VOLUME 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 MI L E HI GH O F F I CERS CA L L NEWSLETTER OF THE MILE HIGH MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Our 54th year and a 5 Star Chapter since 2004 PRESIDENT’S REPORT BY Capt. Dennis Orr, USAF (Fmr) 1ST VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT BY CDR Dave Saunders, USCG, (Ret.) SCHEDULED SPEAKERS Happy New Year to all the Mile High MOA members, Auxiliary, Chapter Supporters and Friends from your new President. This is my first President’s article and, first and foremost, thank you to all those for your vote of confidence. January 17: Kathryn Wirkus, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.) (MHMOA member) is the Military Liaison to Congressman Perlmutter and will present a film on Women Veterans that was specially produced by the Congressman’s office. I would like to thank Joe Gaddis for his superb leadership as our President for the last two years. It has been a pleasure serving with Col Gaddis. Carolyn Gaddis is also leaving us as Auxiliary Liaison as of January 1. Carolyn has been an inspiring leader of the Auxiliary and I want to thank her for all her hard work. She will be missed. I want to thank all the elected and appointed Board Members for all their hard work and sage advice and I look forward to working with them all. February 7: Lisette Clemons, an Arlington Lady, will speak on the Arlington Ladies and their fascinating history. She is the wife of Dean Clemons, Col. USAF (Ret.) who will be joining MHMOA. The Arlington Ladies were founded 66 years ago by the wife of GEN Hoyt Vandenberg. We will be meeting a week earlier than usual due to scheduling conflicts. March 14: Representative Jon Keyser, newly elected State Representative of House District 25, is an Air Force Academy graduate. He is an attorney in private practice and lives in Evergreen with his wife and family. Your Board will be meeting on January 9 at Mount Vernon Country Club for our annual Strategic Planning Meeting. We will be setting our goals and expectations for the coming year. If you have any suggestions, please contact me or one of your Board to share them. Some of the items we are considering are 1.) changing the time of the Board Meetings to 0700-0830 on the first Wednesday of the month so the younger members who are still employed will be able to attend. We may also consider evening meetings for the Board. 2.) putting the bios and pictures of the Board members on the website so younger members, particularly those separating or retiring, can have an opportunity to network. This was a great suggestion from CDR Dave Saunders (USCG) Ret, your new 1st Vice President. 3.) Dean Casey, W01 USA Ret, your new 2nd Vice President has volunteered to write a monthly article on the VA and how to file claims, handle appeals and other timely information. 4.) Having one or more of the monthly luncheons during the week to attract the younger officers. Auxiliary Postings Board Meeting Minutes Chaplain’s Corner Legislative Report Medical Report Membership Application Space “A” Travel Stop Fraud Treasurer’s Report 2nd VP Article Continued on Page 2 1 INSIDE Page 2 Page 3 Page 6 Page 5 Page 4 Page 9 Page 7 Page 6 Page 2 Page 7 VOL.. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 President’s Report Cont. from Page 1 We will be talking about growing the chapter ahead of moves and deaths. There are only 57, 000 Chapter members out of a total MOAA population of over 380,000 members. We need to reach those officers who are not yet Chapter members and convince them to join us. Your assistance in this will be greatly appreciated. We will be meeting at the Embassy Suites for January and February luncheons but will be elsewhere for March and later. I am very excited about being your President and look forward to help MHMOA retain its 5 Star Status and grow this chapter even more with your help and blessing. THE MILE HIGH MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 32027 Aurora, CO 80041-2027 http://www.mhmoa.org Email: [email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTED OFFICERS President 1st V.P. 2nd V. P. Secretary Treasurer Capt. Dennis Orr, USAF (Fmr) CDR Dave Saunders, USCG (Ret) WO1 Dean Casey, USA (Ret) Col. Richard Wesbrook, USAF (Ret) MAJ Ron Thompson, USA (Ret) 303-526-2156 720-256-5855 303-942-0632 303-572-0665 303-343-8344 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Civic Affairs Membership Personal Affairs Reservations Public Affairs Legislative LCDR Coy Ritchie, USN (Ret) Capt. Dennis