16 December 2014

16 DECEMBER 2014
NO: 1864
IRAQ, .................................................................................................................................... 4
Abadi To UAE ................................................................................................................................4
Iraq, Southern Korea conclude MoU in military cooperation ......................................................4
MP calls government to start security operation to liberate Tikrit district .................................4
Speaker: Freedom of media outlets considered priority to political multiplicity ........................5
Abadi shows surprise over HRW's call to cancel death verdict against Alwani, Hashimi's
PM meets with Heir Apparent of Abu Dhabi................................................................................5
Allawi calls tribes to combat ISIL terrorists ..................................................................................5
Barzani ratifies Official Languages law in KR ................................................................................6
MP calls Abadi to reconsider distribution of Iraqi missions abroad.............................................6
Speaker, Mladenov discuss relieving displaced citizens ..............................................................6
Romania stresses its desire to consolidate mutual relations with Iraq .......................................7
Iran hails high security of Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq..................................................................7
Permanent Representative of Iraq in New York meets President of Security Council ................7
Maliki's coalition calls for the division of Tikrit and targets it by Sukhoi and artillery .................7
Tribal leader: We have not received one dinar from the government’s allocations and Abadi
must move ............................................................................................................................................8
Jubouri: We will stand in front of any vague legislation that undermines the freedom of
expression ............................................................................................................................................8
15 ministers, civil and military Emirati official receive Abadi and his accompanying delegation 8
Iraq grateful for the contribution of UAE in responding to ISIS ...................................................9
ISIL threatens to commit a massacre in Heet ...............................................................................9
Iraq says 2,700 missing since ISIS onslaught in June ................................................................. 10
Iraq’s Premier Has Narrowed Nation’s Divide ........................................................................... 10
China Signaled It May Join Operations Against ISIS In Iraq ....................................................... 10
ISIS in Iraq release pictures of mass execution ......................................................................... 11
2. SYRIA ...................................................................................................................................11
Australians returning from Iraq and Syria, are likely responsible for "Chocolate Lint" ............ 11
French Police Dismantles Takfiri Network Sending Fighters to Syria, Iraq ............................... 11
EU support UN efforts for Aleppo ceasefire.............................................................................. 12
Syria PM in Iran for talks with key ally ...................................................................................... 12
Syria rebels capture key Idlib army bases ................................................................................. 12
Lebanese minister says negotiations with ISIS, Nusra "back to zero"....................................... 13
EU ministers discuss how to freeze Syrian fighting ................................................................... 13
Islamist rebels capture 2 key army bases in Syria ..................................................................... 13
Cairo Calls for Finding Political Solution to Crisis in Syria.......................................................... 14
Indonesian nabbed in Malaysia for helping militants go to Syria ............................................. 14
Female fighters battle for freedom and equality in Syria ......................................................... 14
Journalist murders in Syria a shocking new trend -press freedom report ................................ 14
UN resolution violated in Syria, says humanitarian chief ......................................................... 15
Sayfa 1
Nearly 300 Chinese fighting alongside IS in Iraq, Syria: Report ................................................ 15
IRAN ....................................................................................................................................16
Iran condemns deadly Sydney hostage-taking, identifies gunman by another name .............. 16
Terror bomb victims demanding Iran's .ir will appeal US ruling ............................................... 16
Iran’s oil minister in Doha for GECF........................................................................................... 16
Iran ready to exports food stuff to Russia ................................................................................. 17
S Khorasan vies for foreign investment ..................................................................................... 17
Iran Book Capital, opportunity for private sector ..................................................................... 17
Mutual trust key factor in expansion of Iran-Armenia cooperation ......................................... 18
Daily comments on advantages of Iran-Turkey proximit .......................................................... 18
P5+1 internal discord can ruin talks .......................................................................................... 18
ISRAEL – PALESTINE..............................................................................................................19
Palestinians push UN bid to end Israeli occupation .................................................................. 19
Displaced Gazans struggle to rebuild ........................................................................................ 19
Israeli soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian man during arrest ........................................................... 19
Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian near Ramallah............................................................................ 20
Israel prime minister seeks US veto on statehood for Palestine .............................................. 20
Israel seeks US block of Palestine statehood bid ...................................................................... 20
Palestinian killed in early morning clash with troops ................................................................ 20
UN Security Council discusses Palestinian issue........................................................................ 21
Liberman: We Will Not Be Dictated by the PA's Demands ....................................................... 21
JORDAN and LEBANON.........................................................................................................22
Jordan says no plan to push for quick U.N. vote on Palestine .................................................. 22
Jumblatt rejects 'false promises' in hostage crisis .................................................................... 22
Lebanon, U.N. seek $2.14B for refugees ................................................................................... 22
Saudi deputy crown prince calls for presidential solution ........................................................ 23
Doubts cast over hostage mediator appointment .................................................................... 23
Jordan, Saudi kings discuss ISIS in talks ..................................................................................... 23
Lebanon, UN unveil response plan to Syrian refugee crisis ...................................................... 24
KRCS launches new "Ragheef" campaign for Syrian refugees in Jordan................................... 24
Improved ranking on corruption index due to integrity, good governance initiatives —
Khawaldeh ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Jordan says no plan to push for quick UN vote on Palestine .................................................... 25
Community violence a ticking time bomb — officials ............................................................... 25
6. ARABIAN PENINSULA AND THE GULF OF BASRA ....................................................................25
Saudi policeman killed in Riyadh hostage-taking ...................................................................... 25
Saudi security officer killed in Riyadh ........................................................................................ 26
Fingerprinting declared compulsory in Saudi Arabia ................................................................ 26
Top separatist shot dead in South Yemen................................................................................. 26
New Saudi ministers take oath of office ................................................................................... 27
GCC states offer excessive care to Syrian refugees in Lebanon ................................................ 27
Hamad affirms Bahrain’s commitment to fighting terrorism.................................................... 27
Reward offered for absconding domestic worker..................................................................... 28
Leadership congratulated by Senior Royal family members and officials ................................ 28
Sayfa 2
HM King Hamad pardons 105 convicts ..................................................................................... 28
Qatari Premier receives Vietnamese Deputy Premier .............................................................. 29
EGYPT ..................................................................................................................................29
Egypt briefly detains three over alleged sabotage talk ............................................................. 29
Muslim clerics urge Interpol to "rapidly" remove Qaradawi from wanted list ......................... 29
British embassy in Cairo re-opens after nine-day hiatus .......................................................... 30
World Bank urges Egypt to make reforms before investor conference.................................... 30
Rationale of ruling banning the return of the Campus Guard .................................................. 30
Russian Deputy prime minister in Cairo ahead of 2015 Putin Visit........................................... 30
40 alleged Brotherhood members referred to military court over vandalism acts .................. 31
Egyptian presidency approves US-Egypt agreements ............................................................... 31
Court revision of electoral constituencies law makes it constitutional: Official ....................... 31
Egypt's top religious authority condemns Sydney attack ......................................................... 32
NORTH AFRICA.....................................................................................................................32
Libya clashes force oil port closure ........................................................................................... 32
Algeria presses for Libya dialogue ............................................................................................. 32
Speaker of HPR receives members of Kheireddine Circle ......................................................... 33
France willing to support Tunisia in what remains of its transition .......................................... 33
US Expert Praises Morocco’s Reforms in Religious Field .......................................................... 34
Italian Senate delegation to visit Tunisia soon .......................................................................... 34
Libya’s crisis: more co-ordination between Maghreb states and European partners urged.... 34
Ras Jedir open and under full control of Libya Dawn ................................................................ 35
EU to Back Morocco’s Justice and Health Reforms With MAD 1.76 Billion .............................. 35
Decentralisation and local governance in era of decentralised democracy ............................. 35
AFGHANISTAN – PAKISTAN ..................................................................................................36
Medvedev, Abdullah Meet In Astana ........................................................................................ 36
Afghan forces kill 19 militants in several provinces .................................................................. 36
Explosive laden vehicle seized in Kabul ..................................................................................... 36
Malala, Satyarthi in Oslo for Nobel Peace Prize ceremony ....................................................... 36
Scores killed in attack on Pakistan school ................................................................................. 37
Pakistan Taliban 'kill 100' in assault on Peshawar school ......................................................... 37
10. TURKEY AND THE MIDDLE EAST ............................................................................................37
King inaugurates KADDB joint venture with Turkish company ................................................. 37
Turkey condemns terrorist attacks in Afghanistan ................................................................... 38
Turkish defense firm launches joint venture with Jordan ......................................................... 38
Turkish aid agency supports Gaza's needy ................................................................................ 38
Sayfa 3
1. IRAQ,
Abadi To UAE
Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi headed to the United Arab Emirates on an official visit, at the official
invitation for talks on the development of cooperation between the two countries in all fields. " A
statement from the Information Office of the Prime Minister said today, " Abadi will discuss with
officials in Emiratis issues related to the fight against terrorism, and the processes of construction,
investment and support the reconstruction of the liberated cities, as well as for closer cultural ties
between the two countries."
