EARITAN TOWNSHIP MB "FORDS BEACOK THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 TXe -1 Eve Arden? Top-Ranking Movie Pineapple Rows TownsMp Escapes Local Property Tax in State Is $76,45 Per Person For 1950 (Continued from Page 1) sions and, possible fractures of both legs. Sha remained at the. hospital for further treatment. PRINCETON—Eve Arden. unOne man was injured Saturday NEWARK—Showing a substan- • above the State average of $76-45 lit 'Over Twenty-one* challenged caustic queen of the night when, a car driven by tial increase during the last ten j are Atlantic, Essex, Ocean, and screen, will lead a troupe of playChurchill Simonsen, 45, 1022 Rose years, loca'l property taxes levied I Union. The lowest property '<. ax ers on the stage of Herbert KenStreet, Plainfield, on Smith Street, in New Jersey this year are. equal I burden in New Jersey this year is with's Princeton Summer Theatre Keasbey, was forced off the road, to $76.45 per capita, according to. ] found in Burlington county, where for one 'week beginning' Monday causing the vehicle to sideswipe a the New Jersey State Chamber of the total per capita levy is only Tidbits: evening, July 10 through Saturday, pole. William Chester, 35, 241 Fen- Commerce. This is $14,18 more $33.06—less than half the State July 15. Starring in the successful field Place, Dunellen, riding with than the $62.27 per capita cost for average. A diploma for participating in Broadway comedy, "Over TwentySimonsen, was taken to Perth the total property tax levy for Explaining the use of'per capita the fourth annual Jersey Girls' One," Miss Arden will be supportAmboy General Hospital in St. State and local purposes in 1940. figures, Alvin A. Burger, research, Sbate at. NJC was presented to ed in the male lead by Brooks West. John's First Aid ambulance and (Per capita figures in this ease director df the State Chamber, Sondra Sunshine, 50 Maxwell Avetreated for possible fractured arm. are determined by taking the total said: A statuesque, blonde beauty, Miss nue, Fords. . . . Participating' at He was admitted to the hospital property tax levy and dividing it Arden has brought the seasoning "Per capita figures are not per-the fourth annual Citizenship Infor further treatment. of her brassy humor to over a half by the total population for the fect measures of the 'burden of stitute for Girls sponsored by N. J, hundred motion pictures, and has State Federation of Women's Clubs Henry Rieth,. 90 E. Highland state. The $76.45 figure, therefore, property taxes in the various counbecome a weekly guest in homes at NJC were Willa Ann Calvert, Avenue, Atlantic v Highlands, es- has the effect of representing the ties of New Jersey. Particularly do throughout the country through 74 Trieste Street, Iselin, and Carol caped injury on the Fourth of July average cost to each person in the they overstate the "burden in i'ne her CBS radio program, "Our Miss Giroud, 575 West Avenue, Sewaxen. when the car he was- driving on state. Actually, people in certain? resort counties where the permaBrooks." Miss Arden started her . . . Marion Dunham of the TownRoute 35 struck a highway safety counties are required to shoulder nent population is supplemented theatrical career with an old Ford, ship relief office celebrates her guard rail near Metuchen Avenue a higher per capita tax tourden, by a substantial 'floating' populaa spotlight, and a few props bringtion of visitors. Resort governments birthday Saturday (Me, too!). . . . overpass. Keith's car was badly and in some counties lower.) , ing the Thespian art to a series of See where the State Highway Dedamaged and had to be towed to The Chamber's report is based must, of course, maintain public Everyone, likes the beautiful contours of the pineapple-pattern in California hotel lobbies. Making partment has awarded the cona garage. on a detailed analysis of the ab- services on a leval adequate to crochet. Here it is, not one but sixty little motifs worked into rows sure that there was always a spottract for installation of lights on stracts of tax ratables issued fay protect visitors as well as permafor a