Orr, USAF (Fmr) MAJ Edward Bennett, USA (Ret) Lt. Col. Bob Fretzs, USAF (Ret) LTC Nick Reisdorff, USA (Ret) Lt. Col. Roy Miller, USAF (Ret) 303-690-5118 303-526-2158 303-995-9549 303-694-9584 303-301-4429 303-980-5877 STAFF APPOINTMENTS AUXILIARY POSTING BY CAROLYN GADDIS A beautiful number to begin the New Year with – 2015, as for moi these numbers when separated into 20 and 15 represent so many wonderful past occasions in my life. Too soon, January will be gone and another year will go forward in the eleven step march of time. How exciting to think where this year will bring each of us in our new walk over the stones and across bridges to choose the pathways of living in the coming days and months ahead. Many of the stones will float us to another stage of life and some of us will be holding the bridges of yesterday if we do not keep ourselves pacing ahead with positive steps and healthy thoughts. As for me, I do hold fond thoughts of the past bridges – but, realize I must let go and step to another venture in the land of tomorrow. Nearly six years of being the Mile High Military Officers Association Auxiliary Liaison, have widened my experiences of learning how crucial it is to be a part of the chapter and the National MOAA. I have enjoyed the laughs, table rounds, activities, and the full gamut of being part of the membership, and of course, the lone outspoken staff member of the MHMOA Board. Asst. Secretary Asst. Treasurer Auxiliary Liaison Chaplain Assistant Chaplain Chief Med. Officer Historian Hospitality Legal Officer Newsletter Editor Assistant Editor ROTC/Phone Tree Sergeant at Arms TOPS UVC Webmaster/Photos CWO Vergal Hastings, USA (Ret) LTC Keith Troutman, USA (Ret) TBD LTC Russell Long, USA (Ret) Maj. Charles Hutsler, USAF (Ret) COL Clement Hanson, DO USA (Ret) COL Jim Sherman, USA (Ret) TBD TBD Maj. Adrian Presley, USAF (Ret) TBD Lt. Col. Bob Fretzs, USAF (Ret) TBD Lt. Col. Bob Fretzs, USAF (Ret) Brig. Gen. Monroe Mathias, USAF (Ret) MAJ Cliff Maumenee, USA (Ret) 303-690-7727 303-955-5667 303-694-1079 303-514-1871 303-341-6425 303-443-0797 303-759-0959 303-694-9115 303=694-9115 303-355-9825 303-757-3272 TREASURER’S REPORT NOV. 30, 2014 MHMOA OPERATING ACCOUNTS Net Worth on 10/312014......................................................... $6,476.29 Monthly Income ...................................................................... 1,985.21 Subtotal..................................................................................... 8,461.50 Less Monthly expenditures....................................................... - 1,625.59 Net Worth on 11/30/2014......................................................... $6,835.91 MHMOA BANK ACCOUNTS ON 11/30/2014 FCU Checking.......................................................................... $1,629.70 FCU Savings............................................................................. 5,206.21 Total.......................................................................................... $6,835.91 MHMOA SCHOLARSHIP FUND 11/30/2014 Net Worth on 10/30/2014.......................................................... $6,012.45 Income (lunch, 50/50 fund and donations)................................ 100.00 Dividends as of 11/30/2014....................................................... 0.25 Total Net Worth of Fund as of 11/30/14.................................... $6,612.70 Continued on Page 9 2 VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING, 3 DECEMBER, 2015 (EDITED) 1st Vice President Capt. Dennis Orr, 1st VP, said that the December luncheon will be held at the Fresh Fish Company Restaurant’ and will be organized by and presented by the MHMOA Auxiliary. The luncheon will feature stories of Christmas’s past. The January Luncheon will feature a short film on Woman Veterans of Colorado which was produced by Congressman’s office and will be presented by Lt. Col. Kathryn Wirkus, USAF (Ret) his military liaison. The February luncheon will feature Ms. Lisette Clemons talking about ‘The Arlington Ladies’, a group in Washington that ensures that no funeral goes unattended for a service member being interred. They represent the Chief of Staff at all services. In March John Keyser an Air force Academy graduate and the newly elected Representative from House District 25 and soon to be member of MHMOA will talk about being a veteran and a State Representative. A future speaker will talk on “the Devil’s Brigade.” The location for the March luncheon is a concern because the Embassy Suites will be undergoing