Christmas 2012 Christmas Eve Worship Wednesday, December 24 5pm Family Service: The Christmas Story Advent 2014 Sermon Series 9pm Carol Service: Let our voices & hearts unite as we sing 11pm Candlelight Service: Lift up songs and prayers to Jesus, the Light of the World December 21, 2014 Sunday, December 28 MVPC will have one worship service 9:30am 9:00 - 10:05 a.m. “O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” Psalm 130:7 Prelude Come Thou Long Expected Jesus / Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing arr. Joel Rainey Choral Introit Christmas Introit MVPC Choir For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. Call to Worship / Prayer Opening Hymn Pastor Rob Perkins #174 Angels From The Realms of Glory Prayer of Confession / Assurance of Pardon Hymn of Worship COMING IN JANUARY Living Our Mission: The 5 G’s of MVPC by Mike Loretto #135 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle The Sonnenschein Family Offertory O Holy Night Jamie Bonetto Please sign and pass the registration pad down your pew Old Testament Reading - Micah 5:2, 4-5a Hymn of Worship GLORIFY GATHER GROW GIVE GO Pastor Dave Ricketts Sermon Larry Swindell #154 O Little Town of Bethlehem Hope of Salvation Matthew 2:1-6 Hymn of Response Pastor Rob Perkins #171 Hark The Herald Angels Sing Opportunities To Give, Gather, and Go Pastoral Staff Rob Perkins, Dave Ricketts Pastoral Staff Rob Perkins, Dave Ricketts Blessing Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church 10 Moraga Valley Lane, Moraga, CA 94556 Tel. 925. 376.4800 • Fax. 925. 376.3750 • Office Hours 9:00 - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church 10 Moraga Valley Lane, Moraga, CA 94556 Tel. 925. 376.4800 • Fax. 925. 376.3750 • Office Hours 9:00 - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday Postlude Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers - arr. P. Manz Visit the Prayer Corner – If you would like someone to personally pray for you after the service, please come to the Prayer Corner sign at the rear of the Sanctuary. This morning’s prayer partner is Bev Matthews. Welcome to Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church! Whether you’re new to MVPC or a long-time member, we are so glad you’re with us for worship. Today Pastor Rob will continue the Advent sermon series, HOPE, with the message Hope of Salvation from Micah 5 and Matthew 2. The information contained in this bulletin demonstrates how MVPC, a community church making a global impact for Christ, lives out our mission to Glorify God, Gather in community, Grow as disciples, Give of ourselves and Go into the world with the gospel. If this is your first visit, please come to The Gathering Place near the Resource Center after the service. We would love to meet you and help you get connected. GLORIFY GOD You’re Invited – Next Sunday, December 28th, MVPC will have one worship service at 9:30am. Pastor Dave will preach I Resolve from 1 Corinthians 2. GATHER IN COMMUNITY Hot Cider! Children’s Ministries invites you downstairs for hot cider after worship each Sunday of Advent. December Prayer Focus – As we move through Advent and into the New Year we can come to our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace with our needs, the needs of others and our desire to hear His voice as He leads us. We are hopeful for His guidance, power, eternal presence and peace. Please give the loving gift of intercession by praying through the prayer list available in the Narthex or on the website: Together in Prayer – Please pray for the people listed here and ask the Lord how He might invite you to care for them: Healing: Jo Hansen; Betty Templeton Greiving: Mary Kaye Stephens and Family upon the death of Don Stephens whose “Celebration of Life” service will be held January 10th; 11:30am; Brad Veitch and Family upon the death of his mother Denominational Future: Pray for our session as they have begun meeting with representatives from the San Francisco Presbytery (see below). If you would like your name to appear here, please designate it on your Prayer and Care card located in the pew or contact Valerie Bigelow by Tuesday morning; x223; [email protected]. AM Prayer meets on Wednesday, 8:00-9:15am, in the conference room in the church office. Denominational Discernment Process - MVPC has been assigned a Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) which met for the first time with our Session on December 7, 2014. Over the next few weeks, the Session and PET will be working through a list of questions outlined in the San Francisco’s Reconciliation and Dismissal Policy that will help them make a determination as to whether dismissal