• READ • H.S. • READ • PA-TSA Region 8 Competitions at Park Forest Middle School Saturday, January 31st, 2015 No returning chapter will be permitted to participate in the PA-TSA Region 8 competitions this year unless the chapter has officially registered with National TSA by January 15, 2015. This is a state rule in our By-Laws. There will be no exceptions to this rule. There will be NO on-site registration. Students may drop contests, but no chapter may add contests or add students to contests. Following national and state registration methods, you must register your chapter for team events; but the individuals participating in the events will be declared at contest sign-in and not on the registration form. Be sure to check your registration form carefully before registering your contestants. The registration deadline is 11:59 pm, Friday, January 16, 2015. • Registration is $8.00 per student. Send the 2015 PA-TSA Region 8 Conference High School Chapter Registration Payment Form and payment-in-full to Jeff Seamans, Park Forest Middle School, 2180 School Drive, State College, PA 16803. All checks shall be made payable to PA-TSA Region 8. Payment-in-full MUST accompany the completed 2015 PATSA Region 8 Conference High School Chapter Registration Payment Form and be “In Jeff’s Hands” by Friday, January 16, 2015. (Yes, send the form, as well. We shall have it as a back-up in case of “Technical Difficulties”.) • Ribbons and certificates will be awarded for First place, Second place and Third place. Qualifiers beyond Third place will be based on the total contestants per contest. See the online Pennsylvania TSA Handbook for details. • Food and Beverages will be available for purchase in the school cafeteria: Grab & Go Breakfast- $1.50 (muffin or breakfast wrap with fruit and the choice of milk or juices) and Lunch - $5.00 (choice of chicken patty sandwich and fries, hamburger and fries, or a slice of pizza and fries; including a salad, as well as fresh fruit). Other snack items will also be available for purchase. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. and Lunch will be from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After the hot lunch is over, hoagies or salads will be available for students that may have missed the lunch period. Please remind students that food MUST not leave the café at anytime during the event. • High School Chapters are reminded we will be following the rules found in the 2015-2016 HIGH SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES - NATIONAL TSA COMPETITIVE EVENTS GUIDE COMPACT DISC. • The Architectural Renovation competition will be Notebook Only (all floor plans, a site plan and four exterior elevations). http://www.tsaweb.org/sites/default/files/2015%20ARCHITECTURAL%20RENOVATION%20challenge_ 2.pdf (This link is dead right now. I emailed nationals). No Models Will Be Judged. • Please Note: There will be two (2) CAD events held at Regionals. Park Forest Middle School, will provide PC computers with Autodesk and software for these events. Questions concerning types of software can be directed to Greg Wilson at [email protected] If your school uses a different platform and/or software program, you MUST bring your own equipment. E- mail Greg Wilson if you are bringing your own computers. All CADD problems will be judged using the monitor screen only. Students must bring a USB drive to back up their projects while working. • All entries for the Webmaster competition must be posted to the web, (with the site location emailed to Jeff Seamans at [email protected]), no later than Friday, January 16, 2015. • Desktop Publishing will Portfolio and Disk Only. There Will Be No On-Site Competition. • Students should be prepared for interviews in the following competitive events: Animatronics, Photographic Technology, Promotional Graphics, PA-Materials Process, PA-Safety Illustration, Architectural Renovation, Biotechnology Design, Digital Video Production, Engineering Design, Fashion Design and Manufacturing Prototype; however interviews WILL NOT be scheduled unless requested by the judge for that event. Again, competitors in these events should be prepared for the possibility of an interview. • All CO2 cartridges for the Dragster Design and Transportation Modeling competitions will be supplied by PA-TSA Region 8. • All competitors for Future Technology Teacher shall submit a lesson plan including: handouts, a materials list and an assessment rubric. The top 10 finalists will present their lesson on-site. • Structural Design & Engineering- As stated in the posted problem statement for this event, you are challenged with developing a design for a BOX GIRDER support beam and rail bed for a light rail system that can be used in any city in America. As noted, the design will facilitate the movement of light rail system traffic over existing roadways and other obstructions such as bodies of water and existing train tracks. Please see the STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING 2015 PROBLEM STATEMENThttp://www.tsaweb.org/sites/default/files/SDE%20Specifications%20%20Materials%20List%20 .pdf • Technology Bowl – Written (level II) will be given first. There will be a “head-to-head” (oral) competition for the top four teams ONLY. • Advance Notice of the Problem for System Control Technology, (level II), will be sent out to the Chapter Advisor(s) by mid December, by Region 8 Coordinator, Brandt Hutzel. No on-site construction permitted! • There will be only one (1) PA-Safety Illustration category – Computer Generated. • All entries for Digital Video Production, Music Production, Software Development, SciVis, Video Game Design, and Children’s Stories must be submitted by Mail and Postmarked No Later Than Friday, January 16, 2015 to Jeff Seamans, Park Forest Middle School, 2180 School Drive, State College, PA 16803. • All entries for Essays on Technology and Biomedical Research Essay must be submitted by e-mail to Jeff Seamans at ([email protected]), No Later Than Friday, January 16, 2015. • There will be a written test for the Technical Sketching & Applications entries; the top ten finalists will complete a hands-on application. • CNC Production: Problem- Fabricate a mechanical bank device that self-deposits pennies; evaluation is based on the number of pennies that can be deposited in a two (2)-minute time frame. The theme of the mechanical bank must be inspired by the city and/or state of the national TSA conference site. Bring a completed model for testing and a set of original machined parts, that remain attached to the waste stock, this will be used for judging. • Project feedback is very valuable to the students. Please encourage students to include the Feedback forms with their projects, binders etc…Feedback sheets are available on the Region 8 website. (NOT the same as the judge’s evaluation sheet).
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