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Iraq, Southern Korea conclude MoU in military cooperation
Iraq has singed a Memorandum of Understanding with Southern Korea in military cooperation field
on Monday. The Iraqi Ministry of Defense declared in a statement received by Iraqi News ”The
Minister of Defense, Khalid Motup al-Obaydi, concluded the memorandum with his Korean
counterpart where Korea pledged to offer all the support for the Iraqi security forces in the field of
military training to support the Iraqi forces in their battle against the terrorism forces such as what is
so called the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant.”
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MP calls government to start security operation to liberate Tikrit district
MP, Muafaq al-Rubaiye, of the Iraqi National Alliance called the government to start a security
operation to liberate Tikrit district from the ISIL terrorists. Rubaiye stated in a press statement
received by IraqiNews.com “The government must conduct a wide security operation in Tikrit district
to liberate it from the ISIL terrorists who will result in liberating Salah il-Din province compeletely.”
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Sayfa 4
Speaker: Freedom of media outlets considered priority to political multiplicity
The parliament Speaker, Saleem al-Jobouri, stated during the Iraq and the National Directions
Conference for the Freedom of Media that the freedom of the media outlets is considered as a
priority to the political multiplicity.
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Abadi shows surprise over HRW's call to cancel death verdict against Alwani, Hashimi's
The Premier, Haider al-Abadi, showed surprise over the call of the Human Rights Watch to cancel the
death verdicts issued against the former MP, Ahmed al-Alwani, and Rasha al-Husseini the Secretary
of the former Vice-President Tariq al-Hashimi. A statement by Abadi's office received by AIN cited
"Abadi is surprised over this call where the government supports the judiciary and never interfere in
the judicial decisions where Abadi has no authority to interfere in this issue."
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PM meets with Heir Apparent of Abu Dhabi
The Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, met with the Heir Apparent of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed Bin
Zayyid Al-Nihayan. A statement by Abadi's office received by AIN cited "Abadi and the accompanying
delegation were received by Al-Nihayan at Abu Dhabi International Airport where Abadi stated that
his visit aims at developing the mutual relations and help in sustain security in the region."
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Allawi calls tribes to combat ISIL terrorists
The Vice-President, Ayad Allawi, called the tribes to participate in combating the ISIL terrorists. A
statement by Allawi's office received by AIN cited "Allawi met with a tribal delegation of Madain and
Jisr Diyala areas where he assured that the last chance for saving Iraq is to cooperate with the
government in fighting the ISIL terrorists and eliminate the corrupted officials within the
governmental institutions."
Sayfa 5
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Barzani ratifies Official Languages law in KR
The President of Kurdistan Region ratified the law of the Official Languages in Kurdistan Region.
Barzani's Media Advisor, Tariq Jawhar stated to AIN "Barzani ratified the Official Languages law which
was endorsed by the parliament." Jawhar added "The law refers to the Kurdish and Arabic languages
as official one in KR, whereas the other Turkmen, Siryan and Arman are considered officials in the
areas that are of their majority residents."
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MP calls Abadi to reconsider distribution of Iraqi missions abroad
MP, Hamdiya al-Husseiny calls the Premier, Haider al-Abadi, reconsider the distribution of the Iraqi
missions abroad. Speaking to AIN, she said "The funds and the privileges that the officials get in the
Iraqi embassies abroad are considered a means for wasting the public fund in addition to the funds
that they spend to educate their children on the expenses of the Iraqi State."
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Speaker, Mladenov discuss relieving displaced citizens
The Parliament Speaker, Salim Al-Jubouri discussed with the UN Representative for Iraq, Nikolay
Mladenov the means for enhancing the international support to Iraq in field of relieving the displaced
people. The Speaker Jubouri welcomed the UN representative for Iraq on Monday where they
discussed the UN efforts in relieving the displaced families and returning them to their regions.
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Sayfa 6
Romania stresses its desire to consolidate mutual relations with Iraq
The head of the Foreign Policies Council associated to the Romanian parliament, Pietro Philip,
stressed his country's keenness to upgrade the bilateral relations between both countries. The Iraqi
Ambassador for Bucharest, Omar Al-Barazanchi met with the Philip where the ambassador reviewed
the political developments in Iraq and the Iraqi government's steps towards eliminating terrorism as
well as the country's need for friends.
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Iran hails high security of Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq
Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani on Monday hailed security of the
Arbaeen mourning ceremony in Iraq. In a message to Iraqi Prime Minister Heydar al-Ebadi, he
congratulated the Iraqi government, armed forces and the volunteers' ability to guarantee security of
the Arbaeen mourning ceremony. Shamkhani thanked Iraqi nation for their hospitality towards
Iranian pilgrims. Success of the security plan set for the event showed the fact that the Iraqi nation
can overcome its enemies including the Takfiri terrorist groups without the help of foreign troops, he
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Permanent Representative of Iraq in New York meets President of Security Council
The Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, Mr. Mohammed Ali Hakim, met Head
of the UN Security Council for the current month Ambassador Sharif Mohammed Zini. A statement
by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by AIN cited "The two sides discussed the draft resolution
on the smuggling of Iraqi antiquities and property."
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Maliki's coalition calls for the division of Tikrit and targets it by Sukhoi and artillery
Member of State of law coalition, Mwafaq al- Rubaie called on Monday, the government to begin a
security process for the Liberation of Tikrit from ISIS terrorist organization, in preparation for the
Liberation of the entire province of Salahuddin. Rubaie said in a statement issued by the media Office
Sayfa 7
received by “Shafaq News", that "the government must implement a large-scale security operation in
Tikrit district in preparation for the Liberation of the entire province of Salahuddin."
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Tribal leader: We have not received one dinar from the government’s allocations and
Abadi must move
Albu Mahal clan western Ramadi city called on Monday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to open an
investigation into the disappearance of funds allocated from the federal government to provide
support to the clans that are fighting ISIS organization . Ashour Hammadi , one of the clan elders Albu
Mahal told “Shafaq News", that "we were surprised by yesterday's remarks of the President of the
Provincial Council , Sabah al-Karhot in which he said that he gave the clans amounts allocated by the
federal government for their support in fighting ISIS elements .
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Jubouri: We will stand in front of any vague legislation that undermines the freedom of
Iraqi Parliament Speaker, Salim al-Jubouri pledged on Monday, that the parliament will prevent any
legal legislation that could lead to a reduction of the freedom of expression of opinion regarding
audio-visual and print media in the country. Jubouri said in a speech during a conference held by the
media and telecoms board for freedom of expression globally, attended by "Shafaq News", that "We
have proven today that the press and the media in our country has become an indispensable space,
and through what you are doing to deliver voices of public opinion, and work to educate citizens in
the aspects of democratic transition in the country. "
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15 ministers, civil and military Emirati official receive Abadi and his accompanying
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his accompanying delegation have arrived, on Monday to
the United Arab Emirates on an official visit to the state. According to the official WAM news agency
Sayfa 8
reported in news that, General Sheikh Mohammed bins Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces were in the airport upon Abadi’s arrival to
greet him”. The agency said that Mohammed Ahmed Al Murr , Chairman of the Federal National
Council, Sheikh Hazza bin Zayed Al Nahyan, National Security Advisor to the Vice President of the
Executive Council , Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister
,Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister of Presidential Affairs , Sheikh Abdullah
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister ,Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri, Minister of Economy , Anwar
bin Mohammed Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs , Sultan bin Saeed Al Badi , Minister of
Justice, head of the honorary escort mission that accompany the guest mission in the country , Suhail
bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Mazrui, Minister of Energy , Ahmed Juma Al Zaabi , Deputy Minister of
Presidential Affairs , Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, Chairman of the Executive Affairs Ali Bin Hamad Al
Shamsi, Deputy Secretary General of the National Security Council, Lt. General Hamad Mohammed
Thani Al Rumaithi, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Mubarak Al Mazrouei, Deputi of
the office of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Abdullah Ibrahim al-Zoee al- Shehhi, UAE
Ambassador to the Republic of Iraq were all in the reception of Abadi.
