ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, UPMINSTER [email protected] PARISH NEWSLETTER For private circulation only Live in Joy! The first words of the second reading of today set the theme for this Sunday. The Christian is a cheerful person: he is happy because Christ has shown him the meaning of life. Rich or poor, sick of healthy, the Christian is always happy. The first reading states that the achievement of happiness is an ongoing and demanding task, but is a gift that God will give to all. The Gospel teaches us that only those who are happy listen to the Baptist, who let their minds and hearts be opened to recognise the Messiah and welcome his light. THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 13TH / 14TH DECEMBER 2014 Year B PARISH PRIEST Fr John Tuohy The Presbytery Champion Road Upminster RM14 2SY Tel:- 01708-222432 PARISH SECRETARY Mrs Rachel Finigan This weeks readings: First Reading: Is 61:1-3.10-11 Second Reading: 1 Thes 5:16-24 Gospel: John 1:6-8.19-28 Tel:- 01708-222432 ADMIN OFFICER Mrs Claire Mears SCHOOL REFERENCES: Please note that we are now taking appointments for completion of primary school references. Please call 01708-222432 after 10.00am on Monday 15th December 2014 to make your appointment. COLLECTION WEEKEND OF 6TH / 7TH DECEMBER: Thank you to everybody who gave to our collection last weekend. We raised the sum of £1,392.91. £749.76 of this was gift aided and £643.15 was not. CHRISTMAS NATIVITY SCENE: Once again, Clare at Kinda's, Upminster is displaying our lovely nativity scene in her shop window for the Christmas period. This serves to remind people why we celebrate Christmas, so we are all very grateful to Clare. Knights of St Columba. Pat Chalk. FR JOHN TUOHY’S RUBY JUBILEE: Thank you to everybody who helped Fr John celebrate his Jubilee. Thank you for all the cards, presents, money and a special thank you to the CWL for the wonderful food and cake that they provided. CANNING TOWN: Thank you to everybody who gave so generously to our second collection last weekend in aid of Canning Town. We had a wonderful response and raised the sum of £1,543.12 plus some additional gift cards. The cash will be converted into Sainsburys / Tesco gift cards and given to Fr John Armitage and Fr Dan Mason to distribute where the need is greatest. REPOSITORY: Please note that the repository has Christmas stock, Advent calendars, Christmas cards, candles, & stocking fillers. The shop is open after 9am Mass each Sunday. Fr John Taylor: Fr John would like to wish everybody a very peaceful and blessed Christmas. ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE: There will be an Advent Penitential service here at St Joseph’s on Tuesday 16th December 2014 at 8pm. 2015 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY: These are now available at the back of the church. They are priced £4.00 for ringbound copies and £2.75 for non-ringbound. Please put money into the wallbox marked ‘papers’. Thank you. CHRISTMAS 2014 MASS TIMES Christmas Eve Christmas Day St Stephens Day 6.00pm** 8.00pm 8.30pm 10.00am 12.15pm 10.00am Family Mass Carols Mass Mass at St Joseph’s Mass at St Peter’s, Cranham Mass at St Joseph’s ** Children are invited to attend the Family Mass at 6pm on Christmas Eve dressed in Nativity related costumes if they wish to encourage them to become part of the Christmas story. INVITING ALL CHILDREN OF ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH IN YEAR 5 OR YEAR 6…. If your child would like to be part of the 6:00pm Christmas Eve Family Mass, please could you send their details (name, year group, email address/contact telephone number) to Nicola Greenwood, email [email protected] or 07749 782279 by Monday 15th December. There will be a short rehearsal after school on Friday 19th December at 3.30pm and just before the start of Mass on Christmas Eve. SACRED HEART OF MARY GIRLS SCHOOL UPMINSTER CAROL CONCERT: Our Carol Concert will be held in St Joseph’s Church on Wednesday 17th December 2014 at 7pm. There will be a collection at the end for charity. Everybody welcome please join us. FIRST RECONCILIATION PROGRAMME: Parents if you have a child in Year 5 at a state school and would like him/her to join the programme please speak to Fr John. CHRISTMAS POSTAGE STAMPS: If