St. Agnes Parish Fourth Sunday of Advent ● December 21, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 a.m. Holy Days Vigil: 6:00 p.m.; Day of: 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. ADORATION: Every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. NOVENA: ST. JUDE: Tuesday mornings immediately following 8:00 a.m. Mass; OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Every Other Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. CONFESSIONS: Saturday, 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. Weekdays: Any time by request. BAPTISMAL SEMINAR: is held on the second (2nd) Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. Parents should contact the Rectory as soon as possible before their child is Baptized. The parents and godparents must attend the seminar before the Baptism of their child. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Second Sunday of each month. Parents are expected to attend the ceremony with their child. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance by the bride and groom in person. Call one of the parish priests before coming. Couples must attend one of the pre-marriage preparation courses. HOLY COMMUNION FOR SICK & SHUT-INS: Holy Communion will be brought to the home. Please call the rectory when someone is ill and unable to come to church. Prayers may be requested for the sick and the elderly. Also call the rectory when someone is in the hospital. THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The sacrament is administered upon request to those seriously ill, permanently handicapped, very elderly and those undergoing major surgery. FUNERALS: The family of the deceased should please consult the parish staff, concerning the time and place of the funeral before making commitments with the undertaker. The normal setting for the Funeral Mass is the Parish Church. NEWCOMERS: We are happy to have you. Welcome - Please fill in one of the census cards at the front entrance of the church. St. Agnes Parish Mission Statement St. Agnes Parish strives to be a GOD-centered Catholic Community, serving the needs of its people through active love, devotion and prayer. We strive to bring the kingdom to all in harmony, nurturing and extending family values united in celebrating Christ’s love. By seeking God’s will, we embody His love, by recognizing our individual talents, determining to evangelize and giving good example. Weekly Bulletin Church/Rectory Address 3310 Jefferson Highway 833-3366 or 833-4118 • Fax: 834-1532 After Hours Emergency Only 830-4504 E-mail [email protected] Pastor Fr. Bac-Hai Viet Tran Assistant Priests Fr. Carroll Heffner Fr. Adrian Hall Fr. Vinh Luu Deacons Piero Caserta 837-0847 Frank DiFulco 737-1068 Administrative Secretary Sabrina Haynes Financial Secretary Marilyn Castle Parish Maintenance Technician Pedro Menendez Building Committee Steve Morgan Finance Council Jack Truxillo 833-2457 CCD/Wedding Coordinator Kelly Wilbert 952-4343 CYO Director Corinne Hebert 444-3469 Parish Council Kay Leger 481-7914 RCIA Karen Metternich 833-2477 School 3410 Jefferson Hwy., 835-6486 Principal Michael Buras Secretary Tina Pierce Cafeteria 834-3531 Marquette Activity Center 834-9333 Adult Choir...................... Every Sunday 8:45 a.m.–PLC 1st Tuesday of the Month at 7:30 p.m.–Church Altar Society ........................ Quarterly, P.L.C. 8:00a.m. Boomers and Beyond ............................ Second Wednesday, MAC 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts ............Every Tuesday, Cafeteria 7:30 p.m. Brownie Troop 263 ...................... Every other Tuesday, School Scout Room–6:30 p.m. C.C.D........................ Sunday, School 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Co-operative Club ................... As Scheduled 7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts ................Third Friday, Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. C.Y.O/Jr. CYO ..................Sundays as Announced, in MAC, 6:00 p.m. Finance Council................ Quarterly, Rectory 6:30 p.m. Holy Name Society .................Second Sunday, MAC After 8:00 a.m. Mass Knights of Columbus .................. Even Months, Second Thursday, School Library 5:00 p.m. Marian Auxiliary ...................... Third Tuesday 3:00 p.m. Men’s Club .................. Third Thursday, MAC 7:00 p.m. Parish Council ........... First Tuesday, Rectory 6:30 p.m. School Board..........Fourth Tuesday, Rectory 6:30 p.m. St. Agnes Vocal Ensemble (S.A.V.E) .......................................... Thursdays, P.L.C 7:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul .......... Every Second & Fourth Monday, PLC 6:30 p.m. Ushers ...............................Quarterly When Announced ST. AGNES PARISH JEFFERSON, LOUISIANA PAGE 2 PRIESTS’ SCHEDULE Weekends of December 20-21, 2014 and December 27-28, 2014 And the angel said to her in reply, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God." - Lk 1:35 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 21, 2014 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Midnight: Dawn: Day: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66 Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 THE WEEK AHEAD SUNDAY, December 21, 2014 - Adult Choir Practice, 8:45am in the PLC; 8:00am Mass; 9:30am Mass; 11:00am Mass MONDAY, December 22, 2014 Daily Mass 8:00am; Confessions: 5:00-6:00pm; Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration, 7:00pm in Church TUESDAY, December 23, 2014 - Daily Mass 8:00am; Novena to St. Jude after 8:00am Mass; Confessions: 5:00-6:00pm WEDNESDAY, December 24, 2014 - CHRISTMAS EVE - Daily Mass 8:00am; Family Christmas Eve Mass 4:00pm; Vigil: 11:00pm THURSDAY, December 25, 2014 - CHRISTMAS DAY - Mass 8:00am; 9:30am; and 11:00am FRIDAY, December 26, 2014 - Daily Mass 8:00am SATURDAY, December 27, 2014 - Daily Mass 8:00am; Sunday Vigil Mass 4:00pm SUNDAY, December 28, 2014 - 8:00am Mass; 9:30am. Mass; 11:00am Mass Saturday, December 20, 2014 4:00pm: Fr. Vinh Deacon: None Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:00pm: Fr. Bac-Hai Deacon: Caserta Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:00am: Fr. Heffner Deacon: None Sunday, December 28, 2014 8:00am: Fr. Heffner Deacon: Caserta 9:30am: Fr. Hall Deacon: DiFulco 9:30am: Fr. Hall Deacon: DiFulco 11:00am: Fr. Bac-Hai Deacon: DiFulco CCD Christmas Liturgy 11:00am: Fr. Vinh Deacon: DiFulco A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT In today’s Gospel reading we hear proclaimed the story of the Annunciation, when the angel of the Lord announced to Mary that she would give birth to Christ through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Mary allowed God’s messenger to speak to her. She was attentive, not afraid to enter into a dialogue, then unconditionally obedient. Mary’s acceptance of this mystery is a stewardship model for us. Good stewards remain open to the incursions of divine life into the normal course of their daily lives. How open are we to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our own lives? What might we do this last week of Advent to be more attentive to the Lord? YOUR WEEKLY SACRIFICE TO THE CHURCH December 14, 2014 Envelopes ...................................................... $4,862.00 Loose ............................................................. $1,891.72 Total............................................................... $6,753.72 Year-To-Date Offertory Collections: Received .................................................... $151,632.25 Budgeted ($6,761.00 weekly) ................. ($162,255.00) Under/Over Budget: ................................... ($10,622.75) Capital Improvement Fund Envelopes & Loose .......................................... $340.00 Immaculate Conception Collection Envelopes & Loose ....................................... $1,403.30 Second Collection Retirement Fund for the Religious Envelopes & Loose ....................................... $1,677.22 Thank you for your generosity. “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Matthew 6:21 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 PAGE 3 ͷ;͑΅Ͷ͑Ͳ΄΅ ͑ Greeting you with love and blessings from God, How was your week? Can you believe that we are already in the 4th week of Advent. In just 2 1/2 more days we will celebrate Christmas, the Mystery of the Incarnation, the day when the Son of God was born as a human. Yes, just 2 1/2 more days until Christmas. So are you ready to celebrate God’s birthday? Either way, Christmas is coming. So, on behalf of Fr. Carroll, Fr. Adrian, Fr. Vinh, the Deacons and the Parish Staff, I wish everyone of you and your family a very Merry Christmas! In the spirit of the preparation of Christmas celebrations, again the CCD students will have their Christmas pageant this Sunday at 11:00am Mass. So mark your calendars and try the best you can to attend and enjoy your children. In the last few Masses if you went to 11:00 a.m. Mass you can see that our children have been rehearsing for this special liturgy. Well, this year since we have more CCD students, we have more little angels than ever, flying everywhere in the sanctuary. Hopefully they will remember where they land on Sunday for the pageant. The kids are very serious about their Christmas pageant. Last Sunday evening our parish held their annual Christmas party at Southport Hall. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the party due to a death in my family. I had to travel to Arkansas and had Frances, one of our adopted seminarians, help me to drive, so he missed the party as well. I hear there were over 80 people who attended. The food was excellent, and the libations even better, especially because it was included in the price. Of course, it was all buffet style. Many people never missed a chance to take advantage of it. We did have a few of our seminarians who were able to make the party. I hear that my seminarians were on their best behavior, even though as soon as they got into the door, they knew where to go, straight to the bar and ordered their Pina Colada and Tequila Sunrise. Talk about quick learners, they sure are. Eating and drinking doesn’t have to be taught, it just comes naturally. I just wanted to make sure that they were not over drinking and misbehaving. Otherwise I would have been in big trouble with the rector of the seminary and Archbishop Aymond, and I sure don’t want our parish to have a bad reputation for contaminating the seminarians. I hear that everyone who attended the party had a very good time, and the music couldn’t be better. It was a variety from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, and some Christmas music. Thanks to Sandra Roche and Corinne Hebert for taking the reigns in coordinating this wonderful event. For those of us who did not attend, we missed a good time, so mark your calendars for next year, December 13, 2015 and plan to be with us. In helping the children to get ready for Christmas and to capture the meaning of Christmas, there were two penitential services held the weekend of December 7th for our elementary and high school CCD students, one in the morning and one in the evening. Since Fr. Vinh has been away, due to his cousin’s funeral, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time hearing their confessions. This year we had more than 30 kids from the high school CCD program. Every one of them took their sacrament of penance very seriously. Bravo to all of them. This year is the second time that the CYO held a Christmas party for ALL the kids involved in CYO, and those who participate in St. Agnes school activities. Again thanks to Corinne Hebert and her team of parents for this special event. It was a huge success! All of the kids who attended had a wonderful time, with DJ music for all ages. In this weekend’s bulletin, again you will see the times for Mass and Confession for Christmas, and