Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 21, 2014 Fr. Michael’s Message “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: Forever will I confirm your posterity and establish your throne for all generations.” As we begin the last week of Advent and enter into Christmas, I invite us as a parish to reflect on the impact of the Incarnation, God becoming man. The great 20th century writer, GK Chesterton, would refer to it as the “staggering dogma of the Incarnation,” because it truly is amazing. “God has become man,” in the words of St. Ambrose, “that we might become God.” We enter into our true dignity and destiny through the covenant that God has made with us, the covenant that began with the people of Israel that was restored and consummated in Jesus Christ. Through this covenant, we become members of God’s family. We were first brought into this family at our baptism, and this relationship is sealed and strengthened through Confirmation, healed through Reconciliation, and ratified every time we receive the Holy Eucharist. During the days of Christmas, when we often seek to spend time with our families, let’s thank God that He has made us members of His family through the Incarnation of His Son, and we deepen and celebrate that family bond, that covenant, every time we celebrate the Sacraments. God bless you! Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intention The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for December: “That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith.” To make an hourly commitment to spend time with Jesus, please contact Diane Snigg at 774-9511. Please Pray for the Sick Elise Banks Henry Barse Evelyn Check Peter Check Mary Fradette Jane Greaney Betty Johnson Don Joyner Ann Monaghan Nancy Tipps Please call the office with the names of friends and family who need our prayers. The list will be started anew at the beginning of each month. Please Pray for the Repose of Shirley Williams, who passed away Monday, November 24, 2014. Please keep Shirley’s family in your thoughts and prayers. Congratulations to the following children who were recently baptized: Mira Anabel Cantrell, daughter of Nathan Cantrell and Zoë Daniel. Adam James Alexander Correll, son of Christopher and Sofia Correll. Herwin, Yorcaef, and Christopher Lopez-Diaz, children of Cristobal Domingo and Maria Lopez. Mass Readings and Intentions Monday, December 22 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday, December 23 St. John of Kanty Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday, December 24 The Vigil of Christmas 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89: 2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Midnight: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Thursday, December 25 The Navity of the Lord Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] 7:00 am Maria Thuoc Nguyen † 10:00 am Nicholas Ciccarelli & Son † 7:00 am Jason Andrew Mann † 10:00 am Gerald Brown † Melissa Brown (Sp. Int.) 7:00 am Lola Bourque † 5:00 pm Rachel Pitts (Sp. Int.) 8:00 pm Evelyn Rambo † 12 am Stacey Minkey † 7:45 am Doris Cameron † 10:00 am Parish Community 11:45 am Peter Dinh † Friday, December 26 St. Stephen Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday, December 27 St. John 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sunday, December 28 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Lectors Please email Rachel Theobald at [email protected] with dates from January—March for which you are unable to serve. Put Your Faith in Action This week I will reflect on the Gospel and ask what I can learn from it. 7:00 am Mary Don Vu & Dao † 10:00 am Ryan Barker (Sp. Int.) 8:00 am Eddie & Tonia Mawcinitt † 5pm Roscoe & Timm Family † 7:45 am Parish Community 10:00 am Chuck Gigli † 11:45 am Lawrence & Glenna Trahan (Sp. Int.) 6:00 pm Robert Neubauer † You are Invited! Fr. Anthony will be celebrating the birth of Christ at Clifford Sims State Veterans’ Nursing Home, 4419 Tram Road Panama City, FL, on Thursday, December 25th, at 2pm. Mass will be held in the dining room. Please stop by the visitors’ desk to register upon arrival. Everyone is