0916h SA21B-06 Observations of the O+ (2P-2D)
732 and 733 nm Thermospheric Airglow Emissions
with the Wind Imaging Interferometer Leading to
Atomic Oxygen Concentrations and ionospheric
Winds : G G Shepherd, Y M Cho
0930h SA21B-07 Helium as a Dynamical Tracer in
the Thermosphere: J P Thayer, X Liu, W Wang,
A G Burns
Coordinated Science from the
Corona to the Inner Heliosphere in
Preparation for Solar Probe Plus and
Solar Orbiter I Posters
Presiding: Marco Velli, Calif Inst of TechJPL; Nathan Schwadron, University
of New Hampshire; Kelly Korreck,
Smithsonian Observatory; Yannis
Zouganelis, European Space Agency
0800h SH21B-4095 POSTER Global Multi-Fluid
Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere Model for
Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbite: B van der Holst,
I Sokolov, G Toth, T I Gombosi
0800h SH21B-4096 POSTER Solar Probe Plus: A
NASA Mission to Touch the Sun: N J Fox, M M
C Velli, J C Kasper, D J McComas, R Howard, S D
Bale, R B Decker
0800h SH21B-4097 POSTER Alfvenic Fluctuations
in the Inner Heliosphere: Implications for Solar
Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus: T S Horbury, L
0800h SH21B-4098 POSTER 3D Visualization
of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and
Solar Probe Plus: D Mueller, S Felix, S Meier, A
Csillaghy, B Nicula, F Verstringe, B Bourgoignie, D
Berghmans, P Jiggens
0800h SH21B-4099 POSTER The Energetic Particle
Detector (EPD) for Solar Orbiter – Sensor Status
and Calibration: R F Wimmer-Schweingruber, J
Rodriguez-Pacheco, G M Mason, C Martin-Garcia,
M Prieto, S I Böttcher, S R Kulkarni, L Panitzsch,
S Sanchez, G C Ho, J Kohler, R Gomez-Herrero, J
J Blanco
0800h SH21B-4100 POSTER Implications of the
S-Web for the Corona and Inner Heliosphere: S K
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:48 AM
0800h SH21B-4101 POSTER Synthetic White-light
Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe
Plus (WISPR): P C Liewer, Y Su, A Vourlidas, A F
Thernisien, R Howard, J R Hall, E DeJong
0800h SH21B-4102 POSTER Testing the Solar Probe
Cup, An Instrument Designed to Touch the Sun: P
L Whittlesey, A W Case, J C Kasper, K H Wright
Jr, B L Alterman, J W Cirtain, J Bookbinder, K E
Korreck, M L Stevens
0800h SH21B-4103 POSTER Numerical Techniques
for Removing Instrumental Noise in the Solar
Probe Plus/FIELDS Search Coil Magnetometer: T
A Bowen, S D Bale, D E Larson, T Dudok de Wit,
R J MacDowall
0800h SH21B-4104 POSTER The Form of Proton
Energy Spectra from Self-Consistent Simulations of
the Coronal Shock Acceleration: A N Afanasiev, R
O Vainio, M C Battarbee
0800h SH21B-4106 POSTER Probing the inner
heliosphere and corona with electric antennas:
quasi-thermal noise spectroscopy on Solar Orbiter
and Solar Probe Plus: Y Zouganelis, M Moncuquet,
N Meyer-Vernet, K Issautier, A Zaslavsky, M
Maksimovic, G LE CHAT, M Martinovic
0800h SH21B-4107 POSTER Photoelectron and
Secondary Electron Dynamics Around the Solar
Probe Plus Spacecraft: Y Miyake, H Usui
0800h SH21B-4108 POSTER Automated tracing
of open-field coronal structures for an optimized
large-scale magnetic field reconstruction: V M
Uritsky, J M Davila, S I Jones
0800h SH21B-4109 POSTER Instant: An Innovative
L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science
with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus: B Lavraud,
Y D Liu, R A Harrison, W Liu, F Auchere, W Gan,
P L Lamy, L Xia, J P Eastwood, R F WimmerSchweingruber, Q Zong, P Rochus, M Maksimovic,
M Temmer, C P Escoubet, E Kilpua, A P Rouillard,
J A Davies, J C Vial, N Gopalswamy, S D Bale, G Li,
T A Howard, C E DeForest
0800h SH21B-4110 POSTER Properties of Mlso MK3
White-Light CMEs from 1989-1996: O C St Cyr, Q
Flint, H Xie, D F Webb, J Burkepile, A R Lecinski
0800h SH21B-4111 POSTER Fast solar wind
measurements from the Bright Monitor of the
Solar Wind instrument on Spektr-R: J L Zerbo, J
Safrankova, Z Nemecek, G N Zastenker, J C Kasper,
M L Stevens, J D Richardson
0800h SH21B-4112 POSTER Software Development
for Jointly Analyzing Thermal-Ion Measurements
from Multiple In-Situ Instruments: B Maruca, M L
Stevens, J C Kasper, K E Korreck
0800h SH21B-4113 POSTER Simplifying the Analysis
of Data from Multiple Heliophysics Instruments
and Missions: D Bazell, J D Vandegriff
0800h SH21B-4114 POSTER Periodic Density
Structures and the Origin of the Slow Solar Wind:
N M Viall, A Vourlidas
0800h SH21B-4116 POSTER A Comparison of
the Characteristics of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic
Particle Events Observed at Single and at Multiple
Spacecraft: M E Wiedenbeck, G M Mason, A
Klassen, C M Cohen, N Nitta
0800h SH21B-4117 POSTER The Influence Gradient
Drift in the Interplanetary Magnetic field (IMF)
on the Spectra of Solar Energetic Protons (SEP) at
Earth as a Function of Heliographic Latitude: D M
Franklin, D A Falconer, J H Adams Jr
0800h SH21B-4126 POSTER 3D Location of Small
Solar Wind Tracers: C Lopez-Portela, X BlancoCano, O Panasenco, S E Gibson
0800h SH21B-4127 POSTER Particle Acceleration in
the Low Corona Over Broad Longitudes: Coupling
MHD and 3D Particle Simulations: M Gorby,
N Schwadron, T Torok, C Downs, R Lionello, J
Linker, V S Titov, Z Mikic, P Riley, M I Desai, M
A Dayeh
Moscone South Poster Hall
Sun-Earth Connection: A Mid-Course
Correction, and Observations and
Modeling of Bz I Posters
Presiding: Scott Mcintosh, High Altitude
Observatory; William Pesnell, NASA /
GSFC; Mario Bisi, Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory; Bernard Jackson, Univ
California San Diego
0800h SH21C-4128 POSTER Grand Minima: Is The
Sun Going To Sleep?: S W Mcintosh, R J Leamon
0800h SH21C-4129 POSTER Pushing the Envelope
of Extreme Space Weather: W D Pesnell
0800h SH21C-4130 POSTER Computing Solar EUV
Irradiance Variability: H P Warren
0800h SH21C-4131 POSTER Sorce Observations
of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 – What’s New? What’s
Next?: R F Cahalan, G Kopp, P Pilewskie, E C
Richard, T N Woods
0800h SH21C-4132 POSTER Time-Dependent
Coupling of Lfm-Helio and MAS Models for CME
Propagation: J Lyon, V G Merkin, R Lionello, J
Linker, N E Raouafi
0800h SH21C-4133 POSTER Hiwind Balloon
Fabry-Perot Interferometer Measurements Show
the Importance of the Solar Wind Influence on
Thermospheric Density and Wind Models at Quiet
Times: O K Moe, Q Wu
0800h SH21C-4134 POSTER Speed of CMEs and the
magnetic non-potentiality of their source active
regions: S K Tiwari, D A Falconer, R L Moore, P
roadmap towards advanced space weather science
to protect society’s technological infrastructure: K
Schrijver, K Kauristie
0800h SH21C-4136 POSTER A space weather
information service based upon remote and in-situ
measurements of coronal mass ejections heading for
Earth: O A Hartkorn, B Ritter, A J H Meskers, O
Miles, M Russwurm, S Scully, A Roldan, P Juestel,
V Reville, S Lupu, A Ruffenach
0800h SH21C-4137 POSTER Predicting ICME
Magnetic Fields with a Numerical Flux Rope Model:
W Manchester, B van der Holst, I Sokolov
0800h SH21C-4138 POSTER A magnetically-driven
model of flux-rope expansion from the Sun to 1AU
in order to compute Bz at 1AU: V Kunkel, A P
Rouillard, A Bourdelle
0800h SH21C-4139 POSTER Estimation of
Reconnection Flux using Post-eruption Arcades
and Prediction of Bz at Earth: N Gopalswamy, H
Xie, S Yashiro, S Akiyama
Forecasting Analysis of Geomagnetic Indices for
IMF Bs-events: X Zhang, M Moldwin
0800h SH21B-4118 POSTER Long-Duration Neutron
Production in Solar Eruptive Events Detected with
the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer: W C
Feldman, D J Lawrence, W T Vestrand, P N
0800h SH21C-4141 POSTER Predicting the highspeed-stream caused Bs events using the Current
Sheet Source Surface Model: B Poduval, X Zhao
0800h SH21B-4119 POSTER Predictions for Near
Sun Turbulent Spectra from Synthetic Time Series:
K G Klein, B D G Chandran, J C Perez
0800h SH21C-4142 POSTER Forecasting Dst index
using CME expansion speed: A Dal Lago, T R C
Stekel, C R Braga, L E A Vieira, L A Balmaceda, R
Rawat, E Echer, W D Gonzalez
0800h SH21B-4120 POSTER Image-Optimized
Coronal Magnetic Field Reconstructions: S I Jones,
J M Davila, V M Uritsky
0800h SH21B-4121 POSTER The Origin of
Electron Halo in the Solar Wind Electron Velocity
Distribution Function: Connection to Nanoflares in
the Solar Corona: H Che, M L Goldstein
0800h SH21B-4122 POSTER Large-scale Mapping of
Magnetic Fields between the Sun and Earth: B Li,
I H Cairns, M J Francis, G A Steward, D Neudegg
0800h SH21B-4123 POSTER Analyses of Simulated
Reconnection-Driven Solar Polar Jets: M A
Roberts, V M Uritsky, J T Karpen, C R DeVore
0800h SH21B-4124 POSTER Probing Alfvenic
turbulence in numerical simulations in preparation
for Solar Probe Plus: J C Perez, B D G Chandran
0800h SH21B-4125 POSTER Measurements of
plasma quasi-thermal noise on STEREO spacecraft
and plasma temperature deduction using antenna
electron shot noise model: M Martinović, A
Zaslavsky, M Maksimovic, Y Zouganelis
0800h SH21C-4143 POSTER Faraday Rotation (FR)
and Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Case Studies
Using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR): M M
Bisi, R A Fallows, C Sobey, T Eftekhari, E A Jensen,
B V Jackson, H S Yu, D J Gershman, J M Raines, D
0800h SH21C-4144 POSTER Using IPS Magnetic
Modeling to Determine Bz: B V Jackson, H S Yu, P
P Hick, A Buffington, J C Mejia-Ambriz, M M Bisi,
M Tokumaru
Moscone West 2012
Theory, Modeling, and Observations
of Heliospheric Boundaries and
Particle Acceleration Including
Preparation for IMAP I
Presiding: Mihir Desai, Southwest
Research Institute; Gary Zank, Univ of
Alabama, Huntsville
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 23
0800h SH21D-01 Interstellar Mapping and
Acceleration Probe (IMAP) – Its Time Has Come!:
N Schwadron, J C Kasper, R A Mewaldt, E
Moebius, M Opher, H E Spence, T Zurbuchen
0800h T21A-4554 POSTER Mantle Driven Dynamic
Uplift of Hangay Dome: New Seismological
Constraints from Adjoint Tomography: M Chen, F
Niu, Q Liu, J Tromp
0815h SH21D-02 Potential of Energetic Neutral
Helium Atoms to Resolve Structure of the Local
Interstellar Medium within 0.1 Parsec: P Swaczyna,
S Grzedzielski, M Bzowski
0800h T21A-4555 POSTER Lithospheric Structure
Beneath the Hangay Dome, Central Mongolia: J
C Stachnik, A Meltzer, S Souza, U Munkhuu, B
Tsaagan, R M Russo
0830h SH21D-03 Warmer Local Interstellar
Medium: Resolving the Ulysses-Ibex Enigma and
the Promise of IMAP: D J McComas, M Bzowski,
P C Frisch, S Fuselier, M A Kubiak, H Kucharek,
T Leonard, E Moebius, N Schwadron, J M Sokol, P
Swaczyna, M Witte
0800h T21A-4556 POSTER Lithospheric Mantle
Contribution to High Topography in Central
Mongolia: R W Carlson, D A Ionov
0845h SH21D-04 Interstellar Mapping Probe:
Scientific Challenges of the Mission: N V Pogorelov
0900h SH21D-05 The Multi-fluid Nature of the
Termination Shock: B Zieger, M Opher, G Toth
0915h SH21D-06 The acceleration of charged
particles from thermal to suprathermal energies at
strong shocks in the solar wind: J Giacalone
0930h SH21D-07 Sustained Magnetic Connections
from L1: IMAP Science with Planetary Transfers
and Hohmann-Parker Resonance Orbits: A Posner,
W Droege, J J Hayes, B Heber, D Odstrcil, R Wicks
0945h SH21D-08 Completing a Ground Truth View
of the Global Heliosphere: What Does IMAP Tell
Us?: W H Matthaeus
Moscone West 2018
Multipoint Observations in the
Inner Magnetosphere: System-Wide
Understanding of Particle Transport,
Energization, and Loss I
Presiding: Matina Gkioulidou, JHU/
APL; Alexa Halford, Dartmouth College;
Drew Turner, University of California
0800h SM21A-01 Ion Composition and Energization
in the Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere and the Effects
on Ring Current Buildup: K Keika, L M Kistler, P
C Brandt
0815h SM21A-02 Van Allen Probes ECT/
MagEIS Background Corrected Electron Flux
Measurements: Methods and Initial Findings: S G
Claudepierre, T P O’Brien III, J B Blake, J Fennell,
M D Looper, J H Clemmons, J L Roeder, J E Mazur,
T L Mulligan
0830h SM21A-03 Mageis Observations in the Inner
Magnetosphere: J F F Fennell, S G Claudepierre, T
P O’Brien III, J B Blake, J H Clemmons, J L Roeder,
H E Spence, G D Reeves
0845h SM21A-04 Impact of Near-Earth Plasma
Sheet Dynamics on the Ring Current Composition:
L M Kistler, C Mouikis, A Menz, H E Spence, D G
Mitchell, M Gkioulidou, L J Lanzerotti, R M Skoug,
B Larsen, S G Claudepierre, J F F Fennell, J B Blake
0900h SM21A-05 Multi-point observations of
energetic particle injection deep into the inner
magnetosphere: Implications for the ring current
and radiation belts: G D Reeves, B Larsen, R H W
Friedel, M G Henderson, R M Skoug, H O Funsten,
S G Claudepierre, J Fennell, W Tu, G Cunningham,
H E Spence
0915h SM21A-06 Ion Acceleration at Injection
Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere: A Y
Ukhorskiy, M I Sitnov, M Gkioulidou, V G
Merkin, A Artemyev
0930h SM21A-07 Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves
Observed by the Van Allen Probes: K Takahashi,
S G Claudepierre, L Dai, W S Kurth, C Kletzing, J
R Wygant
0945h SM21A-08 Modulation of Ring Current
He-Ions by Bounce-Resonant ULF Waves: A J
Gerrard, L J Lanzerotti, J W Manweiler, J Bortnik,
K D Urban
Moscone South Poster Hall
Earth System Dynamics of High
Elevation Continental Interiors: From
the Asthenosphere to the Biosphere
Posters (joint with B, DI, EP, S, V)
Presiding: Karl Wegmann, North
Carolina State Univ.; Josh Stachnik,
Lehigh University; Jeremy Caves,
Stanford University; Peter Zeitler,
Lehigh Univ
0800h T21A-4557 POSTER Geochemistry and
Geochronology of the Lower Crust Beneath Central
Mongolia: L D Ancuta, R W Carlson, D A Ionov,
P K Zeitler
0800h T21A-4558 POSTER Mongolian Hangay
Uplift Recorded in Vesicular Basalts: D L Sahagian,
A A Proussevitch, L D Ancuta, B D Idleman, P K
0800h T21A-4559 POSTER The Hangay Dome,
central Mongolia: A relict Mesozoic landscape: K T
McDannell, P K Zeitler, L D Ancuta, B D Idleman,
S L Boulton, K W Wegmann
0800h T21A-4560 POSTER Geomorphic and Fish
Genetics Constraints on Late Cenozoic Long
Wavelength Topographic Evolution of the Hangay
Mountains, Central Mongolia: K W Wegmann, M
Tamra, M Sabaj Pérez, M Lopresti, M B Cole, J C
Gosse, S G Smith, G Bayasgalan, L D Ancuta, K T
McDannell, S F Gallen
0800h T21A-4561 POSTER Quantifying the climatic
and topographic controls of precipitation isotopes
in continental interiors: applications to unraveling
isotopic records of climate in Cenozoic Central
Asia: M J Winnick, C P Chamberlain, J K Caves,
J M Welker
0800h T21A-4563 POSTER Deciphering the coupled
Paleozoic and Cenozoic tectonic history of the
Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau: A V
Zuza, A Yin, J Li
0800h T21A-4565 POSTER Cenozoic Mountain
Building Process in the Greater Caucasus, from
Subduction to Collision: S J Wang, Y H Lee, S L
Chung, A Okrostsvaridze
0800h T21A-4566 POSTER Geodynamic Evolution
of the Eurekan Orogen of Ellesmere Island: P J
Heron, R N Pysklywec, R Stephenson
0800h T21A-4567 POSTER Moho, LAB and crustal
velocities underneath central-eastern Greenland: H
A Kraft, H Thybo
Moscone South Poster Hall
India-Asia Collision from Head-on
Continent-Continent Collision to
Highly Oblique Oceanic Subduction:
Processes, Products, and Progress IV
Posters (joint with DI, GP)
Presiding: Jonathan Aitchison,
University of Sydney; Geoffrey Clarke,
University of Sydney; Talat Ahmad,
University of Kashmir; Trevor Ireland,
Australian Natl Univ
0800h T21B-4570 POSTER Seismotectonics of
the Eastern Himalayan System and Indo-Burman
Convergence Zone Using Seismic Waveform
Inversion: A Kumar, S Mitra, G Suresh
0800h T21B-4571 POSTER Characterization of High
Velocity Layer in the Lower Crust of Southern
Tibet : Z Cui, A Meltzer, J Stachnik
0800h T21B-4572 POSTER Crustal Structure and
Earthquakes Beneath Sikkim Himalaya: S Mitra, H
0800h T21B-4573 POSTER Structure of the Orogenic
Wedge in the Bhutan Himalaya: First Results from
the GANSSER Seismic Experiment: J Singer, G
Hetényi, T Diehl, E H Kissling
0800h T21B-4574 POSTER Characterizing the subsurface geometry of the Main Frontal Thrust in
the Bardibas area of central Nepal: R V Almeida,
J Hubbard, P Polivka, D E Peterson, S N Sapkota, A
Schmid, P Tapponnier, C Timsina, A E Foster
0800h T21B-4575 POSTER Structure Deformation
of the Minjiang and Huya Fault, the Eastern Margin
of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Deep Seismic
Reflection Profiles: R Gao, H Wang, W Li, H Li
0800h T21B-4576 POSTER Crustal Velocity
Structure of the Bengal Basin from Regionally
Recorded Earthquakes: M Howe, W Y Kim, S H
Akhter, D R Mondal, L Seeber, M S Steckler
0800h T21B-4577 POSTER Interseismic Coupling
on the Main Himalayan Thrust, Implications for
Extreme Earthquakes: V Stevens, J P Avouac
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0800h T21B-4578 POSTER Investigating Cenozoic
Deformation in the Southeast Tarim Basin Using
Seismic Reflection: Evidence Against Large Scale
Thrusting Along the Northwest Tibetan Margin: J
McDermott, L Wu, E Cowgill
0800h T21B-4602 POSTER Ages, Trace-Element and
Hf Isotopic Compositions of the Detrital Zircons
from the Metamorphic Basements in the Eastern
Himalayan Syntaxis: Implications for Tectonics and
Paleogeography: L Guo, H F Zhang, N Harris
0800h T21B-4579 POSTER Contrasting Subduction
Modes with Slab Tearing beneath Eastern Himalaya:
Evidence from Teleseismic P-wave Tomography:
M Peng, M Jiang, Z H Li, Z Xu, Y Chen, W W W
Chan, Y Wang, C Yu, J Lei
0800h T21B-4603 POSTER Using Zircon
Geochronology to Unravel the History of the Naga
Hills Ophiolite: T Roeder, J C Aitchison, G L
Clarke, T R Ireland, A Ao, S K Bhowmik
0800h T21C-4622 POSTER Testing geodynamic
models for surface uplift of the central Andean
plateau through volcanic glass paleoaltimetry and
basin analysis in southern Peru: K E Sundell II, J E
Saylor, D P Villarreal, B K Horton
0800h T21B-4604 POSTER Abor volcanics:
Magmatic ‘breadcrumbs’ on the trail of the
Kerguelen mantle plume?: J C Aitchison, G L
Clarke, T R Ireland, A T Baxter, S K Bhowmik, A
Ao, F Hussain, J R Ali
0800h T21C-4623 POSTER Deciphering the Spatial
and Temporal Nature of the Surface Uplift in
the Altiplano Plateau: N Kar, C N Garzione, V S
Carlotto, S Smith, A T Pullen, T M Shanahan, V J
Anderson, J M Eiler
0800h T21B-4605 POSTER Geochronological,
geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic composition of
the Late Cretaceous-Eocene granitoids and mafic
rocks in the SE Lhasa terrane: petrogenesis and
tectonic implications: F Pan, H F Zhang, Z Lou, X
Wangchun, L Guo
0800h T21C-4624 POSTER Orographic barrier
development along the eastern flanks of the
southern central Andes, Argentina: new insights
from stable hydrogen isotopes in hydrated volcanic
glass: H Pingel, A Mulch, M R Strecker, J M Cottle,
A Rohrmann, R N Alonso
0800h T21B-4606 POSTER Genesis and
Characteristics of the Two Sub-belts in the Western
Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet, China: F Liu,
J Yang, D Lian, Y Dilek, P T Robinson
reconstruction of the paleo-hydrological cycle
during Andean Plateau uplift, NW-Argentina: A
Rohrmann, D Sachse, M R Strecker, A Mulch, H
Pingel, R N Alonso
0800h T21B-4580 POSTER Electrical structure of
crust and upper mantle beneath Gangdise belt in
Tibet: C Xie, S Jin, W Wei, G Ye, J Jing, L Zhang,
H Dong
0800h T21B-4581 POSTER Lithospheric Structure
and Deformation of the Eastern Himalayan System
using Broadband Seismology: S Mitra, K F Priestley,
A Kumar, V K Gaur, N K Hazarika
0800h T21B-4582 POSTER Seismic Anisotropy
beneath the Eastern Himalayas and Adjacent Areas:
L Liu, S S Gao, K H Liu
0800h T21B-4583 POSTER The Crust and
Uppermost Mantle Structure in Northeastern
Tibet by Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and
Surface Wave Dispersion: Y Deng, W Shen, T Xu,
Z Wu, X Sun, M H Ritzwoller
0800h T21B-4584 POSTER Moho Depth and Shear
Velocity Structure in Northwest India and West
Tibet from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Function
and Surface Waves: A Gilligan, K F Priestley, S W
Roecker, V L Levin, S S Rai
0800h T21B-4585 POSTER Crustal structure beneath
western Tibet: evidence from receiver functions and
newly constrained P and S-wave velocity models:
A Shokoohi Razi, V L Levin, S W Roecker, A
0800h T21B-4586 POSTER Anisotropic Signature of
Falling Indian Lithosphere Beneath Western Lhasa
Block: V L Levin, S W Roecker, A Shokoohi Razi
0800h T21B-4587 POSTER Lithospheric Structure
and Earthquakes beneath Kashmir Himalaya: S
K Wanchoo, D Powali, S Sharma, S Mitra, K F
Priestley, V K Gaur
0800h T21B-4588 POSTER Magnetotelluric Study of
the Southern Pamir, Tajikistan: W Korolevski, O
Ritter, U Weckmann, A Rybin, V Matiukov
0800h T21B-4589 POSTER Seismic Evidence for
North China Plate Subduction beneath Northeastern
Tibet and its Implications for Plateau Growth: R
Gao, Z Ye, Q Li, H Zhang, X Shen, X Liu, C Gong
0800h T21B-4592 POSTER Eastward escape of
Tibet facilitated by mid-crustal upwelling where
conjugate faults meet at its western end: N J Van
Buer, O E Jagoutz, R Upadhyay, M Guillong
0800h T21B-4593 POSTER Outward growth of
Tibetan Plateau: Insights from joint inversion of
lithosphere structure: X Song, J Li, X Bao, L Zhu
0800h T21B-4594 POSTER Neotectonics and
structure of the Himalayan deformation front in the
Kashmir Himalaya, India: Implication in defining
what controls a blind thrust front in an active foldthrust belt: Y G Gavillot, A Meigs, J D Yule, T M
Rittenour, M O A Malik
0800h T21B-4595 POSTER Detrital Geochemical
Fingerprints of Rivers Along Southern Tibet and
Nepal: Implications for Erosion of the IndusYarlung Suture Zone and the Himalayas: M F B
Hassim, B Carrapa, P G DeCelles, P A Kapp, G E
Temperature, Kinematics, and Internal Strain
during Emplacement of Greater Himalayan Rocks
in North-Central and Northeastern Bhutan: M L
Penfold, S P Long, S M Gordon, G Seward, K S
Agustsson, K J Zeiger
0800h T21B-4597 POSTER Structural Geology
and Kinematic Patterns of the Yaoshan Complex,
Southeastern Tibet: Implications for Tectonic
Evolution of the Ailao Shan-Red River (ASRR)
Shear Zone: X Chen, J Liu, S Weng, Y Kong, W
Wu, H Li, S Zhang
0800h T21B-4598 POSTER The continental collision
process deduced from metamorphic pattern in the
Himalayan collision belts: C W W Oh
0800h T21B-4599 POSTER Flattening of the Greater
Himalayan Zone within the Eastern Himalaya:
Insights from Pressure–Temperature–Structural
Distance Trends from Central and Eastern Bhutan:
K S Agustsson, S M Gordon, S P Long, G Seward,
K J Zeiger, M L Penfold
0800h T21B-4600 POSTER Newly discovered
eclogites from the western Bangong-Nujiang MesoTethyan suture zone, central Tibet, western China:
Y Zhang
0800h T21B-4601 POSTER The Limits of Extrusion
in the Western Himalaya: K Zhang, A G Webb, D
Donaldson, S Johnson, T Elorriaga
AGU2014News.indb 24
0800h T21B-4607 POSTER The Detrital White Mica
40Ar/39Ar Record of the Katawaz Remnant Ocean
Basin, Pakistan, and Tectonic Implications for the
Himalayan Source Region: G Zhuang, Y Najman, J
R Wijbrans, I Millar, A Carter
0800h T21B-4608 POSTER HP and UHT
metamorphic associations in the Day Nui Con
Voi, northwestern Vietnam: The consequence of
convergence between the Indian and the Eurasian
plates: J Zhang, J Liu, M D Tran, Q L Nguyen
Moscone South Poster Hall
Measuring Topographic Growth
through Time I Posters (joint with B, EP,
Presiding: Gregory Hoke, Syracuse
University; Michael Hren, University
of Connecticut; Jay Quade, University
of Arizona; Kathryn Snell, CA Inst of
0800h T21C-4609 POSTER Changes in Oxygen
Isotopes Composition of Precipitation over Tibetan
Plateau during Cenozoic: S Botsyun, P Sepulchre, Y
Donnadieu, C M Risi, F Fluteau
0800h T21C-4610 POSTER Ostracodes on the Roof
of the World: Timing the Uplift of the Tibetan
Plateau Using Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry and
Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry: M Ingalls, D
B Rowley, B S Currie, A S Colman
0800h T21C-4611 POSTER Inland Aridification of
NW China Since the Late Middle Eocene: Stable
Isotope Evidence from Western Qaidam Basin: L
Li, C N Garzione, A T Pullen, H Chang, P H Molnar
0800h T21C-4612 POSTER The Altitude Effect of
Leaf Wax-derived n-alkane δD on the Southeastern
Tibetan Plateau: Y Bai, J Sun, X Fang, Q Tian, C
Chen, Y Ye
0800h T21C-4613 POSTER High Altitude Landscape
Evolution in the Himalaya – Creating the 9000ers?:
S H Brocklehurst, T R Davies
0800h T21C-4614 POSTER Paleotopography,
paleohydroclimate, or both? Unraveling terrestrial
stable isotopic records through multi-proxy
methods: T W Horton, C Oze
0800h T21C-4615 POSTER Idealized WRF
Simulations of Flow around the Sierra Nevada
and Implications for Paleoaltimetry: L Wheeler, J
Topographic and Climatic Change during the
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in the Western US
Cordillera: K E Snell, J M Eiler, B P Wernicke, D J
Peppe, D L Fox, A C Fetrow, B H Passey
0800h T21C-4617 POSTER Reconstructing a Hot
and High Eocene Sierra Nevada Using Oxygen and
Hydrogen Isotopes in Kaolinite: H Mix, D E Ibarra,
A Mulch, S A Graham, C P Chamberlain
0800h T21C-4618 POSTER Living on the Edge?
Clumped Isotope and Oxygen Isotope Record of
Early Cascade Topography (Eocene Chumstick
Basin, WA, USA): K Methner, A Mulch, J Fiebig,
U Wacker, P J Umhoefer, C P Chamberlain
0800h T21C-4619 POSTER Finding the Plateau:
Paleogene Topography and Basin Formation in the
Cordilleran Hinterland: E J Cassel, M E Smith, A
Canada, C Henry, D Breecker
0800h T21C-4620 POSTER Compound-specific
stable isotope records of precipitation isotopes and
paleotopographic evolution: Patterns of Cenozoic
change in the Western U.S: M T Hren
0800h T21C-4621 POSTER The Relationship
Between Climate and Stable Isotopes: Faking or
Breaking Andean Paleoelevation Estimates?: N
Insel, D B Rowley
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
Behavior of the Lower Crust and
the Brittle-Ductile Transition in
Continental Deformation II (joint with
MR, S)
Presiding: Jolante Van Wijk, New
Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology; Gary Axen, New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology;
Claire Currie, University of Alberta
0800h T21D-01 Delocalization of Deformation in a
Polymineralic Material: S Jammes, L L Lavier, J E
0815h T21D-02 Fluid-controlled fabric development
across a brittle-ductile shear zone: an example from
a Wyangala Batholith, Australia: L Spruzeniece, S
0830h T21D-03 Transient Stress Magnitudes in the
Middle Crust along the Alpine Fault: S B Kidder, V
G Toy, D J Prior
0845h T21D-04 Strength Profiles of the Continental
Dependence, and Implications for Stability and
Localization: L Montesi, F Gueydan
0900h T21D-05 Development of Mylonites
and Pseudotachylites in Granitic Bodies: Brittle
Deformation by Reactivation of Pre-existing
Ductile Fabrics Defined by Mica: H Jiang, C H
Ross, C T Lee, J K Morgan
0915h T21D-06 Analog Modeling of the Interplay
between Subduction and Lateral Extrusion in the
European Alps: I E van Gelder, E Willingshofer,
D Sokoutis
0930h T21D-07 Mechanisms of Strain Localization:
Implications for Lithospheric Strength and the
Structure of Plate-Boundary Shear Zones: J P Platt
0945h T21D-08 Role of fluid overpressures in
crustal strength and the form of the brittle–ductile
transition: J Suppe
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Shallow Properties of Fault Zones I
(joint with G, MR, NS, S)
Presiding: Eric Lindsey, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Andrew
Barbour, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography; Thomas Mitchell,
University College London; Amir Allam,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
0800h T21E-01 Onset and Mechanisms of Surface
Creep on Strike Slip Faults: Clues from the North
Anatolian Fault and Comparisons with the San
Andreas Fault: Z Cakir, S Ergintav, A M Akoglu, E
Cetin, M Meghraoui, R E Reilinger
0815h T21E-02 Progress in the last 25 years and
future perspectives in the low to high-velocity
friction studies of faults; a time to shift from dry to
wet experiments: T Shimamoto, S Ma, L Yao, T
0830h T21E-03 The timing of fault motion in Death
Valley from Illite Age Analysis of fault gouge: E A
Lynch, S H Haines, B Van der Pluijm
0845h T21E-04 Earthquake rupture in shallow,
unconsolidated sediment: R J Bullock, N De Paola,
S Marco, R Holdsworth
0900h T21E-05 Seismic Imaging in California:
A Combination of Classic and State-of-The-Art
Techniques: G Lin
0915h T21E-06 Geometry of the San Andreas
Fault and Sedimentary Basin in the Northern
Salton Trough: G S Fuis, K Bauer, R Catchings, M
Goldman, T Ryberg, D S Scheirer, V E Langenheim,
M J Rymer, P Persaud, J M Stock, J A Hole
0930h T21E-07 Repeated Seismic Slips Recorded
in Fluidized ultracataclastic Veins within Shallow
Seismogenic Fault Zones: A Lin
0945h T21E-08 Imaging the internal structure of the
San Jacinto Fault Zone with high Frequency noise:
D Zigone, Y Ben-Zion, M Campillo, G Hillers, P
Roux, F Vernon
Moscone South Poster Hall
Dynamics of Continental and
Submarine Hydrothermal Systems IV
Posters (joint with H, OS, S, T)
Presiding: Thibaut Barreyre, WHOI;
Jean Vandemeulebrouck, ISTerre
Institute of Earth Sciences; Nicholas
Pester, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory; Shaul Hurwitz, USGS
California Water Science Center Menlo
0800h V12B-04 POSTER Intermittent Convective
Overturn As a Geyser Eruption Mechanism: C Y
0800h V21A-4704 POSTER Hydrologic Connection
Between Geysers and Adjacent Thermal Pools, Two
Examples: El Tatio, Chile and Yellowstone, USA:
C Munoz Saez, K Fauria, M Manga, S Hurwitz, A
0800h V21A-4709 POSTER Broadband Seismic
Observations of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone
National Park, Wyoming, USA: A Nayak, S
Hurwitz, H E Johnson III, M Manga, F G Gomez
0800h V21A-4706 POSTER Water discharge
from Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone NP, WY: F
Murphy, N G Randolph-Flagg, S Hurwitz
0800h V21A-4707 POSTER Surface deformation and
seismic signatures associated with the eruption cycle
of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park: F
G Gomez, H E Johnson III, A L LeWinter, D C
Finnegan, E A Sandvol, A Nayak, S Hurwitz
0800h V21A-4708 POSTER Hydrothermal Solute
Flux from Ebeko Volcanic Center, Paramushir,
Kuril Islands : Y Taran, E Kalacheva, T Kotenko,
I Chaplygin
0800h V21A-4705 POSTER Gas Chemistry of
Submarine Hydrothermal Venting at Maug Caldera,
Mariana Arc: J E Lupton, D A Butterfield, M D
Lilley, L Evans, E J Olson, J A Resing, N Buck, B
Larson, C Young
0800h V21A-4710 POSTER Heat Budget Monitoring
in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park:
R A M Mohamed, C M U Neale, C Jaworowski
0800h V21A-4711 POSTER Using electrical
conductivity to monitor geothermal solute flux in
major rivers of Yellowstone National Park: R B
McCleskey, D Mahony, J B Lowenstern, H Heasler,
D K Nordstrom
0800h V21A-4712 POSTER Mapping Ground
Temperature and Radiant Hydrothermal Heat
Flux on Mammoth Mountain, CA: A J Lewis, J L
Lewicki, G E Hilley
0800h V21A-4713 POSTER Use of high-resolution
satellite images for detection of geological structures
related to Central Andes geothermal field, Chile: C
L Benavides-Rivas, C A Soto-Pinto, A A ArellanoBaeza
0800h V21A-4714 POSTER Combined Helium and
CO2 Isotope Systematics of Turkish Geothermal
Systems: Relation to Volcanism and Active
Tectonics: N Gulec, H Mutlu, D R Hilton
0800h V21A-4715 POSTER Changes In CO2
Gas Flux And Soil Temperatures Induced By A
Vibratory Seismic Source At Solfatara (Phlegrean
Fields, Italy): J Vandemeulebrouck, M Gresse, G
Chiodini, S Byrdina, H Woith, P P Bruno
0800h V21A-4716 POSTER Geophysical Images
of the Shallow Hydrothermal Degassing at
Solfatara (Phlegrean Fields, Italy): S Byrdina, J
Vandemeulebrouck, C Cardellini, G Chiodini, A
Legaz, C Camerlynck, T Lebourg
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:44:48 AM
0800h V21A-4717 POSTER Simulating the Dynamics
of Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems in Restless
Volcanoes: Insights into the Effect of Faulting at
Campi Flegrei Caldera: A Jasim, F Whitaker, A
0800h V21A-4718 POSTER Influence of
hydrothermal alteration on phreatic eruption
processes in Solfatara (Campi Flegrei): K Mayer, B
Scheu, C Montanaro, R Isaia, D B Dingwell
0800h V21A-4738 POSTER Recent Investigation of
In-Situ pH in Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Main
Endeavour Field (MEF) and ASHES Vent Field
(ASHES): Implications for Dynamic Changes in
Subseafloor Hydrothermal System: K Ding, W E
Seyfried Jr, C Tan, A T Schaen, A J Luhmann
0800h V21A-4739 POSTER Indium: Understanding
its Behavior in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Today to Meet Tomorrow’s Demand: P M Piccoli,
S Kayser, P A Candela
0800h V21A-4719 POSTER Solute fluxes from Tacaná
volcano-hydrothermal system, Mexico-Guatemala.
Implications for estimation of geothermal potential
of the deep aquifer: N Collard, Y Taran, M P
Jácome Paz, R Campion
0800h V21A-4740 POSTER Geochemistry of
Multicomponent Fluid Phases in the Krafla HighEnthalpy Geothermal System, NE Iceland: M
Hermanska, A Stefansson
0800h V21A-4720 POSTER The Significance of Acid
Alteration in the Los Humeros High-Temperature
Geothermal Field, Puebla, Mexico: W A Elders, G
0800h V21A-4741 POSTER Hydrogeochemistry of
thermal springs in saline salar-like environments
in the High Andes: L V Lagos Durán, M Reich, L
Achurra, D Morata
0800h V21A-4721 POSTER Hydrothermal alteration
of silicate minerals: effects of crystallographic
orientation and fluid saturation state: M PolletVillard, D Daval, G Saldi, K Knauss, B Wild, F J
Guyot, M Cabié, B Fritz
0800h V21A-4742 POSTER The boron isotopic
composition of geothermal waters and crater lakes
from Java, Indonesia: B J Purnomo, T Pichler, C
F You
0800h V21A-4722 POSTER Geochemical Evidence
for Recent Hydrothermal Alteration of Marine
Sediments in Mid-Okinawa Trough, Southwest
Japan: A Tanaka, G Abe, K E Yamaguchi
0800h V21A-4723 POSTER A Comparison of
Oceanic Crustal Permeability at the Outcrop, Hand
Sample and Thin Section Scales: L A Gilbert, S
Schnur, K P Enright, A McGillis, S A Soule
0800h V21A-4724 POSTER Modeling Heat Transfer,
Fluid Circulation and Permeability Alteration
in Hydrothermal Systems with Loose Coupling
to Magmatic Intrusion Modeling in the Lower
Crust: J Taron, O Karakas, M Mangan, J Dufek, S
Ingebritsen, S H Hickman, C F Williams
0800h V21A-4725 POSTER Estimating the Heat and
Mass Flux at the ASHES Hydrothermal Vent Field
with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: J
C Kinsey, T J Crone, E L Mittelstaedt, L Medagoda,
D Fourie, K Nakamura
0800h V21A-4726 POSTER Modeling mid-ocean
ridge hydrothermal response to earthquakes, tides,
and ocean currents: a case study at the Grotto
mound, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: G
Xu, K G Bemis
0800h V21A-4727 POSTER Quantification of Diffuse
Hydrothermal Flows Using Multibeam Sonar: A N
Ivakin, D R Jackson, K G Bemis, G Xu
0800h V21A-4728 POSTER Modeling Seafloor
Deformation at the TAG Hydrothermal Field:
Feedbacks between Permeability and Poroelastic
Fluid Flow?: T J Crone, R A Sohn, T Barreyre
0800h V21A-4729 POSTER Constraints on the Lost
City Hydrothermal System from borehole thermal
data; 3-D models of heat flow and hydrothermal
circulation in an oceanic core complex: S
Titarenko, A M McCaig
0800h V21A-4730 POSTER Study of hydrothermal
channels based on near-bottom magnetic
prospecting: Application to Longqi hydrothermal
area: W Tao, C Tao, H Li, W Zhaocai, Z Jinhui, C
Qinzhu, L Shili
0800h V21A-4731 POSTER A Blind Hydrothermal
System in an Ocean Island Environment: Humu’ula
Saddle, Hawaii Island: D M Thomas, E Wallin, N C
Lautze, B R Lienert, H A Pierce
0800h V21A-4732 POSTER The characteristics of
hydrothermal plumes observed in the Precious
Stone Mountain hydrothermal field, the Galapagos
spreading center: S Chen, C Tao, H Li, J Zhou, X
Deng, W Tao, G Zhang, W Liu, Y He
0800h V21A-4733 POSTER The scale of
hydrothermal circulation of the Iheya-North field
inferred from intensive heat flow measurements
and ocean drilling: Y Masaki, M Kinoshita, H
Yamamoto, R Nakajima, H Kumagai, K Takai
0800h V21A-4734 POSTER Metal fluxing in a largescale intra-arc fault: insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui
Fault System (LOFS) and associated geothermal
fields in southern Chile: D Tardani, M Reich, Y
Sano, N Takahata, H Wen, E Roulleau, P SanchezAlfaro, J M González-Jiménez, H Shinohara, T F
Yang, J M Cembrano, G Arancibia
0800h V21A-4735 POSTER Mineralizing conditions
and source fluid composition of base metal
sulfides in the Lon District, southeastern Iceland:
C H Kremer, D Thomas, P García del Real, R A
Zierenberg, D K Bird
0800h V21A-4736 POSTER Hydrothermal MineralAssisted Organic Transformations of Carboxylic
Acids: K N Johnson, I Gould, L B Williams, H E
Hartnett, E Shock
0800h V21A-4737 POSTER The Role of Siliceous
Hydrothermal Breccias in the Genesis of Volcanic
Massive Sulphide Deposits – Ancient and Recent
Systems: I A Costa, F J Barriga, Y Fouquet
the Geothermal Springs of Northwest India:
K D Zamudio, S L Klemperer, S R Sastry, T
Moscone South Poster Hall
What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us? III
Posters (joint with NH)
Presiding: Ulrich Kueppers, Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich;
Benjamin Andrews, Smithsonian,
0800h V21B-4744 POSTER The Habitability of
Basaltic Hydrovolcanic Tuffs: Implications for Mars:
M P C Nikitczuk, M E Schmidt, R L Flemming
0800h V21B-4745 POSTER Geospatial and statistical
analysis of volcanic ash leachate data from Mt. St.
Helens: P M Ayris, P Delmelle, B Pereira, D E
Damby, A J Durant, E C Maters, D B Dingwell
0800h V21B-4746 POSTER Analysis of Heterogeneity
in CO2, H2O and OH in Centimeter-Sized Obsidian
Pyroclasts from Mono Craters, California: G D
Conde, J M Watkins
0800h V21B-4747 POSTER Oxidation of shallow
conduit magma: Insight from μ-XANES analysis
on volcanic ash particle: T Miwa, H Ishibashi, M
0800h V21B-4748 POSTER Evidence of a complex
shallow reservoir network from micro-textural
observations of the scoria products of the 1085
AD Sunset Crater eruption: F Alfano, L Pioli, A B
Clarke, M H Ort, K Roggensack, S Self
Moscone South 103-104
0800h V21B-4759 POSTER Large-scale volcaniclastic
turbidites from subaerial caldera-forming eruptions
at Dominica: insights from IODP site U1398 cores:
F Maeno, O Ishizuka, K Kataoka, A Le Friant, G
Boudon, B Villemant
Atmospheric Sciences Charney
Lecture (Virtual Session) (cosponsored
by AMS)
Presiding: Melody Avery, NASA Langley
Research Ctr; Athanasios Nenes,
Georgia Institute of Technology
0800h V21B-4760 POSTER Lab Experiments Probe
Interactions Between Dilute Pyroclastic Density
Currents and 3D Barriers: K Fauria, B J Andrews,
M Manga
0900h A21N-01 Grand Challenges in Understanding
Clouds: From Ice Crystal Formation to Their
Influence on Climate: U Lohmann
0800h V21B-4761 POSTER Structure of Dilute
Pyroclastic Density Currents During Transport,
Buoyancy Reversal and Liftoff: B J Andrews
0800h V21B-4763 POSTER Settling dynamics of
basaltic (Etna) and trachytic (Laacher See) ash
particles: insight from laboratory high speed
imaging: D Andronico, E Del Bello, A Vu Duc, A
Cristaldi, U Kueppers, T Ricci, P Scarlato, S Scollo,
J Taddeucci
Moscone West 2007
Coastal Geomorphology and
Morphodynamics I (joint with A, B, NH,
0800h V21B-4764 POSTER Physiochemical processes
in the nuclear cloud: a record from aerodynamic
Trinity fallout: C E Bonamici, J Fournelle, M M
Zimmer, W Kinman, A D Pollington
Presiding: Jorge Lorenzo Trueba,
Montclair State University; Patrick
Limber, University of Florida; Laurel
Larsen, University of California Berkeley
0800h V21B-4765 POSTER Parameterizing
Aggregation Rates: Results of cold temperature iceash hydrometeor experiments: L M Courtland, J
Dufek, J S Mendez, J McAdams
0900h EP21E-01 Pleistocene Lake Bonneville and
Eberswalde Crater of Mars: Quantitative Methods
for Recognizing Poorly Developed Lacustrine
Shorelines: P W Jewell
0800h V21B-4766 POSTER Propagation of Source
Grain-size Distribution Uncertainty by Using a
Lagrangian Volcanic Particle Dispersal Model:
A Neri, M De’ Michieli Vitturi, F Pardini, M V
Salvetti, A Spanu
0915h EP21E-02 Ecogeomorphic Heterogeneity
Sculpts Salt Marshes: N Leonardi, S Fagherazzi
relationship of grain-size distribution between ash
cloud and pyroclastic fall deposits in the differential
sedimentation process: Y Iriyama, A Toramaru
0945h EP21E-04 Tidal Meander Migration: a Case
Study from the Venice Lagoon: A D’Alpaos, M
Ghinassi, L G Bellucci, M Marani
Moscone West 2022-2024
Norman L. Bowen Award (Virtual
Marriott Marquis Pacific H
Presiding: Catherine McCammon,
Universitaet Bayreuth; Don Baker,
McGill University
Water Sciences Pop-Ups (joint with EP,
GC, H, PA, SI)
Presiding: Sheila Saia, Cornell
University; Timothy van Emmerik, Delft
University of Technology
0800h V21C-01 Hydrothermal Fluids, Nebular
Vapors and Silicate MELTS As Seem through the
Eyes of Minerals: R O Sack
0930h Introductory Remarks
0850h V21C-02 On the Future of Thermochemical
Databases, the Development of Solution
Models and the Practical Use of Computational
Thermodynamics in Volcanology, Geochemistry
and Petrology: Can Innovations of Modern Data
Science Democratize an Oligarchy?: M S Ghiorso
0935h ED21F-01 Shaping the Scientific Community:
Why You Should Get Involved: T H M van
Emmerik, E Aalbers
0940h ED21F-02 Putting the matter in organic
matter: citizen science and water quality monitoring
– the potential, pitfalls and lessons learned: A J
Jollymore, M Haines, M S Johnson
0800h V21B-4749 POSTER Vesicle size analysis of
magmatic and phreatomagmatic phases of the 93440 AD Eldgjá fissure eruption, southern Iceland: T
Thordarson, W Moreland, B F Houghton
0945h ED21F-03 From process complexity to
communication effectiveness: A challenge to those
within and outside of the environmental sciences: K
E Kaiser, B L McGlynn
0800h V21B-4750 POSTER The 1845 Eruption of
Hekla, Iceland: Fragmentation and Vesiculation
Processes: J Gudnason, T Thordarson, B F
0800h V21B-4751 POSTER From pumice to obsidian:
eruptive behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads.
II- The 114ka trachyte eruption at Pu’u Wa’awa’a
(Hawai’i): T Shea, T C Leonhardi, T Giachetti, J F
Larsen, A N Lindoo
0800h V21B-4752 POSTER Sintering of Glass in
Hydrous Atmospheres and its Implications for
Welding of Volcanic Deposits: F W von Aulock,
F B Wadsworth, Y Lavallée, J Vasseur
0800h V21B-4753 POSTER Vesicularity variation
to pyroclasts from silicic eruptions at Laguna del
Maule volcanic complex, Chile: H M N Wright, J
Fierstein, A Amigo, J Miranda
0800h V21B-4754 POSTER New field evidence
for silicic ignimbrites and proximal lavas and
their distribution in the Parana Basin, Brazil: S
Tramontano, L J Harmon, D M Gravley, G A R
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0800h V21B-4755 POSTER Tephrostratigraphic
and paleomagnetic correlations of the Miocene
Peach Spring Tuff (PST) in the Alvord Mountain
area, central Mojave Desert, California: D Buesch,
J Hillhouse
0800h V21B-4756 POSTER Pyroclastic Flow (Post-)
Emplacement Thermal History Derived From
Titanomagnetite Curie Temperatures: Mt. St.
Helens and Soufrière Hills as Test Cases: J Bowles,
M Jackson, S C L L Lappe, P Solheid, A J Stinton
Browse, add, and sync sessions, events, and
presentations to your itinerary.
0800h V21B-4757 POSTER The characteristics
of coignimbrite deposits and inferences for their
formation: S L Engwell, J Eychenne, S Wulf, M
De’ Michieli Vitturi
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 25
Distinguishing Characteristics of Secondary
Pyroclastic Density Currents: S L Isom, B D Brand
11/28/2014 10:44:58 AM
0950h ED21F-04 Enhancing Hydrological Data
Collection Network, Inspiring Research and
Appreciation of the Value of Water in Low Income
Countries through School Education: A Azhoni, I
Holman, S Jude
0955h ED21F-05 Engaging the creative to better
build science into water resource solutions: P Z
1000h ED21F-06 Simulation Games: The Future
of Water Resources Education and Management?:
J C Castilla Rho, G Mariethoz, R F Rojas, M S
Andersen, B F Kelly, C Holley
1005h ED21F-08 Reconciliation Ecology, Rewilding
and the San Joaquin River Restoration: A KrausPolk
1015h ED21F-09 So, What’s the Answer? Moving
Beyond the “Point Estimate”: S D Pathiraja
1020h ED21F-10 Robustness to Resilience:
Transforming Hydrologic Risk: G S Karlovits
1025h ED21F-11 Combining Hard and Soft Data in
Drought Research: A Van Loon
1030h ED21F-12 Advancing Water Science through
Data Visualization: X Li, T Troy
1035h ED21F-13 What if we took a global look?: C
Ouellet Dallaire, B Lehner
1040h ED21F-14 Living with floods in El Salvador:
T Barton
1045h ED21F-15 When water meets behavioral
economics (or: it is not all about money!): A
1050h ED21F-16 Hydrologists in the City: Reenvisioning How We Manage Water in Urban
Areas: L E McPhillips
1055h ED21F-17 A Hydrological Perspective to
Advance Understanding of the Water Cycle: W
1100h ED21F-18 So, why do we still have journals?:
R Hut
1105h ED21F-19 The Need for Hydrologists in the
Third World: F Sedlar
1110h ED21F-20 Limitless in a Field of Endless
Discovery: T C Osborne
Collaboration across disciplines to meet the world’s
water-related challenges: M C Dwelle
1120h ED21F-22 Speaking of Science: Stepping out
of the Stereotype: J M Castro
1150h A22A-07 Evaluation of Present-day Aerosols
over China Simulated from the Atmospheric
Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison
Project (ACCMIP) : H Liao, W Chang
1205h A22A-08 Stratospheric Aerosol Simulated by
EMAC Using MIPAS SO2 for Estimate of Volcanic
Injections and SAGE and OSIRIS Satellite Data for
Evaluation in the Period 2002-2011: C Bruehl, J
Lelieveld, M Hoepfner
Moscone West 3010
Aerosols, Pollutants, and Greenhouse
Gases from Asia: From Emissions to
Impacts IV
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Veerabhadra Kotamarthi,
Argonne Natl Lab; Gregory Carmichael,
Univ Iowa; Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua
University; Jintai Lin, Peking University
1020h A22B-01 Soil HONO Emissions and Its
Potential Impact on the Atmospheric Chemistry
and Nitrogen Cycle: H Su, C Chen, Q Zhang, U
Poeschl, Y Cheng
1035h A22B-02 On The Unique Trends between
East Asian Cloud Coverage, Urbanization, and
Haze: R Z Bar-Or, C Wang
1050h A22B-03 Chinese air pollution embodied in
trade: S J Davis
1105h A22B-04 Persistent and Widespread
Winter Haze & Fog over the Indo-Gangetic
Plains: A climatological perspective from satellite
observations: R Gautam
1120h A22B-05 Impact of Aerosols on Convective
Cloud, Precipitation and Thunderstorms due to
Competing Factors: Z Li
1135h A22B-06 EDGAR_v4.3: a global air pollutant
emission inventory from 1970 to 2010: M Crippa,
G Janssens-Maenhout, D Guizzardi, M Muntean,
E Schaaf, J G Olivier, H Denier Van Der Gon, F J
1150h A22B-07 Asian Climate and Its Variability in
Association with Large-Scale Topography: G X Wu
1205h A22B-08 Observed High-altitude Warming
and Snow Cover Retreat over Tibet and the
Himalayas Enhanced by Black Carbon: Y Xu, V
Ramanathan, W M Washington
Moscone West 3004
Moscone West 3006
Cloud Observations and Uncertainties
Presiding: Chuanfeng Zhao, Beijing
Normal University; Eugene Clothiaux,
Penn State; Shaocheng Xie, Lawrence
Livermore Nat’’l Lab; Xiquan Dong,
University of North Dakota
1020h A22D-01 A General Uncertainty
Microphysical Property Retrievals: Q Tang, S Xie,
X Chen, C Zhao
1035h A22D-02 Challenges in Analyzing and
Representing Cloud Microphysical Data Measured
with Airborne Cloud Probes: D Baumgardner, M
Freer, G M McFarquhar, A Heymsfield, D J Cziczo
1050h A22D-03 A Path Towards Operational
Uncertainty of Cloud Phase Identification
Algorithms: L Riihimaki, J M Comstock, E P Luke,
T Pulsipher, C Sivaraman, M Tardiff, S Thompson
1105h A22D-04 How Various Sources of
Uncertainty Affect Retrieval Uncertainty in the
Optimal Estimation Framework Using a Nonprecipitating Liquid Clouds Example: Z Xu, G G
Mace, D D Turner, D J Posselt
1120h A22D-05 A New Cloud and Aerosol Layer
Detection Method Based on Micropulse Lidar
Measurements: Q Wang, C Zhao, Y Wang, Z Li,
Z Wang, D Liu
1135h A22D-06 Characterizing Decades of Cloud
Measurements from Combined ARM Profiling
Radar and Lidar Measurements: K L Johnson, M
P Jensen, S Baxter, T Toto, M Wang, P Kollias, E
E Clothiaux
Moscone West 3011
Dynamics and Predictability of
Midlatitude Circulation: Jets, Storms,
and Monsoons I (cosponsored by AMS)
(joint with GC, H)
1020h A22E-01 Mechanisms of Stationary Rossby
Wave Change in a Changing Climate: R Wills, T
Presiding: Mian Chin, NASA Goddard
SFC; Michael Schulz, Norwegian
Meteorological Institute; Stefan Kinne,
MPI Meteorology; Steven Ghan, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
1035h A24A-06 Fast in-situ measurements of
glyoxal (CHOCHO) and nitrous acid (HONO) in
northern Chinese plane during CAREBEIJING –
NCP2014: K E Min, W P Dube, R A Washenfelder,
A O Langford, S S Brown, S Broch, H Fuchs, S
Gomm, A Hofzumahaus, F Holland, M Hu, G Huey,
K Kubik, X Li, X Liu, K Lu, F Rohrer, M Shao, S
J Sjostedt, Z Tan, T Zhu, A Wahner, B Wang, M
Wang, Y Wang, L Zeng, Y Zhang, Y Zhang
1035h A22E-02 Eddy-Induced Instability for LowFrequency Variability: F F Jin
1020h A22A-01 How much complexity is needed
in global model organic aerosol simulations?: K
Tsigaridis, N Daskalakis, M Kanakidou
1035h A22A-02 Modeling Elemental Composition
of Organic Aerosol: Exploiting Laboratory and
Ambient Measurement and the Implications of
the Gap Between Them: Q Chen, C L Heald, J L
Jimenez, M R Canagaratna, Q Zhang, L Y He, X F
Huang, P Campuzano Jost
1050h A22A-03 Using Aerocom Results to
Constrain Black Carbon, Sulphate and Total Direct
Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Their Uncertainties:
B H Samset, G Myhre
1105h A22A-04 The vertical distribution of
black carbon in CMIP5 models: Comparison to
observations and the importance of convective
transport: W Landuyt, R Allen
1120h A22A-05 Dust Model Intercomparison
and Extensive Comparison to Observations in the
Western Mediterranean for the Summer 2012 PreChArMEx/TRAQA Campaign: S Basart, F Dulac,
J M Baldasano
1135h A22A-06 Comparisons of Airborne HSRL
and Modeled Aerosol Profiles: R A Ferrare, S
P Burton, C A Hostetler, J W Hair, S Ismail, R R
Rogers, A Notari, T Berkoff, C F Butler, J E Collins
Jr, M A Fenn, A J Scarino, M Clayton, D Mueller,
E Chemyakin, J D Fast, L K Berg, C A Randles, P R
Colarco, A daSilva
AGU2014News.indb 26
1050h A22C-03 A High-Resolution Two-Stage
Satellite Model to Estimate PM2.5 Concentrations in
China: Y Liu, Z Ma, X Hu, K Yang
1105h A22C-04 Probable Health Risks Due to
Exposure to Outdoor PM2.5 in India: S Dey, S
1120h A22C-05 Acute Health Impact of Air
Pollution in China: T Feng, Y Zhao, M Zheng
1135h A22C-06 Estimating Ground-Level PM2.5
in China Using Aerosol Optical Depth Determined
from the GOCI Satellite Instrument: J Xu, R
Martin, J Kim, M Choi, Q Zhang, G Geng, Y Liu, Z
Ma, L Huang, Y Wang
1150h A22C-07 Singapore Haze in June 2013:
Consequences of Land-Use Change, Fires, and
Anomalous Meteorology for Air Quality in
Equatorial Asia: S Koplitz, L J Mickley, D J Jacob,
P S Kim, R S DeFries, M E Marlier, J Schwartz, J
Buonocore, S S Myers
1205h A22C-08 Simulation of Smoke-Haze
Dispersion from Wildfires in South East Asia with
a Lagrangian Particle Model: D Hertwig, L Burgin,
C Gan, M Hort, A R Jones, F Shaw, C S Witham,
K Zhang
1120h A22F-06 Recent Results from the MicroMAS
Global Environmental MonitoringNanosatellite
Mission: W J Blackwell, K Cahoy
1132h A22F-07 Wincs/Swats Initial on-Orbit
Performance Results: A C Nicholas, F A Herrero,
A W Stephan, T T Finne
1144h A22F-08 PC/CIC: A Tandem 3U CubeSat
Mission for Global Cloud Ice Mass Measurement:
A J Gasiewski, B T Sanders, D W Gallaher, L
Periasamy, G Alvarenga, T A Scambos, R Weaver,
K F Evans, A Heymsfield, P Pilewskie, S A Buehler
1208h A22F-10 The strengths of constellation
missions when exploring our atmosphere: A J
Ridley, C S Ruf, D J Posselt, R Rose, D Provost
1020h A22C-01 Predictions of Chemical Weather
in Asia: The EU Panda Project: G P Brasseur, A K
Petersen, X Wang, C Granier, I Bouarar
Moscone West 3008
1108h A22F-05 Development of a High Resolution
Passive Microwave 3U Cubesat for High Resolution
Temperature Sounding and Imaging at 118 GHz:
A J Gasiewski, B T Sanders, D W Gallaher, L
Periasamy, G Alvarenga, R Weaver, T A Scambos
1205h A22D-08 Advances in the ARM Climate
Research Facility for Model Evaluation: J H
Mather II, J Voyles
Aerosol Comparisons between
Observations and Models I
1056h A22F-04 The RAVAN CubeSat mission:
Progress toward a new measurement of Earth
outgoing radiation: B H Swartz, L P Dyrud, S R
Lorentz, D L Wu, W J Wiscombe, S Papadakis, P M
Huang, A Smith, D Deglau
1150h A22D-07 Vertical velocities in midlatitude
cirrus: A comparison between in situ aircraft
measurements and Doppler radar retrievals: A D
Muhlbauer, H Kalesse, P Kollias, T P Ackerman
Presiding: Steven Brown, NOAA Earth
System Research Lab; Tao Wang, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Tong Zhu,
Peking University
Air Quality in Asia III (Virtual Session)
1044h A22F-03 Temporal Experiment for
Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST)
CubeSat Constellation: S C Reising, G Todd, S
Padmanabhan, S T Brown, B Lim, C D Kummerow,
C V Chandra, S C van den Heever, T S L’Ecuyer, Z
J Luo, Z S Haddad, S J Munchak, C S Ruf, G Berg, T
Koch, S A Boukabara
1156h A22F-09 Microwave Radiometer Technology
Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing
Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites: K
Cahoy, W J Blackwell, R L Bishop, N Erickson,
C S Fish, T L Neilsen, E M Stromberg, J Bardeen,
P Dave, A Marinan, W Marlow, R Kingsbury, A
Kennedy, J M Byrne, E Peters, G Allen, D Burianek,
F Busse, D Elliott, C Galbraith, V V Leslie, I
Osaretin, M Shields, E Thompson, D Toher, M
Presiding: Christina Karamperidou,
Univ Hawaii; Yolande Serra, University
of Arizona; Abraham Solomon,
Columbia University in the City of New
York; Justin Wettstein, Oregon State
1125h Concluding Remarks
1032h A22F-02 Icecube: Spaceflight Validation of
an 874-GHz Submillimeter Wave Radiometer for
Ice Cloud Remote Sensing: D L Wu, J Esper, N
Ehsan, J R Piepmeier, P Racette
1050h A22E-03 North Pole Tropopause Jet Streaks,
a Climatological and Case Perspective: A A L Lang
1105h A22E-04 Future Predictions of U.S. East
Coast Winter Storms and Associated Impacts: B
Colle, Z Zhang, K Roberts
1120h A22E-05 Response of daily snowfall extremes
to climate change: theory and simulations: P A
1135h A22E-06 Why CMIP5 models projected
precipitation changes over California are uncertain:
S D Polade, A Gershunov, D W Pierce, D R Cayan,
M D Dettinger
1150h A22E-07 New Insights on the North
American Monsoon from the 2004 Name Field
Campaign: R H Johnson
1205h A22E-08 Terrain-Vegetation-Atmosphere
Interactions during the North American Monsoon:
E R Vivoni
Moscone West 3012
Nanosatellite Atmospheric Sensors I
(cosponsored by AMS)
Presiding: Kerri Cahoy, Massachusetts
Inst of Tech; William Blackwell, MIT
Lincoln Laboratory; Albin Gasiewski,
Univ of Colorado; Boon Lim, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
1020h A22F-01 The Radiometer Atmospheric
Cubesat Experiment: B Lim, M Bryk, J Clark, K
Donahue, R Ellyin, S Misra, A Romero-Wolf, S
Statham, J Steinkraus, E G Lightsey, A Fear, P
Francis, H Kjellberg, K McDonald
Moscone West 3022
Atmospheric and Space Electricity
General Contributions III
Presiding: Joseph Dwyer, University of
New Hampshire Main Campus; XuanMin Shao, Los Alamos Natl Lab
1020h AE22A-01 VHF Lightning Mapping
Observations of Screening Charge Flashes at
Thunderstorm Tops: H E Edens, P R Krehbiel, W
1035h AE22A-02 Interferometric Observations
of Lightning Initiation: W Rison, P R Krehbiel,
M Stock, H E Edens, X M Shao, R J Thomas, M A
1050h AE22A-03 Observation of a bipolar cloudto-ground flash containing one first positive stroke
followed by three negative strokes: G Lu, Y Tian, Z
Wang, H Zhang, R Jiang, M Liu, Z Sun, X Qie
1105h AE22A-04 Observations of fast VHF-bright
positive breakdown: M Stock, P R Krehbiel, W
Rison, J L Lapierre, H E Edens
1120h AE22A-05 Modelling Discharge Inception in
Thunderstorms: C Rutjes, A Dubinova, U Ebert, S
Buitink, O Scholten, G T N Trinh
1135h AE22A-06 Physical Mechanism of Initial
Breakdown Pulses in Lightning Discharges: C Da
Silva, V P Pasko
1150h AE22A-07 Types of Narrow Bipolar Pulse
Wave Shapes Obtained With a Dense Array of
Ground-Based E-change Sensors: S Karunarathne,
T C Marshall, M Stolzenburg, N Karunarathna
1205h AE22A-08 Multi-scale 3D simulation of
lightning and thunderstorm electrodynamics: R
Kabirzadeh, N G Lehtinen, C Liang, M Cohen, U
Moscone West 2003
Forests and Drought: Vulnerability
and Resilience, Past, Present and,
Future II (joint with GC)
Presiding: Michael Palace, Complex
System Research Center; Michael
Keller, Usda Forest Service C/o Gisel
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:00 AM
1020h B22A-01 Rapid Water Uptake and Limited
Storage Capacity at Height of Growing Season
in Four Temperate Tree Species in a Central
Pennsylvania Catchment: K Gaines, F C Meinzer,
C Duffy, E Thomas, D M Eissenstat
1035h B22A-02 A soil water balance shift is driving
directional change in northern forests: A M
Erickson, C Nitschke, N C Coops, S Cumming, G
1050h B22A-03 Drought as a Determinant of
Tropical Montane Forest Line Position: T W
Giambelluca, S Crausbay, S Hotchkiss, S G Gotsch,
A G Frazier, R J Longman
1120h B22A-05 Spatially-Explicit Holocene
Drought Reconstructions in Amazonian Forests: C
McMichael, M B Bush
1135h B22A-06 The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems
over the Coming Century Arising from Changes
in Climate, Atmospheric CO2 and Land-use: P
R Moorcroft, K Zhang, A D D A Castanho, D
Galbraith, S Moghim, N M Levine, R L Bras, M T
Coe, M H Costa, Y Malhi, M Longo, R G Knox, S L
McKnight, J Wang
1150h B22A-07 How can Historical Responses of
Amazonian Forests to Drought and Fire Inform
Future Prediction?: P M Brando, C dos Santos, A
Alencar, G P Asner, M T Coe, D V Silverio
1205h B22A-08 Investigating drought impacts
on Amazon Basin carbon fluxes through regional
inverse modeling of CO2 from aircraft vertical
profiles: C B Alden, J B Miller, L Gatti, M Gloor,
K Guan, N S Diffenbaugh, K W Thoning, Y P Shiga
Moscone West 2006
Hydrate-Bearing Soils:
Characterization, Modeling, and
Geomechanical Implications II
(joint with GC, MR, NH)
Presiding: Jeen-Shang Lin, University of
Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus; Marcelo
Sanchez, Texas A & M University;
Timothy Kneafsey, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory; Yongkoo Seol,
National Energy Technology Laboratory
1020h B22B-01 Pressure Core Characterization: J C
1038h B22B-02 Laboratory investigations on
hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments
– analogies and differences to natural systems: J
M Schicks, E Spangenberg, M Priegnitz, K U
Heeschen, J Thaler, S Abendroth
1056h B22B-03 Experimental approaches to
figure out Gas Hydrate Production behavior in
unconsolidated sediment: J Lee, J Y Lee, T Ahn, S
1114h B22B-04 Investigation of mechanical
properties of hydrate-bearing pressure core
sediments recovered from the Eastern Nankai
Trough using transparent acrylic cell triaxial testing
system (TACTT-system): J Yoneda, A Masui, Y
Konno, Y Jin, M Kida, K Suzuki, Y Nakatsuka, N
Tenma, J Nagao
1132h B22B-05 The relationship between gas
hydrate saturation and P-wave velocity of pressure
cores obtained in the Eastern Nankai Trough:
Y Konno, J Yoneda, Y Jin, M Kida, K Suzuki, Y
Nakatsuka, T Fujii, J Nagao
1020h B22C-01 Recalcitrance: An Inherent Relative
Attribute of Plant Litter Describing Its Potential
Decomposability: M F Cotrufo, S Fulton-Smith, M
L Haddix, A J Horton, J Soong
1035h B22C-02 Root Mediation of Soil Organic
Matter Feedbacks to Climate Change: E Pendall, Y
Carrillo, M Nie, Y Osanai, L C Nelson, J Sanderman,
J Baldock, M Hovenden
1050h B22C-03 Gone or Just out of Sight? the
Apparent Disappearance of Aromatic Litter
Components in Soils: T Klotzbücher, K Kalbitz, C
Cerli, P Hernes, K Kaiser
1105h B22C-04 Lignin degradation during plant
litter photodegradation: Y Lin, J Y King
1120h B22C-05 Nanoscale Structure of Organic
Matter Could Explain Litter Decomposition: G
Papa, F Adani
1135h B22C-06 Interactions of landscape
position, stream flow, and litter quality on litter
decomposition in intermittent to ephemeral
streams in the American Southwest: K A Lohse, S
G Schwabedissen, E L Gallo, T Meixner
1150h B22C-07 Does elevated N make lignin more
recalcitrant?: M N Weintraub, Z L Rinkes, S
Grandy, K Wickings, I Bertrand
1205h B22C-08 The Litter Decomposition and
Leaching (LIDEL) model: modeling plant litter
decomposition to CO2, dissolved organic matter
and microbial products through nitrogen and lignin
controls on microbial carbon use efficiency: E E
Campbell, W J Parton, J Soong, M F Cotrufo, K
Moscone West 2004
Wanted, Dead or Alive: Microbes in
the Subsurface III (joint with OS)
Presiding: Jennifer Biddle, Univ of
Delaware; Beth Orcutt, Bigelow
Laboratory for Ocean Science
1020h B22D-01 Evidence for Methyl-CompoundActivated Life in Coal Bed System 2 km Below
Sea Floor: E Trembath-reichert, Y Morono,
K Dawson, G Wanger, M Bowles, V Heuer, K U
Hinrichs, F Inagaki, V J Orphan
1035h B22D-02 Exploring Genomic Diversity Using
Metagenomics of Deep-Sea Subsurface Microbes
from the Louisville Seamount and the South Pacific
Gyre: B J Tully, J B Sylvan, J F Heidelberg, J A
1050h B22D-03 Adapt or Die on the Highway To
Hell: Metagenomic Insights into Altered Genomes
of Firmicutes from the Deep Biosphere: B R Briggs,
F S Colwell
1105h B22D-04 A Quiet Riot: Furthering the
discussion on aerobic heterotrophy in deep
sediments: J A Russell III, J Biddle
1120h B22D-05 Is the rare biosphere real or a
technical artifact? A case study involving a multiyear deep subsurface time series: C Magnabosco,
M Lau, M R Lindsay, R Alleva, R Stepanauskas,
S Shivambu, S Maphanga, E van Heerden, T C
1135h B22D-06 Hallelujah! The in situ nitrogen
cycle within the subterranean crust: C Y M Lau,
C Magnabosco, R Alleva, W Wang, D Perlman, S
Kyin, S Maphanga, S Shivambu, E van Heerden, T
C Onstott
1035h C22A-02 The role of ice-ocean inertia in
representing the impact of storms on sea ice in
fully coupled Earth System Models: A Roberts,
W Maslowski, A Craig, R Osinski, M M Holland,
J J Cassano, A Duvivier, M Hughes, B Nijssen, M
1050h C22A-03 Snow distribution on Antarctic sea
ice: precipitation, accumulation, and connections to
sea ice thickness from in situ and NASA IceBridge
observations: T L Maksym, C Kunz, R Kwok, K
C Leonard, H Singh, E Trujillo, G D Williams, S
White, N Wever
1105h C22A-04 Spatially-resolved mean flow
and turbulence help explain observed erosion and
deposition patterns of snow over Antarctic sea
ice: E Trujillo, M G Giometto, K C Leonard, T L
Maksym, C V Meneveau, M B Parlange, M Lehning
1120h C22A-05 Wintertime Cloud Cover as
a Contributor towards Inter-Annual Sea Ice
Variability: A Letterly, J R Key
H Enomoto, N Alimasi, Y Tanaka, K Tateyama, T
1150h C22A-07 Sea ice thickness variability in the
Canadian Beaufort Sea: C Haas, A Bublitz
1205h C22A-08 Pore Structure and the Low
Frequency Permittivity of Sea Ice: M O’Sadnick, M
Ingham, H Eicken
Moscone West 3007
Physical and Chemical Air-Snow-Ice
Interactions: From the Micro to the
Global Scale I (joint with A, B, GC, OS)
Presiding: Markus Frey, British Antarctic
Survey; Jennie Thomas, Univ Pierre and
Marie Curie-Paris 6; Amanda Grannas,
Villanova University; John Burkhart,
University of California, Merced, Sierra
Nevada Research Institute
1020h C22B-01 Factors influencing nitrogen
isotopes of snow nitrate: implications for
interpretations of ice core nitrate records: L Geng,
B Alexander, J Cole-Dai, E J Steig, J P Savarino, E D
Sofen, A Schauer
1035h C22B-02 High Levels of Molecular Chlorine
found in the Arctic Atmosphere: J Liao, G Huey,
Z Liu, D Tanner, C A Cantrell, J J Orlando, F M
Flocke, P B Shepson, A J Weinheimer, S R Hall,
H Beine, Y Wang, E D Ingall, C R Thompson, R
S Hornbrook, E C Apel, A Fried, L Mauldin, J N
Smith, R M Staebler, J A Neuman, J B Nowak
1050h C22B-03 An Overview of the Uintah Basin
Winter Ozone Study Intensives: 2012, 2013, and
2014: J M Roberts, P M Edwards, S S Brown, R
Ahmadov, T S Bates, J A De Gouw, J Gilman, M
Graus, D Helmig, A Koss, A O Langford, B L Lefer,
B M Lerner, R Li, S M Li, J Liggio, S A McKeen,
R McLaren, D D Parrish, P Quinn, C J Senff, J
Stutz, C R Thompson, J Y Tsai, P R Veres, R A
Washenfelder, C Warneke, R J Wild, C Young, B
1105h C22B-04 pH at the Air-Ice Interface:
Connections to Halogen Activation Chemistry: S N
Wren, J Abbatt, D J Donaldson
1120h C22B-05 Photochemistry of Solutes in
Different Locations in/on Ice. Part I: Visualizing
Solute Locations: C Anastasio, T Hullar
K Bigalke, C Deusner, E Kossel, M Haeckel
1150h B22D-07 Lipids biomarkers of the deep
terrestrial subsurface biosphere: M R Osburn, L
Momper, F Schubotz, R E Summons, J Amend
1135h C22B-06 Spatial Heterogeneity in Arctic
Tundra Snow: Processes, Patterns, and Problems:
M Sturm, G E Liston, A M Wagner, C A Hiemstra
1204h B22B-07 Molecular Dynamics Study of the
Interactions Between Minerals and Gas Hydrate
Species: B Kvamme, K N Leirvik, R Olsen, T
1205h B22D-08 Metatranscriptomic Evidence of
Chemolithoautotrophy in the Rifle (CO) Subsurface
Relevant to C, S, N, and Fe Cycling: H R Beller, T
N M Jewell, U Karaoz, B C Thomas, J F Banfield, E
Brodie, K H Williams
1150h C22B-07 Liquid water dynamics in
unsaturated snow: the role of lateral flow: H P
Marshall, A Heilig, S Evans, M E Robertson, H
F Hetrick, D Eiriksson, J Dean, A Karlson, A R
Hedrick, J Bradford, J P McNamara, A N Flores, M J
Kohn, C Rodriguez
1205h C22B-08 Satellite Observations of Blowing
Snow in and Around Antarctica: Implications for
Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Atmospheric Chemistry
: S P Palm, Y Yang, A Marshak
Moscone West 2002
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics:
Processes of Stabilization and
Decomposition III
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Kate Lajtha, Oregon State
University; Marc Kramer, University
of Florida; Jennifer King, University of
California Santa Barbara; Katherine
Heckman, USDA Forest Service
Moscone West 3005
Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
Properties and Processes III
Presiding: Chris Polashenski, USACECRREL; Andrew Mahoney, University of
Alaska Fairbanks; Donald Perovich, USA
1020h C22A-01 Antarctic Sea Ice Expansion and
The Consequences of Missing Processes in Global
Climate Models: C M Bitz, I Smith, J R Twedt, A
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 27
1020h DI22A-01 Anisotropic Shear-Velocity
Structure of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System
in the Central Pacific from the NoMelt Experiment:
P Lin, J B Gaherty, G Jin, J A Collins, D Lizarralde,
R L Evans, G Hirth
1035h DI22A-02 Constraints on Average Radial
Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle: J Trampert, R
W L De Wit, P Kaeufl, A P Valentine
1050h DI22A-03 Deep Upper Mantle Anisotropy
from SKS Splitting Delay Times and Higher Mode
Surface Waves: K Yuan, C Beghein, P M Davis
1105h DI22A-04 Constraining depth-dependent
anisotropy: A new approach: M Ishii, A Okeler
1120h DI22A-05 Towards an Improved Joint
Inversion of Receiver Functions, SKS Splitting, and
Surface Wave Dispersion Data for Layering in the
North American Craton: J Leiva, T Bodin, B A
1135h DI22A-06 Shear Wave Splitting Across
Eastern, Western and Southern Africa: A Nyblade,
C Ramirez, B C Bagley, G D Mulibo, F Tugume, M
E Wysession, D A Wiens
Tomography in Southern California: Y P Lin, L
Zhao, S H Hung
1205h DI22A-08 Observations of D” anisotropy
from P and S-wave reflectivity: C Thomas, J M
Wookey, M Saki
Moscone South 102
Climate Literacy: Effective Responses
and Solutions through Best Practices
in Communication, Partnerships, and
Networks II
(Virtual Session) (joint with GC, PA, SI)
Presiding: Gail Scowcroft, University
of Rhode Island; Jennifer Saltzman,
Stanford University; Mona Behl, Texas
A & M University; Joshua Sneideman,
Department of Energy Washington DC
1020h ED22A-01 Downscaling the IPCC: The
2008 and 2014 Colorado Climate Assessments: K
Averyt, J Lukas, E Gordon
1035h ED22A-02 Bridging the Science/Policy
Gap through Boundary Chain Partnerships and
Communities of Practice: S Kalafatis
1050h ED22A-03 Integrating Communication Best
Practices in the Third National Climate Assessment:
S J Hassol
1105h ED22A-04 Building Student Awareness
of Societal Decision-Making Challenges about
Energy through the Study of Earth System Data and
Innovations in Energy-Related Materials Research:
D R Zalles, J G Acker, M Berding
1120h ED22A-05 Let the Games Begin: New
Opportunities to Address Climate Change
Communication, Education, and Decision Support:
J N Rooney-varga, J Sterman, A Jones, E Johnston,
K Rath, J Nease
1135h ED22A-06 Does a social action experience
around energy conservation promote changes in
attitude and understanding of climate change?: E
Cordero, E Walsh, E P Metzger
1150h ED22A-07 Empowering Pre-College
Students To Engage In Climate Change Solutions:
D B Haine
1205h ED22A-08 A Science-Faith Partnership
to Provide Education and Facilitate Action on
Climate Change and Energy Use: J M Cervenec, G
Hitzhusen, S Ward, C Foster
Moscone West 2007
Coastal Geomorphology and
Morphodynamics II (joint with A, B, NH,
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
Presiding: Jorge Lorenzo Trueba,
Montclair State University; Patrick
Limber, University of Florida; Laurel
Larsen, University of California Berkeley
Seismic Anisotropy: Predictions,
Observations, and Interpretations II
(joint with MR, S, T)
1020h EP22A-01 Understanding and Predicting
Time-Dependent Dune Erosion: J Long, H F
Stockdon, J R Smith
Presiding: Thomas Bodin, UC Berkeley;
Carlos J Garrido, CSIC; Andrea
Tommasi, Univ Montpellier 2; Michael
Kendall, University of Bristol
1035h EP22A-02 Drivers of Alongshore Variable
Dune Erosion During a Storm Event: Observations
and Modelling: K Splinter, E T D Kearney, I L
11/28/2014 10:45:00 AM
1050h EP22A-03 High-Resolution Monitoring
of Coastal Dune Erosion and Growth Using an
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: G Ruessink, H Markies,
M Van Maarseveen
BARRIER ISLANDS : A Kroon, M Fruergaard
S A Browning, T R Mortlock
1135h EP22A-06 Sustained morphologic changes
to the shoreface related to Hurricane Sandy: Fire
Island, NY: C J Hapke, T R Nelson
1150h EP22A-07 Biotic and Sedimentologic Signals
Associated with Tempestite Deposition from Baffin
Bay, Texas: D S Van Nieuwenhuise
1205h EP22A-08 Numerical Prediction of TsunamiInduced Sediment Transport in the Harbor: S Son,
P J Lynett
Moscone West 2005
Critical Zone Research As an
Incubator for Interdisciplinary, CrossSite, Process-Oriented Science I (joint
with B, H)
Presiding: Colin Phillips, University
of Pennsylvania; Jessica Driscoll,
University of Arizona; Andrew Neal,
University of Arizona; Julia Perdrial,
University of Vermont
1020h EP22B-01 Developing a Paradigm to Measure
and Model the Form and Function of the Critical
Zone: S L Brantley
1035h EP22B-02 Hillslope lowering rates and
mobile-regolith residence times from in situ and
meteoric 10Be analysis: Boulder Creek Critical Zone
Observatory, Colorado: M A Foster, R S Anderson,
C Wyshnytzky, W B Ouimet, D P Dethier
1050h EP22B-03 Linking Weathering, Rock
Moisture Dynamics, Geochemistry, Runoff,
Vegetation and Atmospheric Processes through the
Critical Zone: Graduate Student led Research at the
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory: W E Dietrich
1105h EP22B-04 Co-evolution of Climate, Soil, and
Vegetation and their interplay with Hydrological
Partitioning at the Catchment Scale : X ZapataRios, P D Brooks, P A A Troch, J C McIntosh
1120h EP22B-05 Geomorphic Control on Mineral
and Fluid Residence Times and Implications for the
Hydrochemistry of Weathering: M A Torres, A J
West, K E Clark, S J Feakins, C Ponton
1150h EP22B-07 A model of depressional wetland
formation in low-relief karst landscapes: J B
Heffernan, A B Murray, M J Cohen, J B Martin, D
L Mclaughlin, T S Bianchi, A Watts
1205h EP22B-08 Linking CZO, LTER, and NEONPutting Biology into the Critical Zone: W H
Moscone West 3024
Spaceborne Remote Sensing of
Gravity: GRACE, GRAIL, GOCE, GRACEFO, and Beyond I (joint with C, H, NH, OS)
Presiding: Srinivas Bettadpur, Univ
Texas - Ctr Space Rsch; Michael
Watkins, Jet Propulsion Lab; Maria
Zuber, Massachusetts Inst Tech; Rune
Floberghagen, European Space Agency
1020h G22A-01 A high-resolution spherical
harmonic degree 1200 lunar gravity field from the
GRAIL mission: R S Park, A S Konopliv, D N
Yuan, S W Asmar, M M Watkins, J G Williams, D
E Smith, M T Zuber
1035h G22A-02 High-resolution global and local
lunar gravity field models using GRAIL mission
data: S J Goossens, F G Lemoine, T J Sabaka,
J B Nicholas, E Mazarico, D D Rowlands, G A