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Iraq grateful for the contribution of UAE in responding to ISIS
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi confirmed the gratitude of his country to the UAE for supporting it in
facing ISIS and its contribution to its reconstruction, at a time when the Crown Prince of the UAE ,
Mohammed bin Zayed said that his country is ready to stand with the Iraqi people to achieve
security, stability and prosperity. Abadi, who arrived the UAE today said that he is looking forward
that this visit would achieve its goals to expand cooperation in all fields, pointing out that "This visit
comes as a part of the Iraqi government to open up to the brotherly countries so as to promote
common interests, security, stability and progress for all peoples and nations of the region."
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ISIL threatens to commit a massacre in Heet
A senior security official in the Ministry of Defence said that the so called the Islamic State in Iraq and
the Levant threatens to kill all employees and citizens in a number of villages in Heet sub- district.
The Official stressed that all security forces and tribal fighters must take all preparations to prevent
a major disaster and rescue those employees and citizens. He told PUKmedia that ISIL distributed
message in the district of Heet threatening government officials and demanding them to join their
Sayfa 9
work in 4 days, and anyone who contravene the decision, he will be punished and his house will be
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Iraq says 2,700 missing since ISIS onslaught in June
At least 2,700 people, mostly soldiers, are missing as a result of attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria (ISIS) group in Iraq, the Iraqi human rights ministry said on Monday. More than half of
those registered as missing by the government are soldiers who were at the Speicher base which the
jihadists captured six months ago near Tikrit. "The number of missing from Speicher base has
reached 1,660, from Badush prison 487, in addition to 554 from other areas, including 38 women,"
the ministry said in a statement. Badush is a prison outside the northern city of Mosul, which ISIS has
used as its main hub in Iraq since it launched an offensive in June and captured large swathes of
territory in the country. The ministry said those numbers are based on applications filed by relatives
and subsequent checking with the relevant ministries.
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Iraq’s Premier Has Narrowed Nation’s Divide
When an Iraqi court sentenced a prominent Sunni politician to death recently, it seemed like an
unmitigated disaster for the country’s new prime minister, Haider al-Abadi. Mr. Abadi, after all, had
taken office with an international mandate to create a more inclusive government, and win the trust
of Iraq’s disaffected Sunnis so they would fight Islamic State militants rather than support them. But
the verdict, on capital murder charges brought by the previous government against the politician,
Ahmed al-Alwani, prompted the defendant’s Alwani tribe to threaten that it would stop battling the
Islamic State.
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China Signaled It May Join Operations Against ISIS In Iraq
As the US-led campaign against the Islamic State grinds on, China has unexpectedly offered to help in
the war effort, Najmeh Bozorgmehr and Lucy Hornby report for the Financial Times. Wang Yi, China's
foreign minister, has offered to help the Iraqi military defeat the militant group by providing support
for ongoing air strikes. However, Chinese assistance would come unilaterally and outside of the
framework of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State. “[Mr Wang] said, our policy does not
Sayfa 10
allow us to get involved in the international coalition,” Ibrahim Jafari, Iraq's foreign minister who was
in talks with Yi, told the Financial Times.
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ISIS in Iraq release pictures of mass execution
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group on Monday released pictures of the execution of 13
men described as anti-jihadist Sunni tribal fighters near the northern city of Tikrit. Three pictures
published on a jihadist forum and pro-ISIS social media accounts show the execution of the men
wearing orange jumpsuits. Local residents confirmed to AFP that a mass execution had taken place
on a large roundabout six kilometers (four miles) east of the city of Tikrit at around 3:30 p.m. (1230
GMT). The first picture shows 11 men kneeling, heads bowed, with one black-clad and masked
gunman behind each one and black ISIS flags in the background.
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Australians returning from Iraq and Syria, are likely responsible for "Chocolate Lint"
Five people have escaped from a popular Sydney cafe after they had been taken hostage-- with
others still held inside as neighboring blocks remain locked down, according to media report. Two
people inside the cafe were seen holding up a flag with Arabic writing on it that has been used by
extremists in the past -- raising fears that a terror attack was unfolding in Australia's largest city. The
first three people who fled sprinted out of the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Sydney six hours into the
standoff, while two women -- wearing aprons -- frantically ran from a side exit and into the arms of
heavily-armed SWAT team police officers waiting outside.
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French Police Dismantles Takfiri Network Sending Fighters to Syria, Iraq
French police launched raids across the country early on Monday, dismantling a network sending
Takfiri fighters to Syria, a police source said. Elite and anti-terror police units descended on around a
dozen targets, mostly in the Southern region of Toulouse, but also around Paris and in the Northern
Sayfa 11
region of Normandy, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity, Al-Akhbar reported. It was not
immediately clear how many people were arrested.
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EU support UN efforts for Aleppo ceasefire
The EU backed UN efforts to arrange a ceasefire in Syria's second city Aleppo on Monday as one of
the few good options left in a conflict which has claimed more than 200,000 lives. EU foreign affairs
chief Federica Mogherini said special UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura had briefed foreign ministers
Sunday on plans for a "freeze" between government and rebel forces in Aleppo. The aim is a limited
local truce to help ease the desperate plight of the civilian population and provide some way forward
after repeated efforts to end the war have failed.
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Syria PM in Iran for talks with key ally
Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi arrived in Tehran on Monday for talks with key ally Iran, his
country's main backer in its civil war. Halaqi was accompanied by the oil, industry, health and
electricity ministers, state news agency IRNA reported, without specifying the duration of the trip. On
Tuesday he will hold talks with Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri, the government's website said.
Halaqi's visit comes one week after Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem held talks in Tehran and
said the Islamic republic would back a Russian plan to end his country's more than three-year
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Syria rebels capture key Idlib army bases
The Syrian army has lost control of two strategic bases in the northwestern province of Idlib to alQaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and other rebel factions following heavy fighting, a monitoring group
said. Al-Nusra Front, in coordination with rebel groups of Jund al-Aqsa and Ahrar al-Sham, seized
Hamidiyeh and Wadi al-Deif army bases on Monday, according to the Britain-based Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights. Al-Nusra initially reported a victory in Wadi al-Deif, putting large
areas of Idlib province, which borders Turkey, under their control. The Observatory said at least 31
government soldiers and 12 rebel fighters had been killed in the clashes that began on Sunday.
Sayfa 12
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Lebanese minister says negotiations with ISIS, Nusra "back to zero"
"The negotiations are back to zero," Health Minister Wael Abu Faour told the families of the
kidnapped Lebanese soldiers Monday, hours after militants threatened to execute one of the 25
captives. "The Lebanese government neither ended negotiations with the militants nor considered
the kidnapped soldiers martyrs of war," Abu Faour said in response to rumors that, according to the
families, prompted the militants to issue new threats. "However, unfortunately, the negotiations are
back to zero," Abu Faour added.
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EU ministers discuss how to freeze Syrian fighting
European Union foreign ministers are discussing how they can help implement a U.N. plan to freeze
fighting in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. The EU’s foreign affairs chief, Federica Mogherini, said
she hopes the ministers can agree on "concrete" ways to help at a meeting Monday in Brussels. The
foreign ministers met informally Sunday with the U.N. special envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura. The
U.N. has been trying to bring about a strategic de-escalation of violence in Syria to permit the
delivery of humanitarian aid and set the stage for peace talks.
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Islamist rebels capture 2 key army bases in Syria
Al-Qaeda-linked and other Islamist fighters captured two key Syrian army bases on Monday in the
northwestern province of Idlib after two days of intense battles with government troops that killed
dozens on both sides, activists said. The fall of the two bases - Wadi Deif and Hamidiyeh, both
located near the town of Maaret al-Numan - is a significant blow to the Syrian army, which had
managed to hold on to them for more than two years, repelling repeated attacks by an array of
opposition groups.