is the best option for MVPC going forward. Once that happens, meetings will be scheduled to include the congregation in the process. More information is available online at Questions or comments can be emailed to future@ or mailed to the Session, in c/o the Clerk. GROW AS DISCIPLES New Men’s Fraternity Study: Living Out Your Faith at Work, Tuesdays, 6:157:30am, starting January 13th – However we fill the 9-5 – selling homes, caring for patients, stay-at-home dad, teaching, running a business, financial manager – most of us will spend over half our lives at work. How does your faith intersect with your work? Join this 6-week study to understand the biblical mandate for work. Beth Moore Study for Women, Children of the Day: 1 & 2 Thessalonians, beginning Saturday, January 17th, 10am-12pm – Do you believe God has a plan for your life but can’t figure it out? Your circumstances are not coincidental and God’s timing is impeccable. Join us for this 9-week in-depth Bible study to find encouragement for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns. Registration $35; contact Suzanne Palmer: [email protected]. When will MVPC programs resume? Sunday classes – All Sunday classes for children through adults resume Sunday, January 4. Children – Kingdom Kids, Praise Kids and Kingdom Kids choir resume Tuesday, January 6. Students – Senior High Fellowship resumes Wednesday, January 7. QUEST middle school ministry resumes Thursday, January 8. Adults – Women’s Bible Study resumes Tuesday, January 6. Men’s Bible Study resumes Saturday, January 10. The Perspectives course will begin Sunday, January 11. A new Stephen Ministry training will begin Monday, January 12. A new Men’s Fraternity study will begin Tuesday, January 13. Moms’ Council resumes Thursday, January 15. A new Beth Moore study will begin Saturday, January 17. GIVE OF OURSELVES Stephen Ministry Training, Mondays, 7-9pm, beginning January 12th until midJune – Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one Christian care for those enduring life’s hardships. If you are seeking personal growth and are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, contact Bev Matthews: 283-7762 or Barbara Snyder: 254-6269. Give a Cozy Christmas – Nathan Fenske of Moraga Boy Scout Troop 234 is collecting new children’s pajamas and books as he works on his Eagle Scout Project. All donations will go to the Pajama Program, a nonprofit providing pajamas and books to impoverished children in need of comfort and care. A bin has been placed in the front office. For more information contact Nathan ([email protected]) or visit the website: The Journey of Generosity Continues – Praise God! We have nearly reached the same number of pledges as last year. There is still time. Decorate the box only if you want to. We still welcome your pledge – mail it, drop it off in the office, or bring your pledge to worship any Sunday in December. Please pray and discuss your pledge as a family. 10:30 - 11:40am December 21, 2014 “O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” Psalm 130:7 Call to Worship /Prayer Opening Songs Mike Loretto Angels From The Realms of Glory Hark The Herald Angels Sing Prayer of Confession / Assurance of Pardon Pastor Dave Rciketts Song of Worship Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle Nicole Portocarrero/ Shane Harris Family Song of Worship Prepare The Way Offering Bring Your Joy To The World Suzanne Kroger Please sign and pass the registration pad down your pew Old Testament Reading - Micah 2, 4-5a W.J. Balzer Song of Worship O Little Town of Bethlehem Sermon Hope of Salvation Pastor Rob Perkins Matthew 2:1-6 Song of Response Go Tell It On The Mountain Opportunities To Give, Gather, and Go Blessing Visit the Prayer Corner – If you would like someone to personally pray for you after the service, please come to the Prayer Corner sign at the rear of the Sanctuary. Message Notes Financial Update: MVPC’s ministries depend heavily on 2014 year-end giving. We completed November $35,000 behind budgeted giving. Our budgeted giving for December is $331,000 with $164,000 received so far. That makes our giving goal for the next two weeks $202,000. Please pray that as a church we will give according to the blessings God has showered on us and underwrite the mission He has put before us. Alternate giving opportunities are possible by donating appreciated stock that may have significant tax advantages, particularly given the current position of the market. Direct deposit and credit card are also possible. If you have questions about your pledge or ways to give please contact John Greenblatt (x232) or Nat Weber (x235). GO WITH THE GOSPEL Perspectives, Sundays, 