Dimitri Dermatology Elizabeth Dimitri, D.O. Kate McDonald, M.D. Janice Birkhoff, NP Marilyn DiMarco, NP Dear Patient: Welcome to Dimitri Dermatology! Our staff is dedicated to providing quality service for our patients. We can not do it alone; we need your assistance. You are an important member of your healthcare team. In trying to meet the needs of our community, we are working hard to schedule patients in a convenient and timely manner. However, waiting is inevitable. To this end, we want you to be aware of several important office policies that will be enforced: 1. Arrival Time In an effort to ensure that every patient is seen as soon as possible, we ask that Established Patients arrive 15 minutes before the actual appointment time. We also ask that New Patients arrive 30 minutes before the appointment time. Arriving prior to your actual appointment will allow us to complete any necessary paperwork. Patients are seen by appointment time not necessarily by arrival time. We would appreciate notification if you are running late for your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, please understand in these cases we may have to ask that you reschedule your appointment if your expected or actual arrival time impacts the care of other patients that are waiting. 2. Cancellations If you need to cancel an appointment, we ask that you call us as early as possible and no later than 24 hours prior to your appointment. With prior notice, we will be happy to reschedule your appointment for the next available opening. 3. No Show In the event that you fail to cancel your appointment and therefore a no show, you are subject to a $15.00 fee, and will not be allowed to reschedule your appointment until the fee is paid. 4. Special Services If you are in need of an outside special service, please let us know and we will be happy to assist you. However, failure to cancel your appointment 48 hours before the day of your appointment will result in a $200.00 charge. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for choosing Dimitri Dermatology. If you have any questions regarding our office policies, please give us a call (504-391-7540) and we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to working in partnership with you to meet your dermatological needs. Sincerely, Dimitri Dermatology Home Office: WB KN SL Dimitri Dermatology’s New Patient Application DATE: ________________ HOME PH #____________________ CELL PH #___________________ PATIENT INFORMATION NAME: _______________________________________________SS#__________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________ CITY: _______________________________ STATE: __________ ZIP: ______________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ SEX: M___ F___ AGE_______ DATE OF BIRTH: __________________ MARRIED___ SINGLE___ DIVORCED___ WIDOWED___ MINOR___ EMPLOYER__________________________SCHOOL____________________________ WHOM MAY WE THANK FOR REFERRING YOU? ____________________________ IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY WHO SHOULD WE NOTIFY? NAME: ______________________________ PHONE # ___________________________ Relation: ____________ PRIMARY INSURANCE- primary card holder information Person responsible for the account? ____________________________________ Relation to patient? ____________________ Date of Birth___________________ SS # ____________________________ Address (If different from patient’s)________________________________________ City_________________________ State____ Zip_________Ph #________________ Person responsible Employed by? ______________________ Occupation _______________ Business Address: ______________________________ Business Ph #__________________ Insurance Company_____________________________________________________ Contract/ID #________________________ Group #___________________________ ADDITIONAL INSURANCE Is patient covered by additional insurance? Yes_____ No_____ Subscriber Name_____________________________ Date of Birth______________ SS #__________________________________ Relation to patient________________________ Ph #________________________ Address (If different from patient’s)__________________________________ City____________________________ State_______ Zip_______________ Insurance Company_____________________________________________________ Contract/ID #___________________________ Group #________________________ ASSIGNMENT INSURANCE I certify that I, and/or my dependent(s), have insurance coverage with ______________________ (Name of Ins. Co.) and assign directly to Dr. Elizabeth M. Dimitri all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I authorize the use of my signature on all insurance submissions. The above-named Doctor may use my health care information and may disclose such information to the above named insurance company(ies) and their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits or the benefits payable for related services. This consent will end when my current treatment plan is completed or one year from this date signed below. ____________________________________________ _____________ Signature of patient, parent/guardian/personal representative Date _________________________________________________ Please Print name of patient, parent/guardian/personal rep. _______________ Relation to patient Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Authorization to Release or Obtain Health Information (Including paper, oral, and electronic information) Please fill out the underlined information ONLY and Sign the bottom! Request Date (OFFICE USE ONLY): Name: Mailing Address: Date of Birth: City/State/ Zip: Social Security Number: I authorize: Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: ___________________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________ RELEASE Information TO or Obtain Information FROM (Place and “X” in the box that indicates if the information is being released OR requested) Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: ___________________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________ The purpose of this Authorization is indicated in the box (es) below. (Place an “X” in the box (es) that apply.) Further Medical Care Personal Legal Investigation or Action Changing Physicians Research Related Treatment Creating health information for disclosure to a third party Other (Specify): ____________________________________________________________________________ I authorize the release of the following protected health information (Place an “X” in the box(es) that apply to the information you want released or you want to obtain.) Entire Record Medical History, Examination, Reports Surgical Reports Treatment or Tests Prescriptions Immunizations Hospital Records including Reports Laboratory Reports X-Ray Reports Other (Specify): ______________________________________________________________ In compliance with state and/or federal laws, which require special permission to release otherwise privileged information, please release the following records. Alcoholism Drug Abuse Mental Health Vocational Rehabilitation HIV (AIDS) Genetics Sexually Transmitted Diseases Psychotherapy notes Other: _______________________________________ This authorization shall expire on _________________________________ (date or event). I understand that if I do not specify an expiration date, this authorization will expire six (6) months from the date on which it was requested. X______________________________________________________________ Signature of Individual or Personal Representative Authorized by law _______________________________ Date For DHH Use when Requesting Records I am Authorized to receive this disclosure. Documentation of the above Personal Representative has been obtained. _________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Signature and Title of Agency Representative Date Dimitri Dermatology Notice for the use and disclosure of health information for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations Privacy notice Effective Date April 14, 2003 THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED, DISCLOSED, AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY! 1. Uses and disclosures: Dimitri Dermatology (a Louisiana corporation) is permitted by law to disclose the minimum necessary personal health information of each patient to carry out treatment, payment, and health care operations of Dimitri Dermatology. For treatment purposes, such disclosures may be made to physicians and other health care providers as necessary to effectuate the appropriate treatment and care of patients. Personal health information may be disclosed to the government or third party payers for the purpose of obtaining payment for services provided. Dimitri Dermatology may also use personal health information to carry out Dimitri Dermatology’s day to day operations such as scheduling, quality review, and appointment reminders. A list of other examples of disclosures can be obtained by the privacy officer upon request. 2. Required Authorizations: Dimitri Dermatology will not disclose any patient’s personal health information for any purpose aside from payment, treatment, and health care operations, without patients authorized consent to such disclosure. Upon request for such authorization, the patient shall have the right to refuse and/or revoke any disclosure of patient’s personal health information. 3. Privacy Compliance: In accordance with the privacy regulations promulgated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 45 CFR parts 160 and 164 (The “privacy Regulations”), Dimitri Dermatology has adopted privacy policies regarding usage of patients’ personal health information. Dimitri Dermatology is committed to compliance with privacy regulations and all other laws and regulations regarding patients’ right to privacy. 