Neumann, B Loomis, D S Chinn, D E Smith, M T
1050h G22A-03 Lunar Crustal Properties: Insights
from the GRAIL Gravity Signatures of Lunar
Impact Craters: J M Soderblom, J C AndrewsHanna, A J Evans, B C Johnson, J Melosh IV, C
Milbury, K Miljkovic, F Nimmo, R J Phillips, D E
Smith, S C Solomon, M A Wieczorek, M T Zuber
1105h G22A-04 GRAIL Investigation of the
Subsurface Structure of South Pole-Aitken Basin: A
Ertel, F Nimmo, J Besserer, D M Hurwitz
AGU2014News.indb 28
1120h G22A-05 Structure of the Moon’s Orientale
Basin from Gravity Recovery and Interior
Laboratory (GRAIL) Observations: M T Zuber, D
E Smith, S J Goossens, S W Asmar, A S Konopliv, F
G Lemoine, J Melosh IV, G A Neumann, R J Phillips,
S C Solomon, M M Watkins, M A Wieczorek, J
C Andrews-Hanna, J W Head III, W S Kiefer, P J
McGovern Jr, F Nimmo, J M Soderblom, J Taylor,
B C Johnson, E Mazarico, K Miljkovic, R S Park, D
N Yuan
1108h GC22B-05 Understanding the links between
humans, climate change, water and carbon and in a
Corn Belt Watershed: S Secchi, B Perez Lapena, A
D Teshager, M D Bhattarai, J T Schoof
Temperature Events and Resolving Their
Implications for Yield: P J Huybers, N D Mueller,
E E Butler, M Tingley, K A McKinnon, A N Rhines
1120h GC22B-06 Effects of Drought and Water
Resource Management on Biophysical and
Sociocultural Ecosystem Services in South-Central
United States: J Julian, A Castro, C Vaughn, C
1120h GC22D-05 Evaluating the Reliability of
Reanalysis as a Substitute for Observational Data in
Large-scale Agricultural Assessments: M Glotter, A
C Ruane, E J Moyer, J W Elliott
1135h G22A-06 ESA’s Release 5 Gravity Field
Model by the Direct Approach and its Part in
the Combined Model EIGEN-6C4: C Foerste, S
Bruinsma, O Abrikosov, J M Lemoine, J C Marty,
F Flechtner, C Dahle, H Neumayer, F Barthelmes, R
König, G Balmino, R Biancale
1132h GC22B-07 A Combined Monitoring and
Modelling Approach to Maximise Environmental,
Social and Economic Outcomes from Agrienvironment Subsidies at a National Scale: B
Emmett, S Anthony, D Chadwick, P Cross, R
Swetnam, B M Jackson, S Smart, J Skates
1150h G22A-07 Evaluation of the Recent GOCEbased Global Geopotential Models in North
America: M G Sideris, B Amjadiparvar, E V
GC22B-08 Empowering
communities to improve natural resource
management for human well-being: the OPPLA
web portal & communities of practice: M Metzger,
C Brown, M Pérez-Soba, M Rounsevell, P Verweij,
B Delbaere, G Cojocaru, H Saarikoski, P Harrison,
K Zellmer
1205h G22A-08 Assessing GOCE Gravity Models
Using Altimetry And In-situ Ocean Current
Observation: P Knudsen, O B Andersen, J
Honecker, N A Maximenko
Moscone West 3018
Climate and the Intersects of Water,
Energy, and Land Use I (Virtual
Session) (joint with A, B, H, PA)
Presiding: Kathy Hibbard, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory; Tom
Wilson, Electric Power Research
Institute; Kathy Hibbard, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
1156h GC22B-09 Capturing the externalities:
National and watershed scale damages from release
of reactive nitrogen beyond the farm, factory,
tailpipe and table: J Compton, D J Sobota, M L
McCrackin, J Harrison
1208h GC22B-10 Recreational demand for clean
water: Evidence from geotagged photographs by
visitors to lakes: B Keeler, S Wood, S Polasky, C
Kling, C Filstrup, J A Downing
Moscone West 3020
Global Approaches to Advance
Interdisciplinary Earth Sciences at the
Intersection of Science, Policy, and
Society II
1020h GC22A-01 Evaluating the Impacts of Climate
Change on the Operations and Future Development
of the U.S. Electricity System: R L Newmark, S M
Cohen, K Averyt, J Macknick, J Meldrum, P Sullivan
Presiding: R Gurney, University of
Reading; Maria Uhle, National Science
Foundation; Gyami Shrestha, US
Carbon Cycle Science Program
1035h GC22A-02 Climate Change and Future
U.S. Electricity Infrastructure: the Nexus between
Water Availability, Land Suitability, and LowCarbon Technologies: J Rice, T Halter, M I Hejazi,
E Jensen, L Liu, J Olson, P Patel, C R Vernon, N
Voisin, N Zuljevic
1020h GC22C-01 Climate and Southern Africa’s
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: D Conway, T Osborn,
S Dorling, C Ringler, B Lankford, C Dalin, J
Thurlow, T Zhu, D Deryng, W Landman, E Archer
van Garderen, T Krueger, K Lebek
1050h GC22A-03 Exploring the energy-waterfood-climate nexus for the Indian Economy in 2030:
F Taheripour, T W Hertel, B N Gopalakrishnan
1035h GC22C-02 Coastal Blue Carbon: Climate and
Coastal Resilience National and International Policy
Opportunities: A Sutton-Grier, A McCarty
1105h GC22A-04 Climate change vulnerability of
global hydropower generation: F Farinosi, E De
Cian, I Sue Wing
1120h GC22A-05 Energy Requirements by the
Water Sector in the Southwestern US: Past, Present,
and Future: K Averyt, D N Yates, J Meldrum
1135h GC22A-06 Land Use Change Impacts to
Flows and Hydropower at the Southern Fringe of
the Brazilian Amazon: A Regional, Empirical Study
of Land-Water-Energy Nexus Dynamics: M C
Levy, S E Thompson, A Cohn
1150h GC22A-07 Regional Analysis of Energy,
Water, Land and Climate Interactions: V C
Tidwell, K Averyt, R C Harriss, K A Hibbard, R L
Newmark, S K Rose, E Shevliakova, T Wilson
1205h GC22A-08 The Northeastern United States
Energy-Water Nexus: Climate Change Impacts
and Alternative Water Management Strategies
for the Power Sector: A Miara, J Macknick, C J
Vorosmarty, S M Cohen, B Rosenzweig
Moscone West 3014
Ecosystem Services: Connecting
Climate Impacts to Cumulative
Carbon Emissions and Linking
Biophysical Functions to Human
Values II
(joint with B, H)
Presiding: Kate Brauman, University
of Minnesota Twin Cities; Damon
Matthews, Concordia University;
Kimberly Nicholas, Lund University
1020h GC22B-01 Science and policy applicability
of the transient climate response to cumulative
emissions of carbon: J Rogelj
1032h GC22B-02 Economic and policy implications
of the cumulative carbon budget: M R Allen, F E L
Otto, A Otto, C Hepburn
1044h GC22B-03 A Theory for How Global
Warming Mechanistically Depends on Cumulative
Carbon Emissions Over Time: P Goodwin, R G
Williams, A J Ridgwell
1050h GC22C-03 Supporting Greenhouse Gas
Management Strategies with Observations and
Analysis – Challenges and Opportunities: J H
Butler, O A Tarasova
1105h GC22C-04 Exploiting and developing
environmental research infrastructures in Europe –
step toward international collaboration: S Sorvari,
A Asmi, J Konijn, A Pursula, W Los, P Laj, W L
1120h GC22C-05 Water Resource Management
Mechanisms for Intrastate Violent Conflict
Resolution: the Capacity Gap and What To Do
About It: M Workman, J C Veilleux
1150h GC22C-07 Learning from Past Infrastructure
to Embrace Friction and Create the Research Data
Alliance: M A Parsons
1205h GC22C-08 E-Infrastructure and Data
Management for Global Change Research: M
L Allison, R J Gurney, R Cesar, R Cossu, B
Gemeinholzer, T Koike, M Mokrane, D Peters, S
Nativi, R Samors, A Treloar, J P Vilotte, M Visbeck,
H C Waldmann
Moscone West 3003
Improving the Simulation of Climate
Impacts on Agriculture: AgMIP and
Related Research I
Presiding: Jonathan Winter, Dartmouth
College; Roberto Valdivia, Oregon State
University; Sonali McDermid, NASA
Goddard Inst Space Stud
1020h GC22D-01 AgMIP: Next Generation Models
and Assessments: C Rosenzweig
1035h GC22D-02 Climate Change Impacts on
Agriculture and Food Security in 2050 under a
Range of Plausible Socioeconomic and Emissions
Scenarios: K Wiebe, H Lotze-Campen, B
Bodirsky, A Kavallari, D Mason-d’Croz, D van der
Mensbrugghe, S Robinson, R Sands, A Tabeau, D
Willenbockel, S Islam, H van Meijl, C Mueller, R
1135h GC22D-06 Noah-MP-CROP: an integrated
atmosphere-crop-soil modeling system for regional
agro-climatic assessments: X Liu, M J Barlage, F
Chen, D S Niyogi, G Zhou
1150h GC22D-07 Regional Climate Change Impact
on Agricultural Land Use in West Africa: K F
Ahmed, G Wang, L You
1205h GC22D-08 Temperature, Sowing and Harvest
Dates, and Yield of Maize in the Southwestern US:
M Kafatos, D Stack, B Myoung, S H Kim, J Kim
Moscone West 3001
Responses of Alpine and Arctic
Treeline Ecotones to Environmental
Change I (joint with B)
Presiding: Connie Millar, USDA Forest
Service; David Cairns, Texas A & M
University; Matthew Germino, US
Geologic Survey; Jeremy Littell, USGS
Alaska Science Center
1020h GC22E-01 Subalpine Species Response
to Past Climate Change and Fire Activity: Are
We Underestimating the Biotic Resilience?: C L
Whitlock, V Iglesias, T Krause
1035h GC22E-02 The Role of Topoclimate
in Explaining Abrupt Growth Thresholds of
Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains of
California, USA: A G Bunn, M W Salzer, E R
Larson, S B Weiss, M K Hughes
1050h GC22E-03 Patterns of Twentieth Century
Treeline Advance in Alaska: Insights from
Dendrochronology and Permanent Plot Studies: A
H Lloyd, C L Fastie
1105h GC22E-04 Do Small Mammals and
Vegetation Metacommunity Dynamics Determine
the Extent and Pattern of Treeline in the High
Elevation Zone of the Sierra Nevada Mountain
Range?: R C Klinger, J T Chase
1120h GC22E-05 Seedling establishment at the
alpine tree line - Can there be too much winter
protection?: S Lett, D Wardle, M C Nilsson, E
1135h GC22E-06 Wind-Snow Interactions and
Treeline Advance in the Medicine Bow Mountains,
Wyoming: A Coupled Examination Using
Dendroecology and Remote Sensing: G Elliott, C
J Crawford
1150h GC22E-07 Recruitment of subalpine tree
populations sensitive to warming within and
above current altitudinal range: L M Kueppers, C
Castanha, A B Moyes, E Conlisk, M J Germino, M S
Torn, J Harte, J Mitton
1205h GC22E-08 Reflections on Treeline Studies
and Ways to Improve Them: B Sveinbjornsson
Moscone West 3016
The Effects of Anthropogenic LandUse and Land-Cover Change on
Local to Global Climate: Forcings
and Feedbacks from the Past to the
Future II (joint with B)
Presiding: Alan Di Vittorio, Lawrence
Berkeley National Lab; Michael Puma,
Columbia University of New York;
Andrew Jones, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory; Yoshihide Wada,
Utrecht University
1020h GC22F-01 Recent and Future Anthropogenic
Land-Cover Change in the United States and Its
Impact on Climate Forcing: B M Sleeter, J Liu, Z
Zhu, C A Barnes, J Sherba
1035h GC22F-02 Mechanisms Linking Land Use
and Regional Climate Changes in West Africa: G
Wang, K F Ahmed, M Yu, Z JI, J S Pal
1050h GC22F-03 Hydrological Consequences
of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the
Amazon Agricultural Frontier: M T Coe, M
Macedo, D V Silverio, P K Panday, P M Brando
1105h GC22F-04 Future Deforestation in the
Amazon and Consequences for South American
Climate: A L S Swann, M Longo, R G Knox, E Lee,
P R Moorcroft
1050h GC22D-03 Modeling soil processes for
adapting agricultural systems to climate variability
and change: B Basso
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:00 AM
1120h GC22F-05 Impact of Forests on Local
Temperature Based on Satellite Observations: Y
Li, M Zhao, S Motesharrei, Q Mu, E Kalnay, L
1120h IN22A-05 Semantically aided interpretation
and querying of Jefferson Project data using the
SemantEco framework: E W Patton, P Pinheiro, D
L McGuinness
1135h OS22A-06 Flow Field Thresholds for
Bottom Roughness Transformation in Full Scale
Laboratory Generated Waves and Solitary Waves:
M E Wengrove, D L Foster
1135h GC22F-06 The Effects of Anthropogenic
Land Cover Change on Global and Regional
Climate in the Preindustrial Holocene: A Review: J
O Kaplan
1135h IN22A-06 Apache Open Climate Workbench:
Building Open Source Climate Science Tools and
Community at the Apache Software Foundation: M
Joyce, P Ramirez, M Boustani, C A Mattmann, S
Khudikyan, L J McGibbney, K D Whitehall
1150h OS22A-07 Gravity-flow processes and
deposits in a tidally dominated coastal environment:
E Eidam, A S Ogston, C A Nittrouer
1150h GC22F-07 Are We Capturing the True
Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Cover Forcings in
ESMs? : J J Feddema
1205h GC22F-08 Advancing Our Understanding
of the Impacts of Historic and Projected Land
Use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model
Intercomparison Project (LUMIP): D M Lawrence,
G C Hurtt, V Brovkin, K V Calvin, N de NobletDucoudre, C Jones, J Pongratz, S I Seneviratne, E
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Marine Magnetics, Plate Kinematics,
and the Oceanic Crust I (joint with T)
1150h IN22A-07 SimPEG: An open-source
framework for geophysical simulations and inverse
problems: R Cockett, S Kang, L Heagy
1205h IN22A-08 Improving Running Times for the
Determination of Fractional Snow-Covered Area
from Landsat TM/ETM+ via Utilization of the
CUDA® Programming Paradigm: L J McGibbney,
K Rittger, T H Painter, D Selkowitz, C A Mattmann,
P Ramirez
Marriott Marquis Salons
Physics and Chemistry of the Deep
Earth II (joint with DI, S, T, V)
Presiding: Jerome Dyment, IPGP, CNRS
UMR 7154; Roi Granot, Ben-Gurion
University; Masako Tominaga, Michigan
State University; Taichi Sato, AIST
Presiding: Tetsuya Komabayashi,
University of Edinburgh; Zhicheng
Jing, Case Western Reserve University;
Razvan Caracas, CNRS; Carole Nisr,
Arizona State University
1020h GP22A-01 Revisiting Near-Seafloor
Magnetics on the TAG Hydrothermal Site (26°N,
MAR): Tectonic and Hydrothermal Implications: F
Szitkar, J Dyment
1020h MR22A-01 Iron-rich eutectic liquid
composition in Fe-Si system at core pressures: Exsitu textural and chemical characterization of DAC
samples: K Hirose, H Ozawa
1035h GP22A-02 Reconstructing past plate-motion
histories in the presence of finite-rotation noise: G
Iaffaldano, R Hawkins, T Bodin, M Sambridge
1050h GP22A-03 The Pivoting Motion of Africa in
the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic: S C Cande
1105h GP22A-04 High Resolution Quaternary and
Neogene Reconstructions of the Southwest Indian
Ridge and Rifting in Eastern Africa: C DeMets, S
Merkouriev, E Calais, D Sauter
Moscone West 2022-2024
Walter B. Langbein Lecture (Virtual
Presiding: Eric Wood, Princeton
University; Charles Luce, USDA Forest
1020h Welcoming Remarks:
1025h Presentation of the Early Career Hydrological
Sciences Award :
1032h Presentation of the Hydrological Sciences
Award :
1035h MR22A-02 Spin crossover in solid and liquid
(Mg,Fe)O from first-principles molecular dynamics:
L P Stixrude, E Holmstrom
1050h MR22A-03 Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)
SiO3 Perovskite and its Implications to the Deep
Earth: L Zhang, Y Meng, W Yang, L Wang, W
L Mao, Q C Zeng, J S Jeong, A J Wagner, K A
Mkhoyan, W Liu, R Xu, H K Mao
1105h MR22A-04 Modeling the Melting of
MgSiO3-perovskite and MgO-MgSiO3 under
Lower Mantle Conditions: C Di Paola, J P Brodholt
1120h MR22A-05 Lower Mantle Electrical
Conductivity Based on Measurements of Al,
Fe-Bearing Perovskite Under Lower Mantle
Conditions: R Sinmyo, G Pesce, E Greenberg, C A
McCammon, L S Dubrovinsky
MR22A-06 Thermal
Measurements in Metals at High Pressures and
Temperatures: Z Konopkova, R S McWilliams, A
1150h MR22A-07 Simultaneous measurement of
density and sound velocity of liquid Fe-C at high
pressure: Y Shimoyama, H G Terasaki, S Urakawa,
S Kuwabara, Y Takubo, Y Katayama
1205h MR22A-08 Experimental studies on the
viscosity of (Mg,Fe)O melt up to 70 GPa: Z Du, K
K M Lee
1039h Presentation of the Walter B Langbein
Lecture Award :
1044h H22A-01 Isotopes and Isoscapes: Tools for
Testing Hydrological and Biogeochemical Models:
C Kendall
Moscone West 2020
Using Open Source Software to
Enable Scientific Analysis and Reuse
of Data II
(joint with DI)
Presiding: Chris Mattmann, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Robert Downs,
Columbia University of New York;
Jens Klump, CSIRO Earth Science and
Resource Engineering Perth
1020h IN22A-01 Analyzing Geoscientific Data with
R: Past, Present, Future: E J Pebesma
1035h IN22A-02 Land Use Change Modelling in R:
S Moulds, W Buytaert
1050h IN22A-03 Analysis of Giga-size Earth
Observation Data in Open Source GRASS GIS 7 from Desktop to On-line Solutions: T F Stepinski,
H Mitasova, J Jasiewicz, M Neteler, S Gebbert
1105h IN22A-04 On the Use of FOSS4G in
Land Cover Fraction Estimation with Unmixing
Algorithms: U Kumar, C Milesi, K Raja, S Ganguly,
W Wang, G Zhang, R R Nemani
Moscone West 3002
Trace Metals and Isotopes in the
Eastern Tropical South Pacific: Results
of the 2013 U.S. Geotraces Zonal
Transect and Complimentary Studies
I (joint with B)
Presiding: James Moffett, USC-Biology;
Christopher German, WHOI; Martin
1020h OS22B-01 The influence of water mass
mixing on the dissolved Si isotope composition in
the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: P Grasse, C Ehlert,
M Frank
1035h OS22B-02 Strong Input and Removal of Rare
Earth Elements (REEs) Affect Dissolved Nd Isotope
Composition of Seawater in the Panama Basin
and the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: M Frank, L M
Bosse, P Grasse, K Pahnke, E C Hathorne
1050h OS22B-03 Basin-Scale Transport of
Hydrothermal Iron, Manganese and Aluminum
Across the Eastern South Pacific: P N Sedwick, J
A Resing, B M Sohst, W J Jenkins, C R German, J
W Moffett
1105h OS22B-04 Scavenging of Thorium and
Protactinium by Particles from the East Pacific
Rise Hydrothermal Plume: R F Anderson, M Q
Fleisher, F J Pavia, S M Vivancos, Y Lu, H Cheng,
R L Edwards
1120h OS22B-05 Radium as a tracer of benthic
trace element inputs from the Peruvian continental
margin (2013 U.S. Pacific GEOTRACES cruise): V
Sanial, M A Charette, W S Moore, P Henderson, L
E Kipp, P van Beek
1135h OS22B-06 Characterizing Redox Conditions
in Oxygen-deficient Waters Off Peru During
the 2013 US GEOTRACES Zonal Transect: G A
Cutter, M Nielsdottir
1150h OS22B-07 Upwelling Rates and Vertical
Diffusivities Determined During the 2013 US
GEOTRACES Eastern Tropical Pacific Zonal
Transect: Results from 7Be Analysis: D C Kadko
1205h OS22B-08 Trace Element Composition of
Phytoplankton Along the US GEOTRACES Pacific
Zonal Transect: Comparing Single-Cell SXRF
Quotas, Chemical Leaching, and Bulk Particle
Digestion: D Ohnemus, S Rauschenberg, B S
Moscone West 3009
Nearshore Processes VI (joint with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Cheryl Ann Blain,
Naval Research Laboratory; Hansong
Tang, CCNY
1020h OS22A-01 Large tropical river mouth
sediment-transport dynamics and linkages to coastal
sediment transport and deposition: A S Ogston, D J
Nowacki, A T Fricke, J Marks, C A Nittrouer, P W
Souza Filho, T P D Van Jr
1035h OS22A-02 Simulating hydrodynamics on
tidal mudflats: S Cook, T C Lippmann
1050h OS22A-03 Mechanisms of Surface Wave
Energy Dissipation over a Fluid Mud Sediment
Suspension: P Traykovski, J H Trowbridge, G C
1105h OS22A-04 The effect of evaporation and
nutrient enrichment on the erodability of mudflats
in a mesotidal estuary: S Fagherazzi, T Viggato, A
M Vieillard, R W Fulweiler
1120h OS22A-05 Review of Nearshore Morphologic
Prediction: N G Plant, S Dalyander, J Long
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 29
1205h OS22A-08 The Future of Nearshore
Processes Research: N Elko, F Feddersen, D L
Foster, R A Holman, J McNinch, H T Ozkan-Haller,
N G Plant, B Raubenheimer, S Elgar, A E Hay, K T
Holland, J T Kirby Jr, T C Lippmann, J K Miller, H
F Stockdon, A D Ashton, A B Boehm, D Clark, E
Cowen, S Dalyander, G R Gelfenbaum, C J Hapke,
J MacMahan, D McNamara, R P Mulligan, M L
Palmsten, P Ruggiero, C R Sherwood, T J Hsu
Moscone West 2009
The Rite of Spring: The Changing
Seasons on Titan I
Presiding: Scott Edgington, Jet
Propulsion Lab; Robert Nelson,
Planetary Science Institute; Rosaly
Lopes, Jet Propulsion Lab
1020h P22A-01 Unveiling Titan’s Mid-Latitude
Surface Regions: A Solomonidou, A Coustenis, R
M C Lopes, S Rodriguez, M Hirtzig, K Stephan, C
Sotin, P Drossart, S Le Mouelic, K J Lawrence, M J
Malaska, R Jaumann, R H Brown, E Bratsolis
1035h P22A-02 Monitoring the Seasonal Evolution
of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan
during 10 Years with Cassini/Vims: S Le Mouelic,
B Rousseau, S Rodriguez, T Cornet, C Sotin, J W
Barnes, R H Brown, B J Buratti, K H Baines, R N
Clark, P D Nicholson
1050h P22A-03 Evolution of Titan’s Seas and Lakes
during Northern Spring: C Sotin, K J Lawrence, S
Le Mouelic, S MacKenzie, J W Barnes, R H Brown,
T Cornet, S Rodriguez, K H Baines, B J Buratti, R N
Clark, P D Nicholson, J M Soderblom
1105h P22A-04 First Cassini Radio Science Bistatic
Scattering Observation of Titan’s Northern Seas:
E A Marouf, A J Kliore, N J Rappaport, R G
French, P J Schinder, A Anabtawi, K K Wong, J
W Armstrong, S W Asmar, F M Flasar, L Iess, C
McGhee-French, A F Nagy, P Tortora, E Barbinis,
D Buccino, D S Kahan
1120h P22A-05 Titan’s Surface at 2.2-Cm
Wavelength: Results and Interpretations through
the First Ten Years of Observation By Cassini: M A
Janssen, A A Le Gall, A G Hayes Jr, R M C Lopes,
M J Malaska
1135h P22A-06 Titan’s Magic Island: Transient
features in a Titan sea: J D Hofgartner, A G Hayes
Jr, J I Lunine, H A Zebker, B W Stiles, C Sotin, J
W Barnes, E P Turtle, K H Baines, R H Brown, B
J Buratti, R N Clark, P Encrenaz, R L Kirk, A A Le
Gall, R M C Lopes, R D Lorenz, M J Malaska, K L
Mitchell, P D Nicholson, P Paillou, J Radebaugh, S
D Wall, C A Wood
1150h P22A-07 Kraken Mare bathymetry
and composition from Cassini RADAR: M
Mastrogiuseppe Sr, A G Hayes Jr, A A Le Gall, D
Casarano, J D Hofgartner, R D Lorenz, J I Lunine, C
Notarnicola, V Poggiali, O Karatekin, R Seu
1205h P22A-08 Modeling and Observing the Role
of Wind-Waves in Lake-Climate Interactions on
Titan using the T104 Flyby of Kraken Mare: A G
Hayes Jr, R D Lorenz, H A Zebker, M A Donelan,
O Karatekin, M Mastrogiuseppe Sr, A A Le Gall, J D
Hofgartner, P Encrenaz, V Poggiali
Moscone West 2008
Climate of the Common Era II (joint
with A, B, GC)
Presiding: Kevin Anchukaitis, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Inst; Julien EmileGeay, Univ. of Southern California;
Jason Smerdon, LDEO of Columbia
University; Edward Cook, Lamont
-Doherty Earth Observatory
1020h PP22A-01 Resilience and Vulnerability of
Southeast Asian Societies to Climate Variability in
the Pre-Modern Era: J O Kaplan
1035h PP22A-02 The CESM Last Millennium
Ensemble: Tropical Response to the Samalas,
Kuwae and Tambora Eruptions: E C Brady, B L
Otto-Bliesner, A Jahn, T Ault, N A Rosenbloom, A
Mai, G Strand
1050h PP22A-03 Climate Variability in
Comprehensive Climate Simulations at the
Beginning of the Common Era over Europe: S
Wagner, E Zorita, J J Gomez-Navarro, O Bothe
1105h PP22A-04 Influence of Interhemispheric
Asymmetry in Volcanic Forcing on ITCZ Location
and Oxygen Isotope Distribution: C Colose, A N
LeGrande, M F Vuille
1120h PP22A-05 Global Monsoon Variability in
the CESM1-CAM5 Last Millennium Ensemble: J
Fasullo, B L Otto-Bliesner, S L Stevenson
1135h PP22A-06 Past and Future Rainfall in the
Horn of Africa: J E Tierney, C Ummenhofer, P B
1150h PP22A-07 Paleoclimate Sampling as a Sensor
Placement Problem: M Comboul, J Emile-Geay, G
J Hakim, M N Evans
1205h PP22A-08 Reconstruction of Dynamical
Fields of the Common Era: N J Steiger, G J Hakim,
G Roe, D S Battisti, E J Steig
Moscone West 2010
Polar Oceans As Drivers of Glacial/
Interglacial Atmospheric CO2
Concentrations I (joint with OS)
Presiding: Sam Jaccard, University of
Bern; Anja Studer, Princeton University
1020h PP22B-01 Atmosphere-ocean interactions in
the Pacific Southern Ocean: F Lamy, R Gersonde, C
Purcell, G Winckler, R Tiedemann, G Knorr
1035h PP22B-02 Boron Isotope Evidence for
Oceanic CO2 Leakage During the Last Deglaciation
: G L Foster, M A Martínez-Botí, G Marino, P P
I Ziveri, M J Henehan, J W B Rae, G Mortyn, D
1050h PP22B-03 Deglacial Atlantic Radiocarbon:
A Southern Ocean Perspective : L F Robinson, A
Burke, J F Adkins, T Chen, P Spooner
1105h PP22B-04 Climate sensitivity of the Antarctic
ventilation: T Ito, J Lynch-Stieglitz
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1120h PP22B-05 A Stratification Boomerang:
Nonlinear Dependence of Deep Southern Ocean
Ventilation on PCO2: E D Galbraith, T M Merlis
1135h PP22B-06 Carbon cycle constraints during
the last glacial/interglacial cycle derived from
[CO2] and δ13Catm measurements from ice cores:
S Eggleston, J Schmitt, J A Chappellaz, F Joos, H
1150h PP22B-07 A Millennial-Scale Reduction in
Ventilation of the Deep South Atlantic During the
Last Interglacial Period: C T Hayes, A MartinezGarcia, A P Hasenfratz, S Jaccard, D A Hodell, D M
Sigman, G H Haug, R F Anderson
1205h PP22B-08 A 400-kyr record of millennialscale carbonate preservation events in the Southern
Ocean: Implications for Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation and atmospheric CO2: D
A Hodell, M J Vautravers, S Barker, C D Charles,
S Crowhurst
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Aftershock Hazard: Forecasting
Highly Time- and Space-Dependent
Seismicity and Shaking after Large
Mainshocks I (Virtual Session) (joint
with NH, PA, T)
Presiding: Ross Stein, USGS; Shinji
Toda, Tohoku University; Warner
Marzocchi, INGV; Volkan Sevilgen, U.S.
Geological Survey
Tomography of the Eastern Venezuelan Crust
using Empirical Green’s Function Waveforms from
Ambient Noise Interferometry: M Chen, J Masy, F
Niu, A Levander
1150h S22B-07 High resolution maping of the
crustal architecture by ambient noise tomography
in the North Western Himalaya: N Kumar, A
Aoudia, D Hazarika, D K Yadav
1205h S22B-08 Crustal and Uppermantle
Structure of Northeast China from Ambient
Noise and Teleseismic Earthquake Rayleigh Wave
Tomography : Z Guo, Y J Chen, Y Yang, J C Afonso
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Outstanding Challenges in the
Seismological Study of Volcanic
Processes III (joint with V)
Presiding: Diana Roman, Carnegie
Institution of Washington; Matthew
Haney, Alaska Volcano Observatory
Anchorage; Stephanie Prejean, Alaska
Volcano Observatory Anchorage;
Richard Aster, Colorado State
1020h S22C-01 Large-N in Volcano Settings:
Volcanosri: J M Lees, W Song, G Xing, S Vick, D
1035h S22C-02 Field Report on the iMUSH Active
Source Seismic Experiment: E Kiser, A Levander, B
Schmandt, I Palomeras, S H Harder, K C Creager, J
E Vidale, S D Malone
1141h SA22A-07 High-latitude Poynting flux
measured by DMSP satellites during magnetic
storms: Y Huang, C Y Huang, Y J Su
1153h SA22A-08 Day-night coupling by a localized
flow channel visualized by polar cap patch
propagation: T Nishimura, L R Lyons, Y Zou, B
Wang, K Oksavik, J I Moen, L Clausen, E Donovan,
V Angelopoulos, K Shiokawa, J M Ruohoniemi, N
Nishitani, K A McWilliams, M Lester
1208h SA22A-09 Solar Wind Effect on Joule
Heating in the High-Latitude Ionosphere: L Cai, A
T Aikio, T J Nygren
Moscone West 2018
Multipoint Observations in the
Inner Magnetosphere: System-Wide
Understanding of Particle Transport,
Energization, and Loss II
Presiding: Matina Gkioulidou, JHU/
APL; Alexa Halford, Dartmouth College;
Drew Turner, University of California
Moscone West 2011
1020h SM22A-01 No Gain, Know Drain:
Quantifying Radiation Belt Precipitation Loss: H
E Spence, A J Boyd, C L Huang, S S Smith, M G
Henderson, R H W Friedel, B Larsen, G D Reeves,
J B Blake, S G Claudepierre, J Fennell, D N Baker,
S Kanekal
Magnetic Reconnection and Flux
Redistribution: Three-Dimensional
Dynamics at Multiple Scales I (joint
with SM)
1035h SM22A-02 An Observational Test of the
Stability of Inner Belt Protons Above 60 Mev Using
Measurements Separated By 41 Years: J E Mazur,
T P O’Brien III, M D Looper, J B Blake, J S George
Presiding: Merav Opher, Boston
University; Paul Cassak, West Virginia
1020h SH22A-01 Magnetic Flux Erosion and
Redistribution during CME Propagation: B
Lavraud, A Ruffenach, W Manchester, C J
Farrugia, P Demoulin, S Dasso, J A Sauvaud, A
P Rouillard, C Foullon, M J Owens, N Savani, P
Kajdic, J G Luhmann, A B Galvin
1035h SH22A-02 Magnetic Reconnection in
Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections: R L Fermo,
M Opher, J F Drake
1050h SM22A-03 Investigation of solar wind and
magnetospheric forcing effects on the outer Van
Allen belt through multi-point measurements in
the inner magnetosphere: I A Daglis, C Katsavrias,
M Georgiou, D L Turner, I Sandberg, G Balasis, K
SM22A-04 Shock-Induced
Relativistic Electron Acceleration in the Inner
Magnetosphere: J C Foster, J R Wygant, D N
Baker, A J Boyd, P J Erickson, M K Hudson, H E
1050h SH22A-03 Recent Observational Advances
in our Understanding of Magnetic Reconnection in
Earth’s Magnetosphere: V Angelopoulos
1120h SM22A-05 Two Step Acceleration Process
of Electrons in the Outer Van Allen Radiation
Belt by Time Domain Electric Field Bursts and
Large Amplitude Chorus Waves: O V Agapitov, F
Mozer, A Artemyev, V Krasnoselskikh, S Lejosne
1105h S22C-04 iMUSH-aided fault-plane studies
at Mount St. Helens, Washington: Evidence for
magma recharge: S C Moran, G A Abers, K C
Creager, R P Denlinger, C W Ulberg, J E Vidale
1105h SH22A-04 Onset and Evolution of Magnetic
Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems: W S
Daughton, C Akcay, Z Billey, J Finn, E Zweibel, W
N Gekelman
1135h SM22A-06 Rebuilding of the Earth’s Outer
Electron Belts During the 9 October 2012 and 17
March 2013 Geomagnetic Storms: B T Kress, M K
Hudson, J Paral, S L McGregor
1105h S22A-04 What Controls the Duration of
Aftershocks, and Why It Matters for Probabilistic
Seismic Hazard Assessment: R S Stein, S Toda
1120h S22C-05 Deep long-period earthquakes
under Mount St. Helens captured with dense
recordings by iMUSH: J E Vidale, S C Moran, K C
Creager, A Levander, S D Malone, T W Sisson, A J
Hotovec-Ellis, B Schmandt
1120h SH22A-05 Core Electron Heating in Solar
Wind Reconnection Exhausts: M Pulupa, C S
Salem, T D Phan, J T Gosling, S D Bale
1150h SM22A-07 Multi-point Measurements of
Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere: X Li,
R Selesnick, D N Baker, J B Blake, Q Schiller, L W
Blum, H Zhao, A N Jaynes, S Kanekal
1120h S22A-05 Global Catalog Analysis Shows That
Dynamic Triggering Or Shadowing Of Remote
M≥5.5 Earthquakes Is Rare: C W Johnson, R
Burgmann, F F Pollitz
1135h S22C-06 4-D Noise-Based Seismology at
Volcanoes: Ongoing Efforts and Perspectives: F
Brenguier, M Campillo, N Shapiro, D N Rivet, T
Takeda, Y Aoki, A Lecointre
1135h S22A-06 A New Hybrid STEP/Coulomb
model for Aftershock Forecasting: S Steacy, A
Jimenez, M Gerstenberger
1150h S22C-07 Seismic Anisotropy Reveals a Large
Magmatic Sill Complex below the Toba Caldera: K
Jaxybulatov, N Shapiro, I Koulakov, A Mordret,
M Landes, C Sens-Schoenfelder
S22A-01 Recent
Aftershock Hazard Modelling in New Zealand:
M Gerstenberger, D A Rhoades, G McVerry, A
Christophersen, S C Bannister, B Fry, S Potter
1035h S22A-02 Long Aftershock Sequences within
Continents and Implications for Earthquake Hazard
Assessment: S A Stein, M Liu
1050h S22A-03 Evidence Against the New Madrid
Long-Lived Aftershock Hypothesis: M T Page, S E
1150h S22A-07 Operational earthquake forecasting
in California: A prototype system combining
UCERF3 and CyberShake: K R Milner, T H
Jordan, E H Field
1205h S22A-08 Dynamic Aftershock Triggering
Correlated with Cyclic Loading in the Slip
Direction: J Hardebeck
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
Imaging the Earth II Passive and
Active Source Studies of the Crust
(joint with DI, T)
Presiding: Monica Maceira, Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Carene Larmat,
Los Alamos National Laboratory;
Andreas Fichtner, ETH Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich; Paula
Koelemeijer, University of Cambridge
1020h S22B-01 Estimating Moho depth utilizing
S-wave receiver functions: S Ceylan, C Rychert, N
1035h S22B-02 Crustal and Basin Thickness Via
P-Coda Transfer Functions: Examples from the
Southwestern Superior Province, USA and the
North Anatolian Fault, Turkey: A W Frederiksen,
D A Thompson, S Rost
1050h S22B-03 Crustal Structure across the
Appalachian Orogen in Pennsylvania from P-wave
receiver functions: G Arroyo, A Nyblade, K
1105h S22B-04 Constructing 3D isotropic and
azimuthally anisotropic crustal models across
USArray using Rayleigh wave phase velocity and
ellipticity: inferring continental stress field: F C Lin,
B Schmandt, V C Tsai
1050h S22C-03 Large-N Nodal Seismic Deployment
at Mount St Helens: S M Hansen, B Schmandt,
J E Vidale, K C Creager, A Levander, E Kiser, M
Barklage, D Hollis
1205h S22C-08 Recent developments and
applications of a real-time tool to detect magma
migration in different volcanic settings and network
optimization: B Taisne, Y Aoki, C Caudron
Moscone West 2016
The Dynamic Polar Cap I (joint with SH,
Presiding: Cheryl Huang, Air Force
Research Laboratory Albuquerque;
Yanshi Huang, University of New
Mexico; Gary Bust, JHU Applied Physics
Lab; Jeffrey Holmes, Air Force Research
1020h SA22A-01 Creation of polar cap patches: K
Hosokawa, S Taguchi, Y Ogawa
1035h SA22A-02 ICI-III sounding rocket
investigation of a Reversed flow event seen by the
EISCAT Svalbard Radar: Y Dåbakk, J I Moen, H C
Carlson, Y Saito, T Abe
1050h SA22A-03 The field-aligned-current system
of a sun-aligned arc over Resolute Bay: G W Perry,
H Dahlgren, M J Nicolls, M D Zettergren, J P StMaurice, J L Semeter, K Hosokawa, K Shiokawa
1102h SA22A-04 Predicting Thermospheric
Density at High Latitude during Magnetic Storms
using Coupled Global Geospace Simulations: B
Zhang, M J Wiltberger, O Brambles, W Lotko, J
1117h SA22A-05 Assessing Locations of Energy
Transfer/Deposit in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere
System: J Tu, P Song
1120h S22B-05 Italian and Alpine crustal structure
imaged by ambient-noise surface-wave dispersion:
I Molinari, L Boschi, J Verbeke, A Morelli, E H
1129h SA22A-06 From Correlations to Causes:
Transient Energy Injection into the Polar
Thermosphere: H C Carlson, A L Aruliah, A
Skjaeveland, J I Moen
AGU2014News.indb 30
1135h SH22A-06 Three-Dimensional Turbulent
Reconnection Induced by the Plasmoid Instability:
A Bhattacharjee, Y M Huang
1150h SH22A-07 Two-Ribbon Flares Spreading in
the Third Dimension: J Qiu, D W Longcope
1205h SH22A-08 Cross-scale Observational
Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection: S L Savage,
D Malaspina
Moscone West 2012
Solar and Heliospheric Physics
General Contributions III Solar Wind,
Stream Interaction Regions, Cosmic
Rays, and Pickup Ions
Presiding: Ian Richardson, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Robyn
Millan, Dartmouth College; Larry
Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
1020h SH22B-01 Towards a More Complete
Understanding of Large Amplitude Coherent
Whistler Mode Waves Observed within and Near
Solar Wind Stream Interaction Regions: C A
Colpitts, C A Cattell, A W Breneman, X Tang
1050h SH22B-03 Investigation of Galactic Cosmic
Rays Modulation by the Corotating Interaction
Regions: X Guo, V A Florinski
1105h SH22B-04 Voyager 1 Observations of
Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Local Interstellar
Medium: A C Cummings, E C Stone, B C Heikkila,
N Lal, W R Webber
1135h SH22B-06 Solar Wind Observations from
10 to 30 AU Measured With The New Horizons
Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument: H
A Elliott, D J McComas, P W Valek, G Nicolaou, F
Bagenal, P A Delamere, G Livadiotis
1150h SH22B-07 2D He+ Pickup Ion Velocity
Distribution Functions: STEREO PLASTIC
Observations: C Drews, L Berger, T Peleikis, R F
1205h SH22B-08 Observations and Observability
of Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar
Pickup Ions: C W Smith, P Aggarwal, M R Argall,
B E Cannon, M K Fisher, P A Isenberg, C J Joyce,
N Murphy, R G Nuno, N Schwadron, D K Taylor,
B J Vasquez
1205h SM22A-08 Small- and Large-scale
Morphology of the Near-Earth Energetic Charged
Particle Environment from a Ten-element CubeSat
Constellation: D M Klumpar, A Gunderson
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
Behavior of the Lower Crust and
the Brittle-Ductile Transition in
Continental Deformation III (joint with
MR, S)
Presiding: Jolante Van Wijk, New
Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology; Gary Axen, New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology;
Claire Currie, University of Alberta
1020h T22A-01 Fluid-Control of the Crustal
Brittle-Plastic Transition (BPT) During Extension:
Permanent Embrittlement at High Temperatures: G
J Axen, J Selverstone
1035h T22A-02 The effect of syntectonic
hydration on rock strength, fabric evolution, and
polycrystalline flow in mafic lower continental crust
rocks: A Getsinger, G Hirth
1050h T22A-03 Evolution of Continental Lower
Crust Recorded By an Exhumed Deep Crustal
Intracontinental Shear Zone: G Dumond, K H
Mahan, S Regan, M L Williams, P Goncalves, V R
1105h T22A-04 Abrupt variations in brittle-ductile
transition depth and lower crustal properties
beneath two branches of the north Anatolian fault
zone, Turkey: D G Cornwell, M Kahraman, D A
Thompson, S Rost, G A Houseman, N Turkelli, U
Teoman, S Altuncu Poyraz, L Gülen, M Utkucu
1120h T22A-05 Scaling of Viscous Shear Zones
with Depth Dependent Viscosity and Power Law
Stress-strain Rate Dependence: J D P Moore, B
1135h T22A-06 Possible transient creep events in
a brittle-ductile continental crust: observations,
experiments and potential models: L L Lavier, N
W Hayman, J E Reber, S Jammes, R A Bennett, R
1150h T22A-07 Probing the Lithospheric Rheology
Across the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Based on Postseismic Deformation: M H Huang, R
Burgmann, A M Freed
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:00 AM
M Cannon, M A Murphy
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Causes and Consequences of Flat Slab
Subduction I
Crustal Accretion Processes at
Intermediate to Fast-Spreading
Ridges: New Advances from Seafloor
Geology, Geophysical Experiments,
and Ocean Drilling I (joint with OS, T)
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Presiding: Megan Anderson, Colorado
College; Lara Wagner, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Suzanne
Kay, Cornell University
1020h T22B-01 What really causes flat slab
subduction?: V C Manea, M Perez-Gussinye, M
1035h T22B-02 Necessity of the Ridge for the Flat
Slab Subduction: Insights from the Peruvian Flat
Slab: S Knezevic Antonijevic, L S Wagner, S L
Beck, M D Long, G Zandt, H Tavera
1050h T22B-03 Was there a Laramide “flat slab”?:
C H Jones
1105h T22B-04 Crustal Geothermal Properties and
Evidence of Laramide Thermal Perturbation of the
Western United States: M A Berry, A R Lowry, D
Schutt, R V S Kanda
1120h T22B-05 Subducted Farallon Plate Carries
Water for Hydration Above the Flat Slab and Deep
into the Mantle: Evidence from the Navajo Volcanic
Field HP and UHP Xenolith Suite: D J Schulze, H H
Helmstaedt, D Davis
1135h T22B-06 Flat Subduction and Dynamic
Topography: C R Lithgow-Bertelloni, F M
Dávila, C M Eakin, F Crameri
1150h T22B-07 Magmatism and the Shallowing of
the Chilean Flatslab in the Central Andes: S M Kay
1205h T22B-08 Effects of Flat Slab Subduction on
Andean Thrust Kinematics and Foreland Basin
Evolution in Western Argentina: B K Horton,
F Fuentes, N R McKenzie, K N Constenius, P M
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Shallow Properties of Fault Zones II
(joint with G, MR, NS, S)
Presiding: Eric Lindsey, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Andrew
Barbour, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography; Thomas Mitchell,
University College London; Amir Allam,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Presiding: Kathryn Gillis, Univ Victoria;
Michael Perfit, Univ of Florida; Suzanne
Carbotte, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs;
Benoit Ildefonse, Université Montpellier
2 & CNRS
1020h V22A-01 Crustal Thickness and Moho
Character of the Fast-Spreading East Pacific Rise
Between 9º37.5’N and 9º57’N From Poststack
and Prestack Time Migrated 3D MCS data: M R
Nedimovic, O Aghaei, S M Carbotte, H D Carton,
J P Canales
1035h V22A-02 Axial Magma System Geometry
beneath a Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge: Insight
from Three-Dimensional Seismic Reflection
Imaging on the East Pacific Rise 9º42’ to 9º57’N: H
D Carton, S M Carbotte, J C Mutter, J P Canales,
M R Nedimovic
1050h V22A-03 Mid-Ocean Ridge Eruptions:
Timing and Processes Inferred from Two Decades
of Earthquake Monitoring: M Tolstoy
1105h V22A-04 Re-evaluating across-axis
geochemical variations at the East Pacific Rise and
Juan de Fuca Ridge: on- and off-axis melt delivery:
M R Perfit, R L Walters
1120h V22A-05 The origin of layered gabbros from
the mid lower ocean crust, Hess Deep, East Pacific
Rise: M J Cheadle, T C Brown, G Ceuleneer, R
1135h V22A-06 Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading
Lower Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the
Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition
345; East Pacific Rise): M Godard, T Falloon, K M
Gillis, N Akizawa, A de Brito Adriao, J Koepke, N
Marks, R Meyer, A Saha, C D Garbe-Schoenberg
V22A-07 IODP
Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration of FastSpreading EPR Lower Crust using O, Sr and Nd
isotopics: N Marks, K M Gillis, R E Lindvall, K
1205h V22A-08 A Dual-Porosity, In Situ
Crystallisation Model For Fast-Spreading MidOcean Ridge Magma Chambers Based Upon Direct
Observation From Hess Deep: C J MacLeod, C J
1020h T22C-01 The Influence of Exotic Calcite on
the Mechanical Behavior of Quartz Bearing Fault
Gouge: B M Carpenter, G Di Stefano, C Collettini
1035h T22C-02 Physical Limits on Damaged Fault
Zone Thickness: the Role of Seismogenic Depth: J
P Ampuero
The Geochemical Diversity of the
Mantle Inferred from Hotspots: Five
Decades of Debate I (joint with DI)
1050h T22C-03 The Effect of Authigenic
Phyllosilicate Growth on the Mechanical Behaviour
of Upper Crustal Faults: S Evans, R Holdsworth, J
Imber, S Marco, R Weinberger, N De Paola
Presiding: Matthew Jackson, University
of California Santa Barbara; James
Day, Univ. California, San Diego; Jasper
Konter, U Hawaii Manoa
1105h T22C-04 Laboratory simulations of fluidinduced seismicity in shallow volcanic faults: M
Fazio, P M Benson, S Vinciguerra
1020h V22B-01 Geochemical Diversity of the
Mantle: 50 Years of Acronyms: S R Hart
1120h T22C-05 Episodic Dissolution, Precipitation
and Slip along the Heart Mountain Detachment,
Wyoming: E Swanson, B P Wernicke
1150h T22C-07 Effects of the Earthquake Cycle
Observed in Pore Pressure Measurements: A J
1205h T22C-08 Morphotectonic, Quaternary
and Structural Geology Analyses of the Shallow
Geometry of the Mw 6.1, 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake
Fault (central Italy): A Missed Opportunity for
Surface Faulting Prevention: S Pucci, F Villani, R
Civico, D Pantosti, A Smedile, P M De Martini, D
Di Naccio, A Gueli
Marriott Marquis Salons
1035h V22B-02 Modeling Melting Ages and PseudoIsochron-Ages in Whole Mantle Convection: H
Davies, H V Heck, T Elliott, D Porcelli
1050h V22B-03 Oceanic lavas sampling the high
3He/4He mantle reservoir: Primitive, depleted, or
re-enriched? : G Garapic, A Mallik, R Dasgupta, M
G Jackson
1105h V22B-04 Th and U Recycling Through
Subduction; Noble Gases and Pb Isotope Evidence:
T Hanyu, H Kawabata, J I Kimura, Y Tatsumi
1120h V22B-05 Inferring Mantle From Basalt
Composition: A Stracke
1135h V22B-06 Controls on OIB and MORB
Geochemical Variabilty: O Shorttle, J Maclennan
1150h V22B-07 Origin of the ‘Gabbro’ Signature
in Ocean Island Basalts: Constraints from Osmium
Isotopic Ratios of Galapagos Basalts: S A Gibson, C
W Dale, D Geist, K S Harpp
1205h V22B-08 Patterns in Galápagos Magmatism
Arising from the Upper Mantle Dynamics of
Plume-Ridge Interaction: G Ito, T A Bianco
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Nonlinear Geophysics and Math of
Planet Earth: Thriving the Math–
Geophysics Synergies I (joint with DI)
1425h U23A-04 Agroclimate.Org: Tools and
Information for a Climate Resilient Agriculture in
the Southeast USA: C Fraisse
1435h U23A-05 Transportation Resilience Tools
from the U.S. Department of Transportation: C
Snow, B Rodehorst, R Miller, A Choate, R Hyman,
R Kafalenos, B Beucler
Presiding: ML Kavvas, Univ California
Davis; Daniel Schertzer, U. Paris-Est
1445h U23A-06 The USGS National Climate
Change Viewer: a model visualization web
application: J R Alder, S Hostetler
1120h NG22A-01 Forecasting in Complex Systems:
J B Rundle, J R Holliday, W R Graves, D L
Turcotte, A Donnellan
1505h U23A-08 Climate Impact Reporter: A New
Tool for Archiving and Displaying Climate-related
Impacts to Extreme Events: N Umphlett, M
Shulski, J Lahowetz, W Sorensen
1138h NG22A-02 A Few Examples of Novel
Behavior of Turbulence in the Presence of Waves:
Intermittency, Helicity and Dual Energy Cascades
in Geophysical Flows: A Pouquet, C Herbert, R
Marino, P D Mininni, C Rorai, D L Rosenberg
1515h Panel Discussion
1156h NG22A-03 Equifinality and the Scaling
Exponent of the Structure Function: G F Fitton, Y
Mezematy, D J M Schertzer, I Tchiguirinskaia
Moscone South Poster Hall
1208h NG22A-04 Non-equilibrium dynamics
of climate variability: insight from dynamic
bifurcations: E Surovyatkina, J Kurths
Moscone South 103-104
Presidential Forum
Presiding: Carol Finn, USGS
1230h Robin Chase and Wendy Schmidt will deliver
the AGU Presidential Forum:
Moscone West 2002
Digital Databases, Standards, and
Practices for Field Data (joint with EP,
IN, T, V)
Moscone West 2004
The AmeriFlux Network–Looking to
Moscone West 2006
Crowdsourcing the Next Generation
of Isoplot
Moscone West 2008
An Introduction to the Atmospheric
Chemistry Center for Observational
Research and Data (ACCORD) (joint
with A)
Moscone West 2003
U.S. Group on Earth Observations and
the U.S. National Plan for Civil Earth
Observations (joint with PA, SI)
Moscone West 2005
Critical Zone Observatories: Past,
Present, Future
Moscone West 3002
Climate Resilience Toolkit
Presiding: Marina Livezey, NOAA
Washington DC; David Herring, NOAA
Washington DC
1340h Introductory Remarks
1355h U23A-01 Overview of the Implementation
of the Climate Data Initiative: C Tilmes, H M
Goodman, A P Privette
U23A-02 Ecosystems
Challenge and Prize Competition: J H Smith, M T
Frame, O Ferriter, J Recker
Anthropogenic-Biogenic Interactions
Affecting the Atmospheric Chemistry
and Physics over Tropical Rainforests
III Posters
Presiding: Scot Martin, Harvard
University; Meinrat Andreae, Max
Planck Inst Chemistry; Paulo Artaxo,
University of Sao Paulo
1340h A23A-3186 POSTER Mass Spectral
Observations of Submicron Aerosol Particles and
Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol at an
Anthropogenically Influenced Site during the Wet
Season of GoAmazon2014: S S de Sá, B B Palm, P
Campuzano Jost, D A Day, W Hu, M K Newburn,
J Ferreira De Brito, P Artaxo, J E Shilling, R A F D
Souza, A O Manzi, M L Alexander, J L Jimenez, S
T Martin
1340h A23A-3187 POSTER Measurements of insitu SOA Formation and Chemistry Using an
Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014 and
Other Campaigns: B B Palm, P Campuzano Jost,
D A Day, W Hu, A M Ortega, S S de Sá, R Seco, J
H Park, A B Guenther, S Kim, J Ferreira De Brito,
F Wurm, P Artaxo, R M Thalman, J Wang, L
Hacker, A Kiendler-Scharr, L Yee, G A Isaacman,
A H Goldstein, R A F D Souza, A O Manzi, J O V
Bustillos, J Tota, M K Newburn, M L Alexander, S
T Martin, W H Brune, J L Jimenez
1340h A23A-3188 POSTER Submicron aerosol and
trace gas composition near Manaus as observed
during GoAmazon2014/5: J Ferreira De Brito, F
Wurm, Y Liu, S S de Sá, S Carbone, L V Rizzo, G G
Cirino, H M Barbosa, R A F D Souza, S T Martin,
P Artaxo
characterization of submicron secondary aerosol in
the amazon forest – ATTO station: S Carbone, J
Ferreira De Brito, M O Andreae, C Pöhlker, X Chi,
J Saturno, H M Barbosa, P Artaxo
1340h A23A-3190 POSTER Isoprene and their
oxidation products in the rural atmosphere of the
Amazon during the GoAmazon campaign: R Seco,
S Kim, J H Park, A B Guenther, J N Smith, Y Liu, J
O V Bustillos, J Tota, R A F D Souza, S T Martin
1340h A23A-3191 POSTER Deposition fluxes of
oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs)
above FLONA Tapajós in central Amazon rainforest,
Brazil: J H Park, E G Alves, S S A Batalha, R Seco,
J Tota, R A F D Souza, A B Guenther, S Kim, J N
1340h A23A-3192 POSTER Single-particle Analyses
of Compositions, Morphology, and Viscosity of
Aerosol Particles Collected During GoAmazon2014
: K Adachi, Z Gong, A P Bateman, S T Martin, G G
Cirino, P Artaxo, A J Sedlacek III, P R Buseck
1340h A23A-3193 POSTER Particle Rebound and
Phase State in Amazonia: S T Martin, A Bateman,
P Liu, Z Gong, Y Zhang, B B Sato, G G Cirino, A O
Manzi, J Ferreira De Brito, P Artaxo, R A F D Souza
1340h A23A-3194 POSTER Surface ozone in the
urban area of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil: R A F D
Souza, P S Costa, C Silva, R M Godoi, S T Martin,
J Tota, H M Barbosa, T Pauliquevis, J Ferreira De
Brito, P Artaxo, A O Manzi, S A Wolf, G G Cirino
1340h A23A-3195 POSTER Measurements of the
Aerosol Size Distribution Down to 1 Nanometer to
Investigate Aerosol Nucleation and Initial Growth
During the GoAmazon Campaign: C Kuang, P
Artaxo, J Backman, S Kim, M T Kulmala, S T
Martin, T Petäjä, R Seco, J N Smith, R A F D Souza
1340h A23A-3196 POSTER Measurements Of
Sub- 3nm Aerosol Particles In Tropical Rainforest
Conditions – Technical Challenges And Solutions:
D Wimmer, F Alessandro, J Backmann, H E
Manninen, K Lehtipalo, T Petäjä, M T Kulmala
1415h U23A-03 Water Resources Risks and the
Climate Resilience Toolkit: Tools, Case Studies, and
Partnerships: E K Read, D L Blodgett, N Booth
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 31
11/28/2014 10:45:01 AM
1340h A23A-3197 POSTER Light Absorption
of Biogenic Aerosol Particles in Amazonia: B A
Holanda, P Artaxo, J Ferreira De Brito, H M
Barbosa, M O Andreae, J Saturno, C Pöhlker, B N
Holben, J Schafer
1340h A23A-3198 POSTER Fluxes of isoprene and
monoterpenes emitted by Tapajos National Forest,
eastern central Amazonian rainforest, SantaremPA, Brazil: E G Alves, S S A Batalha, J H Park, R
Seco, J Tota, R A S D Santana, A B Guenther, S Kim,
J N Smith, R A F D Souza
1340h A23A-3199 POSTER Size Resolved
measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity and mixing
state during Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon)
2014: R M Thalman, P Artaxo, P Campuzano Jost,
H M Barbosa, D A Day, S S de Sá, W Hu, J L Jimenez,
C Kuang, B B Palm, M L Krüger, A O Manzi, S T
Martin, U Poeschl, A J Sedlacek III, G Senum, R
A F D Souza, S R Springston, M L Alexander, T B
Watson, J Wang
1340h A23A-3200 POSTER Fluxes of reactive
trace gases from Tapajos forest: Upwind precursor
emissions to complement the GoAmazon campaign:
J W Munger, E G Alves, S S A Batalha, H Freitas,
A B Guenther, M Hayek, S T Martin, J H Park, L V
Rizzo, H Rocha, S R Saleska, R Seco, J N Smith, J
Tota, K T Wiedemann, S C Wofsy
A23A-3201 POSTER
Compositions of Three Forested Ecosystems in the
Central Amazon Basin: A Jardine, J D Fuentes, A
O Manzi, N Higuchi, J Q Chambers, K Jardine
1340h A23A-3202 POSTER Seasonality of
Isoprenoid Vertical Gradient Within a Primary
Rainforest in Central Amazonia: E G Alves, K
Jardine, J Tota, A B Jardine, A M Yanez-Serrano, T
Karl, A B Guenther, J V Tavares, B W Nelson
1340h A23A-3203 POSTER Aerosol Size
Distribution Response to Anthropogenically Driven
Historical Changes in Biogenic Secondary Organic
Aerosol Formation: J R Pierce, S D’Andrea, J C
Acosta Navarro, S Farina, C Scott, D K Farmer, D
V Spracklen, I Riipinen
1340h A23A-3205 POSTER Testing our
Understanding of Biogenic Emissions and their
Impacts on Atmospheric Composition above the
Amazon Rainforest: J G Levine, A R MacKenzie,
O J Squire, A T Archibald, P T Griffiths, D Oram,
G Forster, J D Lee, J R Hopkins, S Bauguitte, C F
Demarco, P Artaxo
1340h A23A-3206 POSTER Simulated Transport
and Mixing of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Aerosol
and Their Entrainment into Clouds during the
Goamazon Campaign: J D Fast, M B Shrivastava,
J Fan, L K Berg, D Chand, E Fortner, F Mei, M
Pekour, J E Shilling, S R Springston, J M Tomlinson,
J Wang
1340h A23B-3214 POSTER Hydroxy fatty acids in
remote marine aerosols as microbial tracers: Long
term study on β-hydroxy fatty acids from the remote
marine Island, Chichi-Jima: P Tyagi
1340h A23B-3215 POSTER A Method for Estimating
the Bipolar Charge Distribution Variation on
Aerosol Particles with Atmospheric Conditions: J
Leppä, R Gopalakrishnan, R C Flagan
1340h A23B-3216 POSTER Aerosol retrieval in hazy
atmosphere by using polarization and radiance: S
Mukai, I Sano, M Nakata
1340h A23B-3217 POSTER Analysis of Mixing State
of Atmospheric Suspended Single Aerosol Particles
using a Tandem Combination of Laser-induced
Fluorescence and Incandescence Techniques: F
Taketani, Y Kanaya, T Nakamura, N Takeda, K
Koizumi, N Hirayama, T Miyakawa, X PAN, N
Moteki, N Takegawa
1340h A23B-3218 POSTER Aerosol/Radiation,
VNIR/NIR/TIR Imaging, Net Solar and Longwave
Radiation, Meteorological Fluxes, Atmospheric
Dropsonde, and Ocean Temperature/Salinity
Microbuoy Payloads for Earth Observations Using a
Manta Unmanned Aerial System (UAS): T S Bates,
R S Gao, D M Murphy, H Telg, S Brown, T Dhakai,
C J Zappa, S Stalin
1340h A23B-3219 POSTER Aerosol impacts on
climate and environment over East Asia: M
Nakata, I Sano, S Mukai
1340h A23B-3220 POSTER Changes in Fine
Particulate Matter Measurement Methods and
Ambient Concentrations in California: L Tao, R
1340h A23B-3221 POSTER UAS Developments
Supporting Wildfire Observations: V G Ambrosia,
R P Dahlgren, A Watts, K W Reynolds, T Ball
1340h A23B-3222 POSTER Measuring Cloud
Properties from UAVs: K Nicoll, R G Harrison, G
1340h A23B-3223 POSTER Multi-wavelength
Characterization of Brown and Black Carbon from
Filter Samples: M M Johnson, R L N Yatavelli, L
W A Chen, M S Gyawali, W P Arnott, X Wang,
R K Chakrabarty, H Moosmüller, J G Watson, J C
1340h A23B-3224 POSTER Design Of A Novel
Open-Path Aerosol Extinction Cavity Ringdown
Spectrometer And Initial Data From Deployment At
NOAA’s Atmospheric Observatory: T D Gordon, N
L Wagner, M Richardson, D C Law, D E Wolfe, C
A Brock, F Erdesz, D M Murphy
1340h A23B-3225 POSTER The application of UAS
towards tornado research and forecasting: A L
Houston, B M Argrow, E Frew, C Weiss
1340h A23A-3207 POSTER Rainfall droplet size
distributions (DSD) parameterization: physics and
sensibility: M A Cecchini, L Machado
1340h A23B-3226 POSTER Modeling of PM2.5 based
on the ground measurements: I Sano, S Mukai, M
Nakata, B N Holben, N Sugimoto
1340h A23A-3208 POSTER Cloud life cycle
investigated via high resolution and full
microphysics simulations in the surroundings of
Manaus, Central Amazonia: H B Gomes, H M
Barbosa, T Pauliquevis
1340h A23B-3227 POSTER Large and small UAS for
trace gas measurements in climate change studies: J
W Elkins, F L Moore, E J Hintsa, P D’Amore, G S
Dutton, J D Nance, B D Hall, R S Gao
A23A-3209 POSTER
Thermodynamic Observations During the First
Year of the GOAmazon Campaign: D Troyan, M P
Jensen, S E Giangrande, K L Johnson, T Toto
1340h A23B-3228 POSTER Fine Particulate
Matter in São Paulo During the Winter Months:
Concentrations and Black Carbon Comparison
Between Techniques and Equipments: R M
Miranda, M D F Andrade
1340h A23A-3210 POSTER Cloud and Precipitation
Properties Merged Dataset from Vertically
Pointing ARM Radars During GOAmazon: T
Toto, S E Giangrande, D Troyan, M P Jensen, M J
Bartholomew, K L Johnson
1340h A23B-3229 POSTER Connecting Bulk
Viscosity Measurements to Kinetic Limitations
on Attaining Equilibrium for a Model Aerosol
Composition: D O Topping, B Murphy, I Riipinen,
C Percival, A Booth
Moscone South Poster Hall
Autonomous Observation of Coherent Atmospheric
Structures using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems:
S Ravela
Atmospheric Sciences General
Contributions IV Posters
Presiding: Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ;
Melody Avery, NASA Langley Research
Center; Athanasios Nenes, Georgia
Institute of Technology
1340h A23B-3211 POSTER Factors Affecting the 7Be
Concentration in Surface Air Over a Long Period
of Monitoring in São Paulo, Brazil : S Damatto, M
Maduar, B Pecequilo, P Nogueira, M Nisti
1340h A23B-3212 POSTER An Inverse Problem in
Cloud Microphysics: Reconstruction of the Solution
of the Equation of Coalescence of Two Components
(water and aerosol), from Its Orthogonal
Projections: R M Alvarez, J Guerrero, J R Murillo,
L A Alfonso
1340h A23B-3237 POSTER Terrigenous fluxes of
pollen, insect scale and land plant palynodebris
observed by sediment traps deployed in the subarctic
Pacific: H Tsutsui, K Takahashi, S J Fowell, K
Matsuoka, R W Jordan, S Yamamoto
1340h A23B-3238 POSTER Atmospheric DMS and
Biogenic Sulfur aerosol measurements in the Arctic:
R Ghahremaninezhadgharelar, A L Norman,
G Wentworth, J Burkart, W R Leaitch, J Abbatt, S
Sharma, T S Desiree
Moscone South Poster Hall
Atmospheric Sciences General
Contributions V Posters
Presiding: Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ;
Melody Avery, NASA Langley Research
Center; Athanasios Nenes, Georgia
Institute of Technology
1340h A23C-3259 POSTER An Improved MultiScale Modeling Framework for WRF over Complex
Terrain: D J Wiersema, K A Lundquist, F K Chow
1340h A23C-3260 POSTER Analysis of the Effects of
SST and Model Resolutions on the Identification of
the 1993 Superstorm Using an Ocean-Atmosphere
Coupled Regional System: D Aktas, P Velissariou,
E Chassignet, M A Bourassa
1340h A23C-3261 POSTER Improving the
Representation of the Vertical Temperature
through a Modified Cubic Spline Interpolation
Scheme: R F MacCracken, R J Purser, A Collard
Moscone South Poster Hall
Atmospheric Sciences General
Contributions VI Posters
1340h A23C-3240 POSTER Exploration of
Atmospheric Oscillations with a Hierarchy of
Models: A focus on scale and geographic location: J
Shates, E A Barnes
1340h A23D-3262 POSTER Use of proton transfer
reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry for
quantitative monitoring of toxic nitramines in the
environment: A Wisthaler, L Zhu, Y Stenstrøm,
C J Nielsen
1340h A23C-3241 POSTER Long-Term Declining
Trends in Historical Wind Measurements at the
Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, 1885-2013:
C Azorin-Molina, M J Iacono
1340h A23D-3263 POSTER Production of terpenes
in the culture of Chlorophyceae and Rhodophyta: M
Abe, S Hashimoto
1340h A23C-3242 POSTER Interoperable Access
to NCAR Research Data Archive Collections: D
Schuster, Z Ji, S J Worley, K Manross
1340h A23D-3264 POSTER Production of volatile
organic compounds by cyanobacteria Synechococcus
sp: M Hiraiwa, M Abe, S Hashimoto
Characteristics of Three-dimensional Cloudresolving Radiation Budget by Monte Carlo
Radiative Transfer Simulations: Y Ota
1340h A23D-3265 POSTER Production of volatile
organic compounds in the culture of marine
α-proteobacteria: M Hirata, M Abe, S Hashimoto
1340h A23C-3244 POSTER The Relation Between
Wind Speed and Air-Sea Temperature Difference
in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer off
Northwest Europe: A J Kettle
1340h A23C-3245 POSTER Relationship between
Wave-Induced Diffusion Tensor and Stokes Drift
for Unstable Waves: A Noda, Y Kawatani
1340h A23C-3246 POSTER Assessing the Impact
of Different Measurement Time Intervals on
Observed Long-Term Wind Speed Trends: C
Azorin-Molina, S M Vicente-Serrano, T McVicar,
S Jerez, J Revuelto, J I López Moreno
1340h A23C-3247 POSTER Measurements and
Status at the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment
(COVE): B E Fabbri, F M Denn, G L Schuster, R F
Arduini, J J Madigan, D A Rutan
1340h A23C-3248 POSTER Atmospheric Thickness
Variability During Air Mass Conditions and Winter
Snow Events at Albany, NY: 2002-2012: A M
Dubbs, S Swift, M L Godek
1340h A23C-3249 POSTER Climatology and the
time interval of cold fronts passage over South
America: L A Pampuch, T Ambrizzi
1340h A23C-3250 POSTER Idealized Land-sea
Warming Contrast Experiments with Two Global
Circulation Models: Preliminary results: J E E Kim,
J L Lee, S Y Hong
Geodynamics Controls Secular Trend of the Total
Ozone: R S Steblova
1340h A23C-3258 POSTER Identifying a Sea
Breeze Circulation Pattern Over the Los Angeles
Basin Using Airborne In Situ Carbon Dioxide
Measurements: A L Brannan, S Schill, J Trousdell,
N Heath, B L Lefer, M M Yang, T H Bertram
Presiding: Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ;
Melody Avery, NASA Langley Research
Center; Athanasios Nenes, Georgia
Institute of Technology
1340h A23B-3232 POSTER Initial Results from an
Energy-Aware Airborne Dynamic, Data-Driven
Application System Performing Sampling in
Coherent Boundary-Layer Structures: E Frew, B M
Argrow, A L Houston, C Weiss
1340h A23B-3233 POSTER The Impact of Biogenic
and Anthropogenic Atmospheric Aerosol on
Climate in Egypt: A I Ibrahim, A Zakey, A L
Steiner, M E Shokr, M El-Raey, Y Ahmed, A AlHadidi, A Zakey
1340h A23C-3257 POSTER Assessing the
Controversy between Altimetry, Radiometry, and
Scatterometry: Satellite Observation Requirements
for Trends in Extreme Winds and Waves: J Keefer,
M A Bourassa
1340h A23C-3239 POSTER SASKTRANIF- a New
Engine for the Radiative Transfer Modeling of Solar
Occultation Measurements: A Jones, N Lloyd, L A
Rieger, L Jensen, K A Walker, D A Degenstein, A E
Bourassa, C D Boone
1340h A23C-3251 POSTER DART: Tools and
Support for Ensemble Data Assimilation Research,
Operations, and Education: T J Hoar, J L Anderson,
N Collins, K Raeder, H Kershaw, G S Romine, A P
Mizzi, A Chatterjee, A R Karspeck, C M Zarzycki, S
Y Ha, J Barre, B Gaubert
1340h A23B-3234 POSTER Intercomparison of
Capture and Standard Vaporizers in the Aerodyne
Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS): W Hu, D A
Day, P Campuzano Jost, P Croteau, J T Jayne, J L
AGU2014News.indb 32
1340h A23B-3236 POSTER OSIRIS Detections of a
Tropospheric Aerosol that Absorbs at Wavelengths
Near 350 nm – Black Carbon?: D A Degenstein, C
Roth, A E Bourassa, N Lloyd
1340h A23B-3231 POSTER Hygroscopic properties
and cloud condensation nuclei activation of
limonene-derived organosulfates and their mixtures
with ammonium sulfate: A M K Hansen, J Hong,
K Kristensen, A Ylisirniö, A Virtanen, T Petäjä, M
Glasius, N L Prisle
1340h A23B-3213 POSTER Optical Properties of
Polymers Relevant to Secondary Organic Aerosols:
W Marrero-Ortiz, M E Gomez-Hernandez, W
Xu, S Guo, R Zhang
1340h A23B-3235 POSTER Seasonal Trends in
Airborne Fungal Spores in Coastal California
Ecosystems: J Morfin, S G Crandall, G S Gilbert
1340h A23C-3253 POSTER The 2010-2012
Anomalous Wet Season in Northern South
America: J A Martinez-Agudelo, P A Arias, S C
1340h A23C-3254 POSTER Geographical Variablity
of the Width of the Tropical Belt: B Currey
1340h A23C-3255 POSTER NOAA’s Weather-Ready
Nation: Progress and Plans: K Scharfenberg
1340h A23C-3256 POSTER Vertical Resolution
Dependence of Gravity Wave Momentum Flux
Simulated by an Atmospheric General Circulation
Model: S Watanabe, K Sato, Y Kawatani, M
1340h A23D-3266 POSTER Rate Coefficient
Determinations for the Reaction of Br-Atoms with
a Series of Oxygenated VOCs: J J Orlando, G S
1340h A23D-3267 POSTER Determination of the
Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constants for
HO2/Acetonylperoxy Reaction and Acetonylperoxy
Self-Reaction: E C Darby, F J Grieman, A O Hui, M
Okumura, S P Sander
1340h A23D-3268 POSTER Optimization of
H3O+/O2+ Dual-mode Ionization in PTR-MS for
Simultaneous Detection of Alkanes, Olefins and
Aromatic Compounds: O Amador-Muñoz, P K
Misztal, R Weber, G Drozd, D R Worton, A H
1340h A23D-3269 POSTER SOA Formation from
Photooxidation of Individual PAHs and Mixtures: C
L Chen, M Kacarab, P Tang, D R Cocker III
1340h A23D-3270 POSTER Assessing the
Atmospheric Impact of CF3CClH2 (HCFC-133a):
Laboratory Measurements of OH Kinetics and UV
and Infrared Absorption Spectra Combined with
Model Calculations: M McGillen, F Bernard, E L
Fleming, C H Jackman, J B Burkholder
1340h A23D-3271 POSTER Implementing SMOKE
for the Evaluation of Regulatory Strategies in
Bogotá, Colombia: C B Baublitz, B H Henderson,
J E Pachon, B R Galvis, A Rincón, R Nedbor-Gross
1340h A23D-3272 POSTER Spatiotemporal
Variability of Trace Gases in the San Joaquin Valley
during DISCOVER-AQ: E C Crosbie, M M Yang,
Y Choi, G S Diskin, A J Weinheimer, A Wisthaler,
A Sorooshian
1340h A23D-3273 POSTER Measuring OH Reaction
Rate Constants and Estimating the Atmospheric
Lifetimes of Trace Gases: V L Orkin, M J Kurylo III
1340h A23D-3274 POSTER The Reaction of Acetyl
Peroxy Radical with Aldehyde: Impact on the OH
Radical Model Simulation: D Huang, Z Chen
1340h A23D-3275 POSTER Development of a
Thermal/Optical Carbon Analyzer with MultiWavelength Capabilities: B Sumlin, J C Chow, J
G Watson, X Wang, S Gronstal, L W A Chen, D
1340h A23D-3276 POSTER Use of a Chamber to
Comprehensively Characterise Emissions and
Subsequent Processes from a Light-Duty Diesel
Engine: J D Allan, M R R Alfarra, J Whitehead, G
McFiggans, S Kong, R M Harrison, M S Alam, J F
Hamilton, K L Pereira, R E Holmes
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:01 AM
1340h A23D-3277 POSTER Development of high
accuracy CO2 and H2O instrumentation for rapid
measurements on airborne platforms: A Gomez, J
1340h A23D-3278 POSTER ECAIM : Air Quality
Studies and its Impact in Central Mexico: L G RuizSuárez, R Torres, J A Garcia-Reynoso, J ZavalaHidalgo, M Grutter, J Delgado-Campos, L T Molina
1340h A23D-3279 POSTER Nitrate loss associated
with Federal Reference Method: L Jin, A Serve, N
J Brown
1340h A23D-3280 POSTER The Pressure
Dependency of Stabilized Criegee Intermediate
Yields of Selected Ozone-Alkene Reactions: J P
Hakala, N M Donahue
1340h A23D-3281 POSTER Estimating CO2 sinks
and sources in New Zealand from atmospheric
measurements and Lagrangian modeling: S
Mikaloff-Fletcher, K Steinkamp, G W Brailsford,
S Moore
1340h A23D-3282 POSTER Investigating the LowNOx Isoprene Oxidation Pathway Through the
First Generation Product: ISOPOOH: J C Rivera, J
Crounse, J A De Gouw, J Gilman, A Hansel, W Jud,
J Kaiser, B M Lerner, T Mikoviny, T B Nguyen, J M
St Clair, P O Wennberg, A Wisthaler, F N Keutsch
1340h A23D-3283 POSTER Analysis of atmospheric
methane from Siberian tower observation using
chemistry transport model: K Ishijima, M
Sasakawa, T Machida, P K Patra, A Ito, A Ghosh, S
Morimoto, S Aoki, T Nakazawa
1340h A23D-3284 POSTER Implementation of
a WRF-CMAQ Air Quality Modeling System
in Bogotá, Colombia: R Nedbor-Gross, B H
Henderson, J E Pachon, J R Davis, C B Baublitz, A
1340h A23D-3285 POSTER Observations of
isoprene, monoterpenes and glyoxal in the remote
tropical Atlantic atmosphere: D R Cryer, S Arnold,
D E Heard, W Hannah, T Ingham, D V Spracklen,
L Carpenter, K Read, S Hackenberg, J D Lee, A C
Lewis, S Andrews, F Winiberg
Moscone South Poster Hall
Atmospheric Sciences General
Contributions VII Posters
Presiding: Hantao Ji, Princeton Univ;
Melody Avery, NASA Langley Research
Center; Athanasios Nenes, Georgia
Institute of Technology
1340h A23E-3286 POSTER Development of KRISS
standard reference photometer (SRP) for ambient
ozone measurement: S Lee, J Lee
1340h A23E-3287 POSTER Optical Profiling of
the Atmospheric Limb CubeSat Experiment: M
Jeppesen, M J Taylor, C Swenson, A Marchant
1340h A23E-3288 POSTER Identifying 3D Radiative
Cloud Effects Via Derived Distributions of Liquid
Water Path That Conserve MODIS Visible
Reflectance Measurements: A Gumber, M J Foster
1340h A23E-3289 POSTER Laser Remote Sensing
from ISS: the CATS-CALIPSO Cloud and Aerosol
Data Products: S D Rodier, S P Palm, M H Jensen, J
E Yorks, M J McGill, M Vaughan, C R Trepte
1340h A23E-3290 POSTER Measurement of
Formaldehyde by Laser Induced Fluorescence
Spectroscopy: D R Cryer, T Ingham, L K Whalley,
D E Heard
1340h A23E-3291 POSTER Source Apportionment
of sub-Arctic Pollutants at Denali National Park,
Alaska: Q Bian, S M Kreidenweis
1340h A23E-3292 POSTER Evaluation of the
Influence of Marine Vessel Emissions Plumes on
Measurements Collected at the Amphitrite Point
Coastal Background Site: R Iannone, K Jones, C
L Schiller, B Ainslie, A M Macdonald, C Mihele, R
1340h A23E-3293 POSTER A Fast Radiative Transfer
Parameterization Under Cloudy Condition in Solar
Spectral Region: Q Yang, X Liu, P Yang, C Wang
1340h A23E-3294 POSTER Understanding HONO
concentrations, its role as a hydroxyl radical source
and the impact on summertime ozone production in
London: D J Stone, L K Whalley, J R Hopkins, R E
Holmes, J D Lee, J F Hamilton, S Laufs, J Kleffmann,
D E Heard
1340h A23E-3295 POSTER Trends in Stratospheric
Ozone Derived from Merged Odin-OSIRIS and
SAGE II Satellite Observations: C Roth, D A
Degenstein, A E Bourassa
1340h A23E-3296 POSTER Modeling Suomi-NPP
VIIRS Solar Diffuser Degradation due to Space
Radiation: X Shao, C Cao
1340h A23E-3297 POSTER Overview of the
Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment
(ATTREX): H B Singh, E J Jensen, L Pfister
1340h A23E-3298 POSTER Morphology of the
Lower Stratospheric Gravity Wave Activity: S S
Yang, C J Pan, L Y Cheng, S C Yang
1340h A23E-3299 POSTER A new airborne
formaldehyde instrument: Compact Formaldehyde
Fluorescence Experiment (COFFEE): T F Hanisco,
S A Bailey, A K Swanson, G M Wolfe Jr
1340h A23E-3300 POSTER NASA Data Evaluation:
Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for
Use in Atmospheric Studies: J B Burkholder, S P
Sander, J Abbatt, J R Barker, E L Fleming, R Friedl,
R E Huie, C H Jackman, C E Kolb Jr, M J Kurylo III,
V L Orkin, P H Wine
1340h A23E-3301 POSTER Ozone production
efficiency of a ship-plume: ITCT 2K2 case study: H
S Kim, C H Song
1340h A23E-3302 POSTER The Ozone Distribution
Above the Asian Monsoon as seen by the OSIRIS
Instrument from 2002-Present: L Zhao, D A
Degenstein, A E Bourassa
1340h A23E-3303 POSTER Empirical analysis of
aerosol and thin cloud optical depth effects on CO2
retrievals from GOSAT: A Saha, N T O’Neill, K
Strong, T Nakajima, O Uchino, M Shiobara
1340h A23E-3304 POSTER Mapping Emissions
that Contribute to Air Pollution Using Adjoint
Sensitivity Analysis: L A J Bastien, B C Mcdonald,
N J Brown, R Harley
1340h A23E-3305 POSTER Atmospheric Science
Research at the Whiteface Mountain Adirondack
High Peaks Observatory: J J Schwab, R E Brandt,
P Casson, K L Demerjian, B A Crandall
1340h A23H-3338 POSTER Stochastic Simulation
of Rainfall Data Using a Markov Chain Model
Calibrated to Dynamically Downscaled Climate
Data: A F M K Chowdhury, N Lockart, G R
Willgoose, G A Kuczera, P M Nadeeka
1340h A23F-3319 POSTER Synoptic Patterns
Associated with Northeast and Southeast Ice
Storms: R Vargas Jr, J F Booth
1340h A23H-3339 POSTER Diagnosing resolution
sensitivity over the Maritime Continent in the
MetUM: S J Woolnough, S J Bush, R Schiemann,
A G Turner, G Martin
1340h A23F-3320 POSTER Improved Blocking at
25km Resolution?: R Schiemann, M E Demory, M
Mizielinski, M Roberts, L Shaffrey, J Strachan, P L
Vidale, M Matsueda
1340h A23F-3321 POSTER Local Finite-Amplitude
Rossby Wave Activity as a Diagnostic for Wave
Breaking: C S Y Huang, N Nakamura
1340h A23F-3322 POSTER Testing the Sensitivity
of Extratropical Cyclones to Variations in
Environmental Conditions: G Tierney, J F Booth,
D J Posselt
1340h A23F-3323 POSTER Explosive cyclones in
CMIP5 climate models: C Seiler, F W Zwiers
1340h A23F-3324 POSTER An important role of
the moisture supply from the Kuroshio Current/
Kuroshio Extension in the rapid development of an
explosive cyclone: H Hirata, R Kawamura, M Kato,
T Shinoda
Moscone South Poster Hall
Dynamics and Predictability of
Midlatitude Circulation: Jets, Storms,
and Monsoons III Posters (cosponsored
by AMS) (joint with GC, H)
1340h A23E-3306 POSTER Global Risk from the
Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclides by
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents in the Coming
Decades: T Christoudias, Y Proestos, J Lelieveld
Presiding: Christina Karamperidou,
Univ Hawaii; Yolande Serra, University
of Arizona; Abraham Solomon,
Columbia University in the City of New
York; Justin Wettstein, Oregon State
1340h A23E-3307 POSTER Determination of
Trends in Ozone in the Mid-Atlantic Using NonNegative Matrix Factorization: S G Brown, A
Russell-Graham, P Xiao, L Balzano
1340h A23G-3325 POSTER Orographic Effects on
the Severe Snowstorm Associated with an Explosive
Cyclone: T Kawano, R Kawamura
1340h A23E-3308 POSTER Airborne Observations
of Enhanced Marine Boundary Layer Carbon
Monoxide over Remote Tropical Oceans: T L
Campos, M H Stell, E C Apel, R S Hornbrook, A
J Hills, A J Weinheimer, D Montzka, L Kaser, J
1340h A23E-3309 POSTER Access to the NCAR
Research Data Archive via the Globus Data Transfer
Service: T Cram, D Schuster, Z Ji, S J Worley
1340h A23E-3310 POSTER Enabling Scientific and
Technological Improvements to Meet Core Partner
Service Requirements in Alaska - An Arctic Test
Bed: E M Petrescu, C A Scott
Moscone South Poster Hall
Dynamics and Predictability of
Midlatitude Circulation: Jets, Storms,
and Monsoons II Posters (cosponsored
by AMS) (joint with GC, H)
Presiding: Christina Karamperidou,
Univ Hawaii; Yolande Serra, University
of Arizona; Abraham Solomon,
Columbia University in the City of New
York; Justin Wettstein, Oregon State
1340h A23F-3311 POSTER Future Changes in
Winter Stationary Wave in East Asia and the North
Pacific: S Wakamatsu, M Harada, S Hirahara, H