welcome to join us for Mass and visit with the residents afterwards. This Week St. Dominic Youth Ministry For all our Youth: Sincere thanks to all teens, youth, and parents who helped clean and decorate for Christmas this weekend! Tacky Christmas Skate Party! We invite all middle and high school youth (and their families) to a fun night of pre-Christmas skating TONIGHT, Sunday, December 21, 7-9pm! Wear your tackiest holiday attire and join us at The Skate Factory in Panama City. Admission is one canned good for Catholic Charities. Food is available for purchase from the snack bar. March for Life! Youth in 7th - 12th grade (and their families) are invited on our March for Life pilgrimage with St. John the Evangelist and St. Rita parishes. We depart after school on Jan 20 and return early morning Jan. 23. Space is limited; priority will be given to teens and chaperones. Applications are due immediately, along with a fee of $215/person. Financial assistance is available. Contact Theresa with any questions. Join us as we give witness to the dignity of human life! LifeTeen News: Proclaim Christ Boldly! Youth Conference 2015 is Jan 30 - Feb 1. Registration is $250, due by Jan 7. Financial aid is available. Contact Theresa for registration materials and details. Any parishioner wishing to offer financial help in sending a teen to Conference is asked to contact Theresa Prejean at the parish office. We thank you! There will be no LifeTeen/ Life Night on Sunday, Dec. 28 and Sunday, Jan. 4. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! God Squad News: Middle School Kick-Off is Sunday, January 4, 3:30 - 5:30pm Diocesan Middle School Retreat “Into the Deep" is Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Holy Name of Jesus in Niceville, $25/ person If you know someone who is thinking about becoming Catholic or has questions about the Faith, encourage them to watch Catholic in America to learn more. Catholic in America is your way to spread the Faith! 23,000 households watch each week. Sundays at 10:30 a.m. on WMBB Channel 13 December 21st Episode: Funerals/ Why Be Catholic Your monthly gift helps the Church reach out to the public. Donate online at: www.catholicin donate. Sunday, the 21st Breakfast--after all morning Masses Fil-Am Children’s Christmas Party--1 to 4pm Monday, the 22nd Rosary Makers--8 to 9:30am Tuesday, the 23rd Divine Mercy--6 to 7pm Core/Jr. Core Team--6:30 to 8pm Wednesday, the 24th Christmas Eve Masses Thursday, the 25th Christmas Day Masses Friday, the 26th Hispanic Choir--7:30 to 8:30pm Saturday, the 27th Hall-Fishers of Men--9 to 11am Meetings subject to change. Please call the Ministry Contacts in the bulletin if you need more information. To schedule an event, please call Linda Huffman in the parish office. Children with Special Needs Religious Education Since our children are such an integral part of our Parish Family, we consider it a privilege to partner with the family in their children’s faith formation with our Rel. Ed. and LifeTeen programs. We include any children with special needs and welcome them into our programs. If our regular faith formation programs are not meeting your child’s needs, we can provide special sessions, including sacramental preparation. If you are a parent whose child has special needs, please contact Sr. Jean in our Religious Education Office, 763-7393. Come to the bookstore for all your last minute Christmas shopping! Dear Church Mouse, I am planning to travel by car for Christmas, and of course, I still want to go to Mass even while I am visiting family. I was wondering if you have any hints on how I can find a church when I am on the road? The Traveler Dear Traveler, If you have a phone that allows you to surf the web or have access to a computer in your hotel, you can pull up and put in the states and cities you plan to pass through. This site will give you all the churches within several miles of your intended route. Also, if you have a GPS, you can search in “Points of Interest,” then “Places of Worship or Church.” All types of churches will come up within a certain radius of where you are. You just arrow down until you find a Catholic Church. It