New Year’s. Don’t forget to bring your bulletin home and put it on your refrigerator, or a place of convenience so that you will be well informed of the Mass and Confession times for everyone in the family. Please make sure that you let your children know that Santa Claus will come to town and stop at St. Agnes at the end of the 4:00 p.m. Mass to greet them. And yes, to all of the children, listen, if you are a good boy and girl during this year, Santa will have something for you. Although we don’t have Midnight Mass in our parish, but 11:00 p.m. Mass, the choir will have a Christmas Concert at 10:30p.m. If possible, please come early, and enjoy the music before Mass begins. Well, that’s enough for this week. I’m sure at this time many of us have been very busy preparing for Christmas without paying attention to the real meaning of why we celebrate Christmas. Once again we need to keep Christ in Christmas. We need to know the meaning of what we are doing. Otherwise, it becomes meaningless. I hope to see all of you at Mass on Christmas, and as you may remember AGAIN, Just in case you forgot, may I remind you, I’ve been here a few years now, and some Christmas’ have passed by and still one of my favorite Christmas songs is still: “I’m Dreaming of a White Lexus.” but so far I my dream has not come true yet. So, I am lowering my standards, not for a white Lexus, but just a “White Infinity SUV.” That’s enough! Santa Claus do you hear me or do I need to tell my parishioners so they can go to the mountain top and spread the good news? God Bless and Merry Christmas! Fr. Bac-Hai FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES Please remember to pick up your 2015 offering envelopes on your way out of church. If you are not currently using envelopes, stop by the back of church and take a box with the white cards in it, fill out the card, put your envelope number on the card and place it in the collection basket. ST. AGNES WELCOMES OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED IN THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER and DECEMBER George Lee Turgeau Son of: George Matthew and Taemee Byrne Turgeau Brenna Lynn Wust Daughter of: Alan Edwin and Stephanie Riche Wust A MESSAGE FROM CYO AND JR. CYO PAGE 4 2014 CHRISTMAS CONFESSION & MASS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Saturday, December 20, 2014 – 3:00–3:45p.m. Fr. Vinh Monday, December 22, 2014 – 5:00–6:00p.m. Fr. Bac-Hai Tuesday, December 23, 2014 – 5:00–6:00p.m. Fr. Vinh NO CONFESSIONS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th MASSES Thank you to everyone who purchased a Christmas Wreath and made our efforts a success. We appreciate your generosity and support. We hope you enjoy them. On behalf of all of our members we want to wish everyone a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a New Year filled will Faith, Hope, Peace and Love. CHRISTMAS EVE: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Morning Mass: 8:00 a.m. - Fr. Vinh Vigil Mass: Family Mass at 4:00 p.m. - Fr. Bac-Hai GRACIAS! THANK YOU! Vigil Mass: 11:00PM - Fr. Vinh - NO MIDNIGHT MASS On behalf of the Guadalupe Mass Ministry, they would like to thank everyone who came out to help celebrate the Vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass on December 12th. It was a fantastic success! Thank you to Fr. Vinh Luu for a job well done. Muchas Gracias to everyone who participated and made this event a success!!! ST. AGNES CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT Christmas Eve - 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 24th Please join us before the 11:00p.m. Mass for an evening of wonderful Christmas music! OFFICE CLOSED The Rectory Office will be closed on Wednesday, December 24th thru Friday, December 26th and will reopen on Monday, December 29th. CHRISTMAS SECOND COLLECTION There will be a second collection at all Masses this weekend. Our goal for this year is $11,500.00. Please share in the care by