4. Additional Information: For additional information regarding Dimitri Dermatology’s privacy policy or for a copy of this notice, please contact our Privacy Officer. Dimitri Dermatology reserves the right to change this notice and make the revised and changed notice effective for medical information that Dimitri Dermatology already has about you, as well as any information Dimitri Dermatology receives in the future. We will post a copy of the current notice in the office. The notice will contain the effective date. The following signature acknowledges that I have received notification of my privacy rights concerning the use and disclosure of protected health information as defined by the Privacy Regulations. Signature: ____________________________________ The following signature acknowledges that I have received a copy of this Notice: Signature: ____________________________________ Dimitri Dermatology Resume of Contract **Please initial each blank line of the contract, and sign at the bottom** I understand that I am entering into a contractual relationship with Dimitri Dermatology for professional care. I further understand that merit less and frivolous claims for medical malpractice have an adverse effect upon the cost and availability of medical care, and may result in irreparable harm to a medical provider. As additional consideration for professional care provided to me by Dimitri Dermatology I, ____________________ and/or my representative agree not to advance, directly or indirectly, any false, merit less, and/or frivolous claim(s) or medical malpractice against Dimitri Dermatology. Additionally, should a meritorious medical malpractice case or cause of action be initiated or pursued, I, __________________ and/or my representative agree to use ABPS board-certified expert medical witness(es) in the same or similar specialty as Dr. Dimitri. Furthermore, I agree that this expert witness(es) will adhere to the guidelines and/or code of conduct defined by the specialty society for expert witnesses in the area(s) of medicine that would typically have the background and experience to speak out on such a case. In further consideration for this, I, ____________________, agree to the same stipulations In addition, I, _____________________ understand that I have the rights to any attorney of my choosing, and that any attorney I select will be an attorney licensed in the state of Louisiana, and such license will be in good standing with the state. I am also aware, that Dr. Elizabeth Dimitri, her associates, professional staff, and the business managing entity maintain professional liability insurance in accordance with state law. ____________________________________ Physician ______________________________________ Patient/Guardian Signature ____________________________________ Witness ______________________________________ Date Our Financial Policy Thank you for choosing us as your health care provider. We are committed to your treatment being successful. Please understand that your payment of your bill is considered a part of your treatment. The following is a statement of our financial policy which we require you read and sign prior to any treatment. All patients must complete our Information and Insurance form before seeing the doctor. Regarding Insurance We may accept assignment of insurance benefits. The balance is your responsibility whether your insurance company pays or not. We cannot bill your insurance company unless you give us your insurance information. Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance policy. We are not a party to the contract. If your insurance has not paid your account in full within 45 days, the balance will be automatically transferred to you. Please be aware that some and perhaps all, of the services provided may be non-covered services and not considered reasonable and necessary under the Medicare Program and/or other medical insurance. Regarding insurance plans where we are a participating provider: All co-pays and deductibles are due prior to treatment. In the event that your insurance coverage changes to a plan where we are not a participating provider, refer to the above paragraph. Usual and Customary Rates Our Practice is committed to providing the best treatment for our patients and we charge what is usual and customary for our area. You are responsible for payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary determination of usual and customary rates. Adult Patients: Adult patients are responsible for payment at time of service. Patients: The adult accompanying a minor and the parents (or guardian) are responsible for payment. Missed Appointments: Unless cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, our policy is to charge for the missed appointment at the rate of $15.00 per appointment missed. Please help us serve you better by keeping scheduled appointments. FULL PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF SERVICE WE ACCEPT CASH, CHECKS, AND CREDIT CARDS Thank you for understanding our Financial Policy. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. I have read and agree to this Financial Policy Patient/ Parent/ Guardian Signature: ___________________________ Patient’s name: _______________________ Date: ___________ Dimitri Dermatology 120 Meadowcrest Street Suite 235 Gretna, LA 70056 PH: 504-391-7540 FAX: 504-3917543 105 Medical Center Drive Suite 206 Slidell, LA 70461 PH: 985-643-4575 FAX: 985-643-4513 3715 Williams BLVD. Suite 100 Kenner, LA 70065 PH: 504-465-4550 FAX: 504-465-8590 I, _______________________________________ have received a copy of this office’s Notice of Privacy Practices. Signature __________________________________ Date ______________ THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE ELIZABETH DIMITRI, D.O., AND HER STAFF TO SPEAK WITH MY: (Who may we speak with when calling?) _____________________________, Name ________________________________ Relation _____________________________, Name ________________________________ Relation TO DISCUSS WITH THEM MEDICAL TREATMENT I HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE RECEIVING FROM THIS CLINIC AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO SUCH MEDICAL TREATMENT OR MEDICAL CARE OR PERSONAL INSTRUCTIONS. THIS AUTHORIZATION SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL SUC TIME AS IT IS WITHDRAWN BYU ME, IN WRITING, REGUARDLESS OF THE DATE SIGNED. __________________________________ Patient Signature/Authorized Person _________________________ Date For Office Use Only We attempted to obtain written acknowledgement of receipt or our Notice of Privacy Practices, our acknowledgement could not be obtained because: ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) Individual refused to sign Communication barriers prohibited obtaining the acknowledgement An emergency situation prohibited us from obtaining acknowledgement Other (Please specify) Witness_________________________________ Date__________________________ Dimitri Dermatology CONFIDENTIAL This page has 2 sides Health History Patient Name ______________________________________________ Today’s Date________________ D.O.B____________________________ Age________ Date of last physical_______________________ What is the reason for your visit? ___________________________________________________________ Symptoms Please check ( ) symptoms you (patient) have or have had in the past year. General Gastrointestinal □ Chills □ Depression □ Dizziness □ Fainting □ Fever □ Forgetfulness □ Headache □ Loss of Sleep □ Nervousness □ Numbness □ Sweats □ Poor Appetite □ Bloating □ Bowel Changes □ Constipation □ Diarrhea □ Excessive Hunger □ Excessive Thirst □ Gas □ Hemorrhoids □ Indigestion □ Nausea □ Rectal Bleeding □ Stomach Pain □ Vomiting □Vomiting Blood Cardiovascular □ Chest Pain □ High Blood Pressure □ Irreg. Heart beat □ Low blood pressure □ Poor Circulation □ Rapid heart beat □ Swelling of ankles □Varicose veins Muscle/Joint/Bone Pain, weakness, Numbness in: □Arms □ Hips □ Back □ Feet □ Hands □Neck □ Legs □ Shoulders Conditions Please check ( □ Aids □ Alcoholism □ Anemia □ Anorexia □ Appendicitis □ Arthritis □ Asthma □ Bleeding Disorders □ Breast Lump □ Bronchitis □ Bulimia □ Cancer □ Cataracts Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat □ Bleeding Gums □ Blurred Vision □ Crossed Eyes □ Difficulty swallowing □ Double Vision □ Earache □ Ear Discharge □ Hay Fever □ Hoarseness □ Loss of hearing □ Nosebleeds □ Persistent cough □ Ringing in Ears □ Sinus Problems □ Vision- Flashes □ Vision- Halos Skin □ Bruise easily □ Hives □ Itching □ Change in Moles □ Rash □ Scars □ Sores that won’t heal Men Only □ Breast Lump □ Erection Difficulties □ Lump in Testicles □ Penis Discharge □ Sore on Penis □ Other _______________ __________________ Genito-Urinary □ Blood in Urine □ Frequent Urination □ Painful Urination □ Lack of Bladder Control Women Only □ Abnormal Pap smear □ Bleeding between periods □ Breast Lump □ Extreme menstrual pain □ Hot Flashes □ Nipple discharges □ Painful intercourse □ Vaginal discharge □ Other __________ _____________ Date of last menstrual period: ________________ Date of last Pap smear: ____________________ Have you had a mammogram? ____ Are you pregnant? __________ Number of Children _______ ) symptoms you (patient) have or have had in the past. □ Chemical Dependency □ Chicken Pox □ Diabetes □ Emphysema □ Epilepsy □ Glaucoma □ Goiter □ Gonorrhea □Gout □ Heart Disease □ Hepatitis □ Hernia □ Herpes □ High Cholesterol □ HIV Positive □ Kidney Disease □ Liver Disease □ Measles □ Migraine Headaches □ Miscarriage □ Mononucleosis □ Multiple Sclerosis □ Mumps □ Pacemaker □ Pneumonia □ Polio Medications List medications you are currently taking ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ □ Prostate Problem □ Psychiatric Care □ Rheumatic Fever □ Scarlet Fever □ Stroke □ Suicide Attempt □ Thyroid Problems □ Tonsillitis □ Tuberculosis □ Typhoid Fever □ Ulcers □ Vaginal Infections □ Venereal Disease Allergies to any medications or substances ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Pharmacy Name: _____________________________ Pharmacy Phone: ____________________________ Family History fill in health information for the patient’s immediate family Relation Age State of Health Age at death Check off if the patient’s blood relatives had any of the following: Disease Relation to Patient Arthritis, Gout Asthma, hay fever Cancer Cause of death Father Mother Brother Chemical dependency Diabetes Heart disease, stroke High blood pressure Kidney disease Tuberculosis Other Sister Pregnancy History