you are purchasing postage stamps to send Christmas cards please do not forget to ask for the religious ones. The Post Office will not give them to you unless you ask—help keep the true meaning of Christmas alive. Thank you. MOTHERS PRAYERS: Happy Christmas from Mothers Prayers Group. We will meet again on Tuesday 6th January 2015 at 2pm in the Social Centre. You are all welcome to join us on any Tuesday in school term. Nine Lessons and Carols at Brentwood Cathedral on Sunday 21 December at 4.00 pm led by Bishop Alan. This is a beautiful service of music, readings and prayer to which everyone in the diocese is welcome. If you would like to prepare for Christmas in a really special way this year, then please come along. THE CAMPION SCHOOL: The Campion School Open Evening for parents and students seeking admission to the Sixth Form of the school in September 2015 will take place in the school hall at 6.30pm on Tuesday 16th December 2014. Presentation by the Headmaster will be at 7.30pm. IN CONVERSATION WITH BISHOP ALAN– an evening for young adults aged 17-35, with a unique opportunity to hear Bishop Alan share his vocational journey. Bishop Alan has served as a school chaplain, uni chaplain, parish priest, shrine director and superior of his religious order. He is a mountaineer and a scientist. But what inspired him to become a priest? Hear his story on Thursday 18th December, Cathedral House Conference Room, 7.30-10.00pm including fish & chip supper. Full details at or on the Brentwood Vocations Facebook Page. The evening is free, but registration is required – call Fr Dominic, Vocations Director, on 01268 281732 or email [email protected] PARISH MAGAZINE - CHRISTMAS EDITION The Parish Magazine Christmas Edition will be available from Saturday 20th December priced £2. If you have any articles for the magazine then please email them to [email protected] or ring Sinead on 07988 208327 by Friday 12th December 2014. We will also be publishing Christmas messages for friends and family. Messages can be dropped into the Presbytery in an envelope for the attention of Sinead Earley or you can contact me directly using the contact details above. We are asking for a £5 donation per message to be given to the Christmas charity of Fr John's choice. The deadline is very tight, please can you put your message in by Friday 12th December. CWL SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAYERS: Wednesday 17th December in the Social Centre at 11am. This will be followed by warm mince pies, sherry, tea and coffee. There will be no charge, donations will be welcome. Any money made will be sent to Aid to the Church in Need, to support Christians suffering terrible persecution in the Middle East. Everyone is most welcome and it will be lovely to see you. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL DAGENHAM: The Governors of All Saints Secondary School Dagenham would be most grateful if you could include the following advert in this week’s newsletter, please: ALL SAINTS TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE- vacancy for a Student Mentor for January 2015. Further details of the post are available from Mrs Hartley. Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8270 4242 - Salary range £16,432-£20,584.Closing date for applications is December 12th 2014 THE CATHEDRAL HOUSE HANDBELL RINGERS: We would like to thank all those who attended their second Lunchtime Recital at Brentwood Cathedral on 3rd December 2014. Due to the generosity of the audience, the retiring collection amounted to an amazing £207.30 for the SAMARITANS – such an important organisation, especially vital at this time of the year. Your support was greatly appreciated. CHURCH CLEANERS COFFEE MORNING: Sunday 4th January 2015 in the social centre. We are holding a coffee morning to say thank you to all the church cleaning volunteers after 11am Mass. Please come along to show your support. We are always looking for new volunteers so if you are interested in joining the rota come along for a chat or ring Christina Gunn on 07879-688672. Thank you. YOUTH 2000 NEW YEAR RETREAT: ‘Take Heart’ 29th December—1st January 2015. AN EPIC EVENT TO KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR! If you’re 16-35 & would like a fun and meaningful way to