6-9pm, beginning January 11th – Perspectives will bring to MVPC 15 excellent instructors and highly-respected mission leaders. Your eyes will be opened to a new vision of God’s great mercy and love. Try the first class FREE! More information and registration on our website: Meals on Wheels – A group of MVPC members have driven a Thursday Meals-onWheels route in Lafayette for many years. They need new regular and substitute volunteers. To begin serving our community in this meaningful way, contact Jean Warnke: 254-4506. Family Service Opportunities – Looking for ways to serve together this season? Please see the green handout in the Narthex racks describing opportunities to serve MVPC mission partners. Family Share Questions – During Advent we invite you to use the MVPC Advent Devotional Guide to continue your worship at home. Please pick up your free copy in the Narthex or Resource Center; it is also available on our website: Thank you to those that have donated poinsettias! Thank you to those that have donated poinsettias! Thank you to those that have donated poinsettias! Lee Anderson in memory of Mary Anderson Lee Anderson in memory of Mary Anderson Lee Anderson in memory of Mary Anderson W. J. and Roy Balzer in honor of our grandchildren: Kate, Ann, Emily, Andrew, Hailey, Peter and Haden W. J. and Roy Balzer in honor of our grandchildren: Kate, Ann, Emily, Andrew, Hailey, Peter and Haden W. J. and Roy Balzer in honor of our grandchildren: Kate, Ann, Emily, Andrew, Hailey, Peter and Haden Trudy and George Barron in memory of Reta Lynch, mother of Trudy Trudy and George Barron in memory of Reta Lynch, mother of Trudy Trudy and George Barron in memory of Reta Lynch, mother of Trudy Trudy and George Barron in memory of Marilynn Galambos, dear cousin in Canada Trudy and George Barron in memory of Marilynn Galambos, dear cousin in Canada Trudy and George Barron in memory of Marilynn Galambos, dear cousin in Canada Marilu and Gene Blanc in memory of Mary Lou Anderson Marilu and Gene Blanc in memory of Mary Lou Anderson Marilu and Gene Blanc in memory of Mary Lou Anderson Frank and Jamie Bonetto in memory of Linda Bevard and Frank Bonetto Sr. Frank and Jamie Bonetto in memory of Linda Bevard and Frank Bonetto Sr. Frank and Jamie Bonetto in memory of Linda Bevard and Frank Bonetto Sr. Norris and Erla Boren in honor of our children and grandchildren Norris and Erla Boren in honor of our children and grandchildren Norris and Erla Boren in honor of our children and grandchildren Norris and Erla Boren in memory of our parents, brothers and sister Norris and Erla Boren in memory of our parents, brothers and sister Norris and Erla Boren in memory of our parents, brothers and sister Nancy Braden and Family in memory of Papa Arlie Nancy Braden and Family in memory of Papa Arlie Nancy Braden and Family in memory of Papa Arlie The Bratton Family in honor of Milan and Eloise Wight, and in memory of Donna and Otey Bratton The Bratton Family in honor of Milan and Eloise Wight, and in memory of Donna and Otey Bratton The Bratton Family in honor of Milan and Eloise Wight, and in memory of Donna and Otey Bratton The Budde Family in memory of Richard Hildebrand The Budde Family in memory of Richard Hildebrand The Budde Family in memory of Richard Hildebrand Joan Cole in memory of Ken Cole Joan Cole in memory of Ken Cole Joan Cole in memory of Ken Cole John and Judi Cooper in loving memory of our brothers, Bob and Roy, and our sister, Joyce John and Judi Cooper in loving memory of our brothers, Bob and Roy, and our sister, Joyce John and Judi Cooper in loving memory of our brothers, Bob and Roy, and our sister, Joyce John and Judi Cooper in loving memory of our parents John and Judi Cooper in loving memory of our parents John and Judi Cooper in loving memory of our parents Teri Fadelli in honor of Nick Fadelli and the entire Campolindo High School Football Team and coaches for their dedication and hardwork all season long bringing immense joy to our Lamorinda community Teri Fadelli in honor of Nick Fadelli and the entire Campolindo High School Football Team and coaches for their dedication and hardwork all season long bringing immense joy to our Lamorinda community Teri Fadelli in honor of Nick Fadelli and the entire Campolindo High School Football Team and coaches for their dedication and hardwork all season long bringing immense joy to our Lamorinda community The Forshay Family in memory of Bob Forshay, Don and Carol Van Dyke, loved ones The Forshay Family in memory of Bob Forshay, Don and Carol Van Dyke, loved ones The Forshay Family in memory of Bob Forshay, Don and Carol Van Dyke, loved ones Lorli French and Family in memory