giving generously. THERE ARE “3” MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!! CHRISTMAS DAY: Thursday, December 25, 2014 Masses: 8:00 a.m. - Fr. Heffner 9:30 a.m. - Fr. Hall 11:00 a.m. - Fr. Vinh Wednesday, December 31, 2014 – New Year’s Eve Vigil Mass: 4:00 p.m. - Fr. Bac-Hai Thursday, January 1, 2015 - New Year’s Day (A Holy Day of Obligation) Mass Schedule: 8:00a.m. - Fr. Heffner 9:30a.m. - Fr. Vinh 11:00 a.m. - Fr. Bac-Hai FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVEN DECEMBER 21, 2014 E.A., Austin Ada, Abby Adams, Evelyn Adams, Eliska Adema, Diane Alston, Mary Angelo, Tony Angelo, Katherine Annis, Jacque Arnoult, Jay & Joy Arnoult, Jamie Lynn Arnoult, Arron Babst, Jack Baggett, Sr., Hattie Bailey, Steven Bailey, Marian Bairnsfather, Charles & Dorothy Barbier, Peggy Barden, Jeanette Barrilleaux, Lillian Becker, Jeanne Billings, Gloria Blanchard, Ray Bianchini, Joseph Binder, Bonvillian Family, Adam J. Boubede & Family, Boubede Family, Sandra Agnes Boudreaux, Lee Boudreaux, Stephen Bradley, Thomas A. Breaux, Jr., Kristian Brenan, Abot Justin Brown, Cher Brownfield, Elaine Bukart, Gavin Bunton, Kayla Burdette, Christina Burgess, Susan Burgess, Lois Burnett, Myrtis Burton, Jacqueline Marie Bussell, Thais Calamia, Rita Calderara, Jamie C., Linda Calli, Rebecca Canady, Amanda Lynn Cannon, Carley, Marilyn Castle, Sgt. Paul Douglas Charles, Terri Christina, Mary Clouatre, Craig Cortello, Karen Cortello, Clare Crane, Harold Crane, Colline Crespo, Lela Cupit, Curtis Family, J. D., Dana D., Warren Davis, Zachary Dennison, Kimberly Dolan, Jill Marie Domingo, Lola Donelon, Donald Douglas, Sybil Doyle, Ruby Dufauchard, Jane Duggan, Norby Dunn, Angie Duvernet, Ann Duvigneaud, Rena Edmond, Sean Michael Eppinette, Brennan & Hudson Fabro, Nelly Ellis, Steve Engeron, D.F., Alice Rita Famularo, Marie Farmer, Charles Fasterling, Maxine Ferretti, Elizabeth & Felix Fischer, Erinee Floyd, Hilda Fournier, Gregory Frazier, Stephenie Frazier, Emily Freese, James Frioux, Ingrid Fritz, Nicholas G., Louis Garcia, Edwin Gebhardt, Sandra Getz, Evelyn Graham, Yvonne Groetsch, Vivian Guarisco, Leslie Guidry, Troy J. Guidry, Kathy Guyton, R.H., Loretta Haddad, Korey Hall, Debbie Harris, Alberta Haskell, Claire Haskell, John Haskell, Bob Haskins, Amelia Kathryn Haydel, Janae (J-J) Haynes, Sabrina Haynes, Terrell Haynes, Jean Hecker, Kermit Heim, Donna Higgenbotham, Joe Hoda, Cameron Hoerner, Nicholas Hooge, Todd Hubble, Carol Hughes, Carlotta Humphreys, Betty Donaldson Jaraba, Margie Jaubert, Irma Jordan, Bert Juneau, Sylvia K., Sean & Karen Kavanaugh, Janet Wilson Keller, Linda Keller, Mary Cassin-Keller, Whitney Keller, Kim, Antoinette Konneker, Edward Kramer, Mary Elaine Kronlage, Carol Krupar, Loraine L., Esther Lambert, George Lampard, Jr., J. Lampkin, Chad Lapping, John Latham, Christina Le, Bruna LeBlanc, Norma LeBlanc, Ernest Leblanc, Gayle Lebsack, Ashley Lee, Ray Lee, Sarah Leger, Antoine Lehmann, Sr., Gayle Leroux, Mary Lilengue, Cheryl Lozier, Jerry Luke, Deacon Nelvin Luke, Robert Luwisch, James W. Mahoney, Joyce Marshall, Spencer Mauer, Kenneth Mayeux, J. McC., Jr., J. McCleland Family, Robert McCollister, Jimmy McCurley, Kallie McGuire, Pete Miller, Minnerly Family, Mischke Family, Ronald Molony, Chad Montegut, Sgt. Jean-Paul Montreuil, Caroline Morgan, Drew Morrow, Beverly Mullin, Fran Murphy, Steven B. Murphy & Family, Betty Nelson, Genevieve Nemeth, Shirley Neumann, Anna May Noustens, Charlotte L. Nunez, OSB, Isabel Ochoa, Cecilia O’Leary, Norma Paratore, Maria Parra, Paul Kerry Patin, Sr., Paul Kerry Patin, Jr., Dennis Phillips, Sr., Frankie Pilote, Mary Rita Pizzolato, Lawrence Pizzuto, Rotolo & Poche’ Families, Crystal Polar, Jean & Joseph Merrill Porche, Maximus Porche, Colleen Poster, Dominick V. Prestwood, Beverly Puglia, The Puglia Family, A.M.R., Mark Rapier, Monica Rapier, Rebecca, John Reilman, Sr., Michael Reimer, Cheryl Reynaud, George Reynaud, David I. Roberts, Deeann Roberts, Mary & Archie