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Sayfa 13
Cairo Calls for Finding Political Solution to Crisis in Syria
Egyptian Foreign Minister Samih Shukri affirmed that his country calls for finding a political solution
to the crisis in Syria according to the will of the Syrians. "Egypt supports a political solution to the
events in Syria in light of the will of the Syrians and internal reconciliation to avoid the suffering of
the people and the foreign intervention," Shukri told MENA news agency from Kuwait. He added
Egypt cooperates with all sides concerned, whether inside Syria or abroad, to find a way that
encourages the political solution to specify a framework through which the political solution will be
productive, SANA reported Monday.
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Indonesian nabbed in Malaysia for helping militants go to Syria
An Indonesian man suspected of facilitating trips by fellow militants from Indonesia to Syria has been
nabbed near Selangor. He is among seven Indonesians, aged 25 to 35, arrested by Malaysian police's
counter terrorism division for their alleged involvement in militancy.
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Female fighters battle for freedom and equality in Syria
Every night before 27-year-old Arin goes to bed, she hangs her Makarov, a Russian semi-automatic
pistol, from a steel coat rack by the entrance to her one-bedroom apartment in a small, dusty town
on the Syrian border with Iraq. The pistol was an award for her success on the front line in the battle
to protect Kurdish areas of northeastern Syria and is a far cry from her life a year ago when she was
working as a nurse in Cologne in Germany.
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Journalist murders in Syria a shocking new trend -press freedom report
The beheading of journalists by Islamist militants in Syria this year showed that reporters face a
dangerous new threat, media freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders said on Tuesday.
Sayfa 14
While the overall number of journalists killed around the world was down 7 percent on 2013, to 66,
the nature of some of the killings was of great concern, the Paris-based group said in an annual
report. "The Reporters Without Borders round-up for 2014 highlights an evolution in the nature of
violence against journalists and the way certain kinds, including carefully-staged threats and
beheadings, are being used for very clear purposes," it said.
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UN resolution violated in Syria, says humanitarian chief
Syria's civilian populated areas have been continuously pulverized by the Assad regime's bomb
attacks despite a February UN Security Council resolution calling for an end to their indiscriminate
use, the UN’s humanitarian chief said Monday. “In many parts of Syria the level of violence has
worsened, with civilians continuing to pay heavily with loss of life," Valerie Amos told the Security
Council. She said the use of barrel bombs -- oil drums filled with explosives and shrapnel and
dropped by aircraft - was particularly acute in the cities of Aleppo, Hama, Idlib, Rural Damascus, Deir
Ez-Zor, Ar-Raqqa and Da’ra.
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Nearly 300 Chinese fighting alongside IS in Iraq, Syria: Report
A report has said that nearly 300 Chinese people are fighting alongside the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq
and Syria. A news report published in a state-run tabloid on Monday said that the Chinese militants
of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) are travelling to Syria via Turkey to join the ranks of
the IS, reported the Dawn. While Beijing has expressed concern over the rise of the IS in the Middle
East and the impact it could have on its Xinjiang region, it has not shown willingness to join the
United States-led coalition that is battling the terror group in Iraq.
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Sayfa 15
Iran condemns deadly Sydney hostage-taking, identifies gunman by another name
Teheran on Monday condemned the deadly hostage-taking in Australia reportedly by an Iranian-born
gunman, branding it an act foreign to Islam, state media quoted a government official as saying.
"Undertaking such inhuman acts and provoking fear and panic in the name of merciful Islam is not in
any way justifiable," Iranian foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said, according to IRNA
news agency. Hostage-taker, Man Haron Monis, an Iranian granted political asylum in Australia in
1996, was killed along with two of his 17 hostages when police stormed a Sydney cafe early Tuesday
to end a day-long siege.
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Terror bomb victims demanding Iran's .ir will appeal US ruling
A US judge's decision that Iran's internet registry cannot be seized by victims of an Iranian-backed
bomb attack will be challenged in Washington DC. The decision last month by Judge Royce Lamberth
that the .ir country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is not "attachable property" was the latest twist in
a decade-long lawsuit brought by Israeli law center Shurat HaDin – which is seeking compensation for
nine US citizens injured in an Iran-financed bombing in Jerusalem in 1997. The ruling pulled domainname overseer ICANN out of the legal fight for .ir, averting a diplomatic crisis. The injured citizens
want the ccTLD as part of their compensation for the attack.
Iran’s oil minister in Doha for GECF
Iran’s oil minister, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh is in Qatari capital city of Doha to participate in the 16th
Ministerial Meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) which is scheduled for Dec. 16, the
official SHANA news agency reported. During the meeting, the member countries of GECF will
examine the evolution of international gas markets, the reports of activities of the Executive Council
and the Forum Secretariat as well as the organic matters including those related to its new
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Sayfa 16
Iran ready to exports food stuff to Russia
Iran’s Agricultural Minister Mahmoud Hojjati said that preparations have been made for exporting
dairy products and other food stuff to Russia. "The ministry will help private companies to increase
their exports to Moscow," he said, Iran's IRNA News Agency reported on Dec. 15. He made the
remarks at a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Mehdi Sanai in Moscow. Sanai, for his
part, said that the two countries have great potential to increase their bilateral trades. Russia has
issued licenses for 18 Iranian companies to export fisheries to Moscow. The Head of Iran Fisheries
Organization Hasan Salehi said on Dec. 8 that Iran will send the first consignment of fisheries to
Russia in the next 20 days.
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S Khorasan vies for foreign investment
South Khorasan Governor General Vajhollah Khedmatgozar in an exclusive interview with 'Iran Daily'
published Tuesday explained investment opportunities in the province that borders Afghanistan. In
reply to a question by the daily to give an overview of the province, as the governor general of South
Khorasan, khedmatgozar noted that the province was created in 2004 when the Majlis passed a bill
ordering the partition of Khorasan into three provinces. South Khorasan has a 300-kilometer border
with Afghanistan. The province, with an area of 151,196 square kilometers and a population of
700,000, consists of 11 counties, 28 cities and 25 districts.
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Iran Book Capital, opportunity for private sector
The Book Capital plan is a successful program for handing over the works to non-governmental
sectors, said the Spokesman for the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Hossein Nooshabadi.
“Today, Iranian publishers play an active role in the field of publication and their presence indeed
leads to different festivals including the Iran Book Capital. The plan can encourage the private sector
to be active, and book-related issues can gradually be handed over to its main owners which are
people, publishers, writers and the specialized guilds”, Nooshabadi said on Monday.
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Sayfa 17
Mutual trust key factor in expansion of Iran-Armenia cooperation
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia Yervand Zakharian said mutual trust between
Iran and Armenia is a key factor in expansion of bilateral cooperation. Speaking at Iran-Armenia joint
economic cooperation session, he said the Republic of Armenia attaches great importance to
relations with Iran which is based on bilateral interests and friendship between the two countries. He
said each of the two sides has played its role and used its position in the advancement of previous
targets as well as in proposing new plans and as presidents of the two countries have acknowledged despite the good bilateral political relations – that economic relations are not in satisfactory
condition and only a small part of economic potentials has been activated.
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Daily comments on advantages of Iran-Turkey proximit
An English-language paper on Tuesday assessing the advantages of Iran-Turkey proximity, said that
both nations are big powers that profoundly influence regional developments. Although major major
divergent stances between Tehran and Ankara over regional developments exist, Turkey spares no
efforts to take advantage of Iran’s economic potentials, added Tuesday's edition of 'Iran Daily'.
Ankara has devised comprehensive plans to benefit from Iran’s energy market while seeking to profit
from the energy markets of Iraq’s semiautonomous Kurdish region as well as Syria. The country is
also eying to establish a pipeline to transfer energy from Qatar to Europe, noted the paper in its
Opinion column
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P5+1 internal discord can ruin talks
'Iran Daily' on Tuesday commented on the upcoming new round of nuclear talks in Geneva, on
Wednesday, between Iran-P5+1 following their failure to come to a final deal in Vienna last month.
Elucidating on the issue, the English-language paper expressed its belief that a final deal with be
achieved if Iran and the US settle their disagreements. Although Washington is the leading member
of the P5+1, Iran should not overlook the role of other members. The country should have a
comprehensive outlook in this respect since other members can become troublemakers. Last year,
France was about to kill an interim deal, known as the Geneva plan of action, noted the paper in its
Opinion column.