will tell you how many miles away the church is. You can select that as your destination, and it will lead you right to the church. If a Catholic church does not come up right away you may be too far away from one. Try when you get closer to a town. We use our cell phone to call the church, and they usually have a voice message that will tell you the time for Mass. Technology is a wonderful thing! The Church Mouse Questions for the Church Mouse? [email protected] Circle of Friends is no longer accepting shoeboxes. A big thank you to all who helped make the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project a great success. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????????????????????? Who: Anyone who wants to support St. John Catholic School 18 yrs. or older What: Trivia Game Night Multiple rounds of questions Registration required Prizes awarded throughout the night Where: St. Dominic Parish Hall When: Monday, January 26th Check-in from 6 -6:30pm Register at: St. John Catholic School www. ????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Retirement Fund for Religious This weekend we will be collecting for the Retirement Fund for Religious. This annual appeal benefits some 35,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests--women and men who have consecrated their lives to serving God and the Church. Pope Francis tells us, “Every consecrated person is a gift for the People of God on its journey.” During this year for Consecrated Life, the Retirement Fund for Religious offers us an opportunity to support elder religious in this phase of their journeys. Bishop Parkes recognizes this is only one of numerous worthy causes in need of assistance. He asks that we simply give what we can in thanksgiving for the faithful service of senior religious. Moms’ Faith Group Vacation Schedule Our Moms’ Faith Group will be taking a break for two weeks. We will not be meeting December 23rd or 30th. We will begin to m e e t a g ai n o n Tu e s d a y , January 6, 2015. Come join us from 9 to 11am in the Parish Hall (childcare provided.) For more information, please contact Jenny Mahoney - 252-3925 or [email protected] Today’s Breakfast will be served by the Rosary at the Grotto Group and the Santo Niño Ministry, featuring tocino, garlic rice, scrambled eggs, tomatoes & fruits for $4.99. Special orders of longaniza, tinapa & fried fish are $5.99. The traditional American breakfast is also available. All proceeds benefit parish charities and ministry projects. Please plan to have your Energy Booster Meal! Thank you for your support and God Bless. Symbolon, the online learning program used in the RCIA process, is available to all parishioners. Go to index.php/register You will be asked to enter a “registration code.” Please enter 5862e0. This program is an excellent way to learn more about our Catholic Faith. If you have any questions or problems, please contact Deacon Steve at 850-774-9516 or email at [email protected]. The Angel Tree was again a huge success! Thanks to the Altar Society, Circle of Friends, Rosary Makers Guild, Knights of Columbus, Filipino Ministry, LifeTeen, and a special thanks to our parishioners who provided Christmas gifts to over 200 elderly residents of local nursing homes who otherwise might not have had a Christmas. Thank you for your wonderful spirit of giving and for sharing your blessings with others. Parish Information CLERGY Rev. Michael Nixon, Administrator Rev. Anthony Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Stephen Olson, Parochial Vicar Dcn. Roger Gallagher Dcn. Steven Snigg Dcn. Michael Theobald PARISH OFFICE Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm Office: 785-4574 Fax: 872-0800 St. Dominic Books & Gifts 763-3244 Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 9 am- 3 pm Parish Hall/Kitchen: 763- 3632 Priests’ Residence/Emergencies: 785-4632 STAFF Religious Education…….763-7393 Sr. Jean O’Connor, OSF Pastoral Assistant……….785-4574 Sr. Anna Thu Nguyen, LHC Youth Minister………….785-0174 Theresa Prejean Financial Administrator..785-4574 Teri Blackman Parish Manager…………785-4574 Mark Gutcher Parish Office Manager….785-4574 Linda Huffman