Rodriguez, Edward Romaguera, Nancy Roth, Nathan Rotollo, Bret Rousses, Roux Family, Chad St. Pierre, Lara Santos, Jaxon Scarengos, Charles Schomaker, Juliette Schomaker, Rosa Schoolmeyer, Aimee Schroeder, Brittany Seale, Kim Seale, Helen Seither, Barbara D. Shepphard, Bridget Sinibaldi, Loretta & Jack Springfield, Michael Springmann, Janice Stanley, Michael Stickles, Marie Stokes, Leo Suer, Sr., Betty Swanson, Juan Tabares, Gloria Tastet, Ronnie Temento, Rafe Joseph Terrebonne, Lynn Theriot, Jennifer Thompson, Chloe Olivette Todd, Victoria Tripit, Gretchen U., Edward Trosclair, Jr., Paul Varenholt, Cathy Vead, Diana Vicknair, Marie Vidal, Erin Villarrubia, Ian Walker, Brenda & Robert Wallace, Lillie Louise Ward, Robert White, Robert J. White, David Wilbert, Sr., Delta Willis, Ronnie Willis, Annabelle Lee Yates, David & Musette Yochim, Devan Young, Kayilah Young PRAYER LIST WILL CHANGE Beginning in January, 2015 at the end of each year, we will start a NEW prayer list. You will have to call or send in your requests to add a loved one to the prayer list. The Prayer List will be good for ONE YEAR. THE SANCTUARY CANDLE MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, December 20, 2014 4:00 p.m. Audrey Landry Chiro, Lorraine & Lawrence Blanchard, Cyprian Casadaban, Lloyd W. Seither, Benjamin J. & Nell Marie Roussel, Glenn & Bessie Haynes, Ronald, Francis, Arthur & Helen LaCour, Alvin Becker, Charles Howard & Rosemary Davenport, Joseph C. & John T. McGinnis, Blanche Compton, Jane Sabrio, William Jr., Lloyd, Sr. & Linda Lamay, Billy Conrad, Laurie Conrad, Anna Nguyen Thi Chien, Peter Vo Van Di, George Lampard, Jr., Elva, Felicien & Amelia Parent, Velma Nutter, Michael Edwin Still, Jr. SUNDAY, December 21, 2014 8:00 a.m. Paul Edward Reeder, Albert & Mary G. Schof 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. WEDDING BANNS Michael Savant and Amy Osborn Shane Persich and Jessica St. Philip Henry Joseph Steudlein, Jr., June Stockfleth, Claire Eliska “DiDi” Reilman, Parishioners MONDAY, December 22, 2014 8:00 a.m. William J. Lagarde, Lois Lagarde, Lorraine & Lawrence Blanchard, Claire Eliska “DiDi” Reilman, Lois Lagarde, TUESDAY, December 23, 2014 8:00 a.m. Lorraine & Lawrence Blanchard, Michael Edwin Still, Jr. WEDNESDAY, December 24, 2014 8:00 a.m. Lorraine & Lawrence Blanchard, Claire Eliska “DiDi” Reilman, 4:00 p.m. In Loving Memory of DAVID JOSEPH ROME from Family In Loving Memory of THE DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE BECKER AND WALT FAMILIES PAGE 5 11:00 p.m. Marcelle & Claude Haydel, Sidney & Blanche Waguespack, Leon & Melanie Troxclair, Elia & Sidney Waguespack, Jr., Paul D. Anthony, Sr., Dallas, Addie & Bernadine Bordelon, Stephen D. Collins, Jr., Mabel L. Solis, Gervais, Mirth & Angele Gauthreaux, Edward “Kit” Carson, Ernest, Sr. & Jr. & Roxie Rodrigue, Prudent Brack, M/M Magilde Simon, Steven Teresi, Salvador C. Teresi, Blanche Compton, Jane Sabrio, Linh Thi Tran, Leonard & Musette Seeger, Jeffrey, Ernest & Louise Haynes, Oscar & Narine Gosserand, Johnny Femia, Sr., Henry Steudlein, Jr., Maria An Thi Tong THURSDAY, December 25, 2014 8:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society, Lorraine & Lawrence Blanchard, Ruby & Gay Elizabeth Grabert, David Joseph Rome, Marjorie & George J. Lampard Sr., Evelyn Graham, Alzina & Eddie Barbay, Bruce & Connie Gomez, Garcia-Russo Families, Earl Russo, Sr., Joseph DiFulco, The Olave & Miller Families, Mariano de Jesus, May Thi Tran 9:30 a.m. Ryan Waguespack and Emily Perone 11:00 a.m. Claire Eliska “Didi” Reilman, Juanita Bordelon, Evelyn & Norris Boudreaux Parishioners FRIDAY, December 26, 2014 8:00 a.m. Lorraine & Lawrence Blanchard, Claire Eliska “DiDi” Reilman, Please remember those who have died, especially DORIS P. McGOWAN. May their souls rest in peace. SATURDAY, December 27 , 2014 8:00 a.m. Evelyn & Norris Boudreaux Please Pray the Rosary Daily for World Peace! ††††††††††††††
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