renovations at that time. The main concern is the need for some secure storage space at the hosting restaurant for our ‘flag case’, between luncheons. Several spaces are being looked at. Dennis reminded us that the ‘off site’, to brainstorm the activities for the forthcoming year in the MHMOA, will be held at the Mount Vernon Country Club, on January the 9th, 2015. The role of Denver’s, Fort Logan Ladies, will be discussed at the January ’Off-Site’. Dennis said that the February BOD meeting will be held at the Delectable Egg Restaurant from 0700-0830 hours to permit the younger and still employed members of the board, to attend. The meeting was called to order by COL Joe Gaddis, President, at 0900 hours, 3 December, 2014 at the American Legion Headquarters, Lowry. The invocation, said by, LTC Russell Long was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Also present were; Brig. Gen. Monroe Mathias, Mrs. Carolyn Gaddis, Maj. Adrian Presley, Capt. Dennis Orr, Lt. Col. Bob Fretzs, MAJ Ron Thompson, Lt. Col. Roy Miller, COL Hal Moulton, LCDR Coy Ritchie, CDR Dave Saunders, LTC Keith Troutman, CWO Vergal Hastings and Col. Dick Wesbrook. MINUTES COL Joe Gaddis opened the meeting by requesting the November 2014 MHMOA BOD minutes be reviewed. The minutes of the board meeting were read. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Capt. Dennis Orr and seconded by LCDR Coy Ritchie. By vote the minutes were approved. Treasurers Report MAJ Ron Thompson, presented the Treasurers report for the month ending 30 November 2014. There is $6,835.91 in the operating account and $6,112.70 in the Scholarship account. A motion to accept the Treasurers report was made, seconded and by vote accepted. The ‘flag case’ built by and donated by Lt Col Roy Miller to the MHMOA, was auctioned off at the last luncheon and the proceeds from the winning bid of $164.00 was put in the operating account. Ron introduced a request for a vote to ‘not fund’ the Colorado Senior Lobby in 2015, due to the change of direction of the organization that doesn’t coincide with the stated goals of the MHMOA. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Carolyn Gaddis and the motion was carried. Ron noted that there has been an increased balance in the operating account due to members paying their dues early for the forthcoming years. 2nd Vice President CDR Dave Saunders said that veterans, newly separated from the military could benefit from having contacts in the MHMOA and specifically the BOD. By having the BOD members’ biographies, published on our web site, he believes that it could serve as a great resource of experience for the newly separated or retiring veterans, to contact them for guidance. Historian and Secretary/Treasurer CCOC COL Jim Sherman will attend the Christmas ‘good will’ visit to the Colorado State Veterans Home on Dec 8th. President COL Joe Gaddis reminded the BOD that the delivery of Christmas cards to the veterans at the Colorado Veterans Home in Aurora will be held on December 8, 2014. Several of the BOD members from the MHMOA, will be on that ‘goodwill tour’. Joe noted that the December luncheon, on the 13th, will include the installation of the new board. The program at the luncheon will be hosted by the Auxiliary. The goals set forth at the recently concluded CCOC meeting included a request to get the Fort Collins Chapter ‘up and running’ once again. COL Barry Wright, stated that the MOAA provides a year’s free membership voucher to a new member and stated that MOAA reimburses each chapter $15.00 for recruiting that new member. Legislative Affairs Lt Col Roy Miller said that the December luncheon of the Aurora Defense Council will be held on the 11th at the Doubletree Hotel. Public Affairs LTC Nick Reisdorff was not in attendance. Asst. Treasurer LTC Keith Troutman thanked Maj. Adrian Presley for printing the photo and summary in the November Continued on Page 4 3 VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 Minutes Cont. fm page 3 MEDICAL REPORT BY COL. CLEMENT HANSON, DO, MPH-RET newsletter about Lt. Col Bob Fretzs being presented a Military Order of World Wars (MOWW) award for his contributions to MHMOA’s ROTC programs. Keith also noted that the April MHMOA luncheon will be a ‘joint memorial service’ with the MOWW. It will be held at the Blossoms Restaurant at Windsor Gardens. ACTIVE LIFESTYLE UVC An active lifestyle boosts learning and memory. According to the World Health Association, more than thirty five million people worldwide live with dementia. The number of cases