Pastor’s Secretary……….785-4574 Julie Tout 3308 East 15th Street, Panama City, FL 32405 Victims’ Assistance Victims’ Assistance has been established to help those who have been sexually abused. This is a service of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee. Please contact James Gagnon at 850-877-0205. Bulletin Submissions: To submit announcements, please email [email protected] by 3pm on Friday PRIOR to the next weekend’s bulletin. Questions About the Parish? See Teri Blackman at the Welcome Center in the Parish Hall today after all morning Masses. Sacraments Ministry Contacts Baptism Baptism preparation is held the first Sunday of the month for registered families. Call Linda Huffman at 785-4574 to sign up. ADULT CHOIR Billy Rader 785-4574 ALTAR SERVERS Mike Carinhas 890-9389 ALTAR SOCIETY Clara Mayer Dolly Allen 871-3181 763-8671 BIBLE STUDIES Steve Butler 872-1382 CARE MINISTRY Dan Russell 785-4574 CATHOLIC CEMETERY Efren Cisneros 785-4574 First Reconciliation/ Eucharist Preparation is done through the Religious Education Program. Contact Sr. Jean at 763-7393. CATHOLIC CHARITIES Confirmation Teens must attend faith formation prior to enrollment in the Confirmation Program. Contact Sr. Anna at 785-4574 for more information. CRISIS PREVENTION PHONE LINE Holy Matrimony Six months preparation is required before the anticipated marriage date. Contact the Parish Office at 785-4574 to secure a date to begin preparation. Anointing of the Sick Contact the Parish Office to arrange a visit by a priest. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you would like to finish your sacramental preparations, contact Deacon Steve at 785-4574. St. Dominic is Now on Flickr Find pictures of parish events at photos/ saintdominicpc/sets 763-0475 CERAMIC SHOP Jane Furey 265-0063 CHILDREN'S CHOIR Olena Wable 785-6262 CHILDREN'S LITURGY Linda Huffman 871-1521 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Vicky Bernia 866-3456 CRAFTY LADIES Clara Mayer Dolly Allen 871-3181 763-8671 800-848LOVE Bart Furey 785-4574 CSA EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Diane Snigg 774-9511 FIL-AM GROUP Marie Thomas 763-6309 FISHERS OF MEN Steve Butler 872-1382 FUNERAL CHOIR Olena Wable 785-6262 GREETERS MINISTRY Eileen Kight 874-1179 HANDCHIME CHOIR Kathy Peters 271-8337 HISPANIC MINISTRY Efren Cisneros 785-4574 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Dennis Dillenschneider 785-4574 KOREAN MASS June Pracon 774-6848 LECTOR AND EMHC SCHEDULES MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Rachel Theobald 785-4574 Lisa Carinhas 625-5103 Naomi Sharp 227-0188 MOMS' FAITH GROUP Jenny Mahoney 248-9074 PARENTS' NIGHT OUT Joanne Crouch 874-2701 PRAYER LINE Ana Wallace 248-9400 ROSARY AT THE GROTTO Bing Quillen 625-0969 ROSARY MAKERS Pam Baldwin 871-0091 SAMPAGUITA GROUP Chiqui Corridor 913-7337 SANTO NIÑO Bing Quillen 625-0969 SCOUTS Tim Mixdorf 819-6464 SEW-N-SEWS Anne Herring 265-2484 SEWING ROOM Joy Murray 785-2015 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Mike Wilson 785-4574 TV CREW Joe Lehman 522-4174 USHERS Mike Wilson 785-4574 VICTIM’S ASSISTANCE James Gagnon 877-0205 YOUNG ADULTS Autumn Paxton 532-0220 Your Hometown Pharmacy FREE Gift: We would like to give away 1 bottle of Extra GREGORY K. MORROW, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Parishioner since 1990 (850) 785-0515 (Formerly of Bay Med Pharmacy) TIMOTHY G. MORIARTY MD 221 East 23rd Street, Suite B Panama City, FL 32405 850-872-0502 Located at 540 E. 6th Street, 11111 Panama City Beach Pkwy. 850.215.7455 Panama City, FL 32413 850-233-6633 Strength Acetaminophen 100 count to each customer We Compound Hormone and Pain Creams Owner Laura Gould, RPh 25 Doctors Drive • Panama City, FL 32405 Bay Medical at the Beach 11111 Panama City Pkwy., Panama City, FL 32407 EMERALD ISLE PULMONARY P.A. across from Speedy Car Wash “Anything less just won’t cut it” 844 N. Tyndall Parkway Callaway, FL 32404 (850) 215-1930 Sales • Parts • Service Compliments from 850-785-6699 Tues-Fri 9:00-6:00 641 N. Tyndall Pkwy. Sat 9:00-5:00 THE FLYNN FAMILY • Auto • Property • Life 747-1187 Vince Flavia Mention this ad when calling for a quote