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Sayfa 18
Palestinians push UN bid to end Israeli occupation
US Secretary of State John Kerry was Monday to meet the Israeli prime minister two days before
Palestinians push for a draft UN resolution to end the Israeli occupation. Amid a high-stakes
diplomatic drive by the top US diplomat, the Palestinians upped the ante late Sunday by revealing in
a surprise move they would put the draft text before the UN Security Council on Wednesday. It
would set a two-year deadline for Israeli troops to withdraw from the West Bank -- a timetable which
the United States has already opposed as complicating the stalled peace negotiations.
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Displaced Gazans struggle to rebuild
In this largely agricultural area of the northern Gaza Strip, local Palestinians were hit particularly hard
during the 51 days of war with Israel that concluded with a ceasefire in August. "We fled when Israel
launched its invasion on Gaza," Abu Rashad Safiyya, 22, told Al Jazeera. "We tried to come back to
our home during a ceasefire, but we found it completely destroyed by the Israeli military." Safiyya
and his family sought shelter in nearby schools administered by the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). "We came back after the war finally ended and have been
living here in a nylon tent ever since," he said, citing apocalyptic scenes of destruction upon his
return. "Cars were upside down and burned out. Houses were flattened and still smoking for days,
and most our animals, sheep and cows, were dead and strewn across the fields."
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Israeli soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian man during arrest
Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian man during an arrest operation Tuesday in the West
Bank, the military said. It said Palestinians in the refugee camp of Qalandiya, north of Jerusalem,
began throwing stones and explosive charges at soldiers during the operation and that they
responded with live fire, killing one man, and wounding another. Palestinian medical officials
identified the dead man as 20-year-old Mahmoud Abdalla.
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Sayfa 19
Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian near Ramallah
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian Tuesday in confrontations during which they said protesters
hurled bombs at them. Mahmoud Udwan, 21, was dead on arrival at Palestine Medical Complex in
Ramallah, with a bullet wound to the head, sources at the complex said. The soldiers had come under
fire during a pre-dawn Special Forces operation in Qalandia refugee camp near Ramallah, an Israeli
military statement said.
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Israel prime minister seeks US veto on statehood for Palestine
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday sought assurances from US Secretary of State
John Kerry that Washington would block efforts by Palestinians and Europeans on Palestinian
statehood. "Our expectation is that the United States will stand by its position for the past 47 years
that a solution to the conflict will be achieved through negotiations, and I do not see a reason for this
policy to change," Netanyahu told reporters after a meeting in Rome that lasted some three hours.
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Israel seeks US block of Palestine statehood bid
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday sought assurances from US Secretary of State
John Kerry that Washington would block efforts by Palestinians and Europeans on Palestinian
statehood, according to Reuters news agency. "Our expectation is that the United States will stand
by its position for the past 47 years that a solution to the conflict will be achieved through
negotiations, and I do not see a reason for this policy to change," Netanyahu told reporters after a
meeting in Rome that lasted some three hours, Al Arabiya reported. Netanyahu declined to comment
on whether he was given an assurance by Kerry that the United States would exercise its veto.
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Palestinian killed in early morning clash with troops
Israeli forces killed one Palestinian man and wounded another in a firefight in the West Bank early
Tuesday morning, officials said. The army said special forces shot the man after coming under fire
during an arrest raid in the Qalandiya refugee camp north of Jerusalem during an operation.
Sayfa 20
The killed Palestinian man was identified as Mahmoud Adwan, 20, the Palestinian Ma’an news
agency reported. He was hit in the head with a bullet, according to the report.
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UN Security Council discusses Palestinian issue
The United Nations Security Council on Monday night held a session that focused on the IsraeliPalestinian issue and the situations in Syria and Lebanon. During the session, the UN Special
Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, said in a briefing that the quest for
peace between Israel and the Palestinians has reached a "dramatic" crossroads, warning that the
region’s future remains "more uncertain than ever." Speaking to the 15-member body in New York,
Serry said "now is the time to deescalate and refrain from provocative steps, re-build trust and set
conditions for a return to negotiations that will resolve this conflict. "hope for a lasting solution to
the conflict must be restored before it is too late." he added.
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Liberman: We Will Not Be Dictated by the PA's Demands
Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman urges Israel to be proactive in fighting international pressure,
forge ties with 'moderate' Arab world. Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman criticized the UN Security
Council's pressure on Israel Tuesday, noting that the Palestinian Authority's (PA) demands to force
Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria within a strict two-year timeline is part of "a political
attack" on the Jewish state, fomented by the EU. "Even the European Parliament [itself] will vote
tomorrow to recognize [the PA as] a 'Palestinian state' in Luxembourg," Liberman said. "In addition,
the Luxembourg Court of Justice will petition to remove Hamas from the EU's blacklist of terrorist
organizations and the Geneva Conference will convene to sign the Geneva Convention - another step
designed by Palestinians to condemn Israel and present it as aggressive and a violator of human
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Sayfa 21
Jordan says no plan to push for quick U.N. vote on Palestine
Jordan said Monday it had no immediate plans to push for a vote on a U.N. Security Council
resolution to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories despite Palestinian statements that
the move was imminent. Jordan’s U.N. Ambassador said she was awaiting the outcome of meetings
that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is having with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
European governments on the next step at the United Nations.
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Jumblatt rejects 'false promises' in hostage crisis
MP Walid Jumblatt says that no progress has been made in the Lebanese hostage crisis, refusing to
give false hopes to the families of the kidnapped servicemen. “We don’t want to give people false
promises,” Jumblatt told local daily As-Safir in remarks published Tuesday. “There is nothing new in
this [issue].” He criticized the Internal Security Forces for being distracted from the hostage crisis by a
separate issue which is preoccupying their attention: green diesel fuel.
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Lebanon, U.N. seek $2.14B for refugees
Stabilizing Lebanon amid a deluge of 1.2 million Syrian refugees was the focus of a joint response
plan launched Monday which highlighted support for host communities and public institutions. The
government and the United Nations are asking the international community for a record $2.14 billion
in funds to finance next year’s refugee response plan, which uniquely emphasizes investing in
Lebanese services, communities and institutions, reaching 2.9 million people in the poorest parts of
the country. On hand to launch the plan alongside Prime Minister Tammam Salam was United
Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson.
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Sayfa 22
Saudi deputy crown prince calls for presidential solution
After meeting Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea in Riyadh Monday, a high-ranking Saudi official
called for the swift election of a new president in Lebanon, according to a statement issued by
Geagea’s office. Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Muqrin bin Abdul-Aziz also pledged continued support to
strengthen Lebanon’s stability and sovereignty. Geagea arrived in Riyadh Sunday on an official visit
for talks with senior Saudi officials on regional developments and the 6-month-old presidential
stalemate. He is also expected to meet former Prime Minister Saad Hariri to discuss ways to end the
vacancy in the country’s top Christian post.
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Doubts cast over hostage mediator appointment
Doubts were cast Monday over the rumored appointment of a new mediator in negotiations to
secure the release of 25 Lebanese servicemen held hostage by ISIS and the Nusra Front. While the
Nusra Front’s official Twitter page did not mention the alleged appointment of Tripoli Sheikh Wissam
Masri as a mediator, media reports quoted Masri as saying he had been commissioned by the group.
Muslim Scholars Committee member Sheikh Adnan Amama claimed that the Nusra Front officially
announced Masri’s appointment, basing his account on a statement purportedly circulated on
WhatsApp by the extremist group, he told The Daily Star. The authenticity of the statement, which
was attributed to the Nusra Front, could not be verified.
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Jordan, Saudi kings discuss ISIS in talks
Jordan’s King Abdullah II met his Saudi counterpart in Riyadh on Sunday for talks as both nations
participate in a US-led bombing campaign against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group
extremists in Syria. The official Saudi Press Agency said King Abdullah received the Jordanian
monarch at his palace. Since September both kingdoms, along with Bahrain, Qatar, and the United
Arab Emirates, have been taking part in American-led air strikes against the ISIS jihadists in Syria.
Jordan’s king warned this month that the fight against ISIS is a “third world war”. The group has
declared a “caliphate” in parts of Syria and Iraq, the nation bordering both Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
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Sayfa 23
Lebanon, UN unveil response plan to Syrian refugee crisis
Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam and UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson jointly
launched on Monday "Lebanon Crisis Response Plan" aiming to secure international aid amounting to
USD 2.1 billion for the country to address the impacts of the Syrian conflict. The document will serve
as a roadmap that will galvanize the international community into shouldering their political and
moral responsibilities for helping the victims of the Syrian crisis, the prime minister said at the
launching ceremony. It will help donors to specify the priorities of relief efforts for the Syrian
refugees and bring about change in the situations at the refugees camps," he said.
