Touching Lives through Christ by Reaching Out, Bringing In, Lifting Up, Sending Forth DECEMBER 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is an anglicized version of the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming". 4315 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411 Phone: 423.698.6951 • Fax: 423.629.5193 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP AT 10:45AM 4th Sunday in Advent THE GATHERING Welcome and Announcements Prelude Rev. Flaugher and Rev. Davis I Believe Brainerd Bells arr. Sandra Eithun PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Call to Worship Rev. Mark Davis He Is Born Chancel Choir *Hymn 18th French Carol Once in Royal David’s City UMH 250 *Opening Prayer Ever-present God, we thank you for gathering us together this day. Send your Spirit to live within us, that we may birth the Christ-child anew this Christmas season. Bless us to be your people – a people of justice and love, that the world may know your presence and experience your saving grace. With joy and hope, we pray. Amen. *Affirmation of Faith – The Apostles Creed UMH 881 *Gloria Patri MEINEKE Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, World without end, Amen. Amen. PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD Lighting of the 4th Advent Candle Today, we light the Candle of Love Travis & Jennifer Patton O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (verse 1) UMH 211 Children’s Time with Ms. Karen Children ages 3 – 9 are invited to come and hear a Children’s Moment with Karen Stoll, our Family Life Ministries Coordinator. *Hymn In the Bleak Midwinter *Reading of the Gospel Sermon Luke 1:26-38 “The Birth Foretold” UMH 221 Pew Bible NT 56 Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher RESPONSE TO THE WORD Rev. Terri Lowe Worship with Our Tithes and Offerings Offertory The First Noel Brainerd Bells arr. Arnold B. Sherman *Offertory Response OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayers of the People Lord’s Prayer *Hymn UMH 895 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear SENDING FORTH UMH 218 Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher *Benediction *Response Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Chancel Choir *Postlude *Please stand as you are able. December 24th at 6:00 P.M. Michael Praetorius PRAYER CONCERNS Oma Atkins Ann Barrows Calvin Bush Jackie Bush Carolyn Caldwell Mary Moore Clements Houston Euggeman John Fowler Viola Hudson Allie Lord Tina McKenzie Jean Miller Sally Nash Betty Northcutt Marguerite Santich Joyce Taylor Joyce Vaughn Mary White Geraldine Witt Mary Wynne Congregation, Children, Youth, Pastors & Staff of BUMC CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY We offer our Christian sympathy, love and prayers to Cathy Martinez and Jill Williams on the death of their father Jack Berry, who died Tuesday, December 9. The white poinsettias placed at the altar are in loving memory of Jack Berry. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Wednesday, December 24 Service begins at 6:00 p.m. Holy Communion to be served The Stephen Ministry team at our church has completed its training and has been actively serving individuals who are experiencing difficult transitions in their lives. Some members may choose to continue as Stephen Ministers, but their original commitment of two years will soon be fulfilled. Now there is a need for new ministers. As we prepare to train a new team, we ask our congregation to pray that individuals answer the call to step out in faith and serve on our next team. Doing so includes a two year commitment of training, ministry and continued spiritual growth and development. The new team members will need our church family’s continued prayer support and encouragement. Soup Labels and Box Tops Needed Henderson Settlement needs Campbell’s soup labels and box tops to purchase a new van. Please save the UPC code from “Labels for Education” products and place in the box by church office. Upcoming Services December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service @ 6 pm December 28 One Worship Service @ 10 am (Sanctuary) No Sunday School Gospel Jam @ 6 pm January 4 Oasis Contemporary Worship @ 8:45 am Early Traditional Worship @ 9:00 am Sunday School @ 9:45 am Traditional Worship @ 10:45 am Gospel Jam @ 6:00 pm January 7 Wednesday Meal & Fellowship, starting @ 5:30 pm Finance Information Finance Monthly Need MTD through 12/14/14 Received MTD through 12/14/14 General Budget $54,167 $32,500 60% $45,448 84% Building Mortgage $13,463 $8,078 60% $13,422 100% Finance Yearly week 50 Need YTD Received YTD through 12/14/14 through 12/14/14 General Budget $625,000 $612,743 $650,000 96% 94% Building Mortgage $161,559 $155,345 96% $176,222 109% Reminder our Financial Campaign for the 2015 budget is coming to a close. Prayerfully consider your 2015 pledge for the Operating Budget and Building Fund and submit your pledge card as soon as possible. Thank you! Finance Committee All charitable contributions for the year 2014 must be to the church by December 31, 2014 unless mailed. If your check is mailed and postmarked by December 31, 2014, you will be able to claim your contribution on your 2014 taxes. Checks cannot be accepted in January with a December 2014 date except for mailed and postmarked on or before December 31 st in order to receive credit in the current year for tax purposes. Member Letter to Church: Those of you who didn’t attend family camp in November missed a great time! Yes, the evenings were chilly; but with plenty of red oak firewood, the huge mountain stone fireplace in the pavilion & the gigantic fire pit on the side of the hill near the lake warmed us all. The dress during the day was flannel shirt or jacket. Night time required that you be prepared with a good sleeping bag if you camped. There was great food, fun, music and games for all. Don’t miss it next year! BUMC Weekly Events Sunday, December 21 8:45 a.m. Oasis Contemporary Worship, Fellowship Hall 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 6:00 p.m. Gospel Jam, McFerrin Chapel Monday, December 22 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts, Scout Cabin Tuesday, December 23 6:00 p.m. Envy Dance, Gym Wednesday, December 24 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Communion Service, Sanctuary Thursday, December 25 CHURCH BUILDING CLOSED UNTIL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 Saturday, December 27 12:00 noon Organ Practice, Sanctuary Sunday, December 28 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 6:00 p.m. Gospel Jam, McFerrin Chapel * One morning service today * Monday, December 29 CHURCH BUILDING CLOSED UNTIL SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 Saturday, January 3 12:00 noon Organ Practice, Sanctuary Merry Christmas from your BUMC Staff is n n e D A Star Rebecc In the a East Over Bethlehem! y s l For Unto Us a e K Child Is Born, a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord k r a M a r Deb Jeff y t a K n e r a K Jerr y J Tim Terr i enny WORSHIP SERVICE AT 9:00AM Welcome Prelude *Opening Hymn Joy to the World *Reading of the Gospel UMH 246 Luke 1:26 – 38 Pew Bible NT 56 *Passing the Peace Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Worship with our Tithes and Offering *Hymn Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Sermon “The Birth Foretold” *Closing Hymn UMH 229 Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher What Child is This UMH 219 *Benediction Pianist: Terry Sanford *Please stand as you are able. Staff of Brainerd United Methodist Church The Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Flaugher ~ [email protected] ~ Senior Pastor The Rev. Mark Davis ~ [email protected] ~ Outreach Pastor The Rev. Terri Lowe ~ [email protected] ~ Congregational Care Pastor Dr. Rebecca Atkins ~ [email protected] ~ Director of Music Jeff Scofield ~ [email protected] ~ Organist Karen Stoll ~ [email protected] ~ Director of Family Ministries Kelcy Chambers ~ [email protected] ~ Preschool Director Katy Burnette ~ [email protected] ~ Youth Director
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