will double by 2030. Periodic, ongoing exercise stimulates growth of new brain neurons, a process known as “neurogenesis.” A headline published December, 2012 from the “Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,” reported that physically active students outscored their classmates on standardized tests. The active students had higher report card grades. Newsletter Maj Adrian Presley would like the input for the Newsletter in by Sunday December the 7th. Adrian also said that he will put a photo page in the newsletter to showcase members who attended the prior month’s luncheon. Until the late 1990s, health care professionals didn’t anticipate that new brain cells could be grown. The 1998 journal, “Nature Medicine,”reported that neurogenesis (the growth of new brain cells) occurs in humans. Brig. Gen. Mathias, said that the November meeting of the UVC set their objectives to push with the Colorado Legislature in the forthcoming year. These ‘goals’ stress those deemed important for consideration at State and Federal levels. He also reported that Colorado is unique in that we are the only state that has a paid lobbyist at the state legislature. The Governor’s representative was at the Nov. meeting and said that the Governor is going to stress helping returning and separating veterans in their job searches. General Mathias also stated that visitors are always welcome at the UVC’s monthly meetings. The annual UVC banquet will be held April 19th 2015. Neurogenesis is controlled by genes that trigger production of Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF). This gene is activated by physical exercise. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Effect of Physical Activity in Cognitive Function of Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s’ Disease,” reported that elderly people who participated in ongoing physical exercise over twenty four weeks showed significant improvement in memory and language ability, compared to an age-matched group which hadn’t exercised. The mechanism enhancing brain performance was linked to BDNF. Chaplain LTC Russell Long said that the Pueblo Chapter may be reorganized as a satellite of the Colorado Springs Chapter. Russell also thanked Adrian for his work in publishing the Newsletter and specifically the Christmas edition. Russell also said that the contraction ‘Xmas’ is in recognition of and pays homage to, the Christ. Auxiliary Liaison Carolyn Gaddis spoke briefly about the December luncheon and the stories that will be told about Christmas. This will be a ‘walk down memory lane’. There will be an Auxiliary meeting the 13th of January, at the SouthGlenn Corner Bakery- time 1130 hours. In 2010, researchers verified an association between physical fitness levels and hippocampus size in nine and ten old children. The hippocampus is a structure located deep in the brain, crucial for learning and memory. A larger hippocampus is associated with higher performance on spatial reasoning and memory. Lifestyle factors examined included recreational sports, gardening, yard work, bicycling, dancing, and using an exercise cycle. A November 26, 2012 edition of “Nature Magazine” reported that an active lifestyle preserves brain gray matter in older adults, and could reduce the incidence of Alzheimer's’ disease. Civic Matters LCDR Coy Ritchie said that the Defense Council met in November. ROTC/TOPS, Reservations Lt Col Bob Fretzs reported that CAPT Larry Ware, USNR Ret. has died. Bob said that there were 46 at the November luncheon. He then took the meal choices from the BOD members that will be in attendance at the December luncheon. Adjournment COL Joe Gaddis adjourned the meeting @ 1035 hrs. Respectfully Submitted; MHMOA Conclusion: Homo Sapiens evolved to be physically active from childhood to senior years. Our sedentary lifestyle is causing our collective waist-lines to swell and our brain cells to shrink. Each of us needs to move our bodies a little bit each day to keep our brains healthy and our minds strong. The Greeks had it right; "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body." Richard L Wesbrook, Secretary, 4 VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 Colorado Senators LEGISLATIVE REPORT by Lt. Col. Roy Miller, USAF (Ret.) CORY GARDNER Party - Republican 720-508-3937 Grassroots Congressional Visitations National MOAA has been pushing each Chapter to revitalize their effort in contacting our legislative effort by contacting each Congressional Representative & Senator face-to-face to express our