A contrastive analysis of nominal substitution in English and Vietnamese conversation Phân tích đối chiếu phép thế danh từ trong ngôn bản hội thoại tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt Trần Thị Khương Liên University of Languages and International studies M.A Thesis. English Linguistics; Mã số: 60 22 15 Supervisor : M.A. Nguyễn Huyền Minh Năm bảo vệ: 2011 Abstract. This thesis is aimed at nominal substitution in Conversation and equivalent expressions in Vietnamese by using Contrastive Analysis as the major method. Through the contrastive analysis, we state the similarities and differences of Ns in English and Vietnamese on different forms of Ns, grammatical or syntactical functions of substitute words as well as the role of making discourse as cohesive device in conversation. The research is carried out using qualitative and descriptive methods. The data of the study are collected from stories and novels as well as grammar books in both languages. The findings of the study are mostly discussed on the theoretical framework of the works by Halliday & Hasan (1976) and Halliday (1985). The thesis also draws some implications for teaching and learning as well as suggestions for further study. It will be useful for learners when investigating conversation in English as well as in Vietnamese for successful communication. Keywords. Phép thế danh từ; Tiếng Anh; Tiếng Việt; Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu Content. As for the design of the study, it is composed of three main parts as follows: Part A is Introduction, which presents the rationale, the aims, the scope, and the methods of the study as well as the organization of the study. Part B is the DEVELOPMENT, which consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 shows the theoretical background of basic and necessary notions that are related to nominal substitution and conversation discourse. These issues are made clear on the basis of the generalization of different linguists' viewpoints. 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