and we will donate to the church. RICHARD H. GAUNT, JR. BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL ATTORNEY WALBORSKY & BRADLEY, P.A. 825 JENKS AVENUE PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 FREE EGG ROLL with entrée 626 W. 23rd St. Panama City, FL Vietnamese Restaurant 626 W. 23rd Street • Panama City, Florida 32405 850.215.7277 Parishioner Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. Personal Injury & Wrongful Death In Stock & Ready to Order Today. (850) 763-6363 (850) 872-0649 FAX TOLL FREE (888) 206-2523 CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Email: [email protected] 800-566-6150 • Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 001119 St Dominic Church (B) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Kent-Forest Lawn Blessings from Fr. Anthony Bus’ author of “A Mother’s Plea” and the Bus’ Family BRAIN AND SPINE CENTER, LLC Funeral Home and Cemeteries “When Caring Counts” GREG BRUDNICKI 763-4694 NEUROSURGERY NEUROLOGY Kamel H. Elzawahry, MD, FACP, FAAN Douglas L. Stringer, MD, FACS Come Join Us for a FREE 406 S. Tyndall Parkway Panama City, FL 32404 7 DAY TRIAL! (850) 872-2370 Karin S. Maddox, MD Merle P. Stringer, MD, FACS 2202 State Avenue, Suite 201 2011 N Harrison Avenue TAILOR Sunny’s ALTERATIONS (850) 0029 785-0029 Customize Tailoring ◆ Women & Men’s ◆ Wedding & Prom ◆ Bridesmaids ◆ Leather & More 424 N. Tyndall Pkwy., Callaway 850.763.5133 VIRGIE’S PERFECT CUTS FAMILY HAIR AND NAIL CARE LYNN HAVEN SHOPPING PLAZA Mon - Fri 9AM - 8PM • Sat 9-6 • Sun 12-6 1812 HWY. 77 STE. 126 LYNN HAVEN, FL 32444 Panama City FL 3240569- Panama City FL 32405- PARISHIONERS (850) 3261 769-3261 Parishioner Since 1983 Pana Roma Impact Windows & Door Replacement Accordion Shutters Aluminum Rollshutters Bahamas & Colonial Shutters Wind Abatement Screens Storm Panels PIZZA & PASTA Enjoy your favorite pizza & pasta New Location PH. (850) 265-0084 840 W. 23rd St., Panama City Nimae N. Awantang, MD Board Certified Family Physician Disease Prevention • Integrative Health • Age Management 625 W. Baldwin Road, Suite C • Panama City, FL 32405 Phone: 850-769-6612 • Fax: 850-769-3533 • (850) 769-9466 / Parishioner 850.233.3040 (4 doors down from Hobby Lobby Lic# CBC1259054 Parishioner Behind Chick-Fil-A) Dine In • Carry Out Curb Side Pick Up Available June’s Alterations • BAY AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 763-9325 763-9878 2211 N. HWY. 231 2211 N. HWY. 231 Both Businesses Owned by June Pracon, Parishioner Julie Ann Sombathy, Esq. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Parishioner Since 1972 850-769-5532 Wills, Trust & Probate For further information, General Civil Practice & Litigation please call the Parish Office. 434 Magnolia Avenue 䡲 Panama City 䡲 Florida 32401 David R. Dietrich, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon General Orthopedist with emphasis in Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction RAYMOND JAMES® Kathleen A. Crowley, CFP®, Financial Advisor // Managing Director (850) 785-0095 T 850.872.3760 1827 Harrison Avenue Panama City, FL 32405 Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., owns the certification mark CFP® in the U.S. ©2013 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC JOHN J. MACELUCH, D.O. Mike Gagnon CUE’S FURNITURE OFFICE GYN/NFP WEIGHT CONTROL QUALITY Used Furniture Brand New Mattresses FAA EXAMS I,II,III “Made in the U.S.A.” 1317 Harrison Ave. In Business Since 1978 850-784-6601 Open 7 days a week (present this AD at appt.) (20% of the fee will be given TIRE & AUTO CENTER St Vincent de Paul) COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Appt. 850-215-1357 600 N. Martin Luther King (Parishioner) 001119 St Dominic Church (A) CERTIFIED MASTER TECHNICIANS 104 E. 6th St. 747-0096 Mon-Sat 9 to 5 Sun 10 to 4 Lay Away Plan Available 1425 Highway 71 So. Wewahitchka, FL Mention ad & ask about free delivery distance... Ph: 850-639-2343 Cell: 850-628-1358 Black/White Copiers Color Copiers Facsimiles Color Laser Printers Shredders & More Call Us and Save!! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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