legislative concerns. MOAA is asking each Chapter to select those volunteers from the membership to make appointments with those Legislators in the members’ Districts in order to explain MOAA’s agenda. MICHAEL BENNET Party - Democrat 303-455-7600 District Maps In the case of our Mile High Chapter, we are serving the entire greater Denver metro area that includes 4 Districts. Of course, we also have 2 Senators representing the State of CO. To locate a map of your particular District please go to the following link and press View District Map under your District of interest. www.govtrack.us/congress/members/CO Colorado Representatives MHMOA Program 1st District - DIANA DEGETTE Party: Democrat 720-318-6908 Denver City and County, Southwestern Denver, Englewood, Ken Caryl, Glendale. President Dennis Orr is asking our members to review the Congressional Legislator in your own home District. You may also have a relationship with a representative from another District. If you are willing to contact their office for an appointment, please call Dennis or myself first so we may provide you with the talking points that MOAA is using. (No matter where you live, the same approach is applicable for either of our Senators.) It’s imperative that when you are discussing legislative issues with an elected representative, that MOAA’s specific points are adhered to in order to achieve a united and accurate voice. 2nd District - JARED POLIS Party: Democrat 303-484-9596 Larimer County, Grand County, Summit County, Boulder, Loveland, Ft. Collins. 6th District - MIKE COFFMAN Party: Republican 202-225-7882 Aurora, Centennial, Highlands Littleton, Brighton. 6th 7th District - ED PERLMUTTER Party: Democrat 303-274-7944 Lakewood, Arvada, Commerce Westminster, Northglen, Thorton. Regardless of their party affiliation, each of these Senators or Congressional Legislators have usually been supportive of our military Ranch, TAPS Our heartfelt sympathies are extended to the family of CPT Lawrence E. Wear, USNR (Ret.) City, 5 VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 StopFraudColorado.gov Website Will Help Coloradans Recognize and Report Fraud CHAPLAIN’S CORNER BY CHAPLAIN LTC RUSSELL LONG, USA (Ret.) DENVER—One of the most important missions of the Colorado Attorney General’s Office is protecting Colorado consumers and businesses from dishonest advertising and unscrupulous behavior. Attorney General John Suthers announced the launch of a new microsite, StopFraudColorado.gov, to help inform Coloradans about common types of fraud, offer advice on how to avoid becoming a victim, and to make it easier for consumers to file reports of fraud. Those reports enable the office to identify patterns of fraudulent behavior and to prioritize our resources to the most egregious cases involving widespread harm to Colorado consumers and businesses. Giving and Receiving “Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.” (Philippians 4:15) As Paul went on his missionary journeys, he never asked for money for himself from the people to whom he preached. He later wrote to the Thessalonians “because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:9). He did stress the teaching of Christ that “the labourer is worthy of his reward” (1 Timothy 5:18; Luke 10:7) and that “even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:14). But he himself said: “I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me” (1 Corinthians 9:15). “Over the next several months, Coloradans will be introduced to six anthropomorphic animals representing the most common scams we see: identity theft, charity fraud, predatory lending and investment fraud,” said Attorney General Suthers. “As people begin spotting these animals on buses, billboards, websites and TV stations throughout the state, we hope that they will remember StopFraudColorado.gov whenever they need information about a particular type of fraud or need to report a fraud that has occurred.” Thus, he was especially moved when the impoverished Christians at Philippi, without being asked, “sent once and again unto my necessity” (Philippians 4:16), and they were the only ones who did! This act of generous concern came about, Paul recognized, because they “first gave their own selves to the Lord” (2 Corinthians 8:5). As a result, Paul could assure them: “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Not only their material need, but every need. Because charity fraud spikes during the holiday season, the first animal to debut is a boar which asks the question “How do