of Leigh French Lorli French and Family in memory of Leigh French Lorli French and Family in memory of Leigh French Dan and Renie Gannett in honor of Dan’s parents, Jean and Henry Gannett’s 50 wedding anniversary th Dan and Renie Gannett in honor of Dan’s parents, Jean and Henry Gannett’s 50 wedding anniversary th Dan and Renie Gannett in honor of Dan’s parents, Jean and Henry Gannett’s 50th wedding anniversary Dan and Renie Gannett in memory of George Batmale Dan and Renie Gannett in memory of George Batmale Dan and Renie Gannett in memory of George Batmale The Giglio Family in memory of Bob and Jane The Giglio Family in memory of Bob and Jane The Giglio Family in memory of Bob and Jane C.J. Greenblatt in memory of my wonderful parents Joseph and Helen Garello (I miss you every day, but especially during the holidays!) C.J. Greenblatt in memory of my wonderful parents Joseph and Helen Garello (I miss you every day, but especially during the holidays!) C.J. Greenblatt in memory of my wonderful parents Joseph and Helen Garello (I miss you every day, but especially during the holidays!) C.J. and John Greenblatt in honor of Elizabeth and Eric Tausend. We are so proud of you both and grateful that we are able to spend the holidays together. C.J. and John Greenblatt in honor of Elizabeth and Eric Tausend. We are so proud of you both and grateful that we are able to spend the holidays together. C.J. and John Greenblatt in honor of Elizabeth and Eric Tausend. We are so proud of you both and grateful that we are able to spend the holidays together. Steve and “Hank” Hagman in honor of our grandchildren, Brooke and Brett Hereth Steve and “Hank” Hagman in honor of our grandchildren, Brooke and Brett Hereth Steve and “Hank” Hagman in honor of our grandchildren, Brooke and Brett Hereth Emily Hook in memory of my parents and husband Emily Hook in memory of my parents and husband Emily Hook in memory of my parents and husband Helen and Ray Horton in memory of our son, Steve Helen and Ray Horton in memory of our son, Steve Helen and Ray Horton in memory of our son, Steve The Howard Family in honor of Bob and Dede Grant, grandparents The Howard Family in honor of Bob and Dede Grant, grandparents The Howard Family in honor of Bob and Dede Grant, grandparents Patti and Steve Huxley in honor of our children and grandchildren Patti and Steve Huxley in honor of our children and grandchildren Patti and Steve Huxley in honor of our children and grandchildren Carol Kaiseer in thanks to GOD for all HIS blessings and JESUS for making it possible! Carol Kaiseer in thanks to GOD for all HIS blessings and JESUS for making it possible! Carol Kaiseer in thanks to GOD for all HIS blessings and JESUS for making it possible! Don and Karyn Kintzer in memory of Elizabeth and Thomas O’Hara Don and Karyn Kintzer in memory of Elizabeth and Thomas O’Hara Don and Karyn Kintzer in memory of Elizabeth and Thomas O’Hara Don and Karyn Kintzer in memory of Dorothy and John Kintzer Don and Karyn Kintzer in memory of Dorothy and John Kintzer Don and Karyn Kintzer in memory of Dorothy and John Kintzer Margaret Layshock in memory of departed loved ones Margaret Layshock in memory of departed loved ones Margaret Layshock in memory of departed loved ones Bill and Elaine Lind in fond memory of Mary Anderson Bill and Elaine Lind in fond memory of Mary Anderson Bill and Elaine Lind in fond memory of Mary Anderson Randy and Sharon Linton in honor of Jesus, the Lamb of God Randy and Sharon Linton in honor of Jesus, the Lamb of God Randy and Sharon Linton in honor of Jesus, the Lamb of God Jeff and Hazel Lowe in memory of Nelson Lowe Jeff and Hazel Lowe in memory of Nelson Lowe Jeff and Hazel Lowe in memory of Nelson Lowe Jeff and Hazel Lowe in memory of Kam Hui Jeff and Hazel Lowe in memory of Kam Hui Jeff and Hazel Lowe in memory of Kam Hui Kristen Mayo in memory of Richard Rogers Kristen Mayo in memory of Richard Rogers Kristen Mayo in memory of Richard Rogers James and Wendy McMillan in honor of Andrew and Amanda Brown James and Wendy McMillan in honor of Andrew and Amanda Brown James and Wendy McMillan in honor of Andrew and Amanda Brown Brian and Heather Myers in memory of Bill Garther Brian and Heather Myers in memory of Bill Garther Brian and Heather Myers in memory of Bill Garther Bonnie Nagayama in honor of Ron and Betty Jean Kier Bonnie Nagayama in honor of Ron and Betty Jean Kier Bonnie Nagayama in honor of Ron and Betty Jean Kier Bonnie Nagayama in memory of James McWilliams Bonnie Nagayama in memory of James McWilliams Bonnie Nagayama in memory of James McWilliams Newton Family in honor of our wonderful parents Newton Family in honor of our wonderful parents