delightfully different chair back. The end pineapples of each light around somewhere, Miss ArRoute 4 Parkway. Wonder if they row form a lovely scalloped edge at the sides. A direction leaflet New Jersey's 21 county govern- nent residents. However, faulty LUCKY BOY den stepped into the Zi,egfield fol"will put those lights out the first for crocheting this pineapple chair set. may be obtained by sending ments. The Chamber used prelim- though, they may be, per capita KALAMAZOO, Mich. — L a r r y inary 1950 population figures as flcjures give a better Indication of lies, utilizing her greeneyed witb a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department chance they get as they did on She-It on, 4, was found after a compiled by the Bureau of the . the relative burden of local taxes and beauty to reach the $500 per Route 35. Most of the lights on the of this paper, requesting Leaflet No. 7930. seven-hour search in an icebox Census in computing the per capita j than do tax rates alone, since the week mark as the word passed latter highway were extinguished EVE ARDEN where a playmate had put him dur- tax burden. I ratio of assessment varies so greatduring the war as a so-called agent. The film is good entertain- around Broadway. Making a- stab at the movies, written.by one of America's fore- ing a game. Luckily for Larry, the Property taxes for county gov- I ly throughout the State.'" "dimout" measure. They are still ment. Thfi Chamber's report noted that Miss Arden won a part ill "Stage most actresses, Ruth Gordon. Miss icebox had a drain hole which "adout and in the estimation of the amout to $14.25 per capi- j county government tax requireDoor" which rapidly led to nu- Gordon, who had previously en- mitted air enough to keep the child ernment police in this vicinity, the failure "The Gun Fighter." ' ta. The municipal government-levy ments varied alive. from $26,53 per capito light Route 35 adequately has In this film, Gregory Peck por- merous other roles as the industry joyed a position of eminence in the for this year is equal" to $31.33 per ta levy in Hudson county to $7.44 contributed to the high accident trays a notorious killer in the discovered her uncanny ability to theatre by virtue of a series of brilcapita. toll there. Southwest, who becomes tired of change her voice, gestures and dia- liant portrayals in a wide variety FOREIGN AFFAIRS ASSISTANT People in Middlesex Comity will per capita levy in Gloucester "Annie Get Your Gun." dodging the arms of the law and lects. Now firmly'entrenched as the of roles, not only wrote the play, W. Averell Hai'riman, new -ipe-pay this year a total per capita county. The highest per capita local tax This is the Technicolor screen wants to* settle down with his wife top-ranking, fast-talking comedi- but also acted its leading role—the cial representative of the Economic property, tax of $63.41. This is Vital Statistics i for school purposes, $37.33,. is in enne of the screen, Miss Arden same which Miss Arden will per- Cooperation Administration, has version of the Broadway hit that and young son. The territory, howSeveral more bundles from made up of $15.31 for county pur- Union county, while the lowest tax, again returns to the stage at heaven were delivered by-Sir Stork opened in New York about four ever," was apparently swarming Princeton to play the part of Paula form at the McCarter Theatre dur- been appointed by President Tru- poses, $28.10 for school purposes, $17.70 per capita, is in Burlington to Township parents at Perth Am- years ago. With Betty Hutton in j with trigger-happy younger men, Wharton in "Over Twenty-One." ing the coming week. The curtain man as a special assistant on for- $20.00 for municipal government county. • boy General; Hospital during the the title role, it concerns, brief- who, having learned of his iden- A hit production on Broadway in will go up on this performance at eign affairs. Mr. Harriman will purposes. Municipal governments in Cape move into the White House in past week, as follows: A daughter ly the career of Annie Oakley, tity, are eager to take potshots at 1944, "Over Twenty-One" was 