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KRCS launches new "Ragheef" campaign for Syrian refugees in Jordan
Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) launched here on Monday a new round of the "Ragheef"
campaign, in aid for Syrian refugees in Jordan. "Ragheef" (Arabic for loaf of bread) one monthcampaign is offering bread for a total of 7,000 Syrian refugees in various parts of Jordan, Head of the
Kuwaiti delegation and Public Relations in KRCS, Khalid Al-Zaid told KUNA. KRCS signed agreements
with a total of 35 bakeries in the Hashemite Kingdom to supply refugees with bread, he said. The
Kuwait Red Crescent is committed to its humanitarian mission and works to alleviate the suffering of
the refugees, especially during this harsh winter season, he affirmed. He praised the efforts of
Jordanian Red Crescent Society in offering assistance to reach all families of Syrian refugees.
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Improved ranking on corruption index due to integrity, good governance initiatives —
The government considers the recent improvement in Jordan's ranking in the Corruption Perceptions
Index (CPI) 2014 as a positive indicator, but also a starting point to achieve better standing in the
future, Public Sector Development Minister Khleef Al Khawaldeh said Monday. In the annual index,
released earlier this month, Jordan ranked 55th among 175 countries, scoring 49 out of 100, while
last year, the Kingdom ranked 66th among 177 countries and territories, scoring 45 out of 100. In an
interview with The Jordan Times, Khawaldeh attributed the progress to several factors, such as the
formation of the Royal Committee for Enhancing the National Integrity System, which released the
National Integrity Charter and the Executive Plan last year.
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Sayfa 24
Jordan says no plan to push for quick UN vote on Palestine
Jordan said Monday it had no immediate plans to push for a vote on a UN Security Council resolution
to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories despite Palestinian statements that the move
was imminent. Jordan's permanent envoy to the UN, Dina Kawar, said she was awaiting the outcome
of meetings that US Secretary of State John Kerry is having with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and European governments on the next step at the United Nations. Jordan, which
represents the Arab League at the council, had circulated the Palestinian text setting a deadline of
November 2016 for a full Israeli withdrawal.
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Community violence a ticking time bomb — officials
Experts and officials on Monday agreed that societal violence, if not properly addressed, will become
a time bomb threatening every individual in Jordan. They reached this conclusion during a one-day
event, titled “Societal Violence... Societal Security”, where participants blamed a lack of social justice
for the majority of violent incidents in the country. “One of the main reasons for social violence is the
feelings of injustice and inequality among individuals when it comes to education and health rights,”
Interior Minister Hussein Majali said. The lack of transparency when it comes to employment and
acceptance at universities is also adding to their frustration, Majali told participants.
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Saudi policeman killed in Riyadh hostage-taking
A Saudi policeman was killed in a clash with a man armed with a machinegun who took three
workers hostage near Riyadh, the state news agency SPA reported Monday. Security forces came
under heavy fire when they responded to the hostage-taking on Sunday night in Rawdhat Sider, in
the Mujamma region close to the capital, it said. The gunman, whose motives were not disclosed,
was wounded and arrested, and the hostages were released, SPA said.
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Sayfa 25
Saudi security officer killed in Riyadh
A security officer has been killed by an armed man holding three labourers hostage in Riyadh after
police tried to free the captives, authorities in Saudi Arabia say. The labourers were freed and the
hostage-taker was later arrested, a Saudi police statement on Sunday’s incident said. No immediate
word was given on the man's identity or his reasons. "An unknown man carrying an automatic
weapon took three labourers hostage near al-Hamoud mosque ... and threatened to shoot passersby," state news agency SPA quoted a Riyadh police spokesperson as saying in a statement. "When
police surrounded him and asked him to drop his weapon, he opened fire heavily."
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Fingerprinting declared compulsory in Saudi Arabia
Fingerprint registration for male and female expatriates will be completed by Dec. 23, 2014, for all
Passports Department (Jawazat) services except the renewal of residence permits (iqamas), Jawazat
spokesman Lt. Col. Ahmed Fahd Al-Luhaidan said on Sunday. The deadline for fingerprint registration
for the renewal of iqamas is Jan. 21, 2015. Expatriates will not be able to use any Jawazat services if
their fingerprints are not registered.
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Top separatist shot dead in South Yemen
A separatist activist was shot dead in southern Yemen Monday as secessionists staged a day of civil
disobedience, witnesses and activists said of a killing Amnesty International called an “execution.”
Khaled al-Junaidi, a prominent figure in the Southern Movement, was shot in the chest when security
forces opened fire while trying to arrest him, activists told AFP. Junaidi was released from prison
earlier this month after serving five months for separatist activities, and had been preparing to take
part in Monday’s day of action, witnesses said.
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Sayfa 26
New Saudi ministers take oath of office
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz called on new ministers to take up
their ministerial duties “with honesty,” after Saudi Arabia’s new cabinet took its oath of office before
the monarch in Riyadh on Sunday. “Start your tasks with honesty. I do not want anyone of you to
come to me for education. I want him to educate me,” the Saudi monarch said in his statement to
the new ministers. King Abdullah appointed nine new ministers last week, one of the largest cabinet
reshuffles in years. The newly-appointed ministers took their oath of office before the Saudi King at
the royal palace in Riyadh on Sunday evening. The new ministers are: Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr.
Sulaiman Bin Abdullah Abalkhail; Minister of Higher Education Dr. Khalid Bin Abdullah Al-Sabti;
Minister of Health Dr. Mohammed Bin Ali Bin Hayaze’a Al Hayaze’a; Minister of Culture and
Information Dr. Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah Al-Khudairi; Minister of Agriculture Waleed Bin Abdulkareem
Al-Khuraiji; and Minister of Transport Abdullah Bin Abdulrahman Al-Muqbel. Dr. Isam Bin Saad Bin
Saeed also took the oath of office after being appointed Chief of the Commission of Experts for the
Council of Ministers at the rank of Minister of State.
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GCC states offer excessive care to Syrian refugees in Lebanon
Qatari Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Al-Marri praised the role of the Red Crescent societies of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in supporting Syrian refugees in various countries. He added in
remarks to KUNA following his meeting with GCC Red Crescent societies' chairmen and Lebanese
Minister of Social Affairs Rasheed Derbas, that he hopes the aid offered to Syrian refugees by GCC
countries would contribute in the alleviation of their suffering. The meeting was also attended by
Kuwait's Ambassador to Lebanon Abdelaal Al-Qenaei, Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Asiri and the
UAE Charge D'Affaires in Lebanon, Hamad Al-Junaibi.
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Hamad affirms Bahrain’s commitment to fighting terrorism
King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa has reiterated Bahrain’s commitment to promoting security and sound
international relations and to fighting terrorism and extremism. “The Kingdom of Bahrain has been,
and will be, extending its hand for cooperation and peace to all the countries, and it will always call
for international relations, based on mutual respect and non-interference in the domestic affairs of
the other states,” King Hamad said as he addressed the first session of the newly elected parliament.
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Sayfa 27
Reward offered for absconding domestic worker
A Saudi woman is offering a SR50,000 (Dh48,927 or about $13,322) reward to anyone who can
provide information leading to the arrest of a Filipina domestic helper. The worker reportedly
absconded with her lover after trying to poison a family in the capital Riyadh. The Saudi woman,
Noha Al Jamahdi, also took the unusual step of posting copies of the worker’s passport and work
permit on a Facebook page to help with her arrest, local news site Ajil reported on Monday.
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Leadership congratulated by Senior Royal family members and officials
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today received cables of congratulations marking Bahrain's
celebrations of its National Days on December 16 and 17, marking the anniversary of the
establishment of the modern state of Bahrain as an Arab and Muslim country in 1783 by its founder
Ahmed Al-Fateh, the 43rd Anniversary of its accession to the UN as a full member and the 15th
Anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's Accession to the Throne.