Murai, Y Oikawa, S Maeda
1340h A23G-3326 POSTER Spatio-temporal
Interplay of RWTs and Cyclones in the North
Atlantic: M Schuster, U Ulbrich
1340h A23H-3341 POSTER A numerical study of the
effect of urbanization on the climate of Las Vegas
metropolitan area: S M Kamal, H P Huang, S W
1340h A23H-3342 POSTER Climatology Analysis of
Global Climate Models from HiGEM Family Over
South America: M D S Custodio, T Ambrizzi, R Da
Rocha, P L Vidale
1340h A23H-3343 POSTER Future change of
wintertime urban heat island intensity over Japan:
M Hara, S A Adachi, H Kusaka, F Kimura
1340h A23H-3344 POSTER The mesoscale
continental regions: observational uncertainty and
evaluation of 25-km global model simulations: P L
Vidale, R Schiemann, M E Demory, C J Roberts
1340h A23H-3345 POSTER First results of using
convection-permitting WRF simulations to drive
the LARSIM hydrological model for the Rhine
River catchment: S Knist, K Goergen, E Nilson, P
Krahe, B Klein, C Simmer
1340h A23H-3346 POSTER Projecting Future
Changes in Extreme Weather During the North
American Monsoon in the Southwest with High
Atmospheric Modeling: H I Chang, C L Castro, T
M Luong, T Lahmers, M Jares, C M Carrillo
1340h A23H-3347 POSTER Examination of
Climate Simulations Across Spatial Resolutions
and their Representation of the Continental
High Temperature Bias over North America: R
Rasmussen, A J Newman, K Ikeda, C Liu, M J
1340h A23H-3348 POSTER High Resolution
Atmospheric Model (HiRAM) Projection of Global
Warming Impact on the Asian Summer Monsoon:
C H Wu, H H Hsu, C Y Tu, S J Lin, N Freychet, P
G Chiu
1340h A23G-3328 POSTER The impact of
atmosphere model resolution on mid-latitude storm
track variability: X Feng, B Huang
1340h A23H-3349 POSTER Climatological analysis
of the real-time NSSL 4km WRF-ARW: D C
Goines, A D Kennedy
1340h A23G-3329 POSTER The Jetstream
Orientation and Weather over the North Atlantic:
A W Robertson, M Ghil, Y Feliks
1340h A23H-3350 POSTER Evaluation of a Regional
Climate Ensemble using Self-Organizing Maps: A
Jaye, C L Bruyere, M W Seefeldt
1340h A23G-3330 POSTER Impact of Japan Sea
SST on heavy precipitation over the northern main
island of Japan during summer: S Iizuka
1340h A23H-3351 POSTER A comparison of river
discharge calculated by using a regional climate
model output with different reanalysis datasets in
1980s and 1990s: X Ma, T Yoshikane, M Hara, S A
Adachi, Y Wakazuki, H Kawase, F Kimura
1340h A23G-3331 POSTER Revisiting the cold
season surge generating storms of the east coast in
the 20th century: D E Lee, Y Kushnir, J F Booth
1340h A23G-3332 POSTER Midlatitude Cyclone and
North Atlantic Surface Flux Variability and Trends:
J Romanski, A Romanou, M P Bauer, G Tselioudis
1340h A23G-3333 POSTER The three-dimensional
structure of thermally and eddy-driven midlatitude
jet variability: J J Wettstein, C Li
1340h A23G-3334 POSTER The Origin of Moisture
Sources for the North American Monsoon Using a
Numerical Model and Precipitation Stable Isotopes:
H Hu, F Dominguez
1340h A23G-3335 POSTER Regional Climate Model
Projection Credibility for the North American
Monsoon: M S Bukovsky, C M Carrillo, D J
Gochis, L O Mearns
1340h A23F-3314 POSTER How Sensitive Is the
Australian East Coast Low to Its Definition?: A
Pepler, A Di Luca, L V Alexander, J P Evans, S C
1340h A23G-3336 POSTER The Dominant
Synoptic-Scale Modes of North American Monsoon
Precipitation: Y L Serra, S Seastrand, C L Castro,
E Ritchie
1340h A23F-3315 POSTER Examining the
Relationship Between the Pacific / North American
Teleconnection Pattern and the Great Plains LowLevel Jet: K J Harding, P K Snyder
1340h A23G-3337 POSTER Understanding
Dominant Tracks of Moisture for the North
American Monsoon Region: S Jana, B Rajagopalan,
A J Ray
1340h A23F-3316 POSTER Winter Westerly
Disturbance Activity in High Mountain Asia:
A Wave Tracking Approach: F Cannon, L V
Carvalho, C Jones, J Norris
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h A23F-3317 POSTER Case Study of a
Maximum Heavy Rain Event and Its Dynamics over
United Arab Emirates during 13 December 2009: S
G Basha, T Ouarda
1340h A23H-3340 POSTER Statistical Testing of
Dynamically Downscaled Rainfall Data for the East
Coast of Australia: P M Nadeeka, N Lockart, G R
Willgoose, G A Kuczera, A F M K Chowdhury
1340h A23G-3327 POSTER Characteristic Paths
of Extratropical Cyclones that Cause High Wind
Events in the Northeast United States: J F Booth, H
E Rieder, D Lee, Y Kushnir
1340h A23F-3312 POSTER A New Perspective on
Seasonal Predictability of Winter Climate in Middle
Latitudes: P Schlichtholz
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 33
1340h A23F-3318 POSTER Synoptic Variability
of Moisture Transport and Precipitation over
Summertime East Asia and the Northwestern
Pacific in Association with Upper Tropospheric
Disturbances: T Horinouchi
High-Resolution Climate Modeling I
Posters (cosponsored by AMS) (joint with
Presiding: Roy Rasmussen, NCAR/
RAL; Graeme Stephens, Jet Propulsion
1340h A23H-3352 POSTER Climate Simulations
with a Variable-Resolution GCM: Stretched CubedSphere High Resolution Atmospheric Model: C Y
Tu, L Harris, S J Lin
Moscone South Poster Hall
Nanosatellite Atmospheric Sensors II
Posters (cosponsored by AMS)
Presiding: Kerri Cahoy, Massachusetts
Inst of Tech; William Blackwell, MIT
Lincoln Laboratory; Albin Gasiewski,
Univ of Colorado; Boon Lim, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
1340h A23I-3353 POSTER GNSS Radio Occultation
Methods for CubeSat Missions: The University of
Calgary and Spire Partnership: S Skone, M Swab, P
Platzer, S Johl, J Cappaert
1340h A23I-3354 POSTER A Compact Ion and
Neutral Mass Spectrometer for the Exocube
Mission: S Jones, N Paschalidis, M Rodriguez, E C
Sittler Jr, D J Chornay
1340h A23I-3355 POSTER RaInCube: a proposed
constellation of precipitation profiling Radars
In Cubesat: E Peral, S Tanelli, Z S Haddad, G L
Stephens, E Im
1340h A23I-3356 POSTER ExoCube: In-Situ
Measurement of Composition in the Exosphere,
Thermosphere and Topside Ionosphere: J Noto, L
Waldrop, N Paschalidis, C Taylor, D D Gardner, S
Jones, M Rodriguez, S M Nossal, E J Mierkiewicz, J
Puig-Suari, R Kerr
11/28/2014 10:45:01 AM
1340h A23I-3357 POSTER Development of he
Nanosat Oxygen A-Band Spatial Heterodyne
Interferometer (NOASHIN): S R Watchorn, J
Noto, R A Doe, C S Fish
1340h A23I-3358 POSTER SUMO: Solar Ultraviolet
Monitor and Ozone Nanosatellite: L Damé, M
Meftah, A Irbah, A Hauchecorne, P Keckhut, A
Sarkissian, S Godin-Beekman, D J Rogers, P Bove,
P O Lagage, S DeWitte
1340h A23I-3360 POSTER Exploring the
Architectural Tradespace of Severe Weather
Monitoring Nanosatellite Constellations: N
Hitomi, D Selva, W J Blackwell
1340h A23I-3362 POSTER Periodically Launched,
Dedicated CubeSats/SmallSats for Space Situational
Awareness Through NASA Communications
Networks: E M Stromberg, H Shaw, P Estabrook,
T L Neilsen, J Gunther, C Swenson, C S Fish, S H
1340h A23I-3363 POSTER Solar Occultation
Constellation for Retrieving Aerosols and Trace
Element Species (SOCRATES) Mission Concept: S
M Bailey, R M Bevilacqua, C S Fish, L L Gordley,
M D Fromm
1340h A23J-3377 POSTER Measurement of OCS,
CO2, CO and H2O aboard NASA’s WB-57 High
Altitude Platform Using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity
Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS): J B Leen, T G
Owano, X Du, A Gardner, M Gupta
1340h A23J-3378 POSTER Atmospheric Lifetimes
and Stratospheric Removal Rates for Greenhouse
Gases and Ozone Destroying Substances from
CO2-tracer relationships: S C Wofsy, J V Pittman,
Q Liang, B C Daube, P A Newman, E L Atlas, A E
1340h A23J-3379 POSTER NOx Loss and
Lifetime Via Its Reaction with HOx in the Upper
Troposphere: B Nault, C Garland, P J Wooldridge,
J Crounse, P O Wennberg, X Ren, J Mao, L Zhang,
W H Brune, I B Pollack, J Peischl, T B Ryerson, R
C Cohen
1340h A23J-3380 POSTER Quantifying Isentropic
Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (STE) of
Ozone: H Yang, G Chen, Q Tang, P G M Hess
1340h A23J-3381 POSTER Simulation of
Stratospheric Ozone in the KIAPSGM NWP model
using linear photochemistry parameterization: G R
Jeong, B Monge-Sanz, D Cariolle, E H Lee, E K Jin
1340h A23I-3364 POSTER Microwave Atmospheric
Sounder on CubeSat: S Padmanabhan, S E Brown,
P Kangaslahti, R Cofield, D Russell, R A Stachnik, H
Su, L Wu, S Tanelli, N Niamsuwan
1340h A23J-3382 POSTER Stratospheric Ozone
Distribution and Tropospheric General Circulation:
Interconnections in the UTLS Region: S Barodka,
A Krasovsky, A Shalamyansky
1340h A23I-3365 POSTER The HUMSAT System:
a CubeSat-based Constellation for In-situ and
Inexpensive Environmental Measurements: R
Tubío-Pardavila, S A Vigil, J Puig-Suari, F
Aguado Agelet
1340h A23J-3383 POSTER Boulder Ozone Sonde
Data Analyses for Multiple Tropopause Origins: I
V Petropavlovskikh, G L Manney, B Johnson, K
Minschwaner, L Torres, Z D Lawrence
1340h A23I-3366 POSTER An Ad-hoc Satellite
Network to Measure Filamentary Current
Structures in the Auroral Zone: C Nabong, T A
Fritz, J L Semeter
1340h A23I-3367 POSTER CubeSat Remote Sensing:
A Survey of Current Capabilities: D Hegel
Moscone South Poster Hall
Processes Controlling Upper
Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere
Composition and Structure I Posters
Presiding: Ross Salawitch, University
of Maryland; Troy Thornberry,
NOAA ESRL; Neil Harris, University of
1340h A23J-3368 POSTER CAST (Co-ordinated
Airborne Studies in the Tropics): Overview and
Highlights: N R P Harris, L Carpenter
1340h A23J-3384 POSTER An Overview of Ozone
Variability during SEAC4RS from the Seacions
Ozonesonde Network: A M Thompson, L E Ott, B
N Duncan, S K Miller, J C Witte, H B Selkirk, G A
Morris, R M Stauffer, H E Fuelberg, J Fishman, K R
Minschwaner, B J Johnson, M Newchurch
1340h A23J-3385 POSTER Pronounced Minima in
Tropospheric Ozone and OH above the Tropical
West Pacific and their Role for Stratospheric
Composition: M Rex, I Wohltmann, R Lehmann,
K H Rosenlof, P O Wennberg, D K Weisenstein, J
Notholt, K Krüger, V Mohr, S Tegtmeier
1340h A23J-3386 POSTER Did the 2011 Nabro
Eruption Affect Cirrus Optical Properties?: A
1340h A23J-3387 POSTER Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS)
at the UTLS: Global Observations by MIPAS/
Envisat and EMAC Model Results: M Hoepfner, N
Glatthor, G Krysztofiak Tong, B M Sinnhuber, A
Leyser, S Kellmann, A Linden, U Grabowski, G P
Stiller, T von Clarmann
1340h A23J-3369 POSTER The CONvective
TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics
(CONTRAST) Experiment: L Pan, E L Atlas, R J
1340h A23J-3388 POSTER Correcting the Record of
Volcanic Stratospheric Aerosol Impact: Nabro and
Sarychev Peak: M D Fromm, G P Kablick III, G E
Nedoluha, E Carboni, R G Grainger, J R Campbell,
J R Lewis
1340h A23J-3370 POSTER The Deep Convective
Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Experiment: M
C Barth, W H Brune, C A Cantrell, S A Rutledge, J
H Crawford, H Huntrieser, C R Homeyer, B Nault,
R C Cohen, L Pan, L D Ziemba
1340h A23J-3389 POSTER Composition and
Sources of Aerosol in the Upper Troposphere/
Lowermost Stratosphere: V Aquila, P R Colarco, A
Darmenov, M Chin, T L Diehl
1340h A23J-3371 POSTER SOWER (Soundings
of Ozone and Water in the Equatorial Region):
Overview and Highlights: F Hasebe, M Shiotani, M
Fujiwara, T Shibata, Y Inai
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h A23J-3372 POSTER Stray light corrections to
actinic flux measurements during CONTRAST: K
Ullmann, S R Hall, S Madronich
1340h A23J-3373 POSTER Observations of
a stratospheric depletion and annual mean
interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/
N2 ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign: J D
Bent, R F Keeling, B B Stephens, S C Wofsy, B C
Daube, E A Kort, J V Pittman, R Jimenez-Pizarro,
G Santoni
1340h A23J-3374 POSTER Spatial distributions of
trace organic species: Results from the TORERO
and CONTRAST airborne campaigns with the
interpretation aided by the CAM-Chem 3D
chemistry climate model: E C Apel, R S Hornbrook,
A J Hills, T L Campos, L Pan, D E Kinnison, J F
Lamarque, L K Emmons, A Saiz-Lopez, D D
Riemer, N J Blake, D R Blake, E L Atlas, S Schauffler,
V Donets, R Lueb, R J Salawitch
1340h A23J-3375 POSTER The NOAA Water
Instrument: A Two-Channel, Tunable Diode LaserBased Hygrometer for Measurement of Water
Vapor and Cirrus Cloud Ice Water Content: D W
Fahey, T D Thornberry, A W Rollins, R S Gao, L A
Watts, S J Ciciora, R J McLaughlin
1340h A23J-3376 POSTER Volatility and
composition of aerosols in tropical stratosphere and
TTL over Biak, Indonesia: M Hayashi, T Shibata,
K Hara, F Hasebe
AGU2014News.indb 34
Processes Controlling Upper
Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere
Composition and Structure II Posters
Presiding: Ross Salawitch, University
of Maryland; Troy Thornberry,
NOAA ESRL; Neil Harris, University of
1340h A23K-3390 POSTER A Study of the Role of
Filamentary PV Mixing on the Sharpness of the
Extratropical Tropopause: S M WANG, M A Geller
1340h A23K-3391 POSTER Tropopause Inversion
Layer and Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
in Baroclinic Life Cycles: The Role of Diabatic
Processes: D Kunkel, P M Hoor, V Wirth
1340h A23K-3392 POSTER Numerical Simulations
of Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS)
Structure and Cross-Tropopause Transport in Deep
Extratropical Convection: Sensitivities to Grid
Resolution: C R Homeyer
1340h A23K-3393 POSTER Analysis of Internal
Gravity Waves Using GPS RO Density Profiles: P
Šácha, P Pisoft
1340h A23K-3394 POSTER Name Modelling
Activities for the CAST/Contrast/Attrex Very
Short Lived Species Measurements: N R P Harris,
M T Filus, M Ashfold, J A Pyle, E L Atlas, A
Manning, E Meneguz
1340h A23K-3395 POSTER Signal of CP El Niño
propagation in Southern hemispheric stratosphere:
C Yang, T Li, X Dou
1340h A23K-3396 POSTER Trajectory dispersion
by unresolved wind variability in the UTLS: J W
Bergman, E J Jensen, L Pfister, T V Bui
1340h A23K-3397 POSTER On the Relationship
between Inertial Instability, Angular Momentum,
and Jet flare-ups: S M Rowe, M Hitchman
1340h A23K-3398 POSTER Signatures of crosstropopause exchange seen in the oxygen anomaly in
CO2: M C Liang, S Mahata
1340h A23K-3401 POSTER Lagged Correlations of
the Antarctic Stratosphere with Tropical Pacific SST
Anomalies: G P Milinevsky, O M Evtushevsky, L
L Hood, V O Kravchenko
1340h A23K-3402 POSTER Tropopause Folds:
Global Climatology and their Impact on Extreme
Weather Events: B Skerlak, M Sprenger, S Pfahl,
H Wernli
1340h A23K-3403 POSTER On the reduced lifetime
of nitrous oxide due to climate change induced
acceleration of the Brewer-Dobson circulation
as simulated by the MPI Earth System Model: D
Kracher, E Manzini, C H Reick, M G Schultz, O
1340h A23K-3404 POSTER Methyl chloride in the
UT/LS observed by CARIBIC: global distribution,
Asian summer monsoon outflow, and use as a tracer
for tropical air: A K Baker, T Umezawa, D Oram, C
Sauvage, A Rauthe-Schoech, S A Montzka, A Zahn,
C A M Brenninkmeijer
1340h A23K-3405 POSTER Scale-Dependence
of the Response of Tropopause Height to Deep
Cumulus Convection: E Fishbein, S Wong
1340h A23K-3406 POSTER The trend of selected
stratospheric parameters using MERRA reanalysis
and CCM models: M Kozubek, E Rozanov, P
1340h A23K-3407 POSTER Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Area Expansion, Modoki Activity, and Tropical
Cold-Point Tropopause Temperature Variations:
F Xie
1340h A23K-3408 POSTER Analysis of Isentropic
Transport in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere
from Laminae Observed in Shadoz Ozone Profiles:
T Portafaix, H Bencherif, S Godin-Beekmann, N
Begue, A Culot
Temperature Trends in the 11 Years of AIRS
Spectral Radiance Observations: F Pan, X Huang,
X Chen, H Guo
1340h A23K-3410 POSTER A consistent definition
of the Arctic polar vortex breakup in both the lower
and upper stratosphere: W Choi, J Seo
1340h A23K-3411 POSTER The radiative impact
of Polar Stratospheric Clouds: T Wegner, A J
Merrelli, L R Poole, M C Pitts
Moscone South Poster Hall
Processes Controlling Upper
Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere
Composition and Structure III Posters
Presiding: Ross Salawitch, University
of Maryland; Troy Thornberry,
NOAA ESRL; Neil Harris, University of
1340h A23L-3412 POSTER Characterization of
Water Vapor in the North American Monsoon
with JLH Mark2 and Aura MLS: R L Herman, R F
Troy, K H Rosenlof, E A Ray, M J Schwartz, W G
Read, K M Bedka, D Fu, L E Christensen, T V Bui
1340h A23L-3413 POSTER Reanalysis Study of
the North American Monsoon and its Effect on
Convective Injection of Water Vapor from the
Troposphere to the Stratosphere: C Clapp, S S
Leroy, J G Anderson
1340h A23L-3414 POSTER Small-Scale Spatial
Variability of Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus in
the TTL: J P DiGangi, J R Podolske, M Rana, T A
Slate, G S Diskin
1340h A23L-3415 POSTER Patterns of Convective
Influence and Temperatures in the Tropical
Tropopause Layer during the Airborne Tropical
TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX): L Pfister, E
J Jensen, R Ueyama, J W Bergman
1340h A23L-3416 POSTER Horizontally extensive
cirrus clouds in the TTL over the eastern tropical
Pacific: H Takashima, H Tokunaga
1340h A23L-3417 POSTER In Situ Observations of
Water Vapor and Cirrus IWC in the Pacific TTL
During ATTREX: T D Thornberry, A W Rollins,
R S Gao, D W Fahey, T V Bui, S Woods
1340h A23L-3418 POSTER An Integrated
Cavity Output Spectrometer for In-situ Water
Isotopologue Measurements of HDO and H2O in
the Asian Summer Monsoon: B Clouser, L Sarkozy,
K D Lamb, M Bolot, E J Moyer
1340h A23L-3419 POSTER Dynamical Conditions
of Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus Clouds in the
Extratropical Upper Troposphere and Lower
Stratosphere: M Diao, J B Jensen, L Pan, E J Jensen,
C R Homeyer, S Honomichl, J F Bresch, A Bansemer
1340h A23L-3420 POSTER Inter-Annual Variability
in Tropical Cirrus Extent Simulated with a Global
Chemistry Transport Model: M O Köhler, A R
MacKenzie, A M Horseman
1340h A23L-3421 POSTER The dynamics of ice
clouds in the TTL as inferred from the isotopic
composition of water vapor: M Bolot, E J Moyer,
B Legras
1340h A23L-3422 POSTER Trajectory and
Microphysical Modeling of TTL Water: R
Ueyama, E J Jensen, L Pfister
1340h A23L-3423 POSTER Why Does the
Stratosphere Get Wetter During the 21st Century?:
A E Dessler, M R Schoeberl, T Wang, A R
Douglass, L Oman
1340h A23L-3424 POSTER Understand Changes of
the Tropical Tropopause Under Global Warming:
P Lin, D Paynter, Y Ming, V Ramaswamy
1340h A23L-3425 POSTER A comparison of cirrus
cloud observations from the NASA ATTREX-3
field mission with simulations from the NCAR
atmospheric CESM model (CAM5) coupled with
an advanced cirrus cloud model (CARMA): C
Maloney, O B Toon, C Bardeen, G S Diskin, M J
McGill, A W Rollins, T D Thornberry, S Woods
1340h A23L-3426 POSTER Chemical Gradient and
Inter-hemispheric Distribution of Selected Organic
Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over
the Western Pacific: M A Navarro, E L Atlas, S
Schauffler, V Donets, R Lueb, R Hendershot, S
Gabbard, A Saiz-Lopez, X Rodriguez, D E Kinnison,
J F Lamarque, X Zhu, L Pope
1340h A23L-3427 POSTER Organic Halogen and
Hydrocarbon Distributions During SEAC4RS
Measured from the ER-2 and DC-8: S Schauffler,
E L Atlas, M A Navarro, L Pan, D R Blake, N J Blake,
D E Kinnison, S Meinardi, R Lueb, X Zhu, L Pope
1340h A23L-3428 POSTER Stratospheric Injection
of Bromine from Very Short Lived (VSL) Sources
Inferred from CONTRAST: R J Salawitch, J M
Nicely, D C Anderson, E L Atlas, S Schauffler, V
Donets, R Lueb, M A Navarro, E C Apel, N J Blake,
A J Hills, R S Hornbrook, D D Riemer, D Chen, G
Huey, D Tanner, R M Volkamer, T K Koenig, S
Baidar, B K Dix, A J Weinheimer, G M Wolfe Jr,
T F Hanisco, S R Hall, K Ullmann, R Fernandez, A
Saiz-Lopez, D E Kinnison, J F Lamarque
1340h A23L-3429 POSTER Airborne Observations
of BrO and HOBr by Chemical Ionization Mass
Spectrometry (CIMS) during CONTRAST
(CONvective TRansport of Active Species in
the Tropics): D Chen, G Huey, D Tanner, R M
Volkamer, T K Koenig, S Baidar, B K Dix, R J
Salawitch, J M Nicely, D C Anderson, L Pan, D E
Kinnison, J F Lamarque, A Saiz-Lopez, E C Apel,
N J Blake, A J Hills, R S Hornbrook, D D Riemer, A
J Weinheimer, D Montzka, E L Atlas, S Schauffler,
R Lueb, S R Hall, K Ullmann, T L Campos, F M
Flocke, G M Wolfe Jr, T F Hanisco
1340h A23L-3430 POSTER Distributions and
Correlations of Organic Trace Gases in the
Western Pacific Atmosphere: V Donets, E L Atlas,
S Schauffler, M A Navarro, R Lueb, T L Campos,
A J Weinheimer, D Montzka, L Kaser, L Pan, R J
Salawitch, X Zhu, L Pope
1340h A23L-3431 POSTER Vertical Redistribution
of Halogenated Very Short-Lived Substances by
Midlatitude Convective Storms During the DC3
Field Campaign: J Schroeder, L Pan, T B Ryerson,
N J Blake, B Barletta, I J Simpson, S Meinardi, D R
1340h A23L-3432 POSTER Measurements of Iodine
Monoxide Levels During the CAST Campaign
Using Broadband Cavity Enhanced Absorption
Spectroscopy: N R P Harris, O A Popoola, M
McLeod, B Ouyang, R L Jones
1340h A23L-3433 POSTER BrO in the Tropical and
Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the
Pacific Ocean: R M Volkamer, B K Dix, S Baidar,
T K Koenig, S Coburn, I Ortega, D Chen, G Huey,
D Tanner, T Sherwen, M J Evans, E C Apel, R S
Hornbrook, N J Blake, A J Hills, D E Kinnison, J F
Lamarque, A Saiz-Lopez, R B Pierce, J Schmidt, D J
Jacob, E L Atlas, L Pan, R J Salawitch
1340h A23L-3434 POSTER The First Simultaneous
Airborne Measurements of BrO, BrCl HOBr in the
Tropics: An Assessment on the HOx Budget and O3
Depletion: M R Le Breton, M W Gallagher, D E
Shallcross, M J Evans, L Carpenter, S Andrews, R T
Lidster, N R P Harris, C Percival
1340h A23L-3435 POSTER Investigation on
seasonal variations of Be-7 and H-3 in the rainwater
of Korea: K J Kim, Y Choi, Y Y Yoon, J Sohn
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:01 AM
Moscone West 3008
Aerosol Comparisons between
Observations and Models II
Presiding: Mian Chin, NASA Goddard
SFC; Michael Schulz, Norwegian
Meteorological Institute; Stefan Kinne,
MPI Meteorology; Steven Ghan, Battelle
1340h A23O-01 A Multi-Parameter Aerosol
Classification Method and its Application to
Retrievals from Spaceborne Polarimetry : P B
Russell, M S Kacenelenbogen, J M Livingston, O P
Hasekamp, S P Burton, G L Schuster, M S Johnson,
K D Knobelspiesse, J Redemann, S Ramachandran,
B N Holben
1355h A23O-02 Aerus-GEO: An Advanced
Initiative for Tracking Operationally Aerosol
Events over Any Surface Targets Based on Satellite
MSG/Seviri Observations: D Carrer, J L Roujean,
X Ceamanos, B Six
1340h A23M-01 AeroCOM Biomass Burning
Emissions Experiment-Overview: M M Petrenko,
M Chin, R A Kahn, M Val Martin
1410h A23O-03 Uncertainties in recent volcanic
aerosol optical depths and implications for global
climate change: D A Ridley, S Solomon
1355h A23M-02 Relative Contributions of Regional
and Sector Emissions to the Radiative Forcing of
Aerosol-Radiation and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
Based on the AeroCOM Phase III/HTAP2
Experiment: T Takemura, M Chin
1425h A23O-04 The Global Aerosol Synthesis and
Science Project (GASSP): Using a Comprehensive
Synthesis of Aerosol Observations and Statistical
Modelling to Constrain Model Uncertainty: C
Reddington, L Lee, K S Carslaw, D Liu, J D Allan,
H Coe, K Pringle, P Stier, D Partridge, N Schutgens
1410h A23M-03 Evaluating AEROCOM Models
with Remote Sensing Datasets: N Schutgens, E
Gryspeerdt, N Weigum, A Veira, D Partridge, P
1425h A23M-04 Toward a Better Characterization
of Aerosols, Clouds, and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
in Climate Modeling through Increasing Horizontal
Resolution: P L Ma, P J Rasch, M Wang, H Wang,
S J Ghan, X Liu, R C Easter, W I Gustafson Jr, S
Tilmes, H Y Ma
1440h A23M-05 Diversity of Aerosol Simulations
in the NASA GEOS-5 Model: Impacts of Spatial
Resolution, Meteorology, and Model Physics: P R
Colarco, C A Randles, A M da Silva Jr, A Molod
1455h A23M-06 Diversity of Aerosol Optical
Thickness in analysis and forecasting modes of
the models from the International Cooperative for
Aerosol Prediction Multi-Model Ensemble (ICAPMME): P Lynch
1510h A23M-07 Application of Spectral
Decomposition Techniques in the Assessment and
Intercomparison of Models and Observations: B E
Carlson, J Li, A A Lacis
1525h A23M-08 Trends in Aerosol Emissions over
Europe and Global Aerosol Forcing: J Quaas, R
Cherian, J Kajewska-Szkudlarek, M Salzmann, M
Moscone West 3004
Air Quality in Asia IV (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Steven Brown, NOAA Earth
System Research Lab; Tao Wang, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Tong Zhu,
Peking University
1340h A23N-01 Global Warming and Air Quality
in China: S C Liu
1355h A23N-02 Mapping Air Pollution
Concentrations and Sources in China from GroundLevel Observations: R A Rohde, R A Muller
1410h A23N-03 Roles of Uncontrollable VOC
Emissions in the Regional Air Quality of the Seoul
Metropolitan Area: S Kim, D Jeong, M Lee, H
Shim, H Y Kim, J Park, H Park, S Kim, G M Wolfe,
A B Guenther, A He, Y Hong, J Han
1425h A23N-04 Recent Improvement in Air
Quality as Evidenced by the Island-wide Monitoring
Network in Taiwan: S P Chen, C C Chang, J J Liu, C
Chou, J S Chang, J L Wang
1440h A23N-05 Observation of black carbon, ozone
and carbon monoxide in the Kali Gandaki Valley
Nepal: S Dhungel, A K Panday, B Kathayat
1455h A23N-06 Impact of synoptic patterns on East
Asia pollutant transport pathways observed from
satellites: H C Kim, P Lee, S Kim, F Ngan, C Bae,
B U Kim, E Kim
1510h A23N-07 Agriculture Crop Burning in
Northwestern India and Its Impact on Atmospheric
Pollution and Air Quality: R P Singh, A Chauhan,
G Gonzalez Abad
1525h A23N-08 Air Quality in Mecca and
Surrounding Holy Places in Saudi Arabia during
Hajj: Initial Survey: I J Simpson, O S Aburizaiza,
A Siddique, B Barletta, N J Blake, A Gartner, H A
Khwaja, S Meinardi, J Zeb, D R Blake
Moscone West 3012
Characterizing Global Aerosol
Through Multi-sensor and Model
Synergy III
Presiding: Ralph Kahn, NASA/Goddard
Space Flight Ctr; Robert Levy, NASA/
Goddard Space Flight Ctr; Jeffrey Pierce,
Colorado State University
1440h A23O-05 Real-time aerosol data assimilation
experiments during the 2014 FRAPPE/DISCOVERAQ field mission: R B Pierce
1455h A23O-06 Comparison of data fusion
techniques using observations, chemical transport
models, and satellite retrievals for air pollution
exposure estimates in health studies: H Holmes, H
H Chang, J A Mulholland, A Russell
1510h A23O-07 Use of Observation-Based Aerosol
Fields for Detailed Cloud-Scale Modeling Studies:
A M Fridlind, A M Vogelmann, A S Ackerman, S
1525h A23O-08 Changing Aerosol Properties with
Distance to Cloud; Is It an Artifact or Reality?: A
Marshak, T Varnai, W Yang, G Wen
Moscone West 3006
Cloud Observations and Uncertainties
Presiding: Chuanfeng Zhao, Beijing
Normal University; Eugene Clothiaux,
Penn State; Shaocheng Xie, Lawrence
Livermore Nat’’l Lab; Xiquan Dong,
University of North Dakota
1418h A23Q-03 Vapor Wall Deposition in
Chambers: Theoretical Considerations: R McVay,
C D Cappa, J Seinfeld
1433h A23Q-04 Assessment of the GECKO-A
Modeling Tool and Simplified 3D Model
Parameterizations for SOA Formation: B Aumont,
A Hodzic, S La, M Camredon, V Lannuque, J M
Lee-Taylor, S Madronich
1455h A23Q-05 Estimating the importance of
multi-phase processing on secondary organic
aerosol based on a functional-group resolving
volatility basis set approach: C J Knote, A Hodzic,
B Aumont, S Madronich
1510h A23Q-06 Novel insight on photochemistry
at interfaces: potential impact on Seconday Aerosol
Formation?: S Rossignol, C George, K Aregahegn
1525h A23Q-07 Novel Measurements of Aerosol
Particle Interfaces Using Biphasic Microfluidics: A
R Metcalf, C S Dutcher
Moscone West Poster Hall
Exploring Microbial Mat
Communities: Functions, Interaction,
and Signatures II Posters
Presiding: James Moran, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory; Jennifer
Pett-Ridge, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory; Mary Lipton,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate and Sulfur in a
Faintly Acidic Hot Spring: L Jiang, X Peng, H Qiao
1340h B23A-0182 POSTER Growing Rocks:
Implications of Lithification for Microbial
Communities and Nutrient Cycling: J R Corman,
A T Poret-Peterson, J J Elser
1340h A23P-01 Climate Model Evaluation Using
Cloud Observations and Implications for Climate
Sensitivity: J H Jiang, H Su
1340h B23A-0183 POSTER The microbial mats
of Pavilion Lake microbialites: examining the
relationship between photosynthesis and carbonate
precipitation: D S S Lim, I Hawes, T J Mackey, A L
Brady, J Biddle, D T Andersen, M Belan, G F Slater,
A Abercromby, S W Squyres, M Delaney, C W
Haberle, Z Cardman
1340h B23A-0184 POSTER Early diagenetic
processes of saline meromictic Lake Kai-ike,
southwest Japan: III. Sulfur speciation and isotopes:
N Sakai, K E Yamaguchi, K Oguri
1340h B23A-0185 POSTER Phosphorus and iron
cycles during early diagenesis of Lake Kai-ike
sediments, Kami-koshiki Island, southwest Japan: H
Iida, K E Yamaguchi, K Oguri
1340h B23A-0186 POSTER Timecourse analysis of
photosynthetic microbial communities that degrade
cellulose and fix nitrogen: A Knapp, R van der
Heyde, M Sheets, L Zhang, Y Wang, X Liu, B Slikas,
L A Amaral-Zettler, J Huang
1340h B23A-0187 POSTER Combined stable isotope,
proteomic, metabolomics, and spatial specific
analysis to track carbon flow through a hypersaline
phototrophic microbial mat: J Moran, A Cory, K
M Riha, E L Huang, M A Gritsenko, Y M Kim, T O
Metz, M S Lipton
1340h B23A-0188 POSTER Spatial and Temporal
Variations of Microbial Biodiversity at Hypersaline
Microbial Mats: Y Gulecal, N Unsal, M Temel
1340h B23A-0191 POSTER Stress-Survival Gene
Identification From an Acid Mine Drainage
Algal Mat Community: J Urbina-Navarrete,
K Fujishima, I G Paulino-Lima, B RothschildMancinelli, L J Rothschild
1340h B23A-0192 POSTER In situ ecophysiology of
Aigarchaeota from an oxic, hot-spring filamentous
‘streamer’ community: J Beam, Z Jay, S G Tringe, T
Glavina del Rio, D Rusch, M Schmid, M Wagner,
W Inskeep
1340h B23A-0193 POSTER Minerals as Ecosystems
in the Nutrient-Limited Subsurface: A A Jones, P
1340h B23A-0194 POSTER Ecological genomics
of the newly discovered diazotrophic filamentous
cyanobacterium ESFC-1: C Everroad, B Bebout,
L E Bebout, A M Detweiler, J Lee, X Mayali, S W
Singer, R Stuart, P K Weber, D Woebken, J PettRidge
1355h A23P-02 Validating Satellite-Retrieved
Cloud Properties for Weather and Climate
Applications: P Minnis, K M Bedka, W Smith Jr, C
R Yost, S T Bedka, R Palikonda, D Spangenberg, S
Sun-Mack, Q Trepte, X Dong, B Xi
1410h A23P-03 Comparison of Marine Boundary
Layer Cloud Properties From CERES-MODIS
Edition 4 and DOE ARM AMF Measurements at
the Azores: X Dong, B Xi, P Minnis, S Sun-Mack
1425h A23P-04 Dependence of retrievals of
cloud and atmospheric properties on the spectral
resolution of infrared measurements: V P Walden,
P M Rowe, C Cox
1440h A23P-05 How Often and Why MODIS Cloud
Property Retrievals Fail for Liquid-Phase Clouds
over Ocean? a Comprehensive Analysis Based on
a-Train Observations: Z Zhang, H M Cho, S E
Platnick, K Meyer, M D Lebsock
1455h A23P-06 Infrared Retrievals of Ice Cloud
Properties and Uncertainties with an Optimal
Estimation Retrieval Method: C Wang, S E
Platnick, K Meyer, Z Zhang
1510h A23P-07 The Impact of Thresholds in
Cloud Detection Uncertainty: S A Ackerman, B C
Maddux, R Holz, R Frey
1525h A23P-08 On the Formation and Seasonal
Properties of Topical Cirrus Clouds over Amazon
Basin (2.89ºS, 59.97ºW): Observations from
Lidar, Radiosonde and Satellite instruments: H M
Barbosa, D A Gouveia, B Barja Gonzalez
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Moscone West 3010
Novel Approaches and Constraints
to Modeling of Secondary Organic
Aerosol (SOA) Formation, Properties,
and Removals III
Presiding: Alma Hodzic, National Center
for Atmospheric Research; Christoph
Knote, National Center for Atmospheric
Research; Christopher Cappa,
University of California
1340h Introductory Remarks
1341h A23Q-01 Knowledge gaps in organic aerosol
global modeling: K Tsigaridis, N Daskalakis, M
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 35
1403h A23Q-02 Modeling Secondary Organic
Aerosols over Europe: Impact of Activity
Coefficients and Viscosity: Y Kim, K Sartelet, F
11/28/2014 10:45:01 AM
Moscone West Poster Hall
Molecular, Genomic, and Isotopic
Approaches to Resolving Biotic and
Abiotic Pathways of Nitrous Oxide
Production in Terrestrial and Marine
Ecosystems II Posters
(joint with A, GC, OS, V)
Presiding: Jennifer Glass, Georgia
Institute of Technology; Nathaniel
Ostrom, Michigan State Univ; Xia Zhu,
University of California Davis
1340h B23B-0195 POSTER The Impact of Iron
on Soil N2O Production Depends on Oxygen
Availability: X Zhu, T A Doane, M Burger, W R
1340h B23B-0196 POSTER Abiotic Nitrous Oxide
Production in Natural and Artificial Seawater: H
Ochoa, C L Stanton, A R Cavazos, N E Ostrom, J
B Glass
1340h B23B-0197 POSTER Isotope Effects Associated
with N2O Production By Fungal and Bacterial
Nitric Oxide Reductases: Implications for Tracing
Microbial Production Pathways: N E Ostrom, H
Yang, H Gandhi, E L Hegg
1340h B23B-0198 POSTER A Tale of Two Gases:
Isotope Effects Associated with the Enzymatic
Production of H2 and N2O: H Yang, H Gandhi, H
W Kreuzer, J Moran, E A Hill, A McQuarters, N
Lehnert, N E Ostrom, E L Hegg
1340h B23B-0199 POSTER Metabolism of Nitrogen
Oxides in Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria: J
Kozlowski, L Y Stein
1340h B23B-0200 POSTER Nitrous Oxide
Production in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
Upwelling Zone: Q Ji, A R Babbin, B B Ward
1340h B23B-0201 POSTER N2O production by
nitrifier denitrification in the Benguela Upwelling
System: C H Frame, L Hou, M F Lehmann
1340h B23B-0203 POSTER Seasonal variations and
cycling of nitrous oxide using nitrogen isotopes
and concentrations from an unsaturated zone of
a floodplain: M Bill, M E Conrad, S Kolding, K H
Williams, T K Tokunaga
1340h B23B-0205 POSTER Boreal forest soil nitrous
oxide production and consumption responds
positively to temperature and a warmer climate: K
M Buckeridge, K Edwards, S E Ziegler, S A Billings
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h B23C-0212 POSTER Explicitly Synchronizing
Soil Water and Carbon Nitrogen Reactive Transport
Using CLM-PFLOTRAN: Does Sequential or
Synchronized Implementing of Soil Processes
Matter to Soil C Stocks?: F Yuan, G Tang, X Xu, J
Kumar, G Bisht, G E Hammond, P E Thornton, R T
Mills, S D Wullschleger
1340h B23C-0213 POSTER Gridded Uncertainty
Maps of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A
New Data Product: R J Andres, T Boden
1340h B23D-0234 POSTER Lipid-Based ImmunoMagnetic Separation of Archaea from a Mixed
Community: C M Frickle, J Bailey, K G Lloyd, A
Shumaker, B Flood
1340h B23C-0214 POSTER Sensitivity of simulated
CO2 concentration to sub-annual variations in fossil
fuel CO2 emissions: X Zhang, K R Gurney, P J
Rayner, D F Baker, Y P Liu, S Asefi-Najafabady
1340h B23D-0235 POSTER Bacterial Community
Profiling of H2/CO2 or Formate-Utilizing
Acetogens Enriched from Diverse Ecosystems: R
Han, L Zhang, B Fu, H Liu
1340h B23C-0215 POSTER Global Carbon Cycle
Modeling in GISS ModelE2 GCM: I D Aleinov, N
Y Kiang, A Romanou, J Romanski
1340h B23D-0236 POSTER Molecular Biological
Analysis of Microorganisms in Petroleum
Reservoirs: J Ko, H A Son, K C Im, K H Back, H
T Kim
1340h B23C-0216 POSTER What determines the
magnitude of CO2 – land carbon feedback in ESMs?:
T Hajima, K Tachiiri, A Ito, M Kawamiya
1340h B23C-0217 POSTER A comprehensive theory
for the coupling between terrestrial carbon and
water cycles, supported by stable carbon isotope
measurements from leaves: H Wang, W Cornwell,
I J Wright, I C Prentice
1340h B23C-0218 POSTER On the Uncertainties of
Projected Future Changes in Land Surface Energy
and Water Budgets due to Different Land Surface
Schemes and Dynamic Vegetation Impacts: M Yu,
G Wang
1340h B23C-0219 POSTER Quantification of carbon
uptake inhibited by the phosphorus limitation in
tropics: Application of Dynamic Land Ecosystem
Model: K Kamaljit, H Tian, Q Yang
1340h B23C-0220 POSTER Incorporating the Role
of Nitrogen in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
for Climate and Environmental Studies: X Cai, Z L
Yang, J B Fisher
1340h B23C-0221 POSTER Biogeochemical
Responses and Feedbacks to the Climate Forcing in
the Tropical Pacific Ocean Over the Past 60 Years:
X Wang, R G Murtugudde
1340h B23C-0222 POSTER Evaluating the
performance of the Community Land Model
(CLM4.5) for a western US coniferous forest under
annual drought stress: H Duarte, J C Lin, J R
1340h B23C-0223 POSTER The Effects of ModernDay Cropland and Pasture Management on
Vegetation Fire: An Earth System Modeling
Approach: S S Rabin, S Malyshev, E Shevliakova,
S W Pacala
New Mechanisms, Feedbacks, and
Approaches for Improving Predictions
of the Global Carbon Cycle in Earth
System Models II Posters (joint with A,
GC, H, OS)
Moscone West Poster Hall
Presiding: Forrest Hoffman, University
of California Irvine; Atul Jain, University
of Illinois at Urbana; James Randerson,
Univ California Irvine; Jefferson Moore,
University of Illinois at Urbana
Presiding: Jennifer Glass, Georgia
Institute of Technology; Joel Kostka,
Georgia Institute of Technology Main
Campus; Jeffrey Marlow, Organization
Not Listed; Shawn McGlynn, California
Institute of Technology
1340h B23C-0206 POSTER Controls on terrestrial
carbon feedbacks by productivity and turnover
of the vegetation and decomposing C pools in the
CMIP5 ESMs: C D Koven, J Q Chambers, R G
Knox, R I Negron Juarez, W J Riley, V Arora, V
Brovkin, P Friedlingstein, C Jones
1340h B23C-0207 POSTER The association between
net primary productivity and rainfall in CMIP5 20th
and 21st century simulations: R I Negron Juarez,
W J Riley, C D Koven, R G Knox, P Taylor, J Q
1340h B23C-0208 POSTER Constraints on longterm carbon-climate feedbacks from spatially
resolved CO2 growth rate fluctuations linked to
temperature and precipitation: G Keppel-Aleks, F
M Hoffman
1340h B23C-0209 POSTER Model evaluation using
a community benchmarking system for land surface
models: M Mu, F M Hoffman, D M Lawrence, W
J Riley, G Keppel-Aleks, E B Kluzek, C D Koven, J
T Randerson
1340h B23C-0210 POSTER Dynamics of global
vegetation biomass simulated by the integrated
Earth System Model: J Mao, X Shi, A V Di Vittorio,
P E Thornton, S Piao, X Yang, J E Truesdale, B P
Bond-Lamberty, L P Chini, A M Thomson, G C
Hurtt, W Collins, J Edmonds
1340h B23C-0211 POSTER Soil Carbon and Nitrogen
Mineralization with Flexible Soil and Microbial C:N
Ratios: G Wang, M A Mayes, P E Thornton, F M
AGU2014News.indb 36
1340h B23D-0233 POSTER Monitoring and
Modeling Microbial Sulfate Reduction and
Inhibition in a Mesoscale Tank Experiment: C G
Hubbard, Y Wu, L Li, Y M Piceno, Y Cheng, M
Bill, J D Coates, G L Andersen, M E Conrad, J B
Ajo Franklin
Novel Microbial Metabolisms in the
Environment II Posters (joint with A, GC,
OS, V)
1340h B23D-0224 POSTER Interactions between
Nitrogen Fixation and Methane Cycling in
Northern Minnesota Peat Bogs: M J Warren, J C
Gaby, X Lin, P L Morton, J E Kostka, J B Glass
1340h B23D-0226 POSTER NC10 Bacteria in a
Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone: C C Padilla, L A
Bristow, C R Benson, N D Sarode, P R Girguis, J
B Glass, T J DiChristina, B Thamdrup, F J Stewart
1340h B23D-0227 POSTER Co-Occurrence of
Nitrate Reduction and Anaerobic Oxidation of
Methane in Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Habitats: L
Fields, S B Joye
1340h B23D-0229 POSTER Identification of
Methanogens and Controls on Methane Production
in Incubations of Natural Methane Seep Sediments:
R Kevorkian, K G Lloyd
1340h B23D-0230 POSTER Microcosm Approach
to Understanding Methane-oxidizing Communities
and the Role of Nitrogen Sources: L Chistoserdova,
M E Hernandez, I Oshkin
1340h B23D-0231 POSTER The Co-Distribution of
Nitrifying Archaea and Diazotrophic Bacteria in
Geothermal Springs: T L Hamilton, T N M Jewell,
J R de la Torre, E S Boyd
1340h B23D-0232 POSTER Physiology of Nitratereducing Strains Cultivated from Contaminated
Groundwater at the Oak-ridge Field Research
Center: R Chakraborty, A Pettenato, A Lancaster,
M P Thorgersen, F Poole, B A Vaccaro, A M
Deutschbauer, J Ray, A Kazakov, P Novichkov, A P
Arkin, M W W Adams
1340h B23E-0255 POSTER Soil carbon cycle 13C
responses in the decade following bark beetle and
girdling disturbance: G E Maurer, A M Chan, N A
Trahan, D J Moore, D R Bowling
1340h B23E-0256 POSTER Overshoot in Leaf
Development of Ponderosa Pine in Wet Years Leads
to Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Fine-Textured Soils in
Drier Years: W L Peterman, R H Waring
1340h B23E-0257 POSTER Effects of Simulated
Climate Conditions on Phosphorus Cycling in an
Annual Grassland Ecosystem: T Mellett, A Paytan,
D Defforey, K Roberts
1340h B23E-0258 POSTER Effects of Open-field
Warming and Precipitation Manipulation on the
Growth of Pinus densiflora Seedlings: M J Park, S J
Yoon, S H Han, H M Yun, H Chang, Y Son
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h B23E-0259 POSTER Water Table and
Soil Gas Emission Responses to Disturbance in
Northern Forested Wetlands: T G Pypker, M J
Van Grinsven, N W Bolton, J Shannon, J Davis, J
W Wagenbrenner, S D Sebestyen, R K Kolka
Observing and Predicting Impacts
from Ecological and Climatological
Disturbances III Posters (joint with GC,
1340h B23E-0260 POSTER Variation in forest
biomass change highlights regional differences in
forest succession in the Pacific Northwest, USA: D
M Bell, A N Gray
Presiding: Jaclyn Matthes, Dartmouth
College; David Moore, University of
Arizona; Jingfeng Xiao, University of
New Hampshire; Shuguang Liu, USGS
1340h B23E-0238 POSTER A monitoring protocol
for the ecohydrological effects of land use changes in
tropical mountain ecosystems: C P Flórez, J D León,
J C Villegas, T Betancur, D Suescún, V García-Leoz,
A I Cardona, Á M Martin
1340h B23E-0239 POSTER Assessing Impacts of
Disturbances and Climate Change on Carbon
Stocks in Mexican Semidry Forests of the Yucatan
Peninsula: Z Dai, R Birdsey, K Johnson, J M Dupuy,
J L Hernandez-Stefanoni, K Richardson
1340h B23E-0240 POSTER Carbon, Water and
Heat Fluxes Comparison between Two Subtropical
Mangroves Sites, Southeastern China: F Liu, G Lin
Sr, W Lu, H Chen
1340h B23E-0241 POSTER Effects of Land Use
History on Soil Carbon Dioxide Flux in Ecuadorian
Páramo Grasslands: J McKnight, C P Harden
1340h B23E-0242 POSTER Grazing alters the net C
sink strength and the net global warming potential
of a subtropical pasture: N Gomez-Casanovas, N
DeLucia, E H DeLucia, E H Boughton, E Keel, C
1340h B23E-0243 POSTER Effects of Nonnative
Ungulate Removal on Plant Communities and Soil
Biogeochemistry in Tropical Forests: R J Cole, C M
Litton, C P Giardina, J P Sparks
1340h B23E-0244 POSTER Disturbace events affect
interactions amoung four different hydrolytic
enzymes in arid soils: D Warnock, M E Litvak, R
L Sinsabaugh
1340h B23E-0245 POSTER Long-term Effects of
Shrub Encroachment and Grazing on Soil Microbial
Composition and Function: R E Gallery, C O’Shea,
A Kwiecien, K Predick, S R Archer
1340h B23E-0246 POSTER Disturbance, A
Mechanism for Increased Microbial Diversity in
a Yellowstone National Park Hot Spring Mixing
Zone: A E Howells, J Oiler, K Fecteau, E S Boyd,
E Shock
1340h B23E-0247 POSTER Altitudinal Contrasts
in Drought-Driven Aeolian Microbial Inputs to
Montane Soil Ecology: Impacts of a 500-Year
Drought in the Sierra Nevada, California: E L
Aronson, C Carey, C S Riebe, S Aciego, S C Hart
1340h B23E-0248 POSTER Longwall Coal Mining
and Soil Moisture Changes in Southwestern
Pennsylvania: E K Pfeil-McCullough, D Bain
1340h B23E-0250 POSTER Abrupt State Change in
Spatially-Patterned Subalpine Forests in Northern
Colorado During the Medieval Climate Anomaly:
W J Calder, B N Shuman
1340h B23E-0251 POSTER Importance of Past
Human and Natural Disturbance in Present-Day
Net Ecosystem Productivity: B S Felzer, P Phelps
1340h B23E-0252 POSTER Statistical Estimates of
the Long-Term Impact of Land-Use Disturbance
on Woody Biomass in the Midwest (USA): J
S McLachlan, D J Moore, J Zhu, X Feng, C J
Paciorek, J W Williams, S J Goring, K A Hartfield
1340h B23E-0253 POSTER Responses of temperate
forest productivity to insect and pathogen
disturbances: C E Flower, M A Gonzalez-Meler
1340h B23E-0254 POSTER A New Severity Rating
System for Evaluating and Predicting the Impacts of
a Nonnative Invasive Forest Insect on Two Pacific
Northwest Fir Species: K Hrinkevich, R A Progar
1340h B23E-0261 POSTER Biological and Physical
Drivers of Coarse Woody Debris Respiration
Following Moderate Forest Disturbance: A V
Schmid, R B Franklin, C S Vogel, E Liebman, P
Curtis, C M Gough
1340h B23E-0262 POSTER Post-fire influences of
snag attrition on albedo and radiative forcing: T L
O’Halloran, S A Acker, V Joerger, J Kertis, B E Law
1340h B23E-0263 POSTER The Development and
Application of a Harmonized Burned Area Data
Set for North America to Assess the Effects of Fire
Disturbance on the Continental Carbon Budget: G
Chen, D J Hayes
1340h B23E-0264 POSTER Carbon and Nitrogen
Levels across Forest Soil Communities Impacted by
Bark Beetle and Wildfire Disturbance in Western
Montana: E S M Kim, A P Ballantyne, L A Cooper,
A Hursh
1340h B23E-0265 POSTER Wildfires and storms:
Increased vulnerability of water quality in the
southwestern U.S. in the face of climate change: S F
Murphy, J H Writer, R B McCleskey, D A Martin
1340h B23E-0266 POSTER Impacts of recent
droughts on North American terrestrial ecosystems:
J Xiao, S V Ollinger, F Li, C Li, S E Frolking, G C
Hurtt, R Guerrieri, L C Lepine, H Asbjornsen
1340h B23E-0267 POSTER Assessing the Impact of
Disturbance on Carbon Stocks in Western Forests
using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data: L
A Cooper, A P Ballantyne, E Landguth, Z A Holden
1340h B23E-0268 POSTER Estimating Leaf Area
Index from Terrestrial Lidar and Satellite Based
Vegetation Indices Using Bayesian Inference: N T
Ilangakoon, P Gorsevski, A Simic
1340h B23E-0269 POSTER Creation of a Digital
Surface Model and Extraction of Coarse Woody
Debris from Terrestrial Laser Scans in an Open
Eucalypt Woodland: J Muir, S R Phinn, J Armston,
P Scarth, T Eyre
1340h B23E-0270 POSTER Moderate forest
disturbance as a stringent test for gap and big-leaf
models: B P Bond-Lamberty, J Fisk, J A Holm, V L
Bailey, C M Gough
1340h B23E-0271 POSTER Marginal Lands Gross
Primary Production Dominate Atmospheric
CO2 Interannual Variations: A Ahlström, M
R Raupach, G Schurgers, A Arneth, M Jung, M
Reichstein, B Smith
1340h B23E-0272 POSTER Water and carbon
fluxes in rain fed agricultural sites under a changing
climate: The role of stomata: A Hosseini, S Gayler,
T Streck, G G Katul
1340h B23E-0274 POSTER Effect of Ship Noise on
Mating Behavior of the Plainfin Midshipman Fish:
G P Rele, R W Bland
1340h B23E-0275 POSTER Downstream Migration
of Masu Salmon Smolt at a Diversion Facility of
Dam: K Hayashida, H Nii, K Kasuga, K Watanabe
1340h B23E-0276 POSTER Effects of anthropogenic
nitrogen input on the aquatic food webs of river
ecosystem in central Japan: N Ohte, H Togashi, N
Tokuchi, M Yoshimura, Y Kato, N F Ishikawa, K
Osaka, M Kondo, I Tayasu
1340h B23E-0277 POSTER Distinct Benthic
Community Trends Driven by Particle Transport
and Deposition in Mid-Atlantic Bight Canyons,
NW Atlantic: A W Demopoulos, C M Robertson,
J R Bourque, F Mienis, G Duineveld, S Ross, S
Brooke, A J Davies
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:02 AM
1340h B23E-0279 POSTER Changes in controlling
factors of dissolved oxygen in the Eastern Equatorial
Pacific from the past to the future: M Shigemitsu,
A Yamamoto, A Oka, Y Yamanaka
1525h B23G-08 Sources and sinks of methane
beneath polar ice: J C Priscu, H E Adams, K P Hand,
J E Dore, P Matheus-Carnevali, A B Michaud, A E
Murray, M L Skidmore, T Vick-Majors
Moscone West Poster Hall
Moscone West 2003
Optimality Concepts for Terrestrial
Ecosystem Modeling Posters
Drivers and Variability of Greenhouse
Gas, Energy, and Water Cycling in
Inland Waters II (joint with A, GC, H)
Presiding: Han Wang, Macquarie
University; Iain Prentice, Imperial
College London; Sandy Harrison,
University of Reading
1340h B23F-0280 POSTER Future Forest Production
and Net Carbon Sinks under Optimal C:N Balance:
A Makela, T Kalliokoski, M Peltoniemi
1340h B23F-0281 POSTER A model using marginal
efficiency of investment to analyse carbon and
nitrogen interactions in forested ecosystems: R Q
Thomas, M Williams
1340h B23F-0282 POSTER Functional and Structural
Optimality in Plant Growth: A Crop Modelling
Case Study: S Caldararu, D W Purves, M J Smith
1340h B23F-0283 POSTER Trait-Based Ecosystem
Modeling: Integrating Community Assembly and
Optimality Concepts into Dgvms: S Scheiter, L
Langan, S I Higgins
1340h B23F-0284 POSTER Predicting long-term
responses of vegetation water use to elevated
atmospheric CO2: S J Schymanski, M L Roderick,
M Sivapalan
1340h B23F-0285 POSTER Optimal Stomatal
Behaviour Around the World: Synthesis of a
Global Stomatal Conductance Database and Scaling
from Leaf to Ecosystem: Y S Lin, B E Medlyn, R
Duursma, I C Prentice, H Wang
1340h B23F-0286 POSTER Leaf Area Adjustment
As an Optimal Drought-Adaptation Strategy: S
Manzoni, F Beyer, S E Thompson, G Vico, M Weih
1340h B23F-0287 POSTER Optimal Traits of Plant
Hydraulic Architecture for Rock-Dominated
Landscapes: S Schwinning
1340h B23F-0288 POSTER Modulation of Leaf
Economic Traits and Rates by Soil Properties, at
Global Scale: V Maire, I J Wright, P B Reich, N H
Batjes, P M van Bodegom, R Bhaskar, L S Santiago,
D Ellsworth, U Niinemets, W Cornwell
1340h B23F-0289 POSTER Biophysical control of
leaf temperature: N Dong, I C Prentice, I J Wright
Moscone West 2004
(Bio)geochemical Cycles in Extreme
Environments II
Presiding: Brandon Briggs, Miami
University; Eric Boyd, Montana State
1340h B23G-01 Finding the Biotic Fringe: E Shock
1355h B23G-02 Physiology and phylogeny of
the candidate phylum “Atribacteria” (formerly
OP9/JS1) inferred from single-cell genomics and
metagenomics: J A Dodsworth, S Murugapiran,
P C Blainey, M Nobu, C Rinke, P Schwientek, E
Gies, G Webster, P Kille, A Weightman, W T Liu,
S Hallam, G Tsiamis, W Swingley, C Ross, S G
Tringe, P S Chain, M B Scholz, C C Lo, J Raymond,
S R Quake, T Woyke, B P Hedlund
1410h B23G-03 Microbial Carbon Processing in
Gas-Rich Ultrabasic Wells from Groundwaters
Hosted in Serpentinizing Diamondiferous
Kimberlite Pipes: M O Schrenk, S Hamilton, B
Esen, T Brisco, G Lacrampe Couloume, B Sherwood
1425h B23G-04 Carbon fixation in oceanic crust:
Does it happen, and is it important?: B Orcutt, J B
Sylvan, D Rogers, R Lee, P R Girguis, S A Carr, S
Jungbluth, M S Rappe
1440h B23G-05 Deep Carbon Cycling in the Deep
Hydrosphere: Abiotic Organic Synthesis and
Biogeochemical Cycling: B Sherwood Lollar, C N
Sutcliffe, C J Ballentine, O Warr, L Li, S Ono, D T
1455h B23G-06 Carbon Processing in the Marine
Subsurface: What Are They Doing Down There?:
J Biddle, A J Martino, J A Russell III, G Christman,
C H House
1510h B23G-07 First scientific dives of the Nereid
Under Ice hybrid ROV in the Arctic Ocean: C R
German, A Boetius, L L Whitcomb, M Jakuba, J
Bailey, C Judge, C McFarland, S Suman, S Elliott, C
Katlein, S Arndt, A Bowen, D Yoerger, J C Kinsey, L
Mayer, M Nicolaus, S Laney, H Singh, T L Maksym
Presiding: Sally MacIntyre, University
of California Santa Barbara; Heping
Liu, Washington State University;
Peter Blanken, University of Colorado,
Boulder; David Bastviken, Linköping
1340h B23H-01 What are the Major Bottlenecks in
the Understanding of the Freshwater-atmosphere
Interactions?: T Vesala, I Mammarella, J J
Heiskanen, M Provenzale, M Rantakari, M Tu, J
S Pumpanen, J K Back, V N Lykosov, I Repina, V
Stepanenko, A Terzhevik, A Ojala
1355h B23H-02 Physical drivers of lake evaporation
across a gradient of climate and lake types: J D
Lenters, P Blanken, N C Healey, K M Hinkel, J
Ong, C Peake, B L Potter, D A Riveros-Iregui, C
Spence, K Van Cleave, V A Zlotnik
1410h B23H-03 Atmospheric physical processes
regulating diurnal and seasonal variations in CO2
fluxes over a large reservoir: H Liu, Q Zhang, G G
Katul, J J Cole, T Chapin
1425h B23H-04 Observations and Modeling
the Advection of Carbon from an Inland Lake
Surrounded By a Forest: G Bohrer, T H Morin, W
Kenny, C S Vogel
1440h B23H-05 Greenhouse Gas Exchange in
Small Arctic Thaw Ponds: I Laurion, P N Bégin, F
Bouchard, V Preskienis
1455h B23H-06 Year-Round Carbon Fluxes in a
Subarctic Landscape Show the Importance of Lake
Emissions According to Season: M Jammet, P M
Crill, T Friborg
1510h B23H-07 Controls on northern wetland
methane emissions: insights from regional synthesis
studies and the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX):
M R Turetsky, E S Euskirchen, C I Czimczik,
M P Waldrop, D Olefeldt, Z Fan, E S Kane, A D
McGuire, J W Harden
1525h B23H-08 Fluxes of carbon dioxide and
methane from diverse aquatic environments in an
agricultural landscape: E H Stanley, J T Crawford,
L C Loken, N J Casson, N J Gubbins, S K Oliver
Moscone West 2006
Urban Areas and Global Change II
(joint with A, GC)
Presiding: Galina Churkina, Institute
for Advanced Sustainability Studies; Tim
Butler, IASS potsdam; Kevin Gurney,
Arizona State University; Iryna Dronova,
University of California Berkeley
1340h B23J-01 Attribution of Uhi Intensity for
Cities in North America: X Lee, L Zhao, R B Smith,
K W Oleson
1400h B23J-02 Maximizing the Use of Satellite
Thermal Infrared Data for Advancing Land Surface
Temperature Analysis: Q Weng, P Fu, F Gao
1420h B23J-03 Multiple satellite estimates of urban
fractions and climate effects at regional scale: G Jia,
R Xu, Y He
1435h B23J-04 Interdisciplinary Study of
Urbanization and Impacts – the Poplex 2014 Field
Campaign: S V Nghiem, M Masetti, S Stevenazzi,
M Bonfanti, A Conforto, M Filippini, P Fabbri, M
Pola, A Sorichetta, C Linard, P Pampaloni, S Palocia,
E Santi, F Catani, G Neumann
1450h B23J-05 Towards understanding implications
of urbanization for regional and global climate in
the GFDL Earth System Modeling framework: D
Li, S Malyshev, E Shevliakova
1505h B23J-06 Impact of Heat Waves on Urban
Areas in the North Eastern United States: P
Ramamurthy, D Li, E Bou-Zeid
1520h B23J-07 Shaping the Cities of Tomorrow:
Integrating Local Urban Adaptation within an
Environmental Framework: M Georgescu
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 37
Moscone West Poster Hall
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: Novel
Techniques, Big Data, and Functional
Models IV Posters
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Lucas Nave, University of
Michigan; Christopher Swanston, USDA
Forest Service; Margaret Torn, Berkeley
Lab/UC Berkeley; Nancy Hess, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
1340h B23K-0120 POSTER Association of Dissolved
Mercury with Dissolved Organic Carbon in Rivers
and Streams: The Role of Watershed Soil Organic
Carbon: O Stoken, A Riscassi, T M Scanlon
1340h B23K-0121 POSTER Do Vermont’s
Floodplains Constitute an Important Source of
Labile Carbon?: J N Perdrial, A Dolan, M Kemsley
1340h B23K-0122 POSTER Historical Reconstruction
of Organic Carbon Decay and Preservation in the
Sediment on the East China Sea Shelf: X Li, T S
Bianchi, M A Allison, P Chapman, G Yang
1340h B23K-0124 POSTER Novel Tool for
Simultaneous Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope
Analyses in Aqueous Samples: E Federherr, T C
Schmidt, C Cerli, K Kalbitz, H J Kupka, L Lange, R
Dunsbach, R J Panetta, A Kasson
1340h B23K-0125 POSTER The pulsed response
of soil respiration to precipitation in an African
savanna ecosystem: a coupled measurement and
modeling approach: Z Fan, J C Neff, N P Hanan
1340h B23K-0126 POSTER Field-Scale Partitioning
of Ecosystem Respiration Components Suggests
Carbon Stabilization in a Bioenergy Grass
Ecosystem: C K Black, J N Miller, M D Masters, C
Bernacchi, E H DeLucia
1340h B23K-0127 POSTER Partitioning of
Heterotrophic Soil Respiration in Corn and
Switchgrass to Evaluate In Situ Soil Organic Matter
Decomposition Dynamics: A von Haden, E MarinSpiotta, C J Kucharik
1340h B23K-0128 POSTER Soil Phosphorus
Stoichiometry Drives Carbon Turnover Along a
Soil C Gradient Spanning Mineral and Organic Soils
Under Rice Cultivation: W Hartman, R Ye, W R
Horwath, S G Tringe
1340h B23K-0129 POSTER Dynamic Responses
of Root, Mycorrhizal and Soil Heterotrophic
Respiration to Temperature Increases in an Arid
System of Southeast Spain: C Estruch, F I Pugnaire
1340h B23K-0130 POSTER Whole-profile soil
carbon responses to warming and root carbon
inputs in a coniferous forest: C Hicks Pries, B Zhu,
C Castanha, R C Porras, J B Curtis, M S Torn
1340h B23K-0131 POSTER Impact of warming on
microorganisms and soil organic matter cycling
with depth in soils: N Tas, C Hicks Pries, S Wang,
A Goring, B Zhu, C Castanha, E Brodie, M S Torn
1340h B23K-0132 POSTER Impacts of Soil
Warming and Plant Rhizosphere on Root Litter
Decomposition at Different Soil Depths in a
Mediterranuan Grassland Lysimeter Facility: B
Zhu, C Hicks Pries, C Castanha, J B Curtis, R C
Porras, M S Torn
1340h B23K-0134 POSTER Molecular profiling of
permafrost soil organic carbon composition and
degradation: B Gu, B Mann
1340h B23K-0135 POSTER A study of the role of
wetlands in defining spatial patterns of near-surface
(top 1m) soil carbon in the Arctic: B J Cosby Jr, E
Blyth, R Oliver, N Gedney
1340h B23K-0136 POSTER Modeling plant,
microorganisms, and mineral surface competition
for soil nitrogen and phosphorus: Competition
representations and ecological significance: Q Zhu,
W J Riley, J Q Chambers, J Tang
1340h B23K-0137 POSTER A Trait-Based Model
for Understanding Rates, Patterns, and Ecological
Consequences of Microbial Nitrogen Fixation in
High-Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems: Y Cheng, W
J Riley, J Tang, N Bouskill
1340h B23K-0138 POSTER Uncertainties in
Predicted 21st Century Vegetation Carbon Storage
By CMIP5 Earth System Models: L Jiang, Y Luo
1340h B21K-0139 POSTER Soil Carbon Variability
and Change Detection in the Forest Inventory
Analysis Database of the United States: A M Wu, E
A Nater, B J Dalzell, C H Perry
1340h B23K-0140 POSTER Empirical observations
offer improved estimates of forest floor carbon
content across in the United States: C H Perry, G
M Domke, B F Walters, J E Smith, C W Woodall
1340h B23K-0143 POSTER Characterization of Soil
Organic Matter from African Dark Earth (AfDE)
Soils: A F Plante, M Fujiu, T Ohno, D Solomon, J
Lehmann, J A Fraser, M Leach, J Fairhead
1340h B23K-0144 POSTER Response of Soil
Temperature to Climate Change in the CMIP5
Earth System Models: C L Phillips, M S Torn, C
D Koven
1340h B23K-0145 POSTER A Physical Inversion
Approach for Determining True Temperature
Sensitivity of Respiration from High-frequency Soil
CO2 Datasets: R Latimer, D A Risk
1340h B21G-0146 POSTER Carbon - Bulk Density
Relationships for Highly Weathered Soils of the
Americas: L E Nave
1340h B23K-0147 POSTER On spatial scaling &
environmental controls of soil organic carbon
stocks : U Mishra, W J Riley, C D Koven
1340h B21K-0149 POSTER Relative Uncertanities in
Global SOC Projections in Multiple GCM and RCP:
K Nishina, A Ito, T Yokohata, E Kato
1340h B23K-0150 POSTER Soil organic carbon
stock changes in the contiguous United States from
1920s to 2010s: B Cao, S Grunwald, H J Ferguson, J
W Hempel, X Xiong, R Patarasuk, C W Ross
1340h B23K-0151 POSTER Characterizing Feedback
Control Mechanisms in Nonlinear Microbial
Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition by
Stability Analysis: K Georgiou, J Tang, W J Riley,
M S Torn
1340h B23K-0152 POSTER Using thermal and
spectroscopic (XANES) indices to understand the
biological stability of soil organic matter: A W
Gillespie, H Sanei, A Diochon, C Tarnocai, H
Janzen, T Z Regier, E Gregorich
1340h B23K-0153 POSTER Characterizing the
changes in biopolymer composition in roots of
photosynthetically divergent grasses exposed to
future climates: V Suseela, N Tharayil, E Pendall
Characterization of Soil Organic Matter Using Ultra
High Resolution Mass Spectrometry: M M Tfaily,
R Chu, N Tolic, K Roscioli, E R Robinson, L PašaTolic, N J Hess
1340h B23K-0157 POSTER Soil Exometabolomics:
An Approach to Investigate Adsorption of
Metabolites on Soils and Minerals: T Swenson, P
S Nico, T Northen
1340h B23K-0158 POSTER Improved Biosensors for
Soils: J J Silberg, C A Masiello, H Y Cheng
Moscone West Poster Hall
Glacier-Ocean Interactions: Iceberg
Calving and Submarine Melting I
(joint with OS)
Presiding: Ellyn Enderlin, Climate
Change Institute; Timothy
Bartholomaus, University of Texas
1340h C23A-0386 POSTER Turbulence-enhanced
bottom melting of a horizontal glacier--lake
interface: T Keitzl, J P Mellado, D Notz
1340h C23A-0387 POSTER Seasonal Variations in
Terminus Position and Frontal Ablation in Glaciar
Perito Moreno, a Freshwater Calving Glacier
in Southern Patagonia Icefield: M Minowa, D
Sakakibara, S Sugiyama
1340h C23A-0388 POSTER Near Ice Oceanographic
Observations of the Breiðamerkurjökull Glacier
Melt Plume in Jökulsárlón Lagoon, Iceland: M A
Brandon, R Hodgkins
1340h C23A-0389 POSTER Collaborating with the
local community of Kullorsuaq, Greenland to obtain
high-quality hydrographic measurements near
Alison Glacier: D F Porter, M Turrin, K J Tinto, C
F Giulivi, J R Cochran, R E Bell
1340h C23A-0391 POSTER In-Situ Observations of
a Subglacial Outflow Plume in a Greenland Fjord: K
D Mankoff, F Straneo, H Singh, S B Das
1340h C23A-0392 POSTER Capturing Greenland
Meltwater Plume Dynamics with IcePod Imagery:
S Brown, D A Le Bel, C J Zappa, D F Porter, K J
Tinto, R E Bell, N Frearson
1340h C23A-0393 POSTER Modeling the Impact of
Glacial Runoff on Fjord Circulation and Submarine
Melt Rate using a New Parameterization for Glacial
Plumes: T R Cowton, D A Slater, A J Sole, D N
Goldberg, P W Nienow
1340h B23K-0141 POSTER Assessing Forest Carbon
Response to Climate Change and Disturbances
Using Long-term Hydro-climatic Observations and
Simulations: C Trettin, Z Dai, D M Amatya
11/28/2014 10:45:02 AM
1340h C23A-0394 POSTER Submarine melting
at tidewater glaciers: comparison of numerical
modelling, buoyant plume theory and hydrographic
data: D A Slater, P W Nienow, D N Goldberg, T R
Cowton, A J Sole
1340h C23C-0413 POSTER Numerical Simulation
and Sensitivity Analysis of Subglacial Meltwater
Plumes: Implications for Ocean-Glacier Coupling
in Rink Isbrae, West Greenland: D Carroll, D
Sutherland, E Shroyer, J D Nash
1340h DI23A-4279 POSTER Sound Velocities
and Equations of State for Lower Mantle Phases:
Implications for Deep Mantle Structures: J M
Jackson, A S Wolf, J K Wicks, N V Solomatova, D
J Bower, D Sun, W Sturhahn, P Dera, V Prakapenka
1340h C23A-0395 POSTER Toward a macroscopic
parameterization of iceberg calving: J M
1340h C23C-0414 POSTER Estimation of Ice Shelf
Melt Rate in the Presence of a Thermohaline
Staircase: S Kimura, K W Nicholls, E Venables
1340h C23A-0396 POSTER The Impact of Empirical
Calving Laws on Thwaites Glacier Dynamics:
B R Parizek, K A Christianson, R B Alley, S
Anandakrishnan, T K Dupont, D M Holland, D
Pollard, R T Walker
1340h C23C-0415 POSTER Analyzing Trends in
Iceberg Coverage in Disko Bay, West Greenland
Using Optical Satellite Imagery: J Scheick, G S
Hamilton, M B Butler, J Abermann, E Mätzler
1340h DI23A-4280 POSTER Grain size evolution
in the mantle and its effect on geodynamics and
seismic observables: R Myhill, J Dannberg, Z Eilon,
R Gassmoeller, P Moulik, U Faul, P D Asimow
1340h C23A-0398 POSTER Theoretical and
experimental modelling of the turbulent dissolution
of a vertical ice wall in salty water, and its application
to the ablation of icebergs and ice shelves: R C Kerr,
C McConnochie
1340h C23A-0399 POSTER Using Icebergs to
Constrain Fjord Circulation and Link to Glacier
Dynamics: D Sutherland, F Straneo, G S Hamilton,
L A Stearns, G Roth
1340h C23A-0400 POSTER The ‘footloose’
mechanism: Iceberg decay from hydrostatic stresses:
T J W Wagner, P Wadhams, C R Bates, P Elosegui,
A A Stern, D Vella, E P Abrahamsen, A J Crawford,
K W Nicholls
Moscone West Poster Hall
On the Impact of Land Ice-Ocean
Interactions on Greenland and
Antarctica Ice Mass Balance I Posters
(joint with GC, H, OS)
Presiding: Eric Rignot, University of
California Irvine; Ian Fenty, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
1340h C23B-0401 POSTER Susceptibility of
the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Changes in Ice Shelf
Buttressing: J J Fürst, G Durand, F Gillet-chaulet,
L Tavard, O Gagliardini
1340h C23B-0402 POSTER Modelling Antarctic ice
shelf melting under LGM and doubled CO2 climate
using ice shelf-ocean model and climate model: T
Obase, A Abe-Ouchi, K Kusahara, H Hasumi
1340h C23B-0404 POSTER Characterising fjord
circulation patterns and ice flux from time-lapse
imagery at Sermilik Fjord, southeast Greenland: T
James, Y J R Drocourt, F Ayoub, T Murray, A L
C Hughes
1340h C23B-0405 POSTER The effects of Antarctic
ice-shelf/ocean interactions in a global seaice-ocean isopycnal model: O V Sergienko, M
Harrison, R Hallberg
1340h C23B-0406 POSTER Mid-depth Subtropical
Water Circulation and Distribution Near Tidewater
Glaciers in Uummannaq Fjord, West Greenland: I G
Fenty, E J Rignot, C Cai, D Menemenlis
1340h C23B-0407 POSTER Modeling of subaqueous
melting in Petermann Fjord, Northwestern
Greenland using an ocean general circulation
model: C Cai, E J Rignot, Y Xu, L An, K J Tinto, M
R van den Broeke
1340h C23B-0408 POSTER Tidewater glacier
dynamics and the mass budget of the Northwest
Greenland ice sheet: R A Morris, A J Luckman, T
Murray, E Hanna
1340h C23B-0409 POSTER New Gravity-Derived
Grounding Line Depths Highlight Role Bathymetry
Plays in Ongoing Greenland Ice Sheet Change: A
Boghosian, D F Porter, K J Tinto, R E Bell, J R
Cochran, B M Csatho
C23B-0410 POSTER
Environmental Forcing and Melange Fluctuation
in Asynchronous Retreat of Ocean Terminating
Glaciers in Greenland’s Sermilik Fjord: F Seifert, C
E Galey, J N Bassis
Moscone West Poster Hall
Understanding Ice Loss in Coupled
Glacier-Ocean Systems through
Observations, Modeling, and Theory I
(joint with OS)
Presiding: Dave Sutherland, University
of Oregon; Twila Moon, University of
1340h C23C-0411 POSTER Oceanic Mixing
Processes in Disko Bay-Ilulissat Icefjord System:
Can We Quantify the Heat Loss from the Atlantic
Water Layer?: G Djoumna, D M Holland
1340h C23C-0412 POSTER Controls on Helheim
Glacier calving rates from 2001-2014: L A Stearns,
S C Foga, G S Hamilton, F Straneo, D Sutherland, C
J van der Veen, M Oltmanns, K M Schild
AGU2014News.indb 38
1340h C23C-0416 POSTER Interpreting Terminus
Fluctuations at Helheim Glacier, Southeast
Greenland, through Modeling and Observations: L
M Kehrl, I R Joughin, D Shapero
1340h C23C-0417 POSTER Modeling Ocean-Forced
Changes in Smith Glacier: D Lilien, I R Joughin,
B E Smith
1340h C23C-0418 POSTER Spatial Variability
in Surface Elevation Changes of Central-West
Greenland Outlet Glaciers: D Felikson, G A
Catania, K H Kjaer, N J Korsgaard, L A Stearns, J D
Nash, E Shroyer, D Sutherland, R T Walker
1340h C23C-0419 POSTER Pan-Arctic Controls on
the Rapid Retreat of Marine-Terminating Arctic
Outlet Glaciers: R Carr, C Stokes, A Vieli
1340h C23C-0420 POSTER Glacier meltwater
transport and mixing in Jorge Montt fjord,
Patagonia: C F Moffat, F Bown, C Iturra
1340h C23C-0421 POSTER Ocean Properties and
Submarine Melt of Ice Shelves in a High-Arctic
Fiord (Milne Fiord): A Hamilton, D Mueller, B
1340h C23C-0422 POSTER Heat and Ice in Sermilik
Fjord: Novel Observational Techniques Using PIES:
M Andres, F Straneo, D Sutherland
1340h C23C-0423 POSTER Temporal and Spatial
Variation in Surface Velocity and Basal Friction
at Upernavik Isstrøm, Northwest Greenland: S H
Larsen, S A Khan, E Y Larour, I R Joughin, A P
Ahlstrom, C S Hvidberg, S B Andersen
1340h C23C-0424 POSTER How and when can
submarine melting be inferred from estimates of
ocean heat transport?: R H Jackson, F Straneo
1340h C23C-0425 POSTER Dynamic Activation of a
Marine-terminating Arctic Ice Cap: M McMillan,
A Shepherd, N Gourmelen, A Dehecq, A A Leeson,
A Ridout, T Flament, A E Hogg, L Gilbert, T J
Benham, M R van den Broeke, J A Dowdeswell, X
Fettweis, T Strozzi
Moscone West 2022-2024
Nye Lecture (Virtual Session)
1340h DI23A-4281 POSTER Constraining Mantle
Heterogeneities with Joint Inversions of Seismic,
Geodynamic, and Mineral Physics Data: C Lu, S P
Grand, A M Forte, N A Simmons
1340h DI23A-4282 POSTER Modeling Mantle
Heterogeneity Development in Earth’s Mantle
Using Multidisciplinary Approaches: S M S de
Silva, V Finlayson, T Gu, M Li, C R LithgowBertelloni, V F Cormier
1340h DI23A-4284 POSTER Strong Seismic
Scatterers Near the Core-Mantle Boundary North
of Pacific Anomaly From PKP Precursors Recorded
by Antarctica Arrays: X Sun, X Ma, D A Wiens, L
Wen, A Nyblade, S Anandakrishnan, R C Aster, A
D Huerta, T J Wilson
1340h DI23A-4285 POSTER The Role of PostPerovskite in Explaining Observations of Seismic
Anisotropy: S Cottaar, M Li, A K McNamara, B A
Romanowicz, H R Wenk
1340h DI23A-4286 POSTER Anisotropy in the
lowermost mantle beneath the circum-Pacific:
observations and modelling: J Walpole, J M
Wookey, A Nowacki, A Walker, J M Kendall, G
Masters, A M Forte
1340h DI23A-4287 POSTER A Uniform ShearWave Splitting Database for Africa and Arabia: A A
Elsheikh, S S Gao, K H Liu
1340h DI23A-4288 POSTER What Does the Mantle
Remember of Its Convection History?: S Atkins, P
J Tackley, A P Valentine, J Trampert
1340h DI23A-4289 POSTER Joint Analysis of
GOCE Gravity Gradients Data with Seismological
and Geodynamic Observations to Infer Mantle
Properties: L Metivier, M Greff-Lefftz, I Panet, G
Pajot-Métivier, L Caron
1340h DI23A-4290 POSTER Directional Mantle
Flows Under the Oceans: A Joint Analysis of
Seismic, Gravity and Bathymetry Data: I Panet, B A
Romanowicz, M Greff-Lefftz, S W French
1340h DI23A-4291 POSTER Using seismic
tomography models to constrain the viscosity
structure of the Earth’s mantle: K A O’Farrell, J
Reynolds, C R Lithgow-Bertelloni, P J Tackley
1340h DI23A-4292 POSTER Finite Frequency
P-Wave Tomography for French Polynesian
Region: M Obayashi, J Yoshimitsu, H Sugioka, A
Ito, T Isse, H Shiobara, D Suetsugu
Moscone South Poster Hall
Broader Impacts of the EarthScope
Program: Recent and Active
Geoscience Education and Outreach
Activities Posters (joint with DI, G, GP,
NH, S)
Presiding: Steven Semken, Arizona
State University; Donna Charlevoix,
UNAVCO, Inc. Boulder; John Taber,
Incorporated Research Institutions for
Seismology - IRIS; Sarah Robinson,
Arizona State University
1340h ED23A-3480 POSTER Earthscope National
Office Education and Outreach Program: 2014
Update on Broader-Impacts Activities and
Outcomes: S C Semken, S Robinson, W Bohon,
P Schwab, R Arrowsmith, E Garnero, L Pettis, D
Baumback, C Dick
Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities
in Alaska and Western Canada: L Gardine, P M
Dorr, C Tape, P McQuillan, J Taber, M E West, R
W Busby
1340h ED23A-3482 POSTER Using Lake Superior
Parks to Present the Midcontinent Rift: C A Stein,
S A Stein, E Blavascunas
1340h ED23A-3483 POSTER EarthScope Education
and Outreach: Accomplishments and Emerging
Opportunities: S Robinson, K K Ellins, S C
Semken, R Arrowsmith
Moscone South Poster Hall
Climate Literacy: Effective Responses
and Solutions through Best Practices
in Communication, Partnerships, and
Networks III Posters
(joint with GC, PA, SI)
Presiding: Gail Scowcroft, University
of Rhode Island; Jennifer Saltzman,
Stanford University; Mona Behl, Texas
A & M University; Joshua Sneideman,
Department of Energy Washington DC
1340h ED23B-3484 POSTER On-line Education
Initiatives to Galvanize Climate Mitigation in the
Great Lakes Region: M E Mooney, S A Ackerman
1340h ED23B-3485 POSTER Social Network
Analysis for the U.S. National Climate Assessment:
A Tool for Improving the Transmission of Scientific
Information to Public Audiences: J Maldonado, K
Frank, T Chen
Presiding: Adam Winstral, USDAARS; Thomas Painter, Jet Propulsion
1340h ED23B-3486 POSTER NASA Partnership
with JSU and MSU to Promote Remote Sensing
Applications and Global Climate Change Education:
2013 Summer Course/Workshop: S R Reddy
Collaborative Studies on Mantle
Melting II (joint with MR, P, S, T, V)
1340h ED23B-3487 POSTER Making Information
Useful: Engagement in the National Climate
Assessment Process: G C Lough, E Cloyd
Moscone South Poster Hall
Mantle Flow: Constraints from
Mineral Physics, Seismology, and
Modeling Posters
Presiding: Hauke Marquardt,
Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universitaet
Bayreuth; Lowell Miyagi, University
of Utah; Andy Nowacki, University of
1340h DI23A-4275 POSTER In Situ Monitoring
of Microstructures during Subsequent Phase
Transitions in the Olivine System up to 30 GPa
and 1100 K Using 3D-XRD Single-Grain Analysis.
