CIN:U40109RJ2000SGCo16486 JAIPUR I'IDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED Regd.Offica : VidyutBhawan,JyotiNagar,Jaipur-302005 website:w'v.iaipurdiscom.conr Emeit:[email protected] No.JPD/Admn/Esn.F.4 tf rg-|}-Atn. e e ta D a t e: dl S - t 1 - 9 6 J ? ORDE R Followingofficersareherebynominated to artend trainingprogram,,postGO _. Live.on Revenue Management & LossReduction.. from December lS'-Zli ZOtqat nt, Roorkee to beorganized by IIT, Roorkeei L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B.L.cupta,XEN (CDJ), Jaipur A.K.Tyagi,XEN(O&M),Bhiwadi S.C.cupta,XEN(TW),Jaipur V.K.Jain,XEN(Vig.),Sawaimadhopur R.C.Sharma,XEN(DD),Kota R.K.Meena,XEN(O&M),Gangapurcrry RoopSinghJar6v,XEN(O&M),BayanaL.K.Vijayvargiya,XEN(O&M),sawaimadhopur PraveenIft. Agarwal,XENTA to SE(O&M),kota SanjayAgarwal,AENTA to ZCE(BZ),Bharatpur S.C.Agaryal,AEN TA to SE(O&M),Karauli M.K.cangawat,AEN(G-I),Jaipur T.C. Singhal,AEN(O&M),Kalwar MoharMeena,AEN(AJ), Bundi M.K.Khandelwal,AEN(Ruml),Jhalarapatan All the aboveoflicersadviceto.attendthe trainingprogramcompulsorily.The lodging,boardingand facilitieswill be providedat by Iff, R-oirti Cuesi House Uy ttre organizerfreeof cost. By order, (B.L.cdfaL) Copyto the following for informationandnecessaryaction:1. TheCSZCE{ ). JaipurDiscom,Jaipur/Kora/BhararDur. 2. TheAddCE{M& P-RE.DSM wirhrelerence t..Jaipur ro hisproposal daredI /. I 2.l4 J. rne sB( Jaipur Discom. He is requested ), to sparethe aboveofficerfor the Lrajningprogram. 4. TheAccountsOfficer/AAO(Cash/ EA) JaipurDiscom, 5. Sh.DineshKumar,professor& Head,ItT Roorkee-247667(Mob: 9412379354) 6. Sh 7. PA to MD/Di.e"fo.(T""h)Jruip*Discom.Jaipur. (H.B.Bhatia) Dy.DirectorPersonnel(Estt) Dy.DircctorPersonnel(Estt.),Jaipur Discorn,Jaipur302005 Tel & F^x. 0t41-2i4.t019 TrainingProgramon PostGo Live on RevenueManagement&Loss Reduction 25 - 27 December,2014 TlainingSchedule Trainitrg Venue " Training Duration Target Audienc€ Ill RoorLee Lducation CenLre. Continuing 3 days and(MD, CEO Executive Top, Middle Managemenl Engineer,AssistantEngineeror theirequivalent) ThemeObjectives The objective of this program is to assisi the officials of the distribution utilities to modiry their approachand 6 feat the feedar as a profit center. There is a need to managethe aggregatetechnical and commerciallosseswithin the acceptablelimils for befierinancial healthof the organization. . Orefliew of Post Go Lfue schemeofGOI .Energyaccouniingandauditingindistributionsystemtoassessvariouslosses,viz',|echnic commercialandA'fC, andcausesthereol . The detailinsightinto sowcesoftechn;callossesandmethodsofconholling them; . . . . . . . . GIS applicationin dislributionnet$'ofkanalysisl Distributionautomationandothernew technologyapplicationin distribution; The detailinsightinto sourcesofcommerciallossesandmethodsofcontrollingthem; in leducingcommerciallosses; andfranchisee Roleofconsumerassociation Financialanalysisofprojeclsaimedat rcducingATC losses; Customerreiationmanagement; Etlics andmoral go\ernance dndHR policies: Corporare packagefor employees(salary,retirement, and ittractive compensalion o Fair, reasonable, medical,dental,education,etc) o CodeofEthics (writtenandsigned), for employees; o Disciplinaryprocedures Contentsof the Progrnfime FinancialAnalysisoflnvestmenttoReduceATC Losses RevenueManagembnt; Costbenefitanalysis;CustomerRelationManagement Contact address: Head, Continuing Education Centre,Indian Institute ofTechnology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667(Uttarakhand) - 285545or 273560 - 285221,284327 Fax; +91-1332 Phone(office): ri91-1332 Mob:941217935,1 E-Mail: [email protected] ; contdo8@g!qa0i'Q]a mob:8923036864 01332-284014, Sipervisor: house Guest SpecialNole : Pl mentionEmail and mobile tro.ofeach participant' to confirm dir€ctly about the training program & their stay arrangements.
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