ICIS View - Agfa HealthCare

ICIS View:
all images, one view
Enhanced viewing, sharing, and integration across platforms, with
all images from all sources accessible on a single browser-based
“Show me all my patient’s images.”
With ICIS View, Agfa HealthCare’s zero-footprint
viewing technology, you can do that from almost any
internet-connected device. ICIS View provides access
to patient imaging data directly from the source –
whatever the source. It supports you in following
today’s healthcare evolutions and demands, from an
image-enabled electronic medical record (EMR), to
greater caregiver mobility. By helping you increase
efficiencies and decrease costs, ICIS View can play
a key role in fulfilling your hospital’s strategies and
ICIS View unites performance with ease of use,
providing the different sub-specialty tools clinicians
need. Embedded into an existing application, it turns
the device or computer into a multi-department image
viewer. Images, from any Agfa HealthCare or third party
picture archiving and communication system (PACS)
or vendor-neutral archive (VNA), can be viewed in one
display, with no need to switch application
or viewer.
With ICIS View enhancing viewing, sharing and
integration, everyone – from caregivers to hospital and
IT management – can focus on their common goal:
continuously improving the delivery of patient care.
“Show me all my
patient’s images”
Share images, anywhere, anytime
Image-enable the EMR
Provide secure access to imaging data from
different departments in one view, to anyone
who needs it: clinicians, referring physicians
and patients
Image-enable your EMR with images from the
entire hospital enterprise, to enhance the
caregiver’s ability to improve the delivery of
patient care
Offers fast and secure access to patient’s images
and reports regardless of the location or origin,
improving treatment turnaround time.
Allows viewing of images from multiple sources,
within a single patient-centric view, without
switching application or viewer.
Uses mobile support to enable your clinicians and
specialists to work on the go, and to share images
wherever they are.
Integrates seamlessly in the EMR, and is compatible
with solutions from top vendors.
Includes RESTful web services, single sign on and
ticket based authentication, to let you securely
image-enable a wide variety of healthcare
systems including the EMR, so you can build a
comprehensive EMR more cost-effectively.
Integrates graphical user interfaces of different
systems, based on healthcare and IT standards that
provide secure access to content.
Provides both image and text data, within patient
context, to drive more informed assessments,
in turn, leading to more confident care decisions.
All imaging data from all sources
View multispecialty patient imaging data
from any PACS or VNA, whether from
Agfa HealthCare or a third-party
Provides secure access to all patient imaging data
from all imaging sources in one view, including
Agfa HealthCare’s own IMPAX PACS, IMPAX
Data Center and ICIS multidisciplinary image
management solution, as well as from third-party
PACS and vendor-neutral archives (VNA).
Connects to multiple image managers
concurrently using DICOM and/or WADO,
with just a single server.
Provides discovery and viewing of disparate imaging
studies without needing to consolidate data or
before data consolidation has been completed.
Can visually embed a multi-department image
viewer into nearly any application, with a
customized theme that matches the host
Imaging that makes sense, for everyone
ICIS View has been designed to offer all
the functionality clinicians need, without
requiring specialist technical knowledge or
additional software or hardware
Uses standard Web 2.0 technology to let physicians
access their patients' images and reports from any
popular internet browser, on any popular operating
system, with no software download of any kind.
Makes it easy to navigate and find the right study,
with extensive search, sort and filtering criteria.
Automatically compares images from recent studies,
and provides an easy-to-read report with key images
on one page.
Displays images the way the radiologist intended,
with all markups, annotations and changes in
Delivers the different sub-specialty tools clinicians
need, from simple tools to view 2D images, to cine
playback, angle and ultrasound measurements, to
radiology cross-sectional navigation, to advanced
MIP/MPR/3D review of CT and MR datasets.
Mobile device user interface uses familiar, twofinger gestures and supports QR codes for fast image
sharing with referring physicians or patients.
Drive new revenues, reduce costs, and
support more informed care decisions
Reduce technology costs, make the most of
your staff’s skills and time, and drive new
revenues inside and outside the hospital
Cost-effectively leverages the hospital’s existing
investment in healthcare technology. Thousands of
users can be enabled by a single server.
Reduces computer hardware cost, maintenance
and management. The virtualized server
platform connects to multiple image managers
and provides access to results on nearly any
computer or mobile device with a modest Internet
Drives revenues through clinical services to new
customers outside the traditional reach of the
hospital’s IT support.
Provides clinically relevant information, which
in turn facilitates more timely care delivery,
reduced readmission rates, and the ability
to measure and track treatment quality and
effectiveness over time.
Worldwide deployment
ICIS View has been successfully installed worldwide at both large
regional networks to enable comprehensive image sharing, as well
as in individual hospitals needing both internal and external image
Technical Specifications
Interoperable with:
- IMPAX Data Center 2.0 SU7 or higher;
- IMPAX 6.5.1 or higher
- 3rd party PACS or any VNA
Validator-tool checks connectivity and
performance requirements for 3rd party PACS or
VNA integrations
Based on web 2.0 technology
Bridges healthcare IT standards (DICOM, WADO
and IHE actors like ATNA,CPI, SINR, KIN) with web
IT standards (LDAP, SSO, HTTPS, HTML 5, CSS,
XML, Java Script and RESTful web services)
No client software; runs on popular Internet
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9 and 10;
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6, 8, 9, 10 and 11;
- Google Chrome 17.x;
- Apple Safari 5.x (needs iOS 6 or above on iPad)
Optimized HTTPS connections for fast and
secure image retrieval
Secure encryption of all communications with
authenticated and audited access and servers
armored against threats.
Uses existing user administration system
(IMPAX, Enterprise LDAP, ..)
Smart Cache boosts performance for slower
image managers
Real-time access to image source eliminates
synchronization issues
Lightweight install, with one rack-unit sized server
Automated software delivery service and live
upgrades (no downtime during upgrade).
Uses existing load balancers at the site.
Mobile device user interface uses familiar,
two-finger gestures
QR code for secure image sharing
Insight. Delivered.
Agfa HealthCare is a global leader in the fast growing market of integrated
IT and imaging systems, offering healthcare facilities a seamless flow of
information and a 360° view of patient care. The company has a unique,
holistic approach, enabling it to provide in-depth clinical know-how and
fully integrated hospital-wide solutions. These specialized solutions
integrate IT and imaging systems for Radiology, Cardiology, Mammography
and Orthopaedics. Agfa HealthCare’s enterprise-wide IT platform integrates
all administrative and clinical data within a healthcare facility and is
designed to match the unique needs of specific healthcare professionals.
Agfa and the Agfa rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium, or its affiliates. ICIS View
and IMPAX are trademarks of Agfa HealthCare NV, Belgium or its affiliates. All rights reserved. All other
trademarks are held by their respective owners and are used in an editorial fashion with no intention
of infringement. The data in this publication are for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily
represent standards or specifications, which must be met by Agfa HealthCare. All information contained
herein is intended for guidance purposes only, and characteristics of the products and services described
in this publication can be changed at any time without notice. Products and services may not be available
for your local area. Please contact your local sales representative at agfa.com for availability information.
Agfa HealthCare diligently strives to provide as accurate information as possible, but shall not be
responsible for any typographical error.
© 2014 Agfa HealthCare NV
All rights reserved
Published by Agfa HealthCare NV
B-2640 Mortsel - Belgium
5YNZT GB 00201404