Year of Birth Sex Complications, if any Hospitalization Year Hospital Reason for hospitalization Health Habits how often does the patient use the following: Caffeine: __________________________ Has the patient ever had a blood transfusion? _______ If yes, please give approximate dates. _____________ ___________________________________________ Serious Illness/ Injuries Date Outcome Tobacco: __________________________ Street Drugs: _______________________ Other: ____________________________ Occupational Concerns check ( ) if your work exposes you to the following: □ Stress □Hazardous Substances □ Heavy Lifting □ Other: ______________ □ Your Occupation: ____________________________ ____________________________________________ To the best of my knowledge, the above information is complete and correct. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my doctor if I or my minor children ever have a change in health. X______________________________________________ ___ Signature of patient, parent, guardian or personal representative X____________________________________________________ Please print name of patient, parent, guardian or personal representative Reviewed by: ____________________________________________________ __________________ Date ___________________ Date Date _____________________ Dimitri Dermatology INFORMATION ABOUT ADVANCE CARE DIRECTIVES Please fill out_______________________ if: Date: you are 65 years or older Are on People’s Health Insurance Patient’s Name: _________________________________ DOB _________________ Advance Directives are legal documents allowing an individual to plan for their future medical care, particularly when they are unable to make his/her own decisions. These documents (i.e. Living Will, Healthcare Proxy, and “DNR” Do Not Recesitate) allow and individual to articulate their preference for care, in the event they become unable to communicate such direction in the future, when faced with a terminal and/or life-threatening illness. Advance Directives recognize the individual’s right of the decision-making in planning their own end-of-life care. It is important to note that individuals always reserve the right to change or alter their written directions, as long as they are capable to communicate with family and/or healthcare providers. It is only in the absence of such an ability to communicate their preferences that healthcare professionals follow the patient’s Advance Directive Care. It is important for all medical personnel to have knowledge of this information in your medical chart. This form is to serve as notification of “YOUR” decision as to whether you have and ADVANCE CARE DIRECTIVE in place and if so who will serve as your voice in the event you become incapacitated or otherwise unable to participate in your own treatment decisions. I DO have an Advance Care Directive in place and have chosen ____________________________, my __________________________, as the one to make all my medical decisions. I DO NOT have an Advance Care Directive in place; therefore I can and will make all of my medical decisions. __________________________________ Signature of Patient __________________ Date _________________________________ Patient’s name PRINTED MEDICAID RESPONSIBILITY Please fill out if: You have Medicaid Medicaid only allows twelve (12) visits per year (over the age of 18) on your medical card. Please note that if the number of office visits exceed that amount, you will be responsible for the charges of the office visit (if a billable procedure is accomplished). MEDICAID may pay for approved procedures. The number of office visits remaining is indicated each time you visit our office, when we process your card. Medicaid will normally pay a percentage of the usual and customary fees on services rendered; therefore, you will not be billed for services. Medicaid also does not pay for any injections for any recipient over 21 years of age; therefore, should an adult receive an injection, they will be responsible for the charge. Any office visits that are not paid through MEDICAID for children will be responsibility of the parent and/or legal guardian indicated as the “responsible party”. Any recipient needing a Community Care referral from their primary care physician is responsible for the dates indicated on the referral. In addition, all recipients are required to bring a copy of their referral to EVERY visit. Medicaid will not pay for the visit if a referral is not present and your appointment will be rescheduled for another day. Thank you for your cooperation. I have read the above and agree to the terms therein. I hereby acknowledge that I am the legal guardian of ______________________, the above mentioned child and agree to the terms as indicated there in. I have received a copy of my referral, and realize that I am responsible for bringing my referral to every visit, and for making sure that it is updated at all times. Patient/ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________ Patient’s Name (Please Print): ______________________________
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