Effects of Grain Size Evolution on the Stagnation
of Slab: A D Rosa, N Hilairet, S Ghosh, J Jacobs,
J P Perrillat, G B M Vaughan, G Garbarino, N
Mezouar, S Merkel
1340h DI23A-4276 POSTER Melt Connectivity
and Its Effect on Grain Growth in Natural Olivine
Aggregates: An Experimental Study: L Hashim, D
Sifre, J Précigout, E Gardés, E Le Trong, F Gaillard
1340h DI23A-4277 POSTER Viscoplastic Modeling
of MgSiO3 Perovskite and Periclase Aggregates: E
Zepeda-Alarcon, R Lebensohn, P M Kaercher, H
R Wenk
1340h DI23A-4278 POSTER Modeling Creep in the
Lower Mantle: Insights from the Atomic Scale: P
Hirel, P Carrez, P Cordier
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
Presiding: Maxim Ballmer, University
of Hawaii; Esteban Gazel, Virginia
Tech; Catherine Rychert, University of
1340h DI23C-01 Seismic Properties of Partially
Molten Rocks: Constraints from Experiments and
Observations on Natural Rocks: U Faul, I Jackson,
G Garapic
1355h DI23C-02 Geophysical Assessment of
Migration and Storage Conditions of Fluids in the
Earth’s Upper Mantle: A Pommier
1340h ED23B-3488 POSTER Climate Leadership
Literacy as a Component of Climate Literacy: D L
Moscone South Poster Hall
Engaging Engineers in Education
and Public Outreach: Models of
Success for Teaching Students about
Engineering Practices Posters (joint
with P)
1410h DI23C-03 The Implications of Petit-Spot
Volcanism for the Origin of Alkaline Intraplate
Magmas: S Pilet, L Rochat, N Abe
Presiding: Sanlyn Buxner, Planetary
Science Institute; Jennifer Grier,
Planetary Science Institute
1425h DI23C-04 Simultaneous Quantification
of Temperature, Pyroxenite Abundance, and
Upwelling Rates in the Iceland Mantle Source: E
Brown, C E Lesher
1340h ED23C-3489 POSTER The Engagement
of Engineers in Education and Public Outreach:
Beginning the Conversation: J Grier, S Buxner, B
Vezino, S S Shipp
1440h DI23C-05 The youngest magmatic event in
Eastern North America: A window in the post rift
evolution of continents: S E Mazza, E Gazel, E A
Johnson, B Schmandt
1340h ED23C-3490 POSTER Astrobiobound!
Search for Life in the Solar System: Scientists
and Engineers Bringing their Challenges to K-12
Students: S L Klug Boonstra, J Swann, L Manfredi,
A Zippay, D Boonstra
1455h DI23C-06 Sp receiver functions generated
at melting onset: insight from geodynamic models
and synthetic receiver functions : C Havlin, E M
Parmentier, B K Holtzman
1510h DI23C-07 Asymmetric Mid-Ocean ridges:
Interplay Between Plate and Mantle Processes and
Consequences for Melting: L Montesi, H Bai
1525h DI23C-08 Geophysical and geochemical
evidence for deep temperature variations beneath
mid-ocean ridges: C A Dalton, A Gale, C H
1340h ED23C-3491 POSTER Using Space Missions
as a Vehicle for Introducing Engineering Education
in Grades 3-8: E A Bering III, E M Slagle, K Nieser,
C Carlson, A J Kapral, L T Jacobs
1340h ED23C-3492 POSTER Mars Rover
Curriculum: Impact Assessment and Evaluation: E
A Bering III, C Carlson, K Nieser, E M Slagle, L T
Jacobs, A J Kapral
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:02 AM
1340h ED23C-3493 POSTER University of Colorado
CubeSat Student Projects as Successful Model for
Teaching Students about Engineering Practices: S E
Palo, X Li, T N Woods, R Kohnert
Moscone South Poster Hall
Teaching GeoEthics Across the
Geoscience Curriculum Posters (joint
with DI, PA, SI)
Presiding: David Mogk, Montana State
Univ; John Geissman, University of
Texas at Dallas
1340h ED23D-3494 POSTER Teaching GeoEthics
Across the Geoscience Curriculum: D W Mogk, J
W Geissman, S W Kieffer, M Reidy, S Taylor, D A
Vallero, M Z Bruckner
1340h ED23D-3495 POSTER Training in Geoethics:
Shared Values in Serving Society: S Peppoloni, G
Di Capua
1340h ED23D-3496 POSTER Geoethics and the Role
of Professional Geoscience Societies: S W Kieffer, J
M Palka, J W Geissman, D W Mogk
1340h ED23D-3497 POSTER Using Short Videos to
Teach Research Ethics: M C Loui
1340h ED23D-3498 POSTER Geoethics As a
Key Component to an Undergraduate Capstone
Experience: J W Geissman, L D McFadden
1340h ED23D-3499 POSTER A Collaborative
Effort to Build a Modular Course on GeoEthics:
V S Cronin, G Di Capua, C M Palinkas, C Pappas
Maenz, S Peppoloni, A M Ryan
1340h ED23D-3500 POSTER Using Eight Key
Questions as an Inquiry-Based Framework for
Ethical Reasoning Issues in a General Education
Earth Systems and Climate Change Course: E A
Johnson, T C Ball
1340h ED23D-3501 POSTER Teaching the Ethical
Aspects of Environmental Science: C M Palinkas
1340h ED23D-3502 POSTER Incorporating
Geoethics in Introductory Earth System Science
Courses : J Schmitt
1340h ED23D-3503 POSTER Planetary boundaries
and environmental citizenship: enhancing
environmental science through the Princeton
University Science and Engineering Education
Initiative: C A Riihimaki, K K Caylor, D S Wilcove
Moscone South Poster Hall
The Value of Internships and
Professional Development
Experiences in the Earth and Space
Sciences Posters
Presiding: Carolyn Wilson, American
Geological Institute; Bethany Holm
Adamec, American Geophysical Union
1340h ED23E-3504 POSTER Examining the
Professional Development Experiences and
Non-Technical Skills Desired for Geoscience
Employment: H R Houlton, J Ricci, C E Wilson,
C Keane
1340h ED23E-3505 POSTER Value of Undergraduate
Internship Experiences at NOAA: Analysis of
Survey Results: M Kaplan
1340h ED23E-3506 POSTER Evaluating the Impact
of Internships - Longitudinal Participant Tracking
in the Soars Program: R Haacker, V Sloan
Undergraduate Success By Combining Research
Experiences with Outreach, Peer Mentoring and
Professional Development: B C Bruno
1340h ED23E-3508 POSTER The Los Alamos Space
Weather Summer School: Career and Research
Benefits to Students and Mentors: M Cowee
1340h ED23E-3509 POSTER NASA Applied
Sciences’ DEVELOP National Program: Success
Stories and Feedback from Former Participants: K
W Ross, T N Orne, E J Brumbaugh, L M ChildsGleason, J E Favors, L Rogers, M L Ruiz, K N
Allsbrook, M R Bender
1340h ED23E-3510 POSTER Intensive Training
Academy During Winter Breaks (Winternships)
at a Two-Year Hispanic Serving Institution to
Prepare STEM Students for Summer Internships: J
C Farmer, A M Sim, T D Usher
1340h ED23E-3511 POSTER NASA’s Planetary
Science Summer School: Training Future Mission
Leaders in a Concurrent Engineering Environment:
K L Mitchell, L L Lowes, C J Budney, A Sohus
1340h ED23E-3512 POSTER The Value of Science
Policy Internships to Interns and Employers: E A
1340h ED23E-3513 POSTER A Personal Perspective
on the Impact of Professional Development
Workshops within the Geosciences: D C Soule
1340h ED23E-3514 POSTER Skills learned through
professional internships can contribute to higher
confidence in students: A Tamalavage
1340h ED23E-3515 POSTER Contributions of
co-curricular summer research programs to my
professional growth: K D Moore
Moscone South 102
Climate Literacy: Strategies for
Talking About Controversial Issues
Outside of the Classroom / Preparing
Climate Literate K-12 Teachers and
Students II
(Virtual Session) (joint with GC)
Presiding: Nick Haddad, TERC; Frank
Niepold, NOAA Washington DC;
Ingrid Zabel, Paleontological Research
Institution; Raluca Ellis, Franklin
1340h ED23F-01 Building Capacity: The
National Network for Ocean and Climate Change
Interpretation: W Spitzer
1355h ED23F-02 Climate Literacy in the Classroom:
Supporting Teachers in the Transition to NGSS: M
J B Rogers, J Merrill, P Harcourt, C Petrone, N
Shea, H Mead
1410h ED23F-03 Getting Decision Makers to the
Table: Digestible Facts, a Few Good Friends and
Sharing Recipes for Solutions to Climate Change
Impacts: M A Boudrias, M Estrada, A Gershunov,
N J Silva-Send, E Young
1425h ED23F-04 Lens on Climate Change (LOCC)
– Engaging Secondary Students in Climate Science
through Videography: A U Gold, D J Oonk, L K
Smith, S B Sullivan, M Boykoff, B Osnes
1440h ED23F-05 The Evolving Risk of Climate
Change and National Security: People not Polar
Bears: D Titley
1455h ED23F-06 Advancing Climate Literacy
through Investment in Science Education Faculty,
and Future and Current Science Teachers:
Providing Professional Learning, Instructional
Materials, and a Model for Locally-Relevant and
Culturally-Responsive Content : C Halversen, J K
Apple, J D McDonnell, E Weiss
1510h ED23F-07 Engaging All Americans:
Innovative Strategies for Reaching the Public
with Climate and Environmental Information: S
1525h ED23F-08 Preparing This Generation to be
the Next Generation: Educator Climate Literacy
Practices and Needs, Desirable Attainments, and
Exemplar Resources: S M Buhr Sullivan, A U
Gold, S E Lynds, T S Ledley
Moscone South Poster Hall
Advances in Understanding Sediment
Production, Erosion, and Weathering
in the Critical Zone II Posters
(joint with B, H)
Presiding: Claire Lukens, University
of Wyoming; Ashlee Dere, Penn State
University; Melissa Foster, University of
1340h EP23A-3578 POSTER Predicting Weathering
Rind Thicknesses and Weathering Rates: A G Hunt
1340h EP23A-3579 POSTER
in Quartz Gravel
from the Gobi Desert and Evolutionary History of
Alluvial Sedimentation in the Ejina Basin, Inner
Mongolia, China: Y Lyu
1340h EP23A-3580 POSTER Hillslope Sediment
Size Distributions Linked to Geomorphic Process
Regimes in a Steep Mountain Catchment: Field
Data from Inyo Creek, Sierra Nevada, California: J
R Genetti, L S Sklar, S Leclere
1340h EP23A-3581 POSTER Mapping geomorphic
process domains to predict hillslope sediment size
distribution using remotely-sensed data and field
sampling, Inyo Creek, California: S Leclere, L S
Sklar, J R Genetti
1340h EP23A-3583 POSTER The Role of Thermal
Stresses in Rock Weathering and Sediment
Production in a Polar Desert: A Study of Surface
Erosion from Mullins Glacier, Antarctica: J L
Lamp, D R Marchant, S L Mackay, J W Head III
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 39
Background and Recent Erosion Rates in Degraded
Areas of Southeastern Brazil: N Fernandes, P R
Bierman, V Sosa-Gonzalez, D H Rood, R L Fontes,
A C Santos, J M Godoy, S Bhering
1340h EP23A-3587 POSTER Comparing Reactive
Surface Area of Sediments in Hot and Cold Arid
Climates: R Funderburg, M Elwood Madden, Y J
Joo, K R Marra, G S Soreghan, B L Hall
1340h EP23A-3588 POSTER Limestone weathering
rates accelerated by micron-scale grain detachment:
S Emmanuel, Y Levenson
1340h EP23A-3589 POSTER Biofilm Formation
and Adaptation by Pseudomonas fluorescens on
both Biotite and Glass Coupons Under Varying FeNutrient Availability: M Grant, G L Helms, Z Shi,
L Thomashow, C K Keller, J B Harsh
1340h EP23B-3604 POSTER Characterization of the
spatial distribution of porosity in the eogenetic karst
Miami Limestone using ground penetrating radar:
G J Mount, X Comas, W J Wright, M D McClellan
TABLES: J D Gulley, J B Martin, P J Moore, A
Brown, P Spellman, J E Ezell
1340h EP23B-3606 POSTER Carbon Cycling in the
Karst of Northwestern Arkansas: Linking the Soil
and Cave Environments: K Knierim, E D Pollock,
P D Hays, M D Covington
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
Deciphering Isotope Signatures
of Earth Surface and Critical Zone
Processes II Posters (joint with V)
Critical Zone Research As an
Incubator for Interdisciplinary, CrossSite, Process-Oriented Science II
Posters (joint with B, H)
Presiding: Fang-zhen Teng, University
Of Washington; Lin Ma, University of
Texas, El Paso; Jerome Gaillardet,
Institute de Physique d Globe Paris
Presiding: Colin Phillips, University of
Pennsylvania; Julia Perdrial, University
of Vermont; Jessica Driscoll, University
of Arizona; Andrew Neal, University of
1340h EP23C-3607 POSTER Germanium as a
Critical Zone proxy: δ74Ge and Ge/Si in waters from
the Peruvian Andes and Amazon: J J Baronas, D
E Hammond, M A Torres, A J West, J McManus,
C Siebert
1340h EP23B-3590 POSTER Impact of Wildfire on
Microbial Biomass in Critical Zone Observatory: M
A Murphy, D Fairbanks, J Chorover, R E Gallery,
V I Rich
1340h EP23C-3608 POSTER Deducing Weathering
Processes Using Silicon Isotopes in the Ganges
Alluvial Plain, India: P Frings, C L De La Rocha, G
Fontorbe, G Chakrapani, W Clymans, D J Conley
1340h EP23B-3591 POSTER Impact of fire, landscape
position, aspect, and soil depth on microbial
extracellular enzyme activities in the Jemez River
Basin Critical Zone Observatory: D Fairbanks, M
A Murphy, G Frost, J Chorover, R E Gallery, V I
1340h EP23C-3609 POSTER A 40K-40Ca approach
to tracing silicate and carbonate weathering in the
Himalayan erosional system: J Davenport, G Caro,
C France-Lanord
1340h EP23B-3592 POSTER Soil Inorganic Carbon
Formation: Can Parent Material Overcome
Climate?: C Stanbery, R M Will, M S Seyfried, S
G Benner, A N Flores, J Guilinger, K A Lohse, A
Good, C Black, J L Pierce
1340h EP23B-3593 POSTER Parallel observations of
groundwater and stream water chemistry through
the critical zone: new insight into the concentrationdischarge relationships: H Kim, W E Dietrich, J K B
Bishop, I Y Fung
1340h EP23B-3594 POSTER Probing Subsurface
and Stream Particle Composition Through Optical
Analysis at the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory:
A Nghiem, B M Thurnhoffer, J K B Bishop, H Kim
1340h EP23B-3595 POSTER Spatial Heterogeneity
of Stream Water Chemistry in the Elder Creek
Catchment at the Eel River Critical Zone
Observatory: B M Thurnhoffer, S M Lovill, A
Nghiem, H Kim, J K B Bishop
1340h EP23B-3596 POSTER Terrestrial and stream
chemical linkages reveal extent of rock weathering
in the perhumid coastal temperate rainforest of
Alaska: D V D’Amore, T Trainor
1340h EP23B-3597 POSTER The effects of rock
type and landscape position on solution chemistry
of soils in the Biosphere 2 Desert Site of the Santa
Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory: S B
Penprase, N Abramson, K LaSharr, J Chorover
1340h EP23B-3598 POSTER Modeling threedimensional topographic stress and its effects on
bedrock fractures: S Moon, J T St Clair, J T Perron,
S J Martel, W S Holbrook, K Singha
1340h EP23B-3599 POSTER Investigating the
influence of subsurface heterogeneity on chemical
weathering in the critical zone using high resolution
reactive transport models: S Pandey, H Rajaram
1340h EP23B-3600 POSTER The role of run-ofriver impoundments in CO2 and CH4 emissions
from floodplains of the Delaware Piedmont,
Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory: A
Pearson, J E Pizzuto, R Vargas
Investigation of REE Mobility and Fractionation
During Continental Shale Weathering Along
a Climate Gradient: L Jin, L Ma, A L D Dere, T
White, S L Brantley
1340h EP23B-3602 POSTER Quantifying the
Chemical Weathering Efficiency of Basaltic
Catchments: D E Ibarra, J K Caves, D Thomas, C
P Chamberlain, K Maher
1340h EP23B-3603 POSTER Controls over the
thickness and elemental enrichment patterns in
microscopic weathering-zones in exposed and
terra-rossa covered carbonate bedrock surfaces: U
Ryb, Y Erel, A Matmon
1340h EP23C-3610 POSTER Seasonal and Spatial
Variations of Stable Strontium Isotope in the
Suspended Sediments of the Changjiang ( Yangtze)
River: X WANG, S Yang, G Wei
1340h EP23C-3611 POSTER Stable Strontium
Isotopes (δ88/86Sr) As a Tracer of Sr Sources and
Biogeochemical Cycling in Two Catchments
Draining Fiordland, New Zealand: G Andrews, A
D Jacobson, G O Lehn
1340h EP23C-3613 POSTER U and Sr Isotope
Tracers of Agricultural Salinity Sources to the
Lower Rio Grande River: S K Nyachoti, L Ma, A
Szynkiewicz, L Jin, J C McIntosh
1340h EP23C-3614 POSTER Using Uranium-Series
Isotopes to Quantify Volcanic Soil Formation
Rates Under a Tropical Climate: Basse-Terre,
Guadeloupe: Y Pereyra, L Ma, P B Sak, J Gaillardet,
H L Buss, S L Brantley
Weathering Advance Rates in Basaltic Andesite
Rinds with Uranium-Series Isotopes: Basse-Terre
Island, Guadeloupe: J Engel, L Ma, P B Sak, J
Gaillardet, S L Brantley
1340h EP23C-3616 POSTER Uranium isotope
dynamics across salinity and redox gradients in a
coastal aquifer: implications for the oceanic uranium
budget: B Linhoff, M A Charette, W G Thompson
1340h EP23C-3617 POSTER Elemental and Isotopic
Perspectives on the Impact of Mycorrhizal Fungi
on Mineral Weathering Across Imposed Geologic
Gradients: K Remiszewski, E A Pettit, M F Prado,
M A Vadeboncoeur, S W Bailey, J G Bryce
1340h EP23C-3618 POSTER Emerging Patterns
In The Isotopic Composition Of Soil CO2
Concentrations, Soil CO2 Production, And SoilAtmosphere CO2 Exchange At The Watershed
Scale: On The Intersection Between Hydrology And
Biology In The Critical Zone: D A Riveros-Iregui,
L Liang, T M Lorenzo
1340h EP23C-3619 POSTER A Br Isotopic Study
of Australian Arid Playa Lakes and halophyte
vegetation as a monitor of Br transport: B F
1340h EP23C-3620 POSTER Radiogenic Heat
Production in the Gölcük Caldera and Direkli,
Isparta Angle (Southwest Anatolia): N A Uyanik,
I Akkurt
Moscone South Poster Hall
Innovative Isotope Methods for
Tracing the Sources of Metals and
Processes Controlling Their Budgets
in the Environment Posters (joint with
A, B, GC, H, V)
Presiding: Romain Millot, BRGM; David
Widory, GEOTOP-UQAM; Jiubin Chen,
Institute of Geochemistry
11/28/2014 10:45:02 AM
1340h EP23D-3621 POSTER The Oceanic
Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and Its Isotopes: D
Vance, S H Little, G F de Souza, J T Cullen, M C
1340h EP23D-3622 POSTER Enhanced Method
for Molybdenum Separation and Isotopic
Determination in Geological Samples and UraniumRich Materials: V Migeon, B Bourdon, E Pili
1410h EP23F-03 Connectivity in river deltas: Field
measurements and development of a conceptual
framework: P Passalacqua, M R Hiatt
1425h EP23F-04 Why Do Some Estuaries Close: A
Model of Estuary Entrance Morphodynamics: S L
McSweeney, D M Kennedy, I Rutherfurd
1340h G23A-0460 POSTER Short-Period Gravity
Variations Induced by the Local Hydrology:
Observations with Three Superconducting Gravity
Sensors at Metsähovi, Finland: A Raja-Halli, H
Virtanen, J Makinen, T M Hokkanen, R P Mäkinen
1455h EP23F-06 Evaluation of ADCP backscatter
inversion to suspended sediment concentration in
estuarine environments: G H Lee, H B Park
1340h G23A-0461 POSTER High Resolution
Greenland Ice-Sheet Interannual Mass Balance
Estimates Combining GRACE Gravimetry and
Envisat Altimetry: X Su, J Guo, C K Shum, J Duan,
I M Howat, K C Jezek, Y Yi, C Y Kuo, K H Tseng
1340h EP23D-3624 POSTER Nuclear Volume
Effects in Equilibrium Stable Isotope Fractionations
of Hg, Tl and Pb Isotope Systems: S Yang, Y Liu
1510h EP23F-07 Automatic Delineation of SeaCliff Limits Using Lidar-Derived High-Resolution
DEMs in Southern California: M Palaseanu, J
Danielson, A C Foxgrover, P Barnard, C Thatcher,
J C Brock
1340h G23A-0462 POSTER Bridging a possible gap
of GRACE observations in the Arctic Ocean using
existing GRACE data and in situ bottom pressure
sensors: C Peralta Ferriz, J Morison
1340h EP23D-3625 POSTER Uranium Isotopic
Fractionation Induced by U(VI) Adsorption Onto
Common Aquifer Minerals: N Jemison, T M
Johnson, A E Shiel, C Lundstrom
1525h EP23F-08 Millennial Rates of Sea Cliff
Retreat Derived From Cosmogenic 10Be and Coastal
Platform Morphology: M D Hurst, M A Ellis, D H
1340h EP23D-3626 POSTER Zinc and Its Isotopes
in the Loire River Basin, France: R Millot, A M
Desaulty, X Bourrain
Moscone West 2005
1340h EP23D-3627 POSTER Unusual mercury
isotopic compositions in aqueous environment: J
Chen, H Hintelmann, W Zheng, X Feng, H Cai, Z
Wang, S Yuan
From High Peaks to Level Plains:
Using Thermochronometry to Study
the Evolving Geosphere II (joint with T,
1340h EP23D-3628 POSTER Human Impact on the
Sedimentary Environment of the Intertidal Zone
Since about 200 Years in Beibu Bay, the Southern
China: Q Li
Presiding: Jennifer Schmidt, Lehigh
University; Jennifer Schmidt, Lehigh
University; Matthew Fox, University
of California Berkeley; Alison Duvall,
University of Washington
1340h EP23D-3623 POSTER Ni Sorption to
Birnessite Drives a Surprisingly Large Fractionation:
L E Wasylenki, R M Wells, L J Spivak-Birndorf
1340h EP23D-3629 POSTER The potential influence
of sedimentary diagenetic processes on the ocean’s
εNd signature: A N Abbott, B A Haley, J McManus
1340h EP23D-3630 POSTER Lead Isotopic
Composition and Trace Metals in Aerosols for
Source Apportionment: C T Chien, A Paytan
Moscone South Poster Hall
Using Biogeochemical Tracers to
Measure Mass and Energy Fluxes in
the Critical Zone Posters (joint with B,
1340h EP23E-3631 POSTER Using Opposing
Slope Aspects to Understand Water and Energy
Flow Controls on Critical Zone Architecture: S P
Anderson, K R Barnhart, P K Kelly, M A Foster,
A L Langston
1340h EP23E-3632 POSTER Does Be10
Underestimate Residence Time of Critical Zones in
Acid Environments?: D Richter Jr
1340h EP23E-3633 POSTER Critical Zone
Weathering and Your Smartphone: Understanding
How Mineral Decomposition and Colloid
Redistribution Can Generate Rare Earth Element
Deposits: C Bern, N Foley
1340h EP23E-3634 POSTER The Interplay of
Regolith Evolution and Watershed Hydrodynamics
on Shale Weathering Fluxes: P L Sullivan, S A
Hynek, K Singha, T White, X Gu, C Duffy, S L
1340h EP23E-3635 POSTER A comparison of postwildfire geomorphic response over annual and
millennial time scales: K R Schaffrath, P Belmont
1340h EP23E-3636 POSTER Chemical Signals
of Critical Zone Processing: Quantification of
Water and Sediment Sources During Individual
Storm Events in the Christina River Critical Zone
Observatory: D L Karwan, A K Aufdenkampe, R
E Aalto, O Lazareva, J Marquard, J E Pizzuto, A H
1340h EP23E-3637 POSTER Ge/Si, Ca/Sr and
tracers of biogeochemical sources and
cycling of Si and Ca at the Shale Hills CZO: L A
Derry, K Meek, J P Sparks
Moscone West 2007
Coastal Geomorphology and
Morphodynamics III (joint with A, B, NH,
Presiding: Jorge Lorenzo Trueba,
Montclair State University; Patrick
Limber, University of Florida; Laurel
Larsen, University of California Berkeley
1340h EP23G-01 Large Influence of Subduction
Geometry on Extreme Exhumation in Orogen
Syntaxes: T A Ehlers, R O Bendick
1355h EP23G-02 Tectonic Control on Topographic
and Exhumational Segmentation of the Himalaya:
P Van Der Beek, M Baudin, C Litty, J Mercier, X
Robert, E Hardwick
of Yosemite Valley from Low Temperature
Thermochronology: A Tripathy-Lang, D L
Shuster, K M Cuffey, M Fox
1425h EP23G-04 The Influence of Laterally
Migrating Topographic Features on Lowtemperature Thermochronometric Ages: E C
Christeleit, M T Brandon
1440h EP23G-05 Exhuming retroarc fold-andthrust belts: a comparison between the southern
Patagonian Andes and the Argentine Precordillera:
J C Fosdick
1340h G23A-0463 POSTER Interannual Mass
Variation: Links to Modes of Climate Variability: J
O Dickey, O de Viron
1340h G23A-0464 POSTER Continental water
storage inferred from 3-D GPS coordinates in
Danube Basin: T M van Dam, L Wang, M L B
Weigelt, M J Tourian, Q Chen, N J Sneeuw
1340h G23A-0465 POSTER Quantifying Modern
Recharge to the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System:
Inferences from GRACE and Land Surface Models:
A Mohamed, M Sultan, M Ahmed, E Yan
1340h G23A-0466 POSTER Decadal variations of
Earth’s oblateness and surface mass balance in polar
ice sheets from 1979 to 2012: K W Seo, C R Wilson,
J Chen, C K Lee
1340h G23A-0467 POSTER Ice-Mass Changes
Inferred from Global and Regional GRACE
Solutions: A Groh, C Gruber, E Fagiolini, C Dahle
1340h G23A-0468 POSTER Mass Fluctuations in the
Midlatitude North Atlantic Ocean at Nonseasonal
Timescales: C G Piecuch, R M Ponte
1340h G23A-0469 POSTER Comparison of
Antarctic Seasonal Variations in GRACE and the
RACMO2.1/ant Climate Model: W J Holdhusen,
C Linick, J Chen, Z Z Zhang, C R Wilson
1340h G23A-0470 POSTER A new global timevariable gravity mascon solution: Signal and error
analysis: B Loomis, S B Luthcke, T J Sabaka
1340h G23A-0471 POSTER Regional glacial isostatic
adjustment in Antarctica estimated from GRACE,
Enivsat/ICESat and GPS observations (ESASTSE project REGINA): V Klemann, I Sasgen, M
Horwath, E J Petrie, N Schoen, R Pail, A Horvath, J
L Bamber, P J Clarke, H Konrad, M R Drinkwater
1340h G23A-0472 POSTER Time-variable Gravity
Solutions from 1993 to 2013 from SLR and DORIS
data: F G Lemoine, D S Chinn, N P Zelensky, J W
1340h G23B-0483 POSTER Analysis of Regional
GPS Networks in Eastern Ontario: H Samadi
Alinia, K F Tiampo
1340h G23B-0484 POSTER Considering crustal
structure in predictions of earth response to
terrestrial water storage simulations : V Klemann,
R Dill, F Buchholz, M Tesauro, J M Hagedoorn, H
Dobslaw, M K Kaban, Z Martinec, M Thomas
1340h G23B-0485 POSTER Gravity driven and
tectonic post-seismic deformation of the April 6
2009 L’Aquila Earthquake detected by CosmoSkyMed DInSAR: M Moro, M Albano, C Bignami,
F Malvarosa, M Costantini, M Saroli, S Barba, S
Falco, S Stramondo
1340h G23B-0486 POSTER Modeling Horizontal
GPS Seasonal Signals Caused by Ocean Loading: N
M Bartlow, Y A Fialko
1340h G23B-0487 POSTER GPS analysis of ground
surface deformation in response to 2011 drought in
Texas: M A Karegar, T H Dixon, R Malservisi
1340h G23B-0488 POSTER Investigating Persistent
and Distributed Scatterers to Better Resolve Low
Amplitude Deformation with InSAR in Vegetated
Terrains: X Tong, D A Schmidt
1340h G23B-0489 POSTER Robust, automatic
GPS station velocities and velocity time series: G
Blewitt, C Kreemer, W C Hammond
Moscone West 3024
Spaceborne Remote Sensing of
Gravity: GRACE, GRAIL, GOCE, GRACEFO, and Beyond II (joint with C, H, NH,
Presiding: Srinivas Bettadpur, Univ
Texas - Ctr Space Rsch; Michael
Watkins, Jet Propulsion Lab; Maria
Zuber, Massachusetts Inst Tech; Rune
Floberghagen, European Space Agency
1340h G23C-01 The Earth’s Temporal Gravity Field
Observed By GOCE: J Bouman
Moscone West Poster Hall
1510h EP23G-07 Quantifying the influence
of sediment source area sampling on detrital
thermochronometer data: D M Whipp Jr, T A
Ehlers, I Coutand, B Bookhagen
Recent Advances in InSAR and GNSS
Techniques and Their Applications for
Crustal Deformation I Posters (joint
with NG, S, T, V)
Thermochronlogy using Luminescence Signals
from K-feldspar: A Case Study along the San
Andreas Fault, California: N Brown, E J Rhodes,
M Harrison
Presiding: Manoochehr Shirzaei,
Arizona State University; Roland
Burgmann, Univ California Berkeley;
David Bekaert, University of Leeds;
Andrew Hooper, University of Leeds
1425h G23C-04 GRACE Estimated Terrestrial and
Aquifer Storage Change Using An Improved Energy
Balance And Regional Gravity Modeling Approach:
K Shang, J Guo, C Dai, J Duan, C K Shum, M G
Schmidt, A Bezděk, J Klokocnik, J Kostelecky, J
1340h G23B-0473 POSTER The Online Positioning
User Service: a Web Utility for Precise Geodetic
Positioning in the Geosciences: W A Stone
1440h G23C-05 Improved Source Parameter
Constraints for Recent Large Undersea Earthquakes
from High-degree GRACE Gravity and Gravity
Gradient Change Measurements: C Dai, C K Shum,
R Wang, J Guo, K Shang, B D Tapley, L Wang
Moscone West Poster Hall
Mass Transport and Mass Distribution
in the Earth System II Posters (joint
with C, EP, H, OS, T)
Presiding: Juergen Kusche, Bonn
Umiversity; Tonie van Dam, University
of Luxembourg; Annette Eicker,
University of Bonn; Martin Horwath,
Dresden University of Technology
1340h G23A-0456 POSTER Boundary Element
Method in a Self-Gravitating Elastic Half-Space and
Its Application to Deformation Induced by Magma
Chambers: M Fang, B H Hager
1340h G23B-0474 POSTER Sources Separations in
Geodetic Time Series: Synthetic Tests and Results:
P Valty, O de Viron, I Panet
1340h G23B-0475 POSTER Functional and
stochastic models estimation for GNSS coordinates
time series: J F Galera Monico, H A Silva, H A
1340h G23B-0476 POSTER Spectral analysis of GPS
precise point positioning time series: C Selle, S
Desai, M Garcia Fernandez, A Sibois
1340h G23B-0477 POSTER A Unified Geodetic
Vertical Velocity Field (UGVVF), Version 1.0: G
Schmalzle, S Wdowinski
1340h G23A-0457 POSTER Joint Inversion of 2011
Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Source Parameters
with GRACE Gravity Data and GPS Data: Z Gong,
C Xu
1340h EP23F-01 Evolution of Subaerial Coastal
Fluvial Delta Island Topography into Multiple
Stable States Under Influence of Vegetation and
Stochastic Hydrology: K B Moffett, B C Smith, M
O’Connor, D C Mohrig
1340h G23A-0458 POSTER Precise Landslide
Displacement Time Series from Continuous GPS
Observations in Tectonically Active and Cold
Regions: A Case Study in Alaska: Y Cuddus, G
1340h G23B-0479 POSTER Using Ocean Tidal Load
Response to Explore the Elastic Structure of the
Amazonian Craton: H R Martens, M Simons, L A
Rivera, S E Owen, T Ito
1355h EP23F-02 Elevation Change in Coastal
Louisiana – Looking for Stable States in a Rapidly
Prograding Fluvial Delta: R W Wagner, K B
Moffett, P Passalacqua, D C Mohrig
1340h G23A-0459 POSTER Seasonal Mass Changes
in the Red Sea Observed By GPS and Grace : A O
Alothman, W Fing, R M S Fernandes, M S Bos,
B Elsaka
AGU2014News.indb 40
1340h G23B-0482 POSTER Water storage variations
in Washington, Oregon and California inferred
from GPS observation of loading deformation: Y
Fu, D F Argus, F W Landerer, D N Wiese, M M
1455h EP23G-06 Using Sequential Kinematic and
Thermochronometric Modeling to Temporally and
Spatially Link Thrust Belt Exhumation with Basin
Development in the Bolivian Fold-Thrust-BeltForeland Basin System: A J Rak, N McQuarrie
1340h G23B-0478 POSTER Detection and
Characterization of Ground Displacement Sources
from Variational Bayesian Independent Component
Analysis of GPS Time Series: A Gualandi, E
Serpelloni, M E Belardinelli
1340h G23B-0481 POSTER Drought-induced
uplift in the western United States as observed by
the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory GPS
network: A A Borsa, D C Agnew, D R Cayan
1340h G23B-0480 POSTER Time-Dependent Noise
in GPS Position Time Series By a Network Noise
Estimator: K Dmitrieva, P Segall
1355h G23C-02 Comparison of Gravitational
Effects of Earth’s Lithosphere Calculated from
GOCE Satellite Gravity Data and LITHO1.0 Global
Geophysical Model: J L M Verdun, C Roussel, J
Cali, F Masson
1410h G23C-03 The Grace Mission Status and
Future Activities: B D Tapley, F Flechtner, S V
Bettadpur, M M Watkins
1455h G23C-06 Can we observe the fronts of the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current using GRACE
OBP?: J Makowski, D P Chambers, J A Bonin
1510h G23C-07 Earth Time Variable Gravity from
a Spaceborne Cold Atom Gravity Gradiometer: S B
Luthcke, B Saif, A Black, D D Rowlands
1525h G23C-08 Towards a Next Generation
Gravity Field Mission: D N Wiese, S V Bettadpur,
T Gruber, P N Visser, M M Watkins
Moscone West Poster Hall
Agriculture in an Uncertain Future:
Understanding and Responding to the
Impacts of Extreme Events II Posters
(joint with B, H, NH)
Presiding: Pedram Rowhani, University
of Sussex; Navin Ramankutty, McGill
University; Toshichika Iizumi, NIAES
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:02 AM
1340h GC23A-0603 POSTER Global patterns of
the trends in satellite-derived crop yield proxy,
temperature and soil moisture: T Sakai, T Iizumi,
G Sakurai, M Okada, M Nishimori
1340h GC23A-0604 POSTER Quantifying the US
Crop Yield in Response to Extreme Climatic Events
from 1948 to 2013: Z Jin, Q Zhuang
1340h GC23A-0605 POSTER Soil Modification by
Native Shrubs Boosts Crop Productivity in SudanoSahelian Agroforestry System: N A Bogie, R Bayala,
I Diedhiou, T A Ghezzehei, R Dick
1340h GC23A-0606 POSTER The Influence of
Weather Extremes on Historical Crop Production:
N Ramankutty, C Lesk, P Rowhani
1340h GC23A-0607 POSTER Climate-Induced
Changes in Year-to-Year Variations in Yields of
Major Crops: T Iizumi, G Sakurai, N Ramankutty
1340h GC23A-0608 POSTER Agriculture Insurance:
Adaptation to Vulnerability of Climate Change in
Bali, Indonesia: I G A A Ambarawati, C Hongo, A
A A Mirah Adi, E Tamura
1340h GC23A-0609 POSTER Sensitivity of agroenvironmental zones in Spain to global climatic
change: T Vanwalleghem, G Guzmán, K
Vanderlinden, A Laguna, J V Giraldez
1340h GC23A-0610 POSTER Whole season
compared to growth-stage resolved temperature
trends: implications for US maize yield: E E Butler,
N D Mueller, P J Huybers
1340h GC23A-0612 POSTER Empirical evidence of
direct impact of extreme temperatures on wheat
yield in major wheat growing region of India: K K
Murari, S Mahato, T Jayaraman
1340h GC23A-0614 POSTER Quantifying Livestock
Heat Stress Impacts in the Sahel: D Broman, B
Rajagopalan, T M Hopson
R Massey, M Widhalm, L L Biehl, J Andresen
1340h GC23A-0616 POSTER Potential Impacts of
Droughts on Crop Productivity in the United States
over 21st Century: W Ren, H Tian, J Yang, B Tao,
S Pan
Moscone West Poster Hall
Climate Change in Mountains:
Elevational Dependency and Diverse
Impacts II Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Natalie Kehrwald, University
of Venice; Gregory Greenwood,
University of Bern; Imtiaz Rangwala,
University of Colorado at Boulder
1340h GC23B-0617 POSTER Fens As Ecohydrologic
Gauges of Climate Change in California: J Z
Drexler, L E Flint, A L Flint, D L Knifong
1340h GC23B-0618 POSTER The Influence of El
Niño and La Niña on Winter Climate Conditions
at 138 Ski Resorts in Western North America: M J
Pidwirny, A Mei Turney
1340h GC23B-0619 POSTER Microbial Succession
in Glacial Foreland Soils of the Canadian Subarctic:
S Kazemi, B D Lanoil
1340h GC23B-0620 POSTER Spatiotemporal
Characteristics of Altitudinal Lapse Rate of
Temperature in Mainland China: Y Li, Z Zeng, L
Zhao, S Piao
1340h GC23B-0621 POSTER Hydrological Trends
in a High Alpine Watershed in Rocky Mountain
National Park: A Pina, C E Moore, R Records, I D
Medina, G L Miner
1340h GC23B-0622 POSTER Simulating expected
elevation dependent warming (EDW) mechanisms
in a dynamically-downscaled perturbed physics
climate model ensemble over the Himalayan region:
N D Forsythe, S Blenkinsop, H J Fowler, R Betts,
T Janes
1340h GC23B-0623 POSTER Investigating the
Hydrogeologic Controls on Memory and Feedbacks
to Climate Change in Mountain Groundwater
Systems: An Integrated Modeling Approach: K H
Markovich, G E Fogg, R M Maxwell
1340h GC23B-0624 POSTER Potential Impacts
of Climate Change on Coupled Socioecological
Systems in East Africa: The Case of the Chagga
Agroforestry and Maasai Agropastoralism across
the Greater Environments of Mount Kilimanjaro
Region: M N Mwangi
1340h GC23B-0625 POSTER Climate Change Effect
and Natural Variability of Spring Precipitation,
Snowfall, Snowmelt and Peak Runoff Timings over
the Alps: M Zampieri, E Scoccimarro, S Gualdi
1340h GC23B-0626 POSTER Sustained Increases in
Lower Tropospheric Subsidence over the Central
Tropical North Pacific Drives a Decline in High
Elevation Precipitation in Hawai‘i: R J Longman,
H F Diaz, T W Giambelluca
S Reinsch, P L Nielsen, A Michelsen, I K Schmidt,
T N Mikkelsen
1340h GC23B-0627 POSTER Summer Precipitation
Patterns Alter Soil Moisture and Carbon Dynamics
in a High Elevation Meadow: C L Arnold, A A
Berhe, T A Ghezzehei
1340h GC23C-0653 POSTER Preliminary vegetation
index products from Suomi NPP VIIRS illuminate
the California drought: J L Dungan, S Ganguly, F S
Melton, J W Shupe, R R Nemani
1340h GC23B-0628 POSTER Climate Change and
Mountain Community Fire Management in the
Cordillera Blanca, Peru: J All, M Medler, R J Cole,
S Arques, C G Schmitt
1340h GC23C-0654 POSTER Impacts of drought
on regional carbon uptake dynamics in the
Southwestern US, using the New Mexico Elevation
Gradient of flux towers and the TemperatureGreenness model: D J Krofcheck, C Lippitt, M E
1340h GC23B-0629 POSTER Temperature Trends
in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: G
Murray, E P Kelsey, A Raudzens Bailey
Moscone West Poster Hall
Drought and Its Impacts on
Terrestrial Ecosystems: Current
Understanding and Future Prospects
II Posters (joint with A, B, H, NH)
Presiding: Melinda Smith, Colorado
State University; Osvaldo Sala, Arizona
State University; Richard Phillips,
Indiana University; Alan Knapp,
Colorado State University
1340h GC23C-0632 POSTER Simulating the 2012
High Plains Drought Using Three Single Column
Model Versions of the Community Earth System
Model (SCM-CESM): I D Medina, S Denning
1340h GC23C-0633 POSTER Spatio-Temporal
Drought Analysis on Example of the Central
European Gridded Dataset: P Stepanek, M Trnka,
P Zahradníček, D Semerádová, P Hlavinka
1340h GC23C-0634 POSTER The extreme
drought episode of August 2011-May 2012: A
scenario for future droughts in Central Europe?: P
Zahradníček, M Trnka, R Brázdil, M Mozny, P
Stepanek, P Hlavinka, A Malý, M Dubrovsky
1340h GC23C-0635 POSTER An Analysis of
Drought Indicators for Detecting Dry Spells over
Boreal Forest: Y Gao, T Markkanen, T Aalto
1340h GC23C-0636 POSTER Effects of an
Experimental Drought on Balsam Fir Xylogenesis in
the Eastern Canada Boreal Forest: L D’Orangeville,
B Côté, D Houle, H Morin
1340h GC23C-0637 POSTER Effects of Intensified
21st Century Drought on the Boreal Forest of
Alaska: G P Juday, C M Alix, R Jess, T A Grant III
1340h GC23C-0638 POSTER In Forests Globally,
Large Trees Suffer Most during Drought: A C
Bennett, N G McDowell, C D Allen, K J AndersonTeixeira
1340h GC23C-0639 POSTER A novel approach for
diagnosing isohydric and anisohydric plant water
use during drought: K A Novick, D T Roman, E R
Brzostek, D Dragoni, R Phillips
1340h GC23C-0640 POSTER Challenges and
Solutions for Simulating Drought-Caused Tree
Mortality in Earth System Models: C Xu, N G
McDowell, R Fisher, S Sevanto
1340h GC23C-0641 POSTER Northern Forest
DroughtNet: A New Framework to Understand
Impacts of Precipitation Change on the Northern
Forest Ecosystem: H Asbjornsen, L Rustad, P H
Templer, K Jennings, R Phillips, M Smith
1340h GC23C-0644 POSTER Nitrogen and Water
Addition Increased Sensitivity of Ecosystem
Carbon Fluxes to Manipulated Extreme Drought
in a Meadow Steppe of Northern China: W Sun, Y
Wang, Q Jiang, D Wang
1340h GC23C-0646 POSTER Impact of Drought
and Precipitation Seasonality on Net Primary
Production and Plant Community Composition
Across a Grassland Ecotone in New Mexico: S L
Collins, M L Thomey, R F Brown, N Gehres, M D
Petrie, K Vanderbilt, W Pockman
1340h GC23C-0647 POSTER Differential Sensitivity
to Drought in Six Central U.S. Grasslands: A
Knapp, C J W Carroll, E M Denton, K J La Pierre,
K R Wilcox, S L Collins, M Smith
1340h GC23C-0649 POSTER Sensitivity of Three
Vegetation Indices to Cimate and Soil moisture at a
Tallgrass Prairie Site: R Bajgain, X Xiao, P Wagle,
J B Basara
1340h GC23C-0650 POSTER Ecophysiological
responses of three dominant species to experimental
drought on the Colorado Plateau: M Duniway, D L
Hoover, J Belnap
1340h GC23C-0651 POSTER Drought sensitivities
of dominant plant functional types in the Colorado
Plateau: D L Hoover, M Duniway, J Belnap
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 41
1340h GC23C-0655 POSTER Drought and ice plant
invasion in Bodega Bay, California: A Weill
Moscone West Poster Hall
Responses of Alpine and Arctic
Treeline Ecotones to Environmental
Change II Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Connie Millar, USDA Forest
Service; David Cairns, Texas A & M
University; Matthew Germino, US
Geologic Survey; Jeremy Littell, USGS
Alaska Science Center
1340h GC23E-0674 POSTER Evidence That
Drought-Induced Stomatal Closure Is Not
an Important Constraint on White Spruce
Performance Near the Arctic Treeline in Alaska: P
Sullivan, A Brownlee, S Ellison, B Sveinbjornsson
1340h GC23C-0656 POSTER Different responses
to the 2011 drought between native- and exoticdominated experimental communities in Texas : B
J Wilsey, W Polley, P P Daneshgar
1340h GC23E-0675 POSTER Physiological limitation
at alpine treeline: relationships of threshold
responses of conifers to their establishment
patterns: M J Germino, B Lazarus, C Castanha, A
B Moyes, L M Kueppers
1340h GC23C-0657 POSTER Changing Summer
Precipitation Pattern Alters Microbial Community
Response to Fall Wet-up in a Mediterranean Soil: R
L Barnard, C A Osborne, M K Firestone
1340h GC23E-0676 POSTER Morphological and
Physiological Compensation Promote ClimateInduced Invasions Above and below Treeline: D E
Winkler, T E Huxman, G Kudo
1340h GC23C-0658 POSTER Effects of altered soil
moisture on respiratory quotient in the Edwards
Plateau: M A Sellers, C Hawkes, D Breecker
1340h GC23C-0659 POSTER Drought Impact
on Water – Carbon Interaction in Soil: A Stable
Isotopic Approach: J Joseph, M Weiler, A Gessler
1340h GC23C-0660 POSTER The Impact of Elevated
CO2 on Plant Production Responses to Drought: A
Model-Data Comparison at Four US FACE Sites: A
P Walker, M G De Kauwe, L Fenstermaker, B E
Medlyn, J A Morgan, R Oren, S Zaehle, R J Norby
1340h GC23C-0661 POSTER Relationships
Between Climate variability (water availability) and
Ecosystem Productivity: A Satellite Based Study: X
Xu, W Liu
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h GC23E-0677 POSTER Can nutrient
limitations explain low and declining white spruce
growth near the Arctic treeline in the eastern
Brooks Range, Alaska?: S Ellison, P F Sullivan
1340h GC23E-0678 POSTER Evolutionary History
Underlies Plant Physiological Responses to Global
Change Since the Last Glacial Maximum: K M
Becklin, J S Medeiros, K R Sale, J K Ward
1340h GC23E-0679 POSTER Can Treeline Shift in
Tropical Africa be Used As Proxy to Study Climate
Change?: M Jacob, A Frankl, M De Ridder, E
Guyassa, H Beeckman, J Nyssen
1340h GC23E-0681 POSTER Recruitment Patterns
and Mature-Tree Growth Response of HighElevation Pines to Climatic Variability, 1883-2013,
Western Great Basin, USA: C Millar, R D Westfall,
D Delany
Improving the Simulation of Climate
Impacts on Agriculture: AgMIP and
Related Research II Posters
1340h GC23E-0682 POSTER Effect of Shrub Cover
on Spruce Seedling Establishment at and Above
Alpine Treeline in the Alaska Range: G Fastie, A
H Lloyd
Presiding: Jonathan Winter, Dartmouth
College; Roberto Valdivia, Oregon State
University; Sonali McDermid, NASA
Goddard Inst Space Stud
1340h GC23E-0683 POSTER Effect of soil quality on
determining the timberline at the Pico de Orizaba
volcano: P Molina Sevilla, R Navarro-Gonzalez, C
P McKay, P Martinez-Sosa, L Esquivel-Hernandez
1340h GC23D-0662 POSTER Stochastic Hourly
Weather Generator HOWGH: Validation and its
Use in Pest Modelling under Present and Future
Climates: M Dubrovsky, M Hirschi, C Spirig
1340h GC23E-0684 POSTER Modeling effects of
climate change on spruce-fir forest ecosystems:
Changes in the montane ecotone between boreal
and temperate forests in the Green Mountains,
U.S.A, from forest edge detection in Landsat TM
imagery,1989 to 2011: J R Foster, A W D’Amato
1340h GC23D-0663 POSTER A Stochastic Climate
Generator for Agriculture in Southeast Asian
Domains: A M Greene, E C Allis
1340h GC23D-0664 POSTER Climate Change
Projections for Sri Lanka for the mid-twentieth
Century from CMIP5 Simulations under a High
Emissions Scenario: L Zubair, P Agalawatte
1340h GC23D-0665 POSTER Developing Highresolution Soil Database for Regional Crop
Modeling in East Africa: E Han, A V M Ines
1340h GC23D-0666 POSTER The Effects of Climate
Change on Crop Yield in Turkey: N An, M T Turp,
T Ozturk, L Kurnaz
1340h GC23D-0667 POSTER Response of
Agriculture and Forests to Climate Change in
France: Assessment of Uncertainties and Trend
Analysis: N Laanaia, D Carrer
1340h GC23D-0668 POSTER A Projection of MaizeYield Potential in the Southwestern United States:
S H Kim, J Kim, R L Walko, B Myoung, D Stack,
M Kafatos
1340h GC23D-0669 POSTER Climate sensitivity
of DSSAT under different agriculture practice
scenarios in China: L Xia, A Robock
1340h GC23D-0670 POSTER Soybean Physiology
Calibration in the Community Land Model : B A
Drewniak, I Bilionis, E M Constantinescu
1340h GC23D-0671 POSTER The Use of Cover
Crops as Climate-Smart Management in Midwest
Cropping Systems: A Basche, F Miguez, S
Archontoulis, T Kaspar
1340h GC23D-0672 POSTER Assessment of Yield
with Altered Soybean Traits Under Climate Change
in Southern Brazil: Performance of the Crop Model
and Genotype Trait: R Battisti, P C Sentelhas, K
J Boote
1340h GC23D-0673 POSTER A Robust Profitability
Assessment Tool for Targeting Agricultural
Investments in Developing Countries: Modeling
Spatial Heterogeneity and Uncertainty: J D Quinn,
Z Zeng, C A Shoemaker, J Woodard
1340h GC23E-0685 POSTER The Response of
Vegetation Zonation in Rocky Mountain Ecotones
to Climate Change: A Foster, J K Shuman, H H
Shugart Jr
1340h GC23E-0686 POSTER Elevation, Substrate,
& Climate effects on Alpine & Sub-Alpine Plant
Distribution in California & Nevada’s High
Mountains: Preliminary Data from the California
and Nevada GLORIA Project: A Barber, C Millar
1340h GC23E-0687 POSTER Climate Change Effects
on Treeline Communty Dynamics in Basin and
Range Mountains: B Smithers, C Millar, M North
1340h GC23E-0688 POSTER Neighborhood
functions alter unbalanced facilitation on a stress
gradient in an alpine treeline simulation: G P
Malanson, L M Resler
1340h GC23E-0689 POSTER The Interface Between
Snowfields and Treeline at Glacier National Park,
Montana: M E Apple, M K Ricketts, L G Carlson,
N Ouellet
1340h GC23E-0691 POSTER Interactions of climate
and regional landscape physiography on high
elevation forest growth: K Kelsey, N N Barger, J
C Neff
Moscone West 3005
Connecting Climate Projections to
Responses in Coastal and Continental
Shelf Environments II
Presiding: E Thieler, USGS; Till
Hanebuth, MARUM - University of
Bremen; Radley Horton, Columbia
University/NASA GISS; Vaughn Barrie,
Geological Survey of Canada
1340h GC23F-01 Upper Limit for Sea Level
Projections by 2100: S Jevrejeva, A Grinsted, J C
11/28/2014 10:45:03 AM
1355h GC23F-02 Coastal Aquifer Response to
Environmental Change - Implications for Future
Projections: V Post
1410h GC23F-03 Probabilistic Projections of Future
Sea-Level Change and Their Implications for Flood
Risk Management: Insights from the American
Climate Prospectus: R E Kopp III, M Delgado, R
M Horton, T Houser, C M Little, R Muir-Wood,
M Oppenheimer, D M Rasmussen Jr, B Strauss, C
1425h GC23F-04 A flexible and national scale
approach to coastal decision tools incorporating sea
level rise: B Strauss, S A Kulp, C Tebaldi
1440h GC23F-05 Do We Really Understand What
a Meter of Sea-level Rise by 2100 Means for the
Coast?: E R Thieler, N G Plant, B Gutierrez
1455h GC23F-06 Nature of the Lowstand Surface
on the Gulf of Cádiz Shelf and the Guadiana IncisedValley System: Preliminary Results from the
LASEA 2013 Cruise: F Lobo, S Lebreiro, L Antón,
S Delivet, S Espinosa, M C Fernández-Puga, M
García, J Ibáñez, M Luján, I Mendes, M I Reguera, P
Sevillano, C Sinde, D Van Rooij, P Zarandona
1510h GC23F-07 Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and
Human Activity on a Tropical Continental Shelf,
RN State, NE Brazil: H Vital, T R Barros Pereira, H
F Lira, W F Tabosa, P Eichler, K Stattegger, B K Sen
Gupta, M P Gomes, M L D S Nogueira, G C S Pierri
Moscone West 3007
Impacts of Global Change on Deltas
and Coastal Wetland Ecosystems:
Scientific Advances in Support of
Socioecological Resilience II
Presiding: Zachary Tessler, City College
of New York; Wenhong Li, Duke
Univ-Nicholas School; Yoshiki Saito,
Geological Survey Japan / AIST; Ge Sun,
USDA Forest Svc
1440h GC23H-04 Holocene River Dynamics,
Climate Change and Floodwater Farming in the
Watersheds of the Pamir and Tien Shan Mountains
of Inner Asia: M G Macklin, I P Panyushkina, W
H J Toonen
1500h GC23H-05 Trajectories of Disturbance in
Island SE Asia: A Hypothesis of Anthropogenic
Forest Management and Food Production: C O
1520h GC23H-06 What Role for Humans in
Global Land Cover Change over the Holocene?
Insights from Models and Data: J O Kaplan, K M
Krumhardt, B Davis, M Zanon
Moscone West 3001
C4 Photosynthesis in the Earth System
I (joint with A, B, H, PP)
Presiding: Stephanie Pau, Florida State
University; Christopher Still, Oregon
State University; David Fox, University
of Minnesota; Caroline Strömberg,
University of Washington
1340h GC23I-01 The Paleo-ecology of C4 Evolution:
R F Sage, R Khoshravesh
1355h GC23I-02 Divergent evolutionary histories
of C4 grasses shape global grassland ecology: C
Lehmann, D Griffith, C Osborne
1410h GC23I-03 Why Are C3-C4 Intermediate
Species Rare?: J E Johnson, C B Field, J A Berry
1425h GC23I-04 Leaf oxygen and Carbon Isotopic
Signatures Reflect Drought Resistance and Water
Use Efficiency in the C4 Grass, Setaria viridis: P
Ellsworth, P Ellsworth, A B Cousins
1440h GC23I-05 Ecological Change in the Turkana
Basin Over the Past 4 Ma: T E Cerling
1455h GC23I-06 Did Hydrological Change Drive
the Expansion of C4 Grasslands in the Siwaliks
during the Late Miocene? : J L Pensky, S R Phelps,
K T Uno, P J Polissar
1340h GC23G-01 Monitoring the exchanges of
water, solids, and solutes between channels and
islands of Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana: Key to
defining the resiliency of this coastal environment:
D C Mohrig, M R Hiatt, A Piliouras, J B Shaw, R W
Wagner, P Passalacqua, W Kim
1510h GC23I-07 Spatiotemporal Variation in the
Environmental Controls of C4-Grass Origin and
Ecology: Insights from Grass-Pollen δ13C Data: D
M Nelson, M Urban, F Hu
1355h GC23G-02 The Impacts of Armoring
Our Deltas: Mapping and Modeling Large-Scale
Deltaplain Aggradation: I Overeem, S Higgins, J P
Syvitski, A J Kettner, R Brakenridge
1525h GC23I-08 The spatial distribution of C3
and C4 grasses in North America through the next
century: J M Cotton, T M Mosier, T E Cerling, J R
Ehleringer, K A Hoppe, C J Still
1410h GC23G-03 Deltaic responses to dam
regulation on river system: Example of the Yellow
River, China: H Wang, N Bi, Y Saito, X Wu, A
1425h GC23G-04 Shoreline changes at the mouths
of the Mekong River delta over the last 50 years:
fluctuating sediment supply and shoreline cells: E
Anthony, M Besset, G Brunier, P Dussouillez, F
Dolique, V L Nguyen, M Goichot
1455h GC23G-06 Development and Carbon
Fluxes of Tropical Peat Domes: A Cobb, A Hoyt,
L Gandois, N S Su’ut, K Abu Salim, J Ali Ahmad, J
Jalil, M Yussof, C Harvey
1510h GC23G-07 Radiative Forcing and Balance of
the World’s Wetlands: S D Bridgham, P Megonigal
1525h GC23G-08 Linking Inundation Patterns and
Dynamics in a Permafrost Landscape to Hydrologic,
Thermal, Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Processes:
C J Wilson, L D Hinzman, G Iwahana, M J Lara,
A Liljedahl, S L Painter, V E Romanovsky, S D
Moscone West 3003
Linking Human and Environmental
Change: Evidence for the Early
Anthropogenic Hypothesis II (joint with
Presiding: Aubrey Hillman, University of
Pittsburgh; David Pompeani, University
of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus
1340h GC23H-01 The Early Anthropogenic
Hypothesis: Top-Down and Bottom-up Evidence:
W F Ruddiman
1400h GC23H-02 Simulating late Holocene climate
changes caused by competing forcing of the Earth’s
orbital and greenhouse gas changes: F He, S J
Vavrus, J E Kutzbach, W F Ruddiman
1420h GC23H-03 Quelccaya Ice Core Evidence of
Widespread Atmospheric Pollution from Colonial
Metallurgy after the Spanish Conquest of South
America (1532 AD): P Gabrielli, C Uglietti, C A
Cooke, L G Thompson
AGU2014News.indb 42
Moscone South Poster Hall
Marine Magnetics, Plate Kinematics,
and the Oceanic Crust II Posters (joint
with T)
Presiding: Jerome Dyment, IPGP, CNRS
UMR 7154; Roi Granot, Ben-Gurion
University; Masako Tominaga, Michigan
State University; Taichi Sato, AIST
1340h GP23A-3658 POSTER Geomagnetic Polarity
Reversal Model of Deeptow Magnetic Survey in the
Southwest Subbasin of South China Sea Ridge: N
Qiu, Z Sun, J Lin, C F Li, X Xu
1340h GP23A-3659 POSTER Additions to
Magnetic Trackline Archive For Improvements
to Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (EMAG2) and
Improvements to Data Dissemination at NGDC:
B Meyer, J Jencks, U Barckhausen, T Ishihara, J
1340h GP23A-3660 POSTER Magnetic Spectral
Analysis over the Atlantic Ocean Off Portugal: Y
Okubo, J Matsushima, A Correia
1340h GP23A-3661 POSTER Comparative Study of
two Aseismic Ridges in the Northwest India Ocean
Using Geopotential Data: M Rajaram, S P Anand,
N Nair
1340h GP23A-3662 POSTER The tectonic evolution
of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 55°55’N and
the Bight Transform Fault during the past 6 Ma:
A Benediktsdottir, R N Hey, F Martinez, A
1340h GP23A-3663 POSTER Magnetic Anomaly
Lineations in the Gulf of Aden: Y Noguchi, M
Nakanishi, K Tamaki, H Fujimoto, P Huchon, S D
Leroy, P Styles
1340h GP23A-3664 POSTER Magnetic Gradiometer
and Vector Magnetometer Survey of the Eastern
Mediterranean: R Granot
magnetization over the World’s Ocean: J Dyment,
Y Choi, M Hamoudi, T Erwan, V Lesur
1340h GP23A-3666 POSTER JaMBES: A “New” Way
of Calculating Plate Tectonic Reconstruction: A I
Chambord, E G C Smith, R Sutherland
Moscone South Poster Hall
Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic
Aspects of Chronostratigraphy II
Presiding: Luigi Jovane, Instituto
Oceanografico-USP; Emilio HerreroBervera, University of Hawaii
1340h GP23B-3686 POSTER Relative Geomagnetic
Paleointensity, Environmental Magnetism, and
Cyclicity of Contourites from the West Iberian
Margin (IODP Site U1389): C Richter, L B Horton,
G Acton, N Sidorovskaia, F J Sierro, C Xuan, K L
1340h GP23B-3687 POSTER An AMS Study of
Gulf of Papua Ocean Sediment Cores- Evidence
of Deformation Caused by Piston Coring: R K
Marcuson, J S Gee, N W Driscoll
1340h GP23B-3667 POSTER The Jaramillo
Subchron: New Magnetostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar
Dating in the Death Valley Region, California: G R
Scott, A L Deino, L Gibert
1340h GP23B-3668 POSTER Age calibration
of geomagnetic polarity reversals around the
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary: C J Sprain, P R
1340h GP23B-3670 POSTER Chicxulub PostImpact
Borehole Paleogene Carbonate Stratigraphy: J U
Fucugauchi, L L Perez-Cruz, E Escobar-Sanchez,
A Ortega-Nieto, M Velasco-Villarreal
1340h GP23B-3671 POSTER Magnetic Susceptibility
Cyclostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Wonoka
Formation, South Australia, from a Portable
Susceptibility Meter: D A Minguez, K P Kodama
1340h GP23B-3672 POSTER The Inception of the
Colorado Plateau Coring Project: Filling the Triassic
Geochronologic Gap and Providing a Continuous
Record of Continental Environmental Change in
Western Equatorial Pangea: J W Geissman, P E
Olsen, D V Kent, R B Irmis, G E Gehrels, R Mundil,
W Parker, G H Bachmann, W M Kurschner, J Sha
1340h GP23B-3673 POSTER The Hunt for Pristine
Cretaceous Astronomical Rhythms at Demerara
Rise (Cenomanian-Coniacian): C Ma, S R Meyers
1340h GP23B-3674 POSTER Magnetostratigraphy
and Rock Magnetic Characterization of Baltic Sea
IODP Expedition 347 Sites M0059 and M0060: E
Herrero-Bervera, J K S Lau, I Snowball
1340h GP23B-3675 POSTER Untangling Magmatic
Processes and Hydrothermal Alteration of in situ
Superfast Spreading Ocean Crust at ODP/IODP Site
1256 with Fuzzy c-means Cluster Analysis of Rock
Magnetic Properties: M J Dekkers, D Heslop, E
Herrero-Bervera, G Acton, D Krasa
1340h GP23B-3676 POSTER Reinvestigation of
age model for relative paleointensity stack and
application to Lake Baikal record: H Oda
1340h GP23B-3677 POSTER Revised Chronology
for the Mio-Pliocene Successions of the Eastern
Paratethys: Towards a Better Understanding of
Paleoenvironmental Change: W Krijgsman, L
Chang, C V Baak, D Palcu, I Vasiliev
1340h GP23B-3678 POSTER Greigite-based
magnetostratigraphic framework for the Late
Miocene to recent DSDP Leg 42B cores from the
Black Sea: A new time frame for old cores: C V
Baak, I Vasiliev, A Grothe, K Kuiper, I Raffi, W
Moscone West Poster Hall
Numerical Modelling of Geo-Energy
Related Physical Processes in
Geological Systems II Posters
(joint with MR, NS, S, T)
Presiding: Mauro Cacace, Helmholtz
Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences; Norihiro
Watanabe, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ;
Florian Wellmann, University of
Western Australia; Magdalena ScheckWenderoth, GeoForschungsZentrum
1340h H23A-0841 POSTER Evaluation of Brine
Migration Risks Due to CO2 Injection – an
Integrated Natural and Social Science Modeling
Approach: V Noack, A Kissinger, H Class, S Knopf,
W Konrad, D Scheer
B Tompson, R J Mellors, K Dyer, X Yang, M Chen,
W Trainor Guitton, J L Wagoner, A L Ramirez
1340h H23A-0843 POSTER Simulation of altering
residual water saturation near wellbore for CO2
injectivity: Y Park, T Lee, S Lee, K Park
1340h H23A-0844 POSTER Mathematical modeling
as a tool to assess microbial community responses to
CO2 injection: J Vilcaez
1340h H23A-0845 POSTER Quantification of
CO2 trapping through free convection process
in isothermal brine saturated reservoir: A Sun, A
1340h H23A-0846 POSTER Reactive Transport
Modeling of Effects of Different (Physical, Chemical
and Computational) Factors on the Convection
Process during CO2 Geological Sequestration in
Deep Saline Aquifers: W Zhang, S Wang
1340h H23A-0847 POSTER Reactive transport
modeling of CO2 injection in the Farnsworth, Texas
hydrocarbon field: B Ahmmed, M S Appold, B J O
L McPherson, R Grigg, M D White
1340h H23A-0848 POSTER Investigating the
Chemical Reactivity for Hydrogen in Siliciclastic
Sediments: two Work Packages of the H2STORE
Project: P Pilz, M De Lucia
1340h GP23B-3679 POSTER Cyclostratigraphy
and Astrochronology of the Cryogenian Datangpo
Formation in South China: X Bao, S Zhang, G
Jiang, C Liang, H Li, H Wu
1340h H23A-0849 POSTER 1D Thermal-HydraulicChemical (THC) Reactive transport modeling for
deep geothermal systems: A case study of Groß
Schönebeck reservoir, Germany: D L Driba, M De
Lucia, S Peiffer
1340h GP23B-3680 POSTER Magnetic Properties
of the Lower Oceanic Crust from Hess Deep (IODP
Expedition 345): S A Friedman, A Morris, A J
1340h H23A-0850 POSTER Thermal and hydraulic
effects in the subsurface related to large scale
hydrogen storage operations: W T Pfeiffer, D Li,
F Dethlefsen, S Bauer
1340h GP23B-3681 POSTER Early to middle Eocene
magneto-biochronology of the southwest Pacific
Ocean and climate influence on sedimentation: new
data from the Mead Stream section (Marlborough,
New Zealand): E Dallanave, C Agnini, V Bachtadse,
G Muttoni, J S Crampton, P Strong, B R Hines, C J
Hollis, B S Slotnick
1340h H23A-0851 POSTER Loss of Shallow
Geothermal Resources in Urban Environment Due
to the Absence of Thermal Management Policies: A
García-Gil, E Vázquez-Suñé, J A Sánchez-Navarro
1340h GP23B-3682 POSTER Initial Paleomagnetic
Results from a New Drill Core from Clear Lake,
California: E Levin, R Byrne, C V Looy, D Wahl, A
J Noren, K L Verosub
1340h GP23B-3683 POSTER The age of the
Matuyama-Brunhes transition: New data from the
Sulmona paleolake, Italy: P R Renne, S Nomade, C
J Sprain, L Sagnotti, G Scardia, B Giaccio
1340h GP23B-3684 POSTER Fault-rock magnetism
from the earth surface trench closed to the
Wenchuan Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone imply
the different slip dynamics: D Liu, H Li, T Q Lee,
Z Sun
1340h GP23B-3685 POSTER Paleo- and
Environmental Magnetic Record of U1396: a
4.5Myr Record from the Caribbean Sea: R G
Hatfield, J S Stoner
1340h H23A-0852 POSTER Numerical Modeling
of a Shallow Borehole Thermal Energy Storage
System: N Catolico, S Ge, N Lu, J S McCartney
1340h H23A-0853 POSTER Modelling the
Interaction of Multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers
in Shallow Geothermal Fields: H Shao, S Schelenz,
N Kist, B O Shim, A Bucher, O Kolditz
1340h H23A-0854 POSTER Modelling of Diffusion
Driven Weakening and Strain of Geomaterials and
Applications to Time-Dependant Borehole Failure:
O Gaede, A Karrech, K Regenauer-Lieb
1340h H23A-0855 POSTER Scenario simulation
based assessment of subsurface energy storage: C
Beyer, S Bauer, A Dahmke
1340h H23A-0856 POSTER Impact of Coupled Heat
Transfer and Water Flow on Soil Borehole Thermal
Energy Storage (SBTES) Systems: Experimental and
Modeling Investigation: A Moradi, K M Smits
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:03 AM
1340h H23A-0858 POSTER How does the
connectivity of open-framework conglomerates
within multi-scale hierarchical fluvial architecture
affect oil sweep efficiency in waterflooding?: D F
Dominic, N I Gershenzon, M R Soltanian, R W
Ritzi Jr, D A Keefer, E Shaffer, B Storsved
1340h H23A-0859 POSTER Monitoring of Cyclic
Steam Stimulation by Inversion of Surface Tilt
Measurements: M Maharramov, M D Zoback
1340h H23A-0861 POSTER On enforcing maximum
principles, comparison principles, monotone
property, and the non-negative constraint for
diffusion-type equations: K B Nakshatrala
Moscone West Poster Hall
Methods and Theories for Anomalous
Transport at Multiple Scales I Posters
1340h H23B-0883 POSTER Connecting Pore-Scale
Dynamics to Macroscopic Models for Multiphase
Flow: J E McClure, C T Miller, A L Dye
1340h H23B-0884 POSTER Noise propagation in
hybrid models of nonlinear diffusion systems: D M
Tartakovsky, S Taverniers
Moscone West Poster Hall
Natural and Anthropogenic
Contamination of Water Resources
Related to Oil and Gas Production
from Unconventionals: Processes,
Monitoring, and Stewardship II
Presiding: Jean-Philippe Nicot,
University of Texas at Austin; Bridget
Scanlon, University of Texas at Austin
Presiding: Timothy Scheibe, Pacific NW
National Lab; Ilenia Battiato, Clemson
University; Alexandre Tartakovsky,
University of South Florida
1340h H23C-0885 POSTER Airborne Geophysical
Surveys Applied to Hydrocarbon Resource
Development Environmental Studies: B D Smith,
L B Ball, C Finn, A Kass, J Thamke
1340h H23B-0862 POSTER Mortar Methods
for Pore-to-Continuum Modeling of Flow and
Transport in Porous Media: M Balhoff
1340h H23C-0886 POSTER Numerical Simulation
of Potential Groundwater Contaminant Pathways
from Hydraulically Fractured Oil Shale in the
Nevada Basin and Range Province: S Rybarski, G
Pohll, K Pohlmann, R Plume
1340h H23B-0863 POSTER Identifying Anomality in
Precipitation Processes: P Jiang, Y Zhang
1340h H23B-0864 POSTER Using Environmental
Tracers and Age Distributions to Estimate NonFickian Transport Behaviors: N B Engdahl
1340h H23B-0865 POSTER Multiscale Pore Network
Model for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: K
Khayrat, F Ragg, P Jenny
1340h H23B-0867 POSTER A Critical Analysis of
the Concept of Scale Dependent Macrodispersivity:
A Zech, S Attinger, V Cvetkovic, G Dagan, P
Dietrich, A Fiori, Y Rubin, G Teutsch
1340h H23B-0868 POSTER Is There a Critical
Distance for Fickian Transport? - a Statistical
Approach to Sub-Fickian Transport Modelling in
Porous Media: S Most, W Nowak, B Bijeljic
1340h H23B-0869 POSTER A New Thermal Lattice
Boltzmann Formulation for Modeling Thermal
Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Media: H
Karani, C Huber
1340h H23B-0870 POSTER Apparent Anisotropic
Diffusion of SF6 in a Deep Arid Unsaturated Zone:
C T Green, M A Walvoord, B J Andraski, R G
Striegl, D A Stonestrom
1340h H23B-0871 POSTER Large-Scale CTRW
Analysis of Push-Pull Tracer Tests and Other
Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media: S K
Hansen, B Berkowitz
1340h H23C-0887 POSTER Numerical Model
of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Transport in the
Subsurface with Pressure Transient, Density
Effects, and Imbibition: D Birdsell, H Rajaram, D
Dempsey, H Viswanathan
1340h H23C-0888 POSTER Simulating Mobility of
Chemical Contaminants from Unconventional Gas
Development for Protection of Water Resources: C
Kanno, D Edlin, T Borrillo-Hutter, J E McCray
1340h H23C-0890 POSTER Influence of
Concentration and Salinity on the Biodegradability
of Organic Additives in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid:
P J Mouser, D Kekacs
1340h H23C-0891 POSTER Halogens in oil and gas
production-associated wastewater: J Harkness, N
R Warner, G S Dwyer, W Mitch, A Vengosh
1340h H23C-0892 POSTER Accumulation of radium
in sediments from continued disposal of produced
water and hydraulic fracturing flowback water: N
R Warner, E C Menio, J D Landis, A Vengosh, N
Lauer, J Harkness, A Kondash
1340h H23C-0893 POSTER Utility of Isotopes to
Understand the Effect of Shale Gas Drilling on
Water Quality: Examples From the Appalachian
Basin: S Sharma, L Bowman, A Pelak, M Mulder
1340h H23B-0872 POSTER Origins and nature of
non-Fickian transport through fractures: L Wang,
M B Cardenas
1340h H23C-0894 POSTER Occurrence and Origin
of Methane in Relation to Major Ion Concentrations
in Groundwater Wells of the Denver-Julesburg
and Piceance Basins of Colorado: J D Rogers, O
Sherwood, G Lackey, T L Burke, S G Osborn, J N
1340h H23B-0873 POSTER Multiscale Finite
Volume Model for Reactive Transport in Porous
and Fractured Media: A M Tartakovsky, D A
1340h H23C-0895 POSTER Screening for Dissolved
Methane in Groundwater Across Texas Shale Plays:
J P Nicot, P J Mickler, Z Hildenbrand, T Larson, R
Darvari, K Uhlman, R C Smyth, B R Scanlon
1340h H23B-0874 POSTER Hybrid Multiscale
Simulation of a Mixing-Controlled Reaction: X
Yang, T D Scheibe, K Schuchardt, K Agarwal, J
Chase, B Palmer, A M Tartakovsky, T Elsethagen
1340h H23C-0896 POSTER Direct and indirect
indicators to identify potential leakage of
contaminants associated with unconventional
oil and gas development based on conceptual
geochemical and isotopic monitoring approaches: P
Humez, B Mayer, P J Negrel, J Lions, V Lagneau,
W Kloppmann, J Ing, V Becker, M Nightingale
1340h H23B-0875 POSTER Numerical Investigation
on Dispersive Characteristics of Fracture Networks:
R Parashar, D M Reeves
1340h H23B-0876 POSTER A Practical Upscaling
of Mixing-Limited Reactive Transport Using the
Concept of Lamellae: T R Ginn, T Le Borgne, M
Nassar, L S Bennethum, M Dentz
1340h H23B-0877 POSTER Use of CTRW for
Prediction of Radionuclide Migration in Fractured
Tuff: L H Pickman, R Parashar, D M Reeves
H23B-0878 POSTER
hybrid model of reactive transport in chemically
heterogeneous porous media: M Yousefzadeh, I
H23B-0879 POSTER
Equivalence Between Time-dependent SingleRate and Multi-Rate Mass Transfer Models: D
Fernandez-Garcia, X Sanchez-Vila
1340h H23B-0880 POSTER Calculation of the
effective permeability of saturated random porous
media: S Ostvar, B D Wood, S Apte, J Liburdy
1340h H23C-0897 POSTER Shallow Aquifer
Methane Gas Source Assessment: R B Coffin, D
Murgulet, P S Rose, R Hay
1340h H23C-0898 POSTER Rapid, Real-time
Methane Detection in Ground Water Using a New
Gas-Water Equilibrator Design: C J Ruybal, D C
DiGiulio, R T Wilkin, K D Hargrove, J E McCray
1340h H23C-0899 POSTER Management of Water
for Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations
Enhanced with the Expanded U.S.Geological
Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database: K
D Gans, M S Blondes, J J Thordsen, B Thomas, M E
Reidy, M Engle, Y K Kharaka, E L Rowan
1340h H23C-0900 POSTER Temporal Trends in
Freshwater Withdrawals for Hydraulic Fracturing
in the Marcellus Shale: E Barth-Naftilan, J E Saiers
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h H23B-0881 POSTER Examination of Fickian
and Non-Fickian Multi-Species Reactive Plume
Development and Steady-State: D K Burnell, J Xu,
J W Mercer Jr, C Faust
Linking Surface and Subsurface
Hydrologic Processes to Understand
Flow from Continents and Islands to
the Ocean Posters (joint with B, EP, OS)
1340h H23B-0882 POSTER Non-Fickian Transport
in Fractured Media: Y Zhang, R Parashar, K
Pohlmann, J B Chapman
Presiding: Alexander Kolker, LUMCON;
Scott White, University of South
Carolina; Vincent Post, Flinders
University; Jaye Cable, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 43
1340h H23D-0901 POSTER Groundwater-Surface
Water Interactions in the Poldered Landscape of
Southwest Bangladesh: C Peters, G M Hornberger,
C Wilson, S L Goodbred Jr
1340h H23D-0902 POSTER Electrical Resistivity
Imaging of Saltwater and Freshwater Along the
Coast of Monterey Bay: R J Knight, A Pidlisecky,
T Moran, M Goebel
1340h H23D-0903 POSTER Meltwaters in
Antarctica: Delineating and Quantifying Sources of
Freshwater along the Western Antarctic Peninsula:
D R Corbett, K A Null, J Crenshaw, W B Lyons, R
N Peterson, L Peterson, R F Viso, C S Buck
1340h H23D-0904 POSTER Paleohydrological
Information from Profiles in Pore Water
of Holocene Low-Permeability Cores and
Groundwater Flow Simulation, Lake Kasumigaura,
Japan: N Takamoto, J Shimada
1340h H23D-0905 POSTER Sources and Movement
of Saline Groundwater in a Coastal Aquifer,
Southern California, USA: R Anders, B J Stolp, W
R Danskin
1340h H23D-0906 POSTER Continental Shelf
Freshwater Water Resources and Enhanced Oil
Recovery By Low Salinity Water Flooding: M A
Person, N Morrow, J L Wilson
1340h H23D-0907 POSTER Fluid Exchange Across
the Seafloor of the Continental Shelf in the South
Atlantic Bight: S M White, A M Wilson, W S
Moore, E A Smoak, C George
1340h H23D-0908 POSTER Semi-Permeable
Paleochannels as Conduits for Submarine
Groundwater Discharge to the Coast in Barataria
Bay, Louisiana: A Breaux, A Kolker, K Telfeyan, J
Kim, K H Johannesson, J E Cable
1340h H23D-0909 POSTER Submarine groundwater
discharge is an important source of REEs to the
coastal ocean: K H Johannesson, D A Chevis, C
D Palmore, K Telfeyan, D Burdige, J E Cable, S R
Hemming, T Rasbury, S B Moran, N Prouty, P W
1340h H23D-0910 POSTER
Influence of
paleochannels on submarine groundwater flow
from CHIRP seismic surveys and sediment cores on
the shelf offshore Charleston, South Carolina: E A
Smoak, S M White
characterisation of saline groundwater bodies in
coastal areas and implications for paleo-hydrology:
V Post, P G Cook, E Banks
1340h H23D-0912 POSTER Position of the
freshwater-saltwater interface in a coastal confined
aquifer: T B Evans, S M White, A M Wilson
1340h H23D-0913 POSTER Deltaic Submarine
Groundwater Discharge: An issue of global
importance?: A Kolker, A Breaux, J E Cable, K H
Johannesson, J Kim, K Telfeyan
1340h H23D-0914 POSTER Numerical Simulation
of Groundwater Conditions in a Coastal Aquifer,
Southern California, USA: B J Stolp, R Anders, W
R Danskin
1340h H23D-0915 POSTER Linking Land-Use to
Submarine Groundwater Discharge Nutrient Fluxes
on Maui, Hawaii: J M Bishop, C R Glenn, D W
Amato, H Dulaiova
1340h H23D-0916 POSTER Subglacial hydrological
controls on meltwater 87Sr/86Sr and the strontium
flux from the Greenland Ice Sheet: B Linhoff, M A
Charette, J L Wadham, B Peucker-Ehrenbrink
Moscone West Poster Hall
Geogenic Groundwater
Contamination and Its Impact on
Agriculture and Public Health I
Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Brian Mailloux, Barnard
College; Rebecca Neumann, University
of Washington; Chad Saltikov, UC Santa
Cruz; Benjamin Bostick, Columbia
1340h H23E-0917 POSTER Reactive Transport
Modeling of Subsurface Arsenic Removal Systems
in Rural Bangladesh: M Bakker, M M Rahman, B
M van Breukelen, K M Ahmed
1340h H23E-0918 POSTER EFFECT ON
S Barua, H Kulkarni, N Mladenov, M A Khan, M
Mahfuz, K M Ahmed, S Datta
1340h H23E-0919 POSTER Solid-Phase Speciation
of Arsenic As the Primary Control on Dissolved
As Concentrations in a Glacial Aquifer System:
Quantifying Speciation of Arsenic in Glacial Aquifer
Solids with μXAS Mapping: S L Nicholas, A S
Gowan, A R Knaeble, M L Erickson, L G Woodruff,
M Marcus, B M Toner
1340h H23E-0920 POSTER Adsorption of arsenite
and arsenate onto ferrihydrite under competitive
conditions : kinetics, isotherm, and pH effect: P Qi,
T Pichler
H23E-0921 POSTER
concentrations in groundwater change over time?
