How to manage your Post Database and Update Members Dues Payments

How to manage your Post Database and
Update Members Dues Payments
Using the Catholic War Veterans new
Intranet Database System
This Instruction Pamphlet will explain how to use the Catholic War
Veterans new Intranet Database system to update your Post members dues
Each Post in the nation has a brand new website that contains their Post
database with a listing of all member information for the Post. Your
website is
(insert your Post number goes where the X’s are.)
To update your database, you must first register as a Member of your
website and be granted administrative privileges.
To do this is fairly easy. Call up your Post website and click on the
Membership tab on top in the middle of the page.
The screen pictured below will pop up.
• Click on registration at the bottom of the page.
Fill in the information requested in the boxes and hit Create User.
Next, send an e-mail to your Department Website Administrator - use the
Contact Us link on the Home page. List your name, Post Officer position
and state that you have registered on your Post website and would like
privileges to update your Post members dues payments
Using the Database to Renew your Members
& update Dues Payments.
Once you have a response back from your Department Website
Administrator that you have privileges to update your Post database,
log back onto your Post website and follow the instructions in the rest of
this Instruction Pamphlet.
With a few clicks of your mouse, you will save hours of time not having
to alphabetize members by name, type out each member’s name,
address, ZIP and type of renewal on many pages of paper forms, as you
had to in the past.
Instructions are laid out Step-by-Step with graphics to show you what you
should be looking at with each progressive step.
Once you have logged onto your Post website, your home page will appear and
look similar to the one pictured below.
• Click on the Staff link at the top right hand corner of the menu across
the top of the page
The page that pops up will look just like the one below. Choose the
Record Dues Pymt option from the menu on the far left side.
This is where the changes in updating have been made much EASIER. Ensure that
you have available a list of ALL your members who have paid dues so far.
On the screen , a listing of ALL Post members will pop up and look like the screen
below. Using the checkboxes in the far left column, click on all members you want to
update as having paid dues. You may need to go to pages 2, 3, etc. to continue
recording dues payments for additional members.
Once you have clicked on the LAST member’s name that you want to record a dues
payment for – click the RED Edit button at the bottom middle of the screen
A light blue shaded box appears at the bottom of the screen – pictured below.
• Find the Dues YR on the right side and change the 13 to 14.
• Insert the Date Dues PD in the box on the left.
• Click on Update at the bottom right hand side of the page.
You have now updated ALL the members that you checked in the left column.
Once you have updated all the currently paid members for your Post, return to
the Staff page by clicking on the Return to Staff link at bottom of page.
Click on the National Per Capita Recorder option from the listing on left
A listing of all members that you updated will appear - pictured below.
Click the checkbox in the left column for the members that you are sending in
payment for, then click on the red Redisplay Report button at the bottom middle
A listing of those members with amount of National Per Capita due and the total
for your post will appear on your screen (Pictured below)
Click on the Printer Icon at top left to print all pages.
Your printer options screen should now show on your screen – shown
below. Setup the page(s) to print in Landscape view. Print copies for each
Echelon you have in your Chain of Command – (i.e., Chapter, Department
– 2 or 3 as your case may be).
Please note that the bottom of this Report sheet ONLY indicates the total the amount of
National Per Capita due and does not include any Per Capita Fees due to your Chapter
or Department (as applicable).
When mailing in the Per Capita Report Sheet to your next higher Echelon:
• Please include a copy of the Per Capita Report Sheet for each Echelon
• Include separate checks payable to each of those Echelons, for the amount due
each Echelon for the total number of members being renewed, or a single check for
the entire amount (whichever your local procedure dictates).
Higher Echelon Note – please forward a copy of reports received from Posts along with
their checks to your next higher Echelon (Department and National, as case may be)
After following these instructions, if you have any problems or questions on how to
print, or issues with updating, please call the National Department Office and they
wil get someone to work with you to get it done. Thanks and good luck!