you know your donation is finding the right pockets?” Since identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the United States - and as many as one in three Coloradans may be an identity theft victim – a chameleon will ask “How do you spot an identity thief?” The new consumer protection website, and the statewide marketing campaign introducing Coloradans to the site, is being funded out of settlement moneys recovered by the Colorado Attorney General. Some of those moneys were earmarked specifically for consumer education and outreach efforts. They had learned a wonderful truth that every Christian needs to learn. As Paul told the Ephesian elders: “Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Therefore, let each of us give in His name, “not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8). HMM If you have been victimized by a scam or wish to report suspicious activity, please file a report here. To speak with a representative call 1-800-222-4444. KUDOS COL Leonard Cole, USA (Ret.) Won the 50/50 drawing and contributed his winnings to the Scholarship Fund 6 VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 SPACE AVAILABLE TRAVEL Notes: Active duty members and Academy Cadets must present documentation to verify official leave or pass status to be eligible for travel. Reserve and National Guard Personnel (active) must have a valid copy of DD 1853, Verification of Reserve Status for Travel Eligibility, and ID card. DD 1853 is valid for six months. Gray Area Reserve and National Guard Retirees must have a valid ID card (DD Form 2) and copy of notice for retired pay if in possession of a green DD Form 2. ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL: YOUR LEAVE MUST HAVE ALREADY STARTED WHEN YOU SIGN-UP FOR SPACE-A OR YOU WILL NOT BE SIGNED UP FOR SPACE-A TRAVEL. SORRY, WE CANNOT HOLD REQUESTS. Peterson AFB Passenger Terminal PASSENGER INFORMATION Space Available Information: This information provides space available travel information. It applies to uniformed service members (active and retired), family members, and Department of Defense (DoD) employees authorized space available travel (IAW DoD 4515.13-R, Air Transportation Eligibility). Aircraft commonly operated out of Peterson AFB: The aircraft most commonly flown in and out of Peterson for space-a travel are the: C-12, C-21, and C-130. Peterson Passenger Terminal Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 0730-1630 hrs. Closed Weekends and Holidays (Stand-by basis for mission required passengers only). NOTICED OUR NEW OFFICERS? Effective January 1, the following individuals assumed the offices indicated: Capt. Dennis Orr, USAF (Fmr.) President CDR Dave Saunders, USCG (Ret.) 1st Vice President Peterson Passenger Terminal Flight Information/ Contact Numbers: For Flight information, you may call our Flight Information Recording at DSN 834-4707 or Comm (719) 556-4707. Flight information is forecasted 48 hours in advance and is updated by 0730, Monday-Friday. To contact a passenger service representative call DSN 834-4521 or Comm (719) 556-4521. WO1 Dean Casey, USA (Ret.) 2nd Vice President ret FROM YOUR NEW 2ND VP WO1 Dean Casey, USA (Ret.) As a new member of the MHMOA Board, I would like to tell you a little about myself. I joined the Army in 1972 and was trained as a Military Policeman servicer in Germany and at the Presidio in San Francisco. I served in the Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) at the Presidio until I was transferred to Camp Casey, Korea. There I was promoted to Warrant Officer. You may register for Space Available travel one of five ways: 1. In person at the passenger service counter with proper identification and paperwork (leave form if active duty or DD Form 1853 if guard or reserve). 2. Self sign-up, located in the Passenger Terminal hallway for weekends/holidays or after duty hours 3. By Fax: (719) 556-4979 or DSN 834-4979. 