A fourteen-year follow-up study of 760 tubewells in
Bangladesh: B J Mailloux, T L Chen, A van Geen,
B C Bostick, T Ellis, E B Ahmed, K M Ahmed
Hydrogeography: Assessing Arsenic Contamination
in Drinking Water, Livestock, and Agricultural
Wells in Harney County, Eastern Oregon: L L
1340h H23E-0923 POSTER Linking Microbial
Activity with Arsenic Fate during Cow Dung
Disposal of Arsenic-Bearing Wastes: T M Clancy,
R Reddy, J Tan, K F Hayes, L Raskin
1340h H23E-0924 POSTER Chemical fractionation
of geogenic molybdenum and arsenic in a limestone
aquifer and their impact on groundwater quality: A
Mozaffari Khalf Badam, T Pichler
Blake, A Ali, S Avasarala, A J Brearley, J Cerrato
1340h H23E-0926 POSTER Application of
Chromium Stable Isotopes to the Evaluation of
Cr(VI) Contamination in Groundwater and Rock
Leachates from Central Euboea, the Assopos Basin
and Thebes Valley (Greece): R Frei, K M Frei, M
Economou-Eliopoulos, C Atsarou, D Koilakos
1340h H23E-0927 POSTER Developing a SmallScale De-Fluoridation Filter for Use in Rural
Northern Ghana with Activated Alumina As the
Sorbent: L Craig, L L Stillings
Moscone West Poster Hall
Hydroepidemiology: Bridging
Hydrology and Climate with Human
Health II Posters
(joint with GC, NH)
Presiding: Antarpreet Jutla, West
Virginia University; Tissa Illangasekare,
Colorado School of Mines; Ali Akanda,
University of Rhode Island; Larry
Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
1340h H23F-0928 POSTER Long Range River
Discharge Forecasting Using the Gravity Recovery
and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Satellite to
Predict Conditions for Endemic Cholera: A Jutla,
A S Akanda, R R Colwell
1340h H23F-0929 POSTER Enhancing Remotely
Sensed TIR Data for Public Health Applications: Is
West Nile Virus Heat-Related?: Q Weng, H Liu, Y
1340h H23F-0930 POSTER How Will Climate
Change Impact Cholera Outbreaks?: F Nasr
Azadani, A Jutla, J Rahimikolu, A S Akanda, A
Huq, R R Colwell
1340h H23F-0931 POSTER Present and Future
Projections of Habitat Suitability of the Asian Tiger
Mosquito, a Vector of Viral Pathogens, from Global
Climate Simulations: Y Proestos, G Christophides,
K Erguler, M Tanarhte, J Waldock, J Lelieveld
H23F-0932 POSTER
Assessment of West Nile Virus Occurrence Across
Continental US: H E Billian, A Jutla, R R Colwell
1340h H23F-0933 POSTER Probabilistic Human
Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures:
Hydro-Toxicological Interactions and Controlling
Factors: C Henri, D Fernandez-Garcia, F de Barros
1340h H23F-0934 POSTER Linking Satellite Derived
Land Surface Temperature with Cholera: A Case
Study for South Sudan: H S Aldaach V, A Jutla, A S
Akanda, R R Colwell
1340h H23F-0935 POSTER Development and
Validation of Remote Sensing-Based Surface
Inundation Products for Vector-Borne Disease
Risk in East Africa: K Jensen, K C McDonald, P
Ceccato, R Schroeder, E Podest
1340h H23F-0936 POSTER Design of Epidemia –
an Ecohealth Informatics System for Integrated
Forecasting of Malaria Epidemics: M C Wimberly,
E Bayabil, B Beyane, M Bishaw, G M Henebry,
A Lemma, Y Liu, C L Merkord, A Mihretie, G B
Senay, W Yalew
11/28/2014 10:45:03 AM
1340h H23F-0937 POSTER Characterizing Open
Water Bodies and Their Color Properties Through
Optical Remote Sensing to Identify Areas of VectorBorne Disease Risk: E Podest, M De La Torre
Juarez, K C McDonald, K Jensen, P Ceccato
1340h H23G-0958 POSTER Long-Term Loads of
Nutrients and Sediment from Non-Tidal Regions of
the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: An Assessment of
Seasonal Trends and Progress: W P Ball, Q Zhang,
D C Brady, W R Boynton
1340h H23F-0938 POSTER Predicted impacts of
climate change on malaria transmission in West
Africa: T K Yamana, E A B Eltahir
1340h H23G-0959 POSTER Effectiveness of
Nitrogen Assimilation in the Non-Tidal Chesapeake
Bay Watershed: Evaluations Based on Thirty Years
of Data: Q Zhang, H Wei, D Ha, W P Ball
1340h H23F-0939 POSTER Exploring the
relationship between malaria, rainfall intermittency,
and spatial variation in rainfall seasonality: C L
Merkord, M C Wimberly, G M Henebry, G B
1340h H23F-0940 POSTER Malaria Ecology, Disease
Burden and Global Climate Change: G C Mccord
1340h H23F-0941 POSTER Quantifying discharge
uncertainty from remotely sensed precipitation
data products in Puerto Rico : H Weerasinghe, R
Raoufi, Y Yoon, E Beighley II, A Alshawabkeh
1340h H23F-0943 POSTER Water Security, Climate
Forcings and Public Health Impacts in Emerging
Regions: E A Serman, A S Akanda, V Craver, T B
Hydroclimatic Signatures and Diarrheal Disease
Dynamics in Bangladesh: Implications for Water
Management and Public Health: A S Akanda, M A
Hasan, A Jutla, A K M S Islam, A Huq, R R Colwell
Moscone West Poster Hall
Nonpoint Source Flux Impact on
Groundwater, Vadose Zone, and
Surface Waters: Assessment,
Mechanisms, and Control Strategies II
Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Thomas Harter, Univ
California; Laura Schifman, University
of Rhode Island; Jennifer Cooper,
University of Rhode Island; Christopher
Green, U. S. Geological Survey
1340h H23G-0945 POSTER Assessing the Impact
of Agricultural Pressures on N and P Loads and
Potential Eutrophication Risk at Regional Scales: R
Dupas, C Gascuel-odoux, M Delmas, F Moatar
1340h H23G-0946 POSTER Soil Moisture Flow and
Nitrate Movement Simulation through Deep and
Heterogeneous Vadose Zone using Dual-porosity
Approach: B K Yadav, J Tomar, T Harter
1340h H23G-0947 POSTER Simulation of nonpoint
source contamination based on adaptive mesh
refinement: G Kourakos, T Harter
Determination of Nitrogen Removal By Advanced
Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment Systems Using
15n Isotopes: J Cooper, G Loomis, D Kalen, T B
Boving, I Morales, J Amador
1340h H23G-0949 POSTER Use of a finite difference
hydrologic model to assess the potential effectiveness
of changes in cropping practices to reduce nitrate
loading to a shallow aquifer: W A Sigler, S A Ewing,
R A Payn, C A Jones, J Brookshire, S D Wankel, G
S Weissmann
1340h H23G-0950 POSTER Nitrate Sources and
Transport in the Upper Illinois River Basin
Evaluated with Stable Isotope Ratios and SWAT
Modeling: J Lin, Y Demissie, E Yan, J K Bohlke,
N C Sturchio
1340h H23G-0951 POSTER A Model to Predict
Nitrogen Losses in Advanced Soil-Based
Wastewater Treatment Systems: I Morales, J
Cooper, G Loomis, D Kalen, J Amador, T B Boving
1340h H23G-0952 POSTER Modeling Transport
of Escherichia coli from Soil into Overland Flow
Under Raindrop Impact: C Wang, M T Walter, J
Y Parlange
1340h H23G-0953 POSTER Hydrologic processes
related to streambank erosion in three Minnesota
agricultural watersheds: J L Nieber, C F Lenhart, K
Holmberg, J Ulrich, H M Peterson
1340h H23G-0954 POSTER TCE gas concentration
variation in the unsaturated zone under the
influence of fluctuating water table : W Joun, K K
1340h H23G-0955 POSTER Specific Conductivity
Synoptic Surveys to Map Groundwater-Surface
Water Discharges in a Lowland River: H Pai, S R
Villamizar, T C Harmon
1340h H23G-0956 POSTER Chemical Identification
of Source Waters in a Rural Sub Estuary of
Chesapeake Bay (Chester River): E A Hobbs, K
Kehm, C Krahforst
1340h H23G-0957 POSTER Managing multiple
non-point pressures on water quality and ecological
habitat: Spatially targeting effective mitigation
actions at the landscape scale: S M Reaney
AGU2014News.indb 44
1340h H23G-0960 POSTER Scale Effect in Nutrient
Transport along a Rural River System: THE River
Eden, Cumbria, Northwest, England: F O Tijani, J
C Bathurst, P F Quinn
1340h H23G-0961 POSTER Determining Spatial
Distribution And Air-Water Exchange Of
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Stormwater
Runoff Catchment Basins : V K Kasaraneni, L A
Schifman, V Craver, T B Boving
1340h H23G-0962 POSTER Continuous ‘Passive’
Registration of Non-Point Contaminant Loads
Via Agricultural Subsurface Drain Tubes: J
Rozemeijer, S Jansen, H de Jonge, A Lindblad
1340h H23G-0963 POSTER New Tools for
Managing Agricultural P: J L Nieber, L A Baker, H
M Peterson, J Ulrich
1340h H23G-0964 POSTER Predicting nitrogen
leaching losses from intensifying agriculture in subSaharan Africa: the role of soils and fertilizer type: K
L Tully, T A Russo, C Palm, C Neill
Moscone West Poster Hall
Agricultural Impact on Water
Resources II Posters (joint with GC)
Presiding: Joachim Rozemeijer,
Deltares; Michele Reba, USDA ARS;
James Rigby, USDA Agricultural
Research Service Oxford; Hans Peter
Broers, Netherlands Organization for
Applied Scientific Research
1340h H23H-0965 POSTER Agricultural Adaptation
and Water Management in Sri Lanka: E Stone, G
M Hornberger
1340h H23H-0966 POSTER Agent-Based Modelling
of Agricultural Water Abstraction in Response to
Climate, Policy, and Demand Changes: Results
from East Anglia, UK: T H A Swinscoe, C Knoeri,
L Fleskens, J Barrett
1340h H23H-0967 POSTER Water Wise Sustainable
Farming in the Southeast USA: It’s All About the
Roots : R L Bartel Jr, D R Dourte, S George
1340h H23H-0968 POSTER A comparison of water
use and water-use-efficiency of maize and biomass
sorghum in the rain-fed, Midwestern, US: M Roby,
M Salas Fernandez, A D VanLoocke
1340h H23H-0969 POSTER The Interplay of
Bioenergy Crop Production and Water Resource
Availability in the US: Y Song, A K Jain, W
Landuyt, H S Kheshgi
1340h H23H-0979 POSTER Influences on water
quality in a groundwater dependent wetland system:
M Shanafield, A Rigosi, C Wood, N White, Y Liu,
J D Brookes, P G Cook
1340h H23H-0980 POSTER Depth-discrete
Geochemical Profiling in Groundwater Using
an Innovative In Situ Approach: J Levison, G
1340h H23H-0982 POSTER Groundwater chemistry
in the nitrate contaminated area in Shimabara,
Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan: K Nakagawa
1340h H23I-0999 POSTER Striving to Reduce
Vulnerability:Lessons from the Poor Community
Livelihoodsin the Jakarta Bay Facing High Risk
of Rapid Urbanization and Climate Changes: D
Hidayati, R M Delinom, A Y Abdurachim, S
Dalimunthe, J Haba, H Pawitan
1340h H23H-0983 POSTER Designing Schemes
to Mitigate Non-Point Source Water Pollution
from Agriculture: The Value of High-Resolution
Hydrochemical and Hydrophysical Data: N Barber,
S M Reaney
1340h H23I-1000 POSTER A Historical Perspective
on Local Environmental Movements in Japan:
Lessons for the Transdisciplinary Approach on
Water Resource Governance: T Oh
Moscone West Poster Hall
Advancing Understanding of
Freshwater Sustainability and
the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Toward Optimal Management and
Policy Under Climate Change and
Urbanization I Posters (joint with GC)
Presiding: Tushar Sinha, Texas A & M
University Kingsville; Jason Gurdak,
San Francisco State University; John
Sabo, Arizona State University; Makoto
Taniguchi, RIHN Research Institute for
Humanity and Nature
1340h H23I-0984 POSTER Integrated assessment of
the effects of dams on irrigation sustainability in a
data scarce watershed: T Yoshida, T Masumoto, R
1340h H23I-0985 POSTER Impact of Hot Spring
Resort Development on the Groundwater
Discharge in the Southeast Part of Laguna De Bay,
Luzon, Philippines: F P Siringan, R B Lloren, D L
O Mancenido, K A B Jago-on, M A Z Pena, M I R
Balangue-Tarriela, M Taniguchi
1340h H23I-0986 POSTER Sustainable energy
development and water supply security in Kamojang
Geothermal Field: The Energy-Water Nexus: Y
Sofyan, J Nishijima, Y Fujimitsu
1340h H23I-0987 POSTER The impact of thermal
energy and materials derived from the hot spring
drainage on the fish community near the estuary: M
Yamada, J Shoji, T Mishima, H Honda, M Fujii, S
Ohsawa, M Taniguchi
1340h H23I-0988 POSTER Risk and resilience in the
shale gas context: a nexus perspective: T Y Rosales,
C A Notte, D M Allen, D M Kirste
1340h H23I-0989 POSTER Influence of Submarine
Groundwater Discharge on Primary Productivity
in the Semi-Enclosed Bay in Japan: R Sugimoto, S
Nishi, M Taniguchi, O Tominaga
1340h H23I-0990 POSTER Changing Water
Environment in the Greater Jakarta Basins: H
Pawitan, R Delinom, R F Lubis
1340h H23H-0970 POSTER Quantitative analysis
of differences in the humidity among GCMs and
propagation of uncertainty into irrigational water
withdrawal: Y Masaki, N Hanasaki, K Takahashi,
Y Hijioka
1340h H23I-0991 POSTER Impact of Water Resorts
Development along Laguna de Bay on Groundwater
Resources: K A B Jago-on, Y K Reyes, F P Siringan,
R B Lloren, M I R D Balangue, M A Z Pena, M
1340h H23H-0971 POSTER Global net irrigation
water requirements from various water supply
sources during past and future periods: S
Yoshikawa, J Cho, N Hanasaki, S Kanae
1340h H23I-0992 POSTER WATER – FOOD
AREA, INDONESIA: R Delinom, R F Lubis, S
Martosuparno, H Bakti, M Taniguchi
1340h H23H-0973 POSTER Physical and Chemical
Properties of Bench Sediments in Self-Formed
Agricultural Drainage Channels: M Brooker, J
Witter, K R Islam, P J Mouser
1340h H23H-0974 POSTER Monitoring of soil
water content and quality inside and outside the
water curtain cultivation facility: K Ha, Y Kim
1340h H23H-0975 POSTER Water Quality and
Supply Issues of Irrigated Agricultural Regions –
Lessons from the San Joaquin Valley of California:
C J Suen, D Wang
1340h H23H-0976 POSTER Geochemical Assessment
of Groundwater in the Peri-urban Environment of
Buenos Aires, Argentina: A Gallardo
1340h H23H-0977 POSTER Assessing the
effectiveness of winter cover crop on nitrate
reduction in two-paired sub-basins on the Coastal
Plain of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: S Lee, I Y
Yeo, A M Sadeghi, G Mccarty, W D Hively, M W
1340h H23H-0978 POSTER Do Historical Landscape
Patterns Help Explain Persistent Groundwater
Nitrate Concentrations in a Cross-Border Aquifer?:
T Gallagher, S E Gergel
1340h H23I-0998 POSTER The Relationship
between a Distribution of Submarine Groundwater
Discharge and a Local-scale Coastal Geology and
Topography in Northern Japan: H Honda, R
Sugimoto, J Shoji, O Tominaga, S Kobayashi, M
1340h H23I-0993 POSTER Defining Resilience
and Vulnerability Based on Ontology Engineering
Approach: T Kumazawa, T Matsui, A Endo
1340h H23I-1001 POSTER Chemistry of Hot Spring
Pool Waters in Calamba and Los Banos and
Potential Effect on the Water Quality of Laguna De
Bay: M I R D Balangue, M A Z Pena, F P Siringan,
K A B Jago-on, R B Lloren, M Taniguchi
1340h H23I-1002 POSTER Coupled mechanism
of unsystematic Damming and Climate Change
effect on the rivers of the Great Plains of Kansas: S
Chatterjee, M D Daniels
1340h H23I-1003 POSTER Biofuel Expansion and
Water Resources in the Ivinhema Basin: J M Libra,
C King, A Xavier, B R Scanlon
Moscone West Poster Hall
New Insights into the Storage,
Mobilization, and Hydrologic
Transport of Legacy Contaminants
Presiding: David Genereux, North
Carolina State Univ; Anthony Tesoriero,
USGS; Karl Wegmann, North Carolina
State Univ.; Nandita Basu, University of
1340h H23J-1004 POSTER Legacy Sediments in U.S.
River Environments: Atrazine and Aggradation to
Zinc and Zoobenthos : E Wohl
1340h H23J-1005 POSTER
Conditions in Groundwater
Techniques: Implications for
in Groundwater and Streams:
Predicting Redox
Using Statistical
Nitrate Transport
A J Tesoriero, S
1340h H23J-1006 POSTER Legacy Contaminantion
in UK catchments since the mid-19th century: N
J K Howden, T P Burt, F Worrall, V Noacco, T
1340h H23J-1007 POSTER Desorption of
organochlorine pesticides from historically
contaminated sediments into water-biofuel
mixtures: M Otero-Diaz, A H Demond
1340h H23J-1008 POSTER Vertical Sampling
in Recharge Areas Versus Lateral Sampling in
Discharge Areas: Assessing the Agricultural
Nitrogen Legacy in Groundwater: T E Gilmore, D
P Genereux, D K Solomon, H Mitasova, M Burnette
1340h H23J-1009 POSTER Evidence for Legacy
Contamination of Nitrate in Groundwater of North
Carolina Using Monitoring and Private Well Data
Models : K P Messier, E Kane, R Bolich, M L Serre
1340h H23J-1010 POSTER Hydrologic Variability
Controls Nutrient and Hormone Export from a
Midwestern Agroecosystem: H E Gall, S A Sassman,
L S Lee, C T Jafvert
1340h H23J-1011 POSTER Nutrient Legacies
and Time Lags: Understanding Catchment
Biogeochemical Responses in Anthropogenic
Landscapes: K J Van Meter, N B Basu
1340h H23I-0994 POSTER A Geospatial Analysis
of Stormwater Runoff and Capture for Enhanced
Groundwater Recharge: R E Harmon, A T Fisher,
S Beganskas, T A Russo
1340h H23J-1012 POSTER Insights into
Contaminant Leaching Through An Intensive Field
Monitoring Program: D Keim, A M Ireson, M Ali,
C Steele, D Penrod
1340h H23I-0995 POSTER Freshwater Vulnerability
to Nitrate Contamination as an Indicator of
Sustainability and Resilience within the WaterEnergy-Food Nexus of the California Coastal
Basins: L Nanus, G Geyer, J J Gurdak, P M Orencio,
A Endo, M Taniguchi
1340h H23J-1013 POSTER Concentrations and
export of phosphorus during the cranberry
harvest flood: C D Kennedy, P J A Kleinman, C J
1340h H23I-0996 POSTER Concepts and theoretical
specifications of a Coastal Vulnerability Dynamic
Simulator (COVUDS): A multi-agent system
for simulating coastal vulnerability towards
management of coastal ecosystem services: P M
Orencio, A Endo, M Taniguchi
1340h H23I-0997 POSTER Quantify Effects of
Integrated Land Management on Water Quality in
Agricultural Landscape in South Fork Watershed,
Iowa River : M Ha, M M Wu
G W WoldeGabriel, M Cheshire, M Rearick, S
Conradson, E Kluk, D Katzman
1340h H23J-1015 POSTER Discovery and
Biogeochemical Investigation of Chlorinated
Industrial Waste in the Deep Ocean: K L Lemkau,
V B Kivenson, C A Carmichael, C Aeppli, S C
Bagby, K Wentz, A Baxter, B G Paul, O Pizarro, D
Yoerger, C M Reddy, D L Valentine
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:03 AM
Moscone West Poster Hall
Uncertainty and Sensitivity in
Models and Observations and Their
Impacts on Decision Making Related
to Geological, Hydrological, and
Environmental Applications II Posters
(joint with A, B, GC)
Presiding: Ray Anderson, USDA
Agricultural Research Service Riverside;
Velimir Vesselinov, LANL; Hoshin
Gupta, University of Arizona; Todd
Skaggs, US Salinity Lab
1340h H23K-1016 POSTER An Effective Parameter
Screening Strategy for High Dimensional
Watershed Models: Y P Khare, C J Martinez, R
1340h H23K-1017 POSTER How to Address
Measurement Noise in Bayesian Model Averaging:
A Schöniger, T Wöhling, W Nowak
1340h H23K-1018 POSTER Evaluating the Current
and Future Water Supply and Demands in the
Apurimac River Basin, in Peru. Sensitivity Analysis
of a Hydrologic and Water Planning Model: S Yi, S
Sandoval Solis, F A Bombardelli
1340h H23K-1019 POSTER Exploring the Effects
of GCM Uncertainty on the Hydrology and Water
Allocation of a Small Mountain Watershed in
Northern British Columbia, Canada: F Hirshfield,
A Anderson, J Sui
1340h H23K-1035 POSTER Comparison of a one-ata-step and variance-based global sensitivity analysis
applied to a parsimonious urban hydrological
model: S Coutu
1340h H23M-1054 POSTER A Bayesian Hierarchical
framework for identifying regional hydroclimate
trends or climate effects from continental or global
data: X Sun, U Lall
1340h H23K-1036 POSTER Multi-Physics Markov
Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Subsurface Flows:
J Rigelo, V Ginting, A Rahunanthan, F Pereira
1340h H23M-1055 POSTER Simulating the Effect of
Uncertain Model Drivers on Hydrologic Predictions
via an Approximate Bayesian Approach: L A
Marshall, D J Nott
1340h H23K-1037 POSTER Nonlinear inversion:
Regularization as a priori information: J Mead
1340h H23K-1038 POSTER Hydrologic Network
Fault Trees Help Understand Patterns of Water
Contamination: A Teklitz, W Shuster, L
Moscone West Poster Hall
New Developments in Tracer
Applications in Catchment Hydrology
II Posters
Presiding: Josie Geris, University of
Aberdeen; Kevin McGuire, Virginia
Tech-Natural Resource; Daniele Penna,
ETH Zurich; Julian Klaus, Centre de
Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann
1340h H23L-1039 POSTER Stable Isotope Reveal
Sources of Precipitation in the Qinghai Lake Basin
of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: B Cui, X Li
1340h H23L-1040 POSTER Tritium and Stable
Isotopes of Precipitation and Surface Water in
California: P Harms, J E Moran, A Visser, B K Esser
1340h H23K-1020 POSTER Inter-Model Diagnostics
for Two Snow Models Across Multiple Western
U.S. Locations and Implications for Management: E
S Houle, B Livneh, J R Kasprzyk
1340h H23L-1041 POSTER A new non-parametric
framework to determine time-variant catchment
transit times and their distributions: J Klaus, K P
Chun, K J McGuire, J McDonnell
1340h H23K-1021 POSTER Global Sensitivity
Analysis of Environmental Models: Convergence,
Robustness and Accuracy Analysis: F Sarrazin, F
Pianosi, A J Hartmann, T Wagener
1340h H23L-1042 POSTER Distinguishing sources
of variability in catchment transit time distributions:
climate, water balance partitioning, and flow-path
dynamics: C J Harman
1340h H23K-1022 POSTER Spatial Characteristics
of Geothermal Spring Temperatures and Discharge
Rates in the Tatun Volcanic Area, Taiwan: C S
Jang, C W Liu
1340h H23K-1023 POSTER A Risk-Based MultiObjective Optimization Concept for Early-Warning
Monitoring Networks: F Bode, M Loschko, W
1340h H23K-1024 POSTER Definition and sensitivity
of the conceptual MORDOR rainfall–runoff model
parameters using different multi-criteria calibration
strategies: F Garavaglia, E Seyve, F Gottardi, M Le
Lay, J Gailhard, R Garçon
1340h H23K-1025 POSTER Global sensitivity
analysis using a new approach based on cumulative
distribution functions: T Wagener, F Pianosi, F
1340h H23K-1026 POSTER UQ and Decision
Making for Groundwater Contamination: A
Measure-Theoretic Approach: S A Mattis, C
Dawson, T Butler
1340h H23K-1027 POSTER A New Method of
Sensitivity Analysis for Multi-Criteria Decision
Making in Water Resources: S Shekarrizfard, M
R Shaghaghian, A Ganji
1340h H23K-1028 POSTER Using a ThreeDimensional Hydrogeologic Framework to
Investigate Potential Sources of Water Springs
in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow
System : M C Hill, W R Belcher, D S Sweetkind,
C Faunt
1340h H23L-1043 POSTER An experimental
application of the Periodic Tracer Hierarchy
(PERTH) method to quantify time-variable water
and solute transport in a sloping soil lysimeter: L A
Pangle, C Cardoso, M Kim, M Lora, Y Wang, P A
A Troch, C J Harman
1340h H23L-1047 POSTER Interpreting Runoff
Process of Suspended Sediment at the Watershed
Scale by Observation and Fingerprinting for
Improvement of Model: S Mizugaki, M Kubo, K
Watanabe, Y Hirai, S Hamamoto
1340h H23L-1048 POSTER Prediction of Uncertainty
in Watershed Scale Sediment Provenance Model
Using Tracers: I Ahmed, A Karim, T W Boutton,
K Strom
1340h H23L-1049 POSTER An Investigation of
Coastal Groundwater Discharge and Associated
Nutrient Inputs Using Electrical Resistivity,
Temperature, and Geochemical Tracer in Pescadero
Lagoon, California: C M Volpi, P W Swarzenski, E
E McPhee-Shaw, I W Aiello
Bayesian Methods and Multilevel
Models for Hydroclimatic Applications
Posters (joint with NH)
1340h H23K-1031 POSTER Risk-Based, HypothesisDriven Framework for Hydrological Field
Campaigns with Case Studies: B Harken, Y Rubin
Presiding: Naresh Devineni, CUNY
City College; Benjamin Renard, Irstea;
Carlos Lima, Universidade de Brasilia
1340h H23M-1060 POSTER Bayesian Assessment
of the Uncertainties of Estimates of a Conceptual
Rainfall-Runoff Model Parameters: F E O E Silva,
M D C Naghettini, W Fernandes
Quantification of a Distributed Hydrology Model
Using Bayesian Framework Across a Heterogeneous
Watershed: S Samadi, A Atlani, M Meadows, A P
1340h H23M-1062 POSTER Inferring Mountain
Basin Precipitation from Streamflow Observations
Using Bayesian Model Calibration: B M Henn, D
Kavetski, M P Clark, J D Lundquist
quantification of extreme precipitation projections
including regional climate model interdependency
and non-stationary bias: M Sunyer, H Madsen, D
Rosbjerg, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen
1340h H23N-1065 POSTER Development of a
Coastal Drought Index Using Salinity Data: P A
Conrads, L S Darby
1340h H23N-1066 POSTER A Decade of Drought:
Southwest Asia during the 2000s: A Hoell, S Shukla,
C C Funk, M A Barlow
1340h H23N-1067 POSTER Development of
a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and Its
Forecasting for Climate Adaptation and Water
Management over the Continental United States: E
Etienne, R Khanbilvardi, N Devineni
1340h H23N-1068 POSTER Hydrologic Drought
Reconstruction Potential in the Southeast US: A D
Greer, M D Therrell, G A Tootle
1340h H23N-1069 POSTER Spatial and Temporal
Analysis of Drought in the Western United States
in Relation to Oceanic Oscillations: L Ross, L A
1340h H23N-1070 POSTER Drought Prediction till
2100 Under RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenarios for
Korea: H R Byun, C K Park, R C Deo
1340h H23N-1071 POSTER A Tool to Estimate the
Palmer Drought Severity Index Using PenmanMonteith Potential Evapotranspiration at Any
Spatial Scale: D L Ficklin, S L Letsinger, H
Gholizadeh, J T Maxwell
1340h H23N-1072 POSTER Short-term Drought
Prediction in India: R Shah, V Mishra
STUDENTS: Enjoy breakfast with AGU
Section & Focus Group Leaders
Student Breakfast
Wednesday, 17 December
7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M.
Marriott Marquis - Golden Gate A & B
Sponsored Exclusively by
1340h H23M-1050 POSTER Application of the
Viterbi Algorithm in Hidden Markov Models for
Exploring Irrigation Decision Series: S Andriyas,
M McKee
1340h H23M-1051 POSTER The Iterative Research
Cycle: Process-Based Model Evaluation: J A Vrugt
1340h H23M-1052 POSTER Bayesian Prediction and
Projection of Sea Levels: M Berliner
1340h H23M-1053 POSTER Climate-Informed
Multi-Scale Stochastic (CIMSS) Hydrological
Modeling: Incorporating Decadal-Scale Variability
Using Paleo Data: M A Thyer, B J Henley, G A
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 45
1340h H23M-1059 POSTER An Empirical
Bayes Framework for Assessing Changes in the
Hydrological Cycle: L Cheng, A AghaKouchak
1340h H23N-1064 POSTER Utilizing Grace TWS,
NDVI, and Precipitation for Drought Identification
and Classification in Texas: S E McCandless, S V
Bettadpur, T Howard, G L Wells
1340h H23L-1046 POSTER Terrestrial diatoms:
a breadcrumb trail for tracking rapid flowpaths
connectivity across scales: L Pfister, C E Wetzel, J
Klaus, N Martinez Carreras, A Scaini, M Antonelli,
L Ector, L Hoffmann, J McDonnell
1340h H23K-1030 POSTER Bayesian InformationGap Decision Analysis Applied to a CO2 Leakage
Problem : D O’Malley, V V Vesselinov
1340h H23K-1034 POSTER A Constrained
Differential Evolution Algorithm for Reservoir
Management: Optimal Placement and Control
of Wells for Geological Carbon Storage with
Uncertainty in Reservoir Properties: A Cihan, J T
Birkholzer, M Bianchi
precipitation data from observed and numerical
models to forecast precipitation characteristics in
sparsely-gauged watersheds: an application to the
Amazon River basin: M C Dwelle, V Y Ivanov, V
Presiding: Li-Chuan Chen, University
of Maryland College Park; Lifeng Luo,
Michigan State University; Shahrbanou
Madadgar, Portland State University;
Ashok Mishra, Clemson University
1340h H23L-1045 POSTER Space-time Variability
of Baseflow in Headwater Streams of the Southern
Appalachians: N Singh, R E Emanuel, B L McGlynn
Moscone West Poster Hall
Salgado II, J Vélez
1340h H23M-1057 POSTER Extreme Rainfall and
Flood Events for the Hudson River Induced by
Tropical Cyclones: a Statistical Forecast Model: F
Conticello, T M Hall, U Lall, P M Orton, F Cioffi,
N Georgas
Hydroclimatic Extremes: Drought I
Posters (joint with A, GC, NH)
1340h H23L-1044 POSTER Hillslope Hydrographs
Analyzed Using 1D and 2D Numerical Models: J
Dusek, T N Vogel, M Dohnal, M Sanda
1340h H23K-1029 POSTER A New Approach to
Estimate Prediction Uncertainty using Sparse Ad
hoc Samples in Digital Soil Mapping application: J
Liu, A X Zhu, F Du, S Zhang
1340h H23K-1032 POSTER Uncertainty of Areal
Rainfall Estimation Using Point Measurements:
D McCarthy, C B S Dotto, S Sun, J L BertrandKrajewski, A Deletic
1340h H23M-1056 POSTER Development of
Hierarchical Bayesian Model Based on Regional
Frequency Analysis and Its Application to Estimate
Areal Rainfall in South Korea: J Kim, H H Kwon
Moscone West Poster Hall
11/28/2014 10:45:04 AM
Venkataraman, A Medina-Tamayo, J R Perry
1340h H23N-1074 POSTER Predictive Skill of
Meteorological Drought Based on Multi-Model
Ensemble Forecasts: A Real-Time Assessment: L C
Chen, K C Mo, Q Zhang, J Huang
1340h H23N-1075 POSTER Analysis of Future
Drought Scenarios in Different Climatic Regions
Across the United States: Y Aryal, J Zhu
1340h H23N-1076 POSTER Climatic Droughts
and the Impacts on Crop Yields in Northern India
during the Past Century: Y Ge, X Cai, T Zhu
H23N-1077 POSTER
Oscillation in the CMIP5 and CMIP3 Climate
Model Simulations: California Case: J Wang, H
Yin, E Reyes, F I Chung
1340h H23N-1078 POSTER Meteorological Drought
Monitoring and Its Impact On Vegetation Over
Northern China: A Zhang, G Jia
1340h H23N-1079 POSTER Sensitivity of Columbia
Basin Runoff to Long-Term Changes in MultiModel CMIP5 Precipitation Simulations: M C
Demirel, H Moradkhani
1340h H23N-1080 POSTER Drought Risk
Assessment for Greater New York Area: A Paleo
View: G Ceylan, N Devineni
1340h H23N-1081 POSTER Identifying and
Comparing CMIP5 Ensembles and the Resultant
Hydrologic Conditions for the Colorado River
Basin: N I Santos, W P Miller, T C Piechota, K C
Nowak, D Bunk
1340h H23N-1082 POSTER Forecasting Major
European Droughts using North-American MultiModel Ensemble (NMME): S Thober, R Kumar, L
E Samaniego, D Schaefer, J Mai
1340h H23N-1083 POSTER Drought Analysis
of Haihe Basin in North China based on the
Community Land Model, 1960-2010: Y Qin, D
Yang, H Lei
1340h H23N-1084 POSTER Identification of a
Pertinent Referential Period for Drought Definition
in the West African Soudano-Sahelian Zone from
Precipitation: B Ibrahim, D Wisser, B Barry
1340h H23N-1085 POSTER Potential of the
Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability (RRV) Based
Drought Management Index (DMI): R Maity, K
Chanda, N K D, A Sharma, R Mehrotra
1340h H23N-1086 POSTER Low Flow Variability
and Coupled Oceanic-Atmospheric Oscillations: R
S V Teegavarapu
1340h H23N-1088 POSTER Global Climate Model
Simulated Hydrologic Droughts and Floods in the
Nelson-Churchill Watershed: M J F Vieira, T A
Stadnyk, K A Koenig
1340h H23N-1089 POSTER Hydroclimatology of
Extreme Drought and Flood Events in the Northern
High Plains, U.S: K Smith, M Morton, D Rico,
A Mohamad Abadi, I Luna, B Livneh, F MunozArriola
1340h H23N-1090 POSTER Application of MultiModel CMIP5 Analysis in Future Drought
Adaptation Strategies: M Casey, L Luo, Y Lang
1340h H23N-1091 POSTER Characterizing the skill
of CFSv2-based seasonal drought prediction at
multiple spatiotemporal scales over China: L Luo,
Y Lang, M Casey, Q Duan
H23N-1092 POSTER
Meteorological Drought in Gandaki River Basin
Nepal By Standardized Precipitation Index: P
Dahal, N S Shrestha
Moscone West 3018
Coupled Hydraulic, Geochemical, and
Geomechanical Processes in Carbon
Storage IV
(Virtual Session)
1355h H21A-0703 Capillary trapping mechanism
in strongly water wet systems: Comparison
between Experiment and Percolation theory: H W
Geistlinger, S Mohammadian, H J Vogel
1425h H23Q-04 Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity
Structures: Enhanced Hyporheic Exchange and
Contaminant Removal in Model and Constructed
Stream: S Herzog, C P Higgins, J E McCray
1410h H23O-03 Microhardness Measurements on
Chemically and Mechanically Altered Well Bore
Cements: H Du, M Radonjic
1440h H23Q-05 Subsurface Flow in Gravel River
Bars: E N Bray, T Dunne
1425h H23O-04 Evaluation Of The Potential
For Geomechanical Monitoring And Stochastic
Calibration Methods To Improve Characterization
During Geologic Carbon Storage: A C Hanna, S M
Moysey, L C Murdoch
1440h H23O-05 Experimental Approach To
Elucidating Damage Mechanisms In Cement-Well
Casting-Host Rock Settings For Underground
Storage of CO2: C Li, V Jafari Azad, D Rodriguez, J
Ideker, B Isgor, C Verba
1455h H23O-06 Numerical investigation of class H
cement deterioration under CO2-O2 co-exposure
in down-well conditions: V Jafari Azad, C Li, D S
Rodriguez, J Ideker, C Verba, B Isgor
1510h H23O-07 Effects of CO2-induced Reaction
on the Transport Properties of Debonded Well
Cement-Casing Interfaces: Reactive Flowthrough Experiments on the Metre Scale: T K T
Wolterbeek, C J Peach, C J Spiers
Moscone West 3011
Global Precipitation Measurement,
Validation, and Applications IV (joint
with A, GC, IN, NH)
Presiding: Yang Hong, University of
Oklahoma; Ramesh Kakar, NASA
Headquarters; Gail Skofronick Jackson,
NASA-GSFC; Walter Petersen, NASA
GSFC/WFF Code 610.W
1340h H23P-01 IPHEx 2014: Observations of
Orographic Precipitation Processes in the Southern
Appalachians: A P Barros, W A Petersen, T J Lang,
A M Wilson, Y Duan, S W Nesbitt, R Cifelli, M
Schwaller, D B Wolff, D K Miller, J J Gourley, M
1355h H23P-02 Hydrologic Simulations in Complex
Terrain Conditioned on Different Precipitation
Inputs During IPHEx: J M Erlingis, H J Vergara, J
J Gourley, E N Anagnostou
1410h H23P-03 ER-2 Airborne Radars Data during
Iphex – a New 4-Frequency Look at Precipitation:
G M Heymsfield, L Tian, M McLinden, L Li, J
Cervantes, V Venkatesh, M Coon
1425h H23P-04 Constraints on a priori assumptions
and microphysical properties in precipitation from
in situ measurements in GPM-GV field campaigns:
regime dependence and impact on retrievals: S W
Nesbitt, D S Harnos, K Harnos, K A Reed, G Duffy,
G M McFarquhar, S Tanelli, C R Williams, B T
Johnson, W A Petersen, A Tokay, A P Barros, A M
1440h H23P-05 Investigation of precipitation
characteristics during NASA GV field projects: B
Dolan, S A Rutledge, W A Petersen, D B Wolff
1455h H23P-06 Observations of Melting-Layer
Microphysical Processes: A Heymsfield, A
Bansemer, M Poellot, A Neumann
1510h H23P-07 Study of Dual-Wavelength PIA
Estimates: Ratio of Ka- and Ku-band Attenuations
Obtained from Measured DSD Data: L Liao, R
Meneghini, A Tokay
1525h H23P-08 OLYMPEX: A Global Precipitation
Mission (GPM) Ground Validation Campaign on
the Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest: L
A McMurdie, R Houze, J D Lundquist, C Mass, W
A Petersen, M Schwaller
Moscone West 3016
Groundwater-Surface Water
Interactions: Physical, Biological, and
Chemical Processes II (joint with B)
Presiding: Adam Ward, University
of Iowa; Martin Briggs, USGS Office
of Groundwater; Audrey Sawyer,
University of Kentucky; Jim Best, Univ
Illinois Urbana Champaign
Presiding: Stuart Walsh, LLNL; Susan
Carroll, Lawrence Livermore Natl
Lab; Shibo Wang, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
1340h H23Q-01 From Hyporheic Science to River
Restoration: The Contribution of Physically-Based
Hydrological Models: D H Käser, A M Binley, L
1340h H23O-01 Leak Path Development in CO2
Wells: M Torsater, J Todorovic, N Opedal, A
1355h H23Q-02 Key stream/sediment exchanges of
water and heat near stream mouths: J E Constantz,
R C Naranjo, R G Niswonger, B T Neilson, K
Allander, C Zamora, D W Smith, D A Stonestrom
1410h H23Q-03 Experiments in Advective and
Turbulent Hyporheic Pumping: A H Mccluskey, S
Grant, M J Stewardson
AGU2014News.indb 46
1455h H23Q-06 How do Hyporheic Zones Mediate
Stream Solute Loads? Using Antarctic Glacial Melt
Streams to Simplify the Problem: A N Wlostowski,
M N Gooseff, D M McKnight
1510h H23Q-07 The advantages, and challenges,
in using multiple techniques in the estimation of
surface water-groundwater fluxes. : M Shanafield,
P G Cook
1525h H23Q-08 Stable isotope signature of
groundwater-seawater interaction in a microtidal coast of the Bay of Bengal: P Debnath, A
Mukherjee, S Rao, G Krishan
Moscone West 3022
Microorganisms, Colloids, Engineered
Nanoparticles, and Emerging
Contaminants in the Environment I
(joint with B)
Moscone West 3020
Water Resources Management
and Policy in a Changing World V
Innovative Methods and Applications
(joint with GC, PA)
Presiding: Kaveh Madani, Imperial
College London; Patrick Reed, Cornell
University; Casey Brown, University
of Massachusetts Amherst; Greogory
Characklis, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
1340h H23T-01 The Effects of Variations in El Niño
and La Niña Patterns on World Food Markets: P A
Ray, R Robertson, T Zhu, S Steinschneider, C M
1355h H23T-02 Ecological Decision Scaling: A
Framework For Incorporating Ecological Principles
in Water Management Decision Making: T
Grantham, L Poff, C M Spence, J Matthews, C M
Brown, M Palmer, K L Hondula, C Baeza Castro
1410h H23T-03 A Screening-Level Hydroeconomic
Model of South Florida Water Resources System: A
Mirchi, D W Watkins Jr, M Flaxman, D Wiesmann
Presiding: Denis O’Carroll, Western
University; Andrew Ramsburg, Tufts
University; William Johnson, Univ Utah
1425h H23T-04 Cost Distribution of Environmental
Flow Demands in a Large Scale Multi-Reservoir
System: G Marques, A Tilmant
1340h H23R-01 Triclosan and Hydroxylated
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Lake and
Esturaine Sediments: W A Arnold, J F Kerrigan, K
McNeill, P R Erickson, M Grandbois
H23T-05 Collaborative
Planning for Water Security: Preliminary Lessons,
Challenges, and the Way Forward for Maipo Basin
Adaptation Plan, Chile: S Vicuna, C A Scott, S
Bonelli, E Bustos, F J Meza
1400h H23R-02 Product-to-parent reversion
processes: Stream-hyporheic spiraling increases
ecosystem exposure and environmental persistence:
A S Ward, D M Cwiertny, E P Kolodziej
1415h H23R-03 Impact of Microbial Growth on
Subsurface Perfluoroalkyl Acid Transport: T S
Weathers, C P Higgins, J Sharp
1430h H23R-04 Bioaerosol Dispersion in Relation
with Wastewater Reuse for Crop Irrigation.
(Experiments to understand emission processes
with enteric virus and risks modeling): D Courault,
G Girardin, L Capowiez, I Albert, C Krawczyk, C
Ball, A Salemkour, F Bon, S Perelle, A Fraisse, P
Renault, P Amato
1445h H23R-05 Effects of manure-application
practices on curli production by Escherichia coli
transported through soil: A M Truhlar, A E
Salvucci, J D Siler, B K Richards, L Geohring, M T
Walter, A G Hay
1500h H23R-06 Colloid Transport in Porous
Media: A Continuing Survey of Conceptual Model
Developmen: T R Ginn, K Nelson, T Kamai, A
Massoudieh, T H Nguyen, T Le Borgne, Y Meheust,
R Turuban, A Benjamin, A Palomino
1520h H23R-07 New Mechanistic Based Correlation
Equation for Predicting Colloid Attachment
Efficiency: Traditional vs. Discrete Heterogeneity
Approaches: E F Pazmino, W P Johnson
1455h H23T-06 Enhancing Floodplain Management
in the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Vegetation
and Water Cycle Satellite Observations: J D Bolten,
J Spruce, R Wilson, K Strauch, T Doyle, R Srinivan,
V Lakshmi, M Gupta
1510h H23T-07 Water-Energy-Food Nexus:
Compelling Issues for Geophysical Research: M
Akhbari, N S Grigg, R Waskom
1525h H23T-08 Fully-Integrated Simulation
of Conjunctive Use from Field to Basin Scales:
Development of a Surface Water Operations
Module for MODFLOW-OWHM: I M Ferguson,
S E Boyce, R T Hanson, D Llewellyn
Moscone South Poster Hall
Linking Physical Objects to
Cyberinfrastructure Posters (joint with
B, MR, PP, V)
Presiding: Kerstin Lehnert, Columbia
University; Sarah Ramdeen, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; David
Arctur, University of Texas at Austin
1340h IN23A-3722 POSTER Content Model Use
and Development to Redeem Thin Section Records:
D J Hills
1535h Concluding Remarks
Moscone West 3014
Precipitation Partitioning by
Vegetation: Methods, Measurement,
and Modeling of Hydrologic and
Biogeochemical Dimensions II (joint
with A, B, C)
Presiding: John Van Stan, Georgia
Southern University; Delphis Levia,
University of Delaware; Darryl CarlyleMoses, Thompson Rivers University
1340h H23S-01 Variations in canopy and litter
interception across a forest chronosequence in the
southern Appalachian Mountains : S T Brantley, P
Bolstad, C Sobek, S Laseter, K A Novick, J M Vose,
C F Miniat
1400h H23S-02 Simulated Impacts of Emerald
Ash Borer on Throughfall and Stemflow Inputs
of Water and Nitrogen in Black Ash Wetlands in
Northern Michigan: T G Pypker, J Davis, M J Van
Grinsven, N W Bolton, J Shannon, R K Kolka, J
Nelson, J W Wagenbrenner
1420h H23S-03 Aphid infestation affecting the
biogeochemistry of European beech saplings : B
Michalzik, D F Levia Jr, S Bischoff, K Näthe
1500h H23S-05 Estimation of rainfall interception
in grassland using eddy flux measurements: A
Maruyama, Y Miyazawa, A Inoue
1340h IN23A-3723 POSTER National Geological
and Geophysical Data Preservation Program:
Successes and Lessons Learned: B M Adrian
1340h IN23A-3724 POSTER Exposing USGS
sample collections for broader discovery and access:
collaboration between ScienceBase, IEDA:SESAR,
and Paleobiology Database: L Hsu, S Bristol, K A
Lehnert, R A Arko, S E Peters, M D Uhen, L Song
1340h IN23A-3725 POSTER NASA’s Astromaterials
Curation Digital Repository: Enabling Research
Through Increased Access to Sample Data, Metadata
and Imagery: C A Evans, N S Todd
COLLECTIONS: M R Carter, K A Lehnert
1340h IN23A-3727 POSTER A Global Registry
for Scientific Collections: Striking a Balance
Between Disciplinary Detail and Interdisciplinary
Discoverability: E Graham, D E Schindel
A Molineux, A C Thompson, L Appleton
1340h IN23A-3729 POSTER Processes in scientific
workflows for information seeking related to
physical sample materials: S Ramdeen
1520h H23S-06 Predictability of Stemflow in a
Species-Rich Tropical Forest: A Zimmermann, B
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:04 AM
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone West 2020
Promoting Sustainable Science
Software, Widening the Dialog:
Perspectives from and Interactions
Between End Users, Organizations,
and Institutions Posters (joint with DI)
Using Open Source Software to
Enable Scientific Analysis and Reuse
of Data III Posters
(joint with DI)
Leveraging Enabling Technologies
and Architectures to Enable Data
Intensive Science II
(joint with DI)
Presiding: Jens Klump, CSIRO Earth
Science and Resource Engineering Perth;
Robert Downs, Columbia University of
New York
Presiding: Thomas Huang, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
Presiding: W. Christopher Lenhardt,
Renaissance Computing Institute;
Matthew Jones, National Center for
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis;
Mark Schildhauer, National Center
for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis;
Ray Idaszak, Renaissance Computing
1340h IN23D-3746 POSTER Rnomads: An R
Interface with the NOAA Operational Model
Archive and Distribution System: D C Bowman, J
M Lees
1340h IN23B-3730 POSTER Building Software,
Building Community: Lessons from the Ropensci
Project: C Boettiger
1340h IN23D-3747 POSTER Prototype of Partial
Cutting Tool of Geological Map Images Distributed
by Geological Web Map Service: S Nonogaki, T
1340h IN23B-3731 POSTER Earth Science
Informatics Community Requirements for
Practices: User Perspectives and Implications for
Organizational Action: R R Downs, W C Lenhardt,
E Robinson
1340h IN23B-3732 POSTER Cultural and
Technological Issues and Solutions for Geodynamics
Software Citation: E M Heien, L Hwang, A E Fish,
M Smith, J Dumit, L H Kellogg
1340h IN23B-3734 POSTER Community Capacity
Building as a vital mechanism for enhancing the
growth and efficacy of a sustainable scientific
software ecosystem: experiences running a real-time
bi-coastal “Open Science for Synthesis” Training
Institute for young Earth and Environmental
scientists: M Schildhauer, M B Jones, B Bolker,
W C Lenhardt, S E Hampton, R Idaszak, S Rebich
Hespanha, S Ahalt, L Christopherson
1340h IN23B-3735 POSTER Building a Science
Software Institute: Synthesizing the Lessons
Learned from the ISEES and WSSI Software
Institute Conceptualization Efforts: R Idaszak, W
C Lenhardt, M B Jones, S Ahalt, M Schildhauer, S
E Hampton
Moscone South Poster Hall
Technology Trends for Big Science
Data Management Posters
Presiding: Bernd Ritschel, GFZ
Potsdam; Yolanda Gil, Univ. of Southern
1340h IN23C-3736 POSTER PDS4: Meeting Big
Data Challenges Via a Model-Driven Planetary
Science Data Architecture and System: E Law, J S
Hughes, D J Crichton, S H Hardman, R Joyner, P
1340h IN23C-3737 POSTER Smart Data
Infrastructure: The Sixth Generation of Mediation
for Data Science: P A Fox
1340h IN23C-3738 POSTER A Rapid Turn-around,
Scalable Big Data Processing Capability for the JPL
Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) Mission: C A
1340h IN23C-3739 POSTER Ontology of Space
Physics for e-Science Applications Based on ISO
19156: I A Galkin, S F Fung, R F Benson, D
Heynderickx, A Charisi, D Lowe, S Ventouras, B
Ritschel, M A Hapgood, A Belehaki, D A Roberts,
T A King, T Narock
1340h IN23C-3740 POSTER The Planetary Data
System Information Model for Geometry Metadata:
E A Guinness, M K Gordon
1340h IN23C-3741 POSTER Analysis of model
output and science data in the Virtual Model
Repository (VMR): D De Zeeuw, A J Ridley
1340h IN23C-3742 POSTER Modifications to the
NSSDCA Information Model to Support PDS4: E V
Bell II, P W McCaslin, E J Grayzeck, S McLaughlin,
J M Kodis, D R Williams
1340h IN23C-3743 POSTER The Condensate
Database for Big Data Analysis: D W Gallaher, Q
Lv, G Grant, G G Campbell, Q Liu
1340h IN23C-3745 POSTER Application of
Ontologies for Big Earth Data: T Huang, G Chang,
E M Armstrong, C Boening
1340h IN23D-3748 POSTER SatelliteDL: a Toolkit
for Analysis of Heterogeneous Satellite Datasets: M
D Galloy, D Fillmore
1340h IN23D-3749 POSTER plas.io: Open Source,
Browser-based WebGL Point Cloud Visualization:
H Butler, D C Finnegan, P J Gadomski, U K Verma
1340h IN23D-3751 POSTER Developing Sustainable
Modeling Software and Necessary Data Repository
for Volcanic Hazard Analysis -- Some Lessons
Learnt: A K Patra, C Connor, P Webley, M Jones,
S J Charbonnier, L Connor, S Gallo, M I Bursik,
G Valentine, C G Hughes, H Aghakhani, C S
Renschler, T Kosar, T Kosar
1340h IN23D-3752 POSTER UCVM: Open Source
Software for Understanding and Delivering 3D
Velocity Models: D Gill, P Small, P J Maechling, T
H Jordan, J H Shaw, A Plesch, P Chen, E J Lee, R
Taborda, K B Olsen, S Callaghan
1340h IN23D-3753 POSTER Adopting the TestDriven Development to Developing Numerical
Weather Prediction Model by Using the pFUnit: S
Y Jun, J Kim, I S Song
1340h IN23D-3754 POSTER Enabling Automated
Graph-based Search for the Identification and
Characterization of Mesoscale Convective
Complexes in Satellite Datasets through Integration
with the Apache Open Climate Workbench: L J
McGibbney, K D Whitehall, C A Mattmann, C E
Goodale, M Joyce, P Ramirez, P Zimdars
1340h IN23E-01 Big Data: An Opportunity for
Collaboration with Computer Scientists on DataDriven Science: C Baru
1400h IN23E-02 Integrating the Apache Big Data
Stack with HPC for Big Data: G C Fox, J Qiu, S Jha
1420h IN23E-03 Dawn: A Simulation Model for
Evaluating Costs and Tradeoffs of Big Data Science
Architectures: L Cinquini, D J Crichton, A J
Braverman, L Kyo, T Fuchs, M Turmon
1440h IN23E-04 A Web service-based architecture
for real-time hydrologic sensor networks: B P
Wong, Y Zhao, B Kerkez
1500h IN23E-05 Shipping Science Worldwide with
Open Source Containers: J P Molineaux, B D
McLaughlin, D Pilone, P G Plofchan, K J Murphy
1520h IN23E-06 The SmartH2O project: a platform
supporting residential water management through
smart meters and data intensive modeling: A
Cominola, R Nanda, M Giuliani, D Piga, A
Castelletti, A E Rizzoli, A Maziotis, P Garrone, J J
Moscone South Poster Hall
Deformation, Constitutive Response,
and Failure of Sedimentary Rocks I
Posters (joint with H, T)
Presiding: Mathew Ingraham, Sandia
National Laboratories; Kathleen Issen,
Clarkson University
1340h MR23A-4311 POSTER Dissolution and
compaction instabilities in geomaterials: I
Stefanou, J Sulem, J de Sauvage
1340h IN23D-3755 POSTER GISCube, an Open
Source Web-based GIS Application: M Boustani, C
A Mattmann, P Ramirez
1340h MR23A-4312 POSTER Porosity and
Mineralogy Control on the Thermal Properties of
Sediments in Off-Shimokita Deep-Water Coal Bed
Basin: W Tanikawa, O Tadai, S Morita, W Lin, Y
Yamada, Y Sanada, K Moe, Y Kubo, F Inagaki
1340h IN23D-3756 POSTER Open Source GIS
Connectors to the NASA GES DISC Satellite Data:
L Pham, S J Kempler, W Yang
1340h MR23A-4313 POSTER Simulation of
Anisotropic Rock Damage for Geologic Fracturing:
S Busetti, H Xu, C F Arson
1340h IN23D-3757 POSTER A prototype for
automation of land-cover products from Landsat
Surface Reflectance Data Records: J Rover, M B
Goldhaber, D Steinwand, K Nelson, M Coan, B K
Wylie, D Dahal, S Wika, R Quenzer
1340h IN23D-3758 POSTER Testing framework for
GRASS GIS: ensuring reproducibility of scientific
geospatial computing: V Petras, S Gebbert
1340h IN23D-3759 POSTER The Snow Data
System at NASA JPL: R Laidlaw, T H Painter, C
A Mattmann, P Ramirez, K Bormann, M J Brodzik,
A B Burgess, K Rittger, C E Goodale, M Joyce, L J
McGibbney, P Zimdars
1340h IN23D-3760 POSTER Automated Data
Submission for the Data Center: D Wright, T
Beaty, Y Wei, H Shanafield, S K Santhana Vannan
1340h IN23D-3761 POSTER National Geothermal
Data System: Open Access to Geoscience Data,
Maps, and Documents: C M Caudill, S M Richard,
L Musil, A Sonnenschein, J Good
Blueprint for Plate Boundary Observatories based
on interoperable Data Management Platforms:
D I Kerschke, R Häner, B Schurr, O Oncken, J
1340h IN23D-3763 POSTER The Demonstrator for
the European Plate Observing System (EPOS): T L
Hoffmann, F Euteneuer, D Ulbricht, J Lauterjung,
D Bailo, K G Jeffery
1340h IN23D-3764 POSTER Towards “open applied”
Earth sciences: C R Ziegler, M Schildhauer
1340h IN23D-3765 POSTER Cloud based, Open
Source Software Application for Mitigating
Herbicide Drift: D Saraswat, B Scott
1340h MR23A-4314 POSTER Hydro-mechanical
behavior of fractured sedimentary rock under
stress axis rotation by crack tensor and permeability
tensor: T Takemura, M Takahashi
1340h MR23A-4315 POSTER Mechanical Behavior
of Low Porosity Carbonate Rock: From Brittle
Creep to Ductile Creep: A Nicolas, J Fortin, Y
1340h MR23A-4316 POSTER Stress Evolution
in Sediments Around a Rising Salt Diapir: M A
Nikolinakou, P B Flemings, M R Hudec
1340h MR23A-4317 POSTER Permeability and
microstructural changes due to weathering of
pyroclastic rocks in Cappadocia, central Turkey: M
Sato, M Takahashi, R Anma, K Shiomi
1340h MR23A-4330 POSTER Cross-bedding
Related Anisotropy and its Role in the Orientation
of Joints in an Aeolian Sandstone: S Deng, A Cilona,
C Mapeli, A Panfilau, A Aydin, M Prasad
1340h MR23A-4331 POSTER Microstructural
observations of reconsolidated granular salt to
250°C: M M Mills, F Hansen, S J Bauer, J Stormont
1340h MR23A-4332 POSTER An Experimental
Investigation into Failure and Localization
Phenomena in the Extension to Shear Fracture
Transition in Rock: R C Choens II, F M Chester, S
J Bauer, G M Flint
1340h MR23A-4333 POSTER Geomechanical
variability within the D-E Member of the lower
Tuscaloosa Formation supporting the SECARB
Phase III CO2 Injection Program: A J Rinehart, T
A Dewers, S Broome, P Newell
1340h MR23A-4334 POSTER Development of
a Thermodynamically Consistent Constitutive
Framework for Castlegate Sandstone: M C
Richards, M D Ingraham, K A Issen
1340h MR23A-4335 POSTER Development of
constitutive parameters from true triaxial tests
performed on Castlegate Sandstone: K A Issen, M
D Ingraham, T A Dewers
1340h MR23A-4336 POSTER Effects of Coupled
Structural and Diagenetic Processes on Deformation
Localization and Fluid Flow Properties in Sandstone
Reservoirs of the Southwestern United States: S J
Elliott, P Eichhubl, C J Landry
1340h MR23A-4337 POSTER Geomechaical
Behavior of Shale Rocks Under High Pressure and
Temperature: R Villamor Lora, E Ghazanfari
1340h MR23A-4338 POSTER Water weakening
in porous carbonate rocks: equilibrium and
disequilibrium pore fluid effects: H P Lisabeth, W
1340h MR23A-4339 POSTER Microstructural
changes of sandstone specimens during CO2
injection : J H Park, J Son, M Oh, H D Park
1340h MR23A-4340 POSTER Subcritical growth of
natural hydraulic fractures: D Garagash
Moscone South Poster Hall
Physical Properties of Earth Materials
(PPEM): Evolving Rock Structure I
Posters (joint with T)
Presiding: Wenlu Zhu, University of
Maryland College Park; Jessica Warren,
Stanford University; Heather Savage,
Lamont-Doherty; Margaret Boettcher,
University of New Hampshire
1340h MR23B-4341 POSTER Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance in Unconventional Rocks: What Do the
Data Tell Us?: M Saidian, M Prasad
1340h MR23B-4342 POSTER Temperature
measurements at IODP 337 Expedition, off
Shimokita, NE Japan: Y Yamada, Y Sanada, K Moe,
Y Kubo, F Inagaki
1340h MR23B-4343 POSTER Fracture and
mechanical stratigraphy for MississippianPennsylvanian age carbonates, Ozark Dome, NW
Arkansas: M Peppers, C M Burberry
1340h MR23A-4320 POSTER 3-D Numerical
Simulation of Hydrostatic Tests of Porous Rocks
Using Adapted Constitutive Model: A I Chemenda,
M Daniel
1340h MR23B-4344 POSTER Layer Parallel
an Ongoing Process throughout the Entire
Deformation Sequence?: C M Burberry
1340h MR23A-4323 POSTER Mechanism of Wiggly
Compaction Band Formation in High-porosity
Sandstone: Field Observation, Microscopic Analysis
and Numerical Simulation: C Liu, D D Pollard
1340h MR23B-4345 POSTER Micromechanics of
Shear Localization under Elevated Temperature and
Pore Pressure in Experimentally Deformed Quartz
Sandstone: T Kanaya, G Hirth
1340h MR23A-4324 POSTER A Transversely
Isotropic Thermo-mechanical Framework for Oil
Shale: S J Semnani, J A White, R I Borja
Experimental Characterization and 3D Mechanistic
Modeling of Shale with Quantified Heterogeneity:
K C Bennett, R I Borja
1340h MR23A-4327 POSTER Modeling the (Sub)
surface Deformation Field Evolution Due to
Production from a Hydrocarbon Reservoir Overlain
by Rocksalt: G Marketos, R M A Govers, C J Spiers
AGU2014News.indb 47
1340h MR23A-4329 POSTER Indirect Estimations
of Frictional Coefficients of Fractures in Sandstones
for Analysis of Injection Induced Microseismicity: Y
Jo, C Chang, H J Koh
1340h MR23A-4318 POSTER Variations in shear
strength properties of clay-rich sediments over the
effective stress range of 0.1 to 100 MPa: B Casey, J
T Germaine, P B Flemings, B P Fahy
1340h MR23A-4326 POSTER A New Method for
Determining the Non-Linear Effective Pressure: W
Xiao, L Li, Y Bernabe, J Zhao, M Li
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
1340h MR23A-4328 POSTER Implementation of
Bounding Surface Model into ABAQUS and Its
Application to Wellbore Stability Analysis: S Chen,
G Al-Muntasheri, Y N Abousleiman
1340h MR23B-4346 POSTER Dynamic AcoustoElasticity: Pressure and Frequency Dependences
in Berea Sandstone: J V Riviere, L Pimienta, S
Latour, J Fortin, A Schubnel, P A Johnson
1340h MR23B-4347 POSTER Experimental layering
development by indenter technique and application
to fault rheology differentiation: J P Gratier, C N
Noiriel, F Renard
1340h MR23B-4348 POSTER Deformation
and Brittle Failure of Folded Gneiss in Triaxial
Compression: Failure Modes, Acoustic Signatures
and Microfabric Controls: F Agliardi, S
Vinciguerra, M R Dobbs, S Zanchetta
11/28/2014 10:45:04 AM
1340h MR23B-4349 POSTER How does Brittle
Deformation of Phyllosilicate-rich Mylonites
Work? Implications for Fault Weakness: F
Bolognesi, A Bistacchi, M R Dobbs, M Kirkham,
S Vinciguerra
observations of semi-brittle failure in Carrara
marble: Y Tal, J B Evans
1340h MR23B-4351 POSTER Consequences of
Anisotropic Permeability and Surface Tension for
Magmatic Segregation in Deforming Mantle Rock:
J Taylor-West, R F Katz
1340h MR23B-4352 POSTER Consequences of MeltPreferred Orientation for Magmatic Segregation in
Deforming Mantle Rock: R F Katz, J Taylor-West,
J Allwright, Y Takei, C Qi, D L Kohlstedt
1340h MR23B-4353 POSTER Fabric Development
in Sheared Mantle Rocks: The Source of the ‘ac’ Switch: C Qi, L N Hansen, B K Holtzman, D L
1340h MR23B-4354 POSTER Radio Wave
Generation by a Collision or Contact between
Various Materials : T Takano, R Hanawa, K
Saegusa, H Ikeda
1340h MR23B-4355 POSTER The Role of
Orthopyroxene in the Deformation of the Upper
Mantle: P A Skemer, R Bruijn, J Linckens
1340h MR23B-4356 POSTER Rheological and
microstructural evolution of quartz in the midcrust: J M Rahl, P A Skemer
1340h MR23B-4357 POSTER Fabric Transitions in
Quartz via Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent Modelling:
Axial Compression and Simple Shear under
Constant Strain: L F G Morales, G E Lloyd, D
1340h MR23B-4358 POSTER Reversibility of Lpo in
Olivine during Deformation at High Pressure: L Li,
D J Weidner
1340h MR23B-4359 POSTER A study of the
influence of conductive paths and their directions
in randomly generated conductor network: E
Mandolesi, M Moorkamp, A G Jones
Moscone South Poster Hall
Rheology of Earth’s Mantle I Posters
(joint with DI, G, S, T, V)
Presiding: Lowell Miyagi, University
of Utah; Lars Hansen, University of
Oxford; Anthony Watts, Univ Oxford;
Nadege Hilairet, University of Lille 1
1340h MR23C-4360 POSTER High Precision
Measurements of Temperature Dependence
of Creep Rate of Polycrystalline Forsterite: T
Nakakoji, T Hiraga
1340h MR23C-4371 POSTER Plastic Deformation of
Transition Zone Minerals: Effect of Temperature
on Dislocation Mobility: S Ritterbex, P Carrez, K
Gouriet, P Cordier
1340h MR23C-4372 POSTER Weak-Beam DarkField TEM Characterization of Dislocations and
Slip Systems in Wadsleyite deformed in Simple
Shear at Pressure-Temperature Conditions of the
Mantle Transition Zone: T Kawazoe, N Miyajima
1340h MR23C-4374 POSTER High-pressure,
high-temperature deformation of CaGeO3
(perovskite)±MgO aggregates: Elasto-ViscoPlastic
Self-Consistent modeling and implications for
multi-phase rheology of the lower mantle: N
Hilairet, C Tomé, H Wang, S Merkel, Y Wang, N
1340h MR23C-4375 POSTER Temperature
Dependent Dislocation Mobility in MgSiO3
Perovskite: An Atomic Scale Study: A Kraych, P
Hirel, P Carrez, P Cordier
1340h MR23C-4376 POSTER Shear Deformation
of Fe Polycrystals in the Rotational Diamond Anvil
Cell: S Merkel, A Lincot, C Nisr, M Hanfland, A
1340h MR23C-4377 POSTER Relating Single Crystal
Rheology to Polyphase Aggregate Rheology – the
Importance of Stress Percolation: P C Burnley
1340h MR23C-4378 POSTER Comparison and
Tensorial Formulation of Inelastic Constitutive
Models of Salt Rock Behaviour and Efficient
Numerical Implementatio: T Nagel, N Böttcher, U
J Görke, O Kolditz
Recrystallization in Ice : In-Situ Observation of the
Strain Field during Grain Nucleation: T Chauve, M
Montagnat, A Tommasi, P Vacher
1340h MR23C-4380 POSTER Grain-size-sensitive
creep and its relationship to grain-size-insensitive
attenuation in ice-I: T E Caswell, R F Cooper, D
L Goldsby
1340h MR23C-4381 POSTER Fabrics and Rheology
of the Mojave Lower Crust and Lithospheric
Mantle: R E Bernard, W M Behr
1340h MR23C-4382 POSTER Grain-Size Dynamics
Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications for
Permeability and Melt Extraction: A J Turner, R
F Katz, M D Behn
1340h MR23C-4383 POSTER Development of
Anisotropic Fabric and Associated Anisotropic
Viscosity within Lithospheric and Asthenospheric
Shear Zones: C P Conrad, L N Hansen, J M Warren,
S Natarov, D L Kohlstedt
1340h MR23C-4384 POSTER Models of
Lithospheric Flexure and Outer Trench Wall
Fracturing using an Iterative Spectral Method: E S
M Garcia, D T Sandwell
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h NG23B-3802 POSTER The Stochastic Theory
of Fluvial Landsurfaces: B Birnir
Geophysical, Astrophysical, and
Geological Fluid Dynamics and Big
Data II Posters
(joint with A, DI, EP, SH)
Presiding: Jonathan Aurnou, Univ
California, Los Angeles; Annick
Pouquet, NCAR Library; Andrea
Donnellan, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Robert Granat, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
1340h NG23A-3780 POSTER 2D Turbulence
with Complicated Boundaries: G Roullet, J C
1340h NG23A-3781 POSTER Rotational Splittings
of Acoustic Modes in an Experimental Model of a
Planetary Core: M M Adams, D Stone, D P Lathrop
1340h NG23A-3782 POSTER Fractal analysis of
urban environment: land use and sewer system: A
Gires, S Ochoa Rodriguez, J Van Assel, G Bruni, D
Murla Tulys, L Wang, R Pina, J Richard, A Ichiba,
P Willems, I Tchiguirinskaia, M C ten Veldhuis, D
J M Schertzer
1340h NG23A-3783 POSTER A Semi-Hydrostatic
Theory of Gravity-Dominated Compressible Flow:
T Dubos, F Voitus
1340h NG23A-3784 POSTER The Effect of
Moderate Rotation on Stratified Turbulence: D L
Rosenberg, A Pouquet, R Marino, P D Mininni
1340h NG23A-3785 POSTER A Quasigeostrophic
Model of Zonal Wind Generation on the Gas
Giants: D Laycock, M Dumberry
1340h NG23A-3786 POSTER Sparse Representation
and Multiscale Methods - Application to Digital
Elevation Models: R E R Stefanescu, A K Patra, M
I Bursik
distributions and their effect on entrainment in
turbulent buoyant plumes: D Jessop, M Jellinek
1340h NG23A-3788 POSTER Numerical Simulations
of Nonlinear Wall-Mode Convection: K J Burns,
G M Vasil
1340h NG23A-3789 POSTER Nonlinear filtering
techniques for noisy geophysical data: Using big
data to predict the future: J M Moore
1340h NG23A-3790 POSTER Simulations of
Convective Excitation of Internal Waves in Water:
D Lecoanet, E Quataert, G M Vasil, B P Brown, J
1340h NG23A-3791 POSTER Rotating convection in
elliptical geometries: M Evonuk
1340h MR23C-4361 POSTER Relative strengths
of orthopyroxene and olivine at asthenospheric
conditions: C W Holyoke III, P Raterron, J Girard
Marriott Marquis Salons
1340h NG23A-3792 POSTER Mathematical
Evidence-theoretic Framework for Information
Fusion of Disaster Scene Big Data: Z Chen
1340h MR23C-4362 POSTER Time-Dependent
Flexural Deformation Beneath the Emperor
Seamounts: P Wessel, A B Watts, S S Kim
Physics and Chemistry of the Deep
Earth III (joint with DI, S, T, V)
1340h NG23A-3793 POSTER Zonal flow and
vortices with deep convection and shallow stable
stratification: M H Heimpel, T Gastine, J Wicht
1340h MR23C-4363 POSTER Microstructure
of Finero phlogopite peridotite, indicating
deformation history during exhuming from the
upper mantle: N Wada, J I Ando, T Yamamoto, D
1340h MR23C-4364 POSTER Water has no effect
on oxygen self-diffusion rate in forsterite: H Fei, D
Yamazaki, M Wiedenbeck, T Katsura
1340h MR23C-4365 POSTER Diffusion creep of
enstatite at high pressures: G Zhang, S Mei, D L
1340h MR23C-4366 POSTER Observation of Grain
Rotations to Elucidate the Development of Crystal
Preferred Orientation during Diffusion Creep: G
Maruyama, T Hiraga
Presiding: Tetsuya Komabayashi,
University of Edinburgh; Zhicheng
Jing, Case Western Reserve University;
Razvan Caracas, CNRS; Carole Nisr,
Arizona State University
1340h MR23D-01 The Post-Perovskite Transition
and Mineralogical Changes in the Chemically
Heterogeneous Lower Mantle: S H D Shim, Y Ye, B
Grocholski, S Xu, D Morgan, J Zhao, E E Alp
1355h MR23D-02 Post-Perovskite: Ten Years After
- Theoretical Insights into its Physical Properties: S
1410h MR23D-03 Can We Explain the D” Reflector
with the Post-Perovskite Phase Transition?: C
Thomas, L J Cobden
1340h MR23C-4367 POSTER Synthesis of the a-Axis
Textured Forsterite Aggregate Using Slip Casting in
a Strong Magnetic Field: S Koizumi, T S Suzuki, Y
Sakka, T Hiraga
1425h MR23D-04 The limited depth range of a
metallic-Fe-bearing layer in the lower mantle and
its implications for partial melting: J Girard, S I
1340h MR23C-4368 POSTER Improved texture
measurement during deformation of polycrystalline
olivine at high pressure: N A Dixon, W B Durham,
D L Kohlstedt, S A Hunt
1440h MR23D-05 Seismic constraints on the
hydration of subducting oceanic crust and mantle:
T Garth, A Rietbrock
1340h MR23C-4369 POSTER Deformation
Mechanisms of Antigorite Serpentinite at
Subduction Zone Conditions Determined from
Experimentally and Naturally Deformed Rocks: A L
Auzende, J Escartin, N Walte, S Guillot, G Hirth,
D J Frost
1340h MR23C-4370 POSTER The Mechanics of
Deep Earthquakes: An Experimental Investigation
of Slab Phase Changes: J R Santangeli, D P
Dobson, S A Hunt, P G Meredith
AGU2014News.indb 48
1455h MR23D-06 Effect of Hydrous Mantle on a
Coupled Core-Mantle Evolution: T Nakagawa, H
1510h MR23D-07 First principles investigations of
hydrous phases at the bottom of the lower mantle: J
Tsuchiya, J P Townsend, T Tsuchiya, S D Jacobsen,
C R Bina
1525h MR23D-08 Stability of Hydrous Phase H
MgSiO2(OH)2 Under the Lower Mantle Conditions:
E Ohtani, Y Amaike, S Kamada, T Sakamaki, N
1340h NG23B-3801 POSTER A Simple Differential
Equation Associating Multiple Types of Probability
Distributions in Characterization of Noninear
Processes in Geosciences: Q Cheng
1340h NG23A-3794 POSTER Intense Flows Driven
by Mechanical Forcing in Non-axisymmetric
Containers: A M Grannan, M Le Bars, J M Aurnou
1340h NG23A-3795 POSTER Detection of Aseismic
Geodetic Transients Using k-Nearest Neighbors: R
A Granat
1340h NG23B-3803 POSTER Self-Similarity in OneDimensional Unsteady Open Channel Flow through
Irregular Channel Cross-Sections: A Ercan, M L
Kavvas, I Haltas
1340h NG23B-3804 POSTER Verification of the
Forecast Errors Based on Ensemble Spread: S
Vannitsem, B Van Schaeybroeck
1340h NG23B-3805 POSTER Intermittent Vector
Fields: A Challenge for Mathematical Geophysics?:
D J M Schertzer, I Tchiguirinskaia
Reconstruction and Turbulence Estimation in the
Boundary Layer from Doppler Lidar Measurements
using Particle Method: L Rottner, C Baehr
1340h NG23B-3807 POSTER Scale Invariance and
Self-Similarity of 1-Dimensional Non-equilibrium
Suspended Sediment Transport: K J Carr, A Ercan,
M L Kavvas
1340h NG23B-3808 POSTER How to generate
continuous cascade models with zero values: theory
and simulations for a continuous beta-multifractal
model: F G Schmitt
1340h NG23B-3809 POSTER Geological Verification
of Nonlinear Behavior of Trace Element Migration
in Vertical Regolith over Mineral Deposits: C Tan,
Z Yuan, Q Cheng
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Non-Gaussian and Nonlinear
Techniques for Data Assimilation/
Fusion, Predictability, and
Uncertainty Quantification and
Neural Networks I (Virtual Session)
(joint with A, GC, H, OS)
Presiding: Steven Fletcher, Colorado
State University; Brian Ancell, Texas
Tech Univ-Geosciences; Matthias
Morzfeld, Lawrence Berkeley National
Lab; Anton Kliewer, Cooperative
Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
1340h NG23C-01 Particle Filters for Very HighDimensional Systems: P J van Leeuwen
1355h NG23C-02 4D Hybrid Ensemble-Variational
Data Assimilation for the NCEP GFS: Outer Loops
and Variable Transforms: D T Kleist, K Ide, R
Mahajan, C Thomas
1410h NG23C-03 A Global Approach to the
Identification of Model Noise: A J Chorin, K Lin
1425h NG23C-04 A Local Approach to Hybrid Data
Assimilation: K Ide, D T Kleist
1440h NG23C-05 Bounds on the performance of
particle filters: C Snyder, T Bengtsson
1455h NG23C-06 Transport map-accelerated
Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian parameter
inference: Y Marzouk, M Parno
1510h NG23C-07 Using Self-Organizing Maps in
Creation of an Ocean Forecasting System: I Vilibic,
N Zagar, S Cosoli, V Dadic, D Ivankovic, B Jesenko,
H Kalinic, H Mihanovic, J Sepic, M Tudor
1340h NG23A-3796 POSTER Magnetic Field
Enhancement and Hydromagnetic Dynamics in an
Experimental Model of the Earth’s Core: D Stone,
Q Liu, D S Zimmerman, S A Triana, H C Nataf, D
P Lathrop
1525h NG23C-08 A connectionist-geostatistical
approach for classification of deformation types in
ice surfaces: L R Goetz-Weiss, U C Herzfeld, R G
Hale, E C Hunke, J Bobeck
1340h NG23A-3797 POSTER On the Usage of
Diffusion-Free Parameterizations of Convective
Heat Transfer: J S Cheng, J M Aurnou
1340h NG23A-3798 POSTER Toward Automated
Feature Detection in UAVSAR Images: J W
Parker, A Donnellan, M T Glasscoe
1340h NG23A-3799 POSTER Large-scale anisotropy
in stably stratified rotating flows: R Marino, P D
Mininni, A Pouquet, D L Rosenberg, C Herbert
1340h NG23A-3800 POSTER Comparison of
entrainment in constant volume and constant
flux dense currents over sloping bottoms: K
Bhaganagar, M Nayamatullah, C Cenedese
Moscone South Poster Hall
Nonlinear Geophysics and Math of
Planet Earth: Thriving the Math–
Geophysics Synergies II Posters (joint
with DI)
Presiding: ML Kavvas, Univ California
Davis; Daniel Schertzer, U. Paris-Est
Moscone South Poster Hall
Natural Hazards General
Contributions Posters
Presiding: Dalia Bach Kirschbaum,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
Kirsten Orwig, Swiss Reinsurance
America Corporation; Ramesh Singh,
Chapman University
S Toksoy, A Edinçliler
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:04 AM
1340h NH23A-3846 POSTER Geodetic and Seismic
Investigation of Crustal Deformation in Northwest
Himalaya: S Pasari, O Dikshit Sr, T Kato
1410h NH23B-03 Crossing Thresholds – Human
Responses to Tsunami Forcing in the Pacific: J R
Goff, C Chague-Goff
1340h NH23A-3847 POSTER New Seismic Hazard
Maps of the Caucasus region: T Godoladze,
Z Javakhishvili, M Elashvili, N Jorjiashvili, G
1425h NH23B-04 Tsunamis: Global Exposure
and Local Risk Analysis: C B Harbitz, F Løvholt,
S Glimsdal, N Horspool, J Griffin, G Davies, R
1340h NH23A-3848 POSTER An updated
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of the Trans
Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico: J A Bayona Sr, G
Suarez, F R Zúñiga, M Á Jaimes
1440h NH23B-05 Real-time tsunami inundation
forecasting and damage mapping towards enhancing
tsunami disaster resiliency: S Koshimura, R Hino,
Y Ohta, H Kobayashi, A Musa, Y Murashima
1340h NH23A-3849 POSTER Study on the
Application of Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard
Analysis for the Nuclear Power Plant Site in Korean
Peninsula : H M Rhee, M Kim, D H Sheen, I K Choi
1455h NH23B-06 A Hybrid Tsunami Risk Model
for Japan: A V Haseemkunju, D F Smith, M
Khater, O Khemici, B Betov, J Scott
1340h NH23A-3850 POSTER Evaluation of Risk
from Volcanic Ashfalls at the Los Tuxtlas Region,
Veracruz, Mexico: J M Espindola, M L Godinez, A
1340h NH23A-3851 POSTER Temperature anomaly
in the volcano Popocatepetl area, Mexico: A
Kotsarenko, V Grimalsky, V Yutsis, J C Lavana
Cardenas, O Chavez, A Sojo-Amezquita Sr
1340h NH23A-3852 POSTER No Fire Days of Rest:
Relating California Wildfire Ignitions to Days of
the Week: J Bendix, M Commons
1340h NH23A-3853 POSTER An Overview of the
Los Alamos Program on Asteroid Mitigation by
a Nuclear Explosion: R Weaver, G R Gisler, C S
Plesko, J Ferguson
1340h NH23A-3854 POSTER Snow-avalanche
modeling and hazard level assessment using
statistical and physical modeling, DSS and WebGIS:
case study from Czechia: J Blahut, J Balek, R Juras,
J Klimes, Z Klose, J Roubinek, J Pavlasek
1340h NH23A-3857 POSTER June 2013
Meteotsunami Captured by NOAA/NOS Coastal
Water Level Stations: K Bailey, C DiVeglio, A
1340h NH23A-3859 POSTER Simulation of
Inundation Zone triggered by Dam Failure using
FLO-2D: K Lee, S W Kim, J M Kim
1510h NH23B-07 Earthquake and Tsunami
Disaster Mitigation in The Marmara Region and
Disaster Education in Turkey. (SATREPS Project:
Science and Technology Research Partnership for
Sustainable Development by JICA-JST): Y Kaneda,
M O Erdik, N Takahashi, N Meral Ozel, T Hori, M
Hori, K Kumamoto, D Kalafat, A Pinar, A O Ozel,
A C Yalciner, M Nurlu, G Tanircan, S Citak, K
Ariyoshi, O Necmioglu
1525h NH23B-08 The Redwood Coast Tsunami
Work Group: Promoting Earthquake and Tsunami
Resilience on California’s North Coast: L A
Dengler, C Henderson, D Larkin, T Nicolini, V
Moscone South Poster Hall
Seismic Emission Due to the
Propagation of Fluid-Driven Fractures
Posters (joint with S)
Presiding: Arash Dahi Taleghani,
Louisiana State University and
Agricultural & Mechanical College; Juan
Lorenzo, Louisiana State Univ; Joel
LeCalvez, Schlumberger Oilfield Services
1340h NH23A-3860 POSTER Compound Extremes
and Bunched Black (or Grouped Grey) Swans: N W
1340h NS23A-3884 POSTER Simultaneous
estimation of hypocenter and velocity in
microseismic monitoring: A case study at Shengli
Oilfield, China: Y Liu, H Hu, H Lu, X B Xie
1340h NH23A-3861 POSTER A methodology to
estimate probability of occurrence of floods using
principal component analysis: L M castro Heredia,
J A Gironas
1340h NS23A-3885 POSTER Characterizing Induced
Fractures Using Trapped Waves – What Do We
Want to Know? What Can We Learn?: D Moos, E
M Dunham, O J OReilly
1340h NH23A-3862 POSTER A methodology to
assess the impacts of precipitation change on flood
risk in Tokyo 23 ward area : J Hirano, K Dairaku
1340h NS23A-3886 POSTER Seismic characteristics
of tensile fracture growth induced by hydraulic
fracturing: D W S Eaton, M Van der Baan, N
1340h NH23A-3863 POSTER A simulationoptimization approach to retrieve reservoir
releasing strategies under the trade-off objectives
considering flooding, sedimentation, turbidity and
water supply during typhoons: C L Huang, N S Hsu,
W W G Yeh, G J Y You
1340h NH23A-3864 POSTER Simulation of extreme
wind climate for landscape modelling of a forested
complex-terrain area: J Hosek, D Hanslian, L Pop
1340h NH23A-3865 POSTER Sever Hazards
Prediction Method by Using Phased Array Weather
Radar (PAWR): K Michimoto
1340h NH23A-3866 POSTER Asteroid Defence:
Radiation deposition profiles for angle and depth: J
Ferguson, G R Gisler, C S Plesko, R Weaver
1340h NH23A-3867 POSTER Asteroid Defense:
Comparison of Kinetic-Impact and Nuclear StandOff Schemes: G R Gisler, J Ferguson, C S Plesko,
R Weaver
1340h NH23A-3868 POSTER Application of AMDS
mortar as a treatment agent for arsenic in subsurface
environment : J Choi, H Lee, U K Choi, I J Yang
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Tsunami Hazards and the
Responses of Human and Physical
Environmental Systems to Tsunami
Forcing II (joint with GC, H, NS, SI)
Presiding: Jasper Knight, University of
Witwatersrand; James Goff, University
of New South Wales; Catherine
Chague-Goff, University of New South
Wales/ANSTO; Bruce Jaffe, USGS Pacific
Science Ctr
1340h NH23B-01 Diversity of recent tsunami
impact, sedimentary record, and hazards from
local to distal environments: B M Richmond, G R
Gelfenbaum, B E Jaffe, W Szczucinski
1355h NH23B-02 Tsunami Impacts in River
Environments: E Tolkova, H Tanaka, M Roh
1340h NS23A-3888 POSTER Constraining the
Dynamic Rupture Properties with Moment Tensor
Derived Vp/Vs Ratios: L Smith-Boughner, A M
Baig, T Urbancic, G F Viegas
1340h NS23A-3889 POSTER Nucleation of Dynamic
Slip on a Hydraulically Fractured Fault: M H Azad,
D Garagash, M Satish
Moscone South Poster Hall
The Seismoelectric Method: Going
Together to the Next Level I Posters
(joint with H, S)
Presiding: Niels Grobbe, Delft
University of Technology; Andre Revil,
Colorado School of Mines; Zhenya
Zhu, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; Evert Slob, Delft University
of Technology
1340h NS23B-3891 POSTER An Experimental Study
to the Seismoelectric Responses of Unfrozen Water
Content: Z Liu, L Yuan, L Song
SeismoElectromagnetic Investigation of Earthquakes in
Costa Rica: L Dzieran, W Rabbel, M Thorwart
1340h NS23B-3893 POSTER Seismoelectric Wave
Measurements in Borehole Models: J Wang, H Hu,
W Guan
1340h NS23B-3894 POSTER Numerical Modeling
of Seismoelectric Fields through Thin-Beds: N
Grobbe, E C Slob
1340h NS23B-3895 POSTER Stationary and
Dynamic Permeability and Coupling Coefficient
Measurements in Sintered Glass Bead Systems: I
Gueven, H Steeb, S Luding
1340h NS23B-3896 POSTER Seismoelectric
Beamforming Imaging Technique Proof of
Concept By Numerical Modeling and Experimental
Measurements: A Revil, P El Khoury, P C Sava, M
Cha, T Planes
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 49
Green’s Functions for Coupled Elastic Waves and
Electromagnetic Fields in a Homogeneous Porous
Medium: E C Slob, N Grobbe
1340h NS23B-3899 POSTER Seismoelectric signals
produced by mesoscopic heterogeneities: an
analytical and numerical study: N Linde, M Rosas
Carbajal, J G Rubino, L B Monachesi, D Jougnot,
K Holliger
1340h NS23B-3900 POSTER Modeling of the
Coseismic Electromagnetic Field Observed during
the 28 September 2004, M 6.0 Parkfield Earthquake:
Y Gao, J M Harris, J Wen, X Chen, H Hu
Moscone West Poster Hall
Marine Microbial Genomics II Posters
(joint with B)
Presiding: Cecilia Kretz, Georgia
Institute of Technology Main Campus;
Amy Zimmerman, Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute
1340h OS23A-1166 POSTER Diffused vs. Focused
Flow – Metaproteogenomic Insights into Effects
of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow on Metal-Sulfide
Chimney Colonizing Biofilms: P Pjevac, S Markert,
M Richter, H Gruber-Vodicka, T Schweder, R
Amann, A Meyerdierks
Retrievable, Deep Sea Microbial Fuel Cell: K
ASH: V Witt, C Cimarelli, P M Ayris, U Kueppers,
D Erpenbeck, D B Dingwell, G Woerheide
1340h OS23A-1169 POSTER Comparative genomic
analysis of oil spill impacts on deep water shipwreck
microbiomes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: L J
Hamdan, M Damour, C McGown, C Figan, Z
Kassahun, K Blackwell, C Horrell, P Gillevet
1340h OS23A-1170 POSTER Wastewater and
Saltwater: Studying the Biogeochemistry and
Microbial Activity Associated with Wastewater
Inputs to San Francisco Bay: T Challenor, A D
Menendez, J Damashek, C A Francis, K L Casciotti
1340h OS23A-1171 POSTER Variability in abundance
of the Bacterial and Archaeal 16S rRNA and amoA
genes in water columns of northern South China
Sea: H Liu, C Yang, S Chen, W Xie, P Wang, C L
1340h OS23A-1172 POSTER The Impact of
Salinity on the Diversity of Microbial Sediment
Communities: C McLean, E Cardarelli, J A Lee, C
A Francis
1340h OS23A-1173 POSTER Spatial and Vertical
Variability in Bacterial Community Structure in the
Sediment of the South China Sea : P Wang, W Xie,
S Chen, C L Zhang
1340h OS23A-1174 POSTER Differences between the
bacterial community structures of first- and multiyear Arctic sea ice in the Lincoln Sea: I Hatam, J F
Beckers, C Haas, B D Lanoil
1340h OS23A-1175 POSTER Enhanced abundance
and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in the
Pearl River estuary: W Xie, C L Zhang, P Wang, X
Zhou, W Guo
Nitrification Between Specific Archaeal and
Bacterial Clades in a Large, Nitrogen-Rich Estuary
(San Francisco Bay, CA): J Damashek, K L
Casciotti, C A Francis
1340h OS23A-1177 POSTER Clio: An Autonomous
Vertical Sampling Vehicle for Global Ocean
Biogeochemical Mapping: M Jakuba, D GomezIbanez, M A Saito, G Dick, J A Breier Jr
1340h OS23A-1178 POSTER The Abundance and
Activity of Nitrate-Reducing Microbial Populations
in Estuarine Sediments: E Cardarelli, C A Francis
1340h OS23A-1179 POSTER Testing the Role of
Microbial Ecology, Redox-Mediated Deep Water
Production and Hypersalinity on TEX86: Lipids
and 16s Sequences from Archaea and Bacteria in
the Water Column and Sediments of Orca Basin: C
Warren, I Romero, G Ellis, E Goddard, S Krishnan,
L M Nigro, J R Super, Y Zhang, G Zhuang, D J
Hollander, M Pagani
Moscone West Poster Hall
Nearshore Processes VI Posters (joint
with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Hansong Tang,
CCNY; Cheryl Ann Blain, Naval Research
1340h OS23B-1180 POSTER The Role of Wave
Nonlinearity on Sediment Motion and Transport:
D L Foster, J M Kaihatu, D P Frank
1340h OS23B-1181 POSTER Turbulent Sediment
Suspension and Induced Ripple Dynamics Absent
Mean Shear: B A Johnson, E Cowen
1340h PP41C-1368 POSTER Temporal and Spatial
Variation in the Phytoplankton Community and
Relationships with Environmental Conditions in
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey: L
Ren, T Belton, M D Enache, B Hazen, D F Charles,
G Buchanan
1340h OS23B-1183 POSTER Near Bed Turbulent
Coherent Structures and Sea Bed Evolution Due to
Long and Short Waves: E Carlson, D L Foster
1340h OS23B-1184 POSTER Surface-Induced
Turbulence and Resulting Sand Suspension Beneath
Breaking Waves: J Brinkkemper, G Ruessink
1340h OS23B-1185 POSTER In-situ Observations
of Swash-zone Flow Velocities and Sediment
Transport on a Steep Beach: P ChardonMaldonado, J A Puleo, J Figlus
1340h OS23B-1186 POSTER Observations of
Seafloor Roughness in a Tidally Modulated Inlet: T
C Lippmann, J Hunt
1340h OS23B-1187 POSTER Observations of fine
scale stratigraphy using a digital imaging system: E
L Gallagher, H M Wadman, A Reniers, M Köktąs,
J McNinch
1340h OS23B-1188 POSTER Preliminary Model
Results of Beach Profile Dynamics with Stratigraphy:
A J Reniers, M Koktas, E L Gallagher, H M
Wadman, K L Brodie, B D Johnson, J McNinch
1340h OS23B-1189 POSTER Identifying Preserved
Storm Events on Beaches from Trenches and Cores:
H M Wadman, E L Gallagher, J McNinch, A
Reniers, M Koktas
1340h OS23B-1190 POSTER Statistical Analysis of
Small-Scale Bedforms Formed by Hurricane Sandy
Offshore Fire Island, New York: K Arora, J A Goff,
L J Wood, R D Flood
1340h OS23B-1191 POSTER Acoustic measurement
of sediment dynamics in the coastal zones using
wireless sensor networks: A Sudhakaran II, A
Paramasivam, S Seshachalam, C A
1340h OS23B-1192 POSTER Tracing Sediment
Fluxes in a Littoral Cell: A Record of 7 Years of
Seasonal-Scale Variability at Moss Landing Beach,
California: K C Kavanagh, I W Aiello
1340h OS23B-1193 POSTER Towards integrated
assessment of the northern Adriatic Sea sediment
budget using remote sensing: A Taramelli, F
Filipponi, E Valentini, F Zucca, O Q Gutierrez, L
Liberti, M Cordella
1340h OS23B-1194 POSTER Particle Size
Distribution in the Yellow River Plume before and
during Water and Sediment Diversion: T Zou, H
1340h OS23B-1195 POSTER Erosion of the beaches
of Crete: V Skanavis, N Kalligeris, N Maravelakis,
S Foteinis, G Sartzetakis, K Papadogiannis, C
CALIFORNIA: Z Chen, A Garcia-Garcia, G
Shipton, R Eby, H Unkeles
1340h OS23B-1197 POSTER Comparison of Three
Techniques to Monitor Bathymetric Evolution
in a Spatially Extensive, Rapidly Changing
Environment: J Rutten, G Ruessink
1340h OS23B-1198 POSTER Shear Stress, Turbulence
Production and Dissipation in Small Tidal Channels
Intersecting a Tidal Flat: A Pieterse, J A Puleo, T
E McKenna
1340h OS23B-1199 POSTER Turbulent Fluxes
of Suspended Sediment from Coupled Acoustic
Doppler Current Profilers: T Hoitink, M Sassi, B
1340h OS23B-1200 POSTER The Effect of Low
Energy Turbulence in Estuary Margins on Fine
Sediment Settling: R M Allen, L J MacVean, I Tse,
L J Mazzaro, M T Stacey, E A Variano
1340h OS23B-1201 POSTER The effect of bed
forms on the dynamics of the fluid mud transport:
preliminary insights from field observations and
numerical simulations: C E Ozdemir, P Traykovski
1340h OS23B-1203 POSTER Estimating Surficial
Seafloor Sediment Mud Fraction Using Empirical
Orthogonal Functions of Acoustic Backscatter
Waveform Properties: J Humberston, T C
11/28/2014 10:45:05 AM
1340h OS23B-1204 POSTER In situ flume
measurements of near-bed suspended sediment
concentration change in the Yellow River Delta,
China: Y Jia, B Li
1340h OS23C-1225 POSTER Application of Remote
Sensing Technique to Suspended Sediment
Estimation of Pinan River, Eastern Taiwan: Y S
Wang, C P Chang
1340h OS23D-1248 POSTER Modeling Trace
Element Concentrations in the San Francisco Bay
Estuary from Remote Measurement of Suspended
Solids: J Press, J Broughton, R M Kudela
1340h OS23B-1205 POSTER The role of “pump
action” in coastal and estuarine sediment
resuspension : Y Jia, S Zhang
1340h OS23C-1226 POSTER Inner Shelf Current
Structure Under Different Forcing Mechanisms—
Combining ADCP and HF Radar Measurements : S
Kastner, A Kirincich, S J Lentz
1340h OS23D-1250 POSTER Mercury in the Black
Sea - results of the 2013 GEOTRACES MEDBlack
cruise: L E Heimbürger, J Sonke, M J A Rijkenberg,
L J Gerringa, H J W De Baar
1340h OS23C-1227 POSTER Estimation of the wave
height from the sea surface velocity measured by
Along-Track interferometry SAR: S Kojima
1340h OS23D-1251 POSTER Net Subterranean
Estuarine Export Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic C,
N, P, Si, and Total Alkalinity into the Jiulong River
Estuary, China: G Wang, Z Wang, W D Zhai, W S
Moore, Q Li, X Yan, D Qi, Y Jiang
1340h OS23B-1206 POSTER Sediment Transport
and Infilling of a Borrow Pit on an Energetic Sandy
Ebb Tidal Delta Offshore of Hilton Head Island,
South Carolina : A Wren, K Xu, Y Ma, D Sanger,
R Van Dolah
1340h OS23B-1207 POSTER Monitoring Sea
Water Turbidity by means of the Robust Satellite
Technique (RST): T Lacava, C Di Polito, E Ciancia,
I Coviello, M Faruolo, R Paciello, N Pergola, V
Satriano, V Tramutoli
1340h OS23B-1208 POSTER Two-Dimensional
Numerical Modeling of Anthropogenic Beach Berm
Erosion: M Shakeri Majd, J Schubert, T Gallien,
B F Sanders
Moscone West Poster Hall
Nearshore Processes VII Posters (joint
with EP)
Presiding: Julia Mullarney, Dept. Earth
and Ocean Sciences; Alec TorresFreyermuth, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México; Cheryl Ann Blain,
Naval Research Laboratory; Hansong
Tang, CCNY
1340h OS23C-1209 POSTER A Hybrid Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics and Fully 3D Fluid Dynamics
Approach to Simulate Multiphysics Coastal Flows:
H Tang, K Qu
1340h OS23C-1210 POSTER Numerical Modelling
of Circulation and Exchange through Singapore
Straits: G Liu, M Xu, V P Chua
1340h OS23C-1211 POSTER Northeast Coastal
Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS): A Multi-scale
Global-Regional-Estuarine FVCOM Model: R C
Beardsley, C Chen
1340h OS23C-1212 POSTER Multi-scale Model
Coupling for CFD Simulations of Discharge
Dispersion in the Sea: D Robinson, M Wood, M D
Piggott, G Gorman
1340h OS23C-1213 POSTER Impact of increasing
resolution on atmospheric wind forcing over coastal
ocean: M K Cambazoglu, C A Blain
1340h OS23C-1214 POSTER California Coastal
Ocean Nowcast and Forecast System: Y Chao, J D
Farrara, H Zhang, F Chai
1340h OS23C-1216 POSTER Modeling oceanic
multiphase flow by using Lagrangian particle
tracking: Y Matsumura
1340h OS23C-1217 POSTER New RegionalScale Geophysical Observations of the Delmarva
Peninsula, U.S.A. Inner Continental Shelf: L L
Brothers, E R Thieler, E A Pendleton, D S Foster,
W W Danforth, W E Baldwin, S D Ackerman
1340h OS23C-1218 POSTER A numerical study on
the formation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in
winter: G H Seo, Y J Tak, Y K Cho
1340h OS23C-1219 POSTER A regional sediment
transport modeling for assessing dispersal and
recirculation of land-derived radionuclides in the
Fukushima coast: T Yamanishi, Y Uchiyama, D
Tsumune, Y Miyazawa
B Dzwonkowski, N R Pettigrew, S Knapp
1340h OS23C-1221 POSTER Assessment of a Fully
Coupled Circulation-Wave Model for the Mouth
of the Columbia River: C Akan, S Moghimi, H T
Ozkan-Haller, A L Kurapov, J J Osborne, R Branch,
C C Chickadel, G Farquharson, W R Geyer, M C
Haller, G Díaz Méndez, J M Thomson
1340h OS23C-1222 POSTER Shallow-water System
Dynamics in Chesapeake Bay, with PhysicalBiological Modeling Application: R Tian, P Wang,
L C Linker
1340h OS23C-1223 POSTER Numerical simulation
of Pacific water intrusion into Otsuchi Bay,
northeast of Japan, using a nested-grid OGCM: T
T Sakamoto, S L Urakawa, H Hasumi, S Itoh, M
Ishizu, K Tanaka
1340h OS23C-1224 POSTER Satellite Remote
Sensing Detection of Wastewater Plumes in
Southern California : R C Trinh, B Holt, B J Pan, C
Rains, M M Gierach
AGU2014News.indb 50
1340h OS23C-1228 POSTER In Pursuit of Nearshore
Wave Characteristics- Implementation and
Validation of a Shallow Water Correction for High
Frequency Radars along the New Jersey Coast: E A
1340h OS23C-1229 POSTER Infra-Gravity waves
across the oceans: R Arshad, F Ardhuin
1340h OS23C-1230 POSTER Interactive modeling
of storm impact: A van Rooijen, F Baart, J A
Roelvink, G Donchyts, F Scheel, W de Boer
1340h OS23C-1231 POSTER Hurricane Sandy’s
Impact on Coastal Sedimentation on Long Island’s
South Shore: Results from a 2013 Rapid Response
Study: B A Christensen, J A Goff, R D Flood, J A
Austin Jr, C M Browne, S Saustrup
1340h OS23C-1232 POSTER Onshore Transport of
Large Nearshore Boulders during Super Typhoon
Haiyan: A B Kennedy, N Mori, Y Zhang, Y Tajima,
W Pecor, T Yasuda, S E Chen, S Nakamura, E Cruz
1340h OS23C-1233 POSTER Observational Data
Analysis and Numerical Model Assessment of the
Seafloor Interaction and Mobility of Sand and
Weathered Oil Agglomerates (Surface Residual
Balls) in the Surf Zone: S Dalyander, J Long, N
G Plant, A Penko, J Calantoni, D Thompson, M K
1340h OS23C-1234 POSTER Inner Shelf Surface
Dispersion in the Florida Panhandle: M Roth, J
MacMahan, K Woodall, A Reniers, B K Haus, T M
Ozgokmen, A C Poje
1340h OS23C-1235 POSTER Modeling larval
dispersal and quantifying coastal connectivity based
on a downscaling ocean model in Seto Inland Sea,
Japan: T Kosako, Y Uchiyama, S Mitarai
1340h OS23C-1236 POSTER Impact of the Extreme
Warming of 2012 on Shelfbreak Frontal Structure
North of Cape Hatteras: G Gawarkiewickz
1340h OS23C-1237 POSTER Spatial and Temporal
Dynamics of Carbonate Chemistry in the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: C Coughlin, C D
Winn, S Kahng
Moscone West Poster Hall
Trace Element and Isotope Cycling in
the Coastal Environment: Forty Years
of Innovations II Posters
(joint with A, B)
Presiding: Gregory Cutter, Old
Dominion University; Peter Sedwick,
Old Dominion University
1340h OS23D-1238 POSTER Trace Metal and
Sulfur Dynamics in the First Meter of Buoyant
Hydrothermal Vent Plumes: A Findlay, A
Gartman, T J Shaw, G W Luther III
1340h OS23D-1239 POSTER Trace Element
Cycling in Lithogenic Particles at Station ALOHA:
P L Morton, R Weisend, W M Landing, J N
Fitzsimmons, C T Hayes, E A Boyle
1340h OS23D-1252 POSTER Trace Metals and Lead
Isotopes in modern Sediments Near Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil: E A Boyle, L Lazzari, A L Wagener, R
Carreira, J M Godoy, A Noble, G G Carrasco, S B
1340h OS23D-1253 POSTER The trace metal
composition of planktons and biogenic matter at
EEZ of Qatar: O Yigiterhan, J W Murray, A Nelson
1340h OS23D-1254 POSTER Baseline values of
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Trace
Metals in the Yukon River, Alaska: J Perreault, P
Moscone West Poster Hall
Trace Metals and Isotopes in the
Eastern Tropical South Pacific: Results
of the 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES Zonal
Transect and Complimentary Studies
II Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: James Moffett, USC-Biology;
Christopher German, WHOI; Martin
1340h OS23E-1255 POSTER Nitrite Production
Mechanisms in the Primary Nitrite Maximum of
the Tropical South Pacific Inferred from Nitrite
Isotopes Collected during the Geotraces 2013
Cruise: B D Peters, K L Casciotti
1340h OS23E-1256 POSTER Trace Metal
Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter
Along Meridional and Zonal Clivar Sections in the
Indian Ocean: P M Barrett, M M Grand, W M
Landing, C I Measures, J A Resing
1340h OS23E-1257 POSTER The Influence of
the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Field on the
Distributions of Dissolved Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Cd
in the South Pacific: S Roshan, J Wu
1340h OS23E-1258 POSTER The Influence of
Hydrothermal Plumes on the Distribution of
Anthropogenic Radionuclides Between the
Particulate and Dissolved Phases: Results from U.S.