Newton Family in honor of our wonderful parents Stan Oberg, Anne McLain, Kristen Stanley in memory of Sue Oberg Stan Oberg, Anne McLain, Kristen Stanley in memory of Sue Oberg Stan Oberg, Anne McLain, Kristen Stanley in memory of Sue Oberg Mary Ostrander in memory of Don Ostrander whose birthday was Christmas Day Mary Ostrander in memory of Don Ostrander whose birthday was Christmas Day Mary Ostrander in memory of Don Ostrander whose birthday was Christmas Day The Ostrander Family in honor of Mary Ostrander celebrating her 100 year The Ostrander Family in honor of Mary Ostrander celebrating her 100 year The Ostrander Family in honor of Mary Ostrander celebrating her 100th year Morgan and Phyllis Parrill in honor of our new grandchildren: Tim and Nick Campbell, Leston Parrill and baby Rye due 12/27! Morgan and Phyllis Parrill in honor of our new grandchildren: Tim and Nick Campbell, Leston Parrill and baby Rye due 12/27! Morgan and Phyllis Parrill in honor of our new grandchildren: Tim and Nick Campbell, Leston Parrill and baby Rye due 12/27! Morgan and Phyllis Parrill in memory of Langdon and Diane Parrill and Lester Gregersen Morgan and Phyllis Parrill in memory of Langdon and Diane Parrill and Lester Gregersen Morgan and Phyllis Parrill in memory of Langdon and Diane Parrill and Lester Gregersen Carolyn Ponder in memory of beloved husband, Willis Ponder Carolyn Ponder in memory of beloved husband, Willis Ponder Carolyn Ponder in memory of beloved husband, Willis Ponder Marilyn Runo in memory of Arnold Runo, and Merilee Runo Perry, husband and grandfather and daughter and mother Marilyn Runo in memory of Arnold Runo, and Merilee Runo Perry, husband and grandfather and daughter and mother Marilyn Runo in memory of Arnold Runo, and Merilee Runo Perry, husband and grandfather and daughter and mother Sigrid & Jerral Seibert in memory of parents Sigrid & Jerral Seibert in memory of parents Sigrid & Jerral Seibert in memory of parents Dave and Ann Smith in memory of Steve and Adeline Pavelka Dave and Ann Smith in memory of Steve and Adeline Pavelka Dave and Ann Smith in memory of Steve and Adeline Pavelka Dave and Ann Smith in memory of Mayo and Ella Marie Smith, Kevin, Mary Lou Smith and Mayo Smith Dave and Ann Smith in memory of Mayo and Ella Marie Smith, Kevin, Mary Lou Smith and Mayo Smith Dave and Ann Smith in memory of Mayo and Ella Marie Smith, Kevin, Mary Lou Smith and Mayo Smith The Sophomore Bible Boys in honor of Evan Kolding The Sophomore Bible Boys in honor of Evan Kolding The Sophomore Bible Boys in honor of Evan Kolding Bob and Virginia Sornsen in honor of our family Bob and Virginia Sornsen in honor of our family Bob and Virginia Sornsen in honor of our family th Mat Terry in memory of my parents, Lee and Galt Atwood th Mat Terry in memory of my parents, Lee and Galt Atwood Mat Terry in memory of my parents, Lee and Galt Atwood John and Phyllis Walker in honor of Linda Arellano’s 75 birthday and continued good health John and Phyllis Walker in honor of Linda Arellano’s 75 birthday and continued good health John and Phyllis Walker in honor of Linda Arellano’s 75th birthday and continued good health John and Phyllis Walker in celebration of Thomas and Stacey Walker; and Philip Walker and Gabrielle Jordan John and Phyllis Walker in celebration of Thomas and Stacey Walker; and Philip Walker and Gabrielle Jordan John and Phyllis Walker in celebration of Thomas and Stacey Walker; and Philip Walker and Gabrielle Jordan John and Phyllis Walker in loving memory of Jane, Scott and Bill Walker John and Phyllis Walker in loving memory of Jane, Scott and Bill Walker John and Phyllis Walker in loving memory of Jane, Scott and Bill Walker Rich & Sharon Wells in memory of our parents, John and Maxine Wells and William and Lorraine Culver and Rich’s brother, John Wells, III Rich & Sharon Wells in honor of our parents, John and Maxine Wells and William and Lorraine Culver and Rich’s brother, John Wells, III Rich & Sharon Wells in honor of our parents, John and Maxine Wells and William and Lorraine Culver and Rich’s brother, John Wells, III Rick & Susan Williams in honor of Barbara Edgren Rick & Susan Williams in honor of Barbara Edgren Rick & Susan Williams in honor of Barbara Edgren Rick & Susan Williams in memory of Niki and George Williams, and Robert Edgren Rick & Susan Williams in memory of Niki and George Williams, and Robert Edgren Rick & Susan Williams in memory of Niki and George Williams, and Robert Edgren Pete and Pat Williams in memory of Mary Anderson Pete and Pat Williams in memory of Mary Anderson Pete and Pat Williams in memory of Mary Anderson th th
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