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HM King Hamad pardons 105 convicts
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa issued a decree pardoning 105 convicts who served part of
their prison terms. The royal pardon is part of festivities on Bahrain's celebrations of its National Days
on December 16 and 17, marking the anniversary of the establishment of the modern state of
Bahrain as an Arab and Muslim country in 1783 by its founder Ahmed Al-Fateh, the 43rd Anniversary
of its accession to the UN as a full member and the 15th Anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin
Isa Al-Khalifa's Accession to the Throne. The royal gesture also reflects HM the King's keenness on
providing the pardoned convicts the opportunity to integrate their society and take part in the
national march of development and progress.
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Sayfa 28
Qatari Premier receives Vietnamese Deputy Premier
Qatari Prime Minister and Interior Minister Shaikh Abdulla bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani today
received Vietnamese Deputy Premier Nguyen Xuan Phuc , currently on an official visit to Doha. The
Qatar News Agency said that the two sides discussed joint cooperation and means of bolstering
bilateral relations in all fields, in addition to issues of mutual interest .
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Egypt briefly detains three over alleged sabotage talk
Cairo police briefly detained three Egyptians, including two with British citizenship; after a man told
them he overheard them discussing ways to destabilize the country during next month’s anniversary
of the 2011 uprising, a security official and a British diplomat said Sunday. The Egyptian official said
that a brother and sister, both Egyptians with British nationality, and their Egyptian cousin were
apprehended at a subway station Saturday night after a passenger told police they were speaking in
English about burning homes and businesses on the anniversary of the January 2011 uprising which
led to the ouster of Hosni Mubarak.
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Muslim clerics urge Interpol to "rapidly" remove Qaradawi from wanted list
Dozens of Muslim clerics on Monday urged Interpol to "rapidly" remove the name of influential
Egypt-born preacher Yousef al-Qaradawi from its wanted list. The Qatar-based Islamist scholar is
seen as a spiritual guide of Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood, the movement of ousted president
Mohammed Mursi. Egypt approached Interpol seeking Qaradawi's arrest and in November the
international police organization put him on his wanted list. An Interpol Red Notice said the Qatarbased Qaradawi is wanted by Egypt for "agreement, incitement and assistance to commit intentional
murder, helping the prisoners to escape, arson, vandalism and theft."
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Sayfa 29
British embassy in Cairo re-opens after nine-day hiatus
The British Embassy in Cairo re-opened on Tuesday after suspending public services nine days ago for
security reasons, the embassy said in a statement. "I am very grateful for the close co-operation from
the Egyptian Government which has made this re-opening possible," British Foreign Secretary Philip
Hammond said in the statement. Britain closed its embassy to the public on Dec. 7, and the Canadian
embassy closed its doors a day later. Canada's embassy has yet to re-open, according to the mission's
emergency telephone service. Egypt is battling an Islamist insurgency largely centred on Sinai, near
the border with Israel, Gaza and the Suez Canal.
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World Bank urges Egypt to make reforms before investor conference
A senior World Bank official on Monday called on Egypt to implement promised legal and
bureaucratic reforms ahead of an international conference in March where the government hopes to
attract more than $12 billion in investments. The government has said for months it would amend
investment regulations and create a one-stop-shop to help foreign investors avoid the country's
bureaucracy. But investors say they have only seen the general outlines of those reforms and need
details before they can plan new investments or expand existing ones in an economy battered by
political turmoil since a 2011 uprising.
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Rationale of ruling banning the return of the Campus Guard
The Supreme Administrative Court banned the return of the campus guard, arguing that no law
obliges the Interior Ministry to deploy guards in all universities. The ruling, the court said, does not
denigrate the role of the police, which in Article 3 of the Police Authority Act says the police are
tasked with maintaining public order, security and morals, protect the lives and properties of citizens,
and prevent crimes.
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Russian Deputy prime minister in Cairo ahead of 2015 Putin Visit
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich arrived in Cairo Monday night to prepare for
Russian President Vlaidmir Putin’s visit in 2015, MENA reported. Diplomatic sources told MENA the
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Russian official is to meet Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab to explore ways of cooperation in
the economy and investment sectors. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi visited Moscow in
August, and announced plans for cooperation between both countries in the trade, energy, economy
and investment sectors.
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40 alleged Brotherhood members referred to military court over vandalism acts
Egypt’s prosecution has referred 40 alleged members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group –
nine of which are women – to a military court for charges of vandalism and inciting violence, a
crackdown on Islamists has been launched by authorities since the ouster of Islamist president
Mohamed Morsi. The defendants were referred in Egypt’s Ismailia two days ago. Egyptian president
Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi issued on 27 October, a new law which refers crimes committed against the
state's public and "vital" facilities to the military judiciary.
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Egyptian presidency approves US-Egypt agreements
Egypt’s presidency approved cooperation agreements with the United States on Monday,
presidential spokesperson Alaa Yousef said. The agreements included an LE55 million aid agreement
between Egypt, the US and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) for Egypt to finance
a power plant in the southern city of Assiut. Yousef stated that other agreements approved include
development cooperation in the fields of science and technology, higher education, agricultural
development, trade and investment.
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Court revision of electoral constituencies law makes it constitutional: Official
After five days of deliberations, the State Council (administrative court) has finalised revisions of
Egypt's electoral constituencies law, a step which paves the way for holding the country's longawaited parliamentary polls. In press statements to parliamentary reporters, Ali Abdel-Al, a member
of a technical committee which drafted the law, indicated that the State Council introduced some
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changes to the draft to make sure that it goes in line with Egypt's new constitution passed in a public
referendum last January. Abdel-Al said the number of electoral constituencies reserved to
competition among independent candidates increased from 232 to 237.
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Egypt's top religious authority condemns Sydney attack
Egypt's top religious authority condemned on Monday a siege at a cafe in Sydney, Australia which
hostages were taken by a gunman and an Islamic flag was displayed. "This terrorist act has nothing to
do with Islam and all Muslims denounce such radical practices," Grand Mufti Shawki Allam, Egypt's
top Muslim cleric, said in a statement, emphasising that Islamic law calls for "coexistence, peace and
not terrorising others."
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Libya clashes force oil port closure
Libya's eastern Es Sider oil export port has stopped working due to clashes nearby, according to an oil
official. The Ras Lanuf port, east of Es Sider, is still working, the official told Reuters news agency on
Sunday, but al-Waha Oil Company which runs the Es Sider port had halted work. Armed groups on
Saturday launched an attack against al-Hilal, a key oil region in the country. Fighters from Fajr Libya,
an anti-government coalition, attacked al-Hilal from three sides on Saturday but the air force
repelled them, Brigadier-General Saqr Jarushi said.
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Algeria presses for Libya dialogue
Algeria is heightening diplomatic efforts to rally international support for a dialogue between warring
parties in Libya. "The situation in Libya, our brotherly neighbour, which has been facing an internal
crisis for years, challenges all African countries," Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra said
Tuesday (December 9th). Dialogue among Libyans is the only way to achieve national reconciliation,
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he said, noting that the United Nations, the African Union and countries of the region supported
Algeria’s initiative. Algeria would continue its efforts to reunite Libyan parties, Lamamara told the
press last week. He acknowledged, however, that reaching an outcome required time, as the
situation was "very complicated".
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Speaker of HPR receives members of Kheireddine Circle
Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Mohamed Ennaceur received, on Monday in
Bardo, members of the Kheireddine Circle who came to congratulate him on his election as head of
the parliament. According to a press release of the HPR, the meeting focused on the activities of the
Forum and its future programmes including the consolidation of its relations with the HPR through
the organisation of meetings around issues related to parliamentary action. Emphasis was placed on
the role of the civil society in promoting the efficiency of the parliamentary institution. The
Kheireddine Circle is a multidisciplinary NGO bringing together economist, academics, engineers,
businessmen, trade unionists, intellectuals and former senior officials.
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France willing to support Tunisia in what remains of its transition
France is ready to support Tunisia in what remains of its transitional phase, said Ambassador of
France in Tunis François Gouyette. He reiterated, at his meeting Monday in Bardo with Speaker of
the House of People's Representatives (HPR) Mohamed Ennaceur, his country's willingness to
continue supporting Tunisia to bring its transition to a successful end, stressing the strength of the
bonds between the two countries. The French diplomat welcomed the steps taken by Tunisia in is
democratic transition process. He emphasised the key role of lawmakers in strengthening bilateral
co-operation, particularly through the creation of friendship groups and stepping up meetings and
exchange of visits and expertise.