Geotraces Equatorial Pacific Zonal Transect GP16:
T C Kenna, M Villa Alfageme, N Casacuberta
Arola, P Masque
1340h OS23E-1259 POSTER Dissolved Trace Metal
Concentrations over the Peru Shelf and in the
Subsurface Oxygen Minimum Zone Off Peru: C
Parker, K W Bruland
1340h OS23E-1260 POSTER Concentrations,
isotopic compositions, and sources of lead in the
surface waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific:
R Till, C M Zurbrick, A R Flegal Jr
1340h OS23E-1261 POSTER The speciation of
particulate iron in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum
Zone: M I Heller, P J Lam, B M Toner, S L Nicholas,
J W Moffett, P N Sedwick
1340h OS23D-1240 POSTER Particulate Trace
Element Cycling in a Diatom Bloom at Station
ALOHA: R Weisend, P L Morton, W M Landing, J
N Fitzsimmons, C T Hayes, E A Boyle
1340h OS23E-1262 POSTER Diapycnal nutrient
fluxes across the benthic boundary layers at the
continental slopes off Peru and Mauritania based
on 224Ra/223Ra-ratios: P Reichert, J C Scholten,
A Eisenhauer, J C Miquel, B Gasser, V Liebetrau, S
Sommer, M Dengler, L D Bryant
1340h OS23D-1243 POSTER Iron Cycling in Marine
Sediments – New Insights from Isotope Analysis on
Sequentially Extracted Fe Fractions: S Henkel, S
Kasten, S Poulton, J Hartmann, M Staubwasser
1340h OS23E-1263 POSTER Fe, Zn, and Cd stable
isotopes from the eastern tropical South Pacific
from GEOTRACES cruise GP16 – Methods and
data: J M Helgoe, E Townsend, S John
1340h OS23D-1244 POSTER Early Diagenesis and
Trace Element Accumulation in North American
Arctic Margin Sediments : Z Z A Kuzyk, C Gobeil,
M A Goni, R W Macdonald
1340h OS23E-1264 POSTER Contrasting Scavenging
Intensities of 210Po and 210Pb at Key Interfaces of
the East Pacific Zonal Transect, GEOTRACES: J
Niedermiller, M M Baskaran, Y Tang, G Stewart
1340h OS23D-1245 POSTER Recent Rainfall and
Aerosol Chemistry From Bermuda: W M Landing,
R Shelley, D C Kadko
1340h OS23E-1265 POSTER Distribution of iron(II)
along the US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal
Transect: J W Moffett, P N Sedwick
1340h OS23D-1246 POSTER Insights into Seasonal
Variations in Phosphorus Concentrations and
Cycling in Monterey Bay: M Kong, D Defforey, A
Paytan, K Roberts
Eastern South Pacific: Characterizing Water Mass
Properties and Timescales: M Martin, R A Fine, J
D Happell
1340h OS23D-1247 POSTER Lead concentration and
isotope chronology in two coastal environments in
Western and South East Asia: G G Carrasco, M
Chen, E A Boyle, N Zhao, I S Nurhati, B Gevao, A al
Ghadban, A Switzer, J M Lee
1340h OS23E-1267 POSTER The Speciation of
Particulate Iron and Carbon in the East Pacific
Rise 15oS Near-field Hydrothermal Plume and
Underlying Sediments: B M Toner, P J Lam,
S L Nicholas, D Ohnemus, C L Hoffman, J N
Fitzsimmons, R M Sherrell, C R German
1340h OS23E-1268 POSTER Distribution and
Isotopic Signature of “Ligand-leachable” Particulate
Iron in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific: Initial
Results from US GEOTRACES EPZT: C Marsay,
S John
1340h OS23E-1269 POSTER Trace Element
Fractional Solubility in Ultrapure Water From
Samples Collected During the US GEOTRACES
Eastern Tropical South Pacific Section: C S Buck,
W M Landing, A M Aguilar-Islas, R Rember
1340h OS23E-1270 POSTER Distribution of
mercury species across a zonal section of the Eastern
Tropical South Pacific (2013 U.S. GEOTRACES):
K Bowman, G Swarr, C R Hammerschmidt, C H
Lamborg, A Agather
1340h OS23E-1271 POSTER Effects of Hydrothermal
Scavenging of 230Th in the Eastern Equatorial
Pacific Translated to the Deep Waters of the Central
Equatorial Pacific: G I Lopez, F Marcantonio
1340h OS23E-1272 POSTER Gradients in Strong
and Weak Organic Copper-Binding Ligands in
the Eastern Tropical South Pacific: A Ruacho, R
Bundy, K Barbeau, C Parker, S Roshan, J Wu
1340h OS23E-1273 POSTER Global Spatial and
Temporal Variation of Cd:P in Euphotic Zone
Particulates: H Bourne, J K B Bishop, T Wood
1340h OS23E-1274 POSTER Dissolved Iron
Speciation in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific:
Results from the U.S. GEOTRACES Section Cruise:
K N Buck
1340h OS23E-1275 POSTER 227Ac in the Deep
South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES
Transect: D E Hammond, M A Charette, W S
Moore, P Henderson, V Sanial, L E Kipp, R F
1340h OS23E-1276 POSTER Model exploration of
the processes governing iron scavenging and the
strength of the hydrothermal vent iron source: E
Sherman, J K Moore
1340h OS23E-1277 POSTER A 4300km-Long
Particulate Hydrothermal Plume West of the
Southern East Pacific Rise (15°S): Particulate Minor
and Trace Elements from the U.S. GEOTRACES
Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect: J N Fitzsimmons,
K O Forsch, R M Sherrell, C R German
1340h OS23E-1278 POSTER The Distribution of
Dissolved Barium from US GEOTRACES cruises
in the North Atlantic and Eastern Tropical South
Pacific: A M Shiller, K Grissom
1340h OS23E-1279 POSTER Dissolved lead in the
deep Southeast Pacific Ocean: results of the 2013 US
GEOTRACES cruise: E A Boyle, J M Lee, J Zhang,
Y Echegoyen
1340h OS23E-1280 POSTER Overview of
Hydrographic Data From the GEOTRACES EPZT
Cruise: C R German, J H Swift, J W Moffett, G A
Cutter, S M Becker, M C Johnson, M T Miller, R
Moscone West 3009
New Perspectives on Fluid Flow and
Gas Hydrates in Sedimentary Basins V
(joint with B, H, NH, V)
Presiding: Christian Berndt, GEOMAR;
Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin
Petroleum Rsch; Seth Haines, US
Geological Survey; Warren Wood, Naval
Research Laboratory
1340h OS23F-01 Joint Interpretation of
Electromagnetic and Seismic Data to Determine
Gas and Methane Hydrate Distribution within the
Nyegga CNE03 Seep: M D Jegen, S Hölz, D Cukur,
M Sommer, E Attias, K Weitemeyer, C Berndt
1355h OS23F-02 High-Resolution Seismic
Definition of the Distribution of Gas in the West
Svalbard Margin: T A Minshull, G K Westbrook,
H Marin-Moreno, B Marsset, S Ker, S Sarkar, M E
Vardy, T Henstock
1410h OS23F-03 Insights into Focused Fluid
Conduit Formation from Comparing Seismic
Chimneys and Pipes with Field Observations of
Fluid Flow Manifestations in the Colorado Plateau:
J Karstens, C Berndt
1425h OS23F-04 Modulation of Seafloor Seepage by
Faulting and Cracking of Deep Water Gas-Hydrate
Systems at the Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: A A
Plaza-Faverola, S Bunz, J Mienert, J E Johnson, S
Chand, J Knies
1440h OS23F-05 Building a three-dimensional
geological model of the Pegasus Basin (offshore
New Zealand) with the aim of improving our
understanding of gas hydrate distribution: G
J Crutchley, P Barnes, K Kroeger, M Hill, J J
Mountjoy, I A Pecher
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:05 AM
1455h OS23F-06 Possible Causes of DoubleBSRs on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: I A
Pecher, J J Mountjoy, G J Crutchley, S Krastel, S
Koch, A Dannowski, J Bialas, S A Henrys
1510h OS23F-07 4D Time-Lapse Seismic Analysis
of Active Gas Seepage Systems on the Vestnesa
Ridge, Offshore W-Svalbard: S Bunz, S Hurter, A
A Plaza-Faverola, J Mienert
1525h OS23F-08 Establishing an association
between BSRs and gas hydrate accumulations in
the Northern Gulf of Mexico: U Majumdar, W W
Shedd, A Cook, M Frye, S Ismail
Moscone South Poster Hall
In and Out of Jove: Giant Planet
Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and
Ionospheres II Posters (joint with SM)
Presiding: Kunio Sayanagi, Hampton
University; Ulyana Dyudina, Caltech;
Scott Edgington, Jet Propulsion Lab;
Marcia Burton, JPL
1340h P23A-3967 POSTER Core to Atmosphere
Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission
Concept Study: R J Jensema, T M Arias-Young,
A N Wilkins, A Ermakov, C Bennett, A Dietrich,
D Hemingway, V Klein, P Mane, K D Marr, J
Masterson, V Siegel, K J Stober, M Talpe, S K
Vines, C J Wetteland
1340h P23A-3968 POSTER Equatorial Zonal Jets
and Jupiter’s Gravity: K Zhang, D Kong, X Liao,
G Schubert
1340h P23A-3969 POSTER Inverting Juno Gravity
Field Measurements into the Atmospheric
Dynamics of Jupiter - a Study Using a Dynamical
Model and Its Adjoint Counterpart: E Galanti, Y
1340h P23A-3970 POSTER Planetary Doppler
Imaging: N Murphy, S Jefferies, M Hart, W B
Hubbard, A P Showman, G Hernandez, L Rudd
P23A-3971 POSTER
Predictions of the Gravity and Magnetic Fields to be
Measured by Juno at Jupiter: G Glatzmaier
1340h P23A-3972 POSTER Structure and Dynamics
of Fluid Planets: H Houben
1340h P23A-3973 POSTER Long-Term Time
Variability of Temperature, Gas Abundance and
Cloud Fields in Jupiter from Thermal Emission
Observations: G S Orton, L N Fletcher, P A
Yanamandra-Fisher, B Fisher, T K Greathouse, J
Liu, T Schneider, S Kim
1340h P23A-3974 POSTER Darkness on the Edge
of Light: Stable Dark Spots in Jupiter’s Ionosphere:
T Stallard, H Melin, S Miller, J O’Donoghue, R
1340h P23A-3975 POSTER Photochemistry in
Saturn’s Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modeling of
Key Molecules and Observations of Dust Content: S
G Edgington, S K Atreya, E H Wilson, R A West,
L N Fletcher, K H Baines, G L Bjoraker, T Momary
1340h P23A-3976 POSTER Ionizations and
conductances in jovian-like atmospheres driven by
stellar background EUV photons: L Moore
1340h P23A-3977 POSTER Simultaneous multiscale and multi-instrument observations of Saturn’s
aurorae during the 2013 observing campaign: H
Melin, S V Badman, T Stallard, U Dyudina, J D
Nichols, S W H Cowley, J O’Donoghue, W R Pryor,
K H Baines, S Miller, C J Meredith, C Tao, J Blake,
J Gustin
1340h P23A-3978 POSTER Mapping of the Jovian
auroral electron energy with HST/STIS spectral
observations: J Gustin, L C Ray, D C Grodent, J
T Clarke, B Bonfond, K Radioti, J D Nichols, E J
WAVELENGTHS: U Dyudina, A P Ingersoll, S
Ewald, D F Wellington
1340h P23A-3980 POSTER The effect of H3+ cooling
on jovian thermospheric energy and momentum
balance: L C Ray, N A Achilleos, S Miller
1340h P23A-3982 POSTER The a 3Σg+ – b 3Σu+
Continuum Emission from Electron Impact of
Molecular Hydrogen in Saturn’s Atmosphere: J D
Hein, P V Johnson, X Liu, C P Malone, M A Khakoo
Moscone South Poster Hall
Planetary Sciences General
Contributions Posters
Presiding: Nathan Bridges, Applied
Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins; Jorn
Helbert, German Aerospace Center DLR
1340h P23B-3983 POSTER Gravimetric 3D
Subsurface Modelling of the Cerro Do Jarau
Structure, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil: B B
1340h P23B-3984 POSTER The Enigma of the
Origin of Round, Deep, Rimed Lakes in the Russian
Heartland-Was Lake Smerdyachie Formed During
the Impact of an Extraterrestrial Body?: D H
Abbott, V K Gusiakov, A Kiselev, I I Amelin, D L
Breger, P McCafferty
1340h P23B-3985 POSTER Microtektites and
Associated Minerals in the Iridium-Rich Layer of
Marine Clay From the Central North Pacific Ocean:
I S Leung
1340h P23B-3986 POSTER The Variation of
Planetary Surfaces’ Structure and Size Distribution
with Depth: C A Charalambous, W T Pike
1340h P23B-3987 POSTER MID IR Optical
Constants of Orthopyroxenes: M Rucks, T D
1340h P23B-3988 POSTER Characteriizing
Hydration in Asteroids from Observations in the
Stratosphere with the BOPPS Infrared Camera: C
Hibbitts, A F Cheng, E F Young
P23B-3989 POSTER
Constraints on the Best Characterized Rocky
Exoplanet, Kepler-36 b: L Rogers, K Deck, J J
Lissauer, J Carter
1340h P23B-3990 POSTER Solar System Science
in the FUSE Band with the Cosmic Origins
Spectrograph on HST: S N Osterman, S V Penton,
C M Oliveira, A F Cheng, J C Green
1340h P23B-3991 POSTER Observation of 23
Supernovae that Exploded <300 pc from Earth
During the Past 300 kyr in the Radiocarbon and
10Be Cosmogenic Isotope Record: R B Firestone
1340h P23C-4002 POSTER The Transformation of
the Lunar Exosphere by a Comet Impact: P Prem,
N A Artemieva, D B Goldstein, P L Varghese, L M
1340h P23C-4003 POSTER Influence of Meteoroid
Streams on the Lunar Environment: Results from
LADEE: T J Stubbs, D A Glenar, Y Wang, M
Sarantos, B Hermalyn, A Colaprete, D H Wooden,
M Benna, R C Elphic
1340h P23C-4004 POSTER LADEE UVS
(UltraViolet Visible Spectrometer) and the Search
for Lunar Exospheric Dust: A Detailed Spectral
Analysis: D H Wooden, A Cook, A Colaprete,
M Shirley, K Vargo, R C Elphic, B Hermalyn, T J
Stubbs, D A Glenar
1340h P23C-4005 POSTER The properties of the
Lunar dust exosphere: S Kempf, E Gruen, M
Horanyi, R Srama, J Szalay, Z Sternovsky
Micrometeoroid Bombardment: A Collette, Z
Sternovsky, J R Rocha, T L Munsat, M Horanyi
1340h P23C-4007 POSTER Reexamination of Lunar
Exospheric Dust Estimates Using Discrete Dipole
Scattering Simulations: T J Stubbs, D A Glenar, D
T Richard, P D Feldman, K D Retherford
1340h P23C-4008 POSTER Performance of the
SUDA Dust Trajectory Analyzer: J G Moreira
Hooks, S Kempf, Z Sternovsky
1340h P23C-4009 POSTER Far-UV Eclipse
Observations of Ganymede’s Atmosphere with New
Horizons Alice: New Constraints to the Atomic
Oxygen Component: K D Retherford, A J Steffl, J
R Spencer, R Gladstone, L Roth, J Saur, D F Strobel,
S A Stern, J W Parker, M H Versteeg, M W Davis,
N J Cunningham, M A McGrath
Moscone South Poster Hall
The Rite of Spring: The Changing
Seasons on Titan II Posters
Presiding: Scott Edgington, Jet
Propulsion Lab; Robert Nelson,
Planetary Science Institute; Rosaly
Lopes, Jet Propulsion Lab
Volatiles in the Martian Crust I (joint
with B, EP, MR, V)
Presiding: Justin Filiberto, Southern
Illinois University Carbondale; Susanne
Schwenzer, The Open University;
Pamela Conrad, NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center
1340h P23E-01 Comparing Meteorite and Spacecraft
Noble Gas Measurements to Trace Processes in the
Martian Crust and Atmosphere: T D Swindle
1355h P23E-02 Smectite Formation in Gale Crater,
Mars and in the Nakhlite Martian Meteorites: J
Bridges, S P Schwenzer, R J Leveille, F Westall, R C
Wiens, N Mangold, T Bristow, P Edwards
1410h P23E-03 The D/H Ratio of the Martian
Water That Formed the Yellowknife Bay Mudstone
Rocks Measured By the MSL-SAM Instrument: P
R Mahaffy, C R Webster, A Brunner, A McAdam,
G Flesch, J C Stern, J L Eigenbrode, P G Conrad,
A Pavlov, C Malespin, S K Atreya, J G Blank, T C
1425h P23E-04 Possible Global Distribution of
Reduced Carbon in Surface Sediments on Mars:
Evidence from Volatiles Released from the Rocknest
Eolian Drift, Gale Crater: J L Eigenbrode, A Steele,
H Franz, B Sutter, P R Mahaffy, P G Conrad, A
McAdam, R E Summons
1440h P23E-05 Chlorine and Sulfur Volatiles from
in Situ Measurements of Martian Surface Materials:
B C Clark
1455h P23E-06 SAM Chlorine Observations at Gale
Crater: P G Conrad, K A Farley, P M Vasconcelos,
C Malespin, H Franz, A McAdam, B Sutter, J C
Stern, B C Clark, S K Atreya, P R Mahaffy, J MartínTorres, M P Zorzano
1510h P23E-07 Continued Evidence for Input of
Chlorine into the Martian Crust from Degassing of
Chlorine-Rich Martian Magmas with Implications
for Potential Habitability: J Filiberto, J Gross
1525h P23E-08 Fluorine observations by ChemCam:
A tracer of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in
the martian crust: S M Clegg, O Forni, M J Toplis,
R C Wiens, O Gasnault, V Sautter, N Mangold, S
1340h P23B-3992 POSTER A New Luminosity
Function for the Galactic Bulge: E Gilbert, N L
1340h P23D-4010 POSTER The Flushing of Ligeia
: Composition Variations Across Titan’s Seas in a
Simple Hydrological Model: R D Lorenz
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h P23D-4011 POSTER Composition and
bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its
2.2-cm wavelength thermal microwave emission : A
A Le Gall, M A Janssen, M Mastrogiuseppe Sr, A
G Hayes Jr, R D Lorenz, P Encrenaz, M J Malaska
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h P23D-4012 POSTER Studying Titan’s surface
photometry in the 5 microns atmospheric window
with the Cassini/VIMS instrument: T Cornet, N
Altobelli, C Sotin, S Le Mouelic, S Rodriguez, S
Philippe, R H Brown, J W Barnes, B J Buratti, K H
Baines, R N Clark, P D Nicholson
Presiding: Linda Rowan, UNAVCO,
Inc. Boulder; Simon Schneider,
Surface Boundary Exospheres:
Comparing the Moon, Mercury, and
Much More II Posters
Presiding: Richard Elphic, NASA Ames
Research Center; Kurt Retherford,
Southwest Research Inst; Mehdi Benna,
NASA - GSFC; John Keller, Code 691
1340h P23C-3994 POSTER Evidence for Impact
Vaporization As a Source of Calcium in Mercury’s
Exosphere: R M Killen, J M Hahn, M H Burger
1340h P23C-3996 POSTER Simulations of Water
Migration in the Lunar Exosphere: D Hurley, M
Benna, P R Mahaffy, R C Elphic, D B Goldstein
1340h P23C-3997 POSTER The Generation of
Surface-bound Exospheres via Electron-Stimulated
Desorption (and Related Phenomena): Results from
Apollo samples and Hermian Regolith Simulants: C
Bennett, M Poston, J L McLain, T M Orlando
1340h P23C-3998 POSTER The Na exosphere
reservoir for Mercury and the Moon: Models
constrained by MESSENGER and LADEE data: M
Sarantos, R M Killen
1340h P23C-3999 POSTER The Reflection of
Solar Wind Ions from Airless Bodies: Laboratory
Analysis of Backscattered Energetic Neutral Atoms
from Powdered Targets: J L McLain, J W Keller,
W M Farrell
P23C-4000 POSTER
Resolution, Ground-Based Observations of the
Lunar Sodium and Potassium Exosphere During
the LADEE Mission: D C P Kuruppuaratchi, R J
Oliversen, E J Mierkiewicz, N J Derr, C W Freer, M
A Gallant, D D Gardner, O L Lupie, L C Spalsbury,
M L Wilson
Observations of the Lunar Exosphere Coordinated
with LADEE: C Grava, K D Retherford, T K
Greathouse, R Gladstone, D Hurley, J C Cook, S A
Stern, P D Feldman, D E Kaufmann, P F Miles, W
R Pryor, J S Halekas
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
Public Affairs General Contributions
P23D-4013 POSTER
Geomorphological Sketch Map of Titan’s Afekan
Crater Region: A Schoenfeld, M J Malaska, R M C
Lopes, A A Le Gall, S P Birch, A Hayes
1340h PA23A-4022 POSTER Unconventional Tools
for an Unconventional Resource: Community and
Landscape Planning for Shale in the Marcellus
Region: T Murtha Jr, B Orland, L Goldberg, R
1340h P23D-4014 POSTER Simultaneous Mapping
of Titan’s Atmospheric and Surface Properties
Through the Massive Inversion of Cassini/VIMS
Data: S Rodriguez, L Maltagliati, T Appéré, M
Vincendon, S Douté, S Le Mouelic, P Rannou, C
Sotin, J W Barnes, A Coustenis, R H Brown
1340h PA23A-4024 POSTER Using the CoProduction of Knowledge for Developing Realistic
Natural Disaster Scenarios for Small-to-Medium
Scale Emergency Management Exercises: T
Robinson, T M Wilson, T R Davies, C Orchiston,
J Thompson
1340h P23D-4015 POSTER Impact of Wetlands
on Titan’s Mid-Latitude Cloudiness: J M Lora, J
1340h PA23A-4025 POSTER New trends in
communicating risk and cultivating resilience: a
multi-disciplinary approach to global environmental
risk: Y Y Kontar, J C Eichelberger, S T Rupp, K
1340h P23D-4016 POSTER Benzene-Ethane CoCrystals on the Surface of Titan: T H Vu, R P
Hodyss, M L Cable, H E Maynard-Casely, M J
Malaska, P M Beauchamp
1340h P23D-4017 POSTER Annual and Longer
Sedimentary Rhythms of the Organic Rock
Record of Titan’s Circumpolar Seas and Lakes: J S
Kargel, S P Tan, G M Marion, D E Jennings, M
Mastrogiuseppe, H Adidharma
1340h P23D-4018 POSTER Cryogenic Dielectric
Property Measurements Applied to Constraining
the Composition of Titan’s Seas: Implications for
the hydrocarbon cycle: K L Mitchell, M Barmatz,
C S Jamieson, R D Lorenz, J I Lunine
1340h P23D-4019 POSTER Geomorphic Units on
Titan: R M C Lopes, M J Malaska, A Schoenfeld, S
P Birch, A G Hayes Jr
1340h P23D-4020 POSTER 10 Years of Cloud Cover
Monitoring on Titan with Vims on Board Cassini: S
Rodriguez, S Le Mouelic, P Rannou, C Sotin, J W
Barnes, C A Griffith, R H Brown, K H Baines, B J
Buratti, R N Clark, P D Nicholson
1340h P23D-4021 POSTER Role of Fluids and
Atmosphere in the Tectonic Evolution of Titan: Z
Y C Liu, J Radebaugh, E H Christiansen, R A Harris
AGU2014News.indb 51
Moscone West 2009
1340h PA23A-4026 POSTER Communicating
Climate Change - Weather Forecast Need
Assessment and Information Dissemination
Mechanism to Farmers in Nepal: J Panthi Sr
1340h PA23A-4027 POSTER The Uncontrolled
Economic Engine of the Developing Economies,
Speeding up the Climate Shift: K M Khan, M A
1340h PA23A-4028 POSTER Between Too Little and
Too Late: Political Opportunity Costs in Climate
Policy Analysis: J M Gilligan, M P Vandenbergh
1340h PA23A-4030 POSTER Monitoring Global
Precipitation through UCI CHRS’s RainMapper
App on Mobile Devices: P Nguyen, P Huynh, D
Braithwaite, K L Hsu, S Sorooshian
1340h PA23A-4031 POSTER Scientific Community
on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Place Names and
Features: C Reim
1340h PA23A-4032 POSTER Sea ice data for
all: NSIDC’s Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis: N
Vizcarra, J C Stroeve, M C Serreze, T A Scambos,
W Meier
11/28/2014 10:45:05 AM
1340h PA23A-4033 POSTER Encountering Science
in the World: New Partnerships for Science
Interpretation: L H Chambers, A Davis, R
1340h PA23A-4034 POSTER Diagramming
Scientific Papers – A New Idea for Understanding/
Teaching/Sharing Science: R W Saltus, M Fedi
1340h PA23A-4035 POSTER African Mining,
Gender and Local Employment: A Tolonen, A
1340h PA23A-4036 POSTER
Discussion 3 pm to 4 pm:
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
We Need to Talk: Learning from
Climate Experts Who Have Succeeded
in the Media (joint with ED, GC, SI)
Presiding: Chris Mooney, Climate
Desk; Chris Mooney, Climate Desk; Liz
Neeley, COMPASS Seattle
1340h Introductory Remarks
1352h PA23B-01 Fighting a Headwind:
Communicating the Science of Climate Change in
a Hostile Environment: M E Mann
1404h PA23B-02 Effectively Responding to Public
Scrutiny When Communicating Climate Science: A
Huertas, M Halpern
1416h PA23B-03 Talking Climate Science in a
Changing Media Landscape: H M Cullen
1428h PA23B-04 How to maximize science
communication efficacy by combining old and new
media: D A Nuccitelli, J Cook
1440h PA23B-05 Glacier Research Digital Science
Communication Evolution 1996-2014: M S Pelto
1452h PA23B-06 Story telling and social action:
engaging young people to act on climate change: E
1504h PA23B-07 Sometimes You Need a
Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind
Blows: The 25-Year Weather Underground
Experience: J Masters
1516h PA23B-08 Talking Climate: Why Facts are
Not Enough: K Hayhoe
1528h Discussion
Moscone West Poster Hall
Polar Oceans As Drivers of Glacial/
Interglacial Atmospheric CO2
Concentrations II Posters (joint with OS)
Presiding: Sam Jaccard, University of
Bern; Anja Studer, Princeton University;
Haojia Ren, Columbia University;
Alfredo Martinez-Garcia, ETH Zurich
1340h PP23A-1373 POSTER Antarctic Ocean
Nutrient Conditions During the Last Two Glacial
Cycles: A Studer, D M Sigman, A Martinez-Garcia,
V Benz, G Winckler, G Kuhn, O Esper, F Lamy,
S Jaccard, L Wacker, S Oleynik, R Gersonde, G H
1340h PP23A-1374 POSTER Role of Southern Ocean
stratification in glacial atmospheric CO2 reduction:
H Kobayashi, A Oka
1340h PP23A-1375 POSTER The Efficiency of the
Biological Pump in the Southern Ocean over the
Past 40,000 Years As Evidenced from Deep-Sea
Corals: X Wang, M G Prokopenko, D M Sigman,
J F Adkins, L F Robinson, S K Hines, J Chai, G H
1340h PP23A-1376 POSTER Ventilation of the
deep Southern Ocean and changes in atmospheric
CO2 during the last deglacial and glacial periods: J
Gottschalk, L C Skinner, J A Lippold, S Jaccard, H
Vogel, N Frank, C Waelbroeck
1340h PP23A-1377 POSTER Evidence for Increased
Reservoir Ages and Poorly Ventilated Deep Waters
in the Glacial Eastern Equatorial Pacific: M de la
Fuente, L C Skinner, E Calvo, C Pelejero, I Cacho
1340h PP23A-1378 POSTER Toward quantifying the
deep Atlantic carbon storage increase during the last
glaciation: J Yu, L Menviel, Z Jin
1340h PP23A-1379 POSTER Constraining the extent
and evolution of the Southwest Pacific carbon
pool since the last glacial: F Lamy, T Ronge, R
Tiedemann, F Kersten, M Frische, R De Pol-Holz,
K Pahnke, B Alloway, L Wacker, J R Southon
AGU2014News.indb 52
1340h PP23A-1380 POSTER Glacial/interglacial
changes in export production in a series of sediment
cores spanning the Indian sector Antarctic Polar
Front: S Jaccard, L Thöle, A Martinez-Garcia, A
Studer, E Michel, A Mazaud
1340h PP23A-1382 POSTER Ocean export
production and foraminiferal stable isotopes
in the Antarctic Southern Ocean across the
mid-Pleistocene transition: A P Hasenfratz, A
Martinez-Garcia, S Jaccard, D A Hodell, D Vance, S
M Bernasconi, M Greaves, G H Haug
1340h PP23A-1383 POSTER The temperature and
carbonate ion influence on Pleistocene high latitude
planktonic foraminiferal carbon isotopic records: C
D Charles, A D Foreman, J Munson, N C Slowey,
D A Hodell
1340h PP23A-1384 POSTER Release of CO2 from the
subarctic Pacific Ocean over the last deglaciation: W
R Gray, J W B Rae, A Shevenell, C H Lear, G L
Foster, K E Wilson, M Sarnthein
1340h PP23A-1385 POSTER Long Term Trends
in Subantarctic Nutrient Consumption: Evidence
from Sedimentary and Diatom-Bound Nitrogen
Isotopes: P Bedsole
Moscone West Poster Hall
Tarn to Terminus: Hydrology,
Limnology, and Paleoenvironmental
Records of Terminal Lake Systems
Posters (joint with B, GC, H)
Presiding: Scott Starratt, U S Geological
Survey; Michael Rosen, U S Geological
Survey; Daniel Deocampo, Georgia
State University
1340h PP23C-1400 POSTER Vegetation Response
to Holocene Variations in Climate and Fire Activity
in Southwestern Oregon: A White, C Briles, C L
1340h PP23C-1401 POSTER Is Lake Tahoe
Terminal?: R N Coats, J Reuter, A Heyvaert, J
Lewis, G B Sahoo, G Schladow, J H Thorne
1340h PP23C-1402 POSTER Estimation of the Role
of Natural Climatic Trends and Local Depositional
Conditions on Peat Formation in the SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta, Based on Palynological and
Paleomagnetic Data: I Delusina, K L Verosub
1340h PP23A-1386 POSTER Glacial-interglacial
Changes in Ocean Carbon Chemistry constrained
by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and Modelling:
J W B Rae, J F Adkins, A D Foreman, C D Charles
1340h PP23C-1403 POSTER Late Holocene
Hydrologic Variability Reconstruction of the
Coastal Southwestern United States Using Lake
Sediments from Crystal Lake, CA: J A Palermo, M
E Kirby, C Hiner, R J Leeper
Moscone West Poster Hall
1340h PP23C-1404 POSTER Diatom-inferred
Holocene record of moisture variability in Lower
Bear Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California,
USA: S Starratt, M E Kirby
Sea Ice in Earth History: Proxy Data
and Modeling II Posters (joint with C,
Presiding: Rainer Gersonde, Alfred
Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center
for Polar and Marine Research
Bremerhaven; Hugues Goosse,
Université Catholique de Louvain
1340h PP23B-1387 POSTER Diatom Inferred Sea Ice
Conditions on the SE Greenland Shelf during the
Last Millennium: A Miettinen, N Koc, D Divine,
A E Jennings
1340h PP23B-1388 POSTER Holocene Sea Surface
Conditions in the Nordic Seas According to
Dinocyst Assemblages: N Van Nieuwenhove, A
Baumann, S Bonnet, J J Matthiessen, A de Vernal,
H A Bauch, C Hillaire-Marcel
1340h PP23B-1389 POSTER Solar Forcing of
Holocene Sea-Ice Cover Off West Greenland: M S
Seidenkrantz, L Sha, H Jiang, M F Knudsen, K L
Knudsen, W Zhang, Y Liu
1340h PP23B-1391 POSTER Sea Ice Variability in the
Northern North Atlantic during the Last 14 Kyr BP:
P Cabedo-Sanz, S T Belt
1340h PP23B-1392 POSTER High-Resolution
Reconstruction of Late Holocene Sea-ice
Distribution and Primary Production on the East
Greenland Shelf and the NW Fram Strait: R H
Stein, H M Kolling, K Fahl
1340h PP23B-1393 POSTER High-resolution record
of last post-glacial variations of sea-ice cover and
river discharge in the western Laptev Sea (Arctic
Ocean): R H Stein, T Hörner, K Fahl
1340h PP23B-1394 POSTER Southern Ocean Sea Ice
Development Since the Last Glacial, a Combined
Proxy Data-Modeling Approach: R Gersonde, V
Benz, O Esper, G Lohmann, W Xiao, X Zhang
1340h PP23B-1395 POSTER Sea Ice Induced Glacial/
Deglacial Changes in Southern Ocean Surface
Structure: A Abelmann, R Gersonde, G Knorr, X
Zhang, B Chapligin, E Maier, O Esper, G Lohmann,
H Meyer, R Tiedemann
1340h PP23B-1396 POSTER Millennial-scale sea ice
variability in the southern Indian Ocean during the
last glacial: M Ikehara, K Katsuki, M Yamane, Y
1340h PP23B-1397 POSTER Glacial-interglacial
sea ice proxies from the Antarctic Peninsula using
the James Ross Island ice core: A K Benton, R
Mulvaney, J Triest, N Abram
1340h PP23B-1398 POSTER A 100-year
Reconstruction of Regional Sea Ice Extent in
the Ross and Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas as
Derived from the RICE Ice Core, Coastal West
Antarctica: D B Emanuelsson, N A N Bertler, W
T Baisden, E D Keller
1340h PP23B-1399 POSTER Refining the
Parameterisation of Sea Salt Aerosol Production
from Blowing Snow on Sea Ice Based on Data
Collected in the Weddell Sea: X Yang, M M Frey,
J G Levine, I Brook, P A Anderson, A E Jones, E
W Wolff
1340h PP23C-1405 POSTER Holocene climatic and
hydrological changes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada : M
R Rosen, L M Reidy, S Starratt, R Byrne
1340h PP23C-1406 POSTER Evidence for the
sensitivity of a Great Basin terminal lake to storm
track position: B Hatchett, D P Boyle, C Garner, M
L Kaplan, S Bassett
1340h PP23C-1407 POSTER Siphateles (Gila) sp. and
Catostomus sp. from the Pleistocene OIS-6 Lake Gale,
Panamint Valley, Owens River system, California:
A S Jayko, R M Forester, G R Smith
1340h PP23C-1408 POSTER Paleoenvironmental
records from newly recovered sediment cores at the
southeast margin of the Salar de Atacama, Chile: D
F Boutt, L A Munk, S A Hynek, L Corenthal, H A
1340h PP23C-1409 POSTER A multi-proxy
lacustrine record of Holocene climate change in SW
Patagonia, Chile: S L LeRoy, D A Mucciarone, R
B Dunbar
1340h PP23C-1410 POSTER Using ChironomidBased Transfer Function and Stable Isotopes for
Reconstructing Past Climate in South Eastern
Australia: J Chang, J Shulmeister, C Woodward
1510h PP23D-07 Glacial/Interglacial to MillennialScale Environmental Variability Over the Last
400,000 Years (OIS 1-10) as Recorded in Deep-Sea
Sediments of the Bering Sea: S Lund, E S Platzman
1525h PP23D-08 Tracing Bering Sea Circulation
With Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Isotopes During
the Pleistocene: M S Cook, A C Ravelo, A C Mix, I
M Nesbitt, N Miller
Moscone West 2008
Holocene Climate Archives
from Across the Arctic: Detailed
Paleoclimate Perspectives on PresentDay Polar Change II
(joint with GC)
Presiding: Erich Osterberg, Dartmouth
College; Yarrow Axford, Northwestern
University; Karl Kreutz, Univ Maine;
Cameron Wake, Univ New Hampshire
1340h PP23E-01 The Arctic Holocene Transitions
Proxy Climate Database — Principal MillennialScale Patterns: D S Kaufman, N McKay
1355h PP23E-02 Millenial Scale Variability of the
Arctic Ocean and Northern North Atlantic during
the Holocene: A de Vernal, N Van Nieuwenhove,
C Hillaire-Marcel
Reconstructions from Arctic Lakes based on
Alkenone Paleothermometry and Non-Destructive
Scanning Techniques: W J D’Andrea, N L Balascio,
R S Bradley, J Bakke, M Gjerde, D S Kaufman, J P
Briner, L von Gunten
1425h PP23E-04 A Multi-Decadal 11.5 ka
Sedimentary Pigment Record of Aquatic
Productivity and Landscape Stability from
Torfadalsvatn, North Iceland: C R Florian, G H
Miller, A Geirsdottir
1440h PP23E-05 Changes in the vigour of the
Nordic Overflows over the last 3000 years: P Moffa
Sanchez, I R Hall, D J Thornalley, S Barker
1455h PP23E-06 North Siberian Permafrost reveals
Holocene Arctic Winter Warming: H Meyer, T
Opel, T Laepple, D Alexander, K Hoffmann, M
1510h PP23E-07 Impacts of Arctic Climate
Change on Tundra Fire Regimes at Interannual
to Millennial Timescales: F Hu, A M Young, M L
Chipman, P Duffy, P E Higuera
1525h PP23E-08 1,500-Year Cycle in Holocene
Climate from Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska: M S
Finkenbinder, M B Abbott, J M Dorfman, B
Finney, J S Stoner
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone West 2010
Cenozoic through Modern Climate
and Glacial Records and Processes at
High-Latitude Margins II
Presiding: Carys Cook, University of
Florida; Erin McClymont, Durham
University; Claire Huck, University of
Florida; Amelia Shevenell, University of
South Florida St. Petersburg
1340h PP23D-01 New climate archives from the
high latitude North Atlantic Ocean: Preliminary
results from IODP Exp 342, Newfoundland
sediment drifts: I Bailey, P A Wilson, R D Norris,
P Blum
1355h PP23D-02 Orbitally-resolved SST Changes
during the EOT: Results from IODP 342 Expedition:
Z Liu, Y He, P A Wilson, M Pagani
1410h PP23D-03 Gulf of Alaska Cryosphere and
Paleoceanography in the Neogene: IODP Expedition
341 Southern Alaska: J M Jaeger, S P S Gulick
1425h PP23D-04 Late Pleistocene biogenic
sedimentation in the Gulf of Alaska: A
biogeochemical perspective from IODP Expedition
341: C M Moy, J A Addison, B Finney, H Bahlburg,
L B Childress, E A Cowan, M Forwick, F Ribeiro,
K D Ridgway
1440h PP23D-05 Glacial and tectonic influence on
terrestrial organic carbon delivery to high latitude
deep marine systems: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor
Fan, Gulf of Alaska: L B Childress, K D Ridgway
Structure, Composition, and
Dynamics of Earth’s Interior: Probing
with Neutrinos Posters
Presiding: Stephen Dye, Hawaii Pacific
University; John Hernlund, Earth-Life
Science Institute; Richard Carlson,
Carnegie Inst Washington; William
McDonough, Univ Maryland
1340h DI23B-4293 POSTER What Can Neutrinos
Tell Us about Light Elements in Earth’s Core?: J Li,
S Dye, S Enomoto
1340h DI23B-4294 POSTER Geoneutrinos and the
Sno+ Detector: N Tolich
1340h DI23B-4295 POSTER Heat Flux, Crustal Heat
Production, and Concentration in Heat Producing
Elements Near the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory:
J C Mareschal, C P Jaupart, J J Armitage, C
Phaneuf, H Bouquerel, L Iarotsky
1340h DI23B-4296 POSTER Earth’s Uranium and
Thorium Content and Geoneutrinos Fluxes Based
on Enstatite Chondrites: E C Kaminski, M Javoy
1340h DI23B-4297 POSTER Chondritic Earth:
comparisons, guidelines and status: W F
1340h DI23B-4298 POSTER Neutrino geoscience
with real-time modeling in the web browser: A
Barna, G Jocher, S Dye
Antineutrino Detection: B R Safdi, J Suerfu
1455h PP23D-06 Late Pleistocene Magnitude
Glacial Incursions of Southern Component Water
to the Deep North Atlantic Resolved Using Nd
Isotopes during the Intensification of Northern
Hemisphere Glaciation (3.3 to 2.4 Ma): D Lang, I
Bailey, P A Wilson, G L Foster, M Gutjahr
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:05 AM
Moscone South Poster Hall
Aftershock Hazard: Forecasting
Highly Time- and Space-Dependent
Seismicity and Shaking after Large
Mainshocks II Posters (joint with NH,
PA, T)
Presiding: Ross Stein, USGS; Shinji
Toda, Tohoku University; Warner
Marzocchi, INGV; Volkan Sevilgen, U.S.