8:30 The Chamber's report pointed May county levied a property tax the Little Dead Shot, whole she him. In defending himself, he August. to Joseph and Lorraine Kooris, out that the total property tax equal to $71.23 per capita, while Crows Mill Road, Fords; a son to was touring with Buffalo Bill's comes to the usual end of those Emerson cuts output; lowers levy in New Jersey has increased at the other end of the scale the Edward and Alberta Nemeth, Oak Wild West circus and falling in who defy law and order. from $259,046,000 in 1940 to $3G8,- tax requirement for Burlington price on two new video sets. Tree Road, Iselin; a daughter to love with another crack marks- In the supporting cast are Helen 562,000 in 1950, an increase of 42%. county's municipalities is only Henry and Madelyn Stephen, 566 man, impersonated toy Howard Westcott as the wife; Millard This increase of $109,516,000 in $5.82 per capita this year. Keel. justabl ewrench (one that can fee Mitchell as the town marshall Alden Road, Woodbridge; a r,on the total property tax levy is hot used to remove spkrk plugs as and Jean Parker as a local barto George and Ijillian Janek, 103 Louis Calhem portrays Buffalo Wake Him Up well as huts and bolts), pliers and fully reflected in the per capita Hoy Avenue, Fords; a daughter to Bill; Edward Arnold, Pawnee Bill; room decoration. Father (at 1 A. M.I—Is that TRENTON — While the long may seem superfluous. But the at least one spare spark plug of burden of property taxes, because Joseph and Kathryn Melczer, 139 J. Carrol Walsh, Sitting Bull, and Fourth, of July week-end, oar- Bureau of Navigation adds recom- the correct type for your make the substantial- increase in the young man asleep, Marie? Strawberry Hill Avenue, Wood- Keenan Wynn, the circus press "Rock Island Trail." This film photographed in Tru- calloused hands and stiff shoulder mendations for mixing and carry- and model of engine, gpare parts State's population tends to cut Daughter—^Hush, father.' He has "bridge; a daughter to Michael and the amount each person is just asked mo to marry him and Genevieve Krall, 16 Livingston Some of those holes on Manor Ave- color, features Forrest Tucker, muscles are still nagging amateur ing the outboard fuel. A free pam- listed as musts on the boat are down theoretically required to pay in make him the happiest man in'the Avenue, Fords; twin sons to Chris nue, Grenville Street, Columbus Adele Mara, Adrian Booth and boatmen, a list of essential boat phlet from the State 'containing a spark plugs, starter cord, shear supporting.this tax levy. world. iknd Margaret Olsen, 19 Dahl Ave- Avenue, Grove Street, et als., could Bruce Cabot. A Western it depicts equipment is given by the Bureau summary of navigation laws for pins and some rags." The Chamber's stuGy shows that "Just as I thought. Wake, him Free copies of the Summary of nue, Keasbey; a daughter to stand some filling in . . . and how! certain imagined adventures which of Navigation, Department of both inland and tide waters, also Emery and Florence Ivan, 34 Free- Just a year ago, Ray Alibani was occurred' during the laying of the Conservation and Economic De- lists boat equipment and other New Jersey Navigation Laws and the resort counties and the highly up." information based on data accu- Safety Tips .are available from the urbanized counties have the hignTnaii Street, Woodbridge; a daugh- chosen as Third Ward Committee- Rock Island road from Chicago to mulated in the Socony Vacuum Bureau of Navigation, 1060 Broad est property tax 'burdens. Cape BEST BARGAIN ter to Mr. and Mrs. John Sedl"k, man when Thomas Stevens quit.. . Iowa- during pioneer days. There velopment. May county, with a property tax Compared with the cost of an279 St. James' Avenue, Wood- And David F. Gerity was sworn in are the usual battles with the In- To those who had to row home, publication "Your Outboard." Street, Newark 2, New Jersey. levy amounting to $122.78 per capiother war, Paul G-. Hoffman, Econbridge, and a daughter to Mr. and as assessor and Charles J. Alex- dians and some high didoes on a the first suggestion of extra gas On the