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US Expert Praises Morocco’s Reforms in Religious Field
Morocco is a “unique” case in the region of North Africa and the Middle East (MENA) in terms of
religious field reforms through the centrality of the institution of the Commander of the Faithful,
Haim Malka, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow at the US Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS), said Monday in Washington. “There are countless lessons that we can learn from the
Moroccan model of religious field reforms, which establish Morocco as a unique case because of the
centrality of the institution of the Commander of the Faithful incarnated by king Mohammed VI”,
Malka underlined at a meeting to present the book entitled “Religious Radicalism after the Arab
Uprisings” (CSIS, Editor John B. Alterman).
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Italian Senate delegation to visit Tunisia soon
A delegation of the Italian Senate Foreign Affairs Committee will visit Tunisia soon, Italian
Ambassador in Tunis Raimondo De Cardona announced at a meeting Monday in Bardo with Speaker
of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Mohamed Ennaceur. The Italian diplomat stressed
the need to work together to boost parliamentary co-operation between Italy and Tunisia through
parliamentary groups by stepping up the exchange of visits. He said his country is considering the
future of Tunisia’s transition confidently and looks forward to continue developing co-operation with
Tunisia, given the geographical proximity and the historical relations between the two countries.
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Libya’s crisis: more co-ordination between Maghreb states and European partners
The rapid developments in the Maghreb region, in particular the deterioration of the situation in
Libya have increased considerably the challenges and impose more co-ordination between Maghreb
states and more co-operation with the European partners to protect the region from all threats,
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Fayçal Gouia said.
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Ras Jedir open and under full control of Libya Dawn
The Ras Jedir border crossing between Libya and Tunisia was today under full control of Libya Dawn
and, although quiet, was fully open on both sides. “The border is open and working normally today,”
director of the Border Guard on the Libyan side of Ras Jedir Kamel Saud Musa told the Libya Herald.
“Today is busier than yesterday but it is still quiet because of the bombing nearby yesterday.” The
border crossing today was seen to be fully-operational from the Libyan side, with people crossing
both on foot and in cars.
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EU to Back Morocco’s Justice and Health Reforms With MAD 1.76 Billion
The reforms carried out by Morocco in the justice and health sectors will benefit from a new
European support totaling 1.76 billion dirhams, the EU delegation in Rabat has announced on
Monday. Two new support programs for Morocco’s justice and health reforms worth 1.76 billion
dirhams will be signed in 2015, said the delegation in a statement. The EU proposes to back the
ambitious reform of the legal system which was unveiled by Morocco in September 2013 with a 70
million euro program (over 770 million MAD) with the aim of ensuring equal access to justice.
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Decentralisation and local governance in era of decentralised democracy
Local Governance in Political Transition Period: Principles, Operationalisation and Support
Institutions » is the theme of an international conference held, Monday in Tunis, by the International
Centre for Innovative Local Governance (CILG) in partnership with the International Co-operation
Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG International).
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Medvedev, Abdullah Meet In Astana
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Afghan counterpart Abdullah Abdullah held talks on
the sidelines of a gathering of prime ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in
Astana, on December 15. Abdullah said Russia had provided huge support to Afghanistan's people
and expressed hopes that Kabul-Moscow ties will continue to develop. Medvedev wished success to
Abdullah, who became Afghanistan’s prime minister earlier this year.
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Afghan forces kill 19 militants in several provinces
Nearly 20 Taliban militants have been killed and several others wounded during anti-militancy
operations launched by Afghan national security forces across the war-torn country. The Afghan
Interior Ministry said in a statement that the operations were jointly carried out by Afghan police and
army forces in the provinces of Kunduz, Faryab, Badakhshan, Sar-e-Pul, Ghazni, Herat, and Ghor on
Sunday. At least 19 Taliban militants were killed, some 11 injured and five others arrested during the
operations. Afghan forces also managed to defuse 32 impoverished explosive devices (IEDs) in
different areas, according to the statement.
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Explosive laden vehicle seized in Kabul
Interior ministry of Afghanistan says that police recovered an explosive laden truck in the 5th police
district of Kabul city on Sunday. A statement from the ministry says that beside explosives a huge
amount of deferent types of weapons rounds were also placed in the vehicle. Ministry released
statement states that the vehicle was prepared for a suicide attack in Kabul city.
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Malala, Satyarthi in Oslo for Nobel Peace Prize ceremony
Malala Yousafzai arrived in Oslo, Norway, on Tuesday to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony
tomorrow, where she will be honoured along with her co-winner Indian children rights activist
Kailash Satyarthi. Addressing the media, along with Satyarthi, Malala said that those who stand
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against education are “indoctrinated, but not educated” “I believe Islam is a religion of peace and
humanity. However, some people know they are Muslims but they do not understand their religion,”
Malala said.
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Scores killed in attack on Pakistan school
At least 84 people have died in an attack by Pakistani Taliban fighters on a military-run school in
Peshawar in Pakistan's northwest, according to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's top official. Pervez Khattak,
the region's chief minister, told local media that Peshawar's Lady Reading Hospital had taken 24 of
the dead, while the Combine Military Hospital had taken at least 60. More than 83 people were
injured, Khattak said, when the fighters stormed the Army Public School on Tuesday morning.
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Pakistan Taliban 'kill 100' in assault on Peshawar school
At least 100 people, 80 of them children, have been killed in a Taliban assault on an army-run school
in Peshawar, Pakistani officials say. Five or six militants wearing security uniforms entered the school,
officials said. Gunfire and explosions were heard as security forces surrounded the area. The army
says most of the school's 500 students have been evacuated. It is not clear how many are being held
hostage. A Taliban spokesman says the assault is in response to army operations.
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King inaugurates KADDB joint venture with Turkish company
His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF),
on Monday inaugurated a joint venture between ASELSAN Corporation and the King Abdullah II
Design and Development Bureau (KADDB). Under the project, implemented at the KADDB Industrial
Park in Mafraq Governorate, night vision and thermal imaging systems and equipment are produced
to cover the needs of JAF, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. Chairman of ASELSAN Middle
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East and KADDB Director General Omar Khaldi said the establishment of the company is part of the
King's efforts to initiate partnerships with regional and world countries in the area of technology.
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Turkey condemns terrorist attacks in Afghanistan
Turkish Foreign Ministry strongly condemned terrorist attacks in Afghanistan. A statement made by
the Foreign Ministry reminded that terrorist attacks in the capital Kabul and Helmand province left
27 people dead and 18 injured. “We strongly condemn the attacks in question. Turkey believes that
progress made in Afghanistan in the past 13 years will be maintained and further strengthened and
an environment of stability that every individual in the brotherly Afghan people will benefit from will
be established despite the target to drag the country into chaos once again through efforts made to
create a spiral of violence in the country” the statement said.
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Turkish defense firm launches joint venture with Jordan
King Abdullah II of Jordan on Monday attended the inauguration of a new joint venture between
Jordan and Turkish military electronics company Aselsan Middle East. King Abdullah II of Jordan on
Monday attended the inauguration of a new joint venture between Jordan and Turkish military
electronics company Aselsan Middle East. Attending the inauguration with the Jordanian King was
Turkish Deputy Defense Minister Kemal Yardimci and Aselsan board chairman Hasan Canpolat, along
with a host of military officials.
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Turkish aid agency supports Gaza's needy
Several Turkish charities and humanitarian organizations have opened branches in the Gaza Strip to
offer aid to struggling residents of the war-battered coastal territory A Turkish charity has distributed
financial and material assistance to a number of needy families in the Gaza Strip, including several
affected by Israel's recent military onslaught on the embattled enclave. "The Turkish Humanitarian
Relief Foundation (IHH) has distributed in-kind and financial aid and food packages to several families
across the Gaza Strip," IHH representative Mehmet Kaya told The Anadolu Agency.
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*This media summary is prepared by ORSAM Middle East Research Assistant Firuze Yağmur Gökler.
It covers news and commentaries as reported by the national media sources publishing in the Middle
Eastern countries. The views expressed are not those of ORSAM and their inclusion does not imply
factual accuracy.
*Bu bülten ORSAM Ortadoğu Uzman Yardımcısı Firuze Yağmur Gökler tarafından hazırlanmaktadır.
Bülten Ortadoğu ülkelerinin yerel haber kaynaklarından derlenmektedir. Belirtilen görüşler bölge
ülkelerinin haber kaynaklarına ve ismi geçen yazarlara ait olup ORSAM’ın görüşünü
Sayfa 39