Geological Survey
1340h S23A-4467 POSTER Study of Active Faults
in the Three Gorges Dam region by Detecting and
Relocating Aftershocks: R Huang, L Zhu, Y Xu
1340h S23A-4468 POSTER seismic space-time
transformation of the periphery of the Ordos block:
D Qi, L C Ping, S Yun
1340h S23A-4488 POSTER Recent Developments
within the Collaboratory for the Study of
Earthquake Predictability: M Liukis, M J Werner,
D Schorlemmer, J Yu, P J Maechling, J D Zechar,
T H Jordan
1340h S23A-4489 POSTER Quantifying the
Earthquake Clustering that Independent Sources
with Stationary Rates (as Included in Current Risk
Models) Can Produce: D D Fitzenz, M Nyst, E V
Apel, R Muir-Wood
Moscone South Poster Hall
Foreshocks and Their Predictive
Value: Insights from Recent
Observations, Lab Experiments,
Numerical Simulations, and
Prospective Forecasting Experiments
II Posters (joint with G, NH, T)
1340h S23A-4469 POSTER Effects of Aftershock
Declustering in Risk Modeling: Case Study of a
Subduction Sequence in Mexico: D L Kane, M Nyst
Presiding: Maximilian Werner,
Princeton University; Jiancang Zhuang,
ISM Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1340h S23A-4470 POSTER Inland Normal Faulting
during the Mw 6.6 Iwaki Earthquake Induced By
Temporal Change of Stress State after the Mw 9.0
2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan: A Miyakawa, M
1340h S23B-4490 POSTER A Global Overview
of Short-Term Foreshocks and Their Predictive
Value: G A Papadopoulos, M Avlonitis, B Di Fiore,
G Minadakis
1340h S23A-4471 POSTER Bayesian Predictive
Distribution for the Magnitude of the Largest
Aftershock: R Shcherbakov
1340h S23A-4472 POSTER Can We Forecast
1-Month Span Aftershock Activity from the First
Day Data after the Main Shock?: T Omi, Y Ogata,
Y Hirata, K Aihara
1340h S23A-4473 POSTER Local receiver fault
dependency of seismicity shut down in the 2011
Tohoku-oki stress shadow: Y Suzuki, S Toda, K
Yoshida, T Okada
1340h S23A-4474 POSTER Application of
Geostatistical Methods and Machine Learning for
spatio-temporal Earthquake Cluster Analysis: A M
Schaefer, J E Daniell, F Wenzel
1340h S23A-4475 POSTER Probability Assessment
of Mega-thrust Earthquakes in Global Subduction
Zones?-from the View of Slip Deficit-: R Ikuta, Y
Mitsui, M Ando
1340h S23A-4476 POSTER Progressive Seismic
Failure, Seismic Gap, and Great Seismic Risk across
the Densely Populated North China Basin: A Yin,
X Yu, Z Shen
1340h S23A-4477 POSTER 150 Years of Coulomb
Stress History Along the California-Nevada Border,
USA: S Carena, A Verdecchia
1340h S23A-4478 POSTER Prediction of Future
Great Earthquake Locations from Cumulative
Stresses Released by Prior Earthquakes: J Lee, T K
1340h S23A-4479 POSTER Short-term earthquake
probabilities during the L’Aquila earthquake
sequence in central Italy, 2009: G Falcone, M
Murru, J Zhuang, R Console
1340h S23A-4480 POSTER Statistics of Static Stress
Earthquake Triggering: S Nandan, G Ouillon, J
Woessner, D Sornette, S Wiemer
1340h S23A-4481 POSTER Retrospective Evaluation
of Earthquake Forecasts during the 2010-12
Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence: M
J Werner, W Marzocchi, M Taroni, J D Zechar, M
Gerstenberger, M Liukis, D A Rhoades, C Cattania,
A Christophersen, S Hainzl, A Helmstetter, A
Jimenez, S Steacy, T H Jordan
1340h S23A-4482 POSTER Time-dependent
probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Taiwan:
Development of a time-dependent approach and
implementation of the Taiwan Earthquake Model
parameters: C H Chan, Y Wang, Y J Wang, Y T
Lee, J B H Shyu, M Pagani, G Weatherill
1340h S23A-4483 POSTER Possible Interactions
between the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii Subduction
Earthquake and the Transform Queen Charlotte
Fault: T E Hobbs, J F Cassidy, S E Dosso
1340h S23A-4484 POSTER Data sensitivity in
a hybrid STEP/Coulomb model for aftershock
forecasting: S Steacy, A Jimenez Lloret, M
1340h S23A-4485 POSTER Rate-and-State Southern
California Earthquake Forecasts: Resolving Stress
Singularities: A E Strader, D D Jackson
1340h S23A-4486 POSTER Tests of remote
aftershock triggering by small mainshocks using
Taiwan’s earthquake catalog: W Peng, S Toda
1340h S23A-4487 POSTER A Century of Aftershocks
Related to Large Intracontinental Earthquakes:
A Seismic Behavior for Hazard Assessment: A
Schlupp, S G Demberel, U Munkhuu
1340h S23B-4491 POSTER Computational Software
for Fitting Seismic Data to Epidemic-Type
Aftershock Sequence Models: A Chu
1340h S23B-4492 POSTER Systematic detection
of seismic activity before recent large earthquakes
in China: Z Peng, B Wang, X Ruan, X Meng, T
Hongwei, F Long, J Su
1340h S23B-4493 POSTER Nucleation process of
an M2 earthquake in a deep gold mine in South
Africa inferred from on-fault foreshock activity: Y
Yabe, M Nakatani, M Naoi, J Philipp, C Janssen, H
Kawakata, G H Dresen, H Ogasawara
1340h S23B-4494 POSTER Significant foreshock
activities of M>7.5 earthquakes in the Kuril
subduction zone: T Harada, S Yokoi, K Satake
1340h S23B-4495 POSTER Analysis of foreshock
sequences in California - implications of foreshock
triggering process: X Chen, P M Shearer
1340h S23B-4497 POSTER Friction Laws Based on
Monotonic and Cyclic Rotary Shear Tests: C J Lai, J
J Dong, T Togo, C M Yang, C T Lee, T Shimamoto
1340h S23B-4498 POSTER Laboratory investigation
into foreshock sequences and their relation to
nucleation processes on a frictional fault: P A
Selvadurai, S D Glaser
1340h S23B-4499 POSTER Real-Time Foreshock
Probability Forecasting Experiments in Japan,
Southern California and Whole Globe: Y Ogata
Moscone South Poster Hall
Imaging the Earth III Passive and
Active Source Studies of the Crust
Posters (joint with DI, T)
1340h S23C-4524 POSTER Crustal Structure and
Deformation beneath the NE Margin of the Tibetan
Plateau Revealed by Receiver Function Data: Q
Wang, F Niu, Y Gao, Y T Chen
1340h S23C-4507 POSTER Estimation of Crustal
Thickness in Nepal Himalayas Using Local and
Regional Earthquake Data: S Mukhopadhyay,
I Koulakov, G Maksotova, J Raoof, J Kayal, A
Jakovlev, A Vasilevsky
1340h S23C-4525 POSTER The Study of Crustal
Heterogeneity in Ma River Fault Zone, Vietnam :
An Application in Receiver Function: C M M Su,
S Wen, C C Tang, Y L Yeh, D V Toan, L H Phong,
C Chen
1340h S23C-4508 POSTER Stress-Release Seismic
Source for Seismic Velocity Measurement in Mines:
P L Swanson, C Clark, J Richardson, L Martin, E
Zahl, A Etter
1340h S23C-4526 POSTER Investigating the Crust
and Upper Mantle of Antarctica based on S-Wave
Receiver Functions Deployed in Ice Stations: C
Ramirez, A Nyblade, S E Hansen, D Heeszel, D A
Wiens, S Anandakrishnan, R C Aster, A D Huerta,
P Shore, T J Wilson
1340h S23C-4509 POSTER Teleseismic Tomography
of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone: O T
Olasanmi, P Arroucau, G Vlahovic
1340h S23C-4511 POSTER 3D P-Wave Velocity
Structure of the Crust and Relocation of Earthquakes
in 21 the Lushan Source Area: X Yu, X Wang, W
1340h S23C-4512 POSTER 3-D Velocity Model of
the Coachella Valley, Southern California Based on
Explosive Shots from the Salton Seismic Imaging
Project: P Persaud, J M Stock, G S Fuis, J A Hole, M
Goldman, D S Scheirer
1340h S23C-4513 POSTER Why Do Two Very Close
Stations in Central Japan Have Different Receiver
Functions?: K Shiomi
1340h S23C-4514 POSTER Local-Scale Ambient
Noise Tomography In and Around the Naruko
Volcano, NE Japan: J Tamura, T Okada
1340h S23C-4515 POSTER Systematic receiver
function analysis of the Moho geometry in the
southern California plate-boundary region: Y
Ozakin, Y Ben-Zion
1340h S23C-4516 POSTER The Study on S-Wave
Velocity Structure of Upper Crust in Three Gorges
Region of Yangtze River: X Li, P Zhu, Q Zhou
1340h S23C-4518 POSTER Crustal Structure across
The Southwest Longmenshan Fault Zone from
Seismic Controlled Source Seismic Data : X Tian,
F Wang, B Liu
1340h S23C-4519 POSTER Moho Depth and Crustal
Vp/Vs Variation in Marmara Region Obtained by
Receiver Functions: P Buyukakpinar, C Gurbuz,
E Zor
1340h S23C-4520 POSTER High-resolution
investigation of the crustal structure of the
Sicilian region (southern Italy) by local earthquake
tomography: C Totaro, E Kukarina, I Koulakov, B
Orecchio, D Presti, G Neri
1340h S23C-4521 POSTER High-resolution ambient
noise adjoint tomography of the crust and upper
mantle beneath the eastern margin of the Tibetan
plateau: G Xing, F Niu, M Chen, Y Yang
1340h S23C-4522 POSTER Crustal and Uppermost
Mantle Structure of Texas-Gulf of Mexico from
Surface Wave Dispersion and Migrated Ps Receiver
Functions: M Agrawal, J Pulliam, M K Sen, H
1340h S23C-4523 POSTER Mapping Lateral
Variations of Crustal Structure across China with
Pds Receiver Function Data: C Yang, F Niu
1340h S23C-4527 POSTER A 3-D crustal model for
SW of Iberia: M Mattesini, E Buforn, T Abajo, J
1340h S23C-4528 POSTER Broadband Seismic Study
of the Dominican Republic: J Pulliam, E Polanco
Rivera, R Pujols Guridy, V A Huerfano Moreno, A
M Lopez
1340h S23C-4529 POSTER Preliminary Results of
Full Seismic Waveform Tomography for Sea of
Marmara Region (NW Turkey): Y ÇUBUK, A
Fichtner, T Taymaz
1340h S23C-4530 POSTER Imaging the Western
Iberia Crustal Structure by Noise Analysis: G M
Silveira, N A Dias, S Custodio, S Kiselev, S Dündar
1340h S23C-4531 POSTER Major crustal and Moho
discontinuities in the Japanese Islands identified
from receiver function imaging: T Igarashi, T
1340h S23C-4532 POSTER Imaging the Isabella
Anomaly in Southern California: Surface Wave
Tomography, Receiver Function Analysis, and
Basin Analysis: C R Hoots, B Schmandt, R W
Clayton, S L Dougherty, S M Hansen
1340h S23C-4533 POSTER 3D Basement Structure
in Southeastern New Mexico from Normally
Discarded Portions of ContinuouslyRecorded Oil
Exploration Surveys: A Cabolova, L D Brown
1340h S23C-4534 POSTER Automatic data processing
and crustal modeling on Brazilian Seismograph
Network: L P Moreira, C Chimpliganond, M Peres
Rocha, G Franca, G S Marotta, M G Von Huelsen
1340h S23C-4535 POSTER Exploitation of “Excess”
Data Now Routinely Collected by Large N,
Continuously Recorded Oil Exploration Surveys:
From Microseismicity to Deep Crustal Imaging: L
D Brown
1340h S23C-4536 POSTER A receiver function study
of crustal properties in the Lesser Antilles Arc: M S
Arnaiz-Rodríguez, F Niu, M Schmitz
1340h S23C-4537 POSTER Crustal structure of
Yunxian-Ninglang, northwestern Yunnan, China
from wide-angle seismic reflection: S Chen, B
Wang, X Tian, F Wang, B Liu, L LI
1340h S23C-4538 POSTER Imaging of gas hydrate
bearing marine sediments by full waveform
inversion of multichannel seismic data from
Krishna-Godavari basin, India: M Ojha, M K Sen,
K Sain
Presiding: Monica Maceira, Los
Alamos National Laboratory; Andreas
Fichtner, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich; Paula Koelemeijer,
ETH Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich; Carene Larmat, Los
Alamos National Laboratory
1340h S23C-4500 POSTER A Seismic Structure
Study in the Kaoping Area, Southwestern Taiwan:
K P Chen, C Y Wang, Y B Tsai, W Y Chang
1340h S23C-4501 POSTER Tectonic Inversion
Along the Algerian and Ligurian Margins: On
the Insight Provided By Latest Seismic Processing
Techniques Applied to Recent and Vintage 2D
Offshore Multichannel Seismic Data: L Schenini,
M O Beslier, F Sage, R Badji, P Y Galibert, A
Lepretre, J X Dessa, A Chafik, L Watremez
1340h S23C-4502 POSTER Lateral Variations of
Coda Wave Attenuation in the Alps: J Mayor, L
Margerin, M Calvet, P Traversa
1340h S23C-4503 POSTER Adjoint Tomography
of Taiwan Region: From Travel-Time Toward
Waveform Inversion: H H Huang, S J Lee, J Tromp
1340h S23C-4504 POSTER USArray Regional Phase
Analysis: J S Buehler, P M Shearer
Characterization of Crustal and Sedimentary Layers
Using Receiver Functions: J Song, Y Yu, K H Liu,
S S Gao
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 53
1340h S23C-4506 POSTER New insights on the
crustal thickness and its lateral variations beneath
the Rif Cordillera: A Gil de la Iglesia, J Diaz Cusi, J
Gallart, R Carbonell, M Harnafi, A Levander
11/28/2014 10:45:05 AM
1340h S23C-4539 POSTER Crust and Upper Mantle
Velocity Structure beneath NE China from Joint
Inversion of Local and Teleseismic Data: J Huang,
Z Liu, F Yang
1510h S23D-07 Velocity-dependent frictional
behavior and slip magnitude of a fault affected by
fluid injection activities: L Urpi, A P Rinaldi, C J
1340h SA23A-4056 POSTER Role Of Conjugate and
Local Terminators On the Electric Fields at Arecibo:
S Ganguly, C G M Brum, N Aponte, E Franco, S A
Characterization of Tokyo Metoropolitan area
using a highly-dense seismic netwok(MeSO-net): N
Hirata, S Nakagawa, S Sakai, Y Panayotopoulos, M
Ishikawa, T Ishibe, H Kimura, R Honda
S23D-08 Seismo-Thermo-Mechanical
Modeling of Subduction Zone Seismicity:
Methodology, Applications, and Perspectives: Y
van Dinther, T Gerya, L A Dalguer, P M Mai
1340h SA23A-4057 POSTER Plasma Line in the
Ionosphere: M Rosenmary, M P Sulzer
Determination of Average Thickness and P-wave
Speed of the Crust by Virtual Deep Seismic
Sounding (VDSS): D Kang, C Yu, J Ning, K TAO,
W P Chen
1340h S23C-4542 POSTER Imaging and 2.5D
Modeling of Receiver Functions from Deep Virtual
Receivers in Kyushu Island, Japan: H Takenaka, T
Ueda, T Murakoshi, T Okamoto
1340h S23C-4543 POSTER Imaging the Fine-Scale
Structure of the San Andreas Fault in the Northern
Gabilan Range with Explosion and Earthquake
Sources: H Xin, C H Thurber, H Zhang, F Wang
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
Seismic Anisotropy in the Continental
Crust: Combining Perspectives of
Seismology, Petrology, and Mineral
Physics II (joint with MR, T)
Presiding: Sarah Brownlee, Wayne
State Univ-Geology; David Okaya, Univ
Southern California; Vera SchultePelkum, Univ Colorado Boulder; Bill
Fry, GNS Science
1340h S23C-4544 POSTER Seismic Structure
beneath the Gulf of California: a Contribution from
Group Velocity Measurements: F Di Luccio, P
Persaud, R W Clayton
1340h S23E-01 Inferring the oriented elasticity
tensor in the crust across the Western US using
surface wave data: J Xie, M H Ritzwoller, S J
Brownlee, B R Hacker
1340h S23C-4545 POSTER 3D P and S Wave
Velocity Structure and Tremor Locations in the
Parkfield Region: X Zeng, C H Thurber, D R Shelly,
N L Bennington, E S Cochran, R M Harrington
1355h S23E-02 Stress, Anisotropy and Strain Rate
in Kyushu, Japan, from Earthquakes and GPS:
Tectonic implications: M K Savage, Y Aoki
1340h S23C-4546 POSTER Wide Aperture Imaging
Strategies for 3D Elastic Full-waveform Inversion:
Application to the Marmousi model: P Petrov, G
A Newman
1410h S23E-03 Crustal Anisotropy in a Subduction
Zone Forearc: Northern Cascadia: M G Bostock, G
Matharu, N I Christensen, J Tromp
1340h SA23A-4058 POSTER Conjugate and Nonconjugate Structures Observed in South and Central
America Using Networks of GPS Receivers: C E
Valladares, R E Sheehan
1340h SA23A-4059 POSTER Locating the source
of short duration auroral pulsations via population
dispersion: M J Ahrns, D L Hampton
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h SA23C-4080 POSTER Storm-Time Behaviors
of the Thermospheric O/N2 and NO Variations: Y
Zhang, L J Paxton, D Morrison, H Kil, D R Marsh
The Dynamic Polar Cap II Posters (joint
with SH, SM)
Presiding: Cheryl Huang, Air Force
Research Laboratory Albuquerque;
Yanshi Huang, University of New
Mexico; Gary Bust, JHU Applied Physics
Lab; Jeffrey Holmes, Air Force Research
1440h S23E-05 Homogenization of Heterogeneous
Elastic Materials with Applications to Seismic
Anisotropy: S S Vel, S E Johnson, D A Okaya, A C
1340h SA23B-4062 POSTER On the Symmetry of
Ionospheric Polar Cap Patch Exits Around Magnetic
Midnight: J I Moen, K Hosokawa, N Gulbrandsen,
L Clausen
1340h S23C-4548 POSTER Poisson ratio map of
Brazil: Data compilation: G Franca, M Bianchi, C
Pavão, L P Moreira, D Farrapo Albuquerque, M
Peres Rocha, G S Marotta
1455h S23E-06 ESP Toolbox: A Computational
Framework for Precise, Scale-Independent Analysis
of Bulk Elastic and Seismic Properties: S E Johnson,
S S Vel, A C Cook, W J Song, C C Gerbi, D A Okaya
1340h S23C-4549 POSTER Rayleigh Wave Group
Velocity Distributions for East Asia from Ambient
Seismic Noise Tomography: M Witek, S van der
Lee, T S Kang, S J Chang, S Ning, J Ning
1510h S23E-07 The Ground Truth of Crustal
Anisotropy from Receiver Functions: I Bianchi, M
T Apoloner, E Qorbani, S M Lloyd, K Gribovski, A
Gerner, P Arneitz, P Jordakiev, G Bokelmann
1340h SA23B-4063 POSTER A complicated
evolution of a newly created Polar Cap Ionization
Patch: Q H Zhang, J I Moen, M M Lockwood, B
C Zhang, Q Zong, S Zhang, J M Ruohoniemi, E G
Thomas, M W Dunlop, R Liu, H Yang, H Hu, M
1340h S23C-4551 POSTER A discussion about the
causes of the intraplate seismicity in the Central
Brazil from P-wave travel-time tomography results:
M Peres Rocha, P A D Azevedo, M Schimmel, R A
Fuck, G Franca
1525h S23E-08 Understanding Seismic Anisotropy
in Hunt Well of Fort McMurray, Canada: R
Malehmir, D R Schmitt, J Chan
1340h S23C-4552 POSTER Seismic assessment of a
temporary deployment in the Kingdom of Bhutan
using double-­difference tomography : C A Perez, A
A Velasco, E M Syracuse, M Maceira, H Zhang
1340h S23C-4553 POSTER Receiver Function
Imaging of Crustal and Lithospheric Structure
Beneath the Jalisco Block and Western Michoacan,
Mexico: G Reyes Alfaro, V M Cruz-Atienza, X
Perez-Campos, G A Reyes Dávila
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
Multiscale Dynamics of Earthquake
Faulting II (joint with T)
Presiding: Brad Aagaard, USGS; AliceAgnes Gabriel, Ludwig Maximilians
Universitat Munchen; Matthew
Knepley, Univ of Chicago; Paul Mai,
King Abdullah University of Science and
1340h S23D-01 Mw7.7 2013 Balochistan
Earthquake. Slip-Distribution and Deformation
Field in Oblique Tectonic Context: Y Klinger,
A Vallage, R Grandin, A Delorme, A M Rosu, M
1355h S23D-02 Relaxing Segmentation: Does
It Improve Characterization of Fault Rupture
Behavior?: D P Schwartz
1410h S23D-03 Mechanical Evolution and Dynamics
of Decollement Slip in Contractional Systems:
Correlating Macro- and Micro-Scale Processes in
Particle Dynamics Simulation: J K Morgan
1425h S23D-04 The Nucleation and Dynamic
Rupture of Laboratory Earthquakes: S Latour, A
Schubnel, S B Nielsen, R I Madariaga, J P Ampuero,
S Vinciguerra
1440h S23D-05 Modeling a Wide Spectrum of Fault
Slip Behavior in Cascadia With the Earthquake
Simulator RSQSim: K B Richards-Dinger, J H
1455h S23D-06 Interaction of Repeating Earthquake
Sequences and Its Relation to Fault Friction
Properties: K Y S Lui, N Lapusta
AGU2014News.indb 54
Coupling of Ionospheric Processes
and Conjugate Phenomena I (joint with
Presiding: Louise Gentile, Air Force
Research Laboratory; Patrick Roddy,
Air Force Research Laboratory; Cheryl
Huang, Air Force Research Laboratory
1340h SA23A-4049 POSTER On the Conjugacy of
Two Types of Wavelike Structures in the LowLatitude Bottomside F layer: R T Tsunoda
1340h SA23A-4050 POSTER Importance of E-F
Region Coupling on Low and Mid-Latitude
Ionospheric Irregularities: T Yokoyama
1340h SA23A-4051 POSTER Geomagnetically
conjugate observations of ionospheric and
thermospheric variations accompanied with a
midnight brightness wave at low latitudes: D
Fukushima, K Shiokawa, Y Otsuka, M Kubota, T
Yokoyama, M Nishioka, S Komonjinda, C Y Yatini
1340h SA23A-4052 POSTER Airglow-imaging
observation of plasma bubble disappearance at
geomagnetically conjugate points: K Shiokawa, Y
Otsuka, K J W Lynn, P W Wilkinson, T Tsugawa
1340h SA23A-4053 POSTER Ionospheric Studies
From Low to Sub-Auroral Latitudes Using
Geomagnetic Conjugate All-Sky Imagers and
Satellite Data: C R Martinis, R Macinnis, C Sullivan,
J L Baumgardner, R F Pfaff Jr, M R Hairston, M
Mendillo, M J Taylor, T Moffat-Griffin, R A Heelis,
J Wroten, D Hickey
1340h SA23A-4054 POSTER C/NOFS and the Air
Force Research Laboratory’s Conjugate Point Study:
L C Gentile, D L Cooke, C Huang, C Y Huang,
P A Roddy, E K Sutton, E V Mishin, E V Dao, C
R Martinis, W J Burke, P C Lai, R Pradipta, C E
1340h SA23A-4055 POSTER Sensitivity of LowLatitude Ionospheric Convection in the Evening
to E-Region Conductivity: A D Richmond, T W
Fang, A I Maute
Presiding: Yongliang Zhang, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory; Larry Paxton, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory; Timothy Fuller-Rowell,
Univ of Colorado-CIRES; Delores Knipp,
University of Colorado at Boulder
1340h SA23C-4076 POSTER The influences of
temperature and meridional neutral wind on 630.0
nm nightglow: C Y Chiang, W Y S Tam, T F Chang
1340h SA23B-4061 POSTER Risr-N Observation
of the Characteristics of Polar Cap Patches and
Implication for Patch Formation Mechanism: S
Zou, S Y Tafti, A J Ridley, M Moldwin, M J Nicolls
Moscone South Poster Hall
Thermospheric Composition
Variability and Its Coupling to the
Ionosphere II Posters (joint with SH, SM)
1340h SA23A-4060 POSTER Comparisons of
Plasmaspheric Hiss and Lightning-generated
Whistler Wave Electron Pitch Angle Diffusion
Models: S M O’Malley, V Alvidrez Jr, A G Ling, J
Albert, J J Colman, R A Quinn, C A Selcher, M J
1425h S23E-04 Strong seismic anisotropy in the
crust of southern African catons : H Thybo, M
Youssof, I M Artemieva
1340h S23C-4547 POSTER Full-3D Tomography of
the Crustal Structure in Southern California Using
Earthquake Seismograms and Ambient-Noise
Correlagrams: E J Lee, P Chen, T H Jordan, P J
Maechling, M Denolle, G C Beroza
Moscone South Poster Hall
1340h SA23B-4064 POSTER Multi-instrument
Observations of the Formation and Evolution of
Polar Cap Plasma Structures: J B H Baker, E G
Thomas, A J Coster, J M Ruohoniemi
1340h SA23B-4065 POSTER Properties of localized
polar cap flow enhancements and their connection
to nightside poleward boundary intensifications
and substorms: Y Zou, Y Nishimura, L R Lyons,
K Shiokawa, E Donovan, J M Ruohoniemi, K A
McWilliams, N Nishitani
observations of dayside polar cap airglow patches by
all-sky imagers and DMSP: B Wang, T Nishimura,
Y Zou, L R Lyons, H U Frey, S B Mende
1340h SA23B-4067 POSTER Flow Channel and
Velocity Shear Impacts on the Thermoshperic
CUSP, with Associated Neutral Upwelling: L C
Gardner, H C Carlson, R W Schunk
1340h SA23B-4068 POSTER Dependency of the
Cusp Density Anomaly on the Variability of Forcing
Inside and Outside the Cusp: D G Brinkman, R L
Walterscheid, J H Clemmons
1340h SA23B-4069 POSTER Correlation between
Poynting flux and soft electron precipitation around
the cusp region: C Sheng, Y Deng, Y J Su, D J
Knipp, C Y Huang, D M Ober, R J Redmon
1340h SA23B-4070 POSTER Tracking the energy
input form the magnetosphere to the ionospherethermosphere system : E Zesta, H Connor, Y Shi, J
Raeder, M Fedrizzi, T J Fuller-Rowell, M Codrescu
1340h SA23C-4079 POSTER Validation of
Thermospheric Density Models for Drag
Specification: N J Boll, A J Ridley, E Doornbos
1340h SA23C-4081 POSTER Local-time Variation
of Nitric Oxide: Modeling and Observations: C Y
T Lin, S M Bailey, J D Yonker, K Venkataramani,
Y Deng
1340h SA23C-4082 POSTER Implementation
of a High-Altitude Balloon Payload to Study
Thermospheric Wind Speeds through Redline
Airglow Emissions of Atomic Oxygen at 630 nm
via a Split-field Etalon Doppler Imager Utilizing a
Fabry-Perot Interferometer: L B Terry, P Hooser,
J Victors, K Muchmore, L Yin, R Fullmer, A
Marchant, M Mogavero, B Dingwell, J Tuttle, C
Swenson, J Polidan, M English
Moscone West 2016
Understanding Hemispheric
Asymmetry and Space Weather II
(joint with SM)
Presiding: Larry Paxton, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory; Patrick Newell, Johns
Hopkins Univ; Anja Stromme, SRI
International; Aaron Ridley, Univ
1340h SA23D-01 Hemispheric Asymmetry of
Ionospheric Convection and Joule Heating and Its
Impact on the Thermospher: G Lu
1358h SA23D-02 Understanding Hemispheric
Asymmetries of the Auroral Electrojets: J W
Gjerloev, M Muhleisen, M Friel, P Martin, N
Shaw, S Ohtani
1416h SA23D-03 Hemispheric Assymeries in
Auroral Precipitation: S B Mende
1434h SA23D-04 Hemispheric Effects in
Ionospheric Plasma Convection and Irregularity
Occurrence: J M Ruohoniemi, J B H Baker, W A
Bristow, S G Shepherd, B Kunduri, E D P Cousins
1452h SA23D-05 Evidence of Dayside Asymmetries
in High-Latitude Magnetic Perturbations Measured
By ST5 and DMSP: D J Knipp, L M Kilcommons, J
A Slavin, G Le, J W Gjerloev, R J Redmon
1507h SA23D-06 Interhemispheric asymmetry of
ionospheric conductance and neutral dynamics: Y
Deng, C Sheng, X Yue, Y Huang, Q Wu, J Noto, D
P Drob, R B Kerr
1522h SA23D-07 Investigation of Hemispherical
Differences in Total Electron Content During
Geomagnetic Storms: K R Gonzales, A J Coster, S
1340h SA23B-4071 POSTER The Role of Polar Cap
Flux Tube Deformation and Magnetosheath Plasma
Beta in the Saturation of the Region 1 Field-Aligned
Current System: F D Wilder, S Eriksson, M J
1340h SA23B-4072 POSTER Improved electron and
ion temperatures and application to the Nov-24-12
substorm: J Zhu, A J Ridley
Magnetic Reconnection and Flux
Redistribution: Three-Dimensional
Dynamics at Multiple Scales II Posters
(joint with SM)
1340h SA23B-4073 POSTER Polar Cap Heating of
the Ionosphere and Thermosphere: C Y Huang,
Y Huang, Y J Su, E K Sutton, M R Hairston, W R
1340h SA23B-4074 POSTER A Simulation Study
of the Thermosphere Mass Density Response to
Substorms Using GITM Model: X Liu, A J Ridley
Characteristics of the Subauroral Ion Drifts: F He,
X Zhang, B Chen
Moscone South Poster Hall
Presiding: Merav Opher, Boston
University; Paul Cassak, West Virginia
1340h SH23A-4145 POSTER IRIS Observations
of Magnetic Reconnection and Chromospheric
Evaporation in a Solar Flare: H Tian, G Li, K
Reeves, J C Raymond, F Guo
1340h SH23A-4146 POSTER Sympathetic solar
eruptions in quadrupolar magnetic configurations:
T Torok, V S Titov, O Panasenco
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:06 AM
1340h SH23A-4147 POSTER Electron Energy
Partition in the Above-the-looptop Solar Hard
X-ray Sources: M Oka, S Krucker, H S Hudson, P
Antiochos, C R DeVore
1340h SM23A-4171 POSTER Impact of the Substorm
Concept on Kinetic Plasma Instability Research: A
1519h SH23C-07 Constraining Solar Coronal
Magnetic Fields with New Radio Observing
Techniques: B Chen, D E Gary, T Bastian
1340h SM23A-4172 POSTER A Double-Disruption
Substorm Model - The Growth Phase: G J Sofko, K
A McWilliams, G C Hussey
1340h SH23A-4149 POSTER VLA Observations of
Solar Decimetric Spike Bursts: Direct Signature of
Accelerated Electrons in Reconnection Outflow
Region: B Chen, T Bastian, D E Gary
Moscone West 2011
1340h SM23A-4173 POSTER Rapid enhancement of
energetic oxygen ions in the inner magnetosphere
during substorms: Y Nakayama, Y Ebihara, T
1340h SH23A-4150 POSTER Onset of Flare
Reconnection and Coronal Mass Ejection
Acceleration in Eruptive Events: S E Guidoni, J T
Karpen, C R DeVore, J Qiu
Presiding: Lynn Wilson, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center; Bennett Maruca,
Center for Astrophysics; Aaron
Breneman, The University of Minnesota;
David Malaspina, Univ Colorado
1340h SH23A-4148 POSTER Magnetic Topology of
the Global MHD Configuration on 2010 August 1-2:
V S Titov, Z Mikic, T Torok, J Linker, O Panasenco
Laguna, A Lani, S Poedts, N N Mansour, A G
1340h SH23A-4152 POSTER Non-linear Tearing
and Flux rope Formation in 3D Null Current Sheets:
P F Wyper, D I Pontin
1340h SH23A-4153 POSTER Particle Acceleration
at a Reconnecting Magnetic Separator: J W
Threlfall, T Neukirch, C E Parnell, J Stevenson
1340h SH23A-4154 POSTER X-Point Reconnection
from Shear Driving in Kinetic Simulations: C Black,
S K Antiochos, C R DeVore, K Germaschewski, N
Bessho, J T Karpen
1340h SH23A-4155 POSTER Magnetic Structure
and Nonthermal Electrons in the X6.9 Flare on
2011 August 09: J E Hwangbo, J Lee, S H Park, S C
Bong, D Y Lee, Y H Kim, K S F Cho, Y D Park
Twenty Years of Wind Observations I
(joint with SM)
1340h SH23D-01 Solar wind electron measurements
from the Wind spacecraft: S D Bale
1355h SH23D-02 Solar Wind ~20-300 keV
Superhalo Electrons: L Wang, L Yang, J He, C Y
Tu, Z Pei
1410h SH23D-03 Probabilistic Model of BeamPlasma Interaction in Randomly Inhomogeneous
Plasma: V Krasnoselskikh, A Voshchepynets, A
Volokitin, A Artemyev
1425h SH23D-04 The Wind Spacecraft As an
Interplanetary Physics Experiment: J C Kasper
1440h SH23D-05 Counter-streaming alpha proton
plasmas in an eroding magnetic cloud: new insights
into space plasma evolution from Wind: M L
Stevens, J C Kasper, B Maruca, K E Korreck, R
1455h SH23D-06 Properties of Suprathermal Ions
in Solar Wind Compression Regions: R J Jensema,
M I Desai, T W Broiles, G M Mason
Moscone South Poster Hall
1510h SH23D-07 Radio Observations Made By
Wind over the Past 20 Years: M Maksimovic
Theory, Modeling, and Observations
of Heliospheric Boundaries and
Particle Acceleration Including
Preparation for IMAP II Posters
1525h SH23D-08 Earth-Directed ICME Magnetic
Field Configurations: T Nieves-Chinchilla, A
Szabo, A Vourlidas, N Savani, M A U Hidalgo, W
Presiding: Mihir Desai, Southwest
Research Institute; Gary Zank, Univ of
Alabama, Huntsville
1340h SH23B-4156 POSTER Energization of Charged
Particles By a Time-Dependent Chaotic Magnetic
Field: C J Doyle, B Dasgupta, J Heerikhuisen
1340h SH23B-4157 POSTER Suprathermal and
Solar Energetic Particles – Key questions for the
Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe
(IMAP): M I Desai, D J McComas, E R Christian, R
A Mewaldt, N Schwadron
1340h SH23B-4158 POSTER Particle Energization
in a Chaotic Force-free/Non-Force-free Magnetic
field: X Li, B Dasgupta, G Li
1340h SH23B-4159 POSTER Instabilities and Plasma
Mixing at the Heliospheric Boundary: K Avinash,
G P Zank
1340h SH23B-4160 POSTER Compressive and Noncompressive Acceleration of Suprathermal Particles
in the Heliosphere: J Kota, J R Jokipii
1340h SH23B-4161 POSTER Effect of Coherent
Structures on Energetic Particle Intensity in the
Solar Wind at 1 AU: J Tessein, D J Ruffolo, M
Wan, W H Matthaeus, M Neugebauer, J Giacalone
Moscone West 2012
Coronal Magnetism II
Presiding: Sarah Gibson, NCAR; Kathy
Reeves, Smithsonian Institution;
Stephen White, Air Force Research
1340h SH23C-01 Coronal Extreme Ultraviolet
(EUV) Waves and Their Seismological Applications:
W Liu, L Ofman
1359h SH23C-02 Coronal Modeling with FluxEvolved Maps: Comparison with Observations:
J Linker, C Downs, R Lionello, R M Caplan, Z
Mikic, P Riley, C J Henney, C N Arge
1413h SH23C-03 Combining Linear Polarization
Measurements of both Forbidden/Permitted
Coronal Emission Lines for measuring the Vector
Magnetic Field in the Solar Corona: G I Dima, J R
Kuhn, D Mickey
1432h SH23C-04 Methods for estimating total open
heliospheric magnetic flux : S DeMarco, C N Arge,
M Pattichis, R A Hock, C J Henney
1446h SH23C-05 Use of Magnetic Field Modeling
and Topology Analysis in Understanding the
Evolution and Eruption of Coronal Sigmoids: A S
Moscone South Poster Hall
Impact of the Substorm Concept on
Space Plasma Research II Posters (joint
with SA, SH)
Presiding: Anthony Lui, The Johns
Hopkins Univ; Zuyin Pu, Peking
University; Michael Henderson, Los
Alamos National Laboratory; Weichao
Tu, Los Alamos National Laboratory
1340h SM23A-4162 POSTER Understanding the
near Earth plasma sheet instability responsible for
substorm onset: T Nishimura, L R Lyons, P L
Pritchett, V Angelopoulos, E Donovan
1340h SM23A-4163 POSTER Investigation of
the Magnetotail and Inner Magnetosphere with
Combined Global Hybrid and CIMI Models: Y Lin,
X Wang, J D Perez, M C H Fok
modelling of the kinetic-ballooning instability in
the magnetosphere: N Gorelenkov, P Porazik, J
1340h SM23A-4165 POSTER Relationship between
wave-like auroral arcs and Pi2 pulsations in plasma
sheet during substorms: T F Chang, C Z Cheng
1340h SM23A-4166 POSTER Morphology and
Dynamics of Auroral Arc: S Bender, K R Murphy,
D G Sibeck, E Donovan, E Spanswick, G J Fasel
1340h SM23A-4167 POSTER Characterising
Substorm Auroral Dynamics; A Statistical Analysis
of the Morphology and Motion of the Aurora
through the Substorm Growth and Early Expansion
Phase: K R Murphy, S Bender, L Kepko, C Watt,
J Rae, D G Sibeck, I R Mann, E Donovan, E
Spanswick, B J Jackel, H U Frey
1340h SM23A-4168 POSTER Substorm Current
Wedge as a Combined Effect of Wedgelets: J Liu,
V Angelopoulos
1340h SM23A-4169 POSTER Determining Substorm
Onset Location Using 3D Empirical Force-Balanced
Pressure and Magnetic Field Models for Substorm
Growth Phase: C Yue, C P Wang, L R Lyons, Y
Nishimura, T S Hsu, X Xing, M G Henderson, V
Angelopoulos, A Lui, T Nagai, E Donovan
1340h SM23A-4170 POSTER The Interaction
Between Dipolarization Front and the Ambient
Plasma: Z Yao, J Liu, C J Owen, Z Pu
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 55
1340h SM23A-4174 POSTER Rapid outward
extension of electron radiation belt driven by
substorm injection and chorus waves: Z Su, H Zhu,
F Xiao, H Zheng, Y Wang, Z He, C Shen, M Zhang,
S Wang, C Kletzing, W S Kurth, G B Hospodarsky,
H E Spence, G D Reeves, H O Funsten, J B Blake,
D N Baker
1340h SM23A-4175 POSTER Simultaneous ULF
waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora
observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based
systems: A N Jaynes, M Lessard, K Takahashi, C
Kletzing, J R Wygant, E Donovan, J B Blake
1340h SM23A-4176 POSTER A Statistical Look at
the Radiation Belt Seed Population: A J Boyd, H
E Spence, G D Reeves, D N Baker, J B Blake, S G
Claudepierre, J F F Fennell, Y Shprits
1340h SM23A-4177 POSTER Analysis of a nonstorm time enhancement in outer belt electrons: Q
Schiller, X Li, H C Godinez, T E Sarris, W Tu, D
Malaspina, D L Turner, J B Blake, J Koller
1340h SM23A-4178 POSTER Radial Diffusion
Coefficients Using E and B Field Data from the Van
Allen Probes: Comparison with the CRRES Study:
A Ali, S R Elkington, D Malaspina
1340h SM23A-4179 POSTER Classification of Initial
conditions required for Substorm prediction: S
Patra, E A Spencer
1340h SM23A-4180 POSTER Time delay between
the SYMH and the solar wind energy input during
intense storms determined by response function
analysis: X Cao, A Du
Moscone South Poster Hall
Multipoint Observations in the
Inner Magnetosphere: System-Wide
Understanding of Particle Transport,
Energization, and Loss III Posters
Presiding: Matina Gkioulidou, JHU/
APL; Alexa Halford, Dartmouth College;
Drew Turner, University of California
1340h SM23B-4181 POSTER Overview of Radiation
Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment
(RBSPICE): Data Access and Science Results:
L E Brown, J W Manweiler, J D Patterson, M
Gkioulidou, A Y Ukhorskiy, A J Gerrard, D G
Mitchell, L J Lanzerotti, A Lui
1340h SM23B-4182 POSTER Climatology of the
Earth’s inner magnetosphere as observed by the
Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition
Experiment (RBSPICE) instrument on the Van
Allen Probes spacecraft: J W Manweiler, J D
Patterson, R M Manweiler, A J Gerrard, D G
Mitchell, L J Lanzerotti
1340h SM23B-4183 POSTER Measurements from
the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument on the role
of electric fields in controlling the structure of the
inner magnetosphere and the dynamic of particle
energization: J R Wygant, A W Breneman, L Dai,
S A Thaller, C A Cattell, J W Bonnell, F Mozer, O
V Agapitov, R Ergun, D N Baker, X Li, S Califf, D
Malaspina, M K Hudson, R M Millan, A Halford, J C
Foster, P J Erickson, R J Strangeway, E Donovan, C
Kletzing, W S Kurth, S R Bounds, J F F Fennell, G D
Reeves, C W Smith, A Y Ukhorskiy, M Gkioulidou
1340h SM23B-4184 POSTER Science Highlights
from the BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaigns: R
M Millan, J G Sample, M McCarthy, D M Smith
1340h SM23B-4185 POSTER NASA’s Van Allen
Probes RBSP-ECT Data Products and Access to
Them: An Insider’s Outlook on the Inner and Outer
Belts (and We Don’t Mean the Nation’s Beltway...):
S S Smith, R H W Friedel, M G Henderson, B
Larsen, G D Reeves, H E Spence
1340h SM23B-4188 POSTER Relativistic Electron
Response Driven By Overlapping High Speed
Stream and Coronal Mass Ejections: S G Kanekal,
D N Baker, A N Jaynes, A D Jones, M G Henderson,
Y Zheng, G D Reeves, H E Spence, C Kletzing, J R
1340h SM23B-4189 POSTER Standing Alfven Waves
Transitioned from Fast-Growing, Travelling
Waves: Indications from Electron Measurements:
X Zhou, Z H Wang, Q Zong, Y Hao, S G
Claudepierre, M Kivelson, V Angelopoulos
1340h SM23B-4190 POSTER Early Measurements of
Electron Precipitation Using the Firebird Cubesats:
A B Crew, H E Spence, D M Klumpar, J B Blake, B
Larsen, K W Mashburn
1340h SM23B-4191 POSTER The Disappearance of
the Post-Midnight High Energy Ion Plasmasphere:
L K Sarno-Smith, M W Liemohn, R M Katus, J
R Wygant, R M Skoug, B Larsen, M F Thomsen,
M Moldwin
1340h SM23B-4192 POSTER Van Allen Probes
based investigation of storm time enhancements in
the duskward electric field to lower L shells and its
effect on ring current formation and plasmasphere
erosion: S A Thaller, J R Wygant, L Dai, A W
Breneman, K Kersten, C Kletzing, W S Kurth, S
De Pascuale, J W Bonnell, G B Hospodarsky, M
Gkioulidou, J F F Fennell
1340h SM23B-4193 POSTER ULF wave distribution
and azimuthal wave number observed by Van Allen
Probes: S Oimatsu, M Nose, C Kletzing, C W
Smith, R J MacDowall
1340h SM23B-4194 POSTER A Case Study of
Energetic Electron Precipitation Using GroundBased VLF Radio Data: E Davis, C M Cully, C J
Rodger, M A Clilverd, D K Milling
1340h SM23B-4195 POSTER Pi2 Pulsations
Observed by Van Allen Probes: A Case Study: E
Ghamry, K H Kim, H J Kwon, D H Lee, C Kletzing,
W S Kurth
1340h SM23B-4196 POSTER Comparison of Ion
Temperatures in the Magnetosphere as a Function
of the AE Index using TWINS ENA data: E M
Aguirre, A M Keesee, E E Scime, M W Liemohn
1340h SM23B-4197 POSTER Angular Width
of Electron Flux Peaks during a Wave-Particle
Interaction Event: J L Roeder, J Fennell, S G
Claudepierre, J B Blake, J H Clemmons, H E Spence
1340h SM23B-4198 POSTER On the Benefits and
Challenges of Multi-Point Analysis of Energetic
Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere: D
L Turner, C Gabrielse, A Runov, V Angelopoulos,
M Gkioulidou, G D Reeves, J V Rodriguez, S G
1340h SM23B-4199 POSTER Simulation of MultiSpacecraft Observed Energetic Electron Injection
By the Electromagnetic Field of a Transient,
Localized Dipolarizing Flux Bundle: C Gabrielse, V
Angelopoulos, A Runov, D L Turner
1340h SM23B-4200 POSTER Relativistic Electron
Acceleration and Loss During Small Geomagnetic
Storms: B Anderson, R M Millan, G D Reeves, R
H W Friedel
1340h SM23B-4201 POSTER Nonlinear wave
growth theory for discrete hiss emissions in the
plasmasphere: Y Omura, S Nakamura, D Summers,
C Kletzing
1340h SM23B-4202 POSTER Statistics of VLF/
ELF emissions at subauroral latitudes in Athabasca,
Canada and their correspondence to the Van Allen
Probes observations: C Martinez C, K Shiokawa,
Y Miyoshi, K Keika, M Ozaki, I Schofield, M G
Connors, C Kletzing
1340h SM23B-4203 POSTER Case studies of
quasi-periodic VLF emissions and related ULF
fluctuations of the magnetic field: M Hayosh, O
Santolik, F Nemec, M Parrot
1340h SM23B-4204 POSTER Global Observations
of the O+/H+ Ratio During Large Geomagnetic
Storms: P W Valek, J Goldstein, J M Jahn, D J
McComas, H E Spence
1340h SM23B-4205 POSTER On the Morphology of
Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves in the Terrestrial
Inner Magnetosphere: S N Walker, M A Balikhin
1340h SM23B-4186 POSTER Van Allen Probes
Science Gateway and Space Weather Data
Processing: G Romeo, R J Barnes, M Weiss, N J
Fox, B Mauk, M Potter, R Kessel
1340h SM23B-4206 POSTER Observations of Solar
Energetic Protons: A Comparison Between Model,
Balloon, and In Situ Observations: A Halford, R M
Millan, M K Hudson, S L McGregor, B T Kress
Observations of the Inner Magnetosphere from the
Van Allen Probes and Related Missions at NASA’s
Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF): R E McGuire,
D Bilitza, R M Candey, R Chimiak, J F Cooper, L N
Garcia, B T Harris, R C Johnson, T Kovalick, N Lal,
H Leckner, M Liu, N E Papitashvili, D A Roberts
1340h SM23B-4207 POSTER Effects of Outer
Precipitation: A Multipoint Observational Study: P
J Erickson, J C Foster, A J Coster, A Halford, R M
Millan, J R Wygant
1340h SM23B-4208 POSTER Correlating DMSP
and NOAA Ion Precipitation Observations with
Low Altitude ENA Emissions During the Declining
Phase of Solar Cycle 23: D A Mackler, J M Jahn, J
D Perez, C J Pollock
11/28/2014 10:45:06 AM
1340h SM23B-4209 POSTER MLT-Dependent 3D
Reanalysis of Radiation Belt Elections: Quantifying
Errors in Current and Future Magnetic Field
Models: A C Kellerman, Y Shprits, G K Stephens,
D A Kondrashov, A Drozdov, T Podladchikova
1340h SM23B-4210 POSTER The Relation Between
Lightning and Isolated Impulsive >30 keV Electron
Precipitation Events: M McCarthy, G S Bowers, R
H Holzworth II, R M Millan
1340h SM23B-4211 POSTER Plasmaspheric and
Local Time Dependence of Balloon Observed
Relativistic Electron Precipitation: L A Woodger,
J Goldstein, R M Millan, A Halford
1340h SM23B-4212 POSTER Possible effects of
ionospheric beating for the formation of Pc1 pearl
structures based on 6-year ground observations in
Canada, Russia and Japan: C W Jun, K Shiokawa,
M G Connors, I Schofield, I Poddelsky, B Shevtsov
1340h SM23B-4213 POSTER The 1, 2, 3 of the Van
Allen Radiation Belts: Impacts of Dynamics Driven
by Observed ULF Wave Power: I R Mann, L
Ozeke, K R Murphy, S G Claudepierre, D L Turner,
J Rae, D K Milling, A Kale, J Fennell, D N Baker
1340h SM23B-4215 POSTER Determination of Solar
Wind Parameters in the Occurrence of Relativistic
Electron Events at Geosynchronous Orbit: V A
Pinto, L R Lyons, H J Kim
1340h SM23B-4216 POSTER Relevance of
geomagnetic storms to relativistic electron flux
enhancements at geosynchronous orbit: H J Kim,
V A Pinto, C P Wang, L R Lyons
1340h SM23B-4217 POSTER Electron Beams near
the Dipolarization Front Observed by THEMIS
Satellites: S Fu, X Bai, D Zhao, G K Parks, W Sun,
Q Zong
1340h SM23B-4218 POSTER A Statistical Study of
Magnetospheric Plasma Mass Loading Using the
Cluster Spacecraft: J K Sandhu, T K Yeoman, R C
1340h SM23B-4219 POSTER Van Allen Probes
Empirical Model of the Plasma Environment Inside
Geostationary Orbit: B Larsen, G D Reeves, R H W
Friedel, M F Thomsen, R M Skoug, H O Funsten,
E MacDonald
1340h SM23B-4220 POSTER Empirical Model of the
Pressure in the Earth’s Ring Current: T Sotirelis, M
Gkioulidou, A Y Ukhorskiy, E MacDonald
1340h SM23B-4221 POSTER Dependence of
radiation belt enhancements on the radial extent
of Pc5 waves and the plasmapause location:
M Georgiou, I A Daglis, E Zesta, G Balasis, C
Katsavrias, I R Mann, K Tsinganos
1340h SM23B-4222 POSTER BARREL Microbursts
Precipitation Data Analysis: X Liang, G S Bowers,
J G Sample, B Anderson, L A Woodger, A Halford,
M McCarthy, D M Smith, R M Millan
1340h SM23B-4223 POSTER Observations of
Possible Injection of Interplanetary Oxygen into
the Inner Magnetosphere: J D Patterson, J W
Manweiler, A J Gerrard, J W Bonnell, S R Bounds,
M Gkioulidou, D G Mitchell, L J Lanzerotti
1340h SM23B-4224 POSTER The role of timedomain structures in precipitating electrons:
conjugate measurements by Van Allen Probes and
the Canadian array of all-sky imagers: S Lejosne, F
Mozer, O V Agapitov
1340h SM23B-4225 POSTER Characterizing Total
Radiation Belt Electron Content Using Van Allen
Probes Data: C L Huang, H E Spence, A J Boyd, A
Jordan, K W Paulson, J Zhang, J B Blake, C Kletzing
Observations of Pc1 Pearl Pulsations as Compared
to Unstructured EMIC Waves Using the Van Allen
Probes: K W Paulson, C W Smith, M Lessard, R B
Torbert, C Kletzing
Observations and Modeling of Particle Injections:
M G Henderson, S Morley, G D Reeves, B Larsen,
R M Skoug, H O Funsten, H E Spence
1340h SM23B-4228 POSTER Wave-Particle
Interactions and Radiation Belt Precipitation Loss:
L W Blum, J W Bonnell, X Li, J R Wygant
1340h SM23B-4229 POSTER Impact of an EventSpecific Plasma Density Model for Modeling
the October 8-9, 2012, Event with the LANL
DREAM3D Diffusion Code: G Cunningham, W
Tu, S Morley, Y Chen, J Haidecuk, S De Pascuale,
C Kletzing
Geosynchronous Relativistic Electrons By Emic
Wave Scattering Under Quiet Geomagnetic
Conditions: K H Kim, K Hyun, E Lee, D H Lee
1340h SM23B-4232 POSTER Magnetopause
structure favorable for radiationbelt electron loss: K
C Kim, D Y Lee
1340h SM23B-4233 POSTER Constraining the
plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and
data assimilation: A M Jorgensen, J Lichtenberger,
B Heilig, M Vellante, J Reda, R H W Friedel, M G
Henderson, D M Ober, A Boudouridis, E Zesta, P J
Chi, J Cho, R M Katus
Moscone South Poster Hall
The Impact of BBFs/Bubbles on the
Plasmasheet, Ring Current, and
Radiation Belts II Posters
Presiding: Frank Toffoletto, Rice
University; Viacheslav Merkin, The
Johns Hopkins University; Andrei
Runov, UCLA; Michael Wiltberger,
National Center for Atmospheric
1340h SM23C-4234 POSTER Multi-resolution
global magnetohydrodynamic magnetosphere
studies of the bursty bulk flows in the magnetotail:
M J Wiltberger, J Lyon, V G Merkin
1340h SM23C-4235 POSTER Openggcm Simulations
of Energy Conversion in Dipolarization Fronts: J
Raeder, W D Cramer, K Germaschewski, Y Ge
1340h SM23C-4236 POSTER High Resolution
Magnetotail Simulations of Bursty Bulk Flows: N
Buzulukova, J Dorelli, A Glocer, M C H Fok, G
1340h SM23C-4237 POSTER The 3-D Structure of
Reconnection Jets: J F Drake, M M Swisdak, P
Cassak, T D Phan
1340h SM23C-4238 POSTER Equatorial Electron
Acceleration and Transport Towards the Inner
Magnetosphere Modeled with Superposed
Transient Electric and Magnetic Fields: C Harris, C
Gabrielse, V Angelopoulos
1340h SM23C-4239 POSTER Plasma sheet access to
the inner magnetosphere during bursty bulk flows:
S R Elkington, M J Wiltberger, A N Jaynes, D
1340h SM23C-4240 POSTER Relative Contributions
of Ring Current Plasma Transport Mechanisms
in the Magnetotail: W D Cramer, J Raeder, F
1340h SM23C-4241 POSTER Thermodynamic
and Spectral Properties of the Dfb/Bubble Plasma
Population in the Near-Earth Magnetotail: A
Runov, V Angelopoulos, C Gabrielse, J Liu, D L
Turner, X Zhou
1340h SM23C-4242 POSTER A Comparison of
Ion and Electron Energization and Transport
Mechanisms in the Magnetotail During Substorms:
Q Pan, M Ashour-Abdalla, R J Walker, M El-Alaoui
1340h SM23C-4243 POSTER Is BBF Exciting the
Current Sheet Flapping Near Earth Magnetotail?:
X Wei Jr
1340h SM23C-4244 POSTER Bursty Bulk Flow
Braking and the Role of Turbulence: J E Stawarz,
R Ergun, K Goodrich
1340h SM23C-4245 POSTER Effects of Bursty Bulk
Flows on the Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet: M V
Stepanova, E E Antonova
1340h SM23C-4246 POSTER Generation of BBFs
and DFs, Formation of Substorm Auroras and
Triggers of Substorm Onset: Y Song, R L Lysak
1340h SM23C-4247 POSTER Analyzing low
frequency waves associated with plasma sheet flow
channels: X Xing, J Liang, C P Wang, L R Lyons,
V Angelopoulos
1340h SM23C-4248 POSTER Increasing Flow
Oscillation Period at a Tailward Retreating Flux
Pileup Region during Dipolarization: E V Panov,
W Baumjohann, M Kubyshkina, R Nakamura, V
A Sergeev, V Angelopoulos, K H Glassmeier, A A
1340h SM23C-4249 POSTER On the Current System
and Electric Field Associated with the Boundary of
Plasma Bubble: W Sun, S Fu, G K Parks, Z Pu, J A
1340h SM23C-4250 POSTER A New Mechanism for
Magnetic Hole Structures: K Goodrich, R Ergun
1340h SM23C-4251 POSTER Influence of auroral
streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows: B
Gallardo-Lacourt, T Nishimura, L R Lyons, V
Angelopoulos, E Donovan, J M Ruohoniemi, K A
McWilliams, N Nishitani
1340h SM23B-4231 POSTER Does spacecraft
potential depend on the ambient electron density?
: S T Lai, M Martinez-Sanchez, K Cahoy, M F
Thomsen, Y Shprits, W Q Lohmeyer, F Wong
AGU2014News.indb 56
1340h SM23C-4252 POSTER Storm-time Ion
Acceleration in Kinetic Scale Alfvénic Fluctuations:
Van Allen Probes/THEMIS Observations and
Modelling: C C Chaston, J W Bonnell, J R Wygant,
C Kletzing, G B Hospodarsky, W S Kurth, C
W Smith, E MacDonald, L J Lanzerotti, J W
Manweiler, D G Mitchell
1340h SM23C-4253 POSTER Elements of M-I
Coupling in Repetitive Substorm Activity Driven by
Interplanetary CMEs: C J Farrugia, P E Sandholt
1340h SM23C-4254 POSTER Sudden Pressure
Enhancement and Tailward Retreat in the NearEarth Plasma Sheet: THEMIS Observation and
MHD Simulation: Y Yao, Y Ebihara, T Tanaka
1340h SM23C-4255 POSTER Role of Mesoscale
Convection in the Inner Magnetosphere: S Y
Sazykin, R Wolf, J Yang, F Toffoletto, R W Spiro
Moscone West 2018
Magnetospheres in the Solar System I
(joint with P)
Presiding: Xianzhe Jia, University of
Michigan; Chris Paranicas, Applied
Physics Lab; George Hospodarsky, Univ
1340h SM23D-01 Magnetopause Boundary
Processes Throughout the Solar System: A Masters
1358h SM23D-02 Multi-Scale Kelvin-Helmholtz
Vortices Along Mercury’s Magnetopause: D J
Gershman, J M Raines, J A Slavin, T Zurbuchen,
T Sundberg, S A Boardsen, B J Anderson, H Korth,
S C Solomon
Magnetohydrodynamics with Embedded Particlein-Cell Simulation of Ganymede’s Magnetosphere:
G Toth, L K S Daldorff, X Jia, T I Gombosi, G
1422h SM23D-04 The role of plasma/neutral
source and loss processes in shaping the giant planet
magnetospheres: P A Delamere
1440h SM23D-05 Internally Driven, Dynamical
Behaviour of Saturn’s Magnetosphere: N M
Pilkington, N A Achilleos, C S Arridge, P Guio, A
Masters, N Sergis, A J Coates, M K Dougherty
1452h SM23D-06 Structure and Dynamics of the
Sub-corotating Region of Saturn’s Magnetosphere:
Cassini Magnetic Field Observations: E J Smith, M
K Dougherty
1504h SM23D-07 Morphology of InterchangeDriven Injections in Saturn’s Magnetosphere : C
Paranicas, N Achilleos, M Andriopoulou, S V
Badman, G B Hospodarsky, X Jia, C M Jackman,
K K Khurana, N Krupp, P Louarn, E Roussos, N
Sergis, M F Thomsen
1340h T23A-4632 POSTER Synorogenic Record of
Basin Reorganization in the Sierras Pampeanas, La
Rioja, Argentina: A Stevens, B Carrapa
Mechanisms of South American Flat Subduction: J
Hu, A Hermosillo, L Liu
1340h T23A-4634 POSTER The effects of possibly
buoyant flat slab segments on Nazca and South
American plate motions: C R Lithgow-Bertelloni,
R Shea, F Crameri
1340h T23A-4635 POSTER Lithosphere-Mantle
Interactions Associated with Flat-Slab Subduction:
M Gerault, T W Becker, L Husson, E Humphreys
1340h T23A-4636 POSTER Influence of Initial
Geometry and Boundary Conditions on Flat
Subduction Models and Resulting Topography: P
Nelson, R Moucha
1340h T23A-4637 POSTER Interaction Between
Magmatism and Continental Extension, Insight
From an Extensional Terrain in the Iranian Plateau:
A Malekpour Alamdari, G J Axen, J Hassanzadeh
1340h T23A-4638 POSTER Recurring Swarms
of Deep Long Period Earthquakes in the Denali
Volcanic Gap Suggest a Continuation of Volcanic
Processes in the Absence of Active Volcanism:
S G Holtkamp, N A Ruppert, V Silwal, D H
Christensen, C J Nye
1340h T23A-4639 POSTER Contrasting lithospheres:
does one size fit all for the structure of mantle under
foreland arches?: M L Anderson, R C Porter, W L
Yeck, A F Sheehan, S L Beck, H J Gilbert
1340h T23A-4640 POSTER Reprocessing and
Interpretation of Vintage Seismic Reflection Data:
Evidence for the Tectonic History of the Rocky
Mountain Trench, Northwest Montana: M Porter,
M A Speece, B S Rutherford, K N Constenius
1340h T23A-4641 POSTER Eocene lake basins
in Wyoming and Nevada record rollback of the
Farallon flat-slab beneath western North America:
M E Smith, E J Cassel, B R Jicha, B S Singer, A
1340h T23A-4642 POSTER Low-Temperature
Thermochronology of Laramide Ranges in
Montana and Wyoming Provides Information on
Exhumation and Tectonics Associated with FlatSlab Subduction: M Armenta, B Carrapa, P G
1340h T23A-4643 POSTER Are Colorado Plateau
Eclogite Xenoliths Franciscan?: Oxygen Isotope
Evidence From Zoned Garnet: W F Hoover, F Z
Page, D J Schulze, K Kitajima, J W Valley
1516h SM23D-08 Spinning, Breathing, and
Flapping: The Changing Size and Shape of Saturn’s
Middle Magnetosphere: K M Ramer, M Kivelson,
N Sergis, K K Khurana, X Jia, R J Strangeway
1340h T23A-4644 POSTER A Fold Province in the
Hinterland of the Sevier Orogenic Belt in Eastern
Nevada: A Valley and Ridge in the Basin and Range:
S P Long
1528h SM23D-09 Generation of a global
longitudinal asymmetry in Saturn’s magnetosphere:
T W Hill, A Jaggi, R Wolf, S Y Sazykin
1340h T23A-4645 POSTER Evidence for
Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary lower plate
mylonitization and extension in the Harcuvar
metamorphic core complex, Arizona: Evidence
from U-Pb geochronology: A Wrobel, M Wong,
J S Singleton
Moscone South Poster Hall
Moscone South Poster Hall
Causes and Consequences of Flat Slab
Subduction II Posters
Crustal and Lithospheric Structure
of Cratons Inferred with Geophysical
Methods I Posters (joint with S)
Presiding: Megan Anderson, Colorado
College; Lara Wagner, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Suzanne
Kay, Cornell University
1340h T23A-4626 POSTER Structure of the Flat Slab
in Southern Peru: Y Ma, R W Clayton
1340h T23A-4627 POSTER Tomographic imaging
of the effects of Peruvian flat slab subduction on the
Nazca slab and surrounding mantle under central
and southern Peru: A C Scire, G Zandt, S L Beck,
B Bishop, C B Biryol, L S Wagner, M D Long, E
Minaya, H Tavera
1340h T23A-4628 POSTER Mantle Flow associated
with the Peruvian Flat Slab and Subducting Nazca
Ridge as inferred from Seismic Anisotropy: C M
Eakin, M D Long, L S Wagner, S L Beck, H Tavera,
C Condori
1340h T23A-4629 POSTER Peruvian Trench to
Andean Thrust Front: Evidence for Coupling of
the Peruvian Flat Slab to the Over-Riding South
American Plate: B Bishop, S L Beck, G Zandt, A C
Scire, L S Wagner, M D Long, H Tavera
1340h T23A-4630 POSTER Punctuated uppercrustal shortening, exhumation, and basin
subsidence during flat-slab subduction in southern
Peru: N Perez, B K Horton
1340h T23A-4631 POSTER A lithospheric velocity
model for the flat slab region of Argentina from
joint inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion and
teleseismic receiver functions: J B Ammirati, P M
Alvarado, S L Beck
Presiding: Christian Sippl, Australian
National University; Hrvoje Tkalcic,
Australian National University; David
Thompson, University of Leeds; Sid-Ali
Ouadfeul, University of Boumerdes
1340h T23B-4646 POSTER Crust and Upper-mantle
Structure in the Western North China Craton from
Receiver Functions: M Jia, Z Guo, X Wang, Y
Feng, Y J Chen
1340h T32A-06 POSTER Mapping the Traces
of the Assembly and Multistage Breakup of
Gondwanaland in the Lithosphere of Madagascar:
E J Rindraharisaona, F J Tilmann, X Yuan, G
Rumpker, B Heit, G Rambolamanana, K F Priestley
Deformation and Destruction of North China
Craton Revealed by Ambient Noise and Earthquake
Surface Wave Array Tomography: J Feng, H Yao,
L Fang, J Wu
1340h T23B-4649 POSTER Crustal structure and
geodynamic of the Middle and Lower reaches of
Yangtze metallogenic belt and neighboring areas:
insights from deep seismic reflection profiling : Q
Lu, D Shi, Z Liu, Y Zhang, J Zhao
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:06 AM
1340h T23B-4650 POSTER A Tomographic Model
of the Canadian Lithosphere via Two-Station
Surface-Wave Analysis: T Zaporozan, A Bryksin,
A W Frederiksen, F A Darbyshire
1340h T23B-4651 POSTER Lithospheric Inventory:
An Exploration of Quebec, Canada with P-to-S
Receiver Functions: M Klaser, V L Levin, F A
V L Levin, F A Darbyshire, I D Bastow
1340h T23B-4653 POSTER The Tectonic Evolution
of SE Canada: Seismic Evidence from the QM-III
Experiment: I D Bastow, A Boyce, F A Darbyshire,
V L Levin, W H Menke, A Ellwood
1340h T23B-4654 POSTER The Assembly and
Evolution of Eastern Laurentia: Evidence from the
QM-III Experiment: F A Darbyshire, V L Levin,
W H Menke, I D Bastow, L Petrescu, A Boyce, M
Klaser, B Dunham, A Servali, T Neitz
1340h T23B-4655 POSTER Evolution of the
Lithsophere in Eastern Canada: Constraints from
Probabilistic Inversion and H-k Stacking of Receiver
Functions: L Petrescu, I D Bastow, F A Darbyshire,
V L Levin, W H Menke
1340h T23B-4672 POSTER From the Surface
Topography to the Upper Mantle Beneath CentralIberian-Zone. the Alcudia Seismic Experiments:
R Carbonell, S A Ehsan, P Ayarza, D J MartinezPoyatos, J F Simancas, A Azor, A Pérez-Estaún
1340h T23C-4691 POSTER Shallow properties of
faults in carbonate rocks – The Jandaíra Formation,
Potiguar Basin, Brazil: F H Bezerra, G Bertotti, J
Rabelo, A T Silva, M A Carneiro, C L Cazarin, C C
Silva, M M Vieira, K Bisdom, A Moraes
1340h T23B-4673 POSTER Configuration of Moho
Discontinuity beneath Japanese Islands Estimated
with Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure
Obtained by Seismic Tomography Using Data from
Dense Seismic Network: M Matsubara, K Obara
1340h T23C-4692 POSTER Time-dependent
deformation at elevated temperatures in basalt from
El Hierro, Stromboli and Teide volcanoes: P M
Benson, D Fahrner, C E Harnett, M Fazio
1340h T23B-4674 POSTER Seismic Anisotropy
and Upper-Mantle Velocity Structures Beneath
the Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Beltand Surrounding
Regions: Y Yu, Y J Chen, Y Feng, M An, X Liang,
S Dong
Moscone South Poster Hall
Shallow Properties of Fault Zones III
Posters (joint with G, MR, NS, S)
Presiding: Eric Lindsey, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography; Andrew
Barbour, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography; Thomas Mitchell,
University College London; Amir Allam,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
1340h POSTER Welcoming Remarks:
1340h T23B-4656 POSTER The Crust and Mantle
Structure of the Mid-Continent Rift System from
Ambient Noise and Earthquake Surface Wave
Analysis: G I Aleqabi, D A Wiens, M E Wysession,
S van der Lee, J Revenaugh, A W Frederiksen, F A
Darbyshire, S A Stein, D M Jurdy, E Wolin, T A
1340h POSTER Introductory Remarks
1340h T23B-4657 POSTER USArray Receiver
Function Imaging of Multiple-Layer Crustal
Structure of the Contiguous United States: X Ma,
A R Lowry, D Ravat
1340h T23B-4658 POSTER The Presence of a Stable
Block bounded by Active Zones (Mobile Belts) in
the southwestern North American Proterozoic
craton: P Goodell, C Martinez P, M A Mahar
1340h T23C-4677 POSTER Macroscopic Fault
Structure of the 1911 Mw8.1 Chon Kemin
Earthquake (Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan) from
Combined Seismic Imaging, Palaeo-Seismological
Investigations and Historial Seismicity: C A
Haberland, T Sonnemann, A Landgraf, T
Ryberg, G Kulikova, F Krueger, A Dzhumabaeva,
K Abdrakhmatov, U Abdybachaev, S Orunbaev, S
Rosenwinkel, A Sharshebaev
1340h T23B-4659 POSTER Integrated Analysis
of Airborne Geophysical Data to Understand the
Extent, Kinematics and Tectonic Evolution of the
Precambrian Aswa Shear Zone in East Africa: A B
Katumwehe, E A Atekwana, M G Abdelsalam, D
A Lao Davila
1340h T23C-4678 POSTER The Carboneras Fault
Zone (SE Spain): Constraints on Fault Zone
Properties and Geometry from Controlled-SourceGenerated Guided Seismic Waves: A Rietbrock, C
A Haberland, D R Faulkner, S Nippress, E H Rutter,
C M Kelly, T Teixido
1340h T23B-4660 POSTER The Lithospheric
Structure of Southern Africa from Magnetotelluric
Sounding: R L Evans, A G Jones, E A Atekwana
1340h T23C-4679 POSTER Structure Characteristics
of the Depression in Gushi Town of Weihe Basin: Y
SHI, X Feng, M Li, G Li, Y Zhang
1340h T23B-4661 POSTER The Structure and
Evolution of the Sabratah Basin, West Offshore
Libya: G A Reeh, T J Reston
1340h T23B-4662 POSTER Investigations of Libyan
Upper Mantle Anisotropy and Crustal Structure
Using Shear Wave Splitting and Receiver Function
Analyses: A A Lemnifi, K H Liu, S S Gao, A A
Elsheikh, C A Reed, Y Yu, A M Elmelade
1340h T23B-4663 POSTER Crustal and Mantle
Structure of the West African Craton Beneath SW
Niger: J F Di Leo, J M Wookey, J M Kendall, N D
1340h T23B-4664 POSTER Combined teleseismic
surface wave and receiver function analysis of the
crust and upper mantle of Madagascar: M J Pratt, G
I Aleqabi, M E Wysession, D A Wiens, A Nyblade, P
Shore, G Rambolamanana, R Tsiriandrimanana, F S
T Andriampenomanana Ny Ony
1340h T23B-4665 POSTER Crustal and lithospheric
structure of the Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western
Australia, from passive-source seismology: C Sippl,
H Tkalcic, B L N Kennett, C V Spaggiari, K Gessner
1340h T23B-4666 POSTER Finding Crustal
Thickness in the Northern Transantarctic
Mountains and Wilkes Subglacial Basin Using
S–Wave Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave
Phase Velocities: L M Kenyon, S E Hansen, J H
Graw, Y Park, A Nyblade
1340h T23B-4667 POSTER Crustal and Lithospheric
Structure across the Boundary of the East European
Craton from Receiver Functions: B KnapmeyerEndrun, F Krueger
1340h T23B-4668 POSTER Joint Inversion of
Seismological Data and Magnetotelluric Data for
the Northern Scandinavian Mountains: W Ben
Mansour, M Moorkamp, R W England
1340h T23B-4669 POSTER Crust and Upper
Mantle Structure in the Sarfartoq Kimberlite
Province, West Greenland: A Receiver Function
Study: T Dahl-Jensen, P Voss, L M Larsen, B M
Steensgaard, L G B Pinna
1340h T23B-4670 POSTER Constraining the
Lithospheric Structure of the Central Andes Using
P- and S- wave Receiver Functions: J C Ryan, S L
Beck, G Zandt, L S Wagner, E Minaya, H Tavera
1340h T23C-4676 POSTER Fault Population
Analyses in the Eastern California Shear Zone:
Insights into the Development of Young, Actively
Evolving Plate Boundary Structures: X Zhou, N H
Dawers, R M Amer
1340h T23C-4680 POSTER Microstructural study
of the partition between seismic and aseismic
deformation along the North Anatolian Fault zone,
Turkey: M Kaduri, J P Gratier, F Renard, Z Cakir,
C Lasserre
1340h T23C-4681 POSTER Fault Zone Architecture
and Mineralogy: Implications in Fluid Flow and
Permeability in Crustal Scale Fault Zones in the
Southern Andes: T Roquer, E Terrón, P PerezFlores, G Arancibia, J M Cembrano
1340h T23C-4682 POSTER Paleofluid Flow in the
Upper Crust: A Study Case from the Atacama Fault
System: R Gomila, G Arancibia, J M Cembrano, T
M Mitchell, D R Faulkner, E Jensen Siles
1340h T23C-4683 POSTER Seismic Surveys of the
Surface Faults in Fukushima Iwaki area, Eastern
Japan, Appeared at the Induced Earthquake of
the M9.0 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake: K
Yamaguchi, S Ito, N Kano
1340h T23C-4684 POSTER A 3-D Model of Stacked
Thrusts in the Sevier Thrust Belt, Eastern Idaho: R
W Clayton, S R Clayton
1340h T23C-4685 POSTER Landscape Evidence
of Fault Zone Architecture in the Southern Sierra
Nevada: W C Krugh, M Halling, A E Garcia
Ruvalcaba, V C Nguyen, R M Odina, Z Uribe
1340h T23C-4686 POSTER Internal architecture of
the proto-Kern Canyon Fault at Engineer’s Point,
Lake Isabella Dam site, Kern County, California:
Z S Martindale, G D Andrews, S R Brown, W C
1340h T23C-4687 POSTER Near-Surface San
Andreas Fault Location and Dip Near Woodside,
California From Tomographic Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs
Ratios: M Goldman, R Catchings, R R Sickler, C
Criley, C S Prentice
1340h T23C-4688 POSTER Microstructures of
pulverized granitoids from the San Andreas Fault
near Little Rock, CA: L F G Morales, Y Ben-Zion,
T K Rockwell
1340h T23C-4694 POSTER Geomorphic Assessment
of Activity Levels of the Three Strands of North
Anatolian Fault Zone in NW Turkey: E Gürbüz,
A Gurbuz
1340h T23C-4695 POSTER The Geomorphological
Developments Along the East Anatolian Fault Zone,
Turkey: R Saber, A Caglayan, V Isik, G Seyitoglu
1340h T23C-4696 POSTER High-resolution,
Two-Dimensional Geophysical Investigation of
several small faults at the northern end of the Hat
Creek graben, Shasta, Californi: O Kozaci, D R H
O’Connell, W D Page
1340h T23C-4697 POSTER Local Stress fields and
paleo-fluid distribution within a transtensional
duplex: An example from the northern termination
of the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System: P Perez-Flores,
J M Cembrano, P Sanchez-Alfaro
1340h T23C-4698 POSTER Subsurface structure
around Fukuoka using borhole data, Japan: N
Kitada, R Tanaka, N Inoue, K Watanabe
Investigation of Permeability and Mechanical
Evolution of Cataclastic Shear Bands: P Miller, D
M Saffer, C Marone
1340h T23C-4700 POSTER Timing of multiple
fracture reactivations using micro geophysics,
geology, and isotope geochemistry: C Matonti, Y
Guglielmi, S Viseur, P Leonide, M Floquet
1340h T23C-4701 POSTER Effects of shear load on
frictional healing: K L Ryan, C Marone
1340h T23C-4702 POSTER Concluding Remarks
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Seismicity, Tectonics, and Geofluids
in South and East Asia I (joint with NH,
NS, S)
Presiding: Timothy Byrne, Univ
Connecticut; Kate Chen, Department of
Earth Sciences; Aitaro Kato, University
of Tokyo; Hemin Koyi, China University
of Petroleum
1340h T23D-01 Fluid Flux Passing through Fault
Zones – One Step to Understand Whole Fluid
Budget in the Subduction Zone: H Tanaka
1355h T23D-02 Investigation on the Association of
Fluid Flux with Temporal Change in Attenuation
within Ruptured Fault Zone after Earthquake: K F
Ma, H Tanaka
1410h T23D-03 Crustal Fluid Distribution in the
Source Area of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku
Earthquake, NE Japan Inferred from Seismic
Tomography: T Okada
1425h T23D-04 2009 Slow Slip Event under the
Northeast Taiwan at the Backarc Extension of the
Ryukyu Subduction Zone from Continuous GPS
Data: K E Ching, R J Rau, K Wang, Z Peng, Y J
Moscone South Poster Hall
Achieving Negative Carbon Emissions:
Distributed Carbon Capture from Air
and Surface Water Using Geologic
Materials and/or Storage Reservoirs II
(joint with DI, GC, H, MR, SI)
Presiding: Peter Kelemen, Columbia
University; Gregory Dipple, Univ British
Columbia; Klaus Lackner, Columbia
University; Ah-Hyung Park, Columbia
V23A-4768 POSTER
investigation of the pressure of crystallization: S
Lambart, H M Savage, P B Kelemen, T Koczynski
1340h V23A-4769 POSTER Prior Tectonic
Brecciation Favors Carbonation of Abyssal
Serpentinites : a Petrographic and Stable Isotope
Study of Southwest Indian Ridge Dredged Samples:
M Cannat, V Payré, I Martinez
1340h V23A-4770 POSTER Olivine Carbonation
and Multiple Episodes of Carbonate Veining
during Basement Rock Denudation in an Oceanic
Core Complex, ODP Site 1275, Mid-Atlantic
Ridge: A Natural Analog for Engineered Carbon
Sequestration: T J Schroeder, W Bach, N Joens, S
Rausch, P Monien, A Kluegel
1340h V23A-4771 POSTER Carbon Sequestration
in Unconventional Reservoirs: Advantages and
Limitations: N V Zakharova, A L Slagle, D
1340h V23A-4772 POSTER Assessment of
Geological Storage Potential of Carbon Dioxide in
the Miocene Pohang Basin, SE Korea : C W Song,
M Son, Y K Sohn
1340h V23A-4773 POSTER The Black Lake (Quebec,
Canada) mineral carbonation experimental station:
CO2 capture in mine waste: G Beaudoin, M
Constantin, J Duchesne, C Dupuis, A Entrazi, A
Gras, F Huot, R Fortier, R Hebert, F Larachi, K
Lechat, J M Lemieux, J W H Molson, X Maldague,
R Therrien, G P Assima
1340h V23A-4774 POSTER Monitoring CO2
Sequestration by Mineral Carbonation in Mine
Tailings at Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada: K
Lechat, J M Lemieux, J W H Molson, G Beaudoin,
R Hebert
1340h V23A-4775 POSTER Evidence for passive
mineral carbonation from carbon isotope
geochemistry of interstitial air in mine wastes from
the Dumont Nickel Project (Abitibi, Quebec): A
Gras, G Beaudoin, J W H Molson, B Plante, J M
Lemieux, E H B Kandji
1340h V23A-4776 POSTER Mineral carbonation in
water-unsaturated porous media: A L Harrison, G
M Dipple, K U Mayer, I M Power
1340h V23A-4777 POSTER Investigation of
Potassium Feldspar Reactivity in Wet Supercritical
CO2 by In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy: C Thompson,
C Widener, T Schaef, J Loring, B P McGrail
1340h V23A-4778 POSTER Rapid CO2 consumption
during incipient weathering of a granular basaltic
hillslope in the Landscape Evolution Observatory,
Biosphere 2: J Ruiz, J L M Van Haren, K Dontsova,
G Barron-Gafford, P A A Troch, J Chorover
1340h V23A-4779 POSTER Mechanism Study of
Carbon Dioxide Capture from Ambient Air by
Hydration Energy Variation: X Shi, K S Lackner
1440h T23D-05 Helium isotopes in soil gas: the
surficial indicators of the ‘leaking mantle’: T F Lan,
T F Yang, H F Lee, P C Chuang, C H Chen, Y Sano
1340h V23A-4782 POSTER Feasibility of
Biogeochemical Sealing of Wellbore Cements: Lab
and Simulation Tests: F S Colwell, C Verba, A R
Thurber, Y Alleau, D Koley, M Peszynska, M E
1455h T23D-06 Evidence of Fluid/Gas Along the
Backthrust Offshore Central Sumatra from Seismic
Full Waveform Inversion: S C Singh, G Huot
1340h V23A-4783 POSTER Carbon Sequestration
through Sustainably Sourced Algal Fertilizer: Deep
Ocean Water: M T Sherman
1510h T23D-07 Active Dehydration, Delamination
and Deformation of Transitional Continental Crust
in an Arc-Continent Collision, Taiwan: T B Byrne,
R J Rau, K H Chen, H H Huang, Y J Wang, W B
1525h T23D-08 Active Subhorizontal NE-SW
Stretching Across the Eastern Margin of the
Southern Central Range of Taiwan at ~23.1°N: J C
Lewis, A R Berry, C J Cavallotti, D O’Hara, R J Rau
1340h T23C-4689 POSTER The 3D Velocity
Structures beneath the Song Ma Fault Zone, North
Vietnam: W J Wu, S Wen, C C Tang, Y Yeh, L H
Phong, D V Toan, C Chen
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 57
1340h T23C-4693 POSTER The Link between Fluid
Flow, Structure and Hydrothermal Inputs in Central
Chile: An Interdisciplinary Approach for LowEnthalpy Andean Hydrogeothermal Modeling: G
Arancibia, L Daniele, L Navarro, F Astudillo, M
Vázquez, D Morata
Moscone South Poster Hall
Birth, Life, and Death of Monogenetic
Basaltic Eruptions Posters (joint with
Presiding: Edward Llewellin, University
of Durham; Charlotte Vye-Brown,
British Geological Survey; Carolyn
Parcheta, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Bruce Houghton, Univ
Hawaii Manoa
11/28/2014 10:45:06 AM
1340h V23B-4785 POSTER Rangitoto Volcano
Drilling Project: Life of a Small ‘Monogenetic’
Basaltic Shield in the Auckland Volcanic Field: P A
R Shane, T Linnell, J M Lindsay, I E Smith, P M
Augustinus, S J Cronin
1340h V23B-4786 POSTER Outgassing during the
1669 Monte Rossi Eruption of Mt Etna, Italy: M
Edmonds, L C Salem, R A Corsaro, B F Houghton
1340h V23B-4787 POSTER Landform Variability in
the Chaine Des Puys Tracing Multiple Processes: B
van Wyk de Vries, P Grosse
1340h V23B-4788 POSTER Managing a
Monogenetic Volcanic Field As a World Heritage
Nomination: Implications for Science, Outreach,
and Hazards: C Olive-Garcia, B van Wyk de Vries
1340h V23B-4789 POSTER Violent Strombolian
to Subplinian Eruption of a Monogenetic Cone
Complex, Chaîne Des Puys, France: S Jordan, J L
Le Pennec, O Roche, L Gurioli
1340h V23B-4790 POSTER Coupling fluid dynamics
and host-rock deformation associated with magma
intrusion in the crust: Insights from analogue
experiments: J L Kavanagh, D J Dennis
1340h V23B-4791 POSTER Origin of the Temporalcompositional Variations in Monogenetic Vent
Eruptions: Insights from the Crystal Cargo in the
Papoose Canyon Sequence, Big Pine Volcanic Field,
CA: R Gao, G Ramirez, J C Lassiter
1340h V23B-4792 POSTER Crystal Zoning
Constrains on the Processes and Time Scales
Involved in Monogenetic Mafic Volcanism
(Tenerife, Canary Islands): H Albert, F Costa
Rodriguez, J Marti
1340h V23B-4793 POSTER Reconstructing the
birth, life and death of ancient monogenetic basalt
volcanoes using seismic reflection data: C Magee, C
A L Jackson, E Hunt-Stewart
1340h V23B-4794 POSTER Eruptive activity
of enigmatic medium-sized volcanoes in the
Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field (MGVF),
Central Mexico: The case of El Metate: M Chevrel,
C Siebe, M N Guilbaud
1340h V23B-4795 POSTER Understanding Magma
Storage Conditions that Produce Highly Explosive
Monogenetic Basaltic Eruptions Using OlivineHosted Melt Inclusions from Sunset Crater, AZ: C
M Allison, K Roggensack, A B Clarke
1340h V23B-4796 POSTER Draining mafic magma
from conduits during Strombolian eruption: F B
Wadsworth, B Kennedy, M J Branney, J Vasseur,
F W von Aulock, Y Lavallée, U Kueppers
1340h V23B-4797 POSTER Sills of the San Rafael
Volcanic Field, Utah: E Gallant, C Connor, L
Connor, J A Richardson, P H Wetmore
Moscone South Poster Hall
Transients in Explosive Eruptions
Posters (joint with S)
Presiding: Kirsten Chojnicki, Scripps
Institute of Oceanography; Jacopo
Taddeucci, INGV National Institute of
Geophysics and Volcanology; Amanda
Clarke, Arizona State Univ; Jonathan
Lees, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
1340h V23C-4798 POSTER Experimental insights
into transient volcanic eruption: M AlatorreIbarguengoitia, B Scheu, D B Dingwell, S RamosHernandez, P de Arcia
1340h V23C-4799 POSTER Degassing Dynamics
from Long-Period and Very-Long-Period
Seismicity and Infrasound at Mt. Pagan Volcano: J
J Lyons, M M Haney, D Fee, C A Werner, C Kern,
P J Kelly
1340h V23C-4800 POSTER Scaling and Transition
of the Explosive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: M
Ripepe, E Marchetti, R Genco, G Lacanna, D Delle
Donne, S Valade, G Ulivieri
1340h V23C-4801 POSTER The Slug and the Plug:
The Evolution of the Strombolian Paradigm: A
Capponi, S J Lane, M R James
1340h V23C-4802 POSTER Sources and Radiation
Patterns of Volcano-Acoustic Signals Investigated
with Field-Scale Chemical Explosions: D C
Bowman, J M Lees, J Taddeucci, A H Graettinger, I
Sonder, G Valentine
1340h V23C-4803 POSTER The Dynamics
of Prolonged Low Fountaining Behaviour
at Halemaumau, Kilauea, in December 2013:
B F Houghton, T R Orr, J Taddeucci, H M
Gonnermann, P Scarlato, E Del Bello, R Carey, M
R Patrick
1340h V23C-4804 POSTER Explosive Dome
Eruptions Modulated By Periodic Gas-Driven
Inflation : J B Johnson, J J Lyons, B J Andrews, J
M Lees, B R Phillips
AGU2014News.indb 58
1340h V23C-4805 POSTER When Puffing Meets
Strombolian Explosions: A Tale of Precursors and
Coda: J Taddeucci, D Gaudin, A J L Harris, T R
Orr, M Bombrun, P Scarlato
1340h V23D-4825 POSTER Numerical solution of
an elastic and viscoelastic gravitational models by
the finite element method: A Arjona Almodóvar,
T Chacón Rebollo, M Gómez Marmol
1525h V23E-08 Tectonic, Magmatic and
Geochemical Segmentation of the Global Ocean
Ridge System: A Synthesis of Observations: E M
Klein, S M Carbotte, D K Smith, M Cannat
1340h V23C-4806 POSTER Explosion Quakes: The
2007 Eruption of Pavlof: C Smith, S R McNutt, G
1340h V23D-4826 POSTER Geochemical constraints
on Cenozoic intraplate magmatism in the Upper
Wind River Basin, Wyoming (USA): A C Downey,
Z C Dodd, M E Brueseke, D C Adams
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
1340h V23C-4807 POSTER Listening to Ambrym
Volcano (Vanuatu) By an Acoustic Array: Cyclictity
in Gas Volume at an Open Vent Volcano: S
Vergniolle, C Zielinski, P Bani, M Lardy, A LE
Pichon, P Millier, P Herry, S Todman, E Garaebiti
1340h V23C-4808 POSTER Pressure Changes
before and after Explosive Rhyolitic Bomb Ejection
at Chaiten, Chile Recorded By Water Diffusion
Profiles Around Tuffisite Veins: H Tuffen, E
McGowan, J M Castro, K Berlo, M R James, J Owen,
C I Schipper, F B Wadsworth, E Saubin, K Wehbe
1340h V23C-4809 POSTER Infrasound from Rock
Fall at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala: T Ronan,
B Terbush, A J C Miller, J Anderson, J B Johnson
1340h V23C-4810 POSTER Volcanic Lightning,
Pyroclastic Density Currents, Ballistic Fall, Vent
Tremor, and One Very Loud Blast: Acoustic
Analysis of the 14 July 2013 Vulcanian Eruption at
Tungurahua, Ecuador: J Anderson, J B Johnson, A
L Steele, J C Anzieta, H D Ortiz, M L Hall, M C Ruiz
1340h V23C-4811 POSTER SO2 Emissions at
Semeru Volcano, Indonesia: Characterization and
Quantification of Persistent and Periodic Explosive
Activity: J F Smekens, A B Clarke, M R Burton, A
Harijoko, H Wibowo
1340h V23C-4812 POSTER Large Bubble Growth
Quantified By Video and Infrasound at Mount
Erebus, Antarctica: A J C Miller, J B Johnson
1340h V23C-4813 POSTER Infrasound Waveform
Classification and Emissions Correlation at
Karymsky and Sakurajima Volcanoes: S Albert, D
Fee, T M Lopez, P P Firstov, E Makhmudov
1340h V23C-4814 POSTER Source Inversions of
Volcano Infrasound: Mass Outflux and Force
System for Transient Explosive Eruptions: K Kim,
D Fee, J M Lees, A Yokoo, M C Ruiz
1340h V23C-4815 POSTER Revisiting the source
process for VLP signals observed at Satsuma-Iwo
jima, Japan: T Ohminato
1340h V23C-4816 POSTER Volcanic Centers in the
East African Rift: Imaging Volcanic Processes with
Long-Period Event Identification and Ambient
Noise Tomography: E Patlan, A M Wamalwa, S
Hardy, G Kaip, A A Velasco
V23C-4817 POSTER
Characterization, and Automatic Detection of
Volcanic Explosion Complexity using Infrasound:
D Fee, R S Matoza, T M Lopez, M C Ruiz, K Gee,
T Neilsen
Moscone South Poster Hall
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and
Petrology General Contributions
Presiding: Vickie Bennett, Australian
National University; Don Baker, McGill
1340h V23D-4818 POSTER ‘Taming Violently
Erupting Volcanoes;’ Volcanoes which Erupt
Violently, need to be Tamed to Reduce their
Destructive Capabilities: S A Cimorelli
1340h V23D-4819 POSTER Thermal Expansion
of Fluorapatite-Chlorapatite Solid Solutions: G L
Hovis, T Abraham, W Hudacek, S Wildermuth,
B Scott, C Altomare, A Medford, M Conlon, M
Morris, A Leaman, C Almer, G Tomaino, D E
1340h V23D-4820 POSTER Cr(VI) removal by FeScoated alumina, silica, and natural sand: M Park, S
Lee, H Y Jeong
1340h V23D-4821 POSTER Petrogenesis of the
Devonian High-Mg rock association and its tectonic
implication for the Chinese Altai orogenic belt, NW
China: Y He
1340h V23D-4822 POSTER Lithophile Trace
Element Mass Balance in Spinel Lherzolites from
Borée, Massif Central, France: the Effects of Melt
Impregnation on Variably Depleted Peridotites : C
J Barnett, J Harvey, D J Morgan, S Hammond, R
1340h V23D-4823 POSTER Wave Propagation in
Axi-Symmetrical Magmatic Conduits Due to an
Internal Source: R S De Negri, F J Sanchez-Sesma,
A Arciniega-Ceballos
1340h V23D-4824 POSTER Comparative Fluid
Inclusion Chemistry of Miarolitic Pegmatites from
San Diego County, California, USA: D Nymberg,
M L C Sirbescu
1340h V23D-4827 POSTER Uniform Distribution of
Yttrium and Heavy Rare Earth Elements in Round
Top Mountain Rhyolite Deposit , Sierra Blanca
Texas, USA: Data, Significance, and Origin: N E
Pingitore Jr, J W Clague, D Gorski
1340h V23D-4828 POSTER Geochemistry,
Metamorphic Assemblages, and Microstructures in
Small Ultramafic Bodies from the Northern Nason
Terrane, Washington : J F Magloughlin
1340h V23D-4829 POSTER The Fluid History of
Jadeitites Near the Motagua Fault, Guatemala,
as Revealed by Stable Isotope and Elemental
Geochemistry: E M Niespolo, G J Holk, H Neff
