ST. GABRIEL PARISH BULLETIN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014 Parish Center 2559 - 40th Ave. 731-6161 Fax Number 731-1270 Website: Office Business Hours: Monday—Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm, (Closed for lunch, 12pm to 1pm) Open for Meetings, 9:00am to 9:00pm, Monday—Friday Parish School 2550 - 41st Ave. 566-0314 San Francisco, California 94116 *PASTORAL STAFF/ ADMINISTRATION Rev. Thomas Hamilton, Pastor Rev. Paul Zirimenya In Residence Rev. David Schunk In Residence Rev. Thomas Parenti Weekend Supply Priest Sr. M. Pauline Borghello, R.S.M. School Principal Nancy Becerra Director of Religious Education [email protected] Mr. Matthew A. Shea Pastoral Associate Homebound, Hospitalized & RCIA 731-9918 Mrs. Jaclyn Tarrant Youth & Confirmation Minister 731-0650 [email protected] PARISH CENTER SUPPORT STAFF Mrs. Cheryl Bailey Parish/School Bookkeeper Ms. Pat Buley & Mrs. Mary Dante Parish Secretaries [email protected] Business Hours: 9 am to 4 pm M-F Closed for lunch: 12 pm to 1pm Mrs. Angela Zullinger Music Minister/Choir Director Mr. Rob Grant Music Minister [Sat. 5:00 pm] Mr. John Hurst Music Minister [Sun. 10:00 am] Mr. David Lorentz Music Minister [Sun. 5:30 pm] Mrs. Nancy Porter Wedding Rehearsal Coordinator This is YOUR P[rish!!! ST. GABRIEL PARISH MISSION STATEMENT As a worshipping, believing, and caring community, St. Gabriel Parish participates in the mission of Jesus Christ, remembered most intensely at Sunday Assembly through proclamation of The Word and the sharing of the Eucharistic Meal. This Community so nourished lives its faith in prayer, education and outreach. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday Vigil Masses: 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM Weekday Masses: 8:30 AM– Monday through Saturday Communal Reconciliation Service: every first Saturday at 3:30 pm in the church with individual confession and absolution. Individual Reconciliation (Confession): By appointment with any priest. Infant Baptism: Please contact the Parish Center to schedule baptism preparation if needed. Baptism is administered any Sunday at 1:30 pm. Marriage: Please contact the Parish Center at least six [6] months prior to the proposed wedding date. First Communion, Sunday School, Adult Education, Anointing of the Sick, R.C.I.A., Confirmation: Please call 415-731-6161. for the proper director. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! NOT ON OUR MAILING LIST…? Then please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket, or leave it at the Parish Center Office. NAME:_________________________________________ HOME PHONE:______________DATE:_______________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL:________________________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ DECEMBER 14, 2014 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT MORE THAN DISCIPLES Each of today’s four scriptural roles—disciple, prophet, apostle, herald—forms a facet of our life in Christ as we live it day by day. Isaiah tells us that a prophet is anointed, as we were anointed at our baptism in water and the Spirit, to bring glad tidings and to promote God’s reign of healing, justice, and peace. An apostle, like Paul, is one who is “sent.” Each of us, in his or her own way, is sent by Christ to be a voice of rejoicing, to encourage prophetic voices in the world, and to make sure that the work of the Spirit thrives. John the Baptist shows us the job of the herald, making the Lord’s way straight, announcing the coming of the Light of the world. Today we also hear from Mary, model disciple. Her song, the Magnificat, shows us the world we must believe in and work for: one in which God is praised, where God’s favor is bestowed on the humble, where the hungry are filled and the rich are sent away empty, a world that continues to know and rejoice in the mercy of God that lasts for all ages. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SIMBANG GABI NOVENA December 16-24, 2014 (Morning) 5:30am: Holy Name of Jesus, Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:00am: St. Stephen’s with St. Anne of the Sunset, St. Brendan, St. Cecilia, St. Emydus, St. Finn Barr, St. Gabriel, Star of the Sea. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE This Sunday, December 14th, we will recognize the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness Saint of the Americas at the 12:00 PM Mass. We would also like to recognize the many contributions that our Mexican parishioners have made to St. Gabriel Parish and to the City and all of California. BAPTISMAL PREP. CLASS Baptismal Preparation Classes are scheduled once a month in the Parish Center at St. Gabriel. Completion of class is required before a baptismal date can be scheduled. The next class will be held on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 at 10:45 AM in the Parish Center. Please call 415-731-6161 to sign up or email: [email protected] READINGS, DECEMBER 21 , 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 MY MOTHER LOVED THE ADVENT/CHRISTMAS SEASON Each year on Thanksgiving evening, after we were stuffed and the leftovers put away, she would round us up to drag out the boxes of decorations and ornaments. She had cooked and prepared all day, but still there was energy left to turn our house into a place of holiday wonder. I was with her when we journeyed to the local Religious Goods store, there to buy an Advent wreath. with great care we would light the candles, counting the weeks in joyful-prayerful anticipation. I recall the obvious love with which she unwrapped and placed the figures belonging to the manger scene...the mystery of Incarnation touched her maternal heart in powerful ways. Though severely hearing impaired, she loved the music of the season, she would take us early to church so we might hear the choir rehearse before the liturgy. She reveled in the beauty of her parish church --- “the House of God, the Gate of Heaven”, she would say quoting the scriptures. The blues and purples of Advent she loved, and the manner in which they would yield to the reds and golds of Christmas brought delight to her heart. By virtue of Divine Providence her only son would be ordained to the Priesthood of Christ Jesus during Advent of 1988, what joy it brought her. Her own love for the Christ would find a certain fulfillment in the ministry of a child now the servant of the Church. Like so many others, I would find a personal sorrow in the wintry days of Advent, for my dear mom succumbed to cancer during the last Advent days of the year 2000. It was as if she left us just in time to share egg nog with St. Peter I thought. I could now begin to understand the pain of those who have ‘lost’ loved ones, and now cannot find peace and love, the happiness God’s grace brings, in this Season of Light. But having known my mom, I cannot succumb to a grief which resists the Christmas Spirit. The morning of December 23, 2000 when I gazed upon her in the sleep of death, I noticed something. This woman, who relied so heavily on her two hearing aids, needed them no more...there they lay on her nightstand. She hears the music of the angelic hosts perfectly now, the mystery of Christ’s Incarnation, of a love which transcends death itself, is now fulfilled in her. She now lives, I pray, in communion with all the saints in the mystery of the Trinity. Her life is now caught up in the heart of the God she so loved, and whose birth in the flesh gave her such hope. For those of us who have suffered the ‘loss’ of a loved one during this season of grace, I bid you not to despair. Though I share your pain, do not dwell in the darkness. For Christ is our Light. Mama always said so. With my prayers and blessing for you and yours in this Holy Season of Grace, I am…….. Father Tom ST. GABRIEL SCHOOL NEWS KINDERGARTEN APPLICATIONS FOR FALL 2015 Are you interested in enrolling your child at St. Gabriel in the Fall 2015? Screening for kindergarten takes place in early January and is by appointment only. For a screening appointment, applications should be turned in by Tuesday, December 16th. Applications are available at the school office on school days during regular office hours. There is a $50 fee due at the time the application is picked up. ST. GABRIEL SCHOOL PRESENTS “DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’” On this Thursday, December 18, 2014, St. Gabriel School presents “Don’t Stop Believin’.” All are invited to the matinee performance of our Christmas Program at 1:00 p.m. in Bedford Hall. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the school office. For questions, please call the school at 415-566-0314. CHRISTMAS VACATION St. Gabriel School begins Christmas vacation this Friday, December 19th. We extend our warmest wishes to the community of St. Gabriel for a very blessed, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our parishioners for the many ways you support us throughout the year. FOR SICK RELATIVES AND FRIENDS PRAYERS FOR THE SICK In the coming week we ask your prayers for the following: Isabel Austria, Rosa Banzon, William Billanes, Aparacion Bonpin, Madeleine Bonpin, Marie Britto, Betty CarsonGarza, Patrick Casserly, Doris Dampulay, Jerry DeRyan, Mary Donohue, Louise Dowdle, Maria Esain, Dionisio Espulgar, Fely Estonina Londonio, Sally Fambrini, Eulalia Fernandes, Mary Ellen Giraudo, Lottie Gonzales, Barbara Greaves, Purificacion (Nene) Hangad, Patricia Johnson, Angelina Kaprosch, Phil Hons, Lydia Labrado, Rafael Labutan, Shirley Latham, Mary Jae Leigh, Deborah Lennon, Khevan Lennon, Lawrence Madar, Michael Madden, Melecio Martinez, Joan Miller, Winnie Mendoza, Joey