subject of motor fuel, ta, has the heaviest local tax oar- omic Cooperation Administrator, Mrs. Leo Thomas, 145 Middlesex ander was sworn in as Township Mississippi River river boat. and oil for the outboard motor the Navigation pamphlet explains, den in the State, with Hudson declared thta the $15,000,000,000 Avenue, Iselin. . . . Congratula- Treasurer to take the place of the "Because the lubricating oil is Truman says he would favor excounty's $110.87 per capita levy America was spending to win the tions to all of them. late O. J. Morgenson . . . And last tendnig a credit to Argentina. mixed with the fuel (gasoline), \ in second place. Other counties "cold war" was the best barsaiii but not least, I can't understand you can carry both in the same having a per capita tax burden this country has ever made. how kids can go swimming in those Europe losing faith in socialism, container. Veteran outboard ownMamblin* Around: clay pits. They look so dirty . . . P. D. Reed declares. ers never leave the dock without «£? EXTRA COST The Peter Urbans and children an extra can of fuel properly are vacationing in North Conway, mixed with the right grade of N. H. I have spent a vacation there, © Sometimes the "apothFBI., SAT., SUN. JULY 7-8-9 marine oil, and a funnel with so I am sure they are having a strainer. Keep gas cans away from ecary air" hereabouts Scott Brady K. T. Stevens swell time. . . . A soap-modeling WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 195O 1895 motor, preferably at the bow of gives folk an impression contest will be held this afternoon "PORT OF NEW YORK" the boat. at the Pearl Street playground. "THE FRIENDLY STORE" that our prices must be as Children wishing to participate Filmed In Co-oj;eration With "Other boat equipment includes high as our professional must bring a large cake of soap. The U. S. Bureaus Of Customs, oars or paddles. Oars are better standards! Qur prices TODAY THRU SATURDAY . . . The predictions are that the and come in handy when making Narcotics And The Coast Guard local political campaign will start average no higher than landings or working into deep Plus Humphrey BOGART in early and will be a "hot" one. . . . j enough to start the outboard you'd pay elsewhere. So Millburn Stone The /baby clinic at the town-hall | "IN A LONELY PLACE" motor." —when you find yourself Katherine DeMille was- exceptionally well attended. The -pamphlet continues, "Most plus Shelly WINTERS -.Mac CAREY in with a Doctor's prescripyesterday. Health office employes I "THE JUDGE" causes of outboard failure are said it was due to our favorable/ tion in hand brinpr it to this "SOUTH SEA SINNER" quickly remedied toy the operator publicity in last week's paper. Extra Sat. and Sun. Matinee Professional Pharmacy. and the use of a few, simple tools. J 3 - COLOE CARTOONS - 3 SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY A waterproof container carried in And Comedy Jottings:. . . your boat at all times should in"MOTHER DIDN'T TELL ME" clude a screwdriver, suitable ad-, Patrol Driver Joseph Grady r;ele-, RAH WAY AVE. & GREEN ST. with Dorothy McGUIRE - Wm. LUNDIGAN brates his birthday today. . . . The' Woodbridjre 8-2095 Peter Keatings have returned to plus Tucson, Ariz., after visiting relatives here. .- . . Sophie (Lois Beauty Edmund O'BRIEN - Pamela BKITTON in Shop) Gronsky, Port Reading, is "D.O.A." on vacation this week. . . . I am beginning to receive those "wish- j for MEN, WOMEN WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY you-were-here" cards. And it won't' be long before a card will arrive , Jimmy DURANTE in stating "sleeping under blankets." and GIRLS . "THE GREAT RUFPERT" . . Spent a very quiet Fourth of July in a Woodbridge back yard Nationally known Jantzen eating barbecued chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers. And I bet I brings beauty and glamour NOW THRU SATURDAY had just as good a time as those ; in exciting new styles for Jane Powell - Ann Sothern of you who bucked traffic trying "NANCY GOES TO RIO" every figure. See the comto get to the shore. — Plus — plete selection designed to Farley Granger Last But