4. By E-mail: [email protected] 5. By mail: 21 LSS/LGTTB, ATTN: Space-A Travel Sign-up, 122 W. Hamilton Ave (Bldg 125), Peterson AFB, CO 80914-1628. After my tour in Korea, I was assigned to the CID office in Fort Campbell, KY. after my Fort Campbell tour, I left active duty and returned to California State University in Sacramento to complete a BA in Criminal Justice. Your Space-A sign-up request must include the following information: Name (Last, First, MI), Rank, SSN. Number of seats required. Travel Category. Branch of Service. Date leave begins and date leave ends (Active Duty Only). Destination country choices (List up to 5; one choice may be "ALL") List names of dependents traveling and type of passports (US or Foreign). Date of Birth Emergency point of contact (Name and contact phone number) After university, I served in the National Guard and was employed with the FAA Aviation Security as a Federal Air Marshal. I served in the Army Reserves and was called back to active duty for a year in 2002. I retired from the reserves in 2004. I have been married to my wife, Sheila (the daughter of a retired USAF Lt. Col.,) for 41 years. I am currently employed with the American Legion in the Department Service Office where I assist Veterans in submitting claims to the VA. I plan to write a series of articles on VA Benefits for the MHMOA Newsletter. 7 VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Photos courtesy of Cliff Maumenee 8 VOL.. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2014 Auxiliary Report Continued Fm Page 2 BACK TO EMBASSY SUITES A bit of sadness and joy were my emotions this past week, as I looked back on my past articles that I had the privilege of writing for the Newsletter. THE JANUARY LUNCHEON WILL BE HELD AT THE Yet, the decision for me to let go – on the 31st of December 2014, of my Auxiliary Liaison position with the MHMOA chapter was the right one. EMBASSY SUITES 7525 E. Hampden I give a hearty Thank You to those Auxiliary members who have supported me as their Auxiliary Liaison __and especially a great heart felt THANK YOU to Jackie Siegfried and Patsy Shinn. To each of the members of MHMOA – Thank you for the memories.!!!!!! Most Sincerely, Carolyn OUR NEW WEB PAGE AND E-MAIL ADDRESS Type in: Mile High Military Officers Association (MHMOA) in the Facebook search box. Web page: http://www.mhmoa.org E-mail address: [email protected] The Mile High Officers Call is published monthly for the Mile High Military Officers association, a non-profit organization, and not affiliated with any governmental agency. The views expressed in editorials and articles do not necessarily reflect Chapter policy. M H M O A MEMBERSHIP AND OR RENEWAL APPLICATION Mile High Chapter, Military Officers Association P.O. Box 32027, Aurora, Colorado 80041-2027 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name (please print) First Name Initial Rank Service Spouse (first name) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mail Address (please print) City State Zip (9 digits) Phone Retired___Active___Former Officer___Widow/Widower___ Reserve/National Guard___Nat/l MOAA#___________ Assist with Chapter Activities? Yes____Preference?________________E-mail Address________________________ DUES: Regular and Associate _____1 Year $20_____2 Years $37_____3 Years $54 DUES: Auxiliary (Widows/Widowers _____1 Year $15_____2 Years $27_____3 Years $39 National MOAA membership expiration date_________________ Please mail this application and check for dues to the above address 9 Amount Remitted______________ Make Check Payable to MHMOA VOL. 54 NO. 1 JAN 2015 Nonprofit Org. US Postage MILE HIGH OFFICERS CALL Newsletter of the Mile High Military Officers Association P.O. Box 32027 Aurora, Colorado 80041-2027 Saturday, Jan. 17th, 2014 Social Hour at 11:00 AM Lunch at Noon The Embassy Suites 7525 East Hampden Ave. PAID Permit No. 312 Aurora, CO Guest Speaker Kathryn Wirkus, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.) (MHMOA member) is the Military Liaison to Congressman Perlmutter MENU Vegetarian meals are available on special request. Notify Bob when making reservations. Name___________________________This is my first meeting__Yes____________ Please make my reservation for the luncheon_______________________________ Herb Roasted Chicken There will be ______ in my party at $24.00 per person__________$_________ (Recommend a $1.00 contribution to Project Sanctuary be included in luncheon price.) I am including $ ________ for the Scholarship Fund_________$_________ I am including $15.00 for each name badge, with spelling as follows__________________________________________$_________ Salmon En Cruet 1._________________________________2.___________________________ Fresh greens w/dried cranberries and walnuts TOTAL $_________ Garlic mashed potatoes Reservations by Tuesday, Jan. 13th, 2014 Contact Lt. Col. Bob Fretzs (303) 694-9584 Please call in your reservation to Bob even if you are mailing a check Make check payable to MHMOA and mail to RESERVATIONS, MHMOA P.O. Box 32027, Aurora, CO 80041-2027 10 Baby carrots Warm rolls with butter Apple pie
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