Murdaca, Ann and Catherine Murphy, Helen “Mitsi” Okamoto, Joseph Pallela, Edith Parker, Peggy Peck, Mario Ratliff, Joshua Ratliff, Deacon Tom Reardon, Jewell Rice, Lota Samson, Lee Chuan San, Kathy Schiebold, John Sheriff, Harry Sims, Joseph Sullivan, Alden Tatad, Josefina Tio, Dorothy Tompkins, Lloyd Velasquez, Chiara Vinzoni, Patricia West, Richard Yan, Margaret Zipse, Bill Zlatunich. CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY The next Youth Mass for all high school students will be next Sunday, December 21st at the 5:30 PM Mass. A very sincere thank you to all who donated so generously for our Advent Giving drive. These “little” gifts brightened the day for so many people and made their holiday and a little more pleasant. COMING CRAB DINNER DANCE AND RAFFLE Save the Date – February 28, 2015 - for St. Gabriel Parent Organization’s Annual Crab Dinner Dance. The event is from 6:00p.m. to 11:00p.m. and is for adults only. Watch for reservation details in January. For questions, call the school at 415-566-0314. Coming along with the Crab dinner is the annual St. Gabriel School Raffle. Look for tickets coming soon in the mail. The winning tickets will be drawn at the Crab Dinner. You need not be present to win but we would love to see you at this fun-filled event. For information: Nancy Becerra, Director of Religious Education [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The last Sunday Religious Education Class for 2014 will be next Sunday, December 21st. Classes will resume on Sunday, January 11, 2015. For information: Nancy Becerra, Director of Religious Education [email protected] DAY OF RECOLLECTION On Saturday, January 3rd, 2015, District #1 of the Young Ladies Institute (YLI) will hold a Day of Recollection hosted by St. Francis of Assisi #1, in the Bishop Quinn Parish Center of St. Gabriel’s Church.. Registration is at 9:30 AM and Mass is at 10:00 AM. The day should end before 2:30PM. The registration fee of $5.00 will cover all the expenses for the day including coffee, tea and dessert. Please bring a bag lunch. Fr. Roger Gustafson from St. Hillary’s Parish, Tiburon, will be our moderator for the day. Please call Kathy Ledford at 415-672-1026 before December 27th, 2014 and leave your name and phone number in order to reserve a space. MASS INTENTIONS DECEMBER 15-21, 2014 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm ADVENT SCHEDULE, 2014 Brendan O’Donovan Salud & Pedro Raval Daisy Yung Dan Healy Dionisio Espulgar, Jr. Tom Kelly Dominga Espulgar Gus Zipse Anis, Bika, Malek & Deah Bakadi and Bika Yacoub Zosimo Dante For the Parishioners REST IN PEACE NEXT SUNDAY’S PRESIDERS December 20-21 2014 5:00 PM Fr. Thomas Parenti 8:00 AM Fr. Thomas Parenti 10:00 AM Fr. Tom Hamilton 12:00 PM Fr. David Schunk 5:30 PM Fr. David Schunk Your Envelope Counts SUNDAY NOV. 30 , 2014 SAME SUNDAY, 2013 Total from Envelopes $10,896.0 $7,953.00 Loose $1,378.85 $1,211.80 Total Collection $12,274.8 $9,164.80 $1—$4.99 16 n/a $5—$9.99 40 n/a $10—$19.99 48 n/a $20—$24.99 80 n/a $25 and over 150 n/a No. of envelope Us- 334 275 Average Per Enve- $32.63 $28.92 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communal Reconciliation Monday, December 22nd at 7:00 PM Private Reconciliation also available by appointment. (731-6161) SAVE THE DATE: CHURCH DECORATING Get into the Christmas decorate the Church for Christmas on Tuesday, December 23rd at 6:00 PM. Come join in the holiday spirit of St. Gabriel. Donations for church decorations are most welcome and can be dropped off at the Parish Center. There are envelopes in the pews for your convenience. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24, 2014 4:00 PM Christmas Vigil Mass Fr. Tom Hamilton Music, John Hurst 5:30 PM The Crooners Singing 6:00 PM Family Mass Fr. Tom Hamilton Music: The Crooners 11:30 PM Christmas Carols with Choir 12:00 AM Midnight Mass Fr. Roger Gustafson Music: Choir Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25, 2014 8:00 AM Fr. Thomas Parenti 10:00 AM Fr. Thomas Parenti 12:00 PM Fr. David Schunk Choir & Brass Ensemble THERE WILL BE NO EVENING MASS ON CHRISTMAS DAY. New Years Eve and New Years Day Wednesday, DECEMBER 31ST, 2014 8:30 AM Fr. David Schunk Thursday, JANUARY 1ST, 2015 10:00 AM (Holy Day of Obligation) Fr. Tom Hamilton ARCHBISHOPS ANNUAL APPEAL, 2014 As of December 4th, 2014, 204 donors have contributed a total of $80,575.00 which is 83% of our goal of $97,000.00. Many thanks to those who have contributed so generously. We thank you all for the enthusiastic response to Fr. Tom’s recent letter. All money collected over and above our assessment will remain in the Parish for our many on-going maintenance projects. The deadline for submitting payments for credit for the 2014 Tax year is Monday, December 29th.
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