Not Least: Cathy O'Donnell make your summer weekUnderstand that the Theodore "SIDE STREET" Kyaks (she ran for the Board of ends a pleasure. SUN., MON., TUES. Education) have moved to WestBetty Grable - Victor Mature field . . . Also heard yesterday that "WABASH AVENUE" Richard Cavallero, an employe in In Technicolor the Township Assessors' office, was — 2nd Big Hit — hurt in an automobile accident Barbara Stanwyck - John Xund . Also hear that attempts to "NO MAN OF HER OWN" NOW PLAYING NOW PLAYING aionize Almasi Garbage collectors Tuesday Matinee PHSII "Douglas - Jean Peters la by the CIO, failed. Seems the men BETTY HUTTON Extra Kiddie Show are all members of the AFL . . . "LOVE THAT BRUTE" Beautiful new styles, wonderful fabrics in 3 - Color Cartoons - 3 HOWARD KEEL The New Jersey Turnpike Author— Also — FUNNY RACE REEL IN sun clothes, beach towels, terry cloth robes, ity is giving' consideration to the 15 Big Toys To Winners I'aiil Dstle - TiOrruiiie Mitler in darning of its.major 'bridges after play suits, polo shirts, shorts, novelty skirts, "IT'S A SMALL WED. THRU SAT. war heroes of the State, it was anWORLD" Ronald Colman nounced today by Paul L. Troast, piriafores and tee shirts. See our great col"CHAMPAGNE FOR CAESAR" STARTS SUNDAY chairman of the Authority . . . The — 2nd Big Hit — lection today. Gonion ftfaeKiie kids seemed to be having a gay EcSmond O'Brien Color by Technicolor "RETURN OF THE old time -wading in the pool in Pamela Britton The Famous Stage Hit Even FRONTIERSMAN" Woodbridge park yesterday. Even "0 .. O . . . A .." Better on the Screen.' — Plus — \ some of the mammas had their (Dead On Arrival) "BEWARE OF BLONBIE" shoes off and were in the pool supposedly to take care of the VVhot a team for smart styling, for ruff 'n tuff wear! A grand new collection of sport,shirts, polo youngsters . . . I was so warm that Crew-necked polo shirt of 2-PLY combed cotton knit it wouldn't have taken much coaxshirts, swim trunks, sport coats and slacks in a bright array of novelty stripes and solids with ing to get me to join them . . . by such famous makers as Me Gregor, B.V.D., TruVal Gripper snap fastener opening at shoulder. Matched Arrow Box Office Opens 7:00 p . in. Hain or OH»nr with Sanforized woven cotton shorts in boxer or susFOK.BS. N. 3. — P. A. 4-9348 2 Shows NiKlitlj at"\i>nro.v. S:KO p.m. >£ 10:30 1>. pender type with elastic back. Loads of gay colors THUHS., FRI. •&" SAT. Joly«,771} On the- Save- Discomfort AndDanger CHRISTENSEN'S AIR CONDITIONED for Your COMFORT DERM'S PHARMACY SWIM SUITS WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR 9 prepp SPORTSWEAR FOR MEN - in sizes 1, 2, 3. . CHILDREN'S PLAY TOGS -' ASH CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT Wonderful new swim suits, sun. suits, shorts, slacks and play suits for children. BEPKEVARED! Stop in for your Comfortable Sportswear ' It Pays to Shop in Woodbridge .at g. g CASUAL FOOT WEAR ; ® Women's Play Shoes ® Children's Sandals © Hood "PF" Sneaks ® Terry Cloth Slippers "D.O.A." with-Edmond O'Brien and Pamela Eritton FREE PARKING LOT—USE ' REAR ENTRANCE "CHAMPAGNE FOR CAESAR." 105 MAIN STREET WOODBS1DGE 8-147S Main Street, Woodbridye Next to Woolrrorth'ii JOIN OUR CLUB. •OPEN FRIDAY TUX S J "THIRD MAN" with Orson Welles, Joseph Gotten & Vali "THE PALOMINO" with Jerome Courtland ant! Beverly Tyler SUN., MON. & TUESDAY CLOSED ALL DAY:WEDNESDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUST with. Ronald Colman and Celeste Holm JULY 12, WEDNESDAY ONLY "DUCK SOUP" with Mars Brothers also and other Feature (Our Wednesday Matinee Starts at 2 P. M. till 5 P. M.) , Vnn. Joluisou "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN" C o l o r It? T«*(*lisis<.'olor —Also— Aistry in Color "RIDERS OF TEE WHISTLING PINES"' ay ZVite! Wesfd'a [VFB.ONTIEB REVENGE J u l y 0, 3 0 Morgan "THE LABY TAKES A SAILOR" plus "BOMEA ON PANTHER ISLAND B.-vlra MOD. Kite—3rd KHroinatious of Oar Baliy Parade Tuex.. Weil., TIiKrs. Juiv 11 i " 5*j "TWELVE O'CLOCK^ HIGH" Starring Gregory I'i'eli plus "COUNTJiBPUNCH" PIIOffK WO S-27CC HO,\
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