Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 7, 2014 “For where twoMy or three gathered together name, I in the midst of them.” soul are is thirsting for you,inOmy Lord mythere Godam (Psalm 63) Matthew 18:20 This next weekend, we as a parish family have a tremendous opportunity to come together and encounter Jesus Christ in a new and definitive way at our parish retreat, Encountering Christ 2014. This event begins Friday evening and goes through the Saturday Vigil Mass. I know that it can be difficult to take time away from other responsibilities for a retreat, but I assure you that God cannot be outdone in generosity. I also ask that you and your family begin praying this prayer to Holy Spirit to prepare us to receive everything that God wants to give us at our parish retreat: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love! Send forth your Spirit, Lord, and we shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. Lord Jesus, may Your Holy Spirit come in power upon our parish family as we prepare to encounter You at our parish retreat. Bless and strengthen all those who will be presenting and those who will be in attendance. Set our hearts on fire with love for You and for one another. In Your most Holy Name we pray. Amen. Thank you for your prayerful support and I’ll see you Friday evening! Mass Readings and Intentions Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intention The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for September: “That the mentally disabled may receive the love and help they need for a dignified life.” To make an hourly commitment to spend time with Jesus, please contact Diane Snigg at 774-9511. Please Pray for the Sick Elise Banks Phoenix Kang Aurora Rana Please call the office with the names of friends and family who need our prayers. The list will be started anew at the beginning of each month. Divine Mercy Hour resumes on Tuesday, September 23rd, at 7 p.m. in the Chapel. Rosary Wednesdays, 6 p.m. at the Grotto. Saturday September 6: First Saturday 8:00 a.m. Matthew Stringer † 1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5 5:00 p.m. Ernestine Tejada † Paula Fulks Sunday, September 7: 7:45 a.m. Millie Curran † Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20 Monday, September 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Tuesday, September 9: St. Peter Claver 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday, September 10: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday, September 11: The Most Holy Name of Mary 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13; Ps 139:1b-3, 1314ab, 23-24; Lk 6:27-38 Friday, September 12 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42 10:00 a.m. Parish Community 11:45 a.m. Oliver Frakes † 6:00 p.m. Robert Kranson † 7:00 a.m. James Smith † 10:00 a.m. Mary V. Brown (Sp. Int.) 7:00 a.m. Lance Butcher † 10:00 a.m. Joseph Nhun Nguyen † 7:00 a.m. Della Gober † 10:00 a.m. Tucker Brown (Sp. Int.) 7:00 a.m. Lydia White (Sp. Int) 10:00 a.m. Erica Snigg (Sp. Int.) 7:00 a.m. Bill Mayhew † 10:00 a.m. Melissa Brown (Sp. Int.) Religious Education Begins Today, September 7th Please see Sr. Jean in the Religious Education office for registration information. Into the Deep: Faith Formation with Father Michael every Monday at 7 pm at St. Dominic’s. Theology on Tap Tuesday, Sept. 9th, at 6:30 p.m. at Bennigans with Fr. Roy Marien. Eucharistic Minister & Lectors Email Rachel Theobald at [email protected] with dates from October—December for which you are unable to serve. You are invited! Fr. Anthony will be celebrating Mass at the retirement/nursing homes beginning in September. The first Mass will be celebrated at Mathison Retirement Center, located at 3637 Hwy. 390, on Thursday, September 11th at 9:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us for Mass and visiting with the residents