1340h V23D-4830 POSTER The Asthenosphere
Melting Regimes Alteration due to Changing
Conditions of Upper Mantle: Y V Perepechko, V
N Sharapov, K Sorokin Jr
1340h V23D-4831 POSTER Volcano-Tectonic
Evolution of the Central Death Valley Volcanic
Field - Insights Derived from the Geologic Map of
the Death Valley Junction 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle: R A
Thompson, C Fridrich, C F Chan, K L Zellman, J
B Workman
1340h V23D-4832 POSTER Petrogenesis of Garnetbearing Rocks in the Grandfather Mountain
Window, Blue Ridge Province, Western North
Carolina: A M Frushour, R N Abbott
1340h V23D-4833 POSTER Geochemical Analysis
and Classification of the Gates-Adah Kimberlite
Dike: C Jurkowski, D Harris, N R Patton
1340h V23D-4834 POSTER Mantle source beneath
Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica): a geochemical
investigation: A Di Piazza, A L Rizzo, F Barberi, M
L Carapezza, F Sortino, G De Astis, C Romano
Metamorphism of Cretaceous Basins from the
Colombian Andes: Testing Tectonic Models with
Paleogeothermal Gradients: D Mejia, A Cardona, G
Collo, S Zapata, S Leon
1340h V23D-4836 POSTER Oxidation of the Earth
from the Inside Out: J J Tregloan-Reed, F T
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Crustal Accretion Processes at
Intermediate to Fast-Spreading
Ridges: New Advances from Seafloor
Geology, Geophysical Experiments,
and Ocean Drilling II (joint with OS, T)
Presiding: Kathryn Gillis, Univ Victoria;
Suzanne Carbotte, Lamont-Doherty
Earth Obs; Benoit Ildefonse, CNRS;
Michael Perfit, Univ of Florida
1340h V23E-01 Hydrothermal circulation in fast
spread ocean crust – where and how much? Insight
from ODP Hole 1256D: M Harris, R M Coggon, C
E Smith-Duque, D A H Teagle
1355h V23E-02 Do Two Deep Drill Holes Into the
Upper Ocean Crust Quantify the Hydrothermal
Contribution to Global Geochemical Cycles?: D A
H Teagle, J Alt, R M Coggon, M Harris, C E SmithDuque, M Rehkamper
1410h V23E-03 Invasion of Seawater-Derived
Fluids at Very High Temperatures in the Oman
Ophiolite – a Key for Cooling the Deep Crust at
Fast-Spreading Ridges: J Koepke, T Mueller, S
Linsler, S Schuth, C D Garbe-Schoenberg, A M
1425h V23E-04 Reactive overprint of the Central
Indian Ridge mantle and formation of hybrid
troctolites: reassessing the significance of bulk
oceanic crust: A Sanfilippo, T Morishita, H
Kumagai, K Nakamura, K Okino, A Tamura, S Arai
1440h V23E-05 Effects of Magma Supply on MidOcean Ridge Magma Reservoirs, as Sampled by
Individual Eruptions on the Galápagos Spreading
Center: A Colman, J M Sinton, K H Rubin
1455h V23E-06 High-Resolution Imaging of Axial
Volcano, Juan de Fuca ridge: A F Arnulf, A J
Harding, G M Kent
Stow or Blow? Magma Embryos,
Plutons, and Eruptions I (joint with G,
NH, S, T)
Presiding: Matthew Pritchard,
Cornell University; Gary Michelfelder,
Missouri State University; Jillian Pearse,
Universidad de los Andes; Omar Bartoli,
Università di Padova
1340h V23F-01 Observations and models of ground
deformation from the PLUTONS Project: Lazufre
and Uturuncu, Central Andes: S T Henderson, M E
Pritchard, J Elliott, R Del Potro, F Delgado
1355h V23F-02 Transient surface deformation over
thousand-year timescales at Uturuncu volcano,
Bolivia: J P Perkins, N J Finnegan
1410h V23F-03 Dynamics of the Active Altiplano
Puna Magmatic Body: Large-Scale Melt Transport
and Buoyant Upwelling: M Diez, R Del Potro
1425h V23F-04 Thermomechanics of Triggering
the Eruption of Large Magma Reservoirs: The
Effects of Buoyancy and Magma Recharge: P M
Gregg, E B Grosfils, S L de Silva
1440h V23F-05 Long-term evolution of erupted
magma chemistry: L Caricchi, G Simpson
1455h V23F-06 Modeling the Temporal Evolution
of the Magma Chamber at Mount Hood (Oregon,
USA): W Degruyter, C Huber, K M Cooper, A J
1510h V23F-07 Stow or Blow: The Perspective
from Global Satellite Observations of Deformation:
J Biggs, S K Ebmeier, M E Pritchard, T A Mather,
R S J Sparks, Z Lu, W Aspinall
1525h V23F-08 Ascent Rates from Melt
Embayments: Insights into the Eruption Dynamics
of Arc Volcanoes: P Ruprecht, A S Lloyd, E Hauri,
W I Rose, H M Gonnermann, T A Plank
Marriott Marquis Salons
The Geochemical Diversity of the
Mantle Inferred from Hotspots: Five
Decades of Debate II (joint with DI)
Presiding: Matthew Jackson, University
of California Santa Barbara; James
Day, Univ. California, San Diego; Jasper
Konter, U Hawaii Manoa
1340h V23G-01 Fifty-one Years of Hawaiian
Hotspot Debate: A W Hofmann, C G Farnetani
1355h V23G-02 Redox Heterogeneity of the Mantle
Inferred from Hotspots: E Cottrell, K A Kelley
1410h V23G-03 The Origin of Chemical
Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of Kilauea
Lavas: D H Burns, A J Pietruszka, J P Marske, M D
Norman, M O Garcia
1425h V23G-04 Diffuse Volcanism at the Young End
of the Walvis Ridge - Tristan - Gough Seamount
Province: Geochemical Sampling and Constraints
on Plume Dynamics: C Class, A A P Koppers, W
W Sager, S Schnur
1440h V23G-05 Volatiles in Submarine HIMU
Basalts from the Austral Islands, South Pacific: A R
Nichols, T Hanyu, K Shimizu, L Dosso
1455h V23G-06 Mantle in the Manihiki Plateau
source with ultra-depleted incompatible element
abundances but FOZO-like isotopic signature: R
Golowin, K Hoernle, M Portnyagin, F Hauff, A
Gurenko, C D Garbe-Schoenberg, R Werner
1510h V23G-07 A Geochemical Transect Across
the Lau and North Fiji Basins: New Evidence
for the Distribution of Multiple Mantle Plume
Components: A A Price, M G Jackson, J BlichertToft, R J Arculus, C S Conatser, J G Konter, A A P
Koppers, J Blusztajn
1525h V23G-08 The LIP-OIB transitional phase in
the Galapagos mantle plume: J Trela, E Gazel, C A
Vidito, C Class, B R Jicha, M Bizimis, C T Herzberg,
G Alvarado-Induni
1510h V23E-07 Segment-Scale Seismic Structure
of Slow-, Intermediate-, and Fast-Spreading MidOcean Ridges: Constraints on the Origin of Ridge
Segmentation and the Geometry of Shallow Mantle
Flow: B P VanderBeek, D R Toomey, E E E Hooft,
W S D Wilcock
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:06 AM
Moscone West 2022-2024
Earth Observations: Research
Imperatives and Societal Impacts
(Virtual Session)
Presiding: Linda Rowan, UNAVCO,
Inc. Boulder; Simon Schneider,
1440h PA23C-01 The U.S. National Plan for Civil
Earth Observations: T Stryker, C Clavin, J Gallo
1450h PA23C-02 The Future of the Plate Boundary
Observatory in the GAGE Facility and beyond
2018: G S Mattioli, R O Bendick, J H Foster, J T
Freymueller, P C La Femina, M M Miller, L Rowan
1500h PA23C-03 The Continuously Operating
Caribbean Observational Network (COCONet):
Supporting Regional Development of Geoscience
Research Across the Circum-Caribbean: J Braun,
M M Miller, G S Mattioli, G Wang, K Feaux, L
Rowan, P C La Femina
1510h PA23C-04 Induced Seismicity: Balancing
the Scientific Process With the Need for Rapid
Communication of Evolving Seismic Hazards:
E S Cochran, W L Ellsworth, A L Llenos, J L
1520h PA23C-05 The 2014 Greeley, Colorado
Earthquakes: Science, Industry, Regulation, and
Media: A F Sheehan, W L Yeck, M Weingarten,
J Nakai, S Ge
1530h PA23C-06 The Need for, and Limits of,
Scientific Information in Local Decision Making
on Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: P
Phartiyal, P Field, T Kansal
Moscone South 102
Doing Community Science with Rigor
and Respect: Case Studies, Theory,
and the Thriving Earth Exchange
(Virtual Session)
Presiding: Marcus Moench, Institute
for Social and Environmental Transition;
Roger Pulwarty, NOAA; Dan Wildcat,
Haskell Indian Nations University;
Laurie Leshin, Rensselaer Polytechnic
1600h Introductory Remarks
1605h U24A-01 Engaging Indigenous Communities
and Research Scientists to Manage Climate Risk: R
S Pulwarty, D R Kluck, G Collins, H Lazrus
1640h Discussion
1655h U24A-02 Open NASA Earth Exchange
(OpenNEX): A Public-Private Partnership for
Climate Change Research: R R Nemani, T J Lee, A
Michaelis, S Ganguly, P Votava
1730h Discussion
1745h Concluding Remarks
Moscone West 3004
Air Quality in Asia V (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Steven Brown, NOAA Earth
System Research Lab; Tao Wang, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University; Tong Zhu,
Peking University
1600h A24A-01 Improving Air Quality (and
weather) Predictions in Asia via Application of
New Data Assimilation Techniques Applicable
to Coupled Models: G R Carmichael, M Gao, Z
Wang, P E Saide, J Kim, C H Song, Y Cheng, M
1615h A24A-02 Decadal trend and interannual
variation of outflow of aerosols from East Asia:
Roles of variations in meteorological parameters
and emissions: Y Yang, H Liao, S Lou
1630h A24A-03 Modeling the contributions of
emission, meteorology, and chemistry to high PM2.5
levels over China: Y Wang, Q Zhang, B Jia, J Jiang,
W Zhou, B Wang
1645h A24A-04 Source attribution of PM2.5
pollution over North China using the adjoint
method: L Zhang, L Liu, Y Zhao, S Gong, D K
1700h A24A-05 Sulfate Aerosol Formation and
Oxidation Pathways on Haze Event over East Asia
Region Focusing on Korea: D Choi, Y S Koo
1715h A22C-02 Air pollution in China: Scientific
and Public Policy Challenges : T Zhu
1730h A24A-07 Evaluating the Impacts of
Transboundary Air pollution from China on Air
Quality in the U.S. Using a Regression Framework:
N S Ngo, X Bao, N Zhong
1745h A24A-08 Effects of China’s Energy Policy on
Future Air Quality in China and the U.S: M Li, N E
Selin, V J Karplus, C T Li, D Zhang, X Luo, X Zhang
Moscone West 3008
Assessing Aerosol Vertical
Distribution Impacts on Air Quality
and Radiative Forcing: Insight from In
Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing,
and Modeling I
Presiding: Andreas Beyersdorf, NASA
Langley Research Center; Arlindo
da Silva, NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center; Richard Ferrare, NASA Langley
Research Center; Luke Ziemba, NASA
Langley Research Center
1600h A24B-01 Relating Aerosol Profile and
Column Measurements to Surface Concentrations:
What Have We Learned from Discover-AQ?: R M
1615h A24B-02 The Impact of Caliop Aerosol
Profiling: How Z Influences the X, Y Satellite
Perspective: J R Campbell, R Alfaro-Contreras, V
Buchard, T D Toth, M Vaughan, J Zhang
1630h A24B-03 Global Representation of Aerosol
Vertical Structure and PM2.5 Concentrations from
Satellite: A van Donkelaar, R Martin, B Boys
1645h A24B-04 Relating Aerosol Mass and Optical
Depth in the Summertime Continental Boundary
Layer: C A Brock, N Wagner, A M Middlebrook,
A R Attwood, R A Washenfelder, S S Brown, A C
McComiskey, T D Gordon, A Welti, A G Carlton,
D M Murphy
1700h A24B-05 Vertical profiles of cloud
condensation nuclei, aerosol hygroscopicity, water
uptake, and scattering across the United States: J
J Lin, A Bougiatioti, A Nenes, B E Anderson, A J
Beyersdorf, C A Brock, T D Gordon, D Lack, D C
Law, J Liao, A M Middlebrook, M Richardson, K
L Thornhill II, E Winstead, N L Wagner, A Welti,
L D Ziemba
1715h A24B-06 High Spectral Resolution Lidar
(HSRL)-2 Observations of Aerosol Variability
and Mixing during Boundary Layer Evolution in
Houston: S P Burton, A J Scarino, R R Rogers, C A
Hostetler, R A Ferrare, P Sawamura, T Berkoff, D B
Harper, A L Cook, P E Saide
1730h A24B-07 Airborne Measurements of
Scattering and Absorption Coefficients in the
Planetary Boundary Layer above the Po Valley,
Italy, during the PEGASOS Campaigns: B Rosati, E
Weingartner, M Gysel, R Tillmann, T F Mentel, S
Decesari, A Marinoni, G P Gobbi, F Fierli, F Cairo,
S Bucci, M Zanatta, J Größ, U Baltensperger
1745h A24B-08 Radiative Impacts of Elevated
Aerosol Layers from Different Origins: D N Sauer,
B Weinzierl, J Gasteiger, K Heimerl
Moscone West 3006
Atmospheric Ice Nuclei and Ice Cloud
Formation: Field, Laboratory, and
Modeling Studies I
Presiding: Zaminhussein Kanji, ETH
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich; Luis Ladino Moreno, University
of Toronto; Barbara Ervens, CIRES,
University of Colorado
1600h A24C-01 Characterization of Individually
Identified Ice Nucleating Particles within an
Ambient Particle Population: Implications for Ice
Nucleation Description: D A Knopf, P A Alpert, B
Wang, R E OBrien, A Laskin, M K Gilles, R Moffet
Experiments on Contact Freezing and Secondary
Ice Production induced by Aerosol- Cloud Droplet
Collisions: T Leisner, A A Kiselev, N Hoffmann, T
Pander, P Handmann
1635h A24C-03 Heterogeneous nucleation of ice
on model carbon surfaces: V Molinero, L Lupi, A
1655h A24C-04 Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation
on Simulated Sea-Spray Aerosol Using Raman
Microscopy: G P Schill, M A Tolbert
1710h A24C-05 Response of Simulated MixedPhase Arctic Stratus Clouds to Slowly Activated Ice
Nuclei: A M Fridlind, A Avramov, A S Ackerman,
P A Alpert, D A Knopf
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 59
1730h A24C-06 A Comparison between Airborne
and Mountaintop Cloud Microphysics: R David,
D H Lowenthal, A G Hallar, I McCubbin, L M
Avallone, G G Mace, Z Wang
1745h A24C-07 Observations and Model
Simulations of Orographic Mixed-Phase Clouds
at Mountain Range Site: U Lohmann, O C
Henneberg, J Henneberger
Moscone West 3012
High-Resolution Climate Modeling II
(cosponsored by AMS) (joint with H)
Presiding: Roy Rasmussen, NCAR/
RAL; Graeme Stephens, Jet Propulsion
1600h A24D-01 Objective Identification of
Atmospheric Rivers, and Implications for Extreme
Precipitation at the Basin Scale: M Hughes, D L
Jackson, G A Wick, E D Gutmann
1615h A24D-02 A New Approach to Construct
Representative Future Forcing for Dynamical
Downscaling: A Dai, R Rasmussen
1645h A24D-04 High Definition Clouds and
Precipitation for advancing Climate Prediction
(HD(CP)2): Large Eddy Simulation Study Over
Germany: A Dipankar, B B Stevens, G Zängl, M
Pondkule, S Brdar
1700h A24D-05 Reproducibility of Regional
Difference of Snow Depth in Complex Mountain
Area: Comparing with 4.5 and 1.5km WRF
Simulations: F Uno, H Kawase, N N Ishizaki, T
Yoshikane, F Kimura, T Iyobe, K Kawashima
1715h A24D-06 The Intermediate Complexity
Atmospheric Research Model: E D Gutmann, M P
Clark, R Rasmussen, J R Arnold, L D Brekke
1730h A24D-07 Convection-Resolving Climate
Change Simulations: Intensification of Heavy
Hourly Precipitation Events: N Ban, J Schmidli, C
1745h A24D-08 Evaluation of a High-Resolution
Regional Climate Ensemble: C L Bruyere, M R
Tye, D Keellings, A Jaye
Moscone West 3024
Atmospheric and Space Electricity
General Contributions IV
Presiding: Joseph Dwyer, American
Geophysical Union; Xuan-Min Shao, Los
Alamos Natl Lab
1600h AE24A-01 Development and Application of
a Low Frequency Near-Field Interferometric-TOA
3D Lightning Mapping Array: F Lyu, S A Cummer,
J L Weinert, L E McTague, R Solanki, J Barrett
1615h AE24A-02 UPLIGHTS Lightning Spectra:
Negative CG from Horizontally Extensive IC Flash:
R E Orville, T A Warner, J Helsdon
1630h AE24A-03 Analysis and Modeling of Intense
Oceanic Lightning: F G Zoghzoghy, M Cohen, R
Said, N G Lehtinen, U Inan
1645h AE24A-04 Comparison of Simulations of
Preliminary Breakdown to Observations from
the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array: B E
Carlson, C Liang, P M Bitzer, H J Christian Jr
1700h AE24A-05 Dynamics of a complex streamer
structure: N G Lehtinen, N Ostgaard, U Inan
1715h AE24A-06 Determining atmospheric electric
fields from the radio footprint of cosmic-ray induced
extensive air showers as measured with LOFAR: U
Ebert, G T N Trinh, S Buitink, A Corstanje, J E
Enriquez, H Falcke, J Horandel, C Koehn, A Nelles,
J P Rachen, C Rutjes, P Schellart, O Scholten, S ter
Veen, S Thoudam
1730h AE24A-07 Examining In-Cloud Convective
Turbulence in Relation to Total Lightning and the
3D Wind Field of Severe Thunderstorms: S A AlMomar, W Deierling, J K Williams, E G Hoffman
1745h AE24A-08 Inversion of Multi-Station
Schumann Resonance Background Records for
Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units : E R
Williams, V C Mushtak, A Guha, R A Boldi, J Bor,
T Nagy, G Satori, A K Sinha, R Rawat, Y Hobara,
M Sato, Y Takahashi, C G Price, M Neska, K
Alexander, Y Yampolski, R C Moore, M F Mitchell,
A C Fraser-Smith
Moscone West 3010
Moscone West 2004
Novel Approaches and Constraints
to Modeling of Secondary Organic
Aerosol (SOA) Formation, Properties,
and Removals IV
(Bio)geochemical Cycles in Extreme
Environments III
Presiding: Alma Hodzic, National Center
for Atmospheric Research; Christoph
Knote, National Center for Atmospheric
Research; Christopher Cappa,
University of California
1600h Introductory Remarks
1601h A24E-01 Reactive uptake of Isoprenederived epoxydiols to submicron aerosol particles:
implications for IEPOX lifetime and SOA
formation: J A Thornton, C Gaston, T Riedel, Z
Zhang, A Gold, J D Surratt
1623h A24E-02 Understanding Isoprene Photooxidation from Continuous-Flow Chamber
Experiments: Unexpectedly High SOA Yields and
New Insights into Isoprene Oxidation Pathways: J
Liu, E D’Ambro, B H Lee, R A Zaveri, J A Thornton,
J Shilling
1638h A24E-03 Observational Constraints on
Modeling Growth and Evaporation Kinetics of
Isoprene SOA: R A Zaveri, J E Shilling, A Zelenyuk,
J Liu, J M Wilson, A Laskin, B Wang, J D Fast, R C
Easter, J Wang, C Kuang, J A Thornton, A Setyan,
Q Zhang, T B Onasch, D R Worsnop
1700h A24E-04 Temperature Effects on Secondary
Organic Aerosol Formation and Properties: M
Kacarab, D R Cocker III
1715h A24E-05 Effect of SO2 and Photolysis on
Photooxidized Diesel Fuel Secondary Organic
Aerosol Composition: A C MacMillan, S L Blair, P
Lin, A Laskin, J Laskin, S Nizkorodov
1730h A24E-06 Measuring Uptake Coefficients
and Henry’s Law Constants of Gas-Phase Species
with Models for Secondary Organic Aerosol:
M C Fairhurst, C Waring-Kidd, M J Ezell, B J
1745h A24E-07 Constraining Predicted Secondary
Organic Aerosol Formation and Processing Using
Real-Time Observations of Aging Urban Emissions
in an Oxidation Flow Reactor: A M Ortega, B B
Palm, P L Hayes, D A Day, M Cubison, W H Brune,
W Hu, M Graus, C Warneke, J Gilman, J A De
Gouw, J L Jimenez
Presiding: Brandon Briggs, Miami
University; Eric Boyd, Montana State
1600h B24A-01 A SIMPLE Perspective on Europa’s
Habitability: B E Schmidt
1615h B24A-02 Exploring the Habitability of Icecovered Waterworlds: The Deep-Sea Hydrothermal
System of the Aurora Mount at Gakkel Ridge, Arctic
Ocean (82°54’ N, 6°15W, 3900 m): A Boetius, W
Bach, C Borowski, A Diehl, C R German, N E Kaul,
J Koehler, Y Marcon, C Mertens, M Molari, V S N
Schlindwein, A Tuerke, G Wegener
1630h B24A-03 Potential Physiologies of
Deep Branches on the Tree of Life with Deep
Subsurface Samples from IODP Leg 347: Baltic
Sea Paleoenvironment: K G Lloyd, J T Bird, A
1645h B24A-04 Silicate Weathering and Pervasive
Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation Coupled to
Methanogenesis in the Krishna-Godavari Basin,
Offshore India: E A Solomon, A J Spivack, M
Kastner, M E Torres
1700h B24A-05 Evidence for a Methane-Fueled
Ecosystem within Anchialine Caves of the Yucatan
Peninsula, Mexico: D Brankovits, J Pohlman, H
Niemann, M B Leigh, M F Lehmann, T M Iliffe
1715h B24A-06 Biological Sources of Branched
Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs)
in Terrestrial Hot Springs: A Possible Link Between
Nitrogen-cycling Bacteria and brGDGT Production:
J X Wang, W Xie, E S Boyd, B P Hedlund, C Zhang
1730h B24A-07 Experimental Evolution of UV-C
Radiation Tolerance: Emergence of Adaptive and
Non-Adaptive Traits in Escherichia coli Under
Differing Flux Regimes: A Moffet, A Okansinski,
C Sloan, J M Grace, I G Paulino-Lima, D Gentry, L
J Rothschild, M Camps
1745h B24A-08 High Pressures and Preserving the
Records of Life: W Montgomery, J S Watson, M
A Sephton
11/28/2014 10:45:07 AM
Moscone West 2002
Constraining Ecosystem Carbon
Uptake and Long-Term Storage Using
Models and Data II (joint with GC, H, PP)
Presiding: David Moore, University of
Arizona; Valerie Trouet, University of
Arizona; Ankur Desai, University of
Wisconsin Madison; Michael Dietze,
Boston University
1600h B24B-01 Trends in the Global Net Land Sink
and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing
Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis
and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project
(MsTMIP): D N Huntzinger, C R Schwalm, A
M Michalak, Y Wei, R B Cook, K M Schaefer, A
R Jacobson, M A Arain, P Ciais, J B Fisher, D J
Hayes, M Huang, S Huang, A Ito, A Jain, H Lei, C
Lu, F Maignan, J Mao, N Parazoo, S Peng, C Peng,
B Poulter, D M Ricciuto, X Shi, H Tian, N Zeng, F
Zhao, Q Zhu, W Wang
1615h B24B-02 Top-down constraints on
disturbance dynamics in the terrestrial carbon cycle:
effects at global and regional scales: A A Bloom, J
F Exbrayat, I van der Velde, W Peters, M Williams
1630h B24B-03 Evaluation of the Community Land
Model simulated carbon and water fluxes against
observations over ChinaFLUX sites: L Zhang, J
Mao, X Shi, D M Ricciuto, H He, P E Thornton, G
Yu, S Han, Y Li, J Yan, Y Hao, H Wang
1645h B24B-04 Simulating carbon flows in
Amazonian rainforests: how intensive C-cycle data
can help to reduce vegetation model uncertainty: D
Galbraith, N M Levine, B O Christoffersen, H A
Imbuzeiro, T Powell, M H Costa, S R Saleska, P R
Moorcroft, Y Malhi
1700h B24B-05 Applications of dendrochronology
for informing terrestrial carbon cycle modeling: B
Poulter, F Babst, P Ciais, D C Frank, A E Hessl, H
Liu, N Pederson
1715h B24B-06 Informing Carbon Dynamics in the
Community Land Model with Observations from
Across Timescales: A M Fox, T J Hoar
1730h B24B-07 Constraining Centennial-Scale
Ecosystem-Climate Interactions with a Pre-colonial
Forest Reconstruction across the Upper Midwest
and Northeastern United States: J H Matthes, M
Dietze, A M Fox, S J Goring, J S McLachlan, D J
Moore, B Poulter, T L Quaife, K M Schaefer, J
Steinkamp, J W Williams
1745h B24B-08 Carbon consequences of a nitrogen
fixation feedback: J Levy, D Medvigy, L Hedin, S A
Batterman, X Xu
Moscone West 2003
Natural Wetlands and Open Waters in
the Global Methane Cycle II
Presiding: Elaine Matthews, NASA;
Martin Wik, Stockholm University;
Torsten Sachs, GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences; Ruth Varner,
University of New Hampshire
1600h B24C-01 Syntheses of wetland methane
emissions at high latitudes: exploring sensitivities to
climate change and permafrost thaw. : D Olefeldt,
M R Turetsky
1615h B24C-02 Heterogeneity of CH4 and net CO2
Fluxes Using Nested Chamber, Tower, Aircraft,
Remote Sensing, and Modeling Approaches in
Arctic Alaska for Regional Flux Estimation: W C
Oechel, V Moreaux, A A M Kalhori, P Murphy, E
Wilkman, C S Sturtevant, Q Zhuang, C E Miller, S J
Dinardo, J B Fisher, B Gioli, D Zona
1630h B24C-03 Response of Methane Fluxes to
Temperature in Wetland Ecosystems: Consistent?:
N T Roulet
1645h B24C-04 Shifting microbiology and carbon
loss across a thawing permafrost wetland-tolake mosaic landscape: V I Rich, G W Tyson, B
J Woodcroft, S B Hodgkins, M Tfaily, M Wik, D
Anderson, P M Crill, J Chanton, C K McCalley, S R
Saleska, R K Varner
1700h B24C-05 Methane pools within the Glacial
Lake Agassiz Peatlands (GLAP) and their response
to climatic change: P H Glaser, J Chanton, D I
Siegel, A S Reeve, J E Corbett, D O Rosenberry
1715h B24C-06 Methane Production and Transport
in a Tropical Peatland: A Hoyt, S R Pangala, L
Gandois, A Cobb, F M Kai, X Xu, V Gauci, Y
Mahmud, A S Kamariah, J A Eri, C Harvey
AGU2014News.indb 60
1730h B24C-07 As Methane Concentration Goes
Up, Stable Isotopes of Methane Go Down: 13C
Implicates a Microbial Source Across Latitudinal
Gradients: S E Michel, J B Miller, E J Dlugokencky,
B H Vaughn, J W C White, A L Sack, O Sherwood,
K A Masarie
Moscone West 3007
Monitoring Changes in Polar Ice
Sheets and Sea Ice Using Airborne
and Satellite Remote Sensing II
Moscone West 2007
1745h B24C-08 Predictions of future methane
ebullition in subarctic lakes using long-term climate
data and energy proxies: B F Thornton, M Wik,
P M Crill
Presiding: Eric Rignot, University of
California Irvine; Michael Studinger,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
Jacqueline Richter-Menge, USA CRREL
Moscone West 2006
1600h C24B-01 Bed Topography of Fast-flowing
Outlet Glaciers and Ice-sheet Margins: S Gogineni,
J B Yan, J D Paden, C Leuschen, J Li, F RodriguezMorales, D A Braaten, R D Hale
Urban Areas and Global Change III
(joint with A, GC)
Presiding: Galina Churkina, Institute
for Advanced Sustainability Studies; Tim
Butler, IASS potsdam; Kevin Gurney,
Arizona State University; Iryna Dronova,
University of California Berkeley
1615h C24B-02 The Next Step in Ice Flow
Comprehensive Mapping Of Ice Sheet Flow
in Landsat 8 Imagery Using Spatial Frequency
Filtering, Enabled by High Radiometric Sensitivity:
M A Fahnestock, T A Scambos, M J Klinger
1600h B24D-01 Characterizing the carbon emissions
of megacities: R M Duren, K R Gurney, L Hutyra,
C E Miller, E A Kort, P Rao, A Eldering
1630h C24B-03 The Greenland Ice Sheet in Three
Dimensions: J A MacGregor, M A Fahnestock, G
A Catania, J D Paden, S Gogineni, M Morlighem,
W T Colgan, J Li, D E Stillman, R E Grimm, G D
Clow, S K Young, A N Mabrey, S C Rybarski, B M
Wagman, K Rodriguez
1620h B24D-02 Partitioning of Urban CO2ff
Emissions By Source Sector: Results from the Influx
Project: J C Turnbull, A Karion, C Sweeney, T
Newberger, S Lehman, K J Davis, T Lauvaux, N L
Miles, S Richardson, P B Shepson, M O L Cambaliza,
K R Gurney, R Patarasuk, J R Whetstone
1640h B24D-03 High-resolution mapping of
biogenic carbon fluxes to improve urban CO2
monitoring, reporting, and verification: B S
Hardiman, L Hutyra, C Gately, S M Raciti
1655h B24D-04 Comparative Analysis of Carbon
Dioxide Emissions across Large Urban Areas in
the U.S: R Patarasuk, K R Gurney, D O’Keeffe, Y
Song, P Rao, J Huang, I N Razlivanov
1710h B24D-05 Fossil Fuel Combustion Fingerprint
in High-Resolution Urban Water Vapor Isotope
Measurements: G Gorski, S P Good, G J Bowen
1725h B24D-06 A multifaceted approach to
understanding dynamic urban processes: satellites,
surveys, and censuses: B Jones, D Balk, M
Montgomery, Z Liu
1740h B24D-07 The Urban Social and Energy Use
Data Embedded in Suomi-NPP VIIRS Nighttime
Lights: Algorithm Overview and Status: E C Stokes,
M O Roman, K C Seto
Moscone West 3005
Dust, Black Carbon, and Other
Aerosols in the Cryosphere II
Presiding: McKenzie Skiles, University
of California Los Angeles; Thomas
Painter, NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; John Burkhart, University
of Oslo; Mark Flanner, University of
1600h C24A-01 Climate change and forest fires
synergistically drive widespread melt events of the
Greenland Ice Sheet: K M Keegan, M R Albert, J
McConnell, I Baker
1630h C24A-03 Results from the Sunlight
Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment
(SAGE): C Polashenski, J E Dibb, M Flanner, Z
Courville, J Chen
1645h C24A-04 The Role of Black Carbon from
Wildfires in Accelerating Snow and Glacier Melt
in Washington State: S Kaspari, I Delaney, D
Pittenger, M Skiles
1700h C24A-05 Modeling Impacts On and
Feedbacks Among Surface Energy and Water
Budgets Due to Aerosols-In-Snow Across North
America: C M Oaida, Y Xue, M Chin, M Flanner,
F De Sales, T H Painter
1715h C24A-06 Measurements of Light Absorbing
Particles on Tropical South American Glaciers: C G
Schmitt, J All, J P Schwarz, W P Arnott, J Warthon,
M Andrade, A J Celestian, D Hoffmann, R J Cole, E
Lapham, U N Horodyskyj, K D Froyd, J Liao
1730h C24A-07 Black Carbon and Its Environmental
Implications in the High Asia Atmosphere, Snow
Cover, Lake, and Glaciers: J Ming
1745h C24A-08 Global mountain snow and ice loss
driven by dust and black carbon radiative forcing:
T H Painter
1645h C24B-04 Catching the Wave: Observing
the Inland Propagation of Dynamic Thinning in
Greenland: I M Howat, S de la Peña, S F Price
1700h C24B-05 Destabilization of marine-based
Zachariæ Isstrøm, northeast Greenland since 2012
from a combination of interferometry data and
Operation IceBridge observations: J Mouginot, E J
Rignot, B Scheuchl, M Morlighem, L An, C Cai, I G
Fenty, M R van den Broeke
1715h C24B-06 CryoVEx2014: Observations of
Arctic Snow and Sea Ice Properties for Validation
of Cryosat and Icebridge Retrievals: C Haas, J F
Beckers, B C Elder, C A Hiemstra, M Davidson, S L
Farrell, J Richter-Menge
1730h C24B-07 Advancing the Arctic Sea Ice
Thickness Record Through the Synthesis of
Multiple Data Sources: N T Kurtz, M Studinger, J
P Harbeck, V Onana, D Yi
1745h C24B-08 Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for
Comparison with CryoSat-2: J M Brozena, J M
Gardner, R Liang, R A Hagen, D Ball
Coastal Geomorphology and
Morphodynamics IV (joint with A, B, NH,
Presiding: Jorge Lorenzo Trueba,
Montclair State University; Patrick
Limber, University of Florida; Laurel
Larsen, University of California Berkeley
1600h EP24A-01 Patterns in the Waves: G Coco, R
T Guza, R Garnier, P Lomonaco, B Lopez De San
Roman Blanco, R A Dalrymple, M Xu
1615h EP24A-02 Influence of combined waves and
currents on bedform orientation and evolution: J R
Lacy, D M Rubin, A O’Neill
1630h EP24A-03 Quantifying the Distribution
and Influence of Non-Uniform Bed Properties on
Spatial Patterns of Turbidity in Shallow Coastal
Bays: P Wiberg, J A Carr, I Safak, A Anutaliya
1645h EP24A-04 Where is the ooid factory?: G
Mariotti, S B Pruss, V klepac-Ceraj, R E Summons,
S A Newman, T Bosak
1700h EP24A-05 Morphological Inheritance in
Sandy Coastline Morphologies Subject to LongTerm Changes in Wave Climate: Surprising
Insights from a Coastline Evolution Model: A B
Murray, C Thomas, M D Hurst, A Barkwith, A D
Ashton, M A Ellis
1715h EP24A-06 Utilizing small coastal minibasins for multi-decadal, high-resolution estuarine
geochronologies: E A Elliott, A B Rodriguez, B A
1730h EP24A-07 Vector-based one-line model for
shoreline evolution: application to explore waveclimate control on bay morphology: M D Hurst, A
Barkwith, C Thomas, M A Ellis
1745h EP24A-08 Quantification of Historical
Variations in Longshore Sediment Transport Rates:
A Tool for Estimating Future Coastal Change:
M Borrelli, G S Giese, S T Mague, P Barger, T L
Smith, M Adams
Moscone West 2005
Origin, Evolution, and Tectonic
Significance of Plateau Landscapes II
(joint with T)
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate C1-C2
Volatiles and Earth’s Mantle
Processes II (joint with MR, S, T, V)
Presiding: Ananya Mallik, Rice
University; Anne Peslier, NASA Johnson
Space Center; Alan Jones, Dublin Inst
Advanced Studies; Maureen Long, Yale
1600h DI24A-01 Evidences and consequences of
slow hydrogen diffusion in olivine: J A PadronNavarta, J Hermann, H S O’Neill
1615h DI24A-02 The Electrical Structure of the
Central Pacific Upper Mantle Constrained by the
NoMelt Experiment: E K Tursack, R L Evans, J A
Collins, J Elsenbeck, G A Gaetani, J B Gaherty, G
Hirth, D Lizarralde
1630h DI24A-03 Rheology of the East Africa Rift
is not controlled by mantle hydrogen content: K
1645h DI24A-04 Mapping Mantle Mixing and the
Extent of Superplume Influence Using He-Ne-ArCO2-N2 Isotopes: The Case of the East Africa Rift
System: D R Hilton, S A Halldorsson, P Scarsi, P
Castillo, T Abebe, J T Kulongoski
1700h DI24A-05 Effect of Bulk Water Concentration
on Mantle Wedge Hybridization by Rhyolitic
Sediment Melt – Implications for Generation of
K-rich Basalts to Andesites in Subduction Zones: A
Mallik, R Dasgupta, J M Nelson, K Tsuno
1715h DI24A-06 Experimental Insights into the
Stability and Composition of Hydrous Phases in the
Metasomatized Mantle Lithosphere: B E Mandler,
T L Grove
1730h DI24A-07 Dehydration melting in the top of
the lower mantle: B Schmandt, S D Jacobsen, T W
Becker, Z Liu, K G Dueker
1745h DI24A-08 The Stability of Hydrous Silicates
in Earth’s Lower Mantle: Experimental constraints
from the System MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O: M J
Walter, A R Thomson, W Wang, O T Lord, A K
Kleppe, J Ross, S C Kohn
Presiding: Michael Oskin, Univ. of
California, Davis; Jing Liu, Institute
of Geology, China Earthquake
Administration; Huiping Zhang,
Institute of Geology, China Earthquake
1600h EP24B-01 Differential Unroofing Across
Southeastern Tibet: Geodynamic Links Between
Plateau-Scale Tectonics and Landscape Evolution:
J L Schmidt, P K Zeitler, M M Tremblay, D L
1615h EP24B-02 The Cenozoic elevation history
of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau: G
D Hoke, M T Hren, J Liu-Zeng, G Wissink, C N
1630h EP24B-03 Incising Tibet: R Yang, F Herman,
M G Fellin, S Willett, W Wang
1645h EP24B-04 In Situ Formation of Relic
Landscapes By Fluvial Processes: S Willett, R
Yang, C Y Chen
1700h EP24B-05 A 2.5 Myr-Old Canyon Beneath
the Yarlung Tsangpo Valley, Southern Tibet: D
Scherler, P Wang, J Liu, J Mey, J P Avouac, Y
Zhang, D Shi
1715h EP24B-06 Evolution of the paleolandscape(s)
of Yunnan, China: implications from Be-10 erosion
rates and river channel morphology: D McPhillips,
G D Hoke, J Liu-Zeng, P R Bierman, D H Rood
1730h EP24B-07 Glacially driven formation of
high-elevation, low-relief landscapes in eastern
Tibet: M E Oskin, H Zhang, J Liu-Zeng, P Zhang, P
W Reiners, P Xiao
1745h EP24B-08 Modelling Periglacial Processes
on Low-Relief High-Elevation Surfaces: J L
Andersen, M F Knudsen, D L Egholm
Moscone West 2022-2024
Bowie Lecture (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Timothy Dixon, Univ of South
Florida; Geoffrey Blewitt, Univ Nevada
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:07 AM
1600h G24A-01 Global Change Geodesy: A
Geophysical Perspective: J X Mitrovica
Moscone West 3020
Future Challenges and Past
Milestones in Hydrology at the
Intersection of Science and Society
Moscone West 3003
Frontiers in Electromagnetic Methods
I (joint with DI, H, MR, NS)
Global and Regional Food and
Water Security Under Increasing
Socioeconomic Pressure and
Changing Climate II (joint with B, H, NH)
Presiding: Randall Mackie, CGG United
States Houston; Alan Jones, Dublin
Inst Advanced Studies; Gary Egbert,
Oregon State Univ; Steven Constable,
University of California San Diego
Presiding: Alberto Montanari,
University of Bologna; David Mackay,
SUNY Buffalo; Jean Bahr, University of
Wisconsin Madison; Graham Sander,
University of Loughborough
Presiding: Yoshihide Wada, Utrecht
University; Debjani Deb, Texas A & M
University; Michael Puma, Columbia
University of New York; Martina
Floerke, University of Kassel
1600h GC24A-01 New Challenges Linking Water,
Climate, and Food Security: P H Gleick
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate A1
1600h GP24B-01 Ted Madden’s Network Methods:
Applications to the Earth’s Schumann Resonances :
E R Williams, H Yu
1615h GP24B-02 Large-Scale 3D Electromagnetic
Modelling Using High-Order Finite-Element
Method: A Grayver, T Kolev
1615h GC24A-02 Dependence of national
consumption on unsustainable blue water
footprints: A global overview: A Y Y Hoekstra, M
M Mekonnen
1630h GP24B-03 Lessons Learned from
Three-Dimensional Inversion of Long Period
Magnetotelluric Arrays in Argentina: J R Booker,
A I Burd, R L Mackie, M C Pomposiello, A B Favetto
1630h GC24A-03 Water Depletion Threatens
Agriculture: K A Brauman, B D Richter, S Postel,
M Floerke, M Malsy
1645h GP24B-04 Compression scheme
geophysical electromagnetic inversions:
1645h GC24A-04 Uncertainties in Past and Future
Global Water Availability: J Sheffield, J Kam
1700h GP24B-05 Three Dimensional Lithospheric
Electrical Structure of the Tibetan Plateau As
Revealed By Long Period Magnetotelluric Array
Data: L Zhang, W Wei, G Ye, S Jin, G D Egbert,
H Dong, C Xie
1700h GC24A-05 Global land and water grabbing
for food and bioenergy: M C Rulli, P D’Odorico
1712h GC24A-06 Impacts of Mega-droughts on
Water and Food Security in the Indo-Gangetic
Plains: A Paleoclimate Scenario Analysis: T Zhu, G
Pitois, C Ringler, D Wang, M W Rosegrant
1724h GC24A-07 Co-location opportunities for
renewable energy and agriculture in Northwestern
India: Tradeoffs and Synergies: S Ravi, J Macknick,
D B Lobell, C B Field, K Ganesan, R Jain, M
Elchinger, B Stoltenberg
1736h GC24A-08 Climate, Biofuels and Water:
Projections and Sustainability Implications for the
Upper Mississippi River Basin: D Deb, P Tuppad, P
Daggupati, R Srinivasan, D Varma
1715h GP24B-06 The Anisotropic Aphid: ThreeDimensional Induction Modeling of Electrical
Texture with Mixed Potentials: C J Weiss
1730h GP24B-07 Anisotropic 2.5D Inversion of
Towed Streamer EM Data from Three North Sea
Fields Using Parallel Adaptive Finite Elements: K
Key, Z Du
magnetotelluric inversion including topography
using deformed hexahedral edge finite elements,
direct solvers and data space Gauss-Newton,
parallelized on SMP computers: M A Kordy, P E
Wannamaker, V Maris, E Cherkaev, G J Hill
1600h H24B-01 Evolution of Global-Scale
Hydrology over the Last 25 Years: E F Wood, D P
Lettenmaier, N Chaney, M Pan, J Sheffield
1615h H24B-02 Mathematical Hydrology and
Vulnerability Science: the come-back of a systems
approach for Sustainability: E Foufoula-Georgiou
1630h H24B-03 Water and the Earth System in the
Anthropocene: Evolution of Socio-Hydrology : M
Sivapalan, G Bloeschl
1645h H24B-04 Quantifying the dynamic coupling
of hydrologic and biogeochemical processes in
stream ecosystems: examples from streams in
the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica : D M
McKnight, W B Lyons, M N Gooseff, J C Koch, R
Neupauer, K Cozzetto, K Bencala, J D Cullis
1700h H24B-05 Water Conservation and
Hydrological Transitions in Cities: G M
Hornberger, J M Gilligan, D J Hess
1715h H24B-06 Restoring hydrological and
biogeochemical ecosystem services in streams: how
can science inform practice?: L Lautz, R Gordon, T
Daniluk, M A Zimmer, T A Endreny, K McGrath
1730h H24B-07 Vegetation Hydrodynamics –
Recent Developments and Future Challenges: H M
1745h H24B-08 Toward the second 50 years of
Water Resources Research: H Rajaram
Moscone West 3011
Global Precipitation Measurement,
Validation, and Applications V (joint
with A, GC, IN, NH)
Moscone West 3018
Presiding: Yang Hong, University of
Oklahoma; Ramesh Kakar, NASA
Headquarters; Gail Skofronick Jackson,
NASA-GSFC; Walter Petersen, NASA
GSFC/WFF Code 610.W
The Third U.S. National Climate
Assessment: Remaining Climate
Science Questions
Coupled Hydraulic, Geochemical, and
Geomechanical Processes in Carbon
Storage V
(Virtual Session)
1600h H24C-01 Day 1 for the Integrated MultiSatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Data Sets: G
J Huffman, D T Bolvin, D Braithwaite, K L Hsu, R
Joyce, C Kidd, S Sorooshian, P Xie
Presiding: Stuart Walsh, LLNL; Susan
Carroll, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Presiding: David Easterling, NOAA/
NCDC; Kenneth Kunkel, CICS-NC/NCDC;
Donald Wuebbles, University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign; John Walsh, Univ
1600h H24A-01 Improved Understanding of Carbon
Storage Risk Via Controlled-Release Experiments:
J T Birkholzer, Y Guglielmi, J Rutqvist, L Zheng,
N Spycher
1615h H24C-02 Evaluating the Global Precipitation
Measurement Mission with NOAA/NSSL MultiRadar Multisensor: Past, Current Status and Future
Directions: P E Kirstetter, Y Hong, J J Gourley, N
Carr, W A Petersen, M Schwaller, E N Anagnostou,
C D Kummerow, R R Ferraro, N Y Wang
1748h GC24A-09 Vulnerability of U.S. Agriculture
and Energy Sectors to Changes in Climate and
Socioeconomics: M I Hejazi, N Voisin, L Liu, L
Bramer, D Fortin, M Huang, J Hathaway, P Kyle, L
R Leung, H Y Li, Y Liu, P Patel, T Pulsipher, J Rice,
T K Tesfa, C R Vernon, Y Zhou
Moscone West 3001
1600h GC24B-01 Key Scientific Challenges for the
Fourth National Climate Assessment: T R Karl
1615h GC24B-02 Science Issues Associated with
Precipitation and Storm Extremes: K Kunkel
1630h GC24B-03 Opportunities for increasing
confidence in projections of future changes in
extreme temperature and precipitation in the next
US National Climate Assessment: M F Wehner
1645h GC24B-04 Remaining Uncertainties in
the Causes of Past and Future Atlantic Hurricane
Activity: J P Kossin
1700h GC24B-05 Sea Level Rise in the 21st Century:
Will projections ever become reliable?: J K Willis
1715h GC24B-06 A National Assessment of Sea
Level Rise Exposure Using Lidar Elevation Data: B
Strauss, S A Kulp, C Tebaldi
1730h GC24B-07 Evaluating Problems with
Long-Established Methods for Calculating
Evapotranspiration Under Climate Change in the
Great Lakes Basin: Take II: B M Lofgren, J Rouhana
1745h GC24B-08 Seasonal Transitions in the
Next Climate Assessments: A Seth, C Lynch, J M
1615h H24A-02 Analysis of Pressure Data As CO2/
Brine Leak Diagnostic in Shallow Aquifers: W
Trainor Guitton, K Mansoor, Y Sun, S Carroll
1630h H24A-03 Role of the Capillary Transition
Zone on the Dissolution of CO2 into Brine in Saline
Reservoirs: M J Martinez, M A Hesse
1645h H24A-04 Experimental Investigation of
CO2 Trapping and Leakage Mechanisms in Deep
Geologic Formations for Model Improvement: T
H Illangasekare, L Trevisan, E Agartan, J VargasJohnson, M R Plampin, R Pini, R Pawar, A Cihan, J
T Birkholzer, Q Zhou
1700h H24A-05 Application of Harmonic Pulse
Testing for Leakage Detection in Carbon Storage
Formations: A Y Sun, J Lu, S D Hovorka, A
1715h H24A-06 Reactive transport modeling
to quantify trace element release into fresh
groundwater in case of CO2 leak from deep
geological storage: J Lions, C Jakymiw, N Devau,
V Barsotti, P Humez
1730h H24A-07 Geochemical Impacts of Leaking
CO2 from Subsurface Storage Reservoirs on the
Fate of Metal Contaminants in an Overlaying
Groundwater Aquifer : H Shao, N P Qafoku, A
Lawter, M E Bowden, C F Brown
1745h H24A-08 Capillary pressure - saturation
relations for supercritical CO2 and brine:
Implications for capillary/residual trapping in
carbonate reservoirs during geologic carbon
sequestration: S Wang, T K Tokunaga
1630h H24C-03 The Climate Hazards Group
Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS)
Dataset: Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates
for Drought Monitoring and Trend Analysis: P
Peterson, C C Funk, M F Landsfeld, G J Husak,
D H Pedreros, J P Verdin, J Rowland, S Shukla, A
McNally, J Michaelsen, A Verdin
1645h H24C-04 GPM/DPR precipitation compared
with 3.5-km-resolution NICAM simulations: S
Kotsuki, K Terasaki, T Miyoshi
1700h H24C-05 A Precipitation Satellite
Downscaling & Re-Calibration Routine for TRMM
3B42 and GPM Data Applied to the Tropical Andes:
B Manz, W Buytaert, C Tobón, M Villacis, F García
1715h H24C-06 Correction of Real-Time Global
Precipitation Measurement with Multi-Sensor
Satellite Observations: N Wanders, M Pan, E F
1730h H24C-07 Development of microwave rainfall
retrieval algorithm for climate applications: J H
KIM, D B Shin
1745h H24C-08 Hydrologic Assessment of Remotely
Sensed High Resolution Precipitation Products over
Cold-Mountainous Regions, and Analysis of the
GPM Impact: A Behrangi, K Andreadis, J B Fisher,
F J Turk, T H Painter, S L Granger, N N Das, G L
Moscone West 3016
Groundwater-Surface Water
Interactions: Physical, Biological, and
Chemical Processes III (joint with B)
Presiding: Adam Ward, University
of Iowa; Martin Briggs, USGS Office
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 61
of Groundwater; Audrey Sawyer,
University of Kentucky; Jim Best, Univ
Illinois Urbana Champaign
1600h H24D-01 Scaling Hydrologic and
Biogeochemical Processes in a Large River
Floodplain and Alluvial Aquifer: A M Helton,
G C Poole, R A Payn, C Izurieta, M Wright, E S
Bernhardt, J A Stanford
1615h H24D-02 Unraveling the Drivers of Spatial
and Temporal Variability in Biogeochemical Cycling
at Aquifer-River Interfaces - The LEVERHULME
Hyporheic Zone Research Network: S Krause, A
S Ward, J P Zarnetske, E Martí Roca, S Larned,
A Milner, T Datry, J H Fleckenstein, C Schmidt,
P Blaen, M J Kurz, M J Klaar, J D Drummond,
J Knapp, S Folegot, D M Hannah, P Romeijn, T
Blume, J Lewandowski, A Maruedo, M Ledger, J A
Lee-Cullin, M O’Callaghan, T Keller, M Vieweg
1630h H24D-03 Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of
Hyporheic Respiration Under Variable Discharge
Conditions: M J Kurz, C Schmidt, J Knapp, P
Romeijn, P Blaen, M J Klaar, T Keller, S Krause, A
S Ward, J H Fleckenstein, S Larned, J P Zarnetske, E
Martí Roca, T Datry
1645h H24D-04 Systematic Analysis of the Effect
of Small Scale Permeability Heterogeneity on
Hyporheic Exchange Flux and Residence Times: G
Laube, C Schmidt, J H Fleckenstein
1700h H24D-05 Demonstrating benthic control
of anomalous solute transport: biofilm growth
interacts with substrate size: A F Aubeneau, J L
Tank, D Bolster, B Hanrahan
1715h H24D-06 Wave-Induced Groundwater
Flows in a Freshwater Beach Aquifer: S S Malott, C
E Robinson, D M O’Carroll
1730h H24D-07 Scaling Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Along Stream Networks Depends on Streambed
Morphology: D Tonina, A Marzadri, A Bellin, J L
1745h H24D-08 Linking Multi-Scale Observations
to Determine Hyporheic Nitrate Removal in a
Stream: J P Zarnetske, R Haggerty, S M Wondzell
Moscone West 3022
Microorganisms, Colloids, Engineered
Nanoparticles, and Emerging
Contaminants in the Environment II
(joint with B)
Presiding: Denis O’Carroll, Western
University; Andrew Ramsburg, Tufts
University; William Johnson, Univ Utah
CONDITIONS: S A Bradford, S Torkzaban, F J
Leij, J Simunek
1615h H24E-02 Colloid particle size-dependent
dispersivity: C V Chrysikopoulos, V E Katzourakis
1630h H24E-03 Americium, Cesium, and Plutonium
Colloid-Facilitated Transport in a Groundwater/
Bentonite/Fracture Fill Material System: Column
Experiments and Model Results: T M Dittrich, H
Boukhalfa, P W Reimus
1645h H24E-04 Effect of Hydrodynamics on Particle
Transport in Saturated Fractures: Experimental and
Simulation Results: S Cianflone, V Lakhian, S E
1700h H24E-05 Relationship between the Averaged
Deposition Rate Coefficients for Colloids in a
Single Pore and Various Pore-scale Parameters: S
Narayanan, M S Mohan Kumar, S M Hassanizadeh,
A Raoof
1715h H24E-06 Hydration State and Aqueous Phase
Connectivity Shape Microbial Dispersal Rates in
Unsaturated Angular Pore Networks: D Or, A
1730h H24E-07 Numerical Simulation of nZVI at
the Field Scale: A I Chowdhury, M Krol, B E Sleep,
D M O’Carroll
1745h H24E-08 Nano-scale zero valent iron
transport in a variable aperture dolomite fracture
and a glass fracture: P Mondal, B E Sleep, Z Cui,
Z Zhou
Moscone West 3014
Remote Sensing and Modeling of the
Terrestrial Water Cycle I (joint with A,
B, GC)
Presiding: Iliana Mladenova, USDA/
ARS BARC-W, Bldg 007; Venkataraman
Lakshmi, Univ South Carolina; Yadu
Pokhrel, Michigan State University;
Bridget Scanlon, Univ Texas Austin
11/28/2014 10:45:07 AM
1600h H24F-01 Improved Water Resources
Modeling Using Satellite-Based Snow Observations
to Estimate SWE and SCA: J M Jacobs, C
Vuyovich, D Osborne, A Hunsaker
1615h H24F-02 Global spaceborne assessment of
the relationship between terrestrial water storage
and evaporative demand: P A Levine, C De Linage,
I Velicogna, J T Randerson
1600h MR24A-01 Complex Effects of Alumina/
Silica on Ferric/Ferrous Iron in Earth’s Lower
Mantle: S M Dorfman, V Potapkin, I Kupenko, A I
Chumakov, F Nabiei, A Magrez, L S Dubrovinsky,
C A McCammon, P Gillet
1615h MR24A-02 Cation Ordering in Fe-bearing
Silicate Perovskite (Bridgmanite) and its Role in
Disproportionation: A S Wolf, R Caracas, P D
Asimow, J P Harvey
1630h H24F-03 Monitoring natural and
anthropogenic induced variations in water
availability across Africa: M Ahmed, M Sultan, J M
Wahr, E Yan
1630h MR24A-03 A Pyrolitic Lower Mantle with
(Mg,Fe3+)(Si,Al3+)O3 Bridgmanite: X Wang, T
1645h H24F-04 Estimating the relative
contributions of human withdrawals and climate
variability to changes in groundwater: S C
Swenson, D M Lawrence
1645h MR24A-04 Electronic Spin and Valence
States of Iron in the Al-rich NAL and CF Phases
in the Subducted Slabs: Y Wu, X Wu, J F Lin, T
Yoshino, C A McCammon, Y Xiao, V Prakapenka
1700h H33F-0890 Effective global soil profile depth
and water holding capacity inferred from GRACE
time-variable gravity: J T Reager II, M H Lo, J S
1700h MR24A-05 New thermodynamic treatment
of the partitioning of iron with different valence
and spin states between Mg-perovskite and
ferropericlase: K Fujino, T Irifune
1715h H24F-06 Evaluating the Amazon water cycle
components using ED model against GRACE: E
Lee, S C Han, I Y Yeo, M Longo, A L S Swann, R G
Knox, J Briscoe, P R Moorcroft
1715h MR24A-06 Elasticity of Single-Crystal
Ferropericlase across the Spin Transition in the
Lower Mantle: J Yang, X Tong, J F Lin, T Okuchi,
N Tomioka
1730h H24F-07 Simulating subsurface heterogeneity
improves large-scale water resources predictions: A
J Hartmann, T Gleeson, T Wagener, Y Wada
1730h MR24A-07 Spin crossover in ferropericlase
and velocity heterogeneities in the lower mantle: Z
Wu, R M Wentzcovitch
1745h H24F-08 Reforming Triple Collocation:
Beyond Three Estimates and Separation of
Structural/Non-structural Errors: M Pan, W Zhan,
C K Fisher, W T Crow, E F Wood
1745h MR24A-08 Deformation of (Mg,Fe)O
Ferropericlase to Temperatures of 1150 K and
Pressures of 96 GPa: Implications for Mantle
Flow and Seismic Anisotropy: H Marquardt, L
M Miyagi, S Speziale, H P Liermann, S Merkel, C
Moscone West 2020
Scalable and Adaptable Architecture
for Earth Science Infrastructure II
(joint with DI)
Presiding: Emily Law, CalTech JPL; Ilya
Zaslavsky, San Diego Supercomputer
Center; M Allison, Arizona Geological
Survey; Chaowei Phil Yang, George
Mason Univ.
1600h IN24A-01 A Disciplined Architectural
Approach to Scaling Data Analysis for Massive,
Scientific Data: D J Crichton, A J Braverman, L
Cinquini, M Turmon, H Lee, E Law
1613h IN24A-02 Adaptable Information Models in
the Global Change Information System: B Duggan,
A Buddenberg, S Aulenbach, R Wolfe, J Goldstein
1626h IN24A-03 Judicious use of custom
development in an open source component
architecture: S Bristol, N Latysh, D Long, S Tekell,
J Allen
1652h IN24A-05 WDS Knowledge Network
Architecture in Support of International Science: M
Mokrane, J B H Minster, W Hugo
1705h IN24A-06 Collaboratively Architecting a
Scalable and Adaptable Petascale Infrastructure to
Support Transdisciplinary Scientific Research for
the Australian Earth and Environmental Sciences: L
A Wyborn, B J K Evans, T Pugh, D T Lescinsky, C
Foster, A Uhlherr
1718h IN24A-07 Horizon: The Portable, Scalable,
and Reusable Framework for Developing
Automated Data Management and Product
Generation Systems: T Huang, C Alarcon, N T
1731h IN24A-08 Developing a comprehensive
conceptual arhictecture to support Earth sciences: C
P Yang, C Xu, M Sun, Z Li
1744h IN24A-09 Design of Community Resource
Inventories as a Component of Scalable Earth
Science Infrastructure: Experience of the Earthcube
CINERGI Project : I Zaslavsky, S M Richard, D
W Valentine Jr, J S Grethe, L Hsu, T Malik, L E
Bermudez, A Gupta, K A Lehnert, T Whitenack, I B
Ozyurt, C Condit, R Calderon, L Musil
Marriott Marquis Salons
The Role of Transition Elements in
the Geophysical and Geochemical
Processes in the Deep Earth I (joint
with DI, V)
Marriott Marquis Salon 7
Recent Advances in Research on
Geological and Environmental
Impacts of Tsunamis II (Virtual
Session) (joint with EP, S, SI, T)
Presiding: Catherine Chague-Goff,
University of New South Wales/ANSTO;
Witold Szczucinski, Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznan; Bruce Richmond,
USGS; Kazuhisa Goto, Tohoku
1645h OS24A-04 Global Marine Gas Hydrate
Occurrence Using Random Decision Forest
Prediction: W T Wood, J J Becker, K M Martin,
W Y Jung
1700h OS24A-05 Regional Mapping and Resource
Assessment of Shallow Gas Hydrates of Japan
Sea - METI Launched 3 Years Project in 2013: R
1715h OS24A-06 New Simulator for NonEquilibrium Modeling of Hydrate Reservoirs: B
Kvamme, K Qorbani Nashaqi, K Jemai, M Vafaei
GULF OF MEXICO: D Glosser, A Cook, A
Malinverno, H Daigle
1745h OS24A-08 Linking the tectonic evolution
with fluid history in magma-poor rifted margins:
tracking mantle- and continental crust-related
fluids: V H G Pinto, G Manatschal, A M Karpoff
Moscone West 2009
There and Back Again: Biosignature
Detection in Terrestrial Analog
Environments for Mars Sample
Return I (joint with B)
Presiding: Michael Tuite, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory; Kenneth Williford, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory; Alexandra
Pontefract, University of Western
Ontario; Haley Sapers, University of
Western Ontario
1600h P24A-01 The Mars 2020 Mission: The Next
Step Forward in Mars Exploration: M A Meyer, M
D Schulte
1615h P24A-02 Exploration for Evidence of
Habitable Environments and Life on Mars Can
Benefit from Research in Analog Environments: D
J Des Marais
1615h NH24A-02 Improving Tsunami Hazard
Assessment: Lessons from Deposits from Seven
Modern Tsunamis: B Lunghino, B E Jaffe, B M
Richmond, G R Gelfenbaum, S Watt, S La Selle, M
L Buckley
1645h P24A-04 Search for Life in Deep Time and
Space: The role of Precambrian rocks in analogue
research: B Sherwood Lollar, C N Sutcliffe, C J
Ballentine, T C Onstott, C Y M Lau, C Magnabosco,
G F Slater, D P Moser
1630h NH24A-03 Tsunami deposits formed and
preserved in accordance with the local environment:
Y Nishimura, Y Nakamura
1700h P24A-05 In situ Raman spectroscopy and
confocal microscopy of 2.5-billion-year-old fossil
microorganisms: viable nondestructive techniques
for the study of returned Martian samples: A D
Czaja, K Lorber
1645h NH24A-04 Historical Tropical Cyclones
and the 1883 Krakatoa Tsunami Inferred from
Geological Archives of the Ashburton Delta (NW
Australia): S M May, D Brill, M Engel, A Scheffers,
A Pint, V Wennrich, S Peter, D Kelletat, H Brückner
1700h NH24A-05 Bedforms under tsunami flows: R
Paris, S Falvard Sr
1715h NH24A-06 Shallow Offshore Tsunami
Sedimentary Deposits: Challenges and Benefits
with examples from the Eastern Mediterranean and
northern Red Sea: B N Goodman Tchernov
1730h NH24A-07 Recent Advances in Tsunami
Research – the Devil Is in the Detail: J R Goff
1745h NH24A-08 Inversion of tsunami
characteristics:Estimation of transient flow depth
and speed with quantified uncertainties: H Tang, R
Weiss, H Xiao, J Wang
1715h P24A-06 SHERLOC: Scanning Habitable
Environments With Raman & Luminescence for
Organics & Chemicals, an Investigation for 2020: L
W Beegle, R Bhartia, L P DeFlores, S A Asher, A
S Burton, S M Clegg, P G Conrad, K S Edgett, B L
Ehlmann, F Langenhorst, M Fries, K H Nealson, J
Popp, P Sobron, A Steele, R C Wiens, K H Williford
Moscone West 3009
New Perspectives on Fluid Flow and
Gas Hydrates in Sedimentary Basins
VI (joint with B, H, NH, V)
Presiding: Christian Berndt, GEOMAR;
Sverre Planke, Volcanic Basin
Petroleum Rsch; Seth Haines, US
Geological Survey; Warren Wood, Naval
Research Laboratory
1645h PA24A-04 Human Responses to Climate
Variability: The Case of South Africa: M
Oppenheimer, R Licker, M Mastrorillo, P BohraMishra, L D Estes, R Cai
1700h PA24A-05 A Systems Approach to Climate,
Water and Diarrhea in Hubli-Dharward, India: J E
Mellor, J Zimmerman
1715h PA24A-06 Coastal Storm Events and
Property Damages Associated with Winter Storms
in the Tri-State Area: C Shimkus, M Ting, S B
Adamo, M Madajewicz, Y Kushnir, J F Booth
1730h PA24A-07 Climate change and the impact
of extreme temperatures on aviation: E Coffel, R
1745h PA24A-08 Societal impact of space climate:
G Lapenta
Moscone West 2010
Presiding: Carys Cook, University of
Florida; Claire Huck, University of
Florida; Amelia Shevenell, University
of South Florida St. Petersburg; Erin
McClymont, University of Durham
1600h PP24A-01 East Antarctic land-ice/
ocean networks: progress and questions: D D
Blankenship, D A Young, J S Greenbaum, J L
Roberts, T D van Ommen, A Aitken, M J Siegert
1615h PP24A-02 On the Revealing Firsthand
Probing of Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions
off Sabrina Coast During NBP1402: B A Huber,
A H Orsi, N J Zielinski, W J Durkin IV, P Clark,
C L Wiederwohl, M A Rosenberg, D Gwyther, J S
Greenbaum, C Lavoie, A Shevenell, A Leventer, D
D Blankenship, S P S Gulick, E W Domack
1630h PP24A-03 Environmental and ice volume
changes based on seismic stratigraphy in Sabrina
Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary results from
NBP1402: S P S Gulick, R A Fernandez-Vasquez, B
Frederick, S Saustrup Sr, E W Domack, C Lavoie, A
Shevenell, D D Blankenship, A Leventer
1645h PP24A-04 Pre-glacial, Early Glacial, and Ice
Sheet Stratigraphy Cored During NBP1402, Sabrina
Coast, East Antarctic Margin: E W Domack, S P
S Gulick, R A Fernandez-Vasquez, B Frederick, C
Lavoie, A Leventer, A Shevenell, S Saustrup Sr, S M
Bohaty, F Sangiorgi
1700h PP24A-05 From Greenhouse to Icehouse
at the Wilkes Land Antarctic Margin: IODP
Expedition 318: C Escutia, H Brinkhuis
1715h PP24A-06 Benthic Epiphytic Diatoms in
Deep-sea Southern Ocean Sediments as a New Tool
for Reconstructing Antarctic Paleoclimatic and
Paleoceanographic History: Implications of Floating
‘Macroalgal Biotic Oases’: D M Harwood, N Porter,
S OConnell
1730h P24A-07 Seeking Ancient Microbial
Biosignatures With PIXL on Mars 2020: A
Allwood, J Hurowitz, L W A Wade, R P Hodyss,
D Flannery
1730h PP24A-07 What Makes East Antarctica
Warmer and Colder Than Present in the Last
Million Years?: E W Wolff, E Capron, P Holden,
E Stone
1745h P24A-08 The Value of Analog Research in
the Search for Life: M A Voytek
1745h PP24A-08 Millennial-scale Variability in
Antarctic Ice-Sheet Discharge Throughout the
Last Deglaciation From Scotia Sea Records of
Iceberg-Rafted Debris: P U Clark, M E Weber, A
Timmermann, G Lohmann, L Menviel, R Gladstone
1630h PA24A-03 The Economic Impact of
Hurricane Katrina on Its Victims: Evidence from
Individual Tax Returns: T Deryugina, L Kawano,
S Levitt
Cenozoic through Modern Climate
and Glacial Records and Processes at
High-Latitude Margins III
1600h NH24A-01 The Mystery of Chevrons
Revealed: M Spiske, A M Garcia Garcia, S
Tsukamoto, V Schmidt
1600h OS24A-01 Methane hydrates:The promising
contributions and benefits underlying the offshore
Japan seafloor: S Aoyama, C Aoyama
AGU2014News.indb 62
1630h OS24A-03 Transient seafloor venting from
methane hydrate dissociation on continental slopes:
K Darnell, P B Flemings
1630h P24A-03 Capturing Evidence for Past Life
in the Martian Loess: P H Schultz, R S Harris, S J
Clemett, K L Thomas-Keprta, M Zárate
Presiding: Jung-Fu Lin, University of
Texas at Austin; Renata Wentzcovitch,
University of Minnesota Twin Cities;
Catherine McCammon, Universitaet
1615h OS24A-02 Geophysical Signatures for Low
Porosity Sand Can Mimic Natural Gas Hydrate: A
Cook, B C Tost
Marriott Marquis Salon 1315
Social Impacts of Climate Variability
Presiding: Gordon Mccord, University of
Calif San Diego; Jesse Anttila-Hughes,
University of San Francisco; Gordon
Mccord, University of Calif San Diego
1600h PA24A-01 Impacts of Weather Shocks on
Murder and Drug Cartel Violence in Mexico: E
Miguel, S M Hsiang, M Burke, F Gonzalez, C
1615h PA24A-02 Putting climate impact estimates
to work: the empirical approach of the American
Climate Prospectus: A Jina, S M Hsiang, R E Kopp
III, D Rasmussen, J Rising
Moscone West 2008
Interdisciplinary Approaches to
Reconstructing Climate Variability
and Associated Feedbacks from the
Last Deglaciation, Holocene, and
Anthropocene II (joint with A, B, GC, OS)
Presiding: Corinne Wong, University
of California Davis; Isabel Montanez,
Univ of California, Davis; Bette
Otto-Bliesner, National Center for
Atmospheric Research; Lucas Silva,
University of California Davis
1600h PP24B-01 Global Warming or Global Cooling
in the Holocene?: Z Liu, J Zhu, Y Rosenthal, X
Zhang, B L Otto-Bliesner, A Timmermann, R S
Smith, G Lohmann, W Zheng, O Elison Timm
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:07 AM
1615h PP24B-02 Amplification of Warming at
Tropical High Altitudes: Synthesis of East African
Lacustrine and Moraine Archives with Paleoclimate
Model Data: S E Loomis, J M Russell, C Morrill
1748h SA24A-09 Solar cycle dependence of ion
cyclotron wave frequencies: M Lessard, E A
Lindgren, C Weaver, M J Engebretson
1630h PP24B-03 Setting up a model intercomparison
project for the last deglaciation: R F Ivanovic, L J
Gregoire, P J Valdes, D M Roche, M Kageyama
1645h PP24B-04 Impact of Interactive Ozone on
Climate Reconstruction in an Earth System Model:
the Case of Antarctica in mid-Holocene: S Noda, R
Mizuta, M Deushi, K Kodera, K Yoshida, A Kitoh, S
Murakami, Y Adachi, S Yoden
Moscone West 2011
1700h PP24B-05 Tropical Pacific Forcing of LateHolocene Hydrologic Variability in the Coastal
Southwest United States: M E Kirby, S J Feakins,
C Hiner, J M Fantozzi, S R H Zimmerman, T
Dingemans, S A Mensing
1715h PP24B-06 Altered ENSO flavors during the
mid-Holocene revealed by model-proxy synthesis:
C Karamperidou, P N Di Nezio
1730h PP24B-07 Interpreting terrestrial organic
carbon isotope records across natural and
anthropogenic pCO2 change: B Schubert, H Jahren
1745h PP24B-08 Holocene Abrupt Climate Change
Over NW Iran: The Hand That Rocked The Cradle
Of Civilization?: A Sharifi, A Pourmand, E A
Canuel, E Ferer-Tyler, L C Peterson, B Aichner, S J
Feakins, T Daryaee, M Djamali, A Naderi Beni, H A
K Lahijani, P K Swart
Moscone South 103-104
Gutenberg Lecture (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Karen Fischer, Brown
University; Gregory Beroza, Stanford
1600h Presentation of the Keiiti Aki Young Scientist
1605h Introduction to the Gutenberg Lecture:
1610h S24A-01 New and Evolving Seismic Images
of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab: 20
Years of Portable Seismology Results: S L Beck
Ionizing Radiation Environments
throughout the Solar System II (joint
with A, P, SA, SM)
Presiding: Guillaume Gronoff, NASA
Langley Research Center; Ryan
Norman, NASA Langley Research Center
1600h SH24A-01 Progress and Prospects for
an Enlil-Based Sep Event Model for the Inner
Heliosphere: J G Luhmann, D Odstrcil, M L Mays,
Y Li, H M Bain, R A Leske, D E Larson
1615h SH24A-02 The Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor
(EHIS) for GOES-R: Accelerator Calibrations of
Flight Unit 1: J J Connell, C Lopate
1630h SH24A-03 Radiation Dosimetry Experiment
(RaD-X): High-Altitude Balloon Flight Mission for
Improving the Nairas Aviation Radiation Model: C
J Mertens
1645h SH24A-04 Energetic Particle Measurements
on Mars and in Lunar Orbit: C J Zeitlin, D
Hassler, N Schwadron, H E Spence, R F WimmerSchweingruber, J K Appel, E Boehm, S S Boettcher,
D E Brinza, S Burmeister, B Ehresmann, J Guo, J
Kohler, H Lohf, C Martin-Garcia, A Posner, S C
Rafkin, G Weigle, J Martín-Torres, M P Zorzano
1700h SH24A-05 MSL/RAD Measurements of
the Neutron Spectrum in Transit to Mars and
on the Martian Surface: J Kohler, C J Zeitlin,
B Ehresmann, R F Wimmer-Schweingruber,
D Hassler, G Reitz, D E Brinza, S I Böttcher, S
Burmeister, J Guo, C Martin-Garcia, E Boehm, A
Posner, S C Rafkin
1715h SH24A-06 Benchmarking Space Radiation
Transport Codes Using Measured LET Spectra from
the Crater Instrument on LRO: L W Townsend,
J Porter, H E Spence, M J Golightly, S S Smith, N
Schwadron, J C Kasper, A W Case, J B Blake, J E
Mazur, M D Looper, C J Zeitlin
1730h SH24A-07 Galactic Cosmic Rays and Lunar
Secondary Particles from Solar Minimum to
Maximum: CRaTER Observations and Geant4
Modeling: M D Looper, J E Mazur, J B Blake, H E
Spence, N Schwadron, M J Golightly, A W Case, J C
Kasper, L W Townsend, J K Wilson
1745h SM24A-09 Strategic Science to Address
Current and Future Space Weather Needs: A
J Mannucci, N Schwadron, S K Antiochos,
A Bhattacharjee, M M Bisi, N Gopalswamy, F
Kamalabadi, A A Pulkkinen, W K Tobiska, D R
Weimer, P Withers
1745h SH24A-08 Estimation of the radiation effects
on the astronauts for different phases of the solar
cycle and shielding: M I Dobynde, A Drozdov, Y
Moscone West 2018
Moscone West 2012
Addressing Operational Space
Weather Needs I (joint with SA, SH)
Presiding: Shawn Young, AFRL; James
McCollough, Air Force Research
Laboratory; Timothy Guild, The
Aerospace Corporation
1600h SM24A-01 Space Science and Space Weather:
A Research to Operations Continuum at NOAA: H
J Singer, G H Millward, C C Balch, T G Onsager
1612h SM24A-02 Ensemble Forecast of Major Solar
Flares: J A Guerra, A A Pulkkinen, V M Uritsky
1624h SM24A-03 Ensemble modeling of CME
propagation: C O Lee, C N Arge, C J Henney, D
Odstrcil, G H Millward, V J Pizzo
1639h SM24A-04 Operational Realities: Obtaining
adequate drivers and inputs for radiation belt
models: R H W Friedel, Y Chen, W Tu, G
Cunningham, G D Reeves, J Lichtenberger
1651h SM24A-05 Spacecraft Charging in
Geostationary Transfer Orbit: L N Parker, J I
1703h SM24A-06 The Priority Mismatch Between
Space Science and Satellite Operations: T P O’Brien
III, J E Mazur, J Fennell, T B Guild
1718h SM24A-07 Establishing the Geomagnetic
Disturbance Benchmark Event for Evaluation of
the Space Weather Hazard on Power Grids: A A
Pulkkinen, E Bernabeu, J Eichner
1730h SM24A-08 Extreme Geoelectric Fields
Induced By Magnetic Storm Sudden Impulses: J J
Love, E J Rigler, A Swidinsky
Magnetospheres in the Solar System
II (joint with P)
Presiding: Xianzhe Jia, University of
Michigan; George Hospodarsky, Univ
Iowa; Chris Paranicas, Applied Physics
Laboratory Johns Hopkins
1600h SM24B-01 Comparative Investigation
of the Energetic Ion Spectra Comprising the
Magnetospheric Ring Currents of the Solar System:
B Mauk
1612h SM24B-02 Parameterization of Observed
Saturn Z-Mode Wave Power for r < 4Rs: J D
Menietti, S Ye, T F Averkamp, R B Horne, Y
Shprits, E E Woodfield, D A Gurnett
1624h SM24B-03 Cassini Observations of Saturn’s
Magnetospheric Cusps: J M Jasinski, C S Arridge,
A J Coates, M K Dougherty
1636h SM24B-04 An Empirical Model of Saturn’s
Current Sheet Based on Global MHD Modeling
of Saturn’s Magnetosphere: K C Hansen, J S
Nickerson, T I Gombosi
1648h SM24B-05 Jupiter’s Polar Magnetosphere:
Outstanding Issues to be Addressed By Juno: W S
Kurth, J E P Connerney, D J McComas, B Mauk, R
Gladstone, A Adriani, F Bagenal, S J Bolton
1706h SM24B-06 A Survey of Solar Wind
Conditions at 5 AU: A Tool For Interpreting
Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interactions at Jupiter
During Juno: R W Ebert, F Bagenal, D J McComas,
C M Fowler, H A Elliott
1718h SM24B-07 Impact of Jovian Magnetic Field
on the Beaming Cone of Io-Controlled Decameter
Radio Emissions: P H M Galopeau, M Y Boudjada
1730h SM24B-08 Jupiter’s Dynamic Magnetosphere:
M F Vogt, E J Bunce, E A Kronberg, C M Jackman
1748h SM24B-09 Jupiter’s Main Auroral Emission
for Different Solar Wind Conditions: E Chané, J
Saur, S Poedts
Moscone West 2016
Geospace Research from Polar
Environments II (joint with A, AE, SM)
Presiding: Andrew Gerrard, New
Jersey Institute of Techno; Irfan Azeem,
Atmospheric and Space Technology
Research Associates LLC; Marc Lessard,
University of New Hampshire; Gary
Bust, John Hopkins University-Applied
Physics Laboratory
1600h Welcome and Dedication to Gonzalo
1606h SA24A-01 Plasma-Neutral Coupling on the
Dark and Bright Sides of Antarctica: X Chu, Z Yu,
W Fong, C Chen, J Zhao, W Huang, B R Roberts,
T J Fuller-Rowell, A D Richmond, A J Gerrard, A T
Weatherwax, C S Gardner
D Chapman, J Didier, D C Fritts, G Jones, B
Kjellstrand, M Limon, A Lizancos, T V Luu, T
Macioce, G Tucker, J Vinokurov
1633h SA24A-03 Interannual Variability of the
Atmospheric Tides over South Pole from a Decade
of Meteor Wind Observations: S E Palo, H Iimura
1645h SA24A-04 Solar Cycle Variations in the Polar
Ionosphere: A G Burrell, T K Yeoman, S E Milan,
M Lester
1657h SA24A-05 Impact of X-Class Flares on the
Polar Ionosphere: J J Sojka, M Lewis, M David, R
W Schunk, M J Nicolls, T N Woods, F Eparvier
1709h SA24A-06 System-level view of geospace
dynamics: Challenges for high-latitude groundbased observations: E Donovan
A joint meeting, hosted by the U.S. and
Canadian scientific community, covering a diverse
program across the Earth and space sciences
1724h SA24A-07 Extreme F-region gradients
generated by patch-arc interactions in the polar
cap: J L Semeter, H Dahlgren, M D Zettergren, J
Swoboda, G W Perry, J P St-Maurice, K Hosokawa,
K Shiokawa, M J Nicolls
1736h SA24A-08 High-Latitude Ionospheric
Structuring at Kilometer Scales: G S Bust, S DattaBarua, Y Su, K Deshpande, D Hampton
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
AGU2014News.indb 63
Abstract Submissions Deadline:
14 January
11/28/2014 10:45:07 AM
Marriott Marquis Golden
Gate B1
Measuring Topographic Growth
through Time II (joint with B, EP, PP)
Presiding: Gregory Hoke, Syracuse
University; Michael Hren, University
of Connecticut; Jay Quade, University
of Arizona; Kathryn Snell, CA Inst of
1600h T24A-01 Insights into the Late Cretaceous
through Early/Middle Eocene Evolution of the
North American Cordillera from an Integrated
Climate Modeling-Stable Isotope Study: J O
Sewall, H C Fricke
1615h T24A-02 Comparison of Paleotemperature
Proxies from the Goler Formation, California: N
A Niemi, B Lacroix, E Hyland, M T Hren, N D
1630h T24A-03 Preservation of carbonate clumped
isotopes in sedimentary paleoclimate archives: G A
Henkes, B H Passey, E L Grossman, B Shenton, A
1645h T24A-04 Paleoelevation of the Tibetan
Plateau Relative to Plate Convergence, Crustal
Shortening and Conservation of Crustal Mass: M
K Clark, P V Yakovlev, L Staisch, H Chang, N A
1700h T24A-05 Monsoonal circulation and Central
Asian aridity set by a high Eocene Himalaya and the
mid-latitude westerlies: Stable isotopic evidence: J
K Caves, M J Winnick, S A Graham, D J Sjostrom,
A Mulch, C P Chamberlain
1715h T24A-06 Convective influences on
paleoelevation proxies: Implications for the uplift
history of the Central Andean Plateau: J Galewsky,
K E Samuels-Crow
1730h T24A-07 Resolving the influences of
climatology and topography on water isotopes: D J
Auerbach, M T Brandon, M T Hren
1745h T24A-08 87Sr/86Sr in Gypsic Relict Soils and
Paleosols of Hyperarid Settings as a Paleoaltitude
Proxy: Results for Northern Chile (19.5-21.7°S): T
E Jordan, N J Cosentino
Marriott Marquis Nob Hill
Seismicity, Tectonics, and Geofluids
in South and East Asia II (joint with NH,
NS, S)
Presiding: Timothy Byrne, Univ
Connecticut; Kate Chen, Department of
Earth Sciences; Aitaro Kato, University
of Tokyo; Hemin Koyi, China University
of Petroleum
1600h T24B-01 Simultaneous mountain building in
the Taiwan orogenic belt: Y H Lee, T B Byrne, W H
Wang, W Lo, R J Rau, H Y Lu
1615h T24B-02 Curvature of Fold and Thrust Belt
in NE Taiwan: Paleomagnetic Results and Their
Implications on Plate Indentation and Back-Arc
Opening Processes: L Sonnette, J C Lee, C S Horng
1645h T24B-04 Morphotectonics of the Central
Sagaing fault West of Mandalay: Trace of the 1839
Ava Earthquake Rupture: Y Wang, P Tapponnier,
T Aung, S T Tun, S N Khaing, L T Aung, K Sieh
1700h T24B-05 Characterizing the 2013 Songyuan
Earthquake Sequence in Central Songliao Basin,
Northeast China: H Chen, F Niu, H Ge
1715h T24B-06 Stress Pattern of the Shanxi Rift
System, North China, Inferred from the Inversion
of New Focal Mechanisms: B Li, K Atakan, M B
Sorensen, J Havskov
1730h T24B-07 Determination of Hypocenters and
Focal Mechanism Solutions for Semi-Historical
Earthquakes in Kanto region, Japan by Template
Matching Technique: T Ishibe, K Satake, J
Muragishi, H Tsuruoka, S Nakagawa, S Sakai, N
1745h T24B-08 Characterizing the Inner
Accretionary Prism of the Nankai Trough with 3D
Seismic and Logging While Drilling at IODP Site
C0002: B Boston, G F Moore, M J Jurado, H Sone,
H J Tobin, D M Saffer, T Hirose, S Toczko, L Maeda
Marriott Marquis Salon 8
Processes, Pathways, and Properties
Along the Subduction Interface I
(cosponsored by MSA)
Accretionary and Planetary
Differentiation Processes As Recorded
in Early Earth and Planetary Materials
I (cosponsored by EGU-GMPV) (joint with
DI, MR, P)
Presiding: Besim Dragovic, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
University; Tatsuki Tsujimori,
Okayama University—Misasa; Alberto
Vitale Brovarone, IMPMC - Institut
de Mineralogie et de Physique des
Materiaux et de Cosmochimie
Marriott Marquis Salon 1012
Presiding: Audrey Bouvier, University
of Western Ontario; Mathieu Touboul,
University of Maryland College Park;
Jeffrey Vervoort, Washington State
1600h V24A-01 Nebular fractionation of silicon
isotopes and implications for silicon in Earth’s core:
N Dauphas, F Poitrasson, C Burkhardt
1615h V24A-02 Constraints on the timing of
the Moon-forming giant impact from MORB Xe
isotopes: R Parai, S Mukhopadhyay
1630h V24A-03 Sulfur isotopic fractionation during
planetary differentiation: J Labidi, A Shahar, C Le
Losq, V J Hillgren, B O Mysen, J Farquhar
1645h V24A-04 New insights from old spherules:
Os-W isotope and HSE evidence for Paleoarchean
meteorite bombardment of the Earth: T Schulz, A
A Luguet, C Koeberl
1700h V24A-05 Early Differentiation Processes
Recorded By 142Nd and 182W in Eoarchean
Rocks from Isua: H L Rizo Garza, R J Walker, R
W Carlson, M Touboul, M F Horan, I S Puchtel, M
Boyet, M T Rosing
1715h V24A-06 New insights from 182W anomalies
in Eoarchean rocks from northern Labrador,
Canada: J Liu, M Touboul, A Ishikawa, R J Walker,
G D Pearson
1730h V24A-07 Extreme Hf and light Fe isotopes in
Archean komatiites - a remnant of very early mantle
depletion?: O Nebel, P Sossi, I H Campbell, M J Van
1745h V24A-08 An Impaired View of Earth’s Early
History: J D Vervoort, A I Kemp, A Bauer, S A
Bowring, C Fisher
1600h V24C-01 Deformation and Metasomatic
Evolution at the Subduction Plate Interface As
Viewed from Study of HP/UHP Metamorphic
Rocks: G E Bebout, S Penniston-Dorland
1615h V24C-02 Internal P–T–t Structure of
Subduction Complexes — Insights from Lu–
Hf Geochronology on Garnet and Lawsonite
(Halilbağı, Central Anatolia): A Pourteau, E E
Scherer, A Schmidt, R Bast
1630h V24C-03 Channelized Fluid Flow and
Subduction Shear Zone: S Angiboust
1645h V24C-04 Fluid migration pathways, sediment
subduction, and the source of fluids escaping along
the forearc seafloor revealed offshore Nicaragua
with marine electromagnetic data: S Naif, K Key, S
Constable, R L Evans
1700h V24C-05 The Effect of Near-Trench Fluid
Circulation on Slab Dehydration Depth in the Chile
Subduction Zone: G A Spinelli, I Wada
1715h V24C-06 Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites:
Hotter Than the Average Model: S PennistonDorland, M J Kohn, C E Manning
V24C-07 Chlorine
Metasedimentary Rocks during Subduction Zone
Metamorphism: J Barnes, J Selverstone, G E
Bebout, S Penniston-Dorland
1745h V24C-08 Geochemical and tectonic
implications on plate-interface evolution achieved
from high-pressure ultramafic rocks in mélange
settings: E Cannaò, S Agostini, M Scambelluri, S
Marriott Marquis Salon 9
Marriott Marquis Salons
Stow or Blow? Magma Embryos,
Plutons, and Eruptions II (joint with G,
NH, S, T)
Exploiting the Potential of Tephra in
Paleoenvironmental Records I
(joint with GC, PP)
Presiding: Matthew Pritchard,
Cornell University; Gary Michelfelder,
Missouri State University; Jillian Pearse,
Universidad de los Andes; Omar Bartoli,
Università di Padova
Presiding: David Pyle, University of
Oxford; Paul Hughes, University of
Southampton; Karen Fontijn, Ghent
University; Maarten Van Daele, Ghent
1600h V24B-01 Tephra constraints on Rapid
Climate Events (TRACE): precise correlation of
marine and ice-core records during the last glacial
period in the North Atlantic region: S M Davies, A
J Griggs, P M Abbott, A J Bourne, C S Purcell, I R
Hall, J D Scourse
1615h V24B-02 Using tephra layers as absolute and
relative chronological markers: an example from
Lake Suigetsu, Japan: V Smith, P G Albert, R Staff,
D F Mark, C Bronk Ramsey, T Nakagawa
1630h V24B-03 Exceptionally Long Distance
Transport of Volcanic Ash: Implications for
Stratigraphy, Hazards and the Sourcing of Distal
Tephra Deposits: B J L Jensen, H Mackay, S PyneO’Donnell, G Plunkett, P D M Hughes, D G Froese,
R Booth
1645h V24B-04 The widespread ~10ka
Saksunarvatn tephra is not a product single
eruption: T Thordarson
1700h V24B-05 Methods for the Identification of
the Three Major Eruptions from the Toba Complex,
Indonesia: E Gatti, N J Pearce, J Westgate, I M Villa,
H Achyuthan, J N Pattan, C Oppenheimer
1715h V24B-06 Chemical Fingerprinting of
Explosive Eruptions from Mocho-Choshuenco
Volcano, Chile: H L Rawson, J A Naranjo, V Smith,
K Fontijn, D M Pyle, T A Mather, H Moreno-Roa
1730h V24B-07 Deposition of the 2011 Cordón
Caulle Tephra (Chile, 40ºS) in Lake Sediments:
Volcanology: S Bertrand, R Daga, R Bedert, K
1600h V24D-01 From melting to emplacement:
the importance of fractional crystallization: C
Yakymchuk, C R Brown, M Brown
Moscone South 103-104
Bullard Lecture (Virtual Session)
Presiding: Richard Gordon, Rice Univ
1700h GP24A-01 Mercury’s Magnetic Field: C L
Moscone West 2022-2024
Carson Lecture (Virtual Session)
Presiding: James Murray, University
of Washington Seattle Campus; Lynne
Talley, University of California San Diego
1700h OS24B-01 Nitrogen Loss Processes and
Nitrous Oxide Turnover in Oceanic Oxygen
Minimum Zones: B B Ward
Moscone West 2002
DOE’s Next Generation Ecosystem
Experiment: Tropics–A Coupled
Model-Experiment in Tropical
Moscone West 2004
NASA ICESat-2 Mission Town Hall
Moscone West 2006
Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Rice
Cultivation and the California Capand-Trade Market (joint with A, GC, PA)
Moscone West 2008
Leveraging Climate Science for
Societal Benefit and Application (joint
with ED, GC, PA)
TH25E Moscone West 2003
What’s New in the NSF Geosciences
Moscone West 2005
Space Physics and Aeronomy Section
Agency Night (joint with SA, SH, SM)
1615h V24D-02 The origin and nature of thermal
evolution during Granite emplacement and
differentiation and its influence on upper crustal
dynamics. : R Buchwaldt, T Toulkeridis, W Todt
1630h V24D-03 Composition of Crustal Melts at
the Source Area: Information from Glassy Melt
Inclusions in Anatectic Enclaves: A Acosta-vigil,
B Cesare, D London, G B Morgan VI, I Buick, J
Hermann, O Bartoli, L Remusat
1645h V24D-04 A Treasure Chest of Nanogranites:
the Bohemian Massif (Central Europe): S Ferrero,
P J O’Brien, K Walczak, B Wunder, M A Ziemann,
L Hecht
1700h V24D-05 Sequential emplacement of sheeted
plutons and sill-dyke complexes: implication on
crustal anatexis and lifespan of hydrothermal/
geothermal systems: A Dini
1715h V24D-06 Identifying the Crystal Graveyards
Remaining After Large Silicic Eruptions: S E
Gelman, C D Deering, O Bachmann, C Huber, F
J Gutiérrez
1730h V24D-07 Large-scale Explosive Silicic
Volcanic Eruptions in Maine, USA: Where, When,
and Why: S J Seaman, A Van Lankvelt, M L
1745h V24D-08 Evidence of a Pre-eruptive Fluid
Phase for the Millennium Eruption, Paektu
Volcano, North Korea: K Iacovino, T W Sisson,
J B Lowenstern
1745h V24B-08 Source and significance of pumices
in tsunami deposits: examples from Tenerife
(Canary Islands), Santorini (Greece) and Krakatau
(Indonesia) volcanoes: R Paris, F Nauret
AGU2014News.indb 64
All information is current as of 14 November, 2014
11/28/2014 10:45:07 AM