start 2015, then TAKE HEART is for you. The 4 day London event is @ Maria Fidelis Lower School, North Gower Street, NW1 2HR. It will be jam packed with engaging talks, workshops, prayer, live music & social times…. There will be laughter, prayer and most importantly an Encounter with our Great & Loving God! Check it out on: or contact the National Office on 0207-221-2124 or [email protected] for more information. THE OLD CHAPEL UPMINSTER VINTAGE CHRISTMAS FUN: Sunday 14th December 2014 2pm—5pm. Come and enjoy some 1940’s Christmas spirit. With traditional singing, vintage stalls, hair and make-up stylists and activities for all the family. For more info email: [email protected] THE KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA: The ‘Peace & Joy at Christmas’ posters for parishioners to display are available at the back of the church. Please take one and put it up to keep the true meaning of Christmas alive. HEALING MASS AT ABBOTSWICK HOUSE OF PRAYER: To be celebrated by Fr Eamonn Power at 2.30pm Wednesday 17th December 2014. All are welcome! Please call 01277 373959 for more information USED STAMPS: Please remember that we have a box at the back of the church for used stamps. These are collected and divided between two charities one being St Francis Hospice and the other being Lymphoma Research. These stamps provide the charities with much needed extra income. PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH: We have our normal weekly supply of newspapers at the back of the church including: The Universe (£1.30) The Catholic Herald (£1.50) The Tablet (£2.95) Walk With Me Advent (£1.00) Please leave the money for any of the above in the wall box at the back of the church marked ‘Papers’. Thank you. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: In Hospital: Dawn Ney, Hilda Blackledge & William Dailey. At Home: Jeffrey Woods, Reuben Jack Dodd (Lacey), Mitzi Williams, Jenny O’Sullivan, Jean Stubbs, Mary Merrigan, Angela Scuse, Karen Scuse, Paul Bussutil, Morris Howe, Emilia Gunn, Chloe Phillips, Stella Rogers, Jane Stevenson, John & Diana Fairchild, Maria Judge, Joan Spoor, Denise Burnett, Frank Clements, Margaret Munnelly, Mary Fielder, Brenda Forster, Liam O’Byrne, Tom Martin, Maureen Peek, Fr Pat Shanahan, James Sena, Teresa Rudd, Catherine Goddard, Jim Hoey & Paula Phillips. Anniversaries: Ron Howard, Fr Frank Kerrigan, Ellen Biggs, Tom Connolly, Ellen Lockey, Honora Ferriter, Joseph McEnnerney, John Garwood, Mary Allistone, Aida Kidd, Marion Lamont, Wilfred Mowat, Ellen Davis, Anthony Januszka, Kathleen Connolly, Stanley Armstrong, Denis Scott, Joanne Cozens, John McKeown, Louis Precieux, Peter Watson, Eva Furze, Irene Roberts & Mary Bardwell. May they all rest in the eternal peace of Christ. USEFUL INFORMATION WITHIN THE PARISH Mothers Prayers - Pat Duffey 01708-223748 Telephone Mass Link - Veronica Hogan 01708-225382 Helping Hands - Sylvia 01708-224810 St Joseph’s School - School office 01708-220277 Sacred Heart of Mary School - School office 01708-222660 Campion School - School office 01708-452332 Easy Fundraising - Gift Aid Organiser - [email protected] Baptisms - Presbytery 01708-222432 St Joseph Pre-school - Lilian Fielding 07982-333858 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY 13th December ST LUCY, V, M 11.00—11.30am - Confessions 6.30pm - Rosa & Joe McEnnerney RIP (McEnnerney) SUNDAY 14th December THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 09.00am - Fr Frank Kerrigan RIP (Williamson) 11.00am - Danny Claffey RIP Anniv. (Hale) 12.15pm - Andrew Proctor RIP (Andersen Family) - Nora Maguire RIP (St Joseph’s School) 09.15am - Nora Dennehy RIP (Regan) 6.00pm Fr Taylor - NO MASS THIS EVENING 8.00pm - Advent Penitential Service MONDAY 15th December 9.15am TUESDAY 16th December WEDNESDAY 17th December 09.15am - Maureen Williams Intentions 7.00pm - Sacred Heart of Mary Girls School Carol Service - EUCHARISTIC SERVICE - Sheila & Jim Buckley (Regan) 11.00am—11.30am - Confessions 6.30pm - People of the parish THURSDAY 18th December 09.15am FRIDAY 19th December 9.15am SATURDAY 20th December SUNDAY 21st December FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9.00am - Holy Souls 11.00am - Daisy Dobinson RIP (Cush) 12.15pm -
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