afterwards. If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm 95 Tonight—Kickoff After the 6 p.m. Mass for all teens and their parents, grades 9-12, in the Hall. (Bring your Mission items) Wednesday, Sept. 10 Life Teen Ultimate Frisbee at 6 p.m. Consider coming early to spend some time with the Lord in Adoration. Life Chain 2014 On October 5th we will be joining thousands of people in the US and Canada for the National Life Chain. The Life Chain is a peaceful gathering of pro-life Christians that happens on the first Sunday in October every year. It is not a radical protest but a peaceful and prayerful witnessing to the public and each other. St. Dominic Parish is a major participant in this event. Please join your fellow parishioners at Hobby Lobby on 23rd street from 2 pm till 3 pm as we quietly stand up for the unborn. For more info contact Mike Gagnon at 832-9595 or [email protected] A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Altar Society Meeting Come and share your favorite dish at the Altar Society potluck luncheon meeting this Tuesday morning, the 9th, at 11:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Very Rev. Joseph Callipare & Rev. Peter Zalewski are the spiritual directors for this pilgrimage. 11 days: February 2-12, 2015 Brochures & Registrations are at the welcome center in the Hall. For more information, please call Diane Snigg, 774-9511 Our guest speaker will be Fr. Stephen Olson Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat Ft. Mitchell, AL Quilting with the Sew n Sews “A Joy Ever New to be Shared” Come join us! We meet every Thursday in the Parish Hall from 6-9 p.m. Don’t know how to quilt? We’ll teach you. September 26-28, 2014 For registration info, call (334) 855-4474 PHILLIPS, CRAIG & DEAN LIVE IN CONCERT Thursday, Sept. 18th, 7 pm For info: Anne Herring 265-2484 Multimedia Operator If you are interested in working with multimedia in the church, please contact Mark Gutcher at (850) 785-4574. For more info: ATTENTION The Ceramic Shop will have a sale on November 23rd. If you want to SPECIAL ORDER trees, angels, 3-piece nativity sets, etc., do it now. Drop a note with your name, phone number and item by the parish office and we will call and give you a price; or come by the Ceramics Shop on a Thursday morning. Cut off date for special orders will be the end of October. Hope to hear from you. If you know someone who is thinking about becoming Catholic or has questions about the Faith, encourage them to watch Catholic in America to learn more. Catholic in America is your way to spread the Faith! 23,000 households watch each week. Sundays at 10:30 a.m. on WMBB Channel 13. September 7 Episode: Keys to Handling Difficulties/The Joy of Saying I’m Sorry Your monthly gift helps the Church reach out to the public. Donate online at: www.catholicin donate. Ask The Church Mouse Dear Church Mouse, I have an elderly mother who is in your parish and cannot attend Mass anymore. Can someone visit her and take her Holy Communion? Can a priest hear her Confession? Signed, Devoted Daughter Dear Devoted Daughter, Sometimes we tend to forget to call the Parish Office when a loved one is ill. Please call and give your mother’s name, address, and phone number to the secretary. We are blessed at this parish with a wonderful group of devoted people who bring Holy Communion to the homebound. If your mother wishes to go to Confession, the office staff can arrange for a priest to visit. If your mother does not know about our televised Mass on WMBB at 10:00 on Sunday morning, please write it down for her and post it on her refrigerator. If someone you know is going to have surgery, please call the office to arrange for the Sacrament of Sick prior to the surgery. Thanks for asking! The Church Mouse If you have any questions about the Faith or the Church, email the Church Mouse at: [email protected]. THEY “They cleaned up the park.” “They put out fresh bread.” “They fixed the elevator.” Behind every “they” is a real person. Look at any ordinary object, like a pencil. How many people did it take to make it? Someone planted the tree, someone felled it; others hauled it, cut it down to size, added lead and an eraser, packaged it, shipped it, and put it on a store shelf. “They” are millions of people ensuring we have the things we need and each is a reflection of God. God is not the farmer harvesting the wheat or rice for our tables, but God created the farmer and keeps his heart beating for his daily tasks. God is the essential “behind the scenes” person, the real presence behind every “they.” God is behind everything in the entire universe. And when we finally find God, our lives become transformed with true gratitude. TV Crew... Looking For You One of our most distinctive Liturgical Ministries is the televised Mass. The TV crew needs two more individuals to assist at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. If you are interested in becoming a cameraman and or sound engineer, or you are not sure but want to know more, please contact Joe Lehman at 522-4174 or see him in the TV production room after the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday. Normal schedule is no more than two Sundays each month. Experience not necessary; training will be provided. It’s a great opportunity become more active in the church ministries. Come See What’s New Offertory—Thank you August 31, 2014 Offertory - $22,450.50 Other- $406.50 The Bay County Christian Youth Choir (8th—12th grade) and its approximately 50 singers come from almost 25 different churches in the area. Rehearsals start Monday, Sept. 8th at 6 p.m. at Heritage Bible Church at 3380 State Ave. For more info, please see our Facebook page. Tyndall Chapel The position of Catholic Religious Education Coordinator is now open for bids. For more information, contact Fr. Pat McCormick, (850)382-2925, or the Tyndall Contract Office, A1C Matthew Lahr, tel. (850) 283-1260. Mom’s Faith Group Fall Kick-Off Are you a mom? Want to meet other moms? Come join us in the Parish Hall Tuesday, September 9th, from 9-11 a.m. Childcare is provided in the nursery. We will be meeting most Tuesdays at this time throughout the school year. For more information or to be added to our e-mail list, please contact Jenny Mahoney, 248-9074, or [email protected]. Put Your Faith Into Action This week I will ask for the grace to serve as Christ’s vessel of evangelization. ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 Parish Information Sacraments CLERGY Baptism Baptism preparation is held the first Sunday of the month for registered families. Call Linda Huffman at 785-4574 to sign up. Rev. Michael Nixon, Administrator Rev. Anthony Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Stephen Olson, Parochial Vicar Dcn. Roger Gallagher Dcn. Steven Snigg Dcn. Michael Theobald PARISH OFFICE Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Office: 785-4574 Fax: 872-0800 St. Dominic Books & Gifts 763-3244 Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Parish Hall/Kitchen: 763- 3632 Priests’ Residence/Emergencies: 785-4632 STAFF Religious Education 763-7393 Sr. Jean O’Connor, OSF Pastoral Assistant 785-4574 Sr. Anna Thu Nguyen, LHC Youth Minister 785-0174 Theresa Prejean Financial Administrator 785-4574 Teri Blackman Parish Manager 785-4574 Mark Gutcher Parish Office Manager 785-4574 Linda Huffman Pastor’s Secretary 785-4574 Julie Tout Bulletin Submissions: To submit announcements, please email [email protected] by 3 p.m. on Friday of the week PRIOR to printing. We reserve the right to edit for space, content, and punctuation. Questions About the Parish? See Louise Christodoulou at the Welcome Center in the Parish Hall today after all morning Masses. Follow Pope Francis on Twitter:@pontifex PAGE 6 Ministry Contacts ADULT CHOIR Billy Rader 785-4574 ALTAR SERVERS Mike Carinhas 890-9389 ALTAR SOCIETY Clara Mayer 871-3181 Dolly Allen 763-8671 BIBLE STUDIES Steve Butler 872-1382 CARE MINISTRY Dan Russell 785-4574 First Reconciliation/ Eucharist Preparation is done through the Religious Education Program. Contact Sr. Jean at 7637393. CATHOLIC CEMETERY Efren Cisneros 785-4574 CATHOLIC CHARITIES 763-0475 CERAMIC SHOP Jane Furey 785-4574 CHILDREN'S CHOIR Olena Wable 785-6262 CHILDREN'S LITURGY Linda Huffman 871-1521 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Vicky Bernia 866-3456 Confirmation Teens must attend faith formation prior to enrollment in the Confirmation Program. Contact Sr. Anna at 7854574 for more information. CRAFTY LADIES Clara Mayer Matrimony Six months preparation is required before the anticipated marriage date. Contact the Parish Office at 785-4574 to secure a date to begin preparation. Anointing of the Sick Contact the Parish Office to arrange a visit by a priest. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you would like to finish your sacramental preparations, contact Deacon Steve at 7854574. St. Dominic is Now on Flickr Find pictures of parish events at photos/ saintdominicpc/sets/ CRISIS PREVENTION PHONE LINE 871-3181 800-848LOVE CSA Bart Furey 785-4574 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Diane Snigg 774-9511 FIL-AM GROUP Marie Thomas 763-6309 FISHERS OF MEN Steve Butler 872-1382 FUNERAL CHOIR Olena Wable 785-6262 GREETERS MINISTRY Eileen Kight 874-1179 HANDCHIME CHOIR Kathy Peters 271-8337 HISPANIC MINISTRY Efren Cisneras 785-4574 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Dennis Dillenschneider 785-4574 KOREAN MASS June Pracon 774-6848 LECTOR AND EMHC SCHEDULES LONG RANGE PLANNING GROUP MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Rachel Theobald 785-4574 Bart Furey 265-0063 Lisa Carinhas 625-5103 Naomi Sharp 227-0188 MOMS' FAITH GROUP Jenny Mahoney 248-9074 PARENTS' NIGHT OUT Joanne Crouch 874-2701 PRAYER LINE Ana Wallace 248-9400 ROSARY AT THE GROTTO Bing Quillen 625-0969 ROSARY MAKERS Pam Baldwin 871-0091 SAMPAGUITA Chiqui Corridor 913-7337 SANTO NIÑO Bing Quillen 625-0969 SCOUTS Tim Mixdorf 819-6464 SEWNSEWS Anne Herring 265-2484 SEWING ROOM Joy Murray 785-2015 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Efren Cisneras 785-4574 TV CREW Joe Lehman 522-4174 USHERS Mike Wilson 615-0180 YOUNG ADULTS Jason Neumann 691-3829 EMERALD ISLE PULMONARY P.A. Your Hometown Pharmacy FREE Gift: We would like to give away 1 bottle of Extra GREGORY K. MORROW, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Parishioner since 1990 (850) 785-0515 Bay Medical at the Beach 11111 Panama City Pkwy., Panama City, FL 32407 844 N. Tyndall Parkway Callaway, FL 32404 (850) 215-1930 Located at 540 E. 6th Street, 11111 Panama City Beach Pkwy. 850.215.7455 Panama City, FL 32413 850-233-6633 We Compound Hormone and Pain Creams Owner Laura Gould, RPh 25 Doctors Drive • Panama City, FL 32405 “Anything less just won’t cut it” (Formerly of Bay Med Pharmacy) TIMOTHY G. MORIARTY MD 221 East 23rd Street, Suite B Panama City, FL 32405 850-872-0502 Strength Acetaminophen 100 count to each customer across from Speedy Car Wash Senior Homecare By Angels. You’ll interview and select any caregiver we refer to you! Sales • Parts • Service 850-785-6699 Tues-Fri 9:00-6:00 641 N. Tyndall Pkwy. Sat 9:00-5:00 Up to 24 hour care • Meal Preparation • Errands/Shopping Light Housekeeping • Respite Care for Families Rewarding Companionship • Affordable Rates Compliments from THE FLYNN Free In-Home Consultation Reg #233494 FAMILY 850-215-3300 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH • Auto • Property • Life ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB 747-1187 Vince Flavia Mention this ad when calling for a quote and we will donate to the church. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months RICHARD H. GAUNT, JR. BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL ATTORNEY WALBORSKY & BRADLEY, P.A. 825 JENKS AVENUE PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 FREE EGG ROLL with entrée 626 W. 23rd St. Panama City, FL Vietnamese Restaurant 626 W. 23rd Street • Panama City, Florida 32405 850.215.7277 Parishioner Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. Personal Injury & Wronful Death In Stock & Ready to Order Today. (850) 763-6363 (850) 872-0649 FAX TOLL FREE (888) 206-2523 CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Email: [email protected] 800-566-6150 • Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 001119 St Dominic Church (B) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Kent-Forest Lawn Blessings from Fr. Anthony Bus’ author of “A Mother’s Plea” and the Bus’ Family BRAIN AND SPINE CENTER, LLC Funeral Home and Cemeteries “When Caring Counts” GREG BRUDNICKI 763-4694 NEUROSURGERY NEUROLOGY Kamel H. Elzawahry, MD, FACP, FAAN Douglas L. Stringer, MD, FACS Come Join Us for a FREE 406 S. Tyndall Parkway Panama City, FL 32404 7 DAY TRIAL! (850) 872-2370 Karin S. Maddox, MD Merle P. Stringer, MD, FACS 2202 State Avenue, Suite 201 2011 N Harrison Avenue TAILOR Sunny’s ALTERATIONS (850) 0029 785-0029 Customize Tailoring ◆ Women & Men’s ◆ Wedding & Prom ◆ Bridesmaids ◆ Leather & More 424 N. Tyndall Pkwy., Callaway 850.763.5133 VIRGIE’S PERFECT CUTS FAMILY HAIR AND NAIL CARE LYNN HAVEN SHOPPING PLAZA Mon - Fri 9AM - 8PM • Sat 9-6 • Sun 12-6 1812 HWY. 77 STE. 126 LYNN HAVEN, FL 32444 Panama City FL 3240569- Panama City FL 32405- PARISHIONERS (850) 3261 769-3261 Parishioner Since 1983 Pana Roma A Full System of Hurricane Protection PIZZA & PASTA Accordion Shutters Enjoy your favorite pizza & pasta Aluminum Rollshutters New Location Bahamas & Colonial Shutters PH. (850) 265-0084 840 W. 23rd St., Panama City Nimae N. Awantang, MD Board Certified Family Physician Disease Prevention • Integrative Health • Age Management 625 W. Baldwin Road, Suite C • Panama City, FL 32405 Phone: 850-769-6612 • Fax: 850-769-3533 • Impact Windows & Door Replacement (850) 769-9466 / Parishioner Wind Abatement Screens (4 doors down from Hobby Lobby Storm Panels 850.233.3040 Behind Chick-Fil-A) Dine In • Carry Out Parishioner Lic# CBC1259054 Curb Side Pick Up Available June’s Alterations • BAY AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 763-9325 763-9878 2211 N. HWY. 231 2211 N. HWY. 231 Both Businesses Owned by June Pracon, Parishioner Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Julie Ann Sombathy, Esq. Parishioner Since 1972 850-769-5532 Wills, Trust & Probate General Civil Practice & Litigation 434 Magnolia Avenue 䡲 Panama City 䡲 Florida 32401 David R. Dietrich, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon General Orthopedist with emphasis in Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction RAYMOND JAMES® Kathleen A. Crowley, CFP®, Financial Advisor // Managing Director (850) 785-0095 T 850.872.3760 1827 Harrison Avenue Panama City, FL 32405 Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., owns the certification mark CFP® in the U.S. ©2013 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC JOHN J. MACELUCH, D.O. Mike Gagnon CUE’S FURNITURE OFFICE GYN/NFP WEIGHT CONTROL QUALITY Used Furniture Brand New Mattresses FAA EXAMS I,II,III “Made in the U.S.A.” 1317 Harrison Ave. In Business Since 1978 850-784-6601 Open 7 days a week (present this AD at appt.) (20% of the fee will be given TIRE & AUTO CENTER St Vincent de Paul) COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Appt. 850-215-1357 600 N. Martin Luther King (Parishioner) 001119 St Dominic Church (A) CERTIFIED MASTER TECHNICIANS 104 E. 6th St. 747-0096 Mon-Sat 9 to 5 Sun 10 to 4 Lay Away Plan Available 1425 Highway